#Tech Death
jimbodyson · 3 months
i don't want to be controversial but.. am i the only one who never once thought CX-2 was Tech? i feel like they made it pretty obvious it wasn't.
'he talked like Tech' he literally just using big and fancy words like 'domicile' ???? that's just talking.
even just listening to his voice, that's just a regular clone's voice with a weird distortion over it. he sounds nothing like Tech does.
'we don't see a body' dude, that fall was ridiculously high. 'Hunter fell from pretty high too!' there was a slope to break his fall, that wasn't the case with Tech. it was a straight fall downwards.
even then, i feel like being brainwashed into fighting against your brothers is a fate worse than death anyway?? like, i'd rather Tech straight up died rather than him being CX-2.
not only because it'd be him going through torture, but that it would completely cheapen his death in the first place. he died saving his family, making sure they survived and were able to live. him being alive would make his sacrifice just way less heavy. not only that, but it's important for the group's development too. like Crosshair said-- 'clone force 99 died with Tech'.
of course, season 3 was flawed. even though it makes sense for the Batch to not talk about his death, it still could'be been handled better.
theorise all you want, I don't care but when the theory turns out to be false i don't think it's fair to call it 'bad writing' because it didn't happen.
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Saw your requests are open and thought I’d stop by! How about an Echo x Reader with a bit of angst about Tech’s death??? Thanks!
One Day
Echo x Reader
Summary- Echo is, understandably, not taking Techs death well. Comfort ensues!
A/N- Thank you for requesting, hun! Echo is SO underrated, I love my little half-human <3.
Word Count- 801
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Echo looked mournfully to the seat next to him. The Pilot seat sat empty. To Echo it would forever be empty. For, the man who filled it was dead. Dead and never to come back.
The thought sunk Echo's stomach. Sitting alone in the cock-pit, just his thoughts to keep him company. The negative and destructive thoughts. He had considered revenge, but what would that solve? It wouldn't bring his brother back...
The only thing he could do is swear to not let the Empire get what he loved. At least not again. He now thought of you. How losing you scared him.
He gave a small sniffle, one he hoped no one heard. He tried to be strong, the rock you could count on.
Just as he choked down a sob, you entered.
He couldn't face you. Knowing he would break down if he did, settling for a 'Hmm?'
"It will be okay. One day, it will be." You tried to place a hand on his upper arm, stepping closer to him.
Your heart thumped loud in your ears, especially when he shrugged your hand off.
"It will never be the same." He managed to speak, his words wavering.
"Poor thing..." Instead of trying to touch him again, you moved to his front. Forcing him to look at you, his eyes filled with tears.
"I wish I could make your pain disappear." He just stared, now at the floor.
You sighed, while you were grieving yourself- Echo was much closer to Tech. He had known him longer than you.
"He was your brother, no one can take that away." You built the courage back up to rest a more gentle hand on his knee. This time he let you keep it there.
"I am so sorry, Echo." You couldn't imagine what he was feeling. "You've lost so many... What can I do?"
He swallowed hard, "So many clones- brothers have given their lives up for the Empire, for the Jedi, for-" He let out a small sob, immediately covering his face with his hand.
"I know, I know." You stood up, cradling his head to your stomach. You rubbed his back, trying to soothe him. "Shhh."
He started to mumble, muffled by your body, "Tech died for us. Not some Empire." Tech died... That was the first time he had said it out loud. Another sob overtook him.
You just held him tight, praying he would feel better.
"He was very brave. Very, very strong." You praised Tech's name. Echos head slightly moved up and down, nodding in agreement.
He gave a sharp inhale, leaning back. You quickly wiped his stray tears away with your sleeve.
"He's gone, forever." Echo plainly stated. This time he didn't cry, simply void of emotions.
"But he's not. We will always remember him. Always carry on his legacy. His sacrifice will not be in vain. We will make sure of that..." You rested a hand on his cheek, moving back and forth over his cheekbones. Your thumb occasionally smearing an extra tear.
"It won't be today. It won't be tomorrow, but one day. One day it won't hurt so bad. I promise..." You spoke softly, knowing he was in a vulnerable space.
A slow kiss to his lips showed him you were there for him. With closed eyes he spoke, "Thank you."
"We have to try and be half as brave as Tech was. Clones will soon have freedom. Freedom to do whatever they like, not listening to orders." He met your eyes, a little more hopeful this time.
"They could settle down, find a cozy planet. One where war and fighting won't follow them. Even have a few baby clones if they want... Ones named after their dads brothers-in-arms..." You bit the bottom of your lip, a little scared for his reaction.
"Is that something a clone like yourself would want? Away from death, away from sacrifice." You lifted your other hand to fully cup his face.
"I can't leave-"
"No, no, baby. After it all. After it doesn't hurt so bad..." All he could respond with was a lasting nod.
He so desperately wanted all the fighting to be over. He'd sacrifice himself if it meant no more of his brothers died.
You cradled his head once more when he started to sob again. Simply holding him, whispering comforting words to him.
"Yes, yes." He repeated, you just held him tight.
"Hey, look at me." You slightly pulled back.
He looked up at you, doe eyed. "You will get through this, I promise."
He responded with a sniff, he was unconvinced. Though, one day It would be okay. You'd end up naming your first child Tech, in honor of the man. Your second Fives.
"I love you."
"I love you too..."
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! I fear this wasn't my best work </3. I LOVE Echo, he needs more attention, and the prompt was so angsty!! I hope I did it justice, let me know if there is any way I can improve!
Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @dangraccoon @knight-of-flowerss
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chosentroooer · 1 year
I'm sobbing
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snips2112 · 5 months
Please Don't Make it Real
While on Tantiss, Omega provides Crosshair with news he wasn’t expecting to hear. He isn’t ready for it to be real, but unfortunately the reality of life and death waits for no one.
Or, my take on how Crosshair found out about Tech’s death.
Fandom: The Bad Batch
Rating: M
Word Count: 2,535
I feel like a lot of people (myself included) are curious about how Crosshair may have found out about Tech's death. Here is my angsty take on it!
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vomititallout · 10 months
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voidofnothingmusic · 20 days
This is a brand new release for a new album i’m working on, which replaces the usual guitar-focused metal style with a distorted piano!!!
I worked very hard to make it as heavy and technical as possible while still balanced, hopefully I succeeded
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cc-cobalt-1043 · 6 months
1 year ago today we lost clone trooper Tech.
He was such a good brother and thanks to the empire (and Saw) he had to sacrifice himself for the others.
RIP Tech.
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kaminorain · 1 year
today i am sad because of:
the fact that wrecker definitely blames himself for tech’s death because he wasn’t strong enough to hold up the cable car he was hanging from
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digitalblindfold · 7 months
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chosentroooer · 1 year
Tech who was saved Echo
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But he couldn't save him
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explosionshark · 12 days
stream / purchase
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dankalbumart · 18 days
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Using Sickness as a Hero by Human Remains Relapse 1996 Grindcore / Avant Garde Metal / Death Metal / Heavy Metal / Technical Death Metal / Mathcore / Deathgrind / Dissonant Death Metal
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Technical Black/Death Metal
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I know I am late but Hear me out!
If Echo can survive an Explosion he was literally in the Middle of!
I am pretty sure Tech can somehow survive the Fall!
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vomititallout · 21 days
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waiting for the cleansing to be done
waiting for the cleansing to be done
waiting for the cleansing to be done
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bryqe · 6 months
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old me meets new me
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