smarty-jones · 6 hours
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RIP Tepin. This is a tough one, she was a favourite of mine
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mishzar · 1 year
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drew headshots for some of my dnd characters that are part of a series of campaigns (hopefully more to come)
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ucusmode · 2 years
Bugün geleyim de cocukla konusayim diye is arkadaşım çocuğu on dk oyaladi ama benim işim bitmedi gelemedim. Kiz demis ki cocuga neyse git sen gelmeyecek gökçe. Çocuk demis ki EFENDİM¿¿
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sedthegogh · 3 months
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crazydreamerspwn · 2 years
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More of the Varaan family, this time with one of the main characters, Alphonse Varaan (top left) his two sons and their mothers.
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dark-night-star-light · 2 months
Thinking about running a best character, best ship, or best quote bracket. Here's how each would hypothetically work (and vote in the poll at the bottom, please!):
The issue with characters would be that I’d have to go through all eighteen and a half books to find all the characters, or the other option is I only take characters that get submitted by the seven of us chilling here together in this hot tub (because like for Conor against Tepin, who the hell’s gonna vote for Tepin, right?). I would also allow you to submit propaganda to get your fav as far as possible and anti-paganda if you want a certain character to lose (as long as you keep it light-hearted and don't try to bash anyone that actually votes for that character etc. etc. etc.).
For ships, I will definitely only take submitted ships, because there are an infinite amount of ships that could happen otherwise. But I'll take anything no matter how crackship-y or rarepair-y it is (within limits, obviously no pedo/incest ships). Tentatively saying I will again allow propaganda and (light-hearted) anti-paganda, since I'm hoping we as a fandom are mature enough to let this be a chill experience and not devolve into ship bashing (I'm pretty sure we are, we're not the a/t/l/a fandom, so).
And for quotes, again, I'd only make a bracket out of quotes that get submitted. I'm not sure if I will allow propaganda for this one, because it seems kind of self-explanatory. But maybe, if people want it. If you submit a quote, you'd have to be able to tell me which book it was from, the page or chapter number, and who said it for it to be allowed into the bracket, although if you're not sure of one of those things, you could just tell me and I'd try to find it (I own all the books, so it wouldn't be a problem). I may or may not allow you to submit context or background for the quote (in some cases that can ruin the quote, or give it an unfair advantage). Quotes would be allowed to be as unserious or serious as you want, there will be no restrictions on it whatsoever (just don't make your quote, like, a single word or something).
In any case, you’d be allowed to submit as many characters/ships/quotes as you want. I would not reveal who submitted what character/ship/quote if that's something you choose to reveal to me, unless you want me to. I’m not sure how submissions will work, either through my ask box (don't worry, anon asks would be on) or through an anonymous Google form. Of course, my DMs are always open, too, if you want to submit something through there.
Your propaganda would be allowed to be anonymous or not (if you want the credit). It would also be allowed to be as short or as long as you want, and as unserious or serious as you want (you could literally submit, like, "Vote for Rollan, he's so funny and he needs a hug" as propaganda and I would accept it, or you can go deep and start talking about his parallels and arc and motifs and backstory and personality and hardcore analysis stuff, and that would also be fine). If multiple people submit propaganda for the same character/ship/quote, I’ll keep them all, and you are allowed to submit propaganda or anti-propaganda for as many characters/ships/quotes as you would like. When we're approaching the start of the bracket, I'll also say how many pieces of propaganda and anti-poganda were submitted for each character/ship/quote. That way, if a character/ship/quote has no propaganda or anti-paganda, it would be giving everyone a warning that that's the case and that it's the last chance to submit for them. Your propaganda also doesn't have to have any basis in canon. You could make up headcanons about a character and submit them as propaganda and that would be entirely fair game. You would not be allowed to submit links to analysis posts as propaganda, though, even if it's yours. Everything submitted needs to be something you wrote specifically for the bracket.
I would be the judge of whether the anti-propaganda crosses the line into bashing (no hard feelings, sometimes tone can be weird over text), and if it does I'd delete it but let whoever submitted it know that I did, so that they could try to submit something milder. Also, keep in mind that propaganda is subjective. Something you submit as anti-propaganda might actually resonate as propaganda with other people (like saying "Meilin was a racist and a classist" as anti-propaganda might just register as "Oh, she had such fantastic character development!" with some people, completely ruining what you were trying to do). Seems counterproductive, but if you have mixed feelings, I'd allow you to submit propaganda and anti-propaganda for the same character/ship/quote (I don't think anyone will actually do this, but it's an option).
If you have something else you want to add, put it in the tags. I’m also going to open up my ask box soon, so if you want to yell at me anonymously, that’ll be the place to go.
Hate to be that person, but reblog for sample size, please.
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sketchbeast · 2 years
Link to empty sheet here
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Grey Warden Tepin Surana
Thank you, @spiritbladed !
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spainkitty · 10 months
I'm so embarrassed! I thought I had replied to your last ask and I didn't😳 I'm sorry!🙈
I hope you're feeling better. I remember recommending you cloud gaming for BG3 so I wonder if you gave that ago and if you did, if it works for you👀
I'm deep in BG3 brainrot🙈😅 I'm in my 4th pt right now lol. I have a stand-by pt of my monk tav in act 3 cause the kiss animation with Astarion with a tav with body type 1 (the smollest one lol) is broken since patch 4. And yes, I'm becoming the kind of person who romances Astarion with every single tav I make😂
I'm curious to see your tavs so please show me whenever you can👀
Here are mine in chronological order of my pts:
Iriel - seldarine drow sorcerer
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(the 2nd pt I did was Astarion's origin so no tav)
Ceres - half-elf monk (on stand-by until Larian fixes the kiss animation with Astarion in act 3 lol)
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Nephalem - high-elf necromancer (current pt)
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And yes, they're all head over heels in love with Astarion🙈😍
I really hope you've got the chance to play BG3 further! If you have, please tell me about your tav(s) and what you think if the game so far👀
I... can't even remember what I sent you, but I gather it was about BG3 LOL I'm feeling much better. I haven't tried your cloud idea yet. I wanted to finish my Adaar run and I replayed DAO instead. Mainly because my friend said during our little Christmas break (we have 4ish days off for it and we're coworkers) he's getting it on his Xbox and I'm gonna go play it with him! Which means when the spiders come I can hide 🤣🤣 I DID make three "Tavs" before I gave up (and I'll be remaking one for the Xbox marathon).
All your Tavs (pts?? pcs??) look SO cool! I wasn't super pleased with how limited the faces were, but you did a great job making each unique. Silly Larian, fix the bug so Ceres can have a kiss! KISS KISS KISS! Oh, also, how is it playing a monk?? I had a tabaxi (cat person) monk in a campaign and she was so fun to rp, does it work out well in bg3?? I think Iriel's design in my favorite, though. I looove that half-buzz cut. Nephalem looks very suave and cool, too 😎
As for my girls, I'll show the few pics I got.
This is Karik, my Moon Circle Wildshaping half-elf Druid! And her dream guardian. I made her look like my current campaign's Tepin Pallis Cuautl Lozano, another Moon Circle Druid Wildshaper 🤭🤭🤭 I wanna romance Lae'zel, but I never met Wyll or Karlach, so... we'll see.
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Then, there's Andry Cousland, my og Warden, Warrior-Archer human. I just wanted to see what she'd look like in BG3. Not bad🤔
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Lastly, the one I'm going to remake for the Xbox and I'm super excited for it! I'm probably going to romance Gale, maybe... Anyway, meet:
Agnes, half-elf drow, Trickster Cleric of Tymora
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(you can see where the computer started losing itself and her hair looks weird and pixel-y, but still cute 💖)
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thefirstknife · 1 year
hi! i have a little question about ahsa and the person she was bonded to during the golden age. do we ever get a concrete idea of who they were? do we know their name?
Yeah! His name was Gideon Tepin:
The tear held steady again, returning the man and his moment to existence. Síocháin took note of the badge on his coat that read "Gideon Tepin—NPA—Senior Marine Biologist."
It's unclear if she was bonded to just him, because he notes that he isn't the only one who can hear her. But Ahsa may have been desperate towards the end, to warn them:
Tepin looked upset and turned away before speaking. "She's afraid. That's why we're all having them. Something's wrong. She's showing us what's coming in plain view!" The man angrily swiped his hand through the air in Sloane's direction. "It's like she's screaming it into my head. I know I'm not the only one hearing it." "It chose us." He stepped forward and placed his hand on the border between then and now. "I'm dreaming my own memories, but with little differences. Little omens. Black ships in the sky."
We don't know much else, as this was only stuff that Sloane and Siochain managed to see through the time shenanigans on Titan (similarly how time was messed with on Mars). They only got a glimpse of the Golden Age and this conversation.
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mishzar · 2 years
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my tabaxi sorcerer from a sandbox campaign!! he’s so silly
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rorinina · 4 months
hoş geldin ablaların gülü sana aşksal bir sorum var. erk*lar neden böyle?
hoş buldum şekerim tşk ederim. inanılmaz sıkıcı bir cevap vericem ama insan hakikaten de kendinden kaçmak ve ne kadar kırılgan ve vahşi ve kibirli ve savunmasız ve cahil ve korkak ve ikiyüzlü ve ve ve ne istersen ekleyebilirsin olduğunu görmemek için çevresindeki her türlü oyalamacayla vakit öldürmeye devam ediyor ne yazık ki.
kendimden ve biten son ilişkimden örnekleyeceğim, hala ayrılığı atlatamadığım için kafamdaki son örüntüler hep bununla alakalı.
dün bir arkadaşım şey dedi, "sonsuzluğu fanilerle yaşayamazsın, kimseye de böyle bir sorumluluk yükleyemezsin."
mutlak ya da masalsı bir aşk tarifi içinde yücelikler arıyoruz oysa önce kendimiz faninin ve kusurlunun dibiyiz. yani demem o ki hakikaten de partnerlerimizin çoğu bizim yansımamız. hadi direkt yansımamız değilse baskılanmış, saklanmış, üstüne yeni oyunlar kurduğumuz yönlerimizin açığa çıkışı. "şimdi tut bakalım siki de görelimmm" deyişi. kendiyle derdi olanın partnerleriyle de derdi oluyor.
ve insan sevgiyi aşkı hep hak ettiğini sanıyor. 8, jan'la ayrılmamız hakkında şey demişti "bunlar herkese vaat edilen ödüller değil ki çok şanslı insanların yakaladığı ya da tepine tepine yarattığı ayrıcalıklar." eh biraz da böyle sanırım gerçekten de.
ha bunun dışında günümüzde erkoların da kadınların da bissürü flawu hakkında psiko-tarihsel, sosyolojik, kültürel, biyolojik yorum yapılır. ama hiçbiri instagram reelslerdeki dişil-eril enerjiinin komedişov yanlış yorumlarıyla alakalı değil.
eğer kendini sonsuza kadar kandıracak kadar kibirli değilsen, için karşındakinin ne olduğunu ve neden orada olduğunu biliyor zaten.
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railraptor · 1 year
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I made a comment recently about top racemares being exported...I was talking about Tepin, but this filly's mother was no slouch. Daddy's Lil Darling won several stakes over here before they tried racing her over in the Oaks at Epsom and if memory serves she freaked out and had to be scratched after running loose....want to say that was the year Enable won
Anyhow, her first foal (no prizes for guessing the sire Coolmore sent her to, lol) won the Cheshire Oaks this morning.
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yolhikayelerim · 1 year
Ben seni daha hiç görmeden sevdim... Ben buradan geçiyordum,saz evinin bahçesinden senin sesin geliyordu. Ervah-ı Ezelden söylüyordun sen. Asuman, içimin tam şurasında bir yanma olmadıysa ben trenin altında kalayım, gözlerimin önünde hareler uçuşmadıysa,benim külümü bozkırın ortasında savursunlar.Şu elektrik direğini görüyor musun,çirkindi o eskiden. Bu Çerçi Bekir'in yazısı silinmiş tabelası.Ben nefret ederdim görünce. Benim dünyam güzelleşti, senin sesin soluğun beni kalbimden tuttu,alıp önüne attı; ister tepin üstünde ister al bir köşeye savur.Ervah-ı Ezelden bu gönül sana yazılmış. ister sil at,İster tut kaldır. Ben cezasına da razıyım sefasına da..
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dark-night-star-light · 3 months
Spirit Animals: Tales of the Great Beasts: Ninani's Nectar (Reread pt. 19)
The rest of the Tales of the Great Beasts Reread
"Tepin realized that he was actually lying on water, drifting backward. The current was picking up speed. He turned around and gasped, just in time to see the edge of a waterfall flash into view. With a scream, Tepin plunged over the side" (2). I love how we're told that Briggan is like. The dream Great Beast. But canonically, they can all control dreams. That is so funny.
Right now I'm wondering why the heck this guy is getting these dreams. What. Why him??? Why is he special?
"But there was something familiar about the bird" (3). Yeah, I would fucking hope so. She's a Great Beast.
It's genuinely so interesting that they decided to go the route of "Tepin doesn't have a spirit animal" for the story. Obviously, I adore spirit animals, but genuinely, this was refreshing.
"But Ifa was sick, and her illness had become serious enough that she had been taken to live with the village’s healer" (3). Wondering when she summoned Cachi. Had to have been recent, right? Or does bonding sickness take time to set it???
"The first time Gobe had tried climbing, he made it all the way up without looking down. Tepin’s father had never seemed prouder" (5). Jealous siblings, my beloved. I love that trope. It slaps pretty much every time. The parent favoritism . . . the angst . . . the need to be perfect . . .
Honestly, it's kind of sad that they never resolve this tension between Tepin, Gobe, and their father. Could've been a cool character moment. Like. They're just going to leave the strained relationship strained???
"Of their father’s alpacas, Shumbi was Tepin’s favorite. She was usually the first awake too. And the first to bleat in the early morning light, crying for her breakfast. For that reason, she was Gobe’s least favorite anything" (5). Gobe's just like me for real.
"Cachi, you know what to do," Tepin said. But Cachi wasn’t acting like himself. He burrowed into Tepin’s own bed" (6). The idea htat you can get the bonding sickness later is so heartbreaking. Imagine you summon a spirit animal with no bonding sickness. So you think you must be one of the lucky ones that escaped without it. You begin to enjoy your spirit animal and the perks that come with it. But then it hits you. And it only gets worse with time.
"Tepin knew little about the mysterious woman. Only that she was newly home from a great war" (6). Is nobody educating these children on the First Devourer War??? Are they all trying to pretend it didn't happen or something???
"Greencloaks were supposed to be good, not evil. Everyone knew that" (6). I love how this is like. The thesis statement of the entire series.
"'She hasn’t come out of her house since she first returned from Stetriol'" (7). So then they do know that she was in Stetriol? But no other details about the war? Also, I'm wondering when Stetriol was wiped off the map. Did the actual Greencloaks that fought in the war even have a say in that, or was it the new generation of Greencloaks that did that? Because it seems like everyone is still aware of what that it right now.
I love how Anyati is like. The village's healer, but everyone also thinks she's a witch. Like, yeah, send her all your sick and injured, but also talk behind her back about how she's a witch because she . . . collects things to make. Medicine. This village is so silly.
"Was it something the Greencloak was doing?" (7). I love how for half this book, Tepin is scared to death of Anyati because he heard a rumor about her from his brother who he doesn't even like. That is such peak pre-teen behavior.
"'I have dreams much bigger than this mountain. One day I hope to travel all across Erdas, selling my carpets as I go'" (9). I love how Ifa didn't even want to be a Greencloak. She just wanted to chill out. I feel like that's so much more tragic, since Greencloaks are supposed to be seen as heroes that risk their lives, but Ifa literally just wanted a quiet life.
Okay, so. We all agree that Anyati keeps her place creepy on purpose, right? Like. She does that very much on purpose. She's trying to spread these rumors about herself. This is so funny. Like, she's so stereotypically witchy that she has to be trying to do this. I love her so much.
"It was headed for his neck! Tepin screamed louder, trying to shake the animal off of him. He didn’t want to find out if the bat sucked blood, as Gobe claimed" (13). See, the funny thing is, vampire bats don't even drink human blood. They exclusively drink animal blood.
"Tepin could see why people might think Anyati was a witch. But as best as he could tell, she was sincerely trying to help Ifa" (14). I love how not even a full page ago, he was accusing her of making Ifa sick. He literally changes his mind because he saw her examine Ifa's blood. That's what changed his mind. Honestly, Tepin needs to commit to his belief that Anyati's a witch. It would be so funny if he thought Anyati was examining Ifa's blood to decide what potion to make out of it or something.
"'It’s bonding sickness,' the Greencloak muttered, almost to herself" (14). She doesn't know this already? How long has Ifa been with her?
Tepin is so silly. Anyati asks him if Ifa's been having weird dreams and he just goes, "Well, I had a weird dream" (not a quote, a paraphrase).
Anyati's response to Tepin talking about his dream is so funny. Like, pop off, girlie, I would say that, too.
"'Ninani sided with the Four Fallen— with Briggan, Uraza, Jhi, and Essix—though she didn’t join them in the final battle against the Devourer. She blamed the Bile for the war. At least, that’s the story I was told.' Tepin didn’t know anything about the Bile, aside from what the Greencloak had told their village when she returned from the far-off continent of Stetriol" (17). Okay, so this means that Tepin (and assumedly the rest of the village) have a baseline level of knowledge about the war, right? Also, I think it's so interesting how they talk about Stetriol relatively normally. Like, there's no talk of wiping it off the map yet? Huh.
"'The swan revealed herself to me!' Tepin argued. 'She was waiting at the top of a waterfall. She must want to be found'" (17). Yeah, but . . . why? Why did Ninani choose Tepin of all people? (My personal theory is that since Ninani is the giver of Nectar, she also has the ability to tell whether someone will be able to summon a spirit animal or not. Maybe she chose Tepin because she knew he'd be the next in the village to summon a spirit animal and she wanted to save him from the bonding sickness with her Nectar before anyone else??? Not confirmed, but it makes some sense, I guess.)
Honestly, the relationship writing is a little bit lax for me. Like Tepin is so willing to immediately risk his life for Ifa, which, yeah, she's his friend, but, like. Come on. This is a little extreme. We saw one conversation between them where we're sort of explicitly told that they're friends, and it was sweet, but this seems a little too much. Tepin had no second thoughts about charging straight into a dangerous forest on the chance that Ninani would be able to cure Ifa. There should've been more scenes of Ifa and Tepin's relationship to really flesh it out and make it more dimensional. Maybe Tepin saw the sibling he never had in Gobe in Ifa, instead. Maybe he was scared to lose her because he knows he won't find that same love in his father or brother. Or maybe he confided in her about his issues with his father's favoritism or something that makes their relationship have more depth. Also, this is a kid that's not even old enough to have a spirit animal yet. I get that he's supposed to be noble, but it just falls flat for me.
[cut because block limit]
"'What do you want?' Tepin screamed in the animal’s direction" (20). Tepin: I know there's an animal hunting me, stalking me, trailing me for half a mile. Or more. Also Tepin: *screams at it* Some more peak pre-teen behavior from our silly little guy. I love him so much.
"He hurried toward the sound, and eventually the thick forest gave way to the moonlit water" (20). Friendly reminder that this dork (/aff) didn't even wait until morning. It's the middle of the night right now.
"The animal cocked its head to one side. There was a yellow patch of hair on its neck, like a small bib. Whatever the creature was, it didn’t seem to want to harm Tepin" (21). I wonder what animal this is.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Tepin never expresses a desire to have a spirit animal. And this is before he knew about the bonding sickness. That seems interesting.
"The boy opened his eyes to see what was biting him. His body had drifted into the branches of a fallen tree, which stabbed at his skin and clothes" (22). Okay, that was Tonga, right? Tonga saved him??? Is this confirmed?
"'Will it save me?' he asked the swan. Ninani nodded gracefully. The marble stone was as heavy as a granadilla fruit. It seemed to glow in the boy’s hand. 'Will it save Ifa?' Tepin asked. But when he looked up, the swan was already gone" (23). The foreshadowing . . . also this is definitely strengthening my theory that Ninani reached out to Tepin of all people because she knew he was going to be the next in the village to summon a spirit animal and wanted to save him from the bonding sickness.
"Tepin watched Anyati’s strained face as Tonga sucked her blood" (24). I get what the writers were trying to do, but vampire bats don't drink human blood.
"It must have been a long time since anyone had shown the secretive Greencloak any affection" (26). This is so sad. I wonder why she isolated herself. Maybe because of the war? Maybe she didn't want to constantly explain her trauma to other people or something?
"Perhaps it was he who had killed her? Tepin had greedily taken all of the Great Beast’s power, leaving nothing to save Ifa" (26). Oh, this poor kid. I don;t know how to explain it, but this almost feels like survivor's guilt? Like a mix of guilt and grief.
"'Why do you assume it’s the human who chooses the animal?' the Greencloak asked the boy. 'Or that there’s any choice at all?'" (27). You know, considering pretty much every village or town has someone that's summoned a spirit animal, it's really strange that Tepin doesn't know how it works. But I guess maybe that's how it was before the Bile, when people's spirit animals just appeared out of nowhere and there was no ceremony?
"'There is . . . pain best left behind in war. It isn’t easily shared with those who don’t know it themselves. There are things I have to live with that will die with me. Understand?'" (28). YOOOOOOOO, I predicted it??? The reason she cut herself off from everyone else in the village?
"Tepin walked straight up to the waterfall’s edge. Once he reached the sheer face of the stone, he took a deep breath and began to climb. He had seen his brother do it every morning. Except the cliff was always dry when Gobe scaled it" (29). Look, I get that this is a short story, but I still think it's completely unreasonable that Tepin goes from never having climbed a cliff to climbing a steep, soaking wet, tall one. Couldn't there have been some scenes where he tries to climb other cliffs, maybe in the jungle or something, and fails, but now he knows he can't do that, which motivates him to abandon his fear? It's not just about fear; there's also like. The sheer skill of climbing a cliff face.
"'Pull with your arms and push with your legs,' Gobe had told him once" (29). Rollan-Gobe parallels??? Rollan says something super similar in The Dragon's Eye.
"'The harm caused by the war is permanent. The natural bonds between humans and animals have been jeopardized for generations to come. Perhaps forever" (32). The writers will always be geniuses for making it so that the Bile caused the bonding sickness, but is also able to heal it. That is the most awesome full-circle worldbuilding thing they could have done. Like, it just shows that nothing, not even the Bile, is completely bad.
"Fleshy white flowers sweetened the misty air. Ninani picked one of the flowers with her huge black beak and dropped it at the boy’s feet" (32). It's so interesting how the Bile and the Nectar work differently in terms of creation. The Bile worked by submerging it in water, which turned to Bile, but the Nectar literally creates flowers. Out of nowhere. There's something there somewhere, I know it.
"His mouth filled immediately with the sweet memory of granadilla fruit" (32). It's cute how the way Tepin experiences the Nectar ties back to his earliest memories of Anyati.
"'If I have to devote the rest of my life to it,' he said, 'I will keep your talisman safe, and bring this gift to all who need it'" (34). Gotta love the irony there. At this point in time, it's well-known what Stetriol is. So did they wipe them off the map after this incident because they didn't want them to have the Nectar? Hmmmmm . . .
"'Thank you . . . my Keeper,' she said finally" (34). I am an idiot for not realizing that the Keeper is. The Keeper of the Nectar. Wow. Good job, me.
Also, Tepin's tayra doesn't have a canon name??? Awwww.
"Wherever the Nectar of Ninani goes, may you also follow" (34). Okay, that was cute as hell.
Final thoughts and rating:
I loved the journey Tepin went through . . . in theory. Though I do think it was a bit rushed, he did have a nice character arc. Anyati is such a great character, and I love the subtle themes of trauma and isolation that are attached to her character. Tepin summoning a tayra after having been saved by one was a neat touch. I really liked that. I think Ifa could have been a great character if fleshed out more, and I liked the way Tepin grieved for her. That last line definitely hit me so hard, with what and the parallels between the Nectar, which couldn't save Ifa, and Ifa, who wanted to travel the world like the Nectar will now do. That was definitely an awesome decision on the writer's part.
I didn't like that Tepin's family life issues were never really resolved or talked about. His dad clearly has a case of favoritism, and Tepin's relationship with his brother needed more fleshing out. They should've taken it out if they didn't have the room for it, in my opinion. I also think Ifa and Tepin's relationship needed some serious fleshing out. It had no depth to it and felt completely flat. The readers need to understand why Tepin would do such a noble thing for her, especially considering his age, and their relationship doesn't really back that up for me. Tepin's arc was also way too rushed. He needed some time to fail and fail again before he could succeed. The fact that Ninani reached out to Tepin specifically also needed a reason. It just seems like she chose him randomly, because there story doesn't bother with an explanation for that.
Rating: 7/10
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digital-morganism · 10 months
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me and the besties (cumin and chili tepins mostly)
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tasduvar · 1 year
ayağım acıyor diye ağlıcam şimdi tepine tepine
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