#Tennille Read
zonetrente-trois · 1 year
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dekaohtoura · 7 months
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thislovintime · 1 year
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Peter Tork at various celebrity charity softball games, circa 1975, 1976, and 1977.
Photo 2 courtesy of David Jolliffe/davidjolliffe dot com; Jolliffe captioned the photo with: “Norm Jacobovitz, David Jolliffe, Jerry Hauser, David Cassidy, Randy Foote, Bill Mumy, (Bottom left) Toni Tennile, Peter Tork, Kay Lenz, Mark Hudson“
Photo 3 was published in Spec, February 1975 (via Pinterest), and shows (per the magazine’s caption) Lamont (Fifth Dimension), David Jolliffe, Keith Allison, Mark Volman, Alice Cooper, Albert Books, Neko and John Cholis, Bob Brown, Peter, Bruce Kirby, Jr.
Continued on from yesterday's post...
The following news blurb seems to refer to the top photo’s event:
“Disc jockey Charlie Tuna will lead the radio station team in a softball game against the celebrity team. Each side will be composed of personalities from radio, television, music and motion picture industries. Three of the celebrities will be Kay Lenz, star of an upcoming movie, ‘Cat House Thursday,’ Judy Norton, actress from ‘The Waltons,’ and Peter Tork, formerly of the Monkees.” - News-Pilot, September 16, 1976
“It turned into an informal softball league that raised a little money. We got good press and everybody loved it. We had a great Hollywood Vampires softball shirt and cap with a big V on it…It was Alice and myself with Peter Tork as our pitcher. He was very good.” - Micky Dolenz, Goldmine, 2020
“[We would go to] schools and camps for underprivileged kids and we’d play softball. That’s how it started. And Alice [Cooper] came up with the name [Hollywood Vampires], of course.’ They even had their own team jerseys with big red V’s. ‘Alice tended to be the pitcher,’ [Micky] Dolenz says. ‘Peter Tork, who was probably the best baseball player on the team, he would play left field. I was not that great. I would play first base, usually.’” - Arizona Republic, September 26, 2021
Another throwback to the ‘60s: “Out in the parking lot [at RCA during a Jefferson Airplane session] Peter Tork was playing baseball with the sound technicians.” - Chris Franz (class of ‘69), Wellesley News, November 9, 1967
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tomboyjessie13 · 1 month
Agents of DIO factions - Jojo headcanons
This is a spiritual sequel to this post I made two months ago:
This is basically factions within the agents of DIO. Like while they have Stands that belong to the Major Arcana, the Ennead, or just named after music. But much like the servants living at DIO's mansion, they aren't bound to these categories, instead they are given roles based on their skills and abilities.
Here's what each person's role or roles is based on what I've seen, read, and/or speculated, as well as throw in some of my headcanons:
Leader - DIO
Second-in-command - Enyaba - Enrico Pucci (protégé)
Money launderers - Daniel J. D'Arby (Giza Cafe by the Pyramids) - Murphy* (semi-casual Resto bar in Downtown Cairo) - Madam Sharona* ("bathhouse" in Wagh El Birket, Cairo)
Associates - Mansaku Nijimura​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ - Yoshihiro Kira - Giza cafe employees and customers - "The boss"
"Clean up" crew - Steely Dan - Eris Raitt*
"DIO's Angels" - Mariah (Leader) - Midler - Medea King* - Eris Raitt* (formally) - Nena (formally)
Assassins - Noriaki Kakyoin (new recruit) - Jean Pierre Polnareff (new recruit) - Gray Fly - Imposter Captain Tennille - Forever - Devo the Cursed - Rubber Soul - J. Geil - Hol Horse - Nena - ZZ - Steely Dan - Arabia Fats - Mannish Boy (new recruit) - Cameo - Midler - N'Doul - Oingo - Boingo - Anubis - Mariah - Eris Raitt* - Johngalli A. - Dija Maker**
House servants - Telence T. D'Arby (bulter) - Medea King* (maid) (new recruit) - Vanilla Ice (servant) - Kenny G (illusionist) - Nukesaku (servant) - Pet Shop (gatekeeper)
* My OCs, not canon ** Villain made for "Escape Room"
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zenmasterlover · 9 months
Bands and singers that our beloved Jackie Burkhart would listen to (canon and not):
Captain and Tennille
Elton John
The Mamas and Papas
Billy Joel
The WHO (secretly, for this idea from a fanfic I read)
Led Zeppelin (but only their lovey dovey songs about love like Tangerine and Since I’ve Been Loving You. Maybe Dazed and Confused when it’s circle time as well)
The Smiths
Fleetwood Mac (she thinks they wrote Rhiannon about her)
Dexys Midnight Runners
The Beatles
Aerosmith (secretly)
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
Alright I’ve been “following” (in the sense that I’ve been reading it consistently, I only actually pressed the “follow” button recently) your blog for about a month, I really like a lot of your AU’s, and I would like to contribute some of my own thoughts to them.
I’m going to start with Dual Trip (the Part 3 version, since there are now multiple Dual Trips in existence).
Specifically, how the first half of the fights would be split between the two groups (since the second half has already been thoroughly discussed)
The two groups will be referred to as the “Jotaro Crew” (Jotaro + Kakyoin + Polnareff) and the “Jospeh Crew” (Jospeh + Avdol + Iggy) 
Tower of Grey - Joseph Crew
(Because Jospeh cannot enter a plane without fate causing it to crash)
Joseph is probably the one to defeat it dye to a combination of Hermit Purple and Joseph Joestar(trademark) Bullshittery.    
Dark Blue Moon - Jotaro Crew
I feel like an idea for this was discussed in a previous post, but I will expand on it a little bit. 
In this version, Imposter Captian Tennille is not an imposter, instead, Kakyoin and Polnareff pretend to still be servants of DIO for the purposes of getting a quick boat ride to Egypt. 
“Hello, fellow servant of DIO! Don’t you just love serving our wonderful master DIO today? We are bring this Joestar descendant as an offering to lord DIO, who we love serving so much!” Unfortunately, Polnareff talks to much and Jotaro talks too little, so the Imposter Captain catches onto their ruse. 
A fight breaks out, and the ship ends up getting destroyed, forcing the Jotaro crew to make the rest of the journey by land. 
Strength - Jospeh Crew 
(Because this way, we can avoid… that particular scene with Anne)
After the plane crash, Jospeh requests a boat from the Speedwagon foundation, but when it arrives, all of the crew are dead. After some suitably scary haunted ship action, Avdol resolves the situation by burning down the entire boat.  (And that wretched awful horrible ape along with it) 
Ebony Devil - Jospeh Crew
This is probably where Iggy shows up. Jospeh spends the whole encounter running away from a killer doll, while Iggy uses his sense of smell to track down Devo the Cursed. 
Yellow Temperance - Jospeh Crew
This fight was another one discussed in a previous post, where Rubber Soul disguises himself as Jotaro, which complexly fools the Jospeh Crew for longer than they would like to admit. 
Hanged Man + Emperor - Both Crews
This was similarly discussed in more detail in previous posts, but Avdol and Polnareff accidentally cross paths, Avdol gets shot, and then Polnareff and Kakyoin finish the fight just like in canon. 
Empress - Jotaro Crew
Admittedly I don’t have any strong ideas for this once, except that maybe Polnareff getting targeted by Empress, and Nena guilts him into not destroying it because “How could you hurt a poor innocent girl like me?”
But I’m not 100% sold on this idea, so I would be interested to hear if you had any other ideas for how this could go. 
Wheel of fortune - Jotaro Crew + Iggy
Alright, so what if Iggy used the Fool to make a giant car made out of Sand, and then (smashes toy trucks violently together like a 5 year old)  
Justice - Jotaro Crew
This probably plays out pretty much like it does in canon. Enya’s death is probably what clues DIO into the fact that “Hey wait a minute, Polnareff and Kakyoin aren’t actually working for me!” 
Lovers - Jotaro Crew
Jotaro is the one who gets the Lovers stuck inside his brain this time,  Polnareff has to have Steely Dan step on him because Polnareff is the universe’s punching bag, and Kakyoin is left on his own to get the Lover’s out of Jotaro (which is much more difficult than in canon since Hermit Purple isn’t there to provide helpful visuals)   
Sun - Jotaro Crew
Goes the same as canon. The crew walks into the desert, gets heat exhaustion, laughs at two identical rocks, and then Jotaro throws another rock and saves the Day. 
Death Thriteen - Joseph Crew
Like Empress, I don’t have any specific ideas for how this fight should go, since I don’t know if it is funnier to have Avdol, Joseph, or Iggy be the one to figure it out that the baby is the stand user.  
Judgement - Jotaro Crew + Iggy
Probably starts the same as canon, with Judgment appearing before Polnareff, offering him the wishes, Polnareff wishing for his sister and Avdol back, then getting attacked by zombies. 
However, this time It is Iggy, instead of Avdol, who saves the day. 
My reasoning for how this goes is that the “Zombies” that Judgment makes are just made out of earth, and the Fool generates itself out of the earth, meaning Iggy could just…. immediately win the fight by turning the “Zombies” into his stand. I don’t know if that is how those stands work, but the idea is funny.
Then Iggy farts in Polnareffs face and leaves. 
High priestess -Joseph Crew
This is another one where I don’t have any specific ideas, I just knew that the Jotaro crew don’t have the resources to acquire a Submarine, so this had to be another Jospeh Crew fight. Other than that, I got nothing. 
And then previous posts already outlined how the rest of encounters in Egypt would go.
If you liked these Ideas, I have some a few more to suggest about the other dual trips, as well as a lot of ideas about the StarSwap AU (which is my other favourite AUs you created), as well as an AU suggestion of my own (albeit one inspired by a comment you made), all of which I would be willing to share if you are interested. (Whenever I next get the time to type up something as long as this)
Joseph is forever cursed on planes, that is one of the few universal constants that no AU can change
You took the thoughts right out of my head with Kakyoin and Polnareff pretending to have Jotaro hostage. And what if in an attempt to sell it more, Kakyoin ends up looping some of Hierophant's tendrils around his hands and feet like cuffs. It's not enough to actually impede him in any way nor tight enough to be uncomfortable, but it comes across as "making sure Jotaro won't try anything" thing. Maybe Tennille tries locking Jotaro below deck but Kakyoin explains that Jotaro was a crafty one and it would be best to keep him within sight at all times
and what if Anne is almost indirectly responsible for them being found out, in a way. Similarly to canon she's a stowaway, but what if at that point Tennille was starting to get suspicious so he tries killing her to bait a reaction. Lo and behold Hierophant's tentacles do almost nothing to impede Jotaro from attempting to cave his skull in
Given the fact Tennille didn't need to pretend to be an impostor this time around, it's entirely possible the crew of the ship could be some nameless extra Stand Users under Dio's command. So while Jotaro's fighting Tennille in the water, Kakyoin and Polnareff are fighting the rest of the crew on the boat while also trying to keep Anne safe. Maybe blowing up the boat was a sort of last ditch escape attempt which thankfully worked out in the end and now they have a new member of the crew :D
A BIG yes with Avdol burning the ship. These two take one look at this creepy horror movie looking thing and all the bodies and decide "yeah, how about we didn't-"
Ebony Devil could possibly have some moments similar to the N'Doul fight in how Devo doesn't see Iggy as a threat nor an enemy until it's too late. Also I think Joseph should be allowed to Yeet Iggy with Hermit Purple, just because it would be funny. And possibly to add even more insanity, what if Rubber Soul ends up teaming up with Devo so both attacks are happening at the same time. Devo was acting as a distraction so Rubber Soul could get close enough and get an opening to kill them, but in the end and possibly thanks to Iggy and his sense of smell, they realize he's a fake
Joseph........ is NOT happy, to say the least
And while the Hanged Man + Emperor fight has already been mostly covered, there's going to be a bit of added fun in Polnareff striking out on his own. After all, despite his immaturity, he's been the only adult supervision these two(technically three if you count Anne) have had for the whole trip. It hurts even worse for Kakyoin because for once there's someone else like him who's not an awful human being. Kakyoin has learned more about Stands in the last handful of weeks than he has in his entire life, and now Polnareff decides to up and leave them
He knows why, and as an explanation it's perfectly logical and should make complete sense. After all Polnareff had made his intentions very clear when he had joined up with them and Kakyoin knew him leaving was inevitable........ so why did it hurt so much?
Unfortunately I'm drawing just as much of a blank when it comes to Empress. Maybe it could play into Polnareff's actions during the previous fight? After all, they did occur within a very short time frame of each other, and the emotions and slight betrayal (plus the grief of getting someone killed) are probably still very fresh. I can honestly see Jotaro taking a bit of a backseat in this one, mostly dealing with Polnareff and Kakyoin's traumas and how they accidentally hurt eachother
I love the idea of Iggy making a giant sand car thing. He's doing all sorts of crazy tricks just to fuck around and have fun, mostly at the expense of Joseph and Avdol who are trying to hold on for dear life and not get thrown off
You're right about Justice being almost completely the same, and off the top of my head I don't see much being all that different at all. Kakyoin is absolutly going to tease Polnareff relentlessly for licking the toilet
But Steel Dan though :)
When it comes to the Lovers, I'll admit I had a slightly different idea: so as you've said, at this point Dio's starting to become aware of how Kakyoin and Pol might not be on his side anymore and thus likely wouldn't trust them with Jotaro's "transport" anymore, right?
What if Steely Dan had been sent as recon. To check it out, to secretly watch the four when they arrived and see how they acted when they thought no one was watching
Needless to say, it's pretty easy to see they aren't enemies...... so Steely Dan ends up enacting the instructions Dio had given him if they turned out to be traitors after all
Taking over Jotaro's escort to Dio. After all, his Stand is exceptionally useful in taking hostages :)
And as we've seen, Steely Dan has no qualms with putting children in the line of fire :)))
So now Anne is the one to get put under the Lover's influence and Jotaro is forced to go with Dan unless he wants her to suffer
and this is....... really not fun for them to deal with. They're all on a time limit because while Steely Dan is still toying with Jotaro and being a smug motherfucker, he's already called Dio to inform him about the situation and is slowly making his way to some transportation to take Jotaro to him, and if he does end up leaving they're going to be screwed. The man made it very clear that any attempts at following wouldn't be tolerated, and once they leave the town proper there wasn't a whole lot of cover to hide behind to conceal any attempts a tailing them
So yeah. It's stressful.
Jotaro is fucking SEETHING while this whole thing is going down. He wants nothing more than to pummel this asshole into the ground but he can't because that would mean hurting a child, hurting Anne, and after the weeks of travel he has to admit he's grown attached. He wants to fight, to yell, to do anything, but he's completely trapped right now and can do nothing but rely on his friends to save him
The Sun is at least going to be a nice break. Don't get me wrong, it was definitely terrifying, but they got a good laugh out of it
Death Thirteen....... while I don't have too many thoughts, I think we should give Avdol some time to shine here. Maybe we could play around with the fact that as sadistic as this little shit is, he's still a baby and Dio is using said baby to try and kill people. Maybe there's some kind of motive we could put in, maybe with the kid's parents (or possibly lack thereof?)
Judgement....... OW that one's going to hurt so much because this time Avdol isn't going to be there to help comfort. As far as Polnareff knows, Avdol is still dead and gone. Nothing's going to be able to bring that man back and he got taken advantage of because he thought otherwise. Iggy definitely helps serve as a wake up call here in confirming no Stand can bring back the dead, but it's still going to sting
And yeah, Submarine Shenanigans are going to be....... wild. Also fun fact, did you know that dog scuba gear exists?
and I would LOVE to hear your thoughts for the other encounters, you did an absolutely amazing job with these ones, it was incredible and so well put together and a joy to read. Definitely one of the more fun asks I've had to answer
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masterjedilenawrites · 7 months
Oh my god!!! I loved the blind date you set me up on last time. I would love another!!
Surprise me on all of them!!!
And thank YOU for taking the time to write such lovely works of fiction for all of us to enjoy 🤗
Happy Valentine's Day! 🌹💖💌
Yay I'm glad you liked last year's! Happy Valentine's friend! 💕 Let's see what surprises are in store for you...
Your date is...
❤️ Poe Dameron! ❤️
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Vibes: Goosebumps | All Nighter | Feeling heard
Song: Love Will Keep Us Together -Captain & Tennille
Your date with Poe will be at an arcade, where you'll play each and every game trying to beat each other's scores. He will support you if you feel tired at any point. At the end of the night, he'll give you a mix tape of his favorite songs; a bit old fashioned but he hopes you'll like it.
Hope you enjoyed your date... let us know how it went!
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>> Go on a blind/random date with a Star Wars Character
>> Read a tender, pining one shot with Poe
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Under the Radar: SurrealEstate
Following a real estate agency Roman Agency, this real estate not only lists houses but also cleanses them of negative entities, spirits, and monsters.
SyFy aired this series in 2021 and unfortunately canceled it after one season. Or so it was thought, SurrealEstate was resurrected in May 2022, and it was un-canceled and green-lit for a second season, which will air sometime in 2023.
SPOILERS, obviously.
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Luke Roman (Tim Rozon) is the boss of a particular real estate business, The Roman Agency. Not only do these agents sell houses, but they also deal with the beyond. The Roman Agency specializes in selling and helping those unable to sell their houses without a much-needed cleanse.
The Agency is small but close-knit and scrappy. It consists of Luke, boss man extraordinaire, Father Phil Orley (Adam Korson) a lapsed priest, August “Auggie” Ripley (Maurice Dean Wint) the tech king, Zoey L’Enfant (Savannah Basley) the office manager, and new-comer Susan Ireland (Sarah Levy). Susan originally came from another estate agency, and unfortunately, is a fish out of the water with this new group of agents. She is kept in the dark about the Agency’s specialties, but does know it by reputation.
Luke and Susan take on their first job together at the Lenore household, who are at their wits’ end with objects randomly flying around their house. Believing that the house is haunted by a poltergeist, they send in Auggie and Phil, who reveal that all their tests come up negative. As things escalate at the Lenore house, Luke has taken a special interest in another holding, the Donovan household.
The Donovan house is special and immensely haunted. Off-the-charts metaphysical disturbances plague the house, and its current occupant, Meghan (Tennille Read).
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As The Roman Agency fights demons, ghosts, and possessed houses, the Donovan house makes reoccurring appearances because of the sentimental attachment it has to Luke. Years previously, Luke’s mother went into the house and never left. Luke has seen her ghost several times lingering in the house, and she is not a nice person. But Luke’s father (also a ghost) says that she was a sweet and kind person, but didn’t seem like she could handle Luke’s gift of seeing the other side. Leaving him and his father behind years before.
The season comes to a head at the Donovan house, which has been gaining strength steadily thanks to the misguided attempts by the Roman Agency. The portal in the house, which they thought allowed ghosts and spirits in, actually allowed them to cross over. Because they closed the portal in episode one, all of these ghosts and spirits haunted the house in agony, unable to leave. The house was able to make a personified incarnation of itself thanks to the lost souls stuck within its walls. Auggie, Zooey, Susan, and Phil all encounter lost loved ones, a wife, a mentor, a father, and an ill-fated sweetheart. Luke also sees his mother, or rather his sister.
Luke was a twin, and the woman he believed to be his mother, is actually his sister who lost her life when Luke’s umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. Because she died during Luke’s birth, his abilities came from being born in the shadow of death. His twin wants to switch places with him, and the only way for that to be achieved is that he dies. As she strangles Luke, in the basement, the crew is able to open the portal and all the trapped souls are sucked into it, including Luke’s sister.
The Donovan house is purged of its ghosts, and the crew stumbles outside, grateful to be alive. However, Luke distances himself from everyone. Why? He’s lost his ability to hear and see the spirits that had attached themselves to him since he was a child.
The paranormal drama was canceled originally. Ratings and viewership seemed to have been the main reason for its cancellation. George R. Olson, the creator of SurrealEstate, tweeted in October 2021 the unfortunate news that SyFy wouldn’t be moving forward with a season 2, but to not give up hope and they were looking for a new home for the paranormal procedure.
Hulu began streaming season 1 of SurrealEstate starting October 6 and it was revealed on May 2022 that SyFy had decided against officially canceling SurrealEstate when it talked about new and returning series in an article.
I rate SurrealEstate 3.9/5, I’ve loved Tim Rozon since his days on Wynonna Earp as the immortal gunslinger Doc Holliday, which was also unfortunately canceled after its fourth season by SyFy. No worries, Melanie Scrofano (Wynonna) guest starred in episode three and played a fanatic homeowner trying to sell her cottage (such a fun episode).
SurrealEstate is character-driven, and with a heavy-hitting cast, the characters are believable and loveable. Even with the extra bits thrown in (Roman’s ability to see ghosts, and Ireland’s telekinesis and pyrokinesis) and the haunted houses, the heart is still there and beating strong. It was sad that at first it looked like we would be leaving on such a cliffhanger, with Luke losing his powers and knowing his mother was alive somewhere.
SurrealEstate is ALIVE and will be airing on SyFy sometime in late 2023. As of October 12th, you can catch up on season one on Hulu.
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helloliriels · 2 years
I am so blaming you because since you told me about crack fic a silly little plot bunny popped into my head and I am now writing a story with Otter Sherlock and Hedgehog John based on Muskrat Love by the Captain and Tennille. It so exploded and OMG what the frick is going on now.
I take it all 🤣😎👌 and no regrets! Bahaha! (Can't wait to read it btw!!! XoXo)
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GeT CrAcKeD!!!
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2022 Year of the Crack Fic writing challenge!
What's CrAcKeD in your WiP folder??
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jojo-hut-jrs · 1 year
Oooh I'd love to see you do Stand analysis for Metallica, Ebony Devil and Dark Blue Moon 👀 the Yellow Temperance one was so spot on
i can do my best!
Ok, so I rememeber I once did a little breakdown of all of la squdra for my groupchat but I have no idea where all that text went so-
Right off the bat, looking at risottos wiki page, I want to say that metallica is representative of risottos courruption of character after the death of his cousin. His life is characterized by a severe internal change in person, and thus his stand enbodies the ability of transforming an internal element and damaging a person from the inside. It also reflects his methodical, tactical, and cold demure, being able to summon an inorganic, lethal attack from vantage point that leaves the target completely helpless, essentially fighting against their own bodies. Helplessness is a big factor as to why its a stand that manifests internally, and why risotto of all people has it.
Ebony devil:
Spite and hatred manifest, from someone with a sadistic, sociopathic streak. I think the first run stand users had the clearest and easiest to understand abilities because they were characterized by the tarot cards they were named after. Much like the devil card, it's commonly interpreted as a sort of grim and unhealthy pride like megalomania, and thus his stand is very self-centered in its methods and abilities. The fact that you have to attack devo first, and you feel his presence in whatever mundane object/objects he chooses to "curse" you with, the fact that the "curse" makes it seem like a sort of divine punishment, the fact that he chooses to seek people out and goad them into attack them just to punish them for his own instigating actions. It's a person that's stuck in their own head and thinks everything around him is the problem, but never himself.
Dark blue moon:
Also another more clear cut one since the moon is a pretty easy card to read. Tennille's stand bio states right off the bat that it's reminiscent of secrecy and unknown depths, which fits his aqua abilities perfectly. But as for him, and why he has this, I think the moon is metaphorical for a person that revels in an unfair, unbalanced fight; depth in the sense of underhand tactics. the embodiment of "taking advantage of someone/ a situation."
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zonetrente-trois · 1 year
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Megan Donovan (Tennille Read) and the new owner of the Donovan House William Larson (Charlie Tomlinson)
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cirque-dhomosexual · 2 years
Random Cindy headcanons (ft. Some others) I plan on touching on in my upcoming fic:
Cind is a raging hopeless romantic!
her fave movie was casablanca
Tommy loved 2001: space odyssey
She loves the Beatles, ABBA, and Queen (But wouldn't say it out loud) She would, however, talk about Barry Manilow, Olivia Newton-John, and Captain and Tennille
She had a huge alien/space phase
Her + Alice broke into their school to use a telescope
SHE IS PUERTO RICAN/ BRAZILIAN ON HER MOM'S SIDE!!!! LATINA CINDY FOR THE WIN! (lDC If this me projecting as a Lesbian Latina. In my heart and soul this is a canon/factual statement.)
She's a horror buff! She was the one to talk to get Ziggy into it. She would have read ziggy horror books as a bedtime story and let her sleep in her bed if she ever got scared. But since her dad left, she hasn't had the time to read.
She prefers books but loves movies too
She loved reading select Stephan King books, Frankenstein by Mary Shelly, Anything by Shirley Jackson, Dracula by Bram Stoker, and the exorcist by William Peter Blatty. Even Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu!
She's not a huge fan of zombies
On Carmilla, she read it in her library but found out about it by listenining to the CBC radio novella. She didn't check out the book (for obvious reasons) but after fighting herself for ages she reads it and she does so like she's trying to smuggle in contraband. She was so jumpy and for no reason bc literally no one else around her knew about it or it being queer.
Outside of horror, she loved reading romance
She cannot skate. Not at all. She tries and she went on a skate date with Tommy but she can't stay up longer than 2 whole seconds
Alice was the one that introduced her to comics. She pretends she's never read a comic but she's quite the fan of the x-men and wonder woman. She has tried to enter the comic shop in a disguise but people do recognize her.
She's a closeted trekkie
She does end up shoving these interests to the side so she can have her "perfect life" that a girl her age should have but I doubt she stops loving her nerdy shit.
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parkerbombshell · 2 months
From Memphis To Merseyside Ep 94
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Thursdays 8pm EST bombshellradio.com From Memphis To Merseyside Ep. 94 The Olympics This week, Tony Stuart and Aaron Badgley pay tribute to The Olympic Games. The XXXIII games just started in Paris, France, and in honour of the games, music played and written for the Olympics 1. Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra - Fanfare For The Common Man 2. John Williams - Olympic Fanfare and Theme 3. Spyridon Samaras · Kostis Palamas - The Olympic Anthem 4. Haydn Quartet - Boola Boola 5. The Champs - Tequila 6. The Olympics - Western Movies 7. Helmut Zacharias - Tokyo Melody 8. Aretha Franklin - Respect 9. Neil Diamond - Sweet Caroline 10. Steam - Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye 11. Cream - Anyone For Tennis (The Savage Seven Theme) 12. Jo Jo Gunne - Run Run Run 13. The Guess Who - Running Back To Saskatoon 14. Bachman Turner Overdrive - Takin’ Care Of Business 15. Stompin’ Tom Connors - The Hockey Song 16. Johnny Wakelin & The Kinshasa Band - Black Superman (Muhamed Ali) 17. Bob Dylan - Hurracaine Pt. 1 18. Carl Douglas - Kung Foo Fighting 19. Rene Simard - Bienvenue à Montréal (Welcome to Montreal) 20. Captain & Tennile - Shop Around 21. Dorothy Moore - Misty Blue 22. Starland Vocal Band - Afternoon Delight 23. Eric Carmen - Never Gonna Fall In Love Again 24. Andrea True Connection - More More More 25. Thin Lizzy - The Boys Are back In Town 26. Bill Conti - Gonna Fly Now 27. Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger 28. Queen - We Will Rock You/We Are The Champions 29. John Denver - The Gold And Beyond 30. Graham Gouldman - We Made It To The Top 31. Chuck Mangione - Give It All You Got 32. Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Fanfare For The Common Man (Single Version)         Read the full article
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dollarbin · 4 months
Dollar Bin #36:
Love Has No Pride
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My local record store is hard at work purging $5 titles from table top bins and dooming them to the higgeldy piggeldy Dollar Bins beneath. Are you longing for some Neil Diamond or Captain and Tennille? Well, you're in luck: you can seize their entire 70's catalogs for 93 pre-tax cents a piece. I've passed altogether on both artists so far, but who knows, maybe one day I'll discover that corpulent dogs, medalions and chest hair are the keys to great music.
I got gleefully down on my knees last week and combed through it all, emerging with 15 titles for 15 bucks. Here's the hoard:
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Will I ever actually listen to Melanie's first record or Linda Ronstadt wingman Andrew Gold's attempt at a solo album? Maybe? Will I make good on my long ago promise to listen to an unmelted version of Art Garfunkel's Watermark? Someday.
I did listen to Poco's first record, which you can see above, with some anticipation: my famous brother recently recommended it as, basically, another Buffalo Springfield record. But when my eldest daughter asked me to please turn it the hell off I eagerly complied. It sounded more than un poco terrible.
But the treasure, so far, from this latest Dollar Bin haul are three Bonnie Raitt records from the 70's.
Raitt's Nick of Time was a big deal when I first discovered as a kid that VH1 was often less terrifying than MTV. And so I developed an early bias against Bonnie that still lingers. She didn't look like Janet Jackson or sing Tom Petty; plus I was uncomfortable with a lady having some gray hair while rocking the blues: 13 years old boys can be sexist little brats.
But I'm a guy who likes to second guess my biases, and so when I came upon her titles last week in the Dollar bin I remembered that Raitt is friends with Ronstadt and I know have more gray hair than Raitt. And so, I figured, what the hell did I have to lose for 93 cents?
And that brings us to today's topic: Eric Kaz's 70's torch song Love Has No Pride. Is it an essential piece of the 70's musical expression? Probably not. The song's a bit overwrought and features some regrettable nonsense about wishing you could buy your beloved's affections; either Kaz wasn't familiar with the song and/or concept Can't Buy Me Love, which seems pretty damn unlikely, or he wished his lady in question would give up her day job and become a woman of ill repute, which is hopefully not the deal, or he just ran out of things to say and grabbed at something silly.
For what it's worth, if you are gonna involve female sex workers in your music I recommend you either get weird and have them bend down to tie the laces of your shoe or go full Ringo and call them women of the night with a big silly grin.
Even so, Love Has No Pride clearly resonated with the record buying public in the early 70's as Raitt, Ronstadt and then Rita Coolidge each issued complimentary versions of the track between 71 and 74. Let's consider them in reverse chronological order, beginning with Coolidge's effort on what may be her best record, Fall Into Spring.
I want to start with Rita, whose records unfairly clog up many a Dollar Bin, because her version of Love Has No Pride is surely why the song dwells in my bones. Coolidge was in my extended family when I was born as she and Kris Kristofferson were still married and Kris, as you can read elsewhere, is my mother's cousin. And so I grew up utterly familiar with Rita's smokey smolder of a voice from my mom's 8 tracks and country radio.
I have no memory of ever actually meeting her, and I doubt I ever did. I was surely left with a babysitter on the rare occasion when my folks hung out with Kris and Rita because, after all, drunken debauchery, which was the performers' calling card, doesn't mix well with babies, especially homely looking ones. And I was mighty homely.
Anyway, take a listen to Rita's version: it's stately and elegant; nothing is forced and nothing is too complicated.
Nice huh? Coolidge consistently drags at the pace, indifferent to anyone who could ever rush her. And by the end we need reminders that she's got an ace band around her: everything in this song centers on Rita and we can't blame the cat on the cover for trying to claim her full attention.
It was a pretty gutsy move on Coolidge's part to record the track; after all, two years earlier Linda Ronstadt had ignored its torch song potential and instead lit up an entire barn. Listen to her throw everything at the tune: we've got back up singers, galloping percussion, 16 different guitar sounds, emerging strings and, at the center of it all, like a detonating star, her own titanic voice.
Ronstadt is one of my favorite singers of all time, and her take on Love Has No Pride is always welcome on my turntable. That said, I prefer Coolidge's slower, simpler arrangement, and I suspect Linda did too. After putting out her version of Love Has No Pride Linda let go of female backing choirs altogether and let a new producer, Peter Asher, help her streamline her arrangements in honor of her voice and solo gesture.
And so, now you know: Rita's take came through the bars of my crib and my own kids grew up with Linda's.
But The Dollar Bin is a mighty force, and it holds many secrets. And, until this last week, Raitt's original take from 71 was one of them.
And maybe, just maybe, her version is the best of the bunch:
Raitt sings the song so simply. Barns don't catch fire, torches are not lit. Instead we've got sweet picking, gurgling bass and a brave woman giving us some straight talk about how she feels and who she loves.
Wow. Bonnie Raitt, people! I'll race you back to those Dollar Bins; looks like it's time to track down the rest of her 70's catalog.
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pidayforpi · 5 months
[Written on Monday/15th. Feeling slightly better now, but the facts still hold true.]
(So...for the past few days, I have been browsing Netflix for...children's cartoon animation movies to (re-)watch.
Today, I came across something called..."Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank"?
(which, by the way, I thought was a comic/cartoon-adapted movie, but apparently it's an original one)
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[This thing. Don't know what image to attach, so here is the thumbnail of the trailer.]
Like a mature adult, I decided to watch it.
And, like a definitely non-weeb (and because it's available, otherwise it would be very hard to find), I decided to watch it in Japanese.
The first voice I 100% recognised was Jimbo's: Tesshō Genda (玄田哲章) [Younger Toguro, Sengoku Basara's Takeda, City Hunter's Umibozu] (Samuel L Jackson in the original voice, by the way). Which...okay, I know Genda-san does dubs. He's the voice of Foghorn Leghorn, after all. His voice is very iconic, too. You can't miss it when he does a "battle cry" thingie (maybe it's because I first knew him as Toguro).
But the second one I kinda recognised was Ika Chu's (yes that's the character's name apparently), and I was like:
"Wait, is that Tomokazu Sugita (杉田智和)???" [Gintoki Sakata, Kyon, Escanor, Joseph Joestar and much more]
And I immediately thought: "No way, Sugita doesn't do dubs..."
"But I also cannot not recognise that voice, his voice is very iconic too (and I have known him for a considerable number of roles, starting from Gintoki)."
After the movie, I checked the (Japanese) Wikipedia page, and literally did Joseph's "Naisu!" pose:
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It really is Tomokazu Sugita.
And, to add on Sugita's role as Joseph Joestar: Apparently Hank's voice is Yū Hayashi (林勇), who voices Smokey Brown.
Not gonna lie, I somehow found that very funny.
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There are also apparently other (JoJo) casts, like Tomokazu Seki (関智一) [Enrico Pucci] and Junichi Suwabe (諏訪部順一) [Leone Abbacchio/Younger D'Arby], who voice Chuck and Ichirou respectively. But I couldn't recognise them while I was watching (probably because they are using some silly voices, instead of the ones you hear shouting "Whitesnake!!!" or "Moody Blues!!!")
And of course, Tesshō Genda voices Impostor Captain Tennille/Dark Blue Moon from Stardust Crusaders...if you remember who that is.
(the "Onii-chan!" guy if that helps)
Also also, I may write another entry about this later on...but I would like to meet whoever decided to hire Akio fucking Ōtsuka (大塚明夫) [Wamuu, All For One, Uvogin, Saint Seiya's Hades] to voice Jimmy Crystal.)
[Shits and giggles end here. Much more personal stuff below.]
Maybe because I am still a student, I divide periods of my life into school years (instead of...you know, "real years").
Truth be told: This school year has been very bad for me.
Not because something bad happened (not something sudden and catastrophic), but because...nothing happened. I did nothing...outside school.
(Well, I had an internship interview during my very bad time in January, which was my first "job interview", and which was also my first unsuccessful "job interview").
And school is so super damn busy and stressful, that it is hard to do anything outside school.
I mentioned in my last...personal post, that I have been feeling mood swings. Some days are better (which are the days you see me liking and sharing posts, such as mid-February to early-March), and some days are absolutely bad (which are the days you don't see me at all).
Such as now. The reason why I am watching random stupid shit on Netflix is because, otherwise, I would be lying on my bed doing nothing. So I might as well be lying on my bed doing something. I can't sleep, because I have been sleeping too much already. I did try reading too, but I guess my mind is a bit too exhausted/overwhelmed to do that.
(I know I also should be spending at least some time socialising (a massive sorry to all my Discord server-mate seeing this), which is a "how to feel better" self-help tip I see in every single article. But whenever I am feeling bad, I just tend to...disappear. I know I should stop doing that, and I have been saying I will stop doing that. Sorry.)
Honestly, I shouldn't even be watching something on a Monday (it's my day off, but it's still a weekday, and I still have homework to do). I did go to school (to get out of home, at least), but I really had no energy to work today.
Okay, I actually have no energy nor interest to do...anything at all. I know it's waterfowl breeding season soon, and I haven't been to a park in...months. Which is definitely a sign that something is wrong with me.
This "on-and-off but constantly feeling bad on average" pattern reminds me of another past school year. A year I still dread and regret whenever I think about it.
Moreover, now that the Undertale cringe is one-year-old, I have successfully failed to create anything for a year.
Which is not ideal, and I have been saying this since last summer vacation. Because things have not been okay since then. My WIPs are becoming four years old.
I also didn't do any "active" stuff at all since school started, like gaming. My Brok the InvestiGator progress is still around 50%, so I have been dodging spoilers like mad. I tried to mod and play Skyrim a bit, but no big progress whatsoever (Vilja is still waiting for me to complete her quest). I know DD2 just dropped last month, but I haven't even bought it yet.
The only things I have done were "passive" things like watching shows/movies and reading fics. And sometimes even those stopped, when I am feeling really bad.
The reason why I am writing this is because "writing your feelings down" is another "how to feel better" self-help tip I see in every single article. I used to keep a diary where I did exactly this every day, but the habit sort of...faded away (during the aforementioned bad past school year, probably because I was too sad to write down how sad I was every day).
I don't have a cool/motivational ending to this, so I will just end it abruptly here.
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
While I was reading through your AUs, I had an idea for an AU and I don't know what to do with it, but it won't leave me alone. So, uh... if it interests you?
First some quick setup: a firm headcanon of mine is that Jotaro's interest in marine biology was, at least in part, sparked by the fight with Dark Blue Moon. It just makes sense.
But like. What if he just. Had Dark Blue Moon? What if that's just his stand? Maybe he was always interested in marine biology, maybe the imposter Captain Tennile is a long lost relative, maybe fate just knew he was going to be a marine biologist and gave him a fitting stand, IDK. What's important is that either Jotaro has Dark Blue Moon or Star Platinum is similar to Dark Blue Moon.
Somehow, Jotaro ends up just as broken as he is in canon. (Two words: Pistol Shrimp.)
Star Platinum is now a primarily aquatic Stand. It is capable of functioning just fine on land, but the second there’s water it gets a HUGE power boost
As for the animal think, what if we combine two of the most overpowered shrimp there are, being the Pistol Shrimp like you mentioned but also the Mantis Shrimp
and I can see Jotaro doing a thing where when asked he’ll say “my Stand is based off the abilities of a shrimp” and catching everyone off guard because. Well most people don’t think of Pistol and Mantis Shrimp at first thought
Also, this means that Jotaro would be able to see The Shrimp ColorsTM
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