#Tensei x reader
dira333 · 3 months
Sleepwalker - Tensei Iida x Reader
Words: 10k (sorry, my hand slipped)
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It’s warm, dark and there’s a faint smell of grapefruit and Mint, a combination that should not work as well as it does.
You groan, close your eyes again, and bury yourself in the blankets once more, not yet ready to start the day. What a weird dream you’ve ha-
There’s an arm. There’s an arm next to your arm!
Your heart stops and picks up with twice the speed as you slowly, carefully, pat around to feel what’s attached to said arm
A shoulder, naked. There’s a neck and a chest, muscular and sturdy. 
When your fingertips find what feels like a mouth you hear a grunt. The light flickers on and you blink, staring in silent shock at what is most likely the most attractive guy you’ve seen in weeks, if not longer.
His dark hair is sleep-mussed and his blue eyes squint back at you with an equal mix of confusion and shock.
“Who are you?” He asks just as you realize that you did not, in fact, go drinking last night. Which means-
“You’re a creep!” You bellow, jumping out of bed. You put a tank top and matching panties on last night and you’re glad you did because this way you’re at least wearing a little bit more than he is. 
“Wait, I’m not-”
“Did you do something to me?” You look down at yourself to check, but you don’t feel weird, just exhausted. He’s stuttering out something but you’re too busy freaking out.
“I should call the- the police, I- who are you anyway and-” your eyes flicker to the alarm clock next to his bed. Shit. You’re going to be late for work.
“If this happens again I’ll kill you in your sleep!” You threaten, focus on the pattern of your own bedding, and teleport away, using your Quirk. It’s not legal, but you’re in no way going to wait for a cab at this creep’s place.
This time you half expect it, which sounds weirder than it is. 
But as you wake up and smell that telltale aroma of grapefruit and Mint, you know exactly where you are.
You turn slowly to check the time. It’s around midnight.
You went to bed fully clothed, phone in your back pocket. The stranger seems to have had the same idea, the fabric of his shirt soft against your fingertips
He wakes up as you slip out of bed, waving your phone to start the flashlight app. So much for snooping around to get intel on him.
“Who are you?” He asks, which is totally the wrong question if you’re a creep who kidnaps people.
“I should ask you the same thing. And you should answer first since this is your place.”
“My name’s Iida. Iida Tensei, to be exact.” He rubs his face. “And I didn’t take you here. I went to bed like normal and woke up with you beside me.”
“Oh. Well, I mean. It hasn’t happened in a while, but it could-”
“Your Quirk?” He asks, making sense of your stuttering before you can. “It’s teleporting, right? Does it malfunction sometimes?”
“Well, it used to, as a kid.” You explain, shame flooding you, “I can only teleport to places I know because I have to see them in my mind. But I don’t know you, right?”
“Maybe I saved you?” He offers. You scrunch up your nose.
“I am- I was a hero. Ingenium? Maybe you heard of him?”
“Oh,” you nod slowly before shaking your head, “well, I’ve heard of heroes, because who hasn’t, but not of Ingenium, sorry. Never had to be saved either.”
You laugh, short and abrupt, but in all honesty. “Why? I don’t think getting saved is such a nice thing, right? It means you were in danger before.”
“Oh, but it’s an experience for sure. I mean… When I was a kid, I was-” He stops and you’re not sure why you do it, maybe it’s the softness of his features or the sound of his voice, but you urge him to speak.
“I got lost, once, as a kid. I still remember how helpless I felt and how a hero saved me, and took me back to my parents. I haven’t seen him around since, but I still remember his name. Gran Torino. I knew before… that I was going to be a hero, but that cemented it as something I really wanted to be.”
“Wow,” you breathe, a little awkward in the face of something like that. “I just became a mechanic because my Dad’s one too.”
He laughs, but he doesn’t invite you to speak and you realize that you’ve overstayed your welcome anyway. Not that there was ever any welcome to begin with. You stumbled in here on your own, bothering this nice, attractive man.
“I’m… I’m going to get going now,” you stutter, “and I promise it won’t happen again.”
He doesn’t move to get up. Maybe he only put on a shirt but not shorts?
You try not to think about it when you teleport away.
Nothing happens for over a week, long enough that you begin to think of it as an outlier, brought upon you by the return of your period.
Now that that’s over you only have to get checked out for future disasters.
But then you open your eyes to darkness and the smell of Grapefruit and Mint and you know, without a doubt, that you’re back.
“Iida-kun?” You ask, voice soft with shame.
You reach out your hand and touch his face, surprised to find a slight stubble. But it gets his attention and only a second later you blink against the light. 
It’s gone just a second later and as a blanket is thrown over your head you remember that you went to sleep wearing nothing tonight. In your defense, the AC was broken.
“I’m so so sorry,” you point out, voice shaking, “I don’t know… I thought it was my period.”
“It’s okay,” he huffs. You wonder if he’s blushing. 
“I’m leaving, okay,” you tell him, embarrassment flooding you. “Sorry.”
Half an hour later you find yourself pressed into his side once again, though this time better dressed. He’s not, however. 
You teleport away once again, this time without waking him.
But as you open your eyes to the morning sun filtering in through the half-open blinds, there’s an arm slung over your shoulders and a warm, naked chest pressed to your back.
You’re back. Again.
It’s Sunday and you don’t have to be gone right away, so that’s your excuse for letting your eyes wander through the room. 
His bedroom is clean and organized, with books and sports equipment in every corner.
And there are pictures, tons of them.
Right next to the alarm clock is a picture of a little boy. He looks just like Iida-kun and with a pang, you realize it must be his son. What lies on the other side of his bedroom door? How many children does he have?
This bed is barely wide enough to house two people, so you don’t think he’s married, but-
A pained groan interrupts your thoughts. 
Before you can react, though, Iida pulls you closer, his arms now crossed over your stomach.
He’s mumbling something, his voice laced with pain.
“No, don’t, please-” he begs, “help, someone- Help!”
That’s when you feel it, the telltale signs of your Quirk activating. But you’re not teleporting anywhere, not that you could after doing it so much this night already. And you’re not the one who activated it.
For a second you’re floating, disappearing slowly into thin air. That’s not unusual, it happens mostly when the space you want to go is already occupied or too far away.
But when you materialize again, you’re back where you started, right in Iida’s arms.
That’s when it hits you.
You didn’t teleport to him. He teleported you.
But how? And how are you going to explain that to him?
If Iida is weirded out by the fact that you’re a) back in his arms again and b) not making any move to get away from him, he’s not showing it.
Instead he wipes a hand over his face and plants himself back into the pillows.
“I think I need a coffee,” he tells you after a minute.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t say no to that either.”
“Would it be terribly rude to ask you to make it?” He lifts his head again to squint at you. “Or help me out of bed?”
“Help you out of bed? What are you, eighty?”
He smiles shyly. “No, I’m paraplegic.”
Blood rushes to your face as you realize what that means.
“Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-”
“You didn’t know.” A hand rests warmly on your forearm. “But the choice is yours.”
You huff for a second, trying to reel in the shame before getting out of bed and walking around it. There’s the wheelchair you should have noticed earlier. 
“What do you do if you need to pee?” You ask as he leans heavily onto you before swinging himself into the chair.
“Hold it in,” he tells you with an embarrassed smile. “But I’m working on getting into it myself.”
Your nerves bubble in your throat as you approach the door only to release in a soft sigh when no little kid is waiting on the other side.
“Your… uh… son doesn’t live here?” You ask as you follow him into the kitchen, too aware of your messy bedhead and your sleepwear-clad form.
“My son?” Iida turns to squint at you. “I don’t have a son.”
“The picture on your nightstand. I noticed it.”
“Oh,” he laughs softly, “that’s my little brother. We’re fifteen years apart, but I should really get a new picture in there. But he looked so cute back then. Not that he’s not looking cute now, I-”
“I get it,” you nod, “I still have a picture of my cousin in my wallet from when she lost half of her teeth.”
“Quirk coming in?” He asks and you snort. “Yes, actually.”
“How am I calling you here?” Tensei asks. He offered you his first name over that first cup of coffee, called his mother to let her know he wouldn’t need help this morning while you fried eggs for breakfast.
“I don’t know,” you tell him honestly, “that never happened to me before.”
“But you knew it was possible?”
“Actually,” you breathe loudly through your nose, “I only realized that it had to be that because I was in the middle of teleporting this morning when I was already here only to land back where I was. It’s like reloading a page, you know? You just get back to where you were.”
“But we don’t know each other,” Tensei points out, “or do we? What school did you go to?”
You name it, all of them. Nothing seems to ring a bell. 
“When you…” you hesitate but he urges you to go on, “When you reloaded me, so to say, you were… you were calling for help.”
Tensei pales, his lips stretching into a straight line.
“You don’t have to tell me what that was about,” you add on quickly, “I just thought… maybe us teleporter Quirks are like a helpline? And I was just the closest one?”
“You think so?” He asks, voice strained.
You shrug. “What other possibility is there?”
But there is one. One you don’t even want to think about.
What if the Universe with its laughable humor, decided you were right for each other? 
No, that would be too crazy.
Just because you know why it happens doesn’t mean, however, that you know how to stop it. And as you start waking up in his bed more often than not, it seems only logical to go with it.
“Morning,” you mumble, knowing where you are without having to open your eyes. The telltale aroma of Grapefruit and Mint gives it away.
“Morning,” Tensei yawns, unmoving.
You can feel yourself slipping back into sleep, the warmth of him, the softness of the bed pulling you back in. Five more minutes won’t hurt.
“What did we say?” You ask groggily, face planted against Tensei’s chest. “You gotta wear a shirt to bed.”
“Sorry,” he rumbles but doesn’t move. “What time is it?”
“Too early.” You close your eyes again. He doesn’t move either.
“Shit, I’m late for work.” Your jump out of bed is thwarted by the blanket around your legs and you fall unceremoniously onto your face.
“I’ve got a spare toothbrush if you want it,” Tensei offers.
“I have no clothes.”
“Bring them next time,” he smiles, grabbing the hand you’re offering and pulling you up.
He blushes seconds later when he realizes how that sounded.
“I mean, only if you want.”
“Sure,” you agree easily because he really is good-looking, “if you make the coffee in the morning?”
“Brother, I wanted to check in before schoo-” 
You make the mistake of shooting up at the sound of an unfamiliar voice.
The guy in the door looks like Tensei’s Doppelganger, mouth wide open as he takes you in.
You wrap your arms around your torso, realizing a little late that your skimpy tank top might be a bit too revealing for a- how old is Tensei’s little brother again?
“Tenya,” Tensei starts blubbering that second, “You’re… I didn’t expect you this early- I’m…”
“This is my cue to leave,” you mutter, but stop when Tensei’s arm presses you back into the pillows.
“Stay,” he breathes out, eyes flickering over your face before he turns back.
“Sit,” he asks his brother, “we can explain.”
In all honesty, you don’t really know why you stay. 
It’s not like Tensei could do anything about you leaving, really. He has no idea where you live, doesn’t even have your number saved or something like that. And he still has no idea how to activate your Quirk on command…
But you stay, blanket pulled up to your chin to spare the youngest Iida’s innocence.
He’s fun to watch, little Tenya, taller than you without trying, yet turning smaller and smaller in his older brother’s presence.
It’s not hard to guess that Tensei’s his hero.
Tensei’s voice is calm and collected as he explains. You don’t even try to help him sort through this mess, instead letting your eyes wander over his features. He’s not wearing a shirt and his back, turned to you, is covered in scars, like a spider web of history. 
Your hand itches to smooth across it, letting the warmth of his skin seep into your fingertips. 
He’s got a few Moles too, sprinkled across his milky white shoulder blades like freckles over sun kissed cheeks. 
“Are you even listening?” Tensei turns his head and you blink a few times to focus.
“Sure,” you lie effortlessly, not missing how his lips quirk into a smile. 
His eyes are warm as they move over your face and you have to force yourself not to hide away. You’ve never seen a face this attractive turn so soft before, at least not when looking at you.
“I’m… I’m leaving then,” Tenya adds, voice a little strained. “I don’t want to be late.”
“Sure,” you nod, just as Tensei asks him not to rush. 
It’s weird. You want to leave and you want to stay longer, want to keep this bubble around the two of you, yet go out and scream from the rooftops that this man might feel things for you.
Work calls, though, and even though you stay as long as you can - helping him out of bed and into the shower, making coffee while he gets ready, thinking about kissing him while he sits on the other side of the table, talking about his plans for the day - you have to leave eventually. 
You hug him awkwardly, trying not to sink into his hold even though you want nothing more.
“See you next time,” you say with a wink, expecting to be back in the evening.
But Tensei does not call for you.
One week passes without finding yourself in his bed.
You have no means to contact him other than teleporting into his apartment and you don’t dare to do just that. What if he’s having guests over? 
What if- and the thought is making you nauseous - you end up teleporting into his bedroom only to find him making out with someone else?
Wait. The thought of someone else implies that he made out with you too. He didn’t and it’s not like you can blame him for that, right? 
Looking down at your hands, the skin oil-stained and chapped, you can’t help but feel unworthy of him. Former Heroes do not mingle with basic mechanics. 
You go out drinking the second week, trying to drown your sorrows in cheap beer and awful music.
“What about him?” Rumi, your best friend points toward a guy in the corner, red wings folded behind his back. He’s attractive, but there’s also something unsettling about him, the way he seems to be watching everyone without a care in the world.
“No,” you shake your head. You don’t feel like erasing the memory of Tensei’s touch - as platonic as it had been - from your skin by being with someone else. And even if you did, you wouldn’t pick someone who’s definitely way above your league.
“Oh, come on.” She takes a shot and winks. “I’m going to talk to him if you don’t.”
“Suit yourself,” you say when you notice someone else. 
His hair is jet black, reflecting the bright lights overhead that flicker over his heavily scarred skin. His eyes, a bright turquoise, move over the people with cold carelessness. Something drops in your stomach when his gaze crosses yours.
You grab Rumi’s arm. “We need to leave,” you tell her, and there must be something in your voice that cuts through her haze, because she nods, following you toward the door.
Shivers are running up and down your back as you wait for a Cab, chatting up a few girls who are waiting by the door, convincing them to join you and your friend.
“Oh shit,” Rumi says, moving to get out of the car, “I forgot my jacket inside.”
“I’m getting it,” you tell her, pushing her back, “I’ll see you there, okay?” 
She hesitates, but you’re already out of the car, closing the door with a click.
Inside, the mood has shifted, though not many seem to have noticed, too far gone already in their haste to get drunk. 
Sweat’s running down your back as you move through the crowd, looking for the flimsy black jacket. 
You smell it just as you reach it. Fire. Something’s burning. 
It’s hard to tell from back here and even getting up on a barstool barely helps. That is, until you turn, spotting the guy with the turquoise eyes behind the bar. His hands are filled with flames and his eyes burn the same.
He notices you at the same time, lips curling into a cruel smirk. Not far from him is the fire alarm and you lunge forward to pull it. Something collides with your shoulder, pain curling around it.
You scream just as the alarm goes off, cutting the music like one does a ribbon. The sprinklers go off immediately, but you’re already halfway gone, panic setting off your Quirk.
You have half a mind to think “Somewhere safe” before the room disappears before your eyes.
Grapefruit and Mint.
It cuts through your panic like sunlight through a rain cloud.
“Tensei?” You rasp, trying to make sense of it. “Tensei?!”
The light comes on and you find yourself sitting on the bedroom floor, hair damp, jacket clutched in your hands.
“Are you okay?” He asks, before sucking in a breath. “What happened to your shoulder?”
“I think- I think I just got attacked.”
“Let me see. Can you get up? What happened?”
You dissolve into tears under his gentle care.
Tensei thinks you should talk to the police.
You think everything else would be a better idea. 
“I’m not supposed to use my quirk,” you tell him, again and again, as he pours you a cup of chamomile tea in the morning. “What if they fine me? What if- what if they take it away?”
“They’re not going to take away your Quirk just because it activated by itself. You might get a slap on the hand for using it too much if they knew, but you’re not hurting anyone with it, are you?”
“Can you check the news?” You change the topic, unease swirling in your stomach. “See if there’s something about the bar?”
He dutifully picks up his phone, giving you a second to take him in.
His sight eases your mind. He looks just like he did two weeks ago like he always looks in the morning. Soft and warm and reassuring, like all you need to do is climb into his lap and forget the world.
You want to ask if he missed you, but you don’t dare to.
“Nothing,” he says, putting his phone down. “Would you- would you feel better if I accompanied you to the police?”
“How would we explain that we know each other?”
He blushes. “We could… we could say that we’re… friends?”
The unease in your stomach is getting harder to ignore. Or maybe you’re hungover as well.
“Why didn’t you call for me… uh, the last few weeks? Are you getting over your nightmares?”
Tensei huffs out a tired laugh. “I’m taking sleeping pills. I’m not a fan of them, but they seem to be working. I thought… maybe you left before I woke up or something.”
“No, I thought…” You swallow nervously, looking down at the table before shrugging as if you don’t feel as much as you do. “Maybe you found someone else you could teleport into your bedroom.”
You realize how it sounds just as you say it, but it’s too late to take it back.
His hand moves to cover yours, a warm weight that seems to settle your nerves with the smallest touch. “I’m barely managing to figure out how I got you, I’m not switching things up.”
For a while, you two sit in silence, unmoving. 
Eventually though, Tensei speaks again.
“If you let me, I’d like to accompany you to the police, okay?” 
You’ve only been to the police once before when a car you had been working on turned out to be stolen. Everything, from explaining how you noticed to how you got that client in the first place, had been a terrible, terrible experience.
But walking in with Tensei is like stepping into a different world..
One officer, a mutant with a cat face, comes up to you almost immediately, shaking Tensei’s hand with a smile.
“What brings you here, man? Long time no see.”
“I’m- my friend here,” Tensei points to you, “got attacked in a bar yesterday. Nothing in the news suggests that you know about it, so we wanted to inform you right away.”
“An attack?” Green eyes flicker to you. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you mutter just as Tensei disagrees. “First-degree burn on her shoulder. I did the best I could last night when she came by, but I’m no doctor.”
“I’ll call someone to check in on you. Come in, come in. Do you want coffee? Donuts?”
It clicks by the third person who walks in. They all assume that you’re not just Tensei’s friend, but his girlfriend.
It’s in the way they smile at you, unassuming, chuckling when you name your profession.
“Fits like a glove, doesn’t it?” They say, preening when the words light up a feverish blush on 
Tensei’s cheeks.
He holds your hand when a nurse examines your shoulder and you wish that this was real, that you’ll step out of this building and continue just like this. 
But living in his world for a day, where police officers joke around with you and doors open that you didn’t even know existed, just highlights how far apart your lives truly are.
As it turns out, you seem to have met Dabi, a villain who’s rather new to the scene. You can tell, just by the looks exchanged and awkward silences filling the room, that he’s someone you don’t want to mess with.
“It would probably be better if you didn’t go home for a while,” Detective Tsukauchi announces. “If this is a bar you frequent regularly, it wouldn’t be hard for him to figure out where you live.”
“My friend-” You start just as Tensei says “You can stay with me.”
You tense, just as Detective Tsukauchi smiles and nods.
“An excellent idea. We can escort you home if you need to pack some things first.”
“Oh, no-” You shake your head and wave your hands at the same time. “Getting escorted by the police to my place would just open the door to more trouble. If you could… like… give me a proper written excuse so that I can use my quirk, I can do that in one trip.”
“I’m afraid that I-”
“Tsukauchi, Sir-” Tensei lays it on thick with the charm, “I think in a situation like this you could make an exception, right? Don’t you have Officer Moroi on your team as well? You could still consider it an official escort if she did the teleporting.”
And so, half an hour later, it’s decided.
Officer Moroi’s Quirk is almost the same as yours, although she needs exact coordinates and is able to teleport other people - and stuff - as well.
Saying goodbye to Tensei is an awkward affair. Detective Tsukauchi is going to take him back to his apartment while you pack your things.
You move in for a hug, a handshake too formal for what everyone assumes you are. Tensei moves as well, but you misjudge his intention as wanting to hug you as well. His lips end up on yours for the briefest moment before you pull back, his face as red as-
“Oh,” you cough awkwardly, turning around. “Detective, I… I just remembered. There was another guy at the bar, with wings, he was looking-”
Tsukauchi doesn’t even blink. “No worries. We’re aware of him.”
“You-” Tensei’s hand curls around yours, pulling your attention back to him.
“Stay safe, okay?” He asks, face still flushed. “I’ll see you later.”
“I’ll take the Couch,” you offer in the evening, your things awkwardly merged with his. Your clothes stuffed into his drawers, your toothbrush sitting in the same cup. 
Tensei made dinner, told you stories from his past, and checked your injury, warm hands seemingly everywhere at once.
“Are you sure?” He asks, rolling through the living room. “There’s more than enough space in my bed and we’re kinda used to sharing it, don’t you think?”
“Well, yeah, but that was then-” You trail off, not really sure where you’re going with this.
His features stay relaxed as he nods, moving toward his bedroom.
“Do you want some help-”
“I got it,” he sends you a smile you can’t help but question. “I told you I’m getting better at it.”
So you’ve got nothing to do but slip under the covers and stare at the ceiling, trying to blend out the thrumming of pain in your shoulder.
You can hear him breathing, even from this far away, and it calms and upsets you at the same time.
He’s here. But he’s so far away.
Quietly, he calls your name. 
You consider ignoring it for a second, pushing him a little further away. For your safety or his, you’re not sure.
Still, your voice slips out anyway.
“Are you scared?”
“Of what?” You ask, surprised.
“Being in a relationship.”
You swallow harshly. Has it been this obvious?
“I am, you know,” he admits, “and I was wondering… if you feel the same.”
You blink up at the ceiling, your mind racing ahead. Whatever you do now, it can make or break… whatever this is, between the two of you.
“You know,” you answer, slipping out of bed, “I have called myself a lot of things. I have been called a lot of things, too. But I don’t think I’ve ever believed that I was scared of something.”
You stop in the doorway to his room, your eyes getting used to the darkness. He’s facing you.
“So you’re not scared?” He asks, voice thick.
“Oh no, I’m scared shitless,” you admit, walking the short distance until your knees hit the bed frame, “but that has never stopped me from doing something. What about you? Doesn’t being a hero mean something similar?”
He’s warm as you slip under the covers, your whole body sucking up that familiar aroma of Grapefruit and Mint, your head almost falling into place against his shoulder.
“It’s a different kind of fear, I guess? You can train how to be a hero, from fighting Villains to rescue missions. You can’t train being in love.”
“Mhm, some people definitely try,” you joke, your hands unable to rest, moving across his chest until you can feel his heartbeat pick up beneath your fingertips.
“Tensei?” You ask, basking in his warmth. “Have you been in a relationship before?”
“No,” he admits, one hand a soft pressure on your lower back. “I dated around a little after school, but I was so busy building up the business, spending time with Tenya, I just…”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. You think you’ve got all the time in the world and then you’re thirty, everyone else has already had kids and you wonder where you went wrong.”
“Would you-” He stops, but his heart races, you can feel it.
“Would you go on a date with me?”
“Usually,” you tease, because his voice quivered in a way that doesn’t fit his sturdy frame, “I don’t ‘sleep’ with guys before a first date. You kinda messed with my rules here.”
“Sorry,” he rasps, trying to play along.
“It’s fine,” you move a little, pressing your lips against his cheek. “You did wine and dine me today, after all.”
You could get used to this.
Tensei’s still asleep, mouth half-open, face mushed against the pillow. You can’t stop your curious hands from traveling, rubbing soft circles into his warm skin, following the spiderweb trails of his scars, pressing a teasing kiss to one of his moles.
He groans softly, hands twitching by his side.
“What time is it?”
“Time to relax,” you tease, pulling one of his arms around you. He snorts.
“I would, but I really have to pee.”
“Oh, what a shame,” you move to sit up, untangling him from the blanket. “But we can slip back into bed after if you want. Although I am craving breakfast.”
Tensei blinks up at you but doesn’t speak. You blame it on him not being a morning person and help him into the bathroom, before moving toward the kitchen, prepping a quick breakfast.
He’s already back in bed when you step into the bedroom. 
Sleeping with, or rather, next to Tensei, has taught you a few things about him so far. He runs hot, he likes to spoon, and he makes the softest little kitten snores when he’s sleeping on his back.
But living with him, just for a day or two, shows you so much more.
He pretends to be a morning person, but it takes a while for his brain to kick in. The smell of him, Grapefruit and Mint, comes partly from his Quirk, the engine jets in his arms being powered by Grapefruit juice, and partly from his absolute obsession with everything Mint scented. Bodywash, Shampoo, Deodorant, he even has Mint scented Candles sitting all over his apartment.
Tensei obviously works out a lot and hasn’t stopped after retiring from being a Pro Hero, the dumbbells in the corner showcasing not a single speck of dust, but he has no trouble lounging on the Couch with you, asking about the book you’re currently reading, or bothering you with the most insane questions about the show you offer to watch.
He’s a family man, too, and you suspect that there is only one reason you’re not absolutely plagued by visiting family members right now.
“Did you tell your parents not to show up?” You ask as you pull on your shoes. Tensei had asked to go out for a little stroll and since the weather was playing along, you had no choice but to agree.
“Uh, yeah, how did you know?”
“I’m a woman, I can tell.”
He sends you a look and you falter. “Okay, fine, there’s a Calendar by the door that has everyone’s name on it. Your parents would have come by today.”
“Oh that,” he nods, face clouding, “I’m trying to become more self-reliant. I know everyone’s just trying to help, but-”
“It’s stifling,” you finish his sentence and he nods, smiling a little.
“You get it?”
“Oh yeah, my Dad is the worst when it comes to this. It doesn’t help that we live in a district that has quite a high crime rate. I’m not dumb, but he’d like to see me somewhere safe.”
“As every parent would, probably. Where do you live?”
“Why, do you wanna know if you went on patrol there?”
“I’m pretty sure I didn’t, I would have noticed you.”
There’s a teasing tone to it, letting you know that he’s flirting. He’s not bad at it and since you’ve been doing nothing but cuddling all day, you dare to lean down and kiss him.
If Rapunzel was a man, he would look like the guy following you.
He’s dressed as a civilian, his long, blonde hair tied into the prettiest messy bun you’ve ever seen. And the size of it…
Tensei recognized him yesterday at the park. Apparently the Police are really concerned with your safety, sending him over to keep an eye on you.
“He’s nice,” Tensei had declared. “You don’t have to worry about him. His Hero Name is Present Mic, you might know-”
“No,” you shook your head, “Never heard of him.”
“Any Hero that you do know?”
“Well, All Might, of course,” you smiled. “But my favorite Hero is Laundry Hero: Wash.”
Tensei laughs. “I could never have guessed that. Sounds like a story I would like to hear.”
Your phone alarm pulls you out of the memory and you turn it off, blinking yourself a little more awake in anticipation of your stop.
Tensei doesn’t live that far away, but you still need to take three different trains to get to work, now that you can’t just teleport into your apartment and walk the short distance from there.
Goldilocks, err, Rapunzel, follows you out, whistling a tune. You don’t know how he does it, but he manages to fit in with the crowd of blue-collar workers.
“So you got yourself a boyfriend?” Rumi, best friend and also best car-saleswoman you know, is eating her lunch across from you. “Without telling me?”
“It’s not like that,” you argue, well aware of the tall man dressed in jeans that must be Rapunzel’s replacement for the day. “It’s complicated, okay?”
“I know complicated, but that sounds like a whole ‘nother level,” she takes a sip of her diet soda and pins you down with a glare. “If you’re staying over at his place already it’s a big deal.”
“Yeah,” you fiddle with your utensils, “I know, he’s just… he’s so safe, you know?”
“Safe?” Rumi furrows her brows. “Explain.”
“Like, he’s so… funny. And warm. And caring. Last night we were fighting about who gets to cook Dinner, and- What?” You cut yourself off when you notice her wry smile.
“Oh, you’re so far gone, it’s hilarious.” She chuckles into her drink. “Bring him in some time, will you?”
“We’ll see,” you put your stuff away, “My dad would most definitely love him, for sure.”
Your phone rings at that moment and you pick up, heart hammering in your throat at the sight of Tensei’s name on the display.
“Hey,” you can hear the smile in his voice. “How’s your lunch break? I’m in the store right now and wanted to ask what you want for Dinner tonight.”
“I thought I was going to make Pizza?”
He laughs softly. “Fine, you can make Pizza tonight. Do you want ice cream for dessert?”
“Oh, yes, please. Mint-Chocolate Chip, if possible.”
“Mhm, no, not possible, that box is already reserved for me.”
“Well, you gotta learn how to share one day.”
Rumi’s grinning like a madman when you finally put your phone away.
“What?” You ask, fighting against the warmth bubbling in your chest, the smile that’s threatening to overtake your face.
“Nothing,” she giggles, “nothing at all.”
“What’s the verdict, Doc?” You ask as Tensei finishes changing the bandage on your shoulder. 
He huffs with amusement, the sound cut off by the closing of the door.
“Tenya?” Tensei asks, a tone in his voice that can only be worried. You turn.
Tenya’s face is bruised, dark blue hair full of grime. 
“Nii-chan?” His eyes flicker over to you, face closing off the hurt and exhaustion he’d shown seconds before.
“I should leave-” you start, realizing half way that you have nowhere to go. Tensei’s hands are still warm on your shoulder and even though he’s pulling away, his hold on you stays, his eyes flickering between you and his brother.
If he has to decide between the two of you, you’d rather have him pick Tenya.
“Are you hungry?” You ask, getting up. “I’ll make you something to eat, give you boys some privacy.”
Tensei’s apartment is bigger than yours by a mile but not huge.
You can hear them talking, the tone of their voices heavy.
At one point you think you can hear one of them crying, the sound squeezing your heart like one does a lemon. Should you check on them? What if it’s Tensei crying?
The food getting ready decides for you. No one likes burnt Pizza.
“Coming in,” you announce your arrival softly, feeling relieved and a little guilty when you realize Tenya had been the one crying.
“Hey, big guy,” you place the dish in front of him, “hope you like this. If you want, I can disappear again, the choice is yours.”
“I’m fine,” he wipes his eyes on his sleeve, leaving a smear of dirt across his nose before he puts his glasses back on. “You can- You can stay. I wouldn’t want to impose.”
“It’s fine. Tensei was your brother first. And I’m warning you, if you let me stay, I’m going to ask you all sorts of questions.”
“What kind of questions?”
“Well, for starters, I definitely need to know your favorite flavor. Because your big brother here is obsessed with everything Mint flavored and I need to know if it runs in the family.”
“I do like Mint,” Tenya offers, cutting off a first slice of Pizza. 
You know very well that this is just a means of distraction, that talking about what’s bothering him would be a lot better, but still… you need to start somewhere, right?
Tensei’s hand squeezes yours under the table as Tenya rambles on about different flavors he cannot choose between.
“He asked if he could sleep over,” Tensei explains as soon as Tenya disappears into the bathroom. He sighs. “When I-” He stops, gestures to himself, the wheelchair. “When this happened, it hit him hard. I was in a coma for quite some time and he’s never been without me, really. We were always very close. I know that everything changed, but there’s something to him now… something that wasn’t there before. It’s like something turned dark inside him.”
“That does happen sometimes,” you agree. “When you realize too early on that life’s not fair. That people are more vulnerable than you thought they were.”
Tensei takes a shuddering breath and your hands rush to hold him, console him in any way you can.
“Do you want to share the bed with him?” You ask, pressing a kiss to the crown of his head. You’re not usually this touchy with guys you’re interested in, but you usually don’t feel this safe around guys you’re interested in. You’re starting to act all weird and mushy around him and it’s a little unsettling sometimes.
Tensei laughs. “I don’t think we’d fit. But we could keep the door open.”
“I think it would be good for him if you could admit that you’re still having nightmares.” The words slip out before you’ve really thought about them, but you don’t want to take them back. “Not that you have to do it right away,” you ease the sting of them, “but it can help, sometimes, to know that the strongest people are also afraid of something.”
“Maybe,” he offers, and you leave it at that.
Toshi nudges your feet, walking by. You roll out from under the car to check what’s going on, surprised to see Tensei in all his glory.
He sits tall in his wheelchair and the shirt he’s wearing is one of your favorites, bringing out the blue in his eyes. 
“Hey,” you greet him, a little self-conscious about your dirty overalls. “What brings you here?”
“I had an appointment not far from here and thought I could check in on you. When’s your lunch break?”
You squint up at the clock in the corner. “Half an hour.”
“I can wait, if that’s okay with you. Is that alright? I can leave too, if you don’t want company.”
You don’t want company, but you want his company. 
“Stay, please,” you say, swallowing the weird feelings that are swirling in your chest. “You can share a cup of coffee with Rumi in the office, if you want. You know how to get there?”
He nods, smiling as he turns his wheelchair and rolls out of the garage.
You can feel all eyes on you, but you’ve never felt less like discussing your personal life with anyone, so you roll back under the car. There, at least, you can ponder why him showing up has made you this nervous.
Tensei knows you’re a mechanic. And he’s obviously not bothered by the fact that this isn’t some fancy-schmancy auto repairs shop. So if he doesn’t think bad of you, why do you do it?
Tensei’s laughing with Rumi and your Dad, of all people, when you walk into the office. You tried your best at cleaning up, but you still feel dirty in comparison to Tensei’s perfectly ironed clothes.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, leaning into your father’s hug. His overalls look worse than yours. 
“Rumi called and asked me to come check out one car. She suspects some foul-play.”
“Ah.” You shoot her a glare, but she smirks, playing innocent.
“And how lucky I came in right away,” Dad adds, “so I could get to know this guy. Did you know that your mother got saved by his father once? I remember it clearly, it was this awful purse-snatcher guy and Ingenium saved the day. He really was a fine lad, you got to tell him I said hi,” your father slaps a heavy hand onto Tensei’s shoulder. You flinch at the ink-stains he leaves in the fabric.
“I will. Father remembers all of his saves, so I’m sure he’ll be delighted to hear from you. But I think we should get going, if we want to make use of our time,” Tensei turns to you. “Are you ready to leave?”
“Leave where?” You furrow your brows. 
“There’s a park nearby and I thought we could get a stroll in, what do you think?”
“Eh,” you falter for a second, but Rumi’s less than subtle head movements tell you to go along. “I guess why not?”
“Do you always have to be out in nature?” You ask twenty minutes later when you’ve found a place that’s to Tensei’s liking, a tall tree creating enough shadow for the two of you to sit under.
He blinks. “I guess… I guess I like it a lot, does it bother you?”
“Not that much,” you admit, “It’s just a little surprising, I think. How was your day so far?”
Tensei’s face turns serious, your heart thundering at the sight.
“You know,” he starts, fiddling with a napkin, “I’m supposed to undergo surgery in a week or so.”
“Oh? What kind?” Surely, it’s nothing big, you tell yourself.
Tensei sighs, taking your hand and squeezing it tightly.
“It’s experimentative surgery. I have a twenty percent chance to walk again.”
“And the other eighty?”
He chuckles, but it doesn’t sound amused. “I try not to think about it.”
“And you’re supposed to do it? Or is this just an option you’re thinking about?”
His eyes flicker over your face. “It’s an option. My mother doesn’t want me to take it. Tenya’s all for it, although I haven’t really disclosed the risks to him.”
“Tenya wants you to be the person he knows you as. You’re his hero. No one wants to see their heroes fall.”
Tensei sighs, shoulders slumping. It hurts to see him that way. Before you can stop yourself, you’ve climbed onto his lap, dirt be damned.
“Hey,” you say, cradling his face in your hands. “Talk to me?”
“I just want everything to be how it used to be,” he admits. “I want Tenya to be happy again.”
Behind your ribcage, a flame of hurt starts licking at your heart. You push it aside, focus on what he’s saying.
“He’s becoming a hero, right?” You ask, “Doesn’t that mean… He’ll have to face these things eventually, will he not?”
“Yeah, but- but not like this. Not on his own. I’d be by his side, fighting alongside him.” 
Tensei’s hands dig into your hips now. Your heart stutters with his next words, sensing something beneath them that your mind isn’t ready to process yet.
“If I could turn back time, I would. Even if it meant being a coward that day. I just-” He breaks off, resting his head on your shoulder. You let him cry it out, your food long forgotten.
Tensei’s smiling again by the time he leaves, though you can still see the sadness lingering in his eyes. 
Your mind is fogged up as you work and you need twice your usual time for even the most basic tasks.
Rumi’s sending you looks, but you’re not ready to talk about it yet.
It’s on your way to the train station that someone pulls you aside.
You recognize those red wings instantly.
“Yo!” The guy smiles, but it’s not friendly, “Have you heard anything from Dabi?”
You blink, trying to move away, but his grip on your arm is firm.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Ah, don’t play it like that.” He smirks. His eyes are a mesmerizing golden color, but they hold no warmth for you. “I know you had intel. What I don’t know is why you came back into the bar?”
“Intel?” You finally manage to rip your hand out of his grip. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. But I told Tsukauchi about you and he knows you were there. I’m going to let him know you’re not unimportant as he thinks you are.”
You ready yourself to teleport, cursing the time it still takes - it’s not like you had much chance to practice - when he laughs. It transforms him, the cold, harsh lines bleeding from his face.
“Oh, so you really know nothing,” he says, voice easy as if he’s just talking about the weather. He waves at someone, who turns out be Rapunzel, hiding behind a nearby pillar.
“You were right, Mic, she really knows nothing.”
“Excuse me?” You ask, equally horrified and … You’re not sure how to name that other feeling, just that it leaves you feeling weak, like a terrible cold. 
“Ah, I’m glad.” Rapunzel- Present Mic, you remind yourself, grins at you, blonde mustache dancing above his lips. “Just taking care, you know. Can’t be careful enough these days.”
In less than a minute, both of them are gone and so is your train. 
All you want to do is teleport over to Tensei and let him make sense of this interaction. But using your Quirk out in the open is never advisable when you’re not a registered Hero, even in a place like this. 
So you find yourself a secluded space to wait for the next train - or teleport, depending on what’s shorter, your patience or the wait time - and sit down to think. 
Your mind’s still reeling from today’s revelation.
In about a week, Tensei will undergo experimentative surgery. He might be able to walk just fine after that, be who he used to be before it happened, whatever it is. 
You try to think of him, standing up. He’s going to be tall, for sure. Probably leaning in the doorway with that lazy smile he always wears when you get home.
But- if everything turns the way it was before, where will that leave you?
Because before, he didn’t have time for a relationship, nor did he want one. He was busy prepping his agency for when Tenya was ready to join him and there’s still a few years until that can happen. 
And even if he wanted to scale down his work hours, there’s a difference between dating an Ex-Hero and an active Hero. Not just in the risks he takes, but also in his public image.
Dating you, with your job and your origin, your ties to a part of Tokyo that’s less than stellar. You can’t help but think of yourself as a stain on his public imagine, much like the oil stains your father - and you - left on his outfit today.
Your train arrives, but you don’t get on. There’s still too much to think about.
“Where were you?” Tensei waits for you in the hallway, brows furrowed. “You didn’t pick up your phone.”
“Thinking,” you say, plant yourself in front of him without taking off your shoes. “We need to talk.”
“Do you want to sit down-”
“If you want things to be how they used to be,” you talk over him, needing to get this out, “I will no longer be here.”
Tensei stops, mouth half open.
“I’m not offering you a chance to turn back time. There might be people with a Quirk like that, but I don’t have it. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking today and I… I don’t want to hold you back. I understand why you want to get back on your feet and I’d never be in the way of that, but I don’t think we could be together if you returned to being a hero.”
“Why not?” His voice is too soft for a man this sturdy. 
You turn your eyes toward the floor.
“Because you are you and I am me and we do not fit together.”
“I think we did pretty well,” Tensei argues and you pull your shoulders up to your ears.
“Yeah, because at the moment you’re broken. I do fit well with broken things, not with those who look new and shiny.” You can’t stop your hand from reaching out, touching the oil stain that’s still on his shoulder.
“I leave stains, Tensei. And you’re a Hero in a white suit.”
“So that’s it?” He asks after a moment of silence. “You’re just going to leave?”
“Staying would just prolong the hurt, wouldn’t it?” You wring your hands. “You don’t even need me anymore. You sleep fine.”
“It’s not about sleeping,” his fingertips dig into the armrests of his wheelchair. “It’s about the time in between. I want to be awake with you.”
“I know,” you swallow the pain, “but that doesn’t make everything alright, does it? I’ll… I’ll get my things, okay? Apparently, I can go back to my place.”
Tensei watches you quietly as you grab your stuff.
A few times you can tell that he’s preparing to say something, but he doesn’t.
“Goodbye,” you tell him, heart heavy, longing for nothing more but to crawl into his arms and stay there, the whole world be damned. “I hope everything turns out alright for you.”
Rumi thinks you’re stupid.
You think you’re stupid.
You’re not sure what your Dad thinks, because you haven’t yet told him about the whole affair.
But from the looks he’s sending you over a plate of what you fondly call “Dad’s hodgepodge”, you’ll find out pretty soon.
“So,” he says, taking a sip of his drink. “That guy in the wheelchair.”
“What about him?”
“He’s your mate?”
You fight the flinch, but your face must betray you. Your father chuckles.
“You know, you come right after your mother.”
“I know.”
“Mhm, do you?” He cocks his head to the side to squint at you. “Because I don’t think you do. Did you know that your mother accidentally conjured me up one day?”
You freeze, food halfway to your mouth.
“Yeah,” he nods, a wistful smile on her face. “She was so done with dating, she sat down, thinking long and hard about what she wanted in a man, and then wished for it to appear, in one person, thank you very much. A few seconds later I sat in the middle of her room, plenty confused. Didn’t know my Quirk could be turned on me like that.”
You gape at him, mouth open. 
“That’s not what you told me! At all!”
“Well,” he takes another sip. “Didn’t want you to try and recreate it. You’ve always been a curious kid.”
“Ah,” he shakes his head at you. “Don’t talk back to me. Your mother would be disappointed.”
“Mom would be disappointed if I didn’t talk back,” you snap and he grins, bright like you know him.
You drop your head in your hands. 
“So what if he teleported me to him?” You ask, face hidden. “That doesn’t mean we will automatically work out.”
“No,” your father agrees, “but I don’t think we raised you to be a quitter. Or to be ashamed of where you came from. You used it as a motivation, became something we could be proud of. But I’ve noticed, lately, that you’ve lost your goal out of sight. Didn’t you want to get out of this part of town? Open a garage in one of the nicer districts and take me with you?”
“So you’re saying I should milk him for what he’s worth?”
Your Dad laughs.
“No. But I think you should at least try to see if you can work things out before you decide it will fail. And before you ask, Rumi didn’t tell me a thing. You’re just bad at hiding stuff.”
“Am not.”
“Am too. Eat your food.”
Tensei messages you every day. It’s not much, just a few details of what’s going on, but he’s persistent, even though you don’t respond.
Today’s text has you freezing though.
“Talked to Tenya. He’s as torn about going through with the surgery as I am, now that he knows the risks. Hope you’re doing well.”
The letters are dancing in front of your eyes. 
Tensei’s just as scared of things as you are. But while you were the one to take the first step, slip into bed with him when you could have run away, he’s the one keeping the conversation going.
You pick up your phone and start to type.
But isn’t that cowardly as well, you wonder, staring down at the words. You should tell him in person.
His apartment, however, is empty. 
At first, there’s no hint as to where he could be, until you reach the Calendar in the kitchen, tomorrow marked. Tensei, thorough in everything he does, has written the name of the Clinic next to the appointment.
Not that it’s of any use to you now, when visitation hours are most certainly over.
You pace his living room for a good minute before you realize, a little late, that you don’t have to deal with those anyway. All you have to do is focus on his face, the familiar smell of Grapefruit and Mint and-
Tensei groans, loudly. You’ve landed on top of him.
“Shit, sorry,” you climb off of him as quickly as you can, expecting the telltale smell of Hospital disinfectant and the crinkling of cheap linen.
Instead, your legs land on a mountain of plushies instead of the floor and when he turns on the light, you come face to face with a lifesized poster of a Hero named Gran Torino, the name all but plastered above his head.
“What are you doing here?” Tensei asks, voice groggy, “Am I dreaming?”
“Are you not in the hospital?” You ask back, trying to see more of this strange room. There’s sports equipment in the corner and pictures on the wall. 
Wait, is that Tensei with his front teeth missing? 
“I’m at my parent's place,” he whispers, turning the light off. “What are you doing here? Did I- Did I summon you again?”
“No, I wanted-” The darkness doesn’t make it easier to speak, instead you’re so much more aware of his body and his smell and the warmth he exudes. “I wanted to be there, with you. For the surgery or whatever you decide to do. I didn’t want to send you just a message, though, so I turned to your apartment but there was only a note on the calendar-” Tensei pulls you into his arms without a word.
“Are you going to leave again?” He asks after a while, voice muffled by how his face is pressed into your shoulder.
“Only if you send me away,” you promise, your hands finding the scars on his back, the spiderweb familiar, though not yet burned into your memory. One day they will be, you think, hoping that it’s true.
“Not sending you away,” he says, pulling you down. “And about the surgery-”
“You can do whatever you feel like doing,” you promise, “And I’ll do my best to support you.”
He laughs softly. “Even if means having breakfast with my parents tomorrow? Accompanying me to a different surgeon for a second opinion? Sitting with Tenya and my parents while I’m undergoing surgery that could kill me? Or pushing my wheelchair around until you need your own in case I decide against surgery?”
“Out of all those options, breakfast with your parents sounds the most daunting,” you confess, “but if they don’t bite my head off for sneaking into your room in the middle of the night to turn their innocent son into a Rebel, I can be swayed.”
“What about the rest?”
“You’re not the only one scared of relationships,” you admit. “But I’m not willing to let that fear stop me. You might have to remind me, though, sometimes. I don’t have the best memory.”
“Deal,” he says and you don’t need light to know he’s smiling. You can feel it, the curve of his lips, pressed against your own.
- x -
“Tensei?” Tenya calls from the front door.
“Taking a nap,” you call back, “I’m in the kitchen.”
It surprises you yet again, how Tenya’s still not done growing. He’s blinking in that tired way that tells you that school has been hell, but he still moves to hug you before he descends onto the Couch. 
Your apartment is closer to his school than his parent's house and even if it wasn’t, you’re pretty sure he’d still show up at least once a week.
In a few months, right after graduation, Tenya will start working as Ingenium, the newest member of their family to properly carry the name as a Pro Hero.
Tensei is insanely proud and so are you.
You take one look back at Tenya’s sleeping form when you feel it, the telltale signs of your Quirk activating.
You have just enough time to drop the knife you’d been holding before you dematerialize, only to plop back into existence right next to your Husband.
Tensei’s smiling, eyes open.
“Hey there,” he greets you, pulling you close, smothering you in a cloud of Grapefruit and Mint. “Missed you.”
“I was just in the other room,” you pretend to be mad, but your hands are betraying your words, rubbing circles into his back. 
“Too far away,” he jokes. 
“One day you’ll get in trouble for misusing my Quirk,” you tell him, twirling a strand of hair around your finger.
“But not today,” Tensei quips back. He’s right.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
dating tensei iida
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pairing: tensei iida / ingenium x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, mentions of marriage, established romantic relationship, mentions of the iida family (& tenya)
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everyone can see how much you and tensei love each other you based on the way you two look at each other
you're not the type of couple who's very open about your relationship or the type of couple who does physical displays of affection
but just the way you two look at each other tells everyone just how deeply in love you two are
tensei always talks so highly about you in interviews, yet refuses to discuss things like marriage or your future together with the interviewer
though it is clear to everyone that the two of you will end up married one day and that you'll be the sweetest couple there is
not just the public loves you, but so does the iida family! 
tensei always has to listen to his parents begging him to finally marry you whenever he brings you home
and even his little brother tenya is occasionally asking him when tensei will finally put a ring on you! 
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245 notes · View notes
lizzy06 · 1 month
Tensei Iida x Reader Fic Recs!! (Tumblr/Ao3/Wattpad)
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My Hero Academia Fic Rec Masterlist
Iida Tensei Fic Rec Masterlist
Sleepwalker/tumblr link✨✨ by Fogfire/ @dira333 (oneshot, fluff) When you wake up in a stranger's bed for the first time, you think your Quirk's malfunctioning. But it happens again and again. There must be some rhyme or reason to it. It doesn't help that said stranger is really nice and unfairly attractive….[COMPLETED]
Me Without You✨✨💖 by nek0zawakun (oneshot, angst with happy ending,feels) I aimlessly stroll down the street. My hands push the hand-rims effortlessly, like I've been doing it all my life. I'm lost. A storm is coming. I feel like I am watching my life in a movie and now it's approaching the end.[COMPLETED]
tensei Iida x reader Pt.1 |Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5✨✨ by @faulty-writes (oneshot, fluff, slight angst)The two of you had been friends since your early days of Yuuei and since Tensei’s abrupt retirement, you have been learning how to be the new leader of Team Idaten and every good leader knows how to throw a holiday party. Unfortunately, shortly after Tensei’s arrival duty calls and he has to find something else to preoccupy his time until you return. [COMPLETED]
Will you marry me by @hot-wiings (oneshot, fluff) The One Where After His Recovery, Tensei Iida realizes Life Is To Precious And Short.[COMPLETED]
Tensei Iida x Reader by @faulty-writes (oneshot, fluff) Working for your longtime friend and love interest had its perks, and despite facing the challenges of being the only support agent at Idaten. Things get a little strange when Tensei requests you remove the airbags from his hero suit and while you refuse to go through with it. Tensei continues to try and persuade you, in his own strange way. [COMPLETED]
Tensei Iida x Reader by @faulty-writes (oneshot, fluff) Tensei adjusting to his life again after the hero killer incident.[COMPLETED]
tensei x reader Pt.1 | Pt.2✨ by @faulty-writes (angst with happy ending, fluff) Tensei Iida was your fiance and you had always known he was the only man for you. But after Stain had rendered him paralyzed and his life in a wheelchair began. You noticed Tensei creating distance between the two of you and you were going to confront him.[COMPLETED]
Good Morning by @heroloverangel (oneshot, fluff)[COMPLETED]
33 notes · View notes
faulty-writes · 10 months
[ Hello my dear followers and or fans. I present to you, a Tensei series. This was originally going to be a one-shot, but yeah, it ended up being 40+ pages long so I turned it into a series. A Christmas/Holiday series at that. Guess this makes up for the lack of Tensei content on my blog. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the first chapter! I’m tagging @ladycoleigh since I’m sure they’ll appreciate some Tensei content. ]
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[ The two of you had been friends since your early days of Yuuei and since Tensei’s abrupt retirement, you have been learning how to be the new leader of Team Idaten and every good leader knows how to throw a holiday party. Unfortunately, shortly after Tensei’s arrival duty calls and he has to find something else to preoccupy his time until you return. ]
A sense of warmth lingered in the air, in addition to the soft festive glow from the twinkling fairy lights that adorned the ceiling, casting a golden radiance over the room and the people who stood in it. Strings of bright green ivory with touches of vibrant red and gold within their small branches decorated the doorways and windows.
The scent of freshly cut pine and cinnamon was strong, and several tables were lined with traditional holiday fare. The succulent aroma of roasted meats and sugar-coated cookies accompanied by the scent of spiced cider created a comforting blend that was usually associated with the festive season.
The gentle hum of holiday music echoed through the joyful chatter between the guests that were seated around the various tables provided, their faces illuminated with merriment. Overall, the room exceeded exactly what you were going for. Enchanting yuletide charm and holiday season magic.
Of course, you had your reasons for trying to impress. After your closest friend, Tensei, was injured by The Hero Killer: Stain, he insisted that you lead Team Idaten. It came as a shock, and thinking about it still filled you with an indescribable rage.
Tensei out of all people didn’t deserve to have such a fate and for his pro-hero career to be abruptly stolen from him. Yeah, maybe those were the risks of being a hero. However, some might argue that death is better than watching your life’s work shatter into nothingness overnight.
Although a bit rough at first, Tensei remained positive throughout the whole ordeal. In addition to trusting you to lead his agency, he entrusted Tenya, his little brother, to carry on his hero name. In that sense, you were almost certain that Tensei only chose you to be leader until you deemed Tenya ready to take over in your stead.
So, in retrospect, it was more of a temporary promotion if anything. Still, you couldn’t deny Tensei, and it wasn’t just because he was your closest friend. There was another reason, but it was one that you didn’t dare speak for fear of ruining what you had created with him over the years.
Yet it seemed that you were constantly faced with moments like these, where love and devotion were highest and begged you to just confess already. Valentine’s Day and Christmas seemed to be primary holidays where this overwhelming feeling was the strongest, yet every year you did nothing.
Apart from fearing that someone else would take him away from you, that is. What a life. Anyways, the reason you had rushed to put together this elegant little shindig, a day before Christmas Eve no less, was because Tensei had thrown a holiday party every year to celebrate his team and let them know he appreciated them.
Furthermore, it allowed the team members who couldn’t make it home for the holiday to at least feel like they had a family at Team Idaten. As such, you wanted to make sure everything was perfect and that your unofficial guest of honor, Tensei, would be amazed when he stepped, or uh, rolled through the doors of his former agency.
When that moment finally occurred, he glanced around the room, taking in every little detail while grinning ear to ear. “Wow, you guys went all out,” he turned to look over his shoulder at Enigma, one of his former sidekicks.
She had a rather unique appearance, with long black hair styled into two braids and straight-cut bangs that rested against her forehead. Her eyes, be them a tad creepy, were oval-shaped and completely blacked-out. No pupil or iris to be seen.
In contrast to her rather dark appearance, she wore a festive dress colored red with a string of lights encircling her body that flashed various hues of green, yellow, and blue. She looked at Tensei and nodded. “That’s awesome!” He declared, looking around the room again. “I can’t believe Y/n organized this,” he said, chuckling softly.
“Hm…” he turned his wheelchair, facing Enigma. “I was stoked when I got the invitation, and I thought-” Well, he thought you would be the first to greet him when he arrived. Then again, he bore the weight of his former agency on your shoulders when he was forced to retire, so it was understandable that you were too busy to greet him.
Still, that wouldn’t stop him from asking “Where is Y/n?” Enigma tilted her head before pointing across the room. Tensei knitted his eyebrows and turned his wheelchair to see you engaged in conversation with someone else. Maybe another hero or the newest addition to the agency that he hadn’t met yet.
Either way, his stomach churned, and the faintest frown spread across his face. The two of you had been friends since your Yuuei days, you shared countless memories and struggles. You helped him pick his hero alias and were the first person to support his idea of creating an agency solely out of sidekicks.
He was grateful to you but never knew how to show you that. But one thing was always true, nothing separated the two of you, at least so far. It was funny to think that he had been more worried about losing you than his own life or career when Stain rendered him...useless.
At least temporarily. But in the end, everything worked out. Well, almost everything. As he stared at you, a longing sigh escaped him. He knew the holiday season was usually filled with miracles, and boy could he use one to finally capture your heart.
“Mmhm, yes, and I-” you paused when you happened to glance across the room and noticed Tensei. Your body stiffened and your heart immediately skyrocketed, pounding against your ribcage erratically. Shivers ran through your body, leaving goosebumps in their wake and your hands feeling clammy.
You tried to steady your breathing which had become shallow and heavy. “E-excuse me,” you said and quickly walked across the room. It was unbefitting for a leader to appear nervous or uncertain, but as far as you were concerned, your feelings for Tensei were well hidden underneath the facade that you two were nothing more than friends.
Taking a deep breath, you flexed your fingers as if trying to get rid of the nerves and smiled at him. “Hey, I’m glad you could make it!” You exclaimed, leaning over to hug him. His embrace, as always, was loving and gentle despite feeling the curve of his muscles as he curled his arms around you.
His musky earthy scent filled your nostrils and reminded you of the crisp outdoors. You hoped that he couldn’t feel the fastened pace of your heart, but even if he did, you could always make up some excuse for it. Even if you detested lying to the person your heart yearned for.
“Sorry I haven’t kept in contact, it’s been a little crazy lately,” you explained as you leaned back and crouched down, laying your hand on one of his armrests. It was then that you examined his outfit more closely. He was wearing a sharp, tailored blue suit accompanied by a white shirt underneath it.
This created a striking contrast to his overall polished but casual appearance. A silk tie colored midnight blue hugged the collar of his shirt, and polished dress shoes adorned his feet that remained on the footrests of his wheelchair and completed his ensemble while instilling a touch of the famous Iida charm along with it.
He smiled at you, that same gentle smile you had fallen in love with over the years. “That’s alright,” he replied, his eyes beaming with happiness. “Actually…I know this is short notice but…” he paused and rubbed the side of his neck.
“Would you like to join my family for Christmas Eve dinner?” You tilted your head, surprised Tensei hadn’t asked you that sooner. “My mom’s been asking about you, and she’s also a little worried given how busy you’ve been lately.” You couldn’t help but smile. Yeah, that was Mrs.Iida for you.
Although you had gotten to know his family well over the years, it was a surprise that they hadn’t proposed that you marry Tensei. “Sure, it would be an honor,” you replied before the sound of the front doors and a loud “Yeeeeah!” drew your attention away.
The first one that caught your eye was a short boy with a messy crop of green hair, freckles colored his cheeks, and he was wearing the standard gray Yuuei uniform. Next to him was a familiar face, that of Tenya. He looked as he usually did, with his hair combed and neat and polished glasses on his face.
He, too, was wearing his Yuuei uniform. Between them was a face you hadn’t seen before, however. A young girl with long, white hair that was pulled back and separated into pigtails. Her eyes, colored bright red, were wide, and a small amount of fear or maybe social anxiety filled them.
You quickly assumed she wasn’t used to attending parties thus she was a bit shy when it came to crowds. In addition, you noticed that a small horn poked out of the right side of her forehead. She was wearing a fuzzy red Santa hat, which matched the red dress with the white trim she wore.
On her legs were black tights and white trim also lined the boots she was wearing. She glanced around the room once more cautiously stepping behind the boy with green hair. “Hey, it’s o-okay Eri,” he said, looking down at her.
She returned his gaze but said nothing. “I agree!” Chimed in Tenya, his hand chopping through the air at rapid speed. “There is very little to fear, for you are surrounded by the best-known heroes!” He announced, causing a few heads to turn his way and Tensei to chuckle.
“That’s my little brother for you,” he said in a soft tone, and a smile on his face. It was nice to see that he was proud of Tenya regardless. “I-it is?” Eri asked, looking at him but seconds later, she jolted involuntarily when Hizashi laid his hand on her head, affectionately ruffling her hair.
Despite being raised by several of the teachers, plus Mirio and Izuku for a few years she was still getting used to a kind touch. “There’s nothing to worry about!” He announced with a big wide grin, letting his hand fall to his side.
“It’s true, you’re surrounded by the coolest kats. Don’t worry now, Aizawa put me in charge, ya dig?! I wouldn’t let anything happen to ya!” he said, trying his best to encourage Eri. Although he hadn’t spent as much time with her as Mirio, Izuku, Shota, or Toshinori had.
He continued to try and make a connection with her. She needed as much comfort and love as she could get, and well, he couldn’t just sit aside and ignore her. Still, she seemed to have enough sense to believe his words.
“Mm, o-okay,” she replied but only grew more anxious when you walked over with Tensei rolling close behind you. “Hey Tenya,” you greeted happily, and he bowed in respect. “Good evening, Y/n!” He declared, once again chopping his hand through the air.
“Thank you for the invitation, we are very honored to attend such a festive celebration!” He stated. “Oh yeah?” you replied before glancing at the green-haired boy who looked just as nervous as the little one. His posture stiffened and he bowed.
“H-hello!” His voice fluctuated and that stutter didn’t help. “M-my name is Izuku Midoriya! I’m in Y-Yuuei’s hero course, C-class 3-A!” he announced, and your eyes sparkled with recognition. “Oh yeah, I’ve heard of you.” Turning to Tenya you said, “Is this the Midoriya you talked about before?” He nodded.
“Yes! Midoriya has been a wonderful example of a hero student and has inspired me to become a hero I can be proud of!” He announced, causing Izuku to flush furiously. “I-Iida I d-don’t think I mean…I j-just try my b-best and…” you chuckled.
“Well, sounds like you two are good friends,” you commented, and Tenya turned to Izuku and Eri. “This is Y/n, my brother’s closest friend and leader of Team Idaten,” he explained and felt some amusement when Izuku’s eyes lit up.
“W-what? N-no way, y-you’re the leader of…I h-have so many q-questions!” He blurted out, causing you to snicker. “I’d be glad to answer your questions…another time, tonight I’d like you to enjoy yourselves as guests of Team Idaten,” you said before looking at Tenya.
“Also, you forgot to mention one thing,” he looked at you with knitted eyebrows, he was certain he had not forgotten anything when he introduced you. “I’m only the temporary leader of Team Idaten, when Tenya is ready, he’ll become the new leader. Until then I’m going to be pushing him,” you said, punching him in the shoulder.
“He’ll get there, don’t worry,” Tensei chimed in, rolling closer to his brother to lay his hand on his arm. Tenya stiffened, it was still a little hard for him to see his brother in this state, even years after the fact. He took a deep breath and laid his hand over Tensei’s.
“T-thank you, brother,” he replied and while they were having a family moment, you looked at Hizashi. “So, Aizawa couldn’t make it?” you asked, and he shrugged. “Nah,” he said, waving his leather-covered hand through the air.
It seemed that he didn’t want or didn’t take the time to dress up for the party considering he was wearing his usual hero attire, complete with directional speaker encircling his neck. “Said he was busy with something else, so I’m covering for him,” he explained.
“Hm, okay so…” you glanced down at Eri who shivered when she locked eyes with you briefly and shyly looked away. The corner of your lip curled into a smile. She reminded you of yourself, at least until you met Tensei who helped you come out of your shell.
You placed your hands on your knees and leaned toward her even though she remained hiding behind Izuku. “Hi,” you said in a soft and friendly voice, but she continued to look away. “What’s your name?” you asked. Yes, you heard it earlier, but might as well be polite.
“U-um…I…” She latched onto her lip, chewing it nervously. “This is E-Eri!” Izuku said as he placed his hand gently on her back. “It’s okay, Y-Y/n is a hero too!” he reminded her. “Eri is a wonderful name, a pretty name for a pretty girl,” you said, hoping your compliment would butter her up enough to at least speak a few words to you.
“Uh, mmhm,” she replied. Well…that was better than nothing. “Heh,” you continued to smile and slowly stood up before looking at Hizashi again. “Well, I hope you guys enjoy th-” You paused when you heard someone calling your name.
Sighing, you muttered, “What now?” under your breath. Turning around, you saw Onemu Shiny, another member of your team running up to you. She was a short woman with equally short hair that fell to her ears in gentle curls.
She also had two distinct horns on the sides of her head. Her usual cheongsam mini dress and domino mask were replaced with a tight-fitting, maroon-colored dress. The front of it was adorned with sparkles that reflected the light in the room.
The air around her seeped with thick tension and you heard her catch her breath before speaking. “Explosions are occurring in the city district of Naruhata, several are injured, and four separate villains are on the loose.” That thick tension increased, almost suffocating you and silence fell over the room.
Your heart raced and the weight of everyone’s eyes fell on you, the leader. The one that would now call the shots, and how the operation of this mission would go. You glanced at Tensei, who was wearing a stern expression, Tenya who stood next to him mirrored it.
There was no longer any merry chatter echoing, and several guests were looking at you with interest. There was a mixture of curiosity and judgment in their gazes, and it caused a small amount of anger to brew inside of you. Who were they to judge you anyway?
The corner of your lip turned up, and a disgruntled smirk followed. It was amusing to think that before you would have cowered to others like them, those who thought you couldn’t properly fulfill your duties as a leader. But just like back then, you were ready to show everyone you had what it took.
Your hands curled into fists, and a sense of determination washed over you like a violent wave attempting to sink a ship in the middle of a thunderstorm at sea. Then your voice pierced through the air, “Team Idaten!” Like a well-oiled machine, the members of your team formed three lines in front of you.
Each line represented their role on the team. The first line was those that would stay at the control center of the agency, monitoring everyone’s actions and relaying messages and instructions back and forth between Team Two.
Team Two, as you can imagine, were the members that made up the front line. They would be the ones facing, fighting, and apprehending the villains in question. On occasion, they’d help Team Three with support and damage control.
Team Three mainly specialized in evacuation and tending to the injured, however. A sense of pride filled you. In moments like these, you were reminded how much you loved being a leader, working together as a team, and most of all, saving people.
After receiving instructions, the teams hurried to their designated stations, and you were about to run off as well. But a strong hand pulled you back causing you to stumble in response. You turned, ready to yell at the one who dared hold you back.
Instead, you latched onto your lip forcing your momentary anger down when you realized it was Tensei. His eyes locked with yours before speaking. “Take care of yourself,” he said before looking at Hizashi. “Do you want to take your students on this mission?” he asked, and you glanced at the man in question.
“Why yes! I believe this would be a wonderful opportunity to display the heroic skills that our prestigious school has taught us! We are licensed heroes, and it would be an honor to work alongside Team Idaten!” Tenya announced much to your and Hizashi’s dislike.
So much for being guests and enjoying a relaxing festive evening. He placed his hand on his hips, sighing. “Yeah yeah, I guess that’d be alright,” he replied before looking at Tenya and Izuku. “But don’t ya guys mess up, ya dig!?” He shouted, his voice vibrating off the walls and causing the tables and chairs to tremble.
The guests immediately covered their ears, hissing in response to the hero’s quirk. However, Hizashi seemed to ignore this given he was far too used to people, mostly students, reacting to his quirk in such a manner. Instead, he pressed his hands against his chest. “I’ll supervise ya alongside Y/n,” he stated with a large grin.
Tenya nodded while Izuku looked uncertain. “Well,” he said, placing his hand on top of Eri’s head. She looked terrified, more than likely because she didn’t want to be left alone in a strange place. “What…a-about Eri? W-we can’t just leave her an-” Tensei slowly inched over to the two of them and looked at Eri with a smile.
However, that terrified look remained on her face, and he partly understood why. Tenya had shared a few details about her previously and he knew that while it was okay to be afraid of the world, you relied on heroes to make it just a little less scary.
Like many others, Tensei, despite being retired, had the heart of a hero and even now, it continues to shine fiercely. At that moment, he wanted to be Eri’s hero and if he made her feel welcome and safe, then he had done his job. “I’ll watch her,” he insisted, and Eri looked at him in disbelief.
“B-but…M-Mr. Deku…” she said looking up at him, but he smiled and crouched down beside her. “It’s okay, I-Iida-san used to be a h-hero. One of the g-greatest heroes, and y-you can trust him!” Tensei nodded and grinned as he extended his hand out to Eri.
“What do you say? We can have fun together until my little brother and Midoriya come back,” he suggested. Eri once again looked at Izuku before stepping toward the man in the wheelchair. She looked at it curiously. “W-why are you in a chair?” Tensei kept a smile on his face and rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling softly.
“That’s kind of a long story,” he said and one he didn’t feel like sharing, at least not to her. There’s a chance it would frighten her and well, he couldn’t have that. Not when he was trying to make her feel safe and gain her trust for the time being.
So instead, he grinned. “Hey, I have an idea!” He said, rolling his wheelchair back an inch or two. “Why don’t I give you a tour of the agency? You can sit on my lap while I wheel you around, it’s the best seat in the house!” He joked, smiling yet again.
She tensed up a bit, unsure of his request until she felt a gentle hand on her back. “Huh?” She turned, seeing Izuku smiling down at her. “Go a-ahead,” he encouraged her and though she bit her lip in response, she stepped forward and awkwardly sat on Tensei’s lap, her hands fisted into the front of his suit.
“Don’t worry, we’ll have an awesome time,” he assured her, and you couldn’t help but smile. Tensei was very kind, and he extended that kindness to strangers and children alike. “Ready?” He asked, keeping one arm draped over her shoulders while he turned his wheelchair around and began rolling toward the nearest hallway.
Eri looked at Izuku who waved her goodbye as she left the room with Tensei. In a way, it was probably best that she be separated from the party given her shy nature. “Alright, come on,” you said, clapping your hands. “There are people in danger, we cannot waste another moment,” you instructed and Izuku tensed up.
“R-right!” he exclaimed, and Tenya nodded. “Apologies! Let us proceed without delay!” he stated and Hizashi grinned as he walked past them. “Time to get to work, kiddos!” He announced. Crime stopped for no one, and villains didn’t care what day of the year it was, they would do what they pleased.
Fortunately, their rein was about to come to a screeching halt thanks to the efforts of you, your team, and of course, the extra help provided by Hizashi, Izuku, and Tenya. “Heh, sorry this must all be new to you, right?” Eri paused and looked at him, a small pout decorating her lips.
“Have you ever been to an agency before? Heh, they’re pretty cool. I remember when I first opened mine.” A smile came to his face when he thought about you. “I had doubts about it, I spent a lot of time worrying if I’d be a good leader, but Y/n always put those doubts to rest,” he commented, getting a dreamy look in his eye.
“I don’t know what I would have done withou-” he paused when he noticed the look Eri was giving him. “Oh right, sorry,” he chuckled. “This is about you,” he continued rolling down the hallway which, much like the main room where the party was occurring, was lit up with festive lights that flickered.
The sound of the holiday music was faded but still audible. “Hm…” he came to a stop in the hallway. “What can we do…” he needed something to distract Eri and tapped his lips a few times before inspiration struck him. “I got it!” He announced, pointing his finger toward the ceiling.
He grinned at Eri who had gotten startled by his sudden outburst. “Why don’t you write a letter to Santa?” he chuckled. “I’m sure that’ll pass the time until everyone returns,” he suggested. Eri’s reaction wasn’t what he expected, however.
She frowned and looked away from him. “I…I don’t know what I want…” she said, even years after being free from Kai’s clutches she remained with emotional scars and those emotional scars often made her reluctant to receive gifts or to ask for anything.
Tensei furrowed his brow, but after a moment, he smiled. “Yeah, that’s hard to decide sometimes, especially when you feel like you don’t want or need anything,” he commented, placing his hand on top of her head. She trembled and looked at him even as he continued to smile at her.
“But sometimes you have to remind yourself that you deserve a gift too,” he said before lowering his hand. “Santa is the one person who won’t judge you no matter what you ask for,” Eri knitted her eyebrows. “…Santa?” She repeated. “Yup! I’m sure he visited you last year,” or so he assumed.
“He visits everyone and leaves them gifts, and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you wrote him a letter telling him what you wanted,” he said as he resumed rolling to the end of the hallway where your office was. After carefully opening the door and rolling inside, the room was illuminated with light and a sense of nostalgia washed over him.
He couldn’t help but look around, and though it may sound selfish, he was happy you hadn’t changed anything. You could have done anything with it, painted the walls an entirely different color, or replaced all the furniture. Instead, you left it alone.
He wondered if that was because this used to be his office and you didn’t have the heart to change anything. All the walls were white, except the furthest left one which was adorned with framed calligraphy of the Team Idaten logo which resembled what Tensei looked like in his hero suit encased in a circle.
Underneath it, the words ‘Representative: Turbo Hero Ingenium’ were displayed. “You can sit at the desk, I’ll go find some paper and pens,” he replied, Eri hesitantly slid off his lap and cautiously approached the large wooden desk that appeared polished and had a stack of arranged documents on the far-right corner.
It rested in front of a large window that overlooked the bustling city below which was illuminated against the dark evening sky, causing various colored hues to peer in through the window. The smell of freshly cut pine and cinnamon was now replaced with a faint aroma of green tea.
The source of this was the small hot water dispenser, with delicate teacups, that sat on a low table in the right corner of the room. Zabuton cushions surrounded said table and its main purpose was for last-second meetings, usually informal.
Most of the time you found yourself using it to get a moment of peace when you felt overwhelmed by your workload and needed some freshly brewed tea to keep going. Eri carefully pushed the chair back and climbed onto it, laying her hands on the cool surface.
The sound of several drawers opening and closing echoed through the room as Tensei searched through them. He managed to find a few blank pieces of paper, and while he had found some pens, upon second thought, crayons would be more appropriate for Eri to use.
“Ah!” He exclaimed when he finally found some buried at the bottom of one of the drawers. Although they were broken in half, they were still usable, and he smiled before placing the items on his lap and rolling over to the desk.
He placed the papers down before sliding one in front of her and placing the crayons on top of it. He offered her a smile in response to her confused expression. “Mm…” she looked down and grabbed a red crayon, tapping it absentmindedly against the paper.
“Heh,” Tensei continued to smile, and waited a few minutes for her to begin writing but alas, she only wrote ‘Mr. Santa,’ and nothing else. He assumed she still didn’t know what she wanted to ask for this year. “How about I write a letter too?” he suggested, maybe if she saw him writing one it would inspire her.
He smiled and took another piece of paper before grabbing a blue crayon. “Hm,” he tapped it against his lips a few times, he knew what he wanted but how could he write that when Eri was watching him so intensely? Then again, honesty was best.
If he didn’t wish from the bottom of his heart, how could he be a good example for her? The only problem was how to convey what he wanted on paper…to Santa. Well, the only way to find out was to do it. So, without delay, he began writing his letter.
[ Chapter II ]
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skymar13 · 2 months
He eats your pussy like it’s his last meal on earth. He will hold you still with his forearms gripping your thighs forcing his head between your thighs. Doesn’t stop even when you’re crying and begging him to stop lapping up deep stripes from your folds. You’re lucky if he even comes up to breathe because to die between your legs is the only way he wants to go.
Kirishima eijirou , Denki kaminari, bakugo katsuki, Dabi, Tenya iida, Shota Aizawa, Izuku midoriya,
Aged up!
828 notes · View notes
luxthestrange · 3 months
TIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#62 He has a type only you 2-
Y/n: Why do you let me win when we race up the stairs? You’re the faster one Diablo: Oh,it’s nice to see your smile when you win y/n-sama~
later in the afternoon, you have Rimuru on your lap as you both munch on tea-time snacks
Y/n: He was probably just staring at my ass, wasn't he Rimuru: Yeah, probably
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Interviewer*Holding a mic to diablo*Ass or Tits?-
Diablo*Without even blinking*Y/n-Sama & Rimuru-Sama BLEEPS on my face~
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dark-konohagakure2 · 2 months
How about Edo Tensei Hashirama and Tobirama kidnapping and breeding Sasuke’s virgin older sister when they come across her? Hashirama is kinda obsessive and thinks he’s in love because she looks so much like Madara, while Tobirama is that much more savage/abusive with her for the same reasons. (hatefuck, noncon, cnc, mindbreak, loss of virginity, size difference bc they’re both giants, belly bulge)
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tw: noncon, threesome, Edo Tensei, size difference, double penetration, past HashiMada, breeding, discrimination, hatefucking, abuse, belly bulge, slight yandere
All characters depicted are 18+
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When Hashirama and Tobirama are brought back into the world via the reanimation jutsu, they quickly realize that the famous Uchiha clan has gone nearly extinct and each have different feels about the matter, Hashirama is deeply saddened, while Tobirama barely tries to hide his schadenfreude, but when the two of them discover the only surviving female of the Uchiha clan, who bears a striking resemblance to someone from their past, the brothers both have very different reactions, but very similar intentions.
As the two brothers corner her, Tobirama can't help but roll his eyes at the noticeable blush on Hashirama's face and the even more noticeable bulge in his pants, he had always suspected that his elder brother had a thing for Uchihas, although to be fair, so does Tobirama, but their shared Uchiha fetish manifests in difference ways, Tobirama's is about domination and hatred, Hashirama's is about a genuine love and attraction towards the Uchiha clan's members.
Tobirama is incredibly harsh, biting down on her shoulder roughly as he pumps his cock into her, growling insults into her ear and letting her know exactly how much he loathes her clan, and how this is the fate that the females of that cursed clan deserve.
Hashirama is much more gentle throughout encounter, unnerving her with how gentle and affectionate he is towards her, even as he bullies his thick cock into her pussy alongside his much less gentle younger brother.
"Ah~ Oh you're just too cute, my dear~ and you look just like someone very dear to my heart too, that just makes you even more enticing~!"
Both of them are very big men, and their cocks are big as well, so they stretch her out and fill her to the brim, with Hashirama lovingly taking her from behind while Tobirama savagely pounds her from the front, her stomach bulging with the shape of their cocks from just how deep they are inside of her.
Hashirama will scold Tobirama for being so rough with the poor girl, reminding him that she's very precious, being both the last female of an extinct clan and the spitting image of their dear former 'friend', but Tobirama will retort, emphasizing that he's only being so brutal because of those very reasons.
The juxtaposition between how the brothers treat her is almost unsettling, Hashirama is cooing praises into her ear, his thrusts deep yet gentle as he calls her his good girl, while Tobirama is using her like an unvalued toy, harshly hitting her womb with his cock at a rapid pace while telling her how much he detests her, and how someone as tainted as her deserves such unkind treatment.
Despite both being reanimated, they're still capable of cumming in this state, which they do, a lot. The two of them both cum inside of her fertile womb multiple times, filling her up to the brim with their superior Senju cum.
"Take that, Uchiha filth. This is what you deserve for being from the same clan as him, and get used to being filled up like this, because you belong to us now."
Hashirama is more than happy to have a substitute Madara that he can spoil and love, while Tobirama is glad to have an Uchiha to torment, so for once the two polar opposite brother's are in agreement on something.
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an-idyllic-novelist · 10 months
rimuru tempest with fem!tanjiro!reader headcanons
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Hey guys, welcome to another collaboration with @deathmetalunicorn1, though the credit on the concept of the pairing and these headcanons go to my dear friend. I really hope you will enjoy what we have written. If you'd like to see more content like this, or an extended version of these headcanons, please let us know!
So with that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy! :)
Although Rimuru Tempest  knows his significant other and her little sister are strong, he will not stop worrying about Tanjiro!reader’s wellbeing, especially when she and Nezuko  leave Tempest on a mission, and he is unable to join them for whatever reason. His anxiety will increase tenfold when his relationship with the former Demon Slayer evolved from being friends who just happened to stumble upon each other’s paths as soon as he left Veldor’s cave to being lovers. 
It will be very hard for the demon lord to sleep for the first few nights when he is so used to curling up next to Tanjiro!reader and Nezuko, the latter sprawled out and almost always in her toddler form. However, when she does return, Tanjiro!reader will always bring back a souvenir from wherever she traveled to, normally a tasty treat or a cute little knick-knack she saw at a market. 
[To ease his lord’s worries, Diablo will mobilize a few of the Black Numbers to keep a discreet eye on the Kamado siblings, personally delivering periodical reports on their whereabouts to Rimuru when it was an appropriate time between meetings and inspections around the capital. After all, an excellent butler must be able to anticipate his lord’s every need and alleviate his concerns so that he may continue to focus on his duties in the land. If something does happen, Diablo will act immediately and make sure Tanjiro!reader and Nezuko return to Tempest safely.]
Tanjiro!reader unwinds from her journey with a big hug from Rimuru in both his slime and human form. Rimuru would receive affection from Nezuko if she isn’t sleeping in her box in the form of bone crushing hugs or his hair being ruffled by a clawed hand. If Rimuru hadn’t eaten, she would whip a simple home-cooked meal that is either a traditional recipe from the Kamado household, or one that Mitsuri, the Love Hashira, had taught her when they were alive back in her old world. 
Rimuru will definitely join in and help, even all she’ll allow him to do in the kitchen is wash the dishes. 
After he had been reincarnated in this world, he took the Japanese cuisine he had eaten for granted, even the microwaveable ramen noodle cups he’d heat up in the company break room when he had to work late at the office. Back then, Misaki Satoru didn’t care much about his health so much as worried about forever remaining a virgin because he couldn’t score a date with a cute girl. 
He honestly couldn’t have anything resembling his homeland’s cooking until his country was developed further, including the dwarves’ metal-working and the orcs’ infamous work ethic. He couldn’t remember how many times he had told Geld and the others to rest even when they insisted that they kept working. Now, he could share a meal and enjoy a hot bath with someone he loves very dearly.
Nezuko is, of course, welcomed to join them in the bath since she loves swimming around the large hot spring he had built in the back of his home. When she joined them, Rimuru reverted to being a slime to protect Nezuko’s innocence.  If he’s alone with Tanjiro!reader, he’ll either be a slime or his human form, depending on his mood. 
Speaking of which, Nezuko is the little sister everyone in Tempest adores and will be fiercely protected. Rimuru is her favorite person, but when Milim decides to stop by for a visit, she is Nezuko’s new favorite, no matter how much he bribes her with newest confections that were created or toys. But between these two….Nezuko will always pick Tanjiro!reader, if she’s an option. 
Rimuru’s love language includes quality time, words of affirmation, and gift-giving. But what he enjoys the most is having afternoon tea on the porch, him sitting in her lap as a slime and munching on sticks of mitarashi dango or different flavored onigiri.  
If anything happened to either Tanjiro!reader or Nezuko because an enemy nation was jealous of Tempest’s flourishing economy and thought it would be a brilliant idea to hold them hostage or try to hurt them….they had better be prepared to have another kingdom falling into ruins. 
Remember what happened to Falmuth?
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master-muffinn · 3 months
Ttigraas slime their love languages
With Benimaru, Souei and Guy Crimson x g/n reader.
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Benimaru: Words of affirmation
🔥 Benimaru is an honest dude with a somewhat good filter. He isn't scared to say what is needed to say. 
🔥 If Benimaru has something on his mind, he will tell you no matter if it’s good or bad, you deserve to know.
🔥 Tells you often how grateful he is to have you and doesn't hold back with the compliments. If you for example wear something he likes and thinks it suits you, you will know. “Do you have a new jacket? It looks good on you y/n!”
🔥 Benimaru is a little shy with the flirting, at least in the beginning. The longer in the relationship he’ll get, the more confident, or perhaps more like that alone with you. “Are you a magician? Because when I look at you, you make everyone else disappear”.
🔥 He'll share some jokes with you too. The bad ones as well.
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Souei: Quality time
🔪 This dude works A LOT. He is everywhere and nowhere and is always doing something somewhere. Souei is reliable and hardworking and always gets things done. So when he is finally done and free he will spend as much of his precious time with his s/o.
🔪 Even if he is busy, he’ll always find some time during the day when he can talk to you, even if it’s just a few words or perhaps just a pretty smile as a greeting. 
🔪 It doesn't matter what you’ll do together, as long as he can be with you. Reading together, training, cooking, cuddling or bathing together ;) you name it! 
🔪 Under those times when it’s supposed to be just you and him alone, and someone disturbs you. Souei will get pretty irritated. Especially if he had planned it and asked Rimuru for a day off. “We’re busy. Please. Leave.”
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Guy Crimson: Physical touch
🍷 Have you seen how he tries to touch and kiss Leon? He is way worse if he has a s/o and probably will tone it down with others of course. 
🍷 He will always be touching you in some way and steals kisses quite often. Guy will basically pick you up when he feels like it and sit down with you on his lap. Pet your head and kiss your cheek. “You look so cute y/n”.
🍷 You have to deal with his weight over you when he’s ‘tired’ and in need of affection. “Y/nnn i’m sooo tireeeed~! Only youuu can make feel better~!!”
🍷 Guy can however be a little too much sometimes so you’ll have to tell him off once in a while. Like, him trying to make out with you during a meeting is probably not a good idea.
Thank you for readring! Have a good day!🥰 Reblogs are very appreciated <3
Post made by @master-muffinn
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heartofjasmina · 4 months
🍼 tensei iida (im desperate. this man needs more content)
Tensei worked hard to become the man that he is. He learned how to lead people, learning when to push and when to praise, he learned how to notice people's feelings during his hero work.
So did you really think you're going to escape his notice?
The way you melt everytime he pats you on the head, the way you always hold his pinky when you two are walking together, the way you speak a bit childishly at times.
He finally tests his theory, calling you baby and sweetheart and doll until you're a puddle in his lap, grinding on his lap until he's aching to fuck you.
"You gonna take daddy's cock like a good little girl?" He murmurs so gently you blush, nodding and tripping over your words.
"Please daddy, please I wanna- please please please-" you squeal when he flips you over, hovering over you as he pulls your panties to the side.
"Don't worry sweetheart, daddy's gonna give you all the cock you need."
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dira333 · 4 months
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frayaziwriter · 2 months
I'm A Spider - Wait, What?
Chapter 1
You weren’t sure what was happening.
One minute, you’re dying and the next you’re-
Actually, where are you? It feels like you’re in some sort of container.. You squirmed a bit, and the thing pushing against you on all sides rocked back and forth, but you couldn’t seem to break through. 
Huffing, you tried again. You felt something give way and pushed once more. 
Crack. Crack. CRACK.
You topple out of whatever container you were stuck in and land harshly on the hard rock below. What the hell?? Where-? Turning around, you catch sight of - is that an egg? Did you just come out of an egg?
What was going on??
You frantically glance around, your eyes searching for something you weren’t quite sure of what but were confident you’d know when you found it. And all you saw were similar eggs to the one you just climbed out of.
The hell??
A shadow loomed over you and you glanced up. Flinching back, you skittered back into the remnants of the silver egg. Above you stood a giant yellow spider. 
‘Holy fucking shit!’ You thought. Your feet moved instinctually and you found yourself skittering across the rocky ground away from the monster spider. ‘What the hell is that?!’
[Answer; an Arch Knight. Arch Knights are a type of spider monster. This one belongs to the Golden Spider Clan.]
‘What - what - what - what?’ You screeched as a golden egg beside you started cracking. Skidding to a stop, you watched dumbfounded as the golden egg broke apart to reveal - another giant yellow spider.
Even though they were roughly the same size as you, they were still bigger than you and it was terrifying.
The spider crawled out of its egg and met your eyes. A moment passed and then-
A loud screech stabbed your nonexistent eardrums.
You swore your soul left your body a second time. ‘Okay - what the fuck?! Why the hell am I surrounded by giant spiders?!’
[Answer; you are in a spider-hatching cave.]
‘Yes, I got that thank you, but why?! And what the frick are you?! Why are you in my head?!’ You jumped when more golden eggs around you started cracking. Out came more bright yellow spiders, and suddenly you were being bombarded on all sides by cries from unreasonably big baby spiders.
[Answer; I am your {Unique Skill; Chiron}.]
‘Okay.. That explains nothing. ‘Skill’? What are those? And why am I here?!’ You flinched when the Arch Jurogumo behind you suddenly dropped a giant snake-like corpse. All the spiders around you rushed towards it. Your stomach rumbled. 
[Notice; you are running low on energy. Suggestion; eat. The Arch Jurogumo delivered sustenance.]
‘So, you want me to go to the giant spider that may or may not eat me in the hopes of getting food? Do you want me dead?!’
[Suggestion; if you do not want to die, eat the Black Serpent.]
‘...I’m hallucinating. This is a fever dream my brain made up as I’m dying.’
[Notice; you have already died. You have been reborn as a Small Lesser Taratect.]
You froze. ‘...I’m a what..?’
[Answer; you have been reborn as-]
The world went dark.
[...Notice; starting {Auto Pilot}. Hijacking body in three...two...one. {Auto Pilot} is now on.] <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
When you woke up next, you were eating something and yet you weren’t in control of your body. 
‘What the fuck?!’
[Notice; you had fainted due to low energy levels and high shock levels. {Auto Pilot} had been activated for safety.]
‘You can hijack my body whenever you want?!’ You thought as you gobbled up another bite of food. ‘That’s creepy!’
[Notice; you were going to die. Deactivate {Auto Pilot} now that you are safe from dying?]
‘Yes, please!’ And suddenly your body was yours once again. You peeled yourself away from the food and shook your new body. You were full now, so you backed up from the Arch Knight and - shit, that is a really big snake. You eyed it one last time before turning tail and making your way to what you assumed was a stream of clear water.
It was coming from some sort of crack in a wall and was pooling into a hole. You studied it for a moment. The hole was smooth at the edges, showing that it’s been smoothed down by the water for years upon years. Eying the cracks in the wall showed the same smooth edges as the pool.
The water itself looked clean, but... There was always that lingering doubt in the back of your head. ‘Is this even safe to drink?’
[Answer; yes.]
‘...Oh. Thanks?’ 
Reaching a leg down, you poked the water’s edge. Ripples spread out from your touch and you watched, transfixed, as the image of your new body came into focus.
‘So.. I really am a spider.. Heh, this is so weird.’
It was..a bit jarring to see a pure white spider with eight red eyes staring back at you instead of your old human face. Actually, scratch that. It was downright unsettling! There was still a part of your brain convinced this was a fever dream, but..the more time you spend in this cave, the more you realize that it wasn’t a fantasy your brain made up to soothe you in your dying moments. 
This was real. 
And you had no idea how to handle it.
You decided to deal with this later. So, you dipped your leg into the pool and cleaned the droplets off of the spiky fuzz on your pointy leg. ‘Now that I have a clear head.. How the hell can I eat regularly? Spiders don’t have the same kind of digestive system as humans! Does this mean spider monsters in this world aren’t actually spiders?’ Then, you paused. ‘I just realized.. I’m the only spider here that’s white.. And everyone else has a different body shape, too! I wonder why..’
[Answer; you are the first and only Jorogomo of your clan. Congratulations.]
‘Huh. Thanks.’ You paused and turned back to your reflection. ‘Hey, you mentioned earlier a ‘yellow clan’. What’s that about?’
[The Golden Spider Clan is the fourth spider monster race to appear. They belong to the monster species “Jorogomo”, commonly known as “Giant Spiders”. There are currently three older clans before the Golden Clan; Obsidian, Bronze, and Ruby.]
‘Does that mean...I’m clanless? I’m a different color than everyone here..’
[Answer; you are the first of your race. Congratulations.]
You huffed. ‘So, I’m currently clanless.’
[Answer; correct.]
Moving away from the pool of water, you face your siblings. (Were they actually your siblings? You knew regular spiders can have hundreds of children at once, but your new form isn’t exactly just like a spider..) ‘Nice to know. So, uh.. Why do they look different?’
[Answer; the Golden Clan are known as the warriors of the Jorogomo species. They have evolved for battle.]
‘I..see. This implies that Jorogomo races have separate abilities, correct?’ You clicked your chelicerae together. ‘Since the Golden Clan are the ‘warriors’?’
[Answer; correct. Would you like to learn the other races’ purpose?]
Humming, you shake yourself in a quasi-shrug. ‘Sure, why not? Should come in handy later.’
[The Obsidian Clan are known to the surface world as “Black Spiders”. They are the oldest clan of the Jorogomo species. Their purpose is espionage and planning. The Bronze Clan is the second oldest. They are the species’ builders and have carved out the underground colony the species lives in today. The Ruby Clan are the medics and farmers. They provide sustenance and medicine for the species. You already know the Golden Clan’s purpose, and your clan’s purpose is currently unknown.]
You would sigh if you could. ‘Because I’m the first.. Got it. Okay. Um, thanks! Now, do you have any suggestions on leaving this place?’
[Notice; it is not recommended for a Small Lesser Taratect to travel outside of a hatching cave. Especially one belonging to the Golden Clan.]
The chelicerae clicked again. You eyed the hulking form of the Arch Knight just...staring out over the sea of golden spiders. What was up with it? ‘How come?’
Just then, a spider hatchling near you shrieked. You turned around just in time to see it pouncing on another hatchling. The two spiderlings screeched and clawed at each other, and soon a few more spiders got caught in the fight. You shrank back as more and more hatchlings joined in, and then you found yourself skirting around individual fights to find safety.
[Answer; the Golden Clan is prone to fighting each other, especially in the first few stages of evolution. Golden Spiders live by the rule of, “Survival of the fittest.”]
‘Oh great!’ You think frantically while you skitter around pouncing spiderlings and flying claws. ‘I just had to be born in the most belligerent family ever!’ You swiftly found a rock column and climbed it. 
Turning back once you deemed yourself high enough, you watched as all hell broke loose down below. You shuddered. ‘Glad I escaped that..’
“Damn, it started already? Not even an hour into life and they’re already fighting! Nice!” You jumped at the sudden voice echoing through the large cavern and glanced up at the Arch Knight. That was the first spoken voice you’ve heard since you died! It took you a few moments, but you eventually managed to spot the speaker.
And once your eyes landed on her, you double-take. What the hell? What’s a girl doing here?!’
Standing right next to the Arch Jurogumo was a girl with beautiful golden hair. She was decked out in full armor and a weapon was held tightly in her hands. Her red eyes flitted across the sea of fighting baby spiders and a grin spread across her face. You estimated her physical age to be around mid-teens, but something told you that her looks were deceiving. (She looked so...unassuming. Like the kind of person who rarely got angry.)
[Notice; that is not a girl.]
‘Then..who is she? What is she?’
[Answer; that is the Golden Queen Spider.]
Holy shit, the queen was a human?! Wait.. queen? Like a queen bee?
[Notice; the Queen Spiders are the leaders and mothers of the clans. They are not human.]
Oh. But, she looked so..human-like. 
“Hey, hey,” The queen patted one of the left forelegs of the Arch Knight impatiently, “You said you had something to show me? What is it?”
The giant spider turned to look up at you before raising its first right foreleg to point at you. You felt your heart skip a beat. (Wait, do you even have a heart anymore? Does it even pump blood like human hearts?!) The queen followed its leg and her red eyes were suddenly on you.
‘Oh, shit-’
An even bigger grin stretched her face while her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. She raised her weapon (which you belatedly realized looked a lot like a spear) and slammed the butt of it down on the rocky ground. The sound echoed around the cavern, and all fighting ceased.
You clung harder to your little pillar. ‘I’m about to die, aren’t I?’
“HEY! WHITE SPIDER!” She screeched and pointed the tip of her weapon at you. (That wasn’t a spear.. What was it? An ax? No..) “GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!”
‘Oh, hell nah. I’m staying here, thank you very much.’
You cowered and skittered back up the pillar. ‘Why is she so scary?! She looks so nice! It should be illegal!’
[Answer; the Golden Clan are warriors who abide by-]
‘I know why she’s so aggressive, it’s just that her looks are completely throwing me off!’ You huddle in a nook high up the pillar. You could hear the queen seething down below and snuggled deeper within the hidey-hole.
Can she even get up here? You have a suspicion that she can in fact get up to you.
..On second thought, maybe it’s not wise to piss off a warrior queen.. Especially when she has an army of children right below you..
“THREE! ALRIGHT, YOU ASKED FOR IT, BITCH!” And silence. And more silence. 
..Huh. Maybe she wasn’t coming-
“MOTHERFUCKER GET OUT HERE!” Oh shit, there she is! The queen grabbed ahold of your foreleg before dragging you out of your hidey-hole. You screeched and squirmed in her hold, trying desperately to wriggle your way out of her grip, but surprisingly she was strong. (You hated it.)
“Oh, come on,” She huffed as she glared down at you, holding you up with just one hand. If you could cry, you would be doing so right about now, “Even those weak fucks down there can put up a better fight than that. Where’s your fighting spirit?!”
You glanced down and shrieked even louder. She was floating?? Queen Spiders can do that??
[Notice; all Queen Spiders have the {Skill; Thread Manipulation}. They can use strings to manipulate objects, including people.]
‘S-So, this is just her being held up by strings?’ A glint caught your eye, and you peered closer to see a mass of thin strings just under the queen’s feet. ‘O-Oh. Fun. W-What’ll happen if she drops me? Will I go splat, or..?’
Silence. ‘C-Chiron? Hello?’
Still silence. ‘Dammit, Chiron! Don’t leave me here to die!’
“Alright, you tiny little maggot,” The queen glowered at you, “You’re coming with me. Don’t even think about running!”
‘I’d rather not go anywhere with you-!’
And then she carted you off to...somewhere. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
The caverns were quiet when she forced you out of the hatching cave. Not a single other spider was in sight - well, besides her guard spiders. They looked similar to the Arch Knight but smaller. Does that mean they were of a different rank or something?
[Answer; they are Knight Spiders. They are the highest evolution male spiders can achieve while female spiders can achieve the evolution rank Arch Knight. Due to this, they are primarily male spiders.]
Ah. Okay. You trill softly as you skitter along nervously by the Queen’s heels. ‘This is starting to sound more and more like an RPG mixed with regular nature. Back home, male spiders were normally smaller than females.’ At this, you paused. ‘Hey, does that mean that Arch Knight is technically my mother?’
[Answer; Arch Knights and Queen Spiders are the only ones capable of reproducing. Arch Knights are also in charge of child-rearing. They do this through a nest rotation.]
‘So, that’s a maybe. Got it.’
“Damn, you are one stubborn bitch, aren’t you?” The Yellow Queen huffed as she crossed her arms over her armored chest. You angrily clicked your chelicerae at her. ‘Don’t insult me when I can’t insult you back!’ She smirked, pausing to drop into a squat beside you. You flinched back as she examined you. “There you go! Now that’s the kind of fire befitting of the Golden Clan! You really did come from one of my offspring, huh?”
Then she popped back up and continued to stroll leisurely with her weapon laid across her shoulders. “Anyways. We should hurry it up; the caverns will be crawling with my kin soon, and we don’t wanna keep Blackie waiting! She’s a certain type of angry that scares even me!”
‘If this Blackie person scares this monster of a girl, then how strong is she?!’ You quivered. Suddenly, you really don’t want to continue following her..
“HEY!” You flinched at the fierce glare she sent over her shoulder. “HURRY IT UP, HALF-PINT! WE DON’T HAVE ALL DAY!” You skittered after her with a small shriek. Seemingly satisfied, she turned back around and hummed. “You know, despite how annoying you are, I kinda can’t wait to see what you’ll accomplish!”
You hissed, and she laughed at your obvious indignation. ‘How rude! I’m not annoying!’ The Queen turned around and walked backward, sending a feral grin at you. Your hissing cut off and you shrank back from her.
The spider-girl heaved a heavy sigh and grumbled. “Now I’m starting to wonder how you ever came from my clan. You’re feisty, but you’re so-so-so... timid! It’s mind-boggling.” 
Huffing, you stomped after her. ‘She’s so rude..’
“So, might as well get this out of the way now!” She exclaims, turning the corner. You glance down the other way. Nothing but more tunnels. How are you ever going to navigate this place?! “Welcome to the Colony. The land of the Jorogomos! There are currently four clans watching over it - ah, fuck!”
You jumped at her sudden shout and she turned to glare down at you. “You’ll end up making us fuck with the maps! We just got everything established, why’d you come now of all times?!”
(You had no idea what she was blabbering about, nor do you want to know. ‘She’s so scary..’)
“Anyways, four clans were watching over it. We’ll need to adjust some things, again. Dammit.” Why the hell was she glaring at you?! You didn’t do anything but hatch! “We Golden Spiders are in the far west. Our job is to keep that fucking Church in line.” Church? What church? Is it like the Catholic church? “The Obsidian Clan is found in the southwest, our closest neighbors. The Rubies are in the southeast. And then the Bronze fuckers are all the way to the northeast. Don’t know how the hell they haven’t been caught yet by the surface dwellers..”
You glanced around you as your little group trudged through the tunnels. ‘Surface dwellers, rock tunnels.. Are we seriously underground?! Ugh, I hate that! I wanna be outside!’
“But,” The Queen continued, “Keeping the Church out isn’t all we Golden Spiders do. The full picture is to protect the Colony from all threats. Obsidians are the info-gatherers and strategists, Bronze are the architectures and archivists, and Rubies are healers and farmers.” Do you have to sit through this? Chiron already explained all this to you.. “Your clan will be in charge of something else once it grows. Who knows what it’ll be; I for one thought we had all we needed. Apparently not.”
‘Right.. Each clan has a different ability..’ You look away from the Queen. ‘So, what’s mine?’
[Notice; I cannot give you that answer.]
If you could sigh, you would be doing so. ‘So this is something I need to find out for myself.. Yay.. Cue the stereotypical inspiring speech from an elder or something-’
“Hey, what’s taking so long?!” The Yellow Queen snapped at you. “Don’t make come over there! We’re already behind schedule!”
You squealed and ran after her. ‘So scary!’ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
It was an hour or two after you had left the care of the Golden Clan, and boredom was numbing your mind. Your two escorts were eerily quiet and you still haven’t figured out how to use that Thought Communication ability.
‘Hey, Chiron? What’s the evolution tree look like for Jorogomos?’
[Answer; Small Lesser Taratect, Lesser Taratect, Medium Taratect, Greater Taratect, Knight Spider, then Arch Knight. The Small Lesser Taratect stage is the shortest one.]
You looked up at the Knights before you. ‘How do I evolve then?’
[Answer; monsters normally evolve when taking in enough magicules. Most monsters are unable to evolve without the process of Naming, but some species can do so by consuming other beings with enough magicules.]
‘I’m assuming the Jorogomos is one of these few?’
[Answer; correct.]
Nodding, you tune back into reality. ‘I see.’
The earth was vibrating a little.
A thought hit you and you almost gasped. ‘Hey Chiron, did the Gold Queen have bigger eyes than normal humans?’
[Answer; correct.]
‘Her mouth was also looking a bit weird.. Huh. This is a prime example of the uncanny valley, and yet I’m not disturbed by it. That’s so weird.. Is it because I became a spider?’
Rumbling cut into your thoughts and you perked up. ‘What’s that?’ Your little group of three marched onwards, toward whatever was making that rumbling noise. Soon, you started to see other Knight Spiders crawling along the tunnel walls. You stared up at them as you moved along.
And then you came upon a problem.
Turns out giant spiders are kinda bad at keeping track of tiny spiders like you. Maybe that’s why you weren’t allowed to leave the hatching cave before the Queen kidnapped you.
(..Spidernapped? Oh well.)
Nothing had prepared you for the absolute chaos that was the intersections in this underground society.
‘Can I get through this mob?’ You thought to yourself as you stared out at the moving crowds of spiders much, much bigger than yourself. You flinched each time a sharp leg stepped too close to your body. Spiders moved every which way; up, down, sideways, forwards, and backward. It was hard to keep up with all the legs scrambling everywhere. ‘Is this where I die a second time?’ 
Chiron was suspiciously quiet. You couldn’t help but shrink in on yourself. Even the one thing meant to help you doesn’t believe in you..that stings..
‘Oh well. If I die, I die. I already dealt with dying once, I can do it again!’
And with that, you scrambled after who you thought were your escorts. 
You jumped through gaps between the legs and scuttled under giant bodies as quickly as you could move. Turns out smaller spiders are actually really fucking fast. You ended up scaring yourself on more than one occasion with your speed.
‘God, I hate this. Where’re my escorts?!’
You thought you spotted them turning onto a side tunnel and scurried after them. ‘Wait for me!’ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
Turns out you didn’t see them go this way.
It was a couple of hours after what you have decided to deem the “Intersection Nightmare” when you stopped.
Your escorts were nowhere in sight, and you’re pretty sure you stopped seeing other spiders about an hour ago. Chiron was unhelpful in locating the giant Knights, and all the tunnels looked the same. So you supposed it was time to face the music. 
Falling to your stomach, you grunted. You’re completely and irrevocably lost. Maybe you should have known better than to think you’d be fine navigating a maze when you’ve never done so before.. Guess you’re still a little bit human, huh? That’s comforting to know.
‘Chiron, I’m lost, aren’t I?’
[Notice; the probability of being lost is 99%. Suggestion; find a safe place and wait it out.]
‘That’s a good idea, but...’
A grumbling sound rumbled from your stomach, and you whined. ‘How long will finding me take?! There were at least a hundred different tunnels back there and I can still see so many down here! And I’m hungry!’
[Notice; there are around a thousand individual tunnels in the Black Spider section of the Colony.]
You stick a claw in the air and glare up at the ceiling. ‘That just proves my point! They’ll take forever to find me! God, where even am I?’
[Answer; you are in an abandoned section of the Obsidian Spider section of the Colony.]
‘Oh?’ You perked up and rolled onto your back. ‘Why was it abandoned?’
[Answer; humans sealed the Storm Dragon, Veldora, 300 years ago in this section of the caves. The Obsidian Spiders abandoned it to avoid detection by the humans. It is now known as the Sealed Cave.]
An echoing screech from down the tunnels caught your attention, and you worriedly got to your feet. ‘Hey, uh, Chiron? Is there anything else that lives in the Sealed Cave?’
[Answer; yes. It is home to several different monsters.]
‘And what exactly are they?’
[Answer; not including Obsidian Spiders, there are Monstrous Centipedes, Giant Bats, Black Serpents, and Armorsauruses.]
You skittered back as the screeching got louder. ‘And..how big are they?’
[Answer; bigger than you.]
‘That’s so descriptive, Chiron, thanks.’ You huffed.
[Answer; you’re welcome.]
...If Chiron was an actual tangible being, you would have tried to strangle it. (It’s a really good thing that it isn’t, otherwise, you would have probably died in the near future.)
‘So, what’s coming my way? And can I beat it?’
[Answer; a horde of Giant Bats. There is a high probability of your death if you face them as you are now. Suggestion; run and hide.]
You took one moment to settle your nerves before turning down a random tunnel and booking it. ‘Run and hide. Right. Tiny legs, don’t fail me now!’ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
‘God, I’m hungry..’ You whined as you sluggishly made your way down another tunnel. You had managed to outrun the Giant Bats and were now looking for a place to lie low for a bit. ‘Ugh, what I wouldn’t give for a nice, juicy steak right about now... Hey, Chiron? How long has it been since I got lost?’
[Answer; 7 hours.]
Your legs almost buckled underneath you, but you somehow managed to keep your footing. ‘..And how long has it been since I last ate?’
[Answer; 15 hours. Notice; energy levels are low. Suggestion; eat.]
And then your legs fell out from under you once more. You groaned. ‘But what am I supposed to eat if there’s nothing here?!’
[Notice; there is a nest of Monstrous Centipede hatchlings nearby. Suggestion; eat.]
You paused. ‘You want me to eat a giant bug? Something that was considered a pest and not to eat back home?’
Chiron was completely silent at this, and you let out a sigh before getting to your feet. ‘Fine, fine. I’ll go eat the baby monster bugs. How far-?’
[Would you like to use the {Skill; Spider’s Sense}?]
You tilted your head. ‘I have a skill? And it’s called Spider’s Sense?’
[Answer; correct. It provides a mental map of sorts of a certain radius in an area. Use the {Skill; Spider’s Sense}?]
Sighing, you shrugged. ‘If it’s gonna help me find that nest, then go for it.’
Suddenly, you could feel everything. You flinched ‘What the.. Is this-?’ 
Every movement, every crack or crevice in the walls around you, even the tiniest particles in the air were suddenly just - there! It was like you were that one character from Demon Slayer! It was so cool! (It was also a bit overwhelming..)
You snapped out of your awe at another painful grumble of your stomach and skittered down a tunnel and then up the wall. It led you to a spacious cavern, not unlike the ones you saw back in the Colony.
In the center of the cavern was a pit. Crawling closer, you could see a mass of long, wriggling centipedes crawling about. The closest one was about five meters long. 
‘Holy shit. And these are babies?! They’re bigger than me!’
[Notice; Monstrous Centipedes have the {Skill; Paralyzing Breath}. Suggestion; tread lightly.]
You shivered. ‘Duly noted. Thanks. Question; do they have more than one brain or heart?’
[Answer; no.]
Your forelegs, which were already sharp claws, glinted in the light when you readied them. ‘Good to know. Thanks!’
And then you drove a claw through the head of one centipede nearby. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
[Notice; evolution requirements met. You are now evolving into a Lesser Taratect. Congratulations. Suggestion; find a safe place.]
You jumped at the sudden notification, dropping the half-eaten bug on the rocky ground. ‘Wh-Wha?! Evolution?! Already?!’
It was only a day after you had become lost. You were still working on a little home nearby. Would it be safe enough-? You shook yourself and double-timed it. ‘It’ll have to be! Chiron, what’ll happen during evolution?!’
You spotted your new hidey-hole nearby.
[Answer; you will automatically fall into slumber. Notice; evolution will commence soon.]
‘Shit! That means I’ll be vulnerable! Hold on, I’m almost there!’
You ended up tripping and rolling into your hole. Slamming into the walls, you groaned.
[Notice; evolution will now commence.]
The world was engulfed in black as your stomach rolled with nausea. 
[Congratulations on your evolution to Lesser Taratect. Notice; you have gained new skills.]
notes: and this is the first chapter of this fic! hope you enjoyed! stay safe, and please remember that you're all AWESOME! XP
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nail-art-no-jutsu · 3 months
This chapter is so good aaaaa!!!!! Itachi and Sasuke make such a great team!!🤩
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What did you just call my brother
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Itachi got stabbed?? ... Oh. Phew!!
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Then and now
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It's interesting how they're doing this battle together and there's no time to talk but there are memories to revisit (the attack on the boar) and there's still a bit of time left to create a few more.
Chapter 580
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faulty-writes · 10 months
[ Hello followers and or fans, I present to you, Chapter Two of my Tensei holiday series. I hope you enjoy it. You can find the first chapter by searching this tag on Tumblr or clicking this link. ]
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[ After discovering Tensei’s letter by mistake, you’re under the assumption that he’s in love with someone. As such, when the two of you leave together he notices that something is off but you’re not willing to tell him what. ]
The agency was empty, except for Team One greeting you upon arrival. You, the rest of your team, Hizashi, and the hero students were a little bruised and battered, but all right. Unlike your previous missions, however, you took priority on keeping Tenya from harm despite knowing he could handle his own.
This was mostly for Tensei’s sake, you could only imagine what he’d do if Tenya got injured. But even so, you had a fine medical team working under your agency, and after getting patched up, you changed into your festive attire again, and tracked Tensei down.
It wasn’t much of a surprise that he was in your office, and as you approached you heard laughter. It didn’t take much to realize who it was coming from and served as a reminder that Tensei, indeed, had a knack for making others come out of their shell. 
When you opened the door and stepped through, you were greeted with the most unusual sight. Tensei was spinning his wheelchair around with Eri in his lap, a large smile was on her face and her cheerful laughter continued.
“Heh,” you crossed your arms and leaned against the doorframe. “Having fun?” you asked, interrupting the moment. He came to a halt and like deer caught in the headlights, their eyes were wide and their expressions blank.
“Don’t look so surprised,” you said, softness enveloping your features. Tensei remained quiet, knitting his eyebrows as he noticed the bandages that covered one of your arms and the small cuts on your face. “Hm?” You noticed the way he was staring at you and tilted your head.
“What?” You asked before realizing. “Oh,” you looked at your bandaged arm, “this is nothing, don’t worry about it.” You knew he would, but you didn’t understand why. He had gotten injured countless times when he was a hero.
In particular, you remember the time he installed airbags into his suit. They proved to be useful when he ended up crashing and receiving minor injuries after trying to apprehend a villain by the name of Batto Yobayakawa. It was still amusing to think he was one of the few villains that stumped Tensei back in the day.
However, you would never understand his motive for uninstalling said airbags, even after you and the rest of his team tried to convince him otherwise. Ultimately, he had faith that all of you would keep him from being harmed. Although some might argue that using a mattress to prevent yourself from crashing again wasn’t exactly original.
Seeing others injured, however, didn’t sit well with him, especially since it was you. Eri suddenly seemed uncomfortable, her once happy grin now replaced with a dreaded frown and she too, seemed to be ominously staring at your bandaged arm. A certain fear danced in her eyes which had you immediately concerned.
“Eri?” You asked before crouching down in front of Tensei and trying to extend your hand out to her. She gasped in response, that fearful expression growing and causing her eyes to darken. “Hey,” you said, trying to calm her down.
“It’s okay, this was jus-” You flinched when she exclaimed, “I’m sorry!” You and Tensei exchanged concerned glances, and he placed his hand on top of her head. You noticed that she was trembling, and her eyes were squeezed shut.
“Hey, why are you sorry? Everything’s okay, promise!” He gave a large grin as he ruffled her hair. She hitched her breath and looked at him, her eyes misted over. He knew her reaction might have something to do with her not-so-good past.
But for now, it was best to de-escalate her worry. “Yeah, you didn’t do anything wrong,” you said in a soft voice, gently reaching out to hold her hand. She turned to look at you, eyes wide and a few tears falling down her cheeks. You wiped them away with your opposite hand and smiled at her.
“Just take a deep breath,” you instructed and while she tried to comply, she ended up coughing. “Slowly,” you stated, and while she did that, you looked at Tensei. “I can tell you guys had a fun time while I was away,” you half-joked before standing up.
“Sorry if I ruined it, but you’ll be glad to know that everyone made it back in one piece,” you said. “I told Midoriya and Tenya I’d bring Eri back, they’re waiting at the front.” It was a shame that you missed the party you and your agency worked so hard to set up, but there was always next year.
“Oh right, sorry we were having such a good time and-” he suddenly remembered the letters and turned his wheelchair to face the desk. “Hm?” Your eyebrows raised when he rolled over to it with Eri still on his lap, her little hands twisted into the front of his suit.
“Wanna show Y/n the letter you wrote to Santa?” he asked and Eri eagerly nodded before hesitantly taking it from the desk and sliding off his lap. He made a mental note to pick up his letter before you saw it, but he’d do it when you walked Eri back to Izuku and Tenya.
You smiled when she approached and chuckled softly when she held up her letter, her glance turning to the side. “Oh, can I read it?” You asked, and with her permission, took it from her. Her letter made you smile, not many kids would admit they don’t know what they want and instead, ask Santa to give others what they most want.
It was a very selfless request. “This is a very nice letter, I’m sure Midoriya would love to see it too,” you suggested, before handing it back to her and holding your hand out. “Ready to go?” You asked, and she stared at your hand like she was uncertain if she should take it or not.
But after a few seconds, she wrapped her small fingers around the palm of your hand. “I’ll be back shortly,” you informed Tensei before disappearing down the hallway with Eri. He nodded, smiling as he waved the two of you goodbye. Once he was sure you were out of sight, he turned to the desk.
He grabbed his letter and quickly looked down at the crayon-colored letters he scribbled down. His heart was beating like a hummingbird, and a rosy complexion colored his cheeks. It was a little embarrassing, he would admit, to write a letter to Santa, asking for...you. Maybe a little selfish too. 
Yeah, you were his friend. His best friend. But was it bad to want your best friend to fall in love with you? To ask Santa to make that happen? As most could confirm, when you chose to become a hero, you were also signing your life away.
It meant that you sacrificed other plans. Dating, falling in love, having a family. All seldom when you were a hero. But that was just it. When he was a hero, he had that special someone in his life. That someone he fell in love with, that someone he could envision having a family with. 
That someone who helped pick up his life, who kept his agency alive, and who meant so much to him and his family. He was more than certain others could see it too. Even his mother had given him hints throughout the years that you were the one for him, but he always laughed it off.
Maybe he did that to prevent his hopes from getting too high. Still, he knew that writing a letter wouldn’t magically make you, his. Even if it was the season of miracles. So, with some regret, he crumbled his letter and threw it into the small garbage pail next to your desk.
“Hey,” a metallic clank echoed through the room when his exhaust pipes that promptly stuck out of his elbows hit the push rims of his wheelchair. It seemed that your speedy return surprised him and as such, he jumped in his seat and spun around so quickly that he almost fell out of it.
You snickered. “Did I scare you?” Tensei chuckled. “Just surprised me,” he replied. “Sorry,” you shrugged and walked up to him. “Yamada said he wouldn’t mind driving you back home,” he paused, glancing to the side in thought.
“Or I could drive you, but I know it’s late and-” he perked up at your offer. “A ride from you sounds great,” he replied, and you couldn’t help but chuckle. “You are so predictable,” you commented, placing your hands on your hips with a smirk, but that’s what years of friendship did. ‘Friendship’ You frowned but quickly shook your head.
“Uh, cool. So, I’ll go tell him and Tenya you don’t need a ride, but are you sure? I was going to stay and clean up with the rest of the team, it might take a while,” you informed him. He chuckled. “I’m sure, I’ll help clean up too.” You knitted your eyebrows and pointed your finger at him.
“You do realize you were supposed to be a guest, right?” You couldn’t very well expect your guest to clean up. Tensei laughed. “All of you did such a good job organizing the party and taking care of that incident earlier. It’s the least I can do,” he explained before rolling closer to you and taking your hand.
Your eyebrows immediately raised. You should be used to the subtle signs of affection Tensei gave, but the way he squeezed your hand conveyed a sense of concern. “Something bothering you?” As if that wasn’t obvious enough.
His eyes shifted to the bandages that covered your arm. “I’m just glad you’re alright,” he said. “Well, out of the two of us, you’re the only one who has given a huge scare to me and the rest of the agency,” you replied, shaking your head, but a smile tugged at your lips. 
“And you can’t imagine how glad we were when we found out you were okay,” you took a deep breath. “But enough about the past, let’s go help clean up and…” you paused and glanced at your hand, still cradled in his. How you’d love to hold his hand forever, but unfortunately that wasn’t possible and instead, you smirked. 
“You can let go of my hand anytime you know,” you teased, and while most individuals would be embarrassed, Tensei merely chuckled. “Your hand feels nice,” he teased back but released it anyway. “Hardy har,” you replied, turning to leave with him following suit behind you.
When you walked out to the main lobby of the agency, you noticed that your team members were already halfway done with the cleaning, and they all paused to look at you. Tenya and Izuku also paused, and you noticed they too were helping clean up.
Maybe they had nothing better to do while they were waiting for you to ask Tensei who he wanted a ride from, and you assumed that Hizashi and Eri were waiting in the car for them. “Heh, wow. Beat me to it, didn’t you guys?” You turned to Tenya and Izuku.
“Tensei said I could give him a ride,” Izuku nodded while Tenya walked up to him. “Very well, I shall see you at the estate, brother. Please drive safely,” he stated, chopping his hand through the air. “I always drive safely Tenya,” you barked back, and Tensei chuckled.
“That’s true, Y/n is the safest person I know,” he said, playfully punching his brother’s arm. Tenya seemed a bit off-put by this and readjusted his glasses before looking at you. “Thank you once again for the invitation. It was an honor to fight alongside you today,” he said with a small bow.
You smiled. “It was no problem. You guys did a wonderful job out there. I’m proud of you,” Izuku bowed. “T-thank you,” he stuttered out before turning to Tenya, and after exchanging a glance the two of them left. You waved them goodbye before crossing your arms.
“I’m still helping clean up,” you stated before grabbing a small trash can and walking over to the snack table that was littered with empty cups and leftover food, some of which was half-eaten. Tensei smiled and rolled over to you.
“I can hold the trash can for you,” he offered, and you raised your eyebrow but inevitably surrendered it. It’s not like your arguments with Tensei were actual arguments, but sometimes it was best to lose the battle so you could win the war.
Not that there was a war, well maybe between your heart and your brain. But that was already implied, wasn’t it? However, you only managed to clean a small portion of the table before Enigma and Onemu walked up to the two of you. 
“Hm?” You paused and looked at them while Tensei turned to look over his shoulder, a clueless expression on his face. “Oh, hey guys, is something wrong?” He asked and you nodded. “Yeah, is something wrong?” They looked at each other before their gazes fell on you again. 
“Why don’t you two head home?” Onemu suggested laying a hand on your shoulder while Enigma took the trash can from Tensei. “What?” You replied, shaking your head. “No way, as leader of-” Onemu silenced you by placing a finger to your lips.
“We’re worried that our leader will be too tired if they stay too late,” she responded, making your eyebrows knit. Enigma nodded in agreement and Onemu stepped back. “Today took a lot out of us, but you worked harder than anyone out there.”
A growl rumbled in your throat. Yes, it never hurts to be concerned about someone else and to an extent, their working habits. But you wished they’d care a little less. Then again, maybe they didn’t want to lose another leader. That was understandable.
“We’re proud to have you as our leader, and we want you to be well-rested over the holidays,” she explained. Well...your assumption was correct. A sigh passed your lips, did they ever treat Tensei this way? You couldn’t recall and looked at him with an expression that begged him to give his two cents.
Sadly, he only offered a sympathetic smile. “Thank you,” he said before once again grabbing your hand. “I’ll be sure that Y/n gets proper rest, and you better do the same,” he said, addressing the team members in the room.
“Yes Sir!” they replied in unison. While you would never think ill of Tensei, you couldn’t help but notice that they had never replied to you in such a manner. Was that because they respected him more than you? No...your team respected you, or so you hoped.
Was it because he had been the leader for years before you took over and had a sense of seniority? You tried not to dwell on it and sighed again. “Fine,” you replied, shrugging your shoulders. “I know when I’m beaten,” at least in this situation.
“But be aware that our agency is on alert during the holiday season,” Which meant that if by chance, a villain attacked on Christmas Day, Team Idaten needed to secure and contain them. A hero’s work was never done. Unlike Tensei, you only got subtle nods in response and as if sensing your uneasiness, he squeezed your hand. 
You offered him a faint smile before looking at Onemu. “I just need to get my things from my office,” you said, shifting your gaze to Tensei. “I’ll be right back,” with that, you walked down the hallway. Your office door creaked open, and you bee-lined for your desk, grabbing your backpack from underneath it.
Placing it on the chair, you rummaged through it for your keys. Once that was done, you swung the bag over your shoulder. “Alright,” you said, yawning as you turned to walk around your desk, but your foot brushed against the trashcan causing it to tumble onto its side. 
“Damn,” you quickly kneeled to pick it back up when your eye caught the sight of a crumpled-up paper with what appeared to be blue writing on the inside of it. You placed the garbage pail against the desk and took it out. Carefully uncrumpling it, you realized it was a letter, and the first words of it were ‘Dear Santa.’
You quickly assumed it might have been the first draft letter that Eri had decided to throw away. But the writing was entirely different, it was more structured and professional while Eri’s was, well…what you would expect the writing of a child to look like.
You drew your bottom lip into your mouth, remembering that Tensei was waiting for you, but surely this wouldn’t take that long to read. You took a deep breath. ‘While I could ask for anything in the world there’s only one thing my heart wants.’ You paused, knitting your eyebrows.
“The one thing my heart wants?” You repeated, shaking your head before you resumed reading. ‘It’s something I kept wishing for,’ your blood ran cold, and yet, at the same time, your heart almost popped out of your chest. ‘If I could get them under my tree, that’s all I’d ever need. Signed…’ your throat tightened as you spoke his name.
“Tensei.” You allowed the crumbled letter to fall from your fingers. “T-Tensei…” you repeated before falling back on the floor, feeling the back of your shoulder hit the chair. Your heart sank in your chest. Was he…in love with someone?
It hurt to think that someone wasn’t you. But from his letter, it sounded like he had loved them for a long time, and yet…‘Friends…we’re just…friends.’ That reminder hurt most of all. At the same time, you knew that as his friend, you should be happy if he was happy.
You swallowed thickly, trying to fight back tears. Maybe you didn’t have the right to feel sad. After all, it’s not like you told Tensei how you felt, at least not with your words. You frowned, trying to keep your emotions under control.
You needed to get back up, even if you didn’t want to. Taking a deep breath, you grabbed the corner of your desk, using it to pull yourself back up. The walk from your office to the lobby seemed to last forever and Tensei was the first to notice the look of despair on your face and immediately sensed something was off when you returned.
“Is something wrong?” He said, rolling over to you as fast as he could before grabbing your wrist. Your throat tightened, and you looked down at him. You wanted to snap, to demand who he was in love with and why he kept it a secret from you but knew that wouldn’t solve anything. So instead, you shrugged.
“Guess I’m just tired,” you replied before walking past him and outside to your car. He frowned and followed behind you. Maybe you were just tired, but he didn’t completely buy that. There was no way your whole personality could change in a few minutes like that.
He knew it must be something you didn’t feel like talking about, at least not right now. So, he continued to follow you in silence until you arrived at your car and opened the passenger door for him. “Do you need any help getting inside?” You asked, your tone flat. 
He aligned his wheelchair with the door and shook his head. “No, I got this,” he replied, locking his wheelchair before reaching for the handlebar on the upper side of the inside of the door. Then he grabbed onto the inside of the open door, pulling himself out of the wheelchair and into the passenger’s seat. 
You couldn’t help but look at the spectacle with some amusement despite feeling heartbroken now, Tensei could still amaze you in the simplest ways. “I can see you’re still capable all on your own,” you commented before folding the wheelchair and placing it in the backseat with your backpack.
Climbing into the driver’s seat, you put your seatbelt on and ignited the engine. The dashboard lit up blue, and your headlights illuminated the street before you. Luckily, at this time of night, the city wasn’t too busy, and you knew the way to the Iida Estate by heart. “You can turn on the radio if you want,” you suggested.
Tensei leered at you for a moment. “Sure,” he said, and soon enough, holiday jingles filled your car, drowning out the awkward silence between the two of you. After a few minutes, he leaned toward you and asked, “Is everything okay?” again. “Yeah, everything’s fine,” you replied, not wanting to let your emotions completely take over.
He didn’t deserve that, he deserved that loving friend he had always known even if that loving friend was having a hard time accepting that he could have feelings for someone else. He frowned, not exactly wanting to take those words as an answer but leaned back in his seat.
His stare was somewhat blank as he looked ahead at the darkened street in front of you, adorned with streetlights and familiar houses. Still, he couldn’t get the distressed look of your face out of his head or that look of hurt that seemed to be dancing in your eyes. 
When you arrived at the Iida Estate, Tensei gave you the code for the gate and you pulled up to the driveway. The house itself was a rare fusion of traditional and modern ecstatic, constructed from rich wood that permeated a sense of elegance that was normally associated with the Iida family.
Its tiled roofing sloped perfectly and seamlessly curved into the prominent eaves that made up each corner of the roof. The windows were constructed from wooden shoji screens, making the light from inside the estate filter through it like soft sunlight, illuminating the engawa that surrounded the outside of the house.
This light also reflected off the stark wooden veranda that encircled the building. Most importantly, you noticed the ramp in front of the entrance. That was probably the newest addition to the Iida Estate and one that was made for Tensei’s sake. 
You carefully parked your car and retrieved his wheelchair before unfolding it and rolling it over to the passenger side door which he had already opened. You made sure to lock it and assisted him as much as you could into his wheelchair before pushing him to the front door of the estate that opened to reveal his mother.
“Oh, hello Mrs. Iida,” you said, bowing respectfully. Even if you had known the Iida family for years, you remained formal…at least with Tensei’s parents. She was an older woman, with short dark hair that ended just a little past her ears.
She had soft, coal-colored eyes and wore oval-shaped glasses. Despite her high-class upbringing, she had a casual sense of style. But she seemed prone to wearing a crisp white top with a powder blue cardigan and a knee-high, navy-colored skirt with Mary Jane’s.
She smiled softly at you and folded her hands in front of her. “I’m so glad the two of you made it back safely, Tenya informed me that you would be arriving late,” she stated in her normal motherly tone. “I’m afraid that’s my fault, Mrs. Iida,” you said.
“I thought scheduling the party during the evening would reduce interruptions but…well,” you rubbed the side of your neck and her eyes widened when she noticed the bandages that covered your arm. “Hm?” You saw the way she was looking at you and suddenly remembered that yes, you had bandages on your arm. 
“Oh, this isn’t anything major!” You reassured her. The last thing you needed was for her to react like Eri did. Although you knew that was pointless. Since Tensei’s incident, she took injuries, even minor ones, very seriously, and tended to over-worry. “There was an incident in the city district of Naruhata and-” She nodded and stepped closer.
“Uh...” You flinched when her fingertips brushed along your bandaged arm. “Yes, I was fortunate enough to view it on the local news station,” you hitched your breath, oh boy. “You commanded your team very well,” you felt a sense of relief wash over you at her words.
“Oh, uh thank you, Mrs. Iida,” you said, bowing respectfully before Tensei interjected. “Y/n does an amazing job, I sure put my faith in the right person to take over my agency,” he said, playfully grinning at you. “Heh,” you gave him a half-hearted smile in return despite the dull ache in your chest.
“Even if that’s true, you still have a powerful reputation at Team Idaten,” you muttered, glancing away. The way they responded to him versus the way they responded to you surely proved that. Tensei tilted his head, opening his mouth to speak but his words fell silent when his mother laid her hand on his shoulder.
“Tensei,” she said, “why don’t you wash up and get ready for bed? I’d like to speak to Y/n alone.” You tensed up, it wasn’t like Mrs. Iida hadn’t spoken to you privately in the past, you were almost certain she viewed you as another member of the family. 
But you couldn’t fathom what she wanted to speak to you about and perhaps that’s what caused the minor anxiety you began to feel. “Oh alright,” he said before looking at you. “I look forward to tomorrow,” he grinned yet again before proceeding to roll past the front door and his mother shut it before turning to face you.
She was wearing a smile, and the air around you seeped with joyful anticipation. She reached out, taking your hand and sandwiching it between hers. “I’m so glad you’re alright, watching you on the news reminded me of Tensei.” You saw a happy gleam shine in her eyes.
“You both demonstrate accurate leadership skills and I’m so proud of both of you,” she stated, making your cheeks glow a soft pink hue. “Oh, uh, t-thank you, Mrs. Iida,” you said, glancing to the side. “Tensei has…always inspired me to do my best and…” You thought over your next words carefully.
“It’s an honor to be the leader of Team Idaten,” you pressed a hand against your chest. Your heart was fluttering again, its pace erratic. She continued to smile. “I assume that you’ve accepted the invitation Tensei extended to join our family for Christmas Eve dinner?” You nodded and she chuckled.
“That’s wonderful!” She exclaimed before tightening her grip on your hand, it wasn’t malicious, but it was clear she didn’t want you to step away just yet. “If you don’t mind, there’s something my husband and I would like to discuss with you tomorrow, before dinner,” you knitted your eyebrows.
Mrs. Iida had always been welcoming, but her husband remained distant. Over the years, the two of you had only exchanged a handful of words. Tensei insisted his father’s behavior was because he was a strict man, traditional in a sense.
In addition, he attempted to convince you that his father favored you as much as his mother, but you weren’t so sure. The thought of talking to Mr. Iida sent a chill down your spine and made your hair stand on end. “Hm? Is something wrong?” Mrs. Iida asked, and you frantically shook your head.
“Oh, n-no, nothing is wrong. Uh, I’m sorry,” you said, stepping away from her. “I’m just t-tired, yeah. It’s been a long day and during the busiest season of the year,” you awkwardly chuckle as you make your way down the ramp toward the driveway. 
“But yes, I will see you tomorrow, Mrs. Iida. Have a nice night!” You exclaimed, bowing before quickly getting into your car and driving away, leaving her perplexed. You could barely concentrate on the road as you made your way home.
The only thoughts in your mind were what Tensei’s parents, and more importantly, his father wanted to talk to you about. Did it have anything to do with the mysterious person Tensei had written in his letter? Was there going to be a wedding?
Were they going to ask you to help him plan it or threaten you to stay away from their son now that he had found someone worthy of him!? Yeah, it was safe to say you were having a panic attack over the millions of possibilities that could occur tomorrow. 
But one thing was clear, and it came as a realization after you had finally gotten home, showered, changed, and lay in your bed staring mindlessly at the ceiling. “I…have to go through with it,” as much as it hurt to think about Tensei being with someone else, even if it wasn’t confirmed yet, you were his friend.
You loved him and even if he loved someone else, you couldn’t just abandon him if he needed you. Taking a deep breath, you sighed although it didn’t ease the ache in your chest. You frowned as you turned onto your side and nuzzled your head against the pillow.
Trying to fall asleep would prove to be a challenge but it didn’t matter. Time didn’t stop, even for a broken heart. You just hoped that you’d have enough strength to deal with whatever tomorrow brought, be it for better or worse. 
[ Part III ]
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Rimuru with an Kitsune S/O fluff headcanons?
Rimuru + Kitsune s/o
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Always had a kink for kitsune, even back in the human world.
Something about their adorable ears. Their fluffy tail(s). Sharp, mischievous features.
Kitsune also typically have a mild shapeshifting ability. Not as pronounced as Rimuru, but it is something they can bond over.
Back to their fluffy tail, he loves to lay on it. Either in his slime form or ‘full body’ form.
Alternatively he finds their fox form very sleek and elegant.
As he likes to lie on them, he also likes it when they curl up beside him in their fox form; either at their full size for him to lean against or petite size to lay in his lap.
Gifts them with lots of meat and shiny things since that’s what foxes like.
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luxthestrange · 4 months
TTIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#52...No
Guy: I told Y/n that his ears turn red when he lies~
Leon: Do they?
Guy: No~
Leon: Then why did you tell them that?
Guy: Because I can do this~
Guy: Hey Y/n! Do you love us?~
Y/n*Not covering their ears with a blank face* No.
Guy & Leon:...
Diablo*Appearing from your shadow with a silver tray and your mid-day snack*Do you love me, Y/n-sama?~
Y/n*Freezes and covers ears, squinting eyes at him*...Nnno...
Diablo*Gleams at you as he serves you, but smirks at the two demon lords*
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Shout out to @lunatheroyal
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