#Terms And Conditions
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whydidisavethistomyphone · 5 months ago
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I woke up to this, Twitter shitting itself and another mass exodus of artists from twitter to bluesky.
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godbirdart · 2 years ago
so it’s twitter’s turn to fearmonger over the “we need your permission to distribute and display your content on our platform” terms and conditions
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// screenshot is from OP’s post
for those that crosspost over there who might be worried: tumblr has [more or less] the exact same terms. they include this so they can show your content on their platform. that’s it. deviantart had this ~terms and conditions scare~ some time back, and i’m 90% sure tumblr also went through this too
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twitter cannot claim ownership rights to your art, your music, anything you post there. if they did, they’d get decimated by the legal teams of the countless corporate brands that advertise there. same goes for tumblr. all this is, is you giving them permission to store your content as a file on their sever [a jpeg, for example] and display on their site to show to other users.
in some cases this extends to things like letting news outlets publish your tweets, though journalists will always - or at least should, for legal reasons - ask your permission before publishing a tweet that includes media that is copyright to you specifically [like a video of a protest you recorded, for example]
tldr; terms and conditions aren’t always as scary as they sound
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that-sarcastic-writer · 9 months ago
Terms and Conditions
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Russell Shaw X F!Doctor!Reader
Summary: when your sister's fiance goes missing, you call Colter for help, and he brings along his rugged, but handsome and charming older brother, Russell.
Warnings: mature content, eventual smut so minors dni (always), no use of y/n, this part only contains cursing. I've never written anything so tame (it's okay next part won't be)
WC: 3.6k
A/N: so I finished tracker, yay and Russell owns my thoughts rn so here we are. I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with this. I'm not great at writing series, but this idea called for development I can't do in a one-shot. I started this right after finishing tracker last week and I finally had time to proof read it. I also had a hard time with Russell's characterization, mans been in only one episode, so if i didnt portay him perfectly sorry i tried. Happy readings.
I don't do tag lists, if you'd like keep up with upcoming parts follow @midnightreadinglibrary and turn on notifications (I only reblog my written works on there)
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You have encountered a lot of grief and sorrow in your life. Pain, you were familiar with it. And you could safely say that one of the worst was heartbreak. You were all too familiar with that one. And right now, your baby sister was experiencing it, too.
“Rosie?” You called into your apartment as you kicked your shoes off and tossed your keys like they had offended you. With a heavy sigh, tired from a long and stressful day at the hospital, you dragged your sore feet through your apartment. 
The living room was empty, TV off. The kitchen was dark with the lights off. You frowned, calling your sister’s name, louder again. Couple seconds went by. Silence. You padded down the hall to the guest room. You could hear faint indistinct sounds. The closer you got to the guest room the clearer the sound became. It sounded like crying.
“Rosalie?” Your voice grew louder with concern as you opened the door to the bedroom, and there you saw your sweet baby sister, sobbing into her pillow. Your heart immediately sank and you rushed to her side. “Oh honey, it’s okay.”
You sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her into a hug. She held you tight as she cried. It broke your heart to see her like this.
“It’s not okay! He’s been gone for over a week!” She sobbed. You squeezed her shoulders as she sat up and sniffled. “Our wedding is in three months! Why hasn't he come back?”
You stared into her eyes, the same color as your own and you sighed, only being able to give her a look of sympathy in return. You didn’t want to tell her what you thought.
“I dunno.. I mean.. What if he just.. You know?” The look on your face said everything you couldn’t with words, and Rosie looked like she wanted to cry even more.
“He didn’t bail. He wouldn’t… I know him. He's missing, why won’t anyone believe me?” She raised her voice, almost choking on a sob, and you immediately felt so horrible for even suggesting such a thing. 
“No, hey, I’m sorry for saying that, I do believe you. Have you heard anything from the cops?” She shook her head and you sighed heavily. 
“I can’t keep waiting, what if he got hurt? What if someone hurt him? Please, I need to do something.” She begged you, eyes filled with tears, you had never seen your sister so sad, so hopeless. She was always the more bubbly, optimistic and lively out of the two of you. But ever since her fiance went missing, you didn’t see that spark anymore. It broke your heart.
“Hey, it’s going to be okay. I think I know someone who can help, alright? We’ll find him.” 
“Hey Doc, to what do I owe this call? It’s been like what, three years?” 
You sighed softly at the voice on the other line. You didn’t exactly want to resort to this, but you didn’t know what else to do, but you had the money, your sister didn’t exactly have a lot to spare with her wedding planning, and all.
“I need a favor, Colter. Well, not exactly a favor, I’ll pay but, I need help asap.” You rubbed the side of your throbbing temple, you heard him hum, telling you to go on. “My sister’s fiance went missing last week. They’re supposed to get married in three months, and the poor thing is a wreck.”
Colter sighed. “A runaway groom? You know what that sounds like, right?”
“Yes, I know. But I know this guy, he’s a decent guy, and I know he loves my sister, he wouldn’t just leave her like this.” You tried to explain, Colter sighed again. “Listen, the guy was in the Army, he’s a Navy SEAL now, went overseas a lot, and my sister told me he’s been acting weird since his last assignment. Just humor me, please? I can’t see her like this.”
Colter stayed silent for a long minute, you honestly thought he had hung up, but you ultimately heard him take a deep breath before responding. “Fine, send me his details, I should get there by morning if I head out now.” 
“Thank you.” 
Chaos, chaos and more chaos.
You just wanted five minutes to breathe. You sat down, for the first time in hours today and took in a deep breath. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Rosie, almost zombie-like as she walked through the emergency department  You called out to her.
“Hey, did you get some sleep?” You asked her with worried eyes. She shrugged. “Listen, I called an old friend, he helps find people. Maybe he can find James, ‘cause the cops clearly aren’t going to.” You saw the smallest smile, and the smallest bit of hope light of her eyes.
“Really? What, is he like a PI or something?” She tilted her head at you, seemingly just as exhausted as you were.
“I mean..” You hesitated, unsure on how to explain Colter’s job to her. “I guess? He collects reward money. When someone goes missing and a reward is offered, he finds people for that reward.”
“But I didn’t offer any reward. I can’t even afford to buy a pair of shoes right now.. On my shitty nurse salary. I’ve already spent so much of my savings on planning the wedding. And these student loans are killing me. I can’t pay him.” She started to ramble in panic, motioning her hands around. You stood up and grabbed her hands.
“It’s fine. I got it covered. Take it as your early wedding gift?” You flashed her a toothy smile, hoping to humor her at least a little. She looked at you with apprehension. “Not a word, okay? I want him to come home to you, I don’t mind spending some money if it means you can be happy.”
She could have the happiness you never could.
Rosie’s eyes filled with tears and you thought she was going to burst into tears in the middle of the emergency department, but instead she hugged you, and she hugged you so fucking hard you thought she broke one of your ribs. You laughed softly and patted her head reassuringly. You were about to say something to her but you heard your name being called. You turned around and saw one of the rotation nurses.
“You have visitors at the front desk.” She told you. You scrunched up your face in confusion.
“Who? I wasn't expecting anyone.”
“Don’t know. The front desk just said two guys asked for you directly.”
Oh. Colter. But who was the other guy?
‘Alright, thanks.” You nodded at her. You then looked at Rosie with a warm reassuring smile and you held her hands in yours. “We’re gonna find James, I know it. I’ll let you know when my friend wants to meet with you, he normally likes to talk with the missing person’s closest relative. Try to focus on work alright?” 
You left her with that, hoping she would trust you. And you hoped you could trust Colter. With a heavy sigh you walked to the front desk of the emergency department. And there you saw Colter, hands in his pockets as he talked with another man you didn’t recognize. With a bit of skepticism, you approached both men, letting your presence be known with a clear of your throat. They both turned to look at you, Colter with a warm welcoming smile, but the other guy, who was arguably the hottest man you had ever seen in your life—not that it was relevant—looked at you like a deer in headlights, like starstruck.
“Hey Colter,” you gave him a cordial smile, then you looked at his slightly shorter companion, though both men were still a good head taller than you. “And Colter’s friend. Didn’t know you had a partner.”
“I don’t. This is—”
“Russell. Colter’s more handsome and charming older brother.” Russell interrupted, extending a hand to you. You looked at Colter, who looked less than impressed and you couldn’t help but snort a bit.
“I see the flirty nature is a family thing then?” You took Russell’s hand with a small laugh but you quickly swallowed when you felt the warmness of his large hand as it engulfed your smaller one. You weren’t really laughing then. You made eye contact with Russell, you had never seen a pair of prettier eyes, a breathtaking shade of green, and an intensity that was equally breathtaking. It didn’t help that he was smiling at you, too. 
You cleared your throat and took your hand back, choosing to look at Colter instead, “So uh, what’s the plan?”
“Right, well, first things first, I need more details about this James, think you could take an early lunch? I would also need to talk to your sister as soon as possible.” 
You chewed on your bottom lip, catching a glimpse of your watch before ultimately nodding, “Yeah, just give me an hour. We can meet at this cafe nearby, I’ll send you the address. You can meet with my sister after her shift. She’s been staying with me.”
They looked at each other for a second, shrugged then nodded at you. These two were definitely brothers. 
You were frantic as you pulled into the cafe, running late after a code blue that took up almost the whole hour to get under control. You were sure that you looked like a mess, still in your scrubs, pieces of hair falling out of your bun as you entered the cafe. You were almost embarrassed that Russell was going to see you like this, you didn’t care too much about Colter, though. When you entered you saw them sitting at a booth, two cups of coffee sitting on the table but no food. You felt a bit bad. Colter noticed you and waved you over, making Russell turn his head to look at you. And somehow he didn’t seem to care about how wild you looked. 
“I’m so sorry. I had a code blue. I hope I didn’t waste your guy’s time.” You said almost frantic, barely able to catch your breath. You unconsciously sat next to Russell, who seemed quite happy about that.
“Nonsense. We were actually waiting for you to order, right Colt?” Russell reassured, and when you turned your head to look at him he was smiling at you, a toothy smile that made the corners of his eyes wrinkle a tiny bit, it was kind of cute, actually. 
“Yep. Russell insisted we waited. Even though we haven't eaten anything in over six hours.” Colter sighed sipping on his coffee. 
“Well at least one of you has manners.” You narrowed your eyes at Colter, and you heard Russell rumble a laugh.
“Y’know what? Let’s just focus on the case, okay?” You held back a laugh and simply nodded, trying to ignore the intoxicating scent of Russell beside you, a mixture of bourbon and sandalwood. 
Colter asked you a million questions, ones you had answers to, and others didn’t, which was probably best if he talked to your sister, too. Your food also arrived quickly, which you were thankful for since you hadn’t had anything other than the Keurig coffee from the doctors lounge. 
“So, you said James was in the army?” You nodded as you munched on a fry. “And is Navy SEAL now?” 
“Yeah, he went overseas every month or so. But after his last assignment a few weeks ago he told my sister about getting out.” You answered as you bit into your cheeseburger. You didn’t often like to indulge in greasy heavy foods, but you were beyond stressed from both work and your sister, so you needed some joy in your life.
“He wanted out? Why?” Russell asked beside you. You shrugged.
“I don’t know. One thing or another about being tired of being on the battlefield, wanting to be home more. Or that’s what Rosie told me.” You answered as you munched on your burger. You thought for a few seconds before speaking again. “But if you ask me, I think something went wrong in his last assignment. Rosie said he didn’t speak to her for a whole day after coming home, and that he was constantly on edge and irritable for weeks leading up to his disappearance.” 
“Maybe. Might be worth looking into.” Colter shrugged as he took a bit out of his sandwich. “You think we’d be able to look into his assignments overseas?” He asked Russell.
“Doubt it. If they’re classified, which most likely they are, they’d either have little to no paper trail, or they would be heavily secured.” Russell said with a mouthful of fries, which Colter clearly disapproved of. But Russell paid no mind to it, his attention was all on you.
“How do you know?” You asked Russell with genuine curiosity. He half grinned a bit.
“I used to be in the Army too. Spec ops. That's why Colter brought me along.” Russell explained, and you almost wanted to sigh out loud. “So I know damn well how secretive some of those overseas assignments can be. Most are black-ops and off the books. It’d be hard to find the files.” 
So much for tall, rugged and handsome. Guess you’re going to have to look from afar.
‘Well fuck. That sounds lovely.” You mumbled into your burger, annoyed and frustrated. Russell actually laughed this time.
“You know that burger isn’t gonna run away, right?” He chuckled at the way you were so aggressively stuffing your face. Colter narrowed his eyes at his older brother and kicked him under the table. “Okay, ow.” 
“Mind your business? Also, you have no room to talk dude.” You scoffed, eyeing his sriracha covered fries with disgust. “That’s actually fucking criminal.”
“Well, this one has a mouth on her. And here I was trying to be a gentleman.” He chuckled, playful grin on his face as he shoved a particularly heavily sriracha-covered fry in his mouth while you watched. “Don’t knock it ‘til you try it, sweetheart.” 
You stared at him with an indescribable feeling. You didn’t remember the last time a man had this much of an effect on you. Sure, in your mind it didn’t do him any favors that he used to be in the military, but you’d gladly break your own rule for just a little taste of him. He was a little rugged, sure, but he was undeniably handsome and carried himself with an alluring sense of self confidence. And the way he smiled at you, God, it made you feel like a schoolgirl, warm and tingly. You didn’t remember the last time a man looked at you like that, either.
“Can we focus here?” Colter, the ever present voice of reason. 
“Who woulda thought, you look even more beautiful without the scrubs.” Those were the first words out of Russell’s mouth when you opened the door. You had told them to stop by in the evening after Rosie’s shift so they could talk to her. 
“Russell,” Colter sighed, looking at his brother with annoyance but Russell simply smiled, unapologetically proud of himself. They both looked at you, you were trying so hard not to smile right now. “Alright, is Rosie home?”
“Yeah, she’s in the living room. Come in.” You shook your head softly as you allowed both brothers into your apartment. 
You led them to the living room, you caught Russell looking around with curiosity. Maybe he was trying to figure you out, figure out how to get on your good side. But he otherwise didn’t say anything. 
“Rosie, the guys I told you about are here.” You called out to her and she immediately shot up to her feet and rushed to your side. You looked at her, poor thing looked like she had been crying again. “This is Colter, the tracker, and that’s his brother, Russell. They’re going to help us, okay? Colter just needs to ask you a few questions about James.”
Rosie was nodding profusely, “Anything, I’ll tell you everything you want to know. Just help me find him? Please?” 
Colter led her to the couch, perhaps she’d feel safer if she was comfortable. You didn’t want to intrude, you probably weren’t needed right at this time, anyway.
“I’m going to get you guys something to drink.” You announced, wanting to give them some privacy. 
“I’ll help.” Russell piped up and you looked at him with curiosity, he simply smiled at you. You didn’t bother to question him.
You went into the kitchen, Russell was close behind you. You could feel his intense gaze burn into the back of your head as you rummaged through your fridge. You tried to ignore it.
“Beer?” You asked, glancing over your shoulder at him. 
You grabbed three beers from the fridge and Rosie’s iced tea. You handed Russell his beer before moving around your kitchen to grab a glass cup from the cupboard. You poured the iced tea into the cup before turning around to find Russell still looking at you, with wonder, and maybe something else you couldn’t quite decipher. 
“So what’s your deal?” He asked you as he sipped his beer. You tilted your head at him and furrowed your eyebrows.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, yeah you’re clearly a kick-ass doctor, and a caring sister but, what else is there? I don’t see any pets, surely no kids, no pictures on the walls, minimal decor, hopefully no boyfriend,” You laughed at the last part. “So, what are you about?”
“Right, well uh,” you chuckled softly, awkwardly sipping on your beer as you leaned on the counter. You shrugged. “I’m a doctor who works sixty-plus hours a week, I have zero social life, I’m not home nearly enough to have a pet. And I certainly have no time for the nonsense of men my age. But hey, if you want to know what I’m about, it’ll take more than just shitty beer and a kitchen conversation to figure me out.”
Russell smiled. Genuinely smiled. But it was a different kind of glint, like he was amused, impressed almost. He chuckled as he nodded, stepping to stand in front of you. You straightened up, looking up at him.
“Surely you’d have time to get a drink with me sometime then? I don’t know if I’m your age but I can assure you I’m not going to waste your time. Would love to try and figure you out while I’m here.” He bit his bottom lip, eyebrows raised and green eyes big with expectancy. 
Yes—said the warmth between your legs.
No—said your rational mind.
“Russell…” Your voice was a warning, apprehensive as you chewed on your bottom lip. “I don’t think I should be going on dates while my sister’s fiance is missing.” 
“It’s her fiance that’s missing, not yours.” He chuckled. You knew he didn’t mean to sound mean, or mocking but you scoffed softly, moving away from him. His words hit you in ways he could never know.
“I don't do… That. Y’know, dating? Or hookups. I don’t do romance, period.” You argued, hands on your hips. He tilted his head at you, eyebrows raised as he looked at you with that indescribably charming look of his. God, did he make it hard to say no.
“Don’t have to be anything. I’m not expecting anything. Just drinks, no strings attached, we’ll see where the night takes us, yeah?” He made a very compelling argument, and his unwavering confidence and charm was hard to resist.
Truly, you didn’t remember the last time you felt so tempted to go on a date with someone, and it wasn’t for lack of trying. From coworkers to patients have made advances you’ve always easily turned down. But Russell? You didn’t feel like you wanted to turn him down. You gave in so easily.
“Whadaya say?”
“Yeah, okay. Just drinks. We’ll see what happens. But don’t get any funny ideas, okay?” You warned him. He chuckled but ultimately raised his hands up in defense when you narrowed your eyes at him.
“I am a gentleman, sweetheart. I know how to behave in front of a pretty girl.”
Your concern was if you could behave in front of a hot guy. Especially when he was as hot as Russell.
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lighthousepigeons · 1 year ago
Iris: Do you want to explain the text you sent to me last night?
Declan: It was autocorrect.
Iris, raising an eyebrow: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot, please step on me"
Declan: Yes.
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alexandor · 2 months ago
Rednote terms and conditions
Keep in mind!
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greatrunner · 2 months ago
Thinking about how US Americans are being banned from xiaohongshu/red note for not reading or abiding by the TOS and community guidelines (+ posting things explicitly censored by the Chinese govt), and how much that attitude translates into the actual enforcement (or Lackthereof) of TOS/CG/TAC on social websites in the US unless the act is politically motivated.
Tumblr repeatedly fails to protect people from harassment and dogpiling, but the moment someone says something funny about the head of the website, their account gets nuked. You can be violently racist on AO3 despite the platform modeling itself as a 'safe space' for marginalized persons.
It would certainly explain why so many spaces on the internet lack genuine accountability, and how everything effectively becomes politicized to the point of making guideline violations a matter of opinions you disagree on, lest you be accused of censorship yourself.
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deepdreamnights · 4 months ago
Terms and Conditions Do Not Overrule the USTPO
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Originally from reddit. I am not a lawyer, but this hardly needs one.
I use Suno, but it being a useful tool doesn't mean they're off the hook for trying to be sneaky. Also, this isn't just about them. Pretty much every Generative AI tool has some similar such claim or clause in place.
Any so-called controlling rights on public domain works are entirely unenforceable.
This is a long post, so enjoy this public domain song which you can use for whatever purpose you like.
Terms and conditions do not override the determinations of the USTPO, which is that without significant human modification, generative AI generations do not qualify for copyright protections and thus are in the public domain.
So for Suno, you own your lyrics if you wrote them. You own any modifications you make to the song in post. You might own the tune if it was prompted directly using Suno's weird symbols/tabulature stuff, but at this point there's been no judgement on whether a significantly complex prompt makes a resulting generation have "significant human expression".
Not to say Suno can't pull DMCA BS or issue takedowns, but it wouldn't be hard to prove they lack the standing. You'd probably have to go to court to do it, so if you're not willing to roll the dice on having to do that sending an email is easier, and that's what the company is counting on.
The important part, is to remember that human authorship is required for copyright. If you want those rights, you gotta make sure you're putting in the authorship (lyrics, editing, remixing, etc.)
Or, you can be cool with the commons and be open about the copyleft nature of AI generations.
I tend to approach my own work in a "making parts" sense because I've been doing multimedia collage for far longer than there's been generative AI. The final work is the faux trailer, fake commercial, music video or the comic or the mini-episode or whatnot.
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But everyone's process is going to be different.
Part of countering misinformation around generative AI is breaking the hype side of things as much as the doom.
The corporate dream of an endless IP machine is a paper tiger, because all they've made is an infinite public domain machine. A century of trying to control and hoard the "rights" to our culture have drained the commons dry and this new tech just pumps solely into it's parched reservoir.
On the other end, the idea that one is going to get rich just because they've got some generative tools is just mist and vapor awaiting a light breeze. It's a great force multiplier, but anyone can get access to the same tools. The things the robot can't bring to the table are the things that matter, and they're going to matter even more now.
I like to compare most AI to toys (an object's use defines its function) and a way of making parts of a whole, so Lego is a good metaphor here. The creations that get attention are the ones that aren't out-of-the-box and made from the instructions.
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I don't say this to discourage anyone from trying to use the tech to fulfill their expressive vision, but to emphasize that it's not a push-button-get-end-result situation.
Everyone has access to the same bricks. Everyone can use your bricks if they find them in an out of the box state. This is a feature, not a bug.
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rckyfrk · 5 months ago
“Where is she?” he demanded, but Hershel didn’t answer fast enough. “Where the fuck is Beth?” he all but growled, not willing to admit the possibility that…no…he couldn't even think the words.
“Now, just calm down, son,” Hershel used a voice that Daryl assumed was supposed to be calming, but it only pissed him off more.
“No, fuck that,” he yelled back, pacing because he had nothing else to do. His entire system had already been flooded with adrenaline for so long now, he felt his knees ready to give out from below him. “What happened to her?” he demanded.
Hershel smiled. He fucking smiled. Daryl was ready to haul off and punch the man until he finally spoke in that same calming voice.
“Beth’s fine. And I’ll take you to her, but you’ll need to calm down a minute before I take you to see her.”
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phanartist · 2 months ago
I’ve already gotten blocked by someone and unfollowed by a few of the friends of the blocker because I didn’t put their friend’s art up. I’d just like the artists to know the rules that I have for my gallery. The art wasn’t even to do with Dan & Phil and they weren’t 16 yet,
Did you see my challenge to draw your favorite Dan&Phil character(s)?
Terms and conditions :
16+ artists only
You can only submit your own work
Your work has to be some form of phanart
Art of Dan & Phil with others is fine, so is art like a portrait of flame Susan or the pheal just as long as it’s Phanart
You can send in more than one picture of your artwork and it’s fine if it’s already been on your blog
I’m fine with you submitting more than once as long as it’s not the same piece that you sent before
I’m the curator of a gallery you’re the artist, you can’t complain to me if I decide not to put up your art
If your art gets put up and you want it done just say so, I don’t need any other reason than you wanting it down
It’s your art not mine so if you do or don’t want a specific tag, caption , or poll tell me and it’s done
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dumblr · 1 year ago
Are you terms and conditions? Cause whatever you say i'll always agree with you.
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beatsforbrothels · 4 months ago
Boldy James & Conductor Williams - Terms And Conditions
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trustinsturniolos · 1 month ago
sooo, i know the crybaby!reader x tired!chris won in the poll and i swear i’ll write them, but i’m delaying writing ab them for now ‘cause i had an idea for them, but i forgot..
so i’m gonna write part four (i think it’s four) to terms and conditions instead cause that already has a plot, and i’m hoping to finish the chapter tonight and have it posted as early as possible 💘
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that-sarcastic-writer · 9 months ago
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Russell Shaw x F!Doctor!Reader
Series summary: when your sister's fiance goes missing, you call Colter for help, and he brings along his rugged, but handsome and charming older brother, Russell.
Series warnings: explicit sexual and mature content, minors dni, smut, age gap, mentions of ptsd, kidnaping, mentions of minor violence. Check individual parts for specifics.
Reader is in her early 30s, Russell is his late 30s
Additional character appearances: Colter Shaw, OFC Rosalie, OMC James Summers, more TBD
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*means part contains smut
Part one
Part two
Part three
More parts tbd
If you'd like to keep up with future updates follow @midnightreadinglibrary and turn on notifications.
Happy readings.
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lighthousepigeons · 1 year ago
Declan: I'm at a loss for words.
Cal, voice over: Despite being lost for words, Declan yelled at me for the next 45 minutes.
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paliskale · 6 months ago
I'm still thinking about the seb lowe gig and that was 2 days ago JESUS that was something /pos
Like this man 1) makes amazing music and 2) is serving absolute LOOKS while performing and 3) makes the crowd go absolutely MENTAL while performing.
I'm still thinking of the acoustic education system and terms and conditions AAAAAH also love bomb and make me your national anthem and football players and all of the songs basically.
Also wtf all of them look so stunning?
And I'm here only able to play the recorder like omg
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highladyofterrasen7 · 1 year ago
I want to be independent and get a good enjoyable job and make a living for myself
But I also want a billionaire to sweep me off my feet and tell me I don’t ever have to pay for anything again
It’s very conflicting
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