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bigenderrevert · 2 days ago
for my Friends in unsafe areas, here is some useful information about how you do Taqiyyah as a Hijabi/Niqabi
With trumps talks of a Muslim ban it won’t be safe to wear hijab/niqab in red states. This goes for anyone who veils as well.
Here’s what you can do.
Head coverings; Undercaps, bandanas, hoods, beanies, hats with undercaps.
Face coverings; KN95, N95, medical masks.
Note!! Kufiyas are an act of resistance and Palestinian solidarity, in rural areas and red states this can put a target on your back.
Your religious beliefs don’t have to be dimmed, your safety is most important. Especially in areas that wish you harm.
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superbdonutpoetry · 10 months ago
Islam Doesn’t always look like this ⬇️ It is also starting to look more and more like this every day ⬇️ Muslims practising taqiyyah under the cloak of goodness , highlighting and twisting the differences in the Bible for their own underhanded cause ⬇️ And while most of so-called Christianity sleeps and Right Dividers believe corrupt doctrine… The world remains blind to the ascended and…
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tamamita · 3 months ago
why do sunnis hate shi'as that much what the fuck is their problem?
Hatred towards Shi'a Muslims is not only a concurrent issue, it's a 1400 year old issue that started as a result of the political unrest that took place following the Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh&hf) death. It laid the foundation for the political schism of Islam. Initially, the Shi'as (or Alids) were just a group of partisans that would only develop their own theology a hundred years later. And then you had those who supported Abu Bakr rise to the caliphate. For Shi'as, we believe Abu Bakr usurped the caliphate due to various incidents, and thus, we rejected his ascent to power. These were the partisans of Ali (a). When Ali (a) eventually became the caliph, he was met with a lot of hardship and opposition by people who either hated him or sought political power. During the caliphate of Uthman, the Umayyads were given unrestrained power, and it was not until Ali (a) became the caliph that he removed them from power for their greed and nepotism. However, Muawiyah, a "companion" of the Prophet, who was intially opposed to him before his clan lost in the final battle of Mecca, was in control of Sham (Syria) and refused to go down, hence a renewed civil strife within the Islamic world. The Umayyads were vicious people who were renown for their corruption and hedonism, and their caliphate was founded on the blood of Imam Hussain (a), the son of Imam Ali (a). For Sunnis, these events aren't particularly important, and Islamic history is often neglected, promoting the idea that whatever happened in the past has no religious or theological significance to Islam as a religion. This is where we disagree because, as Shi'as, we simply can't accept certain religious doctrines on the basis of these people being unreliable. For example, Ayesha, having been the wife of the Prophet, is one thing, but she still waged an unjust war against Ali (a). There is no way we can accept her narrations because she's simply untrustworthy.
Because of the power that the Umayyads managed to consolidate for themselves, superseeding the Rashidun caliphate, there was a state-sponsored campaign with the purpose of supressing any Shi'i resistance against the rule, the Shi'as were among these groups and suffered severe persecution to such extent that even members of the Prophet's family were brutally oppressed. For Shi'as, the Prophet's family are a source of emulation and knowledge, and we have to adhere to their understanding of Islamic theology, this is why Islamic history is important, so we can highlight the root behind the resistance. However, dwindling in power and numbers, the Shi'as ultimately committed themselves to Taqiyyah (concealing one's religion) to ensure their survival. This is how we managed to survive for 1400 years. For Sunnis, the Umayyads and subsequent caliphs are a source of great pride, hence why Syria is considered an important heritage site for Sunnis who regard the Umayyads with great respect.
With that said, the reason there's so much sectarian animosity towards Shi'as is because with history in mind, our tradition of reviling these companions is considered an act of disbelief. Sunnis often retort that these companions are noble people and could not possibly be reviled because they had been in the companionship with the prophet, holding that despite the wars and atrocities committed by these people, we should respect them nevertheless. Either way, Shi'a Muslims have a doctrine called Tabarrah (dissociation), which is extended to those people who have caused harm towards the Prophet and his family. This includes "cursing" them, which is considered one of the most offensive acts and a reason why Sunnis get up in arms when we criticize the companions, especially the first caliph Abu Bakr and the second caliph Umar. Furthermore, our emphasis on the doctrine of intercession has caused much controversy because stricter muslims, such as Salafists consider these acts tantamous to idolatry, hence why it's easier for Shi'as to be considered heretics. The fact that we have shrines is considered blasphemous and there are many instances in which these shrines have been attacked. Shi'as are so reviled that for some Sunnis and Salafists, the difference between a Christian and a Shi'a is that Christians have rights as pertained to their status as "People of the Book", while Shi'as are considered heretics, and ultimately disbelievers. For such a reason, we do not have any rights; our blood becomes lawful to them.
In short, HTS, AS, ISIS, Al-Qaeda and all their Salafist sympathisers believe that the blood of a Shi'a is lawful because we are heretics. We are simply putting up a resistance against them. Shi'ism is not just a branch of Islam. It's one of the oldest resistance movements in the world.
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fairuzfan · 4 months ago
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Why are they going after taqiyyah now [taqiyyah is about how if youre in danger because youre muslim, you can conceal your belief in islam to protect yourself and still be considered muslim to God. I believe this was done quite often in the Spanish inquisition. Shia muslims do it often. It also is the arabic word for hat.]
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ceritabarry · 2 months ago
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abr · 11 months ago
Ogni giorno, ciascuno di noi decide quanta parte del suo lavoro, della sua socialità, dei suoi sentimenti vuole condividere online, quanta parte di sé vuole mettere in mostra.
L’ascesa dell’autopromozione sui social media ha fatto sì che oggi, per le persone, costruire un personal brand sia una sorta di seconda natura. (...) Promuovere se stessi e il proprio lavoro è diventato tanto importante quanto saper fare il proprio lavoro. Avere un seguito è diventato il paradossale prerequisito per crearsi un seguito. (...)
Che cosa c’è di male? (...) Sheryl Sandberg, ex responsabile operativo di Meta e per lungo tempo braccio destro di Mark Zuckerberg,(...) ha spiegato: “Perrier è un brand. Crest è un brand. Le persone non sono così lineari. Quando ci impacchettiamo, diventiamo inefficaci e inautentici. Il mio consiglio è: non impacchettatevi”.
(L)a situazione (potrebbe sfuggire) di mano: (per) costruire il loro brand personale, le persone devono essere ‘always on’, aggiornando il profilo social più volte al giorno con dei contenuti attentamente curati e che vadano incontro ai gusti delle persone con cui vogliono socializzare o lavorare (...) . Ciò introduce una forma di costante automonitoraggio. Costringe a essere molto strumentali nei confronti della propria vita personale. (...) È assodato come la necessità di essere “always on” (...) sia direttamente collegata al drammatico aumento dei casi di burnout, (...) uno stress cronico non gestito, mostrandoci sempre performativi, sempre sul pezzo (...) mentre nella realtà siamo vittime di ansia, depressione (...).
via https://www.iltascabile.com/scienze/personal-branding/
Evidenziano un tema interessante e attualissimo, bravi, ma questi de IlTascabile lo banalizzano: questa sarebbe una mera degenerazione "neolibberista" (??!!??) dovuta al fatto che là fuori so' tutti freelance. La loro soluzione qual è? Postofisso shtatale pe'tutti ? Il reddito di cittadinanza?
In realtà confondono effetti con cause: "tutti freelance" è un effetto non la causa della cd. FLUIDITA' contemporanea, molto promossa dai benecomunisti (che pur relativisti non sono affatto ma gli fa gioco esserlo: puro inganno tipo taqiyyah islamica, per svellere i pochi punti fermi Occidentali rimasti). E confondono malesseri e scuse con sindromi vere: ma quale snowflake burnout, viviamo in un mondo dove la realtà non esiste più, soppiantata da milioni di Truman Show volontari.
Vale per i ggiovani irrequieti e poco stabili (come da sempre, anche quando FLUIDITA' era sinonimo di narcisismo da IMMATURITA'), vale con fatica anche per i menogiovani hipster che invecchiare non vorrebbero ... quindi non maturano.
Una volta eran casalinghe, oggi fanno le chef virtuali; un tempo promotrici Amway, oggi fanno le influencer di cremine.Ma quali freelance, si autopromuovono tutti, anche gli artigiani, anche chi ha contratto a tempo indeterminato, cfr. LinkedIn. Tutti follower: i veri leader non pubblicano mai granché di se stessi e della loro vita vera, hanno chi fa la NARRATIVA per loro, si fanno seguire non seguono.
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anmtsworld · 1 year ago
Bagian lirik yang saya suka :
Ku lelah ku rasa cukup disini
Kau berubah tak peduli
Dulu indah kini cinta pergi sudah
Ku menyerah
Tak seperti dulu lagi
Habis air mata ini
Tapi maaf bila ku ingin pisah.
Aku seketika masuk kedalam lirik demi liriknya. Mungkin aku pernah merasakannya? Aaah ya memang.
31 Januari 2024, 06:49.
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arwasimiya · 2 years ago
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Ahh, terlalu manis kenangan ini untuk disimpan. Siapa sangka rasanya sedalam ini. Siapa kira bekasnya seperti tak mau pergi.
Adik-adik kecil itu, mengajarkan banyak sekali hal, melalui senyumannya. Dik, kalau tumbuh dewasa jangan kehilangan senyum itu ya.
Diawal penyusunan panitia, aku memutuskan untuk mengundurkan diri. Karena banyak pertimbangan. Karena aku ingin pergi, lari dari semua hal terlebih suatu tanggung jawab. Karena kupikir akan menyita banyak waktuku untuk mempersiapkan ini itu. Karena kupikir tanpaku pun akan tetap berjalan seru. Karena aku merasa tak mungkin bisa berkontribusi. Karena aku malu, karena aku banyak alasan untuk sebuah pelarian.
Tapi namaku masih tertera dalam susunan itu. Malam dingin di Sentul kala itu, terdistraksi oleh tetapnya aku dalan susunan kepanitian. Bahkan sampai titik ini, aku memilih divisi akomod karena yang paling sedikit kemungkinan aku kerjanya.
Masa persiapan, rapat demi rapat, tak ada yg kujalani dengan kesadaran dan semangat penuh untuk tunainya agenda ini. Rasanya aku tuh cuma tambahan yg kalo ilang pun gapapa. Paling kepake nya nanti waktu di lapangan. Aku cuma berusaha hadir badaniyyah tapi fikriyyah nya berkelana.
Dan tepat sekali! penyesalan memang selalu hadir diakhir cerita. Setelah 2 hari mengikuti full agenda Gebyar Ramadhan, hati ini rasanya terisi. Senyum ini bisa terbit kembali. Tangis, perenungan makna, indahnya ukhuwah, semua hal yg rasanya hilang, aku rasakan lagi disini. Mungkin sudah terlalu lama aku menepi. Sudah terlalu larut aku menenggelamkan diri.
#Day 1
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Sabtu pagi yang rintik itu, aku menuju komsat tercinta untuk membereskan tugas akomod mengemasi sembako. Ah iya, rintiknya disertai angin kencang sepanjang perjalanan. Entah memang sedang kencang, atau laju motor yang terlalu cepat.
Berhenti sebelum komsat menemui Gista. Betapa bersyukur nya aku punya teman seperti dia. Malu, kontribusinya besar untuk seluruh kegiatan. Semoga bisa menyusul ya, gis, jadi orang yang banyak manfaat untuk sekitarnya. Silaumu pada orang lain, jangan membuatmu menjadi orang lain dan kehilangan diri sendiri, wa.
Ternyata yang datang ke komsat cuma kita berdua. Penghuni komsat lagi pada mau berangkat ke alfath. Kita sibuk ngebungkusin gula 50 kg dengan takaran 1 kg per plastik. Tapi hasilnya 54 bungkus yg ternyata satu bungkus ga sampe sekilo wkwk. Nungguin beras yg lagi dibeli dan alhamdulillah ga perlu di pack-in satu-satu karena udah custom sesuai kebutuhan.
Melanjutkan langkah ke alfath, kantor kecamatan mampang. Lagi-lagi aku dibuat kagum sama orang disampingku. Sejak awal udah nanyain yg bisa jemput aku di halte duren tiga. Obrolan ringan pun berjalan. Aku rindu, rindu mengobrol seperti dulu. Saat fikiranku terisi dan kusampaikan dengan menggebu.
Alhamdulillah sampai dan dijemput taqiyyah. Oiya kita ketemu kak Marwa sm kak Devi di busway. Aku duluan ke alfath dan gista lanjut jalan kaki sendiri.
Sampai disana aku masih setengah hati. Ragu. Malu. Takut. Duduk mendengarkan dongeng palestina. Kesentil dikit tentang ayah. Meisya, ayahnya udah ngga ada.
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Waktu anak-anak mentoring, aku join kelompok ka lululove. Ka fathimah rese sii tapi gapapa aku suka jadi belajar. Buat aku ga semudah itu spontan didepan anak-anak, atau didepan temen-temen yg lain haha. Untuk perkenalan yg sokab gitu tuh aaaaa mana nyebutin hobi lagi huft. Ide hobi: jalan-jalan, suka sihh tp ga banyak ngelakuin. berkebun, minatt tp blm jd hobi kan.
Jadi refleksi buat aku pribadi. Ternyata aku belum tau hobi apa. Aku belum tau suka nya ngapain.
Lanjut mewarnai yang paling paling paling awkward. Ya aku diem aja di kelompok situu, bingung bgt mau ngobrolin apa. Padahal kan emang lagi ga minat ngobrol2 gitu ya, tapi liat temen2 yg lain tuh pada demen dan bisa ngobrol gitu huhu.
"aku nyeyahh" afiqah said.
Setelah mewarnai ada games rangking satu yg dipandu ikhwan. Lagi, aku dibuat kagum sama orang2 yang bisa spontan. Pengetahuan pun terlihat dari apa yg dia bicarakan.
Tibatiba akomod. Ifthor datang diluat prediksi bmkg. ternyata nasi aja tanpa takjil. Kumpul sebentar buat rundingan. Iya, aku diem aja disitu. ka Marwa yg banyak tanya, sebenenya aku jg mau tanya tp ragu dan ga jadi. Padahal mah nanya aja walaupun udh tau jawabannya. Makannya aku ngerasa gatau apa2 gabisa apa2 di akomod ini. Dari rapat pertama yg ga pernah ngeluarin suara, cuma setuju2 aja karena emg ga merhatiin. Udah wa, ga perlu bandingin diri sendiri sm orang lain. Sekarang kamu udah lebih baik kan dari kemarin?
Setelah itu aku nyerahin hasil mewarnai ke ketuplek. Disitu aku sadar juga omonganku ga tertata, ga tersampaikan dengan baik maksudnya. Mungkin aku ngerasa gitu karena ga ada respon verbal, saking capenya aja bukan karena apa2.
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Games outdoor. Ini mah aku makin merasa tersisih wkwk, bukan aku. Aku cuma berdiri aja ngelihatin temen2 yg lain. Nunggu hadiah yg baru dibeliin buat dibungkus. Pas hadiah dateng kita bingung bungkusnya pake apa. Tanya deh ke grup, kalo dipikir ga perlu tp yauda gapapa jg si. Itukan fungsi adanya grup. Akhirnya dibungkus apa adanya pake kertas sisa ranking 1.
Tapi yang aku seneng dan ga sangka, dapet apresiasi dari temen-temen yang lain 🥰 bahkan ka lulu kirim di grup panit hahaha. Ga kehabisan ide emg.
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Setelah bungkusin hadiah, gantian sibuk bagiin snack di wadah. Aman kok alhamdulillah. Selanjutnya jadiin satu sanck dan makan buat ibu-ibu yang dateng sore di plastik merah. Ada yg nyiapin es teh buat buka juga. Temen2 lain pada bantuin juga kok ngurus ifthor.
Di akhir acara gini, ka faizah bilang ke aku, "ga nyangka arwa dateng sampe akhir". Rasanyaaa yaallah keberadaanku disini sangat dihargai 🥺
Sore nya ngobrol lumayan panjang sama Mama Isna, yang tiga anaknya ngaji di alfath semua. Suaminya kerja diaitu jadi kalau ada apa2 bisa hubungi beliau aja nanti dibantu menghubungkan. Dari situ juga ada bantuan dana dari bazis kok untuk acara2. Alas duduk banner bisa pinjem juga.
Minus bukber nya ajaa, dirumah kemakan setengah doang dan abis di sahur. Pulang malem jam segitu tapi lebih malem temen2 yg lain.
Lanjutt day 2
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zafiraninna · 3 months ago
Everyone is struggling. Semua orang sedang berjuang. Semuanya lelah. Semuanya punya masalah sendiri-sendiri.
Insight itu membuat saya ingin memberi rasa hangat pada orang lain. Sesederhana senyum pada penjual asongan atau terimakasih tulus pada security.
Di tengah hari-hari yang berat ini, saat ekonomi tidak baik-baik saja; kita jangan menambah runyam hidup orang dan hidup kita sendiri dengan bersikap kusut.
Sikap tulus kita, bahkan mungkin bisa membuat orang jadi tersenyum lagi setelah lama hatinya kebas.
Bisa jadi, sedikit perhatian kita menanyakan kabar, membuat mendung di pikiran mereka mereda; merasa ada yang memerhatikan mereka meski hanya dalam obrolan ringan.
Dunia sudah kasar. Pekerjaan sudah menghabiskan tenaga. Pikiran sudah bercabang kemana-mana.
Jadilah lentera.
15 November 2024
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maudycallysta · 1 month ago
Lightshop 2nd Mission
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Nama : Maudy Callysta
Tempat, tanggal lahir : Seoul, 1 Desember 1997
Pekerjaan : pembuat dan pemilik toko roti
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Maudy, pemilik toko roti yang dikenal dengan kuenya yang lezat, memiliki perasaan terpendam untuk Nael, seorang pria dari masa remajanya yang sering mengunjungi tokonya. Hari itu, Maudy memutuskan untuk mengutarakan perasaannya dengan membawa kue spesial yang dia buat sendiri untuk Nael.
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Dengan hati yang berdebar-debar, Maudy berangkat ke tempat di mana dia tahu Nael biasa berjalan-jalan sore. Namun, saat sampai di sana, hatinya hancur saat melihat Nael berjalan bersama seorang perempuan lain, tertawa dan tampak sangat akrab. Dengan perasaan yang hancur, Maudy memutuskan untuk pulang tanpa membuka hatinya.
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Di perjalanan pulang, air mata memenuhi pandangannya, membuatnya tidak fokus. Malam itu, hujan turun deras, dan jalanan menjadi licin. Dalam keadaan sedih dan tidak waspada, Maudy mengalami kecelakaan fatal saat mobilnya menabrak pohon besar di sisi jalan.
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Maudy ditemukan dalam keadaan kritis dan langsung dibawa ke rumah sakit, namun dia masuk dalam koma yang dalam. Kue spesial yang dia buat untuk Nael berantakan di kursi penumpang, simbol dari mimpi yang tidak pernah terwujud. Nael, yang tidak pernah tahu tentang perasaan Maudy, terus hidup dengan kehidupannya yang baru, sementara Maudy terbaring di rumah sakit, hidup dalam koma, dengan cerita cintanya yang tragis dan tak pernah terungkapkan.
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galerikata · 3 months ago
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It's my 5 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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tamamita · 3 months ago
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Btw, Taqiyyah is the practice of religious dissimulation where a Shi'a Muslim must hide their faith in the face of danger. Shi'a Muslims are such a persecuted religious group that even lying became an obligatory act if it meant saving your own life.
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zafiraninna · 4 months ago
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Kembali berdiri🫂
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svtmm223 · 5 months ago
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silentroom18 · 6 months ago
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izzazaza18 · 8 months ago
Remember Me
Remember me as a person that fought for you
Remember me as a person that was caring, loving, cheerful, always wanted to see your smile
Remember me as a person that asked myself what did I do wrong whenever you gave me silent treatment for a moment, I was being patient until it turned out to be days and even weeks
Remember me as a person that would give what you wanted as best as I could
Remember me as a person that even when I was tired, I would always there for you
Remember me as a person that always prayed good things for you
Remember me as a person that really pursued your happines right before mine
Remember me as a person that never got the same like I gave to you
Remember me as a person that didn't get my rights as your lover
Remember me as a person that would always hope, "maybe someday you will do the same and will love me the way I love you"
Remember me as a lover but was treated like your enemy
Remember me.
By: Izzatut Taqiyyah
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