#Terra Luna India
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What Are the Benefits of Wearing Khadi Clothing?
Fashion now focuses on sustainability, comfort, and heritage. Among the popular clothes involving khadi is due to its ecologically friendly nature and feeling timeless. Khadi Mens Wear being handspun and handwoven, is not just clothing but a rich heritage, self-sufficiency movement, and sustainable fashion altogether.
In this blog, let us unfold the many benefits of wearing Khadi clothing, both as Khadi Mens wear and shackets for women. Let's further explore how brands like Terra Luna India are bringing back the charm of khadi with a twist of modernity.
What is Khadi?
Khadi is a traditional type of fabric spun and woven with the hands from cotton, silk, and wool. It is essentially beset with traditional techniques and forms an integral part of India's history and culture.Khadi, an eco-friendly fabric, is crafted from pure natural fibers without modern industrial processing.
Khadi, once a political symbol, is now cherished for its sustainability, versatility, and elegance. Be it khadi mens wear or stylish shackets for women, this fabric has continued to hold its ground as the quintessential part of fashion with a purpose.
Eco-Friendly and Sustainable
One of the biggest benefits of shacket for women is that it is environmentally friendly. Khadi, made by hand spinning and handweaving, emits less carbon than mass-produced items. Hand spinning and weaving require minimal electricity since they are done manually.Most of the raw materials for khadi are organic and grown without chemical pesticides and fertilizers.
Khadi promotes sustainable practices by utilizing local resources, providing employment opportunities, and supporting rural artisans. Choosing khadi supports the environment, fair trade, and traditional weavers.
Comfortable and breathable
In hot and humid climates, Khadi is often much appreciated for its breathability and comfort. Khadi's natural fibers promote air circulation, keeping the body cool in the warmest weather. Khadi clothing is breathable, perfect for summer, unlike synthetics that trap heat and sweat.
Khadi mens wear is very helpful for individuals who want adaptable solutions. The fabric keeps you comfortable and stylish, suitable for formal events or daily activities, whether in a kurta or traditional khadi jacket. Khadi's softness and breathability are ideal for sensitive skin, reducing discomfort risk.
Durability and Long-Lasting
The second notable strength of Khadi clothing is that it lasts longer. Khadi clothes have natural fibers that make them extra strong and withstanding. It will make for an excellent investment for someone seeking quality, long-lasting garments. Rather than made-in-new-fast-fashion fabrics that degrade easily, khadi develops its texture and becomes comfortable over time.
Whether you’re wearing Khadi mens wear for a casual outing or opting for a modern shacket for women, Khadi is built to last. With proper care, khadi garments can withstand wear and tear, maintaining their charm for years.
Hypoallergenic Properties
People with sensitive skin or allergies to certain fabrics find khadi very suitable. The handwoven material naturally contains fibers that reduce exposure to harsh chemicals found in mass production.
Khadi is hypoallergenic and loved by gentle fabric enthusiasts. People with eczema or psoriasis often choose khadi clothing for its skin-friendly nature, even with prolonged wear.
Versatility in Fashion
Khadi clothing is highly versatile and can be styled in numerous ways for different occasions. From traditional to modern, khadi effortlessly fits in with prevailing trends, retaining both comfort and elegance. Khadi mens wear comprises kurta sets, jackets, and shirts that can be styled for wide uses like casual meetups or even formal events. Khadi garments are versatile for any style, complementing accessories or modern pieces.
The khadi shacket for women is a chic interface of traditional and modern fashion. Layer khadi shacket over a dress or pair with jeans for trendy, sustainable look. Stay polished and comfortable for any formal or informal occasion.
Support local artisans
Khadi is not just a fabric; it's a tradition supporting local artisans and weavers, mostly in the rural sector of India. Choosing khadi supports generations of artisans and weavers.In a world losing traditional skills to industrialization, supporting local craftsmanship is crucial.
Terra Luna India nurtures khadi by working with artisans to value their work. By purchasing khadi, you support artisans, families, and heritage.
Eternal and Classic Style
Khadi has long symbolized the touch of timelessness. As the simplicity and elegance of khadi clothing remain above trends, it is simply a classic that never comes out of style; it could be a khadi mens wear kurta or shacket for women, and the fabric will give it an understated charm to work well in both traditional and modern settings.
Khadi is versatile and can seamlessly blend in with diverse fashion tastes, from minimalist and subtle to flashy and elaborate. Neutral colors and natural textures make it easy to pair with other wearables and accessories.
Ethical Fashion Support
Khadi, in itself, stands as a representation of slow fashion, holding time and value in quality, sustainability, and craftsmanship. The wearing of shacket for women reflects a commitment to conscious fashion choices that marry the people, planet, and ethics with non-mass production/consumerism ideologies.
Terra Luna India is one of the brands that promotes ethical fashion through khadi clothing with a fresh twist. Their collections blend traditional and modern styles for easy consumer adaptation into sustainable fashion without compromising style.
How Terra Luna India Is Reviving Khadi for the Modern World
Terra Luna India modernizes khadi, making it relevant. The brand combines traditional handwoven techniques with modern designs, attracting eco-conscious fashion lovers. the khadi mens wear, such as kurtas or shirts, to chic shackets for women, the collections by Terra Luna India are perfect examples of how khadi can be assimilated and made according to today's demands.
By choosing Terra Luna India, you are not only buying clothes; you're supporting a brand that believes in ethical fashion, sustainability, and preserving India's rich cultural heritage. The brand excels in quality, craftsmanship, and social responsibility, attracting those seeking impactful fashion choices.
Khadi mens wear offers friendly, sustainable comfort, durability, and timeless style. Be it men's khadi or shacket for women, this multi-purpose fabric has something to offer to everyone. Buying khadi means contributing to local artisans, sustainable fashion, and long-lasting clothes.
Brands like Terra Luna India are leading the way in making khadi relevant to modern fashion while honoring its heritage. When seeking comfy, chic, ethical clothes, choose khadi’s timeless charm. By choosing consciously, you'll look and feel great for both people and the planet.
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Racconti di viaggio - parte 1
L'India non è per tutti.
È un paese complicato che mette a dura prova te stesso in molti aspetti.
Il primo aspetto è l'igiene. Io non sono affatto una persona schifettosa e igieno-fobica come molte persone del primo mondo sono (anzi faccio cose che solo a dirle molti mi vomiterebbero in faccia), per cui ho un'alta tolleranza alla carenza di igiene e pulizia e la cosa mi è pesato solo in un punto. In India hanno le case mediamente a posto, ma fuori è letteralmente una discarica a cielo aperto: non ci sono cestini, proprio non esistono, e l'immondizia si butta a terra con tutta la non-chalance del mondo, che sia una bottiglia di plastica o un piatto di carta con rimasugli di cibo. Tutto a terra, sempre. Questo ovviamente crea spesso odori molto sgradevoli e una presenza esagerata di insetti e mosche ovunque. La cosa molto triste è anche che ci sono tantissimi animali in giro tra mucche e cani abbandonati (letteralmente centinaia, mai visti così tanti sebbene dove sono cresciuta è sempre stato pieno) che mangiano quella roba e spesso è praticamente plastica. Più dello schifo questa cosa mi ha messo molta tristezza. L'unico punto che proprio non ho tollerato su questo tema è l'assenza di carta igienica. Pensavo fosse una mancanza della casa del mio amico e invece persino nei ristoranti non c'era. Piuttosto mettono sempre una fontana o una mini doccia da usare a mo' di bidet... va bene, perfetto, ma io dall'acqua puoi come mi asciugo? Mistero della fede (ancora oscuro).
Il secondo aspetto è la povertà. Ero nella capitale per cui in teoria ci dovrebbe essere una concentrazione alta di gente che riesce a vivere dignitosamente (e infatti è così perché i miei amici avevano case okay, sebbene i palazzi siano fatiscenti all'esterno), eppure la quantità di gente che vive in delle baracche di fortuna o per strada è allarmante. Manco fossero in guerra come in Palestina. Una volta ho letteralmente visto una madre che faceva il bagnetto in strada a sua figlia con una bottiglia d'acqua. In più, quando la madre del mio amico mi ha detto: "dopo arriva la persona che pulisce per cui chiedile anche di pulire la tua stanza" io mi aspettavo una donna, come da noi, matura o quanto meno adulta... invece mi ritrovo davanti una BAMBINA. Avrà una decina di anni e viene pagata dalla famiglia del mio amico per pulire e lavare a terra (con lo straccio tra le mani, mica con la mazza da scopa), lavare i piatti ecc. Quando me la sono trovata davanti e l'ho vista pulire ho avuto una pietà infinita.
Esiste una parte di India ancora più povera di quella che ho visto, eppure, esiste anche un'India che sa rivaleggiare con il primo mondo. Quando sono andata in ospedale perché la mia amica giapponese scema si è sentita male tra febbre e diarrea, l'ospedale non sembrava affatto fatiscente e anzi non aveva nulla da invidiare a un comune ospedale italiano. Bollywood sa sfornare film di una profondità e di un genio disarmanti. In ultimo, quest'anno sono riusciti ad andare totalmente da soli sulla luna. È un piccolo continente che racchiude in sé i problemi di tutto il globo e, da europea, la cosa è straniante.
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Nella cultura yogica, il Buddha Purnima è un giorno molto significativo nella vita di ogni aspirante spirituale perché questo è il terzo Purnima dopo che la terra si sposta verso la direzione settentrionale del sole. Oggi, in commemorazione di Gautama il Buddha, gli abbiamo dato il nome di Buddha Purnima che è visto come il giorno dell'illuminazione del Buddha. Dopo quasi otto anni di sforzi intensivi, Gautama era diventato molto debole. Per quattro anni era stato un Samana. La sadhana principale per un Samana era camminare e non cercare mai cibo, semplicemente camminare e digiunare. Ciò ha distrutto il suo corpo quasi fino alla morte. In quel momento arrivò al fiume Niranjana, che come molti altri fiumi oggi in India, si è prosciugato ed è scomparso. Questo fiume era in realtà solo un grande ruscello con l'acqua alta fino alle ginocchia che scorreva rapidamente. Ha provato ad attraversare il fiume ma a metà strada il suo corpo era così debole fisicamente che non poteva fare un altro passo. Ma Lui non è il tipo che si arrende, quindi si è semplicemente aggrappato a un ramo morto che era lì e si è fermato. Si dice che rimase così per molte ore. Non sappiamo se rimase effettivamente per molte ore, o per pochi istanti che sembrarono ore in quello stato di debolezza. Ma in quel momento, si è reso conto che ciò che stava cercando, dopo tutto, è dentro di sé, quindi perché tutta questa lotta? "Tutto ciò che serve è assoluta disponibilità ed è proprio qui. Perché sto cercando in giro per il mondo?" Quando se ne rese conto, ebbe quella piccola oncia in più di energia per fare quel passo, attraversare il fiume e sedersi sotto l'ormai famoso albero della Bodhi. Si sedette con la determinazione: "A meno che non mi accada l'Ultimo, non mi muoverò. O mi alzerò come un Essere Illuminato o morirò in questa posizione". E in un attimo era lì perché basta quello. Quindi è stato solo quel momento. Divenne completamente illuminato mentre la luna piena stava appena sorgendo…… Sadhguru
In yogic culture, Buddha Purnima is a very significant day in the life of every spiritual aspirant because this is the third Purnima after the earth moves towards the northern direction of the sun. Today, in commemoration of Gautama the Buddha, we have given him the name Buddha Purnima which is seen as the day of Buddha's enlightenment. After almost eight years of intensive efforts, Gautama had become very weak. For four years he had been a Samana. The main sadhana for a Samana was to walk and never look for food, simply walk and fast. This destroyed his body almost until he died. At that moment he came to the Niranjana River, which like many other rivers in India today, has dried up and disappeared. This river was actually just a large stream with knee-deep water flowing rapidly. He tried to cross the river but halfway his body was so physically weak that he could not take another step. But He's not the type to give up, so he just grabbed onto a dead branch that was there and stopped. It is said that he remained like that for many hours. We do not know whether he actually remained for many hours, or for a few moments that seemed like hours in that state of weakness. But at that moment, he realized that what he was looking for, after all, is within himself, so why all the struggle? "All you need is absolute availability and it's right here. Why am I searching around the world?" When he realized this, he had that little extra ounce of energy to take that step, cross the river and sit under the now famous Bodhi tree. He sat down with determination: "Unless the Ultimate happens to me, I will not move. Either I will rise as an Enlightened Being or I will die in this position." And in an instant he was there because that was enough. So it was just that moment. He became fully enlightened as the full moon was just rising…… Sadhguru
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Breve descrizione dei personaggi di Wu Cheng'en
Come è ovvio i protagonisti minekurani sono ispirati a quelli dell'opera di Wu Cheng'en anche i nomi sono gli stessi se non per il fatto che sono pronunciati in giapponese, infatti sono:
Sun Wukong—> Son Goku Sha Wujing—> Sha Gojyo Zhu Bajie—> Cho Hakkai Tang Sanzang/Xuanzang—> Genjo Sanzo
Sun Wukong
Egli è il Re delle Scimmie, nato da una roccia sferzata dai vari elementi soprattutto il vento. Tutto il racconto è incentrato su di lui e sul suo viaggio interiore,nonché epico. Dopo aver osato sfidare il Cielo venne relegato dal Buddha (anch'egli sfidato) sulla terra con un enorme montagna addosso per 500 anni. Passato questo arco di tempo verrà liberato dal Bodhisattva Guanyin con la condizione che diventi discepolo di Sanzang.
Zhu Bajie
È uno dei tre aiutanti di Sanzang mezzo uomo e mezzo maiale,nella vita precedente era Tian Peng, Maresciallo della Via Lattea che a causa delle avance nei confronti della Dea della Luna Chang'e rischiò di essere condannato a morte,ma l'intercessione del Grande Pianeta Bianco gli fa avere solo (si fa per dire) 2000 bastonate e una rinascita come mortale. Nel romanzo viene spesso chiamato daizi che vuol dire “idiota” in quanto la sua stupidità e la sua pigrizia si contrappone alla furbizia e all'intelligenza di Sun Wukong. Bajie vuol dire “otto divieti” ed è il soprannome che Sanzang gli ha dato per ricordargli la sua dieta e condotta buddhista.
Sha Wujing
Il suo nome vuol dire “sabbia di pura conoscenza” poiché è un demone fluviale,nella vita precedente era un discepolo delle divinità celesti e in un impeto di rabbia rompe un vaso durante la Festa delle Pesche. L'imperatore di Giada lo punì con 800 vergate e lo fece rinascere tra i mortali come uomo-demone di sabbia. Dalla barba rossa,parzialmente calvo,con una collana fatta di teschi porta con se il yueyachan una sorta di doppia falce il che gli da un aspetto ancora più terrificante. All'interno del gruppo è quello più leale al Maestro, dal cuore gentile, inoltre è il più logico ed educato del gruppo (da non credersi se si vede come è stato sviluppato Sha Gojyo XD).
Tang Sanzang
Egli è un monaco buddhista,il cui compito è quello di recuperare dei Sutra dal Tianzhu (antico nome cinese per “India”) per portare il vero Buddhismo anche in Cina. Nel romanzo lo vediamo spesso e volentieri ingenuo, debole che si nasconde dai nemici,incapace di difendersi, insomma una figura patetica (nulla a che vedere col Sanzo della Minekura). Dopo che i suoi due accompagnatori vennero uccisi da dei demoni,dopo la partenza da Chang'an, il Bodhisattva Guanyin decide di aiutarlo a trovare tre esseri sovrannaturali molto potenti (Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie e Sha Wujing). Durante il viaggio è sempre terrorizzato poiché una leggenda dice che chi consumerà le sue carni diverrà immortale e quindi non stupisce che demoni vari cerchino di divorarlo o di farci sesso (le demonesse).
Bai Long Ma
Pur essendo il destriero di Sanzang, egli è in realtà un principe, per la precisione è il terzo figlio del Re Drago del Mare Occidentale Ao Run e il suo vero nome è Áo Liè. Per colpa di un incendio da lui causato in maniera accidentale e per nulla volontaria, che ha causato la distruzione di una perla data in dono dall'Imperatore di Giada, viene condannato a morte ma l'intervento di Guanyin gli salva la vita. Bandito presso il fiume Yingchou nei monti Shepan e su istruzione di Guanyin, egli dovrà aspettare l'arrivo di un monaco che deve recuperare dei Sutra. Siccome non lo aveva inizialmente riconosciuto, divora il cavallo di Sanzang. Dopo un combattimento contro Sun Wukong nel quale il drago perde, Sun Wukong viene ad apprendere da una divinità della terra che egli è il drago piazzato lì da Guanyin. Alla fine servirà come cavallo di Sanzang per il resto del viaggio, diventando a termine del racconto il Bodhisattva Babu Tianlong Guangli.
Questa è solo un'introduzione molto rapida, vista che m'interessa approfondire meglio le differenze e similitudini che ci sono tra i due gruppi di protagonisti.
#saiyuki#viaggio in occidente#wu cheng'en#tang sanzang#sha wujing#zhu bajie#vecchio post#Italian post#sun wukong#bai long ma
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Bitcoin Price Prediction: Can Bitcoin Reach $1,000,000 by 2025?
2024 began with significant momentum for cryptocurrencies, especially like Bitcoin and Ethereum, eliciting enthusiasm among crypto enthusiasts. As of Dec. 05, 2024, Bitcoin hyped to an exceptional all-time high at $103,900, with a market capitalization of $2.02 trillion, representing a 6.80% increase in the last week.
Bitcoin has surged due to certainty fuelled by the U.S. presidential elections and Republican candidate Donald Trump’s victory. BTC traded around $95,000 in the last few days after nearly touching $100,000. As of today, Dec. 05, 2024, it surged to the extreme high of $103,900. The anticipation that Trump’s administration will usher in a friendly regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies has fueled the surge.
As of Dec. 5, 2024, the world’s largest cryptocurrency is trading at $102,706. After Trump’s victory on Nov. 5, the price has surged around 45%, driven by a swathe of buying and pouring capital into U.S. bitcoin-backed exchange-traded funds.
Bitcoin’s Recovery Journey
Bitcoin has endured a tumultuous period, shedding approximately 65% of its market value over the past year. Crypto enthusiasts were taken aback by unforeseen events such as the Terra Luna crash, FTX decline, macroeconomic factors, and Binance’s legal issues. Nonetheless, the crypto market exhibited a remarkable recovery toward the end of the year, with BTC showing promising growth.
Bitcoin surged to impressive heights, surpassing its all-time highs multiple times following the U.S. presidential elections, reaching $103,900 as of Dec. 05, 2024. BTC ETF options on the Nasdaq may have also contributed to the surge. This surge propelled its market capitalization to $2.03 trillion, contributing to the overall crypto market capitalization of $3.69 trillion, reflecting exceptional performance.
After surpassing the psychological threshold of the $31,000 mark, Bitcoin started exhibiting a bearish trend and traded below $30K levels for most of the last year. However, it has shown remarkable recovery in the latter months of the year.
The world’s largest cryptocurrency, BTC, which was on a recovery path, has increased around 147.39% in one year. As of Dec. 05, 2024, it is currently trading at $102,658, with a market capitalization of $2.03 trillion and a global cryptocurrency market capitalization of $3.69 trillion.
Cryptocurrency experts believed that if BTC maintained its level of $30,000, it could likely bounce back from there. Looking at the current scenario, Bitcoin surpassed its all-time high in March but witnessed a downtrend later.
In April 2023, the top cryptocurrency Bitcoin, touched the critical resistance of the $30,000 level for the first time since June 10, 2022, and then started dipping below $26,000. It significantly rose to $45,203 after May 2022. Crypto experts believe that if Bitcoin maintains the $45,000 level and beyond, it could reach $60,000 by the end of 2024. In the first three months of the year, BTC has already touched the level of $73,750 and set a new record for an all-time high.
While the future of Bitcoin is unknown, retail investors must be very cautious about every move of Bitcoin, as it has witnessed tumultuous before. Moreover, India’s stance on cryptocurrencies continues to be firm, with the government bringing all crypto-related transactions under the ambit of the Money Laundering Act. In a specific gazette notification, the Union Finance Ministry of India stated that all the transactions related to digital assets or virtual currency would fall under the purview of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).
The new development may appear damaging to the cryptocurrency community in India. However, the industry has praised the move as a step towards regulating this space. Without regulators, the enforcement agencies will immediately take recourse to any discrepancies.
The Spot Bitcoin ETFs have been a tremendous factor in Bitcoin’s growth. After the SEC approved the ETFs in the U.S., retail investors showed great interest, leading to Bitcoin surpassing its all-time high. By the end of September, after the U.S. Federal Reserve’s rate cut, BTC is, as of Oct. 16, 2024, trading at $67,000. The U.S. Fed cut rates by 50 basis points, and the Bank of Japan kept interest rates steady. BTC rose around 3% a day after both central banks’ announcements.
One of the other reasons crypto experts were hopeful about Bitcoin is that this year, 2024, was a year for Bitcoin’s halving event. The Bitcoin halving event happens every four years, during which BTC rewards to its miners are cut by 50% (the miner’s payout will be reduced to 3.125 BTC). This event is usually positive for Bitcoin’s price, as it helps contract supply.
Historically, halving has been seen as an excellent sign for bringing momentum to Bitcoin’s price. So far, this year’s halving that took place on April 20, 2024, has not caused the surge to the BTC, as experts anticipated. The current state of Bitcoin reflects a significant downtrend.
The above table shows that past halving events have established long-term bullish drivers for Bitcoin’s price. The Bitcoin halving event relates to its deflationary tendency and crushing its supply, which helps the Bitcoin price to rise further. As BTC is a decentralized cryptocurrency, any central banks or governments can’t print it, and thus, Bitcoin’s total supply is limited.
Moreover, “Bitcoin Whales,” referring to large investors, have started accumulating Bitcoin again. According to data from CoinMarketCap, these large Bitcoin whales, holding as of Dec. 3, 2024, have 248.60K BTC in their wallets, indicating that investors have been filling their wallets with a substantial amount of Bitcoins. This accumulation may contribute to boosting the price of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin Reached $100,000 In 2024
The year’s second half has been full of surprises and growth for cryptocurrencies. After the 2024 U.S. presidential elections, Republican candidate Trump’s race and victory have made people expect favorable regulations around crypto investment. The political change has made BTC reach its expected heights and surge past $100,000 in 2024, with few days left before the year ends.
Himanshu Maradiya, chairman and founder of CIFDAQ, said, “Bitcoin’s leap past the $100,000 mark isn’t just a financial milestone—it’s a historic moment that cements the growing clout of decentralized assets in the mainstream. For investors, the spotlight now shifts to long-term planning: keeping an eye on market cycles, diversifying portfolios, and staying updated on regulatory shifts.
While this breakthrough fuels optimism, he signals caution. “Seasoned investors see this as a chance to reassess risk strategies, while newcomers are urged to prioritize learning the ropes before diving in. The road ahead will demand both patience and conviction,” said Maradiya.
Note: The figures are sourced from CoinMarketCap.
Can Bitcoin Reach $1,000,000 by 2025?
According to Binance’s price prediction input for Bitcoin, the value of BTC may increase by +5% and reach 137,394.62 by 2030. The consensus rating indicates a bullish current sentiment. This indication is based on 3857 users’ crypto ratings for Bitcoin (BTC); 36.71% of users are bullish on BTC.
Bitcoin enthusiasts often make overly optimistic and sometimes unrealistic predictions for their favorite cryptocurrency. After the surge, numerous discussions have occurred around Bitcoin, the world’s largest digital coin.
Vikram Subburaj, chief executive officer of Giottus, said that speculation is rife about how high BTC can go, with many predicting $1,000,000. Gold has a market capitalization of $17 trillion, and BTC is highly unlikely to reach the $1 million mark in 2025. However, BTC hitting the $1 million mark in subsequent years cannot be ruled out.
Bottom Line
Among the myriad predictions on Bitcoin, the bottom line remains that it has experienced several downfalls and has emerged stronger than before each time. Its resilient nature instills a belief in crypto enthusiasts who see value in investing in decentralized currencies.
Only time can tell whether Bitcoin continues to rise or face downfall, and trading Bitcoin should be done with full awareness; your investment may yield a different return than the anticipated return.
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Bitcoin Price Prediction: Can Bitcoin Reach $1,000,000 by 2025?
2024 began with significant momentum for cryptocurrencies, especially like Bitcoin and Ethereum, eliciting enthusiasm among crypto enthusiasts. As of Dec. 05, 2024, Bitcoin hyped to an exceptional all-time high at $103,900, with a market capitalization of $2.02 trillion, representing a 6.80% increase in the last week.
Bitcoin has surged due to certainty fuelled by the U.S. presidential elections and Republican candidate Donald Trump’s victory. BTC traded around $95,000 in the last few days after nearly touching $100,000. As of today, Dec. 05, 2024, it surged to the extreme high of $103,900. The anticipation that Trump’s administration will usher in a friendly regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies has fueled the surge.
As of Dec. 5, 2024, the world’s largest cryptocurrency is trading at $102,706. After Trump’s victory on Nov. 5, the price has surged around 45%, driven by a swathe of buying and pouring capital into U.S. bitcoin-backed exchange-traded funds.
Bitcoin’s Recovery Journey
Bitcoin has endured a tumultuous period, shedding approximately 65% of its market value over the past year. Crypto enthusiasts were taken aback by unforeseen events such as the Terra Luna crash, FTX decline, macroeconomic factors, and Binance’s legal issues. Nonetheless, the crypto market exhibited a remarkable recovery toward the end of the year, with BTC showing promising growth.
Bitcoin surged to impressive heights, surpassing its all-time highs multiple times following the U.S. presidential elections, reaching $103,900 as of Dec. 05, 2024. BTC ETF options on the Nasdaq may have also contributed to the surge. This surge propelled its market capitalization to $2.03 trillion, contributing to the overall crypto market capitalization of $3.69 trillion, reflecting exceptional performance.
After surpassing the psychological threshold of the $31,000 mark, Bitcoin started exhibiting a bearish trend and traded below $30K levels for most of the last year. However, it has shown remarkable recovery in the latter months of the year.
The world’s largest cryptocurrency, BTC, which was on a recovery path, has increased around 147.39% in one year. As of Dec. 05, 2024, it is currently trading at $102,658, with a market capitalization of $2.03 trillion and a global cryptocurrency market capitalization of $3.69 trillion.
Cryptocurrency experts believed that if BTC maintained its level of $30,000, it could likely bounce back from there. Looking at the current scenario, Bitcoin surpassed its all-time high in March but witnessed a downtrend later.
In April 2023, the top cryptocurrency Bitcoin, touched the critical resistance of the $30,000 level for the first time since June 10, 2022, and then started dipping below $26,000. It significantly rose to $45,203 after May 2022. Crypto experts believe that if Bitcoin maintains the $45,000 level and beyond, it could reach $60,000 by the end of 2024. In the first three months of the year, BTC has already touched the level of $73,750 and set a new record for an all-time high.
While the future of Bitcoin is unknown, retail investors must be very cautious about every move of Bitcoin, as it has witnessed tumultuous before. Moreover, India’s stance on cryptocurrencies continues to be firm, with the government bringing all crypto-related transactions under the ambit of the Money Laundering Act. In a specific gazette notification, the Union Finance Ministry of India stated that all the transactions related to digital assets or virtual currency would fall under the purview of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).
The new development may appear damaging to the cryptocurrency community in India. However, the industry has praised the move as a step towards regulating this space. Without regulators, the enforcement agencies will immediately take recourse to any discrepancies.
The Spot Bitcoin ETFs have been a tremendous factor in Bitcoin’s growth. After the SEC approved the ETFs in the U.S., retail investors showed great interest, leading to Bitcoin surpassing its all-time high. By the end of September, after the U.S. Federal Reserve’s rate cut, BTC is, as of Oct. 16, 2024, trading at $67,000. The U.S. Fed cut rates by 50 basis points, and the Bank of Japan kept interest rates steady. BTC rose around 3% a day after both central banks’ announcements.
One of the other reasons crypto experts were hopeful about Bitcoin is that this year, 2024, was a year for Bitcoin’s halving event. The Bitcoin halving event happens every four years, during which BTC rewards to its miners are cut by 50% (the miner’s payout will be reduced to 3.125 BTC). This event is usually positive for Bitcoin’s price, as it helps contract supply.
Historically, halving has been seen as an excellent sign for bringing momentum to Bitcoin’s price. So far, this year’s halving that took place on April 20, 2024, has not caused the surge to the BTC, as experts anticipated. The current state of Bitcoin reflects a significant downtrend.
The above table shows that past halving events have established long-term bullish drivers for Bitcoin’s price. The Bitcoin halving event relates to its deflationary tendency and crushing its supply, which helps the Bitcoin price to rise further. As BTC is a decentralized cryptocurrency, any central banks or governments can’t print it, and thus, Bitcoin’s total supply is limited.
Moreover, “Bitcoin Whales,” referring to large investors, have started accumulating Bitcoin again. According to data from CoinMarketCap, these large Bitcoin whales, holding as of Dec. 3, 2024, have 248.60K BTC in their wallets, indicating that investors have been filling their wallets with a substantial amount of Bitcoins. This accumulation may contribute to boosting the price of Bitcoin.
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Bitcoin Price Prediction: Can Bitcoin Reach $1,000,000 by 2025?
2024 began with significant momentum for cryptocurrencies, especially like Bitcoin and Ethereum, eliciting enthusiasm among crypto enthusiasts. As of Dec. 05, 2024, Bitcoin hyped to an exceptional all-time high at $103,900, with a market capitalization of $2.02 trillion, representing a 6.80% increase in the last week.
Bitcoin has surged due to certainty fuelled by the U.S. presidential elections and Republican candidate Donald Trump’s victory. BTC traded around $95,000 in the last few days after nearly touching $100,000. As of today, Dec. 05, 2024, it surged to the extreme high of $103,900. The anticipation that Trump’s administration will usher in a friendly regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies has fueled the surge.
As of Dec. 5, 2024, the world’s largest cryptocurrency is trading at $102,706. After Trump’s victory on Nov. 5, the price has surged around 45%, driven by a swathe of buying and pouring capital into U.S. bitcoin-backed exchange-traded funds.
Bitcoin’s Recovery Journey
Bitcoin has endured a tumultuous period, shedding approximately 65% of its market value over the past year. Crypto enthusiasts were taken aback by unforeseen events such as the Terra Luna crash, FTX decline, macroeconomic factors, and Binance’s legal issues. Nonetheless, the crypto market exhibited a remarkable recovery toward the end of the year, with BTC showing promising growth.
Bitcoin surged to impressive heights, surpassing its all-time highs multiple times following the U.S. presidential elections, reaching $103,900 as of Dec. 05, 2024. BTC ETF options on the Nasdaq may have also contributed to the surge. This surge propelled its market capitalization to $2.03 trillion, contributing to the overall crypto market capitalization of $3.69 trillion, reflecting exceptional performance.
After surpassing the psychological threshold of the $31,000 mark, Bitcoin started exhibiting a bearish trend and traded below $30K levels for most of the last year. However, it has shown remarkable recovery in the latter months of the year.
The world’s largest cryptocurrency, BTC, which was on a recovery path, has increased around 147.39% in one year. As of Dec. 05, 2024, it is currently trading at $102,658, with a market capitalization of $2.03 trillion and a global cryptocurrency market capitalization of $3.69 trillion.
Cryptocurrency experts believed that if BTC maintained its level of $30,000, it could likely bounce back from there. Looking at the current scenario, Bitcoin surpassed its all-time high in March but witnessed a downtrend later.
In April 2023, the top cryptocurrency Bitcoin, touched the critical resistance of the $30,000 level for the first time since June 10, 2022, and then started dipping below $26,000. It significantly rose to $45,203 after May 2022. Crypto experts believe that if Bitcoin maintains the $45,000 level and beyond, it could reach $60,000 by the end of 2024. In the first three months of the year, BTC has already touched the level of $73,750 and set a new record for an all-time high.
While the future of Bitcoin is unknown, retail investors must be very cautious about every move of Bitcoin, as it has witnessed tumultuous before. Moreover, India’s stance on cryptocurrencies continues to be firm, with the government bringing all crypto-related transactions under the ambit of the Money Laundering Act. In a specific gazette notification, the Union Finance Ministry of India stated that all the transactions related to digital assets or virtual currency would fall under the purview of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).
The new development may appear damaging to the cryptocurrency community in India. However, the industry has praised the move as a step towards regulating this space. Without regulators, the enforcement agencies will immediately take recourse to any discrepancies.
The Spot Bitcoin ETFs have been a tremendous factor in Bitcoin’s growth. After the SEC approved the ETFs in the U.S., retail investors showed great interest, leading to Bitcoin surpassing its all-time high. By the end of September, after the U.S. Federal Reserve’s rate cut, BTC is, as of Oct. 16, 2024, trading at $67,000. The U.S. Fed cut rates by 50 basis points, and the Bank of Japan kept interest rates steady. BTC rose around 3% a day after both central banks’ announcements.
One of the other reasons crypto experts were hopeful about Bitcoin is that this year, 2024, was a year for Bitcoin’s halving event. The Bitcoin halving event happens every four years, during which BTC rewards to its miners are cut by 50% (the miner’s payout will be reduced to 3.125 BTC). This event is usually positive for Bitcoin’s price, as it helps contract supply.
Historically, halving has been seen as an excellent sign for bringing momentum to Bitcoin’s price. So far, this year’s halving that took place on April 20, 2024, has not caused the surge to the BTC, as experts anticipated. The current state of Bitcoin reflects a significant downtrend.
The above table shows that past halving events have established long-term bullish drivers for Bitcoin’s price. The Bitcoin halving event relates to its deflationary tendency and crushing its supply, which helps the Bitcoin price to rise further. As BTC is a decentralized cryptocurrency, any central banks or governments can’t print it, and thus, Bitcoin’s total supply is limited.
Moreover, “Bitcoin Whales,” referring to large investors, have started accumulating Bitcoin again. According to data from CoinMarketCap, these large Bitcoin whales, holding as of Dec. 3, 2024, have 248.60K BTC in their wallets, indicating that investors have been filling their wallets with a substantial amount of Bitcoins. This accumulation may contribute to boosting the price of Bitcoin.
Also Read: Why Is Bitcoin Rising?
Bitcoin Reached $100,000 In 2024
The year’s second half has been full of surprises and growth for cryptocurrencies. After the 2024 U.S. presidential elections, Republican candidate Trump’s race and victory have made people expect favorable regulations around crypto investment. The political change has made BTC reach its expected heights and surge past $100,000 in 2024, with few days left before the year ends.
Himanshu Maradiya, chairman and founder of CIFDAQ, said, “Bitcoin’s leap past the $100,000 mark isn’t just a financial milestone—it’s a historic moment that cements the growing clout of decentralized assets in the mainstream. For investors, the spotlight now shifts to long-term planning: keeping an eye on market cycles, diversifying portfolios, and staying updated on regulatory shifts.
While this breakthrough fuels optimism, he signals caution. “Seasoned investors see this as a chance to reassess risk strategies, while newcomers are urged to prioritize learning the ropes before diving in. The road ahead will demand both patience and conviction,” said Maradiya.
Note: The figures are sourced from CoinMarketCap.
Can Bitcoin Reach $1,000,000 by 2025?
According to Binance’s price prediction input for Bitcoin, the value of BTC may increase by +5% and reach 137,394.62 by 2030. The consensus rating indicates a bullish current sentiment. This indication is based on 3857 users’ crypto ratings for Bitcoin (BTC); 36.71% of users are bullish on BTC.
Bitcoin enthusiasts often make overly optimistic and sometimes unrealistic predictions for their favorite cryptocurrency. After the surge, numerous discussions have occurred around Bitcoin, the world’s largest digital coin.
Vikram Subburaj, chief executive officer of Giottus, said that speculation is rife about how high BTC can go, with many predicting $1,000,000. Gold has a market capitalization of $17 trillion, and BTC is highly unlikely to reach the $1 million mark in 2025. However, BTC hitting the $1 million mark in subsequent years cannot be ruled out.
Also Read: Bitcoin Price History
Bottom Line
Among the myriad predictions on Bitcoin, the bottom line remains that it has experienced several downfalls and has emerged stronger than before each time. Its resilient nature instills a belief in crypto enthusiasts who see value in investing in decentralized currencies.
Only time can tell whether Bitcoin continues to rise or face downfall, and trading Bitcoin should be done with full awareness; your investment may yield a different return than the anticipated return.
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Bitcoin Price Prediction: Can Bitcoin Reach $1,000,000 by 2025?
2024 began with significant momentum for cryptocurrencies, especially like Bitcoin and Ethereum, eliciting enthusiasm among crypto enthusiasts. As of Dec. 05, 2024, Bitcoin hyped to an exceptional all-time high at $103,900, with a market capitalization of $2.02 trillion, representing a 6.80% increase in the last week.
Bitcoin has surged due to certainty fuelled by the U.S. presidential elections and Republican candidate Donald Trump’s victory. BTC traded around $95,000 in the last few days after nearly touching $100,000. As of today, Dec. 05, 2024, it surged to the extreme high of $103,900. The anticipation that Trump’s administration will usher in a friendly regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies has fueled the surge.
As of Dec. 5, 2024, the world’s largest cryptocurrency is trading at $102,706. After Trump’s victory on Nov. 5, the price has surged around 45%, driven by a swathe of buying and pouring capital into U.S. bitcoin-backed exchange-traded funds.
Bitcoin’s Recovery Journey
Bitcoin has endured a tumultuous period, shedding approximately 65% of its market value over the past year. Crypto enthusiasts were taken aback by unforeseen events such as the Terra Luna crash, FTX decline, macroeconomic factors, and Binance’s legal issues. Nonetheless, the crypto market exhibited a remarkable recovery toward the end of the year, with BTC showing promising growth.
Bitcoin surged to impressive heights, surpassing its all-time highs multiple times following the U.S. presidential elections, reaching $103,900 as of Dec. 05, 2024. BTC ETF options on the Nasdaq may have also contributed to the surge. This surge propelled its market capitalization to $2.03 trillion, contributing to the overall crypto market capitalization of $3.69 trillion, reflecting exceptional performance.
After surpassing the psychological threshold of the $31,000 mark, Bitcoin started exhibiting a bearish trend and traded below $30K levels for most of the last year. However, it has shown remarkable recovery in the latter months of the year.
The world’s largest cryptocurrency, BTC, which was on a recovery path, has increased around 147.39% in one year. As of Dec. 05, 2024, it is currently trading at $102,658, with a market capitalization of $2.03 trillion and a global cryptocurrency market capitalization of $3.69 trillion.
Cryptocurrency experts believed that if BTC maintained its level of $30,000, it could likely bounce back from there. Looking at the current scenario, Bitcoin surpassed its all-time high in March but witnessed a downtrend later.
In April 2023, the top cryptocurrency Bitcoin, touched the critical resistance of the $30,000 level for the first time since June 10, 2022, and then started dipping below $26,000. It significantly rose to $45,203 after May 2022. Crypto experts believe that if Bitcoin maintains the $45,000 level and beyond, it could reach $60,000 by the end of 2024. In the first three months of the year, BTC has already touched the level of $73,750 and set a new record for an all-time high.
While the future of Bitcoin is unknown, retail investors must be very cautious about every move of Bitcoin, as it has witnessed tumultuous before. Moreover, India’s stance on cryptocurrencies continues to be firm, with the government bringing all crypto-related transactions under the ambit of the Money Laundering Act. In a specific gazette notification, the Union Finance Ministry of India stated that all the transactions related to digital assets or virtual currency would fall under the purview of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).
The new development may appear damaging to the cryptocurrency community in India. However, the industry has praised the move as a step towards regulating this space. Without regulators, the enforcement agencies will immediately take recourse to any discrepancies.
The Spot Bitcoin ETFs have been a tremendous factor in Bitcoin’s growth. After the SEC approved the ETFs in the U.S., retail investors showed great interest, leading to Bitcoin surpassing its all-time high. By the end of September, after the U.S. Federal Reserve’s rate cut, BTC is, as of Oct. 16, 2024, trading at $67,000. The U.S. Fed cut rates by 50 basis points, and the Bank of Japan kept interest rates steady. BTC rose around 3% a day after both central banks’ announcements.
One of the other reasons crypto experts were hopeful about Bitcoin is that this year, 2024, was a year for Bitcoin’s halving event. The Bitcoin halving event happens every four years, during which BTC rewards to its miners are cut by 50% (the miner’s payout will be reduced to 3.125 BTC). This event is usually positive for Bitcoin’s price, as it helps contract supply.
Historically, halving has been seen as an excellent sign for bringing momentum to Bitcoin’s price. So far, this year’s halving that took place on April 20, 2024, has not caused the surge to the BTC, as experts anticipated. The current state of Bitcoin reflects a significant downtrend.
Bitcoin Halving HistoryBitcoin Halving EventPrice on Halving DayPrice 150 days later2012$12.35$1272016$650.53$758.812020$8,821.42$10,9432024$62,205.94$60,308(Source: cointelegraph.com)
The above table shows that past halving events have established long-term bullish drivers for Bitcoin’s price. The Bitcoin halving event relates to its deflationary tendency and crushing its supply, which helps the Bitcoin price to rise further. As BTC is a decentralized cryptocurrency, any central banks or governments can’t print it, and thus, Bitcoin’s total supply is limited.
Moreover, “Bitcoin Whales,” referring to large investors, have started accumulating Bitcoin again. According to data from CoinMarketCap, these large Bitcoin whales, holding as of Dec. 3, 2024, have 248.60K BTC in their wallets, indicating that investors have been filling their wallets with a substantial amount of Bitcoins. This accumulation may contribute to boosting the price of Bitcoin.
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Linen Pants for Ladies
Let's dive into the fabulous world of linen pants for ladies, shall we? Picture this: the sun gently kissing your skin as you sway in a pair of Terra Luna India linen pants, feeling light and breezy. These pants aren't just any pants; they're your go-to companions for hot summer days or stylish evenings out. With a relaxed fit and natural fabric that allows your skin to breathe, you'll be looking effortlessly chic while staying comfortable all day long. Whether you're strolling on the beach, exploring a new city, or simply lounging at home, linen pants from Terra Luna India are the perfect choice for the modern and fashion-forward woman who values both style and comfort. So go ahead, embrace the laid-back elegance of linen and elevate your wardrobe with these versatile and timeless pieces.
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The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Financial Stability Board (FSB) on Thursday released a paper on policy recommendations and standards for crypto regulation. The G20 Presidency India asked the IMF and FSP to develop policy and regulatory frameworks for a common approach to regulating Crypto Assets. The paper will be discussed at the G20 Summit this week. IMF and FSB Publishes Recommendations on Crypto Regulation G20’s risk watchdog Financial Stability Board (FSB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) published a paper for the G20 Summit on recommendations for global crypto regulations. It is part of efforts by international bodies to regulate crypto and minimize its Risks to macroeconomic and financial stability. The IMF outlined macroeconomic, legal, and financial integrity considerations related to crypto regulations. The FSB and standard-setting bodies (SSBs) published recommendations and standards to address financial stability, financial integrity, Market integrity, investor Protection, prudential and other Risks derived from crypto-assets. “The collective recommendations provide comprehensive guidance to help authorities address the macroeconomic and financial stability Risks posed by crypto-asset activities and markets, including those associated with stablecoins and those conducted through so-called decentralised finance (DeFi).” The paper continues to see stablecoins and DeFi as a threat to macroeconomic and financial stability. It mentions that crypto has failed to prove earlier claimed benefits including cheaper and faster cross-border payments and increased financial inclusion. CoinGape Media earlier reported that India’s Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman confirmed talks on a global framework for regulating Crypto Assets, with issues related to crypto regulation put on the table. Crypto-Friendly Regulations Urged by the Industry Crypto firms and the community have urged regulators to introduce crypto-friendly regulations. It will help boost innovation related to crypto, blockchain, Web3, and other innovative technologies. The crypto scrutiny and restrictions intensified after the Terra-Luna crisis and the collapse of FTX last year. The industry was also targeted for its high use of energy consumption. However, the industry continues to evolve and things have changed extensively since then.
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Ricalcolata la superficie lunare con la serie di Fibonacci
A spasso per la Luna con la serie di Fibonacci, una nuova forma geometrica per il nostro satellite naturale. Muoversi, esplorare e navigare sulla Terra o su un altro corpo celeste richiede conoscerne la topografia, i rilievi e le depressioni e, più in generale, la forma. In vista delle missioni Artemis e dei futuri progetti di esplorazione lunare, due fisici ungheresi hanno definito una nuova forma geometrica per la Luna, che ne renderebbe più semplice e precisa la navigazione usando sistemi simili a quelli terrestri. Per effetto della forza di gravità, nell’universo che conosciamo stelle, pianeti e altri oggetti orbitanti privilegiano, ove possibile, la simmetria sferica. Ma siccome la perfezione è un lusso che può concedersi solo la matematica, la sfericità dei corpi celesti è più che altro un’indicazione di massima. La Terra, ad esempio, è un geoide (o un ellissoide di rotazione un po’ schiacciato ai poli), mentre la Luna, sebbene apparentemente meno irregolare della Terra, somiglia più a un limone.
Crediti: Esa Conoscere con buona precisione la forma della Terra è fondamentale per alcune questioni pratiche, come la navigazione satellitare. I sistemi Gps, per funzionare, considerano l’ellissoide di rotazione che più si avvicina all’effettiva forma del geoide. Nel caso della Luna, invece, finora la sua forma era stata approssimata a quella di una sfera. In vista delle prossime missioni lunari però, Kamilla Cziráki, una studentessa di geofisica dell’università Loránd Eötvös (Elte) di Budapest, ha deciso insieme al suo supervisore, Gábor Timár, di provare a definire l’ellissoide di rotazione che meglio si adatta alla superficie del nostro satellite, in modo da poter riadattare più facilmente i metodi di navigazione già implementati sulla Terra. Per farlo, occorre definire almeno due numeri: il semiasse maggiore e il semiasse minore. I risultati sono stati pubblicati il mese scorso su Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica. Cominciamo elencando un po’ di caratteristiche della Luna. Rispetto al suo raggio medio di 1737 chilometri, rispetto all’equatore i poli sono più vicini al centro di massa di circa mezzo chilometro. Inoltre, essa ruota più lentamente rispetto alla Terra, con un periodo di rotazione pari al suo periodo di rivoluzione intorno al nostro pianeta. Questo che rende la sua superficie più sferica. Per campionare in maniera precisa la superficie lunare, gli autori sono partiti dai parametri del selenoide lunare definito nella missione Grail, che ha messo in piedi un database che fornisce le altezze della superficie lunare su punti equispaziati, e dal quale diversi studi hanno cercato di calcolare il semiasse maggiore e minore che si adattano meglio a un ellissoide di rotazione lunare. Accanto a questi dati, per definire l’ellissoide lunare era necessario stabilire un campionamento adeguato della superficie per punti: secondo i calcoli degli autori, il numero di punti necessari (e sufficienti) a campionare in modo ottimale la superficie è circa 10mila. E per disporli in modo uniforme, gli autori hanno deciso di usare il cosiddetto reticolo di Fibonacci. Si tratta di un reticolo che sfrutta la serie di Fibonacci per disporre in modo uniforme un numero dispari di punti sulla superficie di una sfera. Il reticolo di Fibonacci prende il nome dalla sequenza di Fibonacci, scoperta nell’antica India e riscoperta più tardi, nel Medioevo, da Leonardo Pisano, conosciuto appunto con il soprannome di Fibonacci. Funziona così: ogni termine della sequenza, dal terzo in poi, è la somma dei due precedenti: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, e così via. A partire da questa serie, si definiscono la spirale di Fibonacci e la sezione aurea. Per costruire un reticolo di Fibonacci, si disegna l’omonima spirale sulla superficie di una sfera partendo da un polo. La sua particolarità, rispetto ad altri reticoli a spirale, è che il passo longitudinale tra punti consecutivi lungo la spirale (come ben illustra questa immagine su Scientific Reports, 11, 2021) è l’angolo aureo o il suo complementare. Una volta sistemati i punti sulla sfera e attribuita la loro altezza relativa, gli autori hanno ottenuto una vera e propria tabella di campionamento della superficie lunare, dalla quale hanno ricostruito la forma dell’ellissoide di rotazione più adatto. Hanno trovato che quello che rappresenta in modo ottimale la Luna ha un asse maggiore di 1.737.576,6 m e un asse minore di 1.737.046,8 m. Questi parametri differiscono di 176,6 e 353,2 m dalla sfera di rotazione che veniva utilizzata in precedenza. Il metodo è stato applicato anche alla Terra come verifica, ricostruendo una buona approssimazione dell’ellissoide WGS84 utilizzato dal Gps. Un risultato tanto elegante quanto incoraggiante, dunque. Non resta che attendere i prossimi sistemi di navigazione lunare per vedere se può essere considerato anche efficace. Per saperne di più: Leggi su Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica l’articolo “Parameters of the best fitting lunar ellipsoid based on GRAIL’s selenoid model”, di Kamilla Cziráki e Gábor Timár Read the full article
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Woodpecker Milano Marittima (RA): 21/7 Leandro Da Silva, 22/7 Vip Master Party
Venerdì 21 luglio Woodpecker Milano Marittima continua ad incantare, unire ed emozionare con il sound house del dj resident Mitch B. e con quello di guest dj d'eccezione, l'italo brasiliano Leandro Da Silva. E' uno dei dj producer più stimati della scena house internazionale e spesso si esibisce tra India, Giappone, Brasile, Miami e in tutta Europa, Italia compresa. Tra i tanti festival in cui fa sentire la sua musica, ecco Federal Music Festival, Balaton e Sea Star. Ogni mese, solo su Spotify, la sua musica viene ascoltata da quasi 300.000 persone ed i suoi brani vengono proposti nei loro dj set e radioshow anche da colleghi e top dj come Pete Tong, Oliver Heldens, Don Diablo, Kryder, Martin Garrix, EDX, David Guetta, Afrojack, Bob Sinclar e molti altri. Lo show è dedicato alla Terra. Prezzi e info sulla serata qui: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cul_ocsOdbK/
E che succede sabato 22 luglio, da mezzanotte in poi? Al Woodpecker Milano Marittima si continua a ballare, con un party d'eccezione. Dopo due giornate emozionanti al VIP Master Tennis, infatti la festa legata a questo evento continua proprio al Woodpecker. Quello in programma sabato 22 luglio dalle 23 con il sound Progressive Melodic House di Giulia Regain, è un vero vip party con personaggi dello spettacolo, della TV e dello sport. Il dancefloor è pieno di musica e ritmo, mentre la Cupola di Woodpecker è riservata ad invitati, vip, autorità e sponsor. Info Vip Master: http://www.vipmaster.com/Vipmaster/. Prezzi e info sulla serata: https://www.instagram.com/p/CuoZYk2I3WS/
La storia di Woodpecker, storica discoteca di Milano Marittima (Ravenna) è ripartita venerdì 30 giugno, mettendo in console il resident Mitch B. e con lui uno dei dj italiani più importanti di sempre, Albertino (m2o, Radio Deejay).
Il sound, ogni notte al Woodpecker Milano Marittima, è soprattutto house, ma non solo, da vivere in party pensati soprattutto per un pubblico over 25. I dj al Woodpecker, però, non sono però gli unici e soli protagonisti. Con la loro musica andranno in scena veri show interpretatati da ballerini e performer professionisti, spettacoli sempre diversi per ogni serata d'apertura del locale. L'ispirazione degli show di Woodpecker sono aria, terra, acqua e fuoco, ovvero gli stessi elementi di un luogo unico, in cui ogni dettaglio crea armonia. Questo spazio fu infatti progettato nella seconda metà degli anni '60 dal visionario architetto Filippo Monti, che per raccontarlo disse: "facciamo un cerchio, facciamo affiorare l'acqua e ci mettiamo i coccodrilli".
L'iconica cupola, al cui interno oggi spiccano le opere di Blu, uno degli street artist più importanti al mondo; laghi circolari che si intersecano; scale da scendere e poi salire; il verde di una delle zone più belle della Romagna, che qui fa da palcoscenico al divertimento notturno...
Woodpecker, di proprietà del Comune di Cervia ed ora gestito dalla famiglia Guerrini, oggi come ieri, è uno uno spazio magico, che colpisce al cuore gli amanti del design, dell'architettura e dell'arte, non solo della musica e del divertimento. C'è chi ha definito la sua cupola "la Cappella Sistina della street art" e non per caso nel 2017 il FAI (Fondo Ambiente Italiano) ha inserito il Woodpecker tra i luoghi da visitare nelle sue Giornate FAI.
Oggi, dopo lunghi decenni di chiusura, Woodpecker torna a vivere, quando la luna splende nel cielo e non solo. La nuova gestione ha voluto intervenire il meno possibile sulla struttura, per lasciarne intatto il fascino senza tempo. Ogni ospite avrà quindi tutto lo spazio necessario per vivere una serata sentendosi sempre al centro della scena, grazie anche alle proposte dello staff e dei bartender, all'altezza delle aspettative dei più esigenti.
Circondato da una duna che lo nasconde alla vista di chi passa per caso, Woodpecker dal 30 giugno vuol tornare ad incantare, unire ed emozionare tutti coloro che lo scelgono per vivere la magia dell'estate.
Viale Nullo Baldini n.20 - Milano Marittima
Biglietti, tavoli www.woodpeckerdiscoteca.it/eventi/
Info & Booking +39 348 860 9356
Taxi, NCC: +39 333 3470315
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Woodpecker Milano Marittima (RA), un weekend di magia: 21/7 Leandro Da Silva, 22/7 Vip Master Party
Venerdì 21 luglio Woodpecker Milano Marittima continua ad incantare, unire ed emozionare con il sound house del dj resident Mitch B. e con quello di guest dj d'eccezione, l'italo brasiliano Leandro Da Silva. E' uno dei dj producer più stimati della scena house internazionale e spesso si esibisce tra India, Giappone, Brasile, Miami e in tutta Europa, Italia compresa. Tra i tanti festival in cui fa sentire la sua musica, ecco Federal Music Festival, Balaton e Sea Star. Ogni mese, solo su Spotify, la sua musica viene ascoltata da quasi 300.000 persone ed i suoi brani vengono proposti nei loro dj set e radioshow anche da colleghi e top dj come Pete Tong, Oliver Heldens, Don Diablo, Kryder, Martin Garrix, EDX, David Guetta, Afrojack, Bob Sinclar e molti altri. Lo show è dedicato alla Terra. Prezzi e info sulla serata qui: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cul_ocsOdbK/
E che succede sabato 22 luglio, da mezzanotte in poi? Al Woodpecker Milano Marittima si continua a ballare, con un party d'eccezione. Dopo due giornate emozionanti al VIP Master Tennis, infatti la festa legata a questo evento continua proprio al Woodpecker. Quello in programma sabato 22 luglio dalle 23 con il sound Progressive Melodic House di Giulia Regain, è un vero vip party con personaggi dello spettacolo, della TV e dello sport. Il dancefloor è pieno di musica e ritmo, mentre la Cupola di Woodpecker è riservata ad invitati, vip, autorità e sponsor. Info Vip Master: http://www.vipmaster.com/Vipmaster/. Prezzi e info sulla serata: https://www.instagram.com/p/CuoZYk2I3WS/
La storia di Woodpecker, storica discoteca di Milano Marittima (Ravenna) è ripartita venerdì 30 giugno, mettendo in console il resident Mitch B. e con lui uno dei dj italiani più importanti di sempre, Albertino (m2o, Radio Deejay).
Il sound, ogni notte al Woodpecker Milano Marittima, è soprattutto house, ma non solo, da vivere in party pensati soprattutto per un pubblico over 25. I dj al Woodpecker, però, non sono però gli unici e soli protagonisti. Con la loro musica andranno in scena veri show interpretatati da ballerini e performer professionisti, spettacoli sempre diversi per ogni serata d'apertura del locale. L'ispirazione degli show di Woodpecker sono aria, terra, acqua e fuoco, ovvero gli stessi elementi di un luogo unico, in cui ogni dettaglio crea armonia. Questo spazio fu infatti progettato nella seconda metà degli anni '60 dal visionario architetto Filippo Monti, che per raccontarlo disse: "facciamo un cerchio, facciamo affiorare l'acqua e ci mettiamo i coccodrilli".
L'iconica cupola, al cui interno oggi spiccano le opere di Blu, uno degli street artist più importanti al mondo; laghi circolari che si intersecano; scale da scendere e poi salire; il verde di una delle zone più belle della Romagna, che qui fa da palcoscenico al divertimento notturno...
Woodpecker, di proprietà del Comune di Cervia ed ora gestito dalla famiglia Guerrini, oggi come ieri, è uno uno spazio magico, che colpisce al cuore gli amanti del design, dell'architettura e dell'arte, non solo della musica e del divertimento. C'è chi ha definito la sua cupola "la Cappella Sistina della street art" e non per caso nel 2017 il FAI (Fondo Ambiente Italiano) ha inserito il Woodpecker tra i luoghi da visitare nelle sue Giornate FAI.
Oggi, dopo lunghi decenni di chiusura, Woodpecker torna a vivere, quando la luna splende nel cielo e non solo. La nuova gestione ha voluto intervenire il meno possibile sulla struttura, per lasciarne intatto il fascino senza tempo. Ogni ospite avrà quindi tutto lo spazio necessario per vivere una serata sentendosi sempre al centro della scena, grazie anche alle proposte dello staff e dei bartender, all'altezza delle aspettative dei più esigenti.
Circondato da una duna che lo nasconde alla vista di chi passa per caso, Woodpecker dal 30 giugno vuol tornare ad incantare, unire ed emozionare tutti coloro che lo scelgono per vivere la magia dell'estate.
Viale Nullo Baldini n.20 - Milano Marittima
Biglietti, tavoli www.woodpeckerdiscoteca.it/eventi/
Info & Booking +39 348 860 9356
Taxi, NCC: +39 333 3470315
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Woodpecker Milano Marittima (RA), un weekend di magia: 21/7 Leandro Da Silva, 22/7 Vip Master Party
Venerdì 21 luglio Woodpecker Milano Marittima continua ad incantare, unire ed emozionare con il sound house del dj resident Mitch B. e con quello di guest dj d'eccezione, l'italo brasiliano Leandro Da Silva. E' uno dei dj producer più stimati della scena house internazionale e spesso si esibisce tra India, Giappone, Brasile, Miami e in tutta Europa, Italia compresa. Tra i tanti festival in cui fa sentire la sua musica, ecco Federal Music Festival, Balaton e Sea Star. Ogni mese, solo su Spotify, la sua musica viene ascoltata da quasi 300.000 persone ed i suoi brani vengono proposti nei loro dj set e radioshow anche da colleghi e top dj come Pete Tong, Oliver Heldens, Don Diablo, Kryder, Martin Garrix, EDX, David Guetta, Afrojack, Bob Sinclar e molti altri. Lo show è dedicato alla Terra. Prezzi e info sulla serata qui: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cul_ocsOdbK/
E che succede sabato 22 luglio, da mezzanotte in poi? Al Woodpecker Milano Marittima si continua a ballare, con un party d'eccezione. Dopo due giornate emozionanti al VIP Master Tennis, infatti la festa legata a questo evento continua proprio al Woodpecker. Quello in programma sabato 22 luglio dalle 23 con il sound Progressive Melodic House di Giulia Regain, è un vero vip party con personaggi dello spettacolo, della TV e dello sport. Il dancefloor è pieno di musica e ritmo, mentre la Cupola di Woodpecker è riservata ad invitati, vip, autorità e sponsor. Info Vip Master: http://www.vipmaster.com/Vipmaster/. Prezzi e info sulla serata: https://www.instagram.com/p/CuoZYk2I3WS/
La storia di Woodpecker, storica discoteca di Milano Marittima (Ravenna) è ripartita venerdì 30 giugno, mettendo in console il resident Mitch B. e con lui uno dei dj italiani più importanti di sempre, Albertino (m2o, Radio Deejay).
Il sound, ogni notte al Woodpecker Milano Marittima, è soprattutto house, ma non solo, da vivere in party pensati soprattutto per un pubblico over 25. I dj al Woodpecker, però, non sono però gli unici e soli protagonisti. Con la loro musica andranno in scena veri show interpretatati da ballerini e performer professionisti, spettacoli sempre diversi per ogni serata d'apertura del locale. L'ispirazione degli show di Woodpecker sono aria, terra, acqua e fuoco, ovvero gli stessi elementi di un luogo unico, in cui ogni dettaglio crea armonia. Questo spazio fu infatti progettato nella seconda metà degli anni '60 dal visionario architetto Filippo Monti, che per raccontarlo disse: "facciamo un cerchio, facciamo affiorare l'acqua e ci mettiamo i coccodrilli".
L'iconica cupola, al cui interno oggi spiccano le opere di Blu, uno degli street artist più importanti al mondo; laghi circolari che si intersecano; scale da scendere e poi salire; il verde di una delle zone più belle della Romagna, che qui fa da palcoscenico al divertimento notturno...
Woodpecker, di proprietà del Comune di Cervia ed ora gestito dalla famiglia Guerrini, oggi come ieri, è uno uno spazio magico, che colpisce al cuore gli amanti del design, dell'architettura e dell'arte, non solo della musica e del divertimento. C'è chi ha definito la sua cupola "la Cappella Sistina della street art" e non per caso nel 2017 il FAI (Fondo Ambiente Italiano) ha inserito il Woodpecker tra i luoghi da visitare nelle sue Giornate FAI.
Oggi, dopo lunghi decenni di chiusura, Woodpecker torna a vivere, quando la luna splende nel cielo e non solo. La nuova gestione ha voluto intervenire il meno possibile sulla struttura, per lasciarne intatto il fascino senza tempo. Ogni ospite avrà quindi tutto lo spazio necessario per vivere una serata sentendosi sempre al centro della scena, grazie anche alle proposte dello staff e dei bartender, all'altezza delle aspettative dei più esigenti.
Circondato da una duna che lo nasconde alla vista di chi passa per caso, Woodpecker dal 30 giugno vuol tornare ad incantare, unire ed emozionare tutti coloro che lo scelgono per vivere la magia dell'estate.
Viale Nullo Baldini n.20 - Milano Marittima
Biglietti, tavoli www.woodpeckerdiscoteca.it/eventi/
Info & Booking +39 348 860 9356
Taxi, NCC: +39 333 3470315
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Asia Sees Rising Bitcoin Supply As US Intensifies War On Crypto
Asia Sees Rising Bitcoin Supply As US Intensifies War On Crypto https://bitcoinist.com/asia-sees-rising-bitcoin-supply/ Bitcoin supply is gradually shifting concentration from America to Asia and the increasing regulatory pressure on the crypto industry from United States regulators might be sparking the change. Crypto regulation in the US is becoming stricter, prompting some firms to consider relocation. Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong even hinted at a possible relocation during a Fintech conference in London. But these relocation plans may have crossed over to crypto assets holdings as Bitcoin supply in the US region is now declining. American Bitcoin Supply Drops Drastically A blockchain analytics firm, Glassnode, reported that the year-over-year Bitcoin supply for America had dropped drastically with the formation of a divergence. Conversely, the asset supply spiked higher for the Asian region. Assessing the #Bitcoin Year-over-Year Regional Supply Change, we can observe a dichotomy forming between the supply held according to US and Asia trading hours. A near equal and opposite supply change can be noted, suggesting coins previously based in the US continue to transfer… pic.twitter.com/QMjz6sAajc — glassnode (@glassnode) May 9, 2023 According to the report, the YoY Bitcoin supply change dropped by 7.5%. However, the data for Asian Bitcoin supply change showed a surge of 6.9%. Glassnode indicated a growing dichotomy between Bitcoin’s “supply held according to Asia and US trading hours.” It further noted that tokens formerly held by wallets in the US are being moved to those within the Asia region. The report shows that the Bitcoin supply decline in the US started in early 2022. The dichotomy deepened with the collapse of the Terra Luna ecosystem and hasn’t indicated a positive turn since then. US Regulations Create Pressure On The Regional Crypto Industry America is intensifying its crackdown on crypto with strict regulations and enforcement actions. The US SEC’s ongoing war with Ripple since 2020 has caused the crypto asset to decline massively without hope of regaining soon. The only hope for the Ripple community lies in the outcome of the upcoming summary judgment. In April, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a Wells Notice to Coinbase. It cited possible future legal action against the exchange. Coinbase is considering moving away from America as the crypto tension in the country rises. The exchange’s CEO Brian Armstrong mentioned a potential move during last month’s Fintech Week in London. According to Armstrong, crypto regulation in the US still lacks clarity. So, such an environment could hinder the growth of crypto businesses. Already, the Coinbase exchange has secured a new license in Bermuda to operate a crypto derivatives exchange. Recently, two prominent market makers, Jane Street Group and Jump Crypto, decided to stop crypto trading. The companies stated that the reason behind such a decision lies with the growing crypto crackdown by US regulators. Another US-based crypto exchange Gemini released a statement about its plans to relocate to Asia. The exchange mentioned expanding its global engineering and operations in India. Featured image from Pixabay and chart from Tradingview via Bitcoinist.com https://bitcoinist.com May 10, 2023 at 07:30PM
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