#Tanzia Port
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monsterhuntermusic · 7 months ago
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insctglaive · 8 days ago
Hayate, her Palico, was a childhood friend that she found when joining her parents on a hunt. She saved him from being eaten by a Yian Garuga.
She came from a very prominent hunting family. Her mother used a sword and shield, and her father used a lance.
She is currently a nomad who travels and hunts where she is needed. Her adventure started in Port Tanzia, where she hunted Dire Miralis.
She puts her soul into her hunting and takes a very protective stance toward those she is tasked with protecting.
Chaos is one of the only other hunters she will partner up with. They have worked together enough to practically read the other's mind.
She hates Yian Kut-Ku with a passion.
She speaks to the monsters as she fights them. Things like "Thank you for staying still." "I told you to stop hitting me." "I don't want to see your teeth!"
Zilly became infatuated with Gore Magala while working out of Val Habar. She thoroughly enjoyed their fight! This is also when she switched from dual blades to insect glaive.
Zilly had not come across a monster that she counted as her rival monster. She disliked some monsters more than others and enjoyed fighting many others. Arkveld slapped her down one too many times for her liking. So it became her monster rival.
Zilly isn't in it for the rewards for hunting the monsters; it's a nice little bonus. But she loves hunting. When she sees new monsters, she gets very excited. Studying them, learning their movements, and finding their weak spots. You will never see a bigger smile on her face than when she is hunting.
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violetqueenofwands · 11 months ago
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Farewell Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Port Tanzia
All the hunters I met along the way will always be in my heart💜
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We saved Loc Lac after Jhen Moran buried it in sand.
We can save Port Tanzia from being nuked by Dire Miralis
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joined-shores-art · 5 months ago
More gang ref sheet drop! 😌 They're half sibs, except Az and Theon who are bio brothers and Lyria married into the fam 🎀
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— ⋅ basic infos ⋅ —
Mava Chiron, nicknames Mav/ Mavs, Age: 20-21 Birthday: December 1st Identity: MBTI - ESTJ | She/Her, lesbian Job: Huntress, Guild Commander Home: Pokke (former), Dundorma (current)
A well respected person, who is responsible for the establishment of a new weapon type, the spear and able to tame monsters with her special Kinshipstone, gaining a loyal friend: A Barioth named Byrill. Married to Lyria and half sister to Theon, Hafet and Azal. She is/was Viola's best friend also used to mentor Davis. Due to her status, Mava often keeps her head high and often expects peers to keep up with her. No matter the consequences.
Lyria (Bell) Chiron, nicknames Ly/ Lyzy, Age: 21-22 Birthday: June 12th Identity: MBTI - ESFJ | She/Her, lesbian Home: Kamura (former), Dundorma (current)
The mama-bear of the group with a strong sense of justice and will step up for those who are wronged no matter what. Many say her most dangerous weapon is actually her sarcasm but her switch-axe shouldn't be underestimated.
She grew up in a somewhat devided home, standing in the shadow of her far more known half-brother (Utsushi - Monster Hunter Rise) often leading her to a spiral of self doubt and envy once she isn't taken seriously. Even though she used to be a glass child, something she recognizes in Davis, it didn't hinder her from finding her love, Mava. Later getting married to her.
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Hafet Pallas, nicknames Haf/ Hafy, Age: 18-19 Birthday: September 29th Identity: MBTI - ESFP | He/Him, aro/ace Home: Port Tanzia (former), Dundorma (current)
An unserious fella who rather copes with jokes than facing a grim reality. Lyria's second favourite brother in law. He does tend to act reckless at times but when things are becoming stressful, Hafet is guaranteed to stay and support. Usually he is the entertainer by playing instruments where he tends to show most of his lingering grace while feeling the need to push in jokes. That often leads to a clash with Mava and his resentfulness towards Azal.
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Nicknames T/ Toffee, Age: 17-18 Birthday: July 19th Identity: MBTI - ENFP | He/Him, ace, unlabeled Home: Bherna (former), Dundorma (current)
Known for his use of blast blight during combat, Theon is Azal's biological younger sibling and half sibling to Mava and Hafet. Undoubtedly the most unique of them, also their youngest. But despite his age, his older peers not only adore but also look up to him as Theon doesn't bother with the ways he's percieved by others while remaining to be kind-hearted to those around him.
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Nickname Az, Age: 21-22 Birthday: August 28th Identity: MBTI - ENTP | He/They, he dunno/biromantic, Androgynous Job: Hunter, Guild Commander Home: Bherna (former), Dundorma (current)
A deserted commander of Dundorma, who allows Darkness into his heart as a benfit to his own personal use. He joined Maleficent and Salem's faction to translate an ancient languange named "Angelic" and as a means to travel through worlds along with Cinder Fall and later, 9S. As he is knowledgeable regarding various topics, it is assumed he is in search of something specific.
As a skilled Blade Master, childhood friend and mentor to Viola, he ranks high within his world and strives for good results. Despite him not showing emotion well, he cares deeply about those around him. Especially towards his young sibling, Theon.
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foolmariofest · 8 months ago
As every veteran Monster Hunter fan knows there are a LOT of Monsters, however there a some very awesome yet obsecure Monsters that few know about so I will be doing some bios going over these more obsecure Monsters that inhabit the world
Anorupatisu- Violent Saw Wyvern- King of the Polar Sea
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Monster Classification: Flying Wyvern
Elements: Dragon, Ice
Ailments: Snowman, Stun
Weakest To: Thunder, Fire
Habitat: Polar Sea- Other possible Habitats: Frozen Seaway, Frost Islands
Natural Foe
Despite their power Tetranadons have been shown to beat back Anorupatisu, because of there tough shells, as Tetranadons take advantage of there wild nature and break there Saber Noses during the Anorupatisu charge and then wrestling them out of the area ( These defeats greatly wound the Aonrupatisu's pride)
Headcanons- Not Stated Information
Likely competes for territory with Zamtrios
There Saber Nose has tendencay to break, however they grow back extermely quick around a day at most and they grow back tougher and sharper, until they rival the toughest ores
Very prideful of there Saber Nose, as they like to use whetstone ores to keep there Saber Nose as sharp as possible
Despite that fact they feed on Fish and Frogs they are actually Omnivores as they like too eat a special nutrient rich algae that grows in polar climates
Gained an unoffical title called " Fishermans Big Catch" as a Fisherman from Port Tanzia actually reeled one in using a Big Catch Fishing Rod a special type of fishing rod usually used by the Guild to reel in large monsters
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rizasdiary · 1 year ago
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Here are some of my old favourite outfits back when I was helping Port Tanzia and Moga Village with their troubles.
qurupeco, brachydios, dire miralis, deviljho, goldbeard ceadeus and rhopessa!!
Dire Miralis was one of my all time favourite fights i've ever experienced.
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venalos · 11 months ago
Port Tanzia is one of Venalos' larger towns, if not a city, a bustling place built right along the sea. Venalos' air travel infrastructure had yet to be further developed, the usual local method of aerial transportation (literal air ships, as it were) woefully under-equipped to transport literal hundreds of people on an almost hourly basis. Thus, most outsiders, mainly tourists, would find travelling by sea to be much more approachable.
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"Don't run off again, Mercury," Marina sighed, towering over other people as she walked through the street crowd in a most lackadaisical manner. She said that, but it hardly seemed as though she cared.
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The Pokémon she was speaking to, a giant Chameleos, gave a chatter in protest as he stormed through the seaside streets and past the multitude of stalls and piers. At times he would suddenly stop, raise his head, his eyes independently swivelling to look in each and every direction, before taking off running again. Occasionally there would be a scream or a yelp as Mercury made his way through the crowds. Sometimes there would be the occasional crash, him knocking things over or someone dropping something in sheer surprise at witnessing this normally never-seen Elder Dragon.
Oh, how he hated being confined to a Poké Ball, too.
Mercury stopped again, this time not to look around but to sniff the air. That caught Marina's attention, and she hastened her already wide strides to catch up to her Pokémon.
"What's the matter?" she asked, this time a little more intense than her usual unenthusiastic tone. "Are you picking up on something?"
She quickly found her answer in Mercury whipping his long, muscular tongue into the crowd, a wet SLAP reverberating from wherever (or whoever) it impacted. Marina almost winced at that, and people around them ducked and yelled out in alarm. Then she would sigh, knowing full well that this was going to cause an absolute headache, considering the parting crowd revealed that Mercury had slapped a person with his tongue. Knocked them straight onto their back, even.
It would be an even greater hassle if this was reported to the local Guild outpost, as this was not the first offence caused by one of Marina's Pokémon. Really, she should have been more cautious with when and where she let her Pokémon out to roam. Then again, she did not particularly care about that. Whether she ended up actually caring about the potential damage caused, meanwhile, would largely depend on if Mercury's 'victim', a relatively tall, blond man, were a local or a foreigner.
Mercury laughed that signature cackle that Chameleos made, the Elder Dragon evidently proud of himself.
"If I have to fill out paperwork and pay another fine, you will be going on time-out." Marina was, obviously, not very impressed. That relatively harmless threat made Mercury shrink in on himself, if only a little.
@venalos // semi-planned
Volo had never been to a place quite like this region. The Venalos region was out of the way, almost isolated it seemed, and far less advanced in terms of Pokemon-Human relations compared to other regions. Truthfully, it felt a bit like stepping back in time to Hisui, or perhaps even further back than that, in that regard.
Where Pokemon elsewhere were boarding on domesticated, some of these (from what he'd heard on the ferry ride anyway) seemed far less so and people were apparently quite wary of them. He felt a bit awkward himself having Matches out on his shoulder, though she hated being in her Pokeball if she could get away with it, and he spoiled her quite a bit. Though he was a little concerned about something eating her.
She was barely bigger than a tealight after all. So he kept a close eye on her.
Worries aside, being in a new region filled him with excitement. What kind of tales would he hear or uncover? It was thrilling and he could almost relate to how Professor Laventon must have felt back then.
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"What a strange and fascinating place... feels a bit like home if I'm being honest!" He commented to Matches, though she was hardly paying attention, too distracted by the new surroundings. Now, where in the Hell was the research center? Was there even one? There had to be, right?
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briarworthandoleander · 4 years ago
I found a baby kecha wacha at a market in Port Tanzia and I bought it so I can bring the creature to you. The kecha wacha baby is female and she is very sweet but I know she will be better off with you guys. I sent the last week and a half taking care of her by proper food, medicine, and reducing stress. I am sending this message to you before hand so you can be prepared. I fear that the merchant who sold her to me has more infant monsters. I am going to tell the authorities and rescue them.
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Sweet Seltas Stingers - where to begin.
I have acquired “Daisy” after a rather long winded conversation with the Guild and the Officers on the case over the entire situation.
Before I start on my usual and long winded speeches about animal husbandry and rescue care, I will make this clear: Please never purchase wyverns, dragons or “exotic” creatures from any merchant you know to have poached them from the wild. Make their presense known to your local Guild so that officers and knights can handle the situation.
Purchasing said creatures encourages the practice due to the amount of money made doing so. You’re helping one creature and condemning many more to being captured and sold in the same manner.
Dear Dalton Baker had a hell of a time explaining to officials why he had purchased Daisy knowing where she had come from instead of just telling the Guild about it so the merchant could be investigated and his stolen monsters freed from his care to rescue sanctuaries and to the wild once more. By purchasing the kecha wacha Dalton unwittingly broken the law and was in trouble despite being the whistleblower.
Okay, with all that said.
Kecha Wacha are relatively peaceful creatures - but mischievous and playful. Undoubtedly young “Daisy” very much is a fan of Peekaboo with her large ears - and playing with her does help her learn how to control them better.
Kecha Wacha are mammilian and do nurse their young and our young ward would be traditionally transitioning to solid foods; so for now Daisy is on a mixed diet of milk and berry mash just to be sure.
Extremely sociable and very clingy, I admit that between her and Huggies I’m socially exhausted and hugged out. I’ll be having Oleander deal with her cuddling tonight - I just want to sleep without having to worry about rolling over.
Eventually we’ll let her free roam around the Sanctuary as she’s not a harm to people and sadly she’s far too tame for me to let her be released fully because she’s likely to literally walk up to a poacher and try to pester them for food.
It’s a shame, but unless she properly weens from human interraction she can’t be released to the wild.
Leo Briarworth
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silvokrent · 6 years ago
An excerpt from the zoological text The Hunter’s Encyclopedia of Animals (First Edition).
Chapter VII: Qurupeco
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The qurupeco (Cantio sirenius), or peco for short, is a species of equatorial bird wyvern that inhabits the landmasses around the Elde Gulf. It is the smallest of the extant membranalans, averaging in length from 5 meters to 7½ meters (16.4 feet - 24 feet) when the neck and tail are fully extended, with a wingspan of 11 meters (36 feet). It is exceptionally lightweight for its size at 91 kilograms (200 pounds), a result of its pneumatized skeletal system. The qurupeco’s latitudinal limits fall around the Isthmus of Metape, where tropical jungle transitions into the deciduous Shilkore Forest. Its range encompasses the majority of Arcolis’ eastern seaboard, the southern region of the Elde subcontinent, and the islands scattered in-between. It is capable of acclimating to all the biomes within its range, occupying less ideal habitats such as xeric deserts and the foothills of the Latio Volcanic Belt. There exists a healthy breeding population as a result of conservation efforts through the International Hunters’ Guild, intended to reduce the overharvesting of eggs.
The lifespan of the qurupeco is 26 years, with no distinction between the longevity of the sexes. Sexual maturity is reached around 2 years of age and typically follows the adult qurupeco’s second molt. The qurupeco is one of the most specialized members of its clade, as demonstrated by its morphological adaptations to piscivory, its array of antipredator adaptations (deimatic displays, vocal mimicry, and fighting accessories), and its thermoregulatory responses to living in hot or dry environments. Breeding coincides with the commencement of the monsoon season, when precipitation creates ideal and energetically efficient conditions for reproduction. Rainfall triggers a decreased diurnal temperature variation that lessens the metabolic demands of homeostasis. The seasonal flooding of whitewater rivers also leads to a spike in prey abundance, as many fish species migrate to the várzea to feed and spawn. Mortality in the qurupeco mostly involves chicks or eggs as a result of predation, nest collapse, natural disasters, or starvation.
It is impossible for anthropologists to study any aspect of human society — be it theological, economic, or agricultural — without at least a casual mention of the qurupeco. The cultural importance of this bird wyvern persists into the present day, particularly among the inhabitants of Loc Lac and Moga where it is associated with well-being, safe travels, and homecoming. Desert nomads reliably track qurupecos to find sources of water not guarded by barroths, while fishers have come to associate the qurupeco’s songs with mainland. This contrasts with the impressions of sailors from Schrade and Goldora, who feared that it would lure boats toward the shore with its voice and cause them to founder. Despite its reputation amongst seafaring westerners, the qurupeco was considered a novelty by the courts of the Unified Schrade Kingdom. It became custom for minstrels and bards to wear feathered brooches, or don hats with qurupeco plumes, as the qurupeco had become symbolic of gaiety, mischief, and seduction. Such was their popularity that there was a demand amongst nobles to import dwarf pecos from the Moga Archipelago, a demand that traders were reluctant to satisfy given lingering superstitions.
The transoceanic trade route helped secure the qurupeco’s economic importance. Its guano, which is rich in phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium, was a lucrative fertilizer, until it was replaced by the cheaper and more easily mass-produced guano of the domesticated gargwa (Theia orientalis). Eggs are a common delicacy in port towns like Tanzia. The Sea Folk used its carpal scales as an early form of currency, fletched arrows with its feathers, fashioned sailcloths from its wing and tail membranes, and carved fish hooks, awls, and beads from the flints. The flints themselves were used as early fire starters by applying mechanical stress (friction) to the bones. Their piezoelectric properties resulted in an electrical charge from tissue deformation, creating the sparks that were used to light kindling. One legend from central Arcolis, dated to 6,000 years ago, was born from this exact tool-usage. It tells of a qurupeco that took pity on humans and wyverians living under the tyrannical reign of fire-breathing dragons. To liberate them, the qurupeco equipped them with the weapon of their ancient enemy, and taught them the secret of fire.
Scholars have had little success in reaching a definitive conclusion as to the origins of the qurupeco’s name. Currently, there are two theories supported by the linguistic community. The first theory suggests that the qurupeco’s name is an onomatopoeia of its distinctive “coo-roo” alarm call that it performs when confronted by a predator. The other half of its name is based on the harsh “PEH-ko, PEH-ko” call that it makes immediately before its signature boxing attack, in which it brings down its flints and claps them against a predator.
The second theory suggests that the word qurupeco is a poorly-sourced loanword from the Archipelagic language of the Sea Folk. Because the indigenous of Moga practiced oral tradition for thousands of years, there are no written sources to verify the etymology. There is, however, a precedent for common names being derived from indigenous languages. One such example is the akantor, whose name is descended from an extinct language once spoken by the inhabitants of Pokke Village.
Taxonomy and evolution
A phylogenetic analysis of the clade shows that bird wyverns diverged from other theropods 125 - 150 million years ago. Unlike the other two families (the calcatrids and discuvultids) which seem to have radiated out of western Goldora, the Callodigitidae originated from Arcolis, based on fossil records and current distribution. Genetic testing found that the qurupecos are older than the other membranalan families, a conclusion supported by the retention of morphological features lost in the other lineages such as toothed beaks. Close relatives like the yian kut-kus (Discuvultus spp.) and hypnocatrice (Calcatrix rufa) range throughout temperate and tropical forests in Goldorolis and Fonlon, compared to the qurupeco’s narrower dispersal across savanna-desert mosaics, tropical coasts, and insular jungles. The qurupeco is differentiate from other membranalans by the flints, or heavily-modified thumbs on the exterior of the wings, amongst other traits.
It’s thought that membranalans became semi-terrestrial due to selection pressures such as competition with true wyverns.
There are at least 3 recognized subspecies of Cantio sirenius, which differ according to geographic range, size, coloration, and the presence or absence of certain body patterns. This number is controversial, as it’s not clear whether the qurupeco has a high degree of polymorphism, or whether the subspecies-specific phenotypes indicate sympatric speciation (despite the ambiguous reinforcement of breeding between members of the same morph). As a result of this dispute, publications inconsistently give estimates of anywhere from 3 to 7 subspecies, depending on the criteria used by the author.
The verdant qurupeco (C. s. sirenius), the nominate subspecies, occurs in the Sandy Plains, the coastlines of southeastern Arcolis, and the islands throughout the interior Moga Sea. Plumage coloration is majority green, with blue feathers along the nape and the length of the spine. Its appearance is inconsistent across ecosystems, with vegetation and geography heavily influencing the phenotypes of the native morphs. For instance, permanent residents of desert scrubland are considerably paler with dull laurel or yellowish feathers, and have a reduced surface area of blue feathers. These nuanced differences in appearance have been used to justify an upward number of subspecies, as selection pressures would lead to “desert morphs” better adapted to the Sandy Plains, “jungle morphs” adapted to the Flooded Forest, and so on. This is contradicted somewhat by the movements of vagrant populations that will occasionally travel into new areas and breed with the local morphs, thus homogenizing the sedentary population through genetic interchange.
The crimson qurupeco (C. s. versicolor) is endemic to the South Elde Peninsula, the islands throughout the interior Moga Sea, and Arcolis’ southeastern coasts. Its breast and underbelly are cream, while the remainder of the torso is red. The feathers along its nape, as well as the plumes between its shoulders, come in a range of turquoise. Its patagia are noteworthy for being bicolored, with an orange interior membrane contrasted against a light-green exterior. The white- and red-striped auriculars (ear coverts) are exclusive to this subspecies. The pigmentation of C. s. versicolor is believed to be a genetic mutation, and that there exists a correlation between it and allele for auricular stripe expression. This theory is inconclusive and awaits further studies on qurupeco heredity.
The island qurupeco (C. s. minor), more commonly known as the pygmy peco, is only found within the Moga Archipelago. On average, it measures at a height of 5’2” - 5'10” (less than 2 meters), and a length of 12’ (3.6 meters) when the tail and neck are fully extended. The island qurupeco differs from C. s. sirenius in size, with only marginally darker-green plumage. This subspecies is an example of insular dwarfism, having descended from a population of qurupecos that became permanent residents of the island less than 15,000 years ago. The limited availability of resources on the island necessitated a smaller body plan to cope with food shortages, one of the conditions of Foster’s rule. Additionally, small size is advantageous as it shortens generation time, and makes thermoregulation within a tropical environment easier. Despite having wings, island qurupecos seldom fly. When startled, they’ll explode into a short burst of rapid flight. Their diminutive stature lets them take advantage of wing-assisted incline running (or “WAIR”), enabling them to climb steep rocky slopes to escape predators.
The overall shape of the qurupeco is avian, with a pneumatized skeletal system and keeled sternum for muscle anchorage. Despite the retention of adaptations for flight, the qurupeco is semi-terrestrial. Its tridactyl feet have lost the back-facing toe that would have enabled it to perch on branches. To compensate, its feet have become semipalmate, a trait beneficial to striding atop loose substrates such as sand or mud, and wading through water. The upper and lower mandibles of the beak hold 24 teeth each. The teeth are conical and slightly recurved to prevent prey from escaping. The upper mandible of the bill ends in a weak nail, a slight downward curve vaguely reminiscent of the shape seen in balaenicipitid storks. A seamless hollow structure atop the beak — the casque — extends past the nasofrontal hinge and ends in a short, tapered lambeosaurine-like crest. The red gular sac is, contrary to popular belief, not a sexually-selected characteristic, as it is found in all qurupecos regardless of sex. The throat folds can be rapidly expanded and inflated as part of a startle display, or an antipredator bluff.
The wings are membranous and highly-vascularized, co-opted for thermoregulation. Its alar flints are specialized pollical bones, evolved to withstand abrasion and impact trauma. When forced to confront predators, a qurupeco will slam them into an animal using a clapping or “boxing” motion. The patagium, which attaches at the thigh, is entirely featherless. Because the wings lack any sort of propatagia, they are considerably less aerodynamic, less resistant to applied bending loads, and are unable to contribute to the maximum lift coefficient. These deficiencies are offset by the qurupeco’s powerful legs, massive supracoracoideus and pectoralis muscles, and near-constant flapping when aloft. The paddle- or fan-like tail (the rhipidura) features a membrane with almond-shaped eyespots, one on both the dextral and sinistral sides of the tail. In addition to acting as a counterweight for the flints, the qurupeco can unfurl the rhipidura and use it as a rudder.
The trait responsible for the reds, oranges, and yellows of the crimson qurupeco, and the greens and blues of the verdant qurupeco, is a polyenal lipochrome called psittacofulvin. The pigment is unique to the psittacines and the callodigitids, having separately evolved in both theropod lineages. Studies conducted using transmission spectroscopy have shown that psittacofulvin is synthesized within follicular tissue and deposited in the barbs and barbules of the feathers. By itself, this pigment is responsible for the expression of the vibrant colors of C. s. versicolor. In the nominotypical subspecies C. s. sirenius, spongy nanostructured barb cells reflect in either the blue or blue-green wavelength. These spongy structures are enveloped by the psittacofulvin, which acts as a spectral filter by “mixing” its yellow-coloring, blue-absorbing properties. This effect results in the predominant green hues and the concentrated blue plumage on the nape and mantle regions of its body.
Membraned wings are a homoplastic trait amongst several theropod lineages, notably the true wyverns (Viverna), pseudowyverns (Paradraconia), and scansoriopterygids (genus Yi). Unlike its relatives, whose patagia are supported by elongated digits, the bird wyverns’ wings are a superficial cross between the appendicular skeletons of birds and pterosaurs. With the exception of the pollex (thumb), the fingers are fused into a single structure called the synphalanx that supports the membranalan patagium. It was originally assumed that all, or at least some, extinct bird wyverns used quad launch to vault themselves into the air. This theory failed to gain traction due to little supporting evidence, namely a lack of a disproportionate ratio in forelimb to hindlimb robustness, as would be expected of quad-launching fliers.
Instead, the qurupeco utilizes vertical takeoff to achieve flight. In the preliminary phase, the qurupeco moves its wings upward in a “clap” position, while contracting the appropriate muscles in its powerful legs. At the same time, bone alignment contributes to the preparatory phase through a pitch down of the trunk and a flexion of the ankles, hips, and knees. The crouching movement stores elastic energy released during the propulsive leg push-off and contributes to leg muscle loading. During leg push, the wings contribute little, if any aerodynamic lift; meanwhile, the entire lower musculoskeletal system extends to assist with forward momentum. At the moment the feet leave the ground, the upward movement increases airflow over the lifting surfaces, which allows “clap-and-fling” to generate enough lift for positive vertical flight. The height provided by the initial leg push lets the wings make a complete stroke without touching the ground. Once clear of the ground, the qurupeco can transition to level flight and the more economically-energetic steady-state aerodynamics mode. Kinematic analysis of liftoff and landing found wingbeat amplitude and frequency to be at its highest during takeoff.
Internal anatomy of the qurupeco’s cranial appendages was first described through radiography. The interior of the casque is hollow, supported by bony ridges and rods. It ends in a hollow, tubular crest that protrudes slightly past the base of the skull. Together, the casque and connective crest work to amplify the qurupeco’s calls. Rapid expansion and contraction of the flexible sides of the casque changes the air volume in the cavity, creating a resonance chamber.
The qurupeco derives its binomen from the syrinx, a duplex vocal organ located at the base of the trachea. It is surrounded by an air sac which permits the syrinx to act as a resonating chamber for sound. Its proximity to the lungs results in a structure where the trachea bifurcates into two primary bronchi. Unlike the larynx of non-membranalan and non-avian tetrapods, the syrinx is composed of highly-specialized cartilaginous structures, connective tissue masses, membranes, and numerous muscles. Sound is the result of a self-oscillating system of airflow that produces vibrations of the membrana tympaniformis (the walls of the syrinx) and the pessulus (a delicate bar of cartilage at the vertex of the bronchi). Qurupecos vary air pressure to influence the tension of the aforementioned tissues, resulting in changes to sound shape, loudness, and pitch. Because of the syrinx’s forked shape and position relative to the lungs, qurupecos can achieve lateralization of song and produce two simultaneous sounds.
Like many passerines and psittacines, the qurupeco can mimic ambient noise. Sound acquisition starts through social learning, with chicks imitating their parents and any neighboring adults within the loosely-associated flock. As the qurupeco matures, it expands upon its vocal repertoire by mimicking the sounds of different species, including other predators. To date, the qurupeco is the only species outside of the hominins that demonstrates predator diversion and misdirection behavior. Researchers have extensively documented instances of qurupecos scaring potential threats (either nest thieves or larger carnivores) away by replicating the sounds of sympatric megafauna. The subject of one study involved a brooding qurupeco that successfully deterred jaggis by replicating the calls of common raths. The fidelity of its mimetic calls is so accurate as to make discerning them from their sources near-impossible, as evidenced by members of the mimicked species sometimes investigating.
As a member of the clade Membranala, the qurupeco is a poor flier. Although capable of evading most terrestrial animals, when confronted by other volant predators flight becomes insufficient. In scenarios where camouflage isn’t available and it would be otherwise overtaken while fleeing, a qurupeco will attempt to solicit intervention from larger carnivores by mimicking their vocalizations. Species that demonstrate high levels of intraspecific territoriality and aggression (diablos, tigrexes, barroths, et cetera) will respond to what they perceive as an intruding conspecific. A team of Guild ethologists studying call-response effectiveness in the Flooded Forest found that in 140 trials, other predators investigated the qurupeco’s call on 95 separate accounts, or roughly 67.85% of the time. Of those 95 instances, the arrival proceeded to attack the qurupeco’s original assailant, while the qurupeco successfully fled 80 times (84.21%). During one of those trials a rathian was summoned in response to not another predator, but rather the field team, which had ventured too close.
In addition to rendering the calls of other animals, qurupecos can mimic a wide range of human sounds such as gunshots, airship engines, hunting horns, and even spoken language. Anatomical constraints limit its ability to accurately replicate certain sounds like labial consonants [m p b f v].
The evolution of this specialized function of the syrinx is contentious, as it directly violates the learning mistakes hypothesis. This model explains the convergent acquisition of vocal mimicry in many bird species as accidental, rather than selected for. In general, songbirds learn their species-specific songs by comparing songs they hear to a mental template. Sounds that fall within the parameters of their template are learned, while sounds outside it are disregarded. In avian species with complex songs and relaxed-parameter templates, heterospecific songs and ambient sounds that are auditory matches get copied by mistake. The qurupeco’s ability to not only learn, but selectively employ and tailor its diverse mimetic repertoire as an anti-predator strategy, makes this the first case of vocal Batesian mimicry. The greater implication is a question of the qurupeco’s intelligence, which has been speculated to be on par with that of corvids.
To contend with temperature, qurupecos exhibit crepuscular behavior, limiting their activity to dusk and dawn. While an accurate generalization, it doesn’t entirely account for individuals that live in areas with dense forest canopies or access to highly-stratified vegetation that offers shade. In places with ample relief from heat stress, qurupecos can become more active during daylight hours. At night, the qurupeco relies on unihemispheric short-wave sleep (USWS). One half of the brain enters a state of subconsciousness while the other hemisphere (and the opposite eye) remain alert. This mechanism allows the animal to rest and avoid predation. Ethologically, the qurupeco is an important animal of study as it boasts a wide number of anti-predator adaptations, including the exaptation of its gular sac as a deimatic accessory. By rapidly inflating the skin at its throat, the qurupeco can appear larger than it actually is, and buy itself time to:
• Scare away smaller carnivores • Flee from larger predators • Wait for larger animals to respond to its mimetic calls
Intraspecific interactions
Qurupecos are communal-parasocial. During the breeding season, interactions are limited to the breeding pair and parent-chick dynamics. Otherwise they are somewhat gregarious, willing to fish in semi-associated temporary “flocks” that contain anywhere from 4 to 20 individuals. These congregations occur at bodies of water where food is abundant, with the qurupecos spaced about 21 meters (70 feet) apart. Foraging groups like this usually disband after several days. Groupings like this are thought to be advantageous as there’s relative safety in numbers. In the presence of sea-dwelling predators, congregations of three or more qurupecos may engage in cooperative interspecific kleptoparasitism. Insular and coastal individuals have been observed harassing plesioths (Plesichthys coxa) to steal their food, as they aren’t able to fetch fish from the sea floor themselves.
Hunting and diet
As a piscivorous animal, the majority of the qurupeco’s diet consists of aquatic vertebrates fished from brackish, salt, and fresh water. Prey-capture is conducted from along the shoreline or the banks of rivers/lakes, or (more seldomly) from wading within the water itself. Its eyes are forward-facing in spite of their lateral placement, giving the qurupeco both a wide field of view and the binocular vision necessary for gauging depth. Along with visual adaptations for prey acquisition, C. sirenius has evolved self-correcting behaviors to account for disparities between perceived and actual prey location underwater. Light refraction at the air-water interface causes submerged objects to appear to an aerial observer along the line of refraction, or higher relative to where it actually is, in accordance with Snell’s law. The issue of light refraction is circumvented by the qurupeco’s ability to spatially reposition its eyes through two distinct phases of head movement: pre-strike (velocity 52 cm/s, trajectory at a 60° angle to the vertical) and strike (velocity 270 cm/s, mean path angle 33°), until the prey’s real (actual) and apparent (perceived) depth are linearly corrected. The point between these two phases in which path angle and velocity change, termed point-of-strike (STR), is the stage at which corrections for refraction are made, as determined by the qurupeco’s eye height above water relative to the two depths.
In arid ecosystems, the qurupeco hunts within riparian zones for prey such as western chubs, popfish, sushifish, trout, pikeminnows, and barbels. While it primarily eats fish, it’s known to feed opportunistically on other animals, including amphibians, crayfish, small lizards, and the occasional rodent. Coastal dwelling qurupecos are accustomed to feeding on armorfish fry, glutton tuna (Thunnus vorator), Moga tuna (Katsuwonus katsuo), whetfish, sea bass, smelts, and mullets, along with crustaceans such as the Atlantis crab (Portunus lapicrustatus).
Qurupecos that reside in tropical rainforests and floodplains incorporate the largest percentage of fish compared to nonpiscine prey in their diet. Trees that grow along the water’s edge have evolved to rely on ichthyochory (seed dispersal via fish) in order to reproduce and avoid competing with their offspring. Many fish species adapted to feeding on the fruit congregate in these river galleries, a fact which is so noteworthy as to be reflected in their names (like the scatterfish, Brycon fragilis, named for its mutualistic role in “scattering” the seeds of the fruit that it consumes). Qurupecos exploit these locations for their relatively easy access to perches, carps, roaches, tilapias, and piranhas. They also fish for non-frugivorous species like burst arowanas (Osteoglossum autothysia), red-finned arowanas (Osteoglossum esculentum), fen catfish (Palustincola gravis), and mummichogs.
Enemies and competitors
As no other bird wyverns occur within the qurupeco’s range, there is no precedent for the types of interactions between them. Scientists speculate that in transitionary ecosystems that represent an intermediary subtropical-temperate gradient (such as the Metape-Shilkore interface), qurupecos may rarely come across south-ranging membranalans such as yian kut-kus and yian garugas (Discuvultus malevolus). In these hypothetical encounters, the kut-ku and qurupeco would likely ignore each other, as the kut-ku is an arthropod specialist. The yian garuga, however, is carnivorous and actively hunts animals half its size (including the yian kut-ku), suggesting a similar predatory interaction with the qurupeco.
Desert-adapted qurupecos face predation from a small handful of species, most notably pseudowyverns such as the tigrexes (Abinferno rex and brutum) and the sand barioth (Electodon xeros). During high-intensity droughts, raths (Mandibulaformia terribilis) expand their prey inventory to incorporate qurupecos, despite the qurupeco having a lower fat content in comparison to their staple prey, aptonoths (Parasaurolophus cristatus) and rhenoplos (Monceratops petroides). Disputes between the qurupeco and desert barroth (Aratrum limus) occur near bodies of water, where the barroth charges at the qurupeco for intruding at its wallowing site. Territorial provocations usually end with the barroth emerging as the victor, forcing the qurupeco to flee with sustained injuries 40% of the time.
Qurupecos found in várzea forests and along coastlines are susceptible to predation from a number of semiaquatic predators. Lagiacrus (Heres jormungandrii), plesioths (Plesichthys coxa), and (to a lesser extent) gobuls will seize qurupecos at the water’s edge. Attacks by any of these animals are always fatal, as the result of blood loss, asphyxiation, or drowning. There are few accounts of nargacugas (Xyrafiptera spp.) interacting with qurupecos, as they primarily target small ungulates and immature vipracanids, and of the two co-occurring species only one (the green nargacuga, Xyrafiptera glaucus) is active at the same time of day as the qurupeco. There is at least one record of defecated qurupeco remains found in nargacuga stool, suggesting that predation or at the very least scavenging on carrion does happen.
The main source of fatality in qurupecos is from nest thieves. Immature and subadult jaggis (Magnaraptor ebrius) and wroggis (Magnaraptor paluster) will take advantage of unattended nests during periods of food scarcity, when both parents are required to forage and are unable to guard the eggs or chicks. Ludroths may dig out nests located near banks or attempt to hunt subadult qurupecos, when they’re still small enough to take without risk of injury. The deviljho (Daemon vorax) is a recurring threat to qurupeco wherever both species overlap, with the sole exception being the Moga Archipelago and its outlying islands.
Attacks on hunters
Most incidents are the result of unintentional provocation. The majority of documented attacks on humans, wyverians, and lynians are the result of stumbling upon a nest with eggs or chicks. Qurupecos seem to regard people in the same capacity as dog wyverns, and will try to scare them away by screaming at them, inflating their gular sac, or kicking up sand. A failure on the part of people to retreat leads to the next tier of antipredator behaviors: boxing with the wings, followed by mimetic solicitation. Despite the somewhat reclusive nature of this animal, encounters between them and people are relatively common. Oology (egg collecting) is still a popular pastime, and qurupeco eggs are highly prized for their coloration. Guild palicos are sometimes loaned out to poulters to harvest eggs from nests, an arrangement which helps to regulate the number of eggs harvested per year, while also protecting non-hunters from injury and satisfying the market demand for them.
The ecotourism industry offers guided tours through qurupecos’ fishing grounds. All attendees are required to sign a waiver and are instructed on how to conduct themselves, so as to not cause the qurupeco to summon larger carnivores. With that being said, the Guild reports an average number of fifty hunters dispatched per year in response to SOS distress signals. Fatalities are rare and indirectly attributed to the qurupeco, as the majority of victims were killed by the larger creature summoned by it. All the same, the qurupeco is still capable of administering contusions and bone fractures.
Reproduction and life cycle
Breeding begins at the onset of the monsoon or wet season, when rainfall dramatically increases and causes a 10 - 15 meter rise in water level. During this time, male qurupecos construct display platforms (open arena mounds) surrounded by dense bush, fashioned out of soil or a pile of branches. Over the steady patter of rain, the males’ calls can be heard as far as a mile from their point of origin. Their performance incorporates every memorized sound at their disposal, in conjunction with various dances. Their ability to weave complex songs is a testament to their fitness, which surveying females attempt to gauge before making an approach. Should a female enter the arena and approach the male, both bird wyverns will engage in reciprocal displays such as synchronized head-tossing, billing, and mutual preening. A successful courtship is signaled by the female regurgitating food from her crop, as a gesture of approval. Copulation immediately follows.
Prior to ovulation, the male scrapes out a depression in the ground. The site for the nest varies depending on the ecosystem: in forests, at the base of a tree trunk between the buttress roots; in scrub, within a dense patch of grass or mesquite thicket; in open areas (coastlines, seaward cliffs), near bushes or underneath overhanging rocks. The only consistency across regions is that the nest needs to be built high enough to avoid being washed away by seasonal inundations. Nests are often reinforced with leaflitter or detritus harvested by the female, to help conceal the depression against the surrounding substrate. Down feathers plucked from the parents’ breasts can also be used for insolation and camouflage. The eggs are round or subtly-ovular, and average in size at a height of 12 inches (30 and a half centimeters) and a width of 10.6 inches (27 centimeters). Coloration is generally cream to gray, with streaks or speckling from the red- and brown-producing pigment protoporphyrin that helps disguise the eggs. A clutch can contain as many as five eggs, which are incubated in shifts by both parents. The green coloration of C. s. sirenius is especially advantageous in forested ecosystems, as it allows the brooding parents to conceal themselves and the nest by blending into the surrounding foliage. The incubation period lasts about 4 - 5 weeks.
Chicks remain in the attendance of their parents for the next two months. They are moderately precocial, capable of running within days of hatching, and lofting onto meter-high ledges a week after. Chicks learn to fish from both parents and are able to feed themselves within a week, although the parents still provide the majority of their food. When accompanying their parents on fishing expeditions, one of the adults may freeze and hide them underneath their legs or wings if predators are present, while the other qurupeco will try to ward them off. Given the high mortality rate in chicks, only 3 are estimated to survive into adolescence. At the end of the wet season, the qurupecos begin to disperse away from their parents.
Diseases and parasites
Unlike its theropod relatives, the qurupeco has neither the uropygial or elaiopteral glands of birds and ailurmorphs, nor the pulviplumes (powder down) of certain species. To maintain feather integrity, the qurupeco bathes in sandy or dusty substrates. It will crouch over the soil and wriggle its body/flap its wings, sending up a large cloud of dust into the air. Afterward, it will shake the excess particles from its feathers to remove debris and dry skin, which preserves its plumage’s flexibility and insulative properties. Frequent dust baths are also thought to smother ectoparasites such as lice and mites, and prevent fungal growth.
Another function of psittacofulvin is that feathers pigmented by it resist bacterial degradation.
Distribution and habitat
The presence of qurupecos in any given place is contingent on there being bodies of water capable of supporting fish. Reliable food supplies have allowed this species to diversify across much of Arcolis and the southern Elde subcontinent, into an array of biome subtypes. An incomplete list — based on documented occurrences — includes desert shrublands, xeric shrublands, matorral scrublands, várzea forests, tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests, montane forests, mangrove forests, and Moga cloud forests. Their altitudinal distribution can fluctuate during rainy and dry seasons, to accommodate anticipated changes in water level and to avoid flash floods at arroyos.
There are unconfirmed rumors that qurupecos have been found as far south as Aya. Assessment of these rumors has been difficult, as the Ayan people are part of a voluntary-isolationist nation. Attempts through the Guild to act as a liaison and broker entry into their borders have been largely unsuccessful.
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kinokreations · 6 years ago
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Trying to move some inventory for new items this year! My Guildmarm, Tanzia Port Sweetheart & Moga Sweetheart peeker vinyl stickers are now $3.00 clearance on my webstore~ <3 https://kinokreations.bigcartel.com/product/mh-series-1-peekers-guildgalsOnce I sell out of these Monster Hunter girls I will not be restocking them.
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vicecath · 6 years ago
>>  ❖ @monsterbane
The time had finally come. With the Elder Crossing fading for the time being, ships were allowed to travel back and forth once more, connecting Astera to the Old World through gentle threads. Almost hesitantly, the Commander requested Arston take some time in the Old World for a bit, see if he could find a particular monster that would never take root in the New World. If it was for the good of his new home, the hunter would return to a land he hadn’t tread upon in two years.
         Two years was still enough time to forget a lot of the Old World, though. Stepping foot off the ship in the city of Port Tanzia, he was immediately overwhelmed; such a rush of people and activity! Had he remembered the details of his day of departure, he wouldn’t have been surprised, but it still caught him off guard. The air, the sound, the smell-- it was all so different from his new home. 
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         First things first, he needed a guide. Arston was told there’d be a room for him at an inn nearby, but for the time being, he had to figure out what his duty here was. Lagiacrus weren’t easy quarry to find, and he had to find quite literally the best of the best to help him. The trouble is, this is a port city; he knew nobody there, and it would be difficult to get help. For now, the best he could do was scan the groups of hunters, judging their armor and equipment for those that would help... if some would stop staring at his own armor. Given he never changed from his Odogaron attire, he probably looked rather odd.
         Someone standing not too far from where he was looked to be wearing Rathalos armor, catching his eye immediately. Not just any either, as it was the hide of none other than an Azure Rathalos. This hunter knew what they were doing, to be wearing garb like that. Forgetting for a moment that he wasn’t in Astera and thus didn’t know anybody here, he walked up to the man, looking up as he waved. 
         “Hey-- Sorry for popping up like this, but I need a bit of help and you look like you know your stuff. Mind if I ask for a bit of help with something? The New World’s kinda relying on some info.”
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multiverse-swampy · 5 years ago
Witht the exception of Best Boi King Dodonga (DODOGAMA) and iceborne monsters. What monster from Monster Hunter World would you have as a pet or companion?
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“I actually already have a monster pet! He’s a Zinogre.”
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“He’s been traveling with me for awhile now, ever since Tanzia Port. I saved him from death by helping him out of an abandoned pitfall trap he couldn’t  get out of. With pile of raw meat in front of him and me trying to push him out of the trap, he was able to get free. While he ate the meat, I went on my way to do some gathering. When I was about to head back to Moga, he followed me back, as if he was grateful for saving him. And since then, he’s been a loyal monster. However, I always offer him to live the free life when it’s time to move to a different hunting region. He always chose to travel with me. Recently though, he got into a big fight with a Deviljho and got a chipped horn and a face scar. He’s likely at the Palico Ranch getting his belly rubs by numerous cats at the moment, so he’s a happy pupper.”
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noelclover · 6 years ago
MonHun Love Live AU Details
I typed this out in a more detailed format earlier but my mouse double clicked the (x) and closed the tab orz I was supposed to draw this... some years ago, before World came out. Ah, tthat’s pretty bad when I think about it. That said, while I highly doubt this post will get much of a read, especially at this point in time, for those of you who do read it, I hope you enjoy the idea. For those of you who would read this but not know much about MonHun, at least in terms of location, I’ll drop a link to the wiki. I don’t think there’s much detail on it, but it’s something to go by.
The u”s members know each other somewhat. They don’t stay in a single area, which makes bonding a bit more difficult, but having worked with each other often, they eventually do bond and become close friends.
The 2nd years live and primarily hunt in the Yukumo area. Honoka’s parents primarily sell hot spring manjuus and eggs. Umi’s parents are traditional performers, keeping and spreading Yukumo tradition through dance and wood carvings. Kotori’s mother is the Yukumo Village head.
Honoka prefers using the Sword and Shield, though she does pick up the Hammer and Greatsword from time to time, above all other weapons because she grew up listening to stories about the Hero’s Sword. Linking the weapon and name together, she figured the Sword and Shield combination is the Hero’s preferred choice, so she just went with that. Due to this sort of mentality, she tries to avoid Gathering missions as she finds them dull. She doesn’t always voice this out loud however, as she’s been on the receiving end of Umi’s lectures.
Kotori enjoys using the Light Bowgun, finding (perverse) joy in being able to provide assistance via locking down (read: poisoning, paralyzing and tranquilizing) their target. She is actually impartial to Hunting and simply enjoy spending time with her friends. She also spends a lot of time with the Blacksmith, designing dresses and armour whenever she can. She wants to travel to Bherna village to play with the moofahs.
Umi uses the Bow and Longsword, a combination that has Kotori and Honoka going “Ah, that’s Umi-chan alright”. She finds making arrow coatings and Gathering quests to be relaxing. She has no real ambitions to travel, but if ever the topic arises, she would, without a doubt, follow Honoka and Kotori to wherever they want to go without any hesitation. Umi is also Kotori’s favourite dress-up victim doll model.
Nozomi and Eli are currently staying in Pokke village. Eli is a native while Nozomi comes from Loc Lac City, a bustling trade center near the Great Desert.
Eli has no preference in terms of weaponry, being able to use all of them equally proficiently. Due to this however, she isn’t necessarily as good in comparison to the others when compared with the using their preferred weapons. However, this flexibility allows her to work well in any team. Her fundamental skills are top notch. Though she’s always prepared for the hunt, she is terrible at using items, often timing them poorly. She’s only good with healing items, having a low (roughly 30%) success rate with Sonic Bombs and Flash Bangs. When teased by Nozomi about this, she shows a very cute and pouty side. She is also very unlucky when it comes to the Yukumo Hotsprings, having missed out on the hot springs multiple times due to it’s temporary closure. Due to this, she is very determined to enjoy a bath there, having viewed it as some sort of personal challenge.
Nozomi enjoys using the Gunlance and Heavy Bowgun for their explosive capabilities, though she dislikes it’s weight. As she originally came from Loc Lac City, she’s very weak to the cold. Initially, she could barely live in Pokke village. Going up the mountain was nearly impossible for her. However, with enough willpower, Hot Drinks and with the promise of Well Done Steaks in the form of Popos, she’s managed to overcome this weakness to some degree. At one point she needed to be restrained from hunting Popos for a while due to her voracious appetite for meat.
Nico and the first years live on the Caravan. Mrs. Yazawa is the Caravaneer. She started the Caravan because her husband had a weak constitution and was unable to conduct the research he wanted, figuring that if they brought their home to the wyverns, things would be less stressful on him. After his passing, she’s been travelling around, trading and looking for information regarding the mysterious golden scale he was researching. She has a great working relationship with the Yukumo Village Head, and really likes going to the hot springs.
Nico uses every single weapon type without much in the way of preference. She tries really hard to balance the usefulness of an armour piece and it’s cuteness as she wants to gain fame as a Hunter while looking as adorable as she can. While not necessarily great at every single weapon, she is competent and has her basics down, though she isn’t as skilled as Eli in terms of raw ability and doesn’t compare to the others in their specializations She is however, the most balanced Hunter, having a high success rate with item usage, successful hunts and being able to fill in any gaps in a team quickly. Due to her father’s influence, she’s very knowledgeable about Wyverns and materials. Her (sometimes haughty) attitude and near obsessive work ethic born from her ambition scared a bunch of Hunters away in the past, so she’s learned to relax a bit.
Maki originates from Port Tanzia, a trade city. Her parents were doctors and traders, allowing her to enjoy a rather luxurious life. She joined the Caravan after being rescued by Nico, though this is something she absolutely refuses to admit. She has a good friendship with Nico, which is also something she refuses to admit. She’s currently learning how to hunt under Nico’s guidance. She’s been leaning towards the Longsword and Light Bowgun type weapons. With regards to ammunition, she often buys the materials if not the ammunition outright, something which Nico has chastised her about. She is doing her best to adopt the Hunter mindset and use whatever she has available, wealth excluded.
I didn’t think too much about RinPana to be honest, but the guideline is that Rin would come from Moga Village, which is a fishing village. Her dislike for fish comes from having eaten too much fish as a kid. She met Hanayo in Yukumo village, where she also met the wonderful dish of ramen for the first time. She uses the Dual Blade weapon type and the Hammer. She dislikes range weaponry, like Honoka, because preparing ammunition and coating is a pain.
Hanayo originates from Yukumo village. She enjoys plain rice and uses the Hunting Horn, mostly because I think Hanayo playing the instrument and running out of breath is cute. She doesn’t use other weapons, mostly due to a lack of confidence. She wanted to travel to better herself, so she took the opportunity to join the Caravan when they visited Yukumo village. Rin joined her because they’re friends, so it never occurred to her to not join her on her trip. Link to village summaries.
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elstreem · 2 years ago
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Finally finished getting the Sailor outfits in both of my MH Rise files! It's such a cute armor set and brings back nostalgia, MH Tri Ulti and its hub area Port Tanzia are dear to me.
Aw man, but the male design with its pants is so cute, I wish it was also available for female players. I had to take the cap off my Bedi file though since it makes the ponytail disappear and he kind of looks goofy without it, heh.
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Some more fun photos because posing with the hammer is fun. I love wearing the cutest outfits for my original file and then having her pose like the most threatening gremlin with huge-ass weapons.
My FGO Bedivere file looks a bit silly with the bright original colors so I ended up tweaking the armor pigment and making it suit his blue-green color theme. I am using the actual set for my Bedi file while my original file has it on as layered armor.
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Also my doggo gave the camera huge puppy eyes while I was setting up the shot, so here he is in his own royal armor set.
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disobligingly · 6 years ago
For Taifuu-What's your favorite drink?
Truth Serum!: your muses can now ask mine anything and they will be forced to answer honestly!
The wyvern grins, all terrible fangs and apparent-battle fury, her tail--dripping with highly corrosive toxins--slowly swaying from side to side in a manner not entirely unlike a cat preparing to hunt.
“The blood seepin’ from the wounds of the poor fucks I slaughter with ease.”
It’s a stance she holds for more than long enough to send lesser monsters running, but then her tail stills and she laughs, the sound considerably more lighthearted.
“--is what I’d say if I just wanted to be a creepy bitch. Nah, there’s this ale they sell at Port Tanzia sometimes. Can’t get it much ‘cause the prissy li’l hunters just suck it down without a care, but when I can get my talons on it? ‘s some good shit.”
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vonsvarietyblog · 7 years ago
Retrospective: Monster Hunter Part 2
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This is probably the very definition of cozy in anything
The beginning
The first Monster Hunter game I was really passionate about was the second portable version called Monster Hunter Portable 2 (and eventually 2nd G). Also known as Freedom 2 and Freedom Unite, it replaced the earlier Jumbo village of the PS2 game with this rather cozy iteration. I’m no winter person, I admit and even I feel like I want to live there if I can stand the biting cold winds of the winter frost in the mountains. Monster Hunter after this continues to offer the cozy or incredible set-pieces of villages in later games. Some are even more cozy or interesting than others. In 3/Tri, the village is you would be in is reminiscent to the fishing villages inspired by southeast asian fishing villages that I’m all too familiar with. I’m Malaysian, hah. The village is called Moga village. It had all the quaint (and in a good way) features of the fishing villages with the little interesting setups there. The more you progress in the game, the busier it becomes. It also had the little commodity trading mechanic that I’m really fond of when it comes to resource trading stuff like that in my games. This is also probably the only place where you could see the shifts between day and night, with noticeable differences. Heck, even the theme seems to fit one of its inspirations really well.
Yukumo village from Portable 3rd, release very late in the handheld’s lifespan, also hosted one of the best designed villages of the series, continuing the tradition of topping the last iteration’s village in aesthetics. It may be a more familiar theme due to how incredibly Japanese it was in design but it remains quite exotic to everyone elsewhere. Even the Onsen was included, replacing the restaurants, giving a break in tradition to the Felyne-run eating establishments (although the hot springs is still run by cats). It’s a sharp contrast in terms of how dominant the earthen colours of the village in contrast to the blueish hue you’d see in Moga village, mostly due to where each respective village set in. But both villages are impressively done in their respective designs, regardless.
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There’s never a more impressive sight than Loc Lac in Monster Hunter
It’s not always villages that you’d get your jobs in. The gathering halls weren’t really a thing until the portable games came along. The consoles offered something rather different up to the third, mainline game. There was Dundorma, a rather impressive, towering walled city ruled by a guy called His Immenseness (he’s literally a really big guy, no memes intended). This is where players would gather online to play online quests together and eventually initiate special online-only quests set in the defense of Dundorma against MASSIVE elder dragons laying siege onto its walls. Dundorma makes a return to the series later in the fourth game for the High-rank/post-game events of the story if you just wanted more Monster Hunter or just simply for nostalgia reasons if you experienced it from Dos.
The third game had two locations: LocLac and Port Tanzia. One for Tri and one for 3 Ultimate respectively. I personally have never played 3 Ultimate due to how late I was in the party when the 3DS games were launched, so Port Tanzia eludes me as embarrassing as that sounds but LocLac on the other hand... now that was a city.  It was quite huge, though, more often than not, a bit empty despite the cutscene suggested. But it had all the interesting setups there, everything from the village, The Combinator and his pet frog, that arena guildmarma and of course, what else? The Tavern! That place is where you gather with a bunch of strangers in a room and band together in the quest to take down a giant murder pickle for instance. But before that, the winner got to decide whether to take the quest or not. In a hand-wrestling competition! Perhaps that is where the tradition in online MonHun culture is born out of. Something as simple as a hand-wrestling match could bring all sorts of laughs and frustration from losing the match, they keep coming back in the game even in the new ones. The icing on the cake was how your hunters react to losing or winning, which makes the thing all the better or satisfying. 
Unfortunately, the servers shut down somewhere in 2013, players all over the net gathering to say their last goodbyes to LocLac before Capcom pulled the plug. It’s a good run however, seeing it surviving up to almost 5 years before closing down effectively. The community there were a friendly, supportive bunch. Rarely there are terrible That Guys that popped in the servers; most are more than happy to come in hunts to play with the gradually smaller, tight-knit community of random hunters trying to enjoy the game together before its last legs. 
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