multiofmuses · 9 months
Shamarah followed after the creature until they arrived at the church. No doubt a grand structure at one point, but looking around now at the crumbling structure and foliage growing over it reminded him of home more uncomfortably than he'd care to admit. Looking at the tree the demigod couldn't help but be a little awed at the sight. The tree was massive and possessed such a massive amount of divine power that it seemed to glow. Whomever this Marika was it should be safe to assume that he should avoid meeting her at all costs. "Children?" The word snapped Shamarah's attention back to Boc. It must've been quite a shock because he made a show of composing himself and raising a hand to clear his throat. He didn't mean to be that surprised.
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Might take a break
I'm just not feeling a lot of willpower right now, and I think I'll be taking a break from this blog for a while. I'll still be around on Tumblr to check on things, but for the most part I think I'll be heading over to one of my other blogs.
Nothing bad has happened, I promise! I'm doing fine as ever. Just low on juices for this blog, is all! If you wanna interact with me still, you will most likely find me over at @xniverses-gxlore and/or its main blog @lairofmxnsters
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world-of-funkin · 6 months
xniverses-gxlore --> world-of-funkin
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angsty-cobrafish · 2 years
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“Hey!  I’m gettin’ better at handlin’ my temper!  I haven’t gone on a rampage in a whole month!”
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sanctumofeld · 2 years
Saint of the Lonely
“You have a responsibility to them, my son.” Wolfgang heaved in another breath, the acid and the murk, the cloying ichor of decay biting into the back of his nostrils. “You were meant to bring happiness.” His teeth snapped down, molars grinding as a hand squeezed the back of his head, but he kept his limbs loose.
But the world had forgotten joy. Had forgotten his purpose. If they had ever even known it to begin with.
The darkness suffocated more than the stench, the shoving hands that bruised and twisted, tossing his body once they reached the juncture they sought. Right shoulder. Lower vertebra. Left forearm. Both hips. Left ankle. Nothing cracked or shattered thanks to his rolling, thanks to the serenity he had allowed himself to fall into for brief, aching seconds as he toppled down the stairs.
“That one’s a bit odd…” A guttural voice spoke, reverberating in the narrow, darkened space. “What’s he in for?”
“Heretic. Some… people from the north, or something or other. Does it matter?” That voice was higher, the countenance of the steps measured and taught. Habitually ground in, though only an imitation of something akin to a noble.
“Hmph. Well, whatever he is, he won’t last long down here.” The iron grate, rusted and rotting, screamed as the hinges were forced to slide closed. “The big ones’ll find him before long.” Their boots faded away, keys jingling, armor clattering, and boots clicking on the stonework.
He waited with stalled breaths before heaving himself up onto his elbow, arching his back to relieve the tension, and then shifting forward to sit up. He flexed his abs, working his bound wrists beneath his buttocks, and then underneath his legs. He brought them forwards, working at the rope around his neck first, securing the bag in place. The fibers rasped under his nails, torn open by his scratching and tugging, and they dripped down to let him remove the burlap. Wolfgang sneered at the material, tossing it aside, and began working at the bindings at his ankles. He needed to be able to run, if nothing else…
He flexed his hands, knuckles curling to ease the tension in them, but he still needed to free his wrists. Perhaps there was a blade down here… Though he doubted he’d find anything or anyone willing to separate with a weapon. Wolfgang tensed his shoulders, drawing them forward, and then eased them back. Very well.
He began walking down the narrow corridor, closing his left eye, and let his right adjust. Even Ignatius had been shocked by his adeptness in the dark, the things he could see… His nose crinkled at the scent. He could have guessed it was a sewer, but why would they throw prisoners into such a desolate, unmonitored location? Not even a cell, just a series of winding hallways, labyrinthine and twisting. The darkness, the smell, the sense of hopelessness –
Perhaps it is serving its purpose…
Wolfgang’s strides betrayed no sound, allowing him to wind through the darkened corridors without notice, passing with all the grace of a shadow. He could sense, see others in the murk, twisted bodies malformed by assault, starvation, and desperation. One man hid in the corner, muttering to himself, rocking back and forth; another swung at the walls with bloody-knuckled fists, heavy breaths betraying his every motion, erratic steps flinging him at the stones; and another crawled around, smearing his viscera on the filthy walls as he bit and clawed at his fingers.
Wolfgang ignored each and all. None had what he wanted.
It was… not the first time he’d been imprisoned. He doubted it would be the last. However, this place would undoubtedly prove difficult. After all, no matter how many pathways one cut, a sewer had multiple entrances and exits, and not all of them could be guarded at all hours. Patience was key. As was a set of armor, no matter how shattered, and a blade, no matter how crude. Wolfgang made each step with careful precision, never settling his weight forward if he felt even the sharpest protrusion. Healing magic could only do so much for infections. So many variables.
And yet, he could not hesitate. Could not linger –
His head lashed to the right. Something… heavy, was approaching. He had made the mistake of becoming lost in thought, stepping into the dim torchlight at the juncture of three different passageways: one behind, one to his side, and one before him.
The big ones’ll find him before long. Well, the bastard wasn’t wrong. Wolfgang stopped where he stood. The caverns were wide and tall. Not enough for a dragon, at least, but they were for a troll. He took a deep breath, releasing it in a long exhale, and closed his eyes.
“Focus. Pool your energy inwards.” His mana flowed towards his center, dripping into his stomach, into his shoulders, but he concentrated it as hard as he could towards his chest. “Now… release!” Wolfgang bent his legs, heels rising as he arched his feet, and leapt upwards. He flipped back, sinking the balls of his feet onto the ledge built into the wall behind him. There was a chandelier above, the iron hardened but rusted, and he tensed his muscles to wait for his opponent to charge. He still couldn’t even make out a silhouette… No matter. He would have to adapt.
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voidintheforce · 2 years
( @xniverses-gxlore ) "If-- If ye don't mind me saying so, Sire... those are some rather decadent robes you clothe thine being with, Sire..." a runt-like Demi-Human calls out to Katarn as he passes by.
They whipped around, Katana in one hand, staff in another, the azure hue of Glintstone magic already emerging.
"What art thee? Show yourself! Else I shalt flush you out with mine own magick." They barked.
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specialwilynumbers · 2 years
(xniverses-gxlore) "Weeeeeell hi 'dere, ya big ol' cutie~!" Aqua Man giggles as the rotund Wily Bot waves 'hello' to Glue Man. "Heard from a lil' birdie tha' yer also a homosexual representative, ey? Good on ya, pal~!"
.+ --[[ @xniverses-gxlore ]]-- +.
ooh what’s this? glue was idly gazing at the other new robot that never met their acquaintance approaching him with all sweet and giddy vibes oozing from them. a thing that master of plaster was quite known thanks to his friend-size, shape and that “adorable” face of his.. for and perhaps it radiated further with the bot’s sweet compliment and supportive quotas.
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❝ tee-hee~  why  thaank  yuuu  s - s - straaanger  bot  I  just  met  before!  I’ve  always  known  it  dweeep  the  void  within  me  that  I’m  romantically  found  on  m - m - m - meen  and  not  juust  any  men.  even  doee  I  don’t  h - h - haaave  that  man  yet.  bummer  but,  oh  well, might  happen  soon! ❞    
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lettherebemonsters · 3 years
(xniverses-gxlore) (From Rocket to Red Hulk) "... Great, now there's TWO muscle freakshows out 'dere, huh? Who the flark are you supposed t'be, Banner's long-lost cousin or sumthin'?" the raccoon furrows his brows as he stares up at the red giant.
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It took him a long second for him to process that a damn raccoon of all things was talking trash at him. He'd taken shit from Big Green, Rick.....everybody, really.
But now ANIMALS were getting on the action? Was he in la la land or something?
" First off, there's way more than just two. Of course I'm the better one of the bunch....."
Leave it to Red Hulk to brag about himself to a trash panda.
" Second, I'm NOT Banner's cousin or whatever. I'm my OWN Hulk. Case in point, I don't talk like I have a head full of rocks."
Okay he just had to address the space raccoon in the room.....
" And why the Hell am I listening to a damn raccoon of all things. Don't you have a trashcan you need to crawl in somewhere?"
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savior-of-humanity · 3 years
(xniverses-gxlore) (Sun Wukong to Zagreus) "Hah! Is this what passes for an immortal now?" the Monkey King oh-so unceremoniously exclaims, perched upon a large pillar in the middle of the Underworld, his cudgel held over his shoulder. "Though I must admit, the stories I have heard of you are truly inspiring... but also futile. Do you really run all these gauntlets just to die and do them all over again?"
Well. This was new.
Zagreus, at this point, had become acquainted with multiple different gods - both hailing from Olympus, the Underworld beneath, and from Chaos itself. But this person, whoever they were, was unfamiliar to him. Initially the young god was on edge - he wouldn't be surprised if this had been some thug hired by Father to be yet another obstacle in his journey to the surface.
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"To be fair, I'm not exactly trying to die." He'd retort almost defensively. "And I'm not exactly doing this for fun, either. I'm trying to get to the surface; there just happens to be a lot standing in my way."
He felt like he should have seen this fellow around in the Underworld at some point, given how many times he'd ventured through the blasted labyrinths. Or at least heard of them - Zagreus certainly couldn't recall any tales he'd heard of involving any men with animal tails. The stranger, on the other hand, seemed to have heard of him however, and he chalked that up to talkative shades spreading gossip about his actions.
"Just who are you, anyway?"
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(xniverses-gxlore) "It’s nice to see you again” (Boc the Seamster)
[Random starters]
His voice was one of the only sounds she could ever really look forward to hearing. Especially within the gilded labyrinth that was the Capital city. "It is good to see you again too, little seamster." There was a rustle of cloth and metal as Anisa would crouch down to be eye-to-eye with the demi-human. "Especially in one piece. You must be quite talented in slipping past the eyes of others if you've managed to scurry your way past those gold clad buffoons. Impressive."
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Chaos Mink
@xniverses-gxlore wanted to do a thread with Zhagaak! Well. This was the last time the Bovigor would ever trust a Bray-Shaman. It might also be the final time he could do it, seeing as how he was quickly falling through a Chaos Portal at speeds that don’t particularly seem good. ‘We must open a Portal to the Gods,’ they said. ‘Mankind will bow to us if we complete the ritual,’ they prattled. Well, the ritual was a failure, mostly because the humans had caught wind of their plan and disrupted it. So, with the Portal completely unstable, he was then whisked away to a giant swirling tunnel of pure anarchy and demonic energies.  Though the first few hours were horrifying and definitely tested his vocal chords on how hard he could scream... These past 4 Hours were definitely testing his patience now. He was hungry, thirsty, but mostly inured to the whole experience. Crossing his arms and waiting for death to encompass him, he was surprised when he felt the momentum of his fall stopped altogether. Blinking with his good eye, he looked around, seeing the chaos begin to recede as reality is re-knitting itself together. Oh, is it finally over? ... Why does it smell of wet salt, all of a sudden? Looking down, a giant vast blue awaited him below. The Ocean, or so he’s heard- He had only heard of it in tales, so he wouldn’t truly know what it looked like. But, before he could really think of the tales he heard of it, he was immediately plunged into. And, then, a new sensation overtook him. The feeling of not being able to swim. Flailing his arms frantically, he let out various yells and screeches of panic as he tried his damndest to remain afloat. Every once in a while, when he wasn’t being submerged underwater, he noticed something in the distance- A boat, he presumed. Or maybe not. He was not made for Nautical Adventures. None of his tribe was. He had only heard tales and talk of the Ocean, Boats, sailing and such from his brethren or some human he was eavesdropping on. 
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multiofmuses · 9 months
"Ey, you! Ya ever heard of up-dog?"
A voice calls out from behind Sam, the voice itself sounding rather young, around late teens or some such. If he'd were to turn and spot the source, he'd see a short kid dressed in blue jeans, a white t-shirt with a red crossed-out circle, red shoes and a similar-colored cap covering most of his blue hair. Casually twirling a microphone in his right hand, he'd smirk up at the dog, waiting for an answer.
(For Sam, obviously~)
"Well, I can't say I have!" Spoke the irish wolfhound in a casual carefree tone that made it clear he wasn't picking up the incoming joke. "I've heard of lap dog, under dog, corn dog, angledog, but I've never heard of up-dog." He chuckled as he put his hands on his hips. "Gee, makes you wonder what new facsimile of canine they'll come up with next."
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oh-nxts-and-bxlts · 2 years
(@xniverses-gxlore) "O-Oh hey! You uh- you're that Celerity chick, right? The one who had to help me out when I crashed into a store not too long ago, yeah?" it sure as hell felt awkward for Nitro Man to run into Celerity like this, after all that time. But here they were!
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"Oh- oh dear. Well- yes! That was... that was not my proudest moment there, but- it's been a while!"
Well that's - definitely something of an odd throwback for the speedbot as well, one that left her feel... maybe not as awkward, but close-ish. The event of her getting chewed out by the long arm of the law for partaking in the chase was difficult to remove from her mind. The act of accompanying the injured 'bot to the proper carers had also been rather awkward, leaving her to also witness the general exasperation of the speedster's regular mechanic.
No wonder the guy looked like he'd been put into a hot pan.
"...Did your mechanic allow you to keep your wheels, or do they have custody of one?" She asked, leaning in innocently, and hoping her smile came off as more friendly than judgemental. She certainly wasn't judging the guy when she'd been so close to biting the dirt herself.
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world-of-funkin · 6 months
Okay, so... blog change!
Yeah, I know I just came back to this blog, and now I am doing a total makeover of it. Why is that? Well, for starters, I do not wanna make a whole-ass other side-blog for another thing. Plus, my whole desire to keep a multiverse blog going is a little bit tedious for me. I'd rather keep one central theme to my blog. So if anyone is disappointed that xniverses-gxlore is now gone, I apologize for the inconvenience. For now, just know this;
xniverses-gxlore is now world-of-funkin
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angsty-cobrafish · 2 years
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He’s watching this entire conversation not sure which side to be on.  This was one of the few times his undying loyalty to family tore him in two.
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sanctumofeld · 2 years
Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. (Please specify how many muses//which muses for multimuse blogs!!)
Wolfgang trailed after the Omen, grasping at the edge of his sleeve, tugging at him to stop him.
“Please, I beg of thee, let me attend thy wound.”
Mohg glared down at him, crimson iris flashing. His nostrils flared, before his fangs pulled back into a gruesome, bloody sneer.
“I’m sorry, is this our stab wound? Stay out of it.”
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