#Tenma “everything is going to turn out fine” Matsukaze
meandmyfandoms1230 · 4 months
Ina11 GO/Cardcaptor Sakura AU where Tenma is the Cardcaptor and shenanigans happen ig. I haven't put too much thought into this on.
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princesslocket · 3 years
🥣 Made With Love 🥣
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Hi hi! Before we get to the fanfic, I'd just like to say a big thank you to @ina11writingexchange for hosting this awesome writers exchange! I'm so glad to have been able to participate for this round as well as being given the opportunity to gift @hachuna yet another gift this year!
With that being said, I hope you enjoy this Hachuna! It was a lot of fun to write ((Btw this fic is also cross-posted on AO3 if anyone is interested in reading it there too! The link is in the title))
If anyone were to ask Endou Natsumi what her favorite pass time activity was, she’d automatically answer with “cooking!” and then excitedly list off all the dishes she had made within the past week. It always amazed her friends just how passionate she was about preparing food in the kitchen.
However, she hadn’t always been a fan of cooking.
Natsumi’s love for cooking had originated during her time spent managing the Raimon soccer team in her middle school years. In the beginning she had been quiet hesitant to even try making a rice ball but after she mastered the art of the rice ball, her love for cooking sparked almost instantaneously. It only took preparing a couple more meals before Natsumi was fully onboard with the idea of preparing food in general. It filled her with a sense of pride whenever she was able to witness the team enjoying the meals she, Haruna, and Aki made for them. The compliments they dished out were a great source of ego boosting as well, but she always made it point to stay humble. And even after the team graduated, leaving her with no one else to cook for, Natsumi continued to search up new recipes to try making for herself in the comfort of her own home.
Over the years her cooking had improved, albeit not as significantly as everyone had hoped for, but just enough to where she no longer mixed up the salt and sugars when she tried baking the occasional birthday cake. It was a subtle yet profound type of improvement that left Endou that much more hopeful for their future meals seeing as he had married her not too long after her cooking had started to improve.
One thing that really helped Natsumi improve in her cooking was through the aid of an old looking cook book she just so happened to borrow from Endou! She’d seen the book several times laying in various places throughout their house but had never bothered to look through it until one day when her curiosity got the better of her and she found herself rejoicing at all the cool looking recipes inside. Oh the joy she felt while flipping through the pages was almost too good. How had she not opened the book sooner?
Following the days upon opening the cook book, Natsumi happily followed the messily written instructions provided by the cook book to prepare dishes that she could only assume had been passed down from Endou’s family. She would later find out from Endou himself that the cook book she had been using was actually Endou Daisuke’s hissatsu manual. The discovery came as quiet a shook to Natsumi seeing as she had been following the instructions of the book for several weeks, even going as far to serving a boy named Matsukaze Tenma some of said dishes as well. But all Endou could do was laugh at the situation they found themselves in.
“You mean to tell me that this really isn’t the kanji for egg?”
“I’m positive, Natsumi. These are the instructions for God Hand- Wait a second! How were even able to mistake this for a cook book? I thought you knew what Daisuke’s hissatsu manual looked like?”
“It’s been a while since I last saw it okay!”
Even after the discovery of the ‘cook book’s’ true nature was revealed Natsumi continued to use it. Admittedly, the food Natsumi made following the hissatsu manual never inherently tasted terribly bad. So what harm was there in letting her continue to use it? As long as Endou was there to assist her with some of the misinterpreted kanji of the book, everything was fine.
Unfortunately, not all good things lasted forever. On one particular day an unforeseen disaster appeared out of nowhere…
Natsumi had been preparing dinner in the kitchen when it happened. She hadn’t thought anything of it at first. Ever since Endou took over as Raimon’s coach, he would occasionally return home late, so why would this time be any different? As the minutes ticked by Natsumi continued to prepare dinner. While she maneuvered around the kitchen she kept herself entertained with the quiet sound of the T.V. playing in the background.
Although she usually paid no mind to what the news anchors were saying, something about that night in particular urged her to listen carefully. She had been cutting away at a bundle of carrots when a certain news report caught her attention. Although they weren’t showing video footage of the incident taking place, the news anchors reported a massive car crash near Raimon.
Upon hearing the name of the school, Natsumi put all food to the side and quickly ran to her phone, dialing up Endou to ask if he was still at the school. Knowing her husband, he would most likely be assisting whoever had been unfortunate enough to get hurt outside of their old school. But when he didn’t answer her first, second, or third call, Natsumi began to worry. The news anchors wouldn’t disclose the names of the people involved in the accident, nor would they show the faces of anyone other than the reporter on duty. They did, however, announce the arrival of special dispatched services on the scene as well as the name of the hospital the heavily injured were being taken to.
After a while Natsumi’s phone began to ring, which she immediately answered. Letting out a sigh of relief, Natsumi pressed the phone to her ear, ready to hear Endou’s cheerful voice. With everything appearing to be taken care of on screen, Endou was surely going to fill her in on everything that had happed. It was a good thing she had prepared so much food for the night!
“Natsumi, it’s Kidou, we don’t have much time- It’s Endou… He got into a car crash and- You need to hurry. An ambulance is already taking him to the hospital but… I’ll fill you in on everything once you get here-“
“I’m on the way.”
Within seconds Natsumi was already racing out of the house, dinner abandoned in the kitchen and T.V still playing quietly in the background. She did everything in her power to get to the hospital as fast as she could but it was too late. By the time she came rushing in through the hospital doors, Endou had been pronounced dead.
Time flashed by in a blur following Endou’s death. His funeral came and went, the days following blended together a little too seamlessly and Natsumi’s love for cooking diminished along with her once cheery life. Without Endou around, she no longer held the motivation to prepare any kind of meal in or out of the kitchen. Even when Haruna, Aki, and Fuyuka tried to rekindle their little cooking arties, Natsumi couldn’t bring herself to make anything. Everything she had ever made was out of her love for Endou.
As time went by, Natsumi slowly began to store her cooking utensils away. If she wasn’t going to be cooking anymore, than why bother keep them out in the open to collect dust?
She was in the middle of labeling a soon to be packed away box of kitchen ladles one day when the sound of knocking stopped her. Setting her marker to the side, Natsumi walked to the front door. Her knees nearly buckled when she gazed out the peep hole to see who was outside.
Standing just outside the door was Endou… But it couldn’t be him, right? He had passed away months ago. She had gone to his funeral and everything! There was no way her could possibly be standing outside. As she was thinking these thoughts an almost indescribable feeling washed over her. Suddenly she couldn’t remember attending a funeral nor could she remember why she had started packing away all her cooking supplies. It was as if she was just now waking up from some type of horrible nightmare, a nightmare had clouded over her real life for the past several months.
Whatever nightmare she been under was finally over. Any trace of sadness and despair melted away the longer she stared at Endou. Instead, the feelings were replaced with joy and relief. Although the sudden change in feelings were a little unexpected, they weren’t unwelcomed. In fact she was all the happier to embrace them!
Not wanting to keep Endou waiting any longer, Natsumi decidedly threw the door open, startling Endou as it swung to the side, and proceeded to jumping into the arms of the man in front of her.
“Mamoru!” Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she pressed herself as tightly as she could to her husband. “I can’t explain it but it feels like I haven’t seen you in forever! Where have you been all day?”
“Woah! I missed you too! Oh man, Natsumi, you wouldn’t believe all the crazy things that happened to me ‘today.’ I’ve got so much to tell you but, uh, I think it’d be best if we went inside first.” Contradictory to his own words, Endou hugged Natsumi even closer to himself, thus rendering any attempt to head into the house useless.
For several long minutes the two stood outside their house, hugging each other, and exchanging a few words before wither one of them made any real attempts to pull away. But when they did, it was Natsumi who moved away. She waisted no time in dragging Endou inside and towards their dining room table, pulling out a chair for him to sit in and then rushing off towards their refrigerator in search of something for them to eat.
Strangely enough, the refrigerator was once again filled with an abundance of food Natsumi had almost no recollection of buying. She glanced a look to Endou, who at first made no comment, but as soon as she turned her back had heard the faintest of words from him.
“I guess time really did reset itself.”
From that day on life returned to normal, or as normal as it could be with Natsumi knowing her ‘nightmare’ had in fact been real but was now a part of a separate timeline of sorts. But seeing as their current timeline was restored, Natsumi decidedly let her supposed bad months drift away.
She started cooking again, only this time she followed tutorials online through YouTube and an odd app called TikTok. When Endou asked why she was following so many different cooking videos, Natsumi would claim that “the hissatsu manual could only offer so much.”
Despite her best efforts her cooking still left much to be desired from. But Endou never truly cared about the overall outcome of the food he’d be offered.
“It’s the thought counts.” He’d tell himself whenever a dish was placed in front of him. “If it’s for Natsumi, I’d gladly eat a thousand more meals of her cooking- I’d do anything to make her happy.”
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sweet-cool-twins · 5 years
KyouTen Fanfic: Raimon Jr High Ch 2
Summary: Matsukaze Tenma enrols into Raimon Jr High! Join her on her adventures while she tackles club activities, meet new friends, and fall in love? Plus, the bully, Tsurugi Kyousuke, from her elementary school enrols into Raimon with her! Wait. He's nice now! IEGO Rewritten as a Shoujo High School Romance series. Fem!Tenma, KyouTen and other pairings.FF.net: 
Hm...was it because my upload was on a monday, that’s why there were no notes from tumblr regarding my fic? Well, now I’ve uploaded on sunday, so it should be better! :)
Disclaimer: I seriously, 100%, totally don't even own the charas, their backgrounds, their clothes, their whatever. My name is not Hino and I'm not even Japanese. Lots of genderbend characters. You've been warned.
"You are late, Tenma!" Aoi reprimanded, placing her hands in her hips, after hearing running footsteps coming towards her. They had agreed to meet once break time started. It was already fifteen minutes past that!
"Heh heh...Gomen, Aoi." Tenma stopped in front of the blue haired girl, looking apologetically at her. Aoi continued fiercely staring at her friend before noticing the short brunette girl beside her.
"Aren't you the girl who asked to be the student councilor president's girlfriend just now?" Aoi crouched down to be in the same level as her.
"You're not embarrassed?" Shinsuke shook her head. Aoi smiled, finding the girl very brave, and introduced herself,
"I'm Sorano Aoi. Nice to meet you!"
"Nice to meet you too, Tenma's childhood friend! I guess you know my name already." Shinsuke rubbed the back of her tilted head while looking down in embarrassment. Aoi smiled back with a wider smile. She stood up and eyed Tenma.
"So how is Tsurugi?" Aoi asked, remembering seeing the bully's name in the class list when they both looked for their new class. She took her friend's hands, worry in her eyes, "Did he demand for your money? Tell me whatever he did to you."
"Eh!? Tsurugi Kyousuke is in our class!?" Shinsuke didn't realize the navy blue haired boy was in the same class as her and Tenma. "Tenma, are you alright?" Aoi looked around, hoping not to spot for any familiar navy blue. She turned back to Shinsuke and placed a finger on her lips, signaling her to soften down her voice. It would be bad if he heard them.
"Ah...he's..." The voice of Tenma lead to the other two girls to face her. Tenma gazed upwards, trying to find a word that best described Tsurugi, "he's changed..."
"Changed?!" Both girls eyes widened, their eyebrows shot up into their bangs. Tenma brought her head back down,
"He didn't do any of those things, the bullying, the beating. He just said hi and then continued on with the lesson." Tenma explained further. Aoi and Shinsuke stared at her for a long time before the blue haired girl touched the brunette's forehead.
"Tenma, don't talk nonsense. This is Tsurugi we are talking about." Aoi said after she removed her hand. She did not seem to have a fever.
"Yeah! It's Tsurugi Kyousuke, Tenma! Is she feverish, Aoi?"
"No. She isn't."
"Girls, I'm telling the truth and I'm perfectly fine! Tsurugi is no longer a bully!" The two stared at her again but their disbelief expression was replaced with worry. Aoi spoke up,
"Tenma, maybe we could let you see a Guidance Councillor at least-"
"I'm telling you the truth! You girls aren't believing in me!" Tenma turned around and briskly stomped back to her classroom. She was mad, how could her friends not believe her!? What she said was true, totally true! Tsurugi seemed to really have changed. She could feel it. Why won't they trust her? Tenma continued down the hallway and was so into her thoughts that she did not hear five girls whispering to themselves as they hid behind a wall, shadowed.
"She's the one, Matsukaze Tenma, big sis!" A short haired girl informed a girl with long, light brown, almost passing for blond, curly hair, and with a pink ribbon headband. The latter was glaring at Tenma with anger stored in her emerald eyes. She seemed to be the leader of the group, judging by the way the short hair girl called her. The leader gripped the wall that her subordinates were sure could break off anytime soon.
"Grrr...curse that girl for stealing my Shindou-sama! I'll make her pay!" The girls around her kept quiet, knowing the next thing she was going to say were orders to get rid of that girl and teach her a lesson for getting close to Shindou Takuto, their idol. The leader grinned, "Lets corner her after school."
Tenma was walking down the hallway after school with her head down, sad about what she had said to her two best friends. She shouldn't have shouted. Who shouts at their friends when they were concerned about their well being? Especially Shinsuke who admires her. Would her image of Tenma still be strong after that outburst? Tenma decided she should apologize.
"Matsukaze Tenma." A voice called from behind. Hearing her name, Tenma turned her head around to find five girls standing in front of her. The four girls at the back and an eye-catching girl, the leader, with curly hair at the front. She had a haughty look on her face as she grinned at Tenma.
"Y-yes...?" Tenma stuttered, something about those five girls told Tenma that she was in big trouble. Very big trouble. The girl's face twisted in disgust, but switched back to her arrogant grin a second later. Tenma guessed this girl does not like her for some reason. That was why these girls were confronting her. Not that Tenma could figure out why. She had never met this girl before.
"Tch. Who do you think you are talking to Shindou-sama!?" S-Shindou-senpai? Were they his fangirls? Tenma did talk to the prince during her break. Were they jealous of her getting his attention? Wait, Shinsuke was there too! She even confessed to Shindou back at the hall. Tenma had to get to her immediately!
"C-calm down. Let's just talk ok?" Tenma was trying to ease the situation while side stepping away from the group to get pass them, but she was cut off by the leader grabbing her uniform.
"No buts girl! You have no right to speak to Shindou-sama!" Tenma shut her eyes, her grip was too tight that it hurt her skin too. Tenma tried to use her hands to remove the grip but to no avail.
"But I-"
"Stop talking!" She threw Tenma to one side, letting her back hit a locker.
"Ah!" Her back hurt, yet Tenma was sure those girl wouldn't let her go just yet. The curly haired leader of the girls bend forward in front of Tenma, and slowly raised her arm back, ready to slap her. Tenma closed her eyes, bracing for impact.
"You'll regret ever getting close to Shindou-sama!" The girl swung her hand down, when a voice shouted,
"Leave her alone!" The palm stopped in front of Tenma, inches away from her face. All of them turned to the voice. A girl stood there, wearing the second year blue ribbon on her Raimon uniform. Her soft and silky pink haired was tied by mint green hair ties to two low pig tails that reached her mid back. Her azure eyes shone under the sunlight, making it looked like the clear blue sea. She stood with her hands on her hips. Tenma's eyes widened. She was the most beautiful girl she had ever seen.
"Tsch. You're lucky, Matsukaze Tenma." The curly haired girl let go and glared at Tenma. She then turned to the newcomer and grinned, "Let's go girls." She flipped her hair and then walk away passed the pink haired girl with the girls following her behind. The pink haired girl ran up to Tenma,
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah...it hurts but I'm ok." Tenma slowly stood up with the help of the second year girl.
"Those girls...They bully any girl who gets is close to Shindou. Even me." The last part was spoken in a harsh and sad tone. The pink haired girl looked down as she said that.
"Eh? They target you too?" Tenma asked, oblivious to the change in the pink haired girl's tone.
"Yeah..." The girl looked back up with a half-hearted smile, trying to get rid of her sad thoughts,
"I don't get why they did this. I've never done anything to steal Shindou-senpai from them. We just met him when Shindou-senpai wanted to apologize to my friend for rejecting her. She's the one who confessed to him in the hall an- Ah!"
"What's wrong?" The pink haired senior jumped from my sudden exclamation. She blinked curiously,
"Shinsuke! My friend who confessed to Shindou-senpai in the hall! She was with me when he apologized to us later during the day!" Tenma explained, "Those girls, they might be targeting her too!"
"You should call her." Her senior replied, but Tenma had already whipped out her phone to dial Shinsuke's number. It rang for a couple of rings before the call was picked up,
"Ah!" Tenma flinched, pulling her phone away from her ear to save her eardrums. She noticed her senior winced as well from the yell.
"I'm sorry for not trusting you! I don't deserve to be your friend! Tenma-san please forgive meeeeeee!" Shinsuke cried from the other line. Tenma smiled. It seemed Shinsuke was not mad at her. And it also seemed that the bullies were not targeting her, but Tenma had to make sure.
"Shinsuke! Where are you right now? Are you okay?"
"Eweh? I'm at home. W-what happened, Tenma-san?" Tenma shook her head, then remembered Shinsuke was not physically here with her,
"Nh hm. Everything's fine now. Some of Shindou-senpai's fans cornered me just now-" She heard Shinsuke taking a breath, about to say something, in which she quickly tried to placate her, "B-but I'm fine, don't worry. A senior saved me." Tenma briefly glanced at said senior, "I was worried they might target you too, so I called."
"Oh. T-Tenma-san, you are so kind!" Shinsuke sounded like she was tearing up. Tenma scratched the back of her head lightly in embarrassment,
"Heheh...It's nothing. That's what's friends do, right? And could you stop calling me with the suffix? I'm not used to that." The pink haired senior grinned at her side, causing Tenma to blush red,
"Tenma-sa-...Tenma. Nhm! We're friends! Heheh." Tenma could almost see Shinsuke's nod. Tenma was so glad she still valued their friendship. "About Tsurugi, I'm sorry for what happened today. I believe in you, Tenma! If you say he's changed, then he has!" Tenma blinked. Shinsuke believed her! She trusts that Tsurugi has changed from his bullying ways.
"Shinsuke...Thank you." Tenma said with teary eyes sincerely.
"No problem, Tenma."
"A-anyway, I have to go now. I'm glad you're alright, Shinsuke. Let's talk tomorrow okay?"
"Of course Tenma! See you tomorrow!" There was a short pause before the line clicked off.
"That's your friend Nishizono Shinsuke right? The one who confessed to Shindou this morning." The senior piped up once the call ended. Tenma nodded,
"I wonder why Senpai's fangirls didn't confront her." Tenma fingered while looking down at her phone, deep in thought. The pink haired tapped her chin in a thinking pose,
"Well I guess the reason why is because Shindou rejected her, so they have no need to target her as Shindou doesn't like her."
"Eh? But Shindou-senpai apologized to Shinsuke after that! That's why they targeted me because they saw me with Shindou-senpai! Shinsuke was there too!"
"Uhm...maybe she was too short that they couldn't see her but only you?" That made both of them burst into laughter. It was true, Shinsuke was very short for a middle schooler, "I see that you can stand well. I'll be going now." The girl picked up Tenma's school bag and handed it over to her.
"Thanks." Tenma took it and the girl dashed off, "Ne, what is your name!?" The girl stopped running and turned around to face Tenma,
"Kirino Ranmaru!"
"I'm Matsukaze Tenma! Thanks for saving me!" A smile graced Kirino's lips, and then she dashed off. Tenma watched her leave, even her name was beautiful. Tenma then turned around and walked in the direction of her home.A little note written by my past self :P, but with some slight edits by my current self cuz some explanations just don't make sense -cries-. My plan was for Tsurugi to save her. I'm trying to follow the typical Shoujo High School Romance cliché, and it's usually the love interest saving the main character from bullies. So Tsurugi would have been the best to interfer. Especially if I wanted to showcase that he's a better person than before. But I wanted Kirino to come in sooner because I love him and also, in my dream (I didn't really state properly before but this entire fic was created from my dream), Tenma somehow knew who Kirino is. So I decided she should appear in here. I did add a bit of a past between the leader of Sindou's fangirls and Kirino. And before you guys think too overboard. They were not friends in the past, they were not fighting each other for Shindou's love and the leader's not Shindou's fiancée. If there's anymore dramatic guesses, no. Thank you all for reading! If you liked this chapter, please leave a review. It would be much appreciated and would really give me the boost to churn out the next chapter :)
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