#Tarot sessions
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seersolace · 2 months ago
Welcome to the Seer Solace
My name is Sienna and I have been practicing witchcraft and tarot readings for 15 years. I’ve been honing my lifelong talent into skills of divination and prediction for even longer. As a Cleric, I can no longer deny the view I have into the patterns of this world and the workings of those between it, and I offer my skills to you now online.
I understand how much one has to confront in order to face the information they seek out through tarot readings and predictions. I empathize with your spirit and aim to connect on a deep level through my cards, magic, spells, and all other services. Every reading is made individually and personally with you, my querent, as the focus.
Tarot of the Day draws - randomized and free! Follow for more!
$8 - TEXT ONLY: Short readings. 1, 2, 3 or 4-Card Spread for 1 query
$15 - TEXT ONLY: Long readings. 5-Card, Horseshoe, Celtic Cross Spread, or 12 Months of the Year for 1 query
$25 - TEXT ONLY: Scheduled 20 minute back and forth text session of up to two short readings. $10 for each additional 5 minutes.
$40 - PHONE/VIDEO CALL: Scheduled 30 minute call session of up to two short readings. $10 for each additional 5 minutes.
$45 - TEXT ONLY: Scheduled 40 minute back and forth text session of up to four readings. $10 for each additional 5 minutes;
$65 - PHONE/VIDEO CALL: Scheduled 60 minute back and forth call session of up to four readings. $10 for each additional 5 minutes.
Email me at [email protected] or message me on here to continue!
I will reply within 24 hours to provide an invoice for the service requested and then we can schedule it if required. For unscheduled, text-only basic readings, within 12 hours after payment I will return your reading to you!
Invoices must be paid in full before the reading will be scheduled or completed. All timed sessions are subject to additional charges of the time is extended, in the form of a second invoice with a charge of $10 per every 5 minutes.
‘Thank You!
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1313ablackcat1313 · 25 days ago
The Major Arcana: What It Means To Me
The Major Arcana Cards in your tarot deck are the main character cards numbered 0-21. These cards are important as they set the tone for your entire tarot reading, they even set the intent as there are spreads you can do with each of your major arcana cards if you don't have an intent already set in your mind. Think of the Major Arcana as the overall meaning of your reading and the Minor Arcana as the little details or bits of information to gain insight into what the Major Arcana are telling you.
The Major Arcana cards are important as they teach you lessons. Divination is something you are pulled to do, I don't believe in the old wives tales of a deck of tarot cards needs to be gifted to you. In my world I don't gate keep. I welcome everyone to come and read this and learn things and offer their own feedback.
Tarot cards can be used for divination purposes, but they can also give you more insight into your life and what you're going through. They are good tools to learn about what you need to work through and accomplish.
Tarot cards can also be used to gain more information or insight into situations that are plaguing you or if you're curious about a variety of subjects. For example, I like to read about true crime cases, but usually I just read for whatever pulls me.
All of these meanings below are my OWN interpretations of the cards. There are many sources online and other tarot readers who have written down meanings over the years. Please don't get lost in the sauce and think that one set of tarot interpretations are the correct ones. While yes, most of the sites and other tarot readers have come to a general consensus of what the cards mean in a nut shell, you have to learn what the cards mean to you, the reader. 
When you pick up The Fool and look at it, what do you see? How does it make you feel? What do the pictures mean? What does the meaning online or in a book mean to you?
Using your own intuition to interpret the cards is one of the hardest skills to develop while learning tarot. Don't become too focused on the keywords because then you'll end up taking the cards meanings way too literally. Instead, get the gist of what the cards mean, and then exercise your ability to feel what they mean to you and how you read them.
Keywords are fine to help you learn about the cards while you're learning tarot, but try not to get in the habit of relying on them too much. This is how every tarot reader sort of has their own style of reading. What The Fool means to me, might not be how another tarot reader thinks of it.
Some misconceptions about tarot reading are that you have to be a witch, or practice Wicca. Tarot is for everyone who wants to pick up a deck. You can practice Wicca and read tarot, but you don't have to do one to do the other. Another misconception is that tarot cards are demonic. They're little pieces of card board with pictures printed on them. Nothing about a deck of cards is demonic. You're not talking to evil spirits, you're connecting with spirit guides and Angels. Of course you can always protect yourself by praying, asking for guidance and knowledge from your spirit guides and always remember to thank them after you're done reading. Another misconception is that you have to be a psychic to read tarot. This is in untrue, however I do believe that psychics can use tarot cards as wonderful tools to help them interpret and gain insight onto what they're feeling, hearing, or seeing. I don't consider myself a psychic at all, but I do have strong intuitional pulls. I enjoy learning about astrology and have other occult interests. If you're pulled to learn tarot, I encourage you to buy a deck of cards and start practicing.
I feel like I am probably going to end up posting a chapter about my thoughts and opinions on toxic tarot Tik Tokers or youtubers, because I feel like there is a lot of unnecessary gate keeping going on with in this community.
With all of that being said for now, here are my own interpretations and my own thoughts on and feelings on what the Major Arcana Cards mean to me:
0. The Fool: Upright: I always think of this card as a naive youth, either a child or a teenager stepping foot out into the real world for the first time. No real commitments, no world experience. These "kids" as I like to call them are beginning a new journey in life. An example would be a teenager leaving home and living on their own for the first time at 18 or 19. You're about to have new experiences and experience those new things for the first time. Reversed: Whenever I see The Fool reversed it gives me the vibe that this person thinks they know more than what they actually do, but it's almost never toxic, its due to being naive in the world and having lack of experience. The card can also represent being reckless and impulsive and not really paying attention to what you're doing. It can represent being irresponsible and not really caring about it.
1. The Magician: Upright: I like to think of this card as a person who gets what they want, or they have all the tools necessary to get what they want. They're very charismatic people who light up every room they walk into. They're very well spoken. They seem to know what to do and say in every situation. They know the steps to take and the actions to take to get what they need to get done. This could also mean someone who is creatively skilled in the arts of painting, making, writing. The Magician is hands on creativity. Reversed: To me, The Magician reversed seems like a person who feels jaded. Who feels like they've worked so hard for everything but get little to nothing in return. This person is introverted, and often needs help or a little push to get things done. I also believe that The Magician reversed is a more exaggerated version of The Magician upright. This person is driven by ego, but they don't know what they're talking about. They're charismatic and outspoken, but it's often manipulative or it sounds smart, but its with little substance. 
2. The High Priestess: Upright: Whenever I see this card I always think of someone who is spiritually gifted and who vibrates on a higher level. This person can be psychic, clairvoyant, have strong intuition. These people are often pulled to read tarot cards or often pulled to study astrology and birth charts. These people have strong gut instincts that are usually right. I tend to think these people can see through a lot of "bs." They're smart and they're in touch with other realms and spirit guides. Reversed: When I see The High Priestess reversed, depending on what the other cards around it look like, I get the feeling that this person is a little dramatic with their "gut feelings," meaning everything is a sign, every little emotion is an intuitional pull or a gut feeling. I think of it as sort of like a fake psychic. It's misuse of intuition, or biased use of intuition. This card reversed also represents what you're keeping in, must come out now. Lies are being revealed, people are being exposed, etc. or psychic visions are becoming more clearer and make sense.
3. The Empress: Upright: This card always makes me think of a good mother, a good caregiver, usually someone who is female. This card represents nurturing, kindness, beauty, femininity, womanhood, girlhood, abundance. This represents nature producing fruit, woman baring children. To me this card has strong female energy, and it's pure and kind-hearted. This could also mean someone who is highly creative or skilled artistically. Reversed: Just as the upright version means a good mother, the reversed version means bad mother, mommy issues, a bad caregiver, a neglectful mother. This also makes me think of like a narcissistic mother, manipulative woman, infertility, etc. On a creative note, this could simply mean things like creative block, writer's block, felling uninspired to create. I wouldn't take The Empress reversed and run with it and call everyone woman who gets that card reversed a narcissistic, neglectful mother. Remember, you have to take in account the entire read, what your intentions are, and how you feel about it.
4. The Emperor: Upright: Just like The Empress, this card makes me think of someone who is usually a male. Where The Empress is the caregiver, The Emperor is the provider. This card makes me think of a good father, a good man, a faithful husband. Someone who rules with power, but not toxic power. Someone who is a natural born leader. People respect this person and take this person seriously. Reversed: Similarly, just the same as The Empress, The Emperor reversed can sometimes represent a bad dad, neglectful dad, or daddy issues. The Emperor reversed can also point to a person being a toxic leader, too bossy, or controlling. Someone who has little to no flexibility or doesn't easily bend to the will of others. It can also represent an explosive temper and rage.
5. The Hierophant: Upright: To me, The Hierophant represents a religious person, or a group of religious people. This card can show up representing your religious faith, or perhaps religious people around you. This card can also represent marriage, living a conventional life style, having a traditional home and life with a man and a woman. This card can represent going to church or being involved with a church or a religion. This card can also represent someone who needs to be listened to or someone's advice who needs to be taken. Reversed: When I see this card reversed it gives me the vibe that someone is LGBTQ+, non traditional, goes against the grain, rebellious, doesn't have religion, etc. The card screams, non-conformity. They think how they want to think and don't let religion or traditional values dictate how they live their life. It can also show someone who is being forced to conform to society's norms.
6. The Lovers: Upright: The Lovers card to me represents a happy and wonderful relationship. It can also represent a wonderful friendship, partnership, etc. depending on what your intent is for the reading. When I see The Lovers card, I often get the feeling of a strong connection between two people. This could also represent a decision needing to be made or two choices presenting to you or even two ways of thinking. Reversed: When The Lovers is reversed it can mean a few different things. It could mean incompatibility between two people, if this is a romantic relationship it could suggest you're not right for each other. It could represent heartbreak, cheating, stress, breaking up, incompatibility. It can also represent you not making a choice, or having no choices, and in the worst of cases it can represent someone in your life being two-faced.
7. The Chariot: Upright: To me The Chariot represents things moving at a fast pace. It represents progress being made quickly. If doing the Celtic Cross reading and this card shows up in the 4 or 6 position, whatever it is will pass or go with a quickness. This card can also show you literally moving, such as with travel or driving. Sometimes I see this card in a reading and interpret it as a hasty decision being made, almost impulsively. Reversed: The Chariot reversed means a sudden stop, or a slow progress. It's taking you a while to get over something, perhaps you're overthinking something or it's just taking you longer than  usual to figure something out. This could also be literal in the sense that your travel plans get canceled or your car breaks down. There are obstacles in your path that you need to take care of before you can move on or before your progress can continue. Whenever I see this card in a reading I always think of it as the person I'm reading for is stuck, or has a mental block or something is going on in their life that has them preoccupied.
8. Strength: Upright: Strength not only means strength, but it also means needing strength, being strong willed, being passionate and driven. This will show up in readings to tell you that you are strong and will overcome any obstacles that might get in your way. This can also represent you being strong for others or standing up for others. Depending on the Minor Arcana surrounding your strength card, it can show you being strong in situation in your life or it can show you need strength for an upcoming problem or situation you are about to face. Reversed: When I see Strength reversed in a reading I tend to think that this person is in desperate need of strength. I tend think of self-sabotage, or feeling vulnerable. Shaky knees, anxiety, being scared of not being accepted or welcomed. Not having confidence in yourself. In worst case scenarios, depending on the context of the read, it reminds me of someone being a coward or not wanting to stand up for others.
9. The Hermit: Upright: To me, The Hermit represents someone who is an introvert, who is quiet and in their shell. They have a lot of thoughts and opinions but they tend to keep them to themselves. I also believe that The Hermit is underrated, because when push comes to shove, I believe he shows others the way even though it's dark and dimly lit. On The Hermit card an old man in robes is pictured, carrying a lit lantern in front of him as if he's lighting up a dark path. I take this as showing others the way even though it's difficult and hard to see. The Hermit can sometimes mean a reality check is in store, or that the truth might be harsh, but it needs to be said. The Hermit can also represent self-reflection, searching your subconscious and becoming self-aware. You might have to admit to yourself harsh truths about your life and yourself. Reversed: When reversed, The Hermit becomes more withdrawn and collapses into their shell. This is ultimate reservedness. This is becoming such a recluse that it's a problem in your personal life. You are ruled by paranoia and fear. Your thoughts are too much. It makes me think of an extremely shy person, or an extremely soft spoken person. Sort of afraid to come out into your own light. This could also represent not wanting to talk about past traumas because you don't want to re-open the wounds or deal with the wounds in the first place. 
10. The Wheel of Fortune:  Upright: This card to me represents fate, luck, and karma. I think of The Wheel as what goes up, must come down or what comes around goes around. I think seeing The Wheel of Fortune in a reading might suggest karma is coming your way - good or bad. I also think this card represents fate, good luck, and bad luck. Sometimes when doing true crime reads, I get the Wheel and it always feels like to me that this wasn't karma related, this was fate. This was just the card that The Universe drew for this person. There's no real reason as to why this happened or what caused it. It was truly a random act of violence. This card will also show up in my experience with a lot of celebrity readings. Fame, fortune, riches - all the good luck parts of The Wheel. Just remember to put good out into The Universe so that it comes back to you. Reversed: When The Wheel is reversed it means bad karma, a bad card drawn by The Universe. Whenever I see The Wheel reversed I always think someone has what they got coming. It is bad luck, upheaval, bad karma, chaos, unwelcome change.
11. Justice:  Upright: The Justice card can represent someone who is a lawyer, involved in the law, police, a judge, having legal issues, having to go to court, and it can also represent karmic justice. Every time I see this card, I always get the feeling its about law and order in the spiritual sense. You're reading for your ex and he cheated on you? You ended up with The Wheel of Fortune reversed and Justice next to each other? That's what I'm talking about, his bad karma is going to catch up with him, and then there is Justice to confirm it for you. That's what I always feel when I see this card, now, that also depends on what Minor Arcana cards are around and it depends on the intent of your reading. I've gotten the Justice card for a lot of true crime readings I've done. Justice can be literal in the sense of jail, court, lawyers, being sued, but I also believe fully that it means Justice in the spiritual sense too. Reversed: Whenever I see the Justice card reversed in a tarot reading, I always tend to think its injustice. Someone got away with something, or Justice is coming for them slowly, perhaps building up momentum before it hits them. This card can also represent being lied to or someone getting away with lying. On the flipside, this card can also mean vindication. Someone who was falsely accused and is being vindicated. I've also gotten the vibe that Justice reversed can mean corruption with in law and order, judges, and police.
12. The Hanged Man: Upright: Whenever I see The Hanged Man, I almost always get the feeling that it represents self-sabotage in a way. It's meaning is having difficulty letting go, which could be your feelings about certain things, how you acted in a situation, grief, a bad relationship, etc. This card is also about feeling trapped. So you might want to speak up on your behalf or you might want to leave a certain situation, but you're trapped in your own mind and making excuses for yourself. These situations can often be lessons we need to learn. I always think that The Hermit and The Hanged Man go hand in hand, but that's just my opinion and how I interpret the cards for myself. Reversed: When The Hanged Man is reversed, I sometimes think of it as someone finally being able to let go, but they become numb and detached. It's like going though a break up and living life on auto-pilot with out really dealing with your emotions around it. It's apathy and not really caring anymore. Losing interest in the things you used to love and losing interest in familial relationships and romantic relationships.
13. Death: Upright: Death very rarely means actual or literal death. Death represents the shedding of something old. This card represents finally letting go. Now I usually get Death in a literal sense when reading for true crime, but Death almost never represents that in day to day reads. To me Death represents a situation that I shouldn't revisit, be it a friendship, a relationship, a situation, an old job, etc. Death can also mean the end of a tarot reading where no other information can be obtained. Death also represents rebirth. The old you had to die so the new you could flourish. It can be sudden change in beliefs when represented with new information as well. Your old beliefs die so your new beliefs can flourish and blossom. Reversed: When Death shows up reversed it often shows your inability to move on or let something go. This is showing that you're resisting the change, you don't want it to happen, but you have to. This card gives me the vibe of knowing you have to do something to create change in your life, but you keep just putting it off or you're not really thinking about it deeply. This is also the card of not learning from your past and you keep repeating your mistakes over and over again. 
14. Temperance: Upright: Temperance is a hard one for me to get a good grasp on. The card itself represents an Angel. I guess in some sense it makes me think of God and Heaven. It makes me think of tolerance and grace. Forgiveness. The meaning online suggests it means patience, love, serenity, compromise. It's peace and tranquility. This card also represents the meaning of "time heals all wounds." Reversed: When Temperance shows up reversed it can often mean intolerance, the lack of the ability to gain perspective and being impatient with others. It's being rigid and stuck in your ways, or stubborn. 
15. The Devil: Upright: To me The Devil represents numerous things. It could be as innocent as representing someone who is of the zodiac sign Capricorn, or it can be as nefarious as suggesting someone or yourself is a toxic, manipulative person. The Devil can also represent addiction to drugs, mental health problems, feeling chained or trapped to a toxic person. This card can also represent feeling hopeless or powerless in your addiction or mental health issues. It can represent feeling hopeless or powerless against The Devil - or the person who has you shackled figuratively. This card makes me think of toxic power dynamics. One partner is more dominant and controlling than the other, and the submissive partner feels as if they can't speak up or can't escape because they feel the weight of the ball of chain on their ankle. This could be as simple as being at a job that makes you feel like speaking up for yourself is a bad thing or it could be as bad as a domestic violence situation in a relationship. Again, it depends on what your intent for the reading is, what the minor arcana cards are suggesting, and how you feel in your intuition. I feel like people get The Devil card and run with it and start suggesting things about others and accusing them of being narcissists or abusive. So please pay attention to what you feel and what you see in your entire spread before becoming overly concerned. Reversed: Whenever I see The Devil reversed in a reading I often think of someone breaking through the chains. Finding themselves, no longer letting people control them, finally standing up for themselves. I think of sobriety, I think of getting help for mental health issues. The Devil reversed is such a good card to get if you've been seriously struggling. I think of people getting out of abusive relationships. The main meaning of this card is breaking the chains, and that's exactly the best way I can describe it. It the means to an end of suffering.
16. The Tower: Upright: Nobody wants The Tower in their readings. Nobody. Unfortunately, The Tower is something we all must experience at least once in our lives. To me The Tower represents complete destruction. Whether its good or bad is also dependent on what's going on in your life. The Tower can represent anything from the destruction of your old way of life or thinking to something as bad as the destruction of everything and everyone around you. You can't fight this change. This change is coming whether you like it or not. I always think of The Tower in one of two ways: Either its a destruction of an old way of life or old thoughts or beliefs, meaning you thought one way for a very long time about something incredibly important in your life, but once presented with new facts or learning about something else, it completely shifts your point of view, or it's complete chaotic and upheaval of your entire life. A break up, a house fire, a car accident, tragedies, loss, pain. This is when The Tower is bad, because it's going to break you completely. The Tower shows up a lot in my true crime readings both for the victim and shockingly for the criminal as well. It makes sense when you think that what the criminal did to the victim broke the family and what the criminal did to themselves destroyed their life. The Tower represents deep emotional pain and grief. As I said before it will break us, but Towers get rebuilt. The Universe wouldn't break you and not put you back up. The pain and grief we experience with The Tower is meant as a lesson that we are supposed to learn from. This is about pain and being broken, but fixing what is broken and learning from it. Reversed: When I see The Tower reversed I think of people who are doing whatever they can to avoid The Tower collapsing. It's stubbornly holding onto a set of beliefs because you're scared to find out the truth about things, it's doing everything to avoid a break up that needs to happen. It's lying to yourself and making up excuses as to why can't leave certain situations. It's desperate, anxious, fear of losing your old sense of reality or life. You have to remember though, you are delaying the inevitable. This is set in The Stars and this will happen whether you like it or not. On the flipside, The Tower reversed can also show you averting disaster or tragedy, but I think of this more in the physical sense of taking a different road while you're driving and then learning there was a major accident on the road you would have taken, or you don't board the plane that crashed, especially if The Wheel of Fortune upright is there.
17. The Star: Upright: To me The Star kind of represents someone with a big ego, or someone with a big head. They crave attention and recognition for their accomplishments. This card makes me think of the popular kids in school. They're nice and outgoing, but they're always trying to keep up with their image. With that being said, this card is generally a really positive one. I think it represents showing drive and ambition for completing your projects and wanting the recognition for your hard work, which is well deserved. This card can also represent in healing, hope, and happiness. Reversed: When The Star is reversed I often think of someone who is bored or ambitionless. They have little to no hope their life is going to get better. They want to be extroverted and outspoken and be able to accomplish their goals, but they have lack of faith in themselves and self-sabotage themselves and tell themselves they can't do that or accomplish that. 
18. The Moon: Upright: To me, sometimes The Moon gives me the vibe that this person could be a fledgling psychic. Someone who is just getting started with tarot or astrology. Their intuition or psychic abilities are a little fuzzy, but they're there. They may not have confidence yet in their abilities. This card can also represent having anxiety or being worried about something coming out. This could be lies you've been telling, lies someone has been telling to you, or not wanting to deal with the problems in your life that bug your subconscious. You know they're there, but you are lying to yourself and pretending its not as bad as what it seems. Whenever I see The Moon in a reading, depending on what the other cards are saying, I always think to myself, "what are you hiding from people?" In a situational spread, it might mean things look one way, but it's not what it seems. Your friend might seem or look shady, but that's not what is actually happening. This card also can sometimes represent PTSD, or past conditioning being responsible for how you handle situations or how you react emotionally.  Reversed: When The Moon is reversed I always think of information coming out or lies being exposed. What was in the dark will now come to light. It's also releasing your anxiety and healing. The Moon reversed also makes me think of the fledgling psychic finally seeing their visions in full view, or finally understanding what these random signs or little intuitional pulls are about and what they're for. 
19. The Sun:  Upright: My interpretation of The Sun is pure, warm joy. It's feeling true happiness, its being successful, but usually in my reads, The Sun always shows up for me representing children. The pure joy and innocence that children have. The Sun could also be an indicator that someone is expecting a child or just had a new baby. It represents to me the pure emotions that little children have. That's the only way I can describe it. Whenever I get this card, it just overwhelmingly feels childlike to me. Reversed: To me when I get The Sun reversed its usually in a reading that involves a child who had a sad childhood or a bad childhood. Sometimes it will pop up for a woman who has had a miscarriage or a stillbirth. I know in some true crime readings I have done, it specifically points to the child who was a victim of the crime. I've always interpreted it as a loss of childhood or maybe someone who had to grow up too fast, or maybe someone who had their childhood stolen from them forcefully. It can also represent someone who has lost a child from natural causes or a crime.
20. Judgement: Upright: Judgement to me has always felt as a finality. You had a situation, you figure out what caused the situation, and then you get the Judgement card meaning, that situation is done. Judgement can also represent things like being judged, judging others, court, law, police, a decision you need to make. Sometimes this card asks you to take a step back, look at the whole situation for what it is, and make a call. This could also represent something being your last chance to make a decision on, so you better get on it. Reversed: When I see the Judgement card reversed, I almost always get the feeling that this person is way too judgmental. They're making snap judgments on people based on very small bits of information. They could be leaning into a prejudice or a bias about someone. They could be impulsive with their decision making. Judgment reversed can also represent malicious gossip, defamation of character, or being too harsh on someone.
21. The World: Upright: This card to me has always felt so warm and welcoming. It is the success and accomplishment of your goals. It can represent starting a family, it could represent how you feel about your family. It's a sense of belonging, "having a place in the world." It's good physical and mental health. This card also means the end and healing.  Reversed: When The World is reversed it could mean not meeting your goals, it can represent a bad home life, a neglectful family. It can be feeling left out or not welcome. When I see The World upside down in a reading, I get overwhelming sense of sadness or animosity. It feels like the person is jaded, or upset or resents someone. It could also mean the loss of everything, or extreme grief. Below I included a little bit of astrology for you because I feel as if it's important to helping interpret what your Major Arcana cards might be telling you. I've noticed for myself that when a reading is trying to help me pick up on specific person it will drop me hints such as their astrological sign or their astrological sign's element.
Elements can also help you get a feel or a mood about a reading:
Element of Fire: Suit of Wands - lots of action and doing things, taking initiative Element of Earth: Suit of Pentacles - wealth, stability, the physical world and material world, based in reality Element of Air: Suit of Swords - mentality, intellect, communication, making decisions Element of Water: Suit of Cups - emotions, psychic realms, divination, the spiritual world
The Emperor: Aries - Fire The Hierophant: Taurus - Earth The Lovers: Gemini - Air  The Chariot: Cancer - Water Strength: Leo - Fire  The Hermit: Virgo - Earth  Justice: Libra - Air  Death: Scorpio - Water  Temperance: Sagittarius - Fire The Devil: Capricorn - Earth The Star: Aquarius - Air The Moon: Pisces - Water 
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rocketspleef · 2 months ago
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The Tower: disaster, trauma, chaos.
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branzinos · 3 months ago
sorry for not being super active on here anymore I've been doing intense therapy in the last few months and it consistently leaves me a dehydrated husk of a person who can just about handle doing one task per day and all I've done recently is watch YouTube videos with my girlfriend every night and dissociate while staring at my shrimp tank. the soul wants to gif and post but the body says be horizontal and play PowerWash Simulator (2022). but I am very excited that Abbott is back and that they are all back to sharing one brain cell like one of those partial best friend necklaces
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starhoppin · 1 year ago
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hi loves! since valentine's day is coming up, i figured it would be fun to have this month's speed reading session centered around love! consequently, i will only be accepting questions about your future spouse or your next partner's physical traits and their characteristics. i will also draw for their potential zodiac signs. additionally, i will be relying on messages that i've created myself rather than traditional tarot.
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please specify if you like to know your future spouse or your next partner's traits/characteristics
just for fun, tell me what your favorite romance movie or book is and why it's your favorite!
please add your initials or name in the ask, as well as what gender you're attracted to.
i only accept requests through my inbox, not through dms. anon is accepted.
asks that do not follow these rules will be deleted.
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disclaimer; this game is solely for entertainment purposes. please take these messages with a grain of salt.
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strautmaskreplica · 3 months ago
A snippet of our How to Play A Fool's Errand video!
Learn a bit more about the collaborative Session 0 we include in the game!
Use tarot cards to detail the previous apocalypse with your group, aka, The Big Oops.
Determine the relationships between the gods at the lead up to the world's biggest calamity.
Set up the world that you'll explore together in play.
If you like this, pick up a copy of A Fool's Errand for your table!
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coriander-candlesticks · 6 months ago
I've been trying to figure out how to incorporate religious practice into my life & trying to get over the fear of being...annoying? If that's the right word? It feels a little like tugging on the gods' sleeves when I make more than one offering a day to them even though I know I'm not, like, being rude by *checks notes* giving them things or dedicating time/activities to them. Today I made a dessert in preparation for tomorrow's Pathfinder game and dedicated that time spent baking to Hestia and Aphrodite, and it was really nice! I feel like I'm starting to find my footing despite my worries. I'm also trying to make sure I take time where I'm not thinking about religion at all so that I don't start to ruminate/spiral. It's happened a few times already to varying degrees and it's! Not fun!
It's possible it's hindsight/confirmation bias, but I do think the vibes of my tarot deck changed when I started reaching out to the Greek deities. It makes sense: I was using my deck to reach out to a completely different deity/deities before I started exploring Hellenic polytheism. And it's definitely not in a bad way, just more energetic and...light? When before it was heavier (in a comforting way). I've gotten consistently coherent pulls, too, which is nice.
I've been trying to remember to pour a libation to Hermes at certain street corners when I'm out & about, but I have to make a game plan for when other people are also in the area, even if it's just psyching myself up so I don't look awkward while I do it. I have a pendant that I keep in front of his altar/shrine jar that I try to remember to take with me when I travel, and it's been cool having something in my pocket that's consistently reminding me of him because I check so often to make sure it's still there. There were some...issues with my commute on Monday (a true comedy of errors on the city's part) but the change in routine was a *lot* easier to handle in the morning. Of course, the unusually cool temperature helped, but I do accredit the smooth transition to Hermes because I wasn't stressed at *all* for the vast majority of my commute when I usually would have been wiped from the mental/sensory strain of having to pivot & kinda just hope I guessed right on what to do next. The commute home was a nightmare but I didn't have a whole-ass work day ahead of me after that so the stress didn't matter as much (and I was able to get through the last bus ride & walk from the stop which I wasn't sure I'd have the mental fortitude for).
I'm almost done with the statue of Hermes I've been working on, and I finished a set of alphabet oracle "stones" (squares made from air dry clay...would that technically be closer to potsherds?) tonight. I'll share a picture of them once I finish their bag- I have some leftover green cotton yarn from a recent project that I think will go well with them. We'll see how well they hold up, though I'm not planning on doing the "shake them until one falls out" method so hopefully they'll last a while. I worked on them in the living room this evening, instead of in my room. I'm getting more comfortable showing little elements of what I've been exploring to my housemates; it was nice to be able to sit & paint & listen to the iliad while my friend did his own thing next to me on the couch.
I'm still trying to figure out how to gauge each housemates' potential reactions. It'll probably be fine: friend 1 actively has an altar-esque space and uses tarot cards and a pendulum and friend 2 is friend 1's wife. I'm a bit worried about friend 3 being weird about it, at least at first, but considering he was experimenting with witchcraft-esque things a few years ago (I distinctly remember charms & him discussing which of the wheel of the year days he wanted to observe) I think I'm overthinking things. He's an atheist & his view of witchcraft was, at the very least, *similar* to the psych model, which I think is where the hesitation has been coming from on my end. I have therapy this weekend so I think I'll start bringing things up then. The office my therapist is in openly advertises all sorts of alt/witchcraft things so I think I'll be safe there lol
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reynardart · 2 years ago
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theavalonianwitch · 7 months ago
Did a tarot session to try to discover more about this mysterious deity (possibly Lucifer). Learned a few things:
- They seem to identify with Lucifer in some way, whether they actually are him or not
- They don't reject the label of 'The Devil', but also consider themself as something more than it, and reject being pushed into one box
- They consider themself enlightened and a source of new beginnings. They exude wisdom and clarity, and are associated with change, breaking free, and challenging authority. They are possibly also associated with moral ambiguity(?)
- They want to help guide me on a journey through personal transformation, overcome internal conflicts, and help me gain confidence
- They are possibly associated with pain, betrayal, or rejection
- Their domain is associated with or symbolises freedom, rebellion, and overcoming trials
- They believe I am 'ready' for the next stage of my life and that I am in a good place to begin a new chapter. They view me as someone in need of guidance
All in all, it was a very interesting session. I'm honestly quite excited (and a bit nervous) to work with them.
Any input from those who work with Lucifer, or with a deity who sounds similar to this one would be very appreciated!!
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joculatrixster · 1 year ago
i think tarot interpretations of the winners is cool but im sorry Grian, Scott, and Pearl r NOT the fucking Sun, Star, and Moon tarot. if ur gonna choose Martin and Scar's by how they played and won then do it for those 3 too dont pick them based off imagery bc if u look a bit deeper i dont think they fit those cards much at all...
i assigned them based off how ive seen them play + some other assignments ive seen around and think fit! i havent watched Scott or Martyn's pov the full way through so this could be a bit off in relation to their winning session, so sorry bout that :(
this is how i see em:
Grian: Justice, a card about consequences and law vs trickery and unfairness
Scott: The Lovers, a card about relationships and love vs self love and disharmony
Pearl: Strength, a card about courage and outward strength vs inner strength and raw emotion
Martyn: The Tower, a card about upheaval, revelation, and chaos vs averting disaster and personal change
Scar: The Magician, a card about resourcefulness and power vs manipulation and untapped potential
My reasons for why The Sun, Star, and Moon r not rlly applicable for the celestial trio in a tarot lens:
The Sun is about abundance, optimism, and vitality, im sorry none of that fits Grian at all??? in any season?????? what even????
The Star is about hope and faith, arguably applies to Scott but not like the best? imo? it CAN fit but I think that would work better for someone else, tbh Martyn 3rd life fits this more
The Moon...is about...fear, anxiety, and intuition...brother that is NOT Pearl in ANY season?! Especially not in DL where she was her most rebellious and confident??? I think a few fit her but definitely not the Moon
tbh imo its a bit...lazy...to just apply them tarots based off their celestial theming when they dont rlly...fit? if Martyn and Scar get actual thought put into their cards the celestial trio should as well especially when u cna get rlly interesting applications when u step outside of the celestial mentality :D!!!
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odinson-dottirteatarots · 4 months ago
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bubbleonice · 4 months ago
Q&A session for Patreon Members.
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morrigan-sims · 1 year ago
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I was playing with looks for Rook for during his time with Wolf the other day, and LOOK AT HIM!! My poor, tortured boy...
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witchescollection · 8 months ago
not Dionysus telling me mid self care ritual to get a glass of wine lol
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hermitcoffeecup · 1 year ago
Me, exitedly; "omgg what's my heart's desire eheh"
My deck ominously; "n i n e o f c u p s r e v e r s e d"
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starhoppin · 1 year ago
january speed reading session (round two): open ! <3
hi loves! i have a bit more free time at the moment, so i will be reopening free readings. this session will be a bit different than the ones i've held in the past - i will keep my inbox open and accept questions on a rolling basis. however, i will not be answering them as quickly as i normally do so please be patient. as usual, please review these rules before you send in a request.
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