megacarapa · 3 months
i remembered this clip andd i had to make it with them
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allfunandgays · 1 month
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blueneonfox · 9 months
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nonsensetwo · 9 months
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Hell yeah Tajus, show those feet XD
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damnprecious · 2 months
minä, saadessani glögikupin käteeni: ehkä maailma ei olekaan täysin julma
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catthattalks · 4 months
Busseihi täytyy alkaa kehittävää avattavia ikkunoita kyl pian
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k1noyo · 1 year
minä ja tytöt (15 frank nimistä miestä ja yksi pekka joka puhuu vain paskaa länkkäri-englantia) viettämässä tyttöjen iltaa (kuolemassa helsingin kadulle kun ei saatana osata suunnistaa)
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vieraslaji · 1 year
Oon melko ylpeä verbien taivutuksentaidostani; mun mielest se on mun vahvain puoli kun suomen kielioppi kyse on. (substantiivit on tosi tosi paljon vaikeampaa)
Paitsi että. 'Haluta'. En koskaan oppinut sen infinitiivi-muotoa. Se on niin perussana mut jostain syystä mä opiskelin vaan sen persoonamuodot. Ei oo siis mitenkään intuitiivista ja mun aina pitää vaikuttaa takaperin persoonamuodosta muistaakseni sitä.
Tää ei olis ongelma MUTTA sit en oo varmaa, mitä passiivimuoto on, ja SITTEN en muista miten sanoo sitä ensimmäinen persoonan monikkossa puhekielessä... aina mä mietin että 'onko se halutaan vai halutetaan??? (Kyl haen oikein vastauksen mut se vie multa sekunnin)
Mä sanon siis basically että taivutuksen sääntöjen opiskeleminen on (mulle) uskomattomasti tärkeä ja tää tilanne on niin ärsyttävää.
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kristo-flowers · 2 years
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Views from Boca de Vento hill, Almada, Lisbon
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rumahtanpadpbogortsm · 11 months
RUMAH MURAH, WA 0878-2040-0427 Dijual Rumah Murah Di Daerah Bogor Tajurhalang
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RUMAH MURAH, WA 0878-2040-0427 Dijual Rumah Murah Di Daerah Bogor Tajurhalang
"Ingin punya rumah sendiri, tapi terkendala dengan DP yang besar? Kami punya solusinya! Untuk pasangan muda yang ingin memiliki rumah impian dekat Stasiun Bojonggede, sekarang bisa jadi kenyataan dengan hanya 2 juta!
Kenapa harus memilih Grand TSM Bogor?
Tanpa DP, cukup 2 juta untuk miliki rumah impian.
Lokasi strategis, 10 menit ke Stasiun Bojonggede.
Desain modern dan nyaman.
Lingkungan aman dan nyaman untuk keluarga.
Cicilan ringan, terjangkau untuk semua kalangan.
Jangan lewatkan kesempatan emas ini! Miliki rumah idaman Anda sekarang juga. Hubungi kami di wa : 0878-2040-0427 untuk informasi lebih lanjut. Jangan biarkan peluang ini terlewatkan!
web : https://hopeproperti.com/grand-tsm-bogor-rumah-tanpa-dp/
video rumah contoh : https://youtu.be/EeO7S9SeMUI?si=kZ40o4x-3qfoNP7P
Rumah Murah Di Daerah Bogor Tajurhalang,Rumah Tanpa Dp Bogor Tajurhalang,Rumah Tanpa Dp Di Bogor Tajurhalang,Rumah Free Biaya Kpr Bogor Tajurhalang,Harga Rumah Kpr Di Bogor Tajurhalang
#RumahMurahDiDaerahBogorTajurhalang #RumahTanpaDpBogorTajurhalang #RumahTanpaDpDiBogorTajurhalang #RumahFreeBiayaKprBogorTajurhalang #HargaRumahKprDiBogorTajurhalang
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hopeproperti · 11 months
Rumah Murah, WA 0878-2040-0427 Tipe Rumah 36 Tajurhalang Bogor
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Rumah Murah, WA 0878-2040-0427 Tipe Rumah 36 Tajurhalang Bogor
"Ingin punya rumah sendiri, tapi terkendala dengan DP yang besar? Kami punya solusinya! Untuk pasangan muda yang ingin memiliki rumah impian dekat Stasiun Bojonggede, sekarang bisa jadi kenyataan dengan hanya 2 juta!
Kenapa harus memilih Grand TSM Bogor?
Tanpa DP, cukup 2 juta untuk miliki rumah impian.
Lokasi strategis, 10 menit ke Stasiun Bojonggede.
Desain modern dan nyaman.
Lingkungan aman dan nyaman untuk keluarga.
Cicilan ringan, terjangkau untuk semua kalangan.
Jangan lewatkan kesempatan emas ini! Miliki rumah idaman Anda sekarang juga. Hubungi kami di wa : 0878-2040-0427 untuk informasi lebih lanjut. Jangan biarkan peluang ini terlewatkan!
web : https://hopeproperti.com/grand-tsm-bogor-rumah-tanpa-dp/
video rumah contoh : https://youtu.be/EeO7S9SeMUI?si=kZ40o4x-3qfoNP7P
Tipe Rumah 36 Tajurhalang Bogor,Perumahan Baru Daerah Bogor Tajurhalang,Perumahan Di Bogor Tanpa Dp Tajurhalang,Perumahan Dp 0 Di Bogor Tajurhalang,Rumah 0 Dp Tajurhalang Bogor
#TipeRumah36TajurhalangBogor #PerumahanBaruDaerahBogorTajurhalang #PerumahanDiBogorTanpaDpTajurhalang #PerumahanDp0DiBogorTajurhalang #Rumah0DpTajurhalangBogor
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nanoa1foryou · 2 years
Siis ne tuo Gosun takas? Gosupermodelin? Siis sen? Sen Gosun?
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allfunandgays · 1 year
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bebe-writes-stuff · 9 months
I been lurking around your page for a min now n I love your work!^^ Can you pleaseeee do a taju x chubby reader
yesss, also, I finished my exams finally, so now I have a bunch of free time. I'm definitely gonna post more!!
Taiju x chubby reader
I'll see you on Wednesday at 5:30 sharp. in front of the Underwater aquarium. It's a date.
You thought, pretty stunned.
But prior to this text, a few weeks ago, You were with Yuzuha. It was nearing sundown and you were walking beside her, listening to her ramble about whatever. That's how you usually were, you weren't always aware of what's going on but you were happy anyway.
"But Yuzuha, you really didn't have to beat that guy up. It was just a silly comment, you know, just a joke." You laughed nervously, tugging on the sleeves of your uniform.
"Huh, What do you mean?! That bastard totally deserved it. That wasn't a joke, Y/n. That guy insulted you and no way was he gonna get away with it." She muttered before turning to you and continued,
"Hey, you gotta stand up for yourself with guys like that. Because if they get away without it the first time, they'll keep doing it." She scolded you, almost like a mother scolding her child, despite you basically being the same age.
You looked to the side, tearing up, remembering your classmate's rude comment "He wasn't wrong, Yuzuha. I am ugly and fat."
"No no, please don't cry. Y/n, Your worth goes far beyond what you see in the mirror. And I appreciate you for who you are, not just for how you look. Your personality, kindness, and strength are what truly matter. If anything, he is ugly! He is a loser and stupid." She cupped your soft face before wiping away your tears and hugging you tightly.
You laughed at her attempted to insult him,
"Do you wanna go to the park? We can swing for a bit." She suggested, You nodded, excitedly.
On the way to the park, Yuzuha continued rambling about her math teacher and how much she hated the class. The park was in view when Yuzuha stopped walking and muttered,
"Huh? Is that Mitsuya and...Taiju?" Her question made you look up and squint trying to see who was there and she was right.
"Yeah, looks like it." You answered.
Yuzuha started sprinting towards them, "Hey, Mitsuya!" She shouted. He turned towards Yuzuha's call and waved, smiling. Taiju was sitting on one of the benches in the park while Luna and Mana were playing with him. Luna was brushing his hair, putting bright colored extensions and also using bright colored hair ties while Mana was putting fake nails on his nails. The sight was hilarious. Whilst Yuzuha was distracted with Mitsuya, who wasn't far, you were hesitant but you sat next to Taiju. You watched as both girls gave Taiju a makeover. Suddenly, you heard a familiar ring tone.
"Is that-" You were cut off by the two little girls,
"ICE CREAM TRUCK!" They screeched in unison, excited. They both took off running towards and Mitsuya obviously followed before they got lost, leaving you and Taiju alone, together, on the bench. You had spoken to Taiju before, actually, if anything you found yourself always gravitating to him, or admiring him from afar, never admitting your feelings towards him. Even when Yuzuha asked, she didn't mind, she was curious. But An uneasy silence settled between you, punctuated by hesitant glances, revealing the palpable awkwardness in the air. You peeked last time, only to see Taiju struggling to remove the fake nails Mana had put on. He was picking at non-stop.
"You need help with that?" You finally spoke, breaking the silence. He stopped before moving his hands toward you. You grabbed his hand, before gently removing each nail carefully so as not to hurt him.
So soft
He thought as he stared at your face the entire process before his free hand reached up and tugged a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Pretty." He whispered.
Blushing and stammering, you found yourself unexpectedly flustered as the subtle charms of the flirtation caught you off guard, leaving you feeling delightful yet a little disoriented.
"A-alright, I'm done." Accidentally stumbling over words. You looked around, Mitsuya and Yuzuha were nowhere in sight.
Wait, did they leave?
"It's getting late, shouldn't you get home soon." Taiju suddenly said, making you jump.
You scrambled to get on your feet, "Yeah, you're totally right, I'll get going-"
"I'll walk you home." He deadpanned,
"whAt." Your voice cracked,
"It's too dangerous for a pretty girl like you to be walking around at this time. There's plenty of shitty delinquents out there." He explained, standing up, towering over you entirely.
"O-okay, whatever you see best."
"Good girl."
Despite your efforts to hide your growing embarrassment, Your body language betrayed your emotions. avoiding direct eye contact, and occasionally tripping over your words. The unexpected attention left you feeling both surprised and self-conscious, creating a memorable moment of flustered charm. Once you reached your front door, You felt Taiju step closer and lean against you, pinned you against the door itself.
"I'll see you on Wednesday at 5:30 sharp. in front of the Underwater aquarium. It's a date."
His straightforwardness made you also wanna become frank with him. You wanted to be honest and do what your body told you to. You reached out and cupped his face, maintaining eye contact which you were avoiding. In sync with your motion, Taiju leaned in, Your lips met in a tender dance, a silent conversation of longing and connection. Time seemed to pause as the world faded away, leaving only the warmth of the shared moment. It was a gentle collision of emotions, a sweet blend of passion and intimacy that spoke volumes without a single word.
In the meantime, Yuzuha and Mitsuya high-fived somewhere, stalking you guys, and see how long it'll take until one of you makes a move.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
Oh shit! Your requests are open! I’d love an enemies to lovers fic with either Omi or Taiju. Y/n eventually has one of them wrapped around her little finger.😈
Thank you🥺💕
Omi has his own Enemies to lovers SERIES, so Taiju gets this one!
Secret Hideout: Taiju Shiba x Fem!Reader
wc: 1k
tw: smut, College AU
No one really gets the relationship between you and Taiju Shiba. No one knows when or why you two started to hate each other. There are too many instances of you harassing each other in the dorm room lobby, the library, the bars...
No one gets it except the two of you.
"Come on," Taiju drawls, holding a beer can in one hand and pointing to you with the other. "You play pool like a girl." You squint your eyes at him, imagining the pool stick in your hand flying through his head and sticking in the opposite wall.
But you don't fulfill your violent fantasy. You just lean over the table and hit the cue ball with precision, sinking two balls in one go. When you glance up to see if your rival looked any more irritated than before, you catch him leering at your backside, a thought - just one single thought - plain for all to see.
Except there's no one else at the seedy bar except five regulars - including the two of you - and a bartender who is eyeing the hockey game with interest. No one in the bar is paying attention to what's going on in your corner. (This is part of the reason you chose it in the first place, but that's beside the point.)
"You're up," you quip, smirking. Taiju brushes past you carefully, but not without allowing his fingers to grab your ass under the flimsy skirt you're wearing. "Shiba," you warn, but Taiju is already leaning over the pool table with an eye on the prize.
"Loser has to do whatever the other person tells them for a week."
"Rules haven't changed," you reply, taking Taiju's beer can and sipping it. You grimace - he always chooses the piss-tasting beer - but Taiju doesn't seem to mind. He's too focused on the ball that's rolling toward a side pocket. When it sinks into the hole, Taiju nods and bites his lower lip.
"Two points away from getting the dishes done for a week."
You scoff, roaming around the table to look at the options. You don't have many, but that doesn't stop you from aiming your best.
Your best isn't enough.
And you're standing in the frat house up your elbows in dishes. "I fucking hate you," you growl at Taiju, who is lying on the couch and scrolling through the television offerings. "Did you hear me?"
"Heard every word," Taiju mutters, uninterested.
"You could at least let me watch an interesting channel!" Taiju doesn't reply, and you scrub at a plate that seems to have held some kind of slop before it landed in the dish pile. "Gross..."
Various other members of the fraternity have either cleared out of the house or are observing from a safe distance, trying not to get caught in between you and Taju's spats. But as soon as your nose gets a whiff of spoiled milk, you take a step back and raise your sudsy hands.
"Okay, fuck this; I'm out."
"Huh?" Taiju's head pops up from the couch, and he quirks his brow, watching you back away from the kitchen sink.
"You keep a fucking pig sty in this house. How are you supposed to call yourself frat president if this entire place is a damn trash heap?"
"You're complaining about dishes?" Taiju wonders, sitting up and chuckling. "And here I thought women like doing the dishes."
"You're a fucking misogynist," you shout, pointing a wet finger at the bulky man. "Always making me do housework when I lose!"
"Don't blame me because I'm better at doling out the losing punishments."
"I can give good punishments, too!"
"Like doing your homework?" Taiju guffaws, clutching his stomach. "You forget I've already taken all of the classes you've taken since I'm a year ahead." Your rage begins to boil over, and as you sputter for a response, Taiju laughs even harder. "You should see yourself when you get mad. You look like you're about to burst a blood vessel!"
Suddenly, you launch yourself at him, clawing at his frame while you curse at him long and hard.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Taiju shouts, grabbing your wrists and pinning you underneath him on the couch. "The next move you make might be your last." You know he's not kidding because his voice is deep, and he's giving you a glare that tells you you're pushing the envelope.
Instead of relenting, you knee him in the groin, and he groans loudly and painfully. You escape his clutches and dash for the door, but somehow, your finger won't help you escape. You fumble with the lock, trying to get out of the frat house as Taiju recovers surprisingly quickly.
"Nuts of steel," you whisper to yourself, just as the door opens--
And shuts.
"God, you test my patience like no one else. You know that, babe?" Without warning. Taiju tosses you over his shoulder, and you holler out for help from someone - anyone - as he carries you up the stairs. "Rules are rules," Taiju announces as Inupi pokes his head out of his dorm. "You might want to put on some music, Inui," Taiju advises, walking toward his room with purpose. "Or go for a walk. Either one."
You're tossed onto Taiju's impossibly large bed, and while Taiju locks the door, you cross your arms over your chest and pout.
"You can't do this to me."
"Rules are rules," Taiju mutters, taking off his shirt and tossing it aside. "On your stomach."
You obey, ignoring your desire to rebel for a second. Taiju flips your skirt up and reveals your perfect round ass, which he palms greedily while groaning low in his throat. When he lifts his hand, you know what's coming.
"One," you announce, the word muffled by the bedsheets.
"Four!" Taiju rubs his hands over your reddened flesh, appreciating the view for a moment before raising his hand again. This time, you get smacked on both ass cheeks. Each one counts as a single smack, so you count, "Five. Six."
"You've been a bad girl."
Smack! Smack!
"Seven... eight."
"You'll apologize to Daddy, won't you?"
"Won't you?"
"Won't you, baby? Or will I have to fuck it out of you?”
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pupucino · 1 year
jonnet on hauska ilmiö, ku niit oli niin pitkään ennen ku joku tajus, et nyt on jo veetit menossa.
siellä missä mä kävin lukioo, me kutsuttiin yläkoululaisia jonneiks. niitä jotka joi es ja pelas cs ja ajoi mopoautol kouluun.
ne jonnet on nyt pian 30-vuotiaita. ja niitten jälkeen on tullu monta polvea uusia jonneja. kunnes alkoi veetit.
jonneus on hieno asia.
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