#Taja talks
natashxromanovf · 9 months
taja’s 202 4 THE PLOT sleepover ও
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stupid name, i know but please bare with me, i suck at titles :) as i said in my previous post, this is an event to help me push myself back into writing!!
- check the fandoms i will write for in my navigation
- check request guidelines before requesting
- only sfw asks
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✵ bad decisions ~ send me a song and i will write a fic based on it
✵ parties ~ send me a prompt (and preferably also a scenario but not necessarily) and i will write a fic
✵ new lovers ~ send me a fic of yours and i will reblog it and tell you my fav parts about it! (also only applies for the fandoms i write for)
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tagging some of my moots: @pregnant-piggy @sheraayasher @sarahisslytherin @velvetcloxds @arkofblake @jackys-stuff-blog @sexysirius @asahisluvr @missheartbreakamericana @spring-picnics @leossmoonn @oliverwoodmarrymepls @f4irydaydreams @kimoralov3 @griffxnnage @cauliflowertree @milkiane @yoongisbiwife
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tfw-tajaaa · 1 year
I love rory culkin
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Please more Kung Family incorrect quotes I BEG (no rush tho, whenever you have the time or inclination i am waiting patiently)
Ask and you shall receive. Also let’s pretend that some time travel bs brought the great Kung Lao (GKL) and Jian (what I’ve renamed Jen from Conquest to in my rewrite) to the present ✋😭
Lao: You are… much different than I expected.
GKL, hanging someone who tried to mug him from the ceiling by their feet: What did you expect?
Lao: I don’t know, but it wasn’t this. *Points at Jian* How is she worse?
Jian, stripping said mugger of all belongings except their underwear, mumbling as she appraises the items: Good quality, it would sell for quite a bit…
Lao: Shang Tsung?! Of all people Shang Tsung?!
GKL: You are blowing this out of proportion.
Jin: Okay, but I get it…
Jin: What was the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to you?
GKL, sighing dreamily: Attempted murder…
Lao, talking to himself: And to think, this is the man Lord Raiden compared me to…
Jin: And I have to confess, after I was disowned, I became a thief. I’m not prou-
GKL and Jian: Oh, like Taja.
Jin, confused: Who?
GKL, horrified: They didn’t tell you about Taja?! What about Siro?
Jin, even more confused: Who?
Jian, murmuring: What has this clan come to…
Huai: How’d you convince them to let you fight?
Jian, smiling: Bullying. A lot of bullying.
That’s all I got for now
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intcritus · 7 months
‘ we can just sit here. we don’t have to talk.’ (for taja, from zaya)
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taja has to refrain from the breathless snort that threatens to leave her. the truth was, she'd gone silent because her heart had yet to calm after her near capture twenty minutes prior. it was a good thing she was quick on her feet and could use vents like a fucking pro. because if she'd been any slower stealing those jewels and disarming that damn tricky security system, she would've been fucked. ❝ ━ i'd rather die than worry about emotions right now, ❞ she admits after a short silence, shooting him a look as laughter wells up in her chest, ❝ ━ i know you can't hear my heart, but it's ready to jump out my chest. i just did the best, most entertaining thing tonight and i'm trying to bask in my victory, you're ruining it. ❞
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xecutivecucumber · 2 years
Something for the Tech fans (including me. I am a Tech fan)
Okay, so I know that the ship I write for isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. But there are some scenes that don’t involve the ship that I’m really proud of and I think would appeal to a wider audience. So I’m going to start posting scenes that I really like with enough context for things to make sense. 
For my regular followers and readers, this will be things that you’ve seen before.
Today’s sample!
Tech has a breakdown
The context:
In a world where Order 66 kind of happens, but Anakin doesn’t turn and starts an early rebellion with the clones, Omega is kidnapped by bounty hunters sent by the Empire in order to win Nala Se’s cooperation. The Bad Batch works with Anakin’s rebellion in the hopes of finding some clue of her whereabouts. They’ve found the bounty hunters who took Omega: Taja and Admani Desai, Togruta siblings who were lied to by Nala Se and have agreed to help the Batch find Omega. Tech especially has taken this badly, spending weeks pushing himself to his limit trying to crack the deeper Imperial codes in order to find Omega. Taja has formed a connection with Tech as they’ve worked together, empathizing with him as she has lost siblings as well. Crosshair has also never left the Batch.
That should be everything! I hope you enjoy!
Tech stared at the information on his datapad. He did not understand it. He needed to understand it. He tightened his grip on the datapad and tried to focus on each character one at a time. 
It did not help that he could hear the others talk quietly on the other end of the ship. He would not be here if Hunter had not forbidden him from finding somewhere he could do his work in peace.
It took far too long for him to realize that the pad was telling him his latest attempt at cracking the Imperial's secrets was unsuccessful.
Tech swore.
Frustration and anger like he had rarely felt before consumed his chest. What was wrong with him? Why couldn't he do this simple kriffing thing?
The rage he felt at himself redirected at the interruption. 
"What is it?" Tech snapped.
"You need to take a break." Hunter said.
He and Wrecker had approached Tech.
"No." Tech said. "What I need is to succeed. I need to find a way to bypass their security."
Burning tears sprang to his eyes. He furiously dug the heel of his palm under his goggles to press them away.
"It needs to work." He mumbled. "I need it to work."
"Give me your data pad." Hunter said. 
Tech pulled away from him. 
"No." He said. "I can continue. I am fine."
"You're not." Hunter said. "You haven't slept or eaten in a rotation and you've barely gone to the fresher. Give me the data pad. That's an order." 
Tech pulled it away from him.
“Come on, Tech.” Wrecker said, reaching for the pad. “Don’t-”
“If you touch this, I will destroy Lula.” Tech said. “If you cared for Omega a fraction of how you dote on that idiotic toy, we would not have lost her!”
Wrecker drew back as if punched. Shame mingled with Tech’s anger and frustration as he saw the wounded look in Wrecker’s eyes. Crosshair, Hunter, and Echo were staring at him. He could feel their disapproval. Crosshair opened his mouth and Tech knew he could not hear the words his brother would throw at him.
Tech tucked his datapad to his chest and fled.
The sunlight of Yavin IV blinded him momentarily. He hurried across the landing area and to the main temple. Surely there would be somewhere he could hide from his brothers' anger and censure. 
He found himself in a cold, dark stone room. There was nothing in it save a few containers of spare equipment. Good. He could be alone here.
Tech held out his datapad with trembling hands. He still felt a pang when he saw the negative result there. He took a deep breath. He could do this. He had to.
The next six attempts were failures.
He was a failure.
Tech hurled the datapad at the wall. The crunch of the screen breaking made no dent in his miasma of emotions. 
It wasn't working and he had hurt Wrecker and Omega was still out of reach-
The words ran over and over in his head, interrupted only by thoughts of worthless and failure. 
Tech fell to his knees and curled in on himself. Shameful tears stung his eyes. For the first time since Omega was taken, for the first time since he was a child, Tech cried. He dug his fingernails into his arms as he sobbed. The pain was welcome. 
The door opened and Tech cringed away from the light. There was no one that he wished to be the one to find him. The regs would be cruel and even worse, his brothers would attempt to help him.
He waited for the questions, the demands.
What are you doing?
Why are you in here?
Are you crying?
Come out of there.
 None came. The door closed again, leaving Tech in the soothing darkness. There was no silhouette joining him in the room when he looked up. 
Tech curled up again on the floor, trying to keep his mind away from what had pushed him to this state. He let it go blank, and the world seemed to disappear from around him.
Voices jolted Tech back to reality. He sat up, unsure of where he was. To his surprise, a blanket fell off of his shoulders. He looked around and slowly the memory of his breakdown came back to him. 
But then- where did the blanket come from? If his brothers had found him, they would have taken him back to the Marauder. Tech became more confused as he picked up a ration bar and a canteen that had not been there before. He would have thought it was Omega if she were not gone. It was something she would do.
The voices outside sounded again and this time Tech could distinguish the words.
"Ma'am, I need you to stand aside now." 
That was a trooper's voice.
"I'm under orders from Clone Force 99." A familiar, melodic voice said. "No one is to enter this room."
Tech got to his feet. He hesitated, and then picked up his broken data pad from the floor.
"Uh huh." The trooper said. "Why don't I just comm Sergeant Hunter and see if that's true."
"That won't be necessary." Tech said, opening the door. 
His ears had not deceived him. It was Taja standing as if on guard duty outside the closet door. 
"She was doing me a favor. I needed some quiet for my research." Tech was surprised with how steady his voice was.
The clone trooper looked between the two of them before shrugging and moving on.
Tech wanted to speak the moment the guard was out of earshot, but found himself unable. The shame of the moment seemed to seep in. She had seen him at his lowest. Words seemed inconsequential in the wake of it.
The long moments dragged before he finally managed to speak.
"How did you know?" He asked.
He did not understand. She should have left him alone. Tech was sure that most of the individuals at the base would have done so, or, if they cared to, have gotten his brothers.
Taja's pale green eyes met his and he averted his gaze. 
"My sister would have similar episodes." She said. "I assumed you did not need more stimulation.
Tech didn't know quite how to reply. He merely pressed his broken datapad to his chest.
"Thank you." He finally mumbled. 
"I am glad to help." Taja replied. 
Tech cleared his throat.
"I was unaware you and your brother had returned." He said.
Taja nodded.
"We have been in contact with some of the leaders of the Rebellion, concerning the increasing number of slavers in the galaxy." She said. "We have come to discuss the possibility of raiding a slave camp near here."
"And by some of the leaders, you mean General Skywalker." Tech said.
Taja smiled.
"Too clever by half." She said.
For the first time since Omega was taken, Tech felt a faint urge to smile.
That urge fled when a loud voice cracked through the air.
Wrecker was barreling towards them. Taja took a step back as he drew near. He skidded to a stop in front of them, looking between them with his brow creased with worry. He lifted his hands, as if he wanted to grab Tech in a hug, which he probably did. Tech was glad that he abstained.
"You okay?" Wrecker asked. "It's been hours and we couldn't find you."
Tech felt some of his guilt return at Wrecker's concerned tone.
"I apologize." He muttered. "I did not intend-"
"It’s okay!" Wrecker said quickly. "I’m not mad, you know. Just worried."
He paused. 
"We're all worried, Tech." 
Tech looked down at the ground. His wretchedness that he had forgotten for a moment returned in full force. 
"I do not understand." He finally said. "Omega is gone. How can you stand not doing anything?"
Wrecker looked again as if Tech had hit him and more guilt piled onto Tech. 
"Cause I can't do anything." Wrecker said. He sounded close to tears. "I'm not smart like you. If I could help Omega by blowin' things up, or taking apart a bomb, or punching something, I would. But I can't."
"Then you understand that my work is of the utmost importance." Tech said. "I am the only one who can find her."
"Maybe." Wrecker said. "The Rebellion still might find somethin' out. But Tech, what would Omega say if she saw you doing this yourself?"
Tech knew exactly how she would react. Her eyes would go wide. He could hear her voice.
"Tech!" She would say. 
And it would be all she needed to say.
"I miss her." Tech said.
"Me too." Wrecker said. 
Tech became aware of Taja looking between them. 
"If I may," She said. "I understand what you are going through. You hurt, you are angry. You feel that the hole in your heart will never be filled."
Tech blinked at her astute description of how he was feeling. Taja looked at him. 
"It will not be this painful forever." She said. "But regardless, your sister is alive. There is hope."
"Yeah!" Wrecker said. "We're gonna find her and we're gonna bring her home, okay?"
Tech looked between Taja and Wrecker. For once, he felt no urge to contradict Wrecker or point out the probability.
"Okay." He said.
"I must go." Taja said. "Admani and I have our meeting."
Tech nodded to her. She smiled back. He liked it when she smiled. 
"So, is she your girlfriend?" Wrecker whispered as Taja disappeared around a corner.
Tech frowned.
"That is not the nature of our relationship." He said.
Wrecker grinned in a way that Tech was not fond of. 
"Uh huh." Wrecker said.
Tech shook his head. 
Romance and partners were never something that Tech had considered. They were clones bred to fight a war. The things that other beings considered natural were not options for them. Even now, Tech had far more pressing matters than whether or not he had a partner. It was even difficult for him to conceptualize.
Though, when it came to potential mates, he could do far worse. She was pleasing to the eye, even with her disfigurement. Perhaps more so because of it. She stood with pride, as if challenging others to mention it. 
He found her coloring aesthetically pleasing and her eyes striking. She was intelligent, worked well with him, and also seemed to understand how Tech's mind worked. And she cared about him, for whatever reason.
No, he doubted he could do better when it came to a possible partner.
He doubted she felt the same way. It was one thing to help him with his troubles and to be a good mission partner. It was quite another to consider Tech in a romantic light. Tech had no data on how partners he found attractive reacted to him. But he had a feeling that any testing would not end with the results he wanted.
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Yonezu Songs for ZorAcy
So I've gone on and on about how so many of Kenshi Yonezu songs apply to my faves Nacht and Morgen, and for my Faustsele ship(s). I've also talked about how some songs apply to the Black Bull squad as a whole.
But for this post, I'm gonna show a little love to my friend @faewraithsworld and share with y'all the small handful of songs by Yonezu which I associate with her cc x oc ship of Zora x Acylla.
Now I'm not going to totally dissect the songs and explain the ship through the songs. That's not my place as I'm not the creator of Acylla. I'm just gonna share the songs and give a little blurb on my thoughts.
One Stale Bus (guitar cover): In my mind, this song mostly center's Acylla and her thoughts about Zora. She's alone, remembering her youth with Zora when they were each other's best friends. And she's waiting for the day that he returns to her life. It's a song of reminiscence of a beautiful past and longing for a possible future.
MAD HEAD LOVE (music video): This song is definitely Zora and Acylla singing to each other. Taja has described ZorAcy as being flirty and a little chaotic. They will have their disagreements but they'll also playfully tease each other. At times, Acylla has to bonk Zora on the head to get him to behave. This song describes a messy and chaotic love but one that the singer and their lover are so deep into that they won't ever part.
LADY (music video): Now this song here is simply Zora singing his heart out to Acylla about how much he loves her. The use of pet names feels flirty and like Zora in a relationship. I just love how the lyrics describe how close the singer and their lover are, by seeing through lies and knowing truths that are left unsaid. And the way love makes the singer feel young again. Yeah, this is definitely meant for ZorAcy in my mind.
The song list isn't quite as extensive as it is for Faustsele but 1) not my oc ship so I don't know it as intimately as Taja, 2) I think the quality makes up for the quantity, and 3) Taja probably has a lot more songs already picked out that I might not know about yet.
I just wanted to show some love to a friend and fellow creator, as well as call out more of Yonezu's amazing music!
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dcwnrisen-aa · 2 years
Taja's top five pet peeves
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misplacing the charger to her vibrator. ( this happens often )
someone other than kids touching her floofy tail. she doesn't mind but people have a habit of grabbing and tugging.
men who talk a big game and leave her unimpressed. ( intellectually and sexually ) but this goes hand in hand when people speak over her tbh.
leaving the cabinet doors open after grabbing something inside. this is a residual thing from leaving with her family. if you leave them open, she gets super irritated lmao.
microaggresions & unsolicited advice.
ask about my muses. / @nvrcmplt
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dopingconsomme · 6 months
2024年04月06日の記事一覧 (全 22 件) 1. Aimer - 遥か 2. ClariS - アンダンテ 3. Sumika - 運命 4. リーガルリリー - キラキラの灰 5. 清浦夏実 - 旅の途中 6. 新居昭乃 - Monday, Tuesday 7. 新居昭乃 - Ekleipsis 8. Taja - 時空のたもと 9. こはならむ - 君の神様になりたい。 10. こはならむ - リセットボタン 11. こはならむ - わたしのアール 12. こはならむ - 天ノ弱 13. こはならむ - 心做し 14. こはならむ - ごめんなんか聞きたくなかった 15. こはならむ - 恋してる自分すら愛せるんだ 16. こはならむ - 恋してる自分すら愛せるんだ - Acoustic Ver. 17. 澤野弘之 - DARK ARIA 18. KOHTA YAMAMOTO - 同じ空の黄昏 19. KOHTA YAMAMOTO - Underneath the Sky 20. KOHTA YAMAMOTO - Talk to you 21. KOHTA YAMAMOTO - Two Worlds Apart 22. 水道水に基準超す六価クロム、再検査で職員が水を2割加え薄める…秋田・由利本荘市 April 07, 2024 at 05:00AM
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it is a staring off into space eating hot cheetos kind of day but also hey woah what the FUCK is this demon guy. i've gotten to uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. they JUST survived the old man in the maw (HELLO??? sitting here like OHHH A CHORUS OF DRAGONS. also the old vané hag is extremely cool and interesting and possibly a dragon and?????????) and kihrin just talked to taja (which btw SO cool--reminds me of a friend's design of the. face of luck in their oc universe? i canNOT find it rn but it was like it had two faces and it was abt the lack of dichotomy, lack of two things one bad and one good--it is just Both) but i am still thinking abt when he came across the demon w the long name starting with x that i cannot spell?? bc holy SHIT the way that scene was written. OUGH the fear. ough the helplessness. how shaken he was afterwards and yet how he had to carry on, too, but it staying with him. i love when things pick up in books w the timeline thing but i was N O T T expecting this one!!!! that scene was so well written it definitely is sticking in my brain. also i love ola as a character she is just so interesting and the way that she & kihrin interact is so fun to envision lmao... her and kihrin's dad forever trying to figure out how to parent.... ola thinking she's the cooler authoritative figure vs kihrin disobeying both of them With Ease hahaha???
also the discussion of morality in here is v interesting and i would look at it more if i could. maybe upon reread eventually bc if i try to analyze EVERYTHING we're staying in the first fifth of the book forever
!!! I am clapping with excitement irl rn. I don't even know what to comment on first because there's so much I cannot say, just imagine I'm staring at you excitedly over the counter or something rn. Like a cat who wants attention but won't ask for it so is trying to make you initiate
You put together the "a chorus of dragons" -> there are dragons that are important thing much faster than I did. I think I was like 3 books in before I went...wait a minute...maybe the several dragons who keep showing up...for which the series is named...are important...
And the old vané hag!! if you find her interesting let me just tell you. she only gets more interesting from here she's SO fascinating--especially in terms of right and wrong and what's moral and at what point can you no longer justify your actions for the greater good. Book 3 was a TIME for her. And Xaltorath! GOD its such a character. Which is pretty much all I can say except I'm very much looking forward to rereading that scene with the knowledge I have now. Keep an eye out for that demon it's real fucking important and also FULL of foreshadowing. I love how Kihrin's haunted by it, the tangibility of the encounter--it's not a trauma immediately overcome that he forces himself through, it takes genuine time and I love when stories do that.
Oh my god yeah, good luck to any and all parental figures in Kihrin's life </3. That kid is a menace and has the skills to actually implement his dumbassery. The threat of his impulsive reckless ideas can actually be realized. But my god do I love him to pieces <33
And yes!! Morality would be a great topic to analyze in a reread! I intend to look at a lot of things a lot closer the second time around because you're right, the first time is just such a wild ride you literally can't understand and analyze it the same.
You're making it very difficult to keep to my current TBR layout (finish hamlet, then magic of the unicorn, then sinf, then finish toa +tsats, etc) because I want to abandon it to join you <33
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I'm not a big fan of chocolate but chocolate chip cookies are something else
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natashxromanovf · 10 months
no because derek had NO RIGHT calling mer a wh*re when HE was the one who chose his wife over her (and the fact that he didn’t tell mer he had a wife in the first place like hello???)
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natashxromanovf · 8 months
y’all i almost forgot aaron taylor johnson was married to that old witch
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natashxromanovf · 2 years
natashxromanovf’s 1.1k winter celebration
hello my loves winter started yesterday, which is also when i reached this milestone so it only seems fair to dedicate this celebration to the season. i can’t even begin to explain how much you all mean to me, how much you’ve changed my life. i know i haven’t been very active lately but i am trying. i love you all, i hope you know that 🫶🏼🫶🏼
please only send one activity per ask, multiple asks are always welcome
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❄️ - moodboards! you know the drill. send me a scenario + a character or a colour and i’ll make a moodboard
🎁 - tell me a character and i’ll give you a fic recommendation for said character
🎉 - send me a song and i’ll tell you which character(s) it reminds me of
☃️ - give me a book/tv show/movie recommendation and i’ll give one in return
⛸️ - send me this and i'll give you a quote from one of my favourite movies, shows or books.
🎄- fmk, would you rather, this or that,…
tagging my beloved moots: @pregnant-piggy @arkofblake @velvetcloxds @imabee-oralizard @yoongisbiwife @sexysirius @cauliflowertree @leossmoonn @henqtic @jackys-stuff-blog @natti-ice @sheraayasher @mendesxruel @cupids-crystals @fairydxll @kimoralov3 @melin-oe @lilylovegood @masivechaos @f4irydaydreams @griffxnnage @haseendilruba @oliverwoodmarrymepls @serpentargo @sereinegemini @writer-in-theory + anyone that i missed 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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natashxromanovf · 2 years
natashxromanovf’s blog anniversary and birthday celebration
hello my loves! as you may or may not know, i have my blog anniversary and my birthday every year on the same day. i can’t believe i’ve been on here for two years already, time really does fly. i know i haven’t been active and i’m sorry for that but school is taking its toll. i’m also almost two weeks late to this but hey, better late than never right? anyway, i just want to say that i’m very grateful for all my followers and especially for my amazing mutuals, i really wish to talk to all of you more. i love you, i hope life is treating you good ❤️
fandoms: HP; MCU; Outer Banks; The Vampire Diaries; The Originals; Teen Wolf; Macgyver; Hawaii Five-0; Descendants; fate: the winx saga; brooklyn 99; criminal minds; 911; 911: lone star; shadow and bone; shameless; cobra kai; shadowhunters
🪅 - send me a fic of yours and i’ll read and review it (only for the fandoms listed above)
🎞 - give me a movie recommendation and i’ll give you one in return
📜 - send me an scenario for a drabble (it can have a prompt or not, you choose) and i’ll try my best to write it (once again, only for the fandoms listed above) -> all are under the “milestone blurbs” masterlist
🪩 - send me this emoji and i'll give you a lyric from one of my favourite songs that reminds me of you (moots only!)
📸 - send me a character + a scenario and i’ll make a moodboard based on it (it can also only be a color)
🕯 - fmk, would you rather, this or that,…
tagging some amazing moots, i love you all so much
@pregnant-piggy @jackys-stuff-blog @yoongisbiwife @leossmoonn @arkofblake @velvetcloxds @mirclealignr @milkiane @sarahisslytherin @imabee-oralizard @masivechaos @sheraayasher @fxllfaiiry @mendesxruel @spring-picnics @angelicsupernova @sereinegemini @sexysirius @kimoralov3 @anjosaturno @f4irydaydreams @writer-in-theory @cupids-crystals @fairydxll @henqtic @melin-oe @griffxnnage @haseendilruba @of-apollo @oliverwoodmarrymepls @sabstfu @i-wanna-b-yours + anyone i forgot because i just woke up and my head is absolutely empty
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natashxromanovf · 2 years
thank you so so much for 1.2K followers, it really means a lot!! there probably won’t be a celebration but i will try to finish the sweater weather sleepover requests :) love you all, here are some moots that make my tumblr experience unforgettable 🫶🏼🫶🏼
@pregnant-piggy @arkofblake @cauliflowertree @velvetcloxds @jackys-stuff-blog @sheraayasher @masivechaos @imabee-oralizard @sexysirius @leossmoonn @mendesxruel @f4irydaydreams @yoongisbiwife @cupids-crystals @milkiane @fairydxll @hsonedeluxe @natti-ice @annab-nana + anyone i forgot ❤️
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natashxromanovf · 2 years
taja’s sweater weather sleepover ༄
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the title sucks - i know.
i’m actually stealing @cauliflowertree’s idea because i always get so excited when she does these so make sure to check her blog out!! i guarantee you won’t regret it 🫶🏼🫶🏼
this is a so-called blurb night, where you send blurb requests and i write something between 200-400 words
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❅ open for all fandoms - all the blurbs from this event will be under the “writing hours” masterlist
❅ your request can be anything you want but preferably winter themed
❅ you can only send a prompt but a scenario would be appreciated as well (you can find prompt lists in my navigation)
❅ make sure you read my request guidelines before requesting
❅ you can send in more than one request :)
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tagging some moots 🤍
@pregnant-piggy @velvetcloxds @leossmoonn @jackys-stuff-blog @sheraayasher @masivechaos @kimoralov3 @yoongisbiwife @oliverwoodmarrymepls @arkofblake @natti-ice @sexysirius @griffxnnage
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