#Tail insists her dad is out there somewhere. he is an old grey cat man with a loooong beard and moustache. i really want him to show up
goodmode · 3 months
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small furry with a gun, what will she do
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readingclubstuck · 7 years
Section 9 image descriptions
Page descriptions for all pages in section 9 with flashing images! Trigger guide for this section is [link: here].
2760: Rose: Look at that kiosk.
The kiosk screen reads SN_HUBGRID and has a set of coordinates. It shows a map of all the hubs with numbers designating each square. The whole screen flickers, and one single hub flickers green. There is a command input at the bottom of the screen, and the last input command says >unlock SN_LAB0413.
Narration: Looks like a mapping of each hub’s index.
It appears one of the hubs was recently unlocked.
2763: ==>
Jaspers disappears on the transportalizer in a flash of green. Rose grimaces.
Narration: Great, you just vaporized your dead cat. Oh well. Ashes to ashes you guess.
There's got to be a better way to deal with this lousy tree.
2771: [S] Dave: Abscond.
Cal continues to flail on Dave, puppeteered by Bro. Cal’s face alternately flashes, taking up the entire screen. The word >ABSCOND flashes in pink. If selected, Dave rolls from under Cal and tries to run off the screen, but the option is sliced in half and Dave must retreat to the left of the screen as Bro’s silhouette appears with the words “CAN’T ABSCOND, BRO!” The music starts, Bro appears out of silhouette, and the words “ROUND 2” appear.
Bro points at Dave, then gives a thumbs-down. Dave holds up a smuppet head and draws an imaginary line in yellow across his neck. Cal’s face flashes, and then the word “STRIFE!” appears as the brothers’ swords clash.
There’s a bunch of fuckin swordfighting idk what to tell you here. Bro occasionally kicks Dave into the air or down to the ground in between the fuckin sweet swordplay. They both flashstep a lot. Eventually Bro’s silhouette fades in and Bro appears and grabs Dave by the neck, throws him, bounces him off his elbow far to the right and up into the air, and kicks him with Cal when he lands, all the way into the hallway leading down from the roof.
Repeating sequence: Dave falls down the stairs and Hella Jeff appears with the text “I WARNED YOU ABOUT STAIRS BRO!!!!” The direction then reverses and Hella Jeff again appears, saying “I TOLD YOU DOG!"
2779: [S] Rose: Ascend.
The flash starts with a shaking image of imps in John’s messy living room. The navigation, if clicked, goes up a floor, then zooms out to the alchemiter, then to the left by the tree, then into John’s room, then up to the roof, then, finally, up to where the action is.
John is smashing his pogo hammer from side to side between the ogres, in a green background that becomes filled with Slimers. John spins up into the air, smashing the ogre on the right; the ogre on the left aims with the tire swing, but is interrupted by a damaging blue beam of light, which after a pan to the left is revealed to be from Nannasprite’s eyes.
Panning upward, Rose’s cursor drops a fridge on the right ogre, but the ogre catches it and hits John with it. John goes flying but is caught in a glowing blue oven supplied by Nanna’s eyebeams. She throws it up in the air and John bursts out, spinning again, and deals a massive hit in a burst of green to the leftmost ogre, then bouncing back into the air.
Nannasprite drops various ghostly house appliances on the rightmost ogre, and then Rose raises the alchemiter into the air, turns it upside down, and John spins up onto it and hits it, bouncing off again with a massive BOING. He spins down and hits the right ogre, which flashes white and bursts into grist.
John turns toward the left ogre, but it is assaulted by a beam with cookies in it, which—a pan left—is coming from Nanna’s ghostly oven. John spin attacks the ogre for a few moments, then Rose drops the alchemiter on it and it, too bursts into grist. Victory music plays and John does his cute little victory dance.
2781: John: Climb that echeladder.
John holds both his fists in the air, wearing a little blue hat with a green feather in it. The rung “BOY-SKYLARK” flashes on his echeladder.
Narration: You rocket up the ECHELADDER to the dizzying heights of the vaunted BOY-SKYLARK rung!!! Your new feather is hard earned and well deserved. And alarmingly fashionable.
2788: ==>
Dad brandishes a fist, pipe still in his mouth. The background flashes various shades of purple.
[Panel 2] An imp in a magician’s hat frowns in dread of the punch.
2790: ==>
A black carapacian in an especially fancy, brightly-colored jester’s outfit watches on a giant pair of electric window frames/screens as Dad menaces various imps.
The same carapacian turns to a different screen which shows a still image of John doing his victory dance by the alchemiter which has just killed the last ogre.
2798: PM: Type => VIEW
The bottom right screen shows Jade holding a gun, surrounded by snow. Green light flashes all around her, and the screen blinks white.
Narration: You type another one of the previously entered commands. It switches to the view of a young girl standing alone somewhere. There is a heavy amount of video interference of some sort.
The girl seems familiar to you.
2800: Don't I know you?
The green light flashes more agitatedly, with what looks like electricity flashing over the image. Jade looks directly at the screen with a o: face, possibly shaking her head.
PM steps back as the entire console flashes with electricity and shakes.
2801: ==>
PM and her hat flash yellow, and so does the background.
2812: Jade: Scamper into grand foyer with wild abandon.
Jade scampers into the room and into one of the many visible globes (the kind with the Earth on it) and falls back on her butt. The words “LASS SCAMPER!” flash on the top of the screen in grey. There are a couple of suits of armor in the room, one of which was actually drawn by Hussie.
Narration: You scamper your heart out and bump into something. You don't know why he always insists on keeping it so dark in here.
Oh look, it was one of his dumb GLOBES. These things make it awfully difficult to navigate the foyer. We get it, granddad. You like to travel around the world going on adventures and stuff!
Lousy goddamn stupid globes.
2815: ==>
The fireplace lights up and Jade’s grandpa’s silhouette appears in front of the fire to give her a good spook. Jade recoils back behind the globe on the left, holding her rifle up out of the way.
There is a transparent image of the words in comic sans:
“and there he goes
the old man….
HASS the flame”
2818: {S] Strife!!!
Dave’s record symbol turns as a mimicry of a loading screen. Then the words “AW SNAP.”, then “PRELOADER PSYCHEOUT” flash in green. The actual loading screen shows Jade’s picture above the mantelpiece.
Jade wakes up and pulls out her rifle and goes into a fighting stance. The screen says “STRIFE?” in green, and Jade’s grandpa lights up, revealing he is actually a mounted taxidermied corpse. The >AGGRIEVE option shows. If clicked you can use the keyboard to do all sorts of adorable and silly things with Jade and her gun. Too many to describe, but rest assured, photosensitive readers, it is super cute.
2819: ==>
Jade squints determinedly up at her grandfather in the flickering light of the fire.
Jade’s grandfather continues being a corpse. He is also lit by the fire.
Narration (in italics): YES i am going out with this gun!!! no i will not go get a bigger one!!! no i will not take yours! I can't even lift it!!!!!! oh that is so preposterous. do you even hear what youre saying? i will be fine! this is a perfectly deadly gun and it shoots lots of incredibly deadly bullets! oh will you just stop it. i am going now. Goodbye!!!!!!!!!!!!
(in red italics): <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2831: Rose: Cause time paradox.
The image of Rose giving therapy to her cat Jaspers, in the middle of a red reticle, turns to a blue screen that says PARADOXIFY.
Narration: You attempt to appearify Jaspers. This would surely cause a time paradox, because you can plainly see that he has not told you his SECRET yet.
But it seems the machine has a safety mechanism to prevent such irresponsible appearification practices.
2833: ==> 
The machine beside the appearifier sucks up the paradox sludge that has just been appearified, holding it in a transparent holding cell below a screen.
[Panel 2] Some lights flicker on the machine beside the appearifier, and the screen shows a bunch of flickering letters, all CGAT. Mysteriously, a CG and A do not flicker at all, but that’s not plot important as far as I can tell. Also, the kitten has rolled adorably onto her back.
Narration: The machine beside it sucks up the paradox sludge and begins some kind of automated procedure.
It seems whatever sort of primordial biochemical properties the sludge possesses is being evaluated by the device.
2835: Rose: Have a flashback.
Little Rose covers her face in both hands. A tiny red exclamation mark flashes above her face. Jaspers appears to be whispering in her ear.
Narration: There is no need for a flashback. Conveniently, you can watch what happened right here on the monitor.
You roll the clock forward a few seconds. Jaspers reveals his stunning SECRET to you in strict confidence.
2837: Rose: Trace Jaspers' whereabouts on the machine.
The screen turns to static.
[Panel 2] The screen’s red reticle, a few days later, focuses on Jaspers, dead, in a dirty suit, on a riverbank.
Narration: You roll the clock forward to a week after he vanished. It seems there is no accessible feed tracing his whereabouts during that timeframe.
You fast forward another week. There he is, just as you found him.
2838: [S] Rose: Fast forward to now.
A cat face silhouette is the loading screen, fading from black to ectosludge green. Little Rose, looking sad, approaches Jaspers in the reticle dead on the riverbank. The mutated cat fetus floats in the jar, lit by green light; Rose watches the video, also lit by green light. The little mutated kitten’s tail twitches, then we zoom in on its face, which blinks two eyes at a time. We see the angelic bust of a cat, which fades into the funeral. Rose and her mom are wearing black on a rainy day, with Jaspers’s coffin covered in flowers. The red reticle is focused on the coffin.
We see the coffin inside the mausoleum, and the flowers slowly wilting and dying and disintegrating to nothing. The mutated kitten chews on the scarf.
We see a flashback of Rose’s actions in the mausoleum, then the kitten kicking the scarf with its hind feet. The video then follows Rose as she descends into the laboratory, then finally focuses on Jaspers on top of a transportalizer.
2840: Rose: Appearify Jaspers immediately.
Jaspers appears on the transportalizer. Rose has scooped the mutant kitten back up and is holding it in one arm. She is also wearing the pink scarf.
[Panel 2] The Skaianet Laboratory sign, reading UNESTABLISHED IN: has a countdown going from 14 to 10 seconds.
Narration: Good thing you finally got all this sorted out. You only have 10 seconds to spare.
Time to stash the dead cat and amscray.
2841: Rose: Stop fooling around and transportalize out of there!
Rose runs down the grid toward the transportalizer, holding the mutated kitten with the scarf trailing behind her. She disappears in a green flash, and the words “PRETTY DECENT ESCAPALIZATION” flash in pink.
2843: ==>
Jade faces the front of the screen. Behind her, in the hills, lightning flashes, and then the silhouette of a dog appears, turning most of the background into various shades of green emanating from (or pointing toward) him.
2848: [S] John: Examine your dad’s room.
John looks up in front of a portrait of Bing Crosby smoking a pipe. We see two hats on a hat rack, then a line of neat black shoes next to the hole the safe made. The words “KIND OF A BORING ROOM” flash in grey. John sweatdrops and looks somewhat distressed with a background of dress shoes passing behind him. There is a briefcase on the bed with some papers inside.
The words “JUST A BUSINESS MAN” flash. Pictures of John fade through the foreground, one of him holding the papers and one of him looking distressed. We see a large picture of a pipe on the wall, then “NOT ALL THAT INTO CLOWNS I GUESS” flashes.
John holds his head and flashes in inverse colors a couple times, as pipes dance in the background. The top of the screen reads “MOST SHOCKING TWIST YET”. We pan down a picture of Harry Anderson on the wall and a framed picture of John on the dresser, with some cards. We zoom in on that picture of Bing Crosby smoking a pipe with the words “WHO’S THIS DOUCHE BAG”.
Various pictures of John in shock flash, then the wall picture of a pipe, ties, iron on the bed, foot mat with a hat on it, a set of pipes on the wall, Betty Crocker cake mix, a shoe measuring thing, and then portrait of Harry Anderson. It zooms out to John, rocking back and forth on the bed and holding his knees.
2858: ==>
Jack recoils as the screen turns from the minion and the imp to a zoomed-in pair of eyes with a scar through one.
[Panel 2] Jack looks down at the hat as a hand points to it. The hand is wearing a ring with four grey orbs on it, one of which is lit and the others are dull.
Narration: Your transmission is interrupted.
It seems your GLORIOUS MONARCH has concerns over your wardrobe.
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