#Tatort fandom where are you
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weidli · 1 year ago
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richy wollte halt nicht 🙄
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all-the-gae-things · 9 days ago
30-Day Tatort Saarbrücken Challenge: ↳ Day 21: Crossover:
for some reason my otps keep hallucinating each other in some way?? so i made a compilation:
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(also why the fuck do Trick and Hörk have so many random parallels?? like they are so different and yet-)
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gefallene-quengel · 11 months ago
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being a non-Spatortler on main is a tough time
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spadeoftears · 27 days ago
30dtsc day 2: favorite character
→ Adam Schürk
Guckt euch diesen Blog an, die offensichtliche Antwort ist natürlich Adam Schürk.
Schon als ich das erste Mal über den Spatort gestolpert bin, ziemlich direkt nachdem Kälte der Erde rausgekommen ist und ich mal wieder mit Horror feststellen musste das ausgerechnet Tatort auf Tumblr trendet, ist Adam irgendwie sehr bei mir hängen geblieben.
Nicht überraschend wenn man bedenkt das diese Charaktere mit tragischer Backstory irgendwie immer bei mir hängenbleiben und mich am meisten abholen. Aber eine weitere Sache die Adam zu meinem Lieblingscharakter gemacht hat ist die Backstory über seine Zeit in Berlin die durch das Fandom entstanden ist. Besonders die in denen er mit Vincent Ross vom Polizeiruf Swiecko zusammengewohnt hat.
Hinzu kommt das Adam auch einfach der am meisten ausgebaute Charakter im Spatort ist. Das ist nicht unbedingt etwas gutes, ganz im Gegenteil wüsste ich gerne mehr über die anderen drei, besonders wenn man bedenkt das es ja eigentlich ein gleichgestelltes Vierer-Team sein soll. Natürlich ist im Tatort generell nicht so viel Platz für das Privatleben der Kommissare, aber wenn man bedenkt wie viel wir über Adam wissen sind die anderen auch mal an der Reihe.
Hoffentlich schon in Das Ende der Nacht.
English version under the cut :)
Just look at this blog, the obvious answer is Adam Schürk.
Adam stuck with me from the first time I stumble over Spatort as a whole, just after Kälte der Erde was released and I had to realise with horror that Tatort of all things is trending on tumblr.
It’s not surprising when you consider that the characters with tragic backstories are always the ones that stick with me the most. The second thing that made Adam to my favorite character is the backstory about his time in Berlin that the fandom gave him. Especially the stories where he lives with Vincent Ross from Polizeiruf Swiecko are very dear to me.
Adding to this is just the fact that Adam is the most well build character in all of Spatort. That’s not necessarily a good thing, even the opposite because I would really like to know more about the other three especially considering that they’re supposed to be an equal team of four. Tatort in generel is obviously not the format for the privat lives of the investigators, but considering how much we learned about Adam over time it would be nice for someone else to get their turn.
Hopefully this turn will come in Das Ende der Nacht.
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cornchrunchie · 1 year ago
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
I'm very excited you tagged me in this, @all-my-worlds-a-stage and @fallingforfandoms! I really enjoy reading the answers from all of you.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
109, which makes around 12 stories per year. Fun fact!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
360,182, which is about the total word count of C.S. Lewis’ seven-book Chronicles of Narnia series. Fun fact #2!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Tatort Münster. Like 99.9 % mostly. I think I have only one story posted on AO3 for a different fandom (Knives Out), though I don’t post everything I write. As you might have guessed from my recent content on this blog, I’ve also started a fic for Good Omens. We will see if I will finish it, let alone post it.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Unsurprisingly, the fic for Knives Out has the most Kudos. Less niche than the other ones :)
Tonight Will be a Memory Too – Knives Out, Benoit Blanc/Phillip It's part of Evelyn's job at the musical theater to talk to guests. Once in a while, she gets to meet truly fascinating people. A glimpse into Benoit's and Phillip's life through the eyes of an outsider.
Ein Leben lang daheim – Tatort Münster, Thiel/Boerne Auf der Fortbildung, die sie besuchen, gibt es einen Coronafall und Thiel und Boerne müssen präventiv zwei Wochen lang in Quarantäne.
Schnee von gestern – Tatort Münster, Thiel/Boerne, co-written with Tjej Es wird Rum gemacht und es wird rumgemacht.
Tauchen ist wie Fliegen unter Wasser – Tatort Münster, Thiel/Boerne Im Münsteraner Schwimmbad kommt vor hunderten von Zuschauern eine junge Frau ums Leben. Doch die Ermittlungen gestalten sich für Thiel nicht nur aufgrund der widersprüchlichen Hinweise als schwierig …
Zuhause – Tatort Münster, Thiel/Boerne, co-written with Tjej Thiel ließ ihn gar nicht erst ausreden. Auch wenn das für ihn vielleicht ungewöhnlich war, aber er hatte sich eigentlich schon Pläne für die Feiertage gemacht. „Danke für das Angebot, aber ich wollte mal wieder nach Hause fahren.“
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, I do! I try to answer every single one, even if it might take me a while to do so. Comments mean a lot to me and I appreciate when someone takes the time to write one. I'm especially fond of those short comment conversations, and the interaction with like-minded people. I made some friends that way.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't write a lot of angst and if I do, there will probably be at least a comforting ending. One of my rare fics, if not the only one, with angst throughout is Alles (Tatort Münster, Thiel & Boerne with hints of possible slash). Even after several years, I still like this one a lot.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Well, what exactly does happiest mean, right? The great majority of my fics end with two people getting together, a storyline that tends to be quite happy in itself. One fic I consider to have a very happy ending where there is no direct romance to the plot is Ein Tännlein aus dem Walde (Tatort Münster). It's with almost everybody on the team, so a lot of Found Family feelings. I guess the Christmas theme, the high spirits of everybody and this feeling of... content make this a very happy fic to me.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I can't remember any hate, so I guess this is a No.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Depends on the fic but sometimes I do. I've written explicit and less explicit stuff alike. It's been a while since I last wrote something explicit, though.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, I've never written a crossover. I rarely read them, too.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
If so, I haven't noticed.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
None that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
As it becomes clear through my top fics: Yes, several and in different ways! I've co-written some fics where we took turns in writing, some where one person wrote the beginning and the other person completed the story, some where we brainstormed together and one person wrote most of it by themselves. I really enjoy writing with another person! The discussions, different ideas and chances to read parts I haven't written keep me excited about the story. It's like a series of prompts!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I would have to lie to say that it wasn't Thiel/Boerne from Tatort Münster. They were the first ship I can remember shipping (apart from Ernie and Bert, maybe) and even though I don't agree with everything done in the canon, I hold them close to my heart.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I once started writing a Groundhog-Day-inspired fic for Tatort Münster where Boerne relives the same day over and over again and thinks it's about a murder case when it's actually about, shocked noises, love. The idea is still interesting to me but I doubt I will find the motivation to properly plot this.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Something that comes relatively easy to me and what people tend to highlight in their comments is the dialogues I write. I think they're what I like best about many of my stories.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not good at writing quickly, as I tend to overthink. And it’s difficult for me to keep the right tempo of telling the story, and having a conclusive story arch, especially in long fics. I sometimes feel like I randomly elaborate on parts of the fic rather than actually think about it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If it suits the story, why not. I don’t think I have done it yet, though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Tatort Münster :)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
This one is hard. Of course, my writing style changed over the years (developed, I should hope) but I still feel very fond of most of my stories. If I absolutely have to pick a favorite, it might be Tauchen ist wie Fliegen unter Wasser (Tatort Münster, Thiel/Boerne). It took me about five years to finish this story and I am proud of all the love and work I put into it. Coming up with the murder crime, making it interesting and connecting it to the romance of Thiel and Boerne was challenging, and I am happy with how it turned out. The fic still means a lot to me.
This was so much fun! Props to everybody who read this far.
I think most people I know have already done this by now, so feel free to ignore: @cricrithings @holly-hop @keinbutterdieb @khalaris and anybody else that feels like it!
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black-cat-aoife · 1 year ago
Tagged by @kathastrophen
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
somehow I need to write words before typing the number 55 because otherwise this very functioning website fucks up the formatting
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Sad Cops The last ones were for Blind Ermittelt, Detective Anna, Endeavour and Polizeiruf Frankfurt.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In Which Everybody Regrets Their Life Choices (Daredevil)
The Tale of the Beautiful Professor (Guardian)
Tee Mit Folgen (Tatort Berlin)
Adam, Vincent und die Eule (Polizeiruf Frankfurt)
A Sickbed Visitor (Society of Gentlemen)
OK, technically there's another Daredevil Fic on 2, but it's a collection of shorter fills for a prompt meme so does that count?
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. I try to respond to all but occasionally fall in the "Oh yeah I will do that later" trap where I...y'know...don't do it.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I had a whole paragraph here, about how I don't usually write Angst and wanted to name a few sort-of-angsty ones, and then I remembered, that I did in fact write Never To Be Told which is very angsty.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A lot, but Look Not Into My Eyes has a veeeery sappy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
None yet
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Well, if you equate "crazy" with "nobody but me wrote it" then it's my Ein Fall For Zwei/Tatort Saarbrücken Crossover. But honestly: a crossover between two crime shows that feature abusive dads whose heads make sudden contact with blunt instruments and the resulting fallout from that is not particularly crazy. I also have this idea for a Blind Ermittelt/Allmen one, but as it's so often the case that's all vibes, no plot so far.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I once wanted to, and we even discussed some plot ideas, but then I got ghosted
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Yeah, Niko/Alex caught me like few others, but I also always will have a soft spot for Till/Felix
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Currently, I'm having a really hard time with my Alex & Sophie pre-canon fic, because it requires writing Alex shortly after the attack, and I am not sure if I can do that.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm quite good at character-voices, both in dialogue and when internal-monologuing
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Getting from one scene to the next. Also in dialogues the right amount of surrounding description. I tend to start off with a screenplay, and then turn it into character says one sentence, followed by three paragraphs of description.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I hate it. Either your POV character understands what is said, and then you can tell the audience what is being said, or they don't, and then you just write "they were talking in XY." Don't make me use Google Translate to understand your fic. And don't make me read phrases like heiße schokolade mit gepeitschter creme, because your foreign language knowledge also comes from Google Translate. (That is an example from an actually published book, but my feelings on that transcend the fanfic/pubfic barrier, and I also read enough bullshit in fanfic).
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. As in write-write. I don't think I ever wrote down any of the Sailor Moon self insert I made up.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Hmm I wrote A Sickbed Visitor with me as the target audience in mind, and considering that, I am quite happy that it also ended up being reasonably popular. Because this is the fanfiction for a romance series that doesn't feature one of the main couples but the friendship between two halves of different couples. (Yeah. Having fun writing something is nice. Validation is also nice)
And Es Wird Wieder ein Sommer is well...it's not the same, because it is an Alex/Niko fic, and I always meant it to be one, but it's also about Laura and her relationship with those two and that was lots of fun to think about and write.
No pressure tag for @cricrithings and @tatzelwyrm
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eolewyn1010 · 10 months ago
5, 11, 21 for the fandom asks (and also any fandom you like)? ^_^
5. something you see in fics a lot and love
Established Relationship XD If you came into the Tatort fandom with no previous info, you'd think it's very well established that every character in this fandom is queer, very much at peace with it, and comfortably in a relationship with their darling. That the writers of Tatort are actually a bunch of conservative old "no homo!"s is something that is hardly even visible in the derivative work, and I love it. We only take the tidbits from canon we can work with; everything is optional and malleable like dough. We wanna skip the drama and just have them eating breakfast together at their anniversary? There you go; we hardly even need to change their behavior.
11. if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
Hands down Primum non nocere, my 24-chapter Charité season 2 retelling from Martin's POV. The transitions are a bit wonky in the early chapters and I can see where I would polish up my writing these days, but it's a complete, novel-length fic, and I did some very nice character work in there if I may say so.
21. a fandom you're not active in anymore but that you still really like
Ehm... I feel like I need to pass on this one. I'm currently not very active in any of my fandoms, but I plan to be again, and those fandoms I don't plan to be active in, I've always been a passive observer from the sidelines. The Discworld fandom, perhaps? I never quite found the courage to try and do anything with the Discworld characters due to fear of not doing them justice, but I love the drawings and little cartoons other people make of them.
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breaddo · 2 years ago
Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
thank you @weidli for tagging me! :] i will also be posting my last 5 fics posted on ao3 + 5 wips of varying recent-cy. would have done this on my sideblog but i included other fandoms
1. cambi di me, pensieri e forme (doctor who; eight wears a pretty dress and charley realizes she's not quite a woman)
"Do we have to?" "Oh, where's your sense of adventure, Charley?"
2. you're so cold, keep your hand in mine (tatort münchen; vampires au in the 90's)
The neon lights were blinding in the dark, and Ivo didn’t like having so many people so close around him like this.
3. your burning yearning need (polizeiruf 110; vincent finds out about a vulgar deal adam struck with ulysses during demokratie stirbt in finsternis)
They were in the middle of a difficult case. One murder became two, then three, something more coordinated than they originally believed.
4. è vietato morire (polizeiruf 110; adam dies, or so vincent thinks.)
It's just a normal case. It's a long, grueling case that has them spending a couple nights in another town thus far, but in the end it's just another damn case.
5. Good Night, Sweet Prince (polizeiruf 110; the lead actor in a hamlet production dies that same night, and vincent becomes a main suspect in the death of his friend.)
“Horatio.” It was the softest word he’d ever spoken, as if tailored just for him to say. “Horatio, if thou didst ever hold me in thy heart…” Hamlet slowly raised his reddened hand to cup his face, dampening his jaw. “Absent thee from felicity a while, and in this harsh world, draw thy breath in pain.”
6. Untitled (polizeiruf 110/4 gegen z crossover; a retelling of abgrund in which adam reunites with an old friend)
Adam's side of the investigation started with the inn and its owner.
7. Untitled (tatort münchen; in which carlo is dead and franz disappears. sorry i riffed too hard off a mutual's blorbo dream)
It's been two weeks. They've been working together long enough that Kalli can tell when there's something wrong with Batic and Leitmayr.
8. Untitled (4 gegen z; au where everything is the same but jona has a cat)
The Guardians practically materialized on Jona's boat, flooding through the doorway. "Jona, we−What's that?" Jona looked up from his lap. "What's what?" "That." Pinkas pointed at him, and Jona looked back down.�� The little ball of orange fur in his lap stared at the kids with wide eyes.
9. Untitled (doctor who; post-seasons of fear, eight is exhausted after his recent adventures and shows up to a familiar doorstep in san francisco in search for something grounding)
Another patch in time stitched over. Well, that was an extremely simplified and basic explanation of what really happened to the timeline since they chased after Grayle, but it would have to do for now, because the Doctor didn't want to think about time at the moment.
10. No Satisfaction (metamoro; x-files au idea based on the no satisfaction music video and fueled by multiple years of really specific brainrot. this is my wildcard option, babey!)
1:27 A.M. It wouldn't have had to be such a long night for him if he could just make himself stop thinking for a minute.
i'll tag @bunny-banana, @occhi-verdi-come-il-mare, @tinypi, @egirlgarak, @carlomenzinger and anyone else who wants to do it 👍
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daughterofhecata · 1 year ago
20 Questions For Fic Writers
I was tagged by @a-different-equation, thank you for that!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
...520, as of right now.
2. What’s your total A03 word count?
Right now it's 916,952 words. If I can get somewhat out of this writing slump, I should be able to crack the 1mil next year.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Drei Fragezeichen/Three Investigators pretty much exclusively (506/520) with the occasional Tatort (Berlin) fic thrown in.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Don't tell him! (DDF, Peter/Bob)
Eine Studie in Flurfunk (Tatort Saarbrücken, Leo/Adam)
comfort (Kingsman, Eggsy/Merlin)
Truth or Dare (Criminal Minds, Derek/Spencer) (don't look at this one. it's bad.)
the answering to every prayer i prayed (DDF, PB&J)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yep! Love it! Because fic writing is also about community and i love talking to people about fic!
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
...probably 9mm, although some of the oneshots in the sometimes suffering is just suffering collection probably aren't much better (special mention for Kammerspiel, I guess.). If you go look at these, please mind the tags.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I write a lot of fluffy shit and I do love my happy endings, two fics that specifically come to mind are Vegas Wedding (Peter/Skinny wedding) and weil dieses timing immer irgendwas gegen uns hat (Cotta/Victor, who meet five times over the years but the timing is only right the sixth time and they're so so relieved they finally get to be together).
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
I got one weird comment a long time ago that boiled down to "trans!Cotta is unrealistic and not canon" (okay, chill?) and more recently (i think earlier this year or late last year) someone going "please block me so I don't have to see your fics anymore" (dude, just exclude me from the search???) but apart from that it's been quiet, although there do seem to be some people in the broader fandom that absolutely loathe me (or so I've been told xD).
9. Do you write smut?
*looks at the past two years' Kink January fills* *looks at the current Kink January fills I should be writing* ...sometimes? xD
10. Do you write crossovers?
Don't think I have yet. Although there is a poem in my drafts that I wrote for a Creative Writing seminar that parallels Lolita and Persephone, I guess that counts as a crossover in ao3 terms?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone asked me a long time ago on ff.net if they could translate one of my johnlock fics but idk if they ever posted it. Also my little brother used to translate my johnlock fic into german for english practice xD
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Well, we started something last year, but I've never finished/published a co-written fic.
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
...you can't ask me that. I can't possibly answer that.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
...there are a lot of those. Let's all keep our fingers crossed I'll eventually finish the perfect part about it is: it's all that i've got because I'm actually still mad passionate about it.
16. What’s your writing strengths?
Dialogue, I like to think.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Long fic, no discussion. I'm decent at oneshots and short-ish multi-chaps, but real actual long fic is a battle.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Sure! Love it! Currently it's mostly the occasional french phrase for Victor, but there is abandoned Inglourious Basterds fic on my hard drive where the dialogue switched between English, German, and French.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
It's still out of hell, I'm pretty sure. Necessary Tragedies is also up there tho.
Tagging (no pressure tho): @crazy-walls, @peppsta, @alintheshitposter, @manahiel, @lalalenii & @pointwhitmark.
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karin-in-action · 1 year ago
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for tagging me @fallingforfandoms. I love doing questions like these.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I've got 68 works 😳
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
My word count is 229,462
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I write for Tatort Dresden and Tatort Saarbrücken. Sometimes other Tatort teams or Radio Tatort are included as well. I've also written for Lost in Fuseta, Druck, Ragnarok, Blutige Anfänger and Babylon Berlin. Everything except Druck and Ragnarok were crossovers with Tatort because I like combining the stuff I like.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Tatort Pride Month Drabbles: my very first drabble collection that I wrote. The one that started this all. The one that makes me unable to stop writing more drabble connections. The one that no other drabble collection I'll ever write will reach.
Italian Summer (lol ur not harry styles): a Druck fanfiction that I gifted my girlfriend for Christmas when she was still just a friend. Started writing it in summer, so it was summer themed, but only finished it in winter.
Don't be sad, Mr. Laurits: a Ragnarok fanfic written after the end of the second season, because I did not want Laurits to suffer all the time. He needs someone who supports him and he now does.
Es geht weiter (Drabble Collection): one of my many other drabble collections. This one is there, so I can post drabbles whenever I feel like it, when I'm not doing a monthly collection.
And the walls kept tumbling down: an unfinished Druck fanfiction in which I gave Leonie and David a shared past. I never finished writing it and the first chapter is all that exists of it.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try my best to respond to comments. Comments make me so happy. It's so nice to see that others appreciate my work. But I'm not as good at replying as I wish I was. At the moment I have quite a few comments that I have not answered to. I try to get to it from time to time, but the more there are, the harder it is sometimes.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The angstiest ending I ever wrote was for Zu spät. I want to make it an open ending, but I almost certainly ended up killing one of the characters. And then I did it again for Feed me Poison, fill me 'til I drown except that this time it actually was an open ending. Sorry, Leo.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A baby being born on Christmas eve is the happiest ending you could ask for, right? Then Freudige Erwartungen – eine Weihnachtsgeschichte in 24 Drabbles is my story with the happiest ending. If a wedding is the happiest ending, then it's Tatort Pride Month Drabbles.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I got a negative comment once on Italian Summer where I was accused of transphobia. But like that's the only time I really got a negative comment and I'm not sure, if it qualifies as hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Uhm, yes. So much of it. I feel like lots of it is a little unhinged, if you can use that to describe which kind of smut I write. But I think I also write smut that is more ''normal''.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Yes, I do. I'm not sure, I'd call them crazy. I have written Tatort Dresden/Tatort Saarbrücken, Tatort Dresden/Babylon Berlin, Tatort Dresden/Lost in Fuseta and Tatort Dresden/Blutige Anfänger. I once started writing a Drei ???/Ragnarok crossover, but I never finished it and haven't posted anything of it. That was a crazy idea for sure.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also no
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not sure, if it really counts, but I have two shared drabble collections with @disappointingsalad. We've both written our own drabbles independently from each other, so not much actually working together. She's also written a scene for Ein nicht so stilles Wasser and she's helped me ''translate'' for I don't want a lot for Christmas. Looking at all this, I want to thank you so much. You've done so much for me.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I know, I should say Karin Gorniak/Leonie Winkler, but I also love Esther Baumann/Pia Heinrich so much.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I really want to finish my Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel Tatort AU, my Aaron Gorniak as a toddler AU and my Vampires in Saarbrücken case fic. I don't think that's actually happening in the near future. I also should be continuing my rainbow family Tatort Dresden Fanfic.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm honestly not sure. Maybe it's writing stuff that is a little unhinged.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Staying in character and actually finishing my work.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've written English fic in the past and sometimes I'm wondering how. Writing dialogue in German comes a lot easier to me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Surprise, it was One Direction. I since orphaned the fics I had published, because I now believe that it is wrong to write fanfic about real people. But that's everyone's own decision. If you do write fanfic about real people, you do you, but I won't.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
My favourite one is Durch den Sturm. It was my first big writing project and my first cross-over. It was also my first time writing smut. So a lot of firsts. It will always have a special place in my heart.
I'm tagging @disappointingsalad @frauv @lucy-in-space @krejong @geschichtenweiterspinnen
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dragodina · 2 years ago
Got tagged by @caromitpunkt , thank you very much 😊❤️.
Current time: 11.14
Current activitiy: Watching the FIFA WWC game Germany - Marocco ⚽️🤟🏻❤️
Currently thinking about: How to upgrade the new gravelbike and where to take it for a ride 😊🚲.
Current favourite song: Sigur Rós - "Skel"
Sigur Rós - "Blóðberg"
Current reading on AO3: All things Julia Grosz and Tine Geissler from Tatort Hamburg related (wink at @caromitpunkt & @except4bunnies and all other lovely peoples contributing to that small fandom) 😊🫶🏻.
And also some Stargate Atlantis Dr. Elisabeth Weir stuff 😊😅.
Currently watching: I'm re-watching Stargate Atlantis 😅🙈 (at least the episodes and seasons were Weir is a part of until she was so ungracefully written off 😠).
Current fave character(s): Tinia aka Julia Grosz and Tine Geissler (both Tatort Hamburg) 🥰❤️.
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Current WIPs: Waaaay too many 😅🙈. And of course all Tinia & Tatort Hamburg related 😊🥰.
- Can I stay the night?
- Ja
- Can't escape the ghost of you
- Kominn heim
- Only For A Night
- Tatort Hamburg episodes - Tinia Alternative Version
- Episode: Treibjagd (Solo Alternative Version)
- Tinia idea based on a Instagram story time by kuestenkindimherzen (bisher ohne Titel)
- Der Schwarm / Tage die es nicht gab / Der Pass AUs (which will probably never be posted but had to get out of my head)
- Tatort Hamburg Alternative Version [Grosz, Falke, later OC Jenson]
- a post Falke AU idea (which will probably also never see the light of day)
- Hiraeth
- Last Chance
- Pareidolie
- Tears Can Sparkle Too
- Alles Brennt / Wenn Du Lebst
- Coming Home
- Tatort Julia/Tine/Dresden
Added Bonus - Currently happening: Germany making the 4th goal against Marocco in FIFAWWC > I LIKE 😊🫶🏻🤟🏻.
Tagging: First of all sorry for spamming anyone if someone was already tagged. That written if someone has fun to get involve you're very welcome too 😊.
So no pressure indeed @fallingforfandoms @chrisoels @frauv @karin-in-action @krejong @except4bunnies @disappointingsalad 🫶🏻.
And yeah, if someone else wants to get into this but was not tagged (I really only know about two handful of people here 🙈) please feel free to have a go 🙂.
And with that I wish you all a wonderful start to the week, have a beautiful day and will myself get back to watching the German women soccer game ✌🏼.
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appreciatingbg3 · 9 days ago
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Intro post :D
Hello, and welcome to my blog! I’m Elys, I’m an adult, and I go by he/it/neos or pretty much any pronouns though I’m not usually too fond of she.
This is my bg3 sideblog but I might kind of make it main because I’m not very active on there anyway... buuut my main/original blog is @appreciatingtokrev where I’ll follow/like from.
Some of my other fandoms are Tokyo Revengers, Genshin, Tatort, DDF, pretty much anything by Fujimoto (mainly Fire Punch and Chainsaw Man), Lego Ninjago, and Warrior Cats. So I might post about those on here too, who knows.
I’m mainly a writer (my ao3 is numenminutiae) though I also draw sometimes.
I’ll definitely talk about my bg3 tavs/OCs on here. A lot, maybe. I tend to think about my OCs all the time, but never really talk about them lol
I’ve got autism and ADHD, and signs of depression/dysthymia as well as OCD which might come up too, and I’ve got some chronic pain and other issues. I’m a trans genderfaunet girlboy, for simplicity’s sake more or less a trans guy, and I’m a poly mspec gay aroace who selfships with fictional characters. Though I’ve been in an irl QPR since fall 2023 <2<3
I don’t have a DNI, but I block freely. I don’t do it often, but I do do it. As long as you’re more or less nice, you should be fine :]
Feel free to send me asks about anything! I don’t tend to reply very fast bc of executive dysfunction, but I’m happy about any asks anyway :3
You can find my usual tags in the tags of this post.
Have a nice day/night! <3
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kathastrophen · 2 years ago
For the WIP ask: ❌️, 📄, 📝 and 🤔, pretty please?
❌What WIP do you find the most challenging? Why?
Das einzige WIP an dem ich zur Zeit so richtig aktiv arbeite, ist ein deep dive in die Vergangenheit von Wolfgang Kempf aus "Wo ist nur mein Schatz geblieben?" vom Bremer Tatort und das macht mir gleichzeitig wahnsinnig viel Spaß, aber der Charakter ist so weird und fertig, dass er einfach schwer zu schreiben ist an manchen Stellen. Außerdem ist mein eigener Anspruch wahnsinnig hoch an diese Fic, weswegen am Besten schon beim ersten draft jedes Wort sitzen muss.
📄What’s a WIP you never finished that you would like to go back and revisit?
Hm, hm, hm. Ich hab ja nie meine allererste Blind ermittelt Fic beendet, die ist also theoretisch auch noch ein WIP. Da fehlt auch eigentllich nur noch eine Szene, in dem ich das Missverständnis, das zwischen Niko und Alex herrscht, auflöse. Aber dafür müssen sie sich streiten und das beinhaltet viel Dialog und davor drücke ich mich jetzt seit 'nem 3/4 Jahr.
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
Ich sag nur so viel: Es kommt aus dem WIP aus der ersten Frage.
Die Waffe knallt ihm gegen die Schneidezähne, als er sich mit einem feuchten Keuchen wieder fängt. Ein Stück Zahn bricht ab, als sich der Lauf in seine Mundhöhle schiebt und grob an seinem Gaumen entlangkratz. Blut mischt sich mit seinem Speichel, rinnt ihm über das Kinn. Der Schmerz bohrt sich in seinem Kopf, zieht an seinem Kiefer bis er dem Druck nachgibt und den Blick hebt.
🤔Do you have an WIPs where you wish you had chosen a different fandom/character?
Ne. Wenn ich merke, dass eine Story aus dem einen POV nicht funktioniert, bin ich meistens ganz hemmungslos den zu ändern. Das löst auch meistens jegliche Probleme, die ich mit der Idee hatte.
WIP asks
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auxiliarydetective · 7 months ago
Okay, fuck it, we're doing this
Evie's OC Brutkasten
(Brutkasten is German for "incubator" but incubator sounds too scientific for what I'm doing. The German term, through a pun, could also mean "box of things I'm brooding over" and that explains the situation a lot better lol)
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OCs that are already in the making
Thirteen (13) more One Piece OCs (send help)
Twelve of them make up the staff of a nautical-themed café. The thirteenth is a Reiju ship <3 They all have faceclaims already and some very basic plot ideas
A Wickie und die starken Männer OC
She exists! Her name is Heiður! I just haven't gotten around to introducing her yet but she's fully fleshed out.
A Masters of the Air OC
She has a faceclaim, I have a concept for her, she's gonna be a Crosby ship, and I've decided she's gonna be Italian. She also has a character playlist!
Fandoms I wanna make OCS for but don't have anything solid for yet
Detective Conan
Because I can
Ninjas are cool and I want my childhood back. Also, superpowers are also always cool. This used to be a hyperfixation of mine when I was little, so it's time to revive that spirit.
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!
I just love the aesthetic, okay?
It is my duty to collect German fandoms like pokémon cards. Also, I (not-so) recently watched a parody of/homage to the TKKG audiobooks in the form of a Playback-Theater and the guy playing Karl was too much for my bi heart, so...
An OC for a little something @the-wyvern-institute has planned
I'm working on it, I swear. Probably gonna try to go for something different instead of my usual antics. Experiment with different powers a bit...
A Willy Wonka OC
Preferably for the musical and/or the 1971 version. I've been meaning to watch that one for ages now. It would just be really fun, y'know?
Tatort Münster
Back with the German fandoms. Go blame Boerne and his ability to attract whump like a moth to a flame.
I'm totally normal about greasers and rockabilly and whatnot, I swear-
Dungeon Meshi
Would have to watch and/or read it first though...
If I ever mentioned that I should make an OC for anything else, feel free to let me know :)
Now! A call to my enablers!
The general enablers: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @bravelittleflower @box-of-bats
German tumblrinas: @fluffle-system @sehr-wohl-die-herrschaften @nanukanal @toffiproto @daughterofhecata (there are a lot more of you - I literally made a meme about that - but Tumblr is stupid and will only properly tag five people in a paragraph, so...)
One Piece squad: @supermarine-silvally
HBOwar crew (hope you don't mind me tagging you <3): @thoughpoppiesblow @footprintsinthesxnd @kafka-ohdear
I should make a list of fandoms I wanna make OCs for 🤔
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olderthannetfic · 3 years ago
My People
I’m trying to fill out a google form to vote on panels for a tiny online con, and it just gives me so many warm and fuzzy feelings.
Aging in Fandom Cross-Cultural Fandom Hands off my pairing! How the "must read" fics have changed over time Intergenerational Communication in Fandom Learning Languages from TV Maybe it's crazy, maybe it's fandom Oh my! Look what they did with CGI Pimping in the Digital Age Raising Fans Soulmate Goose of Enforcement and other Soulmate Tropes Spoilers in the Binging Age Vidders Chat: The Panel What is a Vid? When  Cultures Collide: Fanning in the Internet Age Writing fanfic for fandoms that aren't your primary language Your kink is not my kink and that's okay. 3s, 4s and mores: Polyamourous Ships Asian Dramas Boy Love Dramas Chicken Soup Anime Fancy waistcoats, pocket watches and attitude Help! My fandom jumped the shark! House of Mouse: What have they done to your fandom? I hate you, I love you Multi-Talented Artists Münster, München, & Berlin: Slashing the many cities of Tatort MXTX New 2 U: Old Fandoms you missed & where to find them Poirot, Sherlock & Nero The Powers that be: Religion in Fan Fiction Sexy voice actors Slashing German Cop Shows So many Sherlocks, So little time. Star Trek: So many different "universes" in one fandom Still Crazy (In Love) after all these years We few, we happy, we band of buggered: Small and Rare Fandoms Which Witcher: Netflix, Books, Games, & other series Yea Verily Olden Days: pre-Gutenberg Fandoms You always hurt the ones you love Baby Boerne vs Mature Boerne: The changing characterization of Boerne on Tatort Münster Cherry Magic: Oblivious even with telepathy Ghosts with Gay Panic Hannibal Keeping Up with the Winchesters MCU Moon Knight: WTF? Once and Future Merlin: BBC Merlin Our Flag Means Death Quantum Leap, the little show that could (slash without touching) Quantum Leap Reboot Secondary Supernatural Pairings SGU: The redheaded stepchild of Stargate Sorting Out Potter Stargate SG1 & SGA Starsky & Hutch: Oh Who are the people in your neighborhood. Supernatural: What are the new classic fics? Ask the Artist Ask a (Fan) Artist: How do you DO that? Discord 101 Discord 201 Fandom Digivolution? Fannish Tik Tok Finding betas for cross-cultural fandoms Finding source for vidding Getting an ear for character voices & slang How do they do that? How to subtitle How to write a case fic Search for Fic Search for Vids
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