ribbitsplayts · 2 months
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unwell is a really good podcast please listen to it
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ishuess · 4 months
With the whole chaos going on, I have a few things to say here..(a neutral perspective) This might not reach the involved individuals but here we go:
Fans fighting Fans: Do any of us realise that the fans which are arguing and fighting, their idols or whoever they r a fan of, are if not best friends, friends atleast civil with each other. So why don't we also follow their footsteps.
Digging out past: In their personal clash of opinions, they start dragging the celeb's past. Do they forget that those celebs r also human first and they can make past mistakes when just like us. I'm sure most young people have had some bad relationships that didn't work out, or hook ups or whatever. They are allowed to have personal lives. How would u like if someone dug out ur past relationship or your body count and presented in public with a possibility that three quarter of it is false or lie. If you can't understand the meaning of the term 'privacy' then atleast try to look up the term 'empathy'.
PR to make good impression: The term PR means 'public relations.' More than good reputation, it works as a barrier between personal life and professional life. Nobody announces their personal life in their work space to their boss. In case of celebs, the audience and the fans are the boss. They have every right to have a PR. So if someone shames a fan for believing in PR stories then I'm sorry to tell u but that's the whole point of PR to make believe. And if you know smth personal about the celeb you don't have the right to sell it on internet. Again the reason is privacy and empathy.
Fans becoming offended when their idols are questioned: Saying this from a neutral perspective, every celeb is asked what they do. Each one of them faces trolls. Even Ishan did face trolls and some of them were big celebs themselves but there is a saying, "Actions speak louder than words." Every starkid faces questions like, what does he/she do? and that they r there because of their family but do you ever see Ananya Pandey or Babil or Arjun Kapoor act like they owe explanation. They just work to prove themselves. Then why do 'certain' fans get worked up. Relax and understand this is the social world where these celebs will have to face such things. Trolling is smth each and every celeb faces and if you keep defending ur idol, it's waste of time. I would suggest that wait for the day ur idol shuts them by their work.
Homophobia and clash of opinions: Assuming people's sexuality and degrading others opinion is also very wrong. Yeah ok u think they r straight while the other thinks they r gay. None of you know the actual answer, only the person in question knows that. Then why would u both argue to prove your point. Sometimes it's not even about gender, it's about the person and thier nature that one falls in love with. So you're free to assume ur opinion but not free to degrade other's opinion and make them guilty about it.
Respecting the boundaries of being a fan: there's a nice and simple way of being a fan- appreciate and accept. Just appreciate whoever you're a fan of and accept that some might not like them. And before shaming the other celeb, think once of your idol will like it or not.
So a simple summary of the situation is
-have empathy and respect boundaries of the celebs.
-take jokes and accept that there is no point in fighting.
-enjoy ur time as a fan without ruining others experience.
-past is past and people change and grow upm
That was my general perspective. You're still free to form opinions but please do it respectfully and peacefully. This is not a battleground. I hope some people find this as an eye opener and if not realise their mistakes but atleast read it with an open mind and consider your actions. Wishing you a good day ahead.
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exotic-indians · 29 days
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tiiramisu-cake · 11 months
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I SNORTED so loud I almost choked
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hum-suffer · 10 months
Ishan doesn't remember the last time he was this upset. He's striding across the hallway to the hotel room he's been alloted. To share.
It's late at night, well past the hours of deep midnight. There's no one in the dimly lit corridor— the older teammates had already retired to their rooms while the youngsters stayed for the afterparty.
"You could have bloody well told me she'd be there!" He snaps at Shubhman. His best friend, the friend that Ishan has been head over heels for over five years, sighs and looks down. Shubhman, who shares the room with Ishan. "No. You don't get to be a fucking puppy."
"Ishan, dude, I didn't know! I just posted a snap of the place, how was I supposed to know she'd be there? Kammo said she declined the invitation, I trusted him!"
Shubhman moves to remove his suit jacket as Ishan pushes the door open. Ishan uses his movements as a distraction, lest he stare at the way Shubhman's light blue silk shirt clings to him. It's one he's shared with Shubhman for so long that now either of them remembers who it originally belonged to.
Ishan remembers buying it for Shubhman and then joking around about how he has right on it.
He remembers when Shubhman invited him to Shahneel Didi's birthday and gave him the shirt with a smile and an order to wear it.
He had a cold shower before changing.)
He brings himself back to reality when Shubhman locks the room almost absentmindedly and removes his shoes, all the while focusing on Ishan as if Ishan is the centre of his universe.
His cheeks are red and Ishan doesn't know if it's anger or embarrassment. "I swear, Ishan, why do you even care? I don't give a fuck whether she shows face or not!"
Ishan cares because she had been flirting with Shubhman for all evening and that motherfucking idiot Shubhman did not even realise what she was doing. Ishan cares because sees her arm wrapped around his bicep somehow burned Ishan's skin. Ishan cares because she held tightly to Shubhman even when he tried to move away. Ishan cares about his personal space and she fucking doesn't. Ishan just cares.
In a clearly failed attempt to calm down himself, Ishan removes the watch and bracelets on his wrists— all but the one Shubhman made for him. While he's at it, he also removes the leather jacket he was wearing, making sure to not let the bracelet catch in the soft lining of the jacket.
"Ishan? Bloody say something!"
Ishan glares at him. "You want me to say something?" He throws down the jacket on the floor, uncaring for it. He takes a step towards Shubhman. "She's using you for clout. She's using you for fame. And you know it. You know it and you go along with it any-fucking-way as if you have no self respect! You go and sit with her and then I'm left alone for the rest of the night! I'm sorry if my anger inconveniences you!"
By the time he stops, he's breathing hard and his eyes and throat are burning. I love you, he wants to say. I love, love, love you.
Shubhman softens. "You should have told me."
Ishan laughs in his face, a bitter sound. "Told you? Boy, you'd not even be aware I was beside you!"
Shubhman tenses. "Impossible. I'm always aware of you, Ishan. I'm—"
"Aware?" Ishan snaps, on a roll now. "You didn't even look at me the whole goddamn time!"
And before he can continue his tirade, Shubhman narrows his eyes. "Move back, Ishan."
"Oh, so now you've a problem with me sharing your personal space? You can't disagree with her but you tell me to move fucking back?" Ishan doesn't move back. He's stubborn as a mule, especially when he's mad.
Shubhman's jaw flexes. "Move back before I lose the little control I have, Ishan." Ishan doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. "Before I lose my control and kiss you, right now, shamelessly, without any regret, move fucking back, Ishan."
Ishan freezes all over. Shubhman seems to have realised what he said and his eyes widen and he looks panicked for a moment before taking a fortifying breath. He looks at Ishan like he could devour him.
Ishan would let him.
He moves a step closer, close enough that he can feel Shubhman's breath on his skin. Close enough that if he swayed, he'd faceplant in Shubhman's chest.
"Then lose your control before I do, Shubh."
Shubhman's eyes widen for a moment and Ishan thinks, this is it, he must have been—
He doesn't have the time to complete the thought. Shubhman is kissing him and all coherent thoughts are evaporated in his head. Oh god. Oh fucking god. Shubhman is kissing him. His hands are wrapping around Ishan and pulling him in.
It takes a moment before Ishan realises that he's kissing Shubhman.
Oh fuck. He's kissing Shubhman. He's kissing the boy he loves. He's kissing his best friend.
The thought makes him pause and pull away. They're both breathing hard and Shubhman's eyes are dark as he looks at Ishan with unashamed want. Ishan wants to kneel with the weight of want he feels from Shubhman.
"Ish." Shubhman breathes and rests his forehead against Ishan's. Ishan closes his eyes and lets him feel the weight of Shubhman's head, relaxing. "Fuck, you're everything."
A blush must had crawled up his ears. Ishan looks down. "Shubh, we need to talk."
Shubhman hums but doesn't remove his hands from Ishan. "We need to talk." Ishan says again, but he can't hide his giddy smile.
"And I'm not stopping us. Let's talk."
Stubborn mule, Ishan thinks fondly. He sobers up quickly as he hesitantly speaks. "I love you, Shubh. I've loved you as a best friend for as long as I've known you and I've loved you as something completely different for years now. This...this may not mean to you what it does to me and I don't even ask anything of you. I just want you to tell me what you feel. I'm not ruining our friendship over a kiss. I need to know what you feeling. Or we can forget this ever happened and—"
He can't speak more. He can't. Of course, if Shubhman wants, Ishan will forever continue to pretend that he feels nothing but platonic love for him and he will pretend to forget to have ever felt Shubhman kiss him. He will pretend to forget the possessive hold Shubhman still has on him and he'll live. He'll be miserable but he'll live.
Shubhman nods. His hands are still resting on Ishan's hips. "I don't particularly think I love you in a romantic sense, yet." Ishan's world shatters and he breathes out as if someone punched the air out of his chest. "But, I still fancy you. You're not some experimental adventure. The thought of crying without your shoulder, the thought of waking up without you, the thought of having anything less than what we have right now makes me want to choke. You're not a passing fancy, Ish. And I might say that I'm not completely romantically in love with you right now, but I know that I'm half way over already. The thought of anyone but you in my arms makes me want to scream."
Ishan takes a shuddering breath. It's now or never. "Would you like to go on a date with me?"
Shubhman doesn't speak anything for a moment and Ishan looks up at him searchingly only to see him grinning like a loon. "Of course, I'll go on a date with you! I've been meaning to watch this new movie—"
"No! No hostile takeover on my date, I assure you!" The response is almost instinct by now. Ishan knows Shubhman and how well he uses his puppy eyes to take over the hangout activities and do what he wants.
"Your?" He raises an eyebrow and pulls Ishan towards himself with a jerk. He barely stops himself from crashing his nose on Shubhman's chest as Shubhman continues, very amused."You mean, our?"
It makes him incredibly giddy. He nods. "Our."
@ronika-writes-stuff hope you don't mind me tagging you and like this!
Part 2
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bimesskaira · 4 months
Controversial opinion Allert guys. It's my opinion so you can debate with me or give constructive criticism but do not come at me with hate comments.
So yesterday some ishan and ishman fans asked that what does sara do except for travelling and pr and her fans took it badly. I say defend her on her own merit with the things she has done till now but no they dragged ishan and ishman into it and trolled him. Best part is the ishan and ishman fans are not even wrong like if she has a masters then make your own career na what else does she do except for traveling and pr and she is the face of a makeup brand and she has a masters in nutrition like how do they correlate therefore it means that she got it purely out of connection. If ishan is dragged we defend him by the things he has done his stats, his 200, his consecutive 50's etc and if ishman is dragged then we have proofs never do we troll other people to defend him like have you ever seen us troll sanju Samson or rishabh pant to defend ishan ? but sara and shubsara fans have basically nothing and they turn to trolling other people to defend their idol. Her fans my God the amount of toxicity they have is insane, most of the ishman and ishan fans don't even bother with her or whatever she does but whenever she uses her "Secret relationship" to gain fame especially in a society which is homophobic and doesn't let us support people freely it does anger us but still we give her no hate yes we make some jokes but don't they do the same with ishan ? If we have opinions which go against her we express them in private chats and nowhere in the public domain and also specifically mention no hate to her. I don't care what the fuck you do but leave ishan and ishman alone and this jugnu too is irritating but I already spoke about him in a previous post. Atleast ishan is working hard to make his career and he has 100% accurate drs calls in the season after being mentally tired and having no time to recover and play again and in that tension filled and disunited mi team. Fuck you toxic Sara fans and toxic shubsara fans and any toxic fans I don't care what you do just don't drag other peoples idols and troll them and their fans. Be happy in your Fandom and let other people be happy don't ruin the experience of being a fan for anyone. Savere savere mood kharab kardiya mera.
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bollywoodirect · 2 months
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Sachin Tendulkar at the muhurat of Andaz Apna Apna.
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agustscribbles · 1 month
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Okay.... so, I found this on Google....
And! What if it's true??
Like, that would be so funny 🤣
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janesurlife · 3 months
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YOU HAVE NO Idea how happy I'm right now 🥰
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lewishamiltonstuff · 10 months
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And there's more 😭😭
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the-sound-ofrain · 1 year
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i just opened shubhman's playlist.
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ribbitsplayts · 2 months
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AND they were gonna watch great mouse detective :((( both of them were robbed :((( alt colors under the cut
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when i tell u this telescope was hell on earth to draw???????
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ishuess · 4 months
No hate to Sara, But her fans need to shut the F up. Like man just defend her, no need to drag Ishan into it and calling his career 'dubta hua' . Like hey atleast he worked hard for it and earned it himself not out of dating rumours.
Jis University ke bal pe udd rahe hain usmein merit se gayi yaa paison pe. Mereko koi problem nahi hai uske pitaji ka paisa hai, woh chaahe aag laga ke phoonk de.
Par srsly ishan aur ishman ko kyun drag krte ho jaise unhe shame krne se hi Sara ki existence protect kar sakte hain. Munh kholna nahi chahti par insta pe 5-6 slide bass yeh bakwas karna. Ishan ne Sara ki graduation post like ki out of goodwill par nahi iske fans ko toh usse bhi dikkat hai.
Aajkal karma saath nahi deta par bhagwan se ummeed toh hai.
Savere savere mood kharab krte hain😮‍💨
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ale-draws-stuff · 7 months
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Norah trying some comfy 21st century clothing
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briony-poisoned · 2 years
Dot short-circuiting Chester by just randomly pretending that Norah is her kid is so fucking good, I love Unwell podcast so much
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exotic-indians · 1 year
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