caxycreations · 4 months
Tylvinian Tales: The Wolf's Den
Chapter Fourteen: Comforts
Ferusian Law, Fifth Sequence, Article Two: Law of Work Release
Ferusian citizens under employment are subject to all requirements, responsibilities, and obligations outlined in their job descriptionand written work responsibilities for the duration of their shift.
Ferusian employers are, under no circumstances, allowed to require such responsibilities or obligations to be met or attended to outside of scheduled work hours, nor shall any Ferusian employer attempt to force such responsibilities or obligations on any employee outside of the workplace.
Ferusian employers found guilty of work-related pressures outside of the workplace or within the workplace outside of an employee's scheduled hours will be fined no less than 6% of their annual income, increasing by 3% for each repeated violation, first to 9%, then to 12%, and so on, up to a maximum of 63% of the employer's annual income.
I woke up to the feeling of hands wandering across my body, fingers gently caressing the muscles along my arm, my chest. Digits trailing lower, down to my hand, my abs, soft and appreciative in their touches. I opened my eyes and let out a laugh, looking at David and seeing him wholly focused on my body. His eyes scanned across my chest, bare fur cool, but the skin beneath it warm, the beat of my heart steady and calm, a gentle rhythm pulsing beneath his careful ministrations. I was content to lay there, letting him feel, admire. It had been a very long time since anyone had done this. I was used to being admired at a distance, it wasn't anything new to me.
But being admired up close, being felt and touched with such loving care, was different. His fingers traced the lines of my muscles, following the curves of them, feeling the hard padding beneath my skin. I heard him start to purr, and I wasn't able to feign sleep any longer.
"Ya likin' that, Davey?" I asked with a grin. He jumped a little, letting out a small yip as he did. I chuckled a little, looking down at him. He looked back up at me with wide eyes, embarrassed that he'd been caught. There was barely half a foot of distance between my muzzle and his. It was strange, feeling like I should close that gap, but I had fought my feelings long enough. I leaned down and kissed him, letting my whims and instincts guide me. 
David melted against me, body nestling in closer as he kissed back with a soft trill in the back of his throat, purring deep in his chest. As our kiss broke, he smiled up at me, love-drunk and happy. He lay his head against my chest, one hand on it as well, his ear pressed flat to it. His fingers started tapping out a gentle beat against my chest.
"Hey, Rye? Are we...Really, um..." He trailed off, looking up at me, half-worried. I smiled softly, realizing what he was asking, and nodded.
"I reckon we are. Unless ya jus' don't wanna be, now that ya got me?" I said with a playful grin. He shook his head quickly.
"No, no, no, I do, I definitely do! I just...wasn't sure you did." He said with a shy smile, nuzzling my chest, his tail curling around my leg. I felt my own trying to wag, but laying on my back was making that nearly impossible. 
He shifted, laying on top of me now. I chuckled, feeling him resting over me, what little fabric was on him barely keeping his sheath from touching me, something I was far more aware of than I'd ever been before. He sat up, straddling me, and giggled. 
"You know exactly what you're doin', don't ya?" I asked, raising a brow, eyes locked on his, not wanting to turn the morning into anything I wasn't ready for by looking somewhere I wasn't ready to partake in.
David nodded, rolling his hips once before casually rolling off of me, across to the other side of the bed, and onto his paws into a stand beside the bed. I rolled my eyes, ignoring the slight pull of feeling running down the base of my spine, and the slight urge between my legs as I sat up on the edge of the bed. I'd long since learned to suppress my morning needs, sleeping next to David so often had made it a necessity, and I was glad for it now. 
"Hey Rye?" He asked as I stretched a little. I turned back to look at him.
"Yeah? Sup, Davey?" I asked back, rolling my shoulders to loosen them.
He shifted a little, then looked at me directly. "When do you think we could...Maybe...fool around?" He asked shyly, his tail curling around his waist a little as his ears fell back. I chuckled, shaking my head a little.
"Been a couple all'a twelve hours an' you're already tryna get into my pants?" I asked, watching him deflate a little. I realized that hadn't been the answer he'd wanted, and stood up to make my way over to him. My arms wrapped around him, pulling him into a hug, letting him nuzzle my chest and growling softly, a happy sound.
I pulled back just enough to look down at him, into his eyes. "Davey, I ain't sure when I'll be ready for that. Might be in a few minutes, might be a few weeks. But when I am, I'll be sure ya know. Jus' be patient, an' I'll do m'best t' make it worth th' wait." I promised, nosing against his forehead a little, playful and sweet. He smiled a bit, nodding, before standing as tall as he could stretch himself to be, looking up to kiss the bottom of my chin.
"Okay Rye. I um...I don't really need it, need it...But I haven't had it in a while so um..." He trailed off, and I nodded.
My hand met his chin, holding it gently. "Lemme think on it today, an' we'll see about gettin' ya some kind'a relief tonight, alright?" I offered, rubbing his chin gently with my thumb. He nodded, the lightest shade of pink visible through his fur, his skin tinting with blush. He hugged me tighter before letting go, heading for the closet to grab some clothes. I watched him casually strip out of the panties he'd worn yesterday, and for once I let myself admire fully the caxy that was bare before me.
I shook my head, smiling and heading for the bathroom, deciding to get my shower in now while he changed. It wasn't long before I was done, and I came out, towel around my waist as I rummaged through the closet. David was nowhere in sight, and I gathered my clothes for the day, dressing quickly to look for him.
He was in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. He'd made eggs, bacon, toast, and he was dancing by the stove as it cooked, one of my small speakers sitting on the counter connected to his phone. I grinned, pulling my phone out and setting up the music app, picking one of the songs I'd been working on the last few weeks. I unplugged his phone, plugging mine in before hitting play.
He gasped dramatically and glowered at me until the music started again. "Ryder! Is this one of yours?" He asked, already swaying a little to the building sound.
I nodded, smiling at him. "Sure is, ain't released yet, ain't done yet. Thought I'd test it out on my best fan." My voice was playful, but every word sincere. David had always supported me, even at the beginning when even my parents were hesitant.
"This is so good!" he said with a gleeful wiggle, starting to dance to it properly. His hips, his arms, his hands, legs, paws, even his tail and ears. David's dances were a full-body endeavor, every extremity moving with the music, as if the sound waves themselves were flowing through him and guiding his motions. This particular song had been an experiment, all square waves.
It could be seen in his movements, blocky and rigid, but somehow flowing beautifully into one another, graceful even in the harsh, jolting movements. He integrated his dancing into his cooking seamlessly, using it to flip the eggs, to sort the bacon. It amazed me how well he could multitask, and how accurately he could manage even while distracted.
The song ended and we had our breakfast as I made mental notes on what parts he danced most heavily to and which parts he seemed to lose interest. The food was good, as always, and after we settled on the couch for a while to watch his show. I thought for a moment, wondering if it would be a bad idea to give in to what he wanted. We hadn't been dating for even a day by now, surely that was too soon?
But we'd known each other our whole lives. This wasn't some one-day-thing, we'd been by each other's side for over twenty years. We'd practically been living together for several years as is. But that was a big step. The biggest step. And it was one I'd never really taken with anyone. I decided to mull it over another time, and simply enjoy the comforts.
His head was on my shoulder and his tail across my lap, one of his paws on top of mine. He couldn't get enough contact and honestly neither could I, finding myself gently stroking his tail and petting it, growling softly and nuzzling against him. He never stopped purring, and it wasn't until there was a knock at the door that we separated.
I made my way to the door and opened it, my smile from the moments before still on my face. What sight greeted me in the open doorway shattered that smile. I stared down into the vibrant fuchsia eyes of a snake, staring back calmly. 
"Good morning, Mr. Trayson. I received your application recently, and intended to inform you of your acceptance as security officer, but when I attempted to reach you my calls went to voicemail." He said, that same hollow hiss to his voice in every word. He reached into his inside pocket, pulling out a thermos and drinking from it.
I stifled a growl and nodded. "Was in th' hospital. Got shot up an' stabbed." I said calmly. He nodded and looked away, putting the thermos back as he examined the area around us.
"Yes, I am aware. You received heavy injuries in the process of protecting Mr. Seltz from a group of undesirables. I wish to speak to you about that very event, if you would not mind." He said, stepping closer, trying to get inside. I blocked the door with a growl.
"I've already filled out your damn application, ya got nothin' t' be here for except telling me I got th' job or that I don't." I growled, baring my teeth at him.
He simply nodded and held a hand up as if to silence me. "I understand you believe that, but you've obtained the attention of a man you, on your own, are likely not equipped to deal with. You have also obtained my attention as well. I would like to discuss matters, discreetly, if you please."
I shook my head. "When's my first shift?" I asked, words rumbling with frustration. He pulled a small PDA from his side pocket and tapped a few times on it with a stylus, turning it to face me. My first shift was tonight, starting at six in the evening and ending at six in the morning.
I nodded and smiled bitterly. "Then if'n it's that important we can talk it out at work. I'll seeya tonight, Boss." I said sourly, slamming the door shut. I heard him knock a few more times, and as much as I had wanted to walk away, to go back to David, who was no doubt wondering what was going on, I felt a pull. My parents raised me better than that, raised me to be more polite. I opened the door and was met with an infuriatingly calm look from Kaleb.
"Mr. Trayson, I understand you dislike me, but do not let your personal feelings harm your work opportunities, or your chances at protecting what matters most to you. I understand you and Mr. Seltz are a couple now, yes?" He stated matter-of-factly.
I furrowed my brow and clutched the door, feeling the wood splinter. We hadn't even decided that until yesterday, I had said it at the docks, nobody else around that I'd been aware of. "How d'ya know that?"
He smiled, an empty, ugly imitation of emotion. "I have eyes and ears in most places you can think of, Mr. Trayson, and I intend to use them to help, if you will allow it. I understand you have made two enemies that are quite aware of one another, and would not hesitate to work together." he said with a sickening impression of concern. I could smell the insincerity, taste his manipulation.
I could also feel the honesty in it all. He knew something I didn't, and at the very least I needed to find out what.
“Fine. But we ain’t talkin’ it out here. Davey’s in there right now an’ I ain’t ‘bout t’ expose’im t’ none’a this.” I said plainly, furrowing my brow and baring my teeth. Kaleb simply nodded and sighed. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the PDA again, tapping a few times and writing on it before putting it away again. He looked at me, eyes half-lidded in that irritatingly bored way.
“Very well. I have changed your shift to begin one half hour later. As you seem to enjoy keeping your talks brief, as I do, it should take no more than half of that to say what needs to be said. The remaining fifteen minutes is to familiarize yourself with the standard duties and those you will be working with. I will see you there.” He said, turning to the side and walking away.
I huffed, growling a little and shutting the door right as I heard David get up from the couch, the furniture squeaking a little from the movement. “Ain’t nothin’ t’ get up over, Davey.” I called out, hearing a quiet sound of surprise followed by a sudden impact on the cushions. I pulled my phone out, setting alarms an hour and half an hour before my shift. As I stepped into the living room, I saw him laying across the couch, his paws resting on the couch arm, head about two thirds of the way to the other couch arm. I chuckled, seeing him lazing so comfortably, and leaned over the back of the couch.
He looked up at me with a smile, raising up and pressing his lips to mine. I almost backpedaled, so unused to the act, but squashed the learned behavior down, ignoring the gut instinct in favor of the desire underneath it. I kissed him back, letting out a soft, affectionate growl. He responded with a happy purr, and broke the kiss with a smile. His eyes were bright, shining in the dim light of the den, and for the first time in a long time I saw nothing but pure joy in them. No hidden undertones of masking, no underlying fears or nerves.
David was just happy.
I walked around to face the couch from the front, scooping him up into my arms and holding him up as I lay down on the couch, stretching out across it, holding him against me so he was laid on top of me, his back to my chest, so I could gently rub my nose against his neck. I took in his scent as he giggled, and smiled, happy at the smell of his fur, his shampoo, the light aroma pleasant and comforting. My hands found his stomach, resting there as his own moved to lay atop mine.
He tilted his head to give me easier access to his neck and I took it gratefully, kissing along it and caressing his stomach. He trilled and purred in my lap, and sighed softly. "Ryder, you wanted to do this for a long time huh?" He asked, his smile audible in the tone of his voice. I nodded, giving his neck one last kiss before relaxing back against the couch arm. His breathing was so steady, so calm, and it helped me steady my own before answering.
"Wanted it longer'n I knew I did, at least. Spent a long time not knowin' what I wanted. Tryin' out new things, tryin' t' jus' make things work. But things were already workin', I was jus' fightin' what that meant." I said softly, voice low in his ear. I turned one hand over to hold his, squeezing it gently. His thumb brushed across the back of my hand, squeezing back. I glanced over to the TV, seeing Lucky Duke playing on the screen and smiling to myself.
Just in time to realize he wasn't watching the screen. "Rye, is there anything else you want? That maybe...you're fighting?" he asked quietly. His tone had changed, it was duskier, lower. Inviting. I chuckled, nodding a little. 
"Yeah, I reckon there is. An' judgin' by th' way ya say that, y'know full well what that is. But I ain't sure if I'm ready yet, an' ya need t' be patient 'bout it. I'm not one'a th' fellas at th' club lookin' for a quick screw. I love ya too much t' jus' see us as a sex thing." I explained. His breath hitched and for a moment he lay still, saying nothing. I listened carefully, waiting, worrying. Had I upset him? Hurt his feelings? Did he want it too much? Was this just a sex thing to-
"I love you." He said, his voice shaking a little and rolling onto his stomach, throwing his arms around me, looping them around my neck loosely and burying his muzzle against my neck, whimpering a little. I held him uncertainly, not sure if I'd hurt him or not. I felt him trembling, and then the warm wetness of tears dripped onto my fur. I held him closer, feeling my heart speed up. My chest was heating up, eyes flicking around, looking him over, and my ears dropped. 
"I love you too, Davey, hey, what's wrong? I say somethin' ya didn't like?" I asked, holding him carefully, not wanting to squeeze too tightly, or hold too loosely and leave him thinking I wasn't okay with this.
He sniffled, nodding and looking at me. His fur was matted in trails down his cheeks, and under his eyes, his nose slightly wet from his crying. The corners of his mouth were upturned, despite the overall sad look on his face. "I'm great, I'm so great," he said shakily, smiling a little more, "cause, cause you're not-...You're not just...I mean, you're really serious about this, and...You mean it, right? You really mean it?"
I looked him in the eyes, trying my best to read him, to understand, to know what he was thinking beyond the words. What else could he have possibly thought I'd wanted or meant? I nodded, bringing a hand up to cup his cheek. "Davey, I ain't th' type t' lie. Ain't my thing. Won't find no games or tricks or nothin' with me. Ya know that, right? Ya gotta know that, all th' time ya known me." 
He nodded, closing his eyes and leaning into my palm, putting his hand over the back of mine and nuzzling softly against it. I smiled at him and nudged his nose lightly with mine. He opened his eyes, a soft, breathless laugh escaping him.
"Good, so listen up an' listen well, Davey." I spoke clearly, confidently, and held his stare. "I love ya. Ya got a nice, gorgeous body, an' one'a th' best asses I've ever seen, not t' mention the cutest damn face this side'a th' forests." He let out a soft, unhappy 'mrow...' as I spoke, and I smiled a little more, continuing on with my speech. "But I could find a nice, gorgeous body if'n I spent five minutes prowlin' th' club. An' I could find an ass jus' as good too. I'd be S-O-L tryna find a face as cute as yours, but I could try. What I couldn't find nowhere else is you. Who ya are, what ya like, how ya act. Ya ain't jus' a great body an' a perfect face, ya got a personality like nobody else. There's a million hot bodies in Tylvin. A couple billion hot bodies in Ferus. An' a good dozen or two billion on Relan. But ya got somethin' none'a them have, an' that's th' heart, an' th' mind, an' th' love for life ya show every single day."
He stared at me, blinking, and I could feel the heat building in him. Time to show him just how much I meant it.
"Ain't nobody else can quote that damn cowboy word-for-word like ya got it written on th' back'a your eyelids like you can. Ain't nobody else that can sing th' way ya do. Ain't nobody else got th' curiosity, th' inner light, like my caxy. Malor wrote a masterpiece when he penned ya int' th' book'a life, an' I'm damn privileged that he paired our stories up th' way he did. Just knowin' ya was a blessin', an' now I get t' say I'm yours. Askin' if'n I mean it... Davey, I ain't felt this way 'bout anyone else in my life. Fina paired us together an' there ain't nobody else I'd let'er put me with."
He stared at me, stammering silently as the dam broke. He let his tears flow freely and he clung to me, smiling wide and nuzzling relentlessly against my neck. I hugged him back, holding him tight to me. I didn't want a single gap between us, not so much as a centimeter spare between my body and his. Is this how it was supposed to feel? Is this what had been missing from the others?
He drew back again, looking at me shyly and kissing me with a purr. I stroked his cheek for a moment before urging him back gently, sitting up with him straddling my lap. My hands found his hips and I sighed, smiling at him. He smiled back, resting his head on my chest and hugging me with a relaxed, comfortable tightness.
"Ryder, you're an ass...Making me cry like that..." He said with an audible smile.
I grinned, kissing him swift and sweet. "No wonder ya love me so much, bein' gay an' all." I teased, with David smacking my chest playfully. I nuzzled my cheek against his and growled softly, laying back again and relaxing under him. David purred softly, looking up at me and smiling. I blew a puff of air into his ear and chuckled, watching it flick as he made a face at me.
"You're rude." He said matter-of-factly, sitting up, straddling me and resting his palms on my chest. I smiled up at him, hands finding his hips again and rubbing them gently. He sighed in comfort and let out a soft whine. "Ryder, if you keep rubbing my hips you're gonna get me worked up..."
I laughed at that, shaking my head. "Can't even offer ya some affection without ya gettin' all needy?" I teased again as he lay over me, turning his head to face the TV, finally paying attention to the show.
"Well fine, if you're just gonna bully me, I'll just watch my real boyfriend and ignore you." He said with a playful, if irritated, tone. I chuckled, nodding and turning my gaze to the television, smiling softly.
"You do that, Davey. Long as ya let me hold ya while ya do."
"...I can accept these terms."
I don't know how long we lay there watching his show, or when we, or rather when I, fell asleep. All I knew was that I had my caxy in my arms, and for once, I didn't feel afraid of the way it made me feel.
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aprincesadegales · 4 years
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Procissão pelo The Mall, famosa avenida de Londres, durante a comemoração do Trooping the Colour | 14.06.2011
O Trooping the Colour é o evento militar que marca a comemoração oficial do aniversário dx monarca britânicx e acontece anualmente, salvo raras exceções, desde o reinado de George IV no séc. XVIII. Curiosidade: o aniversário real da Rainha Elizabeth II é no dia 21 de abril (ou seja, a quem interessar, ela é de touro e não de gêmeos).
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camthewizard · 6 years
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Yeah, one of the dangers of being a shapeshifter, especially one that can gain more mass, is that you run the risk of accidentally having made multiple copies of yourself. If my study of old cartoons is correct, then having copies of yourself never ends well for anyone. 
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duchesscambridges · 7 years
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Trooping the Colour Balcony Shots | 2011 - 2017
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I think Kate knew guys.....they didn't bring George to Trooping the Colour because they knew we'd go more crazy over an unexpected polo match attendance!! ...and we did, admit it. 
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camthewizard · 6 years
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camthewizard · 6 years
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Can someone explain who the heck that is in the corner. I don’t have any idea how this joke makes sense without it. 
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camthewizard · 6 years
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I’m just going to bring back this and leave it here:
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camthewizard · 6 years
Well that was weird. Not really a lot happened to talk about. The entire thing was basically just one long fight scene.
I’ll give it a 5/10
Next one in a couple minutes.
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camthewizard · 6 years
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I keep forgetting these jokes exist so they are like a punch in the face every time.
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camthewizard · 6 years
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Even for an amorphous shifting goo monster, Plasmus still have a shape it prefers. Speedy is far too salty to be dessert anyway.
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camthewizard · 6 years
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If I’ve learned anything from fighting lots of chuchus in Twilight Princess is that breaking them into pieces rarely works well for you.
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camthewizard · 6 years
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We should just get Plasmus a job dealing with the city’s trash problem. He seems to be pretty good at it. 
Also, thanks for introducing the main Titans. Never heard of them before. I’m sure there’s at least one person who picked this up as their first Titans thing that appreciated it.
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duchesscambridges · 7 years
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Trooping the Colour Ceremony | 2011 - 2018
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duchesscambridges · 7 years
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These three cuties ❤
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duchesscambridges · 7 years
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3 Years Ago Today: The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry joined other members of The Royal Family to attend The Trooping the Colour Ceremony to celebrate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s 88th Birthday on June 14, 2014. 
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