#Team Girl Squad
tsukinoinaba · 7 months
Restarting my All Girls run of Chroma Squad
I felt the itch to play again, and realized I'd last played so long ago I forgot how I'd been doing my run aside from "Lesbian Sentai", so may as well just start over.
to motivate myself to actually see this run through, I think I'll try live blogging my progress. I'll be tagging it "Team Girl Squad" for anyone who wants to follow along, or more likely for anyone who doesn't want to see a damn thing.
welcome, one and all, to the series premiere of:
War Maiden Sentai Valkyranger (戦乙女戦隊ワルキューレンジャー)
for now, we're gonna start with the team members themselves, below a Read More to spare people a long post.
first up is our Lead, Hilda, White Valkyrie
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she's the white ranger because that feels the most angelic, and also despite Red typically being the leader color, that instead goes to
moving along, we have our Scout, Tomoe, Red Valkyrie
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because the scout is the speedy one of the group, and everyone knows Red goes faster
next up is our Assist, Angela, Green Valkyrie
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because the Assist is the team healer, and green is the color of health. I don't make the rules, it just is.
fourth on the list is the Techie, Lyla, Purple Valkyrie
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named after my lovely girlfriend and assigned the color she chose when I asked her to pick a color from the options the game gives you, because it's my dream team of an all girl sentai, so why not include my dream girl, too?
lastly, we have the Assault, Connie, Pink Valkyrie.
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this one named after me, because of COURSE I'm putting myself in the lesbian toku show. you can't stop me, don't even try.
I went with pink because of these options, the color I'd most like is Purple (since there's no good Silver option), but I'm not taking away what my darling girlfriend chose for herself, and the gimmick here is "Lesbians" not "Everyone's the same color" (I do plan to pull a Samurai Flamenco "everyone is the red ranger" team in a future run, but that'll be for me), so no doubling up on colors. with that decided, I shrugged and figured "I want to be feminine. I'm going cliche and being pink. plus it's amusing to have the Pink Ranger be the muscle of the team."
also, anyone who bothered to read this far might ask "why not make yourself the leader?" and good question! the answer is: later in the game, you get the option to go one of 3 routes with the show. either a) you get a proper 6th ranger, b) you get a 6th fighter, but it's a Metal Heroes style character as a guest fighter, or c) most of the team is captured, and the lone fighter left becomes a Kamen Rider.
I want to be a Kamen Rider, and the Assault is who gets to do that, so the decision was made for me.
and yeah, that's the team. we'll check back in as I play along, hopefully not taking too long between play sessions.
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 8 months
Team Green stans and Dany antis have no right to call Daenerys and Rhaenyra for any kind of nickname.
It's Queen Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. Queen of Meeren, Breaker of Shackles, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea and Mother of Dragons for you not Dany.
Same thing for Rhaenyra, it's not Rhae or Nyra is: Queen Rhaenyra of House Targaryen first of her name. Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.
If you are feeling lazy just called them Queen Rhaenyra or Queen Daenerys, but you lost the right to nicknames when you misunderstood the books so badly. Argue with the wall.
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hellcifrogs · 1 year
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Konoha Volleyball Club!
The two obsessions finally meet~ Also not pictured team managers: Shikamaru and Chouji :)
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Ted is 100% bisexual. You can pry this from my cold dead hands. (He so dated Mark at Hatchetfeild High)
Jenny is related to Girl Jeri.
Paul and Hannah are autistic but neither of them are diagnosed.
Taz is a ✨lesbian✨
Keith watched Glee in high school "for Gwen" but he enjoyed it way more than her.
yes to all of it
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
You guys know what's wild as hell about Pjo fans ragging on Walker!Percy though?The fact that they keep saying he's not a good adaption of Percy because he's 'super lame'.Like first of all that's a child shut up and get a life bitch but also my actual point is that he's only lame from normies who think they're freaks perspective and i mean this in the sense of me being a lower class autistic adult and ex-troubled kid like book!Percy is and that's why i think both his version of Percy and Walker himself are cool as fuck.Like sorry to have to burst your bubble but Percy was never a stereotypical guy or a skater boy or a devil may care or popular in the mortal world and i'm bolding that last part as the important distinction-Percy is widely beloved BY OTHER DEMIGODS because they're also weirdos like him but regular humans still view him as a worthless and unappealing loser and this is very much intentional every step of the way.Demigods are a metaphor for neurodivergent otherhood,mortals are a metaphor for ableist neurotypicals and you guys fell for Percy's untrue self-image issues and his tormenters verbal abuse hook line and sinker.Me thinking Walker is really based is not only my opinion(and a fact)but also just me literally understanding the assigment from the get go and for ten years now lmfao!Y'all hate for his Percy Jackson kinnie and zero Peter Johnson energy swag💙
Also,i was gonna end it there but i need to add in this bonus as a black woman who's a lot like Leah personality wise and in presentation:Annabeth canonically dosen't want to be blonde because she wants to be seen as more than her looks and Leah's blackness freed her from it and erased the white feministic aspects of her to be replaced with good nerdy black girl rep so by extension her dynamic with Percy is actually equal and i love watching it which is a far cry from book!Percabeth and i hope they cast a black girl for Rachel(my beloved)too and let Jason's actor when the time for Hoo comes keep his hair black as they did Leah so all you 'Percy has a type and it's blondes' freaks will be exposed for the racists and pedo apologists you are💕💕💕
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lizzstarkiller · 2 years
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If you hated the new Velma show go watch The Solve It Squad Returns, a one-act play by The Tin Can Bros. Thank me later.
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sceptiseptic · 9 months
Cant wait for all the massive 2010s youtubers to turn 50 and start making biopics and autobiographies
They will all be so bad lmao but interested to hear about what drugs they were on and relationship/friendship drama
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Sorry not sorry to all the Dany antis out there thinking my girl is gonna be a villain in the books, and not the hero she was written out to be. All these antis really do keep my girl Dany living in their heads rent free from all the times they post about her, and hate on her character. People are just mad Dany does it better than all the rest. And the antis hate on Dany is so misconstrued they actually have to give misinformation, and bend the text of the books to fit their agendas. Stay mad about her. Dany remains on top always.
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odd-critter · 11 months
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tf2-homestar runner adjacent drawings HAI. :-3
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frazzledsoul · 5 months
I am really not liking a lot of the stuff being said around this topic right now (particularly the classism and weaponizing Jess's poverty against him to justify Rory's extramarital affair, not to mention the implication that Rory should be allowed to hurt anyone she wants with her infidelity if it makes her feel better) but I just wanted to clarify a point made in one of my earlier metas.
When I said earlier that it was in Jess's best interest for Rory to reject him so he could move on with his life and not be haunted by his high school sins, I meant that. I think he did need to move on from that aspect of his life completely and not rely on Rory to "save" him.
However, I did not mean in any way, shape or form that Rory was too good for him at that time period, or that a summer spent in NYC with him would be a far more destructive decision than Rory's extramarital affair and flight to Europe actually was. There are a lot of people right now saying that Rory's affair doesn't indict her character in anywhere near as harsh of a light as spending time with Jess would be and even that Jess is the one responsible for her affair because he dared to suggest it. I find a lot of that noise really cruel and hurtful, and I just want to make clear that I would never say or believe anything like that. I most certainly would never, ever say that an extramarital affair would be justified for ANY reason, and I would never, ever say that it was preferable to a consensual fling between two single people.
The fact that Rory chose the affair says a lot of things about her (lack of) moral character, her fickleness, her selfishness, and her overall instability. I wish I could believe that she and Jess could have had a pleasant summer enjoying each other, but I cannot separate the Rory that chose the affair from the one that could have gone off with Jess. Jess was emotionally fragile and needed to heal, and I frankly do not want the Rory of late season 4 who did so many awful and cruel things anywhere around him. She would have hurt him more than she already did, and he did not need that.
(I believe in the AU Rory who was capable of being better to him, but the canon one is a different story. I do not trust that girl not to hurt him, unfortunately).
I do still root for a Literati who are able to treat each other with respect and remain faithful to each other, but this current morality play where he is deemed perpetually morally inferior to her and she is never held responsible for her own cruelties and betrayals in order to maintain her position over him is not something I would ever believe in. I don't believe any of that and never will.
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adri-atics · 6 months
Was anybody going to tell me last 200 pages of The Great Hunt were absolutely life-changing incredible or was I supposed to find that out by losing my shit on a plane myself?
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keeganmantle · 1 month
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SquidKeegan just wanted to have a bowl with two of his favorite gals.😐😅
Great job, Team Rice!
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punkeropercyjackson · 27 days
'He's so Percy Jackson-coded'and then it's a nonthreatning white boy who hates women and poc.'She's so Katara-coded'and then it's a normie white pick me girl.'They're so Hobie Brown-coded'and then it's a poser punk white edgelord with no gender fuckery.The Unrestrained Seas Trio is NEVER escaping mischaracterization
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astranauticus · 3 months
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tried to do an iberia squad clear of is3 and the game didnt give me a single medic voucher for the entire run and i somehow managed to beat isharmla??? what????
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girlfairie · 1 year
just read a redditor's analysis of their first time reading AGOT- they love sansa, catelyn, dany, arya, "somehow" respect cersei but HATE jaime with their whole soul. baby that jaime POV coming to hit you like a bus 💗
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katie-foxtail · 11 months
'surtr and ch'en alter were design mistakes that hypergryph never should have done' and then every arknights guide I look up just has thorns and mlynar deleting half the map with no effort, and people made so many memes about how super cool and awesome and sexy passenger and s*lverash were
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