#Tender Documents in Dubai
cost-consultancy · 9 months
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newspress24-blog · 2 years
The Cashier in Dubai
Investigative report tracks tangled route for money flowing to offshore companies from Moldova.
Part One
Moldovan oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc left his home country in 2019 to avoid corruption charges. But an investigation into his business affairs, supported by newspress24-blog, shows that money continued to flow into his pockets long after he fled.
Black Box Plus, the investigative show of Moldova’s independent Tv channel TV8, acquired documents showing that Plahotniuc profited from every document Moldova’s Public Services Agency (ASP) issued between 2014-2019. Black Box TV followed the traces left by the businessman Alexandru Vilcu and Vladimir Andronachi, a former lawmaker with the Democratic Party (PD).
Documents show that the money reached Plahotniuc via Garsų Pasaulis, the Lithuanian printing house that won the public procurements for supplying blank cards the ASP uses to issue Moldovan documents, including passports. The financial circuit leads to a network of offshore companies registered in Cyprus, Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
In the summer of 2020, the scheme Plahotniuc built over the years was taken over by two Bulgaria-registered companies that appeared overnight.
These companies were the identical financial offshore vehicles through which Plahotniuc, former leader of the PD, raised alleged dividends from the auctions organised by the state telecom company Moldtelecom, the purchase of electricity from the breakaway region of Transnistria, the public-private partnership for hemodialysis services and the so–called heist of one billion US dollars from the Moldovan banking system.
The Lithuanian UAB (an acronym of uždaroji akcine bendrove, or private limited company) started supplying blank cards for Moldovan passports following tenders in 2014 and 2017. The main beneficiary of the Garsu Pasaulis company is Albert Mario Karaziwan, a Belgian citizen who owns Semlex Europe, an identification document and biometric device production company whose business practices have come under scrutiny. The Syrian-Belgium businessman has been targeted in several countries in criminal corruption cases and journalistic investigations by Reuters and OCCRP.
In 2014, Moldova’s minister of information and communications technology was Plahotniuc’s fellow party member Pavel Filip. The CRIS Registru state enterprise which in 2017 was re-organised as ASP, was headed by Sergey Railean, godfather of Filip's older son.
Between 2014 and 2021, ASP transferred 59.5 million euros to the Garsu Pasaulis company "for raw material, blank cards and personalisation services," according to documents obtained by Black Box.
ASP also paid the Lithuanian company a royalty fee for software developed for Moldova and used on three types of documents. For example, the royalty fee for each passport issued was 13.61 euros (14.49 US dollars). On October 22, 2021, prosecutors opened a criminal case against nine people from the Public Services Agency “targeted in a criminal case of abuse of office”. Prosecutors estimated that the state lost around 41 million euros (43.6 million dollars) in the case.
A note from the Moldovan service for the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering obtained by Black Box shows that more than 24 million euros (25.54 million dollars) did not stop in the company's accounts in Vilnius but ended up in Cyprus and the UAE.
“Of the 135 payments made throughout this period [2014-2019], I can tell you that the final beneficiary is obvious. At least, from what the criminal investigation bodies say, it is clear that the actual beneficiary is Vladimir Plahotniuc,” said ASP director Mircea Esanu.
Sergey Railean, the ASP former director under whose mandate the two contracts with Garsu Pasaulis were signed, said that he knew nothing about benefits for Plahotniuc.
"The tender took place according to the procedures. Therefore, nothing was outside the law," Railean said.
Told that Black Box reporters had established money transfers from Garsu Pasaulis to offshore companies affiliated with Plahotniuc, Railean was asked if he knew anything about it.
"No, absolutely not. Now it is a criminal case. The file must be completed after the trial,"he said. “[…] We did not order any software."
Railean added that ASP paid royalty fees to Garsu Pasaulis "because that was the contract".
On May 5, 2022 the Moldovan anti-corruption prosecutor's office announced that Railean had the status of accused in the so-called passport affair.
Filip, who held the post of prime minister in 2016-2019, did not answer the phone calls or requests for comment.
In May 2018, during a TV show broadcast by Prime, one of Plahotniuc's TV stations, Filip hinted that the state signed a more advantageous contract with Garsu Pasaulis than the previous one agreed in 2011 with a French company.
In 2011, Garsu Pasaulis had in fact tried to win a tender, but its application failed as it did not meet ASP’s criteria. A key condition was that applicants had experience manufacturing electronic passports for at least three European countries, as established by a decision of the Supreme Court of Justice. Garsu Pasaulis did not meet this requirement.
Garsu Pasaulis replied via e-mail that the company won the tenders and successfully delivered blank passport cards for ASP.
“As for the exact details of other commercial contracts, we cannot provide any details as confidentiality commitments bind us,” Andrius Lukosevicius, director of Garsu Pasaulis’ printing security department, wrote. “However, we can confirm that we have never had and do not currently have commercial or other relations with Mr Plahotniuc and [Romanian businesswoman] Mrs Ileana-Mihaela Burcea.”
The passport cash headed south, to the UAE firm Prime Union Solutions FZ LLC. Between January 1, 2018 and July 30, 2019 itreceived transfers for over 4.7 million euros ( five million dollars) from Garsu Pasaulis. The money continued to flow into Plahotniuc's coffers even after he fled Moldova in June 2019 when his name was linked to the disappearance of over a billion dollars - nearly one-eighth of Moldova's GDP - from the country's biggest banks between 2012 and 2014.
Employees at the Moldovan Money Laundering Prevention and Combating Service obtained information from their colleagues in Dubai and stated that the company's majority shareholders were the Romanian citizen Ileana-Mihaela Burcea and the company Inter Gnathonize Limited.
Between October 29, 2018, and July 30, 2019, a total of seven million euros (about 7.4 million dollars) were credited into Prime Union Solutions’ UAE bank account, largely sent from Garsu Pasaulis. The money then traveled to Burcea’s private account in UAE and six other offshore companies.
In liaison with UAE and Cyprus’ authorities, Moldova’s law enforcement agencies determined that Garsu Pasaulis transferred another 19.6 million euros (20.8 million dollars) to another Cyprus offshore company, Gnathonize Limited, also connected to Burcea.
The Cypriot firm opened a bank account in July 2014, four months after Garsu Pasaulis won the Moldova tender. The Lithuanian firm was the main contributor to the account until August 2018. After that, the money was transferred to the company Prime Union INC LTD in Hong Kong and marked as a "dividend payment".
Part Two
Documents from the Hong Kong public registry show that Burcea was one of Prime Union’s shareholders and in 2014-2019 the director. In 2020, Burcea requested the closing of the company. In 2018, over 600,000 euros (639,000 dollars) were transferred from one of Prime Union’s bank accounts to another offshore in Gibraltar.
In addition, 1.5 million euros (1.6 million dollars) arrived in Burcea`s personal account in the UAE and almost 800,000 euros (852,600 dollars) were directed to Recon Business Data Service, a company registered in Dubai led by Burcea. The company was closed in December 2019.
Burcea’s lawyer Cristina Savulescu declined to comment on the financial transfers from Garsu Pasaulis to her client. She also did not comment on Burcea’s connection with Plahotniuc. Savulescu said that any association of her client with an alleged criminal case was damaging to her client's image.
"The judicial procedure in any criminal case, from the time of notification to the competent bodies until the time of sending a particular person to court, is non-public and confidential, meaning that third parties cannot know the content of the carried-out procedures," Savulescu said.
Documents obtained by Black Box with the support of the OCCRP network of investigative journalists show that Plahotniuc used the same infrastructure of offshore companies to take yet more funds out of Moldova.
The former politician used the offshore network for the money obtained from other auctions organised by state enterprises including Moldtelecom, Moldova’s largest telecommunication operator, gas supplier Energocom and the health ministry for dialysis-related services.
The UAE’s Recon Business Data Services, connected to Burcea, was also involved in the financial circuit of money leaked by Plahotniuc from another scheme related to Moldtelecom, concerning public tenders won by Bass Systems SRL in PD`s ruling period.
Between March 2017 to January 2019 the Chisinau-based IT company delivered technical equipment and services for Moldtelecom worth about 41 million euros (43.6 million dollars). Out of this amount, eight million euros (8.5 million dollars) and six million dollars followed the same route to the UAE through Recon Business Data Services.
Another document obtained from the Moldovan service for the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering shows that the Dubai-based company made several transactions to two offshores used by Plahotniuc: the UAE-based Vanguard International LTD and Vanguard International Group, registered in Samoa.
Both companies appeared in Plahotniuc's wealth statements in 2018. However, in the document submitted to Moldova’s Central Electoral Commission on the eve of the February 24, 2019 parliamentary elections, the oligarch declared 4.5 million euros (4.78 million dollars), over 11 million lei (around 585,000 dollars) and 347,000 dollars as dividends obtained from the Dubai-based Vanguard International Ltd.
Moldovan prosecutors established the origin of the money collected by Plahotniuc as "dividends".
Vanguard International LTD received 8.2 million euros (8.72 million dollars) and 2.5 million dollars from UAE-registered RECON SPC LIMITED from December 2017 to May 2019.
Burcea and another Romanian citizen, Silviu Tutuianu, were behind the company in different periods. Almost the entire amount came from the other similarly named firm, the Dubai-based Recon Business Data Service.
Plahotniuc also collected "dividends" worth 1.7 million euros (1.80 million dollars) and almost 350,000 US dollars through another offshore company, TGME INVESTMENTS SPC LTD, managed by Tutuianu.
All these companies were liquidated between the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, after Plahotniuc fled Moldova. The Moldovan anti-corruption prosecutor's office opened a case for the purchase of equipment and services by Moldtelecom from SRL Bass Systems. The prosecutors confirmed that Burcea was interviewed in this criminal case, but did not disclose her status.
Burcea also managed a company that benefited from transfers from Plahotniuc’s Cyprus-registered Asia Pacific Textile Limited. This had transactions with the Cypriot offshore Melopmania Limited, the founder of BB-Dializa, a company which managed the dialysis services for the Moldovan health ministry.
BB Dializa also benefited from legal services from Cyprus-registered Kinanis offshore, founded by Burcea. The company also provided secretarial and legal services for Assentis Holdings Limited, one of the founders of Bass Systems SRL.
Asia Pacific Textile LTD received money from the Energokapital shell company. Between 2014 and 2016, the firm was used by Plahotniuc and Evgheni Shevciuk, former leader of Moldova’s breakaway region of Transnistria, to sell the electricity produced by the Russian-owned Moldgres Power Plant to Moldovan consumers.
The Black Box team tracked Energokapital's connections with Plahotniuc and the involvement of former DP deputy Vladimir Andronachi in the company's management.
Moldova’s service for the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering established the connection between Burcea and two other offshore companies involved in looting a billion dollars from the country’s banking system: Sharp Prospects Limited and Lazomar Trading Limited, registered in Hong Kong and Cyprus respectively.
According to an international independent financial audit named the Kroll report, the Lazomar company received 5.6 million dollars in transfers to a Cypriot bank account. The Kroll report was commissioned by the National Bank of Moldova to investigate the theft that ravaged the country’s banking system.
Plahotniuc did not respond to requests for comment. His lawyer Lucian Rogac said that the former politician pleaded not guilty in the case generically called "blank passport cards".
"An indictment was presented to us. Other evidence to prove guilt was not shown by the prosecution. The only comment I can give you is that my client pleads not guilty to the charges," Rogac said.
In September 2022 Plahotniuc received an arrest warrant in absentia regarding the "blank passport cards" case, alongside Vladislav Zara, former director of the civil registry ASP, ex-PD deputy Andronachi and businessman Alexandru Vilcu. All of them have fled the country. According to Moldova’s ministry of justice, Plahotniuc is currently in Northern Cyprus.
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How to Easily Obtain an ICV Certificate: A Step-by-Step Guide
The In-Country Value Certificate has become a critical asset for businesses operating in the UAE. Designed to promote local investment and economic development, the ICV Certificate reflects a company’s contribution to the local economy. Companies with a high in country value certificate score gain a competitive edge in securing government contracts and tenders. If you’re looking to obtain an ICV Certificate, follow these steps to make the process smooth and straightforward.
Step 1: Understand the ICV Program
Before starting the application process, it’s essential to understand the ICV program’s objectives and requirements. The program aims to:
Increase the use of local goods and services.
Create job opportunities for UAE nationals.
Promote local manufacturing and business growth.
Familiarize yourself with the icv certificate guidelines and scoring criteria, which evaluate factors such as local procurement, investment in UAE-based assets, and Emiratization.
Step 2: Prepare Your Documentation
Gather all necessary documentation that reflects your company’s operations in the UAE. This includes:
Financial statements audited by a UAE-licensed auditor.
Procurement records detailing local purchases.
Employment records highlighting the number of UAE nationals employed.
Information on any investments in local assets or facilities.
Having these documents ready will streamline the application process and ensure accuracy.
Step 3: Select an Authorized Certification Body
Choose an authorized ICV certification body to audit and verify your information.
Contact your chosen certification body to understand their specific requirements and fees.
Step 4: Complete the icv certificate registration Application Form
Fill out the ICV application form, which can be obtained from the certification body’s website or office. Ensure that all sections of the form are completed accurately, reflecting the data from your prepared documentation.
Step 5: Submit Your Application
Submit the completed application form along with the required documentation to the selected certification body. This can usually be done online or in person. Ensure that you meet any deadlines or timelines specified by the certification body.
Step 6: Undergo the Audit Process
The icv certification bodies in uae will review your application and conduct an audit to verify the information provided. This may involve:
On-site visits to your company’s facilities.
Interviews with key personnel.
Detailed examination of your financial and operational records.
Be prepared to cooperate fully with the auditors to facilitate a smooth verification process.
Step 7: Receive Your ICV Certificate
Once the audit is successfully completed and your information is verified, the certification body will issue your ICV Certificate after icv certificate verification. This certificate will include your ICV score, which indicates your company’s contribution to the UAE economy.
Step 8: Use and Maintain Your ICV Certificate
Your ICV Certificate can now be used to enhance your company’s competitiveness in securing government contracts and tenders in Dubai and across the UAE. Ensure that you maintain accurate records and continue to adhere to ICV guidelines to support future renewals of your certificate.
Tips for a Smooth ICV Certification Process
Stay Organized: Keep all required documents and records well-organized to facilitate quick and accurate submissions.
Understand Scoring Criteria: Familiarize yourself with the ICV scoring criteria to optimize your score.
Choose the Right Certification Body: Select a reputable and authorized certification body to ensure a credible and efficient certification process.
Prepare for Audits: Be ready for detailed audits by maintaining transparency and accuracy in your records.
By following these steps, you can easily obtain your ICV Certificate and leverage it to boost your business’s growth and opportunities in the UAE.
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esgagile · 2 months
Extra benefits of ISO certification
As an ISO Consultancy in Agile Advisors, an ISO Certification guarantees that any product the company produces or sells satisfies international standards and that the business provides only the highest-caliber goods or services. Certification also assures the buyer that the good or service meets high standards of quality. The ISO logo elevates a product in the eyes of consumers, resulting in higher sales. Put another way, the certification is the simplest way to brand and market your products or services. One method for establishing organizational standards and paving the road for trade and innovation is the ISO certificate. These standards also guarantee that the company's goods and services fulfil legal and client criteria. It also shows ongoing improvement. These independent organizations will evaluate the business on ISO's behalf and determine its value.
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We as an ISO Consultancy in Dubai, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a non-governmental, autonomous body that develops standards to guarantee the effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of systems, services, and goods. Additionally, it attests to the fact that the production process, documentation process, manufacturing system, and service have all met standardization and quality assurance criteria. Numerous industries offer ISO certifications, ranging from risk management and medical equipment to energy management and social responsibility. Many companies are choosing to become certified to ISO 9001 because the standard helps them continuously improve their results and procedures and because it is an essential requirement for gaining new clients.
Agile Advisors provides ISO Consultancy, ISO certificates assist companies in reaching a worldwide clientele since they adhere to international standards. If ISO 9001 is applied under the proper legal direction, the certification will yield enormous benefits for a firm. These days, proposals and tenders from the government welcome offers from companies with ISO certification. Every ISO standard was developed to improve customer service. As a result, customer happiness rises, and recurring business happens after certification. Product flaws are appropriately discarded. Rejections of this kind are uncommon when international norms are followed. Because flawless operations are required by the ISO SOPs, corporate efficiency rises, improving the company's operations and functionality.
In our role as an ISO Consultancy in Dubai, A business's credibility is doubled with an ISO 9001 Certification, which is automatically reflected in product branding and marketing. With an ISO 9001 certification, your company or organization will become profitable and up to par with international standards. The company's performance will steadily improve, enabling it to offer clients services and goods that go above and beyond their expectations. This cycle will indirectly help the organization's overall satisfaction and morale. The second step is to locate the top ISO registrar who complies with CASCO standards and has ISO certification. The ISO body can obtain both IAF and non-IAF certifications. The presence of an IAF accreditation merely lends the certificate additional legitimacy; its absence has no bearing on the validity of the certification.
0 notes
rmlnewstimes · 2 years
The Cashier in Dubai
Investigative report tracks tangled route for money flowing to offshore companies from Moldova.
Part One
Moldovan oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc left his home country in 2019 to avoid corruption charges. But an investigation into his business affairs, shows that money continued to flow into his pockets long after he fled.
Black Box Plus, the investigative show of Moldova’s independent Tv channel TV8, acquired documents showing that Plahotniuc profited from every document Moldova’s Public Services Agency (ASP) issued between 2014-2019. Black Box TV followed the traces left by the businessman Alexandru Vilcu and Vladimir Andronachi, a former lawmaker with the Democratic Party (PD).
Documents show that the money reached Plahotniuc via Garsų Pasaulis, the Lithuanian printing house that won the public procurements for supplying blank cards the ASP uses to issue Moldovan documents, including passports. The financial circuit leads to a network of offshore companies registered in Cyprus, Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
In the summer of 2020, the scheme Plahotniuc built over the years was taken over by two Bulgaria-registered companies that appeared overnight.
These companies were the identical financial offshore vehicles through which Plahotniuc, former leader of the PD, raised alleged dividends from the auctions organised by the state telecom company Moldtelecom, the purchase of electricity from the breakaway region of Transnistria, the public-private partnership for hemodialysis services and the so–called heist of one billion US dollars from the Moldovan banking system.
The Lithuanian UAB (an acronym of uždaroji akcine bendrove, or private limited company) started supplying blank cards for Moldovan passports following tenders in 2014 and 2017. The main beneficiary of the Garsu Pasaulis company is Albert Mario Karaziwan, a Belgian citizen who owns Semlex Europe, an identification document and biometric device production company whose business practices have come under scrutiny. The Syrian-Belgium businessman has been targeted in several countries in criminal corruption cases and journalistic investigations by Reuters and OCCRP.
In 2014, Moldova’s minister of information and communications technology was Plahotniuc’s fellow party member Pavel Filip. The CRIS Registru state enterprise which in 2017 was re-organised as ASP, was headed by Sergey Railean, godfather of Filip's older son.
Between 2014 and 2021, ASP transferred 59.5 million euros to the Garsu Pasaulis company "for raw material, blank cards and personalisation services," according to documents obtained by Black Box.
ASP also paid the Lithuanian company a royalty fee for software developed for Moldova and used on three types of documents. For example, the royalty fee for each passport issued was 13.61 euros (14.49 US dollars). On October 22, 2021, prosecutors opened a criminal case against nine people from the Public Services Agency “targeted in a criminal case of abuse of office”. Prosecutors estimated that the state lost around 41 million euros (43.6 million dollars) in the case.
A note from the Moldovan service for the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering obtained by Black Box shows that more than 24 million euros (25.54 million dollars) did not stop in the company's accounts in Vilnius but ended up in Cyprus and the UAE.
“Of the 135 payments made throughout this period [2014-2019], I can tell you that the final beneficiary is obvious. At least, from what the criminal investigation bodies say, it is clear that the actual beneficiary is Vladimir Plahotniuc,” said ASP director Mircea Esanu.
Sergey Railean, the ASP former director under whose mandate the two contracts with Garsu Pasaulis were signed, said that he knew nothing about benefits for Plahotniuc.
"The tender took place according to the procedures. Therefore, nothing was outside the law," Railean said.
Told that Black Box reporters had established money transfers from Garsu Pasaulis to offshore companies affiliated with Plahotniuc, Railean was asked if he knew anything about it.
"No, absolutely not. Now it is a criminal case. The file must be completed after the trial,"he said. “[…] We did not order any software."
Railean added that ASP paid royalty fees to Garsu Pasaulis "because that was the contract".
On May 5, 2022 the Moldovan anti-corruption prosecutor's office announced that Railean had the status of accused in the so-called passport affair.
Filip, who held the post of prime minister in 2016-2019, did not answer the phone calls or requests for comment.
In May 2018, during a TV show broadcast by Prime, one of Plahotniuc's TV stations, Filip hinted that the state signed a more advantageous contract with Garsu Pasaulis than the previous one agreed in 2011 with a French company.
In 2011, Garsu Pasaulis had in fact tried to win a tender, but its application failed as it did not meet ASP’s criteria. A key condition was that applicants had experience manufacturing electronic passports for at least three European countries, as established by a decision of the Supreme Court of Justice. Garsu Pasaulis did not meet this requirement.
Garsu Pasaulis replied via e-mail that the company won the tenders and successfully delivered blank passport cards for ASP.
“As for the exact details of other commercial contracts, we cannot provide any details as confidentiality commitments bind us,” Andrius Lukosevicius, director of Garsu Pasaulis’ printing security department, wrote. “However, we can confirm that we have never had and do not currently have commercial or other relations with Mr Plahotniuc and [Romanian businesswoman] Mrs Ileana-Mihaela Burcea.”
The passport cash headed south, to the UAE firm Prime Union Solutions FZ LLC. Between January 1, 2018 and July 30, 2019 itreceived transfers for over 4.7 million euros ( five million dollars) from Garsu Pasaulis. The money continued to flow into Plahotniuc's coffers even after he fled Moldova in June 2019 when his name was linked to the disappearance of over a billion dollars - nearly one-eighth of Moldova's GDP - from the country's biggest banks between 2012 and 2014.
Employees at the Moldovan Money Laundering Prevention and Combating Service obtained information from their colleagues in Dubai and stated that the company's majority shareholders were the Romanian citizen Ileana-Mihaela Burcea and the company Inter Gnathonize Limited.
Between October 29, 2018, and July 30, 2019, a total of seven million euros (about 7.4 million dollars) were credited into Prime Union Solutions’ UAE bank account, largely sent from Garsu Pasaulis. The money then traveled to Burcea’s private account in UAE and six other offshore companies.
In liaison with UAE and Cyprus’ authorities, Moldova’s law enforcement agencies determined that Garsu Pasaulis transferred another 19.6 million euros (20.8 million dollars) to another Cyprus offshore company, Gnathonize Limited, also connected to Burcea.
The Cypriot firm opened a bank account in July 2014, four months after Garsu Pasaulis won the Moldova tender. The Lithuanian firm was the main contributor to the account until August 2018. After that, the money was transferred to the company Prime Union INC LTD in Hong Kong and marked as a "dividend payment".
Part Two
Documents from the Hong Kong public registry show that Burcea was one of Prime Union’s shareholders and in 2014-2019 the director. In 2020, Burcea requested the closing of the company. In 2018, over 600,000 euros (639,000 dollars) were transferred from one of Prime Union’s bank accounts to another offshore in Gibraltar.
In addition, 1.5 million euros (1.6 million dollars) arrived in Burcea`s personal account in the UAE and almost 800,000 euros (852,600 dollars) were directed to Recon Business Data Service, a company registered in Dubai led by Burcea. The company was closed in December 2019.
Burcea’s lawyer Cristina Savulescu declined to comment on the financial transfers from Garsu Pasaulis to her client. She also did not comment on Burcea’s connection with Plahotniuc. Savulescu said that any association of her client with an alleged criminal case was damaging to her client's image.
"The judicial procedure in any criminal case, from the time of notification to the competent bodies until the time of sending a particular person to court, is non-public and confidential, meaning that third parties cannot know the content of the carried-out procedures," Savulescu said.
Documents obtained by Black Box with the support of the OCCRP network of investigative journalists show that Plahotniuc used the same infrastructure of offshore companies to take yet more funds out of Moldova.
The former politician used the offshore network for the money obtained from other auctions organised by state enterprises including Moldtelecom, Moldova’s largest telecommunication operator, gas supplier Energocom and the health ministry for dialysis-related services.
The UAE’s Recon Business Data Services, connected to Burcea, was also involved in the financial circuit of money leaked by Plahotniuc from another scheme related to Moldtelecom, concerning public tenders won by Bass Systems SRL in PD`s ruling period.
Between March 2017 to January 2019 the Chisinau-based IT company delivered technical equipment and services for Moldtelecom worth about 41 million euros (43.6 million dollars). Out of this amount, eight million euros (8.5 million dollars) and six million dollars followed the same route to the UAE through Recon Business Data Services.
Another document obtained from the Moldovan service for the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering shows that the Dubai-based company made several transactions to two offshores used by Plahotniuc: the UAE-based Vanguard International LTD and Vanguard International Group, registered in Samoa.
Both companies appeared in Plahotniuc's wealth statements in 2018. However, in the document submitted to Moldova’s Central Electoral Commission on the eve of the February 24, 2019 parliamentary elections, the oligarch declared 4.5 million euros (4.78 million dollars), over 11 million lei (around 585,000 dollars) and 347,000 dollars as dividends obtained from the Dubai-based Vanguard International Ltd.
Moldovan prosecutors established the origin of the money collected by Plahotniuc as "dividends".
Vanguard International LTD received 8.2 million euros (8.72 million dollars) and 2.5 million dollars from UAE-registered RECON SPC LIMITED from December 2017 to May 2019.
Burcea and another Romanian citizen, Silviu Tutuianu, were behind the company in different periods. Almost the entire amount came from the other similarly named firm, the Dubai-based Recon Business Data Service.
Plahotniuc also collected "dividends" worth 1.7 million euros (1.80 million dollars) and almost 350,000 US dollars through another offshore company, TGME INVESTMENTS SPC LTD, managed by Tutuianu.
All these companies were liquidated between the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, after Plahotniuc fled Moldova. The Moldovan anti-corruption prosecutor's office opened a case for the purchase of equipment and services by Moldtelecom from SRL Bass Systems. The prosecutors confirmed that Burcea was interviewed in this criminal case, but did not disclose her status.
Burcea also managed a company that benefited from transfers from Plahotniuc’s Cyprus-registered Asia Pacific Textile Limited. This had transactions with the Cypriot offshore Melopmania Limited, the founder of BB-Dializa, a company which managed the dialysis services for the Moldovan health ministry.
BB Dializa also benefited from legal services from Cyprus-registered Kinanis offshore, founded by Burcea. The company also provided secretarial and legal services for Assentis Holdings Limited, one of the founders of Bass Systems SRL.
Asia Pacific Textile LTD received money from the Energokapital shell company. Between 2014 and 2016, the firm was used by Plahotniuc and Evgheni Shevciuk, former leader of Moldova’s breakaway region of Transnistria, to sell the electricity produced by the Russian-owned Moldgres Power Plant to Moldovan consumers.
The Black Box team tracked Energokapital's connections with Plahotniuc and the involvement of former DP deputy Vladimir Andronachi in the company's management.
Moldova’s service for the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering established the connection between Burcea and two other offshore companies involved in looting a billion dollars from the country’s banking system: Sharp Prospects Limited and Lazomar Trading Limited, registered in Hong Kong and Cyprus respectively.
According to an international independent financial audit named the Kroll report, the Lazomar company received 5.6 million dollars in transfers to a Cypriot bank account. The Kroll report was commissioned by the National Bank of Moldova to investigate the theft that ravaged the country’s banking system.
Plahotniuc did not respond to requests for comment. His lawyer Lucian Rogac said that the former politician pleaded not guilty in the case generically called "blank passport cards".
"An indictment was presented to us. Other evidence to prove guilt was not shown by the prosecution. The only comment I can give you is that my client pleads not guilty to the charges," Rogac said.
In September 2022 Plahotniuc received an arrest warrant in absentia regarding the "blank passport cards" case, alongside Vladislav Zara, former director of the civil registry ASP, ex-PD deputy Andronachi and businessman Alexandru Vilcu. All of them have fled the country. According to Moldova’s ministry of justice, Plahotniuc is currently in Northern Cyprus.
Part Three
The scheme was taken over in the summer of 2020 by two Bulgarian companies.
In May 2020, the Lithuanian company UAB Garsu Pasaulis transferred the right for using the blank cards software to Optimo Service Ltd in Bulgaria, which ASP had co-opted to manage the documents’ personalisation programme.
"ASP proposed to have a third party take over the maintenance of the software from us. At the same time, we received proposals for cooperation from Optimo in Bulgaria," Garsu Pasaulis’ executive Andrius Lukosevicius said in a statement.
"Therefore, we wanted to avoid having any direct relationship with Optimo. While ASP persisted with its complaints [about improper maintenance of the software], we proposed to the client [ASP] that it consider entering into an agreement with Optimo (without us being involved in such a relationship) whereby Optimo would take over the software from us and its maintenance. We would no longer be responsible for this," he concluded.
Headquartered in Sofia’s luxury district of Manastirski Livadi, Optimo Service Ltd was founded on November 27, 2019, half a year before taking over the right to manage the software from Garsu Pasaulis. The founder is Russian citizen Sergey Pirojkov, while the manager is Bulgarian citizen Tsvetan Stoyanov Dimitrov.
The Bivol Investigative Journalism Centre reporter in Bulgaria, one of Black Box's partners in this investigation, went to the company's headquarters to talk to the owners. According to the documents detailing the company’s address, the offices are on the top floor of a residential building, where a beauty salon is also located. There is no plaque indicating the presence in this location of businesses involving ASP and Garsu Pasaulis.
In November 2022, a Bivol reporter knocked on the door. An employee of the beauty salon opened it and said that at the end of the corridor there was an office where "two Russian guys are working on computers, Serioja and Anton". The two men "rarely come to work".
On October 26, 2020, Optimo Service transferred its commitments to ASP to another Bulgarian company, Optimo IT Solutions LTD, whose owner is none other than Stoyanov, Optimo Service’s manager.
Two weeks before this deal, Stoyanov bought an older company and changed its name to Optimo IT Solutions.
Almost two months after Stoianov’s take over, the ASP funds began to flow into the accounts of Optimo IT Solutions as royalty fees for delivering the IDs and passports
According to documents seen by the Black Box team, between November 24, 2020, and August 13, 2021, ASP made 19 payments totaling 5.6 million euros (5.96 million dollars), to the newly established Optimo IT Solutions LTD.
The director of ASP, Mircea Esanu, told Black Box about the shady software rights transfer to Bulgarian companies.
"I assume who is [the beneficiary of those companies]. I have yet to see documents demonstrating where the money went from those accounts of the Bulgarian companies. But for me, it is strange when a company, even a printing house, sells practically for free to a Bulgarian company created overnight and later collects 5.6 million euros (5.96 million dollars) for a year,” he said.
On the same day in November 2022, the Bivol reporter returned to Optimo IT Solutions’ offices in central Sofia, to talk to the company's owner. The office is in an old building and access to the courtyard is prohibited. Employees of the company providing the space for rent refused to grant allow the reporter inside the building. The accountant of the same company refused to give any details.
Black Box called Optimo IT Solutions headquarters to talk to Stoyanov. The company secretary said to send questions by e-mail, but reporters did not receive an answer.
Returning to the summer of 2020, Optimo Service took over the royalty scheme. One month after transferring the rights to the document personalisation software, the Bulgarian company decided to take a Moldovan partner to represent its interests with ASP.
The company wrote to ASP that IT-LAB GRUP SRL would manage the software. The connections led to the Moldovan businessman Alexandru Vilcu.
According to the letter sent to the ASP by the Bulgarian company, IT-LAB GRUP was to deal not only with the technical servicing of the software but to also manage the entire business administration process.
Furthermore, the Moldovan business would be allowed to hold the Optimo Service company stamp, sign documents, and receive and make payments on behalf of the Bulgarian enterprise.
In November 2022, the founder of IT-LAB GRUP, Alexey Cioban, told Black Box that he did not provide any services to ASP because he no longer cooperated with the Bulgarian company. He claims that he was contacted directly from Sofia but did not say with whom he negotiated.
"We had some discussions about a potential partnership. I also went to ASP, and we discussed concluding a contract, but [we did not], with neither ASP nor the Bulgarian company. We did not reach an agreement. We didn't do any work. We didn't get any money and wanted to avoid collaborating with this company [Optimo],” Cioban said. "We had to take care of the technical part, the software, and the equipment installed at ASP. I talked with ASP, found out more details, and said it differs from our line of work. We refused."
Documents however show that the partnership between Optimo Service and IT-LAB lasted half a year and their collaboration contract was terminated in January 2021.
Cioban's firm, delegated by the Bulgarians to defend their interests in Moldova, has its legal address in Chisinau’s Rascani neighbourhood. According to the land registry, the building in which IT-LAB operates belongs to Tehnovin, a machinery manufacturing company owned by Vilcu.
Cioban categorically denied he ever collaborated with Vilcu in the business of Moldova’s public service agency.
In an exchange of messages with Black Box, Vilcu admitted that he tried to arrange a partnership with the company from Bulgaria and proposed a collaboration with IT-LAB. This contradicts Cioban, who denied his partner's involvement in the ASP case.
"We tried with Alexei [Cioban] to partner with those from Lithuania, but after an analysis, Alexei understood that he would not be able to cope with this and refused. And there, believe me, there was no mention of the figures I read in the files and the press,” Vilcu said.
He added it was a "decent proposal for Moldova," about "tens of thousands, not millions".
In September 2020, Vilcu received an arrest warrant in absentia; he did not appear at the hearing as requested by prosecutors.
Vilcu denies allegations that he was one of the beneficiaries of the ASP scheme and claims he initiated his own investigation to find out who benefited from the money stolen from the passports.
"I want to assure you that I did not participate in this affair. I had nothing to do with passports or other documents from Moldova. I have never dealt with a business that is outside the law. I was less interested in the Bulgarian company. I was more interested in the documents based on which the criminal file was opened against me," Vilcu said.
Another character targeted in the passport blanks case was the former deputy Vladimir Andronachi.
The anti-corruption prosecutor's office has established connections between the Bulgarian companies Optimo Service and Optimo IT Solutions with Andronachi and relationships with businessman Alexandru Vilcu.
The prosecutor's office stated that it is verifying Andronachi and Vilcu’s involvement in the ASP scheme.
“We inform you that a preliminary link of connection has been established between these natural and legal persons, but the criminal prosecution body still verifies the factual circumstances of these links. In this sense, requests for rogatory commissions are to be formulated," the statement read.
An official source said that the connection between Andronachi and the companies in Bulgaria was ensured by his family’s lawyer, Carolina Andriuta, who allegedly managed the Bulgarian companies from Chisinau. Black Box reporters have not been able to independently verify these allegations.
The anti-corruption prosecutor's office confirmed that Andriuta is accused in the criminal case “for complicity in the abuse of office and money laundering” but stated that the investigation continues.
Andriuta managed several companies connected to Andronachi. Currently, she is on the accused bench in a case concerning bank fraud, together with Nadejda Andronachi, Vladimir Andronachi’s wife.
Oleg Mita, Vladimir Andronachi’s lawyer, who was recently detained in Ukraine and extradited to Moldova on November 2, 2022 did not respond to questions.
Andronachi remains in prison and Mita states that he pleads not guilty in the “passport affairs” case.
"Mr Andronachi had been officially charged in this case. But he does not admit his fault. He explained to the prosecutors that he knew nothing about such actions related to so-called passport forgery schemes," the lawyer said.
Mita is also Carolina Andriuta's lawyer. Mita claims that Andriuta was not accused and also pleaded not guilty.
Melvin Kramer
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How to Identify Authentic Wagyu Steak: Tips for Buyers
Wagyu beef, renowned for its exceptional quality and luxurious taste, is a coveted delicacy among meat enthusiasts. However, the increasing popularity of Wagyu has also led to a rise in counterfeit products. To ensure you are getting the genuine article, it is crucial to identify authentic Wagyu steak. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore essential tips for buyers, ensuring you can confidently buy Wagyu steak and find the best Wagyu beef in Dubai.
Understanding Wagyu
Wagyu, meaning "Japanese cow," refers to four specific breeds of cattle: Japanese Black, Japanese Brown, Japanese Shorthorn, and Japanese Polled. These breeds are renowned for their superior marbling, contributing to Wagyu's unique tenderness, flavour, and juiciness. The intricate fat marbling enhances the taste and distinguishes Wagyu from other types of beef.
Check the Source and Certification
When you decide to buy Wagyu steak, the first step is to verify the source. Authentic Wagyu beef comes from Japan, although high-quality Wagyu is also produced in countries such as Australia and the United States. However, Japanese Wagyu remains the gold standard. Look for certifications such as the Japanese Meat Grading Association (JMGA) seal, which guarantees the beef's authenticity and quality.
Understand the Grading System
Wagyu beef is evaluated based on its marbling, colour, texture, and fat quality. The Japanese grading system ranges from C1 to A5, with A5 being the highest grade. The letter represents the yield grade, while the number indicates the quality grade. A5 Wagyu boasts the finest marbling, texture, and flavour. Familiarising yourself with this grading system helps you make an informed decision when you buy Wagyu steak.
Examine the Marbling
One of the hallmarks of authentic Wagyu beef is its marbling, which refers to the intramuscular fat interspersed within the meat. When you buy Wagyu steak, look for fine, evenly distributed marbling that appears like a delicate web of fat. This marbling is responsible for the beef's melt-in-your-mouth texture and rich flavour. The more extensive and intricate the marbling, the higher the quality of the Wagyu beef.
Inspect the Colour and Texture
Authentic Wagyu beef typically has a vibrant, cherry-red color with creamy white fat. The texture should be firm yet tender. When you buy Wagyu steak, ensure that the meat has a consistent colour and that the fat is evenly distributed. Avoid beef with a dull colour or an overly greasy appearance, as these indicate lower quality or counterfeit products.
Evaluate the Price and Availability
It is essential to recognize that authentic Wagyu beef is more expensive due to its exceptional quality and the meticulous care required. If you come across Wagyu steak at a meager price, be cautious, as it might be a counterfeit product. Additionally, consider the availability of beef. Genuine Wagyu is rare, so if it seems too easy to find, especially at a low price, it might not be authentic.
Buy from Reputable Sellers
When searching for the best Wagyu beef in Dubai, it is crucial to purchase from reputable sellers. Look for established butchers, gourmet stores, or high-end restaurants known for their quality products. Reputable sellers are more likely to provide detailed information about the beef's origin, breed, and grading. They can also offer insights into preparing and cooking your Wagyu steak to maximise its flavour and tenderness.
Ask for Documentation
Authentic Wagyu beef often comes with documentation that verifies its origin and grading. When you buy Wagyu steak, ask the seller for any available certifications or documentation. This might include information about the cattle's lineage, the farm where it was raised, and the grading assigned by the JMGA or other relevant authorities. Reputable sellers should have no problem providing this information to ensure you receive the best Wagyu beef.
Educate Yourself About Breeds
Different breeds of Wagyu cattle offer varying levels of quality and flavour profiles. Japanese Black (Kuroge Washu) is the most common breed known for its exceptional marbling. Japanese Brown (Akage Washu), Japanese Shorthorn (Nihon Tankaku Washu), and Japanese Polled (Mukaku Washu) each have unique characteristics. Understanding these breeds can help you make a more informed decision when you buy Wagyu steak, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your taste preferences.
Taste Test for Authenticity
If possible, perform a taste test. Authentic Wagyu beef should have a rich, buttery flavour and a melt-in-your-mouth texture. The fat should impart a sweet, umami taste, and the meat should be incredibly tender. When you buy Wagyu steak, consider purchasing a small amount initially to sample its flavour and texture. You can verify its authenticity before committing to a more significant purchase.
Beware of Common Misconceptions
Several things that need to be clarified about beef can lead to clarity when you buy Wagyu steak. One common myth is that all Wagyu beef is Kobe beef. While Kobe is a variety of Wagyu, it originates from a specific region in Japan and follows strict quality standards. Not all Wagyu is Kobe, and not all Kobe beef is available outside Japan. Understanding these distinctions can help you avoid misleading marketing claims and get the best Wagyu beef in Dubai.
Sustainability and Ethical Considerations
When you buy Wagyu steak, it is essential to consider sustainability and ethical practices. Authentic Wagyu production involves meticulous care and humane treatment of cattle. Look for suppliers committed to sustainable farming practices, ensuring the beef you purchase is of the highest quality and ethically sourced. Supporting responsible producers helps maintain the integrity of Wagyu beef and promotes animal welfare.
Exploring the Best Wagyu Beef in Dubai
Dubai, renowned for its luxury and culinary excellence, provides numerous options for those searching for the finest Wagyu beef. Here are some tips for locating top-quality Wagyu in Dubai:
High-end restaurants: Many upscale restaurants in Dubai feature Wagyu beef. These establishments often source their meat from reputable suppliers, ensuring you get a genuine product.
Gourmet markets: Specialty food and gourmet stores in Dubai are excellent places to buy Wagyu steak. These markets typically provide detailed information about the beef's origin and grading.
Butchers: Seek out butchers known for their quality meats. Reputable butchers can offer guidance on selecting the best Wagyu beef and may even provide cooking tips to enhance your dining experience.
The Future of Wagyu Beef
The demand for Wagyu beef continues to grow, and with it, the importance of maintaining authenticity and quality. Advances in breeding, farming practices, and international trade regulations aim to ensure consumers can confidently buy Wagyu steak. As more people become educated about Wagyu, the industry will see even greater emphasis on transparency, sustainability, and ethical practices.
Identifying authentic Wagyu steak requires knowledge and attention to detail, but the effort is well worth it. By understanding the source, grading system, marbling, and other vital factors, you can confidently buy Wagyu steak and enjoy the unparalleled taste and texture that define this exceptional beef. Whether dining at one of Dubai's finest restaurants or purchasing from a trusted butcher, these tips will help you find the best Wagyu beef in Dubai. Embrace the experience and savour the luxurious delight of authentic Wagyu, knowing that you have made an informed and discerning choice.
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pazrexton88 · 2 years
Indian-Canadian Ram Tumuluri’s company accused of corrupting Malta deputy premier’s official
Leaked documents show that a company linked to Sri Ram Tumuluri, the CEO of UK-based Causis Group, made several undeclared payments to a senior Maltese official.
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A controversial Indian-Canadian businessman whose company has recently signed an Rs2,800-crore deal to supply e-buses to Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport (BEST) is facing fresh allegations of corruption – involving Malta’s Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne’s office.
Leaked documents show that a company linked to Sri Ram Tumuluri, the CEO of UK-based Causis Group, made several undeclared payments to a senior Maltese official. The payments are linked to a deal in 2015 when Sri Ram Tumuluri’s firm, Vitals Global Healthcare (VGH), won a privatization tender to manage three hospitals in Malta, despite having no relevant experience. The hospitals are St. Luke’s, Karin Grech, and Gozo.
The controversial takeover of Malta’s state hospitals has now taken an extraordinary further twist, with leaked banked transfers showing a series of suspicious payments to the chief political advisor of Malta’s health minister Chris Fearne.
Carmen Ciantar received a total of €443,500 Euros from Gozo International Medicare Ltd – part of the VGH group – in less than four months.
The money came from the firm’s account at the Dubai-headquartered Emirates NBD Bank. It then transferred a €750,000 “loan repayment” into an account at Bordier & Cie Geneva, a Swiss private bank, registered to a Panamanian entity, Glotal Finance Inc., which also referenced Ciantar.
The first of the initial payments, described as travel expenses reimbursements by Ciantar, came six weeks before VGH was granted a 30-year concession to run St. Luke’s, Karin Grech, and Gozo hospitals.
At the time of the transfers, Gozo International Medicare was one of several offshore companies at the heart of the complex secretive ownership structure of VGH. Transaction reference numbers provided in the leaked banking tranche indicate there were at least 15 invoices submitted to Gozo International Medicare by Ciantar – dating between October 6, 2015, and February 25, 2016.
Carmen Ciantar is listed on LinkedIn as CEO of Foundation for Medical Services, a government entity that manages public healthcare across Malta. In a statement on its official website, Ciantar states that the foundation has a “zero tolerance approach towards any form of bribery.” She is also his chief of staff at the health ministry but that role is unpaid.
She was first put on the public payroll as CEO of utility firm ARMS Ltd in 2013 by Fearne’s disgraced predecessor Konrad Mizzi.
Ciantar is one of Malta’s highest-paid officials after she was given a €163,000 Euros a year package by Fearne himself – in a process which the country’s auditor general described as “irregular.” In July 2017 it was revealed that Ciantar had been seen in the foundation’s offices since the previous May because she had been working full-time on Fearne’s election campaigns.
Fearne has repeatedly insisted he had nothing to do with the talks which led to Vitals Global Healthcare (VGH) taking over the running of the state hospitals. Fearne, who is now deputy prime minister, was parliamentary secretary of state for health in Mizzi’s ministry when VGH was granted the much-criticized 30-year concession on 30 November 2015.
A damning Maltese National Audit Office (NAO) report into the scandal supported Fearne’s version of events, revealing that neither the health secretariat nor the finance ministry was involved in the discussions.
In a subsequent Facebook post, Fearne said he was “absolutely not involved” in any of the reported pre-tender talks mentioned by the Auditor General.
“I did not even know about the existence of the Memorandum of Understanding,” Fearne added. The MoU was an agreement signed between the government of Malta and the shadowy businessmen behind Vitals Global Healthcare.
Konrad Mizzi, Fearne’s predecessor as health secretary, gave a different version of events. Mizzi, now an independent MP, claimed an evaluation committee had presented a report on the project to the cabinet, where ministers had given it the thumbs up.
“In fact, the cabinet was involved in every stage of the process and approved every contract that was signed,” he said.
There is no evidence to show that Fearne knew of the payments to his chief canvasser, but the sheer scale of the payments is certain to prompt calls for further investigation by opposition politicians.
In February this year, a Maltese judge ordered that the three hospitals be returned to public control, prompting independent MP Arnold Cassola to call for Mizzi and Malta’s former prime minister Joseph Muscat to be arraigned.
Lawyers acting for Sri Ram Tumuluri, former chief executive officer of Vitals Healthcare, have threatened legal action against The Shift, a Malta-based independent online news platform, for describing him as an “international scammer.”
“Tumuluri has been declared an international scammer and the main culprit in scams worth crores of rupees by Malta, Canada, and the European Union. Serious allegations have been leveled against him and the Supreme Court in Canada has also made serious declarations about him,” BJP MLA Ashish Shelar said during a debate in the Indian parliament about tendering for electric buses from Tumuluri’s London-based Causis E-Mobility company.
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wittipogliditika · 2 years
Malta Deputy PM’s Aide Resigns Amidst Allegations Of Receiving Undeclared Payments From Indian Businessman
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Senior Malta government official Carmen Ciantar has stepped down after leaked documents revealed she had received several undeclared payments from a company linked to controversial Indian-Canadian businessman Sri Ram Tumuluri, the CEO of UK-based Causis Group.
The payments are linked to a deal in 2015 when Sri Ram Tumuluri’s firm, Vitals Global Healthcare (VGH), won a privatisation tender to manage three hospitals in Malta, St. Luke’s, Karin Grech and Gozo, despite having no relevant experience. The deal and Tumuluri’s failure to deliver on his commitments have been subject to intense scrutiny in Malta and in Europe.
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Tumuluri, whose company recently signed a ₹2,800 crore (approx. €316 million) deal to supply e-buses to India’s Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport (BEST), is facing fresh allegations of corruption in new leaked papers involving Malta's deputy prime minister Chris Fearne’s aide and senior government official Carmen Ciantar.
After leaked documents alleged that Ciantar had received several payments totalling €443,500 from Gozo International Medicare Ltd between October 2015 and February 2016 from Ram Tumuluri’s company, Ciantar initially refuted the allegations as “totally and absolutely untrue”.
However, within a couple of hours, deputy prime minister Chris Fearne’s office announced Ciantar had resigned in order to be able to defend herself. Ciantar said she was “suspending” herself, but claimed this was in no way an admission of guilt.
The dubious payments 
Investigations revealed that the chief political advisor of Malta’s health minister Chris Fearne received a total of €443,500 Euros from Gozo International Medicare Ltd – part of the Vital Global Healthcare (VGH) group – in less than four months from the firm’s account at the Dubai-headquartered Emirates NBD Bank. It then transferred a €750,000 “loan repayment” into an account at Bordier & Cie Geneva, a Swiss private bank, registered to a Panamanian entity, Glotal Finance Inc., which also referenced Ciantar.
The first of the payments, described as travel expenses reimbursements by Ciantar, came six weeks before VGH was granted a 30-year concession to run St. Luke’s, Karin Grech, and Gozo hospitals.
Transaction reference numbers provided in the leaked banking tranche indicate there were at least 15 invoices submitted to Gozo International Medicare by Ciantar – dating between October 6, 2015, and February 25, 2016.
Carmen Ciantar, Chris Fearne and Sri Ram Tumuluri 
Carmen Ciantar is listed on LinkedIn as CEO at Foundation for Medical Services (FMS), a government entity which manages public healthcare across Malta. At the time of the transfers, she was CEO of ARMS Ltd, government-owned utilities company that came under the remit of disgraced former minister of energy and health Konrad Mizzi. Mizzi was handed a travel ban by the US Government in December 2021 on account of his involvement in “significant corruption”.
Within a few months of the transfers, according to local daily the Times of Malta, she had gone to work as the head of Fearne’s election campaign – during which time he also appointed her CEO of FMS.
Fearne, who is now deputy prime minister, was parliamentary secretary state for health in Mizzi’s ministry when VGH was granted the much-criticised 30-year concession on 30 November 2015.
There is no evidence yet that suggests that Maltese deputy prime minister Chris Fearne knew of the payments to his chief canvasser, but the sheer scale of the payments is certain to prompt calls for further investigation by opposition politicians. Fearne has held senior positions in the administrations of both former premier Joseph Muscat and current prime minister Robert Abela, who he challenged for the leadership following Muscat’s resignation in 2020.
In February this year, a Maltese judge ordered that the three hospitals be returned to public control, prompting independent MP Arnold Cassola to demand that Mizzi and former Maltese prime minister Joseph Muscat be arraigned.
“Tumuluri has been declared an international scammer and the main culprit in scams worth crores of rupees by Malta, Canada and the European Union. Serious allegations have been levelled against him and the Supreme Court in Canada has also made serious declarations about him,” BJP MLA Ashish Shelar said during a debate in the Indian parliament about tendering for electric buses from Tumuluri’s London-based Causis E-Mobility company.
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aurabusinessservices · 5 months
Mitigate Business Risks with Aura Vision Advisors: Premier Bank Guarantee Services in Dubai. In the realm of business, risk is inherent. This is why savvy trade partners turn to bank guarantees for ensuring the security of negotiated transactions. If you’re in need of a reliable bank guarantee, look no further – Aura Vision Advisors is here to provide top-notch services in Dubai. Essentially functioning like a loan system, a bank guarantee offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional loans. In this scenario, banks levy a fixed fee, often a percentage of the transaction amount. Dubai’s bank guarantee providers, such as Aura Vision Advisors, hold particular allure, actively diminishing the potential risks associated with financial transactions. They play a pivotal role in ensuring the complete fulfilment of contractual obligations, safeguarding the integrity of your business agreements. The Entities Involved In A Bank Guarantee Include: Beneficiary: A legal or natural customer initiating the payment request and receiving the payment amount from the bank. Principal: The entity responsible for issuing the bank guarantee. Guarantor: A financial institution that, upon receiving a payment request, promptly undertakes the obligation to pay the specified amount to the person outlined in the contract. A bank guarantee proves beneficial not only for business owners but also for banks. Unlike loans, immediate economic coverage is not required. Additionally, payments associated with guarantees may be delayed or deemed unnecessary. When providing this guarantee, a compulsory commission fee is charged in full. Our perspective suggests consulting with professional bank guarantee providers in Dubai, experienced in navigating this process. TYPES OF BANK GUARANTEES IN DUBAI Payment Guarantee: Payment Guarantee ensures timely payment for provided goods or services. The benefit is it provides financial security to the beneficiary, ensuring compensation for delivered products or services. Tender Guarantee: Tender Guarantee ensures the fulfilment of payment requirements if the successful tenderer refuses cooperation (e.g., cancels the application or does not sign an agreement). The benefit is it safeguards the interests of the party issuing the tender against potential non-compliance by the successful bidder. Tax and Customs Guarantees: Tax and Customs Guarantees ensure the performance of obligations to customs and tax officials in the United Arab Emirates. The benefit is it demonstrates compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, providing assurance to authorities. Advance Payment Guarantee: Advance Payment Guarantee guarantees the refund of advance payment if transaction terms and conditions are not met concerning time and volume. The benefit is it mitigates the risk for the party making an advance payment, ensuring a refund if agreed conditions are not fulfilled. Performance Guarantee: Performance Guarantee provides assurance for the complete and timely delivery of services, works, and commodities. The benefit is it enhances trust between contracting parties by ensuring the satisfactory completion of agreed-upon tasks. Conditional and Unconditional Guarantee: Conditional Guarantee involves payment upon the beneficiary’s written request and the availability of confirming documents. Non-conditional Guarantee implies a direct and immediate obligation for payment without additional requirements. The benefit is it offers flexibility in financial arrangements, allowing parties to choose guarantees based on specific transaction needs.
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icvcertificate · 5 months
Accelerate Growth of Dubai Business: Obtain ICV Compliance Quickly
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Overall, ICV certification plays a crucial role in promoting economic development and local participation in UAE business landscape. Businesses that prioritize ICV compliance can unlock significant growth opportunities and establish themselves as valuable partners within the UAE. 
What are the reasons for prioritizing ICV compliance in Dubai? 
In Dubai's fast-paced corporate environment, velocity is frequently a crucial element for achieving success. The identical idea is applicable while striving to achieve ICV compliance. Obtaining ICV certification has many advantages, but expediting the procedure gives a notable competitive advantage. Here's why expediting the ICV certification process can significantly benefit your business in Dubai: 
Capitalize on profitable opportunities at an earlier stage: 
Dubai possesses a prosperous economy driven by government projects and tenders. Nevertheless, engagement in these bidding processes is frequently limited to enterprises who adhere to ICV regulations. By expediting the process of obtaining your ICV certification, you will promptly get access to a broader range of potentially profitable business prospects. Envision obtaining a government contract that is perfectly suited to your expertise, which has the potential to significantly accelerate the growth of your organization. However, if the company does not have ICV certification, another company that places a higher emphasis on the procedure may seize that chance. Ensure that you do not miss out on significant opportunities by expediting your ICV compliance and positioning yourself for success.  Maintain a Competitive Edge:  The Dubai market is highly competitive. Businesses are continuously competing for a larger portion of the market and the interest of potential customers. Obtaining ICV certification showcases your dedication to promoting the local economy and nurturing Emirati talent. This results in a significant advantage, distinguishing you from competitors who have not yet achieved ICV certification. When potential clients or partners assess their alternatives, a company that is complying with ICV (In-Country Value) standards automatically receives an increase in credibility. Accelerating the process enables you to demonstrate your commitment to the UAE market at an earlier stage, providing you with a distinct edge in gaining new clients and establishing valuable alliances.  Optimize Your ICV Progress (If Relevant):  The standard ICV certification procedure typically entails several stages, which include submitting an application, verifying documents, and conducting an assessment. The duration of the process can vary, although it is not unusual for it to last many weeks. Nevertheless, by giving priority to fast-tracking, you can utilize tactics to enhance the efficiency of each stage. This may need collaborating with ICV experts (if your service provides this) who have the proficiency to optimize the application process, anticipate possible obstacles, and ensure that all required documentation is thorough and precise from the beginning. In addition, these consultants can provide guidance on effectively meeting ICV standards, which may help speed up the whole certification process. 
Steps to Expedite ICV Compliance in Dubai 
Now that you understand the persuasive justifications for expediting ICV compliance in Dubai, let's explore practical measures to accelerate the process and attain ICV certification efficiently:  Simplifying the Application Process:  - Preparation is crucial: Thorough planning is essential for a smooth application procedure. Collect all essential paperwork well ahead of time, including business licenses, trade permits, and financial records. Familiarize yourself with the precise ICV (In-Country Value) requirements and ensure you possess the necessary documentation to verify your company's adherence to those requirements.  - Minimizing congestion: Insufficient applications contribute to delays. Thoroughly verify all forms for precision and ensure they are fully completed. Examine the list of necessary papers and submit them all at once to prevent the need for repeated communication with the authorities.  - Function of ICV Consultants (Optional): Consider partnering with ICV experts who specialize in guiding the certification process. They can offer significant counsel on precisely completing the application, ensuring all prerequisites are fulfilled, and potentially accelerating the review process (if applicable to your service). 
Efficiently Meeting ICV Requirements: 
Essential ICV Needs: Acquaint yourself with the fundamental ICV requirements, including:  - Local Workforce: Display a commitment to employing and educating Emirati personnel. Create a well-defined recruitment plan emphasizing attracting and retaining talent from the local area.  - Local Procurement: Give priority to obtaining materials and services from suppliers in the immediate vicinity. Conduct thorough research and build relationships with vendors based in the United Arab Emirates to meet procurement requirements.  - Demonstrate your dedication to the local economy by emphasizing any investments made in the UAE or training initiatives provided to Emirati personnel. 
Strategies for Maximizing Efficiency: 
- Recruitment Strategies: Collaborate with regional recruitment companies specializing in placing Emirati individuals. Participate in career fairs specifically aimed at Emirati grads.  - Regional Vendors: Use online directories and government tools to locate competent local vendors for the supplies and services you need.  - Programs for Training: Create specialized training programs to enhance the skills of your current workforce, with a specific emphasis on personnel from the United Arab Emirates. 
Obstacles and Resolutions (if applicable): 
- Enumerate prevalent obstacles firms face when meeting ICV regulations, including the scarcity of skilled Emirati labor and difficulty in locating appropriate local suppliers.  - Suggest possible remedies, such as collaborating with educational institutions to enhance the acquisition of specialized skills or participating in government programs that encourage local purchasing. 
Utilizing Existing Resources Effectively: 
The Dubai government provides a range of resources to support firms in meeting ICV compliance requirements. Discover online platforms and software specifically developed to assist businesses in navigating the application process, providing answers to inquiries, and even speeding up the application procedure.  These resources offer valuable information, training materials, and help during the ICV certification process. Employing them can greatly enhance your productivity and comprehension of the specifications.  To expedite your ICV compliance journey, carefully follow these procedures and strategically utilize the resources at your disposal. Keep in mind that obtaining ICV certification as soon as possible will allow you to access the various advantages it provides for the expansion of your business in Dubai. 
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 
What is ICV certification?  ICV stands for In-Country Value. Dubai's ICV accreditation program evaluates a company's local economic impact, encouraging companies to buy locally, hire Emiratis, and invest in training and development.  Is ICV certification required for all Dubai businesses?  ICV certification is required for bidding on government and some private tenders. Many companies obtain ICV accreditation to demonstrate their commitment to the local economy and gain a competitive edge.  What are the ICV compliance fast-track benefits?  Fast-tracking ICV compliance offers the following advantages:  - Bid on government contracts faster.  - Maintain competitiveness in Dubai.  - Demonstrate commitment to the UAE economy.  - Explore new business prospects.  How long does ICV certification usually take?  The ICV certification timeline depends on your business's complexity and application completion. Fast-tracking may reduce the usual 2-4 week timeframe.  How can I accelerate Dubai ICV compliance?  To speed up the process, consider the following methods:  - Gather all required documentation.  - Seek advice from ICV consultants (optional).  - Effectively meet ICV standards, such as local recruitment and sourcing.  - Take advantage of government assistance.  What are common ICV certification challenges for businesses?  Businesses may face challenges such as delays from incomplete applications, difficulty meeting ICV criteria (e.g., local workforce quotas), and ignorance of assistance programs and resources.  Should I hire ICV consultants?  Businesses aiming to accelerate certification may benefit from ICV consultants. They offer experienced advice, streamline paperwork, and ensure all criteria are satisfied. Consider your company's ICV resources and experience before making a decision.  Read the full article
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Malta Deputy PM’s Aide Resigns Amidst Allegations Of Receiving Undeclared Payments From Indian Businessman
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Senior Malta government official Carmen Ciantar has stepped down after leaked documents revealed she had received several undeclared payments from a company linked to controversial Indian-Canadian businessman Sri Ram Tumuluri, the CEO of UK-based Causis Group.
The payments are linked to a deal in 2015 when Sri Ram Tumuluri’s firm, Vitals Global Healthcare (VGH), won a privatisation tender to manage three hospitals in Malta, St. Luke’s, Karin Grech and Gozo, despite having no relevant experience. The deal and Tumuluri’s failure to deliver on his commitments have been subject to intense scrutiny in Malta and in Europe.
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Sri Ram Tumuluri, former CEO of Vitals Global Healthcare, with Malta's health minister Chris Fearne
Tumuluri, whose company recently signed a ₹2,800 crore (approx. €316 million) deal to supply e-buses to India’s Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport (BEST), is facing fresh allegations of corruption in new leaked papers involving Malta's deputy prime minister Chris Fearne’s aide and senior government official Carmen Ciantar.
After leaked documents alleged that Ciantar had received several payments totalling €443,500 from Gozo International Medicare Ltd between October 2015 and February 2016 from Ram Tumuluri’s company, Ciantar initially refuted the allegations as “totally and absolutely untrue”.
However, within a couple of hours, deputy prime minister Chris Fearne’s office announced Ciantar had resigned in order to be able to defend herself. Ciantar said she was “suspending” herself, but claimed this was in no way an admission of guilt.
The dubious payments 
Investigations revealed that the chief political advisor of Malta’s health minister Chris Fearne received a total of €443,500 Euros from Gozo International Medicare Ltd – part of the Vital Global Healthcare (VGH) group – in less than four months from the firm’s account at the Dubai-headquartered Emirates NBD Bank. It then transferred a €750,000 “loan repayment” into an account at Bordier & Cie Geneva, a Swiss private bank, registered to a Panamanian entity, Glotal Finance Inc., which also referenced Ciantar.
The first of the payments, described as travel expenses reimbursements by Ciantar, came six weeks before VGH was granted a 30-year concession to run St. Luke’s, Karin Grech, and Gozo hospitals.
Transaction reference numbers provided in the leaked banking tranche indicate there were at least 15 invoices submitted to Gozo International Medicare by Ciantar – dating between October 6, 2015, and February 25, 2016.
Carmen Ciantar, Chris Fearne and Sri Ram Tumuluri 
Carmen Ciantar is listed on LinkedIn as CEO at Foundation for Medical Services (FMS), a government entity which manages public healthcare across Malta. At the time of the transfers, she was CEO of ARMS Ltd, government-owned utilities company that came under the remit of disgraced former minister of energy and health Konrad Mizzi. Mizzi was handed a travel ban by the US Government in December 2021 on account of his involvement in “significant corruption”.
Within a few months of the transfers, according to local daily the Times of Malta, she had gone to work as the head of Fearne’s election campaign – during which time he also appointed her CEO of FMS.
Fearne, who is now deputy prime minister, was parliamentary secretary state for health in Mizzi’s ministry when VGH was granted the much-criticised 30-year concession on 30 November 2015.
There is no evidence yet that suggests that Maltese deputy prime minister Chris Fearne knew of the payments to his chief canvasser, but the sheer scale of the payments is certain to prompt calls for further investigation by opposition politicians. Fearne has held senior positions in the administrations of both former premier Joseph Muscat and current prime minister Robert Abela, who he challenged for the leadership following Muscat’s resignation in 2020.
In February this year, a Maltese judge ordered that the three hospitals be returned to public control, prompting independent MP Arnold Cassola to demand that Mizzi and former Maltese prime minister Joseph Muscat be arraigned.
“Tumuluri has been declared an international scammer and the main culprit in scams worth crores of rupees by Malta, Canada and the European Union. Serious allegations have been levelled against him and the Supreme Court in Canada has also made serious declarations about him,” BJP MLA Ashish Shelar said during a debate in the Indian parliament about tendering for electric buses from Tumuluri’s London-based Causis E-Mobility company.
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Key Considerations for Applying for ICV Certificate
Eligibility Criteria: Verify that your company meets the eligibility standards established by UAE authorities.
Required Documentation: Gather all necessary documents, including financial statements, a detailed company profile, and other required forms.
Certified Bodies: Select an accredited icv certification body in the UAE to handle the audit and certification process.
Audit Preparation: Prepare for a comprehensive audit that evaluates your company's operations and contributions to the UAE economy.
Regulatory Compliance: Adhere to all relevant regulations and guidelines to prevent delays or complications in the certification process.
Utilization of ICV Certificate
Competitive Edge: Leverage the ICV certificate to enhance your company’s market competitiveness within the UAE.
Tender Eligibility: Use the certificate to qualify for tenders, particularly those from government entities and large corporations in the UAE.
Market Expansion: Promote your ICV certification in marketing materials to attract new business opportunities and partnerships.
Understanding the In-Country Value (ICV) Certificate
Definition: The in country value certificate measures a company's contribution to the local economy through its business activities in the UAE.
Advantages: Facilitates preferential status in procurement processes and contracts with both government and private sectors.
Process for ICV Certificate Registration
Registration Portal: Register through the official ICV certification portal or an accredited certification body.
Application Process: Submit your application along with all required documentation for review.
ICV Certificate Providers in the UAE
Certification Bodies: Identify and choose from several accredited bodies authorized to issue ICV certificates. Opt for a provider with industry-specific experience.
ICV Certification Companies in the UAE
Service Providers: Compile a list of companies offering ICV certification services in the UAE.
ICV Certification Bodies in the UAE
Accredited Bodies: Ensure that the icv certification bodies in uae you engage with are accredited by relevant UAE authorities to guarantee the certificate’s validity.
Importance of ICV Certification in the UAE
Significance: Highlight the importance of icv certification uae market and its impact on business operations and opportunities.
Verification of ICV Certificate
Verification Process: Detail the steps to verify the authenticity of an icv certificate verification through the appropriate authorities or online portals.
Specifics of ICV Certificate in Dubai
Dubai Requirements: Emphasize any specific requirements or benefits associated with the ICV certificate for businesses operating in Dubai.
ICV Audit Preparation and Process
Preparation: Thoroughly prepare for the ICV audit by reviewing all aspects of your company's operations, financials, and local economic contributions.
Audit Steps: Outline the audit process steps and what companies should expect during an ICV audit.
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esgagile · 6 months
What advantages does ISO 9001 offer?
We are an ISO Consultancy; Efficiency gains are one of the main advantages of establishing a QMS with ISO 9001 certification. Reducing time and resource waste not only improves productivity and lowers stress levels in the workplace but also saves money. This increases your company's profitability and frees up cash you may invest in new ventures that will propel your business forward. Gap analyses are conducted as part of the ISO 9001 implementation process to pinpoint areas that need improvement for a successful QMS rollout. An auditor will visit your company, review what you already have, and assist you in finding opportunities for improvement. If these issues are resolved, your organization's efficiency can increase. Furthermore, to keep your certification, your organization must undergo frequent reviews and internal audits, which lowers the possibility of issues cropping up later.
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As an ISO Consultancy in Dubai, combining these two elements enables you to identify any process gaps and take action to maintain your company's highest efficiency level. Your organization will not benefit from processes that produce inconsistent or good results that are hard to duplicate. You must have faith that your company can consistently deliver quality work. One of ISO 9001's most significant advantages is that it makes implementing procedures that produce easily reproducible, consistent results easier. This gives you peace of mind that your company consistently delivers high-quality results. However, doing this guarantees that your clients will always receive top-notch assistance. However, because ISO 9001 is widely recognized, it will take precedence over such assertions.
In our opinion as ISO Consultant, there is no assurance that a company that has self-certified its QMS has yet to adopt a lax attitude or cover up problems. On the other hand, independent audits of a UKAS-accredited certification will guarantee that your QMS meets the highest requirements for new and current clients. Businesses' procedures develop and expand along with them. However, procedures can occasionally be thrown together to react swiftly to an unexpected circumstance, or they can just be created in a way that causes various teams or departments to become isolated. This may result in repetition, inefficiencies, and even gaps that put your company in danger. However, a thorough QMS implemented via ISO 9001 will offer procedures that can expand your business, keeping efficiency and consistency regardless of your company's size.
We are renowned ISO Consultant in Dubai, Because of its widespread recognition, ISO certification is a helpful shorthand for proving your expertise when submitting tenders. Instead of providing documentation proving you fulfil every quality management prerequisite specified for a tender, you may attach the specifics of your recognized ISO 9001 certification. Many organizations seek suppliers who have a quality management system (QMS) due to its significance. Furthermore, it is less work for these organizations to go through mountains of paperwork to determine whether a bidder's self-certified or non-certified QMS satisfies their requirements than it is to make ISO 9001 certification a prerequisite for a tender. Even if your rival has an ISO 9001 certification, you can obtain the upper hand if you ensure an approved certifier issues your certification.
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sonulohiaems · 9 months
Unlocking Opportunity: Your Guide to Dubai Mainland Licenses
Dubai, the glittering city of ambition and opportunity, beckons entrepreneurs and businesses with its dynamic market and strategic location. But before building your empire in the desert, navigating the intricacies of business setup is crucial. This is where the "Dubai mainland license" enters the scene, your key to unlocking the full potential of this vibrant hub.
What is a Dubai Mainland License?
Think of it as your official passport to operate within the Emirati jurisdiction, granting you unrestricted access to conduct business throughout the UAE. Unlike free zone licenses with geographical limitations, a mainland license empowers you to trade directly with local companies, establish retail storefronts, and participate in government contracts. It's your gateway to unrestricted success.
Benefits of a Dubai Mainland License:
Unfettered Market Reach: Operate freely within the entire UAE, not just within a designated free zone. Access a larger customer base and tap into lucrative local markets.
Direct Trade and Investment: Engage in unrestricted trade with mainland companies, eliminating limitations and paperwork associated with free zones. Build strong local partnerships and attract direct investment.
Brand Visibility and Credibility: Gain instant recognition and trust as a locally licensed business. Project a professional image and attract higher-caliber clients and partners.
Government Contracts and Tenders: Secure lucrative government contracts and participate in exclusive tenders, only accessible to mainland license holders. Elevate your business to a whole new level.
100% Foreign Ownership: Since 2020, foreign investors can enjoy complete ownership of their mainland LLC businesses, removing previous local partner requirements.
Types of Dubai Mainland Licenses:
Commercial Trade License: Ideal for businesses involved in buying, selling, or trading goods and commodities. Caters to a wide range of industries like import-export, retail, and wholesale.
Professional Trade License: Designed for service-based businesses like consultancy, marketing, and healthcare. Allows you to offer professional expertise to clients within the UAE.
Industrial Trade License: Geared towards manufacturing and production activities. Enables you to set up your own factory or production facility in Dubai.
Obtaining a Dubai Mainland License:
The process may seem daunting, but with proper guidance, it's surprisingly streamlined. Here's a basic overview:
Define your business: Identify your target market, business activity, and legal structure (sole establishment, LLC, etc.).
Choose your trade name: Select a unique and relevant name that complies with DED regulations.
Secure initial approval: Obtain preliminary approval from the Department of Economic Development (DED).
Prepare legal documents: Draft a Memorandum of Association (MoA) and Local Service Agent (LSA) agreement.
Select a business location: Choose a suitable office space or commercial site based on your license type.
Obtain additional approvals: Secure any necessary permits or licenses from relevant authorities depending on your industry.
Collect your trade license: After completing all steps and fulfilling requirements, receive your official Dubai mainland license.
Tips for a Smooth Mainland Licensing Process:
Partner with a Business Setup Consultant: Experienced professionals can navigate the bureaucratic hurdles and ensure seamless incorporation.
Understand Legal Requirements: Stay informed about latest DED regulations and visa sponsorship procedures.
Prepare Adequate Documentation: Have all documents readily available to avoid delays and complications.
Choose the Right License Type: Select the license that best aligns with your business activity and future plans.
Be Patient and Persistent: The process may take time, but perseverance will lead to success.
Beyond the License: Building a Thriving Business:
Obtaining a Dubai mainland license is just the first step. To truly flourish, focus on these essentials:
Develop a Comprehensive Business Plan: Define your value proposition, marketing strategy, and financial projections.
Build a Strong Team: Attract talented professionals and create a dynamic work environment.
Network and Build Relationships: Actively engage with the local business community and foster mutually beneficial connections.
Embrace Innovation and Technology: Adapt to the ever-evolving market and leverage technology to optimize operations.
Comply with Regulations: Stay updated on legal and financial requirements to avoid any complications.
Unleashing Your Potential in Dubai:
Remember, a Dubai mainland license is more than just a piece of paper; it's your key to unlocking a world of possibilities. With careful planning, meticulous execution, and unwavering determination, you can turn your entrepreneurial dream into a thriving reality in the heart of the Middle East. So, are you ready to embark on this exciting journey?
Additional Resources:
Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED): https://eservices.dubaided.gov.ae/
Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry:
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Navigating Excellence: A Comprehensive Guide to ISO 9001 Certification in Dubai
ISO 9001 Certification in Dubai is proof of an effective QMS in an organization that aims at ensuring the quality of products and processes, meeting the customer’s expectations, and boosting the organization’s reputation in the market. The latest version of ISO 9001 was published in 2015, and hence, it is named ISO 9001:2015. ISO 9001 Certification in Dubai also makes doing business with organizations in other countries much easier, since you’re working with a standard set of suggested practices. ISO 9001 Certification can help manufacturing companies manage these risks, improve worker safety and reduce waste.
Usage of ISO 9001 Implementation in Dubai
 ISO 9001 Implementation in Dubai helps companies practice standard operations complying with the ISO Standard manuals. The Quality Certification in UAE also ensures competitive advantage, customer satisfaction, and worldwide recognition.
Increased revenue: leveraging the reputation of ISO 9001 can help you to win more tenders and contracts whilst increasing efficiency aids customer satisfaction and retention.
Improved customer satisfaction: by understanding your customers' needs and reducing errors, you increase customer confidence in your ability to deliver products and services.
Higher operating efficiency: you can reduce costs by following industry best practices and focusing on quality.
Improved decision-making - Through the ISO 9001 implementation in Dubai can detect and identify problems in good time, which means that you can quickly take steps to avoid the same mistakes in the future.
Greater employee engagement: you can ensure everyone works toward one agenda by improving internal communications. Involving employees in designing process improvements makes them happier and more productive.
Process of ISO 9001 Audit in Dubai
 ISO 9001 Audit in Dubai is a systematic, independent, objective and documented process for gathering facts. These will help you identify areas for improvement and ensure you have best practice processes in place. Driving continual improvement is a key part of ISO 9001. Conducting an ISO audit in a firm ensures that To check the suitability of standards, regulations, procedures, and conditions of implementation in your organization.
In general, the parties involved in an ISO audit are the auditor and the auditee. The auditor is the person who is responsible for carrying out the audit. At the same time, the auditee is the person being audited or the party being audited by the auditor. These are the main factors related to the process of ISO 9001 Audit in Dubai.
How much does ISO 9001 certification cost in Dubai
ISO 9001 Cost in Dubai depends on various factors. When we discuss the ISO 9001 certification cost in the UAE, let us also understand about ISO certification requirements in the UAE. It is important to discuss the ISO certification requirements in UAE because ISO 9001 certification cost will vary to a great extent depending on which ISO certification requirements apply to your business. In short, the size and complexity of your organization will greatly influence the ISO 9001 Cost in Dubai.
Best ISO 9001 Certification Services in Dubai
Are you looking for the best ISO 9001 Consultants Services in Dubai? B2BCERT is the answer to your query. ISO 9001 certification in Dubai provides you with a quality business in the Middle East. Establishing and implementing the requirements of ISO standards for effective and efficient management systems may seem like a mountainous task. However, with the guidance of the most experienced and the best ISO certification consultant in the market, this mountain can be scaled like a pro. At B2BCERT, we aspire to offer you the best consultancy solutions for your management systems.
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digitally3 · 10 months
Dubai Mainland License Costs Decoded for Success
Dubai, the jewel of the Middle East, is a magnet for global businesses seeking unparalleled opportunities. Entrepreneurs and corporations alike are drawn to the city's dynamic landscape and strategic location. One key factor that plays a pivotal role in establishing a business in Dubai is obtaining a mainland license. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the nuances of Dubai mainland license cost and how expert Arab business consultants can help you navigate the process seamlessly.
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 Understanding the Dubai Mainland License:
 Before diving into the costs associated with a Dubai mainland license, it's crucial to comprehend the significance of this type of license. Unlike free zone licenses, which restrict business activities to a specific geographic area, a mainland license grants you the freedom to operate anywhere in Dubai. This flexibility opens doors to a broader consumer base and allows for unhindered expansion within the city and beyond.
 Benefits of a Dubai Mainland License:
Market Access and Growth Opportunities:
A mainland license provides unrestricted access to the local market, allowing you to tap into the diverse consumer base in Dubai and beyond.
The license facilitates business growth and expansion without geographical limitations, positioning your enterprise strategically.
Flexibility in Business Activities:
Dubai mainland licenses offer the flexibility to engage in a wide range of business activities, promoting diversification and adaptability to market trends.
Global Recognition:
Businesses with a mainland license are perceived as local entities, enhancing credibility and trust among clients, partners, and investors globally.
Government Contracts and Tenders:
Having a mainland license makes your business eligible to participate in government contracts and tenders, unlocking additional revenue streams.
Dubai Mainland License Cost Breakdown:
 The cost of obtaining a Dubai mainland license varies based on several factors, including the nature of your business, the chosen business activities, and the specific requirements of the regulatory authorities. Here's a detailed breakdown of the typical expenses associated with acquiring a mainland license:
Consultation Fees:
Engaging the services of Arab business consultants is a prudent first step. Their expertise ensures a smooth licensing process and consultation fees typically range from $2,000 to $5,000.
Trade Name Reservation:
Before initiating the licensing process, you must reserve a trade name for your business. This incurs a fee of approximately $100 to $200.
Initial Approval Fees:
Submitting your business activities and legal documents for initial approval by the Department of Economic Development (DED) incurs fees ranging from $1,000 to $2,000.
Notary Public Fees:
Certain legal documents require notarization, and associated fees typically range from $500 to $1,000.
License Issuance Fees:
Upon successful approval, the issuance of the mainland license incurs fees ranging from $5,000 to $10,000.
Office Space Rental:
The DED mandates that businesses with a mainland license have physical office space. Rental costs vary based on location, size, and amenities, ranging from $15,000 to $50,000 annually.
Visa Processing Fees:
Obtaining visas for business owners and employees is a crucial aspect. Visa processing fees range from $1,000 to $3,000 per individual.
Bank Guarantee:
A refundable bank guarantee, typically equivalent to the annual rent, is required and can range from $5,000 to $10,000.
Expert Arab Business Consultants: Adding Value to Your Investment
Navigating the intricacies of acquiring a Dubai mainland license requires a deep understanding of local regulations, cultural nuances, and administrative processes. Expert Arab business consultants play a pivotal role in streamlining this journey and maximizing the return on your investment. Here's how:
In-Depth Knowledge of Local Regulations:
Arab business consultants possess comprehensive knowledge of Dubai's regulatory landscape, ensuring that your business complies with all requirements and avoids potential pitfalls.
Efficient Documentation Process:
The licensing process involves extensive documentation. Arab consultants guide you in preparing and submitting the required paperwork efficiently, reducing the likelihood of delays.
Cultural Sensitivity:
Understanding the local culture is crucial for successful business operations in Dubai. Arab consultants provide insights into cultural nuances, facilitating smoother interactions with government authorities and local stakeholders.
Network and Connections:
Established business consultants have an extensive network and connections within the local business community. This can open doors to partnerships, collaborations, and business opportunities that may otherwise be challenging to access.
Strategic Business Planning:
Arab business consultants assist in developing a strategic business plan tailored to the Dubai market, optimizing your chances of success and long-term sustainability.
Conclusion: Acquiring a Dubai mainland license cost is a strategic investment for businesses looking to establish a strong presence in the Middle East. While the costs involved may seem substantial, the potential for growth and success in this vibrant market is unparalleled. Partnering with expert Arab business consultants not only ensures a smooth licensing process but also positions your business for long-term prosperity in Dubai. As you embark on this exciting journey, leverage the expertise of consultants who understand the intricacies of the local business landscape and can guide you towards achieving your goals in the heart of the UAE
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