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cyan-eyed-princet · 2 years ago
Your tags on that post got me laughing jjjjj I remember that day so well and most of the conversation and I'm looking back like. How did people Not Realize either of us were on the spectrum until adulthood (positive). Wild.
Haha same! I remember that we were walking outside the school along the little pathway between the netball pitches when one of us Popped the Question.
When I told my mum I'd been diagnosed she replied that she thought that I probably was autistic when I was about 13 after she'd read The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime and noticed similarities but she didn't want to send me for a diagnosis because she was worried it would 'upset' me.
I realise looking back that we managed to get a group of all obviously undiagnosed autistics as friendship groups which I think was another reason we escaped realising/getting a diagnosis for so long too. Like "oh but I had friends back in secondary school! I can't be" lol
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lumplkinz · 15 days ago
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myownkindofdivinity · 4 months ago
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kissofbatwings · 2 years ago
takoto yamamoto vampires but make it frank and gerard (original piece called "banquet under the moon II")
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amethyst-geek · 9 months ago
Possible full evolutions of the 02 epilogue kids
I posted links to the above videos as I am taking inspiration from them (among other Karn Ex videos).
Tai's son- As mentioned in some fo my other posts, I would give Tai's son Koromon a line that eventually evolves into Marsmon. For the rookie form, I would go with Liollmon, Liamon would be a champion form, and Grapleomon would be the perfect form. As mentioned in one of my previous posts, The Apollomon line could also work for Tai's son, but I would prefer to have Coronamon/Apollomon be the partner of someone on the Savers's kids' team (should this hypothetical next gen anime focus on more than 1 continuity).
Davis's son- as discussed in the above video, the Veedramon route would be the best way to go.
Ken and Miakyo's daughter- I think Junomon would be a good mega for the Ichijouji daughter's Poromon. The rookie form could be just about any bird rookie (for now let's assume it's the original version of Falcomon). There are couple of possibilities for the champion and perfect form. One possibility is having the Ichijouji's daughter's Falcomon (?) evolve into Rinkmon, then Peacockmon as they both traditionally evolve from Hawkmon and the blue coloring (as well as Peacockmon being based on well, a Peacock) make them good picks for Junomon's pre-evolutions (though if this is not a crossover with the other animes, these should be Rapidmon-style variants). If they want Poromon's line to be more feminine-looking (or they don't want to use armor evolutions because, as I'll say again later in the post, the Adventure 99 universe is probably the one Digimon anime continuity where the armor evolutions can't be used as natural evolutions), Hudiemon could work and it's be a throwback to how Hudiemon's debut as a Wormon evolution.
Ken and Miyako's middle son- I kinda want to have the Ichijouji son's MInomon evolve into BanchouStingmon. If we we go that route, then Stingmon would be a logical champion form. And to keep this kid's partner's line from being too similar to his dad's, I will take a note form Karn Ex and have the rookie be Kunemon. Ad the for the perfect form, I'm torn between Jewelebeeman or taking another note from Karn and go with MetallifeKuwagamon.
Ken and Miyako's baby- as mentioned above, I would give the baby's Leafmon the Fanbeemon line.
Izzy's daughter- There are actually a few possibilities of the evolution line of Izzy's daughter's Motimon. As Karn Ex mentioned above, the Fanbeemon line is 1 possibility. But personally, I would prefer to use the Fanbeemon line for the Ichijouji baby's Leafmon or if the next gen story focuses on more than 1 continuity, Takoto and Juri's kid's partner, mainly because I would to stick Fanbeemon evolving from the adorable Puroromon. As mentioned in some of my previous posts, I think it would be cool to have Izzy's daughter to be partnered with Vulcanusmon. If we go that for Izzy's daughter's Motimon, I think Sangomon would be a good rookie form. As suggested above, Octomon is an ideal champion form for Vulcanusmon. As for the perfect form, Asuramon could work, but Asuramon would kinda be the odd one out in the evolution line, so a making a brand new Digimon for Sangomon's perfect form (perhaps one based on Eros/Cupid, though I guess Pidmon and Cupimon already got that covered) might be a better way to go. A third possibility is that they could give Izzy's daughter's Motimon a butterfly-themed line, and Hudiemon could be the champion form (if they don't use Hudiemon for one of the Ichijouji kids' lines).
Matt and Sora's daughter- As mentioned in some of my previous posts, I would love to give Matt and Sora's daughter's Yokomon Venusmon as the mega form. I also think this would be 1 of the lines that has some new Digimon. I was thinking that the rookie form could be based on a duck (perhaps called Duckmon or Ducklingmon). Then the champion form could be the pre-existing Swanmon in reference to the Ugly Ducking story. However, since Swanmon is an armor Digimon, and the Adventure 99 universe is probably the 1 Digimon continuity where they can't get away with making an armor Digimon a Digimon's default champion evolution. Thus, I'd only make Swanmon Duckmon's champion form if they either a) created a champion-level variant of Swanmon similar to how there's a perfect-level variant of Rapidmon or b) have Duckmon being able to naturally evolve into an armor Digimon serve as foreshadowing that Duckmon did not originate from the Adventure 99 universe (though I'd only want to go this route if the this hypothetical next gen anime is a crossover with the other Digimon Animes). Then for the perfect level, I was thinking they could introduce a new Digimon, perhaps one based on Odette from Swan Lake.
Matt and Sora's son- I'm actually pretty stumped as to what this kid's Tsunomon would digivolve into. I'd suggest Bearmon, but that was Daigo's partner as established in Tri, so and the writers for a Digimon next gen anime would only want to give the kids repeat partner Digimon if it's repeat of their parents' Digimon. But if the writers are willing to give Matt and Sora's son a Bearmon, then Grizzmon would be the obvious Champion form, and Pandamon would make cute choise for the perfect form. Strabimon could also work, though it might be weird for a Legendary Warrior-linked Digimon to be in the Adventure 99 universe, though as discussed in previous posts (and later in this post), I am not opposed to having the epilogue kids' partners originate from other universes.
Mimi's son- I previously proposed the possibility of this kid's Tanemon having Ceresmon as the Mega, but I'd rather use that for the partner of Yoshino's daughter should this next gen anime focus on the kids of the first 6 Anime as opposed to just focusing the epilogue kids. As Karn ex states above, BloomLordmon would make a great mega. As for the rookie, champion, and perfect levels, there are a lot of plant digimon to choose from, and I don't really have a preference. I kinda like the idea of Floramon as Mimi's son's Tanemon's rookie form, though that might work better as the rookie of Yoshino's daughter's partner (and even if this next gen anime isn't a crossover with Savers, Floramon is already the partner of Catherine, who I think has a good chance of being revealed the mother of TK's son, which would lead to her having a fair amount of screentime, so giving one of new heroes a Floramon as well might be confusing).
Cody's daughter- as mentioned in previous posts, I think Minervamon would make a good mega for Cody's daughter's Upamon. I imagine this would be a good line to debut some brand new Digimon, if only to give Upamon/Minervamon a less random-looking evolution line. For the perfect form, they could make a new Digimon based on Medusa. Not only is Medusa heavily associated with snakes like Minervamon, but there are at least 2 different versions of Medusa's origin story where Minerva/Athena was the one who transformed Medusa into what she is.
Kari's kid- I would have this kid's Salamon evolve into Darcmon, the Angewomon (because what else would the evolution for Darcmon be?) There are a few ways to go for the Mega form. As Karn Ex mentioned above, LovelyAngemon could be a good mega for Kari's kid's Salamon, and Venusmon would also work as an evolution for Angewomon. A third possibility is Ophanimon, especially if this hypothetical next gen anime is a crossover with the other Digimon Anime, including Frontier, and Kari's kid's Plotmon turns out to be the reincarnation of the same Ophanimon from Frontier who somehow got turned back into a Digiegg (again) and the Digiegg somehow wound up the Adventure 99 universe.
Tk's son- Originally, I was gonna have TK's kid Tokomon be a reincarnation of the Seraphimon from Frontier, but that would almost certainly lead to TK's son's Tokomon having an identical evolution line to TK's Patamon, which would be pretty boring (don't get me wrong, I like Patamon's evolution line, but I want keep the instances of next gen kids having a same evolution line as their parents to a minimum). Knightmon could work for the perfect level (yes this was inspired by one fo Karn Ex's swap videos) and the mega could be ClavisAngemon.
Jou's son- Karn Ex and I agree that Neptunemon would be a solid mega for Jou's kid's Digimon. For the perfect, I'd go with Divemon. I've also considered Dolphmon for the champion, but if the writers wanted to use a new Digimon instead, I would go the route of a Digimon based on the Hippocampus, as Neptune (or at least his Greek counterpart, Poseidon) is often associated with horses. Plus, giving a Jou's kid's Digimon an horse-themed evolution or 2 would make for a neat callback to how Gomamon's first digivolution to Ikkakumon was to fight a Unimon.
Edit: I just found out about ArkhaiAngemon, and that could also work as a perfect form for Kari's kid's Salamon. It might also work as a pre-evolution for Venusmon or Junomon is we don't use new Digimon for their respective perfect pre-evolutions.
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yangyangchi · 3 days ago
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pennypyro · 1 year ago
Kei te takoto au
I am lying down
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cccrhirdb2 · 1 year ago
week 8 independent
Task 1Reflect: Have a look at your responses to the independent study from week 7, how did this weeks class discussion deepen or help develop and expand your initial understanding? You could write about this in a sentence or two, or you could go back and add to your original notes.
well it did and didn't, catherine and holly chatted about how we just need to be really careful about appropriation and sharing knowledge that isn't ours. Need to think long and hard about our positions as New Zealanders and how we can incorporate the ideas but not colonise them. Which in a way sounds quite difficult to do - lots of nuance to this subject because there aren't huge rights or wrong in the world of design there is just acceptable and unacceptable - without being a part of the culture who the knowledge belongs to it's hard to know when is too far - but I guess one of the easy ways is to acknowledge who we are making it for and why.
Task 2 Research your topic and find 1 academic resource from the library or online — Don’t forget to try out the discovery and research advice.Read what you have discovered and sourced — make notes. (about 2hrs)
Clive Aspin, 'Hōkakatanga – Māori sexualities', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, http://www.TeAra.govt.nz/en/hokakatanga-maori-sexualities/print (accessed 22 September 2023)
this is a nice little piece of writing about maori sexuality - it goes over traditions to do with sexuality, ways this is expressed through songs and art. it also goes into historical examples of same sex relationships and things that happened when the settlers arrived in nz. It also talks about contemporary nz, ideas, acknowledgements, and projects. It's quite short but it gives really good starting points for historical information.
basically it starts by talking about how open maori were with discussing sex and sexuality - with some quotes from Hinepuariari, and Rongomaiwahine, both which I cannot understand fully because I don't know old timey english
Hinepuariari; ‘Kāore hoki tērā te hanga o taku tāne, kāore e rūpeke mai ana, takoto noa mai te nuinga i waho.’ (The remarkable thing is that the treasure of my husband could not be admitted and the major part of it was obliged to remain outside.)
Rongomaowahine; ‘Nā te mea anō rā he kōpua pāpaku, mehemea e taka mai ana ki te kōpua hōhonu a Rapa e tuhera atu nei, pokopoko ana ia ki roto.’ (It is because it is a shallow pool; should it have fallen into the deep pool of Rapa (her father) now opening towards him, it would have been lost out of sight.) 
another thing gathered from folklore is the story of Tūtānekai and Tiki. - Tūtānekai refers to Tiki as ‘taku hoa [my friend] takatāpui’. The term takatāpui was defined in the Dictionary of the Maori language compiled by missionary William Williams (1844) as ‘an intimate companion of the same sex’.
sexuality is also present in song and carvings such as a waita composed for a young man named Papaka Te Naeroa, who died in battle. It describes him as ‘Ko te tama i aitia e tērā wahine e tērā tangata.’ (A youth who was sexual with that woman, with that man)
then there are also carvings that have the sexual organs on them, so the gender of the ancestor can be known there is also depictions of sexual acts such as A papa hou (carved box), in the British Museum, depicts male figures having sex.
then we move onto maori sexuality upon european arrival - viewed from an outsiders point of view because there are accounts from visiting sailors about what they observed and saw and thought such as; Māori chiefs would often have more than one wife. Except for puhi (high-born women set aside for a political marriage), sex before marriage carried no stigma - a French explorer; Julien Crozet said, ‘[Māori] gave us to understand by signs that we must not touch the married women, but that we might with perfect freedom make advances to the girls.' then a naturalist Georg Foster said; 'Their ideas of female chastity are, in this respect so different from ours, that a girl may favour a number of lovers without any detriment to her character; but if she marries, conjugal fidelity is exacted from her with the greatest rigour.' which is in a way backwards to theirs, in western society it is believed that no woman have sex with any man until after she is married, from whence onward she would only be able to have sex with this one man to whom she is married. - going off of this maori also believed it important that children born outside of marriage be raised within the tribe to gain ancestral knowledge from their whanau about their whakapapa, tikanga and te reo maori.
an historical example of new settlers cohabiting in same-sex relationships with Māori. The most well-documented example is the Reverend William Yate, an English missionary. His relationship seems to have been accepted by the Māori community but it was frowned on by his religious peers. Richard Davis observed that ‘[they] showed no shame. They simply declared that they were unaware of any sinfulness in such practices and that Yate had not initiated them.’
then we move on to the influence, sexual attitude of maori changed due to what the missionaries imposition of a code of conduct based on victorian concepts. such as; sexual behaviours is to only occur between a man and a woman within the parameters of marriage and for the purpose of procreation.
the imposition of these ideas led to some pretty drastic attempts at removing sex adjacent things in carvings and karakia. Sexual organs in carvings were often covered over or removed. Waiata and karakia, which often had explicit language in them, were often censored/changed. Europeans collecting Māori traditions often censored them. John White, a collector of numerous Māori traditions and stories, noted, ‘Nearly all my best tales are tainted with indecency’
contemporary society
Nowadays in a more open and willing society the term takatapui is being reclaimed as it acknowledges both the sexual and cultural aspects of one’s identity, and has both contemporary and traditional connections with the Māori community.
It is important to note that the term takatāpui embraces transgender men and women. As is the case with many indigenous peoples throughout the world, transgender people hold a revered position within Māori society. Transgender people play an important role within both the takatāpui community and wider Māori community as holders and transmitters of ancestral knowledge.
Task 3Read: This task prepares you for next week. Read the following and make notes:Lu, Rose. “All Who Live on Islands.” The Pantograph Punch, 3 September 2018. 
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dear-indies · 3 months ago
Lima Sopoaga (1991) Samoan and Cook Islander.
Henare Te Maru (1992) Cook Islander Māori descent, with roots from Ngāpuhi and Ngāi Takoto Iwi.
Charnze Nicoll-Klokstad (1995) Cook Islander, Māori and Norwegian.
Joseph Manu (1996) Māori and Cook Islander.
Jawsh 685 (2002) Samoan / Cook Islander.
Hope this helps!
hi g, so sorry to bother you again, do you know any male fcs of cook island descent in the early to mid 20s range or even late 20s to early 30s, thanks!
the literal ONLY person i can think of with resources is calum hood ? and whoa what a throwback am i right . if anyone else can think of a fc to help the anon , pls let me know !
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takotoillustration · 3 years ago
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Banshee-44 VS Clovis Bray Illustration for @kaidashade <3
Bonus planning pic
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little-leech-boy · 5 years ago
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Mixed feelings about this one boys, I've been trying to branch off from drawing persona lesbians all the time but uh
Here we are
Anyway u know that girl Makoto befriends in her confidant thing?
Shes lesbian for her because I said so
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takoto · 5 years ago
Tumblr was terminated ;;
Hey all, I don’t often post text on here, but I have a lot of mutuals so I thought I’d say why I disappeared. 
Out of nowhere, with no warning, on the 28th of January my tumblr was terminated. I’ve not been given an answer why, despite emailing support, but they just reinstated my account (again, with no notice...!) It’s really odd because I don’t post anything that goes against the ToS, nor have I ever done. 
Encase my tumblr gets deactivated again, please find me on twitter Takoto , I post art and life stuff on there. I’ll be moving my portfolio off here but probably keep updating my sketchblog until I find somewhere better/safer to post that isn’t going to terminate randomly.
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imagisworld · 6 years ago
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My favorite AMVs
Snobbism and ナンバーツー (Number Two)
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artists-table · 5 years ago
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Drew some Achatina albopicta snails after seeing one in person trying to eat an entire pumpkin seed, bigger than it's body via /r/IDAP https://ift.tt/2Og2lHt by Takoto
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ocqotd · 6 years ago
Semi/Infrequent Hiatus Note
Hey all!
I’ve been running OCqotD for almost two years now and it’s become the blog I run with the most followers, even amassing enough to do a giveaway earlier this year (which was super fun, and if we hit another milestone, I’ll definitely organize another one!) and I want to thank everyone for the support. 
I’m very sorry for the drops in posts every now and again, to explain why, I had a job contract which ended a few months ago, and since then I’ve been super stressed looking for a job. I’ve also been working on a webcomic, as well as helping out on others’ webcomic projects as well, so between job searching and trying to write, I’ve mostly just been really stressed and struggling to focus on stuff. 
I still haven’t found a job, and I’ll be queueing up as many new posts as I can, but please forgive me if the queue runs out and there’s a drop for a few days in content (feel free to shoot me an ask on here telling me...!!)
I’ll also be reblogging my commission and patreon / etc. post on here once or twice but I will not be spamming! Please blacklist the tag “takotopromote” which I will tag all non-OCQotD/updates under. 
Thank you for your supports throughout the last two years and I hope to be back on track soon!!
 - @takotoillustation 
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noonlines · 6 years ago
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