#Tango peninsula
hi-technique · 2 years
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aquaquadrant · 2 years
there is a ticking clock
Warnings: Mild language, shipping
Summary: Etho walks through the forest with a clock in his pocket.
A/N: Ik I’m late to the party but I’ve been on vacation, after I came home I binged Etho’s pov and then stayed up til 2 am writing. Y’all can blame @lunarcrown and this post for this one. Hope u enjoy, pls reblog if u do! - Aqua
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
there is a ticking clock
Etho walks through the forest with a clock in his pocket.
It’s a standard clock made of gold and powered by redstone, no bigger than the palm of his hand. He’s attached an iron chain to it, because he knows its intended recipient prefers to have a clock within view at all times instead of hidden away in an inventory. It’s easier not to lose track of time that way. Because if it’s out of sight, it’s out of mind.
Another clock is ticking against Etho’s wrist, beating with the same rhythm as his pulse. The numbers are green. The game’s just started and he has plenty of time. This is what he tells himself as he tugs his sleeve down to cover up the timer. He can still feel it, though. Always ticking.
‘You have twenty-four hours to live,’ Grian had said. ‘Good luck.’
Etho’s luck has held pretty well so far. He hasn’t died yet, he’s found a good team, and he’s even gathered some decent resources. Including enough resources to make a clock. Just four lumps of gold and one handful of redstone dust. Redstone is more precious to Etho than gold, maybe even more than diamonds at this moment, but he hadn’t given it a second thought as he put the clock together.
Like the other players, Etho has lived countless lives in countless worlds. But one thing that remains constant is that whatever world Bdubs is in, he needs a clock. It doesn’t matter if he’s in a world where he can’t sleep- which is a special kind of hell for Bdubs, Etho knows- he still needs to have one. 
It helps him, Etho thinks. Knowing when the night will come.
Etho knows what happened on Third Life; Scar gave Bdubs a clock, and Bdubs killed Impulse for him. Etho also knows what happened on Double Life; Bdubs and Impulse were soulmates, and Impulse gave Bdubs a clock as a token of their bond. Forgiveness and a promise all wrapped up in one gesture of kindness- and perhaps, something more.
They were married, back then. Etho doesn’t know what that means, now that they’re in a new world.
(The clock’s always ticking.)
Etho’s already found Bdubs in this world, but they’ve ended up on different teams. Bdubs with Scar and Cleo, Etho with Tango, Skizz, and Impulse- ironically. That doesn’t bother Etho. He’s never had a problem with Impulse. The guy is too earnest, too kind. Even when he and Bdubs were soulmates, he’d welcomed Etho’s allegiance with open arms- and perhaps, something more.
If Etho had been brave enough to ask. If Joel hadn’t been so committed. If things hadn’t gone so badly so quickly. That’s always how it goes, isn’t it? They think they have more time before it all goes to hell, and they’re always wrong.
But this time will be different. This time, Etho knows exactly how much time he has left.
(The ticking clock won’t let him forget.)
It wasn’t that hard to track down Bdubs. Etho follows his voice like a compass, weaving through the dense oak trees, ducking under branches, hopping over small craters in the dirt. He slips a hand into his pocket as he goes, just to make sure the clock is still there. He wraps the chain around his fingers. The metal’s cool against his skin.
He doesn’t call out to Bdubs, not yet. He only catches brief glances of the other player, a flash of red and white against the green forest. Bdubs is talking to himself, oblivious that he’s being followed. Or maybe he’s not. Maybe he’s just humoring Etho until he can get the drop on him, turn the tables on him. It’s a game of cat-and-mouse they play often, a thrilling dance. Etho’s always loved the chase, and Bdubs knows it.
Bdubs disappears around the side of a peninsula with a modest hill on it. The hill where Etho is currently setting up for a mob farm. Etho holds his breath as he follows, inching across the sandbank. His ears are pricked and his eyes are up, muscles tense, waiting for a possible sneak attack- but he hears Bdubs continue on the other side.
Etho steps around the corner.
Bdubs is walking towards the small island that is the top of Etho’s underground base- his and Impulse’s and Tango’s and Skizz’s. Impulse and Tango are currently working on it, flattening out the terrain to make room for the future structure.
Etho pauses, only a few blocks from the narrow sandback that leads to the island.
He’d wanted to do this in private. Like a secret pact, just between them. Impulse and Tango are on his team, the TIES. They’re allies; he shouldn’t be keeping secrets from them. But deep down, Etho knows who he’d choose if it came down to either of them or Bdubs.
If it came down to anyone or Bdubs.
They haven’t noticed him yet. Etho takes a step back, watching the trio. Bdubs has made it across and is chatting to Impulse from behind an abruptly placed door. Tango is still clearing land away. None of them notice as Etho turns around and sprints down the coast, his footsteps light on the sand. He leaps over the river and darts back into the forest, back into the trees.
No voices call after him. He stops to catch his breath.
Later. He’ll do it later- he’s got plenty of time.
(The clock on his wrist is ticking.)
He ends up going to Bdubs’ base at the top of the mountain, because- well. They have cows. Etho’s own team has tried multiple times to acquire two cows, to no avail. If Etho takes two now, he’ll have solved his team’s problem and given Bdubs a reason to come after him. He just knows it’ll tick Bdubs off. So he’ll take two cows now while no one is home and then Bdubs will come for him later and Etho can give him the clock then.
Except Cleo’s home, actually. And she makes it quite clear that the only way Etho is taking any cows is by force. Etho doesn’t want to get into a fight with Cleo; not this soon, not over this. So he concedes defeat and returns home.
He’ll figure out another way to get Bdubs alone, to give him the clock. He’s still got time.
(Always ticking.)
When Etho reaches the end of the forest that overlooks his base, he pauses. He can hear faint voices, and peeks out from behind a tree, not yet willing to reveal himself.
Bdubs is still on the island, talking with Impulse while Tango lingers beside them. Etho can’t make out what they’re saying from this distance. He tries to listen anyways, and catches only snippets. He watches intently, noting who has a weapon equipped, just in case anything should go wrong-
Something familiar is in Impulse’s hand. Something gold.
Etho’s heart jolts. His pulse thrums in his ears, beating in sync with the ticking of the clock. He can barely hear the loud exclamation Bdubs lets out, breaking into a wide grin as his face lights up with joy.
Impulse has given Bdubs a clock.
Etho’s heart drops into his boots. His grip tightens around the clock in his pocket. 
The three of them are still talking, out of earshot. Impulse’s face is happily flushed as he rubs the back of his neck. Bdubs is nodding enthusiastically, clutching the clock to his chest. Tango is watching with folded arms and an amused expression. Even without words, Etho knows what it means.
Suddenly, they’re turning towards Etho. He jolts in surprise, body tensing up as he’s split between running or freezing. He isn’t sure if they’re actually looking at him- Bdubs seems to be pointing more towards the mountain.
But he isn't going to risk it; spying from the treeline is a bad look. He emerges from the forest at a jog, casually making his way down the hillside, into the water, and is thankful that he’s wearing a mask that conceals most of his expression. They notice but don’t acknowledge him as he climbs onto the bank of the island.
“Yeah,” Bdubs is saying to Tango, “just right up the hill. Me, Cleo- 
“That you?” Tango asks, glancing up at the mountain.
“-Scar. And- yeah.” Bdubs blinks, nods his head. “Uh, and, we’re gonna-”
“B- Bdubs?” Etho calls softly, stepping forward to tap him on the shoulder.
His other hand is in his pocket, holding the clock, fingers twisted in chain. It ticks against his skin, like the clock etched against his wrist. His next sentence is already on his tongue, a sheepish yet amused, ‘Guess Impulse beat me to it, huh?’ as he pulls the clock out. It’ll get some laughs, but hopefully it’ll also get his point across to Bdubs. Hopefully he can still save this.
It takes Bdubs a second to process that Etho’s talking to him. “Yeah, we’re gonna create a-” He breaks off mid-sentence, head whipping over his shoulder to gawk at Etho. “Uh- may I finish?” he asks incredulously.
The words die on Etho’s tongue. Bdubs’ tone is- well. It’s Bdubs. All loud and brash and full of unrestrained emotion, never holding anything back. But something about it is different. Something about it is wrong. There was a very real shock there, almost a panic. Like he doesn’t want Etho to be here right now-
“For goodness sake,” Bdubs continues grumbling, face red, “come in an’ interrupt me, n‘less it’s an emergency, a creeper behind me…”
He’s still holding the clock in his hand. 
Etho just stands there, blinking. Impulse and Tango are snickering behind their hands, mistaking the situation as humorous. Not realizing there was anything behind Bdubs’ tone behind a teasing annoyance. Maybe Bdubs doesn’t even realize it.
(The clock is still ticking.)
Seemingly satisfied, Bdubs turns back to Impulse and Tango. He finds his train of thought, starting again. “Uh… I just-”
“Bdubs.” Etho finds his voice, stepping forward again. “I just- I just wanted to say-”
Bdubs fully whirls around this time. “Would you please?!” he shouts.
It should be funny. That’s how he means it, Etho knows. That’s what they do; they banter, they jibe. That’s just the dynamic they have. Etho picks at Bdubs, and Bdubs reacts. He pretends things annoy him more than they do. It’s funny. 
Unbeknownst to Bdubs, he’s given Etho the perfect setup. All Etho has to do is pull the clock out of his pocket, hold it out, and deliver his line. But the joke will stem from Etho’s lateness, the hilarity and redundancy of him giving Bdubs a clock right after Impulse already has.
And a joke like that hits a little too close for comfort.
Etho backs off, managing a chuckle. “Sorry, sorry…”
Bdubs smoothly picks back up his conversation. “We’re makin’ an amphitheater,” he tells Tango and Impulse, “and we’re just gonna sit and watch and wait when people die, and come back. It’s fun.”
“I like it, I like it.”
“Oh, great!”
“It’s nice…”
A small pause as the conversation lulls. Finally, Bdubs turns to face Etho. He puts his hands on his hips, one eyebrow quirked expectantly. “Yes, Etho?” he asks, like an exasperated school teacher. “Goodness.”
Etho’s heart pounds. The clock ticks.
(It’s always ticking.)
Etho shoves the clock deeper into his pocket and withdraws his hand. He shrugs as he turns away.
“Nothin’,” he breathes finally. He grins, letting the curve of his mouth shape a humor into his words that he doesn’t feel, and is once again thankful he’s wearing a mask. “Nothin’.”
Scowling, Bdubs throws his hands in the air. “What?” he demands, stalking a few steps after Etho as Etho retreats further; a shallow imitation of their usual dance. “All that for nothin’?”
A comical response, as expected. Impulse and Tango are laughing, oblivious. Etho makes himself laugh, too. He can’t feel the clock in his pocket ticking anymore, but he can feel the one on his wrist, beating with his heart.
(Tick, tick, tick.)
He’s out of time.
Etho doesn’t really pay attention to the conversation after that. He wanders into the shallows around the island, collecting kelp. It’s not cows, but it’s something. And after just a couple more minutes, Bdubs starts ambling back towards the shore, not even addressing Etho in his farewell. 
Etho wonders if he’s the reason Bdubs chose to leave now. He wonders if Bdubs would’ve stayed and talked more with Impulse, had Etho not arrived when he did. He wonders what would’ve happened if he hadn’t left, if he’d approached Bdubs at the start and given him the clock before Impulse.
He thought he’d had more time. That’s always how it goes, isn’t it?
(Yet the ticking hasn’t stopped.)
The next day, Etho walks through the forest with a clock in his pocket.
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japaneseaesthetics · 2 years
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Utagawa Hiroshige: Amanohashidate Peninsula in Tango Province
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japan-minka · 2 years
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Ine - Kyoto
In November this year we took a drive to the west coast of Japan and explored the spectacular coastline between Tsuruga and Tango Peninsula, before heading east to Ago bay in Mie prefecture.
Ine is a small village at the end of the Tango Peninsula that is filled with glorious funaya (boat houses). In 2008, it was voted as one of Japan’s most picturesque villages, which I would agree with. The views were stunning. 
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giuliacolla · 10 months
Finalmente l’Argentina
L’ho sognata per anni, prima e dopo il corona virus.
Finalmente siam partiti, Giampiero ed io.
In primis Buenos Aires: il cuore pulsante di un paese grande quasi 3 milioni di km².
Nella parte nord della città abbiamo visitato i ricchi quartieri di Palermo
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e di Recoleta, nel cui cimitero riposa Eva Peron.
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Poi Plaza de Mayo con la Casa Rosada, il Parlamento e la Catedral, da cui proviene Papa Francesco.
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Eccellente caffe da “Pertutti”: bar sontuoso, sembrava di essere al S. Carlo di Torino.
Lasciamo B.A. per volare a El Calafate e visitare il Parque Nacional “Los Glaciares”, dove sono presenti tre diversi ambienti:
l’alta montagna, con i famosi ghiacciai Perito Moreno e Upsala
il bosco andino-patagonico, con foreste di Lenga e Nire
la steppa patagonica, settimo maggior deserto del mondo.
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Partiamo per escursione d’intera giornata “Todo Glaciares”, navigando il lago argentino tra gli iceberg, con sosta per il lunch alla base Spegazzini.
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Successiva tappa: Ushuaia. Sorvoliamo lo stretto di Magellano e raggiungiamo questa perla di città ai confini del mondo.
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Qui, sotto l’ottima guida di Mariano, visitiamo il parco nazionale “Tierra del Fuego”, dove i primi abitanti, gli indios Ona, usavano accendere grandi fuochi, da cui il nome dato dai primi colonizzatori.
Segue la navigazione sul canale di Beagle, dove ammiriamo le colonie di leoni marini e di cormorani.
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Al 9° giorno voliamo a Trelew e raggiungiamo Puerto Madryn. visitiamo quindi la Peninsula Valdes, dove alla Estancia S. Lorenzo possiamo camminare in mezzo alla più grande colonia di pinguini del continente.
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Al tramonto ci imbarchiamo a Puerto Piramides per ammirare le balene: eccitante, ma un freddo boia!
Il 4° volo è per le cascate di Iguazù. Le ammiriamo da sopra e da sotto, dal versante argentino e da quello brasiliano: una meraviglia!
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Concludiamo la nostra vacanza con la visita ai quartieri sud di Buenos Aires, S. Telmo e La Boca.
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Alla sera non possiamo mancare lo spettacolo del tango.
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È stato un viaggio magnifico, anche se molto stancante, organizzato dall’agenzia Etlim di Imperia per un gruppo di 22 persone con cui ci siamo trovati bene. Il viaggio è durato 15 gg., di cui 2 di viaggio con Argentina Aerolineas, durata 14 ore (-4 all’andata + 4 al ritorno).
Oltre ai bei ricordi ci portiamo a casa anche quattro riproduzioni di un artista argentino che esponeva a Ushuaia.
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chennaitop10article · 1 month
Best Builders in Chennai: Top Choices for Quality Construction
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Chennai, one of the major metropolitan cities in India, has a booming real estate market. The city is home to several renowned builders who have made a significant mark in the construction industry by delivering high-quality residential and commercial projects. Whether you're looking for luxury apartments, budget-friendly homes, or commercial spaces, Chennai's builders have something to offer for every need. Here’s a look at some of the best builders in Chennai:
1. Casagrand Builders
Casagrand Builders is a prominent name in Chennai’s real estate sector, known for delivering quality residential projects across the city. With a focus on modern architecture, timely delivery, and customer satisfaction, Casagrand has established itself as a reliable builder.
Key Projects:
Casagrand Lorenza
Casagrand Millenia
Casagrand Tudor
2. TVS Emerald
TVS Emerald, a subsidiary of the TVS Group, is recognized for its eco-friendly and sustainable housing projects. The company emphasizes on creating communities that offer a blend of modern living with green spaces.
Key Projects:
TVS Emerald Green Enclave
TVS Emerald Peninsula
TVS Emerald Verdant Woods
3. Appaswamy Real Estates
A pioneer in Chennai’s real estate industry, Appaswamy Real Estates is known for its innovation in developing residential and commercial spaces. The company’s projects are synonymous with luxury and convenience.
Key Projects:
Appaswamy Habitat
Appaswamy Springs
Appaswamy Trellis
4. Puravankara Limited
Puravankara is a renowned builder with a strong presence in Chennai’s real estate market. Known for its luxury projects, the company offers a range of residential options from premium apartments to affordable homes.
Key Projects:
Purva Somerset House
Purva Windermere
Purva Skywood
5. Sobha Developers
Sobha Developers is a trusted name in the construction industry, not just in Chennai but across India. The company is known for its commitment to quality and excellence, offering a wide range of residential and commercial projects.
Key Projects:
Sobha Serene
Sobha Winchester
Sobha Meritta
6. Akshaya Pvt Ltd
Akshaya Pvt Ltd is one of Chennai’s most respected builders, known for its ethical business practices and customer-centric approach. The company has delivered several landmark projects in the city.
Key Projects:
Akshaya Tango
Akshaya Orlando
Akshaya Today
7. Brigade Group
Brigade Group, a well-established builder in South India, has a significant presence in Chennai. The company is known for its innovative designs, timely delivery, and high standards of construction.
Key Projects:
Brigade Xanadu
Brigade Residences
Brigade Wisteria
8. Prestige Group
The Prestige Group is a leading real estate developer in Chennai, with a strong reputation for delivering premium projects. The company’s portfolio includes residential apartments, commercial spaces, and retail outlets.
Key Projects:
Prestige Courtyards
Prestige Bella Vista
Prestige Downtown
9. L&T Realty
L&T Realty, the real estate arm of Larsen & Toubro, is known for its world-class residential and commercial projects. The company’s projects in Chennai are known for their quality, durability, and aesthetic appeal.
Key Projects:
L&T Eden Park
L&T Raintree Boulevard
L&T Emerald Isle
10. Hiranandani Communities
Hiranandani is a name synonymous with luxury and high-end living. Their projects in Chennai are among the most sought after for those looking for upscale homes with top-notch amenities.
Key Projects:
Hiranandani Upscale
Hiranandani Anchorage
Hiranandani Tiana
Choosing the right builders in Chennai depends on various factors including your budget, location preference, and the type of property you are looking for. The builders listed above are some of the best in the city, known for their commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Whether you are buying your first home or investing in a commercial property, these builders offer a range of options to suit your needs.
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surajheroblog · 6 months
Navigating Your Data Science Journey: Career Paths Unveiled
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Welcome aboard, aspiring data scientists! Whether you’re a fresh graduate, a career switcher, or someone curious about the fascinating world of data science, this blog post is your compass. We’ll chart the course through various data science career paths, explore the skills needed, and even drop anchor in Bengaluru—the Silicon Valley of India.
Introduction: Setting Sail into the Data Ocean
Data science isn’t just about crunching numbers; it’s about unraveling insights that drive business decisions, cure diseases, and power self-driving cars. As you embark on this voyage, remember that data science is a vast archipelago with diverse islands to explore. Let’s hoist the sails and dive into the azure waters of career possibilities.
1. The Analyst Archipelago
Data Analyst
Data Science Training Course Bengaluru: Begin your journey here. Data analysts swim in data lakes, extracting meaning from raw numbers. They wrangle spreadsheets, SQL databases, and visualize trends.
��From Excel to Insights: Becoming a Data Analyst”
“SQL Sorcery: Unleashing the Power of Databases”
“Pandas Playground: A Data Analyst’s Toolkit”
Business Analyst
Data Science Training Course Bengaluru: Business analysts bridge the gap between data and strategy. They decode business problems, create dashboards, and guide decision-makers.
“Deciphering Business Puzzles: The Role of a Business Analyst”
“Tableau Tales: Crafting Visual Narratives for Stakeholders”
“ROI Wizards: How Business Analysts Measure Success”
2. The Machine Learning Peninsula
Machine Learning Engineer
Data Science Training Course Bengaluru: These engineers build AI models. They code in Python, wield TensorFlow, and fine-tune neural networks.
“Coding Alchemy: The Journey of a Machine Learning Engineer”
“Deep Dive into Deep Learning: Architectures and Algorithms”
“Hyperparameter Tuning: The Art of Model Optimization”
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Specialist
Data Science Training Course Bengaluru: NLP specialists teach machines to understand human language. They chat with chatbots, analyze sentiment, and translate languages.
“Wordsmiths of AI: NLP Specialists Unleashed”
“Tokenization Tango: Breaking Text into Meaningful Bits”
“BERT and Beyond: Navigating NLP Models”
3. The Data Engineering Atoll
Data Engineer
Data Science Training Course Bengaluru: Data engineers build pipelines. They collect, clean, and transform data. Think of them as plumbers for data flow.
“Pipeline Architects: The Role of Data Engineers”
“ETL Magic: Extract, Transform, Load”
“Streaming Data Symphony: Kafka and Spark”
Cloud Data Engineer
Data Science Training Course Bengaluru: These engineers live in the cloud. They deploy data lakes, orchestrate workflows, and ensure scalability.
“Up in the Clouds: The Journey of a Cloud Data Engineer”
“BigQuery Brilliance: Querying Petabytes in Seconds”
“Serverless Spells: Lambda Functions and Data Pipelines”
Conclusion: Drop Anchor and Share Your Thoughts
Ahoy, fellow data adventurers! As you sail through these career currents, remember that Bengaluru offers a treasure trove of data science training courses. Dive deep, learn, and let’s connect. Leave a comment below—share your insights, questions, or even your favorite data science meme. Fair winds and happy coding!
Ready to embark on your data science journey? Join our comprehensive Data Science Training Course in Bengaluru and set sail toward a rewarding career!
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tangotravel · 1 year
Ain Sokhna Shore Excursions - discover the best day trips and activities
Sokhna Port is located on the Red Sea coast of Egypt, and from there you can see a beautiful view of the Red Sea itself. The port is close to several popular tourist destinations, including the resort town of Ain Sokhna and the ancient city of Suez. Depending on the location of your vantage point, you may also be able to see the surrounding mountains and desert landscape. Additionally, the port may be a hub of activity with cargo ships, fishing boats, and other vessels coming and going throughout the day.
Sokhna Port is the closest seaport to the Egyptian capital, Cairo, and is an important hub for trade and shipping in the region. The port is located on the Gulf of Suez, which is a branch of the Red Sea that is bordered by the Sinai Peninsula to the east and mainland Egypt to the west. The Red Sea is known for its crystal clear waters and vibrant marine life, making it a popular destination for snorkeling and diving.
In addition to the natural beauty of the surrounding area, there are several tourist attractions in the vicinity of Sokhna Port. Ain Sokhna is a resort town located just a few kilometers from the port, and it offers a range of activities such as water sports, golf, and spa treatments. The ancient city of Suez, which is located about 60 kilometers to the north of Sokhna Port, has a rich history and is home to several historical sites such as the Suez Canal and the Suez War Memorial, enjoy Ain Sokhna Shore Excursions with Tango Travel Egypt.
What Is The Best Shore Excursions From Sokhna?
Sokhna is a popular port city in Egypt and offers a variety of exciting Ain Sokhna shore excursions for visitors. Here are some of the best shore excursions from Sokhna:
Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx: This is the most popular excursion from Sokhna. You can visit the three pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx, which are some of the most iconic landmarks in Egypt.
Cairo City Tour: You can explore the city of Cairo and visit its famous attractions such as the Egyptian Museum, Khan El-Khalili, and the Citadel of Salah El Din.
Alexandria City Tour: You can visit the coastal city of Alexandria, which is known for its ancient history and stunning architecture. You can explore attractions such as the Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa, the Library of Alexandria, and the Montazah Palace Gardens.
Luxor City Tour: You can take a trip to Luxor, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site and home to some of the most impressive ancient temples and tombs in Egypt. You can visit the Valley of the Kings, Karnak Temple, and the Luxor Temple.
Red Sea Snorkeling: If you're looking for a more adventurous excursion, you can take a snorkeling trip to the Red Sea, where you can explore the underwater world and see various marine life.
These are just a few of the many exciting shore excursions you can take from Sokhna. Be sure to do your research and choose an excursion that suits your interests and preferences.
How long does it take to get to Luxor from Sokhna?
The distance between Sokhna and Luxor is approximately 550 km (340 miles), and the travel time can vary depending on the mode of transportation you choose. Here are some estimated travel times:
By Car: Driving from Sokhna to Luxor can take 6-7 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions.
By Bus: Taking a bus from Sokhna to Luxor can take around 8-9 hours, depending on the bus route and stops.
By Plane: Flying from Cairo (which is the closest major airport to Sokhna) to Luxor takes around 1 hour and 15 minutes. However, you would need to factor in additional time for transportation to and from the airport.
Overall, the travel time from Sokhna to Luxor can take anywhere from 6 to 9 hours, depending on your mode of transportation. It's important to factor in travel time and plan accordingly when scheduling a day trip or excursion to Luxor from Sokhna.
Overall, Sokhna Port is a gateway to a beautiful region of Egypt that offers a blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and modern amenities.
For more info. kindly visit www.tango-travel.com
or send your request to [email protected]
Tel or WhatsApp:201111109106
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Name: Sai Shae Merrill Color: Mango Tango #Fb8842 Symbol: skull Strife Specibus: fankind Handle: angelicCacodemon Animal: alpaca Pronouns: she/her Age: 27 Birthday: 8th day of the year Sexuality: irrelevant Interests: dandyism and proofreading and editing Dream Moon: prospit Classpect: Sylph of Rage Land: Land of Crystal and Schadenfreude, a dull place, with spotless Peninsula tiger snake consorts. It is a place full of webs and windchimes. Themis can't wait to meet the player. Instrument: terpodion via homestuck-human-generator https://ift.tt/iM9yOEk
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gillianthecat · 2 years
even more tango: Astrid Weiske and Erica Atnip dancing to Brandi Carlile's rendition of "Hallelujah"
Peninsula Cho and Jinsuk Muchacha dancing to "De pura cepa" by Juan D'Arienzo
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silverskye13 · 2 years
Etho stumbled onto the beach, tired, sore, hungry, and one moment of weakness away from calling Tango and begging for mercy. Sure, the whole exile thing had been his idea. Sure, it had all gone downhill at approximately the same intervals he thought it would. And sure, he'd feel really, really stupid for making Tango help him dig himself into this hole only to whine to be dug out again, but who could blame him? Life in exile was hard.
Everything that could possibly go wrong had gone wrong, he couldn't get a moment of peace with all the half-panicked villagers milling around, and his gear was half busted. There were raids too. Death after death to vexes and evokers lost in the caverns. Dragging himself through mud and water and gravel just to trudge back up to the villager bell and have no clue where the final raiders were. Ravagers pitching him off the cliff at every other turn...
Etho sighed dramatically and sprawled out in the sand, letting himself sink body and soul into self pity and misery. His communicator was a brick in his pocket, taunting him with its presence. It stuck to his thigh with the uncomfortable, matted grasp of wet fabric. He was well and truly soaked after his last climb through the caverns, and his clothes clung to him like a second skin, salted with sweat and blotted with blood from cuts and scrapes. A crossbow bolt, broken at the shaft, pinned his belt against his chainmail. The tip of the bolt pricked him uncomfortably, worrying the bruise that had formed around its impact; though it was rendered nonlethal by the stubborn mail he was wearing, it still hurt. Laying in the sand like he was, he was just adding more grit to the mix, more minor inconveniences to add straws of weight to the almost-broken back of his resistance. More to scrub and clean and dwell on later, while he contemplated giving up.
The sky above was cloudless and brimming with stars.
Etho watched the tiny points of light flicker, and mapped the planets that didn't. His single player world was up there somewhere. So were all the other Hermitcrafts he'd been to - and those he hadn't. It was weird knowing he could chart his presence in the universe with points of light. There had been a long time, before so many worlds formed and fought into being, that he had charted his existence by thoughts and impulses and idle curiosity. Ethoslab - void first, player afterthought. He couldn't really pinpoint the moment he chose physicality, he only knew that he had, and had yet to un-choose it.
There was so much more of him. He was so much bigger than this little peninsula of shoreline. So much bigger than pesky ravagers, peskier villagers. He could give up and just recede back up there into the stars, bid farewell to Season 9. He'd started late anyway. Imposed a barrier he had too much trouble crossing. No one would blame him if he simply unspooled himself into the aether and rested for a while. For a season. Maybe two. The hermits were understanding like that. It was one of the things that made them mortal - the ability to empathize and understand.
Not that Etho couldn't do either of those things. It just took effort, like climbing uphill through a water stream. Like running from waves of vex summoned by a hidden evoker. He thought maybe his exile would help with that: the effort to pretend to be mortal. The effort to understand things the way they did, relate the way they did. To enjoy their company the way they enjoyed his.
No one would blame him if he decided he was too tired. They couldn't. It wasn't in their nature.
Etho blinked up at his stars, his universe, the pieces of him he'd left behind places where he tried his hardest to be player first, void second. He should make a decision. He should reach into his pocket and call Tango. Or he should drag himself to his feet and soldier on.
Or he could just sleep on the beach here. Sure he'd wake up cold and sandy, but hey, the sound of the waves was nice. It was a steady rhythm, the water muttering incomprehensible secrets to the sand and shells. He timed his breathing with the rolling surf, watched the sky, and tried to live in a single moment. His skin itched where it touched the sand. His scalp crawled where the water in his hair dried. He closed his eyes and sighed, bearing his discomforts as best he could.
He didn't fall asleep. He was lulled to the edge of it, maybe. His breath evened out. His thoughts spun towards nonexistence. His body was weighted with the feeling of sinking through the ground, through his subconscious into comfortable oblivion. Then, with every rush of the waves, wakefulness returned for him like a stray dog - meandering and lazy, but brutally persistent.
He was dragged awake alongside the presence of... something. He couldn't place it at first, so hazy in his exhaustion that he measured it as his own wakefulness at first. As he sat up in the sand though, he found whatever it was out there was distinct from himself. It was a great unspooling of something, a system of thought and presence in the water. The horizon was alight with it, a pale pseudo-sunrise that pulsed like heat rays off the surface of the water. Its consciousness brushed his, extended as he had been, and he felt the edges of something vast, fathomless, deep and drowning. It was cold in that crushing way the depth of the ocean is cold, a sunless dark smothered by water and distance, alight only by the predatory longing to feed. It was sharp-toothed, patient as a mountain in the breath before an avalanche, and when it brushed by him, it grinned.
The waves arced higher, roared, raced and crashed. White sea foam curled up the beach towards him, electrified by the thought and will that compelled it. Brightly colored fish, tinged silver-grey by the night, darted from them, roiling the water in great pulses and ripples. Entire schools of them fled the water, leaping into the sky as though driven by some great predator, backlit by that yellow phosphorescence in the deep that Etho recognized as eyes. Dozens of gazes trained in his direction, their lights spilling together. The sea boiled. The thing was nearing the shore. As it approached, it made itself familiar. Dark depths of frigid presence condensed and warmed themselves. Bright eyes winked out one after another until only two remained, unsettlingly bright, but human in their proportion. The crashing waves soothed, returning to a gentle rolling against the shore, and with each beat forward, they pulled this thing, now a him, towards dry land. 
xB crawled out of the water with all the clumsy effort and strength of the first amphibians sniffing for shore in the times before history. His clothes were soaked. His hair was streaked with sand and kelp. His hands were planted firmly in his pockets. If not for all the sea water, and the hint of scales and gills like lace around his throat, he could have just strolled out of a building in the shopping district.
"Hullo," xB said anticlimactically, grinning with teeth that looked as though they couldn't decide how human they should be. They were situated in simple, straight rows, but the gums were too pale, and the white bone too sharp. 
"Hey xB," Etho squinted his eyes, the closest to a smile he had to get with the mask on. It saved him the effort of trying to figure out how to arrange his face for human interaction. "Out fishing?"
xB chuckled, tilting his head to the side to let some trapped water out of his ear. It was just a few more indistinguishable drops to add to the damp ring of sand around his feet. "Maybe. You out star gazing?"
"I'm in exile."
"Ah. I see. So that’s why you’re so far out here,” xB shook his head, scattering water and sand from his hair. If the action was meant to dry him at all, it didn’t help. He sat down beside Etho, and the smell of salt and fish misted off of him in waves. “Should I leave?”
“I feel like you’re not going to,” Etho chuckled, laying back in the sand. He crossed his arms behind his head and gazed up at the sky, re-charting points of light he’d already mapped a thousand times in his head. “What brings you all the way out here?”
“I needed a vacation,” xB sighed and stretched, and bones that hadn’t existed a few minutes ago popped and cracked along his spine. “I love all those guys dearly, really I do, but they’re all so…” He trailed off, trying to find the right words. Finally he settled on, “... human.”
Etho nodded.
“They move too fast, and they work too big,” xB explained, as though he had to. “There’s so much emotionality going on there. I needed to just be…” he gestured vaguely to the ocean, conveying some other indescribable thing he was having trouble putting into words, “... you know. For a little while.”
“I get it,” Etho hummed, blinking skyward. He and xB were a lot alike, all things considered. The deep ocean and its half-life sentience, and the void and its time-damned knowingness, felt similar from time to time. To sensitive hands, both ice and liquid nitrogen felt cold. There were generous differences between the two things, but cold wasn’t one of them. “Well, don’t stop on my account.”
“I’m stopping on my account,” xB chuckled, even though there wasn’t much to laugh at. “I don’t wanna get lost in it, yanno? Ya’ll wouldn’t see me for the rest of the season.”
Etho nodded wordlessly. 
“Unless,” xB said slowly, smirking down at him with bright eyes, “that was a really subtle way of telling me to shove off.”
Etho feigned hurt, placing a hand over his chest and raising his eyebrows, “xB! I would never--”
“Oh I see right through you, spaceman,” xB laughed. “Putting the hermit in hermitcraft out here. I see how it is.”
xB didn’t move to stand, but then again, that was the nature of the ocean. The surf didn’t leave the cliff because it wanted some alone time. It dug in and chipped away, until it had all the bones of the earth powdered to sand. So xB didn’t leave, and Etho didn’t try to make him. The void was more of a watcher than an actor anyway, and he could outlast xB’s patience. That wasn’t a sea-void metaphor, that was just them.
“I’m guessing you’re out here for the same reasons I am, then?” xB pressed on, heedless of Etho’s silence. “It takes some adjustment, but the exile’s a little extreme. I prefer full immersion myself.”
“I thought about not joining,” Etho hummed, finding a planet to fix his eyes on. It was a vaguely reddish light in the sky. “I’m joining late as it is.”
“Better late than never?” xB remarked, testing the waters with him, trying to figure out what he needed to hear. Or maybe he was just trying to make conversation. It was an odd little language barrier between them - two strange consciousnesses, one of void one of sea, conversing through the only experience they shared, pretending to be human. It was a language neither of them were the best at, but they tried regardless. 
“It's hard, xB," Etho told him, like he needed the reminder. "My body is awkward, I hate pain, and you're right, they're all so much all the time. I'm nothing. So much of me is just distant points of light and quiet moments."
"You're an airhead," xB concluded for him inelegantly. 
Etho chuckled, "Only sometimes."
"Fill it with redstone then. You're good at that."
"Redstone burns," Etho told him. "I'm not ready to burn yet. I can barely do noise."
"Aren't stars loud?" xB asked him. "I feel like giant burning balls of gas are probably loud."
"Is the bottom of the ocean loud?"
xB tilted his head thoughtfully, like the question had never really occurred to him. "Define loud?"
"Human loud. Like noise."
"The bottom of the ocean probably just sounds like your eardrums bursting, then."
"The void is quiet until you touch something."
xB wrinkled his nose, "But you're always touching something."
"There's not enough something in the void to touch."
"Should be full of water."
"Water is rare."
xB hissed unpleasantly, a disgusted sound that he wasn't quite human enough to make normal. It sounded too much like the charge before a guardian strike. "Water is life."
"Life is rare, and we'd make some mortal philosophers cringe."
The two of them chuckled, because they were talking nonsense - two immortal things pretending they knew mortal concepts like life and rarity. It was funny; pleasantly distracting. It was a distraction that only lasted until they were silent. 
Etho looked up at the sky and sighed. “I don’t know what I’m going to do, xB.”
The sound of the ocean filled the silence between them, calm and steady without xB stirring it up. Etho could imagine it was xB’s heartbeat, constant and droning, an unstoppable rhythm. Etho didn’t have a heartbeat. The vibrations of the universe were random and distant, and many of them weren’t even his to claim. They were worlds and broadcasts, and advanced communicators sending data and coding across lightyears of distance. 
Etho allowed himself a moment to think, really, he was quite lonely. Even sitting beside someone he should have every reason to relate to. And if he had trouble even seeing bits of himself in xB, well, there really wasn’t much hope for him this season, was there? It was a gloomy thought, but it wasn’t a new one. Yes… maybe rest was his best option after all. Like starting a new day, just a few years from now. What was time, really, to someone made of timelessness? The hermits would understand.
“You ever stop and think how cool it is,” xB spoke slowly, gazing up at the sky, picking his words with the same care that astronomers identified planets, “that we live in a universe where, in its two darkest, most desperate places, there are stars?”
Etho sat up slowly, peering out at the ocean. He could see the stars in the sky reflected in smears of light on the water. He got the distinct feeling, though, that they weren’t what xB was talking about. "You mean starfish?"
xB nodded, smirking, like he was aware it was a bit ridiculous. "The deepest oceans I've ever swam, there have always been starfish. Like deep, deep down, where the water's so heavy it sits on your chest like it hates you. They crawl around down there, tenacious little guys. Almost as tenacious as stars making themselves in nebulas, and burning up and making worlds, and burning those up too."
Etho smiled, "Are you giving me a pep-talk, xB?"
"Oh definitely not. It's only a pep-talk if I walk enigmatically into the ocean afterwards," xB stood and stretched, loose sand falling from his clothes and dusting the top of Etho's head. "I'll see you in a few days then, when your exile is over?"
He asked it like it was a real question. Like he didn't already know the answer. Etho shrugged, "Maybe."
xB graced him with one more chuckle, followed by a lazy salute, "Good luck, Etho."
xB walked into the water, shedding his humanity with every step. It seemed less like he disappeared into the water and more like he diffused into it, a collection of thoughts and ideas that colored the surface like spilled oil before melting into the tide and vanishing. Etho watched the place he vanished, watched the breaking of dawn start to lighten the sky on the farthest horizon. One star, then two, then three disappeared into the sunlight. Etho sighed, stood, stretched out his back and felt every pop and ache in his spine as he did so.
"Tenacious as the stars, huh?" Etho asked the ocean in front of him.
He got back to work. 
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catmaidetho · 2 years
meet cute: we beat you to death <3
Etho has joined the game.
Etho stumbled a bit as he came into existence, boots landing hard against stone. It’d been a while since he’d been on the Hermitcraft server… He couldn’t tell exactly how long he’d been on his own in private worlds, but nothing would compare to the magical buzz he always got when he came back to Hermitcraft. He was home.
The skyline of spawn was something to see. Massive towers of diamond ore loomed overhead, tilting over and damaged in increasingly creative ways—was that a Portal redirecting a laser? Beautiful buildings cast shadows over the landscape, and in the distance he swore he saw not one, but two custom trees with slightly glowing leaves reaching towards the sky. Bdubs and Scar, perhaps?
He let his feet take the lead, wandering closer to the river. A boat floated along the water, a few stones made a parkour-style bridge across, and then an actual stone bridge connected the two sides of the river. There was a building with a massive pie hanging out front, an eagle standing guard beside it, a colonial home with amethyst as a roof, and so much more to see.
Etho was stopped in his aimless wandering by the sound of elytra flight over his head.
“Etho!” Bdubs yelled, coming to land in front of him. Or, rather, land on him, as his friend dove directly into him and threw his arms around him.
He burst out laughing, returning Bdubs’ hug. He didn’t really have a choice as Bdubs held him in an iron vice.
“I missed you!” Bdubs exclaimed, muffled on account of his head being buried in his jacket. He pulled back, but his hands lingered on his arms, as though if he let go Etho would vanish. “How’ve you been? Is everything okay?”
“I…” Etho paused. He didn’t expect anything less from Bdubs. “I missed you too. I missed everyone.”
Speaking of everyone, a cacophony of rockets and elytras unfurling broke his peaceful reunion, with countless shouts of his name as almost every Hermit descended on the scene. 
“Etho, how’ve you been, man?”
“You’re back!”
“We missed you!”
He took a step back as he was encircled, from both the ground and the air. If there wasn’t space on the peninsula around him, Hermits had landed on the roofs of the nearby buildings. He half expected someone to present him a shulker box of materials—which he was ready to refuse. He didn’t care if he was behind everyone by three months, he would rather earn his own stuff the honest way, pull himself up by his bootstraps.
What he was met with was even stranger.
Tango came up behind him and punched him, full-force, in the back of his head. “That’s for taking so long to get here.”
He had no time to react before Bdubs hit him. “I second that.”
Hermits were a lot like sharks in the water. It only took one of them shedding his blood for them all to descend with their swords and fists and bows.
Etho was killed by joehillssays.
<joehillssays> FINAL HIT <GoodTimesWithScar> I wanted the last hit >:( <Docm77> Don’t you have enough player kills already elf boy? <GoodTimesWithScar> Okay fair <BdoubleO100> how dare you all <ZombieCleo> you hit him too bdubs, you’re not innocent
Etho laughed, sitting at spawn and staring at his communicator. Of course they were fighting over who’d gotten the last hit, he didn’t expect anything less from them all.
<TangoTek> Etho do you feel sufficiently welcomed? <Etho> Yes.
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The last fun hotel we stayed at turned out to be our favorite; the Tango Mar Resort on the Nicoya Peninsula. We stayed in a "tiki-suite" with a tub and ocean view that made us contemplate trying to cancel our flight back. The view from the parking lot was also quite stunning.
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kyotodreamtrips · 4 years
Beach fun around the Tango Peninsula, Kyoto Prefecture.
Beach fun around the Tango Peninsula, Kyoto Prefecture.
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Scenery around Shiro-shima (Castle Island), on the Sea of Japan in Kyōtango, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan.
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On Shiro-shima island is a small shinto shrine, Mishima Shrine along the Sea of Japan in Kyōtango, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan.
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On Shiro-shima Island is a large Buddhist statue encircled by a small pond; along the Sea of Japan in Kyōtango, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan.
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On Shiro-shima island is a…
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milk-tea-house · 4 years
Playlist, Milk Tea House, February-14-2021
Xiu Xiu - A Bottle of Rum - A Bottle of Rum Your Chin - Your Chin - N/A Alice Phoebe Lou - Dusk - Dusk The Black Skirts - Fling Fig From France - 201 Soft - First Kiss and Dead Off - A Warm Romanticism In Coldwave Room Niz - Lapis Lazuli - Stone Lo! Peninsula - AKA Lo Peninsula - Another Divine Joke Dotzd - Destello - Destello No Joy - He Cried - He Cried Lightning Bolt - Mohawk Windmill - Hypermagic Mountain Good Good Blood - I Want you to Know - Trick of the Light Moonbeau - All Summer - Up All Night Radio Supernova - Eroosio - Takaisin Os Seis Em Ponto - O Menino das Laranjas - O Menino Das Laranjas Kettenkarussel - Drama - Easy Listening Moomin - Aquamrama - I can't Believe I loved Her Earls BOOOM!!! - Thank You - Earls Booom!!! Edits Aimaiishitsu - Take Away From Dawn - In Contrast To Altered Reality Wink - Are You There... - Are You There... Appleblim - Mystical Warrior - Soundboy Punishments Dubinator - Chase The Devil - Chase The Devil Yat Kha - Karangailyg Kara Hovaa - Yenisei-Punk Machine Girl - My Favorite Stuff - WLFGRL+ Von D ft Phephe - Show Me - Show Me Tango - Fever - Trans-Central Connection Godtet - Cactus Dance - III Beat Tape Venetian Snares - Chinaski - Songs About My Cat Shima33 - Catherine, I... - Strings, For Catherine Andy Stott - We Stay Together(Part Two) - Passed Me By/We Stay Together Slimosine - Nouveau Depart - N/A
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University Challenge 2019/20, Episode 28
I was thrilled to see a mock-University Challenge sixth-form quiz in the last episode of Netflix’ cracking show Sex Education. It was perfect in every way – multi-racial/gender teams with punning names answering slightly easier questions, an audience that whooped, and HIS HIGHNESS STEPHEN FRY asking the questions (in my last blog, I suggested him to replace Jeremy) in a benign, graciously open fashion. HEAVENS. A taste of things to come!
Anyway, here’s the dream match I was hoping for! My favourite team of the series versus my favourite Cult Hero and friends. This episode comes to you from North Yorkshire, accompanied by my quiz fiend mother.
Courtauld Institute of Art: 75
Imperial College, London: 240
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Team Vibe: Courtauld: darling art historians, dancing about drinking cider at a converted dentist’s in Haggerston while Derek Jarman’s Blue plays in the background; am still gunning for them to get to the semis!
Imperial: darling scientists, probably off to solve the climate crisis and the Coronavirus (at least I hope so); am expecting nothing less than this lot to be in the final.
Grandad Count:  Imperial were the older, at average age of 23.
Gender Diversity Count: Grrr, just the one in cineaste supremo, Collinge of Courtauld.
Style News: A subdued palate across the board, but Captain Prance of Courtauld brought a perky pair of dungarees! ‘Gosh, he looks exactly like Jack Straw,’ pronounced Mother, about Courtauld’s Haigh.
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Cult Hero Of The Episode: The preposterously watchable Brandon, of course! That 1930s matinee idol moustache! The DARING using of his first name and not his surname! It must be said that he is QUITE captain-y, holding court and with the other three chaps often hanging on every word, but it's just bouncy nervous energy, and why wouldn’t you be when you know literally everything in the entire world. Historical treaties, US realist artists, electromagnetic radiation, Greek sculpture – very little gets past this man. I LOVE HIM. Props to the rest of his team for also being brillz, especially Brooks; Brandon did tail off towards the end, after saying, wearily ‘That’s too much math right now.’ Every racehorse must rest!
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Handsome Person of the Episode: Captain Caleb Rich of Imperial, because a) his name is the sort of name I gave my sexy male protagonists and b) he resembles my sexy male husband.
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Horror Bonus Question: ‘The Korean Peninsula was divided in 1945 along the 38th parallel. For your bonuses, three more borders between nations or sub-national entities, all defined by lines of latitude or longitude. In each case I need the latitude or longitude of the border in degrees north, south, east or west. As a kindness to you, all integers are multiples of 10 degrees.'
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Regular Classical Fail By Composition PhD-owning Composer, Kerry Andrew: Boccherini fail, obviously. Latin American styles of music! This could be OK! ‘Rumba . . .?’ ventured I in a panic. Brandon correctly announced that it was mariachi. ‘Mambo?’ said I. It was rumba. ‘MAMBO!’ said I, when it was merengue. I got tango, to narrowly avoid being fed to the sharks.
Dream Bonus Question Round: Films starring non-professional actors, yasssss! I did say The 400 Blows and not The Bicycle Thieves in the starter question, but got the three bonuses in double-quick time. *high-fives Collinge*
Jezza-Watch: ‘The Korean peninsula?’ said Brandon, scowling slightly. ‘Correct – sorry it’s so easy for you,’ simpered Jez, clearly quite in love with him. ‘No, no!’ squeaked Brandon, with both self-deprecation and swagger, his palms out. ‘We’ve been through this. It’s fine.’ D’awww.
Kerry’s and Mother’s Score: 12, and 95 between us.
Brain Food: Pork bolognese and vegetables.
Tweets of the Day:
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Please feel free to share, retweet, shout about this blog. I’m mostly a musician but a writer now too, and every little helps. And here’s me on Instagram.
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