#Teen Urban Wolf
djdangerlove · 1 year
Just saw a picture of Liam from Teen Wolf (Dylan Sprayberry) and for a split second my brain thought it was Kieth Urban and now I will never know peace again because I can’t unsee it.
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patolemus · 4 months
I've been thinking the past few days about how, after the scene in s2 where these huge chains fall from Stiles' locker, everyone in school thinks he's either in a gang or into some very deep BSDM, and there's like this tally that goes around where people annotate things they've heard him say and debate over why it points to one or the other.
I mean, someone will hear him say human sacrifices and they'll immediately go 'alright so this guy is roleplaying some very hardcore stuff', but then someone else will hear him say something like we gotta find the bodies and then it's like... maybe not roleplaying?
Werewolf? Depending on the context, it's a code word or the name of a rival gang (his gang??), or like some weird kink no one's sure they want to know much about.
Also, Derek Hale is definitely involved somehow, but this doesn't help clarify whether Stiles is in a gang or if he and Derek are just into some very kinky shit. There's a tally on that, too.
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thenerdyindividual · 10 months
I think the funniest part of ya urban fantasy fiction is that “oh no there’s a monster killing people at school!” is treated with the exact same seriousness as “But I want to go out with the cutie from home room!” and “I have an algebra test tomorrow!” Like this the plot of multiple episodes of BTVS and Teen Wolf.
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don't EVER go check on ANYTHING on urbandictionary.com when you're supposed to be writing...
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derek f-hale-ure my beloved <3
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mameeta · 5 months
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Chapter Two is up. Let's hope it isn't too painful.
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alchely · 6 months
Re-watching the first few seasons of Teen Wolf (as you do) while thinking of Gallavich (as you do) and came upon the realization that Stiles and Mickey would clash HORRIBLY.
They both are sarcastic assholes that have a physiological need to have the last word in an argument, Mickey and his aggressive attitude would put Stiles on the defensive and make HIS answers increasingly cutting and then Mickey would let his fists fly cause he's got a short fuse and knows that he can let his punches do the talking.
Urban fantasy AU my beloved.
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sims 2 bitches<3<3<3 idk who--
i hate how face shapes can be so difiicult to change in the sims 2, anyone got sliders on overall head width? also, good beards, and some moar hairstyles for sure cause i look and look but i ain't great lmao
so many amazing cc artists out there tho, will suck your art dicks for some helpful things to get these strangers more accurately beautiful~<3
old one:
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infinityyrp · 11 months
In search of a long term, flexible, consistent roleplay partner.
21+. I'm in my late twenties so I need someone that can match my energy and not be childish and ghost for no good reason.
I write in third person or first person. Either or, I try to match my partners with everything they give.
I'm looking for the Fandom Teen Wolf— I wouldn't mind discussing original plots and characters though, if you're completely OPEN to alot of different things.
I prefer the female role, I've been burned far too many times in the past with doubling. Some people in the roleplay community really lack the ability to play equally.
I will be open to doubling up if you give each side the same attention. Keep in mind if you don't, I'll match your energy with your side, and eventually let you go.
I'm looking for someone to play Derek Hale and Scott McCall against my female OC.
I can play anyone from the Fandom, but Stiles Stilinski and Isaac Lahey are my specialty.
Please be comfortable with all aspects of drama. I have little to no limits but will respect your triggers, though some things might be a deal breaker. Your IRL morals shouldn't be effected by a fictional story— (R*pe, suicide, abuse is completely understandable though and I'd never hold that against you!) I'm talking more along the lines of, IF you don't like kids and shit in a rp, cheating, love triangles, etc. Then I'm probably not the partner for you. I have enough fluff in my daily life, I don't want the same for my rp life LOL. Consistent romance/vanilla stiff gets boring for me.. at least on my end. But if that's what you prefer for YOUR SIDE. I'll do it all the time. But the same effort better be reciprocated for my side when it comes to drama otherwise we won't be compatible.
I'll respect your reasonable limits/triggers.
My limits are — Bathroom play, incest (This is negotiable!) and deep pedophilia. (Won't do anything under 17.)
My OCs are people of color and considered plus sized in society's eyes.
I'm LGBTQ friendly.
I'm POC friendly.
I hope we can be friends outside of roleplay.
I prefer female partners, I've had bad experiences with Males in the past.
I'm married and a mom so my personal life comes first, however I send multiple replies a day and want someone on the same wave length as me when it comes to rapid fire/replying a few times a day.
I understand life happens though abd at that point, communication is key.
I'm not ghost friendly, we're grown, communicate so we can part ways cordially.
I'm in other Fandoms, just ask and we'll discuss it.
Discord is my preferred method of communication/ roleplay.
I make organized servers and use Tupperbox.
Please don't be afraid to reach out, I promise I'm very friendly and easy going!
My writing style is 2-3 paragraphs, I'm all about quality over quantity, but I won't accept anything less than 2 paragraphs, and most of the time I write until nitro kicks in.
If you've made it this far, great!
Hope to hear from you soon!
My timezone is GMT-5.
My discord information:
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Those Who Hunger In The Dark
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I'm so excited y'all, I'm going to be able to show art of the vampires from my book soon! Also someone reading it told me they're enjoying it lots. Absolutely pumped! Also, the sequel is coming along very well! If you want to read it check this out!
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spuffybot · 2 years
I just saw a list called “Urban Fantasy Bingo” that listed tropes that in my experience are not found in Urban Fantasy. Instead they described what I’d consider Teen Paranormal Romance/Drama which usually combines aspects of the teen genre (love triangles, extreme small town / highschool pride, no one ever goes to class) with specific supernatural elements like mysterious disappearances, strange things happen here, and some kind of chosen one element.
Teen Paranormal Romance / Drama usually takes place in a small town with a secret supernatural history, it involves a small group of friends bonded by their trauma, a wiser older person who serves as their “parent” or guide, and a plethora of evil baddies they have to defeat in order to save the town.
Urban Fantasy on the other hand is typically an urban setting (big city, small city, doesn’t matter) and while it can focus on teens it more often focuses on characters in their 20s. Tropes look like a protagonist who has a loose connection to the supernatural but gradually becomes the most powerful person on the scene, love triangles, a tenuous connection to law enforcement that allows them to be involved in solving supernatural crimes, etc.
I’d consider shows like Angel, Lucifer, Lost Girl, and True Blood to be Urban Fantasy.
But now I’m wondering…am I wrong? Has the definition evolved with the explosion of teen supernatural media? What do you guys think?
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tvshowcloset · 2 years
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Who: Chloe Rose Robertson as Luna Briggs What: BDG at Urban Outfitters Valeria Cropped V-Neck Sweater in Light Brown - $29.99 Where: Wolf Pack 1x07 “Lion’s Breath”
Worn with: Free People bra
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dramaticvhs · 2 years
he is, totally is, and he totally does just out of morbid curiosity.
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e17omm · 8 days
I just had a fun thought for Snippets.
When/if the puppets takes Bronya's Herrscher powers, I should have her tap into that Silver Wolf of the Urals side. Just let her loose on the unexpecting puppets.
Its something so rarely brought up, but Bronya was an urban legend at the age of 13 with just as many high ranking confirmed kills. She took down warlords since she was literally pre-teen. Add on Valkyrie training and even without Herrscher powers she'd be a threat.
Its snapping back to me, and this turned into kinda rambling, but this is why I had Bronya hold her own for a short while against the Herrscher of Ice. Because combat has been a part of nearly Bronya's entire life.
The more I think about it the more I want to have the puppets take her Herrscher powers and she'll be just like "okay then" and proceed to continue fighting them even as they turn the Reason power on her.
(Reminder that in Snippets, Bronya gets the Core of Reason at around ~chapter 20 equivelant in game time. She hasn't had it for that long)
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mameeta · 5 months
Hi to all my mutuals. I am working diligently on another blog called @bloodtiesstilllives
I am in love with the show and it's fandom potential, to the point where I got hold of the books the show is based off of.
The show is about a P.I. who used to be a cop but because of a degenerative eye condition, had to leave the force. Over the course of investigation she runs into a 400+year old vampire who is actually a decent person and has no problems being what they are. She gains a quirky goth assistant who helps out tons when a case has a supernatural component. And she still has feeler in the department in the form of a brilliant coroner who let's her in on the weird cases, AND her former partner who is as normal as can be. Imagine that drama.
So if you guys may be interested please come through and check it out.
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neonswitchhouse · 1 year
Pop Culture Witchcraft and the Importance of Being Cringe
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Cringe has become a bit a loaded word nowadays, being at first a word to describe feelings of second-hand embarrassment, arguably from failings to impress others or to raise one's social capital. Think for example failed motorsports stunts, falling into pools with a tray full of fruity drinks or even worse; someone trying to impress a crush by molding themselves into someone they only think the other party would like via baseless assumptions. Your body recoils, seeing a dirt biker tumble down the course. Your stomach sinks, watching someone plunge into the shallow end of the water. You squirm watching someone try to convince their crush to go out with the facade they made. That I would describe as "empathetic cringe"; a reaction based on witnessing something you do not wish upon yourself like physical harm or embarrassment.
The modern definition of cringe however, is a different beast entirely.
Using the Urban Dictionary meaning as defined by user Screech McGee, "Before the internet trolls changed the meaning of this word, "cringe" was a verb used to express embarrassment or disgust. Now, this word is mostly used to define something that you dislike or do not understand. Internet trolls use this word as an insult towards people in fandoms, with bad grammar, or both combined. Trolls also use this word to describe memes on some occasions."
Doing a quick search on YouTube or Tiktok for "cringe" gives you an array of oddities to the average eye; people dressed in rainbow-colored wolf fursuits, teens expressing their love and attachment for their favorite anime character, or perhaps someone outwardly displaying behaviors considered aneurotypical. They fall outside societal norms and standards of behavior. They aren't perceived as "normal or acceptable" to the standards set by white-cis-het-able bodied-neurotypical persons and communities.
But in it, the furries, the fandom-lovers, and even the "neurospicys" are harming none. They're doing what they want.
Sounds kinda familiar doesn't it?
Lets loop around to what you're probably reading this rant for; the witchy reasons.
Witchcraft as a practice, is already an outsider to most societies, especially to those predominated shaped by Protestant Christian beliefs. It's already something outside the norms. Even back during the hey-day of reality tv shows like Wife Swap, those who weren't considered Christian or followed more "earth-based" religions and lifestyles were presented as the butt of the joke. And while witchcraft and non-Christian beliefs as a whole have becoming more popular nowadays, it's still considered something outside the norm or in the minority of persons identifying themselves as witches and pagans voluntarily.
So we're already ticking one "cringe" box according to societal norms
Chaos Magic as a whole is based on using belief as a tool or as a fuel source to workings to enact change or bring it about to oneself or to the environment around them as a whole. Hence the whole "nothing is true, everything is permitted" thing in that there's no one strict set of rules to make something work.
Pop Culture Witchcraft and Pop Culture Paganism deriving from chaos magic, while with several theories as to how it works, the crux is in "belief", in energy fueled into something or even someone.
Going off the egregoric model, egregores are formed and fed by the energy (ie: belief) fueled into them. This is where fandom comes into play. Fandom is fueled by passion, by love, by admiration, by forming community around shared likes, interests, or even dislikes. Fandoms are funnels for that collective energy, passion, creativity, etc.
And to some, pouring in so much joy, passion, fervor, and creativity can be seen as something out of their grasp of understanding; something that they're the outsider to and not the main target audience of. It's "not made for them". Therefore it's deemed as "cringe" underneath that definition.
But why deprive oneself of joy just for the approval of others?
Why force oneself to conform to arbitrary rules and norms?
As long as your joys and passions affect only yourself and do not harm others directly, why shield it from view?
To get the most out of a pop culture practice, it's good to have it based on what you're passionate about; what you're well-versed in. What gives you that fuel or belief. What brings you joy and makes you want to pursue things even further.
So be cringe, be passionate, be able to go on a dang unprompted 20minute rant about the lore to your favorite failed RPG series. Be able to show a whole dang portfolio of your self-insert smooching your favorite character on the cheek. Be absolutely, unapologetically passionate about something and see what happens. See what happens when you drop the worries of how others perceive you.
So stay safe, have fun, be cringe, be free, stay spooky.
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teaboot · 6 months
Since I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be, I have been trying to send to more asks to engage more. I really don't want to bother anyone though so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Detailed? Vague? Work? Fandom? Movies? Books? Childhood? Gardening? Thoughts? OTPs? OCs? I'm sure there are way more categories, I'm not limiting you to these listed options. Perhaps if it's an easier question what types of asks do you not like?
Detailed asks good yes
Vague asks??? Do not understand but open to the concept
Fandom: My first Fandom was X-Men, then Lord of the Rings, then Homestuck, Transformers, Fullmetal Alchemist, Teen Wolf, Avengers (first movie, when it came out), Batman, Overwatch briefly, Mass Effect, Gravity Falls, Trigun, and now my sister's getting me into Call of Duty! Feel free to ask about any!!
Movies: Yes movies are a great topic I have SO MANY
Oh lord I haven't consistently been up to date on books in FOREVER but yes books are good, you can ask book questions, I'm reading a lot of old classics and recently finished Pride & Prejudice, am now on The One That Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Childhood- oh my god bud you have no idea
Gardening- My house is full of plastic plants on account of how good I am at killing things
Thoughts- Always
OCs? YO YEAH GO FOR IT I NEVER TALK ABOUT THEM aaaaah I need to start writing again- I've been working on an urban fantasy for like. God like 7-8 years now
If I don't like an ask I'll just ignore or delete it but not much is off the table. I will not answer where exactly I live, who I am, if I'm a specific person you met, etc. for safety reasons.
I've worked in sex education so I can answer questions on that topic but if you get too personal or abrasive I will not respond.
I'm regularly flooded with donation requests and it's often too hard to figure out which are real and which are scams using stolen legit posts so as a general rule I do not spread those, I'm sorry.
And if you pop in to sexually harass me or use abusive language towards myself or others then I'm just gonna block you and delete the message.
If you want to warn me that a post I shared came from a bad source I do appreciate that, but if I do my research and can't find a legitimate reason to block someone then I probably won't.
I consider Legitimate Reasons to block someone on recommendation to be abusive language and behaviour, threats, bigotry, propagation of misinformation, production of AI content, and encouragement of dangerous behaviors that pose genuine harm to self or others. I'm not gonna block a random cause they enjoy Steven Universe and you think it's annoying. We all like stuff.
Thanks for asking!!! I probably shoulda talked about some of this myself, lol
EDIT: Terfs and radfems are block on sight, it's not your fault you're dumb but I am not capable of educating all of you
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