#Tartu maakond
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scrapblring · 5 days ago
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Alatskivi , Estonia
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estoniaonline4 · 22 days ago
Estonia Online
Tartu mnt 2, Tallinn, Harju maakond, 10145, Estonia
Avasta meie teavet kaugemale võrrelda on-line kasiinod Eestis koos considerables omaks boonused. agglutinate usaldusväärne kasiinod, mis tunnistavad osalejate Eesti.
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thecreativecanvass · 1 year ago
Igor Torsin: Allegations of Fraud Exposed
Igor Torsin has received allegations of being involved in criminal activities. Find out of those allegations are true or not in this review.
Having nine financial institutions under regulation under your direction? Really? Indeed! It is well known that nominate directors are used by cybercrime organizations and their schemes. They are required to obtain permits and bank accounts, and occasionally they want to hide behind them. It appears that Igor Torsin, who is listed in our records as a director of nine Estonian cryptocurrency companies, falls under the latter category. All nine are cryptocurrency payment processors with FIU licences; some even assist and participate in schemes.
As expected, the following legal address unites all of the licensed cryptocurrency payment processors on the above list: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Lasnamäe linnaosa, Väike-Paala tn 2, 11415. Other FIU-licensed businesses like Lipan Services OÜ d/b/a BitTheBank and Vulture OÜ d/b/a Cratos, which we identified as facilitators of scams, also use the same address.
It is probably reasonable to presume that Igor Torsin has beneficial owners who are not Estonians. The identity of these individuals ought to be of interest to the Estonian FIU. The fact that one individual simultaneously serves as a director of nine regulated financial services companies should likewise be of interest to the FIU. That shouldn’t have been feasible to begin with.
Over a billion euros have been laundered or stolen from victims in Estonia as a result of financial crime, thanks to the country’s inadequate regulation of cryptocurrencies. The same actors are now moving to new nations and making the same mistakes over and over again.
In the past five years, Estonia has emerged as a major hub for cryptocurrency businesses; by the middle of 2021, about half of all global virtual currency service providers had their registrations in Estonia.
These businesses, many of which have non-resident owners and clientele, have been able to market themselves as EU-licensed financial services thanks to Estonia’s lax crypto licensing regulations.
After analysing over 300 cryptocurrency businesses, VSquare and associates found scores of instances of severe fraud, money laundering, evading sanctions, and financing criminal enterprises and paramilitary groups covertly.
VSquare and partners discovered numerous instances in which the managers and anti-money laundering (AML) officers of cryptocurrency firms were blatantly unfit for their jobs, ill-prepared for the work, and facing severe financial difficulties: dozens of crypto firms were run by taxi drivers, welders, and social welfare recipients.
Many of the enterprises left Estonia for other European nations, including Lithuania, when the government started to tighten regulations and revoke licences. This demonstrates how changing the system in one nation doesn’t actually affect anything.
“Usually I was just a shell; I didn’t work with the transactions. I didn’t know what kind of millions went through there,” says Sergei Bezrodny, an unemployed plumber from the Estonian town of Tartu. His public LinkedIn profile claims he has almost 20 years of experience in finance and banking, but Bezrodny is surprised to learn about it and says it is a “mistake”.
Nevertheless, Bezrodny has held directorships in 24 global bitcoin companies in the past.
Really, I don’t want to discuss it. I had enough issues with that back then, and it was a long time ago,” he recalls.
His career in Estonian finance was cut short when banks began to cancel his accounts due to concerns about money laundering, and he currently declares himself jobless.
“I had to establish all of my accounts in Lithuania,” the jobless plumber says.
“I just sit at home now.”
Massive sums of money laundering across the European Union have resulted from the “virtual assets” licence system that was implemented in 2017 and that the Estonian state marketed to the world as groundbreaking and inventive. However, the system quickly spread like wildfire, with shady businesses operating in the jurisdiction.
International con artists exploited the phrase “licensed in the EU” as a marketing tool, using the jurisdiction to instil confidence in their illicit ventures. As a result, 1644 bitcoin businesses with licences have been operating in Estonia for the past six years, or one for every 800 citizens.
Just three Estonian business creation agencies are connected to 40% of those.Two of them gave the businesses “AML (anti-money laundering) compliance officers.” VSquare and its affiliates, including Delfi (Estonia), Siena (Lithuania), Fronstory.pl (Poland), Paper Trail Media, Der Spiegel, ZDF (Germany), and Der Standard (Austria), have demonstrated that a large number of the “specialists” employed by these cryptocurrency companies were insolvent individuals looking for a quick pay period rather than having any experience with money laundering compliance.
We found that a welder barred from conducting business, a homeless individual, a taxi driver in severe debt, and an unemployed plumber were all connected to over 60 cryptocurrency companies as official directors or AML officers.
Even though more than 1500 cryptocurrency businesses have had their licences revoked since Estonia began to amend its outdated laws, this hasn’t meant that the owners have ceased operations. Numerous them relocated to other European countries, such as Lithuania, which is currently home to more than 800 virtual asset businesses.
The majority of Estonia’s crypto businesses are owned by Russians and Ukrainians.
The number next to each nation denotes the national owners and board members connected to Estonian-founded cryptocurrency businesses.
Estonia then started a significant reform to purge the system. As of this writing, just 78 approved cryptocurrency companies remain out of 1644, as the majority of the companies refused to comply with the new laws or were unable to do so.
Matis Mäeker, the head of the Estonian Federal Investigation Agency, affirms that the US sanctions rulings demonstrate how these corporations assisted in funding North Korean nuclear programs as well as Russian mercenary groups.
However, there is nothing that connects them to Estonia; all that exists is that the service providers set up their address, gave some arbitrary nominal directors and AML contact [people] that they found on the street who have no idea what they are talking about. According to Mäeker, they have no idea which companies they are directors of.
“We have no control over them while they are laundering money. They’re not even present in the sense of crime or monitoring. They only exist on paper.
Money Laundering: What Is It?
The illicit practice of disguising substantial sums of money obtained through criminal activity—such as the support of terrorism or drug trafficking—as coming from a lawful source is known as money laundering. Since the proceeds of illicit activities are seen as dirty money, they are “laundered” to appear clean.
Both street-level and white-collar criminals use money laundering, a major financial crime.
Anti-money-laundering (AML) rules are in place at the majority of financial institutions today to identify and stop this kind of conduct.
The unlawful practice of disguising “dirty” money as lawful rather than obtained through deception is known as money laundering.
A plethora of money-laundering tactics are employed by criminals to present monies earned unlawfully as clean.
Cryptocurrencies and online banking have made it simpler for criminals to send and receive money covertly.
Targeting the financing of terrorism is currently part of the global effort to combat money laundering.
Additionally, the financial sector has stringent anti-money laundering (AML) policies in effect.
Why Is Fighting Money Laundering Important?
The goal of anti-money laundering (AML) is to strip criminals of the proceeds from their illicit ventures, thus taking away their primary incentive to do such heinous acts. Millions of individuals worldwide are put in danger by dangerous and illegal activities like drug trafficking, people smuggling, financing terrorism, smuggling, extortion, and fraud. These activities also have a significant negative social and economic impact on society. Since money laundering legitimises the proceeds of these kinds of actions, fighting money laundering may significantly help society by lowering criminal behaviour.
Igor Torsin: Conclusion
Convertible virtual currencies (CVCs) are another name for cryptocurrencies, and the U.S. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) reported in a June 2021 report that they had become the preferred form of payment for a variety of unlawful online activities.
In addition to becoming the primary method of payment for purchasing drugs, online exploitative content, ransomware tools and services, and other illicit commodities, CVCs are being used more frequently to conceal the source of money obtained through unlawful behaviour and to layer transactions. Money-laundering strategies utilising cryptocurrencies are employed by criminals, such as the use of “mixers” and “tumblers,” which disrupt the link between an address (or cryptocurrency “wallet”) sending cryptocurrency and the address receiving it.
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kinnisvarakool · 2 years ago
Statistikaamet: Rahvaloendus. Kõige vähem on rahvastik muutunud Ida-Virumaal, kõige rohkem Läänemaal
Statistikaamet: Rahvaloendus. Kõige vähem on rahvastik muutunud Ida-Virumaal, kõige rohkem Läänemaal
2021. aasta rahvaloenduse andmed näitavad, et 84% elanikest elas Eestis ka kümme aastat tagasi, märkimisväärselt on suurenenud välismaalt saabunud elanike osakaal ja sisserändajate koondpilt on üha rahvusvahelisem. Siseränne on viimased kümme aastat olnud valdavalt Harjumaa-suunaline. Statistikaameti juhtivanalüütik Terje Trasberg selgitas: „Rahvaloenduse rände ja teise elukoha andmed keskenduvad…
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sergei-gussev · 4 years ago
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#alatskivi #loss #tartumaa #estonia #july2020 (at Alatskivi Loss, Tartu Maakond, Viro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSdsE02D7HU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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roohouse-ehitus-blog · 5 years ago
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Roohouse Ehitus kontor. Address: Kassisilma 6, Räni, 61708 Tartu maakond Telefon: 5343 0630 Email: [email protected] Website: https//roohouse.ee
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around-u · 6 years ago
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Saare, Tartu maakond, Estonia "Piirissaare Parish" by Eero Vabamägi, Jan 2016
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metsaabc · 3 years ago
Kas metsa hind on kõrgeim Eesti metsaga kaetud piirkondades? | Metsa ABC
Eesti on riik, kus on palju metsi. Mõnes Ameerika Ühendriikide maakonnas on metsade pindala suurem kui teistes. Metsarikka riigina on Eestis ka mitmeid ettevõtteid, nagu MetsaABC, mis pakuvad metsa majandamise ja metsa ülestöötamise teenuseid ning palju muid teenuseid. Samuti viivad nad läbi metsamaa ostu ja müüki, kuna metsaomanikel on metsa majandamine keeruline. Millistes Eesti piirkondades on suurim mets ja kus maksab mets kõige rohkem?
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Millised on Eesti metsa ressursid ja liigid?
Kõigepealt Eesti metsamaa lühikirjeldus. Eesti Vabariigile kuulub ligikaudu 40% 2,2 miljonist hektarist metsa (peaaegu pool Eestist). Võrdluseks, mitmete allikate hinnangul eksisteeris sajandivahetusel 20–32 protsenti metsast. Looduslike ja metsaniitude laienemine ning põllumajanduspiirkondade vähenemine on toonud kaasa metsamaa suurenemise. Suurem osa metsadest on igihaljad või segatud. Mänd, kuusk, haab, hõbe -kask ja udune kask on Eesti metsades kõige levinumad puuliigid. Laialehiseid metsi napib. Seetõttu muutuvad suurelehised puud nagu pärn, vaher, saar, tamm ja jalakas üha harvemaks.
Millistes maakondades on Eestis kõige rohkem metsamaad?
Hiiumaa on Eesti metsaseima maakond. Hiiumaal on enim levinud männimetsad. Kõige levinumad puuliigid on mänd, kask ja kuusk. Üle 32% kogu metsaalast on range kaitse all, samas kui peaaegu 11% -l on majandamispiirangud.
Viljandi, Pärnu, Ida-Viru ja Lääne-Virumaa on elanike arvult Hiiumaast napilt tagapool. Nendes maakondades on kõige levinumad puuliigid mänd ja kased, millele järgnevad kuusepuud.
Kui palju maksab metsamaa kõige metsaga kaetud aladel?
2017. aasta statistika põhjal on metsamaa hinnad maakonna kohta maakonnas kõige metsarikkamates piirkondades võrreldes teiste piirkondadega suhteliselt odavad. Kui Hiiumaal müüdava metsa hektari keskmine hind on 2437 eurot, on Viljandimaal kõige kallim metsamaa - 2925 eurot hektari kohta.
Kus on kõige vähem metsamaad?
Tartu, Eesti väikseim maakond, vaid 37,8% territooriumist on kaetud metsaga. Erinevalt kõige tihedamalt metsaga kaetud piirkondadest on Tartumaal võrdselt esindatud nii männi- kui ka segametsad, mis moodustavad vastavalt 21% ja 20% kogu metsast.
Kas metsamaa on vähem metsaga piirkondades kallim?
Lühike vastus on, et ei ole. Kuigi Tartumaal on metsasus madal, ei mõjuta see metsamaa hinda. 2017. aasta statistika järgi oli Tartumaa metsamaa keskmine hind 2687 eurot hektari kohta, mis on võrreldav Eesti riigi keskmisega.
Millises maakonnas on kõige kallim metsamaa?
Võrumaal on Eesti kõrgeim metsamaa hind hektari kohta - 4 185 eurot 2017. aastal. Seda on raske uskuda, arvestades, et Võrumaa korterite ruutmeetrihinnad on ühed madalaimad Eestis. Kõrgeim metsatehingu eest makstud hind oli 14 482 eurot hektari kohta.
Milline maakond pakub metsamaa osas parimat hinna ja kvaliteedi suhet?
Läänemaa on keskmise hinnaga 2047 eurot hektarilt suure tõenäosusega odavaim metsamaa. Hektar metsamaad müüdi kõige väiksema keskmise hinnaga tehinguga juba 196 euro eest.
Kas maa hinda mõjutab metsa hulk?
Lõpuks ei mõjuta metsamaa keskmine hind ühe hektari metsamaad. Suurima metsaga kohtades pole maa väärtused kõige kõrgemad. Metsade vähesus mõjutab kulusid vähe. Metsa hinna määramisel on suurem mõju erinevatel geograafilistel piirangutel, nagu juurdepääsetavus ja pinnas, samuti raiumiseks kättesaadava metsa kvaliteet.
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xxn1202-blog · 5 years ago
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Alatskivi Loss~ (at Alatskivi Loss, Tartu Maakond, Viro) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4X0BahATVR/?igshid=idiqd38b9l35
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kinnisvara · 6 years ago
Maa-amet: Haritava maa hind jätkas kasvu
Maa-amet: Haritava maa hind jätkas kasvu
Möödunud aastal haritava maa tehingute arv ja koguväärtus langesid, kuid hektari mediaanhind siiski kasvas ja ületas 3 000 euro piiri.
Möödunud aasta jooksul vahetas omanikku ligi 2% Eesti haritavatest ja looduslikest rohumaadest. See on samas suurusjärgus 2017. aastaga. Maa-ameti andmetel tehti Eestis 2018. aastal haritava maaga 1 070 tehingut kokku 35,6 miljoni euro eest. Võrreldes eelneva…
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 7 years ago
World Top Celebrities and their Favorite Computer Games
Celebrities are just like us, they need to relax and it’s not a secret that some of the most relaxing time could be spent by playing computer games. Though they have super busy schedules, from time to time they have fun shooting aliens and zombies. Several famous actors, singers, and musicians are avid gamers. Let’s make the brief list of them.
Snoop Dogg is a famous rapper who is a diehard player. In 2016 he became the founder of A-lister gaming group called Hip-Hop Gaming League. He is a fan of ‘FIFA’, ‘NBA 2K’, and ‘Madden’, a hockey simulator. Quite often Snoop Dogg participates in gaming contests but there is no verified information on whether he ever won any prize funds, probably his musical skills are more sophisticated than his gaming ones.
Another well-known gamer is Daniel Craig, the leading actor of the 21st century James Bond franchise. He is actively playing in ‘Halo’ and ‘Guitar Hero’. Some gossipers claim that his addiction to computer games causes frictions in his love life.
The Star of ‘Fast and Furious’ Vin Diesel, makes no secret of his love of gaming. He and some other cast members of the well-known action movie are known to play ‘World of Warcraft’ and Dungeons and Dragons PC computer games. Vin has started Tigon Studios to develop ‘Chronicles of Riddick’ video game that was well accepted by his fans and gamers worldwide.
Samuel Jackson is not only a fan of ‘GTA’ and ‘Fallout’ but also well-known for his voice acting. His voice could be heard while you play ‘GTA San Andreas’, ‘Afro Samurai’, ‘Iron Man 2’, and ‘LEGO Star Wars 3’.
Definitely, this is not the full list of all celebrities who love to play computer games but some aforementioned names are known all over the world. What if all of them could be united by playing their favorite games hosted on one platform. IQeon is the first decentralized PvP gaming platform to accept bet placement on the game results. Just imagine that with the help of IQeon platform Daniel Craig could challenge Snoop Dogg and find out who is a better player. Having much money, they are able to place thousand dollars bets and let the winner get everything. The Smart Contract technology embedded in the platform architecture guarantees the payout and the commission from the bet to the development company.
IQeon gaming ecosystem is running the main round of ICO and everyone could participate in IQN tokens sale. The fourth week of the ICO provides 10% bonus to any number of tokens purchased. Everyone could participate and bring the facilitated monetization ways closer to every gamer.
To get more information, please, visit IQeon official website.
Tartu mnt 83-205, Tallinn, Estonia, Harju maakond, 10115 [email protected] [email protected] https://iqeon.io
Images courtesy of IQeon
The post World Top Celebrities and their Favorite Computer Games appeared first on Bitcoinist.com.
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brettzjacksonblog · 7 years ago
IQeon – a project that will open new opportunities for the game community
The inability to transfer winnings into fiat money remains the main problem of game-industry. According to statistics, less than 3% of users manage to monetize their achievements. Sometimes illegally, sometimes affected by fraud. But today we can already talk about the revolution in the intellectual game industry. With the launch of decentralized gaming PvP platform IQeon gamers have the opportunity to earn on their gaming achievements, withdraw wins and dispose them as they want.
What makes IQeon considered to be a breakthrough project with a huge potential? The world market of mobile intellectual games is $ 4.9 billion. It is characterized by a constant increase in the audience. Logical games, according to the results of the survey held by SurveyMonkey Intelligence, occupy a leading position in terms of time spent by users in the game. According to the number of downloads and the number of active users, intellectual games occupy the third place. The huge popularity of intelligent games and the huge number of users who need the ability to withdraw and use the money earned in games are vivid.
IQeon platform was created to offer the users:
safe and effective monetization of gaming achievements;
possibility to organize competitions with confederates;
opportunity to buy game items for winnings;
earn IQN tokens and transfer them into real money.
Thanks to the API function, an honest selection of the winner as well as transfer of money to his account are guaranteed.
IQN tokens earned in one game can be used in any other game in the ecosystem. Thus, the user won’t lose the earned money while changing the game!
IQN token will be released on the basis of Ethereum. It will be compatible with third-party services. After the launch of the platform it will be possible to buy and sell IQN token on crypto-exchanges.
The price of the IQN token will grow with the increase in users, developers and the number of games connected to the system. The platform’s own exchange will allow users to exchange IQN for other crypto-currencies. Safety and anonymity of transactions, secureу protection of user’s data, the ability to output tokens on Mastercard — these and other features are the key advantages of the IQeon platform.
Growing the project from a promising idea to a developed and functioning product, promotion, ensuring the reliability and security of IQeon — all of these has been done by a close-knit team of professionals, who constantly make efforts to improve the platform. Our specialists under their belt have many years of successful company management, investments attraction, development and implementation of hundreds of projects for various business areas around the world.
In such reliable hands the IQeon platform can be sure in a successful future, but the help of investors will allow the team to implement everything faster and finally introduce to the game community an access to legal and safe monetization of their achievements. From December, 16 to 25 during the pre-sale of IQeon  you can get tokens with a 50% discount! Invest in IQeon on favorable terms, because when the pre-ICO ends the token price will increase.
Tartu mnt 83-205, Tallinn, Estonia, Harju maakond, 10115 [email protected] [email protected]
The post IQeon – a project that will open new opportunities for the game community appeared first on NEWSBTC.
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michaelbennettcrypto · 7 years ago
IQeon – a project that will open new opportunities for the game community
The inability to transfer winnings into fiat money remains the main problem of game-industry. According to statistics, less than 3% of users manage to monetize their achievements. Sometimes illegally, sometimes affected by fraud. But today we can already talk about the revolution in the intellectual game industry. With the launch of decentralized gaming PvP platform IQeon gamers have the opportunity to earn on their gaming achievements, withdraw wins and dispose them as they want.
What makes IQeon considered to be a breakthrough project with a huge potential? The world market of mobile intellectual games is $ 4.9 billion. It is characterized by a constant increase in the audience. Logical games, according to the results of the survey held by SurveyMonkey Intelligence, occupy a leading position in terms of time spent by users in the game. According to the number of downloads and the number of active users, intellectual games occupy the third place. The huge popularity of intelligent games and the huge number of users who need the ability to withdraw and use the money earned in games are vivid.
IQeon platform was created to offer the users:
safe and effective monetization of gaming achievements;
possibility to organize competitions with confederates;
opportunity to buy game items for winnings;
earn IQN tokens and transfer them into real money.
Thanks to the API function, an honest selection of the winner as well as transfer of money to his account are guaranteed.
IQN tokens earned in one game can be used in any other game in the ecosystem. Thus, the user won’t lose the earned money while changing the game!
IQN token will be released on the basis of Ethereum. It will be compatible with third-party services. After the launch of the platform it will be possible to buy and sell IQN token on crypto-exchanges.
The price of the IQN token will grow with the increase in users, developers and the number of games connected to the system. The platform’s own exchange will allow users to exchange IQN for other crypto-currencies. Safety and anonymity of transactions, secureу protection of user’s data, the ability to output tokens on Mastercard — these and other features are the key advantages of the IQeon platform.
Growing the project from a promising idea to a developed and functioning product, promotion, ensuring the reliability and security of IQeon — all of these has been done by a close-knit team of professionals, who constantly make efforts to improve the platform. Our specialists under their belt have many years of successful company management, investments attraction, development and implementation of hundreds of projects for various business areas around the world.
In such reliable hands the IQeon platform can be sure in a successful future, but the help of investors will allow the team to implement everything faster and finally introduce to the game community an access to legal and safe monetization of their achievements. From December, 16 to 25 during the pre-sale of IQeon  you can get tokens with a 50% discount! Invest in IQeon on favorable terms, because when the pre-ICO ends the token price will increase.
Tartu mnt 83-205, Tallinn, Estonia, Harju maakond, 10115 [email protected] [email protected]
The post IQeon – a project that will open new opportunities for the game community appeared first on NEWSBTC.
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kinnisvarakool · 2 years ago
Statistikaamet: Millega köetakse Eesti kodusid?
Statistikaamet: Millega köetakse Eesti kodusid?
Suurem osa Eesti elanikest ehk 68% elab kortermajades ja kortereid1 köetakse valdavalt keskküttega. Eramutes elab 29% rahvastikust, ja mida hilisem on selle ehitusaasta, seda tõenäolisem on, et hoonet köetakse õhksoojuspumba või maasoojusega. Millised on peamised kütteliigid eramutes ja korterites ning kui paljud saavad vajaduse korral kasutada ka mõnda alternatiivset kütteliiki, uuris…
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sergei-gussev · 4 years ago
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#alatskivi #loss #tartumaa #estonia #july2020 (at Alatskivi Loss, Tartu Maakond, Viro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSeF48iD67O/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lewisgabriel84z31 · 7 years ago
IQeon pre-ICO Went Down Like a Bomb, Here Are the Reasons Why
IQeon pre-ICO Went Down Like a Bomb, Here Are the Reasons Why
IQeon is a gaming ecosystem enabling PvP bets on the results of the games presented on the platform and the games outside the platform. Moreover, this is one of the very few resources existing in the gaming world that allows users monetize their gaming achievements.   The IQeon team announced the additional presale of tokens due to the massive interest in the project from the side of investors. A noteworthy detail is that the official pre-ICO was closed ahead of time because of the active sale. The second round of IQN presale starts on January 8th and lasts until January 15th, 2018. The payments are accepted in ETH and BTC. The minimum transaction amount is 1 ETH and it stands for 550 IQN. Note, that the token emission is limited, 800.000 only!  
The reasons why IQeon is so successful and is considered to be a very promising startup are the following:
By the time IQeon team entered their first pre-ICO, which took place in December 2017, they were ready to show the world the working product. No boasting but not many startups could afford such a high level of preparation.
The gaming ecosystem is based on Ethereum Blockchain, which lets the developers introduce cryptowallets and provide the easiest way to monetize the results and achievements users get in any game.
Software specialists who created IQeon gaming platform made everything possible to facilitate the gaming development worldwide. The platform provides open API and SDK and invites other game developers for cooperation. Additional welcoming benefits are small commission fee for the developing company to monetize their games integrated into the platform. Also, they receive small revenue from every bet made by the participants on the results of games.
The price for IQN, the IQeon token, is expected to grow together with the increasing number of users and game developers placing their products on the platform. The Blockchain technology provides the complete anonymity for IQN holders and protects the cryptocurrency against theft, fraud and other types of forgery. The IQeon cryptowallet will also act as the exchanging means to let users trade IQN for other cryptocurrencies and even fiat it.
And finally, the most important reason why the IQeon project soared so high is the skillful managers who have successfully nourished multiple projects.  
IQeon Senior Figures and Advisors
The CEO of IQeon project is Vadim Dovguchits who managed to draw over $ 2 mln investments to this startup. CSO of IQeon is Igor Podlesny. He has more than 18 years of experience in nourishing fintech solutions, launching startups and promoting IT services. Alexandr Paramonov is the CLO of the project, working more than 10 years in the sphere of online-gambling, startup, and Blockchain-projects legal rights. The position of the financial consultant of IQeon is occupied by Alexandr Samoilo. Alexandr is also the financial director of ABA Marketing institutional investment company. IQeon team has a strong advising team. A world-known business consultant and mining expert, Richard Dilendorf and the experience financial consultant Genadijs Dola are among them.     Tartu mnt 83-205, Tallinn, Estonia, Harju maakond, 10115 [email protected]
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