#Temppeliaukion Church
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jontycrane · 8 months ago
The appropriately understated capital of Finland, Helsinki reminded me of a smaller version of Stockholm. It was a pleasant place to explore for a couple of days but didn’t particularly excite despite lots of attractive architecture. The train station completed in 1919 is one of the icons of the city. At the heart of Helsinki is Senate Square, and the iconic white Helsinki Cathedral completed…
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wo-meinherz-zuhause-ist · 6 months ago
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Lutheran rock church/Temppeliaukion Kirkko in Helsinki by Mika Korhonen .location: in the district of Töölö
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…via embassylife.ru
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helsinki2024 · 10 months ago
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28.04.2024 Temppeliaukion kirkko (Temppeliaukio church)
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heratravelblog · 1 year ago
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This is Temppeliaukion Church in Helsinki, Finland
Helsinki is mainly built on rocks. And this church building is a great example of architecture which utilises environmental conditions.
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fancysrunninghome · 2 years ago
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Temppeliaukion Church, Helsinki, Finland
By architects Tuomo and Timo Suomalainen
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deleosdella · 5 years ago
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Temppeliaukion Church, Helsinki, Finland
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pollonegro666 · 3 years ago
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2022/04/30 Visitamos una curiosa iglesia excarvada en la roca. Dentro de ella, se siente la paz que transmite la tierra. Es muy luminosa porque tiene muchos ventanales en el techo y está rematada con una cúpula. Además del culto cristiano, también es utilizada como sala de conciertos.
We visit a curious church carved into the rock. Within it, you feel the peace that the earth transmits. It is very bright because it has many windows in the ceiling and is topped with a dome. In addition to Christian worship, it is also used as a concert hall.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Visitamos uma curiosa igreja esculpida na rocha. Dentro dele, você sente a paz que a terra transmite. É muito brilhante porque tem muitas janelas no teto e é encimado por uma cúpula. Além do culto cristão, também é usado como sala de concertos.
Google translation into Italian: Visitiamo una curiosa chiesa scavata nella roccia. Al suo interno senti la pace che trasmette la terra. È molto luminoso perché ha molte finestre nel soffitto ed è sormontato da una cupola. Oltre al culto cristiano, viene utilizzato anche come sala da concerto.
Google Translation into French: Nous visitons une curieuse église creusée dans la roche. En son sein, vous ressentez la paix que la terre transmet. Il est très lumineux car il possède de nombreuses fenêtres au plafond et est surmonté d'un dôme. En plus du culte chrétien, il est également utilisé comme salle de concert.
Google Translation into Arabic: نزور كنيسة غريبة منحوتة ��ي الصخر. بداخلها تشعر بالسلام الذي تنقله الأرض. إنه مشرق للغاية لأن سقفه به العديد من النوافذ وتعلوه قبة. بالإضافة إلى العبادة المسيحية ، تستخدم أيضًا كقاعة للحفلات الموسيقية.
Google Translation into German: Wir besuchen eine kuriose, in den Felsen gehauene Kirche. Darin spürst du den Frieden, den die Erde ausstrahlt. Es ist sehr hell, weil es viele Fenster an der Decke hat und von einer Kuppel überragt wird. Neben dem christlichen Gottesdienst wird es auch als Konzertsaal genutzt.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Vizitojmë një kishë kureshtare të gdhendur në shkëmb. Në të ndjen paqen që rrezaton nga toka. Është shumë i ndritshëm sepse ka shumë dritare në tavan dhe është i mbuluar me kupolë. Përveç shërbimit të krishterë, ai përdoret edhe si sallë koncertesh.
Google Translation into Czech: Navštěvujeme kuriózní kostel vytesaný do skály. Cítíte v něm mír, který vyzařuje ze země. Je velmi světlý, protože má mnoho oken na stropě a je zakončen kupolí. Kromě křesťanské bohoslužby je využíván i jako koncertní síň.
Google Translation into Greek: Επισκεπτόμαστε μια περίεργη εκκλησία λαξευμένη στο βράχο. Σε αυτό νιώθεις τη γαλήνη που ακτινοβολεί από τη γη. Είναι πολύ φωτεινό γιατί έχει πολλά παράθυρα στην οροφή και σκεπάζεται από τρούλο. Εκτός από τη χριστιανική λειτουργία, χρησιμοποιείται και ως αίθουσα συναυλιών.
Google Translation into Suomi: Vierailemme uteliaassa kallioon kaiverretussa kirkossa. Siinä tunnet rauhan, joka säteilee maasta. Se on erittäin valoisa, koska sen katossa on monia ikkunoita ja sen päällä on kupoli. Kristillisen jumalanpalveluksen lisäksi sitä käytetään myös konserttisalina.
Google Translation into Polish: Odwiedzamy ciekawy kościół wykuty w skale. Czujesz w nim spokój promieniujący z ziemi. Jest bardzo jasny, ponieważ ma wiele okien na suficie i jest zwieńczony kopułą. Oprócz nabożeństwa chrześcijańskiego służy również jako sala koncertowa.
Google Translation into Turkish: Kayaya oyulmuş ilginç bir kiliseyi ziyaret ediyoruz. İçinde dünyadan yayılan huzuru hissedersiniz. Tavanda çok sayıda pencere olduğu ve bir kubbe ile örtüldüğü için çok aydınlıktır. Hristiyanlık hizmetinin yanı sıra konser salonu olarak da kullanılmaktadır.
Google Translation into Hebrew: אנו מבקרים בכנסייה סקרנית שנחצבה בסלע. בו מרגישים את השלווה שקורנת מהאדמה. הוא מואר מאוד כי יש לו חלונות רבים על התקרה ועליו כיפה. בנוסף לשירות הנוצרי, הוא משמש גם כאולם קונצרטים.
Google Translation into Hindi: हम चट्टान में उकेरे गए एक जिज्ञासु चर्च की यात्रा करते हैं। इसमें आप उस शांति को महसूस करते हैं जो पृथ्वी से निकलती है। यह बहुत चमकीला है क्योंकि इसकी छत पर कई खिड़कियां हैं और इसके ऊपर एक गुंबद है। ईसाई सेवा के अलावा, यह एक कॉन्सर्ट हॉल के रूप में भी प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kami mengunjungi gereja penasaran yang diukir di batu. Di dalamnya Anda merasakan kedamaian yang terpancar dari bumi. Sangat terang karena memiliki banyak jendela di langit-langit dan dikelilingi oleh kubah. Selain kebaktian Kristen, itu juga digunakan sebagai gedung konser.
Google Translation into Russian: Мы посещаем любопытную церковь, вырубленную в скале. В нем чувствуешь покой, который исходит от земли. Он очень светлый, потому что имеет много окон на потолке и увенчан куполом. Помимо христианской службы, он также используется как концертный зал.
Google Translation into Japanese: 岩に刻まれた好奇心旺盛な教会を訪ねます。 その中であなたは地球から放射する平和を感じます。 天井にたくさんの窓があり、ドームが上にあるのでとても明るいです。 クリスチャンサービスに加えて、コンサートホールとしても使用されています。
Google Translation into Korean: 우리는 바위에 새겨진 기이한 교회를 방문합니다. 그 안에서 당신은 땅에서 발산하는 평화를 느낍니다. 천장에 많은 창문이 있고 돔으로 덮여있어 매우 밝습니다. 기독교 예배 외에도 콘서트홀로도 사용됩니다.
Google Translation into Chinese: 我们参观了一座刻在岩石上的奇特教堂。 在其中,您会感受到从大地散发出来的和平。 它非常明亮,因为它的天花板上有许多窗户,上面有一个圆顶。 除了基督教服务外,它还用作音乐厅。
Google Translation into Persian: از کلیسای کنجکاوی حک شده در صخره بازدید می کنیم. در آن آرامشی را که از زمین ساطع می شود احساس می کنید. بسیار روشن است زیرا پنجره های زیادی در سقف دارد و گنبدی بر آن پوشیده شده است. علاوه بر خدمات مسیحی، به عنوان سالن کنسرت نیز استفاده می شود.
Google Translation into Thai: เราไปเยี่ยมชมโบสถ์ที่น่าสนใจซึ่งแกะสลักไว้ในหิน ในนั้นคุณรู้สึกถึงความสงบที่แผ่ออกมาจากโลก มันสว่างมากเพราะมีหน้าต่างหลายบานบนเพดานและมีโดมล้อมรอบ นอกจากบริการของคริสเตียนแล้ว ยังใช้เป็นห้องแสดงคอนเสิร์ตอีกด้วย
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Ми відвідуємо цікаву церкву, висічену в скелі. У ньому відчуваєш спокій, що випромінює земля. Він дуже світлий, тому що має багато вікон на стелі та увінчаний куполом. Крім християнської служби, він також використовується як концертний зал.
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temppeliaukion kirkko
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stuffparty · 8 years ago
Temppeliaukion kirkko, Helsinki 2017
<strong>Temppeliaukion kirkko, Helsinki 2017 <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/karlg/">by Karl Gunnarsson</a></strong>
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nfornaomi · 3 years ago
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Hei from Helsinki 🇫🇮 !
I arrived in the early afternoon to an absolute downpour, but thankfully soon had 2ish hours of relatively clear weather to walk around and start exploring. First thoughts - I LOVE this city!
First up was the Sibelius monument which was created in honour of a Finnish composer. The main reason why I went to that area though was to grab a cinnamon bun from Cafe Regatta which was just a few minutes away and did not disappoint 😜.
Next up was Temppeliaukion Church, which was literally built in a rock. Gray and unassuming on the outside, absolutely gorgeous on the inside - it's so raw and unique in so many ways.
Third up was Helsinki Central Library Oodi with a super modern design and the best actual library I've ever seen. There are three floors (with outdoor seating as well on the top floor) and rather than your typical books and DVDs, this library has 3D printers, board games, chess sets, meeting/work rooms, rocking chairs, slanted seating, children's area, spiral staircases, and more. People of all ages hung out in the library, and for good reason!
After a delicious dinner of salmon soup (think clam chowder but with a full salmon instead of clams 😛), I walked around in the drizzle towards random things that caught my eye. It turns out I went to half of the sights I was planning to see tomorrow like Senate Square, Helsinki Cathedral, and Uspenski Cathedral, but that's ok - I'll go earlier tomorrow to actually be able to go inside some of these buildings 😄.
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m750 · 7 years ago
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8/11/17. Temppeliaukion kirkko, Helsinki. 
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evilbuildingsblog · 4 years ago
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Temppeliaukion Church, Helsinki, Finland
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2019russiawithlove · 5 years ago
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On a cold, rainy day in Helsinki, we managed to stay fairly dry. Excellent tram system around the compact city certainly helps...firstly to Temppeliaukion Church in the Rock (the underground church) and then Amos Rex Museum with an exhibition of Finnish artist Birger Carlstedt.
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waggsthedachshund · 5 years ago
Waggs in Finland 2
I visited a stunning church in Helsinki called the Temppeliaukion Church, or the Rock Church! It is a Lutheran church made of rock! it was created by blasting through the hard bedrock that lies under the city.
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I also checked out a theme park - Linnanmaki!
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These last pictures are of interesting sites!
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leesgrandadventure · 5 years ago
Choir rehearsing in Temppeliaukion Church (the rock church)!
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atamantourshelsinki · 4 years ago
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Helsinki has many churches from different eras where you can meditate, join events and concerts, or just marvel at the architectural styles. Join my churches and cathedrals tour to learn the significance of these beautiful shrines for Finns. I provide day tickets for public transportation and entrance tickets for Temppeliaukion Kirkko (the Rock Church). https://www.atamantours.com/church-tour/ . . . . . . . . . #atamantourshelsinki #atamantours #walkingtours #privatetours #guidedtours #citytours #bespoke #tailormade #tourguide #touroperator #travelagent #helsinkiwalks #helsinki #finland #visitfinland #visithelsinki #myhelsinki #helsinkiofficial #ourfinland #churchtour #church #cathedral #helsinkicathedral #uspenskicathedral #stjohnschurch #chapel #rockchurch #temppeliaukionkirkko #agricola (at Helsinki) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSHq4KpKFW6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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