orchidyoonkook · 11 months
how we all feeling about a chapter 6 title reveal?
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orchidyoonkook · 11 months
riding the writing creativity train. Chapter five is a third of the way done. Here's hoping I can get in the other two thirds before it crashes
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orchidyoonkook · 2 years
[TWWWBAATTA update]:
I’m on my third round of editing. It should be out soon, I know it’s been a hot minute. I’m just a perfectionist and keep switching and adding things. Soon. Hopefully. I have tomorrow off so I’m hoping to finish this round and do a final read through.
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orchidyoonkook · 2 years
not chapter 3 being 10.4k after this editing session....
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orchidyoonkook · 1 year
Also, now that my life has calmed down a bit and UTWT is out I can finally get ready to post chapter 4 of TWWWBAATTA.
All I gotta do is edit!
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orchidyoonkook · 4 months
Just a little writing update for the folks who check in:
TWWWBAATTA Chapter 7: coming very soon!! I just have two more rounds of edits to go!
Top Secret Project: the current primary focus of my efforts. It’s going to be long and I’m still so in love with this project. I’m so excited to be writing it.
Potential *BIG IF ON THAT* more additions to the TDWV universe are being considered. I have several ideas. Nothing more than that atm.
I have a Joon story in the works. But it’s not something I’m actively working on atm.
And then Chapter 8 of TWWWBAATTA will take a minute to post because she needs HEAVY rounds of editing.
Thanks for checking in!
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orchidyoonkook · 6 months
writing update:
Currently working on 3 projects; 2 secret projects, one of which is a series and the other will be a one shot. And then also chapter 6 of TWWWBAATTA!! (I'm thinking of shortening TWWWBAATTA to TW3 for my sanity)
it's slow going, but I think i'm finally starting to adjust to full time after almost 5 months. (adjusting is harder for me and takes longer due to some fun little health disorders i have)
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orchidyoonkook · 9 months
Fanfic end of the year asks:
15, 17, & 23.
And thank you for bringing me Yoongi this year - be he under a willows tree or in a Valentino suit, he was breaking me down and healing me up. 💕
VIOLET 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹. My love. My darling. My Moot. My bestie. My friend. How I adore you so ♥️♥️♥️
Thank you for asking 🫂
15. Something you learned this year
Apparently I can write smut. Which was both incredibly relieving and also terrifying at the same time?
Or even the fact that people like my writing. Prior to posting fics, only high school English teachers had read my writing. So I’d never really gotten a response on it before. Didn’t know if it was any good. Didn’t really give it a worth while shot. All my friends were writers so I just assumed I was the odd one out.
But then I got tumblr.
And posted a fic just to see if it was worth continuing.
And learned that maybe I can write a little bit.
And that if I keep going. Maybe I can write a lot one day.
17. Fics you’ll continue next year
I’m gunna use this as a planned fics and continued fics question to keep track for myself cuz I will forget 😂😂
I currently have two requests (literally how wild is that!!???) in my inbox that I have to brainstorm. One for JK and one for the UTWT couple.
I will also hopefully be much more active in updating TWWWBAATTA. (Ideally I get at least 6-8 chapters out this year)
As well as a collab that’s been in the works since maybe August?? It’s currently on hold due to life on both ends, but I love love LOVE the concept and the plot and everything about it so I’m excited to dig into that! It will also probably be my first darker work, so I’m stoked for that too! Trying out a new genre.
I have an (undisclosed member) fic in my head right now that I’m plotting out. (I’ve talked about it with you but I wanna keep it under wraps until I at least have a rough draft). It’s a winter themed fic so ideally I’ll have it out by at the latest, February. But if it’s later in the year, it’s later in the year.
And lastly, for planned works that is, I’m toying with the idea of potentially expanding the TDWV universe due to the wonderful reception of the world it takes place in.
23. Fics you wanted to write, but didn’t
The previously mentioned collab fic. I wanted to have at least one chapter of it out by the end of 2023. But then I got a new job and moved within a month of each other, and went from working one shift a week, to full time, and then the holidays happened and I ran out of free time.
My New Years Resolution this year was to try and write more/ create more. And I would really like to stick to that if I can. But with quality over quantity.
And then the undisclosed member fic, also previously mentioned. I’d hoped to have it done over my winter break from work. But timing and plans said no!
You’re so so so welcome my dear. I don’t even have the words to begin to describe what your support has meant and done for me. And I can only hope I’ve been able to do a fraction of the same for you.
I hope I can bring you more Yoongi’s and maybe a Joon or two in the future too♥️
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orchidyoonkook · 1 year
Things I am working on at the same time to try and get everything started and finishes as quickly as I can while preserving quality.
• UTWT books! I have 10 to make with 2 custom ones. And with the new pages to add for the BC it takes a lot longer to bind. I’m so sorry about the wait!! But I’m actively working on them
• chapter 5 of TWWWBAATTA!!
• new enormous writing project with my amazing co writer (who’s so understanding that I can’t be 100% in it right now. I love you)
And this is being done on top of irl things like:
• trying my best to move. We’ve been house hunting for 2 months with no luck. We’ve had viewings every week. It’s been really difficult.
• trying to get a new job (I just got back from an interview!!) but I’ve been looking since May for a new one. That’s been super hard too.
• also while having to go to work.
• I was planning a vacation that’s just finished, so that’s out of the way
• and I had three concerts in a 5 day period. That’s also now out of the way
But if you’ve been wondering why everything is taking so long. That’s why.
When I made this blog and started posting my life was much more boring and I had a lot more free time so I could do the updates a lot quicker. But now balancing everything is a little difficult.
Again this is just a “to let you know” if you’re waiting on some from me. I’m actively working on everything. It’s just taking longer than I thought.
- love Yoon ♥️
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