#Tee better give me the details
respectthepetty · 1 year
Hi Respect!
I really loved @placetneplacet's post calling out how Zo's fears around Joke went directly back to his interactions with Puen, and you highlighting the specifics of how it's impacted Zo throughout the series. You both tapped so adeptly into something I've been rather incoherently rambling about, regarding how fear is a reoccurring motif in the show. And I was curious about your thoughts (and anyone else's) on how Joke's fear is being portrayed so far. We're seeing him push through a lot of more...I don't want to say superficial, because they're still quite valid...but more traditional human phobias (height, rollercoasters, etc) due to his desire to be near Zo. But there was that one scene where he absolutely panicked at Zo not answering the door & phone, to a rather excessive degree (I think most of us would assume our friend was asleep or stepped out without their phone before we decided they were probably dying and needed our help). So it seems that he's able to overcome fears in order to get closer to love, but that same love is also his biggest Achilles' heel around fear.
It feels to me that Joke has a rather substantial fear around loss based on something that happened in the past. And I'm wondering if there's going to be something revealed that will cause Zo's fear to retrigger, and maybe pull back, and then that will create issues around Joke's fear around losing Zo...
Anyway, would love to hear your thoughts!
(Adore your color analysis, btw)
@befuddledcinnamonroll, this is me after reading this -
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@heretherebedork has mentioned a similar idea that Joke has his own issues with abandonment and loss due to the way he reacts to Zo's distance.
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I'm of the mind that Joke is simply a lovesick guy who subjects his cousin to Sad Boy Karaoke when Zo avoids him.
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But you and @heretherebedork have pointed out several instances of Joke panicking when it concerns Zo like the apartment moment.
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And @chicademartinica mentioned that episode three was just forty-five minutes of watching Joke panic to the point that he showed up in the middle of the night outside of Zo's apartment
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All because Zo was "acting weird earlier."
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When it was because he touched Zo, and Zo ran for the hills.
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But now that I think about it . . . maybe I've been too dismissive of Joke's behavior.
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I took Joke for being the usual pushy seme in a BL, but when it comes to Zo, he is really pushy.
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I have defended Joke's behavior because, to me, it's needed to break through Zo's resistance, but . . .
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Each time Joke has been called out for his behavior, he offers a variation of this response:
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And next week, when confronted with his hidden agenda (if it isn't him conspiring with Pat to get Zo, I'm going to be shocked - LOOK AT THE REFLECTION!)
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He offers the same reasoning - due to his actions being based on his care for and of Zo, he wasn't in the wrong.
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Which leads to Zo getting upset.
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During their pseudo-date, Zo told him the story of roses.
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In response, Joke mentioned he would never let his lover go.
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Joke stated he "would never let someone [he] loves face danger alone."
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We have four episodes left and have no idea where Joke's parents are. Why did he take Zo to meet his grandmother, and not his parents? But we've seen Joke cover for Nita to protect her from a stalker to the point that he didn't defend himself against rumors. And we saw how he reacted to James and Puen hurting his loved ones.
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Joke's reactions are reasonable to me, but both Nita and Zo had to drag him off James, and Joke wanted to fight Puen so the second Puen grabbed Zo's arm, Zo had to tell Joke to back off.
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I want there to be a reason beyond love that makes Joke so protective, but like you mentioned, what if love really is his Achilles' heel? What if Joke gets so blinded by love that he can't see reason? What if he wants to protect Zo so badly because one time he didn't?
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And what if it all stems from the freshy contest?
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Because even then, Joke had his reasons.
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Perhaps the one time Joke didn't cross the line and didn't push back, was the one time he didn't protect Zo.
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And he can't allow that to happen again.
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teamatsumu · 8 months
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compression. (sakusa kiyoomi x reader)
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summary: atsumu is the perfect person to feed your obsession with kiyoomi’s arms.
word count: 1172
warnings: swearing, very mildly suggestive (if you squint), detailed descriptions of kiyoomi’s arms in compression sleeves so it’s not for the faint hearted
tags: @keiva1000 @kindnessspreads @msbyomimi
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When you studied Marketing and Communications in university, you didn’t exactly anticipate that your future would include you managing a V League Division 1 sports team. But every day when you went into work, you thanked the gods above that this is where your career path had led you, because that meant you could ogle Sakusa Kiyoomi and his infamous compression sleeves all day.
Oftentimes you were certain Kiyoomi didn’t mean anything by them. For him, they were practical. They kept his arms taut and ready for the ball. They made his movements sharper. He received the ball better. He didn’t have to feel his bare skin on the dirty court. These were all reasons you had heard straight out of his mouth. When you heard him mention them so nonchalantly, it almost made you feel bad for the absolutely sinful- borderline deranged- thoughts you had in your head about the way those sleeves made his arms look.
You were well aware of the kind of thoughts Kiyoomi’s choice of athletic wear caused among his fans. To put it simply and bluntly, they went feral over it. There were whole Twitter accounts dedicated to just his arms, or his chest. And as someone who often managed social media profiles for some of the members, you got to see the most unhinged of these comments with your own two eyes. And you would be the first to (secretly) admit that you agreed with 90% of what was being said, because holy shit did those sleeves do something to you.
Most of the time during practice, you could feel your eyes drift back over to the man in question, wearing a black sports tee and those godforsaken sleeves, working up quite the set as they played set after set to prepare for their next game. As the hours passed, Kiyoomi would get more and more disheveled, curls becoming unruly enough that he would grab a towel, biceps flexing as he ran it over the nape of his neck and dipped into the collar of his shirt. Christ almighty.
You should’ve known that you would eventually get caught. But if it was anyone who would notice, you had expected it to be Meian or maybe Coach Foster. But the person who did bring it up to you happened to be the biggest nightmare in this scenario; Miya Atsumu.
“Ya should be a little less obvious ‘bout it.” He commented when he trudged over to the bench where you sat, grabbing a water bottle and beginning to chug. You tore your eyes from Kiyoomi who now had his back to you, the muscles under his shirt flexing with every movement. You raised an eyebrow at the blond, not yet correlating his words with your hidden obsession. He placed the bottle down and placed a hand on his hip, giving you a knowing smirk.
“A blind grandma could notice the way yer lookin’ at him.”
Your eyes widened and cheeks flamed when he nudged his head in Kiyoomi’s direction, and you knew you had been caught. You clenched your jaw hard.
“You say a single word-”
He threw his hands up as if in surrender, effectively silencing your threat in its tracks.
“I won’t, promise! But there is one thing…..”
You groaned loudly, throwing your head back. Of course, of fucking course he would blackmail you with this.
“What do you want?” You deadpanned, glaring at him and preparing for the worst.
Atsumu looked a bit affronted, as if the mere insinuation that he might want something was preposterous to him. You gave him another tired look, until he sighed and gave up, plopping down heavily on the bench next to you.
“A phone number. Ya know that cute girl who comes by once a month? From the Volleyball Association?”
Atsumu’s mouth dropped like a child who just got slapped. “Hey c’mon! Ya didn’t even hear me out!”
You groaned and pinched the bridge of your nose, feeling a characteristic frontal headache begin to build, courtesy of Miya Atsumu. “I’m tired of setting you up with people, Tsumu! It won’t end well, as always-”
“I’ll get you a picture of Omi with his compression sleeves.”
You give him an unimpressed look. “I can get hundreds of those off the internet.”
“I’ll get you a picture of Omi with just his compression sleeves.”
That made you halt in your tracks. You searched Atsumu’s face for any form of mockery or lie, and you found none. Your eyebrows shot up when you realized he was being serious.
“In the locker room. I can get it for ya today.”
Oh my god. Instinctively, your eyes darted over to the man in question, who was talking to Hinata about something. It looked like volleyball tips since he had his arms before him in a receiving position, and Hinata was rapidly nodding to what he was saying.
“No.” You shook your head. “No, that’s wrong.”
“I’ll take a selfie with him, yeah? He will know there’s a photo. And I can send it in the groupchat.”
You look back at Atsumu, seriously contemplating his offer. He kept yapping, as per usual, thinking that the more he talked, the likelier it would be to convince you. And the bastard was right, it was working.
“No one else will bat an eye. We see each other in the lockers all the time. No big deal.”
You bit your lip in thought. The possibility of seeing Kiyoomi shirtless and only in compression sleeves had your pulse rising.
“And you just want her number in return?”
Atsumu nodded eagerly. You gave him a narrow-eyed glare.
“Send the picture. Then I will give you the number.”
His triumphant grin made it feel like he had already won. “Deal.”
That evening, when your phone pinged with a text notification, you nearly flew across the bed to grab it, opening the picture Atsumu sent in the groupchat with eager fingers and freezing as soon as you laid eyes on it.
Atsumu had held up his end of the bargain spectacularly.
He had taken the picture with Kiyoomi a little further in the background, so he could get the man’s full torso in it. He was facing slightly away from the camera, but his face was turned towards it, capturing the scowl between his eyebrows and the little pout of his mouth. He was gloriously shirtless, still a bit sweaty from practice, and he held his shirt in his hand, one arm flexed as he held it while the other was held carelessly by his side, compression sleeves hugging the cords of toned muscles just right.
There was another ping, pulling you out of your trance and making you realize just how dry your mouth had gotten. Atsumu had messaged you privately.
“My payment? ;)”
You rolled your eyes and sent him the number, immediately going back to the picture and starring it for future reference, a tiny smile quirking up the corner of your lip as you did so.
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angels-fantasy · 5 months
Omg, CONGRATULATIONS LITTLE BEAN 🎉 I'm so so happy and proud of you ❤️ Your writing is great, and I can't wait to see you expand and unleash your creativity even more!
I'd love to ask for "asking them what they first thought of you" with either Bakugo or Dani, whatever suits you better 🫰🏻
Asking Them What They First Thought Of You
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Dabi/Touya Todoroki x Reader
Details: mm nothing crazy but bakugou drops the L WORD also dabi might be ooc 😪
Word Count: 531
HII omg thank you for this request and kind message tee hee im so sorry i responded late T^T so i will give you both dabi and bakugou!!
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"hey dabi, what did you think about me when we first met?"
dabi's face scrunched up at that question. he didn't really remember, if he was being completely honest, he just knew he was extremely wary of you since he didn't know anything about you at the time.
but, he did notice that you didn't let his distant personality bother you, and that meant something to him.
he played with a lock of your hair, twirling it around his fingers as he thought of an answer. "i dunno, i just know i didn't trust you." he said, making you frown up at him.
"you can't be a little more romantic about it?" you grumbled, making him let out a husky laugh.
"sorry, romance isn't really my thing. but if it makes you feel better, i did think you were hot."
you smacked him on the shoulder, "shut up!"
he hissed, "ouch, you pack a punch huh?"
you humphed and flexed your arm, "you bet i do."
he laughed lightly and looked up at the ceiling, "seriously though, i didn't trust you at all in the beginning and i definitely thought you were attractive... but then you helped me learn how to trust you, so i started to think of you as a good person. better than me, at least."
since dabi was looking away, he didn't notice the tears welling up in your eyes and only realized you were crying when he heard you sniffle.
"dabi! that's so sweet." you cried, "y-you've never said anything so cute before."
he groaned, "yes i have!"
you ignored his words and wiped your nose on his shoulder, making him sigh.
"katsuki! what did you think about me when we first met?"
"i thought you were annoying." he replied immediately, making you pout.
"be serious! i know you don't mean that."
he sighed and closed his eyes while he thought of an answer, opening them a few seconds later and turning to face you.
"i guess i thought you were pretty interesting, unlike every other extra we know-"
"what have i told you about calling people extras?" you asked, cutting him off and making him grumble.
"anyways - you weren't as annoying or dumb as everyone else so i allowed you around me." he said and crossed his arms.
you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and laid your head on one of them, "are you sure it wasn't my good looks and charming personality?"
he smiled and moved you around slightly so he could wrap his arms around you instead. "maybe that was a part of it, but only a little bit." he teased.
you laughed, knowing he was only messing with you.
he smiled at your laughter, happy that you knew he was joking with you. that was something that a lot of people misunderstood about him. qmost of the time his harsh words and tone had no meaning behind them, but not everyone knew that. so when you came around and you immediately caught onto that, he knew he had to keep you around.
"love you kats" you said, voice muffled by his chest that you were squished in.
"mm, love ya too."
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authors note
i hope you enjoyed :')
taglist for bakugou fics: @doumadono @shonen-brainrot @b134ch-m4h-ey3z
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year
teamwork (makes the dream work...?) epilogue
summary: they ass is NOT doing homework 🤣
wc: 1k+
A/N: That's a wrap, guys! tysm for reading and enjoying!
prev 'if you believe in me'
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“Miles, what is this emo shit you got me listening to?” you laughed.
Miles was currently in the middle of an imaginary drumming solo next to you, with two mechanical pencils as drumsticks. Once the final cymbal crashed, he turned to you to respond.
“I don’t give a fuck if it’s emo, that beat goes crazy. You done with your conclusion yet?” 
You rolled your eyes.
“No, but I’ve got all my body paragraphs together.”
“That shit is due Monday,” the boy adjusted his glasses, “Mr. Padilla don’t do extensions.”
Shutting your laptop in protest, you got up and stretched your arms. “Can we take, like, a ten-minute break?”
Miles smirked. “The last half hour felt like a ‘break’, but sure.”
The smirk fell from his face when he noticed you staring at something on his desk.
“Aye, don’t touch nothing–”
“Is this me?”
Too late.
Miles’ notebook was already in your hands, flipped to a page full of sketches of your face. There were little lines scratched out next to each sketch, as if he were measuring the proportions of your eyes, nose, ears... 
His lines were sharp and geometrical, as always, but they softened at your hair and lips. Speaking of lips, there was an oddly-detailed sketch of them off to the side. He’d even managed to include the suggestion of gloss.
You looked up to see Miles standing in front of you with his arms crossed, expression unreadable. 
“You done invading my privacy yet?” 
“Nope,” you placed a finger on the page. “How long did you need to stare at my face for this?”
You held back a laugh when he tensed visibly.
“Not long enough for it to matter,” he deadpanned, finally snatching the notebook out of your hand. “It was just a study.”
“Oh, so you’ve been ‘studying’ my lips? Got it.”
Miles’ eyes flickered down at them as you spoke before he returned to his spot on the bed. “Whatever. Break’s over.”
“Aw, don’t be like that,” you teased as you followed him, “the drawings are nice! You made me look prettier.”
The boy looked at you like he wanted to say something - to argue - but he remained silent. You elbowed him playfully in the side.
“What, you think I’m ugly, then? I’m telling you, Morales, one day we gon’ fight–”
“No,” he interrupted.
“Complete sentences, please,” you mimicked, laughing when the boy sucked his teeth in response.
“Fine. No, you’re not ugly, and I like drawing you. Can we move on?”
With a triumphant smile, you finally cracked open your laptop again. “Yes, yes we can. I need your genius powers to proofread this for me.”
Miles leaned in to get a good look at your screen, hitting you with the crisp scent of sports deodorant and some generic brand of lotion. You watched his eyes dart back and forth as he read your work out loud to himself in a low mutter. While he read, your gaze drifted away from the screen and landed on his side profile. His ears were now delightfully occupied by tiny gold studs that you would’ve missed at a farther distance. Past his jawline at the nape of his neck, a thin gold chain peeked out at you from beneath his black graphic tee.
Your eyes met Miles’ the moment you brought them back up to his face, amusement playing on his features.
“Yo, are you good? There something on my shirt?”
“Nope,” you shook your head. “Go back to reading.”
He raised an eyebrow. “I’m done. I just said you need to switch these two body paragraphs so they flow better.”
“Yeah, ‘oh’,” he laughed, dimples on display. “I’m scared I’mma get my face stolen one day. Do you stare at everybody like that?”
A beat of silence passed as you considered whether to say something bold a second time, if not just for a reaction.
“...Nah, it’s just you.”
Miles blinked, the smile dropping from his face. “Huh?”
“You’re nice to look at, and I can’t draw you in my notebook to make it last longer,” you tilted your head comically. “Staring will have to do.”
Like clockwork, the boy’s hand shot up to his ear to toy with his piercing. He glanced out of the window. 
“The sun’s setting, you should really get that essay done,” he blurted out before narrowing his eyes at you. “What’s so funny?”
You had a hand over your mouth to stifle the laughter. “I’m sorry,” you giggled, “it’s funny when you’re nervous.”
Miles scoffed.
“I’m not nervous.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” you sang, beginning to type your conclusion paragraph.
There was no response. 
Your typing slowed as the silence grew long, feeling Miles’ eyes on you until you finally stopped to look at him quizzically.
“You don’t believe me?”
“Can’t say that I do.”
He leaned in closer until your noses were in danger of brushing each other, looking determined despite the rapid rise and fall of his chest. You met his gaze with a challenge.
“Well? You just gon’ sit there?”
Miles couldn’t hear anything above the heartbeat pounding in his ears, his eyes squeezed shut as he closed the distance between you. 
No one told him that kissing would feel this weird.
For one, your lip gloss wasn’t half as sticky as he’d anticipated it to be, tasting like artificial fruit flavoring. Your sweaty palm came up to rest on the side of his face and kept him anchored as his breath stuttered. Having no idea where he would put his hands (another thing no one had explained to him), he kept them flat on the mattress for support as you deepened the kiss and he leaned back. 
Your hand was gripping his chin now to guide his face. Having kissed at least two other boys before, you had a vague idea of where it was supposed to go. Unlike the other two, Miles was tense, almost unmoving, despite being the initiator.  
Miles’ head buzzed when you pulled away, chuckling softly.
What the hell was so funny? The boy felt white hot blood rapidly coursing through all of the veins in his body at once. He thought he might start floating, like a hot air balloon. Or explode. Or vomit. Preferably the first one.
“Are you okay?” you asked, dropping your hand. “You look like you’re about to faint.”
He blinked slowly, three times. “Yeah, I’m…fine.”
“You sure?”
“I’m sure. That was, um…” 
Hand on the neck. “Interesting.”
“A good interesting, I hope,” you laughed.
Miles tilted his head, a small grin spreading across his lips.
“I don’t think I’d mind doing that again.”
Handing the boy your phone, you said, “I think you’d need my number for that.”
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eevees-hobbies · 27 days
Hello! 1. your writing is AMAZING and 2. Sorry for this long request.
Can I request experienced!Reader x virgin!Sakura smut (or you can make it that he doesn't have that much experience as the reader). Sakura and the reader have always done things like heavy makeout sessions and him receiving bjs. He starts to feel bad because he hasn't eaten her out yet and he doesn't want to disappoint her, she always tells him to take things at his pace and that she will always be there for him when he's ready to take things further. So he asks the guys for advice on how to eat her out and then during movie date night at her place he's acting more flustered/nervous than usual and she notices. He then confesses that he wants her to feel pleasure to and that the reason why he hasn't done it yet is because he doesn't want to disappoint her but he wants to try and eat her out. You can have them go all the way after or just leave it at that. I'll be happy either way😊😊. Thank you in advance!!!
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Author’s Note: Thank you so much for your kind words! This was fun to write and I hope you enjoy this. I’ll always enjoy writing for Haru, so this request was very much appreciated.
Synopsis: Sakura loves the fuck out of you, so maybe that’s why he’s asking his friend, Hayato Suo, to help him get better at initiating oral sex. Totally normal things happen to an orange, but it’s all worth it in the end, right?
Content Warning:  experienced!FemReader x inexperienced!Sakura. defiling of fruit, sexual education in a public place, pray (and perform a wellness check) for Suo’s girlfriend, dirty talk, insecure Sakura, harmless teasing, use of pet name baby girl, cocky Sakura makes an appearance at the end (because I can’t help myself), I curse a lot in my writing, cunnilingus, fingering, brief p in v. I’m on my usual bullshit, but at least the writers block is gone! Minors Do Not Interact.
Word Count: 3.1K
Story banner by me. Dividers by Firefly Graphics. As always, likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated!
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“The first time we held hands, I thought my head would explode.”
“I see. Go on…”
“The first time we made out, I….” Sakura looks away, a crimson blush making its way past the collar of his white tee and up his neck. “I could hear my heart beating in my ears or somethin’ cliche like that.”
Suo couldn’t help but feel the corner of his mouth twitch upward at his inexperienced friend’s confession. Still, he knew better than to poke at Sakura. He was attempting to be supportive, and supportive friends don’t tease their friends during bouts of insecurity—much. When Suo had received a text message from Sakura the night before indicating that he had an urgent request, he knew he had to temper his usual faux-cheerful demeanor and provide his friend with whatever he needed.
But he wasn’t expecting this conversation.
Sakura shifts uncomfortably in the booth across from Hayato, his eyes now darting down to his knuckles, which always seem permanently purple and red with bruises and fresh knicks. “And the first time she….you know…”
Suo’s eyebrow quirks up, expecting Sakura to elaborate further, but he doesn’t. To prompt Sakura to continue, Suo clears his throat and carefully navigates the next sentence, “I don’t really know what you mean, Sakura. Care to be a bit more specific?”
Sakura lets out a frustrated scoff, but he knows that if he wants Suo to help him, he’s going to need to give him details—details that he had fully intended to always go to the grave with.
“The first time she gave me head…”
The cup of tea that Suo was bringing up to his lips shakes ever so slightly, but he offers a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes and provides a supportive nod. 
Sakura sighs, figuring it’s too late to hold back now; he dives into the issue, ready to be judged at best, and laughed out of the restaurant at worst. “The first time she gave me head, I swear to fuckin’ god, if there is a god, I fell in love. But she’s always….doing stuff to me, and I haven’t done much for her.”
Suo nods, places his cup of tea down, and looks thoughtfully at his friend. “Sounds like you’d like to return her…kind gestures.”
Sakura runs a hand through his hair and nods, “Yeah, that’s it. I want to do stuff to her instead of her doing stuff to me, but I don’t know how to-”
The silence that settles between the two is deafening. Sakura shifts uncomfortably in his seat, and Suo can’t help but look at his friend with sympathetic eyes. Usually, he’s the first one to tease Sakura, especially involving his relationship with you, but this feels different. Suo’s eyes wandered to an orange currently serving as a garnish on the small plate of untouched Omi Rice Sakura had ordered. “May I?’
Sakura shrugs, unsure what he plans to do with a piece of fruit. Doesn’t he see that he’s in crisis and Vitamin C can wait?
Suo grabs a knife and cuts the citrus down the middle, exposing the soft center. Discarding one half, he holds up the other to curious, dual-colored eyes. “Do we need to go over the basics of female anatomy? Like the labia and clitoris?”
Sakura sputters as he hears his friend say words he’s only heard you—his girlfriend—say. His eyes dart to the nearest escape route, but Suo's firm kick under the table brings his attention back to the scene in front of him. Sakura looks away in frustration and gives a curt nod, indicating that, at the very least, he could point to certain parts of your body and identify them.
He wasn’t THAT far gone. 
Suo nods, “Well, I’d say the battle is half-won, then. Let’s talk about what women like, shall we?”
Suo brings a finger up to the center of the orange where the small opening glistens with droplets of juice that are now dripping languidly down his fingers. The scene before Sakura is practically obscene, and the irony of Suo using fruit for his sexual education lesson that looks similar to your intimate area does not fly over his head, even though he wishes it did. 
As Suo points to the plump center, his finger gently strokes the small hole. “Some people immediately think it’s a good idea to force their fingers in with little thought to foreplay, but that’s crude, hostile, and not the trait of a good partner. In fact, bullying your fingers in could very well hurt her, so I personally like to take a few hours to get my girlfriend aroused.”
Hours?! Sakura doesn’t think he can come near being the type of libido-beast that Suo is. He briefly gives a silent prayer for his friend's partner but leans in nonetheless to listen intently.
“Now, the tip of your tongue can be rather overstimulating at first, so remember that the clitoris deserves to be kissed, too. Your lips are your ally.”
Sakura swallows thickly as he tunes in and watches his friend defile an orange in Cafe Pothos. As his cheeks burn, his fingers twitch, and his cock hardens as Suo goes into great detail about how much pressure the clitoris can take. Sakura can’t help but think that he must be absolutely, horrendously down bad for you to deal with this shit.
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“I can’t BELIEVE she was Lady Whistledown this entire time!” 
You reach for the remote to select the next episode of Bridgerton, but a lack of response from Sakura, who is sitting on the couch next to you, causes you to look over. You can sense that what you just said didn’t register because he seems lost in thought, his thumb placed between his upper and lower canines as he chews on the skin aggressively.
“Kitten?” You turn your entire body to face him, worry already etching across your face. 
His eyes look up at you, and the faraway look quickly dissipates as he gives you a grunt.
“You’ve been distracted all night. Should we head to bed, or can we talk about it?” You offer him a gentle smile, hoping the bond you share will be stronger than any secret he may be keeping from you. You watch as he visibly swallows, his adam’s able bobbing as he turns to you, and he lowers his now mangled thumb to rest in his lap. The way he avoids eye contact, the way the air now feels somewhat stale with unspoken words, has your breathing slowing and you preparing to hear the worst. 
“Let me…eat you out.”
You blink once, twice, and then several more times as you stare at each other. You place a gentle hand on his knee, and your confused eyes meet his vulnerable ones. “Sakura, what the absolute fuck?”
He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest. You can see a pout practically form on his lips as he fights the urge to end the conversation. But Sakura is a man on a mission, and he continues. You have to lean in to hear what he mumbles but as his mouth moves, you realize you heard him clearly the first time. “You give me head almost every day. I’m tired of not reciprocating.”
Everyday, Sakura? Let’s be real. Sure, you like giving your boyfriend head but your jaw isn’t permanently attached to his cock. You give him a blank stare before responding and trying to keep your voice light and without a hint of sarcasm–and god, you REALLY want to be sarcastic right now but you’re a good girlfriend.
“Sakura, our relationship isnt about keeping score, especially in regards to our intimacy. I don’t count how many blowjobs I give you,” you pause as you realize you just spoke a lie. “Well, maybe I do count, but only because I have an ego, and I’m trying to beat a number I set in my head.”
Sakura’s eyes squint and he holds back the urge to ask further questions about your perverted personal goals. “That’s so weird. Anyway, it isn’t about any of that. I want to do it. I think about doing it a lot.”
You tilt your head to the side, your ear facing him a bit more because did your boyfriend, the one who was emotionally stunted when you met him, admit to fantasizing about you? “You think about eating me out? Say more, please.”
“Fuuuuuck, why are you so-. Fine! I think about it when you’re on the couch with your legs spread–I mean, sure, it isn’t lady-like–but it’s hot and I think about just getting on my knees and…”
“I might pop you for the lady-like comment but I’ll refrain because you made me tingle.”
“Shut up and…spread your legs.”
You purse your lips, stifling a giddy giggle at your boyfriend using his stern voice. You shimmy out of your sleep shorts and throw them haphazardly to a corner to be forgotten about until who-knows-when. 
Putting on a brave front, and as though he’s done this many times before, Sakura rises from the couch and perches himself between your legs with his knees firmly placed on the plush rug on the floor.
You bite your lip—his gaze is unyielding and smoldering. You aren’t surprised at how hot your face is getting under his stare; it’s almost enough to make you clamp your legs shut and call the whole thing off, but you couldn’t if you wanted to as his hands, which are placed firmly against your inner thighs, grip you like you’re being held open in stirrups. 
“It's nothing like an orange…”
“A what!?”
Before you can say anything and before you can back out, Sakura is leaning forward, his breath is hot and fanning against your labia. For some reason, you need to look anywhere but at the top of his head as his tongue slips past your folds and swirls small circles around your clit. His hesitancy is palpable, making you a bit insecure until he pulls back, an earnest but determined look in his eyes, “Am I doing ok? Does this feel…right? I’m trying to imagine an orange, but it’s completely different.”
Weird recurring comments about oranges aside, you realize he’s not hesitant because of you. He’s hesitant because he’s worried that he isn’t doing a good job. He’s hesitant because, above all else, Haruka will always desire to impress and please you, and anything less is unacceptable to him. His inexperience has always been a non-issue for you, but to him, it’s a crutch and another way he feels like he doesn’t deserve you. 
Your gaze softens and you give him an encouraging smile. “You’re doing amazing, Kitten.”
The corner of his mouth twitches upward and with a dignified nod, he dives back between your thighs. Your praise fuels his desire to please you—and that fire burns bright, and the cautious licks before are replaced with suckles and tongue swipes that are far more confident. 
Your head falls back to rest against the cushiony headrest of the couch. Your hand finds the back of his head and pushes him in further, encouraging him to get lost in you and risk drowning. Sakura doesn’t mind the threat of suffocation as he considers it a worthy way to go. Still, he thinks you’re getting a little too cocky, and humbling you is his favorite pastime, so the gesture earns a playful nip to your thigh from Haruka, which in turn makes you giggle.
“Can’t you be serious for once? I’m trying to eat you out down here.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full, Kitten.” Despite your snarky come-back, you give him an encouraging moan that’s brought upon by open-mouthed kisses against your clit. Sakura willingly entwines his long fingers with yours, his thumb tenderly stroking the inside of your palm.
His other hands grips the plush of one of your thighs and pushes them forward, pressing them against your stomach and allowing himself the unbridled access he craves to get as deep as his tongue will reach. His licks become far more aggressive as he takes the time to map out your cunt through eager exploration. He commits every one of your sinful moans and gasps to his memory and revels in the way in which you get increasingly louder for him. 
Each one of your cries makes his cock twitch, and he finds himself having to adjust himself in his jeans. The scent of you, the sound of you, is simply intoxicating. You, to Haruka Sakura, are everything and then some. Your pleasure is his pleasure and he’s going to take that fact out on your cunt which is growing increasingly more sloppy just for him. 
Something that felt intimidating only hours ago now feels natural to Sakura as he drags his tongue across your clit, smirking as he feels it swell and twitch under the assault of his muscle. 
“You’re dripping for me. We might need a new couch after I’m done with you.” 
You can’t help but roll your eyes because fuck, why is he so-oh! Yeah, that’s the spot. You nod in agreement as you spread your legs wider to give him better access. “Y-yeah, a trip to IKEA is definitely in the future, I think.” Without little to no warning, he pushes two fingers into you so deeply that his knuckles kiss your entrance. Haruka’s fingers curl, and the sound of him twisting them inside you makes a lewd, wet sound, the kind that would make anyone blush. 
The pads of his fingers rub against the bundle of nerves deep within your aching sex. Sakura lets out a satisfied grunt as he strokes the spongy bundle of ridges. He doesn’t need an orange to see that this is what you like, all he needs to do is look down at the way your toes curl or watch as your eyes roll back and you bite into the plush of your bottom lip.
“Holy fuckin’…just relax for me. Don’t act like we haven’t been here before, at least.”
You let out a pathetic whimper, the sensation of being filled up almost threatening to push you over the edge, and he fucking knows it. He’s doing this on purpose, stroking you like this, making you more sensitive than you already are as you drip into the palm of his hand.
You look down to give him a glare, but you can’t help the squeak that leaves your lips—his intense gaze is set on you and threatening to light you ablaze. He stands up so that he’s kneeling over you, his face mere inches from yours, as he continues to push and pull his fingers in and out of your fluttering sex. 
“Look at you….a fuckin’ mess. Look me in my eyes while you use my fingers to get off.” His eyes are scanning your face in predatory reverence, they flicker down to your lips as you let out a low guttural moan. “That’s it, baby girl. Cum for me.”
Your heart palpitates dangerously as he uses a pet name that feels so intimate you want to melt into the couch. Your bottom lip quivers as you begin to buck your hips to meet the motion of his fingers, but it’s hard to keep up when he’s finger fucking you like he owns every inch of your cunt.
“Tch, what are you trying to prove by holding out?” His lips ghost against the sensitive skin of your earlobe, his tongue darting out to lick and suckle at the sensitive flesh. 
“You’re practically milking my fingers right now. You like every single inch that I give you, don’t you? You get so hungry for just a touch.” His voice is husky, his words only making you ache and arch more as the cocky, ex-Bofurin leader goads you on.
His mouth finds its way to the curve of your neck as he presses his lips against your quickened pulse. The proximity and gesture feels tender until you feel his teeth sinking into your skin, sending a delicious, searing pain shooting through your very being. “Cum like a good girl so I can bend you over this fuckin’ couch.” His voice is hoarse and coursing with his desire for you, and he’s not asking you to let go for him, he’s demanding it.
Your face, despite being contorted into pleasure, heats up because who the fuck talks like that? 
Haruka Sakura does. 
You groan, pressing the palm of your hand against the nape of his neck and pull him forward so you can give him the physical and verbal praise he seeks–your moans fill his mouth and your hips grind against his hand to roll out your orgasm in desperation. He eagerly presses his palm against your clit, adding more pressure to the sensitive bud that takes your breath away as he continues his curling, pushing, and pulling of his fingers.
You let out a final moan into his mouth and the smirk that forms on his lips as they press against yours does not go unnoticed. You haven’t realized it, or maybe you have, but at that moment, you created a monster. He now knows you better than he ever did and will use it against you every chance he can. He may be unable to commit to hours of foreplay, but he can guarantee that every second in which he’ll have you spread open for him will have you looking at him exactly as you’re looking at him right now. He’s committed to your pleasure moving forward and makes absolutely no apologies for it. 
“Theeeeere she goes. Now was that so hard?” Your half-lidded gaze meets his arrogant and pleased one as he pulls away, his hands already moving to unbutton his jeans. “Guess I’ll start to keep a number in my head to beat now, too.” 
You don’t have time to react before he’s turning you around and positioning so that you're offering yourself up to him and he’s adjusting himself between your spread legs.
And Sakura is truly pleased with himself as he places a hand on your lower back to steady you as he slides into your welcoming warmth. His eyes roll back because you fit him sooooo fucking well. Like a goddamn glove, and fuck, you feel even better with his saliva dripping out of you. 
Who the fuck needs store-bought lubricant when you could just produce your own with spit? Moving forward, Sakura fully intends to put Astroglide out of business. 
As the loud squelches and airy sounds of his cock spreading you in half fills the air, Sakura reflects on how he got here. 
He can’t help but give a mental thanks to the orange that made this all possible–and he guesses, also Suo, but mostly the orange.
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blankwashed · 3 months
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“mmm yes cling on to me baby, you’re so fucking wet for me y’know?” he tightens his grip around your neck. “ma fucken’ slut aren’t ya? drippin’ wet before the store closes, before daddy can feast on ya….”
your only reply was to yell moan at the pleasure your boyfriend was giving you. his large hands were snaking up your shirt, cold hands touching your hot flesh making you shriek. you needed him, you needed his thick cock sliding down your throat as you gasp for more.
“s-so cold…” you mumbled, just a whisper to him. toji smirked at how fucked up you were at this point. breathless, dripping and shameless. the shutters to the cafe weren’t brought down yet, giving a possibility to whoever would walk pass the store late at night.
“ya like it don’t cha? hmm?” he peppered kisses on your neck to your sternum. “wanna be a little public swinger, huh?”
you were lost for words, eyes and mouth drooling with tears and saliva. all you could do was to nod, unsure of what he would do next. looking into his green alluring eyes that hinted on years of experience and wisdom. they were telling you a story that only you could fulfil.
toji’s smirk darkened and licked his lips sensually, “but all of this..” he referred to your clothed body, “is mine. no one else gets to see what you have beneath your clothes other than me, doll.”
he didn’t like how you were silent and gave your ponytail a tug, making you yelp. “c’mon doll, you can do better than that can’t you? show daddy how he’s making ya feel,” toji continues as his face was centimetres away from yours. your heart was beating so fast as if it was on a race track and you were sweating with drops trickling from your forehead.
you tried to unleash yourself from his grasp, only inches away from him. as each button was removed, you noticed his breath was getting heavier and louder, as if he was a jaguar ready to pounce on its prey…before he stopped you.
“leave ya apron on, doll.”
confused, you followed his orders, stripping yourself naked except for the pink frilly hello kitty apron.
“…like this, daddy?” you asked, timidly but also clearly flustered. toji nodded and lifted your chin up with his hand, “perfect, kitten.” he said.
you suddenly were anxious, worried that security or the boss of the cafe were to step in unannounced. your eyebrows furrowed and you bit your lip while looking back and forth from the windows to toji.
he noticed your worry but only gave out a chuckle, “doll, im not going to close the doors tonight. because….you’ve been a bad, bad girl..”. you were confused, bad? what did you do today? all you did was serve drinks and cakes to the customers.
“b-but daddy, i didn’t do anything!” you tried to voice out but all that came out was a squeak. your unoccupied hands were playing with the frills of your apron.
“oh where should i start, doll?” he brought his hands to your waist, bringing you closer to him, ass facing his cock. he ground his hard cock against your dripping hole, making you whimper. “you were wearing a low-cut shirt today, weren’t cha? were you trying to tease me or to get me angry huh doll?” he growled into your ear.
it was true, you did wear the low-cut tee to tease him but you didn’t know this was what you were going to get. “s-sorry daddy! n-no more, i wont do it anymore i promise! i’ve learnt my lesson, please dadd-!” you cried out as loud as you could. as you were whimpering, toji gave your round ass a loud smack.
“AH!” your tears flowing even more at the impact of his hand.
“this has happened to you before my sweet doll, haven’t you learnt your lesson yet? or are ya trynna get daddy angry again?” he leans closer to your face after turning you around. gripping your face with his hands, you were able to see each detail of his muscular face.
you knew that the only way you were able to make him forget about your misbehaviour was to suck his cock. but..with the windows and door unlocked?
it doesn’t matter to you anymore whether anyone saw your public display of sex. if you don’t please daddy, he’s going to ruin you. kneeling down on nothing else other than the cafe’s floors, you brought down his jogger pants, always a choice for toji who has a thicc dick. its loose enough to hide his dick when he’s hard.
“fuckin’ slut…only thing you wanna do is suck me off, don’t you? such a fuckin’ slut, should tie you to my dick next time…” this wasn’t his protest but it made you salivate more. toji brought his hands to grasp your hair into a pony tail again, “girl, i think you’ve got to bring your hair up more next time..its going to make everything easier y’know?”
nodding, you started to take inches of him into your throat. his cock was hitting the back of your throat causing you to gag and make sounds that were music to his ears. “faster, bitch. and use ya hands..do i have to teach ya everythin’ again?” he mocked you while you were a slobbering mess, eyelash fallen to god knows where.
your mind only had past memories of toji cumming right on your pussy, your stomach, your face, your bed, you name it. it was fuel for you to help him teach his peak. on the other hand, you felt so dirty having his rough hands around your private parts. his tongue drooled on the pink nub of your pussy.
he’s nose deep into your soft pussy folds. “oh daddy, when have you not made me feel good?” you let out a sigh while letting his cock out of your mouth. you were unruly at this point, with only one goal in your mind, to make him cum all over your face.
toji was having his hands in your hair, bringing your face closer to his torso. the veins of his cock, bulging, ready to burst at any time. the cold air from the air-conditioning hitting your perky nipples, making them irresistible to toji.
“mmm daddy, cum already…my mouth’s tired..” you pouted, mouth away from his dick but your hands still jacking him off.
“ya’ sure? want me to cum already, dirty slut? c’mere” toji aligned himself, millimeters away your ass. he also knows how much you love it when he smacks your ass, he gropes and places his fingers through your hole. as he pummeled his cock deep into you, you let out throat screams of “ow!” and “ahh!”s.
“too much fo’yah, kitten? gotten so tight..stranglin' daddy's cock” he smirked and continue drilling till you became limp in his hands.
it was too much for you, the public sex, his large hands touching your skin. “fuck daddy…i’m coming, please please let me cum daddy!” you shouted while trying to grip onto any of his flesh in your reach. “same here, doll. we come at the same time mmkay?” he sped his hips up and grabs plush of your breast in his hands. the pain brought you to an overdrive, making you reach your climax almost immediately.
“floor, slut. lemme cum on your face, what a dirty slut…cumin’ before me huh..” he pushed you down into a sitting position and aimed his cock in front of your face. your feeble hands were trying to assist him but were whacked away by him. his eyes were closed and breathing was ragged when he splurged over your tiny face.
with your eyes closed, you licked your lips for the taste of his cum. toji chuckled, “c’mon. im sure the security guards are patrolling soon. and remember, your body is only mine.”
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i couldn’t sleep i needed to finish this. this was a fantasy of mine when i was working in a cafe as a waitress fr :3 sometimes it got so boring with the lack of customers, my mind just goes places.
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ghostbeam · 11 months
Tomura shigaraki x reader, tomura is an art student, takes place in the same universe as my charcoal artist!dabi stuff, tomura is like very insecure in some of this, if the writing feels pretentious and flowery and unnecessary that’s because it is<3
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His hair is getting long.
Running your fingers through the ends, you notice how it’s nearing his shoulders now. His head is in your lap, staring up at you as you lean against the mountain of pillows on your bed, clad in a pair of underwear and the tee shirt he arrived in. His jeans are stained with paint, hanging low on his hips, unbuttoned and quickly thrown on so he wasn’t naked and vulnerable in your lap. You thumb at the scar by the corner of his mouth and he kisses it, then your palm, then your wrist. Tomura takes your hand in between three careful fingers and places it over his heart.
Love is not how they told you it would be.
The two of you were assigned to the same group in painting iii, formed so that the students could give one another critiques independently. Only, you couldn’t find a single thing to critique in his work.
Tomura worked with oils—or Tomura lived and breathed and died for them. He painted people, always caught in a moment, in the middle of talking, or yelling, or drinking, or sleeping. His attention to detail was unlike anything you’d ever seen before, colors you’d never realized could appear in skin tones, shine on limbs and cheeks that made his subjects both more alive and human than any real person. His work felt sort of dirty, sweaty, perpetually damp. But it was beautiful. You couldn’t say a thing about it.
He’d confronted you about it one afternoon, stuffing handouts from the professor into his bag, which looked to be filled with more loose paper and no text books.
“Do you hate it that much?” It was the first time he’d ever talked to you, actually talked to you and not just about your work during a critique. “You never have anything to say.”
It stuns you for a moment, his anger and annoyance, how he’s decided to aim it at you instead of the group of people clamoring for issues with his painting all class period.
“I’m supposed to point out flaws, tell you where you could have done better, explain how I wasn’t moved,” you explain, staring down at your shoes, “but I can’t do that. There’s not—I don’t see how I could possibly tell you how you could do better.”
“That’s bullshit.” He mutters, slinging his bag over his shoulder. “Don’t just say what I want to hear. I won’t like you any more for it.”
He leaves you standing alone in the classroom. Like you? He thought it was about being liked? You’re in such awe of him that you can’t speak, and he thinks you’re just trying not to hurt his feelings.
During the next class, when he stands before your group for critique, you don’t say a word. And he keeps looking at you like he’s waiting for it, like you’ll be angry enough at him for last week that you’ll rip his painting apart. But your silent, once again. Nothing’s changed.
He’s the first one out of the class once you’re dismissed. He walks fast, and you’re out of breath by the time you catch up with him, resting a hand on his shoulder that he flinches away from. Your breath comes out in quick puffs that you can see, wrapping your coat tighter around yourself as you fix him with a glare.
“You’re wrong.” You say once he’s turned around. “I don’t care if you like me or not after critique. It’s not about sparing your feelings. I’ve never seen anything like what you do. And I watch you in class, and you paint like something is clawing it’s way out of you, like you need to do it or you’ll die.”
“You’re honest with everyone else but me.” He argues, unable to accept your words. You have real things to say to your peers. You don’t hold back with them. You make them better. Why couldn’t you do that for him?
“You are not everyone else.” You watch his eyes widen at your words, and if you had any shame, maybe you wouldn’t have said something so bold. “You’re leagues above all of us. Everyone knows it, and that’s why they’re harsh on you.”
Where you say nothing, your group rips into him, picking at each and every detail until there’s nothing left. He takes it all in stride, accepting their words like it’s absolute truth, and returning to his canvas with sunken shoulders and furrowed brows, concentrated on how he could be better. It’s exactly what they want.
He opens his mouth the say something, but stops, feeling a drop of something fall on his cheek. He looks up at the dark clouds above the two of you, and it begins to rain. He curses, taking a hold of your hand and leading you underneath the front of the design building.
“They’re harsh because I deserve it.” He points out, still holding your hand. You could say a million things right now, tell him in detail how moved you are by every piece he makes, but his hand is still in yours, and you don’t trust yourself not to trip over your words because of it. You can only shake your head.
“Why can’t you accept that you’re brilliant?” You question, exasperated. It makes him laugh, his smile being something you’ve never seen before. It makes you think of all the people who have seen this smile before, the stretch of his lips, the creases by his eyes. Had they felt this lucky?
“I think you’re crazy.” He tells you, knocking his knuckles against your head.
“Do you wanna go out?” You ask before you’re able to stop yourself. He leans away from you, surprised.
“What?” You can’t find the words to speak, to tell him you’re sorry, that it was uncalled for, that you’re a total creep. His face is red, you notice. He speaks a moment later, “yes.”
Rising from your lap, he leans over you, kissing your lips with as much tenderness as he had your palm. Your lips are his favorite thing to paint, second only to your thighs which he grips tightly as he wraps your legs around his waist.
When he’d met you, all full of hope and belief in him of all people, he’d thought of you as such a faraway thing. Unattainable. If you couldn’t talk about his work, there was no way you’d ever talk to him. But he was wrong, something he rarely ever is, your faith in him changing how he viewed his own art forever.
He paints you. He paints you a lot. He even paints the two of you together, though your faces are never in those ones, just bodies tangled together on one canvas. He’d call you his muse if you didn’t hate it. And besides, he knows you’re so much more.
If there had been something inside of him clawing it’s way out, you had noticed it, freed it, kept it safe with you so it wasn’t so agonizing to carry on his own.
No, it’s not how they told him it would be at all.
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letters2won · 8 months
Hi may I ask for an idolNiki x black reader fiction Where she's one year younger than him and is really scared to admit her feelings/confess because of fans who say that he doesn't like black people /black girls soo she starts to try and give him space so she doesn't come off as clingy/pushy and he tells her that their just stupid obviously and that he loves her too but she so convinced that the fans are right
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pairing: idol!niki x black!reader ⋆ genre: hurt/comfort ⋆ warnings: self doubt, harmful comments, let me know if i missed anything!
1.2k wc
⤷ i hope this was to your liking :( it’s my first time trying hurt/comfort but this was nice to write so thank you for requesting
did i get emotional writing this? yes because i related to this a lil tee much 🤏
¡ requests: open !
Everyone could see the love seeping out of you for Niki. You knew what you were getting into the moment you felt these feelings starting to rise.
They were only getting stronger and stronger day by day, it was hard trying to not spill out a monologue to him on what was stirring inside of you.
But lately, you realized how out of reach he is. Noticing all the beautiful fair skinned girlies surround him caused you to spend time staring at your own reflection. You started to softly touch your cheeks and hair, furrowing your eyebrows at the thought of him not wanting to date someone like you.
You rubbed your face tiredly as you walked out your bathroom and into your dorm room.
“Hey yn! Hope you don’t mind that I used your spare key..”
You jumped at the sound of his voice, holding your chest before going to hit him with your pillow. “Niki! You should’ve at least texted me, someone could’ve seen you, you know!” and in response he just rolled his eyes playfully.
“How was your fansign today?” you asked as you got up to grab some clothes he left over to change in knowing his current clothes were too hot. You didn’t notice him staring at your every movement before he hummed to himself.
“Tiring… but it was funny! Heeseung-” he then proceeded to go into detail about everything that went down. You gave him reassuring hums and smiles to let him know you’re still listening even with you back turned.
You eventually felt your heart drop at a mention of a fan. “And there was a pretty engene today! She was so charming and funny, definitely had a way with her words” he chuckled lightly to himself.
Biting the inside of your cheek, now you know you definitely can’t confess anything to him.
“You must be tired, yea? Are you staying the night?”
He frowned slightly, “Can’t, I have practice all day tomorrow so you probably won’t hear from me.” You sighed and gave him a reassuring smile.
“That’s fine, text me when you're free, ‘kay?” and he nodded. You walked him to the door and gave him a big hug finding comfort in the warmth radiating off of him. He softly kissed your forehead before letting go, causing you to stare in awe.
“See you later pretty!” he cheekily stated before closing the door. Oh boy, you were in trouble, the pounding of your heart being living proof of it.
That night you tossed and turned, missing having his head on your chest through the night. You gave up trying to sleep and went to twitter, the bright screen causing you to squint a bit to adjust. Scrolling mindlessly on twitter until you came across a tweet that had your eyes watering a little.
“Niki wouldn’t date a black girl in my opinion, he probably also likes experienced girls too!”
Hurriedly, you look through the comments to see people agreeing with her. Yea a few comments were disagreeing but that didn’t make you feel better. You honestly felt sick to your stomach.
You sat up quickly to read more. “He definitely doesn't like them clingy, he enjoys personal space.” That’s how you found yourself going through a loophole on twitter feeling even more shitty about yourself.
Why did it have to be like this? Was that how he really feels? You know you could ask him, I mean he’s literally your best friend! But you felt too embarrassed to even ask him how he felt dating girls like you. Did he believe the stereotypes surrounding black girls?
Your heart started to ache. You already felt self conscious about your skin, but this just made you feel 10x shittier. You got up to stare at yourself again. Eyes tearing up as you start to wish your hair weren't so kinky and how you would love to have long blonde hair or blue eyes. Wishing you weren’t so different.
That night you went to bed with a heavy heart.
The next morning you saw Niki messages but you were still hurting and decided to avoid him. You can't handle looking at him or speaking to him knowing you’ll break down in front of him.
Niki on the other hand was worried that the forehead kiss is why you’re so distant. He could barely concentrate at practice. The boys noticed it, giving him concerned glances.
“Good work today boys! Niki you’re normally on your A-game but today you were so off. Work harder okay? Get some rest everyone, see you tomorrow,” the dance coach let out.
Niki was too spaced out to even care about what he had to say. He was in a rush to see you. He needed to make sure he didn’t break any boundaries. He couldn’t lose you like this, he thought to himself as he rushed out the dance studio.
He knew it was risky to be at your dorm without any disguise but he pushed it to the back of his mind as soon as he saw your door come into view.
Knocking anxiously but you didn’t move an inch. Not wanting to get bothered right now as you cuddle up with your blanket and comfort cartoon show playing in the background.
Niki checked his pockets hoping he brought the spare key with him.
Sighing in relief, he quietly opened your door. Your dimly lit up living room welcomed him in as he closed the door softly. He could already tell something was wrong as he recognized your comfort show playing which made him even more anxious.
“Yn…can we talk?”
Your saddened eyes turned to look at him and he felt like he was shot in the heart seeing you look like this. He cautiously sat on your bed as he heard the soft sobs echo through the room.
“I just wish I could be what you wanted, Niki. You are so close but so out of reach from me. If I was pale skinned would it be different, I wonder? Would you feel less ashamed knowing I fit in with you?”
Niki pulled you closer to him, rocking back and forth. “Is that why you've been ignoring me? Because of those stupid opinionated comments?”
“Yn, I liked you for you. I love how we are different from each other. Being able to learn from you and see things from your point of view helped me grow as a person. It helped me learn to love you.”
Your head shot up, scanning his face to see if you heard wrong. “Yn you didn’t hear wrong, i meant it.”
“You’re so beautiful to me and I want you to allow me to show you that” Niki finished up.
Eyes tearing up as you sense his sincerity, you pushed your forehead against his. “Sorry for making you worry.. I was already embarrassed.”
He rubbed you back comfortingly, “Don’t be embarrassed, you’re allowed to feel like this, just communicate with me, yea?” and you nodded in agreement.
You looked up at him and saw his eyes flicker to your lips, “can i?” he asked. You smiled and leaned your forehead against his again feeling his soft lips fit with your perfectly.
Sighing in content, he leaned back and you two stayed like that for the night. Holding on so dearly as if you might vanish in thin air.
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puppyluvfics · 3 months
NSFW Alphabet | Kim Jungsu
Kim Jungsu | WC: 1.4k Genre: smut Summary: nsfw alphabet game thing Warnings: this is just. PURE filth. I'm sorry. (No im not). NOT proofread, just straight up rambles. A/N: X is excluded bc i will Not be writing about him in that kind of detail <3 Thank u anonie for requesting this one <3
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I feel like he would be really giggly afterwards, but still really caring, y’know? He’d need a minute to lay there and pant and breathe and giggle with you, praising you and saying things like “I don’t understand how it gets better every time” and just breathlessly saying “wow” before he’d roll over and smother your face in kisses.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Okay hear me out. The butterfly tattoo photos keep me up at night thinking about how much he would love to have his neck marked up and how he’d be so proud to see that… not that it’s his favorite part about him, but it would easily become his favorite when he’d see the hickeys you left.
As for his partner, I think he would fall in love with anything he could just grab at… thighs, stomach, love handles, your chest, literally anything he can grab and hold onto… OR BITE??? Yeah. Yeah…. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
And if I say he loves backshots, then what? Getting right to the edge and then making a mess all over your back, grabbing onto your hips to hold you steady while he lets go? Yeah… yeah. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
So I said biting right? I don’t know if it’s a secret, per se, but I think he would love to leave bite marks on you that would be at least partially visible when you go out, like biting your shoulder before you’d go out wearing a big tee shirt so if it slid over, anyone could see the mark… possessive boy.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
On a scale of 1 - 10, I wanna give him like a 5… I feel like he knows his way around pleasure and knows how to make you both feel good, but he hasn’t really ventured into kink, yknow? But I do think he’s a very good listener so if you asked him to adjust something or do it a certain way you like, he would in a heartbeat.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy or Cowgirl, for sure. Doggy because of the backshots and ability to grab at you, but cowgirl because he could just reach up and grab at you and watch you feel good, almost using him, but not really, yknow? AND THEN??? Cowgirl but he’d pull your down onto his chest and grab at your ass so he could take control… yeah…
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I know I said he’s giggly afterwards, but I don’t think he would be during. It’s not some big serious thing where it has to be the right moment and he has to make it super sweet, but he is not fucking around when it comes to fucking you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Not going into detail but I think he’s somewhere between trimmed and all natural… like in a constant state of 2-3 months after shaving, yknow?
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
This isn’t to say he isn’t a romantic, because he absolutely is… just not really in the bedroom. Of course, he’d make sure you were okay and feeling good, but it’s almost always rough and hard and intense.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcannon)
Looks around. Taps the mic. He would jack off with your panties, especially if you were apart for a while, he’d miss you that much that just the thought of you and that small piece of fabric in his fist would get him over the edge…. And then of course, he’d return them and pretend nothing happened :)
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Honestly? I don’t think he’s much of a kinkster… if anything, marking, but that’s less of a kink more than it is just him being possessive and needy.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Somewhere private, but not necessarily at home, yknow? Like if you were the only two people at a movie, he’d put his hand between your legs and tease you the entire time… and car sex? He’d never say no to the idea of it.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He’s easy to tease, we all know that. But I think the idea of you teasing him in any capacity, sexual or otherwise, would get him going, because he knows he can take control of you and have you on your knees in 2 seconds if he wanted… that cat and mouse dynamic really is something.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
There’s a very distinct line between rough and intense and genuinely hurting you… he wouldn’t be into choking or slapping you in the face, at all
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He’s not against giving, because he could grab at and bite on your inner thighs, but he’d like receiving more. After a long and stressful day, if he saw you drop to your knees and offer to suck the stress out of him, he’d be in bliss. Just the fact he could tangle his fingers in your hair and watch you worship his cock would mean everything to him.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Y’all already know - hard, rough, fast, intense.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’d be down if you were… it would still be intense and passionate, but if he needed to blow off a little bit of steam and you were willing, he’d absolutely bend you over the couch or the table or counter and have at it.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
I wanna say no. He doesn’t seem the type to want to venture into kinks, even basic ones. He likes control, sure, but you have a good dynamic - don’t fix it if it ain’t broke.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Oh now see…. He is absolutely the type to come twice. Not back to back, but he’d come once and still need you so badly that he’d take a bit to recuperate, using that time to get you off a time or two before needing to be inside you again.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He’s not anti-toy, he just likes to be the only one making you feel good, and he’s shameless, you feel better around him than any toy.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
GOD HES THE TEASE. Grinding against you when you’re cuddling, grabbing at you and whispering “mine”, lazily running his fingers up and down your body acting like it’s all innocent…
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Soft grunts and moans, lots of heavy breathing, without a doubt. He’s never going to be screaming, but growling in your ear, reminding you that your his, low little exclamations like “fuck” and “take it”
W = Wild card (a random headcannon for the character)
This is so out of the blue, but I can’t stop thinking about how if you’d ask to cockwarm him while you were at home watching a movie or tv… he’d be into it but he’d lose control so fast, reaching around to tease you and saying things about how he can’t help that you’re so tight around him that it makes him need to fuck you.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He can take no for an answer and be okay with it for sure, but if you’re down, 5/7 days a week, one of you is going to come. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Immediately after aftercare, for sure. Once he knew you were okay and feeling good and you didn’t need anything other than him by your side, he’d be out like a light, some part of him still touching you, either his arm around your waist, his hand in your hair or his leg wrapped around yours. 
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dreamties · 3 months
Polyam! Ghostface Comforting GN! Reader About Their SA
A/N- yeah. hiii. it's billy !! im back. again. plz read with caution- there is no mention of the assault itself (it is alluded to many times; there are no intimate details), still. you know yourself best. stay safe lovelies <33
I tried keeping the assaulters identity neutral- but let me know if i messed up and used he/him pronouns at all and i'll edit the post :3
Billy is unable to understand the full scope of your traumas, however, he understands that it runs deep, that if your anything like he is that you feel it in your bones and the ache of your body.
Trauma is so personal and crushing. He wants nothing more than to take that away from you, endlessly lift your spirits, he wants to make you feel whole again. Loves you too much to see you like this.
He can't do that. As much as he and Stu can do, they can't erase what has already happened. He will be there as much as he can, for whatever you need. He has always been devoted to his loves- it increases tenfold when you open up about your assault.
Stu automatically wants to kill the perpetrator, takes Billy aside to tell him all his gruesome thoughts- until Billy stops him. Tells him, roughly, to shut up. You don’t know what you're talking about, man. Our little love needs to make that choice on their own.
Billy talks about it with Stu beforehand obvi. Billy wants to wait for you to ask them about killing your assaulter, while Stu would go to you and ask straight up if you want to be the one to kill them (if you want them dead. He won't understand if you desire to keep them alive tee bee aich, but he'll honor your choice).
Stu just like. He doesn't get it. He doesn't handle it well at first. He's far too brash and laughing- well. Not laughing, he knows enough to realize that would have been a bad move. Though he seems to not know enough as he's all jokes still.
Both boys are so emotionally stunted- Stu has only had to comfort girlfriends before (which, he was admittedly not the best at. He stole apologies and one liners from movies) and the brief vulnerable moments that Billy allows himself to show. C'mon, give him a pass, okay? He's trying :(
Stu's comforts are all hugs and cuddles and gifts- depending how you react to those things, maybe he won't have to branch out too hard. Either way you'll need more than one source or level of comfort- Stu WILL learn new things for you, though.
He has a hard time if you don't want physical touch! He gets all whiny about it and it pisses you off, you have to give him a stern talking to that it's NOT about him and he has no right to act like that. Psssh whatever . . .
(he's really sorry though. He promises)
He buys you so many things, as if that will ever make what happened okay. He hopes you appreciate it though. He'll get all sorts of comfort items, food and stuffies and stuff that he KNOWS you love. He'll buy it in bulk if he has to lol
For learning things, it's hard on all of you, but he and Billy will try their darndest to be emotionally available (just for you, babe!!). Billy is good at listening, Stu needs to get better with it.
Billy just listens to what you have to say, and I think on really emotional nights he opens up about his own trauma. He opens his wounds so you know he genuinely cares and is committed to you. Regardless of anything and everything. Billy will make himself a permanent fixture in your life, always.
(again really not that Stu wouldn't but it's so different y'all)
If you have nightmares they'll stay up with you until you're ready to fall asleep (or at least try).
They make it an all-nighter and pretend they were always planning for movie night. If you want to watch something that's not horror? Yeah, that's okay!
Most of Stu's VHS collection is horror lol
Though he does have some buddy comedies and cheesy romcoms. He owns one or two mysteries cause Billy likes them.
Anyways !!! Have your pick darlin' <333 They won't judge or complain
Admittedly they aren't great with panic attacks. Billy gets anxious- what if he makes it WORSE? He'd hate himself for it. Stu is surprisingly good at grounding you though :D
All in all- it's an adjustment for everyone. They're gonna be there for you forever though, okay? Good luck getting rid of them <3
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leclsrc · 2 years
congrats on 2k!! so happy to see such a talented writer get the recognition they deserve🤍🤍
can i request 5 gifts w/ charles?? ty and congrats again!
presents – cl16
genre: flufff, bit of angst, 2k celebration
Thank God for expensive cars—they barely make noise when they pull into the driveway of the house.
On nights where the bed’s emptiness is just a bit too painful to bear, your ears grow attuned to the silence so they can hear the car better. Because from then you can judge the rest of Charles’ synchronized routine—his shit parking, turning the key into the lock, heavy footsteps through the foyer and up the stairs, deliberate turning of the doorknob so he doesn’t wake you.
But he never does, because you’re never asleep. “Did I wake you?”
“Mmm, no,” you assure him, sitting up a little. He sports evidence of training, a bruise on his arm, extra stubble, a tighter fitting tee. He climbs into bed beside you holding a tiny box, rattles it so you can hear the chain shake inside. 
“Good. I have a gift for you.”
“Can it wait?” You ask throatily. “I miss you.”
He looks perfect like this, you think, pretty and handsome and tired and yours. He is rarely yours in these triple headers, season peaks where neither of your schedules give. So you envelop him into a hug, the box is laid on the bedside table, and they’re both gone by the time you wake up to the sun.
You were never one to accept presents, especially if they looked like they cost a month’s rent. Charles had given you a bracelet to commemorate your first year together, one that matched his.
“We agreed small gifts,” you’d said, jaw to the floor at the shiny object.
“It is… small.” He responded dumbly.
“Small, like…” you pull out your paper maché cat, which you painted to look like a Sauber driver. “Like this.”
So he’d kept the bracelet because you insisted, with all the love in the world, that you simply could not bear to wear it. Then he posted six pictures of your gift, claiming it was the best he’d ever gotten, pressing kisses all over your face.
“Would you like a message on the card, Sir?”
“Oui, oui. Can you write, uh…”
Charles rifles through his journal, onto which he’s written every detail of his life. There are race stats, strategy comparisons, crude venn diagrams of plans, tic-tac-toe games on slow meetings with Carlos, long-winded spiels on life that evolve from French to Italian to English, dinner date reminders, interview scripts.
But none of those is what he’s looking for. He seeks something else, a line he’d written on the day you fell asleep hugging him, comforted by his arrival. He had to leave early that day, so he enjoyed your presence and spent time writing. 
He spends a minute too long searching for it, but finds it eventually, sandwiched in between a doodle of Fred and Antonio. For all his trying, however, he later learns he miscalculated your checkout time, and the flowers never arrived on time for you to see them. He pictures the lilies, wilting alone, pictures the card you never got to unfold and read.
Thinking of you. I fall in love with you every time you walk into a room. Charles
You meet his eyes across the table, and narrow yours in silent challenge.
“Woah!” He laughs, amused, pointing an accusatory finger in your direction. “What was that—” He mimics your challenging expression, eyes briefly flitting down to where he holds his Uno cards. The rest of the room watch idly as the game comes to an intense close.
“It was me telling you I have great cards,” you proclaim with a giggle. “Aaaand uno.” 
The intense close is won by you, much to your opponent’s chagrin. It was an easy win, you state, I had a plus four and he handed it right to me. He finds you by the kitchen of the mansion chewing on a potato chip and extends a bottle of beer toward you, in a truce of sorts.
“Winners deserve a drink, no?” He grins, his eyes crinkling. “Consider it a gift. From me.”
“No, thanks. You already gifted me a win.”
“I just let you win,” he teases. “It was easy.”
“Was it?” You raise an eyebrow, and you both laugh. “All this talk, and I don’t even know my nemesis’ name.”
“Right, how rude,” he tsks, shaking your hand. It stays a bit too long, steals your words. “It’s Charles.”
In the end, your relationship befell the same fate as the collection of gifts he’d never been able to get you to receive: it just didn’t work out. 
But sometimes Charles revisits his piles of storage, picks out the florist’s business card or the winning Uno number he’d folded up and kept. He checks and rechecks boxes, wrappers, of gifts ungiven. And he goes to his trophy shelf, full of shiny metal and hard edges, and sees there, in front of them all, the Sauber driver paper maché cat.
And you sometimes go through pictures of the both of you, stare at your empty wrist and wonder what it would look like with a bracelet looped around it. You think of waiting, of the empty bed that’s now become the norm, the phone call from your hotel receptionist who asked if you wanted to return for the flowers that were sent late. 
Both of you remember. Both of you look for the other.
But perhaps most of all, both of you hope there’s a life where gifts were received and love worked. Charles passes the freeway exit that leads to your house and wonders, for a second, if he should turn into it. You lay in bed, ears attuned, wondering if you’ll hear the sound of his car.
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watchingovergvff · 1 year
Kill You To Try- Jake Kiszka
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Summary: Will you and Jake ever be able to see eye to eye? Being pining idiots and hating each others guts don’t mix. Let’s find out the hard way then.
Genre: Childhood best friends- enemies- lovers. Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort.
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Jake is an asshole. Jealousy and Drinking.
A/N: This is my second favorite thing i’ve ever written. I apologize for my lack of Jake fics, considering I stay in Jake lane 24/7. I’ve been working on this for a couple of weeks and it’s not perfect by any means. I love to hear feedback so please let me know or if you want a part two to this also!! Thank you for all your patience and support<3333
Jake has never been jealous of Josh’s relationship with you, well that was until he saw the two of you dancing. Something about the way Josh’s hands caressed the small of your back, made his chest ache in resentment.
That’s where his dislike for you starts. Well, maybe not dislike but irritation at least.
Jake has known you since the 5th grade. You used to run around the playground, picking flowers for each and every one of your classmates. Jake had fallen and scratched up his knee, sniffles sounding out. Feeling a gentle tap on his shoulder, he turns around to find you smiling down at him.
“Are you okay?” you peer down at him.
“My knee hurts.”
Handing him the prettiest flower out of your bouquet, “Here this should make you feel better.” Jake admires your toothless grin from below, already feeling much better. It didn’t take much longer after that for him to decide to keep you around.
Jake and Josh were a package deal so being best friends with Josh was inevitable. Growing up, you always found that Josh matched your energy to-a-tee. He was your best friend, the one that always knew how to make you laugh. But, Jake was different. Jake felt like your home, your safe place.
That was until he started acting like an asshole out of nowhere. One day you were fine, the next day you weren’t.
It hurt like hell. There’s truly no way to describe losing your better half, other than heartbreak. Maybe it wouldn’t have hurt so bad, if you weren’t utterly in love with him.
As the years go by, Jake continues his relentless cycle of torture. The snide comments or blatant disrespect, never compared to the pain of him ignoring you. Josh was dumbfounded at Jake’s behavior toward you. He could have sworn Jake was in love with you, but it’s not the first time Jake has surprised him. Josh was tired of constantly calling Jake out on his shit. He understood if Jake just didn’t get along with you anymore, but the disrespect was uncalled for.
Over time, you got used to Jake’s nasty behavior and decided to not let it bother you. If he was going to act like a child then so be it, you would be the mature one.
The boy’s music career had shot up since high school, which meant less time spent together and more time touring the world. Saying your goodbyes was hard, but was inevitable. In the meantime, your life would live on in Michigan, while theirs roamed the world.
Life caught up with all of you, which meant less phone calls and no time for visits. Josh kept his promise when he said he would call once a week. He loved giving you every detail of tour since you couldn’t be there. You had been with them since before they even decided to be a band, so not having you around was weird for all of them, even Jake.
After being away for a year, the tour has finally come to an end. Sam being Sam decides to throw a coming home party, mourning the end of tour but celebrating their return.
Being Josh’s right-hand man comes with its perks, so when you get the invitation to their “exclusive” party, you can’t turn the opportunity down.
Would it be weird to say that you hit a second puberty over the past year? Probably, yes. But, you were being truthful. All those years begging and pleading your body to catch up with your maturing mind, payed off it seems. You finally felt good in your own shoes. So, when the hot guy from the local coffee shop asks for your number, who are you to say no.
Having had plans for a date the night of the party, you suggest that the two of you attend a good friend’s party. Surprisingly, he agrees to go with you, let’s just hope he’s used to crazy.
“Josh will you please shut the fuck up? I don’t want to hear her name again, please,” Jake groans out.
Whipping his head in Jake’s direction Josh says, “She’s my best friend. I’m allowed to be excited to see her Jake.”
Jake gives his best effort to not roll his eyes, but fails.
“It’s not like you have to talk to her. I’m sure she isn’t thrilled to see you either, after how shitty you’ve been,” Josh mumbles, leaving the room.
Huffing like a child, Jake does his best to calm his nerves. He is not prepared whatsoever to see you after all this time.
Jake already knew it would be hard to see you, but seeing you with some guy makes his façade shatter completely. Pre-gaming seems to have been a bust, because he has never felt soberer in his life.
“Sunshine!” Josh’s bright smile distracts you from scanning the crowd any longer, silently searching for his other half.
After Josh has gotten his fill of hugs and kisses from you, he makes quick work of introducing himself to your date.
Josh’s love for first impressions allows you to quickly excuse yourself, wanting to find a drink strong enough to get through the night.
Scanning the crowd, you see him. Sitting in a secluded corner of the room, slowly sipping on his drink.
Realizing his eyes had been on you since stepping in the doorway, you allow yourself one quick glance in his direction. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of actively looking for him, you walk the opposite direction, silently hoping he’ll follow you.
Is Jake an asshole to you? Yes.
Does he deserve even a second of your time? Hell no.
But, there’s still a part of you that longs for the Jake you once knew so well. It’s foolish to believe that after all this time he has changed, but you can’t help but wish for it.
Fixing a drink, you smile at people in passing or attempt to make small talk.
Feeling him before you see him, his presence looms over you like no other.
Jake sits onto the countertop next to you, plucking the cherry out of your drink. Grinning wickedly at you, he sucks the cherry into his mouth.
If you hadn’t been so focused on his cherry stained lips, you would have slapped the audacity right out of him.
“See something you like, sunshine?”
“Fuck off Jake,” you glare up at him.
“Don’t be like that, where’s my welcome home hug?” he pouts.
“Assholes don’t get welcome home hugs. They get a foot up their ass instead. Would you like me to demonstrate?”
He chuckles.
Jumping off the counter, he says, “It’s good to see you to, Sunshine.”
Watching him saunter off to his dark corner, you exhale, trying to regain your footing. Jake has always had a way of making your head feel all fuzzy, no matter what bullshit he was spewing.
Sam had made the executive decision to start a bonfire later into the night.
The party had dwindled down to very few people at this point.
Your date had decided to head home early because he had work the following morning. The both of you had agreed to see each other again soon. He seemed extremely nice, but you had a feeling it wouldn’t work out due to your complicated past resurfacing.
But, you were in desperate need of a distraction sadly.
Which left you snuggled under Josh’s arm, sharing childhood stories around the fire. Very clique, but it happened every time you all got together and had a few drinks.
Jake’s eyes haven’t left your figure since you walked in the door. The moment in the kitchen with you replaying in his mind over and over again. He could have sworn you looked at him, like he’s always looked at you.
Hanging on to every word that comes out of your mouth, Jake yearns for your affection.
Over the years, Jake has had love interests that weaved in and out of his life. He’d never been in love with any of them, but unconsciously found parts of you in them.
Deflecting his feelings for you by pretending to dislike you is better than being rejected by the one person he loves most, at least that’s what he tells himself.
He longs to hold you close like Josh.
Was his fear of rejection worth losing his best friend?
Weeks have passed since the night of the party. Danny had graciously taken you home that night, promising to have a lunch date soon.
Remember the guy you brought with you to said party, you know, the one you agreed to see again?
Well, the time has come to meet up again. The both of you agree to get drinks at a local bar in town. Your excited to go out actually. He’s a cute guy who seems to have a genuine interest in you. Plus, he could be the solution to your irritating Jake problem. It’s been a while since you’ve gotten all dolled up anyway, so this is a great excuse.
Finally feeling satisfied with how you look, you head out the door. Don’t get it twisted, you’re not dressing for him. Putting on a pretty outfit and delicate makeup is all for you, mostly because it’s fun.
High school is rough for everyone. Puberty, delayed growth spurts, acne, braces, and social standards never complimented each other. Having struggled with each and every aspect of an awkward stage during high school.
Feeling beautiful is hard when everyone around is trying to be anyone but themselves. So, you could say high school was rough for you.
You never thought of yourself as beautiful or magnificent. Mostly putting yourself into the dull category, because there was truly nothing special about you.
But, Jake always had a way of proving you wrong.
Jake watched you grow from a gentle and kind young lady, into a breath-taking woman.
Having always thought you were beautiful in every stage of life, Jake truly wouldn’t know where to start.
The bar was lit up with string lights, softly playing music.
Lucky for you, the bar was just a block over from your house, so you were able to walk over. Hoping that your date went well enough for you to hitch a ride home with him.
You arrived on time, perching yourself atop the nearest bar stool. He had messaged you saying he was running behind, but he shouldn’t be too long. So, you had decided to wait at the bar for him.
Hours have passed and your still sat atop a barstool, downing your sixth drink of the night. You came to the conclusion about two hours ago, that he was indeed not coming after all.
“Ma’am, do you have a ride home? We’re closing up shop here, so you’re going to have to leave soon,” the older bartender asks you.
“Yeah, yeah sorry. Let me call a friend of mine really quick,” you fumble around, looking for your phone.
Securing your phone in your hand, you go to call Josh. He wouldn’t mind coming to get you.
“Hey Josh, I know its late but I need a ride home. I’m at the bar down the street, but I’ve had too much to drink to walk home in the dark. Can you please come get me?” anxiously fidgeting in your seat.
“I’ll be there in five. Stay right there,” he hangs up abruptly.
He did not sound happy whatsoever. Making Josh mad was not on your to do list today.
It’s just kind of weird. Josh never minds picking you up, he actually insists its him you call. He’s probably having a rough day, don’t over think it.
It hadn’t even been five minutes when you heard your name being called behind you.
Except that voice was definitely not Josh’s.
Out of all people you could have accidentally called, it had to be him. Your night couldn’t get any worse.
Spinning around on your chair, you sigh, waiting for him to provoke you.
He looks at you worriedly, almost like you would shatter any second now.
You scoff, rolling your eyes.
“What? What did I do now?” Jake questions, conscious of your every move.
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?”
You glare at him.
“Like I’m some fucking lost puppy.”
“Don’t give me a reason to,” he bites back.
Running your hands across your face, you realize just how tired you were. “Jake, I can’t do this with you right now. I’ve had a shitty day. Can you please just take me home?”
He reluctantly nods, heading out the door with you in tow.
The two of you climb into his car and begin your silent ride home.
Jake’s never seen you like this. He’s used to you being angry especially at him. Granite, he does love to get you riled up.
But, his favorite is when your happy. When you smile so big, that it throws him back to the day he met you, with your big toothless grin shining down on him.
His sunshine now turning into rain.
So, he respects the silence for once in his life, letting you have your moment. Watching the tears gather in your eyes, brings along a feeling he’s not familiar with.
Gripping the steering wheel, he feels steam run off of him, allowing his knuckles to turn white.
It’s one thing for him to tease and mock you, but another for some asshole to think he can and get away with it.
Jake wants now more than anything to be Josh for you. To make you smile and laugh. He can’t bare to see you like this any longer.
“Do you want to play some music? I’ll even let you choose,” he speaks softly, almost like he doesn’t want to run you off.
You peer up at him in confusion. Where the hell did Jake go?
Shifting anxiously under your gaze, Jake mumbles a quick never mind.
It’s been years since the two of you have had a civil conversation, so this feels unnatural.
“Do you remember when Sam had a crush on you?” doing his best to break the ice.
You snort.
His heart flutters seeing you laugh at something he said for once.
“Do I? The kid followed me around for weeks asking me all kinds of weird questions. It took you telling him that I had cooties because of you to back off,” you laugh out.
Sam was never a smooth talker, that’s for sure.
Jake laughs.
You watch in awe, begging for him to never stop laughing again.
Eventually, Jake pulls into your driveway. The two of you sit in silence for a moment, just wanting to bask in the normalcy for once.
You pull the door open, stepping out of the car. Turning around, you give him a tight-lipped smile.
“Thanks Jake, for everything,” looking anywhere but at him.
“No need to thank me, I’d do it again. If you really wanted to thank me, you could tell me where that guy lives so I can kick his ass,” he smiles up at you, only slightly kidding.
Laughing you wave goodbye, praying that he doesn’t see how flustered you were.
Once you’ve made it inside, Jake sits in the driveway, contemplating everything that happened tonight.
On the way home, Jake realizes he regrets not apologizing for everything he’s said that he truly didn’t mean.
Days pass and Jake hasn’t heard a peep from or about you. Josh claims that your trying to heal from getting your heartbroken, but Jake has a feeling something else is wrong.
He is terrified that he may have done something to hurt or upset you once again. He is sick and tired of being the one that hurts you.
So, Jake makes the impulsive decision to go see you. Josh protests saying “Jake is the last person you would want to see right now”. In authentic Jake fashion, he doesn’t give a flying fuck.
The drive to your house was torture. Jake didn’t know what the right thing to say would be or what he should do.
Thinking back to simpler times, he remembers the time he saw you the summer of 9th grade.
That summer was a weird one for all of you.
Jake and Josh finally went through a growth spurt and started filling into their teenage bodies.
They hadn’t seen you all summer because your family sent you to summer camp.
Jake had come home one day, looking for Josh. He heard Josh’s voice float down the hallway from the garage. Making his way in that direction, he heard a second voice. Recognizing that sweet voice anywhere, Jake strides down the hall in search of you.
Once in the garage, he froze in his tracks. It was definitely you, but different. Jake remembers your straggly hair and your scraped knees. He remembers a little girl, his best friend.
You were no longer a little girl, you were a young woman.
You had bloomed into a stunning flower. Jake felt breathless.
But, after all you were still you. Jake was still Jake.
Best friends forever, but maybe it had always been more than that.
Jake and Josh hauled you everywhere. Every show they played you were there.
Believing in their success was never difficult for you. The moment you heard them play together, you knew everything would change.
When the boys played their first big show, you had tagged along not wanting to miss a second of it. Their set had finally come to an end that night. Trotting off the stage, Jake immediately went looking for you. He’d kept an eye on you throughout the show, always feeling better with you close by.
Feeling a hand grip his wrist, he spins around in search of the culprit.
Wrapping him into a bear hug, you squeeze him tight.
Pulling away from you he notices tears in your eyes.
“What’s wrong? Was the show that bad?”
You slap at his chest.
“No, you idiot. These are happy tears. I’m just so proud of you guys. Thank you for letting me be here,” you smile up at him.
“Thank you for wanting to be here. I couldn’t have done it without you,” he remarks.
Arriving at your house, he stumbles up to your porch and forces himself to knock on your door. After what seems to be the longest two minutes of his life, you answer the door.
You clearly just woke up from a nap, your hair a wild mess. Of course, Jake thinks its adorable.
Obviously, your taken aback as to why Jake would be standing on your front porch. You begin to question him, but he stops you.
“Can I come in? We need to talk,” he says, barely looking you in the eye.
“Yeah sure, sure,” you say, stepping aside.
Looking around, Jake realizes he’s never been inside your house before. Your windows are wide open, welcoming the sunlight in. Music playing softly from your record player. Books littered all over the room. It feels like home, yet so unfamiliar.
Clearing your throat, you see him jump, clearly on edge.
Once the two of you have gotten comfortable on your sofa, you realize she how quiet it is. Giving him a small smile, in hopes to provide some sort of comfort due to his jitteriness. He melts at the sight of your kind gesture.
“Are you feeling better” he asks.
Chuckling nervously, you reply, “Way better than the last time you saw me. Thank you for that by the way. I meant to text you afterwards, but I was just too tired.”
“You don’t have to thank me, I wanted to.”
You stare at him blankly.
“You wanted to save me from one of the most embarrassing nights of my life?”
“No no no, I didn’t mean it like that, I just like helping you or being the one you call.”
Giving him an exasperated sigh, you sink deeper into your chair.
“Jake, why are you here?”
He sighs, remembering the real reason he came after all. “I don’t even know where to start. I just wanted to apologize, for everything. You never deserved how I treated you. You’ve always been such an enigma to me. I couldn’t ever figure out why you were so kind to me, even after I pushed you away.”
“Then why did you push me away Jake? When all I’ve ever wanted was to be close to you.”
“I felt like I had to. You and Josh had gotten so close. I was selfish and got jealous. I’ve had to share everything with Josh my whole life. The one thing I never ever wanted to share was you. At the time, I felt like you had finally made your decision and it was Josh that you chose. It hurt too much to see the both of you together, so I made myself distance from you. A few years after I came to my senses and realized I was being selfish making you choose between the both of us, I wanted to make things right. I bought flowers and wrote out my whole apology speech, just to get to your front door and cower away. I felt like there would be no way you would forgive with such a lame ass excuse at that point. I had already dug deep enough. So, I made myself learn how to hate you, even though that’s the farthest thing from the truth. I--- I’m just so sorry Y/n. I never want to hurt you again. Being the one you called that night at the bar made me realize just how much I missed you. I miss talking to you, laughing with you, and sitting with you. I miss everything. I want to make it right, no matter what it takes. You deserve it, you always have.”
Hiding his face within his hands, in order to keep some composure, he hears a sniffle. Quickly looking up, Jake comes face to face with your tearful smile.
Tears poor down your face, while grinning ear to ear.
Reaching over, Jake gently wipes your tears away. You reach up and cup his shaky hands, holding them against your face.
“You’re such a dumbass.”
The both of you die out with chocked up laughter.
“You should have just told me Jake. I’ve always loved you both and I always will. But, my love for you is different, it always has been. You’re my best friend. Josh is my brother, the one that shields me. I had a sneaking suspicion that may have been what triggered your behavior, but I was too pissed to talk about it with you. Your right, I didn’t deserve the treatment you gave me, but I saw right through that bullshit. You forget that I watched you grow up. You’ve always been my sweetheart, the friend that would go above and beyond for you. I never truly believed you hated me, I just wanted to give you time to figure yourself out, no matter how long it took. I forgive you Jake. I think I forgave you a long time ago, but was always too prideful to admit it to myself.”
Grinning at each other, Jake pulls you into a tight hug. Being this close to one another after years of pining, felt like a dream.
Finally, you pull away realizing just how close the two of you were. Feeling Jake’s breath gently against your skin, you glance down at his lips. Jake’s breathing all together stops.
Quickly, your mind comes to its senses and the both of you awkwardly pull away.
Scratching the back of his neck, Jake says, “I guess I should head back to the studio now. Josh is going to kill me if I’m late again.”
“Oh yeah, of course. I know how cranky he can get,” you laugh off. Leading him out your front door, you turn to walk back inside.
“Y/n,” Jake calls out.
“Thank you.”
You smile so wide, your bottom lip shakes.
Waving him off, you head back inside. Laying against the door, your head feels fuzzy from just his smile.
Five minutes later, Jake finds himself pulling right back into your driveway. He marches right out of his car, straight up to your porch once again. In a tizzy, he begins banging on your door.
Rushing to see what the ruckus is about, you swing open your door.
“Miss me already?” you chuckle out.
“Marry me.”
The both of you stand there looking at each other, daring the other to speak up.
“I’m sorry that’s not what I meant to say, I was trying to tell you-
You tug him by his collar, kissing him softly.
Eventually, the two of you pull away trying to catch your breath. Resting his head against yours, you both smile.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time,” you whisper out.
Jake chuckles in disbelieve. “No way, I’ve been dreaming of that since 7th grade.”
He takes your hand in his, squeezing so tight in hopes to convey his love for you. Immediately understanding, you bring your hand up to gently stroke his hair.
“Well, we could keep standing out here looking at one another, or we can go inside and kiss some more,” you say.
Jake hastily responses, “Inside please.”
Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed!!!!
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joeys-babe · 9 months
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Someday We’ll Be Together
Chapter 15: Parents
October 2nd - with flashbacks from the previous night.
(y/n's pov)
Yesterday couldn't have been more perfect.
After years of admiring Joe from afar, I was finally his, and he was finally mine.
*Last night*
We arrived back at my house right after midnight. Joe and I stood at my front door not wanting to depart.
We stood hugging each other for a few minutes, kissing now and then. Trying to savor the other's presence before we part ways for the night.
"I don't want to go in there." - you
"I don't want you to either." - Joe
Silence fell over us as we stared at each other. We were thinking the same but neither of us wanted to come off too strong and ask. In the end, I was the one to speak up.
"Can I stay at your place tonight?" - you
Joe immediately smiled and nodded vigorously as his arm tightened around my waist and he pressed his soft lips to mine.
"Of course." - Joe
Once we were at Joe's across the street we showered (separately of course). Joe took one in the guest bathroom after showing me how to work the shower in the master bathroom.
He was sweet enough to let me borrow some of his clothes to sleep in, though it was hard for him to find pants that would fit me.
"I don't know baby, you might have to wear a belt with a pair of my sweatpants." - Joe
We had erupted into a laughing fit every few seconds, perks of dating your best friend.
In the end, Joe laid out one of his long-sleeve tees and a pair of shorts that he made sure had a drawstring.
Of course, I took significantly longer than him in the shower so when I walked out of the bathroom he was already lying down in bed.
Joe's gaze drifted from his phone to me and after giving me a slow once-over his perfect smile graced his lips.
"I kinda look like Adam Sandler." - you
I felt my cheeks get rosy as Joe's laughter filled the room.
"You look perfect." - Joe smiled
"You're just saying that because I'm in your clothes." - you rolled your eyes
"Well duh. They honestly look better on you than they do me." - Joe
"Joe babe now you're just lying. I'm being swallowed whole." - you giggled
"You look comfy!" - Joe
I moved forward and crawled into bed next to Joe, as I got closer to him my eyes were accustomed to the darkness and I could make out the details of his face and body better. My pulse quickened when I realized Joe didn't have a shirt on.
When my eyes averted from Joe's built chest back to his face, the smug grin showing on his lips told me he was aware of my staring.
"Sorry..." - you
"Don't be. You can look." - Joe grinned
Joe shifted around and the sheet moved farther down to expose more of his toned upper body.
"You're unreal Joe." - you
"Yeah?" - Joe smirked
"Yeah." - you repeated
Slowly I reached out and placed a hand on his stomach. My hand ran over his soft skin before moving up to his chest and rounding his pecs.
"This isn't fair." - you grumped
"What isn't?" - Joe
"You look hot as hell and I look homeless." - you
Joe busted out laughing before wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me into him.
"You don't look homeless baby. I think you look rather hot wearing my clothes." - Joe
"You're just saying that because you basically marked your territory." - you
He moved a strand of hair behind my ear and kissed my temple.
"Exactly, sweetheart." - Joe
His deep voice, and the nickname that spilled out with it, left me feeling rather flustered. Feeling my cheeks heat up I pressed my face into his neck and tried to hide the redness showing on my face.
"Don't hide from me, baby. I wanna see your pretty face." - Joe
"Joey, stop. You're too much." - you
"How so?" - Joe chuckled
"You're praising me so much, if my face gets any hotter I might pass out." - you
"Okay okay, I'll stop." - Joe chuckled
A loud yawn left my lips and Joe tightened his hold on me as he pulled the blanket over us.
"You comfy?" - Joe
"Very." - you rubbed your face against his chest
"Goodnight, baby." - Joe
"Goodnight, Joey." - you
Joe kissed my forehead and leaned away a little bit to get comfortable. He was super tired so I wasn't at all surprised when he almost immediately fell asleep.
A few minutes later when I was about to go to sleep I realized that I left my phone charger downstairs and my phone was close to dying.
I tried to wiggle out of Joe's arms without waking him up but I failed miserably.
"Baby? What are you doing?" - Joe
"Uhm. I forgot my charger downstairs and my phone's almost dead." - you
"Stay here, I'll go get it." - Joe
He moved the covers off of him and rolled outta bed. I watched him the entire way on his trip out of the room. His gorgeous muscular body was only covered in a pair of black boxers, and God did he look downright hot.
After borderline drooling over my boyfriend and laying there in shock till he got back with my charger, I almost forgot how to form words.
"You okay, y/n? You look like you just saw a ghost." - Joe
"I- uh... yeah." - you
"Okay, well goodnight." - Joe
"Night." - you
A few seconds of silence went by before I spoke up.
"Hey Joe?" - you
"Hey y/n?" - Joe
"You're so hot." - you
Joe chuckled before kissing my cheek.
"I appreciate it, babe. You're pretty hot too." - Joe laughed
"Like I can't believe you're my boyfriend, how'd I manage to get you?" - you
Joe sighed and sat up in bed, realizing it was going to be longer till he went to sleep.
"Pretty easily honestly. You know I've been under your spell since high school. y/n you're everything I could ever want or need; you're the sweetest woman ever, incredibly funny, smart, loving, and humble. You just understand me more than anyone else ever could. If anything, I question how I got you to go out with me." - Joe
"Pretty easily honestly." - you grinned
A smile formed on Joe's lips as it registered that you copied his words. He leaned forward and pressed a loving kiss on my lips.
*Present Day*
Once again, waking up next to Joe started the day off amazingly.
Plans today consisted of telling the parents that we were now a couple. My parents already knew that last night was probably going to be the night Joe asked me out since he told them, and I'd find that out from Joe.
Now Robin & Jimmy had no idea that Joe and I were even on good terms. The last they heard was when I was at the game, so it'll be a pleasant surprise for them when we reveal our relationship to them later tonight.
As I got ready for the day, Joe fixed breakfast downstairs and I could honestly say I could get used to this way of life. I was so lucky to have Joe as a boyfriend and best friend.
After finishing getting ready, I walked downstairs to find Joe intricately plating our breakfast.
"Look at you, Mr. Chef." - you smiled
"Morning, gorgeous." - Joe smiled
I strode up to him and got on my tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek.
"Morning, handsome. You didn't have to do all of this, but I'm really glad you did because I'm starving." - you smiled
"Thought you would be. I made french toast, sausage links, and fried potatoes." - Joe
"You are the best, Joe." - you
Joe swung an arm around my waist and pulled me against him.
"Only the best for my girl." - Joe kissed you
Breakfast was all around perfect, Joe and I talked about anything we could think of and he even gave me a speech thanking me for how much I've already healed him from his past relationship.
After we cleaned up the kitchen together we walked over to my parent's house hand in hand.
Walking through the door, my mom was sitting on the island and didn't even turn around at the sound of the front door opening.
"Hey guys!" - you
"Hey, sweetie- oh, and Joe!" - your mom
My mom had turned around rather slowly mid-sentence and was surprised to see Joe with me.
"Hey." - Joe smiled
"So what have you two been up to?" - your mom
"Well... our first night and morning as a couple was pretty good!" - you smiled
"A couple!? Are you guys official?!" - your mom
Joe and I looked at each other with huge smiles, he squeezed my hand and nodded to me to tell me to say yes.
"Yup." - you smiled
My mom practically jumped out of her seat and ran over to us, pulling us both into a hug.
"Oh my gosh, I'm ecstatic for you guys. I just know you'll make each other so happy as boyfriend and girlfriend. I've been waiting for this moment since you two were born." - your mom
"We already have made each other pretty happy. Right, baby?" - Joe grinned
"Right." - you smiled back at your boyfriend
"You guys are so sweet. Your dad is on the back porch drinking his coffee, by the way." - your mom
I nodded and led Joe outside to the back deck, my dad immediately smiled when he saw me walking out.
"Hey pumpkin- oh and Joe's with you."  - your dad chuckled
He was sitting in one of the chairs so Joe and I opted for the loveseat across from him.
"You two seem awfully happy, what's happened since yesterday evening?" - your dad
"We went on a date." - you grinned
"Yeah? When will you guys finally get together? It's clear you guys want each other, and there are no doubt shared feelings between the two of you." - your dad
"That's actually what we're here for. We have something to tell you." - Joe
I looked over at Joe and felt a slight pain in my cheeks from how much I'd been smiling the past couple of days.
"Yeah, what's that?" - your dad
Joe laced his fingers with mine and gently squeezed my hand, my dad immediately noticed the action.
"We're dating." - you
Both Joe and I started getting worried when seconds had passed and my dad hadn't shown any reaction. He was just talking about how we should get together, and now he's silent?
"Really?" - your dad
"Yeah, Joe's my boyfriend." - you grinned
Joe felt himself blushing when you called him that, he'd never get tired of hearing it.
"Is this a prank?" - your dad
"What? No." - you
"Well then, congrats. You guys complement each other very well. Joe, have you told your parents yet? I'm sure your mom will be thrilled." - your dad
"We haven't yet no. We are tonight." - Joe
"Oh okay, sounds good. I'll try to keep your mother from saying anything, y/n." - your dad
"Good luck with that!" - you laughed
Joe and I stood up off the couch and started to walk back inside when my dad called my name.
"Hey, y/n. One more question." - your dad
"Yeah?" - you
"Does this mean you're going to be outta the house soon?" - your dad laughed
I looked at Joe when he busted out laughing at my dad's comment.
"Hopefully that's where it's heading. I'm in it for the long run Sir." - Joe grinned
"Good. Now you two get outta here. I love you both!" - your dad
Joe's hand on the small of my back led me back into the house where my mom was patiently waiting at the bar in the kitchen.
"So how'd that go?" - your mom
"Good! He asked if us being together meant I was going to be outta that house soon." - you laughed
My mom laughed and shook her head at her husband's comment.
"Don't feel pressured to move out just because you have a boyfriend now, you're welcome here as long as you need." - your mom
"I appreciate it." - you smiled
As much as I love my parents, as soon as Joe asks me to move in with him, I'm out of here.
Because who wouldn't want to live with their boyfriend who's also their best friend?
Authors note: Long time no see with SWBT, but a sweet anon encouraged me to post!
Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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lurkingshan · 10 months
I Feel You Linger in the Air: Novel vs Drama 
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Happy IFYL special day! While I wait (not so) patiently for the special episode to become available for international viewers, I thought I would stop being lazy and get around to writing up my thoughts on the adaptation choices of the drama now that I’ve finally had a chance to read the original novel. 
First, let me just say: the novel is so fun. I’m so glad folks like @clairedaring and @pharawee talked about it on here and @waitmyturtles read it first and told me to jump on it, because I’ve had a really hard time with poorly translated y novels before and was definitely skeptical. But the story was excellent and the English translation was really solid, so a great time was had by all and I wasn’t even salty about spending eighteen American dollars on it. I didn’t think the novel was perfect (turtles can attest I had a few LOUD complaints) but it was a very enjoyable read. Shoutout to @bengiyo, @neuroticbookworm, and @wen-kexing-apologist as well for listening to me rant about Tee’s choices as I made my way through the novel. Bonus: if you have the chance to read this novel while vacationing in Thailand surrounded by plumeria trees and romantic scenery, I highly recommend. 
So, with that established, let’s talk about the adaptation! Adapting novels to a visual medium always comes with a lot of choices, and it’s not easy to make everything translate effectively. On the other hand, a live action drama can make some of what’s on the page feel even more vivid and new elements can be introduced that add to the canon. I’m on the record as both loving this show and feeling like there were some significant missteps in the writing, so I really wanted to understand the source material and how some of those choices were made. So here’s your spoiler alert for IFYL’s adaptation: it’s a real mixed bag of choices from our dear frenemy Tee Bundit, and all in service of one clear goal. 
I Feel You Linger in the Air, but Make It Sadder!
I’m going to break down the details below, but this is the TL; DR right here. Every choice Tee made in this adaptation was in service of transforming a relatively light and often comedic time travel romp into a story of deep melancholy and a thorough examination of queer pain. This is Tee’s whole schtick, so we can hardly be surprised; and yet I was kind of taken aback by how stark the difference in these stories felt even as a lot of the plot stayed the same. During the drama’s airing @respectthepetty talked about how this show was just too damn sad for her, and I gotta say, she was definitely picking up what Tee was putting down. YMMV on how sad you like your romance, but Tee Bundit is a very sad boy indeed.
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Let’s start here, because this is definitely my biggest grievance with Tee: he removed most of Jom’s personality from the book in order to give us a flatter, sadder version of him that fit better with a much more melancholy vision for this story. As it turns out, Jom was originally written to be smart, sassy, and very funny (h/t to @stuffnonsenseandotherthings whose post on this really got me interested in reading to see the difference). Novel Jom is a smartass who never misses the opportunity to work in a salty comment or express his frustration when things aren’t going his way, and he’s such an active character. He does not just sit back and let things happen to him; he thinks and he struggles and he tries. By comparison, show Jom just feels… vaguely confused, mildly depressed, and wildly passive most of the time. This is by no means a knock on Nonkul, who is a fantastic performer—these are clearly writing and directing choices and he is interpreting the character as instructed.
And it’s not just the removal of his core personality, either. Jom in the book has emotional intelligence and a stronger sense of connection to others. For one, he actually cares that Eung Phueng is his sister! Throughout the book, we see him dedicate time and energy to finding ways to care for his sister despite their different social stations; this dynamic is completely absent from the show, where Jom doesn’t even seem to remember Eung Phueng has his sister’s face most of the time. This was a major hole in the show and I still don’t really understand why Tee dropped the ball on it when there was so much material to drawn from in the book.
Winner: The novel, hands down. If you take nothing else away from this post, please take it as a recommendation to read the novel so you can experience Real Jom in all his sassy glory.
The Mythology 
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Now, I can’t really claim that either the novel or the show does a fantastic job with the mythology, because there’s a lot of hand waving in either case and some definite plot holes. But I will give the book credit for being upfront from the start: it didn’t really intend to explain it beyond giving us a little preamble about wormholes (yes, wormholes!) and for having Jom actually notice and care (and get very amusingly frustrated) that he didn’t understand what the wormhole wanted him to do or how to control it. He actually tried quite a lot in the book to figure it out, rather than just sitting around gazing morosely into the distance. In the end, the book tells us that Yai vowed to love Jom at first sight in every lifetime, which is a vow he made after the wormhole brought Jom to him but somehow affects the times that had already happened from our perspective. It’s a paradox that doesn’t fully make sense, but it is at least an explanation.
The show, by contrast, intentionally added layers to this mystery that it had no intention of resolving. The drawings opening up connections to the present, the ghostly visages haunting the characters, the glimpses of Jom in the future doing things we never saw in the original timeline, Mustache Yai kissing Jom in the water—all show inventions, and all setting up an expectation that some sense would be made of these clues. Which of course, never happened. Instead, these things were used to contribute to the spooky scary vibe and make everything feel sadder, and the show offered no explanation at all for why any of this happened.
Winner: It’s a draw since neither really did it well, but I’m staying salty with Tee for fucking with me.
Family Drama 
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Here is where we get into some of the stuff Tee added to the story that actually worked pretty well. One very smart adaptation choice: he made Yai and Eung Phueng siblings so that Yai would have a reason to be more involved in their household and able to interact much more with Jom in the early parts of the story; in the novel there is no connection between the households and Yai and Jom barely interact for the first several months after Jom arrives in the past. He also added a lot of family drama in the back half of the show: the struggles with Yai’s father, the shady uncle, the plot to force Yai to marry, and the big confrontation over Robert’s misdeeds are all show inventions, likely added both to pad out the story and make the relationship harder and sadder, and because he was looking for an alternate source of conflict since he was not doing Part 2 of the book (which takes place once Jom is yanked away again and shot back to the Commander Yai time period). 
Another major change from the novel to the show: in the novel, Yai’s plans to go study abroad were already set before Jom even got there, not something he won as a consolation in a negotiation over marriage. Which has some implications I’ll get into in the next section.
Winner: The drama, where the family dynamics were much more thoroughly explored. 
The Romance 
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As I mentioned above, Tee made a smart choice in bringing Yai more firmly into Jom’s orbit early in the story, but unfortunately, he didn’t do much with that advantage and actually failed to use some of what the novel gave him to work with. In the novel, Jom is much more aware of the attraction between him and Yai, very attuned to Yai’s flirting and their age gap, very aware of his own growing attachment to Yai, and thinking through the implications of all of it as it grows, which is a more natural and believable build up to their romance than in the show, where Jom seems distracted and unaware of Yai’s affections until they suddenly start jumping each other. That lack of romantic development in the show (which we discussed even as it was airing) was not because the material was not there for Tee to use in the book; he simply had other priorities and neglected to build it properly in show time.
That said, I have to give major credit to Tee for how he handled the romance once our leads were together and intimately involved. First, he really brought some of the scenes that were in the book to life in a way that still has me shook, like Yai’s drunken poetry recitation (credit must also be given to Bright for his eye work in that and many other scenes, what a stunner). And on top of that, the drama has some of the best physical intimacy scenes I have ever seen in any drama, full stop, and that is nearly all Tee and his creative team. He used elements from a few scenes in the book, but he remixed and amplified them to be a lot more powerful, and certainly much more artful and sensual than the sex scenes in the book. That olive oil masturbation scene? The show gets full credit, and the way the direction, editing, and performances so vividly painted their attraction to each other still gives me shivers when I think about it.
But anyway, back to bitching about Tee: one of the scenes that really stuck out for me like a sore thumb in the romance arc in the show was when Yai learns he will be going abroad and he and Jom discuss it in a curiously flat and emotionless way, with Yai acting like it’s no big deal for them to be separated for three years. I mentioned above that this was a change from the book: in the novel Yai was already set to go abroad before he ever met Jom, it was not a new surprise that came about after they were together. They discuss Yai’s impending departure twice in the book; once when Jom is still only Yai’s majordomo, and then once again when they are lovers. As you can imagine, the emotional tenor of these two scenes are quite different. And Tee used the wrong one for the show! I almost threw the book at the wall when I realized I was reading the verbatim dialogue from that scene in the show in the context of Yai and Jom hardly knowing each other yet, and then again when I got to the second conversation that was actually appropriate for two lovers who do not want to be parted. That has to be one of the most senseless adaptation mistakes I have ever seen. Tee Bundit, what is wrong with you!!
Lastly for this section, I will just note that the very long, drawn out goodbyes between Yai and Jom are also a show invention. In the book, Jom gets yanked to the next time period with no warning shortly after they get together and begins his next adventure with another Yai. Since Tee was ending the show here in this time period, he went in a different direction, having Jom and Yai much more aware of Jom fading and anticipating a separation so that he could (say it with me) make everything sadder. His choice to wallow for two entire episodes in sorrow and melancholy and to put much heavier focus on Yai’s despair was entirely his own, and so very on brand.  
Winner: It’s a draw. The book definitely writes the romantic arc more holistically and doesn’t have any of the missteps the drama does, but the show is so artful and the parts it gets right are so good I will remember them for the rest of my life. And I can’t pretend I’m not an angst monster at heart, so Tee’s sad af vision totally worked on me.
Sides and Queer Community
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gif by @my-rose-tinted-glasses
Here is where Tee’s adaptation really shines, and I know others have discussed these changes before so I won’t go too deep on the details. But I absolutely have to give Tee props for taking tiny threads for these side characters in the books and building them into whole people that we actually care about. Especially in the case of Ming and Fong Kaew, Tee really made something of their extremely thin book stories to turn them into fan favorite characters with real growth arcs. I do think the book was better in the way it handled the fated connection between Fong Kaew and Khamsaen, but everything else about Fong Kaew’s story was deepened by the show. And Tee gets credit for adding so many meaningful stories for women characters in the first place, let alone developing a lesbian romance for Eung Pueng and Maey. He picked up on a tiny bit of subtext for underdeveloped characters in the book and ran with it, and it really enhanced the story. 
He also used side characters as a means to make this story feel all around more queer, not only by including additional queer romances but by building out a real sense of community and solidarity among the queer characters. Not only the addition of nods to real queer history, but the speakeasy, James’s explicit queerness, and Nuey the Green Queen are all Tee additions to the canon that really enhanced the story.
Winner: The drama and it’s not close. Well done, Tee!
That Ending
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gif by @dragonsareawesome123
One of my biggest interests in reading the novel was seeing how the ending with modern Yai is explained in the original source material, because I found the drama version of that scene so lacking. Well, it turns out, the novel did pretty much the same thing! The ending sequence of the book is even shorter than the scene in the show and similarly offers zero explanation for this new version of Yai or how he knows Jom before they jump each other and the story concludes. The main narrative ends there and the book then tacks on an epilogue explaining who this new Yai is, and it reads like an afterthought. Honestly, it felt to me like the writer ran out of steam and just didn’t bother to finish the story, and Tee did exactly the same thing. Which is kind of infuriating, because being able to fix stuff like that is one of the best things about a good adaptation. 
Winner: Absolutely no one, my kingdom for a proper ending to this story.
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gif by @pharawee
So, my conclusions? 1) Tee Bundit is the saddest creator in Thai bl, hands down; 2) It’s a draw between which version of this story is better. The novel and drama both have different strengths and significant flaws, but both versions are compelling and had me on the edge of my seat. I highly recommend the book to anyone who is missing the show and wants another chance to revisit these characters, plus the added bonus of seeing Jom wrangle Commander Yai, something we are unlikely to ever see on our screens (though hope springs eternal besties!). If you do decide to give it a read, come talk to me about it! 
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mad3lyncline · 1 month
𝑻𝑬𝑿𝑻𝑺 𝑭𝑹𝑶𝑴 𝑨𝑵 𝑼𝑵𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑫 𝑴𝑼𝑺𝑬 𝑹𝑶𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑹 – 𝑷𝑨𝑹𝑻 𝑻𝑾𝑶 . more starters taken from ridiculous texts my muses have sent on wire / discord . adjust pronouns as necessary !
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] okay well . . . . . . you're stinky .
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] i always at LEAST hit the pen before story time
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] what the fuck is the bourgeoise are we a part of it 😭
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] just looked at a pic i took of u where ur shirtless and almost passed out so there's that
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] if i was a frog and you were a frog and we were sitting under a toadstool together but we had to hop through the rain would you use a little leaf as an umbrella and hold it up so i don't get wet 🥺
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] what if we kissed inside a life size replica of the ancient greek torture device the brazen bull
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] listen to some music performed by the world's smallest violin 💀
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] i don't remember signing up for domestic prohibition
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] you ordered a mariachi band right i can send them in ??
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] did that thing traumatize u so bad u swore to hate geese forever
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] if i'm good at one thing it's being a fuckin simp we KNOW this
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] that and smoking . i'm real good at smoking .
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] i used to save LIVES man
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] sounds like dick splinters to me
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] me when i'm an anarchist tree and the lorax is in front of me
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] is that racist ? is french a race ?
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] you would make a good lawyer one day [ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] you wouldn't win anything [ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] but you've got the spirit
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] yeah , he's been smiling like an idiot about it all day
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] ur dad's a hater
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] can we still eat lunch meats
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] i don't know , what the hell is listeria ? is that like wisteria ?
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] yes , dickhole , i got that
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] if anything you're like an EXTRA nepo baby
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] a little frenchman named pierre gives you weed ????
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] for some people life is a movie [ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] for you it's a cartoon
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] you wanna get me started on how hot your dad is go right ahead
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] baby boy every detail you share will be matched and exceeded with a mental image of your parents you never wanted to see
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] you guys look like actual children right now you realize that right
[ 𝒔𝒎𝒔 📲 ] i should probably be a better influence but like fuck yeah 😭😭
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wastrelwoods · 2 years
meg’s hannibal fic recs
hurrah for accumulating enough hannibal fics to finally organize some into a sexy little numbered list (which is comprised of three subsections. tee hee i am so organized) i am leaving out some better-known and appreciated fandom classic tastemakers just because I tend to assume people have run into those on their own but of course there are some all time faves there too. this is just already so long, holy shit,
🫀 PART THE FIRST : CANONVERSE [heartwrenching character studies, missing scenes, divergences, etc]
coffee cake by bones_2_be | 82k | hannibal leaves alone after digestivo, and will stays in wolf trap. in the middle of a snowstorm, hannibal comes back to visit. a really sweet and complex slow burn that's especially satisfying to reread in inclement weather and always leaves me craving comfort food
tenderdest touch leaves the darkest of marks & the hardest of hearts by det395 | 28k | 2part divergence from season 3b | hannibal and will end up on the wrong side of the door to his BSHCI cell. THE IMAGERY is so unparalleled the twists and turns are so masterful and the integration of silence of the lambs elements in a completely unexpected way is SO fun. PERFECT
Il falò delle vanità by More_night | 17.8k | missing scenes, one per season | will and hannibal get drunk together and skirt the edges of a years-long discussion of love, destruction, and veneration. these snapshots in their increasingly tumultuous relationship and the things that change and the things that don't....ooh wee
purple hyacinth by petrodactyl352 | 3.5k | missing scene in the season 3 timeskip | scenes from will's wedding day, featuring hannibal, alana, and will. SO full of lovely pining and a fun exploration of the interplay between these characters
culinary substitution by anbarelectrum | 8.8k | mid season 3 | will's old family meets his new family. THE choice of POV for both sections lends so much to this fic and it's a great tense little vignette that explores the dynamics at play in a really clever and exciting way while being very fair and evenhanded with all characters involved. and i LOVE the conclusions drawn
trotline by colonel_bastard | 7.7k | missing scene in season 2b | will takes hannibal fishing. just a CRAZY character study. the whole of will graham writ small in a way that boils my blood to think about. (feat. extremely detailed and visceral animal death)
after the silence has returned by fahye | 2k | post-canon | domestic autocannibalism? hannibal preparing meals with will's blood for both of them to share. just very short and sweet and good
the other side of the mirror by nbcravenstag | 7.5k | mizumono | will leaves hannibal's house after their last supper torn between two impossible choices. then will turns the car around.
everyone but me by det395 | 2.7k | listen i get why more people aren't writing fic in this fandom that is wheeze-laugh-until-your-lungs-give-out funny but you know who is doing it well? @will-gayham gets a double rec for this one
the purpose of blood by basingstoke | 5k | lovely and concise post-fall getting-together fic with a very precise and adept hannibal POV. yes there are a wealth of good post-canon fics but this is my favorite! so there! 
🫀PART THE SECOND : DAMN GOOD AUs [transformative and matchless in their creativity ]
airlock by murdertrout | 9k | scifi horror romance | the spaceship's AI has been killing off the crew. will is on a mission to stop it. i love the nonlinear structure & the way that exploration of the humanity of an AI works so well with hannibal's whole thing & the exploration of bodies and codependency (&sweet robot lovin)
the back foot by spqr | 8.5k |  kind of a pretty woman vibe, a little romcom and a little crime thriller. ANYWAY i can be reticent about sex work AUs but there's such verisimilitude in this one specifically for how many part-time gigs will is working and i think its great that the full service SW is treated basically the same as the column writing and dog-walking. it's all skilled work that's a little bit of a slog and really he wants to be free to get back to the romance subplot
it never sings vain by chaparral_crown | 117k | midsommar inspired folk horror au | exquisitely painful to read from start to finish, feels like eating your own beating heart, heavily recommend (feat. extremely vivid and graphic depiction of suicide right out the gate)
long live the knife by tei | 29k | baroque musician au | STICK THE FUCK WITH ME HERE you'll  like this so much even if you don’t know much about that. you will. the depth of research that clearly went into this fic is one of the best i've ever seen and breathes so much life into this concept and will and hannibal both fit into this space in such nuanced and interesting ways! questions of bodily autonomy and god and death and art? johann sebastian bach is there?
all of history [deleted with one stroke] & coercive notions re-evolve by serindrana | 69k | sleeper agent/mind control au that leans into psychological horror | pt 1 is a season 1 vignette: hannibal tries to take advantage of will's fevered brain and finds that it is not the terra incognita he had expected. pt 2 is a plottier fic: while trying to recover his missing memories in the BHSCI, will blacks out and wakes up at hannibal's house, where he slowly pieces together the history that has been hidden from him (feat. dubious consent and torture)
🫀PART THE THIRD : EARNING THAT XXX RATING [canonverse or not but most importantly, good n horny]
rabbit hearted by bleakmidwinter | 18.5k | post-fall getting together fic | i am a sucker for this very specific mix of romantic tension and intimacy negotiation and apparently not at all immune to the allure of 'gay sex feat. this straight guy who is about to get his mind blown' 
sweet milk by lazybaker | 21.5k | post-fall good clean fun fetish fic | i am also not immune to men's tits or the notion of a LITTLE bit of tasteful lactation. sorry i meant tasty
conduit by mokuyoubi | 9k | post-fall getting together fic WITH. a fun bicurious threesome moment. like i said i'm kind of a sucker for fics that turn on the axis of will graham figuring out how to get into having gay sex
satisfied by h0neybeebear | 11.6k | WILDLY sensual and sexy t4t marathon sex that should qualify for some kind of medal or award. new nobel prize category. the incendiary capacity of el's sensory descriptions could power a rocket straight into the sun or, alternatively, keep a hitachi charged for approximately 5 aeons
let me sinful be by darlingred1 | 20k | will is an anal sex toy connoisseur and hannibal is so, so, so intrusively curious about it. i won’t say how many times this has been visited in my history. top of the ao3 wrapped type of shit
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