#Takeshi Kovacs smut
that-sarcastic-writer · 2 months
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Takeshi Kovacs X F!Reader
Summary: you get hurt, and all you want is for Takeshi to comfort you
Warnings: explicit sexual content, minors dni, unprotected sex, p in v, fingering, multiple orgasms, hair pulling, choking, praising, bit of soft!dom!Tak, creampie, explicit language, mentions of murder, blood, typical violence for this show
WC: 4.5k
A/N: please I know, lia you wrote something??? Ik, fucking wild. Its been like 6months lmao. But I was rewatching altered carbon and man I really missed tak. I might slowly dive back into my joel era but for now this is this. I dedicate this to @a-reader-and-a-writer. If this flops oh well, at least I was happy writing it.
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You often regretted your life choices. Stupid decisions you made as a teenager that ultimately led you into a world of violence and death. It seemed never ending. Because no matter how many times you tried to go straight, use your skills and intelligence for something good, your reputation always preceded you, and you would end up in the same place; with a gun in your hand, covered in blood, and with another body to add to your conscience. Though, ninety percent of the time it wasn't your fault. Just like this time it was not your fault. Trouble just seemed to find you. Or you liked to find trouble, or maybe both. 
“Ah Miss, what a pleasant surprise.” The AI that was this lovely hotel greeted you. “Oh. It appears that you are injured. Do you require medical assistance?” 
You looked down at your blood stained clothes and hands, you felt the slightest throb on your shoulder from where a bullet had grazed you, and the stinging burn on your side from where a switchblade slashed at your skin. But to be completely honest you had grown numb to it. You simply shrugged. 
“Nope. Just need a shower and some tequila.” You waved him off and you walked straight to the elevator, but before you entered, you turned around in your tracks to narrow your eyes at Poe. “Where is Takeshi?”
“Ah, Mr. Kovacs is not here at the moment. He left some hours ago to attend to some private matters he didn't disclose with me.” He answered plainly and you nodded. 
“Shocker. Well if he comes, don't tell him I'm here? Cool? Great.” You were about to go up to the room you used whenever you and Takeshi were fighting, when Poe spoke again. 
“Why is that? Wouldn't he like to know you are injured?” 
“Oh fuck, no. Don't even tell him you saw me like this.”  
Takeshi would go absolutely mad if someone spoke to you the wrong way. You still remember one time you joined him on one of his interrogations, for one reason or another. The man wouldn't keep his eyes off you, though you paid it no mind, you were used to men being nothing short of disgusting, or them calling you every sexual name in the book. But Takeshi? Man, pissed was nothing to describe the level of anger going through him. He didn't stop until the man was nothing but red. You, of course, while amused by his protectiveness of you, got him to stop. 
“Tak, sweetheart, you need him conscious and breathing, don't you think?” 
“He won't be doing much of either anymore.” 
Takeshi was cute when he was angry, more so when he was overprotective of you. But even then, there were some lines you never wanted to cross. And if he ever saw you like this, the thought of someone hurting you like this would drive him mad. No stack would be left unharmed by him if he had any say in the matter. 
So for the sake of the men you did leave alive, it would be best if Tak didn't see you like this. 
“Well, why not?” Poe pushed, clearly he didn't understand the level of insanity Takeshi was capable of reaching. 
“Because, if Tak sees me like this, he is not going to be very happy. He is going to actually cut somebody's head off—Again. Actually no, scratch that, he is going to decapitate and destack a lot of somebody's,” You said as slowly and as clearly as you possibly could, pausing to stare at the hologram as if to make a point. “So do not tell Takeshi I'm here, or that you saw me like this.” 
So much for wanting to stay out of trouble for once. 
Man what a fucking shitshow. Truly, he didn't understand when the world had gotten so damn complicated. He didn't like to leave messes, he really didn't, but sometimes people would just force his hand, he had to get answers one way or another. 
He should call you. Yes. He should do that. If there was one thing in this fucked up reality of his that he knew would never go wrong, it was seeing you. 
“Mr. Kovacs,” Poe appeared at the bar, getting Takeshi's attention, but he didn't even bother to look. “I was not expecting to see you tonight. Were you able to attend to your matters?” 
“Yeah.” Was all he responded to as he walked towards the elevator. His eyes were glued to the ground as a cigarette hung from his lips, he was tired and annoyed, frustrated and even more tired, but something caught his attention as he thought about his own self misery. 
“Why is there blood here?” He asked Poe with a slight shift from apathy to alarm as he traced the trails of blood droplets back the way he came.
“Oh… Yes.. That… Well you see.” 
“Was someone here?” He asked with sharpness in his naturally baritone voice, looking around for anything out of place or broken, but everything looked normal. 
“No. Well… Yes.. But..” 
Takeshi’s head snapped to look at the AI, eyes narrowed as he stared intensely, waiting for an answer. 
Oh. It better not be. 
Just get in the shower. You can do that, can't you? 
Apparently you struggled more than you should have with that. It wasn't like you had a bullet in you, but then again, you also had gotten thrown through a table, and punched repeatedly, and stabbed, and shot—kind of. But man was the pain starting to infect every muscle, every joint, every crevice of your body. You weren't exactly sure how you got out of the shower. But you managed to wash the dried blood off you. Though you were still left with two open wounds that were most likely going to have to be cauterized. 
You weren't going to enjoy this very much. 
You were hoping to just throw yourself on the bed and get it over with before Takeshi decided to spontaneously show up. By then your wounds would have been closed, what were two new scars? It's not like Takeshi would notice two more among so many. Or maybe he would notice, but by then it would have been enough time for him to be angry about it but not actually do anything about it. 
Pushing through the now throbbing pain shooting through your shoulder every time you moved your arm, you managed to get yourself into your underwear, but that was as far as that went. 
You had made it halfway from the bathroom to your bed when you heard your name being called, rather loudly, by a voice you were all too familiar with.
Well fuck. 
Takeshi followed the blood. There were drops on the elevator floor, stains on the buttons of the elevator. When the door opened, he followed the drops as his heart began to race. It wasn't a lot of blood, you weren't bleeding out, that was for sure, but his mind wouldn't stop racing. He called your name as he walked further into your room. 
His jaw tightened at the sight of you, slightly hunched over, holding your side as you limped across the room. And the look you gave him was one of deer in headlights. 
“Takeshi…” Your voice was hesitant, soft, wary as you leaned on one of the couches to support yourself. 
He was in front of you in three, maybe four, long, heavy strides. His eyes were frantic, darting all over as he looked over your face. Your eye looked like it was going to bruise, your lip split and your jaw looked angry with a forming bruise. 
“Who..” His words were barely audible, just barely above a rasp as he gripped your non bruised jaw tightly, forcing you to look at him. 
“Who the fuck did this to you?” 
You should not be getting wet at the sound of his angry words, but the rasp laced in his tongue had you clenching your thighs together. Takeshi was hot when he was angry. 
“It's fine, Tak. I'm fine, really.” You looked up to find his frantic eyes filled with fiery emotions, his jaw clenching and unclenching with each uneven breath he took. “You should see the other guy.” 
Normally Takeshi found your dry humor amusing. But he couldn't get himself to even let out a chuckle, instead he huffed as he looked over your face. 
“I want a name. Right now.” His words were barely audible, between huffs and puffs as he begrudgingly helped you sit down on the loveseat. You couldn't help but roll your eyes. 
“Can't. Kinda shot him in the stack.” You answered flatly, huffing out a small breath as you threw your head back over the armrest. Takeshi narrowed his eyes at you, noting each bruise and mark on your torso, including the angry looking cut on your side. 
“This wasn't just one person,” it wasn't a question, it was a fact, he knew that. He stared blankly at you as he waited for your response. The sigh you let out was confirmation enough. “What happened? And I want an answer without the attitude.” 
You winced, a hiss of discomfort leaving your mouth as he ran the laser over the large gash on your side. You closed your eyes, counting to five in your head before you answered. 
“I thought I was going in for a job. Something about needing access to some encrypted files,” You recalled what you had so innocently assumed to be just a simple hacking job, in and out with a decent pay, oh how mistaken you were. “The dude that had contacted me suddenly starts getting all up in my face, and asks me some weird questions about you. And when I told him to fuck off, his friends came out.” 
You shot him a glare when he silently moved to your shoulder, but that one was less deep so it didn't hurt as much, it definitely didn't hurt as much as when the bullet actually touched your skin though. 
“Why didn't you call me?” His eyes were sharp on you as he waited for your answer. Was he seriously angry at you?
“Oh right, and what was I supposed to say, ‘oh, hey sweetie, could you please come shoot some people I was doing illegal business with in the stack with me, pretty please?’” You raised your voice to a higher pitch, doing this valley girl accent which only made him inhale deeply. 
“Do you ever answer anything without the bullshit?” He muttered with exasperation as he angrily lit up a cigarette and took a drag out of it. 
“I handled it, Takeshi. Let it go.” You ultimately sighed, reaching over to brush your bruised knuckles over the side of his face. 
His eyes found your face, he saw the forming bruises, and he remembered the blood. Somebody did this to you. Somebody hurt you and he wasn't there to stop it. You could have died. He could feel the anger settle in the pit of his stomach and he began to feel the urge to rip somebody's stack out with his bare hands. His fists clenched at his sides. 
“Like hell.” He stood up so fast it gave you whiplash. You didn't want him to go. You needed him. 
“Don't go,” You stood up so fast your side was definitely screaming at you but you didn't care. He wasn't looking at you, his eyes looked way past your head at the nearest wall. But you grabbed his face, forcing him to meet your eyes. “I need you.. Please? For once just stay with me.” 
You didn't beg often. But when you did, there was not a thing in this world he could ever deny you. He found your eyes, big mistake. The second he saw those pleading eyes he was done for. He hated the ways in which you could so easily tug at the strings of his cold heart. For the longest time he thought he didn't have a heart, until he saw you for the first time and that thing started beating. 
His mouth was on yours, he kissed you long and hard. He grabbed your face as he slipped his tongue inside your mouth. He held you, pulling your body against his. Your fist bunched around his shirt, gripping it like vice as he kissed you with fervor, like this was the last thing he ever wanted to do in this world. 
“You wanna take care of me? Hm?” You spoke softly against his lips, your fingers now threading through his long golden strands. 
The grunt that rumbled in his throat was almost animalistic. He wanted you on that bed and he never wanted you to leave it. 
“You're in pain..” He muttered through deep breaths as his long fingers gripped your jaw, forcing your head back as he brushed his nose against yours, holding on to the little stability he had left. “Don't wanna hurt you.” 
“I like it when you hurt me. I want it.” Your words were soft and desperate, quiet as you brushed your lips over his. Pain was the last thing on your mind when you had him this close, when you felt his touch, when you knew he was hanging in by a thread. You needed this more than you needed air in your lungs. 
“You want it?” He repeated, voice as low as it could go, eyes closed as he waited for that confirmation, for your permission, to absolutely ruin you. 
“Yes. Please Takeshi, I need it.” 
There wasn't anything better than Takeshi's cock in your guts after a brush with death.
His large calloused hands found the back of your bare thighs, he so easily hoisted you up around his waist as his lips crashed against yours without another word being said. He was a man of little words afterall. He was a man of action. And he was goddamn sure he would give you exactly what you needed. 
Your back landed on the soft duvets, but his lips never parted from yours. Your frantic hands shoved his coat off his shoulders, then the buttons of his shirt as he fumbled with his pants. It took some time, between desperate grabs and frantic hands, he was just as naked as you, only your underwear left between the two of you. 
His lips found your neck, wet kisses all over the skin as his hands roamed your body. He pulled back enough for his eyes to look you over. He would never get tired of looking at you. 
“You're so…” He didn't have to say it, the look in those hazel eyes of his said every word he wasn't capable of saying out loud. 
You gave him a smile, your eyes big with both longing and endearment. He kissed you one more time before he tugged your panties down. He settled just beside you, thick thighs caging one of yours as his long fingers brushed over your clit, leaving you to gasp against his mouth. His lips curved up slightly as his fingers moved in slow, long circles. He could feel you get wetter and wetter the longer he kept up his torture. He liked to hear you whine and beg for it. 
“Tak..” His name fell from your lips when you no longer could keep your mouth closed, you were gripping at his shoulder as you helplessly grinded against his fingers, desperate for more. 
“Mhm?” His lips were on your ear, his warm breath ghosting over the side of your face with each sharp inhale he took. “Need me to fuck you with my fingers, then with my cock? Is that it?” 
You were nodding so hard, gasping softly when he circled his fingers around your wet hole, teasing you. 
“Mhm!—Please—” You didn't even get the chance to finish your sentence when two long fingers buried themselves deep into your cunt. 
Your lips fell open as your eyes unconsciously rolled back into your head, the delicious feeling of his thick fingers filling you. It wasn't long before Takeshi was all but fucking you with his fingers, and you were nothing but sobs of pleasure. He buried his fingers to the knuckle, brushing your most sensitive spot with each snap of your wrist. 
Fuck did you look pretty like this. But you looked prettier when you were drunk on his cock. 
His free hand gripped your hair, keeping your head in place so he could watch the way your face would contort with pleasure. The lewd sound of your wet cunt being filled by his fingers wasn't lost on him either. He loved it. He was addicted to it. 
“That's it, let it go, sweetheart.” He grunted through his teeth when he realized you were so close, the way your hips were so desperately following the movements of his hand and the grip you had on his wrist was all but telling. He gave you a long satisfied hum when he felt your release coat his hand with a sob of his name. 
His fingers only left you when you were digging your nails into his wrist. His lips curled up in amusement at your desperate attempts but he ultimately complied. His lips were on your forehead as he eased you back into steady breathing.  
“You okay?” He was quiet, but you heard it. You simply nodded in response, still not fully able to find your voice. Good enough. “Good, ‘cause I'm gonna give you exactly what you deserve now.” 
He grabbed your arms and flipped you on your stomach with ease. You were taken aback, instinctively pushing yourself up on your forearms, but a hand on your back forced you back down. 
“Easy. Just relax, sweetheart,” he shushed you softly, you felt him move around for a second until you felt him behind you, right in between your open thighs. “Lemme take care of you, hm?” 
Your response was in the form of a soft hum, you lied flat on your stomach, your head to the side so you could breathe and your ass up enough for him to do as he pleased. And you waited, rather impatiently. You could feel Takeshi's hands on your hips, then up your back, until one of them settled on your shoulder blades. 
You were about to open your mouth when you felt the head of his cock brush over your wet clit. The only sound leaving your throat was that of a choked out moan. 
“You want it?” His lips were on your ear, voice smooth, but with this baritone rasp, a combination that drove you insane. You were nodding into the blankets. 
“Yes, Takeshi. Please.” 
Fuck, he was rolling his eyes at the sound of his name leaving your lips like that. He didn't need to say anything else. He pushed himself into you with a long, hard thrust that had you gasping. 
“Ahh….” You squeezed your eyes shut, hands squeezing the sheets in front of you at the feeling of his cock stretching your walls. You have been with Takeshi for some time now, but you never truly got used to the size of him (with this sleeve at least). “Fuck— you're so..” 
He eased a hand up and down your back, shushing you softly, he was used to it by now. When he felt you start to back into his cock he knew you were fine. He dug his fingers into your shoulder, holding you down on the mattress as he snapped his hips. A gasped cry left your lips. Again, and again with each brush of his cock, until he had you sobbing into the mattress. 
Takeshi, he fucked hard, and he liked it rough, but he had learned to take his time, he learned to take it slow, drag out the feeling for as long as possible, until you were nothing but a sobbing mess. His hand was wrapped around your hair, pushing your head down as he leaned over you. His chest was flush against your back as he rutted his hips against your ass, his lips on the back of your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses everywhere he could. 
Takeshi wasn't very talkative, ever, but goddamn was he noisy. His heavy pants, ragged grunts, the occasional fuck, were all in your ear which each delicious drag of his cock. 
“Goddamn,” he breathed out, nipping at your jaw as he pulled your head up enough to look at your fucked out face, “you feel so fucking good.” 
“Mhmmm. Shit, Tak. Feels so—” You couldn't even finish a cohesive sentence you were so cock drunk, so high on the feeling of his cock brushing that one spot that had you rolling your eyes. You reached behind you, trying to grab him, any of him. 
“Feels good, doesn't it baby?” You could hear the slight smirk on his lips as he wrapped his arm over your neck from shoulder to shoulder, almost as if he was putting you in a headlock. 
“Yes! Fuck yes—” 
“Of course it does.” 
That was enough of taking it slow for one night. 
Takeshi held you in place with his arm over your neck as he drilled into you. The only sounds leaving your mouth were sobs and choked out pants. You couldn't say any words at that point. He was fucking you so hard into that mattress you didn't even realize when the burn in your stomach started to build. All you knew it was that you were digging your nails into his arms so hard the marks would be there for days. It felt good to be caged under his body, with nowhere to go. Not that you wanted to be anywhere else. 
“C'mon, let me take care of you. I'm right here.” He rasped out, hanging on by a thread himself. God, it felt so fucking good. You were barely hanging on. But the second his thumb found your swollen clit you were done for. You couldn't even make a sound, you fell into a silent cry, eyes rolled into the back of your head as your release washed over you. “That's it. I got you.” 
He could feel your release coat his cock, and the feeling of you coming all over him only made him go over the edge himself. He gave you two, maybe three more long, hard drags of his cock before he was spilling himself inside you with a breathy fuck leaving his lips in the process. 
You all but collapsed, your head falling on the pillows as you panted, Takeshi did the same. He dropped his face on your neck, eyes closed as he steadied his breath. He stayed there for some time, he couldn't hold himself up forever, but fuck this felt so nice. You underneath him, wrapped under his arms, nobody could hurt you here. His lips eventually found the side of your head for a chaste kiss before he moved to lay beside you. But the distance between you lasted a whole five seconds because he was pulling you to him. He positioned you to face him, one leg thrown over his torso as both of his arms caged you in. He would keep you here if he could. 
Silence ultimately drowned out your soft breaths, but not once did he stop looking at you. And you could tell something eating at him, weighing on his chest. You brought a hand to his face and you saw him close his eyes with a sigh. 
“I'm sorry I wasn't there.” He finally said, riddled with guilt and anger all over again. You frowned softly and shook your head at him. 
“Stop that, okay? It wasn't your fault.” You answered, smoothing out the soft frown above his eyebrows. He looked at you, watching as you brushed the loose strands of hair out of his eyes but he said nothing. “I'm a big girl, Takeshi. What I do or what messes I get myself into are not your fault. So stop. If I was mad at you I wouldn't let you rearrange my guts, would I?” 
Takeshi didn't laugh often. Or ever really. But sometimes your absurdity brought on a genuine chuckle out of him.
“Aw, so he has a sense of humor. He's not a robot!” You snorted, raising your voice like you were announcing it to the entire city. He rolled his eyes at you. 
“I don't fuck like a robot, do I?” There was a tiny shit eating grin on his face which made you shove his shoulder playfully. 
“Oh my God, shut the fuck up.” You kissed him with a soft laugh. 
Goddammit Takeshi Kovacs.
This man just simply couldn't wake up and stay in bed with you for one day. Just one fucking time, you asked. 
You groaned tiredly as you stretched out your sore muscles before sitting up. No tall angry looking envoy anywhere. How tragic. You were about to get out of bed when the door swung open. You were about to reach for your gun on the nightstand when you saw it was just Takeshi, and he looked rather amused. 
“You're awake.” He raised his eyebrows at you in surprise, expecting you to be passed out after the night you had, partly his doing. You looked at him with suspicion as he walked to the bed. “I have something for you.” 
“Is it a decapitated head?” You blinked at him, feigning innocence and he chuckled.
“No. Well I didn't bring it here anyway.” He shrugged as he handed you a red and blue switchblade. It looked kind of cool. You stared at it for a good few seconds before you looked up at him with confusion. 
“What's this?” 
“The owner of this.” He pointed at the brand new scar on your side. Your eyes widened with realization and your mouth fell open. 
“I don't want to hear you.” He cut you off before you could even yell at him for not letting it go. You frowned at him deeply. He sighed as he sat beside you. “They had it coming. They touched you. It's that simple.” 
You stared at him, and you wanted to force yourself to be angry at him, angry at him for not letting it go, angry at him for treating you like some damsel in distress who needed him to save her. But when you looked into his eyes you didn't see the hero's complex. Not at all. You saw a man who was looking at the only thing that mattered to him in this world. And he'd be damned if he ever let anyone take that away from him again. 
“Awe, baby, so you aren't so heartless after all.” Your smile was mocking on the outside, but deep down it was one of endearment.
“Fuck you.” 
You loved him. And even someone as heartless as him was capable of love, too.
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violetmuses · 2 years
Onyx - Takeshi Kovacs (18+ MINORS DNI)
TITLE: “Onyx” || Takeshi Kovacs (18+ MINORS DNI) 
FANDOM: “Altered Carbon” (Netflix Adaptation)
CHARACTER: Takeshi Kovacs (Joel Kinnaman, Season 1 Portrayal)
PAIRING: Female Reader + Takeshi Kavocs
MAIN STORYLINE: When Kovacs “meets” you one night, lust ensues. 
Author’s Note: Hey! Wrote this one for myself. Feedback would be greatly appreciated and thanks so much for reading my work as always. As a warning, this One Shot includes SMUT content. (18+ Minors DNI) Adult themes, strong language, etc. - V. 💜
Main Masterlist <3
J Krew: @nerdysuperchick @a-reader-and-a-writer @babblydrabbly @lacontroller1991 @shadowkittybucky @loverhymeswith @justin-hammers @weallhaveadestiny @xoxabs88xox @katjnordstrom96   @mayhem24-7forever @skvatnavle @sociiallydiisoriiented @heresathreebee @alieninoklahoma @bewitchedignition @maddu-oliveira @reveluving @pirategamora @hodgepodge-of-rog @ijustthinkrickflagisprettyneat @11thstreetvigilante
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Neither one of you aimed to give out pleasantries while sharing drinks at the club. Neon lights casted overhead as he leaned across that table, safely tipsy as he faces  you with nothing short of lust within these hazels. You smirk, amused. 
“I don’t give a damn what your name is.” He affirms the statement and you’re convinced that Kovacs is definitely sober instead. 
“I don’t care, either. Pay with your fingerprints and let’s get the hell out of here.” 
Now, you’ve hardly stepped foot into his hotel room at The Raven when Kovacs almost ripped your clothes off. You don’t care. As long as this stranger is willing to use condoms, anything goes. 
By the time Kovacs slips that condom on, you’re completely naked. He walks up to you from behind and you glance over one shoulder, anticipating whatever this man decides. 
All you want to do is listen to him. All you want to do is turn your brain off and forget about everything for once. 
You nod for him and of course agree with consent before Kovacs bends you over. He’s already lined up with your entrance. Your entire body then heats up once more, but you stay silent, not wanting to give yourself away just yet. 
“One, two, three.” He directs by the shell of your ear, plunging into your core. You quietly answer him with pleasure, mutely overtaken in the best way possible. He even wraps one strong palm around your hair, pulling loose tresses back deliciously. 
“Fuck!” You cry out loud. At that moment, you scream, wanting nothing more than for Kovacs to move faster until you can’t speak clearly anymore. 
“Shit.” Kovacs clenches those bright teeth as his hips buck up against your ass tonight. 
“Ah..….” You can’t speak normally this time. 
Your own breasts shake, nearly jiggling as you look down through shadows of the floor between your steps with him inside you. Your small hands hardly clutch onto the rare wall, but you still don’t care. 
His grip around your hair tightening and he pulls back until you’re genuinely able to make full eye contact with him once more. Those flawless hazel eyes bore into your soul, as if he, a fucking stranger, knows every deep secret.
“Look at me. Look at me!” He clenches his teeth again and repeats the phrase as a warning. If you look away, he’ll punish you even further. 
All this time, he’s still fucking you, never stopping the dangerous pace of his hips found agianst your ass. You almost break, wanting to cum too early because it all feels so good. He’s dominant without danger, and you can’t get enough. 
Out of nowhere, after Kovacs pulls your hair back again his own pacing stutters and he spills, sending warmth into the condom just before this man could actually stop himself. 
“Oh…” Like a good girl, you cry out and follow his lead to cum soon after, almost punching the wall in front of you on impact. 
Even when both of you cool down and silence falls in the hotel room, Kovacs won’t slip out of your core. Not yet at least. 
Kovacs relents that firm but amazing grip on your hair and you finally put your head back down, giving yourself a chance to breathe. It doesn’t even matter that he continues resting inside of you with the condom on. 
He doesn’t want to leave you hollow. Never. 
You feel so damn warm that it’s almost unfair. Even as you still bend over, he reaches out and smooths his palm along your back, noticing how beads of sweat nearly gleam under every light of this dim bedroom. 
You’re perfect. So badass, too. It doesn’t help that the curves of your own body will now “haunt” his wet dreams forever. 
When you finally stand up straight again, Kovacs makes a point to gently react with your gesture, wrapping his arms around your waist so you don’t lose balance. 
Your back settles against his bare chest and he lifts your chin, silently prompting both of you to watch the mirror. 
“You’re not going anywhere.” Takeshi lowers his voice and you can’t help agreeing.
Although you may never see each other again, tonight can’t end, not until he gets fed up and kicks you out by morning. 
“What now, you want more, Daddy?” You look up and tease back, playing his game in return even while Kovacs holds you from behind. 
“Let's see how long we last in the shower, Princess.” Tak chuckles darkly, turning your body without somehow losing that hold on your waist. 
For the first time all night, you laugh. You then end up squealing when Tak lets go of you, but still slaps your ass en route to that shower. 
Well, I'll be damned.You think to yourself. 
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loverhymeswith · 2 years
Lord give me the strength to finish writing this smut.
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prpfs · 8 months
Happy Halloween everyone! (a little early or late depending on when this goes out.) My name is Alexx, and I'm looking for (mostly) canon M/M pairings in a variety of fandoms. As far as dead dove/problematic topics go, some things cover the gambit of Incest, Non/Dub con, Omegaverse, Mpreg, and age gap situations. There are probably others (I have a stalker idea that comes to mind) but those cover the broad range of it. I don't really double as a rule, though I have been known to do poly ships and threesome pairings. All RPing will be done over Discord though. Also, I play a variety of trans-masc and non-binary characters/verses, so trans-inclusion is important. Smut will play a large role in any RP we do, so please be aware of that. I like plot too, but there are some times where I just wanna have cute boys do filthy things to each other. ♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥ Here is my full list of characters and fandoms I play in. However, below I'll list a few I'm currently craving. Characters I want to play will be bolded. If there aren't any bolds then I am open to playing any of the listed pairings.
Supernatural - Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester (gotta love Wincest) The Magicians - Eliot Waugh/Quentin Coldwater (I also have an OC i’d love to use in this verse) The Sandman - Dream/Hob (I’d prefer to play Dream but I can play either)
Teen Wolf - Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale, Peter Hale/Derek Hale, (lots more really) - Anything with Slutty Bottom Derek is good in my book. DC Comics / DCU - Bruce Wayne/Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Clark Kent, etc - Really looking for Batfamily plots here. Got a few ideas involving playing Clark Kent as well. (poly plots welcomed)
Stranger Things - Steve Harrington/Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Steve/Billy/Eddie
BBC Merlin - Merlin/Arthur (I would also be open to some Merlin/Arthur/Gwaine or Merlin/Knights action)
Other Characters I am looking for in regard to crossovers/other plots - Lestat De Lioncourt, Spike (Buffy), Elijah Mikaelson, Damon Salvatore, Luke Crain (Haunting of Hill House), Eliot Spencer (Leverage), Oliver Queen (DC), Bucky Barnes (For Steve/Bucky), Eric Northman, Takeshi Kovacs, Neal Caffrey - Feel free to message me or like this post for plotting/connecting purposes.
DM @aiden-phenix-rper-at-law if interested!
Leave a like, and the asker will get back to you!
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nightmarefuele · 2 months
muse directory.
repression is a huge theme on this blog. smut happens (usually in gruesome ways), but don't expect it.
Dune, Star Wars, general gritty sci-fi;
Ren (of 'the' Ren) ; adam driver ; a heavily divergent/'oc-ified', post(usually)-snoke, visceral horror, gritty lean from star wars' kylo ren. na-Baron Feyd-Rautha ; austin butler ; draws pretty much solely from the '24 film. Kylo Ren ; adam driver ; as close to kylo 'canon' as i'm capable of writing, but solely draws from tfa characterization. Paul-Muad'Dib Atreides ; timothee chalamet ; leans on the book(+ messiah) from time to time. Lady Margot Fenring ; léa seydoux. Officer KD6-3.7 ; ryan gosling ; blade runner 2049 . Ezra ; pedro pascal ; prospect (2018). Cee ; sophie thatcher ; prospect (2018).
villains, heroes;
Loki Laufeyson ; tom hiddleston ; fuck u i don't consider post-tdw canon. ciao Homelander ; antony starr. Serge/Frenchie/The Frenchman ; tomer kapon ; the boys. Black Noir ; the boys. Billy Butcher ; karl urban ; the boys. Jonathan Crane ; cillian murphy ; selective muse, likely won't be writing him within gotham just for the sake of gotham. want to explore him thru different subjects and lenses. Logan (Wolverine) ; hugh jackman. Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) ; michael fassbender, ian mckellen.
bleak, flexible modern;
Elliot Alderson ; rami malek ; mr. robot. Phillip Price ; michael cristofer ; mr. robot. Leon ; joey bada$$ ; mr. robot. Lisbeth Salander ; rooney mara ; the girl with the dragon tattoo (2011) . Berry Rydell ; young josh hartnett ; freelance private security officer from william gibson's virtual light trilogy, based in retrofuturist nocal and socal. just a guy doing his own thing and getting caught up, routinely, somehow, in the national (but very top-secret) dickfight over some expensive glasses. + virtual reality, or whatever. Control (John Rodriguez) ; bob morley ; based on authority by jeff vandermeer, and annihilation, book and film, exploring hypnosis/mind control and consequent distrust, or outright paranoia. operates at the branch-end of a highly bureaucratic and mysterious organization. eventually ends up at Southern Reach, "...a secret agency that manages expeditions into a place known as Area X, an uninhabited and abandoned coastal area of an unnamed country which nature is gradually reclaiming." 'nature', in this context, being a cute/tame word. refers to his guns as 'gramps', 'grandpa', 'grandpap', etc. 6" tall, impassive. Tangerine ; aaron taylor-johnson ; bullet train . Colin Laney ; tbd. ; has a talent for identifying nodal points. Kid ; dev patel ; monkey man. Benny Cross ; austin butler ; the bikeriders ; characters like these are cute. i basically get to make them ocs. Corky ; karl glusman ; the bikeriders
Joel Miller ; pedro pascal . Imperator Furiosa ; anya taylor-joy. (alyla browne.) Dr. Dementus ; chris hemsworth. Max Rockatansky ; tom hardy. Bellamy Blake ; bob morley. John Murphy ; richard harmon. Raven Reyes ; lindsay morgan.
cyberpunk, modern sci-fi;
Connor (the Android Sent by Cyberlife) ; bryan dechart. Takeshi Kovacs ; joel kinnaman . Jesper Fahey ; kit young . Kaz Brekker ; freddy carter . Yennefer of Vengerberg ; anya chalotra .
Blitzø ; helluva boss Fizzarolli ; helluva boss Octavia ; helluva boss Beelzebub ; helluva boss Loona ; helluva boss Stolas ; helluva boss Azula ; atla Silco ; arcane Remor ; fran bow Itward ; fran bow Fran Bow ; fran bow Zuko ; atla
aus are fun. hit me with em or forever hold your peace.
ocs, always subject to adapt and update on a thread-to-thread basis;
Viggo Hurskainen ; firstname aliases include vil, nils, lars ; bill skarsgård ; 'soft' but also murdery. deranged and confused. will break away just as erratically as tag along. backdrops include scandinavian/russian/german mafia, interdimensional southern cthulhian gothic, (vampire) cult, serial killer bullshit, et al. sometimes works as 'housekeeping/cleanup crew.' (for assassinations.) (sometimes is the assassin/ation. or spy.) Oeznik Ambroicz ; cillian murphy ; loosely based on a character from an original script. flexible iterations. director of an institute/facility (sometimes agency, depending on setting and historical values) that focuses on exploring the residual elements that paranormal trauma leaves behind. these elements can be purely psychological, physical, combined, or, sometimes, paranormal themselves. in other iterations, to draw further on lovecraftian or cthulhu mythos elements, oeznik may lean more private investigator, or 'freelance', for his own mysterious and often unexplained purposes. focused and preoccupied when fixed securely inside his element; wary and suspicious when not. Nadya ; sara serraiocco, sara montpetit ; lab experiment turned a) runaway, b) interdimensional spy/assassin, c) something something time shenanigans. or simple modern ones. who the fuck knows. Dorian Yu ; christian yu ; tba. loosely based on christian yu's musical creations. relies either on psychological themes (wherein dorian is bipolar), for stories more grounded in realism, or the supernatural. heavily flexible, works into most (if not all) modern environments. can be taken a vaguely sci-fi or heavily cyberpunk route. (he's fun. smiley ball of energy and sunshine, or depressive and vaguely antagonistic shut-in.) prone to delusions, dissociation, and in severe instances, amnesia. Fifine ; anya taylor-joy ; random modern verse shenanigans. (the) Insomnium ; tbd. ; developed and hatched by a cult of space witches moreso than born. derived from an organically inorganic (or just inexplicable) substance. for tumblr purposes, blends the idea of dune's 'voice'. cult functions similarly on some levels to the b.g., but is entirely an unknown. stems from the same gritty, visceral horror environment and themes as the ren. (especially picky about where i throw this one.) space cultists tba.
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drabbles-mc · 4 months
Drabbles-MC: Altered Carbon Fics
Fic list under the cut!
👀 = smut, 💔 = angst
- Gone Soft (Takeshi Kovacs x F!Reader)
- Small Price to Pay (Takeshi Kovacs x F!Reader)
- Once in Twenty Lifetimes (Takeshi Kovacs x Kristin Ortega)
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babblydrabbly · 2 years
the only man you look at tonight || takeshi kovacs x reader || oneshot
takeshi kovacs x f!reader || smut || 2.4k words || warnings - language. alcohol and drug use. kissing. frottage. mentions of past abuse.
a/n: for @that-sarcastic-writer's lovely follower celebration! I really loved this prompt. Congrats again on the followers bby! ♡♡♡ and thank you to @a-reader-and-a-writer for beta reading:)
[ I do not give permission to repost my work anywhere. ]
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The two of you are on a night out when you bump into your ex.
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Takeshi’s strong arms and broad chest box you against the glass-top bar possessively. He makes sure all other patrons avoid bumping you as you order two more drinks, persuading the man on the other side of the counter to make them doubles on the house. Ever since Tak lost his expense account on the Bancrofts’ dime, the two of you had to revert to more frugal ways of navigating Bay City. You didn’t mind. It was your life before Takeshi Kovacs came into it, and he seemed well adept at it too.
You had surprised the envoy. You weren’t one for the noisy, chaotic atmosphere of most clubs in the city. But you knew Takeshi had a penchant for vice dens just like this one, and you secretly didn’t like him going alone no matter how perfectly capable he was. Takeshi Kovacs was a magnet for trouble, after all.
The corner of Tak’s lips quirk as you keep your head on a subtle swivel. You had proven you could clock plenty of danger in seedy places.
In your own way, you were reminding Takeshi it was okay to let his guard down and enjoy the booze and drugs he so often sought out when he first arrived. And while it was true that was his original goal, he had grown used to you by his side. He wasn’t just saying yes to another night out.
Takeshi realized it long before you— A good partnership in crime had turned into good company. And going out together had become a pleasurable thing of its own.
You stiffen when Tak curls his tall frame against your back for a moment before relaxing. You feel his warm breath on your ear before you hear his sleeve’s deep, velvety baritone.
“What’d you score us?”
You try to shrug nonchalantly, keeping your eyes forward. “Some top shelf. With a spritz of a little something like Veuron.” You turn to look up at him. “You looked like you wanted to get a little loose on the dance floor.”
“Are we dancing tonight?” Takeshi wonders out loud teasingly. Warmth flushes your cheeks. You thank the bartender and slide the glasses toward yourself, holding one up for Tak. He grabs the glass and clinks it against yours. “Kanpai.”
“Skal.” You agree. The two of you knock the drinks back swiftly before he takes your hand and guides you out onto the frenzied dance floor.
The sensation that hits soon after lifts you. Your eyes chase the moving lights that wash over the other dancers, happy to sway lethargically to the reverberating beat. Once again, Takeshi stands tall behind you—his favorite place to be, it seems-—his broad hands on your hips as he sways behind you in sync.
“I like this one,” Takeshi murmurs into your ear. This time he doesn’t hesitate to press his lips right against your skin. You give him an absent hum of approval yourself and tilt your head to the side.
“You like any drugs you can get your hands on.” You point out. The hands on your hips give you a squeeze before traveling steadily up your sides. You had no idea how true that statement was.
You gasp when he spins you around and find yourself facing Takeshi.
You open your mouth to say more. Tak raises an eyebrow when you suddenly clamp your mouth shut instead. He notes how you stop moving to the music instantly— your eyes fixated on something else just past him. Or someone.
Tak uses the large mirror that makes up the far wall to pinpoint what’s caught your attention rather than glancing over his shoulder. By his guess, it’s got to be a man over by the lounge area.
The Meth has the audacity to wear his ridiculous white garb while down here, in a shitty nightclub of all places. He chats with a few other wealthy men and women. Though clearly none of them are as wealthy as him.
Takeshi glances back down at you. “Who’s he?”
You glance up, startled. But you’ve grown used to Takeshi playing detective. He cranes his ear down so you can easily speak to him over the loud music.
“He goes by Rex when he’s down on the ground. We… knew each other. A long time ago.” You try to explain through the noise and haze of the drug. And Tak can already tell by your hesitation what you mean. “He used to hook me up with Merge5. Then Merge5 turned into Merge9 and, well… I had to get away from him eventually. You know what I mean?”
A flare of something in Takeshi makes him clench his jaw. He scoffs.
Takeshi knew exactly what you meant. Even the idea of being in the same room as Miriam Bancroft again annoyed the envoy. He could imagine how demeaning it must have been to you with this Meth of your own.
Takeshi’s weightless mood shifts as he steps closer to you, his hands on your hips again.
“But like I said. It was a long time ago.” You reiterate. Tak watches you glance down with a hint of shame. “Way before you were last spun up, that’s for sure.”
Takeshi takes your chin and brings your face back up. Your eyes flit over his expression, trying to discern what he may be thinking. When Tak finally takes a glance over at Rex, he isn’t surprised to see the man looking back. Takeshi smirks.
His kiss is electric. Your muffled sound cuts off as Takeshi cups your face with both hands and pulls you in. His lips mixed with your spinning daze leave you breathless. Kissing Takeshi Kovacs is a high on its own.
“Tak?” You shudder when those lips break away and leave a hot trail down your jawline. Right to the spot beneath your ear that makes you melt. His eyes drift open as he presses hot kisses against your skin, pulling away long enough to lock eyes with you. He catches your dazed attention in an instant.
“Let’s get out of here.” He offers casually. Takeshi’s concern, despite the way he wraps it up in his particular brand of attitude, reminds you just how protective he can be. He had hid it at first. In sideways glances and gentle brushes of his knuckles against yours.
But now, after everything you had been through together in this shitty town, it was the two of you. A package deal.
Your eyes flicker to his parted lips— to the way they glisten now in the neon lighting because of their contact with your skin. Then back to his blown pupils rimmed with their brilliant hazel rings. You grip the front of his shirt in response, desire suddenly blooming in your chest and down to your toes.
The spell is broken by the sound of his voice. One you never wanted to hear again but should have expected eventually. “Look who’s back in town.” He greets. Rex approaches with abandon, his cloned sleeve in pristine condition. You scoff under your breath when he elbows a few dancers out of his way.
“Here I am.” You respond. You don’t know how else to. You twist your fingers into the fabric just above Tak’s waist.
Takeshi wraps his arms around you, pulling you even closer. It’s so possessive you have to lift a foot subtly to not step on the envoy’s shoes. You blink as your cheek connects with Tak’s firm chest, a little speechless.
The Meth glances at Tak’s posture but says nothing about it. His smile is as congenial as ever.
“You must be the man I can’t quite live up to.” Tak drawls loudly over the din. His words, dripping with sarcasm, go right over the other man’s head.
“Talks about me, does she?” He grins.
Not at all, you prick. You bite your tongue before you regret it.
You don’t know what you expected, but it certainly wasn’t Takeshi playing his version of nice. He was one of the most bullheaded creatures you’d ever met. You’d only seen him skirt his way around conflict a handful of times– when absolutely necessary. You were both survivors in that way.
But Takeshi Kovacs knew how to play the board. Behind Rex, a few of his entourage kept their eyes on the three of you, ready to clean up the mess their Meth often made in his wake. It’d be in your and Takeshi’s best interest not to escalate anything while high and outnumbered.
“Well, I’m sure she wouldn’t settle for anything less than.” Your ex humbly concedes.
Your cheeks heat up again when he finally walks away– no longer a blush of desire but of embarrassment. Shame. Why shame?
Before you can sink into the feeling further, Tak grasps your chin lightly between his fingers.
“Fifty credits says he turns back around once he gets to that bar.” The envoy murmurs. You furrow your brow in confusion at his amused little smirk.
“What do you mean?”
Tak replies with another deep kiss.
“Be a little brash for me, for once.” He nips at your bottom lip.
You roll your eyes. “You’re one to talk. I thought we were just leaving.”
Tak doesn’t need the grip of his strong, callused hands to get your hips moving. You sway with him, leaning back to lock dilated eyes with the envoy. He pins you with his hooded hazel gaze and that expression you still can’t quite figure out. You’ve always wondered just how many calculations the envoy can make about what’s in front of him in a matter of seconds.
“This meth doesn’t know what’s mine.” Tak growls in your ear. The words drop sharply down to your core, and your mouth parts with shock. He’s never said something so forward about the two of you before. And you never dared to ask him.
“Takeshi.” Your eyes flit over to Rex. Tak gives you a moment to lock eyes with him, just enough to catch the glimpse of desire in the other man’s eyes. It’s one you’re familiar with, tainted with all the things you don’t ever want again; Jealousy; Insecurity; And that acrid kind of possessiveness without an ounce of true care. He held his power over you too long. Long enough that you’d never forget why you ran away in the first place.
But Takeshi’s face is different. You gasp as his hand closes softly around your jaw and guides your line of sight back to him. His gaze is something completely new. You flush beneath his hazel stare dotted with the strobe and neon lights dancing around you both. When he kisses you again, Takeshi presses his body against yours- chest to chest and hips to hips. You let go of a whimper when his arousal presses flush to your pelvis. You clench your thighs together with want, eyes falling shut.
So you try to ease into it. Let him pin you to him as his familiar touch runs ribbons of tingling warmth up and down your sides. And soon your past problems with Rex seem far away again– the distance from where you stand and the bar growing with every heart-thudding beat of sound.
Tak’s thigh coaxes your legs apart. Through the thin fabric of your pants, his muscles press firmly to you, gliding back and forth as the two of you begin to grind. You moan lightly at the friction. It’s not just the booze or the drugs– it’s Takeshi holding onto you so fiercely that gets your hips rolling. You bury your face in the man’s chest as the first slick sign of wetness blooms between your legs. You exhale a breath across the Envoy’s chest.
“Fuck.” He groans softly under all the noise. Could his intuition really tell him just how much you were enjoying yourself?
Eager to coax more sounds out of your normally silent partner, your hand makes its way down his chest. Over every cord of rolling muscle until your fingers finally hook on his belt. You glance up cheekily at him and bite your lip.
“I might just have to carry you out of here after all.” He smirks down at you. His eyes flutter shut as you reach up with your free hand to push the soft fringes of hair out of his eyes.
You savor the sharp inhale Tak breathes in as you cup the hard length at his center. Tak’s face twists subtly with pleasure. You stroke him as he grinds you down on his thigh. The two of you stay like this, working each other’s bodies under the guise of dancing as you hide your face away in the safety of Takeshi’s collar.
Tak holds your weight when the tell-tale sign of your quaking knees leaves you gripping onto his belt. His arms wrap around you on instinct as you shutter and buck lightly against him, your head tilting back in ecstasy. Lips find the column of your throat. Takeshi mouths at your pulse as your cries are drowned out by the music. A hand cards through your sweat-damp hair as you catch your breath.
You lock eyes with Takeshi. The thought of an audience member watching the two of you is long gone from your mind. Still, you smile dazedly at Tak, knowing where you want the rest of the night to go.
“I think I know a place with free booze and a little more privacy.”
He snorts, reading your mind. His voice is a heavy rasp now that it’s drenched with desire.
“Yeah? I think I might know the proprietor. And no, he doesn’t care for privacy.”
You grin as Takeshi relents anyway, a heat flooding your chest when you catch him throwing a sly smirk back toward the bar for a split moment. You don’t care enough to look yourself.
The two of you escape the underground club and step back out into the Bay City fog, your only thoughts on the hand enveloping yours and the warm safe haven waiting for you both.
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Joel Kinnaman Character Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
This is a collection of my all of my fics written as pairings for Joel Kinnaman’s characters. All NSFW fics are marked as SMUT!
***all unfinished series/ fics are on hiatus***
Original Character Fics
Ruby Moon Sunflower Seeds (unfinished series) | Teaser One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Face Cast
Rick Flag X OC Kaia Castle. He’s a soldier, she has superpowers, and there’s something there between them. More than he knows: until one day he’s fucking around with a new job and alien tech and discovers that she had his baby... and his girls in danger.
Reader Insert Fics
Detective Stephen Holder from The Killing (tv show 2011-2014)
Royal Flush | 3k words 🔥SMUT🔥 | you play strip poker with your buddy Stephen
Can’t Stay Mad At You | 3.3k words 🔥SMUT🔥 | your boyfriend Stephen is late because of work (again) and he tries his best to make it up to you
Just Ask | 5.3k words 🔥SMUT🔥 | your boyfriend Stephen thinks pussy eating is fake and you show him how wrong he is
Every Little Step (unfinished series) | [on old Masterlist]
Stephen Holder X Mom! POC! Reader. Stephen meets you, a fellow detective at Seattle Police Department and recovering alcoholic. He falls for you and your adorable daughter instantly.
Colonel Rick Flag from DCEU Suicide Squad (2019)/ The Suicide Squad (2020)
French Lace And Silk Stockings | 2k words 🔥SMUT🔥 | 1950′s AU where you try on some lingerie your husband Rick bought you
Safe Harbor | 6.5k words 🔥SMUT🔥 | Rick can’t seem to depressurize from the horrors of the latest mission but you can help with that
Silver Ghosts | Drabble Challenge: less than 1k word limit | Written for the March 2022 GFS Drabble Project
Tamagotchi | Drabble Challenge: less than 1k word limit | Written for the April 2022 GFS Drabble Project
Think You Can Handle That Much? | 1.4k words 🔥SMUT🔥 | My one and only fic request! You (can be read also as OC Kaia Castle) are freaking out about the wedding and your fiance Rick knows just how to calm you
Twelve of Thirty-One Kinktober 2021 Prompts | *word count is tagged at the beginning of every fic* 🔥SMUT🔥 | Prompts completed for Rick are as follows numerically: 5-10, 15-17, 20, 23, & 25. More info in Kinktober 2021 Masterlist (linked above)
Takeshi Kovacs (Ryker Sleeve) from Altered Carbon
Rose Venemum | 4.3k words 🔥SMUT🔥 | You ask Tak to help you with a mission and discover a new kink or two
Two of Thirty-One Kinktober 2021 Prompts | 1.5k + 2k words 🔥SMUT🔥 | Prompts completed with Takeshi Kovacs were “Day Fourteen: Temperature Play/ Bath Shower Sex” and “Day Nineteen: Impact Play”
Erik Heller from Hanna (tv show 2019-2021)
A Southward Breeze | Drabble mode: less than 1k word limit | Written for the May 2022 GFS Drabble Project
\\Return to Main Masterlist for more fics by yours truly//
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smuttyfanficlibrary · 10 months
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⋆˙⟡ series ⟡˙⋆
altered carbon (1)
the bear
high rise invasion
jujutsu kaisen
jurassic world (1)
mad men (1)
the originals
peaky blinders
mr. robot (1)
the walking dead
you (netflix)
bakugo katsuki (1)
bucky barnes
carmy berzatto
dabi todoroki (1)
daryl dixon
elijah mikaelson
elliot alderson (1)
gojo satoru
joe goldberg
klaus mikaelson
kol mikaelson (1)
lip gallagher
loki laufeyson
negan smith
owen grady (1)
rebekah mikaelson (1)
rick grimes
sniper mask
steve rogers (1)
takeshi kovacs (1)
thomas shelby
real people
chris evans
tom hiddleston
dylan o'brien (1)
penn badgley (1)
original writing
no smut
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darkdoverpseeker · 1 year
Hello! I’m a 26 year-old writer looking for a 1x1 rp in the Altered Carbon universe, specifically Takeshi Kovacs against my season 1-based OC for a slow-burn romance in between the two. While story is prioritized over smut, I’d prefer it if my partner was open to writing it, although I won’t write with anyone under the age of 21 as a precaution. I’m also big on OOC communication, since I enjoy brainstorming and plotting with whoever I write. The roleplay would also be based on Discord, so please like if interested and I’ll contact you! — Much love, Zoe
like if interested!
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lovearne · 2 years
WIP asks game: Rules are as follows. post the barebones plot of your wips and let people send you an ask with the title that intrigues them the most and then post a snippet/tell them something about it! then, tag as many people as you have wips!
Tagged by: @bvcksmunson @aprilfire18 and @spector27 (sorry this is a couple days late dudes 💙)
1. Frank castle x reader (smut top reader)
2. Chris smith x reader (they are his weed dealer in prison)
3. Takeshi Kovacs x reader (there was only one couch prompt)
4. Adrian Chase × reader (trashman au)
Tagging: @likedovesinthewnd @chaseadrian-library @literatigeek
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that-sarcastic-writer · 10 months
🎃🌹Lia's Kinktober writer appreciation🎃🌹
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I want to try something for kinktober.
So I won't do your typical 30 day writing prompt thing. I wish I had the time. But I don't. So ill do something objectively better. I want to do a masterlist of smut work of different writers (not just my mutuals) so kinda kinktober writer appreciation. Yall do amazing work and that needs to be appreciated
I'll add the details below.
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Starting September 20th until October 15th I'll be compiling a list of smut fics I find under various character tags. And you are welcome (and encouraged) to rec me your favorite smut authors/fics. You can either dm the link or just shoot me an ask. If you are, in fact, a writer, you are very encouraged to send me your own work (like please I would love to read your masterpieces). You are also welcome to tag me in your work.
I'll list some qualifications below (pairings, characters and no-nos for me)
I ask that all fics are x readers (no character ships), fem or gender neutral only (I don't feel comfortable reading mlm smut as I am a straight woman myself). No incest/pseudo-incest, no rape, sexual assault or non-con (unless it's cnc). Those are my only limits. I'll read anything at least once.
You must be 18+ to participate. Whether that is to include your fic in the masterlist or if you're sending me (your age must be in your bio). I am an adult and I am not condoning minors in adult spaces nor interacting with mature work.
Character list:
Leon S Kennedy
Matt Murdock
Billy Russo
Frank Castle
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Soldier Boy
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Pedro Pascal characters (Javier Peña, Din Djarin, Joel Miller)
Rick Flag/Takeshi Kovacs (yes I still eat that shit up)
Miguel O'Hara
Thomas Shelby
*list might be updated in the future*
Mutuals only section
Because yall are my babes, and I read everything yall write, you can send me/tag me in any upcoming fic of yours (no matter which character), I'll happily read it and add it to the masterlist.
I'm ecstatic to see the wonders yall will come up with! Don't be shy! My inbox and dms are open for all writers.
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Tagging some of my writer/mutual babes @fluffyprettykitty @a-reader-and-a-writer @loverhymeswith @inklore @ovaryacted @agentwhiskeysdarlin @charnelhouse @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @littlestatesman @wayward-dreamer @gyllenhaalstories @1800-fight-me @witchisenpai
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violetmuses · 2 years
Mischief - Flag + Kovacs (18+ MINORS DNI)
TITLE: “Mischief” (18+ MINORS DNI) || Rick Flag ft. Takeshi Kovacs
FANDOM: “Suicide Squad” Universe ft. “Altered Carbon” (Netflix Series)
CHARACTERS: Colonel Richard “Rick” Flag ft. Modern!Takeshi Kovacs
PAIRING: Female Reader + Rick Flag ft. Takeshi Kovacs 
STORYLINE: When Rick invites Kovacs back home after the Enchantress mission and you cross their path, who knows what will happen? 
Author’s Note: Hey!  2016 Rick is here with Modern Takeshi. Feedback would greatly appreciated and thanks so much for reading my work. As a warning, this One-Shot also includes SMUT content. (18+ Minors DNI) Adult themes, strong language, etc. - V. 💜
Main Masterlist 💜
J Krew: @nerdysuperchick @a-reader-and-a-writer @babblydrabbly @lacontroller1991 @shadowkittybucky @loverhymeswith @justin-hammers @weallhaveadestiny @xoxabs88xox @katjnordstrom96   @mayhem24-7forever @fangirl0917 @skvatnavle @sociiallydiisoriiented @heresathreebee @alieninoklahoma @bewitchedignition @maddu-oliveira @reveluving @sugapapichulo @hodgepodge-of-rog @ijustthinkrickflagisprettyneat @11thstreetvigilante
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Colonel Rick Flag kept few friends around, especially since June walked out of his life, never coming back. No matter how strong Moone and Flag both tried to act not long after the Enchantress mission took place, that everlasting trauma soon ruined their shared bond, forever shattering an otherwise beautiful connection. 
By now, weeks had passed since his breakup. Flag nearly fell within the comfort of seclusion to avoid the outside world, but one text message caught his attention out of nowhere: 
Kovacs: Flag! In town for business. Do you still celebrate Mardi Gras or do I have to bar hop through Bourbon Street alone tonight?
For the first time in quite a while, Rick sat in the living room and allowed himself to smile before answering Takeshi’s message. 
Flag: Good to hear from you, brother. Don’t worry, I’m never too busy this time of year. 
It was true. Flag had taken small steps up until this point, cleaning up the house and leaving his bed to grocery shop time and time again. There was no other choice between deployments. This small Louisiana town offered refuge in so many ways. 
And yet, the very mention of visiting Mardi Gras this year had cracked a code. Rick knew so much better than to keep sulking. Even Lieutenant Edwards, a now late comrade and friend, would’ve encouraged this man days earlier to party soon. 
Now, five years later, because Lieutenant Edwards sadly passed away during the Enchantress mission, only Rick and Takeshi remained. In truth, the least that Rick could do is to keep his spirit up, if not for Edwards, but surely for himself and Tak. 
Despite his excitement for Mardi Gras coming soon, Flag didn’t echo music while picking Takeshi up from a conference center. Playing songs out loud had been reserved for Edwards and Rick honestly wouldn’t feel joy again for a while. 
“Damn, Rick. Can’t you talk to heaven before picking me up?” Tak grumbles through Louisiana heat after packing his briefcase into the truck and reaching that passenger side. The dress shirt that Kovacs has worn from a previous meeting of big-time executives has already soaked through with sweat. 
“Nice to see you too, Kovacs.” Rick allows himself to laugh before hiking up the air condition system found here in his truck. 
“Look, we texted earlier, but I didn’t come here for pleasantries, all right? When was the last time you blew off steam?” Tak probes as Rick pulls away from the curb. 
It’s once again your favorite time of year here in Louisiana. 
As always, delicious aromas spark through open doors of cultured restaurants. Fun live bands seem to groove on every corner as New Orleans peaks with activity. 
By the time night owls have descended upon those cobblestone paths, you’ve already served countless drinks, smiling as patrons head out to dance with the community outside. 
Your smile returns as soon as one familiar face enters this bar. Colonel Rick Flag has arrived, out of uniform and ready for another much-needed break between deployments. 
This time around, Rick hides that military buzz-cut by sporting a dark New Orleans Saints football team cap. At the very least, he’s proudly wearing fake gold beads that clasp around his neck and wearing a black t-shirt despite the heatwave. 
Yet, you soon realize that Flag isn’t alone. 
The man walking alongside Rick definitely looks out of place, not even wearing the color scheme of attire that somehow fits this occasion. This stranger only cares about the heat, sporting one shirt that looks too small for his own strong build. 
“Brought a new friend with you, Colonel?” You say, eying Flag and prepping his usual drink of choice. 
“Hey, Darling. This is Takeshi.” Rick gestures between you and Takeshi before taking his well-deserved drink from you. Meanwhile, Takeshi notices you without giving much of a smile, clearly thinking of something else. 
“Welcome, Takeshi.” You know so much better than to ask questions about Rick’s new guest, but at least Lieutenant Edwards smiled at folks before his unfortunate passing. 
“Hello,” Takeshi nearly deadpans his voice towards you, but Rick catches him and shoots one damning glare. 
“What can I get for you?” You remain professional, waiting for Takeshi to respond before long. 
“Whiskey, please.” Takeshi clips those two words and you even notice that Rick has started cringing on your behalf. 
“Got it.” You face Takeshi. Rick wants to shake his head and walk out, feeling ashamed to nearly ruin his favorite night with someone like Tak around. 
“I’m sorry.” Rick whispers to you between sips from his own drink as you give Tak the whiskey. 
“Look, he’s not my first disgruntled customer. You know that, Rick.” You offer the truth to Flag, but continue working for other patrons here in this bar. 
“See you later?” Rick questions you while grinning minutes later, tipping you early and sliding off this barstool. 
“Keep Takeshi in check, Colonel.” You affirm this suggestion, but wink for a moment before Flag and Takeshi walk out during your shift. 
“Who was that?” Tak questions Rick not long after leaving your spot. Countless people dance or crowd in the blocked off streets, still enjoying this annual holiday. 
“One of the coolest bartenders I know.” While facing Takeshi, Rick compliments you and drops his empty plastic cup into the nearest trash can. 
He’s tipsy without danger now, having picked up more drinks for himself and Tak from a stand perched out here. One brass band thunders with grooves right down this exact street, filling his mind with memories of dancing like a kid with Edwards. 
“She looks good.” Tak might’ve picked up whiskey too early because his next words prompt Rick to trade narrowed eyes again. 
“Come on. I always want to have a good time here, but you shouldn’t be rude to people.” Rick warns once more. No matter how cold he acted around Task Force X on duty, Flag knows that respect matters and Tak still isn’t kind. “Don’t think I forgot about how you treated her.” 
“Somebody sounds jealous.” Tak dares to reach the proverbial jugular with Rick and corners himself near one sidewalk to avoid that too-loud brass band. 
“I’m not jealous, Kovacs. Like I said, you’re just rude.” Rick crosses both tattooed arms after turning his cap backwards while standing on the sidewalk. 
Takeshi rolls both eyes, no longer wanting to argue with Flag. 
You jog out of the door almost immediately after finishing your shift at the bar. With enough free time left, you could meet up with Rick and hopefully perk up Takeshi’s mood. This brand-new stranger must be a grouch while drunk or something. 
One of many brass bands still plays out on the street tonight and you spot Rick first, waving to him across the barricaded pavement. 
“Y/N!” Rick’s fitting Southern accent calls out your name across the street, but Takeshi continues sulking with another drink cradled in his large hand. 
“Any ideas for how we’ll get Takeshi to stop pouting?” You joke with Rick, who offers this halfway as you all stand to hear music. 
“I’m just here for the alcohol.” Tak deadpans near you, still numb. 
“Whatever.“ You brush off Takeshi’s comment and palm Rick’s hand instead, already starting to have fun. 
For the first time since returning home now, Rick genuinely chuckles while enjoying time with you to these live rhythms. He’s thankful that you haven’t lost joy through many years. 
Feeling loose and tipsy enough to stop sulking, Kovacs watches in silence, quietly humored by this sight. 
A decorated but short-tempered Colonel is dancing with someone he knows, not allowing anger to dictate his every move. At least not tonight. 
Once transportation has been called to return home safely, you’re wearing Rick’s New Orleans Saints football cap, hiding your eyes because the hat is too big. Of course Tak sits up front with the driver, still trying to give himself extra leg room. 
By some miracle, all three of you pile into the vehicle, scheduled to reach Flag’s home soon. There’s no point in trekking to your place alone this late at night, especially considering how much spare room Rick keeps back at his own house. 
You talk near Rick while sitting in the back seat, still catching with him during this car ride. 
“Thanks for helping us out tonight.” Rick compliments you once more and offers another rare expression of joy. 
“No problem. It would be nice if your friend Tak actually smiles, though.” While speaking to Rick, you jut your chin towards the front seat, where Takeshi hasn’t heard anything. 
It’s still quite late at night when all three of you are safely dropped off at Rick’s home and you settle in the living room. 
“Do you want your own drink, Darling?” Rick asks, calling out to you in the kitchen after washing his hands.
“Not yet, Rick, but thank you.” You clear your throat, waiting for Flag to return to the living room. Across this space. Takeshi almost manspreads while sitting in the nearest empty chair, totally silent again. 
Rick sets down one small platter of snacks along with three more glasses onto the coffee table. He then looks up at you with another rare smile, grateful to see you once more. 
He’s missed you, but won’t admit it, especially since June broke his heart. Long before chaos of ARGUS and Task Force X overtook his military service, Rick knew  you, always keeping his emotions private. 
“Tak gets my couch and you’ll have the guest room. All right?” Rick lays down the plan for sleeping arrangements. You nod, understanding. 
“Okay. Thanks.” You tell Rick, planning to keep your distance. This property would always be his home and you so much knew better than to cross boundaries. 
“What the hell?” On the other hand, Tak furrows his brow, clearly not pleased by this change of events. 
“Don’t worry, it’s a pull-out couch, Tak.” Rick speaks up while facing Kovacs. You try not to smirk because of Flag’s comment. 
“All right. Good night, you two. Thanks, Rick.” You clear your throat once more and head towards the guest room, ready for bed. 
Not even twenty minutes later, both Rick and Tak can’t wait anymore. These two men stand in front of the guest room. 
Rick softly knocks first, hoping that you haven’t fallen asleep already. All it takes is mutual consent from you and tonight would go into a completely different direction. 
“Come in.” You hear knocking that almost doesn’t reach your ears, but turn on the nightstand lamp, calling out for either Rick or Tak. 
“Hey,” Rick greets you, but you notice that Tak is standing alongside Rick. Out of nowhere, your body heats up, not even feeling horrified. 
“Hi,” You answer Rick, but want them both, no matter how standoffish Tak acted in the bar earlier. “Everything okay?” 
“Can all three of us talk about something? It’s important.” Rick knows exactly what he wants, but your agreement or refusal makes all the difference tonight. 
“Yeah.” You nod, making full eye contact with Rick and Tak while sitting on the bed. 
“It’s fine if you don’t want to do anything, but I was thinking that we could have a little bit more fun tonight. Could we?” Flag keeps his words vaguely respectful, but you’re not stupid. 
“Yes.” Facing both Rick and Takeshi, you consent to this moment without fail now, sitting up against the headboard. 
While sitting on the bed, Rick kisses you first and you can already taste booze, not even feeling sick. His fingers gently pinch your chin as he caresses your face. 
Tak watches everything unfold and stands in the background, waiting for his turn. His own erection strains for you, pulsing over and over again at the center of his pants. 
Rick dares to kiss your neck after removing your t-shirt and unfastening that bra, but your piercing eyes stare Tak down from a crossway angle. 
Fuck. Tak thinks, not lying to himself this time. You’re gorgeous. He’s already fantasizing of how tight you’ll might feel while possibly clenching around him. 
On the bed, Rick kneads your breasts while sitting right behind you now, giving Tak a full view of what he’s missed.
 Your panties have soaked right through at this point. If you wait any longer, you’ll explode without even getting to fuck Rick or Tak this evening. 
“Who should go inside of you first, Baby? Huh?” Rick’s Southern drawl teases your ear from behind and you nearly spill because of his damn accent. 
“Shit. You, Rick. You. Your response to Flag trembles, but you can’t help giving out that truth as he dips capable fingers between your folds. You buck against his fingers, trying not to come. 
Across the room, you see Tak struggle to keep composure through lidded eyes. He’s already taken off his boxers and started jerking off, spilling precum at the tip because of you. 
Rick can’t help looming over you once he wears a condom and plunges right into your core. Your legs clasp around his bare waist and you still clutch around him, out of words. All you can do for him is scream through every wall of this bedroom. 
“Come for me. Please, Darling.” His Southern accent rasps towards you again. 
“Oh my God.” You obediently spill, crying to Flag in the name of bliss. 
Meanwhile, Tak still waits his turn, but almost impatiently. He’s edged himself over and over again, nearly overwhelmed because of how good you look while clenching around Rick. 
“Hey,” Flag whispers to you, caressing your face once more leaving the bed. You’ve cooled down after Rick slides out of your core and disposes that condom, sadly feeling hollow despite an amazing orgasm. 
“More.” After settling down even further and still wanting more, you sit up, craving attention from Takeshi this time. 
“Oh?” Tak deviously smiles for a moment while facing you and takes another condom from inside the nightstand. and Rick catches that exchange. 
“She wants more?” Flag arches his brow and crosses both tattooed arms. 
“Apparently so. More out of the way, Colonel.” Tak makes a joke for the first time all night. 
But what Takeshi has planned for you next isn’t a laughing matter.  
 “Look at him.” Despite clenching his teeth through words, Tak is deliciously arrogant now. 
You palm the nearest wall as Takeshi stands completely naked and bends you over. He's wearing another condom while slamming into your core from behind. By this point, he’s pulled your hair back, forcing your eye contact with Rick as you whimper. 
Your breasts shake time and time again as you look down between shadows of the bedroom, not caring about anything else. You only want to chase another orgasm because of these men.
Yet, Tak suddenly can’t keep up, spilling before he can stop himself from breaking composure. 
“Come on. Fuck me.” You feel so tight while clutching around him that his usually darkened voice now pitches much higher and tears spring towards both lidded hazel eyes. 
“Oh, God!” You shout for Tak, slamming your hand against the wall right before another incredible orgasm washes over you. 
Before your knees can finally buckle to the floor, both Tak and Rick catch you, making a point to check in with the lights on. 
“Hey, Darlin’.” Taking the lead first, Rick pinches your chin between his fingers once more and kisses you, trying to settle down your overstimulated body. 
“Hi, Rick.” You smile at him once he lays you back down on the bed. 
“Hey, Y/N.” Tak says your name and looks just as gentle, leaning inward to kiss you as well. 
“Good night, you two.” You barely speak to them, overcome by exhaustion at last. 
All three of you cradle in this bed, not leaving each other’s sides. 
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loverhymeswith · 2 years
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I'm overwhelmed to be reaching such an amazing milestone and to say thank you to everyone who has supported me, I wanted to give a little something back 💜
So, send me an ask with a character, a trope(s), a genre, and a setting from the options below, and I'll write you a drabble! (Now with new characters!)
And if there's anything missing that you would like to see, send me an ask and I'll definitely consider it!
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Characters: Rick Flag, Takeshi Kovacs, Ed Baldwin, Stephen Holder, Erik Heller, Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Harley Quinn, Adrian Chase, Chris Smith, Sierra Six, Dream of the Endless, Bucky Barnes
Trope: Hurt-comfort, mutual pining, enemies to lovers, friends with benefits, forced proximity, fake dating, one-bed, memory-loss, first date, undercover
Genre: Angst, fluff, smut, whump
Setting: Coffeeshop, bookshop, hospital, wedding, prison, office, train, plane, ocean, hotel, cave, cottage, forest
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Tagging some of my lovely followers who may be interested: @a-reader-and-a-writer @sociiallydiisoriiented @yespolkadotkitty @babblydrabbly @heresathreebee @christinasyellowflowers @littlefreakingfangirl @luxurybeskar @phoenixhalliwell @katjnordstrom96 @ed-baldwin @lacontroller1991 @mayhem24-7forever @bewitchedignition @green-socks
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prpfs · 7 months
Hello everyone! My name is Alexx, and I'm looking for something a little different than usual. Right now I'm looking for people interested in doing M/M RP with my physically disabled OC. His disability will be a part of the story, because it is a part of him. However, it will not be fetishized. All RPing will be done over Discord. Smut will play a large role in any RP we do, so please be aware of that. I like plot too, but there are some times when I just wanna have cute boys do filthy things to each other. If you haven't been scared off by this idea yet, look below the emoji line for more details. ♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥♥♡❦❥ Leon is an OC that can fit in a variety of situations. I love particularly putting him in modern fantasy settings. You're welcome to bring your own OCs for this and I have a full background for him and various settings. However, if you are interested in playing characters from various fandoms, then you may look at the list of possible ideas below. Also, if you're open to playing more than one character I have plot ideas for potential polyamory.
Characters i'd like to see from fandoms. Fandom name is in ( ) Lestat De Lioncourt (Interview with a Vampire), Spike (Buffy), Elijah Mikaelson (The Originals), Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries), Luke Crain (Haunting of Hill House), Eliot Spencer (Leverage), Oliver Queen (DC), Bucky Barnes (MCU), Eric Northman (True Blood), Takeshi Kovacs (Altered Carbon), Neal Caffrey (White Collar), Dream of the Endless (The Sandman), Eliot Waugh (The Magicians)
like if you're interested and op will get back to you
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reveluving · 2 years
And this with tak
looking at your crush or lover only to find them already looking at you and when you make eye contact, they smile at you.
love again ; takeshi kovacs x reader
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warnings: implied (post) smut + fluff
a/n: I'll never get over the 'broody person only soft for their love' dynamic aaand, this is a part of my upcoming Takeshi fic! don’t forget to leave some sugar! ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
» from this prompt , come & check out my m.list!
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'to reassure you that he didn't fight for his life this long and suddenly find you for nothing,' ; 
You should've been wide awake when you realized how different the bed sheets felt. They were softer, extravagant even, like it belonged somewhere fancy. Initially, you thought nothing of it — long working hours were nothing new to you, so, passing out on wherever your aching body could rest on as soon as you'd reach home was common. 
Now that you're gaining consciousness, however, you were too stunned to move. 
Someone was in that bed with you, and that person wasn't just anybody.
Mustering up the courage to open your eyes, you were met with the room's gothic interior — the gloomy yet charming environment, the antique-looking furniture and the ever-changing neon lights shining from the frosted windows. 
This wasn't your unit at all, although, you couldn't say you've never seen this place before. Hoping to remember what had happened, you tried to sit up, only to groan at the aches of your body, and this wasn't the usual aftermath from work, either.
You tried your best, though, raising your upper body further with your right arm. 
Then, movements happened right beside you. 
You didn't know whether to roll over on your back or skedaddle. 
In midst of thinking, you noticed the little white cloth hanging by the nightstand — a pretty lace panties. 
Your pretty lace panties.
Then, everything finally dawned on you.
The reunion.
What you initially thought was a handsome stranger in your room, only to discover that it was actually your childhood best friend.
Your heart and soul.
Your long-lost love.
What started out as a wholesome reunion, only to escalate by how much you mean to him and vice versa with a night of passion. 
High-pitched moans and deep groans rang in your head, prompting your skin to heat up at the mere remembrance of it. 
You fiddled with the sheets, hoping this wasn't a dream or some sad imagination because you were missing him too much.
But, in the middle of your crisis came bashfulness.
Not only did you realize how bare you were, you basically did the thing with him, and details were coming in.
You weren't sure whether to giggle like a schoolgirl or scream because of how unreal everything seemed.
You yelped at the feeling of his calloused hand rubbing up and down the small of your back. 
"You're awake," Considering how he naturally has a warm baritone voice, one could imagine how deeper his morning voice was. You had no doubt he noticed how you shivered at the sound of it, "I didn't tire you out too much, did I?"
You debated whether or not to turn around — your lack of response only had him tense.
"Hey," Takeshi began slowly, "You feelin' okay?" 
He waited for your response. Funnily enough, if he was dealing with anyone else, he’d practically be a ticking time bomb. But, for you, he understood that this was a lot to take in. 
Having to say goodbye each time you'd see one another.
Now, you're in the same room — in the same bed as him, and he's not willing to let you go. Not again.
You turned your head back ever-so-slowly, only to freeze up as soon as your eyes locked. 
Oh, but there was more.
A smile. 
Well, between smile and a smirk was more appropriate, since anytime his lips were upturned pretty much looked like a smug look on his face.
This one was small, but genuine, like the glint of adoration in his eyes.
Only for you.
It is him.
Feeling shyer than ever, you looked down but did nothing to cover up since he, too, was in his birthday suit. Your attempts didn't last, though, for he brought his hand up and gently cupped your chin. Tilting it enough so you'd get the idea to look at him. You nuzzled into his touch, unable to control the single tear rolling down your cheek when he wiped it off with his thumb.
"You're okay," His heart clenched at the sight — if he had the opportunity to change things for the better, he would. Maybe things would've been different, maybe you and him would've ended up together even before the shit with the CTAC and Envoys and whatnot, "You're okay,"
But, none that mattered anymore, now that he was actually by your side. To reassure you that he didn't fight for his life this long and suddenly find you for nothing. 
There'll be plenty of time to mess around, introduce you to the people who he tolerated (but will never admit as a 'friend').
Later, though.
He pulled you in closer, silently comforting you as he felt the weight he's held on his shoulders for so long lifting now that he has finally found you.
Safe in his arms.
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» gorgeous rose divider by the amazing @firefly-graphics
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