#Tarnished's just being cautious round these parts
gxldings · 2 years
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∘₊✧── she longs when it is silent and she is alone, when there is no soul present to bear witness to such pathetic sin.
because she shouldn't. because this magnificent, miserable love was one meant to die along with the knight for which it burns. because this foolish feeling had brought nothing but hurt, but ruin.
and yet she yearns anyway. yearns when she lights another candle in her cottage's cramped foyer, when the sunrise is particularly lovely over foreign hills.
nyna's lips press together, her shoulders resigning themselves only to draw closer. its cold, winter's first earnest breaths whispering through the early morning. her walk into town is a short one, routine, made with a basket of fresh flowers and herbs tucked carefully beneath her arm.
vendors are just beginning to flip their shops' signs to open, the street starting to populate itself. she will not be here long today, intending only to make her daily rounds and retire to the warmth of her home.
only she stops in her tracks, heart lodging itself in her throat. before her -- directly in the path to the little shop that particularly enjoys buying her stock of thyme -- stands the silhouette that has haunted her every moment since last they met.
it isn't him, it couldn't be. and yet that terrible what if gnaws at strings of a heart plucked too thin. nyna trembles, tells herself that it is the cold.
"forgive me," for she has been staring and most certainly caught his attention for it, "i had just... thought i recognized you."
he had not indulged her with his name, were it truly him who had saved her so long ago, but perhaps now...
"if i may ask," cautious is her tone, slow, the barest glint of hope in crystalline eyes. "what is your name?"
✧. ┊ nyna to zeke god forgive me
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"You do," he begins, and immediately he hesitates. She knows more than his name. His honor, his loyalty, the way he stands up for what he believes in, the way he loves. Through not one, but two chance encounters, has Nyna encountered it all--drank every last drop of his draught, seen him at points both high and low.
The names Camus and Sirius are familiar on her tongue, but neither are what he is now.
He belongs to another. He should not be speaking with her. Though the memory of her has crawled back to the surface, it must be pushed back down. To break his vow with his beloved would betray the very quality he knows she loves him for; his heart is stone, but she is its sculptor.
"I am Sirius..." he continues, affixing his mask to the bridge of his nose, "the traveler." Knight spins on his heel, the conversation with a street vendor briefly abandoned. His golden locks shimmer in the morning sun, a pale reflection of the queen's own radiance. She is a hall of tarnished gold: beautiful beyond compare, but so easily succumbing to her fate. How long had it been since her husband met his end? She must be lonely, he reasons, for why else would she grasp at the phantom of her past?
As much as it pains him to do so, he hides his smile from her. Never can he allow her to recognize Camus by it--it is now reserved for his lover, just as hers once was.
(How ironic, that fate has them playing each other's part.)
"Though, if I may admit something... I have not been truthful with you." Heartstrings dance to the sound of his voice, feeling all that he once felt from her. Every moment with her is like being pulled into quicksand: one day, he may find himself unable to turn back. "That is not my real name. I..." again Knight pauses. For a moment, he considers a reality where he told her the truth. Where Nyna's suspicions were confirmed, where her smile could be brought to her longing face. Would it be so bad, to run away with her now? Surely he'd have a place in Archanea. Surely the others would understand, that the now-king Marth would grant him pardon for Grust's past.
But it is hardly that simple.
Dreamlike his mind may be, those thoughts are deaf to the cold truth of that reality. That in Valentia, the woman he owes his life to--has pledged his life to--would be expecting him. For days, weeks, months, she'd lie in wait. He does not doubt she would sit by the windowsill, trying to force joy onto her features, convincing herself that he'll just be a day longer, praying to whatever saint or god she believes in that she'd be right. His teeth clench together, the bridge of his mouth ready to pronounce the first 'c' in Camus. But it stops.
"If you wish to know my name, it is Ezekial. I am a knight in service of the Unified Continent of Valentia. My business with you was merely to repay an old debt."
He stabs himself with his own words; takes up the chisel Nyna had used to shape him those years ago, and adds another notch into the firm stone of his heart. There is pain and sadness behind his mask, and yearning too. Were he any other man, had things happened any differently, then perhaps he could have been honest with her.
"... If you have nothing more to discuss with me, I ought to be on my way. There is someone... Expecting me."
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voidintheforce · 2 years
( @xniverses-gxlore ) "If-- If ye don't mind me saying so, Sire... those are some rather decadent robes you clothe thine being with, Sire..." a runt-like Demi-Human calls out to Katarn as he passes by.
They whipped around, Katana in one hand, staff in another, the azure hue of Glintstone magic already emerging.
"What art thee? Show yourself! Else I shalt flush you out with mine own magick." They barked.
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czechforrain · 4 years
Critical Role Episode 103: Are the Mighty Nein Gutless Cowards? The differences between them and the more Brash Vox Machina.
So we have just came off another episode where the mighty nein spent a lot of time deliberating and possibly trying to delay their fight with Vokodo. Trying to stack the deck as much as possible and get 3 tribal guardians, a few werebears and even a lesser diety to fight alongside them while also finding out if there was any weaknesses or exploitable backsides to this supposed god. 
And of course this leads to the same recurring topics being brought up again.
“The mighty nein are cowards.”
“ They try to run away from fights whenever possible.”
“They underestimate the hell out of themselves.”
“They draw out conflicts as long as possible going over several plans instead of making decisive moves and sticking towards them.” 
And the common reasoning for their super cautious play-style is the death of Mollymauk Tealeaf. After Fjord, Jester and Yasha got captured by the Iron Shepards, the rest of the Mighty Nein set out to ambush the party and this ended in disaster. Matt gave them several hints that this battle would be a lot tougher than they first thought but everyone was 100% in on ambush and combined with some less than stellar tactical decisions and bad rolls, we had our first campaign death 26 Chapters into the campaign. 
And then again in Episode 69 we had the Mighty Nein defeat Obann but after he died, the laughing hand did a number on everybody and fjord almost died after being grabbed by the laughing hand and everyone was beat to complete crap. 
Now these factors absolutely play a part on team morale and it informs their decisions to be more careful but I’d argue the real difference between the campaign so far is stakes. More specifically the consequences of running and hiding vs standing and fighting. 
In comparison to Vox Machina, the mighty nein are less traditional heroes. Since the start of the campaign they balanced a decent relationship with the Authorities and Power structures with being involved in illegal practices such as helping the knights of requital to elevate one of their leaders to public office, working for a crime boss, providing Vigilante Justice and later stealing a boat and becoming pirates. Then after starting their quest to save Nott’s Husband they switched that balancing act to a more traditional play both sides mentality. The only difference of course being that there endgame was altruistic. They wanted to stop a war and they had to convince each side that they wanted something mutually beneficial while not appearing too friendly to the other side. 
Compare this to Vox Machina’s Four Major Arcs
Threat: The influence of an ancient artifact is starting to get closer to reaching the surface and if unchecked could lead to major problems for the city. 
Personal: Beloved NPC Allura Vysoren’s friend (at the time) has basically been taken captive and they need to save her before she dies and she won’t go back until her dream quest journey is complete. 
Threat: The Briarwoods sent gaseous assassins to kill their hostage chauffeur revealing that their influence could still reach the M9.  King Uriel had placed them under house arrest / city arrest while under investigation and their freedom was curtailed until they remove the charm on him by presumably killing the briarwoods.
Personal: The villains killed Percy’s family and took control of is city and home. Percy’s family is hinted to be alive in some manner and the reputation of the team is tarnished.
Chroma Conclave
Threat: Four Ancient Dragons controlling the continent of Tal’dorei and crushing anyone who would dare to threaten their newly seized dominion. Their current home is in the backyard of the leader of this conclave and their friend’s newly liberated hometown is also under threat. 
Personal: The head of the villains killed Vax and Vex’s parents. Tiberious was later killed by the threat and the instrumental figure in crafting the alliance betrayed and caused the death of many of the Fire Ashari.
Threat: An old mage from the days of the age of Arcanum is planning to complete a seeding ritual to make himself a god and take over the world. 
Personal: Scanlan implores them that this is a very important quest and essentially returns for this reason. Lady Briarwood is serving the Whispered one which puts all of VM at unease. Vecna personally disintegrates one of Vox Machina. 
These arcs, along with Keyleth’s overall quest being something that she had to face despite her constant self doubts and idealism anxiety, were stuff that Vox Machina couldn’t run from. They couldn’t ignore the issues because the threats were present, personal and there were negative consequences to ignoring the call to action. 
Now compare that to the Mighty Nein who exist in a grayer campaign where the right path isn’t always easily identifiable and every action might have negative and positive consequences. 
And paralleling their journey it’s easy to see the differences.
Episodes 1-33
Episode 1-4 had them as complete strangers mainly fighting Kyrie, the devil toad to prove their innocence after the circus gets blamed for the results of the show. Then they take a job to rescue missing townsfolk from gnollish marauders. Once they arrive in Zadash, they sympathize with the Knights of Requital who desperately wants to replace High-Richter Prucine with their leader Dolan and they offer to help for some coin but the entire plan was supposed to be a series of heists, only turning violent when said the High-Richter returned and Ulog in a moment of rage killed himself and her in one go. 
They then end up whilst trying to get heat off themselves for the murder working for the gentleman who gives them tasks which he promises a healthy amount of coin for that mainly involve getting rid of monsters that are getting in the way of his business and also removing a gang / providing safe passage for one of his associates. Then unexpectedly Molly dies, and the group mentions running would be the smart thing to do but because Fjord, Jester and Yasha are still enslaved the group presses on with a strong resolve to save their missing comrades and avenge molly. 
Episodes 34-49
After this they take a trip to Jester’s hometown and they help her mom out by attacking and mutilating a customer of hers who is acting abusive and controlling in regards to his companionship with her. They end up stealing a boat because they’re not sure how to explain what happened to the guards because they essentially got into a fight for no reason. 
They sail around on fjord’s quest with Avantika for a while despite being quite unnerved by her fanaticism and her end goal to free Uka’Toa. They try to get dirt on her in which to frame her and succeed but her companion has locate object and just before the mighty nein are exposed Caleb recognizes this is a crucial moment and launches the first attack. 
They do run against a young blue dragon but it’s a situation where they all don’t have any need to beat the blue dragon and are just trying to get out. But regardless this is the first winnable encounter they actually end up running from.
Now it’s not unusual up until this point but so far most of their encounters have been quests, stuff that they are paid to get rid of, they’re told about this thing and they kill it for the most part. They’ve felt pretty generally confident about whatever springs up
Episodes 50-87
Now once we get into the Angel’s Irons section things start to change. They go into Xhorhas close up the portal and retrieve evidence to earn a favor from the bright queen before that turns into them being closely watched heroes. They smartly negotiate a truce with the giants instead of wiping them out as they were originally paid to do and free their home of the demonic incursions. They fight Obann the first time and chase after him as they try to get to the bottom of this portals business and eventually things end in heartbreaking failure. 
This kicks off to the Ancient White Dragon Iceflex heist. In this situation them not running would be catastrophic and  it’s completely understandable that they ran. However this episode did get some criticism because they had a long repeating running gag with Yeti’s undercover business that led to about an hour of planning and really slowed down the pace. 
Then a few episodes later they scry on yasha and receive knowledge that she is going to the Lotusden Greenwood to find the heart of the inevitable end. After a stroke of luck with charm person where they take the hand out of the situation they sneak up on Obann and fail at stopping him with Nott’s mage hand. This reluctance to fight here seemed a bit off to people because they already killed Obann but it’s understandable if they didnt want to engage directly though this could be classified as a winnable fight if they played their cards right. There was a hostile tree but incite greed kind of removed it from the fight vs Obann.
We then go to the Happy Fun Ball where a Golem like entity essentially hunts them through many rooms until they get to a point where they can no longer run from it and use machinery in the workshop to help destroy the thing. They probably could have kept running but the continuance of this threat eventually got them so annoyed that they chose to fight it then and there. 
Then we get the whole round 3 vs Obann where to save Yasha, there is no way that they can run away from this fight. When the fight in the cathedral ended, even if the MIX felt fine leaving him alone, Nott got charmed into following them beneath to act as a vessel to break the seal. That and obviously they wanted to give this creep who messed with Yasha what was coming to him and prevent his shenanigans from returning to cause them trouble. 
Episodes 88+
The cupcake moment was brilliant and an excellent subversion of a Hag Fight. Jester bet on herself and for the time being it worked out masterfully giving Veth a free out of her curse. 
Similiarly with Caduceus’ Family they couldn’t just leave the gorgon roam free and not revive his family when they had the chance so they stood their ground and fought it. 
Contrast this with the Dragon Turtle encounter where it’s a threat to them sure but they’re under no obligation to defeat it. Why fight for no good reason and risk death when you can just turn it into a sea slug and bounce?
Why fight Vokodo now when they can greater restoration each other and bring more allies and possibly even the traveler himself to their side? 
The main reason why the Mighty Nein have constantly ran from encounters is that there hasn’t been enough reason for them to stay and fight. When there is a reason they are pretty cautious to not go in under-prepared and thus have moments where they over plan. 
A possible problem that can come from this risk averse approach though just made itself clear in this last episode though. There ship was destroyed because they didn’t defeat the turtle or keep the ship hidden away or sailing where the turtle couldn’t reach it. 
Because they didn’t go straight at Vokodo, either the first time or at a later day from the jump where they had a solid plan they are gonna be down spell slots if they do indeed end up not reaching caduceus in time. If they do end up reaching him in time that might mean they have to burn even more spells and will have to try again some other time. Despite there existing some benefits to playing it safe, there are also negatives and I feel like Matt has been stressing that more and more lately
Vox Machina couldn’t afford to rest when it came to the Briarwoods or the Chroma Conclave and I think if the MIX were in a similiar situation they would also step u to the plate it’s just so far they’ve been generally fine with avoiding dangerous situations when possible but it looks like things may be changing in the future. And when people they care about or places they care about are threatened by such outside sources I think we’ll see a lot of the same gumption from the MIX as we did with Vox Machina. It’s just based on there start as a secret grungy kind of illegal group that preferred to stay out of the limelight and experiences with rushing into trouble that it’s taken them longer then Vox Machina to get to this place.
TLDR; I wouldnt say they are cowards but their experiences when combined with lower stakes if they bail out of fights means that unless they feel like they cannot run away due to personal connections or a sense of duty, they probably will run if the threat looks somewhat fierce. That has helped them some risks but it also can possibly lead to more in the future. But I do feel that the story is moving towards a place where they are gonna have reasons to stand firm and fight and become heroes in their own special way.
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thecosmicsen · 4 years
22, bicth.
send me a number from 1-100 for a starter based on that song or  🎁  for shuffle    +   @shesin​
↳  fucking around with me is dangerous,  the lines are blurry now,  this isn't lust ·  tinashe
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in true grisly apocalyptical fashion,  he observes how the blood red streaks mar her usually smooth canvas of skin and taint the vibrance of her pearly white enamels.  the metallic crimson stands out in a stark contrast to what she pulls herself off as.  refined.  polished.  impeccably groomed.  the untouchable.  but now he is reminded of the heart of her innate nature.  it embodies itself upon her in the form of dazzling patterns that trickle down the corners of her doused ruby lips and  falling off as seamless red droplets from the tapered ends of her canines.  is she smiling or stricken with another bout of grief that is about to come and seep in at full force to wreck havoc on her already trembling limbs  ?  he can’t tell just yet.  all he can do is merely observe from a situated distance,  marvelling at the irony of the entire situation.  how did he come to the point in life that he has to ask his twin brother,  that he had so cruelly stabbed,  to fetch a fresh body to ensure the survival of an increasingly unstable demonic entity  ?
what baffles him even more is the instinctive washing over of his own nature to serve and protect that grips his body in lock,  chaining his feet solely to the spot nearby her side to reassure the two of them that things will turn out okay.  the crease between his brows is elicited more from the presence of his twin brother’s erratic but stealthily hidden scheming.  Taesoo’s ever present gaze lingers on the back of his neck like an itch of a fly that one cannot seem to sway away enough.  he knows about Inés.  he knows I’m with her and willing to be flexible with my terms to make sure she gets through this.  he has all this information now and I don’t know what he is going to do with it.  he’s too calm as usual.  why did he leave so easily  ?
a ragged sigh that escapes between a bloody heaving pout catches Jaewoo’s attention.  flitting his vision back to the woman who still stands with natural command,  her posture visibly improved from her freshly plucked feast.  she doesn’t need to speak for him to understand what is going through her mind.  his lips downturn in a grimace as the invisible lines of fatigue etched on her face cause his heart to wring aches of sympathy for a creature that just unleashed frenzied savage destruction to a single vulnerable body.  she must have been starving.  no wonder.  
"  hi,  did you eat well  ?  ”  Jaewoo gently breaks the silence with the least provocative question to test the waters of a post-fed demon,  his overflowing concern filtering out any leftover confusion lilting his tone.  “  you got some blood on your teeth.  would you like me to help you clean it up  ?  ”  in all naturalness,  he hands over the power to her with the choice of whether she decides she will like him to help her clean up the drying ichor splayed on her limbs.  not that she needs any demonstration,  he scrutinises her reactions as he takes teeny tiny steps towards her which he hurries when she throws him a questioning look,  as if she is silently daring him to see what happens next if he acts hesitantly cautious in his movements towards her.
the air hang stills between the convoluting triangle of himself,  the devoured body and Inés.  although the reeking scent of torn open flesh causes his stomach to recoil from slight agitation the memories of his knife slipping between his brother’s ribs never seems to go away,  he has no wavering pauses when he reaches out to her hands gently.  her smeared palms transfer to his but he pays no mind to it as he is already used to being nothing but full of her bloody tears mattifying his clothes down.  he doesn’t mind it.  in fact,  he secretly is grateful for it so that hopefully she can notice that he is fine with sharing the instability of emotional turmoils with her and that he is nothing but a mirror to her in her moments of weakness.  you’re not weak,  you’re not alone,  I get like you too but even worse.  I can’t keep picking myself up right after but you can. 
when she doesn’t have a knee jerk reaction to shove him away this instance,  his tender touch increases in firmness only just enough to guide her to another of the little routines they have established together.  going to the bathroom usually entails a huge clean up of sorts,  primarily the deluge of crimson staining her cheeks from the emotions that ravage through her veins.  
“  you have so much blood on your face,  ”  he states,  his words nothing but soft spoken as he gazes at her with intense attentiveness,  his palms cupping her face.  it starts off with square one,  using a facecloth soaked in water to tenderly rub away at the cracking blood on her skin.  one palm steadies underneath her chin to ever so delicately guide her face around so he can dab away,  getting one morsel of blood cleaned off at a time.  this is all part of their established rhythm for the past few days where he carefully takes his time to wash her free of her smudged bloody shades that tarnish her cheeks.  each speck of smeared red is a testament to the emotional turmoil she has to endure which he had to helplessly witness the recoiling horror of having to see someone like Inés,  ever so self-assured in her own person,  to be battered down by the relentless swarm of the entire spectrum of emotions.  
it is a silent few moments,  nothing awkward but rather he feels intimately intertwined with her aching soul surfacing its tumultuous sharp descent of sentiments.  he meticulously dabs dabs dabs at her hollowed cheeks,  more of her ichor generously coating his fingers instead.  Inés opts for noiselessly staring at him if not fluttering her eyes shut to conceal the next threatening crash of unstable rickety emotions.  this time,  she keeps her eyes open at him,  her gaze steadfast and unblinking as he focuses on vanishing any reminders of her harrowing struggles that her heart has to trudge through.  in between mild brushing aways of the soiled facecloth,  he offers her small reassuring smiles in the moments their gazes do lock albeit an edge of fatigued empathy hardens the corners of his eyes.  I’m here for you,  we’ll get through this together.  I feel your pain too.  I don’t know how you’re still standing so strong.  I wouldn’t be able to survive something like this. 
now he feels a tinge of awkwardness flush his cheeks when he realises he needs to thoroughly brush his teeth.  attempting to camouflage his random embarrassment,  he pulls a slight grimace laced with mirth before gently murmuring,  “  do you think you could open your mouth for me please  ?  ”
it feels strange to do so but he thumbs a bare finger over her bottom lip,  silently asking for permission before taking his own initiative to tenderly tug her chin in between his fingers as another non-verbal cue to request permission.  to give her space to do so without feeling like he is overpowering her,  he breaks away between the arising pause of tension in order to grab her toothbrush and apply a generous coating of toothpaste.  when he turns back to her,  he is hit with the sight of how the thick oozing of blood fills up the tiny gaps between her enamels and the fierce need to protect and ensure her wellbeing grips him with force.
“  let’s rinse out first a little bit  ?  ”  he doesn’t know why he is asking for permission again when there is no other way to start cleaning her mouth.  filling up a cup of water,  he guides her by her arm over the sink so he can press the cool rim against her lips so she can begin to rinse her mouth clean.  when she finishes a few rapid swishing of the water,  she turns back to him expectantly,  a springing of tears to her eyes and his own soften.  I know,  I know.  you can’t explain your moods.  it comes from out of nowhere.  it’s okay.  it happens to me all the time too.
tucking behind a couple of stray hair strands away from her freshly cleansed face to avoid getting flecks of toothpaste on it,  he coaxes her to open her mouth wider with an encouraging grin,  abruptly transitioning into a tuneless hum as he starts brushing her teeth.  fixating to achieve nothing but a flawless finish,  he thoroughly brushes away at her teeth,  spending a little too long at her canines in awed fascination as his free hand remains gently cupped at her chin.  
five minutes later,  she is all freshly brushed and flossed but when he nears the end of wringing out the last bits of flesh between her teeth,  he is suddenly hyperaware of her blown out pupils following his every movement and his hands tremble slightly under her intense scrutiny.  he’s reluctant,  uncharacteristically shy,  to immediately meet her gaze so he draws out the last few moments for unnecessary extra flossing of her molars.  when he can no longer prolong the moment,  he looks up to meet her gaze and time seems to stop.  
blissfully unaware of their current situation and the context of the toothbrushing,  he is sucked into staring back at her hypnotic eyes,  the honeyed dark brown colour that means she is momentarily satisfied.  he doesn’t know how much time passes,  or whether such a concept even exists with a woman of her calibre,  he keeps staring back at her without much movement as she keeps staring back at him.  he realises that his hand is still cupping her chin although his hand holding her toothbrush is dropped far away from her mouth now.  yet he still holds her in his grasp whilst staring back,  a slight questioning behind his look as well as hers.  what are you thinking about right now  ?  how are you feeling in this moment  ?
he wants to say something but the words die on the tip of his tongue,  his brain halting him with a noiseless warning that he shouldn’t speak within this moment.  he remains questioning,  blinking his rounded eyes at her,  her toothbrush still tightly gripped in his other hand.  he desperately yearns to know how she feels.  does he need to go start making some tea now  ?
"  I’m here with you.  ”  the words spontaneously tumble out of his mouth since he feels a need to anchor them in the present tense and remind her himself that he is here for her.  removing his hand from her chin,  he rests on his chest earnestly instead.  “  I know you’re suffering a lot . . .  I feel it to with you.  but you will be fine.  we’ll get out of this together.  ”
the look she gives him mystifies him but she surprisingly rasps out a,  “  thank you.  ”  before spinning on her heel to walk away.
all that he is left behind with is the remnants of her blood staining his hands and soaked into the sleeves of his clothes.  he looks down at his bloody palms,  finding himself unwilling to completely wash himself straight away.  
is this how she feels too  ?
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‘A Cursed Man in a Cursed Land...’
Navaroth finished wrapping himself in his typical attire: linen wrap that covered him from the chest down, covering his frail and pale flesh that almost held some sheen in the moonlight that cloaked him in the cool air. Bumps rose upon the nape of his neck as he turned, wispy white hair dancing along his shoulders and back as it graced his skin like a feather. After tightening the black cloth off and putting it in place, he reached for his leather pieces that lie across his bed and began strapping them against his slender form in a methodical fashion, head canting and tracing their ancient yet still intricate design. He was one to impress in more than one way, after all. As his thinly nailed digits moved across the risen edges of his family’s lost sigil his lips twisted into a scowl before he thrust himself upright. Just then, his reflection was caught in the mirror off to the side and his dormant, cyan gems locked with themselves. For a moment the images that recently invaded his most private of moments seemed to flash before his very eyes, but for no longer than necessary as he shook himself free. It was time to reach for the silver breastplate that he most often adorned: a beautiful piece of craftsmanship developed by one of his undead smiths. It was silver, tarnished, but still held some undying beauty within the numerous crevasses that outlined a ribcage along each side. At its center was perhaps the most astonishing graphic: a deathly skull with hollow eyes like the master which wore it. It held some mystery within its black sockets, as if it’d seen far more than any mortal would dare. It knew as many stories as Navaroth himself. Its mouth held pointed rows of teeth left agape with a stone at its center, one of dark cyan make that churned a dimly sick light. As he fashioned the breastplate against his torso, Navaroth swiveled on his tattered leather boots and reached for his equally torn cloak that licked the floor as he quickened his pace.
The echo of his footfalls resounded in the black hallway, his reflection bouncing off the sheen of the marble floor and it too was black. There was a theme that Navaroth sought to instill within his citadel, a man- or thing- of class and a taste for aesthetic. Braziers stood upon their own pedestals down the hallway, lit by the same light that churned within his hollow sockets and the skull at his chest. Step by step he quickened until rounding the corner towards an elevator that’d take him swiftly to the bottom of his quarters of the spire. Stepping once more into an enormous corridor, Navaroth eventually found himself within the vast keep fashioned with a raised throne at its center. Lining the bottom of the steps were four armored knights in total, though no flesh peered from behind the wicked plate that hid them. The warlock positioned himself between the four and almost on command their eyes became enflamed by the same sickly light which shone throughout, their plated gauntlets rising against their torso and thudding against it loudly.
“Ensure the citadel is locked down until my return. If anyone- or anything for that matter- should approach, destroy it without hesitation,” his words were cold and precise, as if dwelling on the matter at hand and its possible threat to not only himself but his home. It was not often that Navaroth was drawn to such a power as what the serpentine woman had commanded, but he was sure it could be a disaster. Before his mind could taunt him further, the plated guards pounded their chest again and one broke rank to head off into an adjacent hallway, his terrifying halberd raised and resting against his shoulder. Before Navaroth could prepare his exit, a Shade materialized into view before the elf, his torso bent into a crude bow with an arm over its incorporeal chest.
“Not that it’s my place, my lord, but- “
“You’re right, it’s not,” his words were like a cold knife that cut through both the frigid air that settled between them and the words the creature attempted to utter. “Watch over the citadel until my return.” The Shadow merely watched with its dimly lit amber orbs which peered from its smoky body and made some gesture like a nod, though broken up by his flickering form. Before any poorer dialogue could interrupt Navaroth, he lowered his head and his eyes churned violently. A hum took to the air as magic began seeping from the warlock’s very being, surrounding him like a vortex that began at his feet before rising and rotating with a speed that threatened to swallow even the Shade. Before long, Navaroth’s entire form was swallowed and in a rather intense fashion exploded to reveal he’d final vanished.
As his physical body drifted through the world his consciousness focused on the one place that stuck out in the darkest depths of his mind that was slowly brought forward into clear view. He focused long and hard on the land he moved to visit which oddly enough reminded him of home. Closer and closer he drifted and could feel himself being pulled now as if not by his own hand. For the briefest of moments he felt… terror? And before long he was thrust into being once more, the space he now occupied being surrounded by a flurry of what looked like ash and dust with specks of broken cyan light. And there, in a scorched clearing within what he presumed to be Duskwood, he stood. Twisted and dark leaved trees rose up all around him and seemed to claw at the sky, or at the very least consume the darkened skies he felt some comfort in. As his eyes lingered on what moon was left behind dark clouds, his gaze finally fell upon the path that’d been cleared before him. And up ahead? The mansion he’d seen in his dream- or nightmare- though he couldn’t decipher that part yet.
Slowly he strode, cautious of what it was that awaited him. He could feel eyes upon himself but from where he could not tell. Even the mansion ahead seemed devoid of life, though it teemed with some unnatural and otherwise hidden power. With one careful foot leading ahead of him, he pulled himself closer ever so slightly. His pointed boot swept away at the slithering creatures that writhed, awakened by the rustling of dead leaves beneath a stranger’s foot. By the time he’d reached the gate which protruded from what appeared to be dead and cold earth, it was clear that something would prevent further entry. Even with just an extension of his clawed digit it raked against something that was unseen, at least for the time being. A smirk found its way upon his pale lips and slowly he let his palm rest against the protected iron bars.
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blankdblank · 6 years
Crash Pt 6
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 -
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@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @admirationofarmitage, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless, @imjusthereforthereads, @evyiione, @deepestfirefun, @queenoferebor, @abiwim, @jotink78, @c-s-stars
And we are left to wonder just how much this round the clock surveillance is costing us for having the King’s Consort, our surprise Queen Pear surely must be racking up quite a bill. But our sources have said there is now a group of Elven guards that have begun rotating with the King’s Guards in protecting the source of our King’s smile.
Another Anchor cut him off. Some may find it exuberant, but seeing the sensible Smial she’s been residing in there is a lot to appreciate that she hasn’t forced the topic of moving in.
He was cut off as well by the female anchor between them. I could imagine the number of women that would jump at the chance to throw herself about the Palace while she mentally plans out all the changes she is to make if the union is finalized.
The first anchor chimed in again. I am curious how that would work. The others looked at him curiously. No, hear me out. She’s a Queen, which in most cultures she has to be the one to offer marriage. How would they even get comfortable enough with all involved to approach the topic? Her lands are still merging together, there are those Spider radicals trying to fight against it. All of this and yet, they do seem happy together. Even going so far as to have started inviting each other to official events.
The female anchor added on. I think it’s a positive thing, to have them be at least that comfortable to stand up and say, as the first monarchs in this situation, that they’re going through the usual steps. Dates, nights in, little tokens here and there, meeting the family which for both of them would also include meeting the public.
One of the men spoke up when she finished. Not to mention Queen Pear has gone so far as to cross of a great milestone in our culture at least, proving her willingness to protect your mate, with your life if necessary. She was attacked and our kin and King were nearly harmed had she and the Royal Family from Greenwood not been so readily prepared for the dangerous rebels still being sourced out in her lands. That in itself should be statement enough as for their growing bond after she all but proposed, if we go by our oldest of proposal traditions. Saving his life then simply touching his hand while on her throne. For me at least I would assume there is already discussion of possible terms for a contract.
The first man spoke again. It does seem, at least from what we know so far, that the pair of Councils involved have begun talks of possibly restarting a long lost round of trade between our Kingdoms. A positive whether or not a union can be finalized.
The woman interrupted again. I doubt any woman, Queen or not would, under this microscope filled world would be so, affectionate, or involved in the King’s busy schedule unless there was some mutual not just attraction but, I’m going to be generous and say a promise, or at least a possibility of it becoming more than just dating.
The men nodded and one added. I agree. To just willingly give away any privacy, even just for publicity or attention obviously chasing after a King requires far more than just a determined woman wishing to claim a King as her own.
The other man joined in. I do think this does have some, at least some, hints of some sort of promise for their future. Our King was gifted that pin for her first event marking him as her favorite. Which I have read up on and learned it is merely a weakening of the term in translation, it is closer to that of Consort for her kin.
The woman spoke again. Which I think is a fitting message. To state it right away and ease King Thorin into her people’s lives when we’ve already seen at least a month of their brewing relationship. On all counts Queen Pear does seem to be well versed in our customs, it really makes me wonder what traditions or expectations our King has to meet. But in all this we are just thrilled to see the pair of them at the State Dinner at the end of the week.
The music came on signaling the commercial break as Thorin shut off the screen and wrapped his arms across your back. A late night drop by after yet another day of touring the final factory on a long list being updated with more efficient machines far safer for the workers brought on a date night to enjoy your next bout of baking with Glorfindel before his flight home again. All this after his bringing the tech team to finish setting up the system to keep you in touch with your Council. 
Warmly under a thick flannel you snuggled beside Dwalin through the film playing an hour prior you had fallen asleep through. Somewhere between then and morning Dwalin had left the room to claim your spare bed you had offered the guards on night watch inside signaling the guards outside to continue their rounds circling the home stealing glances at the King holding you tighter in his sleep.
Loudly the latest chiming of the grandfather clock in the hall sounded as you slipped free from Thorin’s loosening grip to sit up beside his legs as you brushed your hair from your face then glanced around the room curiously. When you stood up Thorin stirred, slowly rubbing his face wondering why you’d left his arms only to stare at you wide eyed in your tearful whisper of, “We’re alone.”
Thorin glanced across the room spotting the door shut to the guest room he could hear Dwalin snoring through then looked at you and tensed seeing the tears welling in your eyes and hands smoothing over your upper arms. Wetting his lips he sat up, “Dwalin probably didn’t want to wake you with his snoring.”
Before he could ask you what was wrong his lips parted after you stated, “I’m not supposed to be alone with anyone but my kin and my Husband.”
Standing up he softly uttered, “Jaqi,” watching a tear roll down your cheek in his steps closer to you. His hand extended silently asking for yours you were cautious at granting him. “Please don’t be upset.”
in a broken whisper you replied, “He closed the door. There’s doubt now.” At the falling of more tears down your cheeks he moved closer offering both hands he was reluctant to place on you, merely holding them carefully a couple inches out from your arms in his move to be closer to you in the scrunching of your face.
He wet his lips then stated, “Jaqi, I’m not allowed to be alone with you either.” Making your eyes rise to meet his. “You said our relationship has to be a great deal based on trust. I trust you, you trust me. We fell asleep on the couch, as poor of a choice of wording as it is, I’m just as tarnished as you are.” Making another tear roll down your cheek. “Dearest, please,” his hands motioned to request one of yours you reluctantly eased into his palm and he led you back to the couch. “Let me show you something.”
His free hand dipped into his pocket to pull out his phone he quickly typed a message that a few moments after caused his phone to buzz when you sat down beside him. “Bofur’s on rounds outside. See, the window blind is open on the side.” You nodded then glanced at the phone looking at the first picture of Thorin flipping through the channels when you had fallen asleep. “When I am alone off the Palace grounds my guards are required to take a picture of me every fifteen minutes, especially when I fall asleep as proof of my safety. So technically, we aren’t alone. Not truly.”
“There’s no doubt then?”
He shook his head locking his eyes with yours as he passed you the phone and wiped your cheeks then stood, crossing the room to ease open Dwalin’s door and walk back to your side again reclaiming his seat. Sweetly his hands rose to wipe your cheeks again, “We can look through them together, alright?” You nodded and shifted to sit closer to him holding up the phone as he said, “Nothing good was on, ended up on the news. So far good things have been said.” You swiped again to the next image, “All four hands visible.” You kept swiping through his comments on each, “Ooh, your hand moved, to my face, maybe I snorted.”
Making you giggle and pass him the phone at the end of the images and locked your eyes with his as his hand rose to gently stroke your cheek. “Dearest. I will speak with the men in the morning, it won’t happen again.” He wet his lips and inched closer to you with a sheepish smile, “It was meant to be a surprise, but with the full day tomorrow, it sort of put back the dinner I planned.” His hand settled around yours, soon joined by the other to cup and caress it adoringly, “I am going to say something,” you nodded as he swallowed dryly, “There’s no one else. No one I would consider to rule alongside. It has only been just barely over a month, but I am certain, our dinner was to aid me in working up to granting you my first gift. A marker just as your pin is, to promise my intentions of an engagement, and to signal the start of forming terms.” His eyes scanned over your face hopefully, “Would you accept my offer of a promise and to start forming terms?”
You nodded and his lips instantly molded to yours in a firm kiss as your hands smoothed around the back of his neck while he drew you onto his lap then broke the kiss to press his forehead to yours. Softly you asked, “You’re certain?”
He nodded then placed a kiss on the tip of your nose then eyed your still exhausted expression, “Now that the door’s open could another nap be possible?” The hopeful gleam in his eyes making you smirk, “I would love to take full advantage of my chances to hold you in my arms until we can finally be alone.”
You nodded, “I could use some more sleep.” His smile eased larger at yours growing, “You don’t snore as badly as your Cousin, thankfully.”
He chuckled then stated, “I could always get those nose strips.”
You smirked kissing his nose, “I don’t mind. Just like having my own life sized teddy bear with a thunderous roar.” Making his smirk grow as he shifted to stretch out again with you across his side and chest as his lips pressed to your forehead. “Night Thorin.”
Lowly he rumbled back nuzzling his head against yours, “Good Night Dearest. I’ll have the gift sent over today and let my Council know.” Typing a message on his phone before setting it aside to sleep.
With the next chiming of the clock came a groggy King opening his eyes to his Cousin shaking his shoulder. Carefully you were cradled in his arms through your irritated grumble at the shifting on his path to take you to your bed where he tucked you in lovingly and kissed your forehead. With his phone back in his pocket and the ring Nori had brought for him eased onto your right index finger he stole one last look at you then headed to the car waiting for him. On his path to the car he glanced over at the equally irritated Dwalin at his side, wetting his lips he locked eyes with Dwalin when his door was opened halting Dwalin in place. “There’s, Jaqi’s not allowed to be alone with me.”
Dwalin’s lips parted, “I-.”
Thorin shook his head, “Bofur’s pictures calmed her down. Just, when you or the other guards do go to sleep when I’m there just leave the door open.”
Dwalin nodded, “Of course.”
Thorin grinned at him patting him on the shoulder, “Let’s go see what Dain wants this time.” Making Dwalin chuckle and climb in behind him for the drive to meet his feuding kin eventually leading him to the airport for a flight to Moria to handle the problem himself.
Three in the morning drew a loud grumble from you as you rolled over and grabbed your phone Thorin left by the bed ringing loudly. With a glare you brushed your curls from your face to read the name on the screen before you raised the phone to your ear as a car filled with Elves arrived to take you to the airport. Smacking your lips after stating, “I’m on my way.” You sat up in bed brushing the covers down and you tucked your phone in the pocket on your barely visible shorts under your large baggy sweater. 
Groggily you moved to the foot of your bed slipping on your moccasin slippers before you walked through the house to the front door as Gimli followed after you joining you, with a warning text to Thorin about your disturbance. “Your Majesty, surely it can wait for you to get dressed.”
You sighed brushing your hair out of your face, “They woke me at three in the morning, meaning there is no time for pants. Or they better at least hope there won’t be.” Making him smirk at your yawned threatening response.
To the young Dwarf’s surprise you were driven to the private airstrip to another waiting jet that flew you to the ridge between Lothlorien, Moria and Greenwood where he eyed the damage a group of bristling trees growling at the bloody group of Men from Gondor training in your lands for their upper level military rankings that all straightened up and bowed their heads to you. At first your appearance froze them in place, especially your exhausted glare at the Men in question all trying to take in the details of your unkempt appearance in the moon and lantern lit night.
Approaching the General in charge you nodded your head at his deep bow, “Your Majesty. We apologize for disturbing you this late.”
Your eyes shifted over to your Uncle Celeborn in the distance speaking with the trees trying their best to withhold their vengeful swings at the Men. “Well I had certainly hoped it wouldn’t be this soon to get this particular call, again.” To which he nodded his head as you walked over to the group of Men tugging up your sleeves and crossed your arms then asked, “Who stole the wind chimes?”
Between the twelve of them you looked them all over taking in each tick and flinch at your spark filled glare. Their leader Deanorte barked out brashly, “What wind chimes Your Majesty?”
Your eyes locked on his and he visually flinched at the contact, “The ones you and your Men stole from the trees trying to kill you that tore apart half of the barracks trying to retrieve them.” The youngest Son of a Lord from Numenor you knew would be calling you when he heard about this nonsense.
Smuggly he shook his head, “Don’t recall any wind chimes Your Majesty.”
With a nod you stated, “Perhaps this will jog your memory.” Your hand rose as you drew in a sharp breath and eased two fingers into your mouth letting out a trilling five note whistle echoing through the barracks stirring the rest of the Men in the distance that flinched and darted away from the glowing barrack that let out a pulse of light before a group of whistling objects soared straight for you. Halting inches from your raised palm and swayed in circled pulsing brightly easing the anger in the trees watching you looking over the Men. “Look familiar?”
Again Deanorte shook his head, “No Your Majesty.”
Beside you Gimli’s fist clenched spotting the blatant lie signaling your move to walk through their line as they parted as you said, “General, add their faces to the wall.” Behind you Gimli followed glaring at the Man guilty of lying to you as their General bowed his head to your order calling out, “Yes Your Majesty.”
Behind you the Men scoffed as their leader chortled out, “Stealing a wind chime gets out picture up on a wall? What other prizes do we get?”
Hastily as Gimli glanced back their wrists were grabbed and they were shackled and led away to the prison on the base nearby, “Your faces will be added to the Wall of Exiles. Your other prizes include 35 years banishment from Her Majesties’ lands and possibly the dishonorable discharge for the charges of perjury and thievery against the crown when the Numenorean Lords hear of this.”
Deanorte, “Thievery against the crown?!”
Their voices died as you glanced at Gimli motioning him to join your side for you to say softly, “These were gifted to the tree guarding our borders at the crossroads since the waking of my kin in these lands from my ancestors. Each King and Queen gifts more bells and decorations to add to them upon their coronation.”
Gimli nodded, “Ah, so they’re protected relics. Explains the fury for losing such a gift.”
Easily you approached the trees returning the chimes to their former places in the herd of trees that all made their ways back to their homes again. Turning your heat you glanced up at your Uncle who chuckled softly through Gimli answering his phone as the other Men stole more glances at you and their arrested friends then headed back to bed.
Celeborn, “We managed to calm them fairly quickly this time.”
You nodded, “Yes, last time took me to get them calm.” You sighed and smoothed your hair back only to have it sway forward again pooling around your face. “Lord Anorte and Anrios will not be pleased.”
Celeborn replied, “Our laws are clear. Do not harm or upset our trees.”
You nodded and accepted the helicopter ride back to your Uncle’s Palace where he led you straight through to his war room where the screen lit up revealing two Numenorean Lords both scowling at you for the banishment of their Sons until they realized the exhaustion and disheveled appearance in their full body shot of you.
Anrios, “Your Majesty, What is the meaning of this?! Why has my Son been arrested and banished over a simple skirmish damaging the camp?”
“Lord Anrios, Lord Anorte, let me answer your question with another question. Why at three in the morning did I get called all the way out from Erebor because your Sons and their platoon stole enchanted chimes gifted from my ancestors to the trees guarding my borders? I did what was necessary to keep the peace in my lands. We have laws for a reason concerning our trees and they are to be respected by any and all of your Men, or should I inform the trees I have rescinded my judgment and am passing it over to them. I doubt you of all people would understand.”
Their lips parted at once when their bodies shifted awkwardly before Lord Anorte bowed his head answering, “No Your Majesty. We will stand by your ruling. None of us wish a repeat of the siege of Izenguard. We will ensure the Men we send out in the near future are absolutely obedient of those laws.” You nodded and the call ended after final farewells leaving you to turn to the approaching Council locked in a debate over the new laws adding to theirs you spent the following 16 hours sorting out before you were able to fly back to Erebor again. Though in what you assumed would be an empty airstrip you spotted the King with flowers in hand ready to take you home for a dinner and another nap, hopefully with you in his arms.
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collecting-stories · 8 years
Midwife - John Shelby
Request: hello, can i please request a John imagine where you are a midwife and you deliver adas baby, and he just watches you in amazement cause of how controlled you are and stuff and he asks you about midwifery and stuff but he doesn't really have a clue what he's going on about, he just wants to talk to you. Thank you x
Midwife | John Shelby
"How long have you been a midwife?" John had been following you since you'd arrived at the Shelby household to care for Ada.  
Finn had come to get you early this morning to tell you that Ada was having the baby. He had been wildly excited about a nephew for the first two hours but now hour ten was approaching and he had fallen asleep in the kitchen. John however, seemed to have more stamina, and much less responsibility, because he kept following you around the house and asking you questions. At first you didn’t mind, whenever you needed a blanket or water or a rag he was eager to volunteer his services. You weren't naïve to his intentions, which were far from being a helpful older brother in his sister's time of need.  
"I've been a midwife for about nine years now. My mum is a midwife as well, and my nan was before that." You explained. It was probably a great deal longer than nine years because your mother had been carting you around to watch ladies give birth since you were able to understand basic commands and assist her.  
You were down in the kitchen, checking a pot of water that you were heating to clean the baby with. Your mother had taught you that putting a baby in a bath after birth would help remind them of being in the womb so you always gave your newborns baths as a way of soothing them. John, who had been waiting in the hall outside Ada's room, had followed you down into the kitchen. 
"That's a long time." He replied, "do you have any of your own?" 
"Children?" You verified, removing the pot from the stove and pouring the water into a basin. 
"Yeah, have you had children or does delivering put you off the idea." 
"I don't have any, I'd like to someday though I'm sure I'll be a bother to whatever midwife assists me." You answered truthfully. You had heard stories of your mother arguing so much with the midwife that delivered you that she gave birth without realizing it. That seemed a bit far-fetched but you wouldn’t be surprised if you did the same thing someday.  
"I've four myself." John announced, taking the basin from your hands and walking steadily up the stairs with it.  
"Oh, thank you!" You followed after him, "did you say four children?" 
"Yeah, four of 'em." He smiled. 
"Their mother must be exhausted." You replied, trying not to sound too bothered by the idea that he was flirting with you while having a family at home. After today you wouldn’t see him so it didn’t matter.  
"Their mum died." John answered. 
"Oh gosh, John I'm so sorry," you laid a hand on his arm.  
"It's going on three years now." He replied, "anyway, I won't tell you all the sad bits. Where does this go?" 
"I'll take it, it goes in Ada's room." 
John didn’t listen to the first part, instead moving down the hall further so that he could put the basin in Ada's room. She was laying on a makeshift mat on the floors with blankets and pillows at her sides and Polly sat behind her. John popped in with you following closely behind, mouthing an apology for his intrusion.  
The only time Polly had seen John so eager to be in a room with a woman giving birth was when his first child was born. After that he deemed the birthing process disgusting and never set foot in the room again. So she was mildly surprised to see him walk into Ada's room.  
"Leave the poor woman alone John, she's here for your sister not you." Polly remarked. 
"I mean if you'd like to give having a baby a try I could come round to see you too." You joked, causing Ada to laugh.  
"No, I'll leave you to it." John stated. "If you need anything I'm right outside." 
You stayed in Ada's room with her and Polly for the rest of the afternoon. It wasn’t until late into the evening that Karl was born and John, who had been right outside in the hallway true to his word, was the first Shelby brother to find out. You helped Polly get Ada all cleaned up and you bathed Karl to make sure he was clean as well before you let anyone into the room.  
Once the baby's father came in you and Polly both excused yourselves from the room. John was still waiting outside the door and Polly nearly laughed at the sight of him. You were sure if you felt it was comical that he had waited outside the entire time to talk to you or if you were flattered by it. Either way you knew it was improper to flirt with someone while you were supposed to be working.  
You told John as much when he asked you if you wanted to down to the Garrison with him where his brothers were celebrating. "I appreciate the offer really, but it would be improper of me to accept." 
"Why's that?" 
"Well cause I'm working right now John, I've just helped your sister deliver a baby. That's my livelihood. People would be cautious to hire me if it got out that I flirted with men in the house while working." You answered.  
You walked passed John to collect your things in the kitchen. He stood at the door while you got everything packed up, not saying a word. You already regretted turning him down, he was probably the most handsome man who'd ever asked you on a date. Not to mention, from the time that he spent helping you today, he was obviously very responsible. But it would tarnish your reputation if people heard that while you were meant to be delivering a baby you were flirting with the woman's brother. Which was better than flirting with her husband, but still not appropriate.  
"Tell Ada if she has any problems or feels that Karl is colicky to send someone round for me." You told John when you reached the front door. 
"I will." 
He let you out the door and it closed behind you. Not turning around, you reasoned with yourself that you had made the right decision not to accept his offer. As you neared the Garrison you stopped, looking in the window over the frosted glass.  
"Fancy meeting you here." 
You turned to see John walking up beside you. "I was just on my way home.” 
"So you're not working then?" 
"No I'm not at work." You laughed at the absurdity of his question. 
"Well since you're not at work right now, would you like to accompany me to the Garrison, see my sister just had a baby and we're all celebrating." He replied. 
"You're not at work." He pointed out.  
"Alright, fine, yes I'll go to the Garrison with you." 
"And the pictures tomorrow night?"  
"Yes, sure, and the pictures tomorrow night." You took his arm when he offered it to you. 
"I still have my kit though, I don’t want to lose it in there. Could we walk to my house first?" You asked.  
"Trying to get me into your home already, Alright I'll walk you but I'm a proper gentleman so I'll have to wait in the hall." John joked. 
"Tosser." You laughed. "You'll stay on the stoop."
I kept the word-count on this one down a bit so it’s more of a blurb in my opinion then a full fledged story. 
tagged: @weirdnewbie (if anyone wants to be tagged just let me know!)
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Hellas Marble Flooring Ceramic tile.
Marble floor is among the a lot more popular types of floor covering floor tile that people utilize nowadays in their properties. If you are you looking for more info on yellow pages uk england residential [hop over to this website] have a look at our web site. Refined tiles possess a small gloss, the ceramic tiles lie however not as glossy as sleek. Moreover, you do not call for scrubbing marble tile surface areas unless there are actually some difficult components present on it, and simply use a mild soap to clean its surface area. Best of all, T.R.I.M. sustains a dirt and wreck free of charge cleaning method ideal for foot traffic in a few hours after installation." Changing tiles can easily currently be actually problem-free. Because of the tiny location, you can use huge ceramic tiles that simulate stone, marble, or even timber. Pebble floor tile has actually been in the market for several years and also is known for its organic, exquisite charm. You likewise must avoid your marble floor off harm that can stem from blemishes and even off blemishes. There are likewise choices in natural rock ceramic tiles, like granite, limestone, marble and also slate. Carpets usually guard marble floor covering in London coming from harm these can likewise help in maintaining the appeal of the flooring. The refined appearance from marble includes a processed quality to any sort of space, mixing effectively with modern or even traditional decor. In addition to these, mount a lovely ancient hanging light over the island counter. However the million dollar concern that you should be asking yourself is actually, 'is marble flooring right for your residence?' I don't in any way mean to wet your alacrity for the stone, however it does create a lot of feeling to comprehend the benefits and drawbacks of marble flooring just before setup. Cork floor is actually all the rage today, however it is actually not a very good selection for kitchen floorings in most cases. Any stone floor covering demands a strong foundation that are going to steer clear of floor tiles as well as cement cracking the moment put in; enhance if required! As well as due to the fact that these ceramic tiles can deliver charm as well as beauty for your house, the owner as well as people that floor it has to beware; there are actually factors that can truly harm the charm of these ceramic tiles, so that is crucial to know all of them to avoid all of them. The ceramic tiles may also be used for outdoor wall cladding, downpour, neighboring swimming pools or for decorative fittings and general floors. As an extra solution we provide a cleaning and restoration solution for more mature stone floors. The floor firm that you choose may give years of sector expertise to aid you in choosing the right item based upon space objective, feet web traffic, in addition to discolor and weather resistance. If you yearn for a deeper gloss, then the marble can be developed to a 1,500 guts coating. Pirelli flooring ceramic tiles are just one of the flooring sector's earliest and most-respected companies. Like stone floor tiles, the charm and also texture of slate tiles may also be preserved via correct routine maintenance. If you want to get definitely amazing cleansing results, this cleaning gadget based on heavy steam features several other attachments, like floor burnishers, scrubbers and streams. Utilize a delicate clean mop to clean marble as well as carry out not neglect to alter the water as quickly as it obtains dirty. While the floor covering won't be as spectacular, that's a a lot more wise coating, especially in high website traffic places or even wet rooms, like kitchen areas as well as bathrooms, where the slightly rougher surface area structure gives much better grip. Floor tiles are favored as they can be used over many areas in your house as well as certainly not merely in kitchen or even washrooms. You really want the tiles to look balanced on the floor as well as the pattern or even style to suit the floor. We will certainly incorporate you to our routine maintenance programme that will definitely maintain the floor appearing good all year round, routine maintenance frequancey relies on the floor kind as well as the quantity of use that acquires. Aon Facility in Chicago was the highest building clad in marble upon its conclusion. If you make sure that the floor is buffed, industrial marble cleaning answers may be actually pricey however this is possible to eke all of them out. These sorts of tiles should be actually set out completely dry and all parts must be actually cut to fit prior to it is actually glued down and also mortar escalate in between the tiles. Because of the increase sought after and a competitive market, you may conveniently acquire these floor covering floor tiles at cost effective fees. Yes, in some aspect, no matter just how cautious you are, there will still arrive an opportunity that your flooring come to be grimy, but this article will definitely mention means on the best ways to clean your marble floor covering, therefore you may observe these measures to sustain the cleanliness of your marble floor. They comes in a variety of designs like simple, classy concepts to imaginative and distinctive styles; so it relies on individual option for completing specific stone flooring names as well as, off course the layout affect the array also. You can easily additionally acquire a handful of vintage illumination fixtures like a putting up lamp or even sconces to obtain that rustic look. The high quality and also surface of the marble is as a result of as well as really higher to the myriad from different organic patterns from capillaries running through the stone, there is actually a significant selection to pick from. Marble is commonly satisfied for walls, hearth encompasses and also mantles, washroom narcissism bests, as well as some floors. If the flooring is quite outdated, absorbent pores would certainly be one of the biggest concerns. Neutral Stone Cleaning service is packaged in one gallon containers or 4 gallons every casing if ordered by the situation. As well as with present day nano-technology, the raw product on the leading level of the ceramic tiles is comprised of very tiny bits which are insusceptible to dirt. If you are actually anticipating utilizing marble tile which is actually quite porous, get ready for the routine maintenance involved. This will make certain cost-effective usage of filler component and also will certainly additionally bind the tiles firmly good enough to offer a durable end result. Rock is a popular option for flooring tiles, specifically if you are actually choosing a nation look. For plenty of years, these tiles are actually being actually make use of for most properties as well as workplaces too. There are actually only some traits that you are certainly not responsible of. There might come an opportunity, for factors recognized or unfamiliar, that your marble flooring will get harmed (split, scraped or even tarnished). The lamp may possess around 3 to 5 bulbs making an impressive impact on the whole kitchen. However, Dr Holden in the UK mentioned she was 'certainly not confident' Chloe experienced a head accident after carrying out her own autopsy, however she confessed her observation was actually hindered as a result of the blog post mortem observation presently carried out in Portugal. On the low edge, you can easily count on to pay for $0.78 per ceramic tile, yet some floor tiles could be as high as $2.25. Given that this final a lengthy lifetime, you could go for this style of floor. Based in Maidstone, Kent, our team provide and also provide excellent Travertine and marble floors to homeowners and also office companies off throughout the entire of the UK. A number of our current consumers have actually been actually coming from Oxford, Greater london, Manchester, Newcastle, Liverpool, Leeds, Bradford, Bristol, Cambridge, Leicester, Birmingham, Cardiff, Nottingham, Sheffield as well as Edinburgh.
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