mayoiayasep · 1 year
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[id: a dimly lit photo of a hand gripping a tatsumi nui. end id]
tatsumin.....tatsu nui....
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tatsumine · 6 days
来年の手帳もED!T 1日1ページ スープルのB6です。
小口がゴールド仕上げだけど下品じゃなくてとてもスタイリッシュ、期間限定で名入れ無料だったので例年同様Tatsumine. Sと入れました。
#文房具好きな人と繋がりたい #文房具 #stationery
#手帳 #手帳生活 #スケジュール帳 #diary #journal
#marks #edit #マークス
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valentinosbabyhoe · 4 years
Since when is a name a verb?
Mine: Would you please not Tatsumi this into a worse situation than it already is?
Tatsumi: Hang on, did you just use my name as a verb?
Mine: Yeah, duh, dummy.
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bossnajenda · 6 years
Mine: Tatsumi, tell me I’m pretty.
Tatsumi: You can be pretty annoying sometimes.
Mine: But do you think I’m pretty?
Tatsumi: You know you’re gorgeous.
Mine: Of course I am.
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duckface165 · 6 years
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Don’t reblog, just screenshot and tag your OTPs
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vj87g · 4 years
Akame Ga Kill manga story sucks!!!!
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fragamitake · 8 years
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Anyone want to add something or help with this?
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i-li · 4 years
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ꞋꞌꞋꞌ⚘sakamoto tatsuma user​៹ຳ
๛l¡ke or re:blog if you ៹﹫ve ꦿ
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mayoiayasep · 3 years
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i. i have been talking about mayoi for the past three days straight but also tatsumin...
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kanasmusings · 5 years
[Translation] StarMyu Third STAGE Drama CD - Track 4
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Here’s Track 4~! It’s finally Nanjo and Ren time!!!!!! My babies~!!! God, as much as I love KENN’s voice, listening to the “sweet-talking” he did as Toraishi was just super uncomfortable XD  I particularly like this track because I learned so much about Ren from it  ♡(。- ω -)  
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission. Please just like/reblog them instead ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~! 
Track 04: [第3幕:虎石と北原の部屋にて] “Chapter 3: Inside Toraishi and Kitahara’s Room”
 UGAWA: Chapter 3: Inside Toraishi and Kitahara’s Room.
(phone ringing)
(Kitahara blasting music from his headphones while Toraishi talks on the phone)
TORAISHI: Ah, hello, little kitten~ Sorry, is this a bad time?
TORAISHI: Hm? The reference book? For real? I forgot about it.
TORAISHI: Ah, don’t worry, it’s okay. It’s not really something I’d use every day.
TORAISHI: It’s my fault for asking for help with homework when we finally had time to be together.
TORAISHI: Hm? What is it~? You love looking at me while we’re studying~?
TORAISHI: You’re such a maniac~
TORAISHI: (chuckles) Okay, I’ll come and get the book next time so, teach me again, okay~?
TORAISHI: Onee-san~
(music starts getting louder)
TORAISHI: (groans) Wait a sec okay, little kitten~
TORAISHI: Kitahara! I can hear your music!
TORAISHI: Hey, Kitahara!
NANJO: He can’t hear you, Toraishi. He’s got it at max volume, you know?
TORAISHI: Ah, Nanjo.
TORAISHI: Geez, you’re so noisy even when someone’s on the phone.
NANJO: By the way, for me personally, both of the noises you’re making are a nuisance.
TORAISHI: Ugh… Ah, I’m sorry, little kitten.
TORAISHI: I’ll call you back later. (he blows a kiss and hangs up)
  TORAISHI: I’m done, Kitahara!
TORAISHI: Don’t invade my time with a cute little kitten, for god’s sake.
(Kitahara pauses his music and takes his headphones off)
KITAHARA: You too, Izumi. Stop talking all flirty when I’m enjoying my free time. You’re so guilty.
TORAISHI: Well obviously, guys just won’t understand the power of my sweet and silky voice~
NANJO:  I get that you’re popular and all but, you keep talking to different girls whenever I’m here to play, huh.
NANJO: To me personally, instead of it sounding sweet, you just sound like a male cat in heat.
REN: (smiles) Koki, if you’re gonna say that then at least call him a wild cat.
NANJO: (laughs) You’re good, Ren!
REN/NANJO: (laughs)
TORAISHI: Ah-ah. Whenever I hang out with you guys, you’re always quick to say something about me so I don’t like it.
(knocking on door)
TORAISHI: Yeah, door’s open!
(door opens)
UGAWA: Hello~! Is Toraishi-kun here?
REN: Heya, shrimpy!
UGAWA: Geh…!
NANJO: Hello, Ugawa.
UGAWA: Good afternoon, Nanjo-kun.
(Ugawa closes the door)
UGAWA: Toraishi-kun’s still lazing about?
UGAWA: That’s such bad manners.
TORAISHI: Nothing’s wrong with lazing about in my own room, y’know?
REN: So, what’s up? You staying over again? Isn’t it still too early for that?
UGAWA: I’m not! And what do you mean by ‘again’?! I haven’t been here that many times!
TORAISHI: Pretty rich coming from the guy who has a sleeping bag in our room.
REN: True. Put it somewhere else. It’s in the way, y’know? You’re guilty.
UGAWA: Give me your bed then, Toraishi-kun.
TORAISHI: I don’t lend my bed to boys. If it was a girl then, we’d sleep together~
UGAWA: You’re the worst.
NANJO: He’s got no chastity at all that it kinda feels refreshing to see~
NANJO: Anyway, Ugawa. You came here to talk to Toraishi about something, didn’t you?
UGAWA: Ah, yeah. Are you free tonight, Toraishi-kun? Everyone in Team Otori’s asking if you’d like to eat curry with us later.
TORAISHI: Oh! Is it something Nayuki-chan made?
UGAWA: Yeah, looks like it.
TORAISHI: I’ll have some! The oden he made during New Year’s, the hotpot he made when you all came to my house, and the lunched boxes he made for the graduation party were all so delicious!
TORAISHI: Wouldn’t Nayuki-chan be perfect if he wasn’t a dude?
UGAWA: Yeah, uh… That’s offensive so don’t say that to him, got it?
REN: You guys are so chummy with Team Otori as usual.
REN: You hang out too much.
NANJO: I’ve heard about it but you guys get along so well, huh.
TORAISHI: Hm~ How do I put it… I guess we’ve got a bond.
TORAISHI: As teams and as individuals.
NANJO: I see. Your team’s Princess and Knight were in the same middle school as Team Otori’s thoroughbred.
UGAWA: Hm? “Princess and Knight” were Tatsumin and Saru-kun’s nicknames back in middle school.
UGAWA: You know about it, too, Nanjo-kun?
NANJO: Didn’t I tell you before? Ren and I are from Ayanagi’s middle school, too.
NANJO: We were in the normal course so we didn’t have much chances to talk with the Princess but, those three were famous in our grade, you know?
UGAWA: (excited) Heh~!
REN: Team Otori’s Kuga went to the same school as Izumi, right?
REN: Kuga came all the way here to take care of you when you got sick, didn’t he?
UGAWA: What? Is that true? Kuga-kun’s really diligent, huh?
TORAISHI: Pretty much.
REN: That time, I switched rooms with Kuga for a bit.
UGAWA: Eh?! Th-then, Kitahara-kun… You slept in the same room as Tsukigami-kun?!
TORAISHI: (laughs) He got scolded pretty bad, right?
REN: (smiles) Yeah. Every time I tried to talk to him that night, he kept telling me to “cut it out and just sleep, will you?”
TORAISHI: (laughs) That’s so funny.
NANJO: Ren gets excited when his environment changes after all.
NANJO: The other time, when we went to Sazanami-senpai’s house for training camp, he got excited when he got to the dojo that he suddenly exclaimed, “I’m gonna do a hundred reps!” or something~
UGAWA: Ain’t that stupid?
REN: But, I couldn’t defeat Sazanami-senpai no matter how hard I tried!
REN: Even though I’m a belter in karate, too.
REN: That sort of strength should be illegal in a person, hey~! He’s guilty!
TORAISHI: You sound pretty excited though. (smiles)
NANJO: Ren’s got muscles for brains after all~  That’s why he likes going against strong opponents.
NANJO: By the way, for me personally, I think that’s a cute part of him~
  NANJO: I’m pretty sure he did martial arts because he could get rivals there but, he entered the entertainment industry after he got scouted before entering middle school.
NANJO: And then, his father told him, “If you’re going to pursue this path then, you might as well study in the best school,” you know?
NANJO: You started training to get into Ayanagi Academy’s Musical Department and now you’re continuing on with this path, aren’t you?
REN: Pretty much. But, I can do my training anytime anywhere.
REN: I can always do it even after graduation. Right now, my top priority is taking the top spot in Ayanagi Academy.
REN: I might have experience as a model and in dramas but I’m pretty new in musicals after all.
REN: I did hesitate at first but—
NANJO: Sazanami-senpai said, “Musicals and martial arts are the same. As long as you have strength of heart to challenge it, you can master it. As long as you can produce results then, that’s all that matters.”
NANJO: Well, that’s what he told us but it was perfect for Ren, wasn’t it~?
NANJO: I’m grateful for senpai, too.
  NANJO: By the way, for me personally, my only worry is that no one can compete against us since Sazanami-senpai’s way of teaching was so perfect~
NANJO: We might have given the top spot to the Star of Stars during our performance as first years but, we didn’t lose when it came to performance either.
NANJO: When we stand on the same stage and work under the same conditions then, I think we’d probably win~
REN: Totally. Geez, you’re all no competition.
REN: But, anyway, my principle is doing things perfectly as long as I’m doing them.
REN: Be it a musical or whatever, I’m guilty as long as it’s not the top.
REN: I also wanna try co-starring with Sazanami-senpai as his student after all.
REN: Sorry but, our team will be taking the 2nd year training roles for the graduation ceremony.
TORAISHI: (scoffs) That’s interesting.
UGAWA: Hmph~ There’s no way we’d lose after you just said that.
UGAWA: Don’t underestimate Tatsumin, Saru-kun, and me, got it?
TORAISHI: Hey! Where did Inumine and I go?
UGAWA: Can’t hear you!!!
TORAISHI: You’re listening right now!
NANJO/REN: (scoffs)
  UGAWA: Ah, that’s right! I almost forgot.
UGAWA: I just remembered it after talking about us being 2nd years. Team Otori said that dinnertime could be used for a social gathering so, he asked if the other teams would like to join, too.
TORAISHI: A social gathering? Heh~  Isn’t that nice?
TORAISHI: Hoshitani suggested it, didn’t he?
UGAWA: How’d you know?
TORAISHI: It seems like something Hoshitani would think of~!
TORAISHI: That guy’s communication skills are off the charts.
UGAWA: Ah… That is true.
REN: Hoshitani? Oh, you mean that Miracle Hoshitani?
TORAISHI: Yup. He’s a bit strange but he’s interesting and he’s a really nice guy.
TORAISHI: Are you joining, Team Sazanami?
REN: I am interested in Miracle Hoshitani but, we have a meeting right after this.
NANJO: Sazanami-senpai told us to go and train our bodies still even on days without rehearsal so the team meets up during those times.
NANJO: It turned into a weekly thing before we realized.
NANJO: We promised to go have dinner after our meeting today so, we’ll have to decline.
REN: Well, we’ll meet each other even if we don’t like it once we become 2nd years.
REN: A social gathering’s not really necessary, you know?
NANJO: Miracle Hoshitani’s really strange, huh~
UGAWA: I guess he is, now that I think about it.
UGAWA: Though, he seems like he’s ordinary sometimes, too.
TORAISHI: I feel you!
REN: Huh?
NANJO: (chuckles)
UGAWA: Then, all of Team Sazanami won’t be participating, huh.
UGAWA: Toraishi-kun, can you go ask Team Akatsuki and Team Yuzuriha, too?
NANJO: We’ll go tell Team Yuzuriha if you want.
NANJO: We’re going back to the 2nd Dorm for our meeting anyway.
REN: Ah, all of Team Yuzuriha is in the 2nd Dorm.
TORAISHI: Really? Then, I’ll leave it to you.
REN: But—
REN: Do you think those guys would participate, Koki?
NANJO: Well… For me personally, I wouldn’t count on it.
TORAISHI: Ah… Team Yuzuriha’s leader is…
UGAWA: He’s strange but in a different way from Hoshitani-kun, huh.
NANJO: Plus, that guy really hates me, you know~?
NANJO: There’s a possibility that he’d ignore it if I’m the one who asked.
UGAWA: That’s not good!
REN: But, those guys ignore anyone who calls out to them even out of consideration.
REN: If Miracle Hoshitani has a lot of communication skills, the other guy has lost his somewhere and can’t find it.
NANJO: Well, we’ll still try anyway.
TORAISHI: Ah, I’ll go tell Hoshitani not to get his hopes up.
REN: Let’s go, Koki.
NANJO: Yeah. (Nanjo opens the door)
NANJO: See you then, Toraishi, Ugawa.
TORAISHI: Team Yuzuriha’s Ageha Riku, huh…
TORAISHI: He seems like a formidable guy like they say…
UGAWA: Definitely.
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission.
If you enjoyed this, please consider buying me a ko-fi here to support my work if you want. (o^▽^o)Thank you!!
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tatsumine · 2 months
HIGH RAIL 1375のアテンダントさん
LUMIX S 20-60mm F3.5-5.6
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valentinosbabyhoe · 4 years
It’s dark
Mine: It’s dark in here, can you get a flashlight?
Tatsumi: You’re the light of my life :)
Mine: Tatsumi, I can’t fucking see.
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sunset--haze · 6 years
It’s very difficult!
Okamoto Nobuhiko’s Official LINE Blog
2019/2/14 00:56
Identity V!
アイデンティティ v !!
Why can’t I win easily since joining the griffon!
I feel like I was able to win around the direction of the mammoth!
I wonder if this is because the hunter type is successful with the evil dragon and flying lion?!
I get the impression that it collapses when the eye can’t detect or the offence can’t rescue!
First chase - If you have good luck until the second chase you can win easily but rescuing from the ruins is also difficult as it’s deep!
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The kanji are difficult right?!
I understand I said something in the words of the language game about the badge, however usually I would guess first of all.
Of course I got the medal!
However, B can be attained but A feels impossible!
Thank you for your comments!
Tatsumin and Mikorin!! (characters nobu plays from Starmyu and Gekkan Shoujo)
Happy Birthday!
Two people with cute nicknames!
They’re making a Dragon Quest movie??!!
I want to see it!
And five??!
I remember it was ad-libbed right?!
And now, thank you for all the comments regarding Fukuoka!
Was there a misunderstanding?!
The Fukuoka performance had a sense of unity as much as anywhere else ! And everyone gave much power to my voice!
One’s personal opinion [of demon] cannot be expressed!
Even on the radio I said that these are the three most difficult places to go!
League of death in soccer! Or a group of death! Terminology!
It is truly amazing if you can overcome it and become a great success!
This is why we must take measures and tackle them!
Thank you everyone who has been studying a lot!
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by Tatsumine https://flic.kr/p/29Zx1Lc
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fragamitake · 8 years
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Well...it seems that Mine's pregnant...in other news, Najenda has her old outfit back, but in white
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koizumicchi · 6 years
team hiiragi's caribbean groove is something we dont deserve
- every 5 of them improved so much??? like slow clap - yuzuki's small teeth are so precious - yuzuki's rendition of ugawa akira is stll priceless af - inumine & akira as idols - snappy akira is the supreme bitch - akira as henri like the kid he is - im sorry i just love akira so much - the cast's camaraderie - yuzuki crying like the baby he is in the curtain call - CURTAIN CALL - eigo calling the audience princesses - tatsumin outright complaining he isnt eigo's only princess - eigo rebutting him & calling him someone who wants to be spoiled - eigo calling tatsumin 'princess' - THE LOUD, LOUDER, LOUDEST SCREAMS OF THE AUDIENCE - dramatic gun gestures - tatsumi vs toraishi - eigo acting like neutral ground but ended up slapping toraishi for his insolence against tatsumi lol - tatsumi in his role as the prince but truthfully everyone knows he's a princess - INUMINE - everyone's pirate tattoo asdfjklsdjghllkl - toraishi's solo & husky 'suki dayo' (man, i love the squeals of the crowd) - THE AUDIENCE BEING ALL HAPPY WHENEVER THE CAMERA PANS ON THEM - the songs. MYGHAD I LOVE THE SONGS - yuzuki's high pitch whines - yuzuki-akira the prince of sass & facial expressions - tatsumi patting akira's head asdjfklsdjkkl - toraishi outright telling off tatsumi about his elegance   - yuzuki being beautiful more than you'll ever be - when the audience gets kilig af
- @ encore:  tatsumi: will u miss us? audience: *louder* we will!! tatsumi: we will come and meet you again *flying kiss* audience: *some squealing, some dying* also tatsumi: *turns around* now everyone let's go home the whole cast is shookt
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