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nityarawal · 1 year ago
Honestly @elonmusk millitary brats say they hate Disney because she always kills Mommies and mollests them in nasty conservatorships with jealous step sisters & step mom dyke cops.
Prefer "HOT" fairy tale to gross @Grimezsz or Frankenstein @shivon / @TalulahRiley UK Mistresses!!!
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treelonmusk · 4 years ago
Did you know that Elon has his own Burning Man car and that he took his Special Ones there?
As his Not a Flamethrower, this car also has a touch of his taste for pyrotechnics
This dragon-car has seen many crazy parties
And many hot girls have had photoshoots on it!
Talulah was first, as Hot Queen of Desert
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Photo by Liz Brinson, she was close friend with Talulah.
Years after, Grimes asked for the car for a video, back in 2018.
Hope you guys enjoyed today's throwback. I'll try to do them every week
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years ago
Father Christmas is Back (2021)
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Movies like Father Christmas is Back are why people hate Christmas movies. Maybe it’s a British thing because over in North America? This comedy is about as hysterical as a pick-ax to the groin.
It’s hard to tell if the Christmas sisters - Caroline (Nathalie Cox), Joanna (Elizabeth Hurley), Paulina (Naomi Frederick), and Vicky (Talulah Riley) - would've grown up as friends, or if their father leaving 27 years ago is what caused them to become such radically different people that they constantly argue. As Caroline and her husband Peter (Kris Marshall) attempt to host a Christmas celebration at the family Yorkshire mansion, it couldn't get any worse... and then their father (Kelsey Grammer) and his new girlfriend (April Bowlby) show up.
As you meet these characters, you know you’re in for a lousy experience. Caroline is the kind of control freak whose obsession with “getting Christmas right” because daddy left should’ve prompted her husband and kids to get her some psychiatric help. She’s still more mentally sound than Paulina, who spent at least a decade writing a thesis on the Beatles. She’s so useless to the plot they could’ve exed her out and lost NOTHING. The oldest Christmas sister is Joanna, who constantly tries to convince everyone that she isn’t 40+. If her boyfriend had any brains he’d read between the lines. Finally, there’s Vicky, whom everyone falls just short of calling an ultra-slut. Generally, this is a very horny movie, which makes the PG-13 rating a death-knell. The only thing that could’ve made this ordeal interesting is an Elizabeth Hurley wardrobe malfunction - each of her scenes must've demanded a new roll of double-sided tape - or an actual payoff to the mention that “I can’t get any bars in this house!”. If writers Philippe Martinez and Mick Davis had any shred of mercy, they would’ve pulled a bait-and-switch. Father Christmas is Back would’ve started as the yearly holiday slurry no one can stand and then turned into a You’re Next-style home invasion movie with everyone brutally massacred.
The lack of any substantial plot makes this picture infuriating. It’s just people being quarreling for an eternity - and then dad shows up. Then, they keep at it, with extra snide remarks thrown from their uncle (played by John Cleese) to his brother, while their mum (Caroline Quentin) says NOTHING - a dead giveaway that there’s more to the story than we’ve been told. No one could relate to this, particularly when criminal offenses are committed. Except this tale takes place in an alternate universe where nothing matters so the plot (or lack thereof) just keeps chugging along, oblivious to the reality that’s being shattered by the constant lack of consequences.
I swear Father Christmas is Back aims to ruin your day on purpose. At one point, you think the conflict is over, that everything’s wrapped up… and then it keeps going. You’ve got another forty minutes to go. Please. Have mercy! Instead, more "comedic" emotional conflicts emerge; the kind that could’ve been settled decades ago with a 5-minute conversation. Father Christmas is Back will have you reach for the lights on strings so you can hang yourself. (December 20, 2021)
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elonpics · 6 years ago
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February 11, 2011
Elon Musk and Talulah Riley
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configa · 6 years ago
Yes!!! I was blessed enough to have two songs in this film!! Big Up to Jack, but Tim needs to get better taste in music 😂 DOPE film 🎥👊🏼 ***** 🙏🏼 Repost from @jazkahina using @RepostRegramApp - Throwback to when “We on Fire” prod. @configa was featured on an actual MOVIE SOUNDTRACK for The Liability (starring Tim Roth @jackoconnell Peter Mullan & @talulahrm) . What’s extra special about this clip is that Jack’s character is ACTUALLY bumping this in his ear phones 😅 - check the film out guys it’s a great British crime/comedy film 🎥💥 . #soundtrack #ukhiphop #boombap #talulahriley #jackoconnell #timroth #petermullan #theliability #unsignedartist #femalerapper #britishcinema #britishfilm https://www.instagram.com/p/BqAMq3PlAjs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rkcxc0eub7og
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davidebarbierihair · 3 years ago
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✨Talulah✨ @talulahrm yesterday for ‘Pistol’ TCA panel #styling @chercoulter @premierhairandmakeup Wearing @chloe #Makeup @naokoscintu @thewallgroup #hair me @carenagency #hairbydavidebarbieri #hairwaves #hairtexture #hairartist #talulahriley #fxpistol #twgartists #bts #talulahriley #beauty (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbuYwKgAeG5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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binnylouis · 4 years ago
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Westworld (2016 - ) Streaming on hotstar 🌟 #westworld #anthonyhopkins #edharris #thandienewton #evanrachelwood #jamesmarsden #jonathannolan #nolan #hbo #jeffreywright #tessathompson #aaronpaul #lukehemsworth #vincentcassel #talulahriley #movielines #tvlines #tvlines #lifequotes #lifelessons #society #tvquotes #cinematography #filmphotography #soundtrack https://www.instagram.com/p/CKiJMxqnGZt/?igshid=10kgjzls9ek1q
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mohamedkshasha · 5 years ago
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#bloodshot #VinDiesel #EizaGonzále #SamHeughan #TobyKebbell #ClydeBerning #TalulahRiley https://www.instagram.com/p/B-kPHi2A5kg/?igshid=1dfzuftbsak7g
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roylennic-blog · 5 years ago
Maybe Vin Diesel Spoke For Us All When He Told Talulah Riley That He Always Gets To Come Home
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He is sitting by the edge of the bed bare chest. His back is all you see, and probably his bald head. There are scars on his back. Both old and recent ones. There’s bandage on his right shoulder. It means it’s a fresh wound, a soon to be scar. One that is yet to be added to his collection. The lady is just lying by the bed. Just like him, she is also bare chest, and she has her panties on. She…
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cultfaction · 5 years ago
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#talulahriley https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ggwYHl09a/?igshid=yea5hvwktzgi
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nityarawal · 1 year ago
#trumpleberry is worst offender. Moms MOJO went out window yesterday. Lol @Grimezsz @shivon
@TalulahRiley @taylorswift13 @britneyspears @ParisHilton @ReeseW @KimKardashian @marwilliamson @RobertKennedyJr @TuckerCarlson @therealroseanne @KvonComedy
#EternalFuckery #TruthCircle #Ma
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elonpics · 6 years ago
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Elon Musk in June 2010 with his twins Griffin and Xavier and his then-fiancée Talulah Riley in New York.
Photo: AP PhoAP Photo/Mark Lennihan
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colinfirthaddicted · 5 years ago
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#ColinFirth #HappyBirthday #TalulahRiley
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configa · 7 years ago
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"The Liability" a must see film! If only to enjoy two of my songs in it! #configa #TheLiability #TimRoth #jackoconnell #talulahriley #petermullan #kierstonwareing #craigviveiros #film #movie #soundtrack #hiphop
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almasgeeks · 5 years ago
Los superhéroes han alcanzado un nuevo nivel. #Bloodshot 🔴 Ya en cines. Con #VinDiesel, #EizaGonzález, #SamHeughan, #GuyPearce, #TobyKebbell, #TalulahRiley y #LamorneMorris. Dirigida por #DaveWilson. @sonypicturespanama . . . . #bloodshotmovie #sonypictures #action #movies #cinema #cine #peliculas #películas #cines #movie #film #panamá #panama #pty #507 #panamacity #panama507 #instagram #art #arte (en Panama City, Panama) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9sJaSDhLZt/?igshid=1ch9j653hn2ez
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alex6186 · 7 years ago
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Just like Game Of Thrones I’m addictive to WESTWORLD. Who your fav duo team? My favorite duo have to be between Clementine & Angela or Maeve & Hector #westworldseason2 #Westworld #JamesMarsden #EdHarris #ThandieNewton #EvanRachelWood #JeffreyWright #CliftonCollinsJr #shannonWoodward #TalulahRiley #RodrigoSantoro #AngelaSarafyan
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