#Tanya denali x reader
allthornsnopetals · 2 months
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Tall S/O
Umm, yes you can!! Something, for the fellow tall girlies, 100% I'm 5,12ft... Ik, but at least I'm not short, but finding pants that can cover my ankles is, rather challenging.
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Tanya is 5,5ft, while Myanna Burning—the actress, that plays her—is 5,1ft... She is a small bean.
In other words it is really not that hard to outgrow her, unless you are below 5ft or the same height. (If you are, that f sucks.)
Legit calling for you if she can't reach for something on a high shelf.
When she first laid eyes on you, she legit thought you were a model of some sorts. You had to be with all, that leg, and height.
She legit is drooling, like the horndog, that she is. Her mouth is salivating, eyeing you as one would with a meal.
I picture Tanya, constantly asking for uppies. (shut up this is my HC, so I say so).
She's extremely aware of the height difference, but she couldn't careless, in fact she loves it!
Always wearing your clothes and even your heels. She would deny ever taking anything from your closet, perhaps pointing her finger at Kate.
She will only return the clothes she 'borrowed', if you manage to find where she hid them, which is like finding a needle in a haystack.
Oh, and if she is at booby height, babe your done for. At least shoving her face where it shouldn't, ten times a day. Wanting hugs only because she wants her face in your boobies
I'm sorry but you will be wearing nothing but shorts when you are home, because in my perspective she loves the look/appeal of your legs. She will even offer/will shave and or wax your legs for you.
She's obsessed!
Love's it when you cage her in with your legs when love making, especially if your legs cross over daintily around her tiny waist.
This is gonna sound—because it is— dirty, but her favorite thing to do, when in the bedroom is ride your thighs/your entire leg, and yes she will boot fuck your foot, grinding and reaching her high.
She is like a dog on another kind of drug, humping, and even whining—which, would lead to begging—if you decline her of her favorite thing to do in the bedroom. Watch out, she will pounce when you are not looking, and perhaps boot fuck when you least expect it, again like a feral dog.
"My love, please!" Tanya begs, pouting the best she could, trying to sway Y/n. "Honey, you have made a mess on both my legs, I have to clean myself up, and put an end to tonight's festivities. I'm sorry." Y/n stood, kissing her wife's cheek.
Tanya's pout deepens, crossing her arms over her bare breasts. An idea pops in her head, causing a sly grin to split her face. She speeds into the bathroom, running Y/n a bath while she worries about fixing the room.
Once the tub is full, she's tugging her loving wife into the bathroom with her, and instantly getting her in.
"You dirty, little girl." Y/n teases, feeling Tanya plop herself on her thigh, and starting to rock her hips.
Tanya grins, bracing her grip on her darlings shoulders. "Dirty? No, clean. You wanted to clean the mess I made and I'm not finished, that is called compromise." She pecks her love's grinning lips, riding her tired thigh.
'Compromise' happens a lot with Tanya. Finding a solution to both of your problems, still being able to be satisfied.
If she is misbehaving or being an asshole, you can always say: "Be good and I'll let you make a mess on my legs tonight, but be an asshole, and I won't let you touch me." That shuts her up, makes her behave, listen, and even have Kate whining to you, when she feels as if she is being mistreated.
Tanya is a strong woman, who is def a top/Dom, and wears the pants in the relationship, but pull the: I'm covering my legs or you are getting none of this. She's a flopping mess, suddenly turned baby bottom with amazing hearing and obedience.
She's folding in seconds.
Def following you around, waiting patiently to be whisked away into the bedroom.
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Kate is 5,7ft, which is pretty tall, so finding someone that is even taller... Now that is something.
The very first time you both met Edward is reading her mind and is finding: "Well, damn! I can't wait to climb that tree, ohh baby!!" With her face looking like this: 🥴
She gives: Yeah, that's my wife vibes, I know she's a Goddess.
Deadass, flexing on the nearest person.
She wouldn't subject you to wearing only shorts around the house. She doesn't want her sisters or anyone who visits to get any ideas.
But show an inch of leg, she's going feral. Deadass, pulling out her dusty reading glasses or binoculars, and perching herself up on her legs, like a fucking pervert just to get a slight look at those stunning legs.
She calls you: Tall tree, supermodel, mommy-long-legs.
She would 100% love back rides, being carried (bridal style) around like a baby, and climbing your shoulders.
As much as she likes being the bigger spoon, you're taller than she is, so she would adore being the little spoon when cuddling.
Asking for uppies all the damn time!
If you're mad at her for whatever reason and state that you will kill her. Kate would happily die with her head squeezed between your thighs, and snapping her head clean from her body. She thinks that it's the most blessed, righteous, and holy way to die.
Loves to be wrapped up in your legs.
Either when you are cuddling, holding her when you are doing her make up or hair, or when she's going to town between your legs. Miss ma'am just loves being swaddled with your legs.
Do be careful, she may never wanna stop cuddling if it means being wrapped up in your legs. Would throw a fit if you decide that you're done.
Love's it when your legs are thrown over her shoulders when she's eating you out, oh goes nuts when you begin to suffocate her between your legs when cutting it close to the edge, legit feeds her pride. (She's a vampire, she doesn't need air.)
Ohhh, she loves eating you out. It's her favorite thing to do in the bedroom. It gives her a reason to come close to something she thinks as holy.
Kate smirks, loving her necklace, aka the legs of her wife. "You little shit!" Y/n growls, clenching her legs around Kate's neck, ready to decapitate her head.
She had pissed her off again, but at least she will die a glorious death. "Mmmh, I can smell hell from here. Harder Princezná, I think God's calling me." She encourages Y/n, feeling her tighten her hold.
Tanya along with Carmen. "No, Y/n let her go. She pissed you off but it doesn't mean you should kill your wife. Let her go!" Tanya orders, pulling Kate from her feet with Carmen's help.
Kate whines. "Noooo! Let go of my feet, let me die a beautiful death!"
She would legit piss you off on purpose, because one she enjoys it, two she thinks you look hot when you're mad, three if she plays her cards right she might die in the bedroom or on sight with you trying to decapitate her.
She would fight off anyone trying to obviously save her life.
She would hate it if you tease her for her height in public, but loves it when you are both in the comforts of your home.
Like Tanya, would wear your clothes, especially your sweaters, hoodies, and jackets. You'll have a hard time finding them or even her with how many layers she may wear at once, and hiding herself somewhere.
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Irina is 5,9ft, making her the tallest among her sisters, so discovering, that her mate is far taller than she is, it's gonna crush her ego a bit.
But she would recover.
In fact, she's excited to find someone that is taller than herself. This means shopping for clothes pacifically tailored to both your heights, and complaining together when certain clothes don't work out. I imagine her saying: "Well this is bullshit..." With you nodding in agreement.
Legit catwalks/runway moments when trying on new clothes.
When she first laid eyes on you, she was checking out your boots, wanting to get her hands on them, thinking that she could do with the extra inch.
What she didn't expect was to find you attached to the said boots, instantly drooling. Glad she found someone, that is an absolute stunner and super model.
She loves it when you cuddle. Legit has no troubles with who gets to be the big spoon or little spoon, because she is pretty tall as well.
Love's it when you splay your legs over her lap when relaxing or reading or chatting. Would mindlessly caress your leg, regardless if it is bare or clothed.
She isn't one for uppies, but if she needs something she cannot reach, immediately calling for you, even though she's 5,9. But who knows, you might be far taller, which means if something is completely out of her reach, she is set.
Unlike her sisters, she isn't drooling or turning into a pervert when she catches a glimpse of your legs. No, she's chill and super cute when smothering her face in your lap.
She's a cutie.
Oh, but she's on her knees, so damn weak when it comes to scissoring.
Sure there is a bunch of long legs, but she loves it when you cage her with your legs, with the goal to grind your sex on hers.
And oh, miss ma'am is folding the moment you clasp your legs around her, oh she's yours, instantly melting.
"Ohh, try this one, I think it would look great on you!" Irina tosses a dress at Y/n, watching as she undresses herself for the tenth time.
"What do you think?" She comes up from behind, feeling her waist and hips, gliding her hands over her sides, and watching her love through the mirror.
"I think, that we should take a couple photos and perhaps have a little runway show."
Irina giggles with giddy excitement, already planning her outfit.
She would even trade clothes with you.
Sharing clothes becomes second nature and before you know it, you're both basically sharing one closet, wearing whatever works.
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athenamgh · 1 year
Watercolour blue
a/n: it was supposed to be only the dance scene but now I have three more chapters in mind...
paring/s: Tanya Denali x fem!Reader
summary: reader meets the Denali Clan for the first time and their eye catches no other but the Coven's leader.
warning/s: some tension and fluf, a lot of mystery , vampires, humans, werewolves, etc
word count: 6k
links: AO3
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People, or if I were being super precise: humans, vampires and werewolves, started slowly filling the forest avenue. Carlisle with Esme welcomed the guests at the entrance suggesting to them, I should note a very expensive, glass of champagne.
Your own glass of bubbly drink was twisting in your hand as you stood leaning against one of the wrapped in what seemed like dozens of lightbulbs tree. You didn't particularly enjoy the champagne but it was a day for celebration: so one glass couldn't damage my taste buds too bad.
In the meantime, the rest of the Cullen family's women were stuck adding the last touches to their outfits and Bella, of course, while Emmet was finishing his last quest of perfecting the wedding scenery that Alice requested. Who would have thought that from all the Cullens precisely Emmet would be the one who, as Alice phrased, had a vision of how this place was supposed to look like. And, of course, Edward and Jasper were attending to the already-arrived guests enchanting them with talks, or what I like to call chitchats, about the weather, the duration and the success of their trip here.
Eh, I dreaded the small talk.
That was one of the few reasons why you were instructed to stand somewhere in the back during the reception, trying not to draw too much attention to yourself. I won't lie that it didn't make much sense as if somebody would ever give more attention to anyone but the golden-eyed supermodels that walked and moved so gracefully it seemed like they were practically flowing through the forest scenery.
All of a sudden a light shiver bites washed over your shoulders, that feeling only visited your body when somebody was watching you, intensely and secretly. As unnoticeably as possible you wiggled your shoulder blades trying to shake the sudden sensation.
As you were pretending to make yourself more comfortable against the hardwood of the tree, your eyes scanned the forest scene and its already gathered guests. Your sight stubbled upon Jasper, who was standing across the alley from you, deep-dived into a small talk with a group of people.
Your eyes started to frame the group members person by person and it became more and more clear what those pale faces were. As your eyes finally settled on the blonde curly-haired woman, who unnaturally quickly turned their attention back to Jasper, it made the shivering sensation in your shoulders almost completely fade.
"What are you doing?" Emmett's voice pulled you out of a trance, you shook your head realizing you were stuck staring at the golden-eyed vampire for what you hoped was only a breath of a moment and not an embarrassing few minutes.
"I-... Emmett is that what I think it is?" you asked him, hardly breaking your attention from even back here incredibly stunning light-haired woman.
Not even glancing at the muscular vampire you could feel him smirk as he followed your gaze to the vampire clan. "Oh, Y/n, that's a forbidden fruit for you, my friend" he chuckled putting his hand on your shoulder.
His words confirmed your already pretty strong suspicion. "That's Denali Coven.."
"Mhm," an even bigger grin crossed Emmett's face as he clearly knew to who this whole conversation was turning. This was one of the few things that you liked about Emmett. He enjoyed mischief, teasing and sometimes even breaking the rules. So wasting no time he feed your curiosity and faded all your doubts by stating, "The woman that you cannot stop staring at is their leader, of course"
Before you could even realize that the words were escaping your lips, you heard yourself say, "Tanya Denali".
"You still gawping, you know" he added leaning into you.
You shook your head," No, I am not... I am just admiring"
"Whatever you call it, buddy" he chuckled pushing off you ready to continue his duties, but you grabbed him by the bicep stopping him in his tracks.
"Wait, what are they talking about?" you asked.
"I thought you do not like chitchats," Emmett teased while you just ignored his comment, "And by the way, can't you like," he wiggled his fingers in the air, "read their lips or something?"
You gave him an unimpressed look, "Even if I can, I can't read the back of Jasper's scalp, can I? Could you just please listen?" you asked nicely.
He chuckled at your courtesy, "Okay, let's see." He concentrated his attention on the group, "They are exchanging pleasantries and..."
For a split second, those golden eyes of Tanya's Denali's met yours as she mouthed a question you couldn't concentrate enough to read of her, what you imagined were incredibly cool and soft, lips as Emmett released the "Oh, damn it.." sound.
Before you could even ask what happened he speed-walked away leaving your attention running between the group and the walked-off Emmett not concentrating on anything in particular. Until your eyes met not Jasper's honey-blonde curly crown anymore but his covered with slight surprise eyes.
Jasper lazily parted the answer to Tanya's question, looking straight at you, clear for you to read 'This is Y/n,' the unnecessary slow response gave you a nagging feeling that with his thoughts he was searching for Edward.
Your heartbeat quickened with your gaze slowly slipping from the Cullen to connect with Tanya's Denali's, even from here, mesmerizing amber eyes. You swore you felt the air vibrate around you as Tanya spelt your just learned name. You noticed how her eyes shadowed, that one emotion that Cullen's family hoped to avoid, intrigue.
Keeping eye contact with you she lifted her champagne glass into the air like greeting you. You imitated her gesture leaning your head slightly to the right, you could not neglect the basic courtesy, after all. Even if that decision was one of the most dangerous and yet one of the best I made that night.
Your essence probably would have been glued to Tanya's face for all eternity if Edward hadn't interfered by suddenly appearing in front of you, blocking your figure from the crowd.
"I thought I taught you, that it's not nice to ears drop on conversations and especially ask somebody else to do it for you," Edward commented giving an all-knowing smile.
"I guess I am very persuasive," you bit back. ''And you are the one to talk... reading everyone's minds 24/7'' you pointed out.
Edward chuckled and signed simultaneously, the combination of emotion only he could do. "You always were.. sometimes it makes me wonder if venom would gift you the ability of compulsion because of it".
There was hardly anything ever left unsaid between Edward and I. Of course, it wasn't that we shared absolutely everything with each other or that we didn't avoid particular topics. No, it was that we said what we were truly thinking, fighting off the filters and the sugar coatings. That's why quite some time ago we made a pact, that as long as we stayed truthful to each other, he will try his best to pretend that my thoughts to him were just a white noise, though he wasn't particularly successful 100% of the time at it.
"Ahh, you need to get out of my head, Edward, you know I can feel you digging," you wrinkled your nose at the sensation.
"I apologize," he said seriously, for a moment glancing at the vampire clan across from him, "But what did I tell you about Denalis..."
"Which time?" he rolled his eyes at your comment. "Edward, what do you want me to do? You wanted me to be here, but you also seem to want me to magically combust too."
Edward shook his head looking down, "That's not-"
You ignored him continuing, "I get it, my presence is dangerous wherever I exist", his eyebrows narrowed disapprovingly at you as you emphasized the word 'exist'. You turned away from him to stare at Carlisle and Esme standing next to the "white palace" house not wanting to see his eyes cross glints of sadness.
That word 'exist' didn't bother me anymore. It described exactly how I lived my life these past years, I could almost feel that it probably summed up my whole existence on this earth. Luckily there were a little bit more than a few moments where I did feel alive, like I was truly living and not just surviving. So I didn't complain, no, I wouldn't dare, I treasured those memories and I kept pushing.
You tensed your jaw taking a deep breath, "But it never stood between us," you looked back at him meeting his attentive gaze, "It never stopped us from protecting this family," you gestured to the house as an example.
"But now", you noticed how his eyebrows once again narrowed at your words, "I get it, now with Bella in a picture, you have so much more to lose. So I will step away-"
"Stop," Edward cut you off, grabbing you by the shoulders. "Are you done?" he asked or more stated, his eyes filled with frustration. As you expected he did not wait for your answer before declaring, "You are not going anywhere..."
Edward closed his eyes like collecting his thoughts, and when he opened them again, his look was soft and with flickering glints of guilt, "I don't care about the danger that you bring," he shook his head, "No, that's not true, I do care, but that risk never stood between you and me. Between our family, because you are right we always fight for the people that we love," he clenched his fingers holding you tighter in a place like trying to indicate that if you didn't listen to his words before you should really listen to these ones. "You are part of this family, Y/n, it was never the same without you here. And for that-" He fossilized in the middle of his sentence, you only saw how his eyes suddenly filled with so much apology and sadness.
After a moment Edward came alive, narrowing his eyebrows, "For that I am sorry, Y/n," you looked at him confused. "You have been away from home for too long. I am sorry, I didn't find you earlier, as an older brother I should have, I should have gotten you back sooner. Forgive me-"
Before he could finish his sentence you cut him off by embracing him. You could tell Edward was shocked by your action, it was incredibly rare that the two of you showed any type of physical affection to each other. But he hugged you back just as tight.
"It is not your fault," you whispered to him and gave him a tight squeeze to affirm your words. "It is not, it never was," it was your time to place your hands against his shoulders making him meet your eyes, "Please, do not suffocate yourself with this guilt." he nodded giving you a small smile.
"Okay?" you asked not settling for his inaudible answer.
"Yes," Edward said, a little grin reappearing on his face.
"You know, officially, I am an older sibling'' you pointed out teasingly.
Edward laughed, it seemed to brighten the mood and bring the light of joy back to his eyes. "But only officially," he smiled, you just rolled your eyes chuckling.
"Now, could you please help me with something?" he asked.
"Of course, oh brother of mine" he chuckled shaking his head at your phrase. To this day I couldn't say if this comment annoyed him or not.
Wasting no time, Edward grabbed you by the forearm dragging you with him. Not leaving any chances for you to stare at the Denali coven's leader any more than you already did. Which, even if I would never admit it out loud, was probably for the better.
*later that evening*
It wasn't people that were filling the forest avenue after the ceremony anymore, it was the music. It slowly mixed in the air and with the help of the alcohol or just the buzzing emotion of joy, it started to loosen up the guests. That made the scene in front of you fill with more and more dancers with every passing song.
One of the rules, Alice's rules, was that every third or so song had to be slow and romantic or totally heart-wrenching, her words, not mine. I won't lie the creation of that soundtrack was so deeply engraved in my brain that I am afraid it will take more than a couple of months to erase it from the memory.
As you heard the trembling, loud and pumping song come to its climax, your eyes spotted no other but Tanya Denali, hidden from you by the crowd. She stood in the back of the dancefloor across from you with her sister Kate. As you believed, she was seemingly overlooking the stage and its dancing partners: Carmen and Eleazar, Alice and Jasper and so on, with the sign of longing and some light-hearted innocent envy desire.
You downed your drink in one gulp and stood up finally making up your mind, or maybe more courage. You took a step towards Denali's leader and your mind flooded with memory from last night's family 'meeting'.
"Okay, I let or more like made, Bella go home and get some sleep", Alice said entering the kitchen. "Y/n, are you done with the music?"
You sat in the chair next to the kitchen island, making the last changes in the playlist, "A second," you pressed the saved button twice just in case, "Yes, I am done," you said looking up at her. "Please, don't make me go over it again... I can barely remember what is like to listen to a song for pleasure."
She laughed at your wrinkled from displeasure nose, "I believe you."
In a matter of seconds, all the Cullens appeared in the kitchen, ready to listen to tomorrow's agenda, "So the guests should start to gather around five, " Alice informed.
"What about Denalis?" Carlisle asked.
"They will be here just before the first guests," she answered, 'human guests' you pointed out in your mind, which made Edward chuckle, you looked up at him narrowing your eyes and added, 'get out of my head, brother dearest', he lifted his hands in defence apologizing.
"So they wouldn't drag amm-" for a breath moment Alice stopped like she was thinking what kind of words to use. But you got a sense that she saw a vision because, from the corner of your eye, you noticed Edward's jaw tighten for a split second, but then like nothing happened Alice simply continued, "as much attention while entering".
Alice shooked her head smiling walking towards the window, "Now, let's move to the garden I wanna go over some parts of the ceremony," everyone except Carlisle, Esme and Jasper grunted while the three of them giggled at the other vampires' responses, but all of the Cullens followed the raven-haired woman outside.
You caught Edward by the arm before he could leave, "What was that?"
"What do you mean?" he asked with a completely clueless expression, you could tell he was faking it.
"Do not play dumb, what did Alice see?" you asked him narrowing your eyebrows.
Edward was quick to answer, too quick like he was revising it beforehand like he was expecting this whole conversation, "Nothing, just some last checkups on the weather tomorrow by the look of things it could be more sunshine than we expected".
You gave him an unimpressed look, "You serious right now?"
"What's? It's nothing to worry about, we are lucky that the ceremony will be held in the forest shade," you rolled your eyes at his nonsense. You had a feeling there was no way to get Edward talking today, ahh he could be soo stubborn sometimes, so you just let it go, for now.
*later that evening*
You collapsed onto the couch exhausted after listening to Alice's full briefing about tomorrow's wedding. There was some good news, you were given a green flag not to get involved in unwanted small talk topics in exchange for saying 'yes' to any Alice request that may or may not occur during the wedding. There was no way this won't come back biting me in the ass with something much worst, but I had a slight hope that Alice would just forget it or there wouldn't be any need for my possible talents.
Rosalie interrupted your train of thought as she settled next to you on the couch while Jasper took a spot on another couch to your right.
"Okay, I have a few suggestions", stated Edward standing in front of the TV so everybody could see him but he looked directly at you.
"So you have rules for only me," you re-phrased.
"It's suggestions," he corrected giving you a pointed look.
"Right..." you glanced at Rosalie mouthing 'rules' to her, making her chuckle, from the corner of your eye you even noticed Jasper's lips ghost a small smile.
You heard Edward sigh, "Please concentrate".
"I am listening brother, shoot it," you turned, giving him your full attention.
"First, it'd be better if you wear contact lenses," Edward suggested waiting for your reaction.
You sat silent for a moment, may or may not purposely making them wait, "It's for obvious reasons of course," Jasper added because even with the ability to sense emotions in a room, you got a feeling that he couldn't particularly decide if you were surprised, confused or absolutely unaffected by the suggestion.
Finally, you nodded your head simply saying, "I was going to either way, the less people notice, the better". Edward and Jasper nodded approvingly.
"Second, there are gonna be a lot of "eyes" during the wedding and some of them could possibly notice you. So it's best to avoid any type of suspicion," Edward continued his bullet point list, emphasising the word 'eyes'.
"You will be like fresh meat for them" you heard Emmett joke as he entered the room taking a seat on the armchair to your left.
"Thanks, dude, not creepy at all," you shook your head at his comment.
"No, Emmett has a point. Edward, do you really think it is wise for Y/n to keep away if we want to avoid intrigue about her?" Rosalie pointed out the obvious.
"People are gonna talk either way," Edward shook his head, "but humans will be too intimidated to approach her on their own when they find out she is a Cullen", Edward explained.
"Werewolves will stay in their own circle and only interfere if provoked or in danger," Jasper added in his observation.
"What about Vampires?" Emmett questioned, a silly smile settling on his lips.
"Excuse me, I am still here, you know..." you waved your hand trying to get their attention, "The one yall are talking about", four pairs of glowing gold eyes that belong anywhere but in this mundane world of ours, pierced at you.
You narrowed your eyebrows feeling like you have been treated like a total child since the beginning of this conversation, "All of you know it's not my first rodeo, right? It's literally my life. I know how curiosity for mystery works. I know how to handle it. How to handle myself". You didn't even need to look at each of their faces to know that as the last sentence left your lips, they shadowed worry of the past, what Carlisle liked to call, 'interference' flashbacks. "Look, I learnt how to break them off "
Everyone in unison leaned forward at this new information suddenly presented to them, but Rosalie was the first to talk, "It's an anchor, isn't it?" as she seemed to realize, on some level identifying your 'interferences' as vampire's thirst for blood.
You glanced at her giving her an approving smile, "Yes, it's a unique sensation. Could be a touch, a voice or a simple memory... It's a reminder of reality," You turned back to Edward who seemed to be deep in thought, "I know how to do it, you saw it yourself".
Edward shook his head. You could read from his face that he was doubting the efficiency of your method. You couldn't blame him, you didn't completely trust it too. "I believe you, it is not you that I do not trust, it's the others I worry about," he explained.
Emmett's little smirk didn't go unnoticed by you as Edward added, "And that brings us to the last point. Denalis"
You narrowed your eyebrows in confusion, Jasper definitely should have felt that surprise emotion blast from you, "Beware of the sisters" Jasper translated.
"Or beware them of you," Rosalie casually suggested the alternative, which may or may not was closer to Edward's thoughts but we will never know.
"So basically you already decided that they are going to draw my attention, but I can't theirs," you mumbled hardly believing the words of your technical and not siblings.
"Oh, they will capture your attention," Emmett seemed to particularly enjoy this rule of Edward's, possibly because he had a pretty good feeling you will be searching for a plothole for this one, looking back he was right, "And knowing you, Tanya would be drawing a lot more than just glances from you," Emmett teased.
You rolled your eyes, "I swear, if yall going to make a bet about this... I will remind to your vampire ass's what nausea feels like", Emmett lifted his hands in defence chuckling.
"Look, just stay safe," Edward said. "You better than anyone know that humans are humans, werewolves are werewolves and-".
"Vampires are vampires" you finished his sentence.
He nodded, "Desires, nature and especially curiosity win over logic and common sense too often".
One thing that really bothered me about Edward's words was his sudden awareness of Denali's coven. Even if I have never met them, to my knowledge, the Denali clan was the closest vampire coven to Cullens. Their family was the next thing Cullens trusted after their own and that was an incredibly huge deal. They had a history and a particularly strong bond. Both families shared too many similarities in how they saw the world and what role they wanted to play in it. That's why for Edward to refer to them so suspiciously was alarming. Something was happening in the bigger picture and I needed to find out what it was.
You were starting to get annoyed with only half the information presented to you. And Edward noticed that but to his relief, Alice suddenly burst into a room, "Hey, I need your help." Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper stood up clearly knowing it was them that overly-excited vampire referred to. "Y/n, you need to go get some rest, I need you bright and smiley tomorrow and Edward do not dare to peek outside."
"Yes, ma'am" Edward and you reported in unison.
*end of the flashback*
"Hello, ladies," you said approaching the two Denali sisters with a welcoming smile, but your eyes lingered on Tanya Denali just a little longer, unconsciously earning for her to stab her eyes at you.
The moment Tanya looked up settling her golden eyes upon you, you felt how the air was knocked out of your lungs. 'Whoah..' was all your mind could comprehend at that moment. She was even more stunning up close.
Tanya returned you a sweet smile that dulled your senses even more. Even for a vampire, she was breathtakingly beautiful and you couldn't help but wonder how magnificent she probably looked in the sun.
You were brought back to earth by Kate's comment, "Ahh, finally the mysterious, Y/n," she said excitedly. You could feel Kate's curiosity brewing by the seconds as her eyes ran between you and her sister analyzing this new and divine atmosphere between the two of you.
You just nodded your head approving that it was indeed you. You mentally scrunched your nose, there wasn't really anything mysterious about me, just unwanted secrecy.
As unnoticeably as possible you took a deep breath, powering up the courage that you had stocked up, hoping your voice wouldn't fail you, "Tanya Denali, would you dance with me?"
Your senses weren't as fast as vampire's, so you could never be 100% sure if the sudden cover-up question of hers was to hide the shock that ghosted Tanya's face because of your question or if it was just your imagination, but what you could state for a fact was that Kate was wearing the biggest grin on her face.
"Didn't Edward warn you for some bizarre reason not to interact with us?" you heard Tanya say. The melody of her voice mesmerized you and yet somehow it didn't feel like it was the first time you heard it, it felt so familiar, so comforting, so senses diminishing. You believed she could sweet-talk you into anything and everything. And those were not good news, not for a person like you, not with so much to hide.
You didn't realize you were holding your breath before the chuckle escaped your lips, Cullen's weren't exaggerating about how attentive Denalis or at least Denali's leader was. You smirked at her, "Well, he is no boss of mine, is he now?"
That made both of the sisters laugh, leaving Tanya's lips spread an enchanting smile that you just had to innocently add, "After all, it's just a dance, isn't it?"
"Tanya if you won't go dance with her, I will", Kate said jokingly, you could sense that she was already starting to like you.
You laughed at the comment, only for a split-second glancing at the vampire, not wanting to leave Tanya's eyes unattended. "So what would you say?" you lifted an eyebrow in question, stretching your hand towards her to take.
You would be lying if your heart was listening to your brain screaming at it to calm down, at that breath of the moment before Tanya's lips spread the most charming smile as she took your hand and said "Yes".
You led her a little bit further into the dancefloor. You could feel multiple pairs of golden eyes piercing every part of your body as shivers ran through your spine. But you didn't care about any of those looks, the only iris eyes you were curious about were the ones secured on your face so close to you.
"How are we-" before Tanya could finish her sentence the fast-pumping song came to an end and its place took a new track perfect for a slow dance.
She saw a satisfied smile appear on your lips at her surprised expression. "Just trust the process," you whispered, bringing your right hand to Tanya's back while her's settled on your shoulder and your other gently gripped her left hand bringing it into the air.
You danced like that for a moment, slowly swinging in the scene. Enjoying the sensation of electricity surrounding both of your bodies due to closeness and touch.
That enchanting smile engraved on Tanya's lips, which some part of you wished was only reserved for you, made you fall for it more and more with every passing second.
"So tell me about yourself?" you broke the comfortable settled in silence, minus the music, of course.
"What would you like to know?" Tanya asked so simply as if she would reveal anything you'd wish to know but only if you knew how to ask it.
"I want to hear everything you'd like to share... Your thoughts and your dreams. Your favourite era, art form, sex position, blood group-" you started naming.
"A what now?" she interrupted surprised but a little smile played at the corner of her lips.
"Yeah, you're right, I do not really care about your favourite blood type," you joked shaking your head slightly.
She laughed at your answer, making your heart swirl at the sound. You unnoticeably gulped at the feeling, Tanya was moving mountains in my heart quicker than I thought possible.
"You're so different," another enchanting smile crossed her lips as she stated.
"Ahh, am I doing a bad job at keeping a mystery of me," you teased trying to hide the fact that Tanya's smile kept dulling your senses.
She chuckled, "Can I be honest?".
"Always," you said more seriously, truly wishing to know what was happening in that mind of hers.
"There is such a thick fog around you, Y/n. Every time somebody looks your way you can feel Cullens hold their breath. And yet you are the one suffocating from that mist, from that, what seems, unwanted secrecy," Tanya stated. It took all of your strength not to tense your body at her words and betray that she was actually pretty accurate.
She continued, "You are so charming and sweet and I believe the list could go on and on, but?"
"But?" you asked your eyes narrowing at her sudden cut short sentence.
"But as far as I noticed tonight, people that you love are incredibly important to you," you nodded approving her words, but not completely understanding what she meant. "So that intrigue that is following you like a magnet everywhere you go is your biggest asset and yet your biggest downfall. That is my thoughts", she smiled genuinely technically answering your first question.
Tanya was starting to read me like a book with those attentive eyes and an incredible mind of hers. But I couldn't tell her that she was right and yet I didn't want to lie to her either. I couldn't tell her the truth and damn her for a lifetime of holding her breath because of who I was. So I played it off like I do, like I always do.
You looked at her absolutely amazed, "Hmm, so you think I am charming," you joked narrowing your eyes at her, only to be met with Tanya's chuckle.
"Well, you are incredibly spellbinding yourself," you said with a charming smile clearing the air, receiving an intriguing look from her that only could mean you were given a green flag to continue.
You tightened your hand around Tanya bringing her closer, just to start leaning her back, "And incredibly insightful and intelligent," you whispered with your lips nearly touching the smooth ice skin of her neck, making her eyes flutter shut for a moment from your hot breath.
As you slowly began to return both of you to the previous position, you continued "And yet I feel that behind that serious leader mask is a playful soul."
She lifted her eyebrow at you, "So you think I am spellbinding," she imitated your playful answer earlier.
You laughed and just let yourself get lost in her bright amber eyes, believing that you could admire Tanya for all eternity.
"What are you thinking about?" she suddenly asked making you come back to the planet Earth.
"Being honest?" you imitated her question
"Always," she said with your favourite enchanting smile.
"What colour your eyes were before your transformation," you said simply as if it was the most casual thing to wonder about. Tanya looked a little bit taken aback by the question. And with that a terrifying feeling washed over you, "I am sorry, I didn't mean to-".
"No," she cut you off. "It's alright, I- Just nobody ever wondered about it, ever," she explained looking away from you to the crowd of people.
Your heart melted and at the same time stung at her words. How could possibly nobody ever wonder that?
"I don't even know that I remember it myself," you saw her smile shyly still not meeting your eyes. All of a sudden you got a feeling that nothing really takes Tanya aback, that nothing really makes her shy. And you couldn't help but grin to yourself like a maniac for it.
You freed your left arm from Tanya's soft grip and gently lifted her chin with your fingers so the two of your eyes would meet again. "I imagine them as the deepest ocean. The watercolour blue," you said having her full attention back to you.
You wrapped your left arm around her fully trapping her in your lap, making Tanya melt against your warmth. "That freezes you to your bones when they are angry and surrounds you like the warmest embrace when they are in love," you spelt it firmly to make sure she knew that you meant every word. "They are the colour blue that makes you get lost in them and still makes you feel at home. And yet I think it is in general your eyes that make me feel this way. That is what I think''. The softest look flashed on Tanya's face as she brought her free hand to touch your cheek.
She suddenly gasped realizing that with her action she was starting to free half of your face and tried to remove her palm. But to her surprise, you quickly caught her hand bringing it back to your skin. The touch did chill your face muscles and made electricity settle in and yet you loved every part of it.
You could tell she enjoyed the warmth slowly spreading into her palm. "Who are you? Who are you to them? Where have you been hiding all this time?" Tanya whispered to you her eyes filling with adoration, relief and may or may not hope. The kind of hope that you buried deep inside yourself long ago.
You were about to say something, completely unaware of what was about to leave your lips when Alice appeared in your peripheral vision, "Sorry, to interrupt, but I need that favour, Y/n" You quietly signed frustrated by the interruption but a promise was a promise.
The two of you released one another from each other's grips and just before Tanya could move further from you to make some space, you caught her right hand in your own.
From the corner of your eye, you saw a slight surprise at first settle on Tanya's face as she looked down at your interlocked hands but then a bright smile spread her lips
"Yes, what will it be?" you asked Alice. You didn't really give much thought to your last action you just didn't want to let go of Tanya just yet but it seemed to stunt Alice for a moment, that's a first, shocking raven-haired vampire was incredibly hard. "Alice?" you re-asked.
She shook her head, "Ah, yes, I need you to sing this," she handed you the papers that you just now noticed she was caring.
You sighed worriedly looking down at the notes. "Wait, you can sing?" you heard Tanya's shocked voice.
You looked up at her but before you could answer, Alice beat you to it, "She does, Edward isn't the only one with a musical gift. Y/n has a really great voice."
"She is exaggerating," you protested giving Alice a pointed look.
"No, I am not," Alice said, brushing away your warning look.
Like sensing that you were about to protest again, you heard Tanya say, "I love to hear you sing," you turned to her as you felt her squeeze your hand in support.
You smiled at her softly, but teased, ''You should really reconsider".
Tanya chuckled, giving you that enchanting smile of hers, "Not a chance".
You laughed lightly but sighed too, "Alright, then," you turned to Alice reporting.
As Alice happily jogged away, you felt Tanya's intoxicating scent fill your lungs as she leaned closer to whisper "Find me afterwards".
You gulped turning to her, "With pleasure" you said feeling completely out of breath.
She smiled at your answer winking at you and turning to walk towards the crowd of people that was ready to settle to their tables again.
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How I see the Denalis some of the time:
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The other part of my mind of how I see them:
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Welcome to the Chibi-Denalis(Chibi-nalis? Chibinalis?) Idk lol(a small segment of how my chaotic mind sees them in chibi doodle form)
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Tanya? When not leader mode? Affectionate, koala hug/backpack mode, you cannot pry her off you once she is on.
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Kate shenanigans...
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Time with Irina best spent not in chaos
[Most of how I see them influenced by fanfictions/tumblr postings I've read[except Kate, Kate you can clearly get chaos vibes from its very clearly there])
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onegayastronaut · 2 years
Being the Human Mate of Tanya and Kate Denali Would Include…
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Requested by anon
Moving to Forks and being friends with Bella
Asking her how she got used to living in Forks, and meeting Edward after class
Hanging out more with the Cullens
Meeting the Denalis after they came to visit the Cullen family
Tanya and Kate immediately took a liking to you and wanted to spend more time with you
They would always come down from Alaska to talk to you and see how you’re doing
Tanya is very overprotective of you, whereas Kate is playful and always wants to take you out on adventures
Tanya and Kate applying to colleges for you, and the three of you move in together
They’ll always have advice for you if you need it
Kate loves cuddling on top of you, even though she likes pretending to be mean
Almost always being sandwiched between Tanya and Kate when you’re together
You’re pretty much never alone anymore because one of them will always be with you
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shelbgrey · 1 year
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Tayna Denali Aesthetic
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mx-pastelwriting · 2 years
would you write headcanons for the twilight denalis with a young teenage vamp/or human reader
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Denalis x GN! Teenage Vampire Reader Headcanon
Summary: Request up top!
Warning: Vampire preying, Hunting
I'm so fucking late to this, I’m so sorry!
- They would be like parents—very supportive and protective. If you have any problems, they will fix it or help you.
- For the first time in years, they would be mentally exhausted from having to constantly keep track of what you were doing and where you were.
- When they didn't know what to do in certain situations, they either ask Carlisle or look it up.
- Would have to teach you to drink from animals right away, seeing that you would have no control being a teenage newborn. They would be worried as you were almost shy of a child.
"Here, let's go, you need to feed." Eleazar said, getting to your level, looking into your eyes. You nodded, getting up from leaning on the counter. Your throat burned in pain as he gently guided them outside into the cold, not yet snowy forest, with Tanya, Kate, Irina, and Carmen following behind.
Your feet crunched on the dirt ground, you heard everything—the trees moving, the dirt being picked up by the wind. You could smell everything from animal for miles for you humans in the next city living their lives, "Now focus on what you need to do, take control" His words lingered in your mind as you chose your prey.
A deer was moving miles from you, drinking water. Hearing the splashing of the water, you ran, wanting to get it at its unknowing . Speeding through the forest, you tread lightly, not wanting it to know anything is coming for it. Eleazar and the others were close behind, assessing whether they needed to intervene if you didn't do what was required. Finally, you had it in your sights, your arms wrapped around it, making it scream as you fed. 
Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is and grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Tanya Denali x reader - everything I need
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Hello, I hope that you're doing well! If it's alright, may I please request a fluffy Tanya Denali fic x vamp female reader? With them just going on a getaway together after all the Cullen drama. Like cuddling on the hotel bed and talking about random stuff and doing fun things, like going to a theme park, taking pictures and random dance parties. - Anon💜
A/N: I’ve never wrote for Tanya before so sorry if she’s out of character!
Standing in the middle of the snow, you had your hands stuffed into your pockets as you buried your nose into your scarf.
Turning to Tanya, you nodded your head a little bit.
“Yeah… being a newborn sucks…”
Tanya laughed softly standing next to you, pulling you into her side as she held you closely, watching as everyone celebrated their victory.
“It’ll pass in a few months, things like the snow won’t even effect you.”
You hummed, nodding your head again as you rested your head on your shoulder.
You loved Tanya, you had for a long while, and that’s why she turned you after your accident. She fell in love with you, the simple waitress at a coffee shop just enjoying life, happy and bright.
“How about we go away for a bit?” Tanya asked softly.
You turned in her arms, looking up at her with a huge smile on your face.
“Yeah, somewhere quiet at first, then when you’re ready anywhere you want.”
You happily agreed and the moment you guys got back home you started on packing and left.
Tanya had a small cabin far away that you guys spent a couple of weeks in, watching some films, admiring the nature around.
Tanya watched as you adjusted to being a vampire, and it happened really quickly.
You soon got used to everything, and you were happily showing Tanya what you could do.
“Watch this!” You beamed.
You took her hand and dragged her outside.
You saw a deer and you quietly approached, holding your hand out to it.
It approached, placing its head in your hand and you smiled softly, gently stroking its head as you felt it relax in your presence.
“Amazing… you can connect with animals.” Tanya smiled.
It amazed her, but she wasn’t all that shocked.
You were calm, gentle, loving, kind. You had the kind of aura that could calm anyone in any kind of situation and put them at ease.
She watched as you scratched the ears of the doe before you ushered her away to run back to her babies.
You turned around and Tanya smiled softly at you, opening her arms for you.
Padding over, you walked into her embrace and rested your head on her shoulder, humming a little as you felt her pressed a kiss to your temple.
“Come with me.” She said softly.
She led you inside where music was quietly playing, and she held her hand out to you.
“May I have this dance?” She asked.
“Of course.”
Gently placing your hand in hers you smiled at her as she started to lead you in a soft waltz around the room.
This is how pretty much the whole trip went, even when you guys made your way to the city and stayed at the hotel, you would spend all night dancing or laid in bed with one another talking away.
You also took Tanya to your favourite theme park, and showed her everything you loved about it, taking her on rides and watching the amazement in her eyes.
All of this was so new to her, she never thought she would come to a place such as this.
“Come on I want to show you something!”
Grabbing her hand, you led her towards the ferris wheel and she looked at it in confusion.
“Doesn’t it just go around?” Tanya asked.
“Yeah, but just wait.”
You guys got into a carriage and you held her hand the whole way up, and as you guys reached the peak you looked out the window.
Tanya kept her eyes on you.
The way the setting sun glistened on your skin was amazing, you guys had avoided the sun this whole time, but to see you in the golden light she was captivated.
You turned to face her and admired the gleam in her eyes.
“I love you so much…” she whispered.
With that she rushed in and quickly kissed you, and you eagerly kissed back, holding you tightly in your arms.
All her life she had been waiting for someone to love, to hold and to call her own.
And that person was you.
You were everything she wanted and more, and now she was going to spend the rest of whatever long life awaited the pair of you finally happy and in love
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐚 𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢'𝐬 𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
🌿ESFJ 🍁Hufflepuff 📜Lawful Good 🔮Pisces Sun, Gemini Moon, Gemini Rising  
▪️ She wasn’t alone, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t lonely
▪️ After the fight with the Volturi, Tanya saw her coven mate, Kate, fall in love
▪️ She was happy for her, truly
▪️ But now she felt like the odd one out... like someone had come to pick puppies from a litter and she was the runt
▪️ Harsh words, she know how harsh she can be on herself. In the past, Kate often chastised her for being so cruel to her own person. 
▪️ But even after all this time alive, she couldn’t help it. 
▪️ Why not me? Tanya often thought. 
▪️ Yet she never showed her doubts, never made others around her feel the same negativity she felt 
▪️ You were a newborn, but like Bella, your need for blood wasn’t as frenzied as others. 
▪️ Along with the heightened speed, sight and smell, you could also implant any fake or real memories into anyone’s mind. 
▪️ Helpful in almost every situation:
  → someone won’t leave you alone? you could implant a memory that they had killed someone hours before. Most of the time, when implanting these memories, outwardly people are distracted. 
  → if someone is feeling down, you can give them a happy memory - it lifts their mood. 
  → someone starts yelling about how you’re a vampire? you can give them a quick memory that their tongue fell out, and for a few moments they’re confused.
▪️ With this gift, you can transform, alter, change, create and destroy a person. Similar to mind control, but the person’s reaction is of their own accord. 
▪️ You stumbled into each other one afternoon in the woods 
▪️ Both of you hunting, however, you were wild with hunger. You were doing your best, but you were confused as to why your body was so thirsty. You had food and water but that made you sick. You were confused and frightened
▪️ But on your own, you had figured out what you wanted-
▪️ Blood
▪️ But you wouldn’t dare take it from a human, you barely even wanted to take it from an animal, because you knew how hungry you were
▪️ You knew once you started, you wouldn’t be able to stop 
▪️ It was luck. It was destiny. 
▪️ You and Tanya had gotten in each other’s paths and your story started there
▪️ She is such a loving partner
▪️ Tanya knew you were her soulmate as soon as you said her name. The excitement she felt, pure and true, that she found someone. It brought tears to her eyes. 
▪️ As the leader of her coven, she wouldn’t hear any backlash against letting a newborn into their family
▪️ Garrett was apprehensive, but he was that way with any person, place or thing. Honestly, he isn’t very friendly 
▪️ Tanya likes being the big spoon, although you guys don’t sleep, you do have a lounge in your shared room
▪️ Tanya is still afraid of the Volturi, so she’s very adamant about upkeeping their rules 
▪️ She has a lot of things in her room, but they’re always orderly. She’s like a walking aesthetic 
▪️ Calls you ‘my love’
▪️ You spend your days travelling, she wants to show you the world and you desperately want to see it
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
Harvest Moon by Cassandra Wilson  
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
  ✧ Curious and Wide-Eyed (You) x Has Seen Everything, Thinks It’s Cute (Tanya)
  ✧ Opposites Attract
  ✧ I Don’t Know What I’m Doing But At Least I’m Alive, Right? (You) x You’re Doing Great, Sweetie (Tanya)
  NSFW🔞minors dni!
▪️ She would happily go down on you, but she’s definitely more of a receiver than a giver in that situation. 
▪️ Tanya would be more dominant than not. She likes to be in charge, to have you at her mercy. 
▪️ She likes when you leave marks on her chest, in between her thighs. Tanya wants to be claimed, she wants to be yours. 
▪️ Intimacy always starts out with gentle hands and soft touches. But it heats up very quickly. 
▪️ It’s like you can’t get enough of each other
▪️ The scent, the taste, the feel of one another 
▪️ Your smell alone drives her insane with lust 
▪️ Tanya would definitely want to use sex toys - vibrating dildos (the kind where you can change the speed), nipple clamps, and the like. But it wasn’t like she bought it when you got together. Tanya had all these before you came into the picture (she has a lot of time, okay?) 
▪️ It’s not proper sex if you haven’t orgasmed at least three times. Tanya prides herself on her tongue and fingers
▪️ Aftercare is so gentle, Tanya always makes sure you’re comfortable and does whatever your heart desires. Want to freshen up? She’s already started the bath. Hungry? Let’s go and hunt! 
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aquanova99 · 2 years
The Snow Queen
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Tanya Denali x Reader
A/N: Why was finding a reason for the reader to have some kind of power so difficult this time for real? Anyways how are you guys I missed you, hope your lives are going well 🤍
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⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆ ⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
Circe was a goddess of sorcery who was skilled in the magic of transmutation, illusion, and necromancy.
Artemis: Goddess of nature, childbirth, wildlife, the Moon, the hunt, sudden death, animals, virginity, young women, and archery
It was certainly one of the most beautiful aspects of having such advanced eyesight. The ability to zone out and shut out the endless drone of sound she was forced to constantly hear without a seconds rest. By focusing on the details no human eye would be able to see, she could find a moments peace. The intricate details of every snowflake that landed on the strawberry blonde tips of her curled hair. She took in a deep breath, a crisp fresh scent of freshly packed snow. The release of air did not create even the slightest plume of smoke. Why would it when there was no warmth that came from inside of her. She copied the human action she’d seen many times over and tightened her hold on her jacket. Though it provided no actual change in her body temperature it still had a feeling of normalcy, the slight pressure change was almost enough to trick her mind that she was warming her cold body up. Her eyes looed up from her hair, landing on her gloves, and then they began to scan the horizon as they did every morning as of late, perhaps today would be the day she’d change her mind. Seen how mistaken she had been. The soft crunching of two pairs of feet on the hardened snow let her know her peaceful morning was about to come to an end.
“Tanya. We cannot survive like this.”
“You are always welcome to leave Eleazar. I’ve never forced you to stay here.”
“Tanya please, my husband means no harm. With all of the protection efforts being put in place we only worry we will attract attention.” Carmen tiptoes around the blonde, her patience growing thinner by the day.
“I will not stray from the diet. You are more than welcome to go back to eating humans but do so away from my home.”
It was an empty threat. Tanya didn’t have it in her to feel otherwise. For years life had been peaceful, perhaps sad at times when they would remember their losses but peaceful nonetheless. Then Garrett got bored. As far as Tanya was concerned this was all his fault. He had always been rather obnoxious to her, his shameless flirting had won over her sister and suddenly she became the only one without a mate. Without love. It wasnt fair. Human men no longer satisfied her, she was getting reckless. Using too much of her strength. Tanya had convinced herself that they were going unnoticed. She was a fool. With the years passing men seemed to become weaker? No. Stronger. Louder. More Aware.
。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。
‘What are you?’
‘Why are you doing this?’
Those words were the ones that stuck out the most. Before she could control her thirst, sure there were casualties both now… no one had ever told her to stop. She’d heard the stories from Rosalie, Siobhan, the horrors they went through. Tanya had been sick for weeks, discovering she had been no better than those monsters who had hurt her friends. How many men had done as she asked out of fear? It had been driving her mad for weeks. Had she been so blind to think they enjoyed it when she could barely feel anything at all? Then Garrett just had to question her recent lack of nightlife.
‘What’s the matter barbie? Tired of ravaging the villagers?’
‘What... did you just say?’
‘Garrett.’ Kate hissed
‘What? Are we still pretending they enjoy could ever enjoy our company that way?’
‘Would you suggest we kill them?’ Tanya scoffed at the idea, surely it couldn't have been that bad.
He shrugged, ‘I’m sure most them knew it could happen, probably would have prefered it in most cases. You can go on pretending as much as you want but just like Carlisle and his family…they can tell. No matter how much we may want we dont...we arent like them. All we do is cause pain Tan. No matter what way we come into conatct with them.’
He… knew? Did her sister? Did she care? Did she even want to know? No, not really, what Tanya wanted was an excuse. Garrett gave her an excuse. Suddenly the long peaceful days had turned into screaming matches filled with accusations, fights, threats. Every grievance aired like laundry. It was only days before they were at an impasse.
‘You need to get him out.’
‘He’s just worried. We all are. And by the way, you may have been turned first but you are not in charge of me.’
‘Kate please. We have lost too much to be at each others throats like this.’
‘Oh please. Stop. Just stop bringing it up. You act as if this is all his doing. We both know this stopped being about—‘
Kate sighed, ‘It stopped being about "her" ages ago. You were basically her daughter, when she couldn’t replicate you with me, she turned Irina. Do you ever think I wanted this to be forced into a family I knew nothing about? It was only when Visili had come up that you even noticed a fraction of her neglect. Tell me sister, you were the one with the wonderful idea to find someone who could comfort us in our grieve... tell me how many men did you smell on me? You think I lured men to comfort myself? I’ve play along enough.’
‘You…wanted to kill them? Want to kill them? Even now?’
‘God- are you even…. Look. I do not care to hide what I am. We need food. I just played with mine a little.’ Kate shrugged, she said it so simply. A fact that everyone should know. It was something her and Irina never talked about, how Kate always seemed to leave early, never having even a hint of any man on her. Women sometimes but not in that way...Tanya blinked a few times to try and regain her composure.
‘And the women?’ She scoffed, both knowning Kate would never put herself in a position to harm another woman. Neither did Tanya, she supposed maybe deep down she did know what she was doing.
‘Better company. We all grieved differently. But times have changed.’ End of discussion. Tanya had to refocus the conversation, she wouldn't, couldnt lose another sister. Especially not because of her doing.
‘What do we do then?’
‘There’s less animals lately, don’t try and pretend otherwise. We can’t feed too much without drawing attention from the humans.’
‘You can’t be serious.’
‘I’m done arguing Tanya. There’s too many conservation efforts and the locals are noticing the alarming lack of animals. We have to get off the diet. It-" Kate took a quick breath, steadying herself in an attempt to show her sister she was on her side, "It doesnt have to be a permanent solution.'
'No.' Tanys turned away quickly trying to stop whatever conclusion was coming
'Tanya.' Kate grabbed her shoulder, causing the shorter blond to whirl back around, furious. Kate took a step back, there was a new rage building in her sister. Something she had never seen before, and certainly never thought it could ever be aimed towards her.
'I said NO!' Tanya shook with rage. This was all she had left. She needed to keep this one thing, even if just for herself. She had never raised her voice with so much venom at her sister. Her voice to something that could only be described as a mere notch above a whisper, 'If you're so worried...go.'
'Tanya...' The sisters stared at eachother for what seemed an eternity. The silence was so deafening they thought they were able to hear the snow landing on the ground. Eleazar and Carmen watched Kate seem scared for the first time in their life. Her own voice soft, laced with concern
'If you insist on changing our lifestyle. Fine. Leave. And go eat happily elsewhere."
Kates lip trembled for only a second before her steel reserve returned, her eyes darkening, 'Fine.'
Garrett suddenly tried to be the one to diffuse things, started apologizing for angering Tanya to get them to where they were now. In truth, with food this sparce they had all begun worrying. He would never live with himself if Kate lost her sister. ‘Look Tanya, I shouldn’t have—‘
But before he could say more Kate grabbed his hand. With a slight shake of her head, Garret quietly nodded and followed his mate out the door.
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Now… here it was. Only weeks later and it was Carmen and Eleazars turn. And Tanya was too numb to care. She would rather starve for eternity, petrify before having to change the diet. It had been too long. It was the only thing she had been good at. She needed this. At least thats what she was telling herself. Maybe she could join the Cullens for a while. Not likely. She knew they were struggling too and with the amount of people in the coven any food would be a fight to acquire. She sighed as Carmen came up best to her placing her hands around her arms, the touch alone was enough to almost break her.
“We will see if there’s any luck elsewhere.” Tanya just nodded, “Call us anytime.”
With a kiss her and Eleazar ran off. Maybe to join Kate and Garrett. Maybe they would actually try. She couldn’t watch someone else leave her. Not again, she decided to head inside pretend none of this was happening, ignore the gnawing at her throat and stomach. Tanya retreated to the bathroom turning on the bath as hot as it would allow her. She didn’t have to worry about it burning anyway, so why not?
Drip. Drip. Drip.
She counted every drop from the faucet. The steam from her bath dissipated, by the time she was well into the four hundred some odd drop the water had cooled. Her head turned towards the window in her room at a sudden noise. The sun was already setting in the distance, hues of orange, pink and purple painted the sky. She may have smiled at the thought of it if she hadn’t been so preoccupied with someone possible awaiting to attack her. Maybe the volturi decided it was time to pick her off. She sat up too quickly at the thought. The water splashed around as she sat up, drowning the noise.
“Shhh!” She hushed her self immediately, not quite believing she had actually tried to quiet water. She heard something she knew she had. While she could smell nothing but her own candles and perfumes she held out hope it was one of her coven mates. She quickly dressed and rushed towards her bedroom window. It wasn’t her family. It wasn’t anyone she had ever come into contact before.
She saw a figure walking away from her home, head full of ebony hair, braids woven into random strands.
Who was she? And what the hell was she doing here? Tanya thought to herself. She rushed faster than she ever had out to the front of her home, by the time she reached the deck the woman was gone. She saw her a mile in the distance, no human being could move that quickly, but when the woman turned it was clear she was not like Tanya either. Tanya’s hand gripped at the railing of her porch, the wood crackling at the pressure as she continued to stare at the retreating figure walking away.
When she was at the edge of the forest she finally turned, smiling and waving at Tanya before continuing deeper into the wilderness. The woman could only be described as ethereal by Tanya. She wore clothes that couldn’t possibly keep her warm, as if only for appearances. Just like her. She quickly made it to where she was just standing, her footprints already disappearing with the fading light and continuous downfall of snow.
Tanya listened as hard as she could, she heard a soft voice. She could also smell the sudden appearance of blood. A deer. There hadn’t been one near the house in months. Her hunger clouded her judgement, her sole priority to feed on whatever poor creature decided to return.
There was only a small clearing but enough to see the giant caribou, her eyes focused on the deer. Why wasn’t it running? Tanya could taste the warm pool running down her throat, finally, something was going right. She hissed at the animal, give it a chance to run. Make this more exciting. A warm laugh erupted from behind giant creature. And the woman stepped out from behind,
“I should be somewhat offended, but I guess he is really beautiful isn’t he?” Tanya let out a snarl, a warning. This woman needed to back away unless she wanted to become a casualty herself. She didn’t even flinch. She continued to pet the wild creature and laughed, a warm beautiful laugh. Tanya stared at her sepia brown skin, it shone in contrast to the white surrounding her. Her voice made Tanya snap to attention, “you won’t be eating this one.”
“Oh I’m not? Are you going to stop me?”
“I guess not. But I will help out this little guy.”
Before Tanya could ask what she meant the deer began disappearing before her eyes, “No!”
“Tsk. Tsk. We should be careful with earths most precious resources.”
“Bring. It. Back.”
“Why? So you can eat? There’s an overpopulation of humans for you to feast on. If you want them to survive so badly it would actually benefit you to put the smallest dent in some of them.” She took a few steps closer to Tanya. A lopsided smirk on her face as she almost skipped across the snow with her arms behind her back, she stopped right before Tanya, tilting her head as close as she could, “Your eyes. They’re darker than the night sky.”
Tanya growled, swinging her arm towards the girl in front of her. She disappeared as quickly as her arm went up. Suddenly reappearing next to a tree, she leaned against it holding waving one finger, “I thought we were getting along, tell me Tanya of the Denali coven, how long will it take for you to go back to a regular diet. I’m growing tired of these enchantments.”
“Who are you and what do you want?”
“You don’t listen very well do you? I need you start hunting humans, like you’re supposed to. Hunt the rich ones, or the evil ones so you appease whatever guilt you have.”
“I—who are you?”
“Aspa. Lovely to meet you.”
Tanya fixed her hair, trying to regain her composure, “so you’re the one behind all the missing animals.”
“Yes…and no. There really has been a problem. Humans…they’re greedy they take too much, destroy too much. They have been destroying this world since they were allowed to walk around….but they’re smart. No animal means no resources from them to take. So if enough of them disappear for a while they begin making an effort. An actual effort, if only to ensure they survive.”
“So how long until that effort pays off.” Tanya spit out
“You surprise me Tanya. Your extended family broke so quick it was almost too easy.”
“You mean—“
“Oh yea. The Cullens have long been off the diet, the doctor and blonde were difficult to convince but wow the younger guy, he broke instantly. All it took was for their youngest to feed on a poor classmate trying to walk her home, like dominoes really. But you… you want to starve yourself.”
“I would rather not actually.”
“Does it help?”
“Help what?”
“You’re guilt? Does it take it away?”
“I don’t…”
“Please. I had to observe all of you for years to know how to best accomplish all of this. It won’t change what you did to those men.”
Tanya choked back a sob, “I didn’t think—“
“Why? Because no one ever said anything? You knew. Deep down you knew.”
“I get it okay? I’m a monster, I just—I wanted to think they cared about me enough to say nothing. I thought they—forget it” Tanya turned to walk away, but Aspa reached out and grabbed her arm
“So then be better. If you really didn’t know then stop and just continue to not do it. Besides most of those men approached you with less than good intentions anyway.” Tanya shook her off, she had no idea what she’d gone through
“Just do better. Find your own person.”
“Where did you even come from?”
She clicked her tongue, “well that’s not very nice is it?” She waited for Tanya to look away, embarrassed. “My birth mother I suppose. She was a hunter and follower of Artemis. A god took a liking to her, she said no, he didn’t care. You know know how it all goes in those stories. Artemis took pity on her, let her give me up so she continue following the goddess. And then little me well… she took me to an island gave me her blessing and I was raised by a wonderful enchantress, my adopted mother I suppose.”
“Goddess? That’s impossible.”
“There are no gods like that. They….aren’t real”
“Maybe to you? They’re plenty real to me. I’m sure the caribou you were thirsting over would be shocked to learn about something like the pudu in South America.”
“Are you equating me to an animal?”
Aspa laughed again, “you love to purposefully avoid what people are trying to communicate with you. Is that why your sister decided to go back to the original meal plan?”
“No I just— I don’t understand.”
Aspa leaned forward, stopping centimeters from Tanya’s face, eliciting a gulp from the blonde, “Understand this. The animals will not return anywhere until I say so. You will not be able see, hear or touch them. No one will.”
“What about the humans? Without animals don’t you think they will outsource all of the plants?”
“Oh Tanya don’t worry about them. They will find exactly how much they need and if some must go…well. That will work out better in the long run.”
She tried to step back but Aspa stepped forward regardless, Tanya could barely breather. Aspas scent filled every cell in her body. Her blood smelled sweet, as if she was filled with the ichor of the gods she claimed to be a descendant of. Her mischievous grin slightly reminded her of Kate whenever people would doubt her abilities. Could she really go back to the old diet? Aspa reached out and raised Tanya’s chin. The heat from her touch felt as if her handprint would be permanently etched on her face. Tanya half hoped it would, before she convinced herself and this was all a dream.
“Tanya you worry too much. Believe me there are plenty of people for you to eat where it shouldn’t harm your conscious. Really, you’d be doing me a favor. You should visit the Amazonian coven, they’ve been helping me with my little homework since I began.” Somehow the knowledge of Aspa showing herself to another vampire almost urged another snarl from her lips.
“You’ve been making your rounds then?”
Another chuckle as she turned around flipping her thick hair as another rush of her scent filled Tanya nose, citrus and what smelled like some type of spirit, “I had to get in touch with your ‘kings’ so yes, you are the last on my list.”
“What?! You’ve met with the volturi?”
She crossed her arms as she made her way towards the end of the clearing, “of course. I did. Your kind isn’t the only ones I’m working with here. The fae and nymphs were the easiest to convince. The witch too but they mainly enjoy the chaos. Most of the others are unaffected. It’s a big world Tanya. You should see more of it when you have the chance.”
The clearing seemed to widen, as if the earth was ready to swallow the woman into the trees. Never to be seen again. It was too much for Tanya to process. Already Aspa had begun disappearing, except unlike the first time this evening she feared not knowing if she would ever see her again. “So that’s it?”
She turned back and simply nodded her head, “mhm. In another few years everything should be back to normal. Some places may even be overpopulated…that is if you want to go back to hunting them.”
“If I do... Will you take them away again?”
“Tch please, aside from my mother who was kind to let learn her magic. I follow the one my birth mother followed too. And she was the best huntress there ever was. There’s a fine line between necessity and sport.” She smiled as she peered behind her shoulder, “I’ll see you around, yeah?”
“Hm is that a promise or a threat?”
She stopped dead in her tracks, “I guess we’ll see. Won’t we?”
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“Go away.” Her sister voiced grated her ears, she decided to cover herself in blankets
“Tanya so help me I will shock you out of bed, you can’t lay around all day.”
Tanya continued to cocoon herself in blankets, “I can actually. What does it matter anyway I’m just laying down. It’s only been a few days.”
Kate sighed as she sat on the edge of the bed, “you’ve gotten like the past two here years around this time.”
“I have not.”
“You have. I know because around the time we had that fight.”
Tanya sighed knowing full well that had little to do with it, “I promise I’m fine. I just….I want to rest.”
Kate groaned in her protests, slapping her legs as she stood up, “Nope we are all doing something so get up.”
Tanya had no time to protest before Kate promptly kicked her off the bed, Tanya struggled to get out decidedly just tearing through the thick blankets, downing effectively covering every square inch of her room, “Kate! What the hell??”
Kate laughed, “well it worked.”
Garrett rested his arm on the doorway, “if I knew feathers would have been flying I would have been in here from the beginning.”
“I’m sure you would have.” Kate winked at him causing Tanya to roll her eyes
“Ugh. You win I’m up. Now get out, I need to clean.”
“No the point is to get out. Come on, we haven’t ran in awhile. We can go find one of those hanging lakes the humans live to visit.”
“I do hear they’re quite beautiful.” The three whirled around towards the sound of someone coming from the deck in Tanya’s room. Aspa sat on the railing pretending to inspect her nails. Kate and Garrett snarled and lunged towards her. Tanya opened her mouth to protest but Aspa disappeared into dust before either one could grab her. Garrett almost crashed into the railing towards the floor below. She reconfigured next to Tanya her arm resting on her shoulder.
“I see you haven’t told your friends about me. I’m not sure why but I think I’m slightly offended.”
“I did say I would be.” She quickly looked over Tanya, “I’m glad you listened, the red suits you.”
Tanya looked away at the compliment. Kate looked between her sister and the stranger, in all the centuries between them she’d yet to see her sister ever get flustered like this. “Yo-you know her?”
Aspa wiggled her fingers, scrunching her face in a smile. “Oh we’re acquainted. I promised to pay Tanya here a visit.”
Tanya shrugged Aspa off, wondering what it meant that she was finally back, “so it’s done? It’s all balanced?”
“Since last year actually, I just wanted to see if you would go back. You never even checked.”
“I found ways to appease my guilt.”
“You’ll have to tell me about them sometime.”
Kate started to protest before Garrett wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her into him as he slightly nodded and winked, “come on Katie. I thought we were going to race. Let’s let Tanya and her… friend catch up.”
Kate looked up at her mate, a conversation passing through them before she nodded and the two disappeared from the cabin. Aspa was mouthing a goodbye to the pair as Tanya spun to face her new guest fury climbing at her.
“Why are you here?”
“I told you I would come.” She shrugged, “isn’t that why you asked me about the promise?”
“What you couldn’t communicate earlier than today?”
“I didn’t know you wanted me to.”
“We both know you are smarter than that.”
Aspa softened tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, she trailed the back of her hand down her cheek and until she hand chin in between her thumb and pointer finger, “you’re right. That was rude of me. Can you forgive me?”
She pushed her hand away from her face, “ugh. No.”
“No?” She stepped away a pout starting to form on her face
“No. You have to do better than that.”
“Okay well I know of a few places I doubt even you’ve stepped foot on, would you like to see them?”
“I guess seeing as I have nowhere to be.”
“Oh don’t be like that. It will be the best date you’ve ever been on.”
“Who says it’s a date?”
“I do. Come on. I’ll show you a great time.” Aspa extended her hand, Tanya hesitated for only a second before grabbing it. “Ready?”
“Where are we even going?”
“Somewhere warm, where you don’t have to worry about hiding yourself.”
“I doubt anyplace warm can offer that kind of freedom.”
“You doubt me?”
“I—no. It’s just…”
Aspa interrupted Tanya with a kiss in the corner of her lips. “Don’t worry it will be perfect.”
“You’re right. It will be.”
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qdbs-writes · 2 years
Hello, If it's okay, may I please request Tanya Denali smut oneshot? Where Tanya finally finds her mate in the form of an immortal vixen named y/n who is just as overjoyed in finding Tanya. After getting to know eachother for a bit and a few dates the two decide not to waste any more time, and do what they've been wanting to do since they first saw each other.
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Finally - Tanya Denali x Reader
The winter grass was dry and dark where you lay together, illuminated by nothing but soft moonlight and the twinkling stars above. But Tanya wasn't looking at the stars. No, instead, she was far too distracted by the way your amber eyes glittered like a celestial mirror. Her chilled, pale hand moves to grasp your own, and you glance at her with a smile.
"I can't tell you how long I've waited for this. Waited for someone like you..." She murmurs, gaze falling from your eyes to your lips. For centuries, Tanya had been wanting and lonely, wondering if she would ever find the eternal love she so desperately craved. When she first met you, she wanted to brace for disappointment, for the torment of heartbreak. But you accepted her too, accepted her love, accepted that the two of you would never part.
"Then why wait for even another second?" you retort with a chuckle, rolling over to cage her in your arms, lips descending to her mouth, before pressing fast, teeth-filled kisses down her jaw and neck. Tanya moaned, arms whipping around to grasp desperately at your back, legs spreading to make room for your hips. She gasps and cries when your leg comes to press against her core, finally providing the friction she had searched so long for.
"Ah, I've wanted- oh! Wanted to do this since I first met you..." Tanya heaves, grinding into your pelvis in return, blonde hair splayed as she tossed and turned in the grass.
"Oh, my love! We only have the rest of forever..." you sing in her ear, slipping a cold, lifeless hand under her top, feeling your way upwards to her lacy bra. As Tanya grasped to lift your own shirt, she came to a realisation; an eternity of pleasure with you almost wouldn't be enough.
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riveramorylunar · 2 years
The Forth Leader Of Volturi
Pairings: Tanya Denali x Royal Vampire Reader, Irina Denali x Royal Vampire Reader, Kate Denali x Royal Vampire Reader & Denali Sisters x Royal Vampire Reader
Warning ⚠️: Umbrakinesis(Shadow Manipulation), Killing, Blood Drinking, Stalking & forbidden love
Pet Names/Nicknames: Sunshine, Honey & Princess
Word Count: 1,542
A/N: Requested by @zoomdeathknight
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It was one thing to fall in love but it was another when it was three women who were totally out of the question. Y/N Y/L/N was not only one of the most beautiful vampires in the world she was part of the Volturi who were a group of powerful yet elegant vampires. She was the fourth leader but she stayed in the shadows and watched. No one knew about her except Aro, Marcus and Caius the other three leaders. Y/N was able to manipulate the shadows wherever she went. She would sometimes use her powers to kill humans before drinking them dry of blood. She would sometimes rip the flesh off of the people she was drinking from so it looked like an animal attack. Even though she looked like a 19 year old girl she was well over 4,000 years. She has Long black wavy hair and pale skin. Her eyes were white with red in the middle of them. She had a scar going all the way from her eyebrow down to her cheek. She had another scar that was across her lips.
She was currently sitting in the diner that was in forks sipping on her whiskey that was in a glass when she heard the bell to the door open. She whipped her head towards the door and saw Charlie walking in with a girl shorter than her. She sniffed the air before licking her lips as she watched the two sit down in the corner booth. "Miss" someone said causing Y/N to look over to see one of the waiters standing behind the bar top looking at her. She groaned and closed her eyes as she heard the man's heartbeat picking up. She opened her eyes under her blacked out sunglasses and looked at the man. "W-would you like anything else" he stuttered out and Y/N smirked. "Yes in fact I need your help with something if you don't mind" Y/N said and the man shook his head. "What do you need help with" He said and Y/N stood up before drinking the rest of her glass of whiskey. Y/N pulled her sunglasses down and watched as the man's eyes widened in shock. Before he could move he was compelled to go into the forest and wait.
Y/N walked into the forest and saw the waiter waiting causing her to smirk as her eyes lit up. "So what now" he asked and Y/N walked up to him. "Now I need you to be quiet" Y/N said and the man nodded. She grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him close before sinking her fangs into the man's neck causing him to scream out in pain. She covered his mouth before she used her shadow powers to kill him. She felt him go limp in her grip so she let go and watched as he dropped to the ground. She bent down and used her nails to rip off a piece of flesh from his neck. She stood up before licking her fingers clean before dashing off back to her house. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw three women standing in the doorway waiting. The three looked up and smiled when they saw Y/N standing a couple of feet away from them. "You guys shouldn't be here" Y/N hissed out as she bared her fangs at the three women. "Oh come on Princess don't be like that" Tanya said as she stepped aside so Y/N could unlock the front door. "We know you missed us Sunshine don't deny it" Kate said and Y/N growled as she pushed open the door a little too rough. "You guys need to leave" Y/N said and the three sisters rolled their eyes.
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"Why do you want us to leave so badly" Irina said as the three stepped into the house. "Because it's forbidden damnit you're coven and the Volturi as sworn enemies don't you get that" Y/N shouted before turning around to look at the three blondes. "And you guys should know that you're the founders of the damn coven" Y/N growled out and she was slammed against the wall by Irina who was looking down at her. "So what we don't care anymore, we only care about you" Irina growled out causing Y/N to gulp. Even though she lived longer than the three of them they were scary when they got mad. Especially Irina since she rarely ever gets mad. Before Y/N could say something Irina smashed her lips onto Y/N's silencing all of her thoughts she had. Y/N closed her eyes and tilted her head back as she felt Irina trail her kisses down Y/N's neck. "You belong to us and we belong to you that's all that matters in this god damn world" Irina said before she bit down on Y/N's neck with her fangs causing Y/N to jump slightly.
Y/N had gone back to Volterra, Italy for something urgent. "What's so important that you had to bother me for" Y/N hissed out as she stormed into the room shoving a vampire out of the doorway. She immediately smelled the fresh scent of blood making her look over to see a pile of dead vampires. "You got to be kidding me" Y/N said as she looked at the three who were sitting on their thrones. "Y/N so glad you could make it" Aro said as he stood up and stopped right in front of Y/N. He held his hands out and Y/N just looked up at her with a glare causing him to drop his hands. "Sorry that we disturbed your fun in forks but we have urgent matters to attend to" Caius said and Y/N scoffed. "And what would that be" Y/N questioned as she raised an eyebrow. "The Denali Coven" Marcus said and Y/N's eyes widened in shock for a moment before her face turned stone cold. "What about them" Y/N said as she clenched her fists together tightly. "It seems one of our scouts found the three leaving your house that was in forks a week ago" Aro said and Y/N looked at him before clenching her jaw tightly.
"Do you know anything about that" Caius said as he slowly stood up along with Marcus. Y/N looked at the three as her shadow magic started flowing out of her clenched hands. The three looked down and charged at Y/N but she was quick to stop all three of them and the other vampires that had entered the room. "YOU KNOW IT'S AGAINST THE RULES TO HAVE CONTACT WITH THE DENALI COVEN THEY'RE OUR ENEMY" Marcus shouted out as Y/N backed up a bit. She held them all back with her shadow magic but it wasn't gonna last long since there were quite a few. The doors flew open and Y/N looked over to see the Denali Sisters rushing in and stopping. They looked over to see Y/N holding the vampires back. "Need help Honey" Irina said as she smirked mischievously. "Yes that would be nice even though I could take them all out" Y/N said and the three women rolled their eyes before attacking some of the younger vampires. Y/N looked at the other three leaders. Marcus looked between the four women before locking eyes with Y/N. "They love her" he said causing everyone to stop fighting and look at him. "And she loves them" he continued right before his head was ripped off by Y/N.
Y/N looked around the huge room and saw vampires littered all over the floor some with their heads ripped off. "Well that was something" Tanya said breaking the silence. The three sisters looked over at Y/N to see her pacing back and forth. "Y/N Sunshine" Kate said as she made her way over to Y/N who looked up. "What the hell is gonna happen now" Y/N asked and Kate wrapped her arms around Y/N from behind before placing a kiss on Y/N's neck where Irina left the bite mark. "What will the red of the members of the Volturi say when they get back" Y/N questioned and Kate kissed Y/N's cheek. "Well you're the only leader left so you do whatever you want to do no one to stop you" Tanya said and Y/N looked up to see Tanya standing in front of her. Y/N narrowed her eyes before her lips twitched up into a smirk. "Join me and become the other three leaders we can combine our covens" Y/N said and Tanya cupped Y/N's face in her hands as Kate kept kissing Y/N's neck. Irina walked over lastly "what happens if some of our people don't like it" Irina said and Y/N licked her lips before her eyes darkened slightly. "We kill them" she said and the three smirked. "Alright only because we love you" Tanya said before kissing Y/N on the lips.
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allthornsnopetals · 2 months
Unrequited love
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If her dead heart could shatter it would. She has been waiting for her mate for a millennium.
To find out that you would rather be friends, messed her up.
She was rejected by Edward, indulged in the company of others, which were purely sexual, and finally being rejected by the one.
Tanya is trying to understand why. She knew you were human, so you would never experience the magnetic connection, the pull, the yearning, and the instant clasp of your heart. But that would not stop her questions of why.
Why would you not want to be with her, as she wants to be with you?
In my perspective, out of all her sisters, she would respect your wishes. And even fight the urge to turn you, so you would be her mate, her forever.
She would question you, interrogate, and even ask if there is someone else. She just wants to know why you would only have her as a friend, especially after the—in her perspective, romantic experiences—experiences you have shared together.
"You like me but you do not love me?" Said Tanya, sounding defeated as she sat beside Y/n.
Y/n nods, staring at the ground, feeling horrible for rejecting her. "Is there someone else?" Tanya questions, find Y/n's gaze.
She shook her head, confusing the vampire. "Then why, not feel the same way as I do? I thought we were on the same page... I assumed you felt the same way as I do."
"Tanya, you're my friend... A very good friend. I was new to town, but you showed up and decided to be—what I thought, was my friend." Y/n explains, trying her best not to upset Tanya, knowing she's in a rather sore situation.
It rang through her head. She never thought, she could be friend zoned. She's Tanya Denali, a beauty, a leader, and desirable woman, who was being friend zoned by her own mate. She would kill and die for the woman beside her, but she would only simply see her as a friend.
She distanced herself for a while, until the bond was tearing through her, like a heated blade cutting through her flesh.
Whenever she sees you it pulls her apart, but when she cannot, it kills her. In a sense she can't stand herself.
She curses whomever would listen for giving her someone she cannot have. For a while Tanya would feel hollow and not even her sisters can fix it.
But if you are in danger, she would never think twice to drop everything to save you.
Also, Tanya's a vampire. She has nothing but time, so she will wait until you come around. She would still flirt, pursue, and be with you, because to her this is a challenge, and she loves a good challenge.
She'll wait until you come around, and trust me, she has nothing but patience. It's Tanya Denali, leader of her coven, her patience is her number one gift.
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Kate in my perspective, is very much: 'that's cute but you're mine and I'm you'res'.
She just gives me that vibe.
So if she finally confesses her feelings and you inform her that you just want to be friends, she's laughing her ass off, and most likely changing you right then and there.
Unlike Tanya, Kate does not give a fuck for your wishes.
The bond was set, the moment her eyes met yours. The magnetic connection fed her determination, her hunger, and her drive. Once Kate sets her mind on something, she will do anything to achieve it.
Once, she turns you the bond is set, making it impossible for you not to love her as she loves you. She just hopes that you could forgive her for changing your life.
Kate barks a laugh, doubling over, holding her middle as she finds your words amusing. "Kate, I'm serious. You and I are friends, nothing more." Y/n says, beginning to feel comfortable with her reaction, and perhaps a bit frightened.
Kate wipes a fake tear, slowing her laughter, coming to an end with a large grin. "Princezná', that is funny. You're hilarious, you should be a stand up comedian." She cups Y/n's cheeks, rolling her thumbs over her warm human flesh.
"But there is one thing that I know... It's that you and I were never destined to be friends. You are my love, and I am yours." She pecks her lips, rubbing their noses together, affectionately.
Y/n's heart beats rapidly, unable to recognize the person in front of her. Pulling away, she begins collecting her belongings. "You're right we were never meant to be friends. We should have stayed as strangers." Kate laughs again, taking Y/n's hand into her own.
"That is not how mates work. You'll understand once you wake, but I must warn you, it will hurt."
She strokes your hair, comforting you as you transform. Kate knew it would be a risky thing to do, but when it comes to her beloved, she can't seem to give a single fuck.
This is giving yandere vibes, but she's obsessed, and drunk on love. (and she didn't wait for so fucking long, just to be friend zoned.
When you do come back, do expect a bit of manipulation, and a lot of apologies.
She would spend her entire life apologizing for changing you, but she knows, that the bond has infected you as it did her, so it is only so much time until you're in her arms, forgiving her, and sharing your undying love for her.
She will be waiting with a shit-eating grin.
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Like Tanya and Kate, Irian has been patiently waiting for her mate, for the one, for you.
So in my perspective she isn't going to take the news very well or at all. But unlike Kate, your request to be just friends isn't going to fall to deaf ears.
She has been following the law perfectly well, until she met you, sealing the bond... Sealing her fate.
So, your rejection does not settle well with her.
Irian would not be understanding, because to pursue you is to put her family in harm's way, to break the law, to bring suffering to herself and her coven.
Sorry, babe but you're not going to get rid of her.
She would make it seem that she took your rejection well, but internally she's burning.
If she knew that you rejected her because you're already in an established relationship... Yeah not anymore. You better say good bye to that fucker, because Irina has sent them to the darkness, aka death.
She would make it appear as if they left you. Abandoned you, packed up their things and left, and broke things off with you. Making you feel unwanted, heartbroken, and low in self-esteem.
Toxic, yandere style, but she's kinda fucking crazy and feral; (thanks @thegamingcatmom, for rotting my mind, I expect composition for my therapy, that you're accompanying me to, because there is nothing right in your head. If you need evidence, look at the stuff you publish... Well, the stuff I like... WHATEVER!!)
She would be there as a 'friend' to catch you and patch up any holes, that their absence has left on you.
She would even make you rely on her, making you believe that you should have chosen her, which is fine, because she would welcome your lost heart with open arms.
"I should have listened to you." Y/n wept, cuddled deep in Irian's arms.
Irian shushes Y/n, rubbing soothing circles on her back as they lay comfortably on her couch. "It's okay, Maličký. It is not your fault, it's his. He sucks for leaving you." She wipes her tears away with her sleeve.
"Did I do something wrong? Is there something wrong with me?" Y/n sniffles, finding Irian's gaze, her eyes filled with pain.
"No, not at all. There could never be anything wrong about you. Never think that way." She pulls her into her arms, pecking gentle kisses to her hair.
"Irian?" Y/n pulls away, looking her in the eyes. The blond psycho hums, cradling her face in her cold hands, and softly kissing her head. "You won't leave me, would you?"
Irian felt her dead heart squeeze. As if she could leave her darling behind. Her heart was completely devoted to her, far too gone for her to just leave her.
"I would never. I'll break if I did."
Faster then she thought, you're cradled in her arms, spending every waking moment with her.
She of course would never tell you, that she murdered your ex-partner, fuck that shit.
And once she has you, she's not waiting for permission to turn you. She can't have the volturi knocking on her door.
She would turn you, knowing that you would be stuck together forever, and would easily forgive her.
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athenamgh · 1 year
Tanya Denali
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Tanya Denali content.
# Tanya Denali x Reader (Y/n)
♛ -nsfw | ღ -fluff | ➳ - angst |♞ - darkfic | ✶ - tension | ☾ - saga
Ice and Eyes: ▪︎ Watercolour blue ☾
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Waiting on the red string of fate
Alt Route Ending 1 [Ending 3b]
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Tanya Denali x fem!reader
Chapter 3b: found you, fights, and figuring this out
Summary: She's found you. Important talks are needed, but the hanahaki hits. What will she do about it when she's just found you?
A/N: Back again for another serving of fanfiction? Welcome to the first alt ending, Ending 3b, This ending is not so bad, I think, I did write some of it at 3am, though, so if quality ain't so great, then....idk
not confident in writing dialogue, but I tried :P
It won't hurt as much as ending 3a though!
So uh....Bon Appétit!
Happy readings!
Consider reading the other parts if you haven't
Part 1
Part 2a
First ending: Part 3a (very sad)
Warnings:hanahaki as its own has its own set of warnings( choking on flowers, blood, vomiting) angst? I guess ish idk never sure what's angsty enough anymore. There is character death, not gonna be specific or go into detail bout it, read to find out
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You had just returned home from your latest travels due to the hanahaki getting really bad in your eyes, stopping your grand travel, you had already gone to see some major landmarks and places you were curious about. From going to the uk to see Big Ben and the London eye. To Japan to see the streets of Harajuku fashions and the view of Mt Fuji. To many landmarks and touristy spots in America and many more that you could list off.
When the flowers started coming up in bulbs, you thought it wise to take a break and go home, and you'd rather not pass on somewhere far from home.
So off on the first flight back and now in the comfort of your own home you lay.
Your body was growing weaker as you had a trash bin next to you in case the flowers came up again.
You could feel how slowly the hanahaki was taking everything from you. You were so tired. It was like you were constantly drained since your arrival home. Sometimes, you were able to eat something light, but other times, the flowers would come up alongside bits of food from your last meal. It was definitely getting worse.
Looking over to the letters you had written to her, you had recently wrote a final goodbye to her, unsure now what to do with the relatively large amount of envelopes you had written over the years to the person who didn't return your feelings. You were half tempted to send it to the nightclub you first saw her at. Maybe she went there a lot? If she did, the manager of the place would probably know her and give them to her for you.
No way did you have what it took to go find her and potentially break up a relationship or homewreck a situation. She deserved her joy.
The coughing had disrupted your sleep, and the occasional throwing up of food with your flowers had left you in a much weakened state. You just wanted to sleep right now.
Closing your eyes for a bit, hoping to grab some amount of rest, almost lulled into a sense of peace, you hear a knock at the door. Peaking an eye open, you contemplate if you should get up and see who it is, probably no one as you shut your eyes again,
But then the knocking came again, and you knew you could just ignore it, but something in you told you not to. You should answer it, you thought, so slowly you shuffle to the doorway, leaning against the wall for support. Finally, the trek from the couch to the door is made,
Choosing not to look through the peephole, you open the door, wanting to point the wandering lost traveler on their way, and then you regret doing so cause there stood her...
The cause of your pain.
She looks into your eyes with a surprised expression at the suddenness of the door opening, and then as if realizing here you were! her eyes widen a bit. Tanya couldn't help but feel something in her pull her towards the person in front of her. She just felt.....right, and this sensation surprised her that she was momentarily shocked and couldn't stop staring.
You stare into amber eyes that feel warm and right but are brought back to reality to remember she doesn't want you. The universe was cruel like that.
She keeps looking at you, unblinking as if frozen in time, all you could feel was discomfort in your throat as your eyes break contact and you cough into your elbow a wet congested sound. As if to break out of whatever trance she's in, she makes a move to look at her hand and peers her head to see how your strings attached, she takes a moment, unknown to you to school her features, then as if winning a prize she sends a dazzling smile your way.
All you can feel is discomfort, it clearly showing on your face before you swallow what little saliva in your mouth you had. "What do you want?" Your tone sounded flat, uncaring. You remind yourself you can't fall for her. Her smiles falters at your tone, "Hello, I'm Tanya, and I believe we're soulmates," she says in a more chipper tone. You look down and away from the eyes you wish you could spend an eternity with, "we are....." Perhaps that sounded a tad too defeated, but you couldn't find it in yourself to care as much to hide the discomfort and pain of the situation. Why was she here?
You don't notice due to looking away, but Tanya is even more confused at this development, 'why are you not over the moon to finally meet?' she can't help but think.
The silence that hangs between you slowly grows awkward. All you want to do is rest, but all Tanya wants to do is really meet you. You're not sure what to do as suddenly Tanya asks if she can come in. You open the door wider and try to get back to the couch. The fact that you lean against the wall for support does not go unnoticed by her. "Are you alright?" She asks concern evident. You can only mumble back a weak, "I'm fine," before getting back to the couch. You can't help but think that you feel the flowers are growing upwards and another fit will happen soon.
Tanya can't help but look around your place as she enters, a little dusty from the looks of it but the place also has little touches of personality she can't help but wonder more of who you are.
Tanya smells the floral scent first before realizing and then picks up on the notes of blood. Her mind racks for an explanation. There were no flowers around your place. She knows this scent, she's encountered it before. She can't help but look around hoping it isn't so, but as she approaches where you sit in exhaustion on the sofa, she sees the dark circles in you eyes, the slightly gaunt face from the inability to eat, the floral scent that slowly wafts from your mouth followed by a tinge of copper.
Seeing the garbage can by your feet, she peers into it, having her worst fears come true, you have hanahaki.
With eyes full of concern, she turns to you,
"You have hanahaki," the question tumbles from her mouth
Your head is resting on the back of the couch as you open one eye with a grimace.
"Yeah? What about it"
"Who caused this?" Is all she can ask,
Who did you fall for? who denied your affections and caused this cursed disease onto you is all she can wonder.
"Who?" You laugh a bitter laugh,
"Who do you think?"
She doesn't understand as confusion takes her face, trying to solve this puzzle. There were no images of anyone else in your life, and she had only just met you now.
"I saw you before, you know, almost a year ago"
You say, breaking the silence that she brought in the state of confusion
"I had decided to take a gap year to come look for you, and I did. I was so....naieve and hopeful then, and then I found you in a nightclub kissing some guy." You say the end part bitterly reminiscing the memories of that night
Realization dawns on her face
You look up at her, the brokenness in your eyes displayed all too clearly.
"I hope you're happy with him," you say through a smile, though the smile is clearly pained.
She? Was the cause of your hanahaki? Tanya didn't want to believe it. She was the cause of your pain...
You have to understand she loves you
And she's not saying that just because she knows hanahaki goes away with reciprocated love.
Her face shows hurt to think you could think that. She moves to declare that she does, in fact, love you
But all you can do is laugh at that, "You love me? You love me?" A chuckle escapes
"So what about the guy you were with? What about him?"
"He meant nothing to me. He means nothing to me even now," she tries to say
you try to scream, it came out more hoarse than you intended. Part of you just wanted all of this to go away, the other part could feel the waves of sorrow and sensations of betrayal flaring up from the memory of the first time you saw her, your head was spinning as your emotions took over, some parts irrational jealousy some parts despair.
"So what was he? If he meant nothing, does that mean I'll mean nothing to you, too? Am I just a rebound to you? Are you just getting to know me and then trying to break me even more?
The pain in your voice is evident as your voice starts to get worse, your breathing starts to get labored, strained you start to cough,
And cough
And cough...
The stress of having to have this conversation to the pain of the feelings resurfacing from seeing her in person to actually meeting her made your connection grow, but this one moment started to make your hanahaki worse.
All the variables of the situation caused a reaction and spike in stress and emotions, you know a little more about your soulmate but that makes it worse as the agigtation of the events caused the hanahaki to grow exponentially, the flowers are in bloom and there's nothing you can do.
Tanya sees this and starts to panic
"No no no, you have to believe me, I love you! Please no," as she rushes forward to your side.
Those words fall on deaf ears as you begin to cough
You don't hear a word past no as you're focused more on trying to breathe.
As the coughing fit grew 10 fold you felt this was the worst it's been as the flowers you tried to grasp, wet bloody flowers that came from your mouth and slipped from your grip came unending, they never stopped coming out no matter how hard you try to get rid of them, as you gasp for air. Perhaps this was it is all you can think, partially losing the fight you start to give up.
Tanya watches on as she sees you try to pull out flowers, tossing them to the ground in wet puddles of blood and spit.
She turns your head and tries to help you get the flowers blocking your airway out of you but they wouldn't stop, the hanahaki was in its final stage she realizes and she was going to lose you...
You slowly stop the fight, and that sends a wave of fear to her.
She can't lose you as she suddenly throws caution to the wind, all her hope into this one shot. Fearful that the flowers might claim your life before she even got to know it. She held you close to her in a hug and whispered an apology before biting down on your neck.
You don't see or hear anything at that point, but you do feel the sensation of being held as you start to black out from lack of air. All is starting to slow...
But then, as if being thrown into a freezing lake by someone to wake you up, you suddenly jolt as fire then starts burning you. The pain is unbearable. Were you being burned? You thought you were finally going to find peace, but now all you feel is excruciating pain as you try to scream, but the flowers in your throat partially stop that. Is this a punishment for trying to push away your soulmate? Were the fates mad at you? As thoughts started to go as you gave into the pain.
The scene in this moment would look like a tragic painting in the eyes of an onlooker with no knowledge, a lady holding in her arms her love who's dying of hanahaki, petals, both stained with blood and not surround them on the ground as she whispers apologies and begs her lover to come back to her.
Tanya holds you and whispers her apologies, hoping that it isn't too late for the vampire venom to take effect.
This was a gamble, as she's heard of vampires before suffering the unfortunate circumstance of getting hanahaki. But usually, they'd have already been vampires for a while at that point, there's not been any known cases of a person being turned at the final stage of hanahaki...could it be that they don't make it? No, she's got to hope, you'll make it through this you have to...
She doesn't know what'd she'd do if you don't...
With the hanahaki muffling your screams she quickly goes around your place grabbing what you might need and finding your box of letters to her, grabbing that along she picks you up bridal style and carries you off to her car, she's going to take you home, being near humans would be too dangerous as a newborn.
A day passes, and she can't help but worry she stays by your side and waits, hoping that the venom can counter the hanahaki.
When she had gotten home, everyone came out to see her carrying you, the concern evident, and the realization that you were her mate also held some impact.
A day goes by and your heart beat stops your mouth still has flowers but the growth of them has slowed, some around the edges seemed to have wilted which she takes as a good sign, she tries to help take out the flowers hoping it'll help you.
There's not too much on hanahaki with vampires at such a late stage, usually if it's a normal vampire who's been around for a while they have ways around it, but if they don't fight it they get weakened, and it causes issues with life. But you were hopefully on your way to becoming a newborn, and she hasn't heard of any cases as such. So all she can do is stay by your side and wait, pleading to the fates that it works.
Whilst in this time though she does take to reading the letters you addressed to her, her heart warms at the oldest looking letter in the box, faded and worn down in an aged envelope with childish scrawl, she gets to know you through the years from the letters, and to say it's endearing is to say the least. It gives her hope that maybe you guys can make it through this.
The letter of you seeing her that night, though, hurts to read, she can feel the pain in the writing, and the next letters after a sense of you accepting your fate whilst traveling has her sad. Silently swearing to herself, she promises to show you that she does love you, that you are loved, and now that she's found you, she won't let you go.
On the third day, you awaken, your eyes open, red as blood.
Your instincts takes over screaming that you crave something to sate the inferno in your throat, as you move to sit up your eyes look around, landing on her, the instincts in you tell you that she's important to you. You move forward,
As Tanya calls for someone to bring her some blood, she has prepared for your awakening. Glad to see you had awakened, relieved she has more time with you, you look ever the part of a newborn besides the flowers cascading like a waterfall out of your mouth, overtime some had died and she had pulled some out but the core of the flowers was still there, she didnt want to risk it whilst you were still human. Now that you were immortal, she hoped it would hurt you a little less if she ripped the flowers out of your throat.
You try to move to her, but as she was handed an animal, she tackles you to the ground, keeping you down.
Apologizing saying it's gonna hurt as she rips the stems and flowers from your mouth with force, you gag as you feel stems and roots start to come up. Gasping and taking in a breath, there were still more stems deeper down your mouth, but this will have to do for now as she cracks open the squirrel and trickles the blood into your mouth, it tastes off but you drink regardless as it quenches the fire in your throat, you're able to swallow down the blood as you move to grab the squirrel draining it dry, she rushes off and drags in another animal, a doe, already taken down you move quickly and start to drain this one dry as well, despite the slight difficulty of the hanahaki slowly trying to regrow in your throat, you fight on still drinking.
As you drink, Tanya slowly runs her hands through your hair, praising you
"You're doing so good." Some part of you can't help but preen at the praise.
Eventually, after another animal or two, this ends as the thirst in your throat is quenched enough. Your mind clears for a moment to see her, really see her as you gain some semblance of control again, the bond of a mate is much more prominent whilst you're a newborn, and you almost forget about everything and give in to her
A flash of the memory that hurt you about a year ago flashes through your mind, and in your emotional newborn state, you couldn't help but flinch. Part of your instinct screams to go to her, yet the part of you that's hurt and jealous fights back as you're torn.
Tanya sees this and can't help but feel pain at the conflict going on, she could see that you were torn between the intensity of the instincts for the bond to shine through versus the pain you had felt. It hurt to see you so conflicted. You didn't even realize you were a vampire yet, and that was a different bridge she would have to cross soon.
Not wanting to see your internal war anymore, she goes towards you, your eyes are shut as if you have a headache and are in agony. You don't feel it until she does it, but she's hugging you. Your mind tries to fight her, but your instincts wants you to melt into her. It hurts, the irrational side in you makes you want to cry, slowly, slowly, you start to break down as you stop fighting her hold.
She brings your head to the crook of her neck, cradling it in such a way, trying to comfort you.
It works as you stop fighting her.
You've calmed enough that she thinks she can speak and have you listen to her, so she starts.
"I know you believe I don't return your affections, but I do." You try to wiggle away at her words, but she uses all her strength to hold you there.
"You may not believe it, but I've lived a millenia before I could meet you", you stop squirming at that, confusion evident at the fact she said she's over 1000 years old.
"I had lost hope after a long time cause before I realized you were around, I had stopped looking at my string after all that time..."
"My string before you was dull and was short and lead nowhere.....I thought long ago that you were gone back then before I knew who you were, before I got to meet you"
"You have to know I never meant to hurt you when you saw me that night...I didnt know you were there and even though I didn't know, it's no excuse but even if I did know, you have to understand it was not my intention to hurt you...i would never hurt you intentionally...ever, you mean so much to me..."
Your mind brought the memory up and all you could feel was the desire to cry
"I've lived for a long time, and I once lost someone"
The jealousy rears it's green head around at who it could have been until her next words
"In a sense, she was basically my mother"
You stop and couldn't help but feel bad at the stupid feeling of jealousy. She had lost someone...
"This was long ago but our family at the time was really close, and the loss hurt...
You weren't around yet, and I didn't know how long you would take to be around, and the grief was all consuming...
It led me to turn to others, to just feel something..."
At this point, you were a mix of conflicted emotions...
"The man you mentioned that night meant nothing to me, my love. You say you saw me kiss him, and you might assume more, but I did nothing... I swear it"
"Something in me felt wrong after a bit, so I left, I can only assume the wrongness was the feelings through our bond..."
"I didn't realize it until my sister Irina, you may meet her later, pointed out to me that my string actually led somewhere, I decided to come looking for you after that"
"It may be hard to believe, but I am a vampire"
Yeah, that was definitely hard to believe you thought
"But when I found you and when...when the hanahaki almost took you I couldn't let that happen, I had only just found you and I didn't want to have to say goodbye, not before I could know you..."
"I'm sorry for bringing you pain, but I'm not sorry for changing you... you have to know how much you mean to me....I love you..."
You didn't know how to feel, a part of you felt her sincerity through her words and got a sense that she was being truthful....but the part of you that was still uncertain didn't know what to do...
"You don't have to believe me if you don't want to...but I will make it known for as long as I have to that I love you and I will always love you" she squeezes you a little tighter at those words
And for a second you let go of the denial for a bit that she doesn't actually love you, that what she says is false....and you can breathe a little easier, the hanahaki isn't entirely gone, there's that uncertainty to everything, but for now you let go of some of the feeling that's been hurting you, and this allows the hanahaki to weaken allowing you the breath that you no longer need.
You feel her turn and kiss your head, and some part of you warms at the gesture.
Your arms raise, and hug her back.
You know this won't be easy but you have to make it known.
"I forgive you... kind of...though part of me is still weary at all this.
Part of me feels like it can't trust you right away...another part of me despite this still holds love for you even after all of this. I'm confused, and I...I just don't know, I want there to be an us, but part of me feels that maybe that won't work..."
Tanya's unbeating heart hurts at the idea of the uncertainty in you, but she knows she would do whatever and tells you that she will try her best to mend the heart she accidentally broke even if it takes forever.
Her words soothe your pain a bit and the flowers relax a little more.
You know it won't be an easy road, but you and her will try to work to a point where you could be together...
You were both done waiting on the red string. It's finally brought you together. Now you have the road ahead to walk together in your eternity to figure this out.
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cece693 · 11 days
Calm Down Cowboy (Jasper Whitlock x M! Reader)
I never expected much love to come from my first Jasper fanfic, so as thanks, here's another one :)
Summary: You were a social butterfly, however, that doesn't excuse your husband's actions. However, was it really all bad if it led to him being possessive and taking charge.
tags: jealous Jasper, social butterfly male reader, petty cowboy, happy ending, smut, past mention of Tanya/reader
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It was almost funny, looking back on it now, but in that moment, you were steaming like a kettle ready to burst. After all these centuries spent by Jasper’s side—dozens of weddings, countless anniversaries, and endless reassurances—how could he still get jealous just from you talking to someone? You were well aware of your own charm; a social butterfly whose charisma, suaveness, and good looks drew people to you like moths to a flame. But Jasper knew this too. He knew you never encouraged those who fawned over you, nor did you let any past lovers hold sway over you anymore.
Yet, Tanya Denali seemed to light a fire under your cowboy like no other. It didn’t matter how many times you’d promise it while fucking him that Tanya was nothing—just a brief fling in your long, immortal life, severed the moment he'd come into it—he still couldn't stand the sight of her.
It started innocently enough. The Denalis were visiting Forks, and you'd found yourself chatting with Tanya. The conversation was light, inconsequential—a quick catch-up on each other's lives. But then Tanya, ever the flirt, edged closer, her hand brushing against your arm, her laugh a little too soft, too familiar.
Jasper, who had been watching from a distance, stiffened immediately. You could feel his emotions boiling over, his usual calm demeanor cracking as Tanya leaned in, her fingers trailing down your sleeve. You glanced over your shoulder, trying to catch his eye and silently communicate that it was nothing, but Jasper was no longer standing in his spot.
Instead, he was striding toward you, his eyes dark and full of a possessiveness that made your stomach twist. "That’s enough." he said sharply, stepping between you and Tanya. His tone was harsher than you’d ever heard from him, a growl that had everyone around you suddenly going silent.
Tanya raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a sly smile. “Oh, come on, Jasper. I’m just catching up with an old friend. No harm in that, is there?”
Jasper’s eyes narrowed, his jaw tight. "Funny how you always seem to forget what ‘no harm’ means. You don’t belong here, stirring up old shit.”
You quickly put a hand on his arm, but Tanya wasn’t done. “Oh, Jasper, I had no idea you were so insecure,” she cooed, her eyes flicking to you with a knowing glint. “I thought you’d trust your mate by now, especially after all these years. But I suppose some habits die hard.”
Jasper’s muscles tensed under your grip, his temper flaring hotter than before. “How would you know? You haven’t found your mate yet," he snapped back, his Southern accent thickening with every word. "Why don't you take your desperate ass back to Alaska and leave what's mine alone?"
“Jasper!” you hissed, pulling him back before things could spiral out of control. This was so unlike him—he was usually composed, especially around others. But Tanya had a way of needling under his skin, and she knew exactly how to make it worse. You tugged at his arm, dragging him away from the porch and out of earshot of the others, who had started murmuring in shocked whispers. Emmett’s booming laughter grated on your nerves, adding to the tension.
But Tanya wasn't finished. She threw a final parting shot over her shoulder, her voice laced with venom. “You know, maybe Jasper’s right to be worried. It must be exhausting, trying to keep up with someone like you. All that fire and passion—maybe he’s just not enough for you anymore.”
Jasper jerked against your hold, his eyes flaring with fury, and it took everything you had to keep him from lunging at her. "You listen here, you conniving bitch—" he started, but you cut him off, practically dragging him away from the scene before he could finish his sentence.
“Jasper, stop!” you pleaded, your voice tight as you struggled to keep him from breaking free. His anger was like a living thing, wild and uncontrollable, and you knew that if you didn’t get him away from Tanya, things would get ugly fast. “She’s just trying to rile you up! Don’t give her what she wants!”
He stopped struggling, but his whole body was tense, vibrating with barely suppressed rage. “I’m not letting her get away with that,” he growled, his voice low and dangerous. “She thinks she can just waltz in here and—”
“And she’s not worth it,” you interrupted, stepping in front of him and forcing him to meet your gaze. “You know she’s just trying to get under your skin. Don’t let her win.”
Jasper’s breath was coming in ragged gasps, his eyes still blazing with anger, but slowly, he began to calm under your steady gaze. “I can’t stand her,” he muttered, his voice still laced with venom. “She thinks she can just say whatever she wants, like she knows us.”
“She doesn’t know anything,” you assured him, your hands sliding up to cup his face, forcing him to focus on you and not the lingering venom in Tanya’s words. “And I don’t care what she says. You’re the only one I want, Jasper.”
For a moment, it seemed like your words would be enough to soothe him. But the tension was still there, simmering beneath the surface. His eyes darkened, his hands gripping your waist possessively. "Show me." he demanded, voice raw, an edge of desperation beneath his anger.
You blinked, caught off guard by his sudden shift, but you saw the need in his eyes—the need to prove himself, to reclaim what was his. You nodded, giving him permission to take the lead, knowing this was a big step for both of you. Jasper didn’t waste a second. He backed you up against a nearby tree, his mouth crashing onto yours with an almost feral hunger. His hands roamed over your body, rough and urgent, as if he was staking his claim with every touch.
He was never like this, never so commanding, but you let him take what he needed. His lips moved down your neck, his sharp teeth grazing your skin before a burning fire settled on your collarbone. His venom would create a scar there, a mark that you were his and vice versa. "Mine." .
"Yours." you assured, threading your fingers through his honey-blonde hair. "Only yours."
He didn’t slow down. If anything, your words only spurred him on. The heat between you two built quickly, his need palpable. He pulled away, his eyes locking onto yours, searching, almost as if he was begging for you to understand. "I need to know." he whispered. "Need to feel it."
You nodded, letting out a soft sigh. “Then take it. Take what you need.”
And he did. His movements were intense, almost punishing, as if he was trying to erase any doubt Tanya had planted with each thrust. You met him with equal fervor, matching his intensity, your bodies colliding in a raw, unrestrained dance that left you both breathless. His hands were everywhere, gripping, claiming, reminding you of exactly who you belonged to.
As the tension between you two reached its peak, Jasper buried his face in the crook of your neck, kissing the bite. “I love you.” he murmured, his voice shaking with emotion. “Don’t ever doubt that. I’d burn the whole world down before I’d let anyone take you from me.”
You tangled your fingers in his hair, holding him close. “I love you, too, Jasper. And I’m not going anywhere. Not ever.”
For a moment, everything was still. Then, slowly, Jasper's grip on you loosened, his anger ebbing away as he relaxed into your embrace. You both stayed there, holding each other tightly, knowing that nothing could break you guys apart.
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thegamingcatmom · 4 months
Instinct (Tanya Denali x fem reader)
Right so, how do yall think single!Tanya would react if she just kinda...stumbled upon the one, completely unexpected? One would think if you got a cousin who's able to see the future then surely they would've given you a lil heads-up, so you wouldn't make an absolute fool out of yourself.
Spoiler alert: Alice did not give her a lil heads-up.
Before we dive deeper I feel like it should be mentioned our girl´s been existing for a millenium, doing pretty damn good without someone constantly breathing down her neck, tyvm. It´s not like she couldn´t have someone constantly breathing down her neck, puh-leeze. Girl could have anyone she desires and we all know it. She knows it.
Besides, it´s not like she´s been entirely on her own when it comes to physical matters. There´s been flings and ONSs and perhaps she´s even tried to be exclusive with someone here and there - I wouldn´t call it "relationship" though. I can´t see Tanya Denali binding herself to just any mortal. She´d never put her family in harm´s way simply because she couldn´t keep her hands to herself-
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...like someone else did.
(No, I do not consider Bella to be Edward´s mate. She is his singer, that´s different.)
As open-minded and free-spirited as the Denalis are, they´d never go against the laws of the Volturi. Tanya will make personally sure they won´t.
However, one can´t deny that this world could get quite...lonesome, especially when one has been living for as long as the sisters have. I don´t think Tanya would ever openly admit it, but she was lonely. She was yearning for something more than the occasional fling or ONS.
That´s how this whole thing with Edward started. He was a vampire, he was single, he was there. That´s all this was, imo. All of it combined seemed like the perfect match and seeing how our girl got people probably tripping over themselves to fulfill her every wish, surely this time wouldn´t be any different-
...Except, it was different. Eddy didn´t bite - that was a first. Something Tanya wasn´t used to, perhaps - hence why she was so hellbent on making things work between them. Our girl loves a good challenge.
(Human!Tanya in today´s day and age would be a total Daddy´s girl - used to getting her way and never been told "No". Yall can´t convince me otherwise.)
I´ve said it before: Tanya is a woman who will go after what she´s set her eyes on with everything she´s got. And what she´s set her eyes on wasn´t necessarily Edward himself, but rather what he represented - an end to her solitude.
Well, it didn´t work out in the end - obviously. But that craving for something more persisted. Enter-
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"You", a husky voice almost breathed to your left, causing you to startle slightly before turning to take a look at the blonde wom-
...bombshell of a woman, who was currently staring at you like she´s never seen another human being in her life. Or perhaps you got something on your face.
In any case, that unblinking stare was quite unnerving.
"Uh...hey? Can I help you?" That came out a tad bit more aggressive than you intended but, in your defense, it´s been a long day.
You´ve only just had time to sit down and unwind after having packed up your whole life and shiped it here, to Alaska - your new home. Or, well, what you hoped would become your new home, in time. You´ve always struggled with adjusting to changes and this one was huge, but more than that: necessary. You wouldn´t have made it otherwise, of that you were certain.
So, here you were now - trying to enjoy some well-deserved me time in this little coffee shop you found when you were taking your first stroll through the quaint town of Fairbanks.
...Emphasis on trying, because that woman was still staring at you. She still hasn´t blinked yet. You don´t think any part of her has moved since she came to stand before you like a bearer of bad news. Honestly? You were starting to believe it. Something about this situation - about her - just felt off.
The exasperation that was steadily creeping up on you increased tenfold when some other blonde bimbo approaches, eyes laser-focused on your weird altercation, wearing a smile that showed way too much teeth-
'Can´t one enjoy their overpriced and incredibly stale coffee in peace? Goddammit-'
Off to a good start...
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As for our proud coven leader?
Tanya had been suffering this...itch for the past couple of days. She hadn´t been able to make sense of it, hadn´t been able to figure out why she was experiencing it in the first place. All she could focus on was how utterly distracting it was, how much of a power it held over her - making her stumble through this town in search of its source. It was driving her mad.
That near magnetic pull seemed to have reached its peak today, the force of it almost bringing her down to her knees. Her eyes were wide open, but she wasn´t seeing. She pushed through the haze, body on autopilot, blindly following wherever instinct seemed to lead her. She was close - so close she could nearly taste it-
The jingling of a bell registered somewhere within her, sounding out rather dull though; nothing more than a background noise. She took in her surroundings - warm afternoon sunlight filtering through the windows, soft chatter and laughter floating through the air, the clinking of cups and the gentle hum of the espresso machine, the woman sitting on a bar chair across from her-
All of a sudden, the haze cleared and a wave of contentment washed over her. At the same time, everything around her seemed to fade until the only thing left to focus on was-
She entirely ceased to function for a hot second before remembering she was out in the open where she was supposed to human.
"Uh...hey? Can I help you?"
Right now, she couldn´t care less about what she was supposed to do.
She´s puffing up in an instant, like it´s instinct - absolutely ready to slay, to charm, to impress. She's Tanya Denali, for crying out loud. She will not be rendered useless by a human-
No matter how absolutely stunning that human is and how much she longs to be with that human from now on until the end of time because it's meant to be-
Tanya Denali will not be rendered useless. She's the one who renders others useless. So that human woman, currently emitting an absolutely mouthwatering smell, had better get ready to be swept off her feet-
...Except, said human looked anything but. In fact, the woman looked quite unimpressed, just about done with stuff. Not that the vampiress minded much. She knew how wary humans could get in their presence. It happens almost unconsciously, like it´s instinct - a natural response when faced with an apex predator.
'A mere delay of what is to come. Of what is meant to be.'
Just as the coven leader prepared to flash a megawatt smile, which would surely seal the deal-
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"Hey Tanyaaa! Who´s your friend?" She didn´t have to face her sister to know she was smiling like a cat that got the canary - she could hear it in her voice.
"Kate", she managed through gritted teeth. "Shouldn´t you be with Irina? Take care of those...shipments?"
'And quit being a massive pain in my a-'
"Nope", her sister replied bluntly. "It´s all taken care of. Carmen and Eleazar got back from their-"
Her sister´s eyes darted to her companion for a brief moment, much too swift to be perceived by the human eye.
"...Trip a lot earlier than expected. They were so kind to fill in for me, told me to go and check up on my dearest sister instead. Y´know, since the last few days have been quite-"
"Katrina", she whipped around to face her sister when it seemed like the spew of unnecessary information wasn´t going to stop anytime soon. Honestly-
"Don´t you have other things to do? Other places to be?" Her eyebrows raised so high it felt like they nearly met her hairline.
She loves her sister, but Kate has this irritating quality of showing herself when she really wasn´t needed nor wanted. It´s entirely on purpose, of course. Her younger sister does so love pushing buttons and testing limits, especially hers.
Never before in her life had the urge to strangle her sister been this appealing. That cursed smirk-
"Oh...by the way sis-", her left eye was starting to twitch. "I´m not as well-versed as you are when it comes to canoodling with une madame, but I´m pretty sure that´s not how you do it." A pointed look was thrown over her shoulder, head nodding at the human woman still sitting-
...Who used to sit in front of her. She was right there just seconds ago!
Her eyes frantically scanned the establishment, ears straining to detect that angelic voice, nose going crazy trying to catch a whiff of-
The little coffee shop went dead silent then, all eyes turned to her, looking at her like she´s completely lost it. Even her sister shot her a look that was free of mirth and mischief for once.
She had to get out of here.
She turned on her heel, blonde curls bouncing as she marched out of the shop, Kate not far behind. It took a mere few seconds until both of them were standing on the sidewalk in front of the facility, but it´s been the longest few seconds of her life.
The urge to break character, to drop this wretched human facade - if only for a moment - so she could-
"Tan...what´s going on?" Eyes roamed up and down her body, taking in her frenzied state. "What just happened in there?"
A hand slowly reached for her, hesitating for the briefest of moments before it came to rest on her shoulder. As if Kate didn´t wish to accidently spook her, as though her sister were dealing with a wild animal.
Honestly? She didn't quite understand, herself. Now that this woman was no longer in her vicinity, that god-awful itch returned. Only this time, it was made so much worse by that mouthwatering smell which seemed to linger in every facet of her being. It made her feel light-headed; she had great difficulty stringing together a coherent thought.
For the first time in over a millennium, she felt drunk.
It was addicting-
"...Tan? Tany-hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Hands grabbed her before she could storm off again. She wasn´t sure where to, exactly. She moved on autopilot, led by a force greater than anything she´s faced in life.
"Will you please tell me what's going on? What's the matter? Is it that woman from before?" That got her listening. "Are you...are you mad at me or something?"
Kate must´ve taken her confused silence as an affirmation. "Come on sis, don´t be like that. I´m sorry, okay? I´m sorry for thwarting your plans of getting into that woman´s pants. But Tan...there´s more where she came from. You´re gonna have your hands full in no time, I´m sure-"
The rational part of her recognized her sister was trying to cheer her up by being her usual impish self. Had she not been as preoccupied as she was in this moment, she might´ve even appreciated it.
However, the primal part of her that seemed to continuously gain the upper hand as time went on did not appreciate it. On the contrary - it roared and snapped its teeth at the implication she would make do with any other ever again-
"-emember? You were so furious at me because she´s had you in a limbo for weeks. I know you have a thing for prudes, but I still think I did you a favor. Some of them just aren´t worth the trouble, if you ask me. Why suffer blue balls when you can have any other-"
As Kate continued her dive into past affairs, she could feel something inside of her snapping.
"She´s NOT just any woman, Kate! So don´t you dare talk about her like she´s merely a way to pass time!" Her sister had the decency to look mildly guilty, at least. More than that though, she looked just as confused as Tanya felt.
"...Okay?" There was that look again. Like she´s lost it. She couldn´t blame her. None of them had ever experienced it...until now.
She ran a hand through her curls in exasperation. "Kate, I...I think...I-"
Gods, what was this woman doing to her?
Hands reached for her again, cradling her upper arms like she was made of porcelain. "Tanya...calm, it´s okay." Kate soothed. "I´d ask you to take a deep breath for me, but that´d kinda be in vain, don´t you think?"
Trust her sister to make light of just about any situation. It´s a trait she both curses and cherishes.
"Honestly though...what´s going on? You´re starting to scare me, sis."
'That makes two of us.'
Yes, this new development did scare her - immensely so. But at the same time, she´s never felt so overcome with purpose and meaning; like everything makes sense now.
In all of her undead existence, she´s never felt so alive.
She couldn´t explain it, even if she tried - one has to experience it to understand. If she had to put a name to it, however-
"Kate..." Her sister took note of her ever-growing smile with a mix of uncertainty and anticipation. Had it still been necessary for her to take a breath, she would have refused to release it in that moment. Tanya was sure of it.
"I think...I think I´ve found my mate."
A/N: Well, that kinda escalated. I´m glad it did though, lel.
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