#Team Kelly
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inacatastrophicmind · 1 month
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Supernatural 12x19/ Tracker 1x12
Guys, it's the same motel and the same door 3
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maxielonceagain · 5 months
The way she scared him! 😂😂
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triplexmile · 2 days
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Thinking about that time I was commissioned to draw Lisa from "Dead or Alive" dressed like Lisa from "Weird Science".
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
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Someone add an Apollo dodgeball meme
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mangosaurus · 14 days
a little late sharing this but DreamWorksTV asked the cast and executive producers of JWCT what their favorite JP/JW moments are 🦕 lots of great answers here!
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dittaturamonegasca · 3 months
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IDK YOU but this pic makes me cry
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today-in-the-bunker · 1 month
Today, the crew celebrates Jack's birthday. Dean makes them a cherry pie and they are visited by Charlie, Jody and Donna, who brings by Claire, Kaia, Patience and Alex to celebrate the day with their new friend. Jack is very happy that they are able to spend the day with such a loving family, however they secretly wish their mother could be here with them. They catch Cas's eye while thinking about her and he replies with a bittersweet smile and a wave of love and support.
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biomecharnotaurus · 1 month
Blue Team
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soullessjack · 10 months
another tally on the “things about jack that have been almost erased by the baby au” is how genuinely fucked up and weird and scary and violent and horrifying he is. the body horror of his existence is so. Palpable.
he looks human, but he still fundamentally is not human, and the thing that separates him from being human or belonging or being normal and loved and accepted without strings attached is his own bloodline. his own family, his own father. the blood that runs through his veins is the blood of the devil and he wasn’t fed it like Sam. the anger and rage and capacity for violence inside him isn’t an ancient curse like it was for Dean. It’s just who he is. It’s his neurology. Jack enters a guilt/grief-induced psychosis so bad he starts hallucinating his own dead evil father who proceeds to say “I’m in your head, your DNA,” and goes on about how Jack’s place with the only chosen family he ever cared for is that of their little pet monster who’s only kept around to kill things for them. And this is his subconscious, remember, these are all Jack’s own thoughts being given a hallucinatory voice.
When jack is first born he doesn’t even register that he’s not a full human. It’s not until he catches dean telling the sheriff that he’s a Nephil and gets stabbed all the way through his entire heart to the hilt of the angel blade and survives, that he realizes he’s Not Normal. Jack stabs himself 18 times with “grim determination,” dedicated to making a wound stay open in his body, but nothing happens. He doesn’t know what any of this is, but he knows it’s dangerous and he’s seen firsthand what he can do, because he sent the sheriff careening backwards into glass when he didn’t mean to do anything more than push her away. He tells Dean he will hurt someone again [whether he means to or not]. And he tells Sam, using his powers is like breathing; it’s a subconscious, physical, neurological part of his system that he cannot (currently) consciously control or stop.
He’s literally a living weapon. These powers of his that hurt people are akin to breathing. His violence and his evil is deep seated and runs through his heart and bleeds out of him. But he can’t bleed the evil out. He can’t escape what he was born into or what keeps him alive. He can’t even live without this nuclear power that ostensibly others him from everyone forever. He’s foaming at the mouth and seizing and fainting and bleeding and going into total systemic failure and subsequently dying as a human because he just isn’t human and he can’t live as one even if he wants to, even if that is a part of him it still isn’t the only part of him. The other half that makes him untrustworthy and violent and angry and dangerous and nuclear and evil and feared and hated is the one part he is left dying without.
His body dies a first time because it couldn’t live without its own hereditary disease, he died as a human and goes to human heaven and sees and rekindles with his human mother, the part of him that he wants to be and loves but can’t exist as. He’s brought back but now he’s a time bomb, a nuclear reactor internally melting down. he’s a weapon, but he’s alive because he was born as a weapon, and neither of these things were his choice.
and then a second time his body dies because he was only registered as a threat with no humanity. his eyes are burned out of his skull and instead of heaven with his mother, instead of humanity, he wakes up in the pitch black abyss where other nonhumans go when they die, then he’s brought back and he’s a weapon for the third time. He’s a living bomb, a collapsing black hole, and he has to eat human hearts ripped straight from the chest to keep his bomb body alive and ready for detonation, ready for collapse. He’s so far from human, further than he ever wanted to be, further enough to make his deep rooted fear a reality that he’s too suicidal to bother rebuking. Why rebuke the truth? The absolute truth that the devil, the evil of all things is in his blood and he is evil and he was a born weapon whose body exists to destroy and kill and not even his own love or will can stop it.
He is a gun that doesn’t want to be a gun and hates that his body is made to shoot and kill, but he has no choice in being anything else but a gun. He cannot ever be good, he was never good to begin with, he was just malfunctioning, glitching, experiencing an error and virus and flaw that he wishes was his entire programming. His eyes glow yellow like the corrupted Star Wars Sith and Rosemary’s Baby and a whole slew of evil things that are evil and meant to be rejected. When he gets angry, people stare at him as if he’s a cornered animal, because that’s what he is to them. To both sides of the equation, he is an animal. A foreign creature, a thing, he’s not human enough to be human and he’s not angelic enough to be an Angel. He’s some weird mixture that nobody can understand or accept. He’s unpredictable and violent and wild and born that way and only in his subsequent domestication, only in the extension of personhood and humanity can he be deemed worth loving. He’s like a dog, detrimentally loyal, old yeller going rabid while saving his family and having to be shot in an act of mercy. Barking and biting at people who might hurt his loved ones and killing them as an act of love. Sam wanted Nick to burn so Jack burns Nick and that’s why Jack says they would be grateful. He did what Sam wanted. Same for the other biblical killings. He’s the cat sinking its fangs into rodents and birds. Leaving the punctured corpses on the doormat as a gift, I did this for you because I love you, don’t you love me too?
I haven’t eaten well in the past two days does this click click anyone’s boom. Saliva
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dearreader · 11 days
ngl i think it’s weird that one of the topic points with the joe article is discussion on if the black dog is about him when it doesn’t matter… like im not calling out any bloggers or people discussing it (it really doesn’t matter) but the album is more murky or combined in the muses because the story lines were both similar so parts over lapped and things can have double meanings. like if the black dog was an actual bar taylor saw a muse walk into via find my iphone that’s cool but the song is more than just that, that’s literally taylor just using a setting but it’s clear the setting is all in her head and she’s picturing this. so she can just have seen ANY muse go into a pub and have her thoughts run wild and used “the black dog” since it’s also a term for depression and the thoughts are causing it amplifying those feelings. like it’s not a big deal, nor am i saying my interpretation is the correct one, but it just feels odd that after joe decided to say his side of the story just to clear the air that people immediately went back into paternity testing songs instead of looking at the album/body of work differently as a whole or just not caring about it. like i saw people on twitter pointing out “easter eggs” in the magazine cover and the fact that the article discussion is heading in that way instead of any other way is annoying
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take-it-on-the-run · 24 days
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groovygrub · 2 days
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Maturity is realizing Percy was the hero and Luke was the villain not because Percy was a 'goody two shoes' and Luke went against the gods but because Percy has the same resentment and anger Luke does only he channels it into breaking the cycle of abuse instead of letting it blind him into not seeing what matters or what would work to changing the world for the better so he puts his energy into kindness to other minorities and survivors and fixing the system while Luke is a privileged fuck who was always given everything he needed and more and worshipped by everybody at Camp Half Blood but they weren't good enough for him so he had hurt them like Hermes did to him to show them the real world 'isn't their safe space' and didn't actually do anything to or go after authority figures ever and only said he did in his propaganda speeches given to the kids he hurt more than they ever did him
Maturity is also realizing Percy's punk not because of an aesthetic he dosen't even have in the books but because he's an anarchist that's nonstop written as naturally a nonconformist and misfit and that he basically adopted Nico and Hazel,a young gay boy and a darkskin black girl,as his younger siblings and pseudo-kids to love,protect,defend and nurture and Luke's Annabeth crush wasn't out of nowhere since he only liked underaged girls as seen by her,Thalia,Silena AND Kelli passing as Percy's classmate as a high school freshmen and targeted boys of color specifically judging by Travis and Connor vs Chris despite being closer to the formers and same for the Botl respect towards Percy vs Ethan so he was the way he was just because Luke was literally a white man and that's what they're like in real life too,including the self-denial and 'hero' status that is enforced yet ignored for victimization
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empresskadia · 2 months
I have John-117 brain rot tonight and I'm sleep-deprived, so buckle up friends ;)
I've been thinking about how Spartans use their downtime after missions because regardless if they want it or not, they're gonna get ordered to take mandatory downtime. So it's not surprising when Captain Lasky tells Blue team to take a 48-hour rest period, even if John tries to protest and tell him they're fine. An order is an order.
So, Fred goes to catch up on paperwork, Kelly wants to go bully the IVs and Linda joins her on the promise that they'll go to the shooting range together and get a chance to play wargames, so she can test out a new modification she made to Nornfang.
But, all three know where John's going to go and that's to find his partner. They know the Chief won't admit it but they notice the slight slack of his shoulders as they leave debriefing and John's eyes flickering to the door as they get stripped from their second skin. They know the exact direction of your room and coincidentally that's the way Chief is heading after they've showered.
None of them say anything but exchange small glances of understanding. In a way, his partner was the only time he allowed himself to feel human, even if it was just a fraction. They'll all tease John about it in the morning when you both arrive for breakfast, but until then, they were grateful for the small reprieve you gave him.
So when your door swishes open after the bioscan confirms his handprint and the only light in the room is a dim glare from the projected screen playing a rerun of a show he's sure you've already watched and the body in the bed barely moving in response, he knows you're tired. There are no words said as he approaches, his partner giving him a simple hum of acknowledgment as you roll over to make room for his giant frame on the mattress.
John's movements are slow and careful not to disturb you too much. He sits on the edge, the familiar creak of the springs under his weight like a subtle greeting. You can hear the steady rhythm of his breathing as he begins to uncurl the laces of his boots as you instinctively reach out, fingers brushing against his forearm. It's a simple touch, but the question is there, asking if he's okay. He pauses for a moment, glancing back at you, and in the dim light, you can see those blue eyes soften slightly and the barest hint of exhaustion lay there.
No, he wouldn't say anything, but you could know and he lets you see.
He lies down next to you, his massive arm wrapping around your waist as you shift slightly for his head to rest on your chest. Your hand instinctively goes to his back, and running your nails up and down his back, taking a moment to gently brush over the divots of scars that you could tell apart from the augmentation ones to the ones he received from countless battles.
After a moment, you could feel him relax into your embrace, finding that perfect spot where your shoulder cradles his head. The gentle patterns on his back are seemingly like a lullaby for the Spartan. The two of you settle into a comfortable silence, the hum of the old show filling in as white noise.
John sighs, a deep, slow breath that you're sure he's been keeping in for a long time. You know he's holding a lot inside—memories of what happened to Cortana and the Didact, the constant need to keep going, and the result of New Phoenix. But here, in the quiet of your room, he can let go just a little, trusting you to hold the pieces together while he rests.
You keep tracing the lines on his back, your fingers gentle but deliberate as the room descends into total quiet and darkness. The air is warm, and the subtle scent of your shampoo mingles with the sterile smell of the Spartan's armor. You rest your head against his, the warmth of his skin bringing a small comfort to your tired mind.
It's not often you get moments like these—where the world outside doesn't matter, where you're not Spartans, but just two people sharing a quiet night together.
Downtime is as much a part of the job as the missions, and if it means spending it with you, he's not going to argue. Even if he had an easier time being a part of the armor, he could be human for a moment. Human for you.
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