#Tempests and Slaughter: day 1
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dr-dendritic-trees · 1 year ago
As Threatened!
I have inflicted the first of my 2 planned Swords & Fire/Tempests & Slaughter crossovers on the world!
How much chaos can a pack of politically informed super-mages inflict on Carthak? Can Ozorne go two days without making bad choices? Why does Arram attract immortal creatures? Can anyone prevent the Crow Lord from creating problems on purpose?
I honestly don't think many people will want to read this, but even if you aren't interested please come and appreciate my chapter titles, they are very funny.
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sageoffablesardowin · 1 year ago
Storytime with the Sage, Part 1: Kheomed, the Living Thunderstorm
Well, in this week's poll, there was such divided interest, I suppose I can discuss the final three, tackling one each day.
Firstly, Kheomed, the Living Thunderstorm. Those with an astute eye for detail and attention to Ardowin history might recognize a parallel to the great beast, Droga. And you would be right to do so.
Kheomed is one of the eight Dragons of Catastrophe. These beasts were the spawn of The Black Dawn, the Great Dragon God of the Void. They are manifestations of the elemental planes--ruthless beasts of endless destructive potential. Even their mere presence on other planes of existence represents a major threat since, as manifestations of the elements, their arrival across planar borders drags those elements with them.
Kheomed is a dangerous foe. When he was first sighted during the Great Catastrophe, chroniclers noted a massive stormfront hurtling across the skies of Raewahld. As the stormwinds grew in intensity, suddenly they saw a shape forming in the clouds. Or rather, from them. Yes, Kheomed was the storm. A great dragon taking the form of a tempest the size of a continent. As his wings beat, stormwinds uprooted forests. As he roared, layers of rolling thunder shattered mountaintops. Wherever he gazed, tumults of lightning incinerated civilizations. At the time, a contingent of planetars under Tempus's leadership were dedicated to Raewahld's protection, and they did their best to hold back the brutish beast. Even the mighty Ananiel, an angel with the power of storms himself, tried to hold the beast back. While his attempt was valiant, and he nearly succeeded in holding Kheomed in place, in the end, the clash caused more death than it would spare. To this day, Ananiel wears a mask or veil over his face to hide from the reality of the destruction he caused. But it was not his fault. The powers of chaos were at their peak; Kheomed and his kin fed on it. In this state, he was unstoppable.
In recent years, it has been said that the gem dragon thanes Charsima and Smargad joined together to overwhelm Kheomed with psionic energy. Combining their mighty roars with the desiccating breath of the topaz dragon thane Tithonnas, they were able to diminish Kheomed's mass down to a more natural form which they could actually do combat with. Still, it required the combined efforts of all three of the thanes to subdue Kheomed and banish him back to the Great Conflagration. By the time the battle was over, much of Raewahld's civilizations were slaughtered, reduced to ash and mush by the lightning and crumbling mountains.
Since the Catastrophe, the church of the Black Dawn has seen the rise of many smaller sects that idolize the Void Dragon's children as deities in their own right, a distinction that some would not argue against. Followers of Kheomed tend to be brash, brutish barbarians--raiders and fighters focused on tackling their opponents in head-on clashes before giving them a moment to prepare. Much like Kheomed himself,
Today, the great Storm of Kheomed gathers strength from the clashing warm and cold winds of the Planes of Air and Fire. While he has not been active since the Great Catastrophe, scholars of the Wheel estimate it is only a matter of time until he awakens. With the recent activity of his siblings Droga and Xeodread, many believe these rumblings to be foreshadowing some new Catastrophe.
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strangedynastystories · 4 months ago
Tywier || Rebirth...
Character Sheet Personal playthrough off stream...
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End of Session 1...
CW/TW: Please be advised that this game/stream/content may contain the following: blood, gore, amputation, animal abuse, child death, slaughtering of innocents, sexual themes, intoxication, vulgarity, cannibalism, hints of necrophilia.
There is no memory of a time before. There is no memory of a who before. There is no memory even of a what from before. All Tywier knows is the now, that he himself is divine and he serves the divine, and that something wretchedly horrible lurks deep within him. It hungers ceaselessly, causing the blood to roar in his ears and his skull to throb. As if his head needed a friend to the tadpole. And yet, Tywier begrudged his existence not. No, instead, he felt instilled with a strong sense of purpose.
For though the evil maw in him would hunger so, so does a burning bright flame - one of fury and justice. Whoever had done this to him would certainly be made to pay. And whatever evil would dare to stand in his path would meet their end. Despite the evil within him, evil would soon come to know him as a scourge.
After reuniting with Shadowheart, and recruiting Astarion, the small party decided to make camp - get their bearings, and come up with some sort of a strategy. They agreed that sticking together would be their best chances, the parasite bound them after all. There seemed to be an odd note in the air, Tywier began to wonder if it was his paranoia about his dark secret, or if perhaps, they all carried dark secrets. The aasimar didn't put further thought into it, deciding that each of their actions would speak for them.
The next day brought them another ally: Gale of Waterdeep, a mage who had become trapped in a rune of some sort, and yet another who also carried a tadpole. All agreed that he would fit the party well, after all, a wizard was always useful. This proved true as they delved deep into their first dungeon. Ancient language and religious symbols surrounded them everywhere they traversed. Something forgotten and yet something all too familiar to them all.
The final chamber provided them the answers they sought: Jergal, the God of Death, the Scribe. To all of their surprise, the last undead they faced rose from an isolated and elaborate coffin, and spoke to them. The aasimar channeled the divine from within him, calling upon that which he swore oaths to. This...being...was powerful, like nothing he had encountered so far. And for though he remembered little and had little to compare to, he found himself acutely aware of being in a divine presence. Withers, as the group called him, yielded no answers to any of Tywier's questions.
And many a question did the paladin have - a swirling tempest of murderous desire lashing out against a holy light. What had happened to him? Who had made him in this way? Was he always such a conflicted being? Perhaps, in time, the gods would answer him...
The group's situation was made even more interesting as the night revealed Astarion's vampirism to Tywier, the pale elf being caught in the act of attempting to draw blood as the aasimar awoke. Although alarmed, Tywier did not find himself angry, but rather, somewhat sympathetic. After all, the others did not know of the wickedness the pure knight harbored. The new day rose, and the group was forced to discuss the "vampire situation" - a discussion that was swiftly ended by Tywier asserting they needed Astarion and none had been harmed so far. Though Shadowheart and Gale seemed uncertain, Astarion was thankful.
What secrets did the others beget, he wondered to himself, what judgements would they wield if they knew his? Only time would tell...
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annikasafternoonread · 4 years ago
You know what annoys me even more than shitty classmates ignoring Arram because he’s younger than them, or disliking him because he can do things they can’t yet? 
The fucking teacher being so convinced of her own righteousness and Arram’s inferiority, making fun of him or accusing him of cheating. He’s more powerful than you too, Whingy McBitchface. 
Teachers are supposed to teach. They’re supposed to inspire. They’re supposed to lift their students up, encourage them, nurture them, guide them, protect them, make them believe in their own abilities. 
They’re not supposed to demean them, or mock them, or judge them, or accuse them. I know you don’t want to be here, Whingy McBitchface, but with an attitude like that I’d sooner fire you than promote you. 
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tinyshe · 3 years ago
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Ember Days: The 1st Wednesday, Friday & Saturday after ‘Lucy, Ashes, Dove and Cross’
The term ‘Ember Days‘ find its origin in the Latin Quatuor Tempora (‘four times’). Ember Days are observed  on the successive Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at the beginning of the four seasons of the year and are an ancient practise instituted by the Church to thank God for blessings received and to implore further graces for the season ahead. They are intended to thank God for the gifts of nature, to teach men to make use of them in moderation and to assist those in need.
Ember Days are days of fasting and abstinence and fall annually after “Lucy, Ashes, Dove, and Cross“:
• December 13 (St. Lucia, V.M.) • Ash Wednesday • Whitsunday (Pentecost) • September 14 (Exaltation of the Holy Cross)
From Blessed be God: A Complete Catholic Prayer Book (pp.234-5): “Wednesday, Friday and Saturday were days of particular devotion in the early Church: Wednesday as recalling the betrayal of our Lord, and Friday in memory of His Passion, Saturday was later added to these days of prayer and penance as a continuation of Friday, and as far back as the second century they were set apart as Stational days, that is, as days of special religious service and fasting.”
The origins of Ember Days date from the ancient Church (at least the fifth century) and the modern format was arranged and prescribed by Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085).
As the dismantling, deconstruction and open disregard for the practise of the authentic, orthodox Catholic Faith took hold after Vatican II, veiled in stratagems of ambiguity and seeded generationally, the observance of Ember and Rogation Days were among the early casualties.
And on that note, and bearing in mind that God sends His people the priests that they deserve – some say on a personal, rather than purely societal, basis – following the extract from Jeremiah 3: 14-15 below, are some prayers for Ember Days.
“Return, O ye revolting children, saith the Lord: for I am your husband: and I will take you, one of a city, and two of a kindred, … I will give you pastors according to my own heart, and they shall feed you with knowledge and doctrine.” (Jeremiah 3: 14-15)
Ember Day Prayers
ANT. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and never forget all He hath done for thee.
V/. Lord, Thou hast been our refuge. R/. From generation to generation.
Let us pray. GRANT, we beseech Thee, almighty God, that as year by year we devoutly keep these holy observances, we may be pleasing to Thee both in body and soul. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
In Honour of Christ’s Betrayal and Passion
O GOD, Who to redeem the world didst vouchsafe to be born amongst men, to be circumcised, rejected by the Jews, betrayed by the traitor Judas with a kiss, to be bound with cords, and as an innocent lamb to be led to the slaughter; Who didst suffer Thyself to be shamelessly exposed to the gaze of Annas, Caiphus, Pilate and Herod; to be accused by false witnesses, tormented by scourges and insults, crowned with thorns, smitten with blows, defiled with spittings, to have Thy divine countenance covered, to be struck with a reed, to be stripped of Thy clothes, nailed to and raised high upon a Cross between two thieves, to be given gall and vinegar to drink, and then pierced with a lance; do Thou, O LORD, by these most sacred sufferings, which I, unworthy as I am, yet dare to contemplate, by Thy holy Cross and by Thy bitter Death, free me from the pains of hell, and vouchsafe to bring me to Paradise, whither Thou didst lead the thief who was crucified with Thee, my Jesus, Who with the Father and the Holy Ghost livest and reignest, God forever and ever. Amen.
5x Pater Noster … Ave Maria … Gloria Patri … (Pre-1968 Indulgence of 3 years)
Prayer for God’s Blessing on Our Labours
O LORD, graciously look down upon Thy servants and upon the work of their hands, and do Thou, Who givest food to every creature, bless and preserve the fruits of the earth, that the needy may be filled with good things and that all may praise the glory of Thy bounty. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
For Vocations to the Priesthood
ANT. Why stand ye all the day idle, go ye into my vineyard.
V/. Ask the Lord of the harvest. R/. That He send labourers into His vineyard.
Let us pray. GOD, Who willest not the death of the sinner, but rather that he should be converted and live; grant, by the intercession of blessed Mary Ever-Virgin and of all the saints, labourers for Thy Church, fellow labourers with Christ, to spend and consume themselves for souls. Through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who livest and reignest with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. (Pre-1968 Indulgence of 3 years)
Psalm 102
Benedic, anima. Thanksgiving to God for His mercies. [1] FOR DAVID himself.
Bless the Lord, O my soul: and let all that is within me bless his holy name. [2] Bless the Lord, O my soul, and never forget all he hath done for thee. [3] Who forgiveth all thy iniquities: who healeth all thy diseases. [4] Who redeemeth thy life from destruction: who crowneth thee with mercy and compassion. [5] Who satisfieth thy desire with good things: thy youth shall be renewed like the eagle’s.
.[6] The Lord doth mercies, and judgment for all that suffer wrong. [7] He hath made his ways known to Moses: his wills to the children of Israel. [8] The Lord is compassionate and merciful: longsuffering and plenteous in mercy. [9] He will not always be angry: nor will he threaten for ever. [10] He hath not dealt with us according to our sins: nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.
.[11] For according to the height of the heaven above the earth: he hath strengthened his mercy towards them that fear him. [12] As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our iniquities from us. [13] As a father hath compassion on his children, so hath the Lord compassion on them that fear him: [14] For he knoweth our frame. He remembereth that we are dust: [15] Man’s days are as grass, as the flower of the field so shall he flourish.
.[16] For the spirit shall pass in him, and he shall not be: and he shall know his place no more. [17] But the mercy of the Lord is from eternity and unto eternity upon them that fear him: And his justice unto children’s children, [18] To such as keep his covenant, And are mindful of his commandments to do them. [19] The Lord hath prepared his throne in heaven: and his kingdom shall rule over all. [20] Bless the Lord, all ye his angels: you that are mighty in strength, and execute his word, hearkening to the voice of his orders.
.[21] Bless the Lord, all ye his hosts: you ministers of his that do his will. [22] Bless the Lord, all his works: in every place of his dominion, O my soul, bless thou the Lord.
Gloria Patri …  
Litany of the Saints
Lord, have mercy on us. (Lord have mercy on us.) Christ, have mercy on us. (Christ have mercy on us.) Lord, have mercy on us. (Lord, have mercy on us.)
Christ, hear us. (Christ, hear us.) Christ, graciously hear us. (Christ, graciously hear us.)
God the Father of heaven, (have mercy on us.) God the Son, Redeemer of the world, (have mercy on us.) God the Holy Ghost, (have mercy on us.) Holy Trinity, one God, (have mercy on us.)
Holy Mary, (* pray for us) Holy Mother of God, (*) Holy Virgin of virgins, (*)
St. Michael, (*) St. Gabriel, (*) St. Raphael, (*) All ye holy Angels and Archangels, (*) All ye holy orders of blessed Spirits, (*)
St. John the Baptist, (*) St. Joseph, (*) All ye holy Patriarchs and Prophets, (*)
St. Peter, (*) St. Paul, (*) St. Andrew, (*) St. James, (*) St. John, (*) St. Thomas, (*) St. James, (*) St. Philip, (*) St. Bartholomew, (*) St. Matthew, (*) St. Simon, (*) St. Thaddeus, (*) St. Matthias, (*) St. Barnabas, (*) St. Luke, (*) St. Mark, (*) All ye holy Apostles and Evangelists, (*) All ye holy Disciples of the Lord, (*)
All ye holy Innocents, (*) St. Stephen, (*) St. Lawrence, (*) St. Vincent, (*) SS. Fabian and Sebastian, (*) SS. John and Paul, (*) SS. Cosmas and Damian, (*) SS. Gervase and Protase, (*) All ye holy Martyrs, (*)
St. Sylvester, (*) St. Gregory, (*) St. Ambrose, (*) St. Augustine, (*) St. Jerome, (*) St. Martin, (*) St. Nicholas, (*) All ye holy Bishops and Confessors, (*) All ye holy Doctors, (*)
St. Anthony, (*) St. Benedict, (*) St. Bernard, (*) St. Dominic, (*) St. Francis, (*) All ye holy Priests and Levites, (*) All ye holy Monks and Hermits, (*)
St. Mary Magdalen, (*) St. Agatha, (*) St. Lucy, (*) St. Agnes, (*) St. Cecilia, (*) St. Catherine, (*) St. Anastasia, (*) All ye holy Virgins and Widows, (*) [Other Saints may be added]
All ye holy Saints of God, (Make intercession for us.) Be merciful, (Spare us, O Lord.) Be merciful, (Graciously hear us, O Lord.)
From all evil, (^ O Lord, deliver us) From all sin, (^) From Thy wrath, (^) From sudden and unlooked for death, (^) From the snares of the devil, (^) From anger, and hatred, and every evil will, (^) From the spirit of fornication, (^) From lightning and tempest, (^) From the scourge of earthquakes, (^) From plague, famine and war, (^) From everlasting death, (^) Through the mystery of Thy holy Incarnation, (^) Through Thy Coming, (^) Through Thy Birth, (^) Through Thy Baptism and holy Fasting, (^) Through Thy Cross and Passion, (^) Through Thy Death and Burial, (^) Through Thy holy Resurrection, (^) Through Thine admirable Ascension, (^) Through the coming of the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete. (^) In the day of judgment. (^)
We sinners, (~ we beseech Thee, hear us) That Thou wouldst spare us, (~) That Thou wouldst pardon us, (~) That Thou wouldst bring us to true penance, (~) That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to govern and preserve Thy holy Church, (~) That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to preserve our Apostolic Prelate, and all orders of the Church in holy religion, (~) That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to humble the enemies of holy Church, (~) That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to give peace and true concord to Christian kings and princes, (~) That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to grant peace and unity to the whole Christian world, (~) That Thou wouldst call back to the unity of the Church all who have strayed from her fold, and to guide all unbelievers into the light of the Gospel, (~) That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to confirm and preserve us in Thy holy service, (~) That Thou wouldst lift up our minds to heavenly desires, (~) That Thou wouldst render eternal blessings to all our benefactors, (~) That Thou wouldst deliver our souls, and the souls of our brethren, relations, and benefactors, from eternal damnation, (~) That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to give and preserve the fruits of the earth, (~) That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to grant eternal rest to all the faithful departed, (~) That Thou wouldst vouchsafe graciously to hear us, (~) Son of God, (~)
Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, (spare us, O Lord.) Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, (graciously hear us, O Lord.) Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, (have mercy on us.)
Christ, (hear us.) Christ, (graciously hear us.) Lord, have mercy, (Lord, have mercy.) Christ, have mercy, (Christ, have mercy.) Lord, have mercy, (Lord, have mercy.) . [Our Father, inaudibly until] … And lead us not into temptation (but deliver us from evil. Amen.)
(Partial Indulgence, 1968; taken from Fisheaters.com)
~~~ +++++++ ~~~ Rogation Day Prayer
All we can do is worth nothing Unless God blesses the deed; Vainly we hope for the harvest-tide Till God gives life to the seed; Yet nearer and nearer draws the time, The time that shall surely be When the earth shall be filled with the glory of God As the waters cover the sea.
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va-3 · 4 years ago
Here’s an in-depth look at my Lost Boys OC:
Starter Information
Species: Calta; in nature there is always a bigger animal, a predator to each predator. Caltas are predator to the various supernatural beings that walk the earth, day and night. They’re individual hunters, although they occasionally hunt with fellow Calta should it be for the pleasure of the company or the upper hand over their prey. Calta are mainly carnivorous, they can’t digest vegetarian foods as it is harmful to their digestive system; vegetarian foods are instantly rejected from the body. Calta only require three full hours of sleep to maximize their time alert and on the hunt; Calta hunt supernatural monsters such as: werewolves, vampires, dhimoni, sevren, mermaids, etc. If there aren’t monsters around to hunt, their diet can be supplemented with human, although it will require a much larger portion. Calta do not waste; everything down to the bone is eaten. Calta have two rows of teeth strong enough to tear through metal, bone, chain, scales, etc. Their teeth are retractable for the purpose of disguise. When hunting/shifted, Calta eyes appear as though they were shakily drawn and emit a deep yelllow glow; eyes can adjust to any darkness setting, and have infrared-sight properties. Calta nails extend into talon bones equally as strong as their teeth. Calta blood is gold, and to other monsters, delectable to the taste; Calta blood is the main bait, as well as appearance. Their blood can also be used in blood-inking, an intimate act between Calta and their lover(s). Calta are stronger than other monsters, but in a situation where they are outnumbered they either 1] search for fastest escape route, 2] go feral, 3] attempt to attack and kill. Calta can reach speeds between 75-80 mph in short bursts, or a single long burst in escapes or hunts. Caltas always have lavendar-blue eyes. Calta stop physically ageing at 21; the aging process of a Calta is sped up - they always appear at least three years older than they are until they are of age(21).
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Taika was born August 3, 1773 in Fordwich, England.
She lived off the streets, stealing, hunting, and swindling her way through the day. She was very good at what she did, and it got her into a lot of trouble, but never so much that she couldn’t talk her way out of it. She was always a wonder to the people of Fordwich; she was the girl with wild purple eyes with no family to her name and a fire in her heart. At age 24 she was engaged in an adventurous career of pirating. She worked her way through the ranks of the crew, earning the favor of her captain, as well as the captains of other vessels. In the year of 1789, the crew of her vessel the Little Misfortune was established, and on May 25, 1789 the Little Misfortune left dock. Taika was captain of the Little Misforutne, known as “The Tempest”, from 1789 to 1840, although her original crew was slaughtered in 1811 by Spanish Imperials.
Taika and her first mate were the only survivors, although she made quick work of the traitour.
Her pirating years concluded, and when she retired from piracy, she vanished to France.
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Taika reappeared and enrolled into a private boarding school in Paris, France in 1852. There she gained the education she’d been mostly without the eighty-nine years prior. She graduated her school in 1856, and earned the title Madame Tempest. She became a Lady of the highest respect as well as a very affluent member of society. She kept to herself in a large manor on private land, leaving only to hunt or tend to personal matters. Her treasures and belongings from her time overseas were stored within the house, although the Little Misfortune itself was absent. It was rumored it was sunk in battle in 1859, but not even Taika knew if there was truth to it.
Madame Tempest is resident in France for many a year, and with enough time, she becomes a legend. Her manor always seems empty, as no parties were thrown as they had been when she first purchased the house, but people were seen entering the home every now and then, not that they ever left. Taika gave over the ownership to her home to some vampires she had gained trust in in 1892, and set sail for the New World. Taika does not return to France until the late 1930s.
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Taika makes her home in New Mexico in 1893, as the journey to the New World was decently short and she removed any unwanted persons from her way. Hunting was scarce, but vampires and werewolves made they home in America quicker than ever. Returning to her past nature of adventure seeking, Taika becomes a well known delinquent as well as a curiousity. In this day and age, seeing a woman weidling a gun let alone shooting people was unheard of. And yet Taika fit the profile boldly.
It was a chilly night on March 12, 1901, that Taika met her best friend and sister. The sun had just set, and the nightlife, supernatural and human alike, was lively. Music and laughter filled the tavern, and the town prostitutes were making their rounds. Taika had downed far more drinks than the man across from her, despite the acidic taste it left behind on her tongue. He was drunker than a skunk, and when he rose to his feet in an attempt to lunge at her, he collapsed instantly. The tavern reeked of dirt, sweat, and alcohol, and that combined with the acid in her stomach enough to give her the excuse to take a breather outside. The second she stepped foot outside, she smelled it. Blood. Her own? She checked herself, sure she would’ve noticed if someone had done her dirty on her way out of the tavern, but she was without injury. She followed it instead. Between the tavern and the horse stables was an alley that was always a sure fire path for someone to get shanked along, so that was where she crept. Five vampires were cackling and lunging at someone pressed against the stable wall, and from what Taika could see the person they were attacking wasn’t doing a good job at fighting back. Taika had half the mind to leave, but remembering she came down that way to see what smelled like her gave her a new purpose. She tackled the two closest to her, beheading them with ease. The person they’d been attacking took the moment as an opportunity and kicked the legs out from underneath two of the remaining three vampires. Taika killed them just as fast. Her eyes landed casually on the person she’d just saved, as though they hadn’t just made a team effort to behead a minor coven of vampires. The girl Taika had just saved look back at her with purple eyes identical to Taika’s. “You’re like me,” she breathed in awe, a childishly giddy smile breaking across her face. Taika held her hand out to shake, and th girl greeted it with her own. “I’m Raspberry Daytonell. I’ve never seen you around her.” Taika chuckled lightly. “I’m Taika. I’ve been around a long time.” Raspberry caught on to the emphasis. From that day forth, they were inseparable.
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As America grew more popular, Taika and Raspberry moved to the bigger known parts of America: better hunting and better crowds. The two caltas found their new residence in Long Island, New York in 1919.
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Raspberry and Taika were the heart of every party, even when they never hosted a party at their own magnificent manor. Their names were whispered in the small talk of big parties, and their faces were known to the biggest of guests. Parties became their new hunting ground—loud music, nameless faces, crowds in every direction. They were the queens of the party society, respected by all and envied by women. Husbands were questioned for their loyalty the second they laid eyes on the duo.
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travelhap · 4 years ago
Want to be a Responsible Traveler? Here are the Top 12 Tips for being a Responsible Traveler in 2021!
Want to be a Responsible Traveler? Here are the Top 12 Tips for being a Responsible Traveler in 2021!
As perhaps the biggest business on the planet, the travel industry is just becoming greater and will keep on blasting as we enter the new decade. Many continuous voyagers rush to share the advantages travel has on the whole self, however through all the expanding of perspectives; encountering new societies; and energy, restoration, or unwinding we acquire from voyaging, do we stop to consider moral the travel industry, supportability, and the impacts travel has on the very planet that is favoring us with all its excellence and openings for investigation?
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The most effective methods to TRAVEL ON A BUDGET IN 2021
Many neglects to understand that whether via vehicle, boat, train or plane particularly, voyaging is adversely affecting our planet as probably the greatest generator of fossil fuel byproducts. Yet, the harm doesn't end there–being a capable explorer isn't just about ecological awareness. Nearby people group are additionally feeling the impacts of the over-the travel industry which is prompting the obliteration and relocation of native individuals and creatures.
So how can we as voyagers deal with both diminish our ecological impression while emphatically affecting neighborhood culture? These 20 hints will assist you with being a more cognizant, mindful, and practical explorer in the year 2020. Simply recollect: it's not tied in with being great, however about settling on better decisions, being socially touchy, and putting forth a valiant effort to limit the negative monetary, natural, and social effects travel has on the earth and nearby networks.
Now, here are the Top 12 Tips for being a Responsible Traveler in 2021!
1. Pick eco-accommodating and socially dependable visit organizations.
Our seas are the absolute most common habitat that is enduring the hardest shot from the assimilation of warmth made via fossil fuel byproducts and human disregard. Ocean levels are rising, ice sheets are liquefying, ocean animals are being slaughtered by little plastic particles, and strict rubbish islands are accumulating out in the water. Tragically, our wonderful coral reefs are additionally enduring the most.
Carbon retention has expanded the sharpness of our seas hindering coral's capacity to flourish and endure. In addition to the fact that this is unpropitious for the eventual fate of marine variety (that we will appreciate using swimming and jumping) yet without sound reefs to go about as a cushion among shorelines and tempests, as the environment emergency proceeds, the coral can presently don't shield waterfront networks from continuous and all the more remarkable tempests.
The most ideal approach to appreciate the delightful submerged biological system while voyaging is by ensuring the swimming, plunging, or boat visits you take to have great marine protection rehearses, particularly around coral reef conservation. On a sea visit of any sort, be careful not to contact or take care of anything, and don't remove anything regular from the water like coral, shells, or starfish for a photograph, keepsake, or something else.
Be particularly mindful of visit organizations that feed mate to sharks on swimming with shark visits, or visits where you can "pet" stingrays. For a visit including the sea or not–read surveys and do your own exploration on visit organizations to guarantee the one you are reserving with is mindful.
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The most effective methods to TRAVEL ON A BUDGET IN 2021
2. Make the "green decision" at Hotels.
Numerous inns offer green decision programs where guests can quit having their sheets and towels supplanted every day. Supplanting towels and bedding just when important is an extraordinary method to assist lodgings with their protection endeavors. Alternate approaches to settle on green decisions at lodgings incorporate killing the lights and unplugging hardware when not being used, not leaving the water running, cleaning up, and closing the a/c off when you leave your room.
Want to be a Responsible Traveler? Here are the Top 12 Tips for being a Responsible Traveler in 2021!
3. Stay in eco-accommodating facilities.
If you need to make it one stride further, consider remaining at confirmed eco-accommodating lodgings resorts, and eco-lodges that are green-affirmed by associations like Green Seal, Green Globe, Green Key, Earth Check, LEEDS, and STEP.
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Expedia.com's "Green Hotel Program" offers a great many green properties all throughout the planet, making it simple to look for eco-accommodating facilities in any objective. As one of the biggest travel brands on the planet, Expedia makes it so natural to track down the top-of-the-line green lodgings in any objective.
The main 3 most eco-accommodating travel objections as far as I can tell have been Bali, Costa Rica, and Tulum, Mexico. There are no deficiencies of eco-accommodating inns in these spots going from truly reasonable to super sumptuous.
Want to be a Responsible Traveler? Here are the Top 12 Tips for being a Responsible Traveler in 2021!
4. Shop Locally.
Skirt the shopping centers and megastores and shop locally from towns, road markets, and ranchers' business sectors to more readily uphold the nearby economy. Rather than buying mass-delivered trinkets, for example, magnets and shot glasses that were not made in the country that is selling them, purchase hand-made artworks, garments, and gems to bring home as endowments and gifts all things considered.
5. Scale back movement size plastic holders.
Carry your own refillable toiletry items to limit the utilization of the little one-time-use washroom items given by inns. You can even think about going with your own strong cleanser, conditioner, and cream bars to kill the utilization of plastic toiletries altogether.
To additional your endeavors, you can likewise gather any unused small cleanser and cleanser jugs to carry back home with you and give them to neighborhood covers who are consistently needing cleanliness item gifts.
6. Give to neighborhood networks out of luck.
Partake in projects like Pack With a Purpose, a non-benefit that accomplices with lodgings and visit organizations to assist voyagers with giving school and clinical supplies carried with them on trips. Use unused bag space to pack things like pencils, collapsed soccer balls, bandaids, and pet supplies which would then be able to be dropped off at a collaborating in or visit organization.
Another approach to offer back is by pressing and wearing garments that you will give to networks and individuals who need them toward the finish of your outing. Not exclusively will your pack be lighter, however you'll have more space to purchase new garments and trinkets from local people to bring home with you, as well.
7. Add to carbon counterbalance programs.
Each time you fly, consider making a gift to a carbon balance program, for example, one that plants trees, sets up wind turbines, or makes cleaner cooking ovens in nations that need them. Numerous associations are focused on carbon counterbalance, and tracking down the one that impacts you more than anything is pretty much as basic as a Google search.
Expedia.com's carbon balance program in organization with TerraPass offers groups dependent on distance traveled to give to clean energy and carbon counterbalance programs. You can add TerraPass to your trip by utilizing the "Travel Accessories" segment on the outing customization page.
8. Try not to draw in with dishonest creatures in the travel industry.
Riding an elephant or snapping a picture with a Tiger in Thailand may appear to be a smart thought on account of how regular these attractions are, be that as it may, the misuse of creatures for the travel industry is fiercely untrustworthy. Elephants, who have fragile spines are beaten into accommodation to be trained enough for individuals to ride them; and tigers are medicated and quieted for travelers to have the option to pet and play with them.
On the off chance that you'd truly prefer to invest energy with creatures on your outing, track down a real creature safe-haven or recovery focus. Simply try to do a lot of examination on the association as numerous focuses will act like moral recoveries just to tie up and abuse the creatures in private. In Thailand particularly, if the elephant asylum permits riding, even without a seat, it is dishonest.
Other basic dishonest creatures the travel industry traps to know about are zoos, swimming with dolphins, and creature exhibitions to give some examples. Keep in mind: wild creatures have a place in nature.
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The most effective methods to TRAVEL ON A BUDGET IN 2021
9. Engage in "voluntourism."
There are a lot of freedoms to chip in while heading out whether you need to put in two or three hours, a day, or even go on an all-out volunteer excursion. There are trips committed to serving neighborhood networks, building schools or houses, or chipping in with creatures, for example, at Elephant Nature Park in Thailand. Simply make a point to investigate before settling on an association you wish to chip in with to ensure it is moral. (Indeed, even "non-benefits" can be very untrustworthy.)
Voluntourism ought not to be about white heroes coming in and "fixing" a spot, but instead, the best chipping in associations are ones that enable nearby networks to develop and flourish from the inside and keep up their respect while using volunteer ranges of abilities to help accomplish their objective. Having the correct aims and offering in return while voyaging regardless of how much or how little won't just assistance the spots you visit, yet will give a more noteworthy reason to your movements.
Want to be a Responsible Traveler? Here are the Top 12 Tips for being a Responsible Traveler in 2021!
10. Walk, bicycle, and take public transportation.
Wandering by foot is the most ideal approach to investigate another spot and the additional advantage of activity will add to your general wellbeing and prosperity on the outing. Strolling or trekking at whatever point you can while voyaging will help lessen fossil fuel byproducts from vehicles. Numerous lodgings offer bicycle rentals and more urban areas are carrying out bicycle share programs in the city.
When strolling or trekking isn't a choice, utilizing public transportation will help lessen the number of vehicles out and about in this way diminishing fossil fuel byproduct, and will likewise help you set aside cash. On the off chance that you would like to lease a vehicle, consider an electric vehicle at whatever point accessible. Numerous lodgings all throughout the planet presently offer electric vehicle charging.
11. Try not to offer cash to bums, kids, or creature controllers.
It might feel like you are helping somebody in need when giving off cash to a transient and his pet monkey/elephant in Thailand; the snake charmer in Morocco; a little youngster, lady, or any other person requesting cash in the city, however, you should recall the component of abuse that is frequently associated with putting kids, creatures, and ladies in the city to ask. Giving cash thusly urges guardians to keep their youngsters out of school, sustains misuse and disregard of creatures, and supports a greater amount of this conduct.
On the off chance that you'd prefer to be beneficent toward the country you are visiting, the most supportive thing to do is look for a respectable nearby association on the web or visit a neighborhood school, strict webpage, or not-for-profit to make your commitment.
12. Use harmless to the ecosystem sunscreen and big splash.
Sunscreen and bug showers are the two items that vacationers use that cause the best harm to our environments. Reef-safe sunscreen while swimming in the sea is an unquestionable requirement to shield the common habitat from ceasing to exist. Certain sunscreens contain unsafe synthetic substances like oxybenzone and octinoxate which cause harm to coral reefs. Peruse the name to ensure your sunscreen doesn't contain those two destructive fixings.
In hot and muggy places particularly, mosquitos which frequently convey illnesses are a major issue. When visiting ensured wildernesses and timberlands, for example, on account of Manuel Antonio National Park in Costa Rica, utilizing a non-poisonous bug shower is basic to the prosperity of the creatures.
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Got Sick on Vacation in Other Country? What to do Now?
Top 3 Best Countries for Foodies
The most effective methods to TRAVEL ON A BUDGET IN 2021
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claude-frollo-archives · 5 years ago
Imposed Fate
Imposed Fate A Count Duckula Story
Chapter 1. Prelude of a Nightmare
       One fateful date, Tuesday 7 April 1870, Richter Von Gosling, a student of the arts of healing, decided to visit Transylvania in order to shed light upon a mysterious and disquieting subject, which was a case of vampirism. Legends and stories about the undead had the young scholar read before, yet he remained  sceptical, until his colleague and confidant Reinfelt witnessed an attack by one of those creatures, and not an ordinary one but Count Duckula himself, a feudal Lord supposed to be dead centuries ago. Despite of the absurdity of the notion, Richter was not to doubt his friend; therefore, he had to investigate in more detail about this terrible menace and put it to rest.
   The evening of Gosling's arrival, a thunderstorm loomed above the village, the weather cold and windy but rain was not to fall yet. Not a soul could be found wandering on the streets, there was a sense of quietude, a preface of the storm that soon would be unleashed over the town. Despite the feeling of impeding peril, inside the public house 'Ye Tooth and the Jugular' the mood appeared to be festive, with the regular crowd assembled for a pint or two, regardless the tragedies of life. In this place, the scholar found refuge as well as some more information concerning the malevolent aristocrat provided by the innkeeper and the parishioners. Gosling thought the recently gained knowledge would be enough to prepare a scheme to destroy the vampire.
    During the following days, the scientist worked in the development of a mechanism designed to shoot a wooden stake but cleverly set inside a camera. When the contraption was completed, the gander headed towards Castle Duckula, an ominous fortress that oversaw the village from atop a hill. Presenting himself as a photographer from a newspaper, Gosling attempted to gain access to the castle and destroy the Count; these actions would end the suffering of the villagers and bring peace to Transylvania. No time was wasted once he entered the Castle. Introductions were quick, the battle between Count Duckula and Von Gosling finished as quickly as it started and not even Igor -faithful manservant of the undead Count- was able to interfere. However, due the thrilling sensation of triumph, the scientist returned to the town without realizing that the stake managed to harm Duckula, but it failed to stab through the Count's heart.
    "Got him, the vampire is destroyed! ..." Exclaimed the deluded scholar as he rushed his way back to the village bellow, eager to tell what he assumed to be good news. "... The beast is no more!"
     Meanwhile, the Count lied motionless on the stone ground. Igor knelt beside his defeated master, lifting the wounded vampire on both his arms. "... Master, Master! ..." The old vulture sobbed in anguish, fearing this to be the last hour.
   "... Is all right, Igor! …" Duckula replied as he rose to his feet, dusting and straightening his suit jacket. Praised the Abyss, his Lordship was not slaughter, much to Igor's relief. "It was just a mere scratch …" The Count added with anger on his raspy voice. "... But he shall pay for this ... he shall pay!" He growled and proceeded to concentrate his energy in order to cast a spell. "... Come here, to my aid, oh winds of north, I summon your powers---…"
   "Milord... if I may be so bold to provide advice... I must remind his Lordship that the appropriate way to conjure for the assistance of this element, Sire, would be quite simpler: ‘come gust of wind and be wild’… Brief but no less effective, of course" Igor admonished his Master on the proper casting of dark incantations.
   "Thank you Igor, I had almost failed to remember that part … Anyway, you had already cast the spell, so you have heard it wind, obey our demand and be wild!" With that, the Count cackled with cruel glee, an aura appeared to surround his frame and a red spark was ignited on both his eyes, like flames of fire as he began to transform, while outside the fortress, gust of heavy wind gathered to form a dreadful tempest.
   Oblivious of the dangers ahead, Gosling stormed into the tavern. "… Is done!--- The vampire--- destroyed! ..." The gander addressed the landlord, though he was out of breath and could barely articulate a word.
    "What do you mean, young man?" The perplexed innkeeper questioned, while three peasants seated on a corner enjoying their last drink of the night, just had to listen and stare with curiosity.
    "… ... What I am trying to say is that the vampire fiend is no more!---..." Gosling recomposed before resuming his speech in a serious tone. "... The Count now rests in peace, finally there would be no more suffering ... is over." He softly stated, honestly believing that evil was successfully vanquished.
   A tense silence filled the inn until one of the peasants reacted. "... That is impossible!" He muttered in disbelief. "… Count Duckula defeated, requiring no effort?!" Added the landlord in dismay. "Yes, on the times past, I know the tale, the vampire was destroyed... but he was cornered by a group of vampire slayers! When we talked about the Count, I never thought you would attempt something so stupid, what have you done, lad?!"
   Gosling was completely appalled, realising something must have gone wrong and to learn that the Count was previously overcame, then who was this Duckula he had just met?! However, before the scholar was able to find his voice, the farmer seated near the window screamed in fear. "He is leaving the Castle! ..." Every fowl residing at the hostelry turned to the window. They saw the rainstorm and a giant bat flying from the castle in direction of the village. In matter of few minutes, chaos settled on the town: the wind destroyed some of the houses, demolishing the roofs of the buildings. Duckula on his bat form attacked people running outside in a futile attempt to seek shelter from the storm; others tried to escape the wooden debris carried by the whirlwind, people cried in panic, the peaceful slumber of the village residents turned into a nightmare.
   "Where are you, my dear Gosling?! Not so brave to defeat me?! ..." The evil laugh from the Count could be heard amid the commotion. "... Come, come out to play, do not make me wait!"
    "I am afraid he is calling for you!" Exclaimed the innkeeper’s wife who stood on top of the staircase, from there she threw Gosling’s luggage; the two suitcases landed loudly at his feet. "If you have any respect for anything sacred, get out of my house! ..." She ordered furiously, pointing to the main door of the hostel. "... Away with you!"
   "Wait, please!--- I don't understand! …" Gosling stammered. "My intentions were honourable; I was only trying to be of aid!”
    "Yeah, thank you for your help, you just made everything worse for our village!" Retorted an angry peasant. "Why did you have to mess with the Count?! Now his wrath is unstoppable, he would go on rampage until sunrise and is all your fault!"
   "I did try to do something, while you appear to accept this fate without resistance, why you don't fight back? For what reason you would even stay in a place like this?!" Although the scientist's response came out with a hint of defiance, in truth there was guilt within his heart.
   "Because this is our home, foolish lad! …" Replied the proprietress without hesitation. "We shall not abandon our land! If someone has to leave, that would be you!”
   "Very well said, Madam! Now you, go away!" A peasant urged Gosling to walk out the inn. "Hope he eats you, better you than us!"
   "Came on folks…" The landlord interceded. "… Don’t be cruel with the outsider, he couldn't know any better, after all he is only a boy."
   "… Oh nein, I am not! I will show you, I … I shall stop that fiend at once!"
    "No, if you go out he will kill you!---..." The innkeeper warned but he was unheard. Von Gosling stepped out the tavern and the sight of destruction and the monstrous vampire bat, rendered him to freeze in fright. However, the landlord had followed him and he placed the travel cases on Gosling's hands. "Come on, son … I wish I never told you about the Count." He said with regret and grabbing the young doctor by the arm, he led him to the back door of the tavern despite protest of the parishioners but some of them were to agree on the fact that at the present it would be for the best to escape.
    "I don't care if this is the land where I was born!--- The stranger was right--- I don't want to die!" Despaired one of the farmers as he hurried out to prepare a cart and soon enough, several of the town's people had joined him. Before Gosling was able to object, the innkeeper pushed him inside the stagecoach. From above, Duckula witnessed these actions and he was utterly amused. The giant bat could deliver an attack directly towards the doctor, given how easy was to detect him due his antiquated attire and the camera he was carrying; still, he interfered not for he had mused a greater plan since the instant he laid his eyes on Von Gosling. "That mortal had come to face me--- he failed no doubt, but he arrived on his own choice ... or maybe was it a design of fate? ..." The creature growled quietly. "... Nevertheless, I detected on him no greed for a reward or a desire of fame, not even a wish for vengeance ... What a disgusting attitude! However ... Could it be?---.... ... I wonder... ..."
   In the meantime, the doctor was still unable to fathom the burden he would be carrying now that the threads of fate had been tampered with. ".... Sir., oh please I---... I thank you ..." Gosling at last found his voice to express gratitude to the innkeeper. "... I will be praying Gott for your souls until I am able to come back---..."
   "Prayers?! ... Don't trouble yourself, it would be of no use" Said one of the villagers, quietly and embittered. "... God have forgotten about us."
   "That cannot be true! I shall pray for you all, our Lord will never forget His children!" Gosling stated firmly as the cart began to move.
   "Well, then I pray God I will never see your face again … may He bless and keep you!" Von Gosling frowned in sadness, lowering his head upon hearing those last words from the proprietor of 'Ye Tooth and the Jugular', the man who had just saved his life.
   As the stagecoach departed from the village, Gosling silently stared at the silver cross pendant he had on his hands, a gift from his mother that now held a much more profound significance. "… So, they believe our Lord has forgotten, ja? ..." He lamented in shame and remorse; no matter his efforts or his courageous discourse, in the end he was left trembling with fear in times help was most needed, it was an absolute disgrace. "… … I am to return, this is not over yet--- this awful mistake must be corrected … I will be back; that fiend shall be destroyed, I am going to save all those souls ... is a promise!"
           Later, at the break of dawn, the Count had enough leisure time and his thirst was quenched, so he returned to his fortress. As expected, Igor was patiently waiting for his master's arrival. "Did you find that miserable mortal, Master?" Greeted the sinister butler.
    "Ah, I let him go …" Duckula replied calmly, tonelessly even, like if the latest episode were of no relevance.
   The vulture raised a brow with suspicion at the Count’s answer; after such an eventful evening, this behaviour from the master was something unforeseen. "… I am not sure, Sire … you should have taken the life of that wretched miscreant ... or perhaps brought him here to me, I could have offered that Gosling a most proper … … care."
   "Worry not, dear Igor." The Count spoke, a grin crept onto his beak. "... Amongst all the pleasant visitors we have received through these the years, this one had proven to be the most interesting opponent".
    "Oh indeed, Milord, Indeed! There is no use on finishing the fun so early …" Igor rubbed his hands in pleased anticipation of the delightfully wicked punishments he would be able to inflict over that insolent gander.
    "That is right; you got the idea, my Igor!" The Count chuckled darkly. "… He is coming back, I assure you, and I will be waiting …" Then, the vampire grabbed Igor by the necktie, pulling his head down to meet his gaze. "After all … ..." Duckula continued, lowering his voice into a threatening though gleeful snarl. "… We have plenty of time ... … … don’t we, Igor?!"
This is the first chapter from an old fanfiction of mine I am re-writing (began in 2009, is 2020 not completed yet, only three chapters are ready), is an attempt to set a prequel for the Count Duckula series, based on the Dear Diary and The Rest is History episodes, a particular scene that appears on the show's intro, the Castlevania games and last but certainly not least, Dracula the novel. Posting it here now as an experiment given I have no idea how it would look like on Tumblr, and so happy to see fans of the series!
Count Duckula and the characters on this chapter belong to Cosgrove Hall.
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televinita · 4 years ago
Library Triage
Am in a mini-slump as far as reading goes (very much enjoying my Tortall books, but also reserving them for audio), so I think I gotta re-examine my library checkout options here, especially since I’ve had some of these for like 7 weeks and it’s time to read up or give back already.
In a departure from tradition, these are actually in order of least to most likely to read next.
1. Fame, Fate and the First Kiss - Kasie West I had such fun with Lucky in Love at the beginning of June that I went back and fished out the next best looking option for another reading day outside, but I seem to have reverted back to my usual "Kasie West looks right up my alley, why do I feel nothing drawing me toward her work" feelings.
2. Love & Luck - Jenna Welch Evans Same story -- loved the first book at the beginning of summer, figured I'd roll right into the second on a sunny day, but somehow can't bring myself to get into it.
3. The Start of Me and You - Emery Lord Yet another perfect-for-summer-reading-outside looking title, but even though I got like 10 pages into this, it's just not grabbing my interest.
4. Save the Date - Morgan Matson I feel like if I could just! START! this one, I'd be on a roll, but it's really long and the font is small and those are the reasons I love her books, but right now they're forming a barrier to entry for me. The part where the MC almost lost her virginity via random hookup in the first chapter did not further endear me. Also every time I pick it up, I think about trying the audiobook, then remember I found out all of Matson’s books are friggin’ Audible Exclusives, and I get angry all over again.
5. 96 Miles - J.L. Esplin: I grabbed this at random because semi-dystopian survival, but I'm just not in quite the right mood to read about boys traversing an arid desert landscape. I think I want one of the next two on the list instead.
Now we’re into more recent/upcoming checkouts that have my interest properly piqued.
6. Be Not Far From Me - Mindy McGinnis I read her first three and have been meaning to get back to her good-but-dark-as-hell work for years. This one, about a teen lost in the forest, injured and trying to survive (not without considerable survival knowledge), combines a lot of my favorite things at once.
7. The Trail - Meika Hashimoto
“Boy runs away to hike the Appalachian trail because Reasons” is a middle grade trope I think I will never tire of
8. Tempests & Slaughter - Tamora Pierce
There is absolutely no reason for me to read this until a) I run out of chronological canon w/ Numair and b) she finishes these Chronicles, but GUESS WHAT, I went to Half Price Books last weekend and I saw this there and I read a few pages and now it’s all I want in this life. I have done a full 180 from “eh, I don’t think I’ll read these books because I don’t really care about a boy learning magic; I don’t care who that boy is” and “I don’t WANT to fall in love with a friend trio that will eventually end in attempted murder/betrayal and a doomed romance, respectively!”, to realizing a) how badly i crave male friendship stories, which seem to be more prevalent in fantasy than contemporary, and this is like the one fantasy story I can stomach, and b) WHAT IF I THOUGHT OF THIS AS NUMAIR DESCRIBING HIS PAST TO DAINE (or her reading a journal, depending on how the style flows/what kind of detail is included) and now I’m dead of anticipatory joy.
0 notes
booksrocci · 4 years ago
Donald Rocci
Chapter 1
They came in the night and were only visible by the small light of their ignited torches, sparking fear within the city that fueled the fires of the unknown destruction that was to come. Their dark and ubiquitous military slithered out of the mountainous hills, ghostly specters within the moonlight hungry for living flesh. They marched in perfect formation to their orders as each creature held off whatever eagerness it felt for the charge, waiting until the first glimpse of any weakness in our defenses revealed itself so they could begin with their grisly duty. They had made no demands upon us thus far so the only thing left was plunder, they wanted our riches, our woman, and our lives, there is no other meaning for their arrival.
I had seen many such armies that would try to steal the wealth of the kingdom that lay behind me, but the wall always held. Impenetrable it was said, and for good reason for many have tried, but their remnants still laid in the fields on which this force stood with their denial in their minds and their souls wandering lost in the abyss. But the wall still faced this test of time, as strong as it had for centuries, tall and unmolested in the dry cold air, leaving us as a city that could not be taken easily by any army who dared to attempt the feat.
This army was somewhat different in its overall design and skill. Even in the pale light the figures looked less than human and almost animalistic. Their leather armor, tattered and sewed together, hung off their muscular bodies that seemed stooped, almost hunched, as they walked from post to post. Dark black skin withheld any features in the night and they were massively sized, even larger than the German hordes that was ever present upon the Rhine frontier. The way their faces looked in the torchlight that showed them as they spoke made it seem as that they were snorting rather than using words to communicate. I wasn't sure who they were or where they had come from, but it didn't matter, I knew they were going to whatever afterlife their belief had determined to exist.
I scanned the defenders of the realm looking for my sons and found their armor shining like stars brighter in the sky than all the others. I let a small smile slip from my stern face but quickly stifled its existence from the earth. As a smithy I was one of the best in the empire, I knew they would not have to fret and wonder about their armor giving away in the heat of any battle. It would last longer than anyone else's within the province and would most certainly would not fail here. My pride welled in my chest as dreams swept through my head of rewards and praise from the peers in my craft. These grandiose thoughts took me away to far off places of glory and riches, the battle before me was but a distant memory. I snapped myself back to the present and the reality at hand, I must remain in the moment, only fools dream of future greatness to bitter ends in the present.
Three sons I had, all heads of their own divisions armed to the teeth with my designs. I had raised them to be leaders not to be lead and they did me proud whenever I saw them and their men marching in formation. Top of their arts in battle logic, archery, and swordcraft. My three were the best this city produced in years or at least they we're never last. As my thoughts drifted toward my third boy and his independent nature I let off another small smile, he was frustrating to say the least.
Could be that I lost one or maybe two today, that is the wages of battle and war. But they would go down heroes who defended their kingdom and others would tell tales of their deeds in the small fires of the night. My pride swelled yet again as more visions of glory sprung forth in the fields of the summers mind. Followed by a solemn sadness, for I knew my wife would be devastated. Their was no way to heal the wound of a child lost, time can only take away so much, but some pain lingers through the scars of love.
But what options did we have, the coming of this army has been foretold for weeks. Evacuees had been coming as their cities, towns, and villages were taken, and stories of savagery and slaughter traveled with them. The kingdom would open its doors, help who it could, feeding and housing most of them, the others we did what we must do in these times but disease is just as terrible as any army. I thought upon the family we had sheltered, telling their tale of horror that befell them while shivering with traumatic memories that even the warm fire could not release. Creatures that I had only heard of in myths were described with frightening details, but I left those notions to simple folk who have never seen other cultures or people of different lands making up stories to explain that which was misunderstood. As I sat and listened to their terrible tales my skin brushed up with bumps and fear filled my treacherous heart. Looking at my wife I saw the despair and trepidation appear in the darkness of her eyes, I had to be strong and still the terrors in the night that would consume dreams. As the refugees left heading towards the east and the great sea hoping for something better. I told my wife and daughters that we will not flee to a safer place. "Our kingdom needs us." I would say as she cried and begged for us to leave, but I held firm, we would not be marked as cowards to be ridiculed.
Some in the kingdom chose to go find them and do small attacks, hoping to at least slow them down and make them think twice. I wanted to wait, I had made swords and armor by the dozens and my men were hard at work all the way to the last day till they arrived. The summer was ending and the cool autumn air rolled in from the east as the massive army slithered in from the western plains.
We had poisoned the wells and harvested all the crops leaving burnt earth behind before we shut the gates. They would die, they always did, from starvation or thirst and would leave in a few months time. This kingdom was well schooled in sieges, as our history was filled with them. But they did not have me before to arm the soldiers, and I was the best in the land. As I watched from the battlements of the wall my pride grew renewed within me, almost every soldier was equipped with my armor or sword. They knew who made it and they trusted my equipment, it would not fail, I was simply the best.
I looked again at the western horizon and thought I saw something flying in the distance. Death was ever present in the air and maybe the ghosts of battles past grew restless with the thoughts of fresh blood to feast upon. It was the way of it I thought to myself. Such as it was from the beginning of time till the end of the earth. A sigh escaped my lips as I brought the chalice of wine to my tongue and turned the bitter liquid within my mouth. Swirling the cup in my hand I swallowed the grapes gift and let it take effect.
It was still in me to be nervous, days of battle were long past and I made a comfortable living as a smith which made my family one of the most richest and respected in the kingdom. Yet still the unease of it all filled me, as the horrific stories still clung to my memory like a bad dream. I cast the thoughts of fear and doubt aside with a laugh.
"No one will breach the gate." I murmured.
"What?" said the sentinel to my right as his armor plate reflected the torchlight beside him. I looked into his frightened blue eyes and saw the stories lying behind the watchful stare. He wore the same cloak of the guard that all the sentinels wore, brazen red with gold outlines cascaded down his back. A black crest held the family house he belonged to. That was the only difference in each mans outfit within the guard. Above that was the seal of the kingdom, bright blue as the sky with a golden eagle shining within. The armor was one of my finest, hemmed with steel and inlaid again with the seal of the kingdom etched into the metal.
"I said they will not breach the gate."
He nodded his approval and stared hard at the siege line searching them for trouble.  They had not moved, no action was taking place even their cavalry lay dormant, every now and then a nervous whine from one of the horses below would echo of the wall but nothing else really pierced the silence. They just sat there and watched stone faced waiting, and that was when I realized what was so odd about the situation. No movement to place and wind the siege engines, no planning being done to breach the wall, no ladders being towed to climb. Nothing they just stayed there staring at the massive wall with neither fear or courage. Strange, how did they expect to succeed where so many others had failed. Surely this was not the armies that the refugees feared and storied with dark ends. Some other mass must have assembled or they were waiting for more forces to arrive, perhaps that was the reasons behind the hesitation.
I could feel the eagerness of the soldiers below me and caught a movement in the western sky again. What was there a storm coming in from that direction, unlikely but stranger things have happened. The sea hardly ever gave birth to rain at this time of year. Maybe a sudden storm or some random wind tempest driven by the spirits of the past. How fortunate that would be if this enemy would be blinded before the fighting began, attacked without us even having to draw a sword. I smiled warmly at the image of the besiegers flailing around in the storm only to be destroyed later by our seasoned troops. This would be over before it began.
A fresh thought of my wife filled my mind, I would be home soon, enjoying the fire and warmth of family as I told tales of the battle. Let the terrain take its victims again, there will be no fear here to be sowed and be reaped by soulless men. The fight would come and the victory would be sweet, won on the blades of righteous men of the realm. Of this fact I had no doubt.
A wind started rising from the north which made no sense at all. The storm was to the east and the sea air in the west was still. Loud thrums of drums started to sound within the besiegers camp, with sounds of metal upon metal filling the nights air. They started forming into companies which timed with the drum beats, they were organized, I would give them that. Ominous as all this was I still let out a chuckle of how foolish they were. Fools led to their destruction, let them come and meet their demise upon our walls.
The cheering from the opposite camp grew intense and filled the night with noise. Then it came like a gale of wind indiscriminate of its purpose. I could barely understand what happened or why I was on the ground when I saw the results of the calamity. Clumsily I stood and saw the charred and melted men that were strewn and entangled everywhere on the ground beneath the stone wall. My face burned from the hell fire that seemed to be feasting on the mortar besides me where the sentinel once stood. Trying to shake off my confusion I searched for what had happened. Only to be knocked down again from the force of the wall obliterating itself where the main gate was placed.
In shock and awe I caught a glimpse of a beast as it turned and flew with wings so massive it blotted out the moon towards the west. It's job was done and we were relatively defenseless, the wall and most of its defenders had fallen in what seemed like an eternity but in actuality was mere minutes. The last men fought valiantly but were being overrun by the now seemingly massive army that was pouring into the city. I had but one thought left that could penetrate the haze and move my body into action, my wife and daughters.
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tabletoptrinketsbyjj · 6 years ago
Random Godly Domains: Depending on your system and in-game universe, there may already be a pantheon, singular or lack of Gods. However, people are superstitious wherever your players go and the Random Domains Tables allow a DM to generate a domain, theme or patronage to quickly flesh out a trinket with a “Random Godly Domain”.  These deities can be minor or local Gods to the area, trumped up mages, patron saints, angels, demons, powerful fey, or demigods. Remember these “Gods” don’t have to exist in the same way other deity’s do in your setting who are able to take physical form and can just be a form of local superstition or have cult-like status. For a truly random domain, roll a d6 (Rerolling 6's) to select the table, then roll (Somehow) on that table. Each of the 5 alignments now have 80 domain options.
–1, Good Domains:
-Keep reading for many more Godly Domains.
—Note: The previous 10 Domains are repeated for ease of use.
–1, Good Domains: 
Good Fortune
–2, Evil Domains:
Swamps And Bogs
–3, Neutral Domains:
Animal Husbandry
Animals / Beasts
Ash And Dust
Natural Disasters
The Dead
The Grave
–4, Lawful Domains:
Construction And Building
The Forge
–5, Chaotic Domains:
The Far Realms
The Great Beyond
The Unknown
The Wilds
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perditism · 5 years ago
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N A N O   W I P   2 0 1 9
[ #tag ] [ ask to add to taglist ]  
  it was only a matter of time until ophelia’s family history started to catch up with them.
for centuries, ophelia’s royal family had imposed tyrannical rules banning any element of magic in their kingdom of geishea. witches were hung and trolls were slaughtered to protect the crown from uprisings and sieges they would have lost.
today, precisely on ophelia’s wedding day, the creatures of magic would exact their revenge.
by taking ophelia’s betrothed, the impending peace that would have been brokered between ophelia’s kingdom and xandor was impeded. With the two kingdoms strained, ophelia was the only person who could prevent a war.
procuring the assistance of a highly wanted outlaw with a shame too great to bear, an unsatisfied barkeep with a business of magical weaponry on the side and a suspect apothecary who seemed to carry more secrets they led on, ophelia raced against time to get the xandorian prince back, with the threat of a fatal war looming overhead.
taglist ((i’m tagging everyone from both my tempest calling and nocturne wip!))
@leicawri  @lady-redshield-writes  @maskedlady   @the-writers-blocks  @rosequills  @starlitesymphony  @poetinprose @i-rove-rock-n-roll @teacupwriter  @liarede. @lillayalightfoot @quartzess  @meafeminas  @omgbrekkerkaz @anomaly00 @dogwrites @writingwhithotchocolate @livingthelovelylife
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innervoiceartblog · 4 years ago
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(via Unraveling – Terry Tempest Williams)
Photo by Rhonda Lashley Lopez
Unraveling by Terry Tempest Williams
Terry Tempest Williams searches for what is revealed when worlds unravel, tracing the entangled nature of undoing and becoming.
Unravel   un·rav·el  |  \ ˌənˈravəl \
verb gerund or present participle: unraveling
1. undo (twisted, knitted, or woven threads)
Similar: untangle, disentangle, straighten out, separate out, unsnarl, unknot, unwind, untwist, undo, untie, unkink, unjumble
2. (of an intricate process, system, or arrangement) disintegrate or be destroyed
Similar: fall apart, come apart (at the seams), fail, collapse, go wrong
3. investigate and solve or explain (something complicated or puzzling)
Similar: solve, resolve, work out, clear up, puzzle out, find an answer to, get to the bottom of, explain, elucidate, fathom, decipher, decode, crack, penetrate, untangle, unfold, settle, reveal, clarify, sort out, make head or tail of, figure out, suss (out)
I am unraveling. I am unraveling like a rattlesnake in the desert tightly coiled, my tail issuing a warning I cannot yet decipher. My mind is unraveling as I move to free my thoughts from being held captive for too long in such a tensely wound space. For months, I have been in a defensive stance visible only to surrounding ghosts. Fear brought me here. Uncertainty brought me here. Two hundred and fifty thousand dead from the coronavirus brought me here. My capacity to strike, from one emotion to the next, frightens me. After isolating myself in a landscape of arid beauty for the past nine months during a global pandemic, why do I find myself in the process of unraveling now? What is waiting and wanting to come forth?
When I don’t know what something means, I do three things: consult a dictionary; ask someone I respect and listen; go for a walk.
The dictionary gave me definitions, but what caught my attention was the word “reveal” in the list of synonyms. To unravel is to reveal what has been hidden. And when I asked my father (now 87 years old and weathering the pandemic at home with his partner and a borrowed dog named Sparky) what he thought it meant to “unravel,” he simply said, “I’m too bored to think about it.”
I understand.
An hour later, Brooke and I went for a walk. We found a small, unexpected pioneer cemetery, adorned with plastic red and blue roses, on a bluff overlooking the Dolores River. We stopped to watch a great blue heron fish the shallows. The long-legged bird was not unraveling; she was paying attention, focused on her task. Within minutes, she speared a trout, most likely a rainbow. We watched her slowly, deliberately walk back to the mudflats, toss her head back, releasing the fish into the air, and on its way down gulp the trout whole. The narrow body of the trout, now a bulge, was moving down her neck in a series of muscular swallows. The heron stood still for some time along the riverbank, then waded back into the depths of her perfect concentration.
What interested me in this particular moment was how the heron could live her life, as her species was meant to live, with an integrity of purpose in place—even as the ecosystem to which she belongs is unraveling around her. Climate change is affecting the flow of the Colorado River, with its incoming tributaries, like the Dolores, waning. We are now in what climate scientists are calling “a megadrought.” Moab’s average annual rainfall is 10 inches. In 2020, we have received 4.9 inches, less than half the norm. Monitoring the health of the Dolores River, the nonprofit group Conservation Colorado gave the Dolores River a grade of D− in terms of its water quality. Why? Dams and reservoirs disrupt the natural flows and displace sediments, deeply altering the character of the river. Abandoned mines and uranium tailings continue to leach into the headwaters, carrying on a toxic history familiar to the Four Corners region of the American Southwest. Increased fossil fuel development, including fracked gas, is affecting water tables and aquifers, all contributing to its failing grade.
Could we read the health of the great blue heron fishing along the Dolores River through this poisonous narrative now alive in her bloodstream? Like us, each species large and small—feathered, furred, or finned—carries the larger story of planetary health in their cells. The difference between our species and other species is that we are responsible for much of the demise of all the others.
As life on the planet is unraveling, in ways seen and unseen, we are also unraveling the natural consequences that these larger narratives of unconscious behavior are inflicting on populations, both human and wild. For example, the heinous, illegal wildlife trafficking infiltrating “wet markets” (where fresh meat, fish, and produce are sold) from Asia to Africa and across the globe is responsible for 75 percent of zoonotic viruses. COVID-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is a zoonotic disease. That means it came from an animal or animals. SARS-CoV-2 is not the first novel coronavirus to infect humans—it’s the seventh.
A report from the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) found “that the United States imported almost 23 million whole animals, parts, samples and products made from bats, primates and rodents over a recent five-year period. These animals harbor 75% of known zoonotic viruses—pathogens that spread from animals to people.”
Wildlife markets in China—where animals are “kept in cramped cages for purchase and slaughter”—are believed to be the source of the global pandemic we now find ourselves in. The CBD goes on to say that, “…many researchers believe it originated from a bat, a scaly mammal called a pangolin (globally the most heavily trafficked mammal), or potentially both. The virus may have spilled over to humans from an unknown animal. Or it may have evolved after infecting people.”
We are unraveling in inexplicable ways given how tightly and mysteriously the world is woven together. Pull one strand and all the strands are disrupted, threatening the integrity of the overall pattern.
We are Earth unraveling and reforming creation.
Along with dictionaries, scientists, and the land itself, I consult the Dead. I hear my grandmother telling me to focus on “the golden thread” that shows us “the through line” that weaves the world back together again. Where might this golden thread be found now?
In March, early in the novel coronavirus pandemic, a global prayer was held at a designated time on a Sunday morning for the Earth and all its inhabitants. Like so many collective rituals, this reached me on the wind by word of mouth.
I walked outside and faced Round Mountain, an ancient volcano plug in the southern end of the valley where we live. I held my grandmother’s “hand stone”—an egg-shaped, polished amethyst—in my right hand as I had seen her do repeatedly. It was her talisman, which she bequeathed to me in her will. She told me it calmed her heart and opened it. I closed my eyes in prayer—believing in the power and connectivity of people gathered together in the name of health and peace on the planet. My mind was quiet, receptive.
In time, I began to feel a heat rising in me from the ground up. To quell my fears and skepticism, I kept my attention focused on how the warmth was settling in my body. In my mind’s eye, I saw a flame coming toward me from the center of Round Mountain, gaining in heat and size and intensity, until it entered my heart, becoming “a burning core of care”—those were the words that came to me as this force burned with a ferocity of intent that I have never known. My grandmother’s hand stone was hot, almost too hot to hold. Opening my eyes, I opened my hand. The stone was shattered inside, with dozens of fracture lines appearing that had not been there before. It didn’t make sense. My eye focused on a particularly large and complex fracture that occurred at the intersection where the deepest purple merged with the brightest, clearest part of the crystal. Within that broken angle, it appeared brown, burnt. I lifted the crystal up toward the light, and therein, I saw a flame.
I have no explanation for this other than to say that what was burning in me burned through the gemstone in my hand, shattering it. The energy I felt rising from the Earth through the soles of my feet and from Round Mountain itself reached directly into my heart with the radiance of a million prayers circulating around the planet and in that moment created a fire in me of inexhaustible light.
In my desire to understand my own unraveling in this global pandemic, I could not have imagined that it would be my grandmother’s golden thread that would lead me to the source of both my undoing and becoming: isolation and engagement. The golden thread became the gilded sunlight woven into the wings of the great blue heron fishing along the banks of the Dolores River. This same shimmering thread exposed the facts that deciphered the toxic residues from abandoned mines and uranium tailings which are poisoning our rivers, poisoning us, and killing creatures. In a similar way, it cinched the illegal wildlife trade that taunted wet markets with “bush meat,” ripe with tainted blood, a spillover causing a global virus infecting us all, threatening what we have taken for granted: Life.
This golden strand reveals what binds awe and terror together, as it travels through shadow and light—illuminating the loose threads waiting to be picked up by each of us so we can mend, repair, and restore what has come apart. We can reweave the world anew, not from the places of fear and doubt, but from the intimate spaces of belonging we must retrieve for ourselves. We are Earth unraveling and reforming creation. We are meant to engage not isolate. These are difficult days. What causes us to recoil, strike, and retreat is also what allows us to reach out from the anxiety of unknowing and dare to trust what is to come—a reassembling of our humanity.
There is something deeper than hope. Between the hours of darkness and dawn, the voices of our ancestors are amplified in the dreamtime—warning us of our awakening wisdom—a blessing to behold and a burden to enact.
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 years ago
Daughter of the Sea, Daughter of the Storm (Pt 1)
The Viking Nami Au inspired by @onepiecehcs now fully written for your enjoyment. Two more pieces should be coming in the next two days as well! Enjoy!
Ao3 for better quality!
Nami doesn’t know this, but she was born on the coldest night of the year, in the eye of a storm.  She doesn’t know this, because her mother (unnamed and unknown save for the roaring thunder above) dies three days later due to the struggles of childbirth.
Nami survives, because her father places her wicker basket in the midst of a battle (a slaughter) where another young girl, hair like blueberries, picks her up. Nami is born from blood and storm, and brought into battle and sisterhood.
(Nojiko won’t let her go.)
In this battle, a lightning strike watching over head, a woman finds her. The woman, Bell-mere, does not care for the lightning marks running down Nami’s back, or her (currently) nameless state. She cares instead for the blood staining her blankets and the dirt settled on Nojiko’s face – she cares for these two children, one kingdom born and one sky born – and Bell-mere takes them home.
This, Nami knows, for her mother (Bell-mere) raises her and her sister on the snow-littered island of Cocoyashi, where the winters are tough and the people stronger, where stories are told every night and the sweetness of oranges grown in ice and cold dance on every tongue.
This is Nami’s truth.
Cocoyashi is about three degrees past “too cold” and one away from “uninhabitable” but its people make it work. Nami (Daughter of the Storm, Daughter of Bell-mere) grows up with furs and boots and twenty ways to keep out the cold when you are too poor to get proper heating. She knows the way animals flee in the colder months by the time she is four, and can hunt half of them by the time she is six. When she is seven, she knows how to tough out a winter by the spit of her mouth and the grit of her hands – Bell-mere teaches her how to make baskets that keep the food from rotting, and the cloth patterns that keep the devilish cold out.
In between survival, Nami learns from Nojiko (who learns it from the older kids down the street) how to two weave thirteen different types of braids, and pin up thirteen more.  Her hair isn’t long enough yet, but it will be. In the meantime, she threads beads and glass into it, to make it shine like the gold she knows her family doesn’t have.
On her own, Nami maps the island and learns from the sky. Thunder rumbles her to sleep, and wind guides her map-pencil to the right points.  Piles of books are formed and read next to her bed, speaking of meteorology and altitude and wind pressure – things any (good) navigator should know.  Two axes (small but sturdy, fit for a warrior child’s hands) find their way into her hands and into furrows in mountain sides, helping her climb and climb and climb, till she, all of eight years old, stands atop Cocoyashi highest peak in the midst of a raging tempest.  She maps her island home from this peak, and then ventures into the woods to practice her aim.
(Bell-mere says that she became a Marine to put her skills to the test. Instead, she was forced to use a musket and strike down those unworthy to be apart of the World Government. Now,  Bell-mere has her musket by the door, next to her axe, and a dagger by her waist. She’s welcome in town, but she listens to no chief.
Nami loves her mother, and she listens well. She won’t make the same mistake.
She’s going to be free, and if Bell-mere has taught her anything, it is to fight for the things you hold dear.
Every target hit is another day lived, another treasure kept, another lesson from Bell-mere in Nami’s mind.)
Cocoyashi’s cold, but its people are strong, and care for the trees and hunt the beasts. Nami, despite the storm she was born in, is no different.
Arlong comes in the summer months, and so does the axe.
Its longer than her, made of wood stronger than sea stone and sturdier than the mountains, with a metal that Nami has never quite seen before for its blade, hooked it seems, for easy grappling
Oska, Nami whispers the name that’s carved in its handle, (Thunder), when she finds it leaning outside her door, scorch marks (lightning marks) all around it.  
Nojiko likes to poke at it, and Bell-mere just nods in blind acceptance before gathering them in to eat.
Later that day, Bell-mere starts training Nami in its use.
Later that month, Bell-mere smiles at Nami before Arlong shoots her through the skull.
Arlong’s brutal in all the way her people aren’t. He can stand the cold just as well as any of them, without needing any fur (fishmen, apparently, live in the depths of the sea where the sun never sheds it warmth. The ice bothers them, but does not stop them from terrorizing her people) and the way he orders her people about makes her shrivel inside.
His mark is now on her shoulder, where Bell-mere told her she could have her first tattoo when she was old enough. (It was going to be a mix of all the things she loved – tangerines and storms and pinwheels and family. But she can never have that anymore, can she?)
Everything’s gone wrong, hasn’t it?
(Nami makes it for the pyre, the Viking funeral they give for the funeral that is her mother, her Bell-mere. Nojiko holds her tight and Nami takes the pain that her hug presses down on her shoulder (she deserves it) because that’s their mother in that pyre, and that’s her favorite axe and her musket.
Is she smiling while she’s getting devoured by flames? Nami can’t tell.
(All she feels is cold and electric all at once.))
Nami cries every night, but every morning she ties her hair into a knot and slips on her boots and meager armor. She’s ten and all but mastered her smaller axes, but the new one Oska eludes her still – and Bell-mere isn’t there to help her, so she has to do it all alone, training and pushing her body til Arlong drags her in to draw another map.
(Are the lines she draws born from ink or blood? She can’t tell anymore.)
She manages to get out one month in to her imprisonment. A small sailboat is all she has, and provisions enough for a week – two if she only eats once a day.  Tenancity is all she has left to hold her up, so she uses it all to sail away for the first time.
Cocoyashi fades into the fog and the axe on her back weighs heavier than ever.
(Nami faces a storm at sea, on her first voyage. It is a tempest, a hurricane, a thunderous rain of ruin, but no lightning touches her. Instead, the sea parts before her as she knots her hair and ties up her dress, fingers gripping the rope of the sail. Her face is wet but it feels more like platonic caress than a rainy whip and the way the lightning flashes (heat lightning, her books called it, a blessing, Bell-mere said instead) illuminates her way out.
She places her feet on land come morning and faces a trio of pirates – men bigger and stronger and more ruthless than her – on the shore. There’s a pull from her side and her hand reaches for Oska, leaning against the boat. The men laugh at her ten-year-old form, but she slams the handle down and suddenly they aren’t laughing any more. Suddenly they are very burnt and Nami is glowing blue electric.
Suddenly, there’s lightning.
Suddenly there is hope.)
(Thunder smiles and heads away – his daughter is well.)
Life goes on, and Nami steals gold after gold after gold. Necklaces start to lie around her neck and cloths from around the East are threaded to make her dresses. She learns more braids and learns that even warrior women can lure men in to traps. She’s fifteen and strong enough to lift up her boat (The Tempest) and then sixteen and strong enough to lift a (small) sea king head.  She carves her own weapons and makes more maps stained with blood.
She’s a thief and she’s a warrior, a map maker and a navigator. Her family’s far away and she has a quarter of a million to free them, but she won’t falter, she won’t.
(The thunder won’t let her.)
Then, she stumbles upon Orange Town and a map to the Grand Line.
Then, she meets Monkey D. Luffy, who looks at her axe and her face and her claim to be a navigator, and asks her to join his pirate crew.
She hates pirates.
(But once upon a time she wanted to be free.)
Here are some things that Nami knows: her (temporary) captain is an idiot, she can outdrink the swordsman, both are stronger than even her strength but she’s more sensible than both of them.
This is evident by the way she has to haul the two idiots out of a bar fight while carefully avoiding the orders for them to pay for the drinks.
The money has better use anyhow.
“What were you two thinking! You idiots! We don’t have that kind of money!”
30 plates and 30 drinks. Luffy was a bouncing ball of rubber two seconds ago and Zoro is leaning heavily on her shoulder, muttering about swords and axes and who believed that people got weaker as they grew older, damn witch, and she’s about to dump both of them in the mud.
“But Nami! We have you!” Luffy cheers despite the painful hold she has on his ear.
“No – you don’t!”
“But you’re super strong! You shoulda seen all their faces when they realized that you weren’t drunk after all those drinks!” She might have lied when she implied Zoro was the only one drinking. “ And then you brought out your axe and did the slammy thing with all the thunder rumbling all around – and you’re the best! I have the best navigator! Zoro, did you know I have the best navigator! She’s so cool!”
Nami misses Zoro’s reply because she still busy standing dumbstruck by Luffy’s too honest words.
She doesn’t even fight against being his navigator this time.
(She might even feel like flying if it weren’t for the ink on her shoulder.)
At Syrup they meet a boy who wants to be brave and a girl who wants to heal. Luffy helps them do both as Nami helps dismember pirates with cat ears with Zoro.
There’s a kind of hope in this town that Nami wish she had for herself, the kind of hope that comes from the miracles Luffy brings, the kind of hope Cocoyashi brings.
But Nami doesn’t think about that when she’s using her twin axes to climb rock faces and trees for treasure, or when she has to fight a pirate crew who even the Demon of the East Blue and a boy made out of rubber have trouble with.
When the battles over, Demon and Rubber Captain wounds tended too, Zoro nods at her, respect in his eyes.
It’s something Nami hasn’t seen in a while, not from anyone but Luffy (and Bell-mere and Nojiko). From one warrior to another. She hefts her axe over shoulders and nods back, before claiming a room for herself aboard the Going Merry.
Its at the Baratie she leaves, and on the Merry she cries. She sails alone, as she has for years, (The Tempest crashed four days before she met them) but now it feels so much more lonely than it ever has been.
The wind keeps pushing back against her but she forges on. She’s so close to being free, so close to killing the fishman that kept her chained to that damned map room for eight years that she can’t bear anything else.
It turns out Arlong is not a man of his word. It turns out her former crew cares to much about her – that her village cares too much about her – and that Nami can’t stand this any more.
The treasure carefully hidden and kept safe so that even the dangerous winter months couldn’t stop her from getting it is gone and her people are going to get themselves killed.
(Axes aren’t always strong enough to break fishman skin, not when they had to have been carefully hidden. Nami knows this, she’s tried many times. )
Her hands are bloody from where she stabbed the end of her axe into them, but the dagger she holds in her hand is steady as she tears at her sleeves, hair slipping out of its knot.
Then – there’s Luffy standing before her, catching her hand. “Luffy… Help me,” She cries, never feeling weaker, but there’s electricity in the air and a hat on her head.
“OKAY!” He shouts, and there’s freedom in the air.
Nami knows, because this is a feeling she’s never known before.
She leaves Cocoyashi one necklace heavier (a gift, from Nojiko, one of Bell-mere’s) one crew stronger, and a shoulder hurting with the familiar sting of a tattoo. Arlong’s gone and so is that room and she’s free.
(Her room has been half transformed into a map making room of her own design, Zoro sits with her when she sharpens her blades, Sanji brings her drinks strong enough to kill a man, Usopp has been helping her make a weapon that will let her make more than thunder and lightning, and Luffy has smiled at her every day while leading them onward to a new adventure. After every new island, he asks to see the map she made of it, and its in such a different way from Arlong she wants to cry.
She loves this crew, this crew of the future Pirate King.)
The way out of Loguetown is the first time she shines, reveling in the storm that bows to her will. She guides them through the waves, keeps them safe enough so that they can make their vow together.
Light flashes so that she can see her crewmates faces, her captains face, grinning wild and relentless against the storm. Oska is a steady weight in her palm, anchoring her to the deck, and she knows that there is no place she would rather be than in this storm.
Thunder rumbles approvingly, and they surge into the Grand Line.
In Paradise, they meet a man with flowers for hair, a whale that has lost its family, and two bounty hunters, one of whom is the most beautiful woman Nami has ever seen.
So, if she casually uses her axe a bit more leniently than she would before, or moves more crates than ordering them moved, its nothing but her stretching her muscles, that’s all.  
(And if she rolls up her sleeves, so far up that the tattoo of an axe, wreathed in lighting and tangerines  in the shape of a pinwheel is visible on her left shoulder, then its no ones business that she smiles a bit brighter.)
Still – her axe has never been for show, and she will put it to use if these bounty hunters try anything.
At Whiskey Peak, Nami outdrinks Zoro and fakes falling asleep. This is, of course, not before depleting the people of this horrible town of near all their alcohol. It’s pitiful that they don’t see that Nami’s still awake, or that her axes are still resting next to her.
Pitiful, but not unwelcome if she wants to steal any of their gold.
Miss Wednesday’s real name is Nefertiti Vivi, and she is the princess of Alabasta who became a bounty hunter to save her country.  
Nami already feels a kindred spirit with her.
She talks and laughs with her, whispers to her in their shared cabin, spars with her and lifts her up on her shoulder’s. Vivi’s smile is like the pearls that washed up on Cocoyashi’s beaches, beautiful and more common if you know what causes them. She teaches Vivi how to braid her hair and hold an axe, and Vivi teaches her the stars above the Grand line and how to use the loge pose and her peacock whip.
Nami could get used to this.
(She thinks Vivi could too.)
Nami wakes up on Drum, tosses Vivi her heavy fur cloak, and starts making with the mayhem as Luffy starts to liberate another island simply because they hurt someone and got in his way. Drum is her element, the snow and wind casting flurries around her, and her braid (Vivi must have braided it for her while she was out of it-) whipping about her head as she uses her twin axes to help Luffy with the henchmen.
Later, as she sits on the sleigh and watches the sky erupt in cherry blossoms, she feels fingers interlink with hers. A glance to her left is Vivi, still wrapped in Nami’s own cloak, cheeks red and face cheery as she looks to the sky. Nami thinks her own face must be a mirror of Vivi’s, and shifts her own hand to hold the princess’s tighter.
At Alabasta, Usopp gives her a new axe. Tempest, he has named it, and Nami can’t help but think of her old sailboat that carried her everywhere till she met this crew.  The blade is sharp and almost as long as Oska’sbut it’s not forged like Oska was, its’ been crafted to collapse, to be hidden, to make her seem like a summoner and warrior all at once.  Teary eyed, she hugs Usopp and goes off to practice with her new weapon.
She could summon Lightning and thunder all on her own with Oska, what can she do now?
Tempest is a weapon that Nami has never held before, never heard of before, never trained in before, but that’s okay, because Oska hadn’t been familiar to her either but she learned.
And if such learning must come in battle, so be it.
Tempest splits in three parts with a chain linking the three – a blade is at one end, and its designed so that it can fold in in a feat of engineering that Nami could not possibly comprehend.  That’s not the important bit though –
No, the important thing is that Tempest has the technology to create heat and cold and energy that Nami can direct any weather she can at an enemy. She’s sure it can be upgraded in the future, but this – this is the start of something great.
Miss Doublefinger doesn’t stand a chance.
Before she even sets foot on Merry, she knows that Vivi is going to stay. The way she stares at the desert and her people, with such fond love and duty that has only ever been mirrored in the Strawhats is something that cannot be faked.
So she gives Vivi a necklace, one of her own, her favorite one that she made with Cocoyashi pearls and sea glass and iron, and wraps it around Vivi’s neck. Then she kisses her, putting all the love she possibly could into it. Vivi smiles as she kisses back, but her cheeks are damp.
(Nami’s are too)
Nami’s a warrior and Vivi’s a queen. This won’t ever change, not to Nami, but nor will her feelings change.
She looks Vivi in the eye. “Four years, love, then I’m kidnapping you.” She’s a pirate after all, and Pirates love treasure. She’s sure the crew won’t mind, and they are all going to mope anyway if Vivi stays.
Vivi barks out a laugh then kisses her on the cheek before sliding her own braclet (gold and carved with Vivi’s name) on Nami’s wrist. “I’ll be waiting.”
The last view Nami has of her love is her in the desert sun, dressed in white and looking like the sun and sea came together to create something that the world could never quite keep. She has her hand in the air, X proudly shown, and Nami wasn’t supposed to look but she did anyway. Her own wrist stings because she made the local tattoo artist tattoo it on, but her eyes sting more and its don’t because of the salt air.
It is going to be a long four years – but at least she has Vivi’s den den mushi number locked away.
Once Alabasta is in the haze, everyone is moping. Zoro tries to put on a façade that he isn’t, but everyone knows he is.
“We should have kidnapped her.” He says, and everyone agrees. Nami smiles, laughs, and unveils a promise.
She can’t wait.
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annikasafternoonread · 4 years ago
Like I know Arram is a little abrasive and foolish, but I love him for it. I see so much of myself in him, and maybe that’s self-centred or self-congratulatory, but like. I was a Gifted kid with no friends and no social skills. He’s a Gifted kid with no friends and no social skills. Same hat. I’m not saying I’m as smart or talented as he is, I’m just saying I relate. A lot. All of his awkwardness and ineptitude, his tendency to accidentally irritate people because he got caught up or misinterpreted something or just didn’t think, I’ve done that a hundred times. I love him so much. 
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medea10 · 5 years ago
My Review of Magical Girl Site
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How did I get into this anime? I…huh…Good question! I don’t recall. Probably some other anime reviewers mentioned it and I put it on the Amazon/Netflix list hoping I won’t have to watch it any time soon. Two years later and here we are!
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Aya Asagiri’s life is a living hell. She is constantly bullied at school and no one does a thing to stop it. Her teachers don’t care about her well-being. Her father barely notices she exists. And to top it off, her brother beats the crap out of her just for him to relieve stress! Is it any wonder that she wants to commit suicide? One night, her computer mysteriously turns on to a website, promoting Aya to become a magical girl. She brushed it off and thought nothing of it…
That is until the next morning when she finds a note and a gun in her shoe locker. After being tortured by her bullies and almost raped, she finds herself at the end of her ropes and pulls out the mysterious gun. When she pulled the trigger, her bullies disappeared. Turns out, the targets are transported to another place. In the case of some of her bullies, they were transported to in front of a moving train.
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Karma, bitches!
It’s unknown why Aya was specifically chosen to become a magical girl, but fellow magical girl Yatsumura feels she could use Aya’s magic to combat a looming threat to other magical girls. But they must not overuse their magic, otherwise they will die.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: As of this moment, this anime seems to be in the capable hands of Amazon Prime. And we all know how well they treat animes, right?! Hahaha! Funny! Anyways, don’t expect a dub! The cast seems to be comprised of many female seiyuus I’m not particularly familiar with. I mean with the exception of Aina Suzuki, I hear her sounds every day thanks to the Love Live game apps! Add to that the creepy, raspy voice of Frieza playing the site administrator! One voice actor however I heard the second he let out a creepy, hygena-like laugh, I knew exactly who this crazy bastard was! Nobuhiko Okamoto plays a great psychopath. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
*Aya is played by Yuuko Oono
*Yatsumura is played by Himika Akaneya
*Sarina is played by Haruka Yamazaki (known for Ruka on Hayate the Combat Butler, Mero on Monster Musume, Aika on High School DxD, and Natsumi on Danganronpa 3)
*Nijimi is played by Yuu Serizawa (known for Shera on How Not to Summon a Demon Lord)
*Shioi is played by Aina Suzuki (known for Mari on Love Live Sunshine)
AUTOMATICLY THROWN ON DISLIKED LIST: Okay children, who automatically ends up on my hate list for life?
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Fuckers who commit rape and fuckers who kill animals for fun!
Damn right! Give this anime some credit for not showing Aya’s bullies throwing a cat in front of a moving train. If this were 10 years ago, they probably would have animated it and I would have been puking afterward. I’m not sure which of Aya’s bullies threw a cat in front of a moving train, but for the time being, I’m throwing them all on the list.
And while I’m here, Sarina! She was like the ring-leader in the bullying of Aya. I’m almost certain she’s the bitch that killed the stray cat but I have no proof of that. With my history with horrible people like that, I have no sympathy for bullies in the slightest and feel she got what was coming to her. Bitch, you got that big, ugly scar on your neck for a reason. You got what was coming!
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DEFINITELY BELONGS IN DISLIKE HISTORY: Now that I got the usual gripe off my chest, gotta add Aya’s onii-chan, Kaname! Sweet merciful crap, do I love hearing Nobuhiko Okamoto play a psychopath, but this is going way too far. And Kaname is just irredeemable! He has this complex that makes him think he’s on God-tier and everyone else is beneth him. Now I do have to hate Kaname and Aya’s father for placing this kind of pressure on Kaname and beating the shit out of him if he gets bad grades. But good fuck, this guy just pushes past the line of no return when he tries to manipulate little girls, steal their power, and lose control. And this wasn’t like he had no control over his own body and wants to stop this from happening! Kaname meant every thing he did to his sister and her friends. OH…and that one guy he forced to off himself! I just can’t even with this guy!
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SHIPPING: I know a lot of people ship the hell out of Aya and Yatsumura and yeah, I can see that and I would ship them too. But for reals, I just want these two girls to live a life of peace together for as long as they’re around. For fuck’s sake, did you see the shit they put up with in their lives? Aya was bullied relentlessly at home and school. Yatsumura watched her whole family be slaughtered by a creep. These girls deserve some sort of peace! I know this is the shipping category, but I felt the need to say this.
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STICKS: Okay anime, what are you doing? Aya uses a magical gun! Sarina uses a magical yo-yo! Nijimi uses magical panties (insert immature laugh here)! Yatsumura uses a magical remote! How hard is it to have them say that! And I probably shouldn’t put blame on the anime and holler at the manga! But calling magical items “Sticks”, that feels…I don’t want to say stupid, but I can’t think of any other word to go along with that. I just feel like the manga was on some deadline and they were frantically finishing what to call their magical items and just went “FUCK IT, IT’S STICKS”.
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COULD HAVE FOOLED ME: In the “Could have fooled me” category we have a boy who identifies as a girl magical girl! Man, 2018 definitely was the progressive AF year! I mean, we had Lily from Zombieland Saga, we had the girls who transformed into magical buff men in Magical Girl Ore, and now THIS! So we have Kiyo! An openly transgendered magical girl that’s not a token joke! Okay, well done guys! Pearl points all around!
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ENDING: Early in the series, we learned about a moment called “The Tempest”. A catastrophic even set to take place once enough negative energy is caught. There are a lot of Magical Girl Site administrators that take advantage of “POOR UNFORTUNATE SOULS”. They pick the most unfortunate girls as pawns in their game. And once “The Tempest” hits, everyone will die and the world will start over anew. Aya and Yatsumura end up meeting new magical girl allies and even a few that were coersed by different administrators. Not to mention one of Aya’s bullies is a magical girl too with a score to settle! What could be worse?
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How about we add Aya’s disgusting brother to this mix?! As I’ve mentioned before, Aya’s brother Kaname would use Aya as a personal punching bag in order to get rid of stress. When Aya became a magical girl, she would spend more time with Yatsumura or the other girls, leaving Kaname to go without slugging his sister. So fuckface over here manipulates another magical girl, Nijimi to do what he says. This leads to him stealing Nijimi’s underwear and gaining her magical power of mind control. I never thought I would have to say a sentence like that, but here we are.
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Kaname went out of control with this power as he managed to injure all of the girls and give a fatal blow to Nijimi. But another possible enemy dropped a bomb on us when they kidnapped Kaname. THEN, these girls are targeted at Nijimi’s funeral and they almost died. Add another plot-twist, a police officer that’s been seen from time to time in a lot of the tragedies in the show is in cahoots with one of the magical girl site administrators. This keeps getting fuckier by the minute! Well, the girls felt it was time to take action and try to take out the administrators that screwed them with this doomed fate. But once they took out one of the administrators, they came across an ugly truth.
Sight administrators are magical girls who died previously!
Yeah, not that big of a shock! Madoka Magica gave us magical girls who end up so corrupt that they become witches they’re supposed to fight. While some of the administrators ended up falling to these girls, Nana (the creepy one we’ve been watching since ep 1) is the hardest one to take out. She ends up killing Yatsumura (because she used up too much of her power), but then manipulates her to become an administrator.
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Once she manipulated Yatsumura, she ends up going after Aya. And after a lot of back-and-forth between the two girls, Yatsumura was able to snap out of Nana’s control and they managed to take out Nana. And we end the series with a brighter future for Aya and Yatsumura as their lives become a little less unfortunate.
Yeah, few issues here!
1.) There are still a butt-load of site administrators. Isn’t there still a “Tempest” going to happen? 2.) Aya and Yatsumura’s lives aren’t in danger anymore after using fuck-tons of their power? WTF?! 3.) What was the point of Aya shooting herself to get Yatsumura back? I am not following you. Is this some sort of Insception shit?! 4.) That detective! Misumi was his name? Why was he just casually talking to Nana a few episodes back? 5.) Why don’t we see him until the final few moments in the finale? 6.) WHY DID HE RAPE KANAME?! 7.) WHY WAS THIS SCENE A THING? 8.) I don’t want to say Kaname deserved it, buuuuuut… Uuuggghhh…Mumble, mumble. I can’t finish that thought. 9.) These site administrators are probably pissed and are going to want revenge on these magical girls. What’s going on here?
…Let me guess, I need to read the manga to get all my questions answered…
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Seriously...what Misumi did. That scene is forever etched in my brain forever. Next to that scene of Kaname wiggling his junk in front of a guy.
This anime was pretty bad. No wait...
This anime was way too edgy for me! Episode 1 was just absolute torture porn involving Aya. The first episode managed to combine the bully scene in Vivid Strike, the puppy killing scene in Elfen Lied, and every bullying episode of Hell Girl all into one single episode. As for the rest of this series, they go above and beyond to grab some of the worst aspects of other animes and implement them here. Aya’s older brother almost has a God-complex that rivals that of Light Yagami of Death Note. Nijimi has a devoted fan that’s almost crossing over from the movie Perfect Blue. Body mutilation scenes on levels not seen since Higurashi! And fill this world up with the worst kinds of humans imaginable like in Elfen Lied! This was just too much hatred! Too much!
Add to that, there’s absolutely no resolution to this story. Yes, Aya and Yatsumura are alive and together. But guys, there are still some other-worldly strong site administrators looming! Tempest is still happening. KANAME IS STILL FUCKING ALIVE…literally and figuratively speaking! And with how much this anime has been panned by anime fans across the board, I doubt if this anime will ever receive a sequel. Guys, if you want a really good 12-episode anime about magical girls with an edge, just watch Madoka Magica. But if you’re a curious idiot like me, whatever, you do you!
As this anime is an Amazon Prime exclusive, I’m afraid that’s the only legal outlet for this.
Now that this is over, my next Amazon/Netflix/Crunchyroll anime is…
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Grand Blue!
Oh, it’s set in a cute ocean town. Am I going to enjoy some cute absurdity like I did with Tsuritama?
Sort of!
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