#Tbh i. Am not sure what this is. I got it in a mystery pack thing. I just like it ✨
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stick-by-me · 2 years ago
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Places to go 🦋
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engagemythrusters · 2 years ago
here are my thoughts for my take on @darlin-djarin and that anon's Vanlife AU
1: so honestly imo it's Ezra that starts it, just bc chronically online teenager feels he has to share about his life xoxo. like hera is legit just required to be constantly on the move for her job (which is confidential and a great mystery) and this life works best for them. just how it is. so Ezra just literally makes videos about how his life is and then it blew out of proportion bc oH No NoT aNoThEr aBuSiVe VaN LiFe FaMiLy. like its literally the opposite of sticking children in a cramped space for clout. its the kids demanding to go with hera on her travels and then filming about it.
2: the Phantom is a second form of transportation that they haul on the back of the van(like a car or motorcycle? idk yet. each have their own potential.probs a car tbh for the ease of toting everyone to another location w/out having to pack up the van. BUT I CANT SHAKE THE IDEA OF HERA HAVING A MOTORCYCLE ITS SO SEXY). OR IT WAS. before Ezra absolutely crashed it. they got another but by god. by god will viewers never let him live it down.
3: i have no idea how fenn rau fits in but if its anything like canon it would be so funny for it to be like "this is fenn rau the whiteboy we picked up after he accidentally crashed into hera that one time now he's kanan's best friend xoxo". along that line im not sure hondo fits in either. but he's gotta be there. so that he can have his weird uncle moments w ezra.
4: and yeah. those people hitting on hera or kanan or zeb in the comments. ezra finding it funny to go "stop thats my mom/dad." sabine losing her gotdamb mind every time someone hits on zeb. why does she have to see this. keep those thougths to yourselves, people!
5: and still all those ways kanan gets to troll ableists. that lives in my head forever. rent free. he'd get to tear into fake-claming and "natural remedies" (how do you remedy burned-out eyeballs bro. you cant.) and claims of sexism and all that shit like that and it would be hilarious. 10/10 what a great way for me to cope
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apoombeam · 8 months ago
I reread beta in the alpha pack and it got me thinking.
Does James resent Anders’ birthday at all? After the incident I can’t imagine he would forget the date ever again at the very least.
I know they’re very chill with birthdays, however I could also see James deliberately making it a point to celebrate it. Part lovey dovey reasons, part pushing back against unpleasant memories, and part satisfaction - or well, at least I’d feel smug about it personally, once the day you left me but now I’m here for every birthday you will have, I don’t know that this is how James thinks though😓
Also, does James know that Anders learned he could leave early on and that it was Mikey who told him? If I was him I’d assume it was Emily (although yes she did remind him of it) and not think to ask. I’m curious because I wonder what could be his reaction to Anders having been scared he’d be kicked out of the pack. Amused, maybe.
On an unrelated note, I watched jjk recently and this may be random but Gojo really reminded me of James at some points lol!
Lastly, I thoroughly enjoyed the new chapter, I just love the dynamics between Keiren/Gen/Claude. I hope you’re doing well and that you take all the time you need ❤️❤️. I’d wait decades for this story tbh
[Does James resent Anders’ birthday at all? After the incident I can’t imagine he would forget the date ever again at the very least.]
Anon, are you in my drafts??? This is crazy, because Anders' birthday came up in the James/Anders oneshot I'm working on and I went through the EXACT thought processes as you. Our brains must be very similar. I don't know whether to be scared or impressed.
[Also, does James know that Anders learned he could leave early on and that it was Mikey who told him?]
It's kind of a mystery what James gets up to in his year of separation after Anders leaves. In the end, he does get Mikey and his brother to help him get Anders, but they might only agree because James threatens to run the pack to the ground. Not sure if they are on amiable terms or not.
[On an unrelated note, I watched jjk recently and this may be random but Gojo really reminded me of James at some points lol!]
Um... if you check my other ao3 account "Mochigod", you will find I have an entire series of Gojo oneshots. I am a fan of the prodigy asshole characters, what can I say. And Gojo was a huge inspiration for James! You are really freaking me out!!!
Thank you so much for your comments!
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kitkatwinchester · 2 years ago
Oh Season 4 is gonna be a RIDE, let's f*cking GO!
I know, I know, it's been a bit again, 'cause I got caught up in what I thought was gonna be some awesome writing inspiration, and then my word document remained as blank as ever. XD
WE BAAAACK, and Season 4 is coming in STRONG, dude.
First of all, Stydia is literally the best, I love them so much. Every time they're doing things together, the sassy affection they have for each other is just amazing, and the brainpower between the two of them makes anything possible.
That said, no freaking clue how this new hunter lady that keeps popping up (that is apparently Chris's mother, if the "mijo" from several episodes ago really means anything) managed to get Derek all the way to Mexico, and how our pack managed to follow him to Mexico, with $50,000 no less, is an even crazier mystery, but I'm sure it'll all get explained, and I kind of don't care because of how bad*ss that whole thing was.
Like, this show is stellar at pulling you in to a new season right away, and this is certainly no exception.
"Not smart to come alone."
And then everything in Stiles's face just shifts to utter bad*ss confidence with:
"What makes you think we came alone?"
And then they show MALIA and KIRA with their little colored eyes, AND put them in the NEW INTRO (!!!! I am such a sucker for intros that change every season and I totally blame Supernatural lol), which TOTALLY makes them OFFICIALLY part of the pack and I am SOOO down for that!!
"You brought a wolf into my home?"
And the way Lydia just looks over at Stiles with that bad*ss smirk like "you wanna tell her, or should I?" to give us:
"We brought an Alpha."
Bruh I don't even NEED context. This scene is AWESOME.
As far as plans go, Lydia, I don't know if this is your worst, 'cause this seems like a PRETTY FREAKING BAD*SS PLAN to me!!! <3 <3 <3
Season 4, Episode 1.
Let's gooooooo.
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Update: Having now re-watched that scene five times, I can officially say that this is the best opening to a season (and maybe to an episode, tbh) this show has had so far. I can also officially say that the Season 4 intro is my favorite so far (although the Season 3b intro is a very close second).
Update Part 2: Sorry not sorry, but while Scira is still second only to Stydia, that dance scene is already making me ship Malira. And I know that's not gonna go anywhere, and I'm okay with that, but holy f*ck did Malia and Kira have IMMEDIATE on-screen chemistry omg.
Update Part 3 (next update I'll just make a new post lol): Okay so maybe she has no actual biological relation to Chris, because she called Lydia "mija" and Lydia definitely has no relation to them, so...
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delicrieux · 4 years ago
☆ミ 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 “𝚘𝚑”
y/n is back in brooklyn for the holidays. thinking that a stream will make her feel less homesick for cali, she starts working on her famously titled hentai.free.srv. what was supposed to be a relaxing stream turns into a special delivery about two hours in.
─── corpse husband x reader ─── soc. media + written fiction! ─── word count: 2.2k ─── ❥ req: Here's one... You know those apps for delivery like Domino's or whatnot... What if reader is streaming Among Us with Corpse, and reader mentions they're hungry and Corpse offers to order them food, and readers like no no it's fine... Then there's delivery at the door (Corpse ordered beforehand) 
author’s note: fucky format is also back in town baby!!! also if you find any mistakes - no u didnt <3 thank u everyone for enjoying this story sm i literally cant believe how feral yall going strawberry cow was a nuclear explosion im still recovering tbh. got an ask a while ago and decided to incorporate it into myso. happy holidays everyone! myso will continue on monday!
ultimate masterlist.  ҉  myso masterlist   ҉   previous.  ҉   next.
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Indeed, being soft on any social media platform was the biggest disgrace and needed to be eliminated post haste. Moreover, it was a slippery slope - once you start flooding your timeline with cute imagery and heart emojis, what will stop you from posting inspirational Facebook quotes? Disgusting. If Rae were here, she would chide you (not you thinking about her as if she’s dead or something). For once in your life, you feel like you deserve it. 
Alas, you hope this little chaos you’ve caused is enough to throw everyone off. The stans, especially. You know the hashtags, you’ve seen ARMY scourging for info online with the same fervor and ruthlessness 1 Direction fans hacked airport security cameras just to spy on the boys. If you had any dirty secrets online, they are out to the public now - thankfully, besides the Harry Styles stan account (with edits and all), you have nothing. Though, now that you think about it, exposed nudes would have been better than your Punk!Harry edit receiving almost a million views. God, your life’s a fucking mess.
Your fans aren’t the only ones out for info - you, too, are trying to decipher Rae’s message. Code: Barbecue Sauce. The two of you had come up with it roughly two years ago, around the same time when you promised that if you didn’t find significant others by the time you’re 40, you’ll just marry each other. It was one of the many rules found in your friendship codex. Barbecue Sauce signifies information - an exchange of information. And depending on how it ends or begins (”So I’m sitting there” alludes to Rae, “On my titties” alludes to you), secret data on that person is given away, usually free of charge. 
But why? And to whom did Rae give away what? You had pestered her mercilessly and even sent some voice messages where you were crying. You were only crying because of a video of a grandpa smiling you saw on TikTok, but you are a snake, and so you put those tears to good use. If streaming doesn’t work out, you’ll just become an actress. Hollywood would love you. Your PR firm sure as fuck wouldn’t, though.
Rae was having none of it. She said you’ll figure it out eventually. Told you to channel your superior puzzle skills. You were quick to remind her that you can barely count to ten without having an aneurysm. Oddly serious, she admitted that she worries for you sometimes. Why only sometimes?! you demanded. She merely sighed. uttering under her breath something that sounded closely to “Boke.”
You leave her for barely a week and she’s already neck deep in the gay volleyball anime, hoodie and cardboard cutout and everything. Your life is falling apart.
But Brooklyn is nice. It had snowed when you stepped off of the plane. Thousands of snowflakes sprinkling into your hair, dotting your cheeks and nose. You missed this sight back in Cali. You missed your parents, too. 
Home cooked meals, old sweaters, your old room and about 40GB worth of old high school pictures on your computer. You went through them all one night. Some were stomach churning, cringe inducing nightmares. You were especially fond of those. Texted some of your friends that were still in Brooklyn, met up, decided to bake. Bad idea, Rae was the resident chef back in Cali. Besides laughing till your stomach hurt, and almost burning down your kitchen, nothing all that significant happened. Somewhere down the line, at about 3 am, half-way through a cheesy rom-com you had the overwhelming urge to text Corpse.
That’s where the problems really started. God, you missed California, missed being in the same timezone with a guy you hadn’t even met yet, how embarrassing is that?! You missed skating around and taking pictures of the beach in the setting sun, sending it to him, silently wishing he was with you to admire the view. 
You really want to call him. And to hang out with him. But for some reason, the thought of that springs up immediate anxiety and you shy away from asking. Him sending you cute good morning texts doesn’t help, either. Maybe it’s better he doesn’t know that you’re a blushing, stuttering mess each time you read “baby”. 
Late evening. Your stream is already set up, people are slowly trickling in and you greet them with a grin and a soft “Hello! Hi hi!”. You did your best to make your room a perfectly chaotic backdrop - led lights, an embarrassing amount of anime merch and plushies. You always try to balance out your weeb side by dressing hot as fuck for your streams - today’s inspiration just so happens to be egirls. Mostly because you watched one too many egirl make-up tutorials on TikTok, and also because you’ve been listening to Corpse’s song all day.
Yeah, no, who are you kidding, you dressed up this way because you were hoping Corpse was watching your stream. You didn’t forget your cat headphones, either. You know he likes them. You want to make him suffer. Perhaps then, finally, he will ask you out, so you wouldn’t have to.
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“I feel like,” You start when you put away your phone, staring idly at the chat, “I feel like I need a new name for you guys. Calling you guys after two years of streaming is just... weird, no? I also don’t respect men so I don’t want to call you guys. Like, so many creator’s have, like, a name for their fans. Uhm, Cody Ko has the chodesters, Kurtis Conner has, uh, folks? Kurtis Town? Citizens! Markiplier has mommy issues--” You can’t help snorting, “So, I’ve been, like, thinking - I know, shocking! - so I was thinking I’m gonna name you cockroaches. Because you’re grimy little shits impossible to kill. And also then I can use the legendary Minaj meme ROACHES!”
Your stream enthusiastically echoes ROACHES, making the chat swim. Yes, if anyone would enjoy such a name, it would be your audience. You’re as equally proud as you are disturbed.
“Well, anyway.” Leaning back into your chair, you throw your arms out with a bright grin, “Big dick is back in town, baby! If you noticed the backdrops different, it’s cuz I’m in Brooklyn now. Don’t ask me when I will return to Always Sunny, I don’t plan that far ahead.”
While Minecraft boots up, you decide to answer a few questions.
r u dating sykkuno?
You want to smack your head into the keyboard, but as it is, you can’t exactly afford a new one, so you refrain, “No, Sykkuno and I are not dating, we are just good friends. Uhm, I’m not sure how much I’ll have to repeat this, but, we really aren’t, so if the roaches could chill - Oh my God, that sounds so stupid, I love it - uh, yeah, if the roaches could chill that’d be great.”
the roaches lmao sounds like we’re a sports team
“Oh shit, yeah it does, uh-- maybe I can make like, jerseys or something. That’d be cool, I think.”
how disappointed are your parents with the way your life turned out?
“My parents are actually not disappointed at all!” You say with a cute little smile, “Uhm, they’re both really proud, actually. They’re glad I found something I love doing and made a job outta it. Dad finds my Youtube videos endearing. Yes, they watch pretty much all of my videos, unless I explicitly tell them not to. And yeah, with all the fucks and thirsting for anime characters. Uhm, it was very embarrassing at first, but I mean, after a while, shame just...doesn’t exist anymore, I guess? Funny thing about my parents, actually, when they watch my videos-” You eye catches a comment, “Oh! No, they only watch my Youtube videos. They don’t know how to use Twitter, thank God. Uhm, anyway-- when they hear a name they don’t know, like, I dunno, Dabi, or something, they google--” You’re grinning by now, eyes crinkling, giggling softly, “--who that is, and buy me like, merch and stuff. It’s really cute. 
can i be adopted by ur parents plz
will you and corpse ever collab?!
You were about to answer, though the man of the hour himself decides to do it for you.
Corpse_Husband: yes.
Okay, not to say your heart skipped a beat, but it totally did. With a pleased smile, you nod, like one of those bobble head toys sold at the dollar store. The motion is oddly reminiscent of Sykkuno’s own nod. Perhaps you had picked it up from him. The chat seems to notice.
pack it up, sykkuno
More questions pile about this mysterious collab you and Corpse are planning. Yeah, you’d like to hear more about it, too, since he single highhandedly decided one was happening right now. Corpse remains silent. Fine, keep your secrets. 
“Okay, guys, oh, I mean, roaches, Oh my God--” You’re covering your mouth, giggling, “-calling all roaches, calling all roaches, calm down. Everyone grab a snack and a blanket I’m turning up the music volume so we can all chill. Entering chill zone. Entering chill zone. Roaches, prepare.”
we are prepared
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An hour or so passes and you grow hungry. It shows with the amount of cakes you had baked in your server. Currently, you find yourself throwing eggs at the wall of one of the renovated houses, your face scrunched in concentration and slight frustration. 24 of the 50 eggs have been wasted. “What’s a girl gotta do to get some chicks around here?” you had uttered under your breath, until, finally, a screech - the egg finally spawns a mob. Your mouth falls open, “Aww, look!” You approach it, so small, walking in zigzags beside you, “It’s a baby chicken! Die, bitch.” The baby chicken is no more as you swing your bedazzled (you have mods) diamond sword. You’re cackling by the time the dust settles.
y/n is a child murderer
“Roaches,” You address your fan-base, spurring another fit of laughter - you can’t get over the name, “I think I’m like, forgetting that eating in Minecraft won’t actually make less hungry in real life.”
take a break and go eat queen <3
“Fuck no, we starve and die like men. Now I actually really need another chicken.”
Another twenty minutes trickle by and you’re trying to lure back a panda from the jungle when there’s a knock on your bedroom’s door. Whipping your head to the side, you slide down your headphones. At the same time, your mom pokes her head through the ajar door, “MOM!” You scream, “Get OUT of my room I’m playing Minecraft!” But your yell has no actual bite to it, as you don’t manage to hide your smile. Your mom laughs, doing some sort of sign language and motioning for you to follow her with her head. That or it’s some sort of performative dance. 
“I’m live right now,” You tell her, pointing at your screen. She knows this already, though, “do you want to say hi?” 
The roaches spam the chat with friendly hellos. You mom, quite impatient now, waves you over. 
“Sorry, roaches, mom needs something. Be back in a bit!”
Stopping the stream, you rush out of your seat and pleased she slinks into the hallway. “What’s this about?”
“Your pizza came.”
“My what now?” You echo, confused.
“Domino’s. You ordered pizza?”
“What? No? I was busy with the stream, I never--”
Thankfully, you had managed to grab your phone from your room before you exited. You almost choke on spit once you read the messages.
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You decide that it’ll be impossible to stream after experiencing what you had just experienced. You tweet out a quick apology to the roaches (God, that fucking name) and say that you had a breakdown but you’re okay. That is as a close to the truth as you managed to muster. It’s a sad sight, chewing and crying; your mom winced when she saw your state - disheveled hair and rundown eyeliner and everything. “D’aww,” She had muttered, caressing the top of your head, “don’t cry my little raccoon.”
If anyone was ever to ask you where did your chaotic nature come from, you’d answer with my mom. To make yourself feel better, you took a selfie - duck face and peace sign and the horrible 2000′s angle. Sent it to Rae. 
looking hot, her message read. 
thanks, was all you replied with.
You couldn’t just leave things as they were. Once you calmed down, you wanted to text Corpse, but how would you follow up the ungodly caps lock and screeching? Impossible. An idea sprung to mind, one that was brave. Taking the first step.
Instead of sending a text, you sent a voice memo.
“Thank you for the pizza, it was delicious.”
You voice still sounded a bit raspy. His reply was instant. Your heart skipped a beat. He sent a voice memo back.
“Glad you liked it, baby.”
He was going to be the death of you.
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tags (in italics is those i couldn’t tag! make sure all’s ok w your settings!) : @littlebabysandboxburritos - @fairywriter-oracle - @tsukishimawh0re - @ofstarsanddreams - @bbecc-a - @annshit - @leahh19 - @letsloveimagines - @bellomi-clarke - @wineandionysus - @guiltydols - @onephootinfrontoftheother - @liamakorn - @thirstyfangirl - @lilysdaydreams - @pan-ini - @mxqicshxp - @tanchosanke - @yoshinorecommends - @flightsandfantasy - @liljennyx3 - @slashersdream - @unknown-and-invisible - @sinister-sleep - @fivedicksinatrenchcoat - @mercury–moon - @peterparkerspjsuit - @unstableye - @simonsbluee - @shinyshimaagain - @ppopty - @siriuslystupid - @crapimahuman - @ofthedewthesunlight - @mythicalamphitrite - @artsyally - @corpsesimpp - @corpsewhitetee - @corpse-husbandsimp - @hyp-oh-critical - @roses-and-grasses - @rhyrhy462 - @sparklylandflaplawyer - @charbkgo - @airwaveee - @creativedogs - @kaitlyn2907 - @loxbbg - @afuckingunicornn - @fleurmoon - @yeolliedokai - @truly-dionysus - @multi-fandom-central707
more tags are in the comments bcs tumblr only allows me to tag 50 people max 💙
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annieharkness · 4 years ago
Glimpses: Part 8 (Kathryn Hahn x Fem!Reader)
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Part 1 // previous chapter <<< >>> next chapter
Summary: Babysteps are taken.
Word Count: 1,8k
A/N: Hey y’all! I am really sorry it took me a while to get to this but tbh life hasn't been the easiest since I’ve last posted. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, even though it turned out completely different than I had anticipated. Definitely plan to throw another chapter your way this week. We’ll see :)
Her soft lips move against yours as Kathryn’s hand finds her way into your hair. She pulls you closer and it seems like she wants to deepen the kiss, but before she gets any chance to do so, you break the contact.
“Kathryn…“, both of you are panting and you have to hold on to her upper thigh to steady yourself. You take in a deep breath as she looks at you with widened eyes, while a worried look is creeping onto her face. She immediately lets go of your neck. Still panting, she tries to form words.
“Sweetheart, I… I am so sorry! I… Oh my god!“ Her eyes widen and she removes herself completely from you and puts a few more inches in between the two of you. “Is this…? Did we…? Are you okay?“
You nod, slowly, because you need time to process. What struck you and made you speechless wasn’t the fact that she kissed you in the first place, no, you are absolutely confused by her harsh reaction to the occurring situation. You look at her, eyes wide open, as she is sitting way too far away from you and looks at you like something horrible has happened.
“Kathryn, hey, I AM okay. Very much so, stop worrying. All is good!“ You take her hand in yours. “I… I loved this. This is everything I have ever dreamed of…“ “But?…“, she impatiently interrupts you and you give her the look that a mother gives her children when they repeatedly reach for a toy they are not allowed to have. 
“But… This is not how I want this to go. Let me take you out on a date or something?  Let’s go eat somewhere or read or talk or just sit… But not in the back of a car in the middle of the night as we are both very much not sober, hm?“ She nods and the hiccup, that escapes her throat right after you take her hand into yours again, just tells you that you’re right.
The rest of the ride is calm and quiet as Kathryn clearly is tired and overwhelmed with all the love she has gotten all night. You opt to just sit with her in silence, noticing how her body slowly falls against yours until her head lands on her shoulder. She is asleep.
You move a strand of hair behind her ear - prompting a small smile to form on her lips and it makes you feel proud that you did the grown up thing and resisted the urge to take a step further, the urge to see how far she would go, not that you could sneakily slip your hand anywhere anyway, considering she was still wearing that one-piece that was hugging her in all the right places.
Shaking your head to get rid of the thoughts that are flooding your tipsy brain right now, you realize you’ve reached your neighborhood right as the car slows down on the side walk. Peter opens the window to look at you “Do you want me to take you directly to your house or do you want to walk the rest of the way?“
You really appreciate how considerate he is, but you have to tell your mom eventually anyway, so you opt for the safer option. “Take me directly home, please.“ He nods and his eyes wander to Kathryn, who is still asleep on your shoulder. “You’re good for her, I hope you know that.“, Peter says before closing the window again.
“YOU DID WHAT?“ You haven’t seen your best friend enraged like that ever before. “YOUR./NAME… YOU DID WHAT NOW?
Telling her that you were the one who broke off a kiss with Kathryn was probably not your smartest idea in a while. When you got home last night, you went straight to bed, but texted Alex that you were gonna call her as soon as you woke up to give her all the tea.
“I… I broke the kiss?“ You repeat and look at her, scared she will yell at you again.
“Honey! How??? Why? This could’ve very well been a one in a lifetime chance!“ She is not mad or anything, more shocked because she knows how much you’ve wanted this.
You look at her and both of you become serious for a moment. “It wasn’t right. We had too much to drink. I know she wanted it. We’ve had moments before, but… I just didn’t feel right, Alex. I don't know how to explain. Don’t get me wrong, I was into it, very much so, but I want the real deal. Not a car fling, you know?“ “You really are the most amazing person I’ve ever met. I hope she knows how fortunate she is to know someone as respectful as you.“ It still felt unusual to talk about Kathryn that way. Even to your best friend. Even though you know you share everything with Alex that is there to share. Kathryn was Kathryn and you were… just you. But somehow, when the two of you are together, that doesn't matter at all. You don’t think about who she is when you are with Kathryn.
Right as you think about her, your phone lights up and you receive a message.
„Sweetheart, I really enjoyed having you around last night! Can’t wait to do it again. Packed week ahead, sadly, but would like to invite you to my garden again by the end of it? xxx K.“
For a moment, you smile and already want to text back, but you had read the message out to Alex as well and she doesn’t want you to text back just yet. “Can’t wait to do it again?“, she says. “Like as in the kiss or as in the night, well I mean the day, in general? DUDE. That’s huge!“ You hadn’t thought about it that way. Alex was wild sometimes. She would come up with things that you haven’t considered yet, but not always in a good way. Sometimes, she drops knowledge on you until your anxiety kicks in and she doesn’t even notice. Not this time, though.
This time, Alex’ remark only makes your chest swell with pride because, either way, it was a huge compliment. You let Kathryn know that you feel the same and you would love to visit her again.
The following week seems to be endless but somehow you make your way through it, especially with a Q&A that was announced Sunday night and would happen today. Kathryn is booked to watch an episode of her latest show Wandavision with some cast members on something like Zoom, where they can be seen by fans around the globe to promote upcoming shows and increase streams.
She had texted you a selfie earlier, and captioned it with how she was missing your compliments while getting ready, with a wink, of course, and you that made you even more excited to see her later. 
The event itself is cute, hundreds of fans are online and even though you can’t see the other fans, you all can feel the unity and love towards the cast. You’re sitting on your desk, laptop propped up in front of you with the stream, while you are FaceTiming Alex who stayed awake for the event like she always does.
“Kathryn is just soooo beautiful tonight.“ Alex swoons, as you watch her staring at the stream. Kathryn does look great. Her blue eyes are highlighted by the blue button up shirt she is wearing and her hair is loosely hanging down one side. Ben really outdid himself with tonight’s look. She smiles at something Lizzie says and they both laugh as they watch the scene where Agatha and Wanda are in the kitchen together.
“Many mouths make good gossip.“ Alex laughs and you can see Kathryn grin in the corner of your eyes as you look at her best friend. “Have you told her she looks beautiful yet?“
It was a logical question. Shooting her a message would be so easy and yet, you haven’t thought of it yet. You shake your head.
“Gurl! Take your phone and text her, NOW! Let’s gooooooo.“ She was right. You had the perfect chance right there and you were sure Kathryn would not be looking at her phone anytime soon. Most likely, she would only see your message after the event, so you decide to go for it after all.
“Looking really good tonight, Ms Hahn. ;)“ you finally type. It took you a couple tries and you reworded the message several times, trying to figure out what tone would fit best. After deleting the previous ideas, you just want to not send anything at all, but as you reread your final words , you feel satisfaction and that makes you decide to shoot your shot after all.  
Ales notices our internal struggle “Y/N! Send that freaking message NOW.“ You know she would take your phone and just press send if she was with you and you want this friendship to feel a little less distant tonight, so you immediately press send.
Immediately, the both of you keep your eyes on the stream to not miss any possible reactions and you were wrong. Kathryn actually does have her phone with her and you can tell she notices a message because she looses attention for a second and looks to her left.
You can tell she rethinks if she should pick up her phone or not, but before you can worry about the whole situation more, she reaches out for her phone and reads. The smile on her face is telling. She tries to tone the smile down but it still creeps onto her face on one side. You’re not sure, but you would also say that there is a little blush around her nose that you think is adorable and makes a warm feeling bubble up in your body. OH NO.
Shortly, she looks directly at the camera with the softest smile, before putting the phone back aside and giving her attention back to the cast and episode.
“JACKPOT!“ Alex celebrates an early win. „She loved it! See! Aaaaargh, I am SO GOOD AT THIS.“
 You roll your eyes. “You have a wife, honey, OBVIOUSLY you are.“
And while the two of you laugh about your antics and virtually high five because messaging Kathryn was a success,  the other fans on twitter are already freaking out about the mysterious message Kathryn has gotten and who it might've been from.
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obxsummer · 4 years ago
hiii could i request smth with pope plz ? maybe with the prompts "“You would risk letting all those people die for one person? Why?” “Because it’s not just one person…it’s you.”" and "for what it’s worth, i never gave up on you" from the list ? thank you sm xx
pope heyward x reader
a/n: i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say this is not what this prompt was intended for but this felt like pope to me tbh
part of #obx2celebration
ask me anything
There’s this whole thing about life working in mysterious ways, and yeah, sure, sometimes things work out and all, but you were a firm believer in karma. You swore up and down every day that if you worked for it, and you were a good person along the way, you deserved every success you got.
“Pope, are you kidding me?” You shouted in anger. Your lip was threatening to break under the pressure of your teeth at how hard you were biting it. “This is ridiculous! You’re not even being considerate!”
“Yes, I am, Y/N!” He defended with the same tone you used. You rolled your eyes at his comment. “Look, I’m doing my best here, it’s not my fault you’re a failure.”
You gasped at his words. “What the hell, Pope!” You ran a hand through your hair in frustration before letting out a loud groan. “This is ridiculous. I can’t believe we’re doing this. Why did I let you get me into this?”
“Y/N, just tell me where you are,” His voice came through your headphones. “Please.”
You shook your head, forgetting he couldn’t see you. “No, go save the others. I’ll be fine.”
“I don’t want to save the others, I want to save you!” His voice made you wince in intensity. He sighed, “Y/N, please just give me another chance.”
You laughed, “You know how I am with second chances.” After a moment of silence, you spoke again, “This is the end for us, Pope.”
Suddenly, the words flashed across your TV screen: Life Pack Restored. You gasped into your microphone. “Pope, what the hell! I told you to save everyone else! You would risk letting all those people die for one person, why?”
Pope snorted through the headset as he played on his own remote at his house. “Because, it’s not one person, it’s you.”
Despite the pointlessness of this conversation, Pope’s comment made you smile as you continued to move your character around on the video game in hopes that you may have some success of a victory for your team.
“Shit!” You cursed as You Lost appeared on screen in big red letters. Pope groaned on the other end of your video call, tossing down his controller in rage. You laughed, “For what it’s worth, I never gave up on you.”
Pope snorted, “Yeah, okay it sure didn’t sound like that five minutes ago.”
You laughed, like a full hearted laugh and it made Pope’s smile grow even bigger. You guys didn’t even have to be in the same room but your spirit, your smile and laugh, made him the happiest person ever.
“Alright.” You stretched as you set your controller down. “That’s enough of that for tonight. You’ll pick me up in the morning and we can get brunch before we meet everyone?”
“Or I could sneak into your window right now, we could have movie night, maybe some cuddling and we could just leave together in the morning?”
“Wow, as long as you bring me ice cream to make up for that game, you’re the man of my dreams for sure.”
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cc-mr-vip · 4 years ago
Season 2 Initial Thoughts
Oh man, this season sure was a flippin’ doozy. I honestly wasn’t expecting half the things I saw in this season.
This season is definitely more action packed than the first one, but I also deeply enjoyed the quiet moments they gave the kids. The small moments we saw them just kick back and act their age was really heartwarming. I was so glad to see the kids eat food, I can’t imagine how genuinely hungry they are all just constantly. Also their base is awesome.
As a Kenji stan, I couldn’t help but look at my boy. He honestly has graduated so much from his first incarnation. The moment that struck out to me the most was when he stayed behind to ‘look after’ Yasmina. At first, I thought that he really was trying to shirk his work and stuff, but interpreted differently I wonder if he was just trying to manipulate Yasmina into resting. He’s been shown to do that kind of manipulation before (Kenji did it with Darius in the beginning of Season 1), but here he’s doing it with good intentions. I’m sorta sad that we still know very little about Kenji right now. We learned a bit more about Yasmina and Brooklyn, but nothing about Kenji’s mysterious estranged father situation. Also it’s okay Kenji, I was never good at math either LOL.
I have to say what complete assholes Mitch and Tiff were. I didn’t really trust them upon first seeing them, but I was sort of relieved that the kids finally found some adults willing to help them out. I’m so glad those bastards are dead tbh, but I can give them props for at least feeding these kids and offering them the bathroom to ‘freshen up’. It didn’t really cement how much of a jerk these two were until I saw Tiff straight up abandon her husband to Rexy. I mean I can understand why, but damn she’s the worst. I think Mitch would have stayed behind for her imo, but they’re both dead so that’s all matters.  Also RIP to Grim, rest in peace, hope Chaos and Limbo found Tiff tasty.
Big F in the chat for our boy Hap. My genre savvy self could tell that he was a Red Herring and that he was a good guy. I’m really sad that he died because he was like the first and only adult that genuinely wants to help these kids (besides the red shirt workers in the beginning, everyone else is straight up malicious) and he’s dead now. I am sort of lowkey hoping that he’s still alive and comes back in a future season to help the kids get off the island, but I’m not sure. But anyways mad respect for this guy. 
One thing for certain, I was not ready for a rambo!Ben with a full grown Bumpy to appear at the end of the episode like that, it just broke me (and my friends I was watching with), lol. Ben going rambo is both the funniest and badass thing I’ve ever seen. In a way, watching him crack was sort of sad and I can see why he ended up acting that way. This whole bit with Ben actually broke the immersion for me a bit because of how over the top it was. I know this is a kid’s show, but the first season did such a great job of keeping it real while also making it a fun adventure for kids, I got thrown off by Ben battling Toro rambo-style, that’s a bit too unrealistic, but I’ll give it a pass for how cool Bumpy is now. One thing I’m concerned about is what’s going to happen to Bumpy when the kids leave the island...She can’t, come with right? Maybe they run into Owen sometime and she gets put into a sanctuary?
Can’t wait for next season, whenever that is!
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Part four
TW/CW: implied kidnapping (actual kidnapping tbh), yelling, verbally fighting, mentions of past relationships, breakups that ended wrong, interrogating someone, unsympathetic Patton, slightly unsympathetic Remy/sleep
After playing battleship, which Roman and Virgil won, they moved on to different games during the afternoon, Patton cooked dinner after they were done, he also backed some cookies and let the others decorate them while he finished packing.
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Virgil asked Dee once more, he had been asking the same thing over and over since he joined them on the board games.
Dee was placing some sprinkles on the cookies “I am Virge, I’ve been since you started asking”
Virgil sighed “I know... I’m just making sure, the jar is not... that nice to be in...”
“Yeah...thanks, but really, I’m fine” he gave Virgil a small smile “I’m out of there now, and that’s what matters”
“Just try not to get yourself in there again, that’s the hard part” commented Roman who was eating the icing.
Virgil looked at him “You will go in there if you keep eating that much sugar, you could start to yell at Pat again”
Roman shook his head “I won’t, and Patton gave us a small bowl of icing, he knows how I get with sugar”
“It’s a small bowl for him” Virgil smacked Roman’s hand that was reaching again for more
“Hey” Roman turned to look at him “okay, okay, I’ll stop”, he sat down next to him “I’m allowed to eat a cookie tho”
Dorian chuckled looking as they continued arguing, they really were used to it by now, he both hoped and feared for the day he would be too.
“Are you guys done?” Patton asked as he went back to the kitchen “aww, those look great!” He took one cookie, careful to not startle any of his boyfriends, and bit it “mmm, we did a great job with these” he took small pieces of that same cookie and placed them down “we can finish the rest after dinner” Each shrunken guy grabbed a piece of the cookie and ate it, Patton left his hand down for them to climb once they finished.
But before anyone could move, someone knocked the apartment’s door, Patton hummed, he wasn’t expecting anyone today, specially since they were moving tomorrow “I’ll go see who it is, I’ll be back in a sec” he said to the others and got out of the kitchen, making dure to close the door and place a towel under it before opening the main door “Yes?” He asked, his smile dropping a bit as he saw who it was.
“Patton Heart, my name is Remy Black, private investigator” They said taking their sunglasses off
“I know who you are Remy” Patton faked a smile “No need to be so formal, what can I help you with?”
Remy sighed “I’m just following the protocol Patton, and I’m here for business, don’t get the wrong idea” they searched on their jacked pocket and got a picture out of it “I’ve been contacted to investigate the disappearing of Roman Prince, and I was informed you used to date, I just came to ask you some questions” they handed the picture to Patton, it was a pic of Roman.
Patton took it “we used to yes, but I haven’t known anything about him for a long time” he lied.
“This will be quick then, can I come in so we can talk?”
“No need” Patton closed the door behind him “it’s a mess in there and you said it, this will be quick”
Remy raised an eyebrow “Alright then” he got a notebook and a pen out of their pockets “When was the last time you saw him?”
Patton hummed as he faked to think “about... three or four years ago”
“You were going to run away together, what happened?”
“Right, that, well, we went back to my apartment and had something to eat, but then he said he had forgotten some stuff at the theatre and was going to go back and get them, I told him he could go on our way to the new house but he refused and went alone, I waited a couple of hours for him to come back but he... he never did, he didn’t answer to my calls or my texts and I never saw him again” Patton faked being hurt as he told his fake story, something he had already prepared jus in case.
Remy wrote on his notebook “we have a witness who saw your car getting out of the building three hours or so after you two got in, why didn’t you wait longer for him?”
Clever, Patton knew Remy was a great detective, but he had everything prepared because of this “we had plans, we had to arrive to the new house at a certain day and everything was already prepared, I didn’t want to risk te landlord cancelling the deal, he knew our route, he knew where to find me and I told him to meet me there, I kept calling at every stop, still nothing, I stayed a year on that apparent and he never appeared”
“That’s the other issue, you’ve been moving quite a lot since then, why?”
Patton smirked “Remy, if I didn’t know you any better I would say you’re blaming me for Roman’s disappearance”
Remy mocked a smirk back “Well, I have my reasons to believe it, so I will until you prove me wrong, you’ve been in four different houses, in four different countries in the past three and a half years, why?”
“Because I like change, I haven’t really found my propose in this life or something, I just decide to change atmosphere from time to time, it’s not like I don’t have the money to do it”
Remy huffed “was that a threat? Because I won’t stop just because you pay me, and I’m not afraid of what you could do Pat”
Patton chuckled “see how you’re just blind aiming at me? I never said it was, I’m just answering your questions, it’s not my fault that you’re still a judgmental person”
“Once again, I’m not here to open a wound”
“Right, because you had to choose a case I was involved on, which is just because I’m Roman’s ex boyfriend, what? You wanted to know what horrible things I would have done to you if you didn’t ditch me?”
Remy blinked “Come again? You ditched me”
Patton shook his head “Remy, Remy, Remy, that much mystery is affecting your memory, please remind me, who rejected who or their preferences? Because I’m certain it wasn’t me, and you seem very personally offended for being here for ‘business’” he made quoting marks with his fingers.
“And you seem very defensive for someone who’s ‘innocent’” Remy mocked him and this the same sign.
“Lets just” Patton sighed “get this over with so you can go, any more questions?”
Remy rolled their eyes “yeah, why won’t you let me in?”
“I’m in the middle of moving out and there’s a mess in there, I was also cooking and the kitchen is very dirty, it’s not like I’m hiding something”
They sighed “Fine, I’ll believe you, for now, but I just drove way too many hours to get here, so expect another visit from me very soon”
“Gladly” Patton faked a smile and opened the door of his apartment “but once again, I’m not going to be here that much longer” he went inside and turned to look at them “goodnight Rem, I hope you find Roman” he said before closing the door.
Remy wanted to kick that door down and register Patton’s place, but they knew they couldn’t do it without an order, this was going to be harder than they thought, they walked out of the building and into their car as they considered getting Patton out of his suspects list.
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hippychick006 · 4 years ago
12.06 - Celebrating the life of Asa Fox Episode Review/Recap
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Honestly, I see a picture like this on a promo and I have no hesitation diving straight in. Okay, you all know I have a hurt!Sam fetish, complete with writhing on the floor padabooty, let’s not bang on about it.
Official episode summary: THREE WINCHESTERS ARE BETTER THAN ONE – When hunters gather together to celebrate the life and tragic death of one of their own, Sam (Jared Padalecki) Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Mary (guest star Samantha Smith) must take action when a demon starts picking off hunters one by one. John Bedham directed the episode written by Steven Yockey  
My optimum number of Winchesters is two but yeah, I don’t mind a buy two get one extra free here and there.
Overall, I do really enjoy this episode, even after rewatch but putting under a cut to save space.
There’s a lot of things I don’t like about the Dabb era, and in terms of this episode, retconning Mary to be a hunter after parenthood is one of those things that niggles a little (I know she was a hunter before parenthood which also irks for different reasons) so there’s a lot I have to shake off from my mind in order to be able to enjoy an episode. And on rewatch, I had less issues than I did the first time (but given I’m coming at this straight from season 15, it could be a case of me just grasping onto absolutely anything that isn’t terrible).
Aside from the Mary thing, I love so much about this episode, not least because there isn’t a single mention of feathers who I am seriously going to struggle watching in any episode going forward thanks to 15.18 debacle.
Anyway moving swifly on…
First up is the intro and I love the introduction of Asa Fox as a character. We first meet him as a child, who Mary saves from a werewolf attack. And then we see him become interested in hunting (as Mary tells him she’s soon going to retire, and he’s worried that if she does: who’s gonna save people like me?)
Asa decides it’s going to be him and through a montage set to Bachman-Turner Overdrive’s Roll On Down The Highway, we see Asa grow up to become a pretty awesome hunter. Throughout all this time, he writes postcards to Mary, but doesn’t send them (no address) so he has quite a collection by the end and I think it’s all his hunts.
I’m so caught up in how awesome Asa is and how much I like this new character, I’m completely jarred when he comes to a sudden and unexpected end via hanging which also brings the music to an abrubt halt.
Great intro, Asa said very few words but I’m already mourning not getting to know him more.
After the opening titles, we switch to Jody who is chilling out at home about to watch Netflix when there’s a knock at the door.  Turns out it’s Sam and Dean who have just finished up a hunt and stopped by to visit. Unfortunately the cardboard cutout “just add water” instant girl hunters are at a concert. Jody offers to feed them, and Dean lets her know that he killed Hitler since the last time they saw her.
Sam: *huffs and walks away Jody: *blank stare “thank you?” Dean: You’re welcome
Love it.
They have pizza and watch Netflix and have a debate about rom coms. Sam says Dean is more of “an animated Japanese erotica chick.”
A little oversharing on your brother’s habits there Sammy, but Sam is not concerned in the least.  In fact, I love how totally relaxed Sam is sitting here. He’s clearly comfortable at Jody’s slumped on her sofa.
The phone rings and Jody goes to answer it, Sam and Dean have a conversation about Sam oversharing which Dean’s uncomfortable with.
Sam: Dude, be proud of your hobbies. It makes you who you are.
Supportive Sam encouraging his brother!
Jody returns and walks past them, she’s clearly upset. The boys follow to watch her start packing.  They ask what’s wrong and Jody says a friend of hers died – it’s poor Asa from the opener and I wasn’t expecting a link from Jody to Asa.  
The name is familiar to Dean and he’s trying to figure it out when Sam says it’s the guy Ellen used to tell stories about at the Roadhouse.  Asa apparently killed five wendigos in a single night and now I’m even more mourning his loss. Seems Jody met Asa when he came to town on a hunt, she caught him out when he tried to pretend to be an FBI agent by the name, Fox Mulder. He’s worse than the Winchesters!  Anyway she helped him out on a ghoul hunt and they kept in touch.The boys decide to go with her to the wake, John didn’t let them go to hunter gatherings outside of bars as he always said they were trouble.
Turns out Asa lived in Manitoba, Dean says “oh Canada” when he gets out of the car on arrival.  Sam is impressed with the house which yes, nice digs for a hunter.
We meet Asa’s mother, Lorraine and she knew her son was a hunter. She’s heavily in to the drink but she’s just lost her son, so I’m cutting her some slack as I can’t imagine anything worse.
Dean finds his way to the kitchen (and the beer) which has no label. He’s concerned but “Bucky” homebrewed it himself and it’s strong.  Dean introduces himself which gets the attention of the several hunters in the room,
Randy: No freakin’ way. Aren’t you dead? Like, four times? Dean: Yeah. It, uh, didn't take.
Just wait till they hear about Mystery Spot where he died over a hundred times in a single day!
Sam fanboy hunter: Wait. Your brother here? Sam? Dean: Yeah, he's still alive, too. He's –
Fanboy doesn’t even wait for Dean to finish, he’s off to find Sam.  Same fanboy (named Elvis), same tbh
While Dean’s making friend’s in the kitchen – and learning not to say the name ‘Wendigo’ which turns out to be a trigger word to take a drink - Sam’s homed in on hotboy Max and his equally hot sister Alicia.  Turns out their mother is a good witch who taught Alicia how to hunt bad witches.
Sam (to Max): What did she teach you? Max: Uh, mostly how to seduce men. Alicia: She also taught him some magic, which is actually more useful. Max: Eh, mostly the men thing.
Max is definitely getting his flirt on, making sure Sam knows he’s into hot men, and we cannot deny, Sam is a hot man. Before Sam can flirt back, Elvis interrupts and introduces himself and then makes Sam feel awkward when he asks Sam about being possessed by the devil. Bad Elvis!
Max (and Alicia) are both pissed on Sam’s behalf,
Alicia: Dude, you don't just ask someone about something that messed up. Max: Seriously, back off.
Protective!Max alert, I’m going to need a few minutes with my new ship Samax, though to be honest, the way Max and Alicia are sitting together, it might need to be Samaxia, which no issue other than it sounds like a drug that gets advertised on television with all kinds of side effect warnings, like may cause death...)
Elvis makes Sam feel so awkward that he runs off to go find a beer. Elvis then tries to talk to Max and Alicia and they outright just tell him to go away. Love them.
Aww, Sam got his beer and then went off to find his big brother. In fairness, I think they’ve been separated five minutes at this point and in that time Sam was accosted by Elvis. Dean’s looking through Asa’s office and discovers he has a real angel blade. Sam asks if Dean knew people tell stories about them.
Dean: Yeah. Apparently, we’re a little bit legendary. Sam: Yeah, but, I mean, so was Asa. Then a hunt went bad, and he ended up hanging from a tree, alone in the woods. Dean: He died on the job. No better way to go. Sam: You really believe that? Dean: Yeah. What, you don’t? I mean, come on, Sam, it's not like we're in the “live till you're 90, die in your sleep” business. This? [Dean points at Asa’s hunting wall] This only ends one way.
It’s difficult watching this knowing the ultimate end as I know Sam’s never agreed with this, being the one to want to see an end to hunting at some point; but you can’t deny Dean has been consistent in how he thinks he’s going to go out and has always seemed at peace with that.
Sam says they should get back and Dean agrees but warns Sam not to say “wendigo” to anyone. I love that he warns Sam. Every time Dean is a good brother, it just reminds me how much of a bad sister I am as I would not have passed on the warning. Sam’s confused about why he can’t say it but seems to just accept it.
Only a few people are around by the end of the night, still telling stories of Asa’s epic hunts - mainly Bucky. Why show, why give us this amazing man and kill him off in the first five minutes?!.
Anyway, turns out that the “ghoul story” from earlier had more to it. Asa and Jody got together for some “sweet sweet time alone”. Jody plays it down, says it was more of a casual thing. Turns out Asa could beat Dean in the ladies game and I think even Alicia and Max mother was one of his conquests (we saw this in the opening montage as well, Asa kissing a different woman in his car in between hunts).
Randy asks if people want a beer and heads to the kitchen, and I fear Randy is not long for this world as he walks down the hallway alone. We stay on him as he returns and my anxiety is kicking in, even with expecting something, it’s sudden when his throat is slit and he’s dragged off down a side corridor by someone wearing black.
Alicia walks back into the living room carrying two beers – and we’re reminded she’s dressed all in black?!  Alicia? Surely not.
We see someone enter the door and only see their boots as they walk, they stop just outside the living rom where everyone is talking. Loraine hears the footsteps stop and tells the stranger to come in and not hover.
Turns out it’s Mary.  Awkward Winchester family reunion, given I think from memory Mary walked out an episode or so ago.
Sam, Dean, Jody and Mary go somewhere more quiet to talk.
Mary: What are you doing here? Dean: What are you doing here?
I love the reversed dynamic of Sam being go between Dean and Mary (where it was the reverse between Sam and John).  Sam introduces Mary to Jody as their mother.
Jody: I thought– I thought you were... Mary: I was. Jody: [quietly] Wow. Wow! [She hugs Mary excitedly] It is so nice to meet you!
She belatedly sees the awkward tension and ships out to give them “some family time”
Dean asks where Mary’s been and she responds she’s been using John’s journal to work through a few things.
Dean: You could’ve just asked us, you know. Sam: Dean, come on. Dean: She could’ve. Mary: It’s okay. He’s right. But… This is something I needed to do alone. I… Listen, most of the people I knew are dead. And then I remembered Asa. He was so young when I met him, I thought he must still be around. And then… I saw an article about his death, and, uh… Dean: So you’ll text us once a week, maybe, but you’ll drive all the way to Canada to see some dead guy? Well, that’s awesome. I’m gonna get some air. Mary: Dean, wait...
Mary tries to go after Dean but Sam stops her. Sam knows his brother.
Jody on the other hand stops Dean at the door and pretty much says she’s here if Dean wants to talk about anything other than killing Hitler (which Dean spent the five hour drive telling her in excruciating detail.). She talks about giving anything to have her dead husband and son back but at the same time she would be worried it wouldn’t be the same which gives Dean some food for thought in regard to his complicated relationship with Mary.
Mary’s in the kitchen getting a beer, Lorraine introduces herself as Asa’s mother. Mary introduces herself as Mary Winchester, which Lorraine can’t believe as Mary should be her age. Mary: It’s a long story. She says she’s sorry. Lorraine says she should be, Mary’s the reason her son didn’t become an astronaut. She’s very bitter and hands Mary the box with the postcards Asa wrote to her. Mary defends herself and says she saved Asa’s life.
Lorraine: [scoffing] What am I supposed to say to that? After you, Asa got so… Hunting was his whole life. He never married. Never had a family, kids. And now… enjoy the wake.
I love this next scene between Sam and Mary. Sam finds Mary and asks if she’s all right. She thrusts the box of postcards at him and says she’s fine. She goes into Asa’s office and tells Sam she saved Asa when he was a kid, and this is all on her.
Sam: Well, no. Obviously, mom, he made his own decisions. And he helped a lot of people, you know?
Sam and free will and then we have Season 15 debacle. Pfff
Mary tells him that everywhere she goes and everything she does just feels wrong, but she’ll get used to it.Sam tells her he understands, she just needs space and so does Dean, (who we see outside drinking from his flask), He says Dean is just scared they are going to lose her again,
Sam: “that – that because we're (Sam and Dean) hunters, you're gonna walk away. But I know that’s not true. Even looking at these… [Sam holds out the box of Asa’s postcards to Mary] I mean, you saved Asa in 1980, um, after Dean was born. After everyone thought you quit hunting. Seems like you couldn’t stop then, and… I’m guessing you can’t stop now, either. This job, this life, is crazy and insane. But it’s in our blood. Come on. [Sam puts his arm around Mary] Mary: Where we going? Sam: To say goodbye to Asa.
I love that Sam understands more than anyone the desire to have normal/safe, pulling against the need to save people/hunt things so I love this scene between him and Mary and I like Mary a little bit more because of it. Damn you Jared! You even got me to like Claire once!  
They go to say goodbye to Asa and I like when Mary undoes the cover over his face and we get blood dripping onto Asa’s forehead. It’s interesting to have both Sam and Mary in this scene in a callback to Sam’s nursery scene.  They both look up and it’s Randy, tied to the rafters, dead and bleeding from his neck wound.
Back in the living room, Bucky is still telling stories about Asa. Sam and Mary rush in and Sam tells everyone they need to leave because Randy is dead. I like this, it’s like a murder mystery now. All of a sudden, water is shut off (this is new canon?), and the twins can smell Sulphur. Lights are flickering. Demon alert!
Bucky tells them it’s Jael, a crossroads demon who hangs people, which is his thing, snaps necks (Asa), slits throats (Randy). Turns out Asa exorcised the demon but now it’s back. Bucky tries to open the door, Elvis helps but it slams shut.
Max (trying to impress Sam): you’re wasting your time [he waves a hand in front of the door and we see red symbols] Max says the entire house has been warded.
Not sure if that impressed Sam or not but Max had me at “Seriously, back off” and now this?  *Fans self
Anyway, it means they are trapped inside.
Back outside with Dean, he’s still drinking from his flask. He hears footsteps and doesn’t bother turning around, just tells the person to “go away”. I think he thinks it’s Mary, but turns out to be Billy saying “you’re not the boss of me.”
Dean: Billie. What’re you doing here? Billie: My job. [Dean chuckles] Well, I’m not dead yet. Billie: Shame. But actually, I just finished inside. I was reaping a fresh soul.
Wait, what?  But Dean’s brother is in there! Dean’s pissed and marches to the door.
Inside, Bucky is telling the group more about the demon Jael. Asa exorcised the demon but not before it killed a first nations girl by tying a noose around her neck.
Outside Dean is rattling and banging on the door
Dean: Sam. Sammy! Hey! Billie: You can huff and puff, but that house is on supernatural lockdown. They can’t even hear you.
Bucky is still expositioning and Dean is still trying to get past that old Winchester nemesis “the door”, even throwing a solid statue at it, but nothing is happening.
Okay, we’ve now reached the only part of this episode I have an issue with. We’ve got a group of hunters standing around wondering who the demon is amongst them and not one of them can remember the tests for a demon. Sam come on!  You knew Christo in season 1 and you performed a reverse exorcism in season 8.
Anyway Elvis accuses Alicia of not being in the room and Max says Dean wasn’t in the room either (uh Max buddy, accusing Sam’s brother isn’t going to win you any points in the whole wooing thing, just fyi - of course wooing Sam in the first place is pretty dangerous terratory)
Finally Alicia remembers about holy water but they are all out. Elvis says they can just make more but Mary reminds them the water is off. Uh? The toilet bowl?
Dean’s stopped attacking the door and turns to Billie and asks, What did you do?  Billy says it wasn’t her, she’s just cleaning up the mess but “it’s always nice to see a Winchester who can’t get what he wants.”
Dean: You think this is funny? Huh? Hunters are dying in there. Billie: Everyone dies.
Dean is pretty much losing his shit and I’d like to remind people that at this point, he doesn’t know which hunter has died.
Back with the group, Sam finally remembers his brother is outside so all focus is on Alicia who starts coughing. I think she’s faking it to screw with her brother (totally what I would do) but no,
Alicia/Jael: Alicia’s not here right now. [Her eyes glow red] Leave a message. [she punches Max] Oh, you’re a fun group. We’re gonna have a good time tonight.
Jael leaves Alicia in a cloud of demon smoke and flies into the fireplace. Sam and Max get Alicia up (Samaxia forever – warning for side effects which may include internal bleeding and even death)
They now need to figure who in the house Jael has jumped into. Jody gives the orders (I’ll forgive this, she’s a cop) and they pair off to search the house (why not sweep room to room?), Anyway, Sam’s with Mary and Jody’s with Bucky.
Dean’s worked out that Billy got in to reap the soul so if she can get in, she can get Dean in.
Billie: I could, I suppose. But– Dean: Do it! Billie: But it’s a one-way ticket. And you’re gonna owe me one.
Billie, Sammy is in there, do you think Dean cares about “cosmic consequences” at a time like this? There is a door between them right now ffs!  Sammy may even be dead and Dean does not want him decomposing before he can find a crossroads to make a deal!
Elvis who was supposed to be partnering with Lorraine, left her briefly to get her a double (vodka I presume?).  Anyway Dean comes flying through the door like the overly dramatic bitch he is whenever Sam is in danger.
Dean (whipping out demon knife): Where’s my brother? [he’s already marching past them btw to go look]
THIS IS MY SHOW!  What moron thought this show was going to end with DeanCas?  Come on, don’t be shy, show yourselves so we can point and laugh because you are going to have an epic tantrum approximately 3 and a half years from this episode which could have been prevented if you’d watched the damn show, instead of wallpaper. By the way, in this episode, Castiel was played by the statue Dean threw at the door. [It represents the violent nature of the Destiel relationship – I have a 500 page meta on this if anyone is interested].
Lorraine accuses Dean of being the demon.
Dean: Demon? Lorraine: Kill him! Dean: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, lady. Look, I’m not a demon, okay? I’m one of the good guys. Now stick with me, do what I say, and everybody’ll get out of here, okay? Everybody!
Elvis – making far too much use of his screentime matches Dean’s dramatics by pulling out his own knife and saying ominiously “well, not everybody” [complete with red flashing eyes].
In this episode, Dean is allowed to be a proper hunter and is able to fight.  He taunts the demon, “You’re kinda slow for a demon, aren’t you?” which, he seriously is, no idea how this demon got my wonderful favourite side character “Asa” killed (if he’s not in the final watching Kansas play at the Road House along with all my other favourites, I will be pissed and have a full week meltdown on Twitter – just fyi) [*I won’t really because I’m not insane. Please don’t report me.]
Dean tells the demon to go to hell. The demon tells Dean that Hell is a “complete train wreck” (uh, no, what is a “complete train wreck” is most of season 12-15) Hell is much more pleasant.  Dean repeats for the demon to go to hell and starts reciting an exorcism (finally, the smart brother is in the room).  Love hearing Dean recite the exorcism. Demon says nuh uh though and snaps Elvis’ neck complete 180 which causes Lorraine to scream, the black smoke escapes from Elvis still standing body. Elvis collapses on the floor and Lorraine is wailing. And I can say “Elvis has left the bulding” which I’ve been waiting the entire episode to be able to say. I’m marginally disappointed Dean didn’t.
Dean helps Lorraine up while shouting “Sammeh!” which brings Sammeh running to the living room. 
Mary: Dean. We thought you were outside. Dean: Yeah, I got back in. Sam: How? Dean: It was a one-time deal. Won’t happen again.
Thankfully, there’s no time for Sam to initiate the Spanish inquisition on THAT right now. They account for everyone – except Elvis obviously. The lights go out and everyone puts flashlights on (Max and Alicia have the phone torch on – me as a hunter!) but Dean pulls out the knife which Alicia and Max look at.  
Alicia: Mm, impressive. Dean: Demon blade. Kills ‘em dead. Max and Alicia in unison: Nice.
While I try to work out a Sam/Max/Alicia/Dean ship name, Bucky suggests lighting candles, Dean says they need a devil’s trap. Sam says “on it” and Dean is right there with him “yep”.  My boys working in sync!
Dean’s plan is for them all to stand in the devil’s trap. The person who won’t get in, is the demon. Clever plan. Mary is impressed and it’s nice for her to see how well one of her sons turned out as a hunter and the other is a cute dumbass – at least Sam had a flashlight.
Mary goes off on her own for some reason and goes to get the angel killing blade from Asa’s office.
Max tries flirting with Sam again, asking what kind of pentagram they are doing
Sam: Standard pentagram. Nothing fancy. Max: I like a Fifth Pentacle of Mars. It’s got more character.
Max bringing his A game to the flirting, I like it. Alicia doesn’t like all the flirting: “Because character is really what matters right now.”  They are just like Sam and Dean! Spin off of codependent witch siblings right tf now. Please and thank you.
Jody sees Mary return and is suspicious she was off on her own. She whispers to Sam that she thinks Mary is possessed, she gets increasingly worried which draws the immediate attention of Dean who comes over and asks what is going on (demon knife drawn out and ready once again). Sam quietly tries to tell Dean that Jody thinks their mom is a demon, but Jody shouts, No, I don’t think, I know! I know she’s a demon. [points accusingly at Mary] which prompts Bucky to steps away from Mary and reaches for his knife.
Mary: Hey! Jody: Kill her! Use the knife! Kill her now! Sam: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. Hold on a second, [turns to look at Jody] Jody, you… You don’t sound like yourself. Dean (not even looking around):That’s because she’s not herself. Are you?
Oh my poor Sam Dumbchester, on rewatch, this episode did you dirty, I was sucked in by my love of Asa Fox and the whole door thing and the Sammeh! I’m so ashamed. Hands my bitter Sam girl platinum membership card back to the bitter Sam girl club in recognition I am no longer worthy of holding it Jody turning into the red eyed demon is in the running for worst “playing of a different character ever” but it’s up against stiff competition from Casifer, Empty!Castiel, Gestapo!Castiel and gayforpay!Castiel and is mercifully short. My main issue with this demon is there is no real consistency through the different bodies it inhabits. They should all have agreed how to play it imo and I do think Kim goes Disney villain OTT but not enough to cause embarrassment, just would have been better if the performance had been toned down some.
Demon Jody had hoped they would kill their mom “wouldn’t that be a riot?”
Dean (sarcastically): Yeah, super fun
Sam tries to attack Jody and is thrown. Big brother is pissed and tries to attack but is thrown too. Uh, how come the lame demon can fight now?
Anyway, Mary attacks and tries to kill Jody with the demon blade and manages to scratch her arm, but Sam says no and pulls Mary away. .
Mary: What are you doing?! She’s a demon. We kill demons. Sam: No, but she’s Jody.
I like this that Mary doesn’t know you don’t just go around killing people, you try to save them first. 
The demon is bored and claps her hands, and everyone collapses onto the ground and cannot move (where was this kickass power earlier?).  The demon says she’s heard so many stories about the Winchesters, she stands over sam and says, “The idea that he left a meatsuit alive is just so deliciously weak.” Sam gives his “bite me” face.
As for the rest, she’s been inside their heads and starts spilling out secrets – the twins are Asa’s children (I forgot about this detail), Lorraine apparently tried to sabotage Asa’s truck to stop him going out hunting (which is a nice call back to him trying to fix the truck in the episode earlier).  She says Jody fantasized about a life with Asa.  Bucky manages to get up to attack but Jody grabs him and holds him on his knees.
Jody/Jael: And you. Bucky. Brave, brave Bucky. I was there that night. Tell these nice, stupid people what you did. Tell them what you took from me. Asa was mine.
I like this next scene, Sam manages to stand up and start the exorcism before he’s thrown across the room again. Dean picks up where Sam left off, until he’s thrown through a glass door, the twins are next and get pinned to the wall.
Bucky finally confesses that he killed Asa [and the way he’s dramatically thrown to the floor would never have made it into a scene in seasons 1 to 5]. Oh show, weeps for the quality that once was. Season 12 (heavy sigh).
Mary stands up and finishes the exorcism which sends the demon back to hell.
Sam rushes over to help Jody who says, “That… sucked”
[Try re-watching your performance Kim!]
Lorraine: Bucky, what did you do?
They all turn and look at Bucky.
Bucky says they were hunting in the woods for Jael and he wanted to go back and get the angel blade. Asa wanted to keep hunting but Bucky pushed him and Asa fell and cracked his head and died, which I feel kind of sorry for, not like he did it deliberately and he lost his best friend [and lets be real, it’s not the worst thing a supposed “best friend” has done on this show].  It’s a very tragic end for a great hunter (don’t fast forward to 15.20)
Bucky asks what they are going to do to him.
Alicia: Tell everyone, every hunter we meet. They’re gonna know your name, Bucky. Know what you did. Max: You like stories. This is the story everyone’s gonna tell about you. Forever
I guess I get Max and Alicia’s anger, Asa being their dad and all. It’s just tragic all round because I do feel it was an unlucky accident and Bucky clearly misses his best friend.
I like the setup of the funeral pyre, now 3 hunter bodies being burned, Jody, Lorraine and Mary are standing in front of the pyre. Alicia and Max are resting against their car and Dean and Sam are doing the same against baby.  
Lorraine tells Mary she was wrong, “Asa did have a family. He even had kids. I’ve got grandchildren. Suppose I should go meet them.” She walks over to hug Alicia and Max.
Jody and Mary are left at the pyre,
Jody: I don’t know what’s going on between you and your boys, but I gotta tell you, mom to mom, they are good men. Best I’ve ever met. Mary: I know. They’re not the problem.
Jody walks away and leaves Mary on her own, which is Dean’s opportunity, he taps Sam and they both go over to Mary. They ask if she’s okay but Billy appears and says, “She’s really not.” Mary asks who she is and Dean says she’s a reaper that got him back inside.
I would like to have much preferred to have seen Sam’s reaction as well as Mary’s but we don’t get this and it’s a bad choice of angle for me. Billie says Dean owes her one and looks at Mary, “This one. This one right here.”
Billie is still on her “what’s dead should stay dead” kick. She’s a stickler for the laws on that (and never really changes tbh, I don’t really get Billie’s overall arc.)
Mary says she didn’t ask to come back, Billie agrees but says the dead man’s look in Mary’s eyes says she hates it, that she feels she doesn’t fit, like she’s all alone.
Dean: Well, she’s not alone.
Billie (still looking at Mary): Tell me I’m wrong. [Sam and Dean turn to look at Mary and kudos to Jared once again for saying so much with no words as to how he looks at Mary here]
Billy says she’s not here to hurt Mary, “I’m here to offer you mercy. A one-way ticket upstairs, away from all of this.”  [Again poor choice of camera for this scene as we see Dean but not Sam].  Mary asks how it would work.   
Sam: Mom. [My poor boys!] Mary: You just kill me again? Billie: Reapers don’t kill people. Rules. Mary: Well… then… [she looks up at Sam and Dean] Me: Don’t you dare break my boys fragile hearts! Mary: Then I guess you’re just gonna have to wait. Billie: Winchesters… Me: Same tbh Billie Billie: …if you change your mind– if any of you change your minds– you know my name. [she disappears]
Sam asks if this means Mary is coming home. Mary says yeah, but follows up with: Not quite yet. I just need a little more time.
Sam looks disappointed ☹ but he understands
Dean: Can we buy you breakfast at least? Mary: Bacon? Dean: All the bacon. Mary: I would love that.
I love that Dean and Mary can find a common bond through food. Sam hugs Mary as they walk together towards the Impala
Despite a couple of wobbly bits sprinkled here and there and my poor Dumbchester Sammeh, I still really love this episode overall, the good far outweighs the issues I have and I’ll happily re-watch it as a stand-alone MOTW.  I loved the introduction of the witch twins and wish we’d got to see a lot more of them *coughs* and a lot less of other “fan favourite” characters.
It will be interesting where this one will ultimately fall in my definitive list.
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ghoulxbaekhyun · 4 years ago
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I have a new header now :D and I think these few new dedicated days will mark the beginning of more positivity in this community 🖤
𝓢𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓵 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓭𝓪𝔂: @incubuswooyoung
𝓢𝓾𝓹𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓭𝓪𝔂: @pianist-jihyo @biker-minghao
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1. @yourmom-jieun
Ji-chan, I can't stress enough just how much you mean to me. You've always been the heaviest rock in my life, you've helped me through so much and you've always been there for me. My dearest little sister, you're such a strong person. The amount of pain you've gone through was unbelievable, yet you still held on for the sake and happiness of your children and your friends.
You helped and cared for many of us, but I don't think you've ever had equal amounts of love for yourself. I know today will be the day of your departure and I am saddened by that. But if it means you'll be happier, you'll be healthier, you'll be better, then go for it.
Just because the person is gone doesn't mean the memories will be too. I'll always remember you. And you know exactly where to find me 🖤
2. @/spy-jaehyunx ° @time-for-confession
To dearest Admin Kai, I can't thank you enough for always looking out for me. Yoonoh was my first everything. My first kiss, my first crush and my first love. I hope you know that even if you're gone, I'll always remember you.
Just as I've remembered my fallen comrades, my past friends, I'll definitely remember you. Thank you for giving me the love and affection, for the late night talks, that time you said you'd deal with my angsty ass.
Thank you. For being there for me, both you and admin. I'll be here for you anytime, Kai. Don't forget to take care of yourself, yeah? 🖤
3. @m00n-purplerose-chatbot
This is directed to both admin Moon and the boys. To the wonderful, legend of a person Admin Moon! I respect you and your writing skills very very much. You never fail to touch my heart, wether it be a depressing angst scene or an action-packed fight scene or a soft heartfelt scene. You manage to hit me with so many different emotions that I didn't know we're possible. I've known you and the rest for quite some time now, and I'll have you know you're one of my closest friends here.
To the boys, (yes I'm giving them all a paragraph)
Jeonghannie, I hope you keep on staying strong. You've been through a lot, dearest leader. You've suffered plenty and you've seen way too much heartache for the average person. Although it gets tough, I know your past shaped you into the person you are today. And I couldn't be any prouder.
Shuashua, I haven't gotten to know you well enough to say too much, but I want you to know that you still have my support and affection. Take care of Jeonghan like you always do, you both are made for each other. Try not to stress out because of the kids, I know how frustrated and helpless you can feel from their ruthlessness hhh-
Hao, you're the definition of that one best friend that loves exposing and teasing the shit out of you but cares and loves you just as much as they do their bullying. I haven't gotten close to you, just like Shua either, but I'll have you know I'm here for you too. Stay the way you are, sunshine. You've never failed at making me and other people smile.
Wonnie and the gang, you're a tol bean. You're seriously one of the squishiest people ever you know that? I'm glad that you're also staying strong despite the past that you probably have. I haven't gotten to know you better as well, but I'm looking forward to learning more and more about you all! Hope you forgive Seokmin for the argument too :')
Jihoonie, I know we don't really talk, and by don't really talk I mean we barely talk at all. You're the logical person in the team and you do your job very well. You're reserved and cold and mysterious. But I know you're more than that stone face. I'm looking forward to learning more about you too, so take care yeah?
Junnie, we may not talk a lot but I want you to know that I care for you too okay? It may just be a few skirt pics that are simply unforgettable but I want you to know that I'll be your hyung just as much as I'll be a hyung to the others. You and Wonwoo are freaking adorable, so stay cute together okay?
Mingyuuuu, I remember the longest conversation we had was because of the engagement ring mishap kshsjsjsk. You got your ass whooped, and I was worried tbh- but you've probably been through a lot already. I want you to know I'm here for you too okay? So keep staying strong!
Last but not least, dearest Seokminnie. Oh, where do I start with you? I can vaguely recall the first ever interaction we both had, when you and Hao pointed out the fact that yes, I do eat humans. Cannibalism never striked me as a way to start a friendship but hey, it worked~
Over the course of a few weeks we've only gotten closer and closer. I can't help but be protective of you, and just feel like keeping you in my pocket most of the time. I know your past, and you know mine. It may not be alterable but let's keep staying strong together okay?
I know your secrets too, and after what went on in private i think it's time for me to be honest and come clean. I think I'm starting to fall for you too, Seokmin. I've never felt something like this with anyone else before but I like you too.
I won't pressure you into choosing me, it won't be fair for you to face such pressuring. But I want you to know that it's mutual. Even if you're too good for me. But thank you, okay?
Thank you for always staying by my side. 🖤
4. @vampiresanha
Sanha and Aleister, thank you for caring for me. Thank you for all the fun times and showing me how to live life. Thank you for calling me out on my boringness and swooping me away to that cliff. You two are such amazingly people that deserve way more friends and love.
I'll always be ready to donate my blood whenever Sanha needs it, you'll always be my favourite vampire. Aleister will always be my favourite dragon. You two will always be my favourite person with two souls.
Thank you for being here for me, you both. I'll let you know that I'll do the same. 🖤
5. @moonlightchn
Admin, I can't express just how much love I want to shower you in ;-; you're such an amazing person, and i want to thank you for all the affection and care you've given me. I wouldn't mind staying up late to talk to you through asks again, twas fun~
To Channie Chan and Chris, you three are the most chaotic pack of wolves I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Channie you fucking cutie, stay soft and stay loveable okay? You're the sweetest fluff ball ever, I can't handle the uwus you shower me with >-<
Chan, the big scary alpha that I let the chance to dom slip away dumbly, you're a really great person. Taking care of your pack while being so nice to others. I'm here for you anytime yeah?
Finally, the one that I must've wounded. Chris, I'd like to start it off with an apology. I'm sorry that i hurt you after answering about who my favourites were, I really didn't mean to. You're on rut now and I know you'll be all passive aggressive and as long as you are I'm never replying to our DMs but even so. I want you to know just how much I care for you. Because i do.
No matter how much we trash talk each other and no matter how much angst we end up accumulating, I'll still care for you. All three of you.
And that's a promise I'm willing to keep. 🖤
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Now, I'm sure there's more people that I need to talk about, more people that have been there for me and helped me through various different things. But for now, I'll end it here. Admin's fingers are starting to hurt from typing all of this at once, but we both have no regrets because these are all the things that we've always wanted to say.
Call it appreciation if you may.
I think I'll do my Support Saturday in a different post, so for now, that's all for Sentimental Saturday.
Thank you, to everyone. Thank you for being here🖤
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EXO 🖤: @werewolf-sehun @werewolfkai @j-0ngdae @serialkillerkris @softdomtao @y-ix1ng @captain-kyungsoo @college-baekhyun @serialkillerkris
🖤: @ghoulxjeongyeon @vampiresanha @barista-san @bunjihyo @dalsooobeanie @madmanwoodam @m00n-purplerose-chatbot @your-jaemin @moonlightchn @mafiabossxjunmyeon @xash-axx @time-for-confession @yourmom-jieun (🥺) @vamp-jjk @yourchaechae @kpop-shelter
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billkinspp · 4 years ago
Hey! Untamed anon here, back after watching the first four episodes of the show! Not sure how I feel about it yet, but the main character has such nice energy, if I'm sure I love anything about it so far, it's definitely his interactions with everybody. The plot is kind of not all that interesting, though, because they tell you so much at one time and the world is already complicated enough. Will definitely keep sticking around, though! Do you remember when you first felt hooked on the show, so I know what to wait up for?
heyy so! the first 2 eps were super confusing cos like you said they’re already packing so much info but at the same time my brain had to deal with so many new unfamiliar terminologies. not to mention the names of the different clans in itself was already a lot for me. what i eventually did was took a pen and noted them down lmao i could be a bit biased cos i am a sucker for mystery, magical and martial arts shows with mythology so i was hooked by the end of ep3. one of the main things that also got me going initially was wanting to know what must have finally pushed the sibling trio apart because they are so attached to the hip. each ep i kept thinking this is it, this has to be it and i had to KNOW. 
but at the same time binge watching such an info heavy show can be difficult to get into tbh and overwhelming. right now i’m at ep 34 but all the eps have blended into one and when i was trying to answer your ask i couldn’t tell the eps apart. also, the plot itself didn’t feel as extraordinary to me because in a sense they gave us a lot in the opening scene of ep 1 already. after ep 33 i think it will get a bit more interesting.  i guess its the how and when does he fuck up that got me going and the need to catch up with the present time. the universe building though is exceptional ( i started reading the novel too which helps a lot). it's slow as well so you gotta hang in there (wei wuxian’s antics will definitely help lmao) 
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purplesurveys · 4 years ago
survey by nadine07
Three Names You Are Called:
1. Robyn, by virtually everybody. 
2. Byn, by close family members.
3. For some reason I have some friends who call me Bynbyn? even though I never established it as a nickname?? but they use it as an affectionate nickname so ultimately I don’t mind it. It just takes me aback sometimes, lmao.
Three Colors You Are Wearing At the Moment:
1. Red
2. White
3. Pink. Or light purple, depending on how you see it.
The Last Three People To Call You:
1. My mom, though I missed the call because I was at work earlier.
2. I just saw that Ysa, my director, also tried to call me. This story is so fucking stupid...I physically went to the office last Wednesday to pack some groceries, and all day long I had been leaving the door slightly ajar every time I had to go out because I haven’t had my biometrics enrolled yet and I don’t hold the keys to the office (and I was the only one who requested to go there for that day).
Of course, knowing my luck, the door slipped while I was out (I had to very briefly hand a package to a courier), locking me out of the goddamn office with all my shit inside. Even worse, I had a meeting going on with a client – I had speaking parts assigned to me, and I got locked out like 30 seconds before my part would start. I’m guessing Ysa called me during the time I disappeared but I obviously couldn’t have answered the phone. It was infuriating, especially since my manager had to cover for my slides which she didn’t practice for.
I’ll no longer get into how I managed to get back inside since it’s another embarrassing and complicated story altogether, but suffice it to say I was really upset about the whole thing and I still feel uneasy imagining how that meeting could’ve gone down with my disappearance.
3. A courier. They usually call when they’re already arrived where you are, so that they know where exactly to meet up with you.
Three Days You Look Forward To Each Year:
1. My birthday, because it’s kinda cool turning into a different age.
2. Whenever Wrestlemania is scheduled, which is usually late March or early April.
3. ...I don’t have any either favorite days/dates.
Three Jobs You've Had:
1. PR associate.
2. That’s my first job. I’ve had two internships before that, and they were both at PR agencies.
3. -
Three Bands/Singers You Love:
1. Paramore
2. Beyoncé
3. The Japanese House
Three People You've Talked To Today:
1. It’s exactly 7 AM. I could’ve talked to my parents when they headed downstairs earlier but I pretended I was still asleep on the couch so that they couldn’t, hahaha. They’ve since gone out to jog. I don’t think I’ve said a word at all yet this morning, actually.
2. -
3. -
Three Things You Could Grab From Where You're Sitting:
1. My phone.
2. The other end of this table.
3. My vape pen.
The Last Three Things You've Had to Drink:
1. I most recently had a glass of water after I finished my bag of salted egg chips.
2. I finished off the last of my coffee.
3. I also drank soju last night as an impromptu thing because I saw that I still had a peach-flavored one (my favorite) in the fridge.
Three People You Can Always Count On:
1. Angela.
2. Andi.
3. I’m also gonna name Pia even though we aren’t the closest. Girl has been crazy supportive over the last few months.
Three Places You Want to Go:
1. That I haven’t been to yet? Seoul in South Korea.
2. Thailand.
3. Morocco.
The Last Three Places You've Gone:
1. Other than places in the house – the local coffee shop inside my village.
2. The office.
3. The Starbucks beside the office. I had arrived a bit early so I had some time to walk over there and order something.
The Last Three Non-Relatives You've Hung Out With:
1. Angela.
2. Hans.
3. We were 8 in the group the last time we went out lol. But aside from the above, Pia (a different one) was the one who made the most effort to talk to me as well.
Three People To Be Stranded On A Desert Island With:
1. Angela.
2. Kate.
3. Not sure. Maybe Al for some comic relief while we try to survive there?
Three Smells You Love:
1. Cookies being baked.
2. A hotel room.
3. Seafood.
Three People You Look Up To:
1. Angela’s mom.
2. Andi.
3. My manager, Bea. Well she just got promoted, so I guess I’ll call her my director now, hahaha.
Three Places You've Lived:
1. The duplex where I mostly grew up, just a village away from my current one. I got to experience living in either house, as well.
2. Tondo, Manila. With my dad’s family.
3. Sampaloc, Manila. My parents briefly had an apartment and I was there for like a few months as a newborn.
Three Good Teachers You've Had:
1. My music teacher for the entirety of high school.
2. My professor in international relations.
3. My professor in my social history and history of Filipino women electives.
Three Things You're Good At:
1. I gotta say I’m great at parking, hahaha. Backward parking, parallel parking, you name it.
2. Going through my to-do list and finishing off every task by the end of the day.
3. Reflexes, or reacting/responding immediately, especially in games.
The Last Three People You've Kissed:
1. Gabie.
2. -
3. -
The Last Three People You've Dated:
1. Gabie.
2. -
3. -
Three People With Whom You've Shared a Secret:
1. Andi.
2. JM.
3. Jo was the first person I informed about my breakup, and I didn’t even reveal it publicly until like three months after. I didn’t expect to confide in her especially since we aren’t the closest, but I think I was just desperate to tell someone then to finally acknowledge reality.
Three Irresponsible Things You've Done:
1. Vape.
2. Road rage.
3. Leave my laptop in a classroom as I left to go to another class, in another building.
Three Movies You Love:
1. Two for the Road.
2. Revolutionary Road.
3. Room.
The Last Three People You've Gone to the Movies With:
1. Angela.
2. Leigh.
3. Gabie.
The Last Three People You've Ridden in a Car With:
1. Laurice.
2. Kuya Toby.
3. Lui.
Three Facts About Your #1:
1. Can I name my best friends instead? Angela is in her final year of college taking up architecture.
2. She has two shih tzus, Hailey and Kennedy.
3. Her mom is a pediatrician and has her own clinic in their home.
Three Places You've Gone With Your #2:
1. I haven’t been too adventurous with Andi...most recently we’ve gone to a Korean barbecue joint for a one-on-one catch up date.
2. TK.
3. Rita’s house.
Three Things You've Done With Your #3:
1. Kate works for the government.
2. Last time I talked to her, she’s still set on retake a law school exam after not getting admitted to her campus of choice last year.
3. She had a bad habit of dating orgmates.
Three Things You Have in Common With Your #4:
1. Laurice is great at debate.
2. She lives in the south, so I don’t get to see her a lot.
3. She has a cute habit of calling many of our friends by their respective honorifics, even though they’re the same age or even when she’s literally older than some of them.
Three Things That Annoy You:
1. Making the effort to go to a store and seeing they’re closed for the day, even though they didn’t indicate it in their social media accounts.
2. Offices of government agencies and their ever-grumpy staff.
3. Filipinos’ tendency to turn 3 lanes into 6 during a traffic jam.
Three Things That Attract You To The Opposite Sex:
1. Asexual. Pass.
2. - 
3. - 
Three Material Items You'd Save If You're House Was On Fire:
1. My laptop, since all my work files and a whole ton of memories are in here.
2. My phone, so I can update family and friends.
3. My glasses. Realistically, I wouldn’t care about any of these and would jump up to grab my dogs instead.
Three Careers You've Considered:
1. Journalist.
2. Lawyer.
3. Historian.
Three Things You Wish You Knew About Your Future:
1. Whether marriage or kids will be part of mine.
2. When I’m dying, and what from.
3. Where I’ll end up living, and what kind of housing.
The Last Three Songs You Listened To:
1. Wait On - Hayley Williams
2. Good Grief - Hayley Williams
3. Over Those Hills - Hayley Williams. Stream Flowers for Vases, friends.
Three Things You Consider Lucky:
1. I don’t believe in lucky charms.
2. - 
3. - 
Three T.V. Show Characters You Wish Were Real:
1. Mr. Peanutbutter from BoJack Horseman.
2. Chandler Bing from Friends.
3. Glenn Rhee from The Walking Dead.
Three Issues You Have Strong Opinions On:
1. Racial equality. 
2. Gender equality.
3. Abortion rights.
Three Things You Wish You Could Change About Yourself:
1. That I wasn’t so clumsy at work.
2. That I wasn’t too selfless all the time to just about anyone.
3. That I had a better hold of my finances and keep spending just because I’m still within budget, heheh.
Three People From Your Past You Wish You Could Spend a Day With:
1. My grandpa, who passed away before I could properly grow up and shoot the shit with him over some beer.
2. Nacho.
3. Sofie, so we can properly catch up, just the two of us.
Three Famous People You'd Like to Meet:
1. Beyoncé.
2. Hayley Williams.
3. Leni Robredo.
Three Things You Are Wearing:
1. A t-shirt.
2. A pair of shorts.
3. Underwear.
The Last Three Places You Went That Were More Than 2 Hours Away:
1. Tagaytay.
2. My dad’s family’s home in Laguna.
3. Those are the only places we’ve been to where we had to travel for a while.
The Last Three Reasons You Went to the Hospital:
1. Blood and urine test for my ~mystery illness~ last year.
2. I had to be confined for a couple of days because of low platelet count.
3. ...I was born. I haven’t made many trips to the hospital. 
Three Things You Are Addicted To:
1. I’ve never felt comfortable using the term addicted because it’s an actual condition...but if you mean to ask for what I’m hooked to at the moment, I’d go with coffee.
2. And salted egg chips. I literally bought five bags of chips yesterday and I’m already finished with my third.
3. Anything Korean, tbh. Korean food, shows, music, etc...the Korean Wave is very strong over here and I’ve finally been reeled all the way in.
Three Favorite Colors:
1. Baby pink or pastel pink.
2. Mustard yellow.
3. Maroon.
Three Things You Will Do Now That This Is Over:
1. Find another one to take for later.
2. Finish my breakfast, and maybe heat up some leftover pasta because I’m still hungry.
3. Maybe get my embroidering template so I can make some progress today.
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gamerwoo · 5 years ago
Seventeen: Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart
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Characters: Seventeen x female reader (it’s in first person which like i’ve never done before???)
Genre/warnings: idol au, christmas au, fluff, angst, smut (nothing too wild tbh it’s kinda vanilla), verbal abuse kinda????, mild violence, bullying, cheating, major character death
Word count: 6,055
Summary: In which you find that life works in very mysterious and sometimes odd ways, as does love and death. 
a/n: i think i’ve let the joke go on long enough but this is completely based off of horrible 1d wattpad fics so,,,,,,,good luck reading this lmao
I woke up to my mother pounding on my bedroom door. It wasn’t something uncommon, but it was still something I didn’t like. She was always mean to me. She wished she didn’t give birth to me, which was something she told me often.
“Y/N!” she shouted through the door before throwing it open. “Wake up and pack your things! You’re leaving!”
I sat up, my perfectly straight but still slightly wavy much like a model hair already perfectly falling down my back as if I didn’t even sleep. I rubbed my eyes, trying to comprehend her words.
“Mother, what are you talking about?” I asked.
“I sold you,” she stated.
My blue eyes widened in shock, “WHAT?!”
“Christmas is coming up and I needed money to pay for gifts,” she spat. “A man offered a good deal, so I sold you.”
I knew she was a single mother and struggled to make ends meet, but this was a new length even for her. How could she sell her own daughter? 
“Now hurry up,” she huffed. “Seventeen are waiting for you downstairs.”
I paused as I was about to get out of bed, my eyes finding my mother again, “D-did you say...S-S-Seventeen?”
No. There was no way she was serious. Seventeen couldn’t ever be my new owners, could they? They were my favorite kpop group ever, and with my luck, there was no way something that good could possibly happen to me. I was always such a klutz in school, how could something this great happen to a girl like me?
“Are you deaf? Of course I said Seventeen!” she shouted. “Now get your things and go before they decide to change their minds!”
As my mother slammed my door shut, I quickly got out of bed and threw on whatever I could find -- black leggings with a white crop top that showed off my slim figure, and a denim jacket. I slid on my Converse and quickly packed my things before I ran to the bathroom. Despite looking flawless, I silently complained to myself that I didn’t have time to put makeup on my milky skin. I threw my hair into a perfect messy bun before brushing my teeth and running downstairs to come face to face with...
I almost fainted, but I knew my mother would yell at me for it.
S.Coups stood in front of the group, smiling his classic perfect smile that always made my melt. He stepped forward to introduce him and the group
He smiled, “Say the name!”
“Hello, we are Seventeen!” they all said in unison as they bowed.
I couldn’t believe they were real and right in front of me. They looked even more beautiful in person!
“You must be Y/N,” Jeonghan smiled his angelic smile. “We’re happy to meet you.”
“We’ll take good care of you!” Dokyeom promised with a bright grin.
“S.Coups-hyung, we should get going!” Dino advised with a worried look. “We don’t want to be late for our flight. We have a schedule to stick to.”
“Yah, I know,” S.Coups sighed.
“Come on, Y/N,” Jisoo smiled as he walked over to grab my bags. I knew he would be a gentleman but I didn’t even have to ask! “Let’s get going!”
And as I left my old life behind with Seventeen, I didn’t look back once.
I love living with Seventeen. They were even nicer than I could’ve imagined, but I couldn’t help but notice something strange. All of them always seemed to be staring at me, and sometimes I would catch them staring. Some members like Jisoo or Dino would quickly look away as their cheeks turned pink, but others like Mingyu or Hoshi would continued to eye me up and down. I couldn’t figure out why.
They were so sweet, though. They would offer to do almost everything for me. It was a much better life than my old one back at home.
“Y/N, let me get that for you!” Wonwoo insisted as he rushed over to open the door to the hotel we were staying at for the night.
“No, I’ve got it,” Woozi said before grabbing the handle and pulling the door open.
“Thank you, oppa,” I giggled before entering the building behind a few of the other members.
After we checked in, it was time to pick rooms.
“I call dibs sharing with Y/N!” Seungkwan called.
“No fair!” Dino whined. “I want to share with noona!”
“I’m older, so I get to,” Mingyu stated.
“I’m the leader, so I get to,” S.Coups spoke up over everyone, crossing his arms over his chest with a smirk on his face, figuring he’d won.
“Or,” Jisoo began before gesturing to me, “we can let Y/N pick.”
Thirteen pairs of eyes landed on me, and I shrunk backwards. How could I pick? How could anybody pick just one person in Seventeen to room with?! Couldn’t I room with all of them somehow?
Wonwoo seemed to pick up on how flustered I was, and spoke up, “Let’s not put pressure on her. We can play a game to figure it out.”
“Gawi bawi bo!” Dino immediately shouted.
The thirteen boys gathered in a circle to play gawi bawi bo to decide who would room with me. I watched from the sidelines, trying not to giggle too loudly or pass out completely. It was like they were fighting over me!
The first members out were Jun, Woozi, Mingyu, and Vernon. Mingyu frowned and sulked as he walked away from the circle. Woozi seemed almost annoyed, while Jun tried to hide his disappointment by laying his head on Vernon’s shoulder.
The next members out were S.Coups, Jisoo, Hoshi, and The8. S.Coups and Hoshi both cursed, but quickly apologized to me for swearing in front of me. Jisoo was a total gentleman about it -- as expected -- while The8 went to silently stand by Jun, the two of them talking in Chinese to each other, so I didn’t know what they were saying.
It finally came down to Jeonghan and Dino, and Jeonghan kept teasing the younger, saying the baby wouldn’t win. Everybody was watching intently, especially me as they went for the final round.
“Yay!” Dino cheered seeing that his rock beat out Jeonghan’s scissors. “Y/N, you’re my roommate!”
You giggled and clapped your hands together, bouncing on the balls of you feet, “I can’t wait!”
So the rest of the members split off into pairs and found their rooms, and Dino led the way to the room we’d be sharing. But walking into the room, we both noticed something very different than what we were expecting.
“W-why is there only one queen bed?” I asked quietly.
Dino turned and poked his head out into the hallway, finding their manager still there to make sure everybody got into their rooms okay.
“Manager? Is there a reason our room only has one bed? Shouldn’t we have two?” he asked.
“Ah, some of the rooms have singles,” the manager explained. “Why, is that a problem?”
I didn’t want to make somebody change rooms, so I quickly spoke up, “No, that’s okay!”
Dino just shrugged and closed the door.
“Well,” he sighed, “it’s getting kinda late, so we should probably get comfy.”
“Y-yeah,” I stuttered, too shy to look Dino in the eyes.
In the commotion of getting into the hotel, I didn’t realize that my luggage was left in our cars. I gasped when I realized only Dino’s suitcase was here, and he looked up from where he was unzipping his suitcase to look at me.
“Is everything okay?” he asked.
“All of my clothes are in the van!” I cried.
“That’s okay,” he smiled, “you can borrow something of mine.”
Dino grabbed a t-shirt and some sweats, handing them over to me and telling me I could use the bathroom to change first. I blushed as I took them and walked into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me. Dino’s clothes smelled like him and it made my heart flutter.
I put on his clothes. I was practically drowning in them from how tiny and petite I am. His shirt was more like a dress, reaching the middle of my thighs. His sweatpants fell off my body, so I couldn’t wear them, leaving me in just a t-shirt and underwear.
I left the bathroom and noticed Dino had quickly changed while I was changing. He turned to look at me when the door opened, his mouth falling open in awe. To him, I looked so adorable in his clothes. But the fact his pants were in my hand and not on my body had him thinking other things as well.
“S-sorry, the sweats didn’t fit...” I shyly told him as I handed them back.
“T-that’s okay,” he stammered as he took them and put them back in his suitcase. “A-anyway, let’s go to bed.”
We both went over to our respective sides and pulled the blankets back before getting in. Dino shut off the lights with the switch on the wall by the nightstand before he got comfortable and closed his eyes.
“Comfy?” he asked.
“W-well...” I began, unsure if I should say what I wanted to.
“What is it, Y/N?” he asked as he rolled over to face me. “You can tell me anything.”
“I-I’m...kind of...afraid of...t-the...dark...”
“O-oh,” he stammered. “Well, um, I could, um...cuddle you if that helps...”
My cheeks heated up, and I was happy that the room was dark so he couldn’t see my blush, “S-sure...”
I felt Dino’s arms wrap around me, pulling me into his warm body. My face nuzzled into his chest as we both got comfortable, our legs tangling together.
“Better?” he asked.
“I won’t let anything get to you, Y/N, I promise. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Dino.”
And then I drifted off to sleep in his arms.
Things between the members were starting to get tense, but I didn’t know why. It was a gradual thing that I didn’t notice at first, but I started to tell that they were more passive aggressive with each other sometimes. But today in particular, it was really bad. It was like everybody was just in a bad mood as they sat around their dorm’s living room together.
“S.Coups-hyung, could you pass the remote?” Mingyu asked.
“No, I’m using it,” he snapped.
“No you’re not,” Woozi pointed out.
“You pulled the same thing yesterday!” Jeonghan reminded him.
The room suddenly erupted into shouting and yelling and arguing, and I just sat there in the middle of it, not knowing what was going on. I could hardly make out anything they were saying but I tried my best to keep up as well as try to calm them down.
“Just admit you’re hogging Y/N!” one of them accused.
“So are you!”
I was so confused. What did I have to do with anything?
“Wait!” I shouted above all of them, standing up. “Is all this fighting over me?”
“We all really like you, Y/N,” Jisoo admitted with a sigh.
“But some of us won’t give anybody else a chance,” Hoshi sneered, his gaze on some of the younger members.
More bickering broke out despite by best efforts to stop it. And before I knew it, they were standing up and shoving each other and grabbing at each other and being physically aggressive. I didn’t know what to do, but I knew I had to do something!
“She should be with me!” one member insisted.
“No, with me!” another said.
“Fuck both of you, it should be me!” another chimed in.
I tried to put myself between some of them to separate them, but they’d just move out of the way and continue or go after somebody else. I couldn’t stop their fighting no matter how much I pleaded. My chest felt tight and I felt like I was getting lightheaded.
Before I could say anything or do anything else, all I saw was black.
Somebody was softly calling my name. I wasn’t sure who it was or what had happened. I couldn’t remember anything as my eyes fluttered open, looking up into the eyes of Wonwoo. He was one of the most soft spoken members, so I was surprised my head ended up cradled in his lap as he looked down at me with a soft smile, one of his hands smoothing back my hair.
“You’re okay!” he grinned. “How do you feel?”
“Dizzy...” I groaned as I tried to sit up.
He helped me up. I was in the lobby of their building their dorm was located in, so I was confused as to how I ended up here.
“I figured you should get out of such a crowded room and get some fresh air,” Wonwoo explained in his deep voice that I always loved to hear -- even if Ididn’t hear it often. “The guys are still upstairs. They feel really bad about what happened and they stopped arguing. Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” I nodded. “I think I just got overwhelmed.”
“That’s understandable."
The two of us stood up from the couch we were on and decided to go back up to the dorm to check on everybody. Thankfully, everything was quiet when we got back. Everybody seemed to be in their separate rooms to cool off, but as soon as the door closed, heads poked out of doors before they all rushed over to apologize.
“Yah!” Wonwoo called over them. “Let’s give Y/N a little space, okay?”
“Don’t ‘yah’ us, punk,” Jeonghan scolded.
Still, they did as he said and gave me a little more space. They asked how I was feeling and if they could get me anything. Despite insisting I was fine, DK went to go make some soup while Vernon handed me a bottle of water to drink.
The boys guided me over to the couch, and I decided to check my phone to pass some time. However, I noticed something odd. My social media was being blown up, and photos of me laying with my head in Wonwoo’s lap in the lobby were everywhere. And none of the comments on it were good either. Between calling me ugly or saying death threats because they thought we were dating. My eyes filled with tears while I read them before I decided I couldn’t take it anymore. I dropped my phone and ran out of the dorm, ignoring the boys calling me to come back and asking what was wrong. I took the stairs instead of the elevator before running out the door of the lobby and into the night, wanting to get as far away from the dorm as possible. I tugged up my hood and kept my head down as I ran, unsure of where I planned to go but knowing anywhere was better than there.
I wasn’t sure how long I was gone for, but I sat on a bench alone and cried silently. I did my best not to draw attention to myself, and it worked out well since nobody came up to bother me. At least, not for a while.
I sensed somebody sitting next to me on the bench on my right. I didn’t lift my head, though. I stayed with my arms wrapped around my knees on the bench, keeping my face buried in my knees.
“I saw the comments,” Wonwoo’s familiar voice said.
I looked up, my tear-filled eyes finding him beside me, “How’d you find me?”
He just shrugged before continuing, “I’m sorry about all of that.”
“It’s not your fault,” I mumbled.
“But for what it’s worth, I don’t care what anybody says. You’re none of the awful things they said. You’re beautiful and smart and kind, Y/N. And...and I love you.”
My heart fluttered hearing him say those things, “R-really? You love me?”
“Of course I do,” he smiled. “How could I not?”
“I-I love you too, Wonwoo,” I told him.
And then he leaned in and connected our lips with a soft, sweet kiss.
Pledis was quick to catch onto the dating rumors, and they immediately went to Wonwoo to ask about it. He confirmed it, stating he didn’t care if people didn’t like it. He loved me, and that was that. So that’s the statement Pledis released. I couldn’t care about the haters. I loved Wonwoo and I wanted to be with him.
To celebrate our relationship, the boys decided to throw a party. Everybody was just really happy for us, and I was happy for us, so a party seemed like the perfect idea. It was a huge party, too, with tons of other idols and lots of food and drinks and music and dancing. It was all absolutely perfect.
Wonwoo had gone off to talk to some of his idol friends that he didn’t get to talk to very often, and I stayed on the dance floor. I definitely had more drinks than I normally would, but I didn’t care. I continued to dance to the music, swaying my hips to the beat in a way that was hypnotizing -- especially to one person.
I felt warm hands grip my hips and pull them back toward the person. I was only wearing short shorts and a crop top, so I could feel the material of their clothes against my skin.
“You’re so beautiful, you know that, Y/N?” Jisoo’s familiar voice whispered in my ear above the loud music, his breath fanning my ear. “I wish it were me that you ended up with.”
I wasn’t thinking right. The alcohol, the heat, and the way Jisoo’s hands held my hips as he swayed with me was making my head feel cloudy. So I spun around, placing my hands on his shoulders, and pressed my mouth to his. My hips ground against his as our tongues fought for dominance, my hands moving up to tangle in his hair.
“Do you wanna get out of here?” Jisoo mumbled into the kiss.
I eagerly nodded. He took my hand and began to lead me through the crowd and out the door. He flagged down a cab to take us back to the dorm, and neither of us could seem to keep our hands off of each other in the backseat of the cab. He paid the driver before we got out and went into the building, taking the elevator instead of the stairs. His lips found mine as soon as the doors closed, pushing me up against one of the walls as his tongue pushed into my mouth, dancing with my own. 
Before I knew it, our clothes were ripped off, and I was falling back onto his bed. He crawled over me and pressed his lips back to mine while his fingers moved down to my core, immediately pushing two into me. I moaned out and arched my back at the feeling.
“Jisoo-oppa,” I cried as his fingers hit my g-spot.
He smirked as he took in my blissed out expression, “Are you gonna cum for me, baby girl?”
I came hard around his fingers, dragging my nails down his back and leaving red marks in their wake. Jisoo pulled his fingers out of my heat and put them in his mouth, making eye contact with me as he cleaned my release off his digits. I felt my cheeks heat up under his gaze but I couldn’t look away from him. He was so captivating.
Without warning, he slipped his cock into me. I let out a gasp at the feeling that turned into a loud moan from how he stretched me out. He started out at a hard and fast pace immediately, pulling loud moans from me as his hips snapped into mine.
“Does that feel good, Y/N?” he grunted as my legs wrapped around his waist.
“Yes, oppa,” I whined. “Fuck yes!”
He continued to relentlessly hit the spot that had me seeing stars. His nails dug into my hips as I clenched around him and came all over his cock, crying out his name loudly. He came soon after, filling me with his cum. It was a good thing I was on the pill. 
Jisoo pulled out of me and flopped down on the bed beside me as I tried to catch my breath. 
“That was fun,” he smirked.
We both fell asleep almost immediately.
I awoke to the sun hitting my eyes. I yawned and stretched, squinting against the light. As my brain started to wake up bit by bit, my eyes scanned the room, realizing I wasn’t in a room I was used to. 
Then I saw Jisoo beside me, who still looked absolutely perfect despite the fact he had a lot to drink last night and was also deeply asleep. Not a hair was out of place, he wasn’t snoring or drooling, and he looked like a male model.
That was when I remembered everything that happened the night before. I shot up in bed, the covers falling from my naked body. I frick fracked with Jisoo!
Hurriedly, I got out of bed and scrambled to find my clothes. After getting dressed, I left his bedroom. Thankfully, nobody was around to see. However, I could hear soft crying coming from the bathroom not too far from Jisoo’s room. I walked down the hall and slowly turned the knob, realizing it was unlocked. So I opened the door and saw Wonwoo sitting on the lid of the toilet with his head in his hands as he cried.
“Wonwoo?” I asked as I rushed in to comfort him. “What’s wrong?”
He looked up at me with bloodshot eyes and the most hurt expression I’d ever seen. It shattered my heart into a million pieces.
“You cheated on me!” he sobbed as he showed me his phone. There were articles about Jisoo and I all over the internet. “I can’t believe you’d do that, YN! I trusted you! I loved you!”
I shook my head quickly, “Wonwoo, you don’t understand--”
“Leave me alone!” he shouted as he stood up, pointing to the door.
I left the bathroom in tears, unsure how to fix the mistake I’d made. I hurt the boy I loved the most and I wasn’t sure if I could ever make it up to him.
It had been a week and I hadn’t spoken to Wonwoo since. I actually hadn’t seen him at all despite living in the same dorm. Everybody obviously knew what happened, but only half the boys were angry with me. They either ignored me or lectured me before, but I knew they weren’t happy with me. But I was drunk when it happened! I made a mistake.
“You can’t mope forever, Y/N,” a familiar voice said from the entrance to the kitchen.
I turned around, almost afraid of who I’d find, but I felt better when I saw who it was, “Oh, it’s just you, The8-oppa.”
He walked over to the fridge and grabbed the carton of juice as he kept talking, “I know you’re upset about Wonwoo-hyung, but you can’t dwell on it. You either have to get over him or do something about it.”
“I want to do something about it,” I told him, “I just don’t know what. How am I supposed to fix this?”
The8 turned to look at me as he drank his juice, leaning up against the counter, “Have you tried talking to him and explaining the situation?”
“He won’t even look at me.”
“You did sleep with one of his best friends,” Seungkwan interjected as he entered the kitchen as well, “can you blame him?”
“Seungkwan-ah!” The8 scolded him sharply.
“Sorry, hyung,” Seungkwan muttered, rolling his eyes.
“Anyway,” the older boy continued, “maybe you should try doing some big gesture for him. Prove you love him.”
My eyes suddenly brightened as I got an idea. I smiled widely at The8, running over to him and giving him a big hug, “That’s perfect, thank you, oppa!”
He chuckled, patting my back, “No problem.”
I raced off to my room and closed the door. I grabbed my phone and took to social media, posting my favorite picture of Wonwoo and I. I then proceeded to pour out my heart and feelings, hoping that this would somehow reach him since he refused to speak to me.
‘I know everybody hates me and I know I made a mistake. I was drunk and stupid. But I know I love Wonwoo more than anything or anyone. I hope he can forgive me one day because my heart is his and I don’t want anybody else. ❤’
I hit post and then waited nervously, unsure what to do next. I knew looking at comments wouldn’t help me, so all I could do was try to distract myself until I knew if Wonwoo saw it. So I got off of my bed and went out into the living room, sitting myself beside DK since the bigger couch was taken up by Mingyu, S.Coups, and Vernon -- they were all upset with me. 
My mind managed to be distracted by the variety show playing on the TV, so I was surprised when I heard a familiar, deep voice say my name. All eyes looked over to see Wonwoo standing in the living room, looking at me with an expression I couldn’t quite read. All of the members were surprised he was talking to me, as was I.
I got to my feet, and Wonwoo walked over to me. He towered over me, looking down at me as his face broke out into a smile and he held my face between his hands.
“I couldn’t ever stay mad at you,” he told me before pressing his lips to mine in a sweet kiss, and the rest of Seventeen cheered.
He pulled away with a playful smirk, whispering in my ear, “Let’s take this back to my room, yeah?”
I nodded with a soft giggle as he took my hand and led me back to his bedroom. As soon as his door closed, we were all over each other, but it was more needy than heated like it was with Jisoo. It was like we fit together perfectly, and I missed being in his arms and having his lips on mine. 
He guided me over to the bed and laid me down as he slowly and gently removed my clothes, his lips never leaving my skin. He murmured praises against my skin that had me bushing, but I couldn’t bring myself to shy away from him because I had missed being with him so much.
“I love you,” he murmured against my lips.
“I love you, too, Wonwoo,” I breathed.
I felt his cock slide into my entrance, pulling a moan from my lips. My arms and legs wrapped around him, holding him against my body as he thrust into me in slow, deep thrusts that hit just the right spots every time.
“You feel so good,” he groaned, nuzzling into my neck and sucking hickeys there. “I missed you so much.”
I couldn’t even reply from how good he felt inside me. I bit down on my bottom lip as I moved my hips up to meet his thrusts.
“F-fuck, oppa,” I moaned. “I’m g-gonna c-cum.”
“W-wait, I’m close,” he breathed. “I want you t-to cum with m-me.”
Wonwoo continued to thrust into me, and I could tell he was getting close because his moans were getting louder and higher in pitch. His eyes squeezed closed as he moaned out “cum for me” and released into me. I came around his cock, dropping my head back and crying out his name.
After we’d both come down from our highs, he pulled out of me and laid down beside me. I curled up in his arms as he pressed a kiss to my forehead.
“I love you, Y/N,” he whispered.
“I love you, too, Wonwoo.”
“Thank you all for coming out to our Christmas Eve concert to celebrate the holiday!” S.Coups smiled as he spoke into his mic, looking out into the crowd. “We’re really happy we get to spend Christmas Eve with Carats!”
I stood backstage, watching the concert. So far, it was a lot of fun to watch. They were all so energetic and it was obvious the crowd was having a lot of fun as well. Even I was bouncing around backstage and singing along. But I’ve always been a big fan of Seventeen.
“We should go around and say what we want for Christmas!” Dino suggested.
“Wait, but Santa’s not--”
“Yah, hyung!” Jun cut off Jeonghan before he could finish his sentence. “You can’t say that.”
“Anyway,” S.Coups continued, “let’s do Dino’s idea. I want all of Carats’ love for Christmas!”
His statement caused the crowd to go into a screaming frenzy, which made him laugh.
“You know what I want for Christmas?” Jeonghan asked with an almost evil smirk. He put an arm around Dino’s shoulders and pulled him closer. “Dino nugu aegi?”
Dino sighed, “Jeonghan-hyung’s aegi.”
Jeonghan smiled proudly, “Exactly!”
“I want our Carats to be happy and healthy,” Jisoo smiled.
He definitely was the gentleman of the group.
“I’d like to see my family for Christmas,” Jun admitted. “I miss them a lot.”
I did feel bad for Jun when he said that. It must’ve been hard being away from home and not getting to see your family for Christmas. But I knew the boys would do their best to make his Christmas enjoyable and fun still.
“I want to spend Christmas with Carats!” Hoshi shouted as he made a heart over his head, causing even more screams.
Wonwoo’s turn was next, and I anxiously awaited his reply. We promised each other we wouldn’t get gifts for one another, but I was still curious as to what he wanted for Christmas.
“Actually, what I want for Christmas...” he began before looking off stage toward where I was, “I’d need Y/N out here.”
I didn’t know why, but my heartbeat was suddenly much faster. I walked out on stage, feeling my legs shaking with each step I took. I tried not to look out at the sea of people, keeping my eyes either on the floor or on Wonwoo. He smiled encouragingly as he took my hand, holding the mic in his other hand.
“Y/N, you make me so happy,” he told me, “I don’t care what anybody else says. I don’t care if people don’t like our relationship. I love you more than anything. And that’s why, for Christmas...”
I watched as Wonwoo got down on one knee, reaching into his pocket and fishing out a small black velvet box. He opened the lid and I saw a sparkling diamond ring inside. I gasped as I covered my mouth with both hands, looking down at Wonwoo with tear-filled eyes. He couldn’t be serious, could he?
“I want you to be mine,” he stated. “Y/L/N Y/N, will you marry me?”
I couldn’t even manage to speak, so all I could do was quickly nod my head. Wonwoo grinned as he stood back up and wrapped his arms around me, kissing me sweetly. I could hear the rest of the members cheering, and most of the fans cheering as well for our engagement.
He slid the ring on my finger, whispered one more I love you, and then sent me off backstage again so they could continue their concert. I couldn’t stop staring at the ring as I decided to go outside to get some air. It was very stuffy, and with all the excitement, I was feeling really overheated.
As I walked out back where the buses were parked, I ran into a group of Seventeen fans that must’ve left the venue to look for me, because they definitely didn’t look happy when they saw me.
“It’s Y/N!” one of them called.
“You shouldn’t be with Wonwoo, you ugly bitch!” another called as they rushed toward me.
I went to run away and go back inside, but they caught up to me and pushed me down. They began punching and kicking me as I screamed for help, but I couldn’t be heard over the concert.
Before I knew it, all I saw was black.
I woke up in an unfamiliar room. The walls and ceiling were all white, the lights were really bright, and it smelled like a doctor’s office. 
The fuzziness was starting to leave my mind, and I realized I was surrounded by a bunch of familiar faces. Seventeen crowded the hospital room I was laying in, and I could hear the beeps from the monitors I was hooked up to.
“She’s awake,” S.Coups gasped.
Hoshi quickly ducked out into the hallway to get the doctor.
“How do you feel, Y/N?” Vernon wondered.
I ran a hand through my hair. Despite what I’d gone through, my hair was still perfectly silky and untangled.
“Like I got hit by a truck,” I groaned. “What happened?”
“Well,” the doctor began as he stepped into the room, hearing the conversation as he entered, “you got beat up pretty badly. It was so bad that we had to perform surgery.”
“Surgery?!” I gasped.
The doctor nodded gravely, “You needed a heart transplant, but it was definitely a very difficult procedure. You’re a very lucky girl that both of you survived.”
The first thing I wanted was to see Wonwoo, but as I scanned the faces, I couldn’t find him. All twelve boys were there but Wonwoo was nowhere to be seen. My eyes landed on the leader.
“Where’s Wonwoo?” I asked.
S.Coups hesitated for a moment before asking, “Who do you think gave you the heart?”
My breath caught in my throat, “Did he...?”
“He didn’t make it,” the doctor confirmed. “He gave you his heart so you could live.”
I burst out into sobs. I couldn’t believe Wonwoo would do that. What was I supposed to do without him? I loved him!
“Wait,” I looked up at the doctor as S.Coups stepped forward to comfort me, “you said ‘both of you survived’. Who...?”
“Do you not know?” the doctor asked, only confusing me more. “Y/N, you’re pregnant.”
I gasped. Pregnant? All eyes were on me, all of Seventeen looking absolutely shocked. 
It caused even more worries. How would I raise the baby on my own? Wonwoo never even got to know I was pregnant, and he’d never even get to see the baby. While I was still very upset, I placed my hands over my stomach that already had a little bump, happy that I’d at least always have a little bit of Wonwoo with me.
“Mommy? What was daddy like?”
I smiled down at my son as he stared at Wonwoo’s headstone, touching the cool stone with his mitten-clad hand, “He was very smart and very kind. You’re just like him, Wonwoo Jr.”
Wonwoo Jr smiled up at me happily, “Really?! When I grow up, I wanna be just like daddy!”
Even though Wonwoo Jr never got to meet his dad, I felt it was important to bring him to his grave on the anniversary. I wanted him to know about Wonwoo even if he had a different father in his life now.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Mingyu chuckled as he picked Wonwoo Jr up in his arms, “don’t go thinking too far ahead. Mommy and I don’t want you to grow up too fast!”
It only made sense when Mingyu and I got together. He had always been my bias, so we were very quick to fall in love after Wonwoo died. Plus he was Wonwoo’s best friend, and his dying wish was for Mingyu to take care of me and look after me. So we got married very quickly, and Mingyu even adopted Wonwoo Jr.
Wonwoo Jr giggled as he wrapped his arms around Mingyu’s neck, “Okay, daddy!”
I smiled up at my two favorite boys in the world, feeling happier than I’d ever been, “I love both of you so much.”
“We love you too, mommy!” Wonwoo Jr chirped.
“Very, very much,” Mingyu agreed before pressing a sweet kiss to my lips.
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jundotcom · 5 years ago
seventeen and emma as bffs scenarios <3
hi hi lol emma and i had the wacky idea to write lil scenarios with eachother and friend!seventeen so 😌💕 ily you much @shuasvteen
coffee dates with boochansol; you KNOW that these babies would get you to go on coffee dates with them. like, it’s not even a question. i’d imagine that it’d be a weekly thing, like every monday or whatever. y’all gossip about the older members 🤭
shopping with haohan; like you said with mine, minghao would LOVE TO TAKE YOU SHOPPING. i also feel like jeonghan would enjoy tagging along too.
dyeing your hair with joshua; joshua has said before that he really enjoys dyeing his hair, so i feel like he would try to convince you to do matching colors with him lol boy is probably a professional by now and makes sure you’re vv comfy while waiting
bringing jihoon food in the studio; tbh i feel like you and jihoon wouldn’t be the closest per se, but i definitely think you guys would have this unspoken understanding between eachother. you’d memorize his takeout order and bring it to him = a mysterious cup filled with your favorite beverage .... 🧐🤔 i wonder who it’s from
vibing with maknae line; omg you guys would send the most random pictures to eachother like honestly. if anyone else saw your gc they’d be so confused. “hey emma, what does ‘throw it back’ mean?”
college tings; omg cheol and wonwoo would totally help you study for exams n such. joshua would help by putting lil motivational sticky notes everywhere. “you got this!” “just focus” “do your best!!!” hao would pack you a healthy lunch so your head wouldn’t hurt, but soonchan has their way of hiding your favorite candy ;)
late night drives with joshhan; if any of you are stressed, late night drives are a MUST. you three have a secret collaborative playlist where you guys put together songs you think the others would like. it doesn’t matter if you drive to the beach or the pool or mcdonalds, late night drives help all of you relax in a comfortable environment
learning choreography; omg performance team would have a ball trying to teach you different dances. obvi they know that you try your best, but they can’t help but make fun of you when you do something wrong. jun does his best to correct you while soonchan clown you, so you gotta give him props for that
birthday surprise; THESE BOYS WOULD GO SO HARD FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY OMFG. balloons, three dozen candles, two tier cakes, hats, glasses, and MORE. you walk through the door and BOOM!!! OMG DID THEY INVITE NCT AND EXO TO YOUR BIRTHDAY PARTY: YOU BET THEY DID LMFAOOOO
college tings part two; wonwoo and joshua accompanying you to ikea to pick out stuff for your dorm 🥺 you’re fully prepared to pay all $500+ for all you got, but you get to the front and wonwoo is like “nah nah nah i got this you guys go find a place to eat” omg the good life
learning instruments; joshua and seokmin try their best to teach you guitar but something about it just doesn’t stick with you. nonetheless, you still let them try to teach you because they look cute as teachers xoxo
2:00 am with jihoon; i feel like you’d spend the night at the dorms a lot tbh but if you have a headache or something you’d get up and get yourself some coffee but huh? is that jihoon on chair? in short: you and jihoon would bond over two bowls of lucky charms and your love for the other boys, so getting up early wasn’t toooo bad :)
reacting to music videos; UGH THEY’D BE SO LAME AND NOT LET YOU WATCH MVS UNTIL YOU COULD ALL GET TOGETHER. seokmin would click play and you’d be like “omg wonwoo forehead” “MINGYU! JUN! PUT YOUR ARMS AWAY” “cheol omg those SHOES” “soonyoung tiny uwu” “WOAHHHH SEXY JEONGHAN SEXY JEONGHAN” they’d have the best time laughing at your comments and this would definitely turn into a sleepover
i hope this was okay 🥺👉👈 ikyk that i kinda struggled,,, but ily so here you go <3
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steve0discusses · 5 years ago
Yugioh S4 Ep10 pt2: Yugi’s Never Ceasing Commute Continues
Last we left off, it was time to eat. Thank you. Thank you, Yugioh. You get me.
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Not one of their better spreads, TBH.
No cheese wheels, too. They are truly living in hard times.
(read more under the cut)
Rex and Weevil decided to look for rare cards in the rubble of Arthur Hawkin’s house.
I don’t know why they bothered with this, everything was very clearly exploded and on fire, but youknow, these two just seem to be very hellbent on being bad at life. Just two jokes that are here just to be jokes, wearing these duel disks that they’re not going to use until it’s finally time for them to betray us. Checkov’s jokes.
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And I hate to say this but they really are this season’s Bakura.
I know I just said that.
But this show really likes having at least one character that might turn at any moment and stab our protagonist in the back. They like to have at least one at all times there, hovering over Yugi’s oblivious shoulders, with that figurative knife (or literal, in the case of that time when Bakura stabbed himself without nearly any provocation).
In the past, when Bakura was out to lunch, we would have betraying friends like Kaiba, who would go solo in the middle of his own card game and end up throwing everyone in danger, and also Tristan who got full on possessed by the Big 5 and tried to murder everyone, but I guess after 4 seasons they were like “Youknow...I think Kaiba got over it.” and like...you can’t have Rebecca stab us in the back so lets bring Rex and Weevil.
At least their showtime is minimal, because unlike Bakura, who is pretty likeable even when he’s being an asshole, Rex and Weevil never turn off the asshole and are mostly just visual gags stumbling over eachother. Bakura was quite clever and had a bit of depth and mystery, while I don’t think Rex and Weevil are smart enough to even know how to spell mystery.
And if Rex and Weevil end up being good guys and the saviors of the whole show then my sincere apologies, but they are still kind of grating.
Now Rebecca gets a duel monster’s card that has a death threat on it, which is probably the normal way to sign your duel monsters cards in this universe. I imagine every card in Yugi’s deck has a couple death threats on each of them by now. Probably makes them more lucky.
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Ya so...
I can forgive this. The people who made this looked at a map of California, forgot that California is roughly the same size as Japan, and were like “I mean, there’s like 50 states, it can’t be that big.”
But here’s the thing about Death Valley. I am a Californian, but I have never been there. This is why.
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Death Valley is ASS to get to. Barely anyone lives there. Nothing goes there. You can’t just take a train, you have to drive there by going south past it and then turning around. It’s real round about and just in the middle of nowhere. May as well get there by flying into Las Vegas, and if you are flying into Las Vegas, chances are slim that you will leave that Vacation Town USA to vacation in a literal desert.
Clearly they saw the name “Death Valley” and got super excited but y’all...there’s a reason why we call it that, and everyone who knows about geography or is a Californian is kind of like “um...is Yugi...going to Death Valley???? That city slicker?”
Cuz this is not a normal desert. Normally, a human can survive 3 days without water, in Death Valley you apparently can only survive for 14 hours. It is the lowest point in the US and also the hottest point in the US and the place where the highest temperature was ever recorded on the Earth. And while that heat is only for 5 months of the year...it’s not winter in the show, is it? It’s fairly warm. San Fransisco wasn’t even foggy?
Like even the Death Valley website is like “please don’t leave the main roads and hike during the hot months” because y’all, this park is damn serious. Like this is one of the only National Parks that has not just one, but multiple ghost towns in it.
Don’t get me wrong, Death Valley’s very pretty and very fun I’ve heard, and it has like a very fancy dayspa in it, and if you like geography and like to rough it, then you will absolutely love how freakin weird Death Valley is. So, if you’re safe and know how to pack your gear, you’ll have no problem, but...Y’all, Yugi Muto, who barely survived Pegasus’ island (and only because Mai fed him) is going to just casually go into Death Valley.
In that outfit.
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Then, in some barn somewhere (I have NO IDEA where this exchange takes place) Rafael is grilling Arthur only to realize that this is a very pointless conversation.
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And in case you forgot Darts exist, he’s still out there, murdering people off for kicks. we’ll just add 20 more to the death count, the internet told me that’s the average amount of people on a fish boat of average size (although sometimes this boat seemed like the size of a shipping container barge but youknow...)
And in case you missed it, I have been doing the death counter wrong so I was 2 people behind--it’s correct now. With the rate this show goes I feel like we might see death 666 eventually. But, yes we did pass 269 so we’ll have to wait another 100, I guess, because it went to some rando on this boat. Nice.
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(The highest surface temperature of Death Valley ((not the air, but the ground)) ever recorded, was 201° F.)
(That’s 94° C for those in the back.)
I mean Yugi is part Pharaoh so I guess he just has a strong attraction to really terrible deserts. He’s also half a dead guy so maybe he also just has a strong attraction to being dead.
But I dunno, maybe this is the months of the year where Death Valley is manageable? Maybe? Possibly? We’ll just assume that it is.
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Now you can go horseback riding in Death Valley, as you can in any National Park, but it isn’t real normal to ride your horse all the way from San Fransisco. And like you can’t even let your dog off a leash in Death Valley. This is such a bad park for pets!
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Also, I found out some fun facts about horse travel, for anyone interested in writing fantasy and wants to know the average speed of a horse.
So a horse can go about 100 miles in a day, but only for one day. If you do 250 miles, the time has to be more spread out since you must recharge your horse. According to some horse-specialist on the internet who does horse marathons from coast to coast, if you have to do 500 miles, then you average about 24 miles a day, accounting for horse-recovery time and assuming it’s a horse that wasn’t bred for super long distances. (this is about a 500 mi horse ride, ps)
The pony express of old, the iconic Wells Fargo, would actually have horse stations along the prairie, where you would trade in your tired horse for a new horse, so that way you would never have to stop going 100 miles in a day. Since Yugi never changed his horse, this ride would have been absolutely ridiculous, and Copernicus the horse, would have stopped somewhere in Gilroy.
But this is a kid’s show so wtv, we’re gonna ignore that.
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(reminder that Yugi decided not to unhitch the perfectly serviceable truck and drive away with air conditioning.)
And Yugi really did make Rebecca promise not to tell these much older teens that he took off (something about how he doesn’t want to put more people in danger yada yada, normal Yugi stuff), but the show kind of blames this on Rebecca...but like...she’s 12. This one is on Yugi.
But, if Rebecca were older, maybe she would have done the same thing. Rebecca seems like maybe the type that realizes that when you like an idiot boy, you gotta let them do idiot things, and make idiot mistakes. You can’t just control what your friends do all the time, unlike this crew, which is controlling because that is the only way they keep eachother alive.
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So Joey decides to ignore both of the cars right next to him, and just book it to save his stupid ass friend. On foot. To Death Valley. From what the show insisted was just outside San Fransisco.
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And I guess that Rafael decided to just let Hawkins go?
Probably because Yugi got on a horse and Rafael was like “of course I know Yugi is chasing me on horseback off the main roads. Of course I know that.” and then he just...let Hawkins walk all the way back...
Hawkins should be dead, but not yet.
So lets check out Death Valley.
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So like...again I just think they probably boarded everything and had a rough idea of “America has a bunch of natural canyons, right?” and didn’t realize that the Grand Canyon was soooo far from California.
There are actually canyons in Death Valley but like...I dunno if the art matches that so much? They aren’t nearly as massive as the canyon situation farther East.
Again this was their art choice that they made and it’s...a choice. And they committed to it.
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And this bike thing happened?
This tandem bicycle for children lost among the wreckage of Rebecca Hawkin’s home is like a whole “baby shoes, never worn” short story in itself. Rebecca has nooo siblings or parents, right? She has a really old grandpa who is like 80 and doesn’t bike? Just uh...bringing that up...was this tandem bike for her to hang out with Yugi? Does Rebecca even have friends her own age? She already graduated college.
So much inferred by the bike that I know is just here because it’s a funny joke to see Rex and Weevil on a stupid tandem bike.
So I’ve heard about the bike/car/horse paradox before in regards to this season, (it’s one of the few things I knew about this season before going in) so I’m happy to see I’ve recapped enough Yugioh to see it play out.
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The paradox being, if Yugi is on horseback, and Rex and Weevil are on a bike, and the rest are in a car, who arrives first?
Apparently the show itself isn’t even sure because Rex and Weevil can keep up with a horse???
Anyway, the correct answer to the paradox is that everyone not in a car is dead for not bringing any water.
Everyone except for Raphael, who probably put a camel pack into each of his shoulder pads.
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I don’t get why this is happening. But it’s a thing now. Rafael has either literal or metaphoric wings. Bear in mind I thought Pharaoh was Metaphoric for like 14 episodes. These Icarus wings might just be real. Rafael might have been a card this entire time, and I wouldn’t even blink.
Anyway, if this is your first post of mine you’ve seen of this, my apologies, we’re in S4 and this is very confusing. You can read from S1 ep 1 in chrono order by clicking this very handy link here!
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