#Tempe car restoration
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reasonsforhope · 1 year ago
Seven thousand more UAW members just walked off the job, expanding the strike to two more plants. Twenty-five thousand autoworkers are now on strike, and the walkout could continue to escalate if the Big Three don’t budge in negotiations.
[UAW president Shawn] Fain announced that Stellantis would be spared this time. The union had been expected to strike all three companies, but, said Region 1 director LaShawn English, three minutes before Fain was scheduled to go on Facebook Live, the UAW received frantic emails from company representatives.
[Note: Love that for the UAW. Also laughing so hard. Three minutes before the next round of strikes were annouced!!]
According to Fain, Stellantis made “significant progress” on cost-of-living allowances, the right not to cross a picket line, and the right to strike over product commitments and plant closures. “We are excited about this momentum at Stellantis and hope it continues,” Fain said...
“See You Next Week — Maybe?”
“These guys wanted to go out a long time ago,” said Cody Zaremba, a Local 602 member at the Lansing GM plant after the news broke that his plant would be joining the strike. “We’re ready. Everybody, truly, I believe, in the entire membership. They’re one with what’s going on.”
Five thousand workers at thirty-eight parts distribution centers across twenty-one states have been on strike since last Friday [September 22, 2023], along with thirteen thousand at three assembly plants in Michigan, Ohio, and Missouri who walked out on September 15. (See a map of all struck facilities here.) ...
The UAW is now calling on community supporters to organize small teams to canvass dealerships that sell and repair Big Three cars and trucks. On Tuesday, the union issued a canvassing tool kit with instructions, flyers, press releases, and talking points.
In negotiations with Ford and GM, autoworkers have clinched some important gains. Among them is an agreement by both companies to end at least one of the many tiers in current contracts, putting workers at certain parts plants back on the same wage scale as assembly workers. The top rate for Big Three assembly workers is currently around $32...
Ford was spared in last week’s escalation, because bargainers there had made further progress on gains for workers.
But today, the UAW once again called out workers at Ford and GM, putting some muscle behind its bold demands — a big wage boost, a shorter workweek, elimination of tiers, cost-of-living adjustments tied to inflation, protection from plant closures, conversion of temps to permanent employees, and the restoration of retiree health care and benefit-defined pensions to all workers.
-via Jacobin, September 29, 2023. Article continues below.
Keep Them Guessing
This year, for the first time in recent history, the union has played the three auto companies against each other with its strike strategy, departing from the union’s tradition of choosing one target company and patterning an agreement at the other two.
The stand-up strike strategy draws inspiration from an approach known as CHAOS (Create Havoc Around Our System), first deployed in 1993 by Alaska Airlines flight attendants, who announced they would be striking random flights. Although they struck only seven flights in a two-month period, Alaska had to send scabs on every plane, just in case. The unpredictability drew enormous media attention and drove management up the wall. Meanwhile the union was able to conserve its strength and minimize risk.
The companies miscalculated where the UAW was going to strike first, stockpiling engines and shipping them cross-country to the wrong facilities. Autoworkers relished the self-inflicted supply chain chaos on UAW Facebook groups and other social media platforms.
Nonstrikers’ morale on the factory floor has gotten a boost from rank and filers organizing to refuse voluntary overtime. With support both from Fain and the reform caucus Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD), workers have been encouraging each other to “Eight and Skate,” meaning to turn down extra work and decline to do management any favors.
Majority Public Support
A majority of Americans support the UAW strikers, and the Big Three have taken a PR hit since the strike began, according to a new survey conducted by the business intelligence firm Caliber.
“Eighty-seven percent of respondents told us they were aware of the strike,” Caliber CEO Shahar Silbershatz told the Intercept. “It’s clear the strike is not just causing commercial repercussions, but reputational repercussions as well.”
These reputational repercussions will only worsen...
"We Can Unmake It"
Fain didn't pull any punches in his speech... “That’s what’s different about working-class people. Whether we’re building cars or trucks or running parts distribution centers; whether we’re writing movies or performing TV shows... we do the heavy lifting. We do the real work. Not the CEOs, not the executives.
"And though we don’t know it, that’s what power is. We have the power. The world is of our making. The economy is of our making. This industry is of our making.
“And as we’ve shown, when we withhold our labor, we can unmake it.”
-via Jacobin, September 29, 2023
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tututfdp · 8 months ago
Modern AU Kaamelott
(j'ai lut La petite hétéro by TheHappyEgg et ça ma rongé le cerveau donc voila mon AU foireux sur les perso de Kaamelott étudiant).
Arthur Pendragon
 " il sent la monster et la clops dès huit heure trente, baptiser “l’accumulateur compulsif”, j’ai nommer; Arthur Pendragon! "
Je vois Arthur étudiant en histoire de l'art avec options Archéologie, ses subjects préféré: Rome Antique/Grèce Antique - Moyen-Age. Il a redoublé sa L2.
Il a EVIDEMENT fait un Erasmus à Rome.
Il est aussi au conservatoire, musique classique ou modern.
Certainement président d'une association étudiante qu'il a repris ou créer ( Surement un truc du genre "La table ronde" pour que tous vos droit soit respecté)
Grinder/Tinder: Peux importe l'appli', il est dessus.
Surement boursier, doit certainement bossé à la BU ou à un U.
Vous pouvez pas m'enlevé qu'il écoute SUREMENT, du Kyo, il en a honte mais il a tous les albums et les a vue en concert.
Il conduit surement une monospace acheté sur le boncoin pour pouvoir trimbalé toute l'équipe.
A un décapsuleur/couteau suisse baptisé Escalibur.
Depression, burnout, anxiété, manque affectif, le con a un cocktail.
Bonus: Bisexuel voir Pansexuel ? Certainement polyamoureux.
Lancelot Du Lac
" Élus mister Université trois années de suite! le fière le fringant, Lancelot Dulac! "
Troisième années de droit, surement de droite qu'il dit "modéré".
Il est obviously, le secrétaire de l'asso' d'Arthur, ils l'ont créer ensemble à l'époque.
Un conte tinder qu'il assume pas, avec une description genre " Capitaine de l'équipe de badminton, j'aime les balade sur la plages, recherche relation sérieuse".
Je sais pas Lancelot c'est le connard qui conduit une mini, ou une voiture deux places...
Si il fait pas aussi partit du BDE/ est le chouchou des profs c'est pas normal.
Il fait de la poésie en cachette.
Je dirais BPD, ou problème de gestion de la colère, problème obsessionnelle, OCD meme ?
Bonus: Hétéro qui pourrait avoir une seul relation gay dans sa vie, genre pour être sur qu'il est bien hétéro.
Perceval De Galle
"Revoyant à peine la lumière du jour, sortit l’année dernière d’une prépa Math-Physique, je vous présente,  Perceval De Gales! "
Je peux pas être objectif c'est mon chouchou.
Premier année en école d'ingénieur.
C'est se genre de gars mauvais au collège/lycée mais qui est inaltérable à la fac.
Il a fait un bac pro Mécanique Auto pour bossé dans le garage de ses vieux, mais son prof de math la poussé à tenter une prépa.
Ce con a fait une prépa Math-Physique et il c'est jamais autant fait chier de ça vie car tous était trop facile.
Dyslexique, j'ai raison c'est tout.
Membre du club d’astronomie et de l’association de la table ronde en temps que fouteur de merde première catégorie.
Octogone sans règles des que quelqu'un parle de la théorie de la terre plate.
Le connard que Arthur va voir quand son monospace lâche.
La définition d'un "con intelligent"
C'est le con qui à donné "Escalibur" à Arthur.
Bonus: Celui la est technique: "Le genre qui sort avec une personne pour son âme et rien d'autre" Il s'en fout, beau moche, trans, cis, nonbinaire tous ca, si l'amour est là, il est là, sinon demi-sexuel.
Karadoc de Vanne
" Un petit creux ? Une baisse de sucre ? Besoin de savoir quel est le meilleur kebab rapport qualité pétage de bide? Alors il vous faut : Karado de Vanne!"
A rencontrait Perceval durant les années lycées.
Je le vois pas étudiant ? Ou peut etre un truc genre STAPS, mais plus pour la blague.
Lui il a fait un CAP cuisine.
Deuxième fouteurs de merde de première catégorie dans l'assos, mais il serre aussi de traiteur quand ils font une soirée.
Il conduit un kangoo, un véhicule de chantier qu'il prend à ses vieux.
C'est le type qui a réussis à couper une tranche de saucisson avec sa carte étudiantes
A une note google map avec tous les meilleurs restorant, bar, fastfood et kebab de la ville classé part ordre de qualité/prix.
Il connait toutes les petites boulangerie et fromageries de la ville.
A surement gardait sa carte METRO de son anciens job d'été.
Connait beaucoup trop de monde dans l'industrie agro-alimentaire.
Personne ne sait comment il a eu une copine.
Bonus: Hétéro part défaut, pas de questionnement rien, c'est les réglage d'usine.
Bah c'est déjà pas mal dis donc, si vous en voulez plus hésité pas à me demandé, j'ai encore Merlin, Bohort et Elias dans un coin.
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mr-geargrinder · 6 months ago
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Today is apparently Goop Dice Defect Day!
I've got my new 3d printer up and running properly now, and while cleaning up to test some new prints, I discovered a leaky purple die. This one was already set to the side because of some clear coat issues, but I discovered it had been printed with some delamination pin-hole gaps along the numbering. This was probably from one of the last batches I printed when the Mars 2 Pro was already having a pretty rough time. I tried to toss all the ones with obvious lamination issues, and this is exactly why!
It only took the slightest bit of pressure with a hobby knife to split the whole thing into two pieces. When a print gets any sort of defect like that, its just trash. Not even worth salvaging because there's no way to fix it or restore any sort of strength to the print once that that happens.
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The second set was a hot car test. I've got a friend who lives in one of those terrible hellstates where it's normally over 100°F or worse. He feared that if he ordered a pair of goop dice from me that they would explode while sitting in the carrier's truck. So I took it upon myself to test that problem.
I do not live in a terrible hellstate, but today's temp readings say it's 93°F, but feels like 100. I threw a pair on my dashboard, in the direct sun, doors closed, windows up. An hour later, they had exploded. Not just cracked, but burst open. They were also extremely hot to the touch because they probably reached or got pretty close to boiling, I'd imagine.
This is obviously a more extreme circumstance, but one I would do need to consider, either way. I don't foresee too many people leaving their dice on the hot dash in the middle of an extremely hot summer day, but if they do get left in a bag in a car or in the back of an infamously hot delivery truck, this is still a possible problem that needs addressing. Plus I've gotta worry about what might happen in the opposite situation when it gets too cold!
Fortunately, the Mars 5 Ultra is up and running with a new build plate and that means I can run off test prints much more quickly and hopefully have a workable solution to the problem much sooner.
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mamamittens · 3 months ago
Thoughts about that possible Christmas Hallmark ass movie with Nikia and the boys
So, I gotta set the scene, right? It's gotta be kinda fucking miserable--as is fitting for this capitalistic hellscape that slowly drains out all your childlike joy at the passage of time.
So, Nikia has a job with brutal hours and barely decent pay. I'm thinking probably a warehouse job rather than like, waitress or cashier so it's isolating and everyone knows those pay like dog shit. A warehouse where "union" is a swear word that can magically make write ups materialize and is barely OSHA compliant.
She is legitimately too exhausted to go out, indulge in hobbies more than an hour or two before bed, and lives off ramen and sandwiches with the rare, proper meal as a treat. Her apartment a bit shit but close to her job enough that she doesn't need a car. Barely anything left over money wise at the end of the month that she ends up saving because she genuinely doesn't have the bandwidth to spend it otherwise. So she DOES have a tiny nest egg that grows with every sluggish month.
The boys, mainly Thatch, pulled a prank and Whitebeard decided that he needed them (mainly Thatch) out of his hair for a while. At least until Cupid is ready to accept an apology without threatening to make Thatch fall in love with a donkey or something for an afternoon. Or just shoot his ass. Oh! Would be funny if Izou was originally a cupid but swapped over to the 'Christmas section' to help those intense moments of seasonal love. Thatch just really loves cooking and thinks the turkey is pretentious as shit.
Anyway, they're basically told to spin a randomizer of "Good but don't believe anymore" adults to go and restore the Spirit of Christmas in. And, shockingly (not), Nikia's name pops up.
They scope things out a bit, commenting on how depressing as shit it all is in its mundane, grindy glory.
"She's cute... Shouldn't she have a roommate or partner or... I don't know, even a cat?" Thatch muses, taking a moment to inspect her food pantry. Outside of ramen and quick snacks, it's pretty bare. "Yikes. Guess not. What do you got, Izou?"
Izou is looking through the rooms, sizing up the situation with a keen eye.
"Honestly? I think the first order of business is figuring out her finances. Judging by the state of things, she's gone a lot for work but doesn't have a lot of shit to show for it. Is she in debt? Or does it just not pay well? Can't enjoy the holidays if she's dead on her feet from exhaustion." He huffs, looking over a bookshelf of unopened anime DVDs. "And I don't see any pictures. Guess she doesn't have much family or friends. We picked a doozy, Thatch. Literally anything is an improvement from what I can tell."
"... Not good enough. We gotta blow this outta the water, Izou!" Thatch declares before faltering. "...where do we start though?"
They end up working as temps in the warehouse to get close to her, but find it harder than expected. She's not mean or anything, just clearly too tired for much outside of work related matters. The few times they manage to engage her in conversation they're turning up the charm only to be met with dry humor and sass.
Slowly, they figure out what she's actually like to do, the clock ticking away.
"Look, it pays the bills and I can't really ask for a lot more than that." She finally huffs, carting around a box of supplies before Thatch plucks it from her arms with a grunt.
"Kinda need a little more than that to live, honey. C'mon, what would you like to be doing?"
"No! I'm serious! What's... Your ideal job?" Thatch asked desperately.
Nikia pauses in thought. Tired eyes glancing upward.
(I absolutely got lost looking at jobs lmfao, apparently collision repair is a high paying AND high demand job, go figure)
"I don't know... I like fixing things?"
It's better than nothing!
Anyway, they pull a few strings and 'suddenly', she's got a flyer in her mailbox about a training program for repairs. It's a branching sort of thing where the company responsible brings in a bunch of people and sees where they fit, subsidizing them in return for the 'trainee' working on contract for a set time depending on the training required. Gotta invest, after all!
She's not sure, like, really not sure at first but they encourage her and help do research to reassure her it's legit and not some creepy scam.
Franky, the lead of the program, is a very strange man but enthusiastic and totally understands what it takes to retain workers and a good work environment. She has a blast, even if she thinks a lot of her fellow trainees and trainers are weirdos. It's meant fondly.
She gets paid a lot better with subsidized housing as part of the program (part of it is meant to help people get on their feet from unfortunate circumstances). So she moves, but it's great! Suddenly, she's sleeping well! With so much free time and forced socializing with very extroverted folks who are kind and invite her to things!
She kinda breaks down after the first month, after catching herself not only planning a little dinner with her new friends but eyeing a new, self indulgent thing with no fear of penny pinching.
The boys are very moved and supportive, their original goal kinda getting lost as they're getting attatched.
Of course, the holidays roll around and she insists on inviting them to anything she's going to for support and as thanks.
She's not quite a believer but mostly just because she's still recovering from brutal hours and low pay.
As the snowfall becomes more frequent, she thinks to Christmas time and that she's got people to celebrate with thanks to the boys. So, she plans an extra special gift for them!
Not sure if I want a third act breakdown (they usually piss me off tbh).
But! They do think they lost their chance for the year because she doesn't really believe in Santa or Christmas like they were meant to get her too, only to discover Marco dropping by a Christmas party with Nikia to take them home.
Apparently, just giving her something to believe in was enough all along.
They leave with a note explaining as best they can and are depressed despite finally coming home. Nikia, is, naturally, incredibly devastated that her closest friends left so quickly.
Maybe her new group of friends crack down to try and find those scoundrels that broke her heart by running off and somehow manage to find out who they actually were.
She's shocked, naturally, but refuses to chase after them. Certain they'd have said so if it was under duress and would return if that was the case anyway. But that's not good enough for her new friends!
How dare they abandon her before Christmas!
So they actually manage to storm the North Pole on her behalf and Whitebeard is so fucking amused about it. It's been ages since he's been this entertained.
While this is happening though, a massive ice storm has hit the city and frozen everyone into their houses. Someone in her apartment got a little too creative and the power cut off, leaving her fucking freezing.
The boys check on her with the nice list thing and realize she's having a rough go of it at the moment, teaming up with the others to rescue her (and her apartment building, rip the idiot who fucked with the electrical wiring).
It ends with a big hooray, and then asking if she'd like to meet their family. As their third. Cue wolf whistles.
Maybe she ends up employed at the North Pole for half of the year helping with repairs. That'd be fun.
The other half is vacationing and traveling with the boys as they do their own jobs or something.
Very cute and silly and now I am very tired and will sleep lol
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thinginahumansuit · 8 months ago
Where I've come from and where I'm going
In the time I've been gone from this site, things have changed dramatically. I've moved out of my parent's house, I've made many friends, I've learned how to live in the present and seriously plan for the future, I've written and published two books, I've learned to stave boredom away forever and so much more. But most of all, I've combined my enthusiasm and Objectum love for cars into one.
One's enthusiasm for such things start young. Chase movies, model cars, Hot Wheels; you name it, I was there for it. But interests come and go and in my teen years, cars were simply in the back of my mind as I geared up for college.
I have to note that I haven't ever worked on these things before, they were just something to ogle at which would somewhat explain my choice for college going into IT. I learned a lot there, got my degree, got a temp job in the industry and that was it. Went to Uni for history after I got caught up in world events during college and now I only have a year left before I get my bachelor's.
I love history, almost as much as cars as it tells you so much about people and how to live meaningfully. It's too bad I wasn't very disciplined since I got barred for a semester after not trying. This was at the same time I moved out.
I moved around a couple of times, figured out how to cook a few things, find motivation to do the things I wanted, learned to take life more seriously, I've had jobs as a cleaner, a dishwasher, a clerk and a merchandiser, all of which taught a high amount of discipline.
Then I moved back home with my folks, i stopped talking about history because I thought the topic was bringing people down (I study war and genocide unfortunately) and I just kept to myself.
September 2023 comes around, I'm scrolling through Reddit and I see the burnt out frame of a Ferrari and my world just snaps. I look into why, just for fun apparently. I have panic attacks for weeks worrying about these objects, I suppress them and just keep up the mask since it mostly happened at work. I separate the logical and emotional selves and have them do dialectics to cope. Gradually, I calm down.
I stay away from vehicular destruction since I see the bending of their bodies from how they're molded viscerally disgusting, almost like I'm watching real life gore.
But this was a blessing, disguised as a curse. I want a house of my own, with a garage to keep and protect my partner as well as a place to work if something goes wrong. I want to develop the skills necessary to take care of them properly. I want enough money to do these things without issue. It gave me a renewed sense of purpose.
I feel like I'm late to the game since those skills start from a young age but I'm only in my thirties yet, there's still so much time.
For now, YouTube tutorials on builds and restorations will have to do. As will video games.
Whoever's here, thanks for reading.
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imkeepinit · 2 years ago
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Biden's first year
Government/Health Spending
1.9T American Rescue Plan
$1400 stimulus checks for adults, children, and adult dependants
1 year child tax credit expansion - $3600 0-5, $3000 6-17, removed income reqs and made fully refundable
One year EITC expansion
$350 billion state and local aid
$130 billion for schools for safe reopening
$40 billion for higher ed, half of which must go to student aid
Extended $300 supplemental UI through September 2021
Expanded eligibility for extended UI to cover new categories
Made $10,200 in UI from 2020 tax free
$1B for Head Start
$24B Childcare stabilization fund
$15B in low-income childcare grants
One Year Child and Dependent Care credit expansion
$46.5B in housing assistance, inc:
$21.5B rental assistance
$10B homeowner relief
$5B for Sec 8 vouchers
$5B to fight homelessness
$5B for utilities assistance
Extended Eviction moratorium through Aug 2021 (SC struck down)
2 year ACA tax credit expansion and ending of subsidy cliff – expanded coverage to millions and cut costs for millions more
100% COBRA subsidy through Sept 30th, 2021
6 month special enrollment period from Feb-Aug 2021
Required insurers to cover PrEP, an HIV prevention drug, including all clinical visits relating to it
Extended open enrollment from 45 to 76 days
New year round special enrollment period for low income enrollees
Restored Navigator program to assist with ACA sign up
Removed separate billing requirement for ACA abortion coverage
Eliminated regulation that allows states to privatize their exchanges
Eliminated all Medicaid work requirements
Permanently removed restriction on access to abortion pills by mail
Signed the Accelerating Access to Critical Therapies for ALS Act to fund increased ALS research and expedite access to experimental treatments
Rescinded Mexico City Policy (global gag rule) which barred international non-profits from receiving US funding if they provided abortion counseling or referrals
Allowed states to extend coverage through Medicaid and CHIP to post-partum women for 1 year (up from 60 days)
42 Lifetime Federal judges confirmed – most in 40 years
13 Circuit Court judges
29 District Court judges
Named first openly LBGTQ woman to sit on an appeals court, first Muslim American federal judge, and record number of black women and public defenders
$1.2T infrastructure law, including $550B in new funding
$110B for roads and bridges
$66B for passenger and freight rail
$39B for public transit, plus $30.5B in public transit funds from ARP
$65B for grid expansion to build out grid for clean energy transmission
$50B for climate resiliency
$21 for environmental remediation, incl. superfund cleanup and capping orphan wells
$7.5B for electric buses
$7.5B for electric charging stations
$55B for water and wastewater, including lead pipe removal
$65B for Affordable Broadband
$25B for airports, plus $8B from ARP
$17B for ports and waterways
$1B in reconnecting communities
Rejoined the Paris Climate Accords 50% emission reduction goal (2005 levels) by 2030
EO instructing all federal agencies to implement climate change prevention measures
Ordered 100% carbon free electricity federal procurement by 2030
100% zero emission light vehicle procurement by 2027, all vehicles by 2035
Net Zero federal building portfolio by 2045, 50% reduction by 2032
Net Zero federal procurement no later than 2050
Net zero emissions from federal operations by 2050, 65% reduction by 2030
Finalized rule slashing the use of hydrofluorocarbons by 85% by 2036 – will slow temp rise by 0.5°C on it’s own.
Set new fuel efficiency standards for cars and light trucks, raising the requirement for 2026 from 43mpg to 55mpg.
Protected Tongass National Forest, one of the world’s largest carbon sinks, from development, mining, and logging
Revoked Keystone XL permit
Used the CRA to reverse the Trump administration Methane rule, restoring stronger Obama era standards.
EPA proposed new methane rule stricter than Obama rule, would reduce 41 million tons of methane emissions by 2035
Partnered with the EU to create the Global Methane Pledge, which over 100 countries have signed, to reduce methane emissions by 30% by 2030 from 2020 levels
US-EU trade deal to reward clean steel and aluminum and penalize dirty production
Ended US funding for new coal and fossil fuel projects overseas, and prioritized funding towards clean energy projects
G7 partnership for “Build Back Better World” – to fund $100s of billions in climate friendly infrastructure in developing countries
Restoring California’s ability to set stricter climate requirements
Signed EO on Climate Related Financial Risk that instructs rule making agencies to take climate change related risk into consideration when writing rules and regulations.
$100M for environmental justice initiatives
$1.1B for Everglades restoration
$100M for environmental justice initiatives
$1.1B for Everglades restoration
30 GW Offshore Wind Plan, incl:
Largest ever offshore wind lease sale in NY and NJ
Offshore wind lease sale in California
Expedited reviews of Offshore Wind Projects
$3B in DOE loans for offshore wind projects
$230M in port infrastructure for Offshore wind
Solar plan to reduce cost of solar by more than 50% by 2030 including $128M in funding to lower costs and improve performance of solar technology
Multi-agency partnership to expedite clean energy projects on federal land
Instructed Dept of Energy to strengthen appliance efficiency rules
Finalized rule to prevent cheating on efficiency standards
Finalized rule to expedite appliance efficiency standards
Repealed Federal Architecture EO that made sustainable federal buildings harder to build
Reversed size cuts and restored protections to Bears Ears, Grand Staircase-Escalante, and Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monuments
Restoring NEPA regulations to take into account climate change and environmental impacts in federal permitting
Extended public health emergency through at least April 15, 2022
Covid & Health
$50B in funding for FEMA for COVID Disaster Relief including vaccine funding
Set 100% FEMA reimbursement to states for COVID costs, retroactively to start of pandemic
$47.8B for testing
$1.75B for COVID genome sequencing
$8.5B to CDC for vaccines
$7.6B to state and local health depts
$7.6B to community health centers
$6B to Indian Health Services
$17B to the VA, including $1B to forgive veteran medical debt
$3B to address mental health and substance abuse
Over 500 million vaccine shots administered in a year
Established 90,000 free vaccination sites
Raised federal reimbursement from $23 to $40 per shot for vaccine sites
6000 troops deployed for initial vaccination
Cash incentives, free rides, and free childcare for initial vaccination drive
400 million vaccines donated internationally, 1.2 billion committed
$2B contribution to COVAX for global vaccinations
Funded expansion of vaccine manufacturing in India and South Africa
Implemented vaccine mandate for federal employees, contractors, and employees at healthcare providers that receive Medicare/Medicaid funding.
Implemented vaccine/test mandate for large businesses (SC struck down)
Invoked DPA for testing, vaccine, PPE manufacturing
Federal mask mandate for federal buildings, federal employees, and public transportation
Implemented test requirement for international travel
Implemented joint FDA-NIH expedited process to approve at home tests more quickly
Over 20,000 free federal testing sites
8 at home tests per month required to be reimbursed by insurance
1B at home tests available for free by mail
50M at home tests available free at community health centers
25M high quality reusable masks for low-income residents in early 2021
400M free N95 masks at pharmacies and health centers
Military medical teams deployed to help overburdened hospitals
Rejoined the WHO
Civil Rights
Ended the ban on trans soldiers in the military
Reversed Trump admin limits on Bostock ruling and fully enforced it
Prohibited discrimination against LGBTQ patients in healthcare
Prohibited discrimination against LGBTQ families in housing under the Fair Housing Act
Prohibited discrimination against LGBTQ people in the financial system to access loans or credit
Justice Department declared that Title IX prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in education.
Revoked ban on Federal Diversity Training
Instructed the VA to review its policies to remove barriers to care for trans veterans
First Senate confirmed LGBTQ Cabinet Secretary
First trans person confirmed by the Senate
Extended birthright citizenship to children of same sex couples born abroad
State Department allows X gender marker on passport for non-binary Americans
Banned new contracts with private prisons for criminal prisons
Justice Department reestablished the use of consent degrees with police departments
Pattern and Practice investigation into Phoenix, Louisville, and Minneapolis
Banned chokeholds and limited no-knock raids among federal law enforcement
Initiative to ban modern day redlining
Doubled DOJ Civil Rights Division staff
Increase percentage of federal contract for small disadvantaged businesses from 5% to 15% ($100B in additional contracts over 5 years)
Sued TX and GA over voting laws. Sued TX over abortion law. Sued GA over prison abuse.
Signed law making Juneteenth a federal holiday
Signed EO to use the federal government to improve voting access through federal programs and departments.
Signed COVID-19 Hate Crime Act, which made more resources available to support the reporting of hate crimes
Signed EO for diversity in the federal workplace
Increased federal employment opportunities for previously incarcerated persons
Public Security
Banned ghost guns
New regulations on pistol-stabilizing braces
First annual gun trafficking report in 20 years
New zero tolerance policy for gun dealers who wilfully violate the law
Signed COPS act, ensuring confidentiality for peer counselling for police officers
Signed Protecting America’s First Responders Act, expediting benefits for officers disabled in the line of duty
Signed bill making it a crime to harm US law enforcement overseas
Student Loans
Student loan freeze through April 30th, 2022
Changed criteria so an additional 1.14M borrowers qualified for the loan pause (retroactively forgave interest and penalties)
Forgiven $11.5B in student loans for disabled students, students who were defrauded, and PSLF
Fixed PSLF so that it is much easier for previous payments to apply. Determined that the paused months will apply to PSLF
Student loan debt forgiveness is tax free through 2025
Ended Border Wall emergency and cancelled all new border wall construction and contracts
Repealed Trump’s Muslim Ban
Set FY 2022 refugee cap to 125,000, the highest in almost 30 years
Prohibiting ICE from conducting workplace raids
Family reunification taskforce to reunite separated families. Reunited over 100+ families and gave them status to stay in US
Granted or extended TPS for Haitians, Venezuelans, Syrians, and Liberians
Lifted moratorium on green cards and immigrant visas
Ended use of public charge rule to deny green cards
Loosened the criteria to qualify for asylum
Changed ICE enforcement priorities
Re-initiated the CAM Refugee program for Northern Triangle minors to apply for asylum from their home countries
$1B+ in public aid and private investment for addressing the root causes of migration
Ended family detention of immigrants and moved towards other monitoring
HHS prohibited working with ICE on enforcement for sponsors of unaccompanied minors
Got rid of harder citizenship test
Allowed certain visas to be obtained without an in person consulate interview
Rescinded “metering” policy that limited migrants at ports of entry
Foreign Relations
Ended the War in Afghanistan
First time in 20 years US not involved in a war
Ended support for Saudi offensive operations in Yemen
Airstrikes down 54% in 2021 from 2020.
Issued policy restricting drone strikes outside of warzones
Restored $235M in aid to Palestinians
AUKUS defense pact with Australia and UK
New rules to counter extremism within the military
Signed law funding capitol police and Afghan Refugees
EO on competitiveness to write consumer friendly rules, such as right to repair
EO on improving government experience, incl
Social Security benefits will be able to be claimed online
Passports can be renewed online
Makes it easier for low-income families to apply for benefits
Increase telehealth options
WIC recipients can use benefits online
$7.25B in additional PPP funds
Signed PPP extension law to extend the program for 2 months
Changed criteria to make it easier for small and minority businesses to qualify for PPP loans
$29B Restaurant Recovery Fund to recover lost revenue
$1.25B Shuttered Venue fund
$10.4B for agriculture
30 year bailout of multi-employer pension funds that protects millions of pensions through 2051.
Pro-labor majority appointed to NLRB
Established task force to promote unionization
Restored collective bargaining right for federal employees
Negotiated deal for West Coast Ports to run 24/7 to ease supply chain
Signed EO to secure and strengthen supply chains
Investing $1B in small food processors to combat meat prices
Extended 15% SNAP benefit increase through Sept 30, 2021
Made 12 million previously ineligible beneficiaries eligible for the increase
Public health emergency helps keep benefits in place
Largest permanent increase in SNAP benefit history, raising permanent benefits by 27% ($20B per year)
Made school lunches free through for all through the 2021-2022 school year
Extended the Pandemic EBT program
Largest ever summer food program in 2021 provided 34 million students with $375 for meals over the summer.
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arizonacollisioncenteraz · 18 days ago
Arizona Collision Center
Arizona Collision Center, situated in the heart of Tempe, stands out as an exemplary tempe body shop offering a comprehensive array of automotive repair solutions. From the consequences of unforeseen collisions to the desire for immaculate paint jobs, our facility is equipped to address all your vehicular restoration needs. We specialize in thorough collision repair, ensuring that each vehicle is meticulously restored to its former glory or better.
Our expertise doesn't stop at damage recovery; we extend our services to include precise dent repair and automotive detailing that revitalizes every inch of your car. Understanding the stress that accompanies vehicle repairs, Arizona Collision Center offers robust assistance with automotive claims, navigating you through the process with knowledge and ease.
Moreover, windshield repair is amongst our repertoire of services, remedying chips and cracks with precision and durability in mind. For those seeking an extra touch of uniqueness for their ride, our talented team can translate your vision into reality with custom body work and custom paint services. Here at Arizona Collision Center, we champion the belief that you should have the final say on where you bring your automobile after an accident. You have the freedom to choose us, a local body shop that not only manages your claim with diligence but also advocates for the use of brand new parts to ensure excellence in repairs.
At Arizona Collision Center, we don't just fix cars; we restore peace of mind by returning your vehicle in pristine condition with attention to detail that sets us apart as a premier destination for those looking for top-tier automotive care in Arizona.
Address: 215 S Industrial Dr, Tempe, AZ, 85288
Website URL: https://arizonacollisioncenter.com/
Phone: (480)668-3105
Company Email: [email protected]
Working hours: Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 17:00
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tameblog · 1 month ago
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By: Shelly Posted: Nov 5, 2024 Updated: Nov 25, 2024 Come along with me while I share the details of a fun trip (Fresh Air Retreat) I took with some other recipe developers to sunny (and hot!) Palm Springs, California! All the photos in this post were taken by Amanda Kamppinen Why Travel To Palm Springs? The Weather! If you’re into warm, humid-free temps, Palm Springs is your spot! This was my first time visiting the Coachella Valley and I can’t wait to return. I LOVED the weather, the hotter the better. and you know the cliche about “dry heat”? It’s a real thing. I was strangely wearing a sweatshirt in 90- degrees in the evening because it really felt like 70! Architecture! Palm Springs is known for its mid-century modern architecture. Take a self-guided tour through neighborhoods like Twin Palms and Vista Las Palmas, where you’ll spot beautifully restored homes from the 1950s and 60s. Some homes even offer tours, giving you a peek inside the stylish past of Hollywood’s favorite desert hideaway, which I didn’t get a chance to do, but will definitely do more site-seeing on my next visit! Sites/Culture! Palm Springs is home to Joshua Tree National Park, the Coachella Valley which has become famous in recent years due to the Coachella music festival and Stagecoach Festival. There are tons of art galleries, and shopping options, plus spas and resorts to relax in. And don’t forget the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway which is the world’s largest rotating tram car and ascend over 8,500 feet to the top of Mt. San Jacinto. I’ve never met a lounger by a pool I didn’t like We did also get the chance to head out into Palm Springs, see some sites and enjoy a few hosted meals that did not disappoint! Porto Via Fuzion Five California Dates: A Sweet Local Treat If you’re looking to try a unique local treat during your Palm Springs visit, don’t miss out on California dates! The Coachella Valley, where Palm Springs is located, is one of the few places in the United States that grows dates due to its hot desert climate. These dates are celebrated for their natural sweetness, rich flavor, and soft, chewy texture. We had the opportunity to meet with a passionate, local date farmer from the California Date Commission who prepped us a “date tasting flight” which was so cool. I really loved this segment of our trip and learned a ton. We were even gifted a big box of dates which I have been snacking on since! Did you know that one date has the same amount of potassium as 3 bananas? Crazy! 1. The Famous Medjool Date. Medjool dates are the most popular variety grown in the region and are sometimes called the “king of dates” for their large size and caramel-like flavor. They’re delicious as a snack on their own, blended into smoothies, or even stuffed with nuts or cheese for an appetizer. 2. Date Shakes. A trip to Palm Springs wouldn’t be complete without trying a date shake. This creamy, naturally sweet treat combines dates with ice cream or milk for a rich, flavorful shake that’s both refreshing and filling. Shields Date Garden, just a short drive from Palm Springs in Indio, is known for its famous date shakes, which have been a local favorite since the 1920s. 3. Date Festivals. If you’re visiting in early February, you might catch the annual Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival held in Indio. This festival celebrates the region’s date-growing heritage with everything from camel races to live entertainment and, of course, plenty of date-inspired foods. 4. Bringing Dates Home. Dates make a great souvenir! Many local date farms and specialty shops offer freshly packed dates you can bring home or give as gifts. Some farms even offer tours, so you can learn about the history and process behind date cultivation. Happy Egg! I LOVED meeting the team over at Happy Egg. They are extremely passionate about their hens, which got me excited too! There is a difference between free range and free vs cage free and their hens require a minimum of 21.8 square feet of range for every bird, which equates to 10 acres per 20,000 birds. Inside every Happy Egg, you’ll find a rich amber yolk; every egg has a quality you can see, and a difference you can taste.They support small family farmers and currently work with 103+ small family farms throughout the midwest. Make sure to check out their store locator to see where you can find them in your area! Onions 52 A highlight lunch was sponsored by the folks at Onions 52, which work with farmers to supply quality onions 52 weeks a year. They are dedicated to using sustainable farming practices to ensure the quality and environmental responsibility of every onion. They pride themselves in quality products and have even developed at “Smiley” sweet onion that is virtually tearless! I will be receiving a big box of these in the mail today and am over the moon excited! Store them in a dark, cool spot and they will last months! Naturally tearless, Smileys are grown to be sweet and mild, transforming any dish into an enjoyable culinary experience without the discomfort of watery eyes. These onions develop their unique sweetness as they mature, making them versatile and perfect for both raw and cooked dishes. Albertson’s Albertson’s hosted a few different options for up throughout the retreat featuring their brand, Signature Select. This was a gorgeous afternoon snack that was set up for us with all sorts of goodies including fresh fruit, their chopped salads, my personal fave, nuts, veggies,, and ice cream sandwiches! Products like their pre-made chopped salads and veggie trays help save me time in busy lives and that’s always a win for me. Signature Select is available only at Albertsons Companies’ family stores including: Safeway, Albertsons, Tom Thumb, Jewel-Osco, Acme Markets, Shaws & Vons. California Walnuts Another highlight was once evening the folks at California Walnuts spoiled us with a make-your-own charcuterie board party featuring 3 different recipes for walnuts that Chef Trimmel developed. It was such a fun activity an done that I plan creating here at home! Walnuts taste sweet, and have a creamy, buttery texture that is perfect for baking this time of year as well as pairing! There are endless opportunities to incorporate seasoned walnuts – versatile and nutritious – into your favorite dishes for holiday entertaining. Pairing walnuts with their favorite/trending seasoning flavor profiles and using them to elevate holiday charcuterie board, and more… Grocer’s List Beyond eating we also had lots of time to learn and share with each other about the current trends in influencer marketing, which is a big part of all of our businesses. Ben from Grocer’s List came and walked us through some new ways to help our readers and subscribers. New tech enables us to get you our recipes easily via social media as well as allow you to shop the ingredients of each recipe without any list making! It’s all about YOU and making our platforms easy to navigate and get information from! All in all my trip was AMAZING. I loved getting to know each of the girls in attendance and have enjoyed continuing our friendship now that we are all back home. Palm Springs was glorious, and the fall/winter is a great time to visit when the temps aren’t quite as hot! I can’t wait to go back! Source link
0 notes
ramestoryworld · 1 month ago
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By: Shelly Posted: Nov 5, 2024 Updated: Nov 25, 2024 Come along with me while I share the details of a fun trip (Fresh Air Retreat) I took with some other recipe developers to sunny (and hot!) Palm Springs, California! All the photos in this post were taken by Amanda Kamppinen Why Travel To Palm Springs? The Weather! If you’re into warm, humid-free temps, Palm Springs is your spot! This was my first time visiting the Coachella Valley and I can’t wait to return. I LOVED the weather, the hotter the better. and you know the cliche about “dry heat”? It’s a real thing. I was strangely wearing a sweatshirt in 90- degrees in the evening because it really felt like 70! Architecture! Palm Springs is known for its mid-century modern architecture. Take a self-guided tour through neighborhoods like Twin Palms and Vista Las Palmas, where you’ll spot beautifully restored homes from the 1950s and 60s. Some homes even offer tours, giving you a peek inside the stylish past of Hollywood’s favorite desert hideaway, which I didn’t get a chance to do, but will definitely do more site-seeing on my next visit! Sites/Culture! Palm Springs is home to Joshua Tree National Park, the Coachella Valley which has become famous in recent years due to the Coachella music festival and Stagecoach Festival. There are tons of art galleries, and shopping options, plus spas and resorts to relax in. And don’t forget the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway which is the world’s largest rotating tram car and ascend over 8,500 feet to the top of Mt. San Jacinto. I’ve never met a lounger by a pool I didn’t like We did also get the chance to head out into Palm Springs, see some sites and enjoy a few hosted meals that did not disappoint! Porto Via Fuzion Five California Dates: A Sweet Local Treat If you’re looking to try a unique local treat during your Palm Springs visit, don’t miss out on California dates! The Coachella Valley, where Palm Springs is located, is one of the few places in the United States that grows dates due to its hot desert climate. These dates are celebrated for their natural sweetness, rich flavor, and soft, chewy texture. We had the opportunity to meet with a passionate, local date farmer from the California Date Commission who prepped us a “date tasting flight” which was so cool. I really loved this segment of our trip and learned a ton. We were even gifted a big box of dates which I have been snacking on since! Did you know that one date has the same amount of potassium as 3 bananas? Crazy! 1. The Famous Medjool Date. Medjool dates are the most popular variety grown in the region and are sometimes called the “king of dates” for their large size and caramel-like flavor. They’re delicious as a snack on their own, blended into smoothies, or even stuffed with nuts or cheese for an appetizer. 2. Date Shakes. A trip to Palm Springs wouldn’t be complete without trying a date shake. This creamy, naturally sweet treat combines dates with ice cream or milk for a rich, flavorful shake that’s both refreshing and filling. Shields Date Garden, just a short drive from Palm Springs in Indio, is known for its famous date shakes, which have been a local favorite since the 1920s. 3. Date Festivals. If you’re visiting in early February, you might catch the annual Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival held in Indio. This festival celebrates the region’s date-growing heritage with everything from camel races to live entertainment and, of course, plenty of date-inspired foods. 4. Bringing Dates Home. Dates make a great souvenir! Many local date farms and specialty shops offer freshly packed dates you can bring home or give as gifts. Some farms even offer tours, so you can learn about the history and process behind date cultivation. Happy Egg! I LOVED meeting the team over at Happy Egg. They are extremely passionate about their hens, which got me excited too! There is a difference between free range and free vs cage free and their hens require a minimum of 21.8 square feet of range for every bird, which equates to 10 acres per 20,000 birds. Inside every Happy Egg, you’ll find a rich amber yolk; every egg has a quality you can see, and a difference you can taste.They support small family farmers and currently work with 103+ small family farms throughout the midwest. Make sure to check out their store locator to see where you can find them in your area! Onions 52 A highlight lunch was sponsored by the folks at Onions 52, which work with farmers to supply quality onions 52 weeks a year. They are dedicated to using sustainable farming practices to ensure the quality and environmental responsibility of every onion. They pride themselves in quality products and have even developed at “Smiley” sweet onion that is virtually tearless! I will be receiving a big box of these in the mail today and am over the moon excited! Store them in a dark, cool spot and they will last months! Naturally tearless, Smileys are grown to be sweet and mild, transforming any dish into an enjoyable culinary experience without the discomfort of watery eyes. These onions develop their unique sweetness as they mature, making them versatile and perfect for both raw and cooked dishes. Albertson’s Albertson’s hosted a few different options for up throughout the retreat featuring their brand, Signature Select. This was a gorgeous afternoon snack that was set up for us with all sorts of goodies including fresh fruit, their chopped salads, my personal fave, nuts, veggies,, and ice cream sandwiches! Products like their pre-made chopped salads and veggie trays help save me time in busy lives and that’s always a win for me. Signature Select is available only at Albertsons Companies’ family stores including: Safeway, Albertsons, Tom Thumb, Jewel-Osco, Acme Markets, Shaws & Vons. California Walnuts Another highlight was once evening the folks at California Walnuts spoiled us with a make-your-own charcuterie board party featuring 3 different recipes for walnuts that Chef Trimmel developed. It was such a fun activity an done that I plan creating here at home! Walnuts taste sweet, and have a creamy, buttery texture that is perfect for baking this time of year as well as pairing! There are endless opportunities to incorporate seasoned walnuts – versatile and nutritious – into your favorite dishes for holiday entertaining. Pairing walnuts with their favorite/trending seasoning flavor profiles and using them to elevate holiday charcuterie board, and more… Grocer’s List Beyond eating we also had lots of time to learn and share with each other about the current trends in influencer marketing, which is a big part of all of our businesses. Ben from Grocer’s List came and walked us through some new ways to help our readers and subscribers. New tech enables us to get you our recipes easily via social media as well as allow you to shop the ingredients of each recipe without any list making! It’s all about YOU and making our platforms easy to navigate and get information from! All in all my trip was AMAZING. I loved getting to know each of the girls in attendance and have enjoyed continuing our friendship now that we are all back home. Palm Springs was glorious, and the fall/winter is a great time to visit when the temps aren’t quite as hot! I can’t wait to go back! Source link
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alexha2210 · 1 month ago
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By: Shelly Posted: Nov 5, 2024 Updated: Nov 25, 2024 Come along with me while I share the details of a fun trip (Fresh Air Retreat) I took with some other recipe developers to sunny (and hot!) Palm Springs, California! All the photos in this post were taken by Amanda Kamppinen Why Travel To Palm Springs? The Weather! If you’re into warm, humid-free temps, Palm Springs is your spot! This was my first time visiting the Coachella Valley and I can’t wait to return. I LOVED the weather, the hotter the better. and you know the cliche about “dry heat”? It’s a real thing. I was strangely wearing a sweatshirt in 90- degrees in the evening because it really felt like 70! Architecture! Palm Springs is known for its mid-century modern architecture. Take a self-guided tour through neighborhoods like Twin Palms and Vista Las Palmas, where you’ll spot beautifully restored homes from the 1950s and 60s. Some homes even offer tours, giving you a peek inside the stylish past of Hollywood’s favorite desert hideaway, which I didn’t get a chance to do, but will definitely do more site-seeing on my next visit! Sites/Culture! Palm Springs is home to Joshua Tree National Park, the Coachella Valley which has become famous in recent years due to the Coachella music festival and Stagecoach Festival. There are tons of art galleries, and shopping options, plus spas and resorts to relax in. And don’t forget the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway which is the world’s largest rotating tram car and ascend over 8,500 feet to the top of Mt. San Jacinto. I’ve never met a lounger by a pool I didn’t like We did also get the chance to head out into Palm Springs, see some sites and enjoy a few hosted meals that did not disappoint! Porto Via Fuzion Five California Dates: A Sweet Local Treat If you’re looking to try a unique local treat during your Palm Springs visit, don’t miss out on California dates! The Coachella Valley, where Palm Springs is located, is one of the few places in the United States that grows dates due to its hot desert climate. These dates are celebrated for their natural sweetness, rich flavor, and soft, chewy texture. We had the opportunity to meet with a passionate, local date farmer from the California Date Commission who prepped us a “date tasting flight” which was so cool. I really loved this segment of our trip and learned a ton. We were even gifted a big box of dates which I have been snacking on since! Did you know that one date has the same amount of potassium as 3 bananas? Crazy! 1. The Famous Medjool Date. Medjool dates are the most popular variety grown in the region and are sometimes called the “king of dates” for their large size and caramel-like flavor. They’re delicious as a snack on their own, blended into smoothies, or even stuffed with nuts or cheese for an appetizer. 2. Date Shakes. A trip to Palm Springs wouldn’t be complete without trying a date shake. This creamy, naturally sweet treat combines dates with ice cream or milk for a rich, flavorful shake that’s both refreshing and filling. Shields Date Garden, just a short drive from Palm Springs in Indio, is known for its famous date shakes, which have been a local favorite since the 1920s. 3. Date Festivals. If you’re visiting in early February, you might catch the annual Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival held in Indio. This festival celebrates the region’s date-growing heritage with everything from camel races to live entertainment and, of course, plenty of date-inspired foods. 4. Bringing Dates Home. Dates make a great souvenir! Many local date farms and specialty shops offer freshly packed dates you can bring home or give as gifts. Some farms even offer tours, so you can learn about the history and process behind date cultivation. Happy Egg! I LOVED meeting the team over at Happy Egg. They are extremely passionate about their hens, which got me excited too! There is a difference between free range and free vs cage free and their hens require a minimum of 21.8 square feet of range for every bird, which equates to 10 acres per 20,000 birds. Inside every Happy Egg, you’ll find a rich amber yolk; every egg has a quality you can see, and a difference you can taste.They support small family farmers and currently work with 103+ small family farms throughout the midwest. Make sure to check out their store locator to see where you can find them in your area! Onions 52 A highlight lunch was sponsored by the folks at Onions 52, which work with farmers to supply quality onions 52 weeks a year. They are dedicated to using sustainable farming practices to ensure the quality and environmental responsibility of every onion. They pride themselves in quality products and have even developed at “Smiley” sweet onion that is virtually tearless! I will be receiving a big box of these in the mail today and am over the moon excited! Store them in a dark, cool spot and they will last months! Naturally tearless, Smileys are grown to be sweet and mild, transforming any dish into an enjoyable culinary experience without the discomfort of watery eyes. These onions develop their unique sweetness as they mature, making them versatile and perfect for both raw and cooked dishes. Albertson’s Albertson’s hosted a few different options for up throughout the retreat featuring their brand, Signature Select. This was a gorgeous afternoon snack that was set up for us with all sorts of goodies including fresh fruit, their chopped salads, my personal fave, nuts, veggies,, and ice cream sandwiches! Products like their pre-made chopped salads and veggie trays help save me time in busy lives and that’s always a win for me. Signature Select is available only at Albertsons Companies’ family stores including: Safeway, Albertsons, Tom Thumb, Jewel-Osco, Acme Markets, Shaws & Vons. California Walnuts Another highlight was once evening the folks at California Walnuts spoiled us with a make-your-own charcuterie board party featuring 3 different recipes for walnuts that Chef Trimmel developed. It was such a fun activity an done that I plan creating here at home! Walnuts taste sweet, and have a creamy, buttery texture that is perfect for baking this time of year as well as pairing! There are endless opportunities to incorporate seasoned walnuts – versatile and nutritious – into your favorite dishes for holiday entertaining. Pairing walnuts with their favorite/trending seasoning flavor profiles and using them to elevate holiday charcuterie board, and more… Grocer’s List Beyond eating we also had lots of time to learn and share with each other about the current trends in influencer marketing, which is a big part of all of our businesses. Ben from Grocer’s List came and walked us through some new ways to help our readers and subscribers. New tech enables us to get you our recipes easily via social media as well as allow you to shop the ingredients of each recipe without any list making! It’s all about YOU and making our platforms easy to navigate and get information from! All in all my trip was AMAZING. I loved getting to know each of the girls in attendance and have enjoyed continuing our friendship now that we are all back home. Palm Springs was glorious, and the fall/winter is a great time to visit when the temps aren’t quite as hot! I can’t wait to go back! Source link
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angusstory · 1 month ago
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By: Shelly Posted: Nov 5, 2024 Updated: Nov 25, 2024 Come along with me while I share the details of a fun trip (Fresh Air Retreat) I took with some other recipe developers to sunny (and hot!) Palm Springs, California! All the photos in this post were taken by Amanda Kamppinen Why Travel To Palm Springs? The Weather! If you’re into warm, humid-free temps, Palm Springs is your spot! This was my first time visiting the Coachella Valley and I can’t wait to return. I LOVED the weather, the hotter the better. and you know the cliche about “dry heat”? It’s a real thing. I was strangely wearing a sweatshirt in 90- degrees in the evening because it really felt like 70! Architecture! Palm Springs is known for its mid-century modern architecture. Take a self-guided tour through neighborhoods like Twin Palms and Vista Las Palmas, where you’ll spot beautifully restored homes from the 1950s and 60s. Some homes even offer tours, giving you a peek inside the stylish past of Hollywood’s favorite desert hideaway, which I didn’t get a chance to do, but will definitely do more site-seeing on my next visit! Sites/Culture! Palm Springs is home to Joshua Tree National Park, the Coachella Valley which has become famous in recent years due to the Coachella music festival and Stagecoach Festival. There are tons of art galleries, and shopping options, plus spas and resorts to relax in. And don’t forget the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway which is the world’s largest rotating tram car and ascend over 8,500 feet to the top of Mt. San Jacinto. I’ve never met a lounger by a pool I didn’t like We did also get the chance to head out into Palm Springs, see some sites and enjoy a few hosted meals that did not disappoint! Porto Via Fuzion Five California Dates: A Sweet Local Treat If you’re looking to try a unique local treat during your Palm Springs visit, don’t miss out on California dates! The Coachella Valley, where Palm Springs is located, is one of the few places in the United States that grows dates due to its hot desert climate. These dates are celebrated for their natural sweetness, rich flavor, and soft, chewy texture. We had the opportunity to meet with a passionate, local date farmer from the California Date Commission who prepped us a “date tasting flight” which was so cool. I really loved this segment of our trip and learned a ton. We were even gifted a big box of dates which I have been snacking on since! Did you know that one date has the same amount of potassium as 3 bananas? Crazy! 1. The Famous Medjool Date. Medjool dates are the most popular variety grown in the region and are sometimes called the “king of dates” for their large size and caramel-like flavor. They’re delicious as a snack on their own, blended into smoothies, or even stuffed with nuts or cheese for an appetizer. 2. Date Shakes. A trip to Palm Springs wouldn’t be complete without trying a date shake. This creamy, naturally sweet treat combines dates with ice cream or milk for a rich, flavorful shake that’s both refreshing and filling. Shields Date Garden, just a short drive from Palm Springs in Indio, is known for its famous date shakes, which have been a local favorite since the 1920s. 3. Date Festivals. If you’re visiting in early February, you might catch the annual Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival held in Indio. This festival celebrates the region’s date-growing heritage with everything from camel races to live entertainment and, of course, plenty of date-inspired foods. 4. Bringing Dates Home. Dates make a great souvenir! Many local date farms and specialty shops offer freshly packed dates you can bring home or give as gifts. Some farms even offer tours, so you can learn about the history and process behind date cultivation. Happy Egg! I LOVED meeting the team over at Happy Egg. They are extremely passionate about their hens, which got me excited too! There is a difference between free range and free vs cage free and their hens require a minimum of 21.8 square feet of range for every bird, which equates to 10 acres per 20,000 birds. Inside every Happy Egg, you’ll find a rich amber yolk; every egg has a quality you can see, and a difference you can taste.They support small family farmers and currently work with 103+ small family farms throughout the midwest. Make sure to check out their store locator to see where you can find them in your area! Onions 52 A highlight lunch was sponsored by the folks at Onions 52, which work with farmers to supply quality onions 52 weeks a year. They are dedicated to using sustainable farming practices to ensure the quality and environmental responsibility of every onion. They pride themselves in quality products and have even developed at “Smiley” sweet onion that is virtually tearless! I will be receiving a big box of these in the mail today and am over the moon excited! Store them in a dark, cool spot and they will last months! Naturally tearless, Smileys are grown to be sweet and mild, transforming any dish into an enjoyable culinary experience without the discomfort of watery eyes. These onions develop their unique sweetness as they mature, making them versatile and perfect for both raw and cooked dishes. Albertson’s Albertson’s hosted a few different options for up throughout the retreat featuring their brand, Signature Select. This was a gorgeous afternoon snack that was set up for us with all sorts of goodies including fresh fruit, their chopped salads, my personal fave, nuts, veggies,, and ice cream sandwiches! Products like their pre-made chopped salads and veggie trays help save me time in busy lives and that’s always a win for me. Signature Select is available only at Albertsons Companies’ family stores including: Safeway, Albertsons, Tom Thumb, Jewel-Osco, Acme Markets, Shaws & Vons. California Walnuts Another highlight was once evening the folks at California Walnuts spoiled us with a make-your-own charcuterie board party featuring 3 different recipes for walnuts that Chef Trimmel developed. It was such a fun activity an done that I plan creating here at home! Walnuts taste sweet, and have a creamy, buttery texture that is perfect for baking this time of year as well as pairing! There are endless opportunities to incorporate seasoned walnuts – versatile and nutritious – into your favorite dishes for holiday entertaining. Pairing walnuts with their favorite/trending seasoning flavor profiles and using them to elevate holiday charcuterie board, and more… Grocer’s List Beyond eating we also had lots of time to learn and share with each other about the current trends in influencer marketing, which is a big part of all of our businesses. Ben from Grocer’s List came and walked us through some new ways to help our readers and subscribers. New tech enables us to get you our recipes easily via social media as well as allow you to shop the ingredients of each recipe without any list making! It’s all about YOU and making our platforms easy to navigate and get information from! All in all my trip was AMAZING. I loved getting to know each of the girls in attendance and have enjoyed continuing our friendship now that we are all back home. Palm Springs was glorious, and the fall/winter is a great time to visit when the temps aren’t quite as hot! I can’t wait to go back! Source link
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tumibaba · 1 month ago
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By: Shelly Posted: Nov 5, 2024 Updated: Nov 25, 2024 Come along with me while I share the details of a fun trip (Fresh Air Retreat) I took with some other recipe developers to sunny (and hot!) Palm Springs, California! All the photos in this post were taken by Amanda Kamppinen Why Travel To Palm Springs? The Weather! If you’re into warm, humid-free temps, Palm Springs is your spot! This was my first time visiting the Coachella Valley and I can’t wait to return. I LOVED the weather, the hotter the better. and you know the cliche about “dry heat”? It’s a real thing. I was strangely wearing a sweatshirt in 90- degrees in the evening because it really felt like 70! Architecture! Palm Springs is known for its mid-century modern architecture. Take a self-guided tour through neighborhoods like Twin Palms and Vista Las Palmas, where you’ll spot beautifully restored homes from the 1950s and 60s. Some homes even offer tours, giving you a peek inside the stylish past of Hollywood’s favorite desert hideaway, which I didn’t get a chance to do, but will definitely do more site-seeing on my next visit! Sites/Culture! Palm Springs is home to Joshua Tree National Park, the Coachella Valley which has become famous in recent years due to the Coachella music festival and Stagecoach Festival. There are tons of art galleries, and shopping options, plus spas and resorts to relax in. And don’t forget the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway which is the world’s largest rotating tram car and ascend over 8,500 feet to the top of Mt. San Jacinto. I’ve never met a lounger by a pool I didn’t like We did also get the chance to head out into Palm Springs, see some sites and enjoy a few hosted meals that did not disappoint! Porto Via Fuzion Five California Dates: A Sweet Local Treat If you’re looking to try a unique local treat during your Palm Springs visit, don’t miss out on California dates! The Coachella Valley, where Palm Springs is located, is one of the few places in the United States that grows dates due to its hot desert climate. These dates are celebrated for their natural sweetness, rich flavor, and soft, chewy texture. We had the opportunity to meet with a passionate, local date farmer from the California Date Commission who prepped us a “date tasting flight” which was so cool. I really loved this segment of our trip and learned a ton. We were even gifted a big box of dates which I have been snacking on since! Did you know that one date has the same amount of potassium as 3 bananas? Crazy! 1. The Famous Medjool Date. Medjool dates are the most popular variety grown in the region and are sometimes called the “king of dates” for their large size and caramel-like flavor. They’re delicious as a snack on their own, blended into smoothies, or even stuffed with nuts or cheese for an appetizer. 2. Date Shakes. A trip to Palm Springs wouldn’t be complete without trying a date shake. This creamy, naturally sweet treat combines dates with ice cream or milk for a rich, flavorful shake that’s both refreshing and filling. Shields Date Garden, just a short drive from Palm Springs in Indio, is known for its famous date shakes, which have been a local favorite since the 1920s. 3. Date Festivals. If you’re visiting in early February, you might catch the annual Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival held in Indio. This festival celebrates the region’s date-growing heritage with everything from camel races to live entertainment and, of course, plenty of date-inspired foods. 4. Bringing Dates Home. Dates make a great souvenir! Many local date farms and specialty shops offer freshly packed dates you can bring home or give as gifts. Some farms even offer tours, so you can learn about the history and process behind date cultivation. Happy Egg! I LOVED meeting the team over at Happy Egg. They are extremely passionate about their hens, which got me excited too! There is a difference between free range and free vs cage free and their hens require a minimum of 21.8 square feet of range for every bird, which equates to 10 acres per 20,000 birds. Inside every Happy Egg, you’ll find a rich amber yolk; every egg has a quality you can see, and a difference you can taste.They support small family farmers and currently work with 103+ small family farms throughout the midwest. Make sure to check out their store locator to see where you can find them in your area! Onions 52 A highlight lunch was sponsored by the folks at Onions 52, which work with farmers to supply quality onions 52 weeks a year. They are dedicated to using sustainable farming practices to ensure the quality and environmental responsibility of every onion. They pride themselves in quality products and have even developed at “Smiley” sweet onion that is virtually tearless! I will be receiving a big box of these in the mail today and am over the moon excited! Store them in a dark, cool spot and they will last months! Naturally tearless, Smileys are grown to be sweet and mild, transforming any dish into an enjoyable culinary experience without the discomfort of watery eyes. These onions develop their unique sweetness as they mature, making them versatile and perfect for both raw and cooked dishes. Albertson’s Albertson’s hosted a few different options for up throughout the retreat featuring their brand, Signature Select. This was a gorgeous afternoon snack that was set up for us with all sorts of goodies including fresh fruit, their chopped salads, my personal fave, nuts, veggies,, and ice cream sandwiches! Products like their pre-made chopped salads and veggie trays help save me time in busy lives and that’s always a win for me. Signature Select is available only at Albertsons Companies’ family stores including: Safeway, Albertsons, Tom Thumb, Jewel-Osco, Acme Markets, Shaws & Vons. California Walnuts Another highlight was once evening the folks at California Walnuts spoiled us with a make-your-own charcuterie board party featuring 3 different recipes for walnuts that Chef Trimmel developed. It was such a fun activity an done that I plan creating here at home! Walnuts taste sweet, and have a creamy, buttery texture that is perfect for baking this time of year as well as pairing! There are endless opportunities to incorporate seasoned walnuts – versatile and nutritious – into your favorite dishes for holiday entertaining. Pairing walnuts with their favorite/trending seasoning flavor profiles and using them to elevate holiday charcuterie board, and more… Grocer’s List Beyond eating we also had lots of time to learn and share with each other about the current trends in influencer marketing, which is a big part of all of our businesses. Ben from Grocer’s List came and walked us through some new ways to help our readers and subscribers. New tech enables us to get you our recipes easily via social media as well as allow you to shop the ingredients of each recipe without any list making! It’s all about YOU and making our platforms easy to navigate and get information from! All in all my trip was AMAZING. I loved getting to know each of the girls in attendance and have enjoyed continuing our friendship now that we are all back home. Palm Springs was glorious, and the fall/winter is a great time to visit when the temps aren’t quite as hot! I can’t wait to go back! Source link
0 notes
romaleen · 1 month ago
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By: Shelly Posted: Nov 5, 2024 Updated: Nov 25, 2024 Come along with me while I share the details of a fun trip (Fresh Air Retreat) I took with some other recipe developers to sunny (and hot!) Palm Springs, California! All the photos in this post were taken by Amanda Kamppinen Why Travel To Palm Springs? The Weather! If you’re into warm, humid-free temps, Palm Springs is your spot! This was my first time visiting the Coachella Valley and I can’t wait to return. I LOVED the weather, the hotter the better. and you know the cliche about “dry heat”? It’s a real thing. I was strangely wearing a sweatshirt in 90- degrees in the evening because it really felt like 70! Architecture! Palm Springs is known for its mid-century modern architecture. Take a self-guided tour through neighborhoods like Twin Palms and Vista Las Palmas, where you’ll spot beautifully restored homes from the 1950s and 60s. Some homes even offer tours, giving you a peek inside the stylish past of Hollywood’s favorite desert hideaway, which I didn’t get a chance to do, but will definitely do more site-seeing on my next visit! Sites/Culture! Palm Springs is home to Joshua Tree National Park, the Coachella Valley which has become famous in recent years due to the Coachella music festival and Stagecoach Festival. There are tons of art galleries, and shopping options, plus spas and resorts to relax in. And don’t forget the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway which is the world’s largest rotating tram car and ascend over 8,500 feet to the top of Mt. San Jacinto. I’ve never met a lounger by a pool I didn’t like We did also get the chance to head out into Palm Springs, see some sites and enjoy a few hosted meals that did not disappoint! Porto Via Fuzion Five California Dates: A Sweet Local Treat If you’re looking to try a unique local treat during your Palm Springs visit, don’t miss out on California dates! The Coachella Valley, where Palm Springs is located, is one of the few places in the United States that grows dates due to its hot desert climate. These dates are celebrated for their natural sweetness, rich flavor, and soft, chewy texture. We had the opportunity to meet with a passionate, local date farmer from the California Date Commission who prepped us a “date tasting flight” which was so cool. I really loved this segment of our trip and learned a ton. We were even gifted a big box of dates which I have been snacking on since! Did you know that one date has the same amount of potassium as 3 bananas? Crazy! 1. The Famous Medjool Date. Medjool dates are the most popular variety grown in the region and are sometimes called the “king of dates” for their large size and caramel-like flavor. They’re delicious as a snack on their own, blended into smoothies, or even stuffed with nuts or cheese for an appetizer. 2. Date Shakes. A trip to Palm Springs wouldn’t be complete without trying a date shake. This creamy, naturally sweet treat combines dates with ice cream or milk for a rich, flavorful shake that’s both refreshing and filling. Shields Date Garden, just a short drive from Palm Springs in Indio, is known for its famous date shakes, which have been a local favorite since the 1920s. 3. Date Festivals. If you’re visiting in early February, you might catch the annual Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival held in Indio. This festival celebrates the region’s date-growing heritage with everything from camel races to live entertainment and, of course, plenty of date-inspired foods. 4. Bringing Dates Home. Dates make a great souvenir! Many local date farms and specialty shops offer freshly packed dates you can bring home or give as gifts. Some farms even offer tours, so you can learn about the history and process behind date cultivation. Happy Egg! I LOVED meeting the team over at Happy Egg. They are extremely passionate about their hens, which got me excited too! There is a difference between free range and free vs cage free and their hens require a minimum of 21.8 square feet of range for every bird, which equates to 10 acres per 20,000 birds. Inside every Happy Egg, you’ll find a rich amber yolk; every egg has a quality you can see, and a difference you can taste.They support small family farmers and currently work with 103+ small family farms throughout the midwest. Make sure to check out their store locator to see where you can find them in your area! Onions 52 A highlight lunch was sponsored by the folks at Onions 52, which work with farmers to supply quality onions 52 weeks a year. They are dedicated to using sustainable farming practices to ensure the quality and environmental responsibility of every onion. They pride themselves in quality products and have even developed at “Smiley” sweet onion that is virtually tearless! I will be receiving a big box of these in the mail today and am over the moon excited! Store them in a dark, cool spot and they will last months! Naturally tearless, Smileys are grown to be sweet and mild, transforming any dish into an enjoyable culinary experience without the discomfort of watery eyes. These onions develop their unique sweetness as they mature, making them versatile and perfect for both raw and cooked dishes. Albertson’s Albertson’s hosted a few different options for up throughout the retreat featuring their brand, Signature Select. This was a gorgeous afternoon snack that was set up for us with all sorts of goodies including fresh fruit, their chopped salads, my personal fave, nuts, veggies,, and ice cream sandwiches! Products like their pre-made chopped salads and veggie trays help save me time in busy lives and that’s always a win for me. Signature Select is available only at Albertsons Companies’ family stores including: Safeway, Albertsons, Tom Thumb, Jewel-Osco, Acme Markets, Shaws & Vons. California Walnuts Another highlight was once evening the folks at California Walnuts spoiled us with a make-your-own charcuterie board party featuring 3 different recipes for walnuts that Chef Trimmel developed. It was such a fun activity an done that I plan creating here at home! Walnuts taste sweet, and have a creamy, buttery texture that is perfect for baking this time of year as well as pairing! There are endless opportunities to incorporate seasoned walnuts – versatile and nutritious – into your favorite dishes for holiday entertaining. Pairing walnuts with their favorite/trending seasoning flavor profiles and using them to elevate holiday charcuterie board, and more… Grocer’s List Beyond eating we also had lots of time to learn and share with each other about the current trends in influencer marketing, which is a big part of all of our businesses. Ben from Grocer’s List came and walked us through some new ways to help our readers and subscribers. New tech enables us to get you our recipes easily via social media as well as allow you to shop the ingredients of each recipe without any list making! It’s all about YOU and making our platforms easy to navigate and get information from! All in all my trip was AMAZING. I loved getting to know each of the girls in attendance and have enjoyed continuing our friendship now that we are all back home. Palm Springs was glorious, and the fall/winter is a great time to visit when the temps aren’t quite as hot! I can’t wait to go back! Source link
0 notes
monaleen101 · 1 month ago
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By: Shelly Posted: Nov 5, 2024 Updated: Nov 25, 2024 Come along with me while I share the details of a fun trip (Fresh Air Retreat) I took with some other recipe developers to sunny (and hot!) Palm Springs, California! All the photos in this post were taken by Amanda Kamppinen Why Travel To Palm Springs? The Weather! If you’re into warm, humid-free temps, Palm Springs is your spot! This was my first time visiting the Coachella Valley and I can’t wait to return. I LOVED the weather, the hotter the better. and you know the cliche about “dry heat”? It’s a real thing. I was strangely wearing a sweatshirt in 90- degrees in the evening because it really felt like 70! Architecture! Palm Springs is known for its mid-century modern architecture. Take a self-guided tour through neighborhoods like Twin Palms and Vista Las Palmas, where you’ll spot beautifully restored homes from the 1950s and 60s. Some homes even offer tours, giving you a peek inside the stylish past of Hollywood’s favorite desert hideaway, which I didn’t get a chance to do, but will definitely do more site-seeing on my next visit! Sites/Culture! Palm Springs is home to Joshua Tree National Park, the Coachella Valley which has become famous in recent years due to the Coachella music festival and Stagecoach Festival. There are tons of art galleries, and shopping options, plus spas and resorts to relax in. And don’t forget the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway which is the world’s largest rotating tram car and ascend over 8,500 feet to the top of Mt. San Jacinto. I’ve never met a lounger by a pool I didn’t like We did also get the chance to head out into Palm Springs, see some sites and enjoy a few hosted meals that did not disappoint! Porto Via Fuzion Five California Dates: A Sweet Local Treat If you’re looking to try a unique local treat during your Palm Springs visit, don’t miss out on California dates! The Coachella Valley, where Palm Springs is located, is one of the few places in the United States that grows dates due to its hot desert climate. These dates are celebrated for their natural sweetness, rich flavor, and soft, chewy texture. We had the opportunity to meet with a passionate, local date farmer from the California Date Commission who prepped us a “date tasting flight” which was so cool. I really loved this segment of our trip and learned a ton. We were even gifted a big box of dates which I have been snacking on since! Did you know that one date has the same amount of potassium as 3 bananas? Crazy! 1. The Famous Medjool Date. Medjool dates are the most popular variety grown in the region and are sometimes called the “king of dates” for their large size and caramel-like flavor. They’re delicious as a snack on their own, blended into smoothies, or even stuffed with nuts or cheese for an appetizer. 2. Date Shakes. A trip to Palm Springs wouldn’t be complete without trying a date shake. This creamy, naturally sweet treat combines dates with ice cream or milk for a rich, flavorful shake that’s both refreshing and filling. Shields Date Garden, just a short drive from Palm Springs in Indio, is known for its famous date shakes, which have been a local favorite since the 1920s. 3. Date Festivals. If you’re visiting in early February, you might catch the annual Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival held in Indio. This festival celebrates the region’s date-growing heritage with everything from camel races to live entertainment and, of course, plenty of date-inspired foods. 4. Bringing Dates Home. Dates make a great souvenir! Many local date farms and specialty shops offer freshly packed dates you can bring home or give as gifts. Some farms even offer tours, so you can learn about the history and process behind date cultivation. Happy Egg! I LOVED meeting the team over at Happy Egg. They are extremely passionate about their hens, which got me excited too! There is a difference between free range and free vs cage free and their hens require a minimum of 21.8 square feet of range for every bird, which equates to 10 acres per 20,000 birds. Inside every Happy Egg, you’ll find a rich amber yolk; every egg has a quality you can see, and a difference you can taste.They support small family farmers and currently work with 103+ small family farms throughout the midwest. Make sure to check out their store locator to see where you can find them in your area! Onions 52 A highlight lunch was sponsored by the folks at Onions 52, which work with farmers to supply quality onions 52 weeks a year. They are dedicated to using sustainable farming practices to ensure the quality and environmental responsibility of every onion. They pride themselves in quality products and have even developed at “Smiley” sweet onion that is virtually tearless! I will be receiving a big box of these in the mail today and am over the moon excited! Store them in a dark, cool spot and they will last months! Naturally tearless, Smileys are grown to be sweet and mild, transforming any dish into an enjoyable culinary experience without the discomfort of watery eyes. These onions develop their unique sweetness as they mature, making them versatile and perfect for both raw and cooked dishes. Albertson’s Albertson’s hosted a few different options for up throughout the retreat featuring their brand, Signature Select. This was a gorgeous afternoon snack that was set up for us with all sorts of goodies including fresh fruit, their chopped salads, my personal fave, nuts, veggies,, and ice cream sandwiches! Products like their pre-made chopped salads and veggie trays help save me time in busy lives and that’s always a win for me. Signature Select is available only at Albertsons Companies’ family stores including: Safeway, Albertsons, Tom Thumb, Jewel-Osco, Acme Markets, Shaws & Vons. California Walnuts Another highlight was once evening the folks at California Walnuts spoiled us with a make-your-own charcuterie board party featuring 3 different recipes for walnuts that Chef Trimmel developed. It was such a fun activity an done that I plan creating here at home! Walnuts taste sweet, and have a creamy, buttery texture that is perfect for baking this time of year as well as pairing! There are endless opportunities to incorporate seasoned walnuts – versatile and nutritious – into your favorite dishes for holiday entertaining. Pairing walnuts with their favorite/trending seasoning flavor profiles and using them to elevate holiday charcuterie board, and more… Grocer’s List Beyond eating we also had lots of time to learn and share with each other about the current trends in influencer marketing, which is a big part of all of our businesses. Ben from Grocer’s List came and walked us through some new ways to help our readers and subscribers. New tech enables us to get you our recipes easily via social media as well as allow you to shop the ingredients of each recipe without any list making! It’s all about YOU and making our platforms easy to navigate and get information from! All in all my trip was AMAZING. I loved getting to know each of the girls in attendance and have enjoyed continuing our friendship now that we are all back home. Palm Springs was glorious, and the fall/winter is a great time to visit when the temps aren’t quite as hot! I can’t wait to go back! Source link
0 notes
iamownerofme · 1 month ago
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By: Shelly Posted: Nov 5, 2024 Updated: Nov 25, 2024 Come along with me while I share the details of a fun trip (Fresh Air Retreat) I took with some other recipe developers to sunny (and hot!) Palm Springs, California! All the photos in this post were taken by Amanda Kamppinen Why Travel To Palm Springs? The Weather! If you’re into warm, humid-free temps, Palm Springs is your spot! This was my first time visiting the Coachella Valley and I can’t wait to return. I LOVED the weather, the hotter the better. and you know the cliche about “dry heat”? It’s a real thing. I was strangely wearing a sweatshirt in 90- degrees in the evening because it really felt like 70! Architecture! Palm Springs is known for its mid-century modern architecture. Take a self-guided tour through neighborhoods like Twin Palms and Vista Las Palmas, where you’ll spot beautifully restored homes from the 1950s and 60s. Some homes even offer tours, giving you a peek inside the stylish past of Hollywood’s favorite desert hideaway, which I didn’t get a chance to do, but will definitely do more site-seeing on my next visit! Sites/Culture! Palm Springs is home to Joshua Tree National Park, the Coachella Valley which has become famous in recent years due to the Coachella music festival and Stagecoach Festival. There are tons of art galleries, and shopping options, plus spas and resorts to relax in. And don’t forget the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway which is the world’s largest rotating tram car and ascend over 8,500 feet to the top of Mt. San Jacinto. I’ve never met a lounger by a pool I didn’t like We did also get the chance to head out into Palm Springs, see some sites and enjoy a few hosted meals that did not disappoint! Porto Via Fuzion Five California Dates: A Sweet Local Treat If you’re looking to try a unique local treat during your Palm Springs visit, don’t miss out on California dates! The Coachella Valley, where Palm Springs is located, is one of the few places in the United States that grows dates due to its hot desert climate. These dates are celebrated for their natural sweetness, rich flavor, and soft, chewy texture. We had the opportunity to meet with a passionate, local date farmer from the California Date Commission who prepped us a “date tasting flight” which was so cool. I really loved this segment of our trip and learned a ton. We were even gifted a big box of dates which I have been snacking on since! Did you know that one date has the same amount of potassium as 3 bananas? Crazy! 1. The Famous Medjool Date. Medjool dates are the most popular variety grown in the region and are sometimes called the “king of dates” for their large size and caramel-like flavor. They’re delicious as a snack on their own, blended into smoothies, or even stuffed with nuts or cheese for an appetizer. 2. Date Shakes. A trip to Palm Springs wouldn’t be complete without trying a date shake. This creamy, naturally sweet treat combines dates with ice cream or milk for a rich, flavorful shake that’s both refreshing and filling. Shields Date Garden, just a short drive from Palm Springs in Indio, is known for its famous date shakes, which have been a local favorite since the 1920s. 3. Date Festivals. If you’re visiting in early February, you might catch the annual Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival held in Indio. This festival celebrates the region’s date-growing heritage with everything from camel races to live entertainment and, of course, plenty of date-inspired foods. 4. Bringing Dates Home. Dates make a great souvenir! Many local date farms and specialty shops offer freshly packed dates you can bring home or give as gifts. Some farms even offer tours, so you can learn about the history and process behind date cultivation. Happy Egg! I LOVED meeting the team over at Happy Egg. They are extremely passionate about their hens, which got me excited too! There is a difference between free range and free vs cage free and their hens require a minimum of 21.8 square feet of range for every bird, which equates to 10 acres per 20,000 birds. Inside every Happy Egg, you’ll find a rich amber yolk; every egg has a quality you can see, and a difference you can taste.They support small family farmers and currently work with 103+ small family farms throughout the midwest. Make sure to check out their store locator to see where you can find them in your area! Onions 52 A highlight lunch was sponsored by the folks at Onions 52, which work with farmers to supply quality onions 52 weeks a year. They are dedicated to using sustainable farming practices to ensure the quality and environmental responsibility of every onion. They pride themselves in quality products and have even developed at “Smiley” sweet onion that is virtually tearless! I will be receiving a big box of these in the mail today and am over the moon excited! Store them in a dark, cool spot and they will last months! Naturally tearless, Smileys are grown to be sweet and mild, transforming any dish into an enjoyable culinary experience without the discomfort of watery eyes. These onions develop their unique sweetness as they mature, making them versatile and perfect for both raw and cooked dishes. Albertson’s Albertson’s hosted a few different options for up throughout the retreat featuring their brand, Signature Select. This was a gorgeous afternoon snack that was set up for us with all sorts of goodies including fresh fruit, their chopped salads, my personal fave, nuts, veggies,, and ice cream sandwiches! Products like their pre-made chopped salads and veggie trays help save me time in busy lives and that’s always a win for me. Signature Select is available only at Albertsons Companies’ family stores including: Safeway, Albertsons, Tom Thumb, Jewel-Osco, Acme Markets, Shaws & Vons. California Walnuts Another highlight was once evening the folks at California Walnuts spoiled us with a make-your-own charcuterie board party featuring 3 different recipes for walnuts that Chef Trimmel developed. It was such a fun activity an done that I plan creating here at home! Walnuts taste sweet, and have a creamy, buttery texture that is perfect for baking this time of year as well as pairing! There are endless opportunities to incorporate seasoned walnuts – versatile and nutritious – into your favorite dishes for holiday entertaining. Pairing walnuts with their favorite/trending seasoning flavor profiles and using them to elevate holiday charcuterie board, and more… Grocer’s List Beyond eating we also had lots of time to learn and share with each other about the current trends in influencer marketing, which is a big part of all of our businesses. Ben from Grocer’s List came and walked us through some new ways to help our readers and subscribers. New tech enables us to get you our recipes easily via social media as well as allow you to shop the ingredients of each recipe without any list making! It’s all about YOU and making our platforms easy to navigate and get information from! All in all my trip was AMAZING. I loved getting to know each of the girls in attendance and have enjoyed continuing our friendship now that we are all back home. Palm Springs was glorious, and the fall/winter is a great time to visit when the temps aren’t quite as hot! I can’t wait to go back! Source link
0 notes
shelyold · 1 month ago
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By: Shelly Posted: Nov 5, 2024 Updated: Nov 25, 2024 Come along with me while I share the details of a fun trip (Fresh Air Retreat) I took with some other recipe developers to sunny (and hot!) Palm Springs, California! All the photos in this post were taken by Amanda Kamppinen Why Travel To Palm Springs? The Weather! If you’re into warm, humid-free temps, Palm Springs is your spot! This was my first time visiting the Coachella Valley and I can’t wait to return. I LOVED the weather, the hotter the better. and you know the cliche about “dry heat”? It’s a real thing. I was strangely wearing a sweatshirt in 90- degrees in the evening because it really felt like 70! Architecture! Palm Springs is known for its mid-century modern architecture. Take a self-guided tour through neighborhoods like Twin Palms and Vista Las Palmas, where you’ll spot beautifully restored homes from the 1950s and 60s. Some homes even offer tours, giving you a peek inside the stylish past of Hollywood’s favorite desert hideaway, which I didn’t get a chance to do, but will definitely do more site-seeing on my next visit! Sites/Culture! Palm Springs is home to Joshua Tree National Park, the Coachella Valley which has become famous in recent years due to the Coachella music festival and Stagecoach Festival. There are tons of art galleries, and shopping options, plus spas and resorts to relax in. And don’t forget the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway which is the world’s largest rotating tram car and ascend over 8,500 feet to the top of Mt. San Jacinto. I’ve never met a lounger by a pool I didn’t like We did also get the chance to head out into Palm Springs, see some sites and enjoy a few hosted meals that did not disappoint! Porto Via Fuzion Five California Dates: A Sweet Local Treat If you’re looking to try a unique local treat during your Palm Springs visit, don’t miss out on California dates! The Coachella Valley, where Palm Springs is located, is one of the few places in the United States that grows dates due to its hot desert climate. These dates are celebrated for their natural sweetness, rich flavor, and soft, chewy texture. We had the opportunity to meet with a passionate, local date farmer from the California Date Commission who prepped us a “date tasting flight” which was so cool. I really loved this segment of our trip and learned a ton. We were even gifted a big box of dates which I have been snacking on since! Did you know that one date has the same amount of potassium as 3 bananas? Crazy! 1. The Famous Medjool Date. Medjool dates are the most popular variety grown in the region and are sometimes called the “king of dates” for their large size and caramel-like flavor. They’re delicious as a snack on their own, blended into smoothies, or even stuffed with nuts or cheese for an appetizer. 2. Date Shakes. A trip to Palm Springs wouldn’t be complete without trying a date shake. This creamy, naturally sweet treat combines dates with ice cream or milk for a rich, flavorful shake that’s both refreshing and filling. Shields Date Garden, just a short drive from Palm Springs in Indio, is known for its famous date shakes, which have been a local favorite since the 1920s. 3. Date Festivals. If you’re visiting in early February, you might catch the annual Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival held in Indio. This festival celebrates the region’s date-growing heritage with everything from camel races to live entertainment and, of course, plenty of date-inspired foods. 4. Bringing Dates Home. Dates make a great souvenir! Many local date farms and specialty shops offer freshly packed dates you can bring home or give as gifts. Some farms even offer tours, so you can learn about the history and process behind date cultivation. Happy Egg! I LOVED meeting the team over at Happy Egg. They are extremely passionate about their hens, which got me excited too! There is a difference between free range and free vs cage free and their hens require a minimum of 21.8 square feet of range for every bird, which equates to 10 acres per 20,000 birds. Inside every Happy Egg, you’ll find a rich amber yolk; every egg has a quality you can see, and a difference you can taste.They support small family farmers and currently work with 103+ small family farms throughout the midwest. Make sure to check out their store locator to see where you can find them in your area! Onions 52 A highlight lunch was sponsored by the folks at Onions 52, which work with farmers to supply quality onions 52 weeks a year. They are dedicated to using sustainable farming practices to ensure the quality and environmental responsibility of every onion. They pride themselves in quality products and have even developed at “Smiley” sweet onion that is virtually tearless! I will be receiving a big box of these in the mail today and am over the moon excited! Store them in a dark, cool spot and they will last months! Naturally tearless, Smileys are grown to be sweet and mild, transforming any dish into an enjoyable culinary experience without the discomfort of watery eyes. These onions develop their unique sweetness as they mature, making them versatile and perfect for both raw and cooked dishes. Albertson’s Albertson’s hosted a few different options for up throughout the retreat featuring their brand, Signature Select. This was a gorgeous afternoon snack that was set up for us with all sorts of goodies including fresh fruit, their chopped salads, my personal fave, nuts, veggies,, and ice cream sandwiches! Products like their pre-made chopped salads and veggie trays help save me time in busy lives and that’s always a win for me. Signature Select is available only at Albertsons Companies’ family stores including: Safeway, Albertsons, Tom Thumb, Jewel-Osco, Acme Markets, Shaws & Vons. California Walnuts Another highlight was once evening the folks at California Walnuts spoiled us with a make-your-own charcuterie board party featuring 3 different recipes for walnuts that Chef Trimmel developed. It was such a fun activity an done that I plan creating here at home! Walnuts taste sweet, and have a creamy, buttery texture that is perfect for baking this time of year as well as pairing! There are endless opportunities to incorporate seasoned walnuts – versatile and nutritious – into your favorite dishes for holiday entertaining. Pairing walnuts with their favorite/trending seasoning flavor profiles and using them to elevate holiday charcuterie board, and more… Grocer’s List Beyond eating we also had lots of time to learn and share with each other about the current trends in influencer marketing, which is a big part of all of our businesses. Ben from Grocer’s List came and walked us through some new ways to help our readers and subscribers. New tech enables us to get you our recipes easily via social media as well as allow you to shop the ingredients of each recipe without any list making! It’s all about YOU and making our platforms easy to navigate and get information from! All in all my trip was AMAZING. I loved getting to know each of the girls in attendance and have enjoyed continuing our friendship now that we are all back home. Palm Springs was glorious, and the fall/winter is a great time to visit when the temps aren’t quite as hot! I can’t wait to go back! Source link
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