#Tarquin fanfiction
viktoriaashleyyx · 1 month
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Tamtam and Sky (oc) meet with Tarquin. I am not completely happy with this one, but I have come to the realization that these will always be dialog heavy. My desire with this fic is to uplift the characters who were treated like shit by the narrative.
Also this post by @msbrownwithacrown is cannon to me and I reference it.
This is a pro Tamlin, anti Rhysand self insert revenge fic. All characters belong to SJM, but she wasn't treating them right. Tam x reader, Tam x Rhysands Sister (OC), First person narrative. This will also reference Elucien and Neris in the future but we aren't there yet. No warnings apply, I just wanted to show Tarquin some kindness.
Ch4 > Ch6
Chapter 5:
I portaled us to the entrance of the Summer court castle in Adriata. The delicious smell of the salty sea water filled my lungs as I glanced up at the magnificent architecture that stood before me.
“You know, we were invited into the meeting room, we could've just winnowed straight in there.” Tamlin said, offering me his elbow to guide me inside.
“I never portal inside someone's home, I find it grotesquely rude.” I placed my hand on his arm gently, still admiring the beauty around me.
“We are here for a meeting with Tarquin.” Tamlin informed the guards as they led us inside and through the beautifully decorated halls. I bowed my head in thanks to them as they left us at the door to the office and we took a breath together as we entered.
Tarquin was already sitting there at the head of the magnificent table. His immaculate white locs hung down to the middle of his chest and his bright blue eyes sparkled like the sun shining off the sea. Why is every male in Prythia so damn gorgeous? He was young, not counting Feyre, Tamlin had told me he was the newest high lord, only rising to his position a few years ago, but that did not take any merit away from the power he held. A leader with a kind heart will always be more powerful than their counterpart.
“Welcome to the Summer court,” Tarquin smiled as he extended his hand to shake Tamlins, “it's good to see you getting back on your feet.”
“Thank you, friend, what wonders a woman's love can do for a broken heart,” Tamlin gushed as he looked to me. “This is my mate and other half, Sky.”
“It is nice to meet you, sir. I have heard good things about you. The Summer court is lucky to have a heart like yours leading them.” I complimented him earnestly as I turned the chair sideways to sit down.
“It is nice to meet you, Sky, but you must forgive me if I am a bit wary. The last few times a face like yours entered my court, it was left worse for wear.” He added cautiously. “I have come to realize that I handed my trust out far too easily, and it ended horribly for my people. I have been working to learn caution.”
“I understand fully. Your duty is to your people, and unfortunately I was cursed with sharing the face of an arrogant ass,” I giggled at the last part, lightening the mood.
“I will try my best to remain impartial to that,” Tarquin smiled. I, honestly, couldn't blame him for not trusting me. In his short reign he's had to rebuild his city three times. He has seen war and had precious heirlooms stolen from him.
“I appreciate it, but I have no issue putting in the work necessary to earn your trust.” I offered. He seemed pleased with my response.
“We are working hard to rebuild our court and welcome our citizens back home. I understand that the actions I took and decisions I made harmed your lands as well, Spring and Summer were hurt by the hands of the toxic relationship I was a part of, and for that I extend my most sincere apologies.” Tamlin began, Tarquin listening intensively. “And even after all of it, you welcomed my people to your lands with open arms. I can only hold hope moving forward that I can model even the slightest inch of the compassion you have in you.” I had heard him rehearsing this speech every morning since Tarquin agreed to this meeting and Tamlin was doing a beautiful job. A man willing to humble himself and give a sincere apology is so attractive.
“Yes Tarquin, we need help, we cannot rebuild the entire court on our own. We need carpenters, and supplies. We plan to pay well for these services and Spring will be forever indebted to Summer but we did not come empty handed.” I started, Tarquins gaze shifted to me, pondering our words. I pulled out the parchment I had prepared in my bag. On it wrote:
Animus meus est.
Ancilia dimittam
“Do you have a daemati that serves your court?” I asked as Tarquin studied the words on the page.
“Yes, Vili.” He answered.
“Would you please call for him?”
Tarquin sent his guard to find Vili. He looked back at me confused. “Are you not a daemati?”
“I am,” I responded, “but I think it best to have a man you trust for this demonstration.” I continued, “you see, for years, Tarquin, I have hated being a daemati. I believe your mind should be your own, and if someone wishes to change how you think, they should have to show you, in their actions. My brother has been abusing his daemati powers to control the other High Lords for his entire reign. Tamlin shared his memories of the past few years with me and I saw through his eyes at the High lords meeting. Rhysand was controlling the words expressed by Tamlin and I suspect he was doing it to you and Kalias as well. Him and his ladies stole a priceless artifact from you and you resended the blood rubies just like that?” Tarquin was invested. I assume it was Vili who entered the room and stood next to Tarquin, head held high, he didn't trust me either, with good reason.
“On the paper I have given you is a spell, I spent many years studying in the libraries of Aretuza, and that spell has been tested and shown to render daemati powers utterly useless.” Daematis were supposed to be healers of the minds, something incredibly necessary in Prythia especially after Amaranthas cruelty, but that kind of power being genetic instead of earned is how people ended up being terrorized instead of helped. I have tried for years to rid myself of the curse I feel daemati to be.
“You can use it on me. Vili, I request that you monitor my mind as Tarquin performs the spell.” Tamlin offered.
“The first line is the spell that applies a metal shield, protecting and encompassing the entire mind. The second line drops it.” I explained.
Tarquin looked at me hesitantly, then spoke the words, directed to Tamlin. “It's gone, no wall, no entrance. I cannot see anything. He might as well not even be here.” Vili noted aloud.
“I feel fine, great even. Like my head is clear.” Tamlin announced.
Tarquin then uttered the second line. “I can see it again, his walls.” Vili exclaimed, shocked.
“Why give me this information, I have yet to agree to help you?” Tarquin looked at me.
“It's not a payment, Tarquin, it is a gift. If the only thing I gain out of you having this information is that the Summer court is slightly more protected from my brother's antics, it will be payment enough.” I assured. “I do not expect a reply today, please, consult with your advisors, make a decision that you are comfortable with. I understand that this is just a stepping stone towards a hopeful friendship.”
“You have made a compelling case for an alliance, Sky. I do not wish to hold your brother's actions against you.” Tarquin consoled.
“I appreciate that,” I smiled at him, and Tamlin squeezed my hand. “I would like to spend some time this afternoon at the wonderful shops you have in the town square, but, if you would prefer us to head straight home we will.”
“You are more than welcome to enjoy the city, as long as what ever you happen to leave with is acquired honestly.” Tarquin said with a knowing smile. “However, I must warn you that my people might not be the most accepting of you, they have suffered great losses.” He added softly. “All I am saying is, if you want a true Summer experience, you might want to utilize that shapeshifter you have next to you. Just for right now.”
“Oh, that is a good idea.” I pondered and turned to Tamlin, “help me blend in, just for today.”
He was hesitant at first, but with a gentle hand I felt his magic encompassing me. I looked into the large mirror on the wall. I was still myself, just less Rhysand-looking. My wings were gone, and my violet eyes turned to a soft light brown. Changed, just enough, as to not worry the people of Summer.
“Perfect, let's go shopping.” I smiled. We both bowed to Tarquin as a sign of respect and made our way to the pier.
Tarquin had invited us to join him to dinner at one of the beach view restaurants on the pier. As the High Lord of Summer, him and his company naturally experienced certain perks amongst the restaurant owners.
We sat at a large table on the patio, and I was entranced by the view of the sea, the waves crashing into the shore and the various colors out where the sea met the sky. It was an effort to pay attention to the conversation taking place between the two High Lords.
“I'm glad you're enjoying the view, Sky. I can still sit and stare at it for hours myself.” Tarquin doing his best to include me, offering understanding at my fascination. “I was still young when my family and I were trapped under the mountain for all those years, as a child of Summer, being denied these sights was just one of the many tortures I endured.”
I offered him an understanding smile, and reached to squeeze his hand. Amarantha truly hurt so many of us. Tamlin had shared his memories of the few months he spent under the mountain, while I practiced the mental healing the daemati powers were supposed to be used for. Tarquin had lived that for 50 years. “To come out the other side, still holding softness and kindness in your heart, shows me just how powerful you truly are. There is so much strength in being gentle.”
“I can only imagine the experiences you've faced that have made you this wise.” Tarquin returned the smile, then turned to Tamlin, “You are a lucky man, Tamlin. I hope to have someone by my side someday that can match her beauty and grace, if the cauldron sees me fit.”
“My advice to you, don't wait on the mating bond. Tamlin and I fell in love a long time before it snapped. Put yourself out there, fall in love because you choose to, not because the cauldron thought you would make an interesting pair. Sure, you're gonna get your heart broken at times, love is messy and beautiful, painful and wonderful. That's what makes it worth it. A woman wants to know you've chosen her out of your own free will, not because some outside force tied you to her. She wants to feel loved because you want her to.”
Tarquin pondered my words for a moment. “To fall in love with the possibility it will fail is a scary thought.”
“Oh absolutely, but have the courage to do it anyway.”
The conversation ended as the waitresses brought out the feast Tarquin had ordered for us. Crawfish, shrimp, potatoes, corn, eggs, and crab legs boiled to perfection and seasoned perfectly and generously. I was happy enough that I didn't have to cook tonight, but this looked divine. I had always heard that Summer court had the best food. The rumors were true.
Tag list: @ladythornofrivia @rcarbo1 @rin-u-pos @knoxic
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kristeristerin · 1 year
There’s not enough Tarquin content here so I was wondering if I could send in Tarquin x reader to Mary’s Song (Oh My My My) by Taylor Swift as a prompt for the drabbles you’re planning on writing? Thanks!
AN: Thank you so much for the ask! Tarquin is a character that I may not have chosen to do on my own, but after writing him I feel like I need to explore more with him! I hope you feel like I did him justice!
As Always my asks are open for more Taylor Swift song and ACOTAR pairings! (I'll take other requests too of course!)
Song: Mary’s Song (Oh My My My)
Pairing: Reader X Tarquin
Content Warning: None
Words: 860
Your hands were shaking as you looked around the Summer Palace. This was your first time returning to Adriata in over 50 years and while coming back home should feel like a happy occurrence, you can’t help but worry about seeing him again. 
When you last saw Tarquin he’d just been the prince of Udrin, and the man you’d loved since you were children. Now though, you supposed, things would be different. While you could convince yourself that love would have been enough for the two of you when he was a prince, High Lords have a duty to uphold and marriage to a lesser fae was not part of that. 
Varian gave you a tight smile as he held out an arm to you, “He’s been asking for you. Are you ready?” 
“I’m not certain I’ll ever be ready to face him if I’m being honest,” you looked away from the Prince’s eyes as he led you through the palace hallways. Your eyebrows draw together when Varian turns not toward the High Lord’s study, but instead toward the doors leading to the back garden. 
“He’s out there waiting for you,” Varian drops your arm and gives you a gentle push toward the doors. 
When you step outside he’s facing away from you, instead choosing to look out at the ocean beyond the city. You are several feet away from him when you stop and drop into a low curtsy. “You wanted to see me, High Lord?” 
You hear him turn, but you don’t dare look up. 
“Y/N,” Tarquin laughs, “Surely you know we are far past these formalities. We’ve known each other since childhood after all.” 
You rise but still don’t look him in the eyes. “I’ve never known you as High Lord, though.” 
He steps forward and runs his hand through your hair, using it to gently raise your gaze to his, “I’d like you to.” He whispers before his lips brush yours in a gentle kiss. He steps away but grabs your hand before you can mourn the loss of his touch. “Come with me, I wish to show you something.” 
He led you further into the garden to the all too familiar tree. 
“Do you remember when we first met?” He asked as he pulled you closer and wrapped an arm around you. 
You laugh at the memory. “I wanted Cressida and Varian to like me so bad. I followed them out here to meet their cousin, and you hated me. I believe you even threatened to throw me into the ocean that day.” 
He looked away, biting his lip to contain his own laughter. “To be fair that wasn’t until after you had threatened to tell my mother that I wouldn’t be the Prince in your game of make-believe.” 
“Mmm, yes, and fitting punishment for my crime,” you pull away from his grip and approach the largest tree in the corner of the garden. You touch the small carving in the tree and turn to him. “Do you remember this?” you ask in a small voice. 
When he approaches you, Tarquin turns you toward the tree and wraps both of his arms around you. “Of course, I do,” his breath tickles the shell of your ear as he speaks. “This was the carving I made into the tree 9 years later when I finally agreed to be your prince. Nostrus was very cross with me for carving our initials into the tree.” 
Smiling at the memory you turn in his arms so you’re face to face. “I always hoped I’d be your princess.” You murmur looking at him through your lashes. 
Tarquin cupped your jaw and returned your smile, “Now I’m hoping you’ll agree to be the High Lord’s Lady. Perhaps not right away, but if you’ll let me court you again I know I can prove to you that we can have everything we once had, and so much more.” 
His smile falters as you begin to cry, “Have I said something wrong, my love?” 
“No,” you sniffle and then laugh at the horrid sound you made, “this is just unexpected. I thought you had asked me to join you here so you could tell me that we were through because a High Lord could never spend his life with a lesser fae.” 
“Y/N,” his voice cracked as he looked into your eyes, “There is nothing lesser about you. It’s the thought of you and the life that we could have together that got me through every day under that mountain. I’d be honored to be able to one day call you my wife, and our people would be better off with you at my side. Please, don’t think for a moment you're unworthy of anything, least of all me. I have loved you with all that I am since I was 18 years old, Y/N, and I will continue to do so for centuries more.” 
You lift a hand to his cheek and lean up to press a quick kiss to his lips. “I love you too, Tarquin, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.” 
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azrielsshadows42 · 5 days
I am considering participating in kinktober this year, and for a few of the prompts I'm using I can imagine writing with Tarquin, but I know that he isn't a very popular character for fanfics
Please reblog for a wider audience
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velarisdusk · 1 month
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Series Masterlist
summary: You're dating Cassian, the captain of the Velaris Vipers, a professional hockey team. Things start off simple enough; you go to their games, hang out at team events, and bring lunch to long practices. As you get closer to the team, you find yourself navigating playful flirtations and growing connections with other players, leading to unexpected and intense encounters.
author's note: The first 3 can be read standalone. However, for the best reading experience (and to get what little plot there is), I recommend starting with ICJ and reading in order.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
1 Ice Cold Jealousy | Cassian x Reader
2 Thawing Boundaries | Azriel x Reader x Rhysand
3 Melted Resolve | Helion x Reader x Tarquin
4 Shattered | Velaris Vipers (except Cassian) x Reader
5 Burning Desire | Eris x Reader
6 Embers to Ice | In planning!
7 Veil of Frost | In planning!
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solbaby7 · 8 months
Life of the Party
pairing: azriel x reader
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warnings: typical jealousy trope, sexual themes, minors DNI, swearing, probably typos, chill boyfriend/party animal girlfriend trope
summary: A spymaster who’s restraint wears thin when his mate is invited to a costume party
“Oh wow,” Mor breathes out when you walk in the sitting room; heels clicking against the glossy floors as you made a bee-line for the bar cart. “Azriel’s letting you go?”
“No, which is why I’m rushing.” Your hands shake around the decanter; not with any real fear but your heartbeat does quicken at the reminder of the little white lie you’d told instead of the truth because you knew how it sounded. You, going to a party that you were invited to outside of the Night Court. “Tarquin said he’d meet me at the border.”
“A personal escort from the host himself?” Mor doesn’t bother hiding the implication in her tone and she lets out a low laugh, Amren joining in with a chuckle of her own at the way your eyes roll.
The whiskey Rhysand splurged on was warm going down and after three consecutive shots, the nerves were steadily beginning to subside. “He’s my friend.”
“Did your friend also provide you with that little outfit?”
You glance down at yourself at Armen’s slow drawl, a ruby nail pointing at your frame.
Maybe it was a little much.
The obsidian color of the fighting leather like material fits like second skin on the parts of you that they do cover. There are no sleeves, the neckline fairly tame; a deterrent to offset how much leg was on display. The see through material of the skirt flows tauntingly with each step, the two deep slits on both sides so high your hipbones showed along with the leather straps that curled around your thighs, equipped with two jeweled daggers. Two large swords crossed at your back, the hilts wrapped in blue ribbon; a small reminder of the shadowsinger. It was sexy; meant to make you appear as some warrior goddess—Azriel would never let you step foot out of the house like this. “It was a gift.”
Mor lets out a low whistle, eyes still taking in the details; the gold chains that held together some flimsy underwear that hid your modesty when the breeze cut through too hard. “He’s going to fucking kill you.”
One more shot and you swear you see a shadow lurking about in the corner. Armen smirks at your jumpiness, tucking silky hair behind a pierced ear. “Better hurry along, sounds like he just got home.”
Your eyes widen, heartbeat thumping quickly against your chest and you don’t care to let their laughter distract you when you dart from the room. You speed walk on the tips of your toes, trying to make as little noise as possible in the high heels as you prayed to the Mother above to just let you past the front door and then everything would be perfectly fine. Your hair tickles at your shoulders every time your head whips back to ensure you aren’t being followed and you finally feel the cool breeze of the night touch your skin when you bump into a large body.
The gasp that emits is comical, a little yelp, eyes wide and the relief doesn’t settle in even when you notice it’s just Cassian. “Whoa,” He mutters, bright eyes running across your frame and you pray that’s distraction enough for him to not question the way you slowly circle him, adjusting the position and finding a clear path the hell out of there the second he left. “Where are you going dressed like that?”
“Nowhere,” You breathe out, a shaky smile tugging at the corner of your mouth. “Have you seen Az?”
Cass smirks, taking this as you getting dressed like this for Azriel—some sexy little fantasy made reality and your shoulders immediately relax. “Went inside a couple minutes before I did. He’s probably looking for you.”
“Guess, I better hurry.” He nods, not bothering to hide the way his eyes eat at all the skin you have bared, the sultry curve of ass that peeks out the back of the skirt with each step and he barely notices you’ve gone the wrong way—leaving with a sheepish smile and a wave before you winnowed away.
It sets in when he steps inside the house, spotting Azriel turning the corner and he can’t help the words that form, even when Mor and Armen step out of the sitting room. “Az, you lucky bastard.”
The spymasters brows furrow in confusion, shadows slinking about; drifting beneath the cracks of room after room, reporting your absence back to their master. “What are you talking about?”
“That little outfit your girls got on—I’m surprised you’re even standing here right now.” Mor’s eyes widen, sharing a gaze with Armen and it doesn’t go unnoticed.
Azriel’s shoulders subtly square out, spine straightening and the way golden irises darken has the otherworldly woman chuckling to herself. The pieces click without any further information and the scowl that forms on his face is positively hellish. “Did she go to that fucking party?”
But it’s plenty answer enough.
Darkness clouds the rooms so thick it was nearly impossible to see even an inch before you and just like that it was gone and so was Azriel.
You let out a deep breath, nerves beginning to subside when you stand before Tarquin. “I didn’t think you’d come.”
His hand is warm when he guides your arm into his own, a large palm gentle rested over your own. “Got a bit delayed on the way over. Hope I didn’t miss anything too exciting.”
“No,” He murmurs, a smile growing in the corner of his mouth. “I believe the excitement just arrived.” Stark white hair contrasts against rich skin, Tarquin’s abdomen is exposed, the buttons of his shirt undone and left out of the waistband of his dress pants.
“Who exactly are you supposed to be?”
“I’m a High Lord, I’m not obligated to participate in such things.”
The cool breeze cuts through the thin material, all your exposed skin doing little to stave off the elements but the warmth radiating from the man beside you is enough to hold you over until you breach the main doors. Everyone was dressed in all types of extravagant outfits, some so revealing you wondered if it were a costume at all. “Glad to see that title hasn’t inflated your ego.”
“I’m sure it’ll be much more manageable after a drink or two.”
Two drinks quickly turned to five and then after a few more you’d shuck off to a corner to roll up the mirthroot Mor had generously slid your way a few weeks back. Golden light casts over the room in a sultry glow, music alluring and your hips are moving from side to side without being told. The smoke trickles from your mouth, smile growing as your worries began to fade. You could feel the eyes, the lusty gazes and Tarquin’s genuine joy from just watching.
You’re too caught up in the moment, mirthroot burning between two fingers when the shadowsinger arrives, his intent march abruptly stopped by the High Lord of the Summer Court. Cassian follows close by, Mor and Rhys a few paces behind and their steps abruptly halt when they see you. Perched up on a raised structure, your hips sway in sync with the music, hair flowing behind you and the blue ribbons attached to the swords flutter with each movement. “You,” Azriel all but hisses but Tarquin doesn’t so much as flinch. “—a terrible, horrible influence.”
“Relax," Tarquin drawls out, obviously somewhat affected by the few glasses of wine he'd indulged in. "-- look at her,” Az's hands clench in fists at his sides but the spymaster can’t help the way his eyes shift to you, to the costume and the color you donned; the smoke huffing from your nose like a dragon emerging from her cave for the night and Azriel forgets about what he was mad about in the first place. “She’s just having fun.”
More than having fun.
You were positively the life of the party, others beginning to gather around, watching the warrior of a woman dancing like no one else was there. Your head dips back and Azriel finds his eyes trained on the column of your neck, mouth closing as whatever response he’d originally intended to give the High Lord completely died on his tongue. Something in the way Tarquin remains trained on you has Azriel's shadows go on edge, sizing up the man baring so much skin; lean muscle on display and bright eyes are fixed on the way you move. "Watch this," He mutters, living vicariously through you and Azriel begins to question the true intentions behind the High Lords friendship with you. "It's her favorite part." Water begins to trickle down like fresh rain after weeks of sweltering heat and Azriel's heart actually swells when he hears the laugh you let out; hands raised above your hand to catch the cool drops.
It soaks through your clothes, the flimsy material of your skirt sticking to your thighs and Azriel is acutely aware of exactly how much skin you have on display and the plethora of males and females in the crowd beginning to recognize that same thing. Even Rhysand has a brow raised, head slowly tilting to the side when a particularly obscene about of ass flashes, gold chains holding underwear in place glistening under the flame light.
Azriel doesn't even need to trudge through the sea of sweaty bodies to get to you; eyes catching after turning to send a grateful smile to Tarquin and for a split second your whole body freezes. You recover quickly but you come down from the stand much quicker, body dripping and hair sticking to your neck. The closer you approach your mate, the more aware you become of the smell of the mirthroot stuck to your clothes, lacing your breath and Az doesn't seem swayed in the slightest by the sweet smile you offer him when you reach. "Nice party, right?"
Aureate irises drag down the length of your frame, catching on the parts of you made visible from the impromptu shower and Az can't help but be a little disappointed to see your makeup still in place. He'd always got a little frenzied when he saw you all messy; eyeshadow smeared and mascara dripping down your cheeks while he fucked off the sticky lipgloss that smelled like cherries. The evaluation pauses at the holsters wrapped around your thighs, jewels in shades of blue intricately welded together on the daggers peeking out the sodden skirt. "It would appear so," Shadows curl around your legs, avoiding the gift of a costume as if it were toxic waste. "I hope you enjoyed it because we are going home."
"But, I just got here."
"Yeah, Shadowsinger," Tarquin tacks on and Az's hand twitches to punch him; to wipe that smug grin off his face and to demand Rhys erase decades of memories the two of you had made before ever even meeting Azriel because no other male should be this comfortable with you. "She just got here and she hasn't even begun to make a dent in the bag of mirthroot Mor got her." The blonde in question huffs, eyes going a little wide but she doesn't seem too worried-- confident that whatever Az had planned for you was far worse than anything he could conjure up for her.
"Actually, he's right," You pull away from the High Lord with a warm smile, offering a hug and thanks for everything and Cassian hides the laugh that grows at the sight of Azriel's jaw clenched so tight; shadows just itching to slice off the hand that lingered a little too low in the dip of your back. "We should be getting home."
Az wastes no time tugging you to his side, nose grazing your temple when whispering in your ear. "When we get back take these clothes off but leave those on." Shadows twist at the fat of your thigh, around the holsters and the weapons they held. "Only those."
A smile grows, pupils blown and the way you glance up through thick lashes has his cock hardening in his pants. "Yes, sir."
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shadowdaddies · 5 months
Hello girly, there is so little fics about Tarquin, so can I please request a Tarquin x mate!reader. Where she is a quiet and kind female, it would be cool if she was a "lesser fae" (like she has a tail or horns). She loves him and doesnt really want a role in court, she just wants to be there for him. Maybe the high lords dont know much about her, and there is a High Lords meeting and she randomly appears (maybe pregnant) and just some fluff, and Mor, Feyra and Viv being happy because there is another female to be frainds with
ahh I love this, there's definitely not enough fics for Prythian's Most Eligible Bachelor™. Thank you for the request!
Less is More
Tarquin x Reader
warnings: this does get a little steamy at the end
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Taking practiced, steady breaths, you forced your pounding heart to slow and plastered on a confident smirk as you took long strides through the open doors.
Your hand was slick with sweat against Tarquin’s, your mate giving a reassuring squeeze while he guided you to walk slightly in front of him. Were you a weaker faun, you would have been smothered by the table’s gazes burning into you, but you were not weaker. You were a “lesser faerie” - or so that was your title given from the old High Fae - but you were High Lady of the Summer Court, and remembering that put the strength in your spine you needed as you took your seat.
Tarquin took his place next to you, turquoise eyes swimming with pride as he drank in the attention from the room. He feigned nonchalance, pressing a kiss to your knuckles before resting your hand atop his against the table. “Ah yes,” he laughed softly, raising your joined hands in display for the group of High Lords and Ladies. “Allow me to introduce my mate, the High Lady of the Summer Court.”
You smiled, unable to control the blush that bloomed upon your cheeks as Feyre gave you a polite smile and nod, Rhysand and Kallias both granting quiet congratulations. 
It was Viviane who smirked, reclining back in her seat as she loosed a dramatic sigh. As the second High Lady in Prythian’s history after Feyre along with what you’d heard of her, you liked the female already. “It’s nice to have another High Lady at the table. Perhaps soon enough, each court will recognize their females as equals.”
Her icy blue eyes sparkled with amusement at the sight of flames on Beron’s fingertips, the High Lord of Autumn’s focus having never moved from the horns on your head, perfectly framed by your royal crown.
Conversely, Tarquin’s own stare never faltered, watching Beron with a predator’s gaze. He knew better than to bait the other High Lords - Tarquin found it better to rule as himself, a kind yet firm leader - and you admired him impossibly more for it.
“Welcome, High Lady. Let us begin,” Helion purred, his smooth voice emanating a deep power that seemed to bring Beron out of whatever anger-filled haze he was lost in. Murky brown eyes whipped to Helion, who returned the acknowledgment with a slight arch of his brow.
“Beron, if there is something you wish to lead the meeting with, please do so,” Helion drawled, his demeanor remaining cool despite noticeable efforts not to look past Beron to where the Lady of Autumn was seated. You made a mental note to ask Tarquin about that later, focused on keeping your chin high for the moment.
Beron’s eyes flicked between you and Feyre - the lesser fae and former human at the table - but wisely he remained silent. “Continue, Helion,” Beron ground out, and you had to bite back your smile at Rhys and Feyre’s wicked grins, darkness recoiling from where it had been ready to strike.
You sat through the meeting, listening to male egos battle each other over petty squabbles, only interjecting as you and Tarquin found necessary. It was easy to find where you would fit in with this group. While it was clear Autumn would never accept you and Dawn was ambivalent, you felt a fast kinship towards Night and Winter - unsurprising, given those courts were who your wise mate was most drawn to.
As soon as the meeting ended, Beron quickly cleared, leaving the Lady of Autumn to scurry behind him. Your heart hurt for her, her eyes tired as her eldest son seemed to be the only person who paid her any mind. The other High Lords dispersed, only Night and Winter lingering behind with Tarquin and you. 
“Finally, that’s over!” the Night Court’s emissary, Morrigan, practically squealed as she maneuvered around the table to you, enveloping you in a warm hug. 
A surprised laugh escaped you at her kind and gentle touch, the dichotomous nature of the Night Court’s leaders jarring despite Tarquin’s advance notice.
“So, would you tell us the story of how you and Tarquin met?” Viviane pressed, her arm looping through yours as Feyre fell into step alongside the both of you. You were surprised at how easy it was to talk with them - both High Fae from such different backgrounds - but you felt beyond blessed by the Mother for not only allies, but new friends through your role.
The crescent moon was high in the sky, stars twinkling impossibly bright when you felt the heavy need for sleep weigh upon you. You hadn’t even noticed your eyes struggling to stay open until familiar hands draped a jacket over your shoulders, and you stirred to see Feyre, Morrigan, and Viviane all slowly rising. 
Bidding each of them a good night, you leaned into Tarquin’s warmth, savoring the calming scent of coconut and sea spray while he pressed a soft kiss to the top of your hair. He led your to the shared room in which you were staying, closing the door gently behind before peeling his jacket from your shoulders.
A whine escaped you at the sudden cold, and your mate chuckled, arms wrapping around you fully this time. Enveloped in his warmth, you settled against Tarquin’s chest and swayed to a silent melody, the rhythm of the ocean.
“You were incredible tonight,” he murmured against your neck. “You are always incredible, and yet you always blow me away with your grace and wisdom.” 
He pressed another lingering kiss to your shoulder, working his way up to hover near your ear. Teeth tugged lightly on the skin of your earlobe, your mind growing dizzy with the sensations when he whispered, “I am so thankful, and honored, to have you as my mate and High Lady.”
Feeling the weight of the crown against your horns, you couldn’t help but tease him. “Horns and all?” but Tarquin’s eyes grew darker, turquoise eyes like a brewing sea storm. 
He pulled your head to his toned chest, tongue flicking out against one of those sensitive horns. You mewled at the motion, the scent of the room changing with the fervor of arousal growing. 
“Especially these,” he breathed, hoisting your legs around his hips before turning to toss you onto the mattress. You bounced against the silken sheets with a giggle, watching your mate lift his shirt over his head while his gaze raked unabashedly over every inch of your figure. 
“Every part of you is perfect,” Tarquin whispered, white hair aglow in the light from the window, eyes shining with mischief as his body slid sinfully against your own. 
“I love you,” you whispered, legs wrapping around his waist as you pulled him in for a passionate kiss. He once again kissed his way down your body, this time peeling away the fabric of your dress as he did so. Your consciousness drifted away at his touch, carnal feeling and deep emotion invading your senses while the only thought you could manage was that “forever is not long enough with this male.”
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azrielslittleslut · 2 months
Kinktober 2024 Masterlist
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For Kinktober 2024, I will be posting a fic of a male ACOTAR character x reader every Thursday and Sunday for October. Some will be milder, while others will be more extreme. These are kinks that I am comfortable writing and exploring, and I hope you all enjoy them!
3 October: Edging/Overstimulation/Impact Play with Rhys 6 October: Period Sex/Praise/Romantic Sex with Tarquin 10 October: Creampie/Breeding/Rough Sex with Cassian 13 October: Thigh Riding/Blow Job/Degradation with Helion 17 October: Fire Play/Sex Toys with Eris 20 October: Hate Sex/Hunter/Prey with Tamlin 24 October: Mirror sex/Sex Pollen/Squirting with Lucien 27 October: Size Kink/Face Sitting/Breath Play with Kallias 31 October: Bondage/Exhibitionism/Dacryphilia/Knife Play with Azriel
Short drabbles that will be posted throughout the month:
Lingerie with Rhys Foot Worship with Cassian Caught Masturbating with Eris Somnophilia with Lucien Beach Sex with Tarquin Pregnancy Sex with Helion Cock Rings with Azriel
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mcuamerica · 3 months
Summer Nights | Tarquin x Fem!Reader
Summary: You're the reason Tarquin fights so hard for lesser faeries. Requested by anon here.
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: heavy acotar spoilers, alludes to sex, semi-violent mentions (nothing super specific), bit of sexism, talk of lesser faeries, (lmk if I forgot anything), loosely proofread
Graphics by @saradika-graphics
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It wasn't easy waiting for him to come back. It never was. Whenever his cousin called for him to go to Adriata, you were always nervous for his return. Always nervous he would never come back.
"I'll be back in the morning. Don't wait up."
He said it almost every time he left. But those were the exact words he uttered when he left to go to the party hosted by Amarantha. And then, the news came. The High Lord, Nostrus, and all his court that attended the party were stuck Under the Mountain, under Amarantha's command.
In years, you were much older than Tarquin. But in actuality you were just as old as he was when you lost him. You met him when you were 40, but truly 20 in the way your kind of lesser faerie aged. While High Fae aged normally until reaching 18-20, your kind took double the time. However, he was just about 24 when you met him. Meaning you only had 6 years with him until you lost him for 50.
You were immediately enamored by the dark skinned, light haired male. His eyes a bright blue that reminded you of the sea. He was beautiful and took your breath away whenever you laid eyes on him.
At first, he was the prince of your city and you were simply a loyal servant. Lesser faeries rarely had any standing in court, but Tarquin started recruiting a few more of your kind once he met you. Your main task was helping organize the libraries in the manor. One day, he needed a very specific book, which the librarian directed towards you.
He was immediately struck when he saw you, your bright eyes, your silver hair. Clearly, you were of the Summer Court, but not High Fae, as your ears were rounded. "My lord." You said, bowing.
He waved his hand, simply telling you to call him Tarquin. Then, he requested the book he needed. You went deep into the library with him, seemingly losing track of time as you wandered the steps down to the lower levels. You spoke of all things, and he asked you all kinds of questions. Ranging from your work at the library to your heritage and your family.
"Your mother was High Fae from Spring and your father a water wraith?" He asked while you searched the stacks for the books he requested.
You nodded. "Yes, but my mother's High Fae heritage was weak and has never helped me with anything. My father's, however.. I have the ability to control water very well. Like any full water wraith." You said, smiling a bit as you found the book.
"Hmm.. I think that's a testament to how strong you are, not your heritage." He said, taking the book from your hands.
You smiled to yourself as he skimmed the book. "This is perfect." He said. "Now, tell me about your water powers.."
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It only continued from there, the frequent visit to the library. The talks while you dug up some obscure book. The way they became harder and harder to find, one day having to go to a completely different library to find it. All while Tarquin escorted you.
You learned much about the prince/general while you walked throughout the libraries. It wasn't a one-sided conversation. And you quickly began to fall for him. And he for you.
It wasn't long until he was taking you on walks in the summer breeze, by the river that flowed through the city. He would show you around to different libraries and book shops. One day, just about a year after your first date, he took you to a beautiful lake. It was tucked away in one of the forests surrounding his manor, with such blue and clear water you could see the bottom of it.
After swimming and making love all day, you settled on his chest as he traced circles along your back. You hummed in happiness, looking up at him. The longer you looked at him, the harder it was to imagine your life with him like this. At least, your life with him in public.
"What is it?" He asked.
"I..." You trailed, thinking of your words carefully. "We can never truly be together." You said, frowning slightly.
He perched his weight onto his forearm, enough to lean over you and move your hair from your face. "I'd say what we just did to be as close together as any two individuals can get." He said.
A small smile tugged on your lips but you shook you head. "I mean.. publicly. I will never be your princess of this city. I can never be a part of your court. Not as a High Fae could be." You said.
Tarquin stroked your cheek with his thumb. "And why not?" He asked.
You narrowed your eyes. "You know why, Quin," using his nickname was like second-nature to you at this point. "Because I'm a lesser faerie-"
"We are both just faeries, (Y/N)," He said, kissing your forehead. "But you are right. At the moment, you cannot be in my court. But one day, when I know it will be safe for you, I will make you my wife." He said. "And until then, I've come up with a plan." He said.
He told you of it for the next hour. And you talked it through. When you could see him, when he would visit. How long you'd have to be apart. You didn't like the idea of leaving him, but it was the best way of staying safe and away from any enemies he might have. With you being a lesser faerie, it was harder for you to defend yourself from threats. Even with the wards Tarquin put up. Still, he was young and inexperienced and didn't want to take any chances.
So, you went to a small fishing village on the Summer Court border, just on the sea. It was closer to Adriata than your home city, but you were glad to finally be by the sea.
Tarquin would visit you each week, as often as he could. However, his visits grew more and more infrequent when Amarantha started taking hold of the courts. And he muttered those words that played over and over on your head when he left for that party. That party that separated you for 50 years.
But you had hope he would return to you. It faltered only for a moment when you heard that Nostrus was killed because of a rebellion. But your partner and lover was named High Lord, and granted every power with it. Even if it was stunted because of Amarantha’s hold on magic.
You made sure the fishing village thrived during the years of Amarantha. Using the knowledge you gained from books and Tarquin’s own training, you helped build a small group of warriors to defend it in case any of Amarantha’s sentries wandered too far towards the village. And with help from a few Day Court faeries that resided in summer, you set up wards to notify you if anyone entered your territory without permission.
You and a few trusted messengers that would go to Adriata for information, but sometimes they didn’t come back. And those were always hard days to talk to their families.
It was one of your trusted messenger that came to you 50 years after Tarquin left to deliver the news of Amarantha’s death. Still worried it could be a trap, you didn’t have the Day villagers lift the wards. Instead, you ad your guards go to the border.
After half a day, one came racing back to the office you had in the village. “The High Lord is here, my lady.” He said, panting.
You stood up, raising your eyebrows. “Tarquin?” You asked. He nodded and you motioned for him to go, smoothing down the summer dress you had on before you took off after him. You got to the border and faltered your steps, catching Tarquin talking to one of the sentries.
“Quin?” You breathed out, chest heaving. He turned towards you, eyes wide as he heard your voice for the first time in so many years.
“(Y/N),” he said, as if the breath was taken from him. You both ran towards each other and you launched into his arms, a bright laugh filling the air. Tears streamed down your face as you held him close, legs wrapped around his waist as you kept close. In that moment, you felt the bond snap between you two. You pulled back and looked into his eyes. You knew it snapped for him. As his bright smile met yours, you leaned down and kissed him deeply. As if everything that was unsaid between you two throughout the 50 years apart was said in one kiss.
“I’ve missed you.” You whispered, tears escaping your eyes. Tarquin set you down on the grass, cupping your cheeks.
“Me too.” He whispered. “I’ve thought of you every single day since I’ve left. And I love you so much.” He said, kissing you again as his own tears streamed down his face.
“Can I offer you something to eat?” You asked, searching his eyes.
A breath of relief came from his lips as he nodded. “Of course, my love.” He said and kissed you again.
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It didn’t take long for you to get the hang of being Lady of Summer. You would go from city to city, helping Tarquin with establishing relationships. From being the main leader of your village, you knew how to settle disputes and help with city planning. What you didn’t know, however, was how to interact with the established court.
Many High Fae didn’t agree that a lesser faerie should be Lady of Summer, even if Tarquin put in new laws to make all faeries treated the same. Sometimes, when you were alone with court members, they would say as much to your face. When you brought it up to Tarquin, well,.. those court members didn’t have their positions for much longer. He even issued a Court decree saying all faeries, High Fae or not, had a place in his court. As members of his court.
It was that decree you thought the High Lord of night was coming to talk about when he and the female that saved you all from Amarantha stole the Book of Breathings. You’d never seem Tarquin so enraged before. Or disappointed. He truly thought Rhysand was going to be a High Lord to help him through the Court politics. You tried talking him down, tried convincing him not to send the blood rubies. But he was upset that they didn’t trust him enough to tell him.
Then you had to remind him that there were many things he didn’t disclose to them either. He still sent the rubies.
It was a last ditch effort to go to Varian when Adriata was being attacked, asking him to write the Amren to ask for help. Tarquin was furious when he found out you asked, but ultimately grateful since without the Night Court… Adriata would have fallen.
That’s how you ended up here, at the meeting of the High Lords. After some pleasant greetings from the other High Lords and Ladies, you sat next to Tarquin. Waiting for the Nigh Court and their entourage to arrive.
Tarquin was skeptical of coming, worried it would put you in danger. But you were the Lady of Summer, and if you didn’t show up it would be a bad look. Unless you were pregnant, which you most certainly were not. Especially during a time like this.
You set next to him, keeping your composure as each member of the Night Court walked in, led by their High Lord and High Lady. And you kept quiet until Rhysand asked for support in defeating Hybern.
“Despite my mate’s and Varian’s unsanctioned warning…” Tarquin shot you and Varian a look, which you simply nudged your knee with his. “You were the only ones who came to help. Why?” He asked.
Rhysand’s voice was gruff as he said, “Isn’t that what friends do?” He asked.
You gave a small smile, sure not to show too much emotion, as Tarquin rescinded the blood rubies.
Tarquin and you watched as the rest of the meeting erupted into chaos, Tarquin holding onto your hand so tightly as Azriel pounced on Eris that you thought it would fall off.
“Wives were invited as a courtesy, not consultants. That’s two that spoke out of then. And one from a lesser-“ Beron started once Kallias’s wife chimed in.
“You keep speaking, Beron, and you might find yourself without a tongue.” Tarquin said.
“You watch your tongue, boy. She might be your mate, but that doesn’t discount the fact that she isn’t one of us.” He spat. Tarquin moved to stand up and you could feel the rising anger down the bond. You grabbed his arm, squeezing it gently.
“And yet here she is, sitting amongst us as she should be.” Feyre said. “I was, after all, a human once. And you deemed me worthy enough, or at least pitied me, to give me some of your life force.” She said. “And here I am.”
You continued to watch as the High Lords, and High Lady, talked. And watched as Feyre used only power you’d seen from the day court to practically drown Beron.
You watched Viviane stand and then Cressida, declaring that they would fight for her. You stood up next, giving her a small smirk. “I will fight with you as well.” You said, turning your head to Tarquin. With Cressida beside you standing already, he rose, taking your hand in his. “We will fight with you.” He declared. “Once our armies are recovered, of course.” You added, a small smile tugging on your lips.
You mastered the Court dealings after that. And got to talking with Viviane about how she ran her village during the 50 years just as you had. She was much more successful than you.
And then you had the conversation with Tarquin that had been brewing in your head since the meeting. Since Rhys declared his love for Feyre and why he made her High Lady.
You were lying in bed with him, tracing circles around his chest. “Quin…” you whispered, looking up at him. “I want to ask you something. And I understand if you say no.” You whispered.
He hummed, looking down at you from his gaze at the ceiling. “Just ask, my love. I’ll give you the world if you ask.” He said.
A small giggle fell from your lips before you shifted so you could properly look at him. “I know I’m not High Fae… and that doesn’t matter… but… Could I be High Lady?” You asked.
Tarquin’s smile faltered and your heart almost stopped. You shouldn’t have thought of it. Your shouldn’t have asked such a stupid-
“It’s not stupid.” He said, sitting up. “I was going to surprise you tomorrow morning.”
“Surprise me?” You asked.
Tarquin nodded, smiling as he cupped your cheeks. “I was going to ask you to be inaugurated as my High Lady at the Summer Solstice. Once this is all over.” He said, pushing your hair from your face.
You smiled and leaned up, kissing him softly. “I love you.” You whispered. “And of course, I will be your High Lady.” You said happily.
“I told you, I’ll declare you as my wife for the whole continent to hear.” He said, kissing you again. “And now, I will declare you High Lady of Summer.” He said happily.
“As long as it’s with you, I will be happy.” You whispered.
“It will always be with me. You will always have me.” He said, finally planting a searing kiss to your lips as he moved on top of you. “Shall I show you how you will always have me?” He asked.
You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Please, Quin.” You whispered.
“Hmm… your wish is my command, my High Lady.” He said with a wink, delving into kissing your neck.
With another giggle, you interlaced your fingers with his hair. Finally, you were happy with him. With Tarquin. With your mate.
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A/N: Ugh this was so cute to write. Hope you enjoyed!!!
p.s. I got a request for an Eris one-shot and I’m so obsessed I might just have to write it before I get to my next one tomorrow….
Main Masterlist
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stormhearty · 7 months
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Pairings: Former Rhysand x Reader, Feysand, Tarquin x Reader
Word Count: 4.3k
Triggers: mentions of depression, relapse, attempts at suicide
Summary: It has been two decades since you left Night Court, leaving the life you had always known. It had been five years since you were in Dawn Court, slowly healing with the help of its High Lord. Now, you had resided in Summer Court, Tarquin by your side through your healing process. But when a mating bond snaps between the two of you when your health turns for the worse, how would you process something that you never thought would happen in your immortal life? And when you decide to confront your former family, would you forgive them for their past discretions? The story of the aftermath of your broken heart of glass.
Note: From this request! Thank you so much for wanting a second part to “Breaking Like Glass”!! I love that everyone enjoyed that fic’s immense angst, so I will gladly give you guys the fluff, romance, and healing the reader needs. And I do hope this isn’t cheesy. I struggled a bit on writing this, whether to debate to make it angsty, but I feel like, it has enough of the balance. Please do enjoy!
Breaking Like Glass | Masterlist
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“You know, my stardust, you don't have to do this… We can have our mating ceremony with our family. We don't have to invite Night Court…”
You let out a thoughtful hum as you lounged in one of the lounging chairs in Tarquin’s office, book in hand. You placed a finger on your page before looking over your shoulder at the High Lord of Summer, who looked at you with concern etched on his beautiful features.
After centuries of being with Rhysand, you had always thought that you would be content in not finding your mate. You had thought, and wished, that you would have eternity with the High Lord of Night Court. However, with the fiasco two decades ago, all you wanted to do was heal — fix your broken heart and mind from your torture from Under the Mountain, to fix your broken soul from being ripped apart by your family. You did not want to fall in love — you didn’t want to give your taped-up heart to someone and be worried about having it torn apart again.
You had safe-guarded your heart behind high, metal walls with a fog of darkness to protect it — to protect you from breaking all over again, and losing yourself once more.
But what you had never dreamed of was a mating bond to snap.
And you never thought it would be with another High Lord.
The very moment you had stepped into Summer soil, Tarquin had been nothing but kind and gentle, helping you through your decade of healing. He allowed you to take your time — he allowed you to wallow, he allowed you to be silent, he allowed you to grieve, something that you never were able to do while you were in Valeris. He allowed you to cry in anguish, he allowed you to cry in pain — he allowed the forty-nine years of suffering to seep out of your aching body. And he was silently there, beside you, watching over you… to ensure you were safe and well cared for while you did.
And that was all you could have wished for while you were healing. You didn’t need words, you didn’t need condolences… Tarquin allowed you to heal in the way that your heart and mind needed.
All the while Tarquin healed your broken soul that came upon the betrayal from Night Court, you would be sent back to Dawn Court to mend your mind and body from the tortures of the Attor. The two High Lords worked in tandem with one another… all for you. Both Tarquin and Thesan realized your worth, both realized your importance and believed it was worth their power and time to heal you.
It had been five years since you came from Dawn Court when the mating bond snapped between you and Tarquin.
It was when your nightmares had resurrected themselves from the grave, haunting you thoroughly to the point you had relapsed back from your progress.
You had screamed and clawed against everything that had neared you, your eyes frantic at the absolute fear and dread of returning to that moment in your life — the pain of the Attor and betrayal of your husband, that still lurked in the darkness of your fear. You had hurt yourself, multiple times during that relapse — skin broken with knives, daggers, broken glass — anything that your hands got to… hoping for the pain to seep out of your skin.
But Tarquin was there through all of that — grabbing and hiding everything that you could try to hurt yourself with. He fought tooth and nail to get to you, whispering sweet nothings — that you were worth it, you were worth the pain and anguish, that you were worth everything. And that you would get through the pain — and that he’d be right beside you through it.
You couldn’t feel it, the glow of the mating bond between the two of you — for you were too shrouded in your fear to notice.
All the while, Tarquin felt every emotion you had felt — the despair, the anguish, the pain that wracked your body. He fought back all the tears as he held you against him, pouring as much care and love through the newly found bond.
The relapse had taken an immense hit on your health — you were sick for weeks on end, going in and out of consciousness barely able to make out who had been taking care of you.
When you had been well enough, you had learned that Tarquin, himself, had been the one to care for you during your illness. And you, though you shouldn’t have been, was surprised at that fact. The High Lord of Summer Court took time away from his busy schedule to tend to you. He had owed you nothing… and yet he had taken time to care for you.
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“Why did you do that…?” you had asked, storming into his office, pausing mid-step when you had seen Thesan and the Captain in the room. It seemed that you had interrupted an important meeting between the two High Lords — possibly about your condition.
Tarquin looked at you for a moment, a gentle sigh escaping his lips as he looked at Thesan and gave him an apologetic nod of his head. Thesan glanced between the two of you before standing up from his seat on the plush couch and heading your way. The High Lord of Dawn smiled at you, leaning down to press a kiss onto the crown of your head, “Hello, my child… be nice to him…”
The request was confusing to you as you allowed the High Lord and Captain to step out of the room, the click of the door resonating behind you — leaving you and Tarquin alone in that grand room. The atmosphere grew awkward and you couldn’t help but bite your lower lip, you glanced everywhere besides the High Lord, and you heard him let out a chuckle.
You frowned, glaring at him slightly before watching him stand up and walk towards you, reaching out a hand for you to hold, “We have much to talk about, (Y/N)…” he murmured.
You stared at his hand, sighing softly before reaching over to place you had on top of his. His had always radiated warmth that you seemed to want to grasp onto often — it was warm and inviting, much like the summer sun he had ruled over. You followed him further into his office, walking past his desk and onto the large balcony overviewing his Court. There was a large settee that Tarquin led you to, sitting you down before he sat next to you, leaving a gap between both of you.
“Now… What was it you were saying, (Y/N)? About why I did that?” he questioned, turquoise hues staring at the massive land of his Court, allowing the summer breeze to greet the two of you.
Relaxing against the settee, you remained quiet for a few moments, eyes fluttering close at the breeze that tickled your skin. When you opened your eyes once more and turned your attention to the High Lord, you were slightly startled when you noticed he was staring at you — something in his eyes sparkling that you were unsure of… or slightly denied.
“…Why did you take care of me when I was ill?” you asked him, not bothering to beat around the bush, “You didn’t owe me anything, this… arrangement between us is only until I get better and can move on from my nightmares—”
“When did I say that this… arrangement is only until you get better?” he interrupted you with a raised brow, “I did not say anything like that. I am allowing you to stay until you want to leave… I’m giving you the choice to stay and to heal the way you need, unlike your time in Night Court. And, I took care of you because I wanted to, (Y/N). I couldn’t let you hurt yourself like you did, to be so haunted by your nightmares every waking second… I couldn’t let you suffer the way Rhysand let you for all those months…”
You flinched at the name of your former husband. It still ached — no matter how long it had been, it still ached hearing his name. Usually, Tarquin and Thesan avoided saying his name around you, both afraid of a possible relapse. You let out a shaky breath, as your eyes stared at something beyond him, a distant stare — feeling yourself move out of your body, a sensation that had started to become normal for you ever since you were in Dawn Court.
Feeling Tarquin’s warmth again, you blinked twice before focusing on him again a small smile tugged on your lips, and shook your head, “…I’m fine…” you whispered, head tilting down to look at your intertwined hands. You took deep breaths, something that Thesan had taught you after your moments of distance.
Tug, tug… you felt something in your chest. Your head tilted in confusion until you felt it again — tug, tug… You lifted your head and looked at the High Lord once more. You saw a twinkle in those turquoise hues, a hopeful look hidden within those depths.
“…What…” you muttered in disbelief, and you felt another tug in your chest.
“You felt it, did you not, (Y/N)?” Tarquin questioned, leaning forward slightly, warm hands gently gripping yours — as if preventing you from running away.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded your head, too scared for any words to escape you.
How could a mating bond happen? After everything that happened to you, your mind and body were broken, being held together by pieces of tape held together by Tarquin and Thesan — you could barely hold yourself together. Your healing process for the past fifteen years was slow, and there were many times when you believed you would never be okay again. How can someone like you be mated to another High Lord? How can someone as broken as you be another leader of a Court?
Thoughts of insecurities passed through your mind, unknowingly sending them down the newly formed bond. You were startled out of your thought by Tarquin’s hand gently caressing your cheek, forcing you to look at him.
“You do not have to accept the mating bond, as of yet, (Y/N)… I will wait, you can heal. Just know that I accept you, even if you are broken and torn. You still have years of healing to do, but I will be by your side — always.”
Tears ran down your cheeks as he shifted closer, pressing his hands on your cheeks to wipe them away. All you can do is nod. Allowing the love and warmth of the bond to slowly heal you.
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It had been another five years since then. A little over two decades after you left Night Court to accept the bond. For five years, Tarquin had courted you, cared for you… loved you the way you needed. He did not force anything onto you and allowed you to fall in love with him in such a natural way that it felt second nature to you.
“…(Y/N)…” your mate called out to you, snapping out of your trance.
You blinked and refocused on the present, eyes focusing on Tarquin who had moved from his spot at his desk to you, hands rubbing your shoulders. Tilting your head back, you gave him a smile, reaching up with your free hand to reach up to run your fingers against his cheek as he looked down at you.
“No… I would like to invite them. I think… I need closure from my time there. And…” there was hesitance in your voice at the next words, “I do miss them. I lived with them for centuries, and all of a sudden I cut them off my life for a good reason… there are times when I missed them.”
Tarquin hummed understandingly as he squeezed your shoulders, “Understandable. We will invite them… But I worry—-”
“—- I won’t relapse. I promise…” you moved from your lounging position to sitting up, shifting so you were on your knees, at eye level with him. You felt him wrap his arm around your waist so you were steady as your hands placed themselves on his biceps, playing around with the fabric of his outfit, “I’m better — well, as best I can be — but I know you’ll be there… I will be fine.”
There was reluctance in his features, those turquoise hues trying to find any lie in your words before he gave you a nod.
“I concede…” he murmured and you couldn’t help but chuckle at the hesitancy in his words. Pressing a gentle kiss on the High Lord’s cheek, murmuring a thank you before moving back to your position on the lounge chair, picking up your book once more.
You looked back up to just miss the shake of his head, before he wrapped a hand around your neck, tilting your head up so he could lean down to press a kiss on your lips, “After our mating ceremony, I wish for you to initiate our kisses, my stardust…”
Feeling the warmth of your cheeks you stared up at him, “If that is the wish of my High Lord, then it shall happen…”
He let out a low chuckle before pressing another kiss on your lips, your book forgotten on your lap.
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The ceremony venue was extravagant, to say the least — Tarquin, as well as Thesan from what you had gathered, pulled all the stops. The throne room of Summer Court was flourishing with flowers and the summer sun radiating down through all the large windows.
You were a nervous mess sitting in your room. It was still several hours before the ceremony, that you weren’t too nervous for; it was the fact that you were going to meet your old family once more.
The Captain of Dawn, your dear friend, had informed you that the Inner Circle just arrived at the outskirts of Summer Court. And that set off your nerves completely.
You had requested, when you had sent the letter to Night Court, to meet with them before your ceremony — to officially close the wounds between all of you.
And so when a knock startled you out of your worries, you turned around in your chair from your vanity where you were getting ready. Watching those doors open to reveal your old family.
There stood Rhysand, in his Night Court attire along with Feyre, who was at his side. There was a pang in your chest, the pain of their betrayal somehow festering its way back into your heart. But it was slowly soothed out by the warmth of the mating bond that Tarquin seemed to have sent your way. The doors closed behind the Inner Circle, and you noticed the Captain of Dawn stationed at the door.
Thesan’s lover is quite a busybody isn’t he…? You had sent down the bond to your mate. And all you felt was Tarquin’s chuckle as you focused back on the now.
You slowly stood up, a small smile on your features before you watched from the corner of your eye Mor heading to a sprint and giving you the biggest hug.
“… I’m so sorry, (Y/N)…” she apologized, the words repeating on her lips as she squeezed you, burying her head into your neck.
Tears pricked the edge of your eyes as your arms wrapped around her and you buried your head to the crook of her neck, letting the blond curls tickle your face.
“… Mor…” you whined her name.
A sob wracked through the blonde’s body, “I’m just glad you’re okay. That you’re better…” she whispered before pulling back and staring at you, “I’m glad you found your mate. I’m glad that he’s making you happy — that you deserve happiness — after all the shit you went through and everything we had put you under…”
You smiled at her as you felt her cup your cheeks, nodding your head, “… — Thank you, Mor. I’m glad to see you again, truly. I missed you so much…”
A smile tugged on Mor’s features, “We will see each other more… if you let us.”
You nodded your head as she stepped away, allowing the rest of the Inner Court to greet you — hugging you and whispering their utmost apologies and congratulations.
Cassian had lifted you into his arms, something he used to do often when you were his Lady still, giving you a spin, “You will always be my Lady, (Y/N)…” he whispered into your ears, pressing a kiss against your cheek before literally handing you off to Azriel.
A giggle escaped your lips as you hugged the Spymaster as he pressed a kiss on your opposite cheek, “We will forever live with the regret of losing you…” Azriel hummed out, “We had and always will love you… But I wish for nothing but happiness for you…”
Your heart flourished at the words of your former family — the words that you had wished to hear two decades ago — slowly piecing your heart and soul back together. You had known, while you were healing, that they had always cared for you and that never meant to put so much pressure on you, unknowing of your nightmares and struggles after being Under the Mountain.
When you were settled back onto your feet, you turned to face Rhysand. The tension between the two of you was still high and you fought back all the urge to just run away from this confrontation between the two of you. You gave him a small smile before focusing your attention on Feyre who stepped up, reaching out to hold your hands.
“I am truly sorry…” she whispered, leaning forward to press her forehead against yours.
You understood why Rhysand fell in love with Feyre. You had heard of the great deeds she had done for Night Court, for Prythian… she was something you could never have been next to Rhysand. The true High Lady of Night Court.
And somehow, you were okay with it.
Shaking your head, you looked at the High Lady, “…You were just following the feeling of the mating bond. Like I said that night, I cannot fault you for choosing your mate. I cannot fault you for following the tug… I — I would like to extend my congratulations —-”
Feyre shook her head, brows knitting at your words, “Do not, please. I will not accept that not when I have unknowingly broken you along with the rest of your family. ”
You looked at her, nodding your head as you felt her step back and the familiar scent and presence of your former husband taking her place. You lifted your eyes to look into violet ones — ones that sparkled with regret, ones that you were in love with for so long.
Even if it was two decades that passed, you felt like you were still in sync with him, knowing what he wanted. Turning onto your heels, you made your way to one of the furthest balconies, Rhysand following your steps. The large window doors closed behind you, leaving both of you in a pocket of privacy away from prying ears. You could see, from the corner of your eye, the Captain making his way closer to the doors and all you could do was hold a hand up — signaling that you were fine and safe.
Turning back around, you focused on Rhysand who’s eyes were solely on you. Stepping past him, you made your way to the railing, pressing your hands on the warm marble, as you basked in the summer sun.
“(Y/N)…” Rhysand whispered one that was so quiet that the wind barely was able to carry it to your sensitive ears.
“I… I cannot forgive you, Rhysand…” you declared, eyes still closed as you let the warmth of your new home wash over you, to comfort you as you confront your past, “I cannot and do not fault you for choosing her. I can see why you had fallen for her — she’s beautiful, both inside and out. But I cannot forgive you for it. You had broken me so much, that there were many times during my healing that I wondered why I wasn’t enough for you to choose me. Wondering what I have done to make you choose someone else other than your wife who stood next to you for centuries.”
You could hear the shaky breath that Rhysand exhaled as you felt him stand next to you on the balcony.
You couldn’t look at him, every fiber in your body shaking to break again if you looked at him. You needed to be strong — for yourself and for the people around you who worried immensely for your health.
“I know… I know you would never forgive me, (Y/N). I have accepted that truth… I just wish things ended differently, you know? I wanted to let you know, that there was not a moment in our centuries together as husband and wife that I wished you were my mate… that there was not a moment that I did not love you…”
A broken laugh escaped your lips as you opened your eyes and looked up at him once more, seeing those unshed tears in violet hues.
“… And there was not a time where I wished you were my mate… But it seems that Mother had a different path for both of us. One that led us away from each other.”
You reached up, with shaky hands, and attempted to touch him; however, your body paused, and with furrowed brows, you dropped your hand back onto your side. You could see Rhysand’s body slouched slightly as if missing your touch. A forced smile tugged onto your lips as you stepped back, creating a significant distance between the two of you, “… I hope you enjoy the ceremony, Rhysand…”
He knew when he was dismissed and he smiled at you before stepping out of the balcony. You watched with longing and pain as he and the Inner Court stepped out of your room.
“… Probably it wasn’t such a good idea to have the two of you alone together…” The Captain commented, stepping onto the balcony, worry in his tone.
“I’m fine… just give me a moment…” you whispered, pressing a hand against your chest, to calm down your heart. You slouched against the railing for a few minutes, feeling the bond in your chest to help your racing heart.
“…Do you need me—-”
“No… I don’t need Tarquin or Thesan right now. They’re in their own state of panic already…”
The Captain let out a chuckle, “That is true… They have set their mind to ensure that this ceremony would be perfect…”
After calming your heart, you straightened up and gave the Captain a light smirk, “…Busybodies the lot of them…” You stepped back into your room, allowing yourself to fix yourself up before the ceremony, the Captain following your trail.
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You stood on the dias of the throne room, Tarquin by your side as the priestess started the ceremony. Your gown was a lovely mixture of blue, much like the oceans that crashed below the castle. The priestess’ words had gone deaf in your ears as all you could do was stare up at the High Lord of Summer, love and affection in your features as well as through the bond.
When the priestess had asked for the two of you to exchange vows, Tarquin looked at you with the same look as you did to him, a soft smile on his features.
“Never in my life, I would have thought to find my mate. I had thought that I would rule my Court without a High Lady by my side. But that fateful day I had whisked you away from Thesan and Dawn Court, all I had wished was for you to be mine.
“My stardust…” the nickname always made your heart skip in your chest, “I had fallen in love with you… despite your broken soul and heart. I was honored that you had trusted me enough to help mend your soul from the nightmares that haunted you, and that still haunt you till this day. But I couldn’t let you know of my affections, not when you had set yourself into healing. So I waited, waited for years and when that mating bond snapped, I knew I couldn’t hold out for much longer. I needed you in my arms, I needed to have your eyes set on me — rather than looking into your past. And when you had your relapse… I had to let you know. I had to let you know that you have someone, your mate, to be with you every step of your healing process.”
You felt tears trickle down your cheeks as Tarquin wiped them away, “You deserve this bond after everything that you have been through… the Mother has gifted you this bond. And I am honored to be at the end of that string.”
A sob escaped your lips and you couldn’t even find the words for your own vows. All you could mutter to him as he pressed his forehead against yours, “Thank you… I love you, I thank you, and I am also honored and blessed by the Cauldron to have you as my mate. Thank you for mending my heart. I am glad to give it to you, and not worry about it breaking…”
You watched through a tearful gaze, Tarquin giving you a radiant smile before leaning down to press a kiss on your lips, “And I would never break it… not your heart that is precious like gemstones…”
You laughed as applause reached your ears, leaning up once more to kiss your mate.
Your heart was safe — mended together once more — and you knew it would never break again.
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Tagging list: @cleverzonkwombatsludge @abysshaven @prythianpages @leahoneil @rachelnicolee
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My face after stumbling across a fanfic where the Ao3 author decided to have ACTIVE PLANTATIONS & PLANTATION WORKERS…in The Spring Court…under Tamlin’s rule…oh & the kicker?…Tamlin is mated to a black man/male…who is the black man/male he’s mated to in the fic you ask?…TARQUIN!!!!…high lord motherfucking Tarquin…two characters who’s morals & ideologies go against the very notion of allowing the continuation of slavery & you write a short story fanfic that includes plantations & plantation workers?!!
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Y’all im so mad! I don’t ever judge people’s fanfics but this one to me was just insane, especially because it’s a Nesta based fanfic & so it just felt sprung out of nowhere
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littlest-w01f · 2 months
Acotar Omegaverse Week 2024
For @acotar-omegaverse-week
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Acotar x OC, since my OCs are my speciality
Day 1 - Cushions
Day 2 - Heated
Day 3 - Shadows
Day 4 - Golden Beast
Day 5 - Butchered
Day 6 - Caves
Day 7 - Middle
Hope you all enjoy :)
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viktoriaashleyyx · 10 days
Can anyone point me in the direction of a fanfic that is a Little Mermaid retelling but it's Tarquin and his Selkie/Mermaid/any water dwelling person lover and/or mate?
I just want to read about Tarquin being happy plz
Bonus if it is void of Tamlin hate. Doesn't have to include him at all, I just am tired of hearing Anti Tamlin stuff.
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acourtofimagines · 2 months
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Summary: A beautiful Summer night with the sweetest high lord in Pyrithian. 
I do rake requests. Just check the Requests & Page. I also have a masterlist. 
If you wanna be added to my tag list let me know. 
The moon cast a soft, silver glow over the tranquil waters of the Summer Court ocean. You watched the gentle waves of the water Wash up on the bank of the beach and back again as you waited. "Sorry I'm a little late," you heard a familiar soft voice say. You smiled as you turned to face your High Lord, Tarquin. The reflection from the moon on the water hit his turquoise eyes. Giving them a soft shimmer. "Are you ready to swim?" he asked. You and the royal fae had been having these secret little swims for years. You two wanted to keep things as secret as possible. 
If it got wind that the high lord was courting a servant gossip and rumors would overrun. And Tarquin didn't want that. Not for himself, but for you. So that no one bothered you just because you've captured his heart. 
"Always," you said as he took your hand in his and kissed your palm softly. He led you into the water. The coolness refreshing against the warm summer air. The farther you swam out the more the world seemed to fade away around the two of you. Just the two of you under the star-scattered sky. You were so lost in the stars you jumped when a small splash of water hit you. Then you heard Tarquin softly chuckling. "Did you just splash me Lord Tarquin?" you grinned. 
"Hmm?" Tarquin pretended to ponder, "Did I?" You grinned and before you knew you were having a small splash battle. Soon you both stopped to catch your breath. Things were silent for a moment other than the soft sound of distant waves. Your gaze met those beautiful, soft turquoise eyes. A soft expression came over the young high lord's face. 
"You're beautiful," he said. His tone was so soft and sweet. You blushed feeling a warmth within you that had nothing to do with the summer air. Tarquin swam over to you. He gently caressed your cheek before leaning in and taking your lips in his. The kiss was sweet and gentle. Even as he pulled you closer the kiss stayed that way. When you needed air  Tarquin broke the kiss and rested his forehead against yours. "I love you," he whispered. 
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
Hi! There’s not enough Tarquin fics so I was wondering if I could request Tarquin x reader where the mating bond snaps into place? (Doesn’t have to be at first sight but it’s up to you!)
Beach Walks
Tarquin x reader
A/n: I feel like I've seen one Tarquin fic and he's another with I'm potential bc he's such a flirt
Warnings: none
To relax after a stressful day of endless court meetings you loved to walk on the beach at sunset. You had changed into your favorite blue linen set and headed to the beach.
The sound of the waves crashing, the seagulls flying above, and the roll of the rocks and shells as the waves go back out was your favorite. It was calming. You stopped to put your feet in the water, letting the cool water rush over you.
You sensed someone walking toward you. Turning slowly to your new companion you spot Tarquin. He flashes a smile at you, stopping next to you, “Hi.” You smile back, “Hi.” You had always had a little crush on Tarquin. Your father had been one of his father's advisors during his time as High Lord. Since Tarquin became High Lord he asked your father to stay on. And during the last few years, your little crush has turned into more.
Over the last few months, his flirting with you had seemed more real. Instead of just the play flirting he'd do with other court ladies just to see them blush.
“I've noticed you've been taking these walks the last few weeks. I thought I'd join you if that's ok?” Your heart skipped a beat. Alone time with Tarquin was rare, it was always you, him, and Cresseida. Not that you were complaining, you loved them both dearly. But you cherished your one on one time with the High Lord.
He held his hand out for you and you took it. His hand felt soft in yours, and his bright blue eyes sparkled in the setting sunlight. As you walked down the beach together you talked about your days. Once you reach the end of the beach you come across the rocks you'd climb as children.
You started to walk on the flat rocks as Tarquin held your hand. The surface was still slippery from being soaked in the ocean all day. “So, y/n, I wanted to talk to you about something.” Your gaze moves from the surface of the rocks to his face. His features set in a serious yet nervous frown.
You paused walking, tilting your head, “What's on your mind?” Still holding your hand, he runs his thumb over the back of your hand. He took a deep breath, “I wanted to ask you something, and I hope that you don't think I'm overstepping.” your heart began pounding against your chest. Is he about to confess his feelings for you? Or tell you he started seeing someone? Your mind was racing.
“You can ask me anything, you know that.” He flashes you that charming smile again and looks down for a moment. “Would you want to know about the mating bond if it hadn't snapped for you yet?” you scrunched your brows together. No one's ever asked you that before. “I think I would. Especially if I know the person. Everyone dreams of finding their mate and I’d like to know mine.”
Tarquin breathes out a sigh of relief. “You'd want the whole truth from the person?” “I would. We've been faced with so much deception and uncertainty, I want to know something that's for sure.” He was smiling brightly.
“Y/n I need to tell you something.” he paused, thinking about his next words, “Do you remember a few months ago when we were in the library really late, and you fell asleep?” You nod, words failing you as tightness forms in the back of your throat. You're trying to keep tears at bay, but if this is going where you think it's going, you're going to fail soon.
“I went to put a blanket on you and the bond snapped for me. I've had feelings for you for a long time now and if you want to, I want to explore this bond with you.” Tears start to fall, and you launch yourself into Tarquins arms. He holds you and spins you around.
He plants you in the sand. Breaking apart to look up at him and confess, “I've had feelings for you too, Tarquin. And I want to explore this with you.” He leans his forehead against yours. Cupping your jaw and the back of your head in his hands, Tarquin angles your head, kissing you deeply.
tags: @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane
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achaotichuman · 2 months
Hello 👋
I hope you're well
Idk if you're taking prompts for fics but if you are, could you please write something for Tarquin from ACOTAR? Could it be something platonic (not sexual at all), him interacting with the other High Lords or yelling at the IC or maybe just expanding on the Summer Court? I feel like there's so little Tarquin-centric fics and i am dying just to get something.
I hope i'm not pressuring you into doing anything tho (and am really sorry if i'm sounding like i am) becoz if you don't want to or want to do something else, that's fine as well. I love your writing and will be happy regardless
Sorry if i'm disturbing you
Omg I love this prompt so much!!
Don't ever think you are disturbing me by sending me prompts, I am always happy to receive them!!! And if anyone is ever wondering whether or not I am taking requests, in the pinned post on my blog, it will tell you whether my inbox is open or closed. We def need more Tarquin-centric fics so I am very happy to write this one!!!
Okay so, I definitely wanted fluff and a touch of hurt/comfort, but mostly good vibes. Tarquin's trauma in the books is completely swept under the rug and I absolutely despise it, so here we see a window into him healing from Under the Mountain. Some friendship with Eris and Tamlin, and his relationship with Cresseida and Varian.
I hope you enjoy anon!!
 I’m almost me again, she’s almost you
I got some colour back, She thinks so too. I’m almost me again, She’s almost you. -(Almost (Sweet Music) Hozier
I’m running a circus. Tarquin thought to himself as he watched the three lords around the glass circle table bicker over minor details of the recent High Lord’s meeting. Debating seating arrangements, decorations and who would greet who. Tarquin listened as each Lord gave his opinion, only to be talked over by the other. 
Eventually though, his eyes slid to Cresseida who met his gaze. He gave the slightest of nods, and she plucked a crystal bell from the table. Ringing it loud and suddenly to catch the full attention of everyone in the room. 
Tarquin smoothly stood from his seat, folding his hands in front of him. He said cooly, “We will assess and organise the arrangements as necessary, but first I would like to discuss the logistics of the meeting with my second. For now you are all excused.”
There was a murmuring of ‘yes High lord.’ And general thank you’s for the meeting before everyone began to file out. The door finally clicked shut and Tarquin fell back into his chair. 
Cresseida hid her laugh behind her palm, but couldn’t stop the shaking of her shoulders as she watched her younger cousin practically melt into his chair. 
“What we really need to do is prepare a room as far away from the rest of the Palace as possible. And find some sort of enchanted unbreakable chairs.”
His second nodded thoughtfully, “Perhaps, my lord, we should nail them into the ground so that no one decides it's necessary to use them as an aerial weapon.”
Tarquin faced her with a deadpan expression as Cresseida struggled to reign in her giggles. 
“I swear to the Mother and Cauldron, if anyone ends up getting choked on my floors-”
“We’ll make it mandatory to remove all weapons. And ask Thesan for his spells to ward the room against magic.”
“I think we’d have outrage from the Night Court if we made their spymaster strip off all his weaponry.” He mumbled. 
“Maybe then they won’t come.” Cresseida murmured as she picked at her nails. 
“It would certainly be a more peaceful meeting then.” She argued. 
“We have to get along with them. If only for Varian’s sake.”
She frowned, “Varian is a love-sick fool. Completely blind, I couldn’t tell you what he sees in her.”
Tarquin waved his hand in dismissal, he didn’t really want to think about his cousin’s love affairs right now. As strange as they may be and as much as he did not understand them. They weren’t his business. 
They were when he found out Varian had been telling Amren Summer’s personal matters. It got him revoked from the Court until Tarquin was completely sure it would not happen again. Since that day, Varian had not been seen in Adriata. And Tarquin didn’t go looking for him. 
“I need a drink.” Tarquin said, standing up and stretching his arms, hearing his joints crack and pop. 
Cresseida stood with him. Her skirts wishing around her ankles. The long, slim flowing blue fabric of the Summer Court billowed in the sea air as they opened the doors. 
Most of the palace was open to the air. The tall stone pillars that lined the hallways, allowing the breeze to waft in. As well as the hot, buttery yellow sun combining with the salt in the air. Tarquin closed his eyes as he breathed it in. 
He had taken it for granted. In his decades before Amarantha came for them, he had taken this all for granted. 
He breathed it in like the salt might burn away the tang of blood which tainted his senses. The thick crimson which had caked Norstrus’ and Brutius’ skin as Tarquin watched them executed. The image was there whenever he dreamt, stained in the sky at sunset, in his the blood rubies he sent to the Night Court after their thievery. 
Tarquin had always hated the colour red, it was too harsh, too cruel, too much like fire for him. It was a stain to the normal whites, blues and gold he wore. 
But after Amarantha, it was a nightmare of itself. 
“Tar?” Cresseida asked, snapping him from his own thoughts. 
Tarquin looked down at Cresseida, her eyebrows furrowed as she watched him carefully.
“Are you okay?” She asked. 
Her eyes were an earthy brown, skin made vibrant and dark by the sun again. She was alive, and so was he. She was breathing and he did too. The scars on her arms from where she had been grabbed by the Attor at times hadn’t faded entirely, and the claw marks down Tarquin’s thighs from when he had been in a grapple with one of the guards who picked on Varian still got sore sometimes. 
But they were healing. They would heal in time. 
“Yeah, Cress.” Tarquin smiled and it was real, “I’m okay.”
She smiled back, and he knew she knew what he meant. 
“We’re both okay.” She took his hand and gave it a loving squeeze. 
“You thought you could escape me.” Her voice was dripping with cruelty as she laughed and laughed, “Did you think I wouldn’t see through your plans, oh Norstrus, you weren’t this dense even when I first entrapped you.”
Cresseida grabbed his hand, squeezing it tight enough to grind the bones, as tears flowed relentlessly down her face. She couldn’t stop them. 
Tarquin squeezed her hand back. 
“I feel like something fruity and full of good alcohol.” Tarquin loudly proclaimed, “And let’s go to the beach, I’ve been in shoes for far too long now.”
Cresseida laughed, “Cousin, you are full of good ideas.”
“Ive more ideas that all of Helion’s libraries combined, you should know this well.” Tarquin grinned. 
Cresseida looked out over their people in the city streets far below, she smiled at what she saw, “Of course, of course.”
Tarquin and Cresseida sat at a busy bar at the beach that night. Tarquin got to lose his shoes and feel the sand under his feet, the sea lapping at ankles. Now he savoured a pineapple drink and watched the ocean sparkling in the deep orange light as the sun began to set. The band of red glimmered at him, Tarquin watched as the colours darkened, the stars beginning to shine from the blanket of darkness high above. 
Cresseida happily sipped on her drink, watching the sunset with her cousin. He wondered if she also saw blood in the sky as he did. 
“I love sunsets,” She said, he looked over to her, to see her eyes trained on the display before them. 
“They’re pretty,” He agreed. 
“They’re unique.” She said, “Not one is the same as another. Just like people, you’ll never see one the exact same as the other.”
Tarquin looked over the sea again, the sky an array of blended colours and dimming light. 
He watched the red as it began to fade, seeing that deep orange-tinted colour as it blended with the pinks, blues, purples, fading into the silvery ocean as the sun fully dipped below the horizon. 
“You know,” Cresseida said, “When you were young, I told you that no sunset is the same and the one we saw that night you would never see again.”
Tarquin rubbed a finger along the lip of his drink, listening intently as he turned to stare into the yellow of his drink. 
“You didn’t like that,” She laughed, “You asked me if we could get on a ship and sail to the horizon, if we could chase the sunset and see it forever.”
He followed the line of his fingers with his eyes, his skin, his wrists, his veins. He saw it all. 
“What did the sunset look like that night?” He asked.
Cresseida sighed dreamily as she thought back fondly on the memory, “It was marvellous, the whole sky was red, even the ocean shone crimson. You were amazed by it. Said it looked like the Mother had dipped a bucket of red paint over the sky.”
He remembered it, he remembered holding Cresseida’s finger with one hand and clutching a stuffed seahorse in the other. He had smiled and pointed at the sky and been upset when Cresseida said he would not see it again. 
Perhaps he had not hated red as much as he thought. 
Amarantha had tainted his memory, dragged jagged claws and left a bleeding scar. 
But blood clotted, and scars healed over. His were no different. 
Tarquin turned to face the sky. He looked at the red band, and saw the Mother’s grand expanse of paints. 
Norstrus’ blood would always haunt his mind. 
But he would look at the sunset, and he wouldn’t be afraid. 
Music played in the air, a symphony of notes that wrapped around his limbs like hands pulling him forward. The night air was cool, the notes of ocean, fruits and citrus salt blew through his hair and pushed him in all directions. 
Every string was plucked with the celebrations of his lands. Tarquin clutched a flute of bubbling Faerie wine in one hand, watching the dancing Fae, twirling and spinning in long fluttering layers of fabric. A sea of blue and gold, as shining and unbound as the ocean itself. 
The meeting was over and he forgot the stress as he drank deeply from his glass. Swallowing each pale gold drop. A haze settled deep in his bones, making him as free as raging currents coursing through the sea itself. Tarquin didn’t know when or how, but he found himself spinning and twisting in the crowds to the music which wrote and rewrote itself into his soul. Etching this memory into his bones. Burning out the memories of days and nights under a cave’s ceiling, they turned to ashes which blew out into the night with the ocean air, replaced with the view of the stars above, the perfume of his Court, and the smiling, free people around him. 
At some point he spotted Cresseida, she was twirled around by a man he hadn’t met before. She met his gaze and laughed, in a second she was beside him. Grabbing his hands and spinning him around. 
“You got wine on your shirt, dunce!” She laughed, throwing her head back, white curls bouncing around. 
Tarquin stopped his spinning just enough to grab his shirt and look down. And instead droplets had splattered across his pale blue and gold shirt. 
“Oh well!” He laughed with her, grabbing her hands again. 
The night spun away from him, it came back to earth when another set of hands caught his wrists. 
“Cousin!” There was Varian, grinning from ear to ear, drunk on alcohol and the spirit of the crowd. 
“Var!” Tarquin caught him in a tight hug, catching Cresseida’s arm once more and drunkenly pulling her into the embrace. 
The three laughed and danced and drank to their merry heart’s content. Allowing the night to sweep them off their feet, whisking them into the antics of the party. 
At some point, sometime very early in the morning, Tarquin found himself laying across an empty beach, the last rays of moonlight shining down on him, painting the sand in pure silver. The ocean shimmering like the scales of a fish with every tiny wave. His shoes were gone, possibly for good, and his loose pants were rolled up past his ankles. 
He laid supported by his elbows. Watching the horizon as the very first drop of sunlight broke from below the horizon. 
“Well that was a wild night.” A voice he didn’t immediately recognise commented. 
Tarquin looked up to see a head of blond nearly right beside him, supporting a near unconscious pale-skinned redhead. 
“Tamlin,” Tarquin grinned, he glanced down at Eris and raised an eyebrow. 
Tamlin laughed, slowly lowering Eris who swayed with every movement like he’d be sick. 
“Too much Faerie wine for you, Lord of Autumn.”
“It was your terrorising cousin who wished to see me undone who kept shoving a full glass into my hand.” Eris said. 
“Cresseida is a force to be reckoned with.” Tamlin noted, flopping down on Tarquin’s other side. 
“Truer words have never been spoken, Spring,” Tarquin said, letting himself fall back down into the sand. Tamlin joined him. Staring up at the last remnants of the stars. 
“You’ll both come to Spring solstice this year.” Tamlin said, not even an invitation, almost an order. Almost, if Tarquin did not know he had long planned to go regardless of if Tamlin even wanted him to be there. 
“And I’ll be at the Autumn Equinox,” Tarquin noted, “I have to get Eris back for emptying out my cellars by doing the same to him.”
“You’ll never succeed.” Eris responded, laying back with them, looking a little more in control of himself, “If there was anything Beron was good for it was collecting the good stuff. There’s hoards of it that will put your treasure trove to shame.”
“We’ll compare and see who comes out on top then.” Tarquin said with a challenging grin. 
“What new kind of dick measuring contest is this? I’ll have to start my own hoard.” Tamlin laughed. 
“What are you going to hoard Tamlin? Flower crowns? Those would rot in mere days.” Eris snapped. 
“That's why you either dry or freeze them, Eris, then you can keep them forever. I still have the flower crowns my mother had her nieces wear to her wedding.”
“Introduce me to them one day.” Tarquin said, “I’ve heard many good tales about Lady Dahlie Fairburn.”
“My mother was awesome.” Tamlin grinned. 
“Your mother’s awesome? My mother is the most awesome,” Tarquin said, “But your mother can have second place.”
“No, my mother is the most awesome.” Eris said, “Not even a competition, you two can fight over second place.”
“Oh, please,” Tamlin scoffed, “It’s not even a fair contest, Tarquin never even met my mother.”
“What are the three of you bickering over?” Someone else chimed from above. 
Tarquin tilted his head as back as he could to try and make out who stood above them. 
“Mother, you’re just in time!” Eris chimed, clambering to sit up properly. 
Andrea took in a deep breath whilst the observed the three males try and stumble to get up. Dusting sand that stuck to their wine-stained clothes and hair. 
“Come inside the lot of you, you can sleep all this off.” She said, beginning to walk back to the Palace. 
“Wait Andrea! You knew my mother, you can settle this argument.” Tamlin shouted after her. 
Eris, Tarquin and Tamlin got up and started running after the Lady of Day. The soft fluffy sand cold beneath their feet, turning to the stone steps and the rocky cobblestone as they continued to argue. 
Andrea laughed as she listened to the three, her ribs ached as they tried to make her pick who would win their imaginary competition. 
The sun’s rays grew stronger, blue bleeding into the dark as day overtook night. 
Tarquin looked up at the sky and saw the endlessness spread out for all to see. 
Maybe he was stained with the darkness of that depraved mountain forever. 
But right now. 
He was almost him again. 
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Confessions (Eris X Reader) *
Warnings: Angst, and my first fic with smut. So yeah, a little plot but mostly SMUT. Oral, female receiving, actual sex, and maybe a sweet talking kink.
Eris and the emissary both have hidden feelings, but Eris has never been good at expressing emotions, especially jealousy...
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I walk down the hall, trying not to listen to the intensely infuriating male tailing me, bragging loudly about how back in the throne room how he had managed to convince his father to join forces with the Summer Court.  My court.
“I’m just saying-”  He drawled, staring at me as he kept pace with my increasingly fast footsteps.  “Wasn’t it supposed to be your job to convince them?  Maybe if I sucked up to Tarquin as much as you do, I could be emissary too-”
I turned towards him, diplomacy be damned- and pinned him against the wall, letting him see the raging power in my eyes.  “I don’t know what your problem is today lordling, but I will not tolerate your ridicule.”
He grinned, fire swirling in his eyes as he looked at my arms, caging him against the wall.  “How bold of you emissary, and here I thought you were here to please me.”
I snarled, dropping my arms and storming off.
Not looking back to see if he followed me, I went into my room, slamming the door behind me.
I hissed as I ran my hands through my ornately styled hair, ruining hours of hard work.
For the most part, I had grown to like the male.  There was more to him than people thought.  I had seen with my own eyes that when he had an option between good and bad, he chose to do good.
Sometimes we would flirt a bit too, but never had he spoken to me like that.  Not like the way he did with everyone else.
I stormed over to my bed, grabbing one of the fluffy pillows and shoving it to my face, screaming into it.
I hated it.  I hated this.  Because for the last week, I had been working up the courage to tell him…
Fuck, I still couldn’t even imagine saying it to him, especially right now.
You know how the worst thing they could say is no?  Well, Eris is a walking demonstration that isn’t the case.
I had seen him completely destroy people if he found them, or what they did distasteful.
Maybe I thought he was a good male, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be cruel if the mood struck him.
I looked in the long mirror that towered over me.  I looked like an absolute mess.
I tore out the circlet I was wearing, along with all the other pretty jewels.
Staring into the mirror, I stared into my own eyes, speaking softly to myself.
“I love you.  That’s all you have to say.  Three stupid little words.”
Leaning my head against the mirror, I felt pathetic.
I was way too sober for this.
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A few drinks later in the privacy of my room, not only was I still not ready, I felt even more pathetic.
Being a little tipsy, I decided to take a walk, hoping to calm my nerves and clear my head.
It wasn’t long before I was walking through the hallways, barely cleaned up enough to be presentable, but no one was out at this hour anyway.
I saw the hall that led to the library, and I paused.
The smell of books and the stories they held always cheered me up.  I was sure a good book and a comfy chair could help my hurting heart.
I entered the library only to see the red headed male that smelled of cider, crisp autumn air, and fire that consumed my nights and days.
He looked up, noticing me right as I was turning to leave.
“Y/N, please…”
I paused, my breath caught in my throat as I waited for him to continue.
“I’m sorry.”  His voice cracked as he spoke, and I turned around to see his red hair hanging in his eyes as he looked up at me, lips slightly parted and his eyes wide with a mixture of guilt and loneliness.
“Why did you even say all of that in the first place?”  I asked, letting the door close as I walked further in, standing next to him.
He looked up at me and swallowed thickly.  “I was jealous.”
My breath caught as I stared into the depths of his beautiful red eyes.  “Of who?  Tarquin?”
His hands fisted and he looked away.  “Of Tarquin, of all the males who look at you, of all the males you flirt with.  I’m jealous of all of it.”
He laughed, the sound devoid of joy.  “I’m pathetic, aren’t I?  Not only do I not tell you how I feel, but I make you suffer for it.”
I don’t even think he realizes what he's confessing.
Moving so I was right in front of him, I took his face in my hands, forcing him to look me in the eyes.  “You are not pathetic, you are not bad,”  I pushed some of the hair out from in front of his eyes, “You have had a hard life, a life where your family taught you to be cruel.  I see the scars you hide that your father inflicts.  I know that inside you have the potential to be great.”
His eyes are tearing up, looking up at me as if I was some sort of deity, blessing him.
“I know this, because I love you Eris.  I’ve loved you for so very long, and I know that you have a good heart.”
It takes him a moment to realize what I had said, the meaning.
Before he can respond, I lower my lips to his, kissing him softly before pulling back.
He blinked, his whole demeanor changing in milliseconds as he shot up, his hands interlacing in my hair as he pressed his lips to mine, his tongue exploring as I let out a slight whimper.
Drawing back, his breath came out in pants, and I could tell he was barely holding himself back.
Lust clouded my mind, and I barely heard what he said.  “What?”  I murmured, wishing his lips were back on mine again.
“Did you mean it?  Do you love me?”  He asks, and I’m suddenly stone cold sober at the vulnerability in his eyes.
I once again bring my hands up to cup his face, stroking his jawline gently.  “I’ve loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you.  I was just so sure you’d see my flaws and turn me away.  I was a coward.”  I say the last part, looking away so I don’t have to see the look on his face as he realizes what a huge mistake he’s made.
He gently guides my face so I’m once again looking him in the eyes, and he looks down at me with such love and wonder that I almost crumple right then and there.
“I would never turn away from you my darling.  Never you.”  He leaned down, placing his mouth on my neck, speaking in between kisses, “You are an angel.”  I struggled not to let out a moan as the scent of his arousal hit me, his hands massaging my hips gently.  “Ever since I first saw you, that first snarky remark, I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
He drew back, looking down at me lovingly.  “You are too good for me, but now that I know that you like me back, I will fight like hell to make sure I can keep seeing that sassy little smirk you love to send my way.”
“I love you.”  I said, throwing my arms around his shoulders.  “And I never want to be apart from you again.”
He growled, and I squeezed my thighs together, trying to keep my wits about me as I started to drown in this male.
Hoisting me up, he turned us, placing me on the large comfy chair he had just been lounging in.
“Do you want this?”  He asked, his thumbs gently grazing my hardened nipples as his voice dropped an octave, staring at my already abused lips.
I nodded, and he stopped breathing for a moment, pinching one of my nipples while whispering into my ear,  “Use your words.”
“Please Eris-”  I begged, whimpering as I tried to pull him closer.
He grinned, his eyes predatory as he dropped to his knees.  “Don’t worry angel, I’m going to take good care of you.”
Slowly, he felt every inch of my thighs, going to reach for my panties and hissing when he found me already bare.
“Oh naughty girl.  Were you hoping this would happen?”  He asked, chuckling as he pushed my dress up, placing my legs over his shoulders.
I opened my mouth to respond, but I only moaned as he dove in, his tongue flicking my clit and licking alternately.
I lost all sense of time as I was oh so slowly brought closer to the edge, that coil in my stomach tightening as I realized I wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer.
“Eris, I’m so close-” I said through whimpers, moaning as he once again flicked my clit.
I could feel him grin into my most private parts as he pushed two fingers into my slickness, curling his fingers and making my hips buck involuntarily.  “Eris, please!” I whined, rolling my hips in an attempt get him to start moving again, and he laughed darkly.
“I’ve been waiting to taste you forever angel.  When you come on my tongue, I want to be the only thing you’re thinking about.”  He said, his voice so seductive I almost came right there.
“You’re the only thing on my mind all the time,”  I said, letting out little noises of pleasure as he pumped his fingers, once, twice.
He grinned.  “That’s my girl.”
He dove back in, tongue and fingers working in tandem, pushing me over the edge of bliss, calling out his name as my body shook from the pleasure he drew from me.
He kept going, drawing out my pleasure as long as possible.
I was a puddle as he drew his fingers out, sucking my juices off of them before leaning down to kiss me again.
I could feel his hardness pressing through his pants, and I pushed into it with the palm of my hand, eliciting a hiss from him.
“My naughty angel.  Do you want my dick inside you?”  He asked breathlessly, nuzzling my neck before dragging his teeth over the sensitive skin, and he groaned in time with my moan.
“I need you Eris.  I need you in me now.”  I pleaded, working at the buttons of his pants.
He pressed a kiss to my forehead, suddenly gentle.  “Let me.”
Undoing the rest of the buttons, his member sprung free and my mouth watered from how big he was.
He picked me up, spinning us around so he was sitting and I was held aloft above him.
I waited for him to push in, but as I looked at his face, I realized he was giving me complete control.
Smiling softly, I lowered myself slowly, both of us moaning as I made it all the way down.
He helped me move up and down slowly as he spoke.  “I’ve never felt like this for someone before.  You scare the hell out of me because I’m falling, and I knew that if you told me you felt the same way, you would completely own me.”
I gasped as he started to rub my clit, unable to form words eloquently, I said, my voice guttural, “You’re mine.”
Our pace sped up and he growled, playing with my clit more roughly as his other hand went to my breast, massaging it as he took the nipple of my other breast into his mouth, making me moan in an obscene way.
He let go with his mouth, my brain frying as I once again reached the edge of bliss.
“And you’re mine.” he growled, thrusting hard and hitting that spot, and I let out a scream of ecstasy as he reached it with me, and he pushed his lips to mine, silencing me as we rode out the rest of our orgasms.
When we were done, he gently pulled me off, and I moaned.
“I love you, Angel.”  He said, nuzzling my neck and pulling me into a hug.
I sighed in joy, my heart fluttering out of my chest.  “And I love you Lordling.”
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