suzukiblu · 10 months
For Wip Wednesday is it possible to request one of each? Or would you prefer individual asks for different wipes?
the Gotham Kid
Trauma can do a lot to a person, though, and it’s not like the Alley isn’t spoiled for it. Kid’s only been here a few months, and he’s seen way worse than something a cheap dye job could cover up. 
Way, way worse. 
“Should it be, pretty boy?” Trish asks the guy, her smile pleasantly poisonous and familiarly shit-starting. Kid might have to rough up a couple guys before they're done here, he notes in mild resignation. Not that he blames her for wanting to make it clear that this isn't the time or place for outsiders to be fucking with anybody, but these guys haven't actually done any fucking with anybody yet. 
Though he does know better than to give anybody in Gotham too much benefit of the doubt, especially in Crime Alley. 
Superman would, but Superman would do a lot of things Kid can't afford to.
Could never afford to.
the one where Kon isn't the father
Tim cries all over himself and also Kon for way, way too long, but it’s–fine. It’s fine. He can explain looking like he cried to the Kents, because crying over his dead boyfriend coming back to life is a perfectly normal emotional response. 
And Kon is, technically, his dead boyfriend now. Or–not the dead part anymore, obviously, but–
“The cover’s good as-is,” Kon murmurs quietly as they’re sitting together in the far corner of the nursery. She’s still asleep. Tim couldn’t bring himself to leave her and go upstairs, though. “Like–what everybody assumed, I mean. They already all think it anyway, right? Like, they’re all already convinced. So coming up with a different lie might just make ‘em reexamine shit and maybe notice something, and that’d be a problem.” 
“It would,” Tim agrees in relief, glad that Kon understands that. But also . . . “But you want to tell them–you want to pretend about us, too?” 
“I don’t want anybody to have a single reason to doubt who Kyra’s other dad is,” Kon says. “Ever.” 
“You don’t have to do this,” Tim says, although if Kon doesn’t it's going to ruin his life. 
Ruin Kyra’s life, more importantly. 
“Fuck off, Rob, don’t tell me what to do,” Kon snorts the exact same way he used to in their Young Justice days, and Tim chokes on a sob of a laugh. Fuck, he’s missed him. 
He’s missed him so, so much.
Match technically is also a Luthor
Match finds that response . . . strange. Strange in several ways, in fact, because it almost sounded like Luthor was actually listening to what he said. 
“I take it there isn’t something less idiotic than ‘Subject Match’ to be calling you, then?” Luthor says. 
“No,” Match says. He doesn’t particularly care what anyone thinks of his designation–it’s perfectly serviceable–but he doesn’t know what he thinks of the way Luthor’s commenting on it. Like he thinks the Agenda should’ve . . . tried harder or something. 
That can’t be right, Match thinks. 
“Of course there’s not,” Luthor snorts dubiously. “Fine, I’ll come up with something bearable in the car. Now come along, I wasn’t actually joking about that meeting I have to terrorize. The board members have been getting ideas again, suicidal little optimists that they are.” 
“In the . . . car?” Match asks incredibly. What, did he just drive here? 
“That is what I said, yes,” Luthor says, then snaps his fingers impatiently beore turning back towards the door. “Keep up.” 
And Match doesn’t understand what the hell is happening here or even why it’s happening at all, but he doesn’t have orders and Luthor definitely does have kryptonite, or at least an Amazon or two, so Match just . . . 
Follows him.
weird Kryptonian bonding rituals
“Huh?” Clark startles, and they all look over at Lois. She looks triumphant, waving her phone. 
“Conner,” she repeats matter-of-factly. “It’s easy to pronounce, common enough he won’t constantly be having to spell it, but still uncommon enough there won’t be twelve other ones everywhere he goes. Also it means ‘lover of hounds’, so we have to get him a dog now. Do you want a dog, Conner? And, uh, also the name. Also do you want the name.” 
“. . . maybe?” Superboy looks curious, floating over to peer at the phone screen. “What’s having a dog like?” 
“It's nice, if you get one who's right for you and take good care of them,” Clark says, immediately resolving to find an apartment that allows pets. He’ll pay the pet fee. He’ll pay a monthly pet fee if he has to. Superboy can have all the dogs he wants. “It's rewarding. And, well–nice, again. Dogs are great, and they love people. Man’s best friend and all that, you know? Not that we necessarily count as that kind of ‘man’ because of the whole alien definitely-not-biological-weapons issue but–look, it’s fine, dogs are great! They don’t even get weird about us being the wrong species! Um. Not the wrong species, just . . .”
“A dog would love me?” Superboy tilts his head, then . . . blinks, very slowly. “Like–how much?” 
“Almost as much as we're going to,” Clark says, his chest clenching tightly.
the last son of Krypton meets Hypertime Kon
“We’ll help you however we can,” Clark promises again, slightly rephrased, and Kon looks surprised. 
“Um–you sure it's not a problem?” he hedges awkwardly. “I can, like, go bother somebody who’s less busy . . .” 
Clark cannot imagine ever being busy enough to ignore this kid, much less pawn him off on someone else. That is not a thing that he is ever going to do, no matter how long it takes to get Kon home. He’s another Kryptonian, and one who’s proudly wearing the El crest and carrying both genes and a name from a version of him. How could he do anything less than his best for him? 
“It’s not a problem at all,” he says firmly, giving Kon’s shoulder another squeeze before dropping his hand away. 
“Certainly not,” Diana agrees. 
“It’s definitely a problem,” Bruce mutters under his breath, like he’s never picked up a random stray kid who he doesn’t know anything about except how much they needed his help. Hypocrite, Clark thinks both wryly and fondly.
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icycoldninja · 4 months
Hello!! Can I request for a platonic one for the Sparda bros with Nero and V? Like what if the twin have a younger sister who got most of their mom’s features, but still as strong as them. She’s kinda like Nero, stubborn, reckless, but has a big heart and like the twin she got an obsession with video games
Please n thank u 🙏
Yes, of course! Enjoy 💜
Sparda boys + V x Reader platonic headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante is reminded of you guys' mom every time he looks at you. You're basically a younger clone of Eva, which is both a good thing and a bad thing, because as much as he loves his mother, he is reminded of everything that happened when he looks at you.
-Dante trained you to be as strong as he is, (Vergil helped too) and is glad you turned out to be a badass devil hunter just like the rest of your family.
-Dante loves you, as any big brother does, but, being your sibling, he is obligated to argue with you at least twice a day.
-Will steal your food when you're not looking, especially if it's pizza.
-Sometimes your arguments turn into full on wrestling competitions where the victor usually isn't clear for several hours.
-However, Dante will always be around to play games with you when you want him to.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil is that overprotective older brother that scares away all your friends and potential dates cause he doesn't trust them.
-He takes very good care of you because you remind him of his mother, whom he failed to protect. He'll make up for it now by protecting you.
-He'll train you to be a swordswoman who is at least half as good as he is so if you're ever in danger and he's not around to help, you can defend yourself.
-You are the only person who can get between him and Dante and stop a fight without getting injured or called deadweight in the process.
-Still, as siblings are inclined to do, you guys still fight a lot, usually over menial things. For instance, Vergil will insist you misplaced his copy of William Blake, you'll deny it, an argument starts, Vergil rises from his seat in anger, discovers he was sitting on it the entire time, and sits back down sulkily as you give him the silent treatment. About an hour later you'll be back on speaking terms.
-Doesn't know how to play video games because he's your boomer bro, but he won't object to being taught.
□ Nero □
-Nero finds you to be the cool aunt, though you're really more like his best friend since you have less of an age gap.
-Plays video games with you all day, every day, whenever you want.
-Is amazed that you have the power to stop an argument or fight between Dante and Vergil and that they actually listen to you.
-It must be because you look like their mom, Nero reasons, and he's right. Also, the fact that you look almost like a carbon copy of Eva means that Nero gets a chance to bond with his grandma and aunt at the same time.
-Loves to spar with you to test your strength and see how well Dante and Vergil trained you.
-Is really more fond of you than he is of his own dad.
● V ●
-V, being the human half of Vergil, knew who you were and had some level of familiarity towards you, but carried none of the brotherly love Vergil had.
-Because the memories he gained from Vergil are somewhat fuzzy, he mistook you as Eva herself when he first saw you and had to do a double take. Then when he saw you and Trish standing side by side, he thought the two of you were twin sisters.
-Does not know what video games are as he's only ever read poetry, but with your guidance, he might learn...someday...when he finally understands that the controller is not magic and that the TV is not a window to another universe...
-Is very glad you're as strong as the Sparda twins because his condition warrants a bodyguard, ashamed as he is to admit it. You, the younger sibling, must now protect her older brother's human half because said human half is trying to protect you.
-V cares for you, and even though he doesn't see you as his sister, he does see you as a very dear friend.
-He will divulge Vergil's secrets to you, and also spill the beans on how this MOTIVATED man feels about his baby sister so you can use it to tease him later.
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lifetimeoftired · 1 year
I really like the Vergil/Lady ship in dmc and here’s some thoughts I have about them in no particular order.
-  Both Vergil and Lady are stubborn ‘my way or the highway’ kind of people, and they have good reason to be. But that stubbornness also breads violence, so when upset, they tend to lash out without knowing the full situation, though Lady is slightly better at admitting when she’s overreacted. Still, the violence in them would make for pretty interesting interactions. Especially considering Vergil can’t just stab her because she will shoot him back, and if she dies that’ll just start the feud all over again and he’s tired.
- Obviously they both hate Arkham, but what really interests me is that both love their mothers dearly, but Vergil has spent a long time convincing himself he resents her for ‘abandoning’ him. Lady’s relationship with her mother isn’t really talked about, but I’m sure she’s grown to both worship and resent her mother. On one hand, the worship comes from the fact that she’s a martyr, a victim to an evil man’s schemes. Stolen from her long before she should have lost her for now other reason than cruelty and selfishness. On the other hand, why did she choose Arkham in the first place? Why couldn’t her mother see the monster that he was? Those feelings she’d repress hardcore and lean further into loving her mother and seeing her as better than she was. Vergil does the exact same thing, but with his father. He does say he blames weakness no his humanity because Eva couldn’t protect them, but I think on some level he also resents that his father, what he considers to be a powerful being, also was not there to protect all of them. But he can’t hate his father, that would mean hating the reason he’s still alive. I think if they ever got to actually talk about, they’d bond over this ‘I can’t hate the parent I want to because that would mean I’d have to acknowledge the other parent’ feeling. Lady would notice it in Vergil first, being slightly more willing to be vulnerable, might say something in a backhanded way that only Vergil would be able to pick up on, cause backhanded is a second language to him by now.
- And of course Lady doesn’t put up with his shit. As much as it would annoy him that some mere human was calling him out, after seeing his own child and the humanity in Nero that saved him and Dante, he’d give her the time of day he would not many other people. After all, she is one of the few humans able to march into hell and still win- himself non withstanding because he’s that strong of course. But she did fight her way through Temen-ni-gru and he’d respect that. And when he gives just that little bit, she shows him empathy once she really understands why he’s done what he did. 
- They also both care deeply for Dante, but due to trauma and pride have to act like they don’t. Once Vergil comes back and they both realize Dante is Not Okay(tm) when he can’t see Vergil, he makes a deal with Lady, Trish, and Nero to keep an eye on him when they can (not realizing Dante’s asked them to keep an eye on Vergil) and Lady’s the one who does it the most often since Nero has the kids and Trish is terrible with getting Dante back on his feet. Lady and Vergil work out a schedule and everything, bickering like an old married couple about Dante.
- Also Vergil and Lady arguing about guns vs devil arms would be extremely amusing. She insists there’s nothing wrong with guns, and Vergil is very much face demons man to man. This kind of spat often ends with them physically coming to blows, but Lady knows he’s not actually going to harm her by this point. He’s not going easy on her, he’d never disrespect her so, but the fights always end with her life and limbs intact. And that’s more than enough reason to keep fighting him. And they come to a grudging admiration of each other’s abilities since Vergil actually honed his skills through years of practice, just as she did, and they both are constantly coming up with new moves to show off and try to win these fights. They still don’t agree on guns versus devil arms, but if they give in, they have no reason to keep fighting.
- Also, after years of dealing with Dante, Lady would actually know when to back off when calling Vergil out. But unlike Dante, Vergil doesn’t joke circles around her, he gets Mean. And those are times they don’t fight with weapons, just words, but it hurts worse like that. But after they’ve both cooled off some, Vergil, older now, wiser than he used to be, does try to make an apology of sorts. He never admits to going overboard, but he brings her things he knows she likes, and she grits her teeth, breathes, and tries again. 
- Lady's the one who teaches Vergil how to shoot properly. In dmc3 he was only able to because he was leaning on Dante, but he never bothered to learn how to do it properly. So, to her surprise, he accepts when she teasingly offers to teach him. He’s better than expected, but there’s plenty of room to improve. And he takes that as a challenge, one she’s happy to meet.
- I think about that scene in 3 a lot where she’s sitting there, all slumped over and falling apart after giving Dante Kalina Ann, and Vergil walks right past, and only then does she get up. I like to imagine in my wild shipping delusions that he tells her there she can give up if she wants, but Arkham is of no consequence to the twin’s and their battle and will not be standing in their way much longer. Even if he doesn’t bother her at all, in a way, Vergil’s actions here I think are one of respect. He respects that she wants Arkham dead, and is willing to kill her own father for what he did. But if she’s not going to commit to it, that he does not respect. So if he says something, it’s to motivate her to see if she’ll actually do it. If he doesn’t, it’s because he’s annoyed that she won’t. Years down the line, he’d bring this back up and they’d talk about it, and it’s one of the few times he admits to respecting her at all. Gives her a ton of complicated feelings about it.
- One interesting thing that would come up is when he’s talking to Arkham and mocks him for still having softer feelings towards his daughter. Because Vergil wanted his parents to love him, so he would hold so much disgust towards Arkham and be unable to acknowledge it’s because Arkham is a terrible father. He’d say this, after all these years and after she’s earned his trust, that Arkham should have done better by her.
- I like to think Vergil does actually think highly of her for killing her own bitch of a dad. Lady doesn’t. After all, you never really recover from killing your own parent even if it’s for the right reasons. She tells him that, and mentions that she said the same to Nero. And he thanks her for it. So many softer feelings because he can attribute, at least in part, that he’s alive thanks to her. And even though it’s still a mess in her head about killing Arkham, there’s something really touching about Vergil acknowledging her strength anyway. Of course, some things aren’t said aloud, they just say it in the way they stand a little closer.
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
No thoughts head empty just rotating Joseph and Trish’s friendship in Star Swap
because like. Joseph knows he needs to be careful, he’s not an idiot and he’s knows a bit about the underground with Uncle Speedwagon’s guidance and instruction. Joseph knows enough about the American and English mafia that it translates decently well into how to navigate the Italian one, so yes he knows not to be stupid or say anything that would get him killed or get too much attention drawn
but at the same time…… he’s able to see through Trish’s mask. Joseph’s spent his whole life picking people apart whether he’s meant to or not, and he’s grown up around high and mighty upper class assholes who would lie and cheat and deceive to get what they wanted. Joseph knows people, and with what he knows about Trish is a relatively easy picture to put together
Joseph’s adopting stray kids thing aside, he honestly does get what she’s going through. Of having your whole life getting uprooted because of shitty family drama you want nothing to do with, being forced into life threatening situations where you and the people around you could very well lose their lives, of being stuck around people who you’ve never met before and being forced into working with them so you don’t die……. He’s able to see Trish before he sees her as the Boss’s Daughter, just like how he’s Joseph before he’s Jonathan’s Grandson
And this paints every interaction he has with her. He’s not scared to talk to her like a person, when she tries snapping at him her ribs at her right back, he treats her with respect but no more than one would a stranger
when she asks him questions, he's not afraid to answer and doesn't hide anything from her. He explains what limited things he knows about Stands so she can understand what they're up against, he offers to teach her a way to protect herself, and which he does keep his past secret, he always explicitly tells her he doesn't feel comfortable sharing instead of awkwardly tip toeing around the subject
Joseph is like a breath of fresh air and makes her feel like a person. Like there's a light at the end of this nightmare
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thirstforhelmets · 2 years
‘Chaotic Love’ Universe Head Canons - Vergil x F!Reader
Vergil’s Opinion on Reader/’Q’:
Ignorant of demons and the colossal amount of damage/harm they can cause because she only sees them getting absolutely bodied by Nero/Dante/Trish/Himself/Etc.
The above point worries him to an insane degree BECAUSE she’s going to get hurt one day and it might just be a lesson that kills her.
He’ll never truly voice this concern to the degree he should because he wants to let her continue the life she has with the independence she enjoys because they stomp out threats before the death toll is too noticeable to ignore.
Other than that Q/Reader is a breath of fresh air for him. Completely removed from the world of demon hunting.
Unfortunately, she leans more on the boldly childish when it comes to their casual interactions.
Part of him hates seeing the whiplash that is Q/Reader in a public setting though. She’s a different person. Pretty much wears a mask of maturity well beyond her years even as they are both cracking into their forties.
He dated/loves/married her for that bold indulgence in what she loves so it kind of feels like looking into a mirror when they are out in public. Vergil absolutely hates it but surprisingly found out he can melt the ice by being a bit more bold himself, especially when it comes to public displays of affection.
Notices that Nero feels the most comfortable talking casually with him when she is in the room. He’ll never admit Q/Reader pretty much helps him feel completely at ease. Just to prove a point to himself, he goes a bit more out of the way to bring up casual discussion with Nero without prompt.
Loves her to bits even if she visibly gags at poetry and terms of endearment he gives her based on literature.
Is a bit worried she’s a bit too friendly with Dante even though she’s like that with everyone when -not- out in public/in a public setting. He knows it’s irrational but it has made for some memorable moments in the bedroom.
Will ignore her if she gets too obnoxious. Q/Reader never takes it personally and that’s one of the main reasons he sticks with her. She understands his need for space but also his need to be submerged in love.
F!Reader/Q’s Opinion on Vergil:
Uptight, aloof asshole from day one to the day you finally croaked.
Do note the above is on a fluid/sliding scale of intensity. Most days are like a ‘4′ in public but usually a solid ‘3′ when it’s just you both at home. (1 being ‘personable’ to 10 being ‘Urizen-level of Dick-headedness’)
It started with sex but became something more.
‘Seriously, sex melted the awkward ice king’. (Note: very much undersells the effort she consciously/unconsciously does to get him to open up. Vergil would one hundred percent begrudgingly agree it did help ‘put her foot in the door’ many times though.)
Thinks he doesn’t try hard enough/cuts himself short. Q/Reader has stomped out on him many times on this point to make him reflect on that in MANY points of their relationship.
He’s gross when he gets romantic. Almost saccharin, at least in her eyes.
By ‘romantic’, it’s ‘the poetry’ and ‘way too cutesy endearments’. (BTW she would still date/marry V but be the one in the relationship to be slow to warm up to anything but playful banter and maybe sex.)
He tolerates her worst behavior. Tolerates her at her most childishly selfish. Indulges her where he should be telling her to ‘knock it off’ like everyone else.
Him having ‘no expectations of’ her (which is a fucking lie) was what led to her literally smashing down her walls around him. It was almost reckless to the point of self-harm if Vergil didn’t react the way he did (by not really caring).
His ‘cold’ periods can run a bit too long, especially when they’re ‘official’ but usually Dante/Nero/Kyrie/Lady are within arm shot if she needs to step away from thinking about him and just be with others for a change.
She thinks it’s fun when he brushes off her casual childishness but then pulls her in right after.
‘Mister Hot is pretty cold when we aren’t in bed.’ (said in a teasing tone)
Thinks he’s stupider than Dante on most occasions. (Also said in a teasing tone)
Want Vergil’s attention ASAP regardless of his mood? Mention Dante.
Want Vergil to be a bit meaner in bed? Also mention Dante.
Hates that they’re too old to bring another kid into the world along with a whole host of reasons it would be a bad idea to do so. 
Everyone’s Opinion on Q/Reader and Vergil getting married:
Dante: Plant an apple tree in the backyard. No. Seriously. Do it. He’ll think twice before ever doing anything stupid. 
Also Dante: I’m not wearing a tie but I will consider ditching the red coat for the wedding.
Nero: Oh. I. Uh. You sure you don’t want Dante as your best man?
Also Nero: What do you MEAN I was the first one you told this to, Vergil?!
Kyrie: Aww! It’s so nice to see you both so happy!
Lady: Yeesh. I mean, I’m happy for you both but- STOP LAUGHING, DANTE!
Also Lady: Yes, I gifted you a gun for the wedding shower. 
Trish: Good! Maybe Dante will do some introspection in his own life now that his brother is moving to the next phase in his life.
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Do they like to dance, what type of dancing they like, and are they good at it?
-Giorno: Doesn’t care that much about dancing and doesn’t care for any specific styles of dancing. He could probably do the robot. If he wanted to though I feel like he would pick up on it very easily, like if he decided to take a tap dancing class he would be an expert tap dancer in like a month.
-Bruno: he really likes to slow dance, but he is really bad at it (like so bad). And you wouldn’t expect him to be such a bad slow dancer, like there are so many people that know of Bruno and dream of slow dancing with him, but he just can’t slow dance. Something always ends up broken, whether it’s a bone or a table or a window, or all three of those things. He is super confident though so it appears as if he isn’t as bad as he is, until someone has to go to the ER.
-Abbacchio: he only dances when he has had too much alcohol, and it’s never pretty. Although he is a really good dancer when he is sober, but he refuses to dance.
-Mista: He is a good freestyle dancer and he can memorize choreography really well. Loves to dance! But in like a 80s sort of way if you know what I mean. Very groovy.
Narancia: really good dancer! In a hip hop/breakdance sort of way. Also loves to play just dance and dance dance revolution, that sort of game. Memorizes the choreography to all his favorite music videos. And he would totally sign up to act in musicals if there is dancing involved, and he didn’t have to memorize any lines. He loves weird costumes! Like he would gladly accept the role of a tree as long as he got to breakdance!
Fugo: he likes to freestyle dance sometimes, but hates all other types of dance. He was forced to take ballet lessons when he was a kid and hated every minute of it (and was also very bad at it), especially when it got closer to a performance because practices always got in the way of his studies and his family always put so much pressure on him to keep his grades up AND do well in ballet practice (which was difficult for him and not enjoyable). Purple haze will sometimes do embarrassingly bad ballet moves and Fugo hates when he does that.
Trish: She also took ballet lessons and loved it until she was like eight, than she was more interested in acting and singing. She was the girl that got all the lead roles in school plays. Her and Narancia will put on little short plays for the others sometimes that have a lot of crazy dancing! Sometimes Mista joins in and he always makes it weird. Purple Haze really wants to join in but Fugo doesn’t let it for safety reasons.
/oh also added note here: so I am not a super huge fan of shipping. I’ll gladly write headcanons for a ship if you ask me to (as long as it isn’t problematic, like the illegal kind of problematic. And the headcanons are sfw), and I’m not against it, I just usually try to keep it out of my posts because I prefer headcanons that are more about personality type things rather than romance, if you understand what I mean …
That being said I did have a thought when I was writing these headcanons. So I’ll indulge you bruabba fans this one time: Bruno begging Abbacchio to slow dance with him, and Abbacchio refuses. Than Abbacchio gets drunk and decides to say yes and then they are both such bad dancers that they knock a candle over and set the building on fire.
:) enjoy!
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in2thenewworld · 5 months
Hi! Can I get a matchup for Devil May Cry
I am female, she/her, 25 years old, bisexual, ENFP.
I am a very ambitious person that loves to learn new things, I am an artist by profession and finished 2 art schools. I am a big art history nerd and love to talk about artsy and philosophical things. I am very extrovert and love to meet new people, I love going out and taking long walks. My main hobbies are video games, writing, reading, watching anime and movies and lifting. I am very friendly, love hearing out other people and I always try to understand their side and how they feel. I am very sensitive and tend to easily get attached to people. Romance wise I struggle to show affection to my partner, however I show it trough gift giving rather than physical touch or trough words. Overall in relationships I am very communicative and will always bring up issues or understand if my partner has issues with me and I will try to fix them always.
Appearance: medium length red hair, a mole above my lip, chubby build and short, pale skin and hazel eyes, 5'2 (I am very short). What I seek in a partner is someone understanding of my issues, I suffer from BPD, anxiety, OCD and depression and it's essential for me to have a partner who is patient and can support me when it gets bad.
Heya!! Sorry it’s been a hot minute, I’ve been working on this gradually since I got the request I hope it’s to your liking c:
Here’s to striking up a new spark!
Matchup loading! ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
your match is…
Tumblr media
* Trish admires your character. You’re ambitious, headstrong and well intentioned. There’s something about you that instantly draws her in, and then she can’t turn away. It’s not very often someone is able to catch her attention so much and so quickly. You’re already ticking her boxes with one conversation- although it’ll take a lot longer than one conversation if you want to truly crack her. It’s going to be a slow burn relationship.
* Direct communication is an absolute must for Trish, so you’ve come to the right place. She doesn’t like to imply. She doesn’t like when she has to read what people mean when they say something else. If you want something, ask. If there’s a problem, speak up. She’s not going to take offence to that. She may come off intimidating to strangers, but her heart is good, and even better to those she loves most.
* Trish is calm and patient by nature, but will never overstep her boundaries. She can read you very well once you get close, and she’s not overly the mother type anyway- that’s a stereotype she’s not too fond of being read as. She’s just the perfect amount of caring. No more, no less.
* She’s always got sound advice. She can tell it like it is, but not so bluntly that an unwanted response will come off mean. She’s your rock, she’s here to support you. In return, you support her in her own times of need.
* You’re an extrovert? Now you have a scary dog! Congrats! When I tell you she would let the world BURN for you. If you want protective, you got it.
* Nico most definitely catches you staring at Trish and proceeds to make fun of you for it. Will call you guys things like “lovebirds” and what not.
* Trish has expensive taste and that includes when buying for her lover. Prepare to be spoiled with not only lavish but also the most well thought out gifts ever. And she absolutely adores and treasures anything you give her.
* Philosophical talks are a total go for Trish. She loves to hear you, you love to hear her. She can be quite mature and intellectual so having someone on her level to communicate with is the key.
* Trish can be quite witty, so even if she isn’t the loudest, she can totally gel with the extroverts.
* She uses your artistic talents to her and everyone else’s advantage- by which I mean you decorate the dmc office together because Dante refuses to have an eye for interior design.
* You’ll probably find yourself on a lot of far out missions with her, seeing, surveying and fighting in the new places the gang haven’t been to yet
* Bonus points if you know some background about the history of said place!
* You’re occasionally in charge of a group movie night now, and everyone adores it. Dmc family bonding time!
* Trish is the more affectionate one but she can read the room, so she knows when to lay off if need be.
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matcheadz · 1 year
Since I fucked up these past two months
Here are some abandoned scraps:
Nero was quiet for a moment. A moment longer than Vergil ever would have expected from the explosive young man. He flopped to the back of the couch, his head lolling to the side, slowly losing himself to some distant train of thought. Dante, on the other hand, pulled himself up and splayed his arms over the back of the couch.
“See, that doesn’t make sense, Verge. I had the keys and a deed before I could fly the proverbial nest. Or… maybe literal.” The only laugh he gets in response is his own.
“I had security. Mostly. What didn’t I have if my inner demon still wanted to take chunks out of… clients?”
Vergil stared at his brother for a moment, something cold and sharp sliding its way down his chest.
“What do you mean?” Vergil replied levelly.
Dante shrugged, a flat smile pulled over his tired face.
“Made business pretty hard, that first decade or so. Clients are less likely to trust a devil hunter if they think the hunter himself might be a front.”
Long dead and long silent, something inside Vergil thrashed. Not his demon, not really. Not completely. He froze as the strange feeling burned his palms, but also pushed incessantly at the inside of his ribcage.
Vergil’s demon had been a restless one for years. It had clawed and growled its fury—it’s terror, truly, for many years. Born from the moment it had been—in flame and loss and pain, it had sought balm from blood for weeks at a time until it cooled enough to control. Until he had happened across a port, with its air full of sea salt and arcana and… some kind of security that came from raven hair and laughter and now bittersweet promises of safety. He had cooled, abated to some degree. Found himself again, for however a brief moment—a carefree child of the world and no one else.
Dante had never found that security. Couch hopping for a decade, roaming the urban streets until one was fortunate enough to find a kind soul in a city of demons. The non-literal and the literal. What had happened to his little brother, Vergil wondered not for the first time since their reunion? What happened to the little boy whose smile was of sunflowers and sunshine and unending vigor brush away his own cool shade? The ennui was loosely hidden behind his drunkenness, but Vergil had always taken the imbibing as an imdesire to be rid of the feeling.
Now, as his brother quirked an eyebrow at his silence, he felt something congealed and painful slide its way down an artery. An all too familiar, cold regret.
“When did your demon finally mature?” Vergil implored quietly.
Dante blew a raspberry and lolled his head back.
“I dunno, when I was… maybe twenty-eight? That was around the time I…”
Dante quieted a moment.
“That’s when I met Trish.”
Vergil nodded in understanding.
…I Have Much To Thank Her For.
Dante gave him a look of complete incomprehension. Whether it was for what he said or what he meant, Vergil found it did not matter. He was a little too slow to cover the wince that followed.
“So…” Nero rasped, bringing one of the blankets further into his lap, “It’s like taking care of a kid.”
Both brothers turned their heads to him, almost as if they suddenly remembered his presence. Nero shrugged.
“After the Sanctimonious Asshole blew half the city to the kingdom of heaven with his evil fucking statue, the orphanage needed some extra hands. Kyrie and I felt we owed it to them to help out, but it was really Kyrie that did all the heavy lifting. I took over the Order… for a little bit… while she became their go-to for literally anything under the sun: childcare, education, record keeping, secretarial stuff. I even saw her training in the Foundling’s wing—where they put the kids who’s families they knew specifically died to the demon attacks. She told me she ‘owed them for giving her me,’ for a little bit…”
Nero chuckled something soft, his eyes fond as he recalled the memory. Vergil tilted his head curiously. That something knocked against his skull again.
do you remember?
Nero cleared his throat, his face aflame as he realized his own words. He coughed weakly into his shoulder.
“uh…anyways, that’s how we became foster parents. She started asking me if she could ‘take work home with her,’ and… well, I couldn’t say no.”
He stared off into the middle distance, jaw grinding.
“It sounds like new devils just need… what any kid needs, really. ‘It’s not just about providing a roof over their heads and food on their plates, it’s about the stability.’” Nero recited.
“…Consistency…” Dante mumbled curiously.
Nero nodded, “Right. Consistency. That’s how you get any of the children we work with to start coming out of their shell. Consistently keeping a routine, showing them they’re safe—that they have a herd. That’s what Kyrie told me, at least. And it’s been working so far.”
Vergil hummed, flipping the idea around in his mind. It seemed trivial. Not the concept of consistency itself—it was rather useful in honing crafts and skills to their perfection. Rather, the concept of providing constant… whatever this was. It rankled some defensive part of his mind, keen on proving he had no need of such frivolities. He was no mollycoddle. Yet…
“How…quaint.” Vergil replied derisively.
Nero frowned, but did not reply. Instead, he simply stared, and Vergil felt a small sense of recognition as her eyes looked him over. Oddly, he felt discomforted. Flayed.
“You have to make me a promise.” Nero’s tone was flat and intense; oddly familiar.
Vergil nodded silently.
“Kyrie can barely handle a .22 let alone Blue Rose. She’s not made for this kind of thing.”
*naahhhh I don't like this... I need a big BOOM!!*
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m00dysunflower · 2 years
Testimone di Gangster vs Purple Haze Feedback
Just came fresh off of reading the new Squatizi light novel (which I LOVED) and decided to ruminate on why I loved one and hated the other so much.
I want to preface that if anyone is nasty in replies or tags about my views and opinions of PHF, I'll block you, I don't have time to fight over a non canon Fugo centric light novel. And I think it's valid to compare the 2 stories because they're both based around part 5 and in light novel format that supposedly expands upon the part. If you find my thoughts valid and insightful, cool, if you don't, move along, you're not going to convince me to change my mind sadly.
Also this isn't going to have too bad of spoilers. I'm kinda more vague when it comes to talking about the Squatizi story.
Purple Haze Feedback:
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I respect that people needed more Fugo content and it was a genuinely good premise. An aftermath story of Fugo returning to Passione under Giorno and Mista? Yeah I would have loved a story about that. But if you need to warp characters' personalities and throw in a bunch of forgettable stands and their users to do it... I honestly can't bother to care.
If it was much shorter then I could tolerate it, but it wasn't, so here I am. I'll be going point by point with PHF just to organize my thoughts better for such a chaotic story.
1. It warped the pre-established characters.
Mista I think was done the most dirty with that opening scene, but to insinuate that Abbacchio and Fugo killed kids behind Bruno's back felt like absolute whiplash. Also Abbacchio is bisexual obviously, he would have slept with men too, not just women lol.
I don't like that they made Trish become a pop star. Maybe she would have been better as a model, but regardless, not so soon after part 5 when she needed her time to be normal and heal, or at least be under Giorno and Mista's protection.
The whole "Fugio" moment also felt off-putting to me and is part of the reason I don't like the ship. Look, it was absolutely no rain scene or "The only time I feel at ease", let's not try to compare it.
Fugo was okay, but he was just boring and I feel that's not good... you know, considering he's the protagonist of this story. He got better near the end, sure, but by the time I got to the end I was so tired and done with the story. A better writer would have done him and the story more justice.
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2. Uninteresting supporting cast and villains
Cannolo was a fine addition, but I never understood what his stand actually did, same with all of the villains' stands. I think that's just poor writing if people walk away not understanding what just happened. I had to reread scenes and I still didn't get most of what happened. Voodoo Child was a cool stand, reminded me a bit of Moody Blues, but I didn't like Sheila as a character. And I'm sorry, who let's a 14 girl in a skimpy ass outfit be the Don of Mafia's bodyguard? Sheila's whole design was so hyper-sexualized and gave me the ick, especially if she was allegedly supposed to be indigenous coded. I've only seen speculation though so I won't go into it further.
Volpe and Manic Depression are the only villain names I remember. I couldn't even tell you the names and stands of the others or what Manic Depression even did as a stand. None of them felt like an actual threat.
3. Felt like a poorly written fanfic
The random mention of Tonio from DIU as Volpe's brother was also a whiplash "where the fuck did that come from" moment, because it was so unnecessary and felt like a cheap tie in for something that was formally published in a book. It really helped give it an average fanfic feel (and I write cheesy, overly dramatic fanfiction!). I think that was also when I was nearing my breaking point.
I once had someone try to mansplain to me that PHF was a "more realistic look of the mafia"... it is not, I promise you that lol. Mafia had rules about women and children and all other kinds of shit that Passione definitely does not abide by. Real life Mafia has so much more to it. This is camp fictional media, no one should ever take it so seriously.
In short, I just think PHF had a lot of wasted potential and would have done better with an altered story. I just can't convince myself to blindly love it, no matter how much I tried to like it.
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Testimone di Gangster
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I read it last night so it's still so fresh in my mind, but this is how you expand upon a story in my humble opinion. This is also probably going to be shorter just because it was a shorter and more focused story with less characters. I also don't want to spoil it for those who haven't read it yet since it just came out in English.
First off, I think it was a such great idea to take two characters we knew so little about and expand upon them in a way that felt so much more natural. There's less room for warping characters when they didn't have such distinct personalities to begin with and also helps build the world up.
There was no overly complicated plot about drugs and stands and it gave more insight on how the crime world works in Jojo's version of Italy. It even had nods to other real life gangs and how Passione fit into this world with them. It even gave nods to the Cosa Nostra and a real life prosecutor (Falco) who dealt with a lot of gang business in Italy and I think that's just so cool. I love shit like that so much, I adore me some good worldbuilding in general that we didn't necessarily need, but it's just cool to see.
I'll admit, the story was bit hard to follow in the first chapter, but once I picked up that it was from Squalo's perspective, it was such an easy and fun read that didn't make me question what was going on every two paragraphs.
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It really showed us how Tiziano is clever and calculating and can be such a useful stand user and teammate. It solidified why he and Squalo are partners (and most definitely in more than just crime for sure now ahaha). I also just love the idea of him being an attorney, especially with Talking Head as a stand, it was a fantastic concept.
The entire time I was just so entertained and caught up in the story, it was so much more engaging than I thought it was going to be. I was genuinely invested in the trial and how Tiziano was going to win the case for Passione. I'm almost sad that this story was so much shorter and would have loved more in between moments with Squalo and Tiziano, but maybe it was for the best not to drag things out.
The ending was a great nod back to their involvement in part 5 and this was in general a great insight into who they were before joining Diavolo's special guard. Plus it makes so much more sense and is amusing to know that he had a lawyer (Tiziano) apart of his elite team.
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Now look, I don't think I necessarily have a bias because I do like Fugo just as much as I like Squalo and Tiziano. I also normally don't care for light novels when comes to anime/manga so I don't think it could be that either.
Maybe it was simply the Fugo/Fugio lovers had over-hyped and demanded that everyone read PHF that it just soured the novel before I even read it? I couldn't say for sure. All I know is I went into PHF was no expectations and was so dissatisfied where as I went into Testimone di Gangster with some expectations and was thoroughly entertained.
This is by no means a dig at Fugio shippers, like I said, PHF's ending and the hype around it made me personally more uncomfortable with the ship than I already was before reading it. Simple as that.
If I were to recommend additional Jojo content, especially for the part 5 lovers, Testimone di Gangster is the one I would urge people to read if they have an hour or two to spare. It's a short and sweet look at some great side characters and has more of part 5 spirit without getting caught up in a bunch of bland ocs.
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silverstream2 · 1 year
More "Shovel Talk" stuff (fuck it, that's what I'll call stuff for Abbie having to deal with/be prepared to kill Vergil during the whole Qliphoth thing):
And V keeps picking at her, asking her questions, because he can tell she is very much Not Okay and is trying to hide it. And that she's doing the same thing Vergil did before splitting himself with Yamato: Shutting away any personal feelings because they hurt too much and just trying to convince themselves that violence/power is the best way through. Just reacting to things defensively, and telling themselves that anything goes and is justifiable so long as it helps them survive. But V knows that's not what either of them really want to do. And it hurts his heart to see Abbie like this, hardened by her time as a devil hunter- a role she pretty much forced herself into to protect herself, her son, Dante, and their friends. Mostly her son, tbh, at least at the start. And V can tell she's scared, too. Terrified of losing the people she cares about, of not being strong enough to protect them, and is dealing with that fear by just hurling herself headfirst into ruthlessness and cold-heartedness.
Abbie practicing her knife throwing while trying to talk to V (and convince herself) that she's absolutely willing to kill Vergil Urizen if that's what it takes to keep her son and her world safe.
And he can see the guilt, too. At not being a good enough parent to actually be a mother to Nero and riase him herself. (V can tell that just from the way she talks about it. I think Abbie would try to be brusque and sound detached and professional about it, to make it seem like she's totally delt with any bad feelings from having to give her son up for adoption, and she really is grateful that Nero still wants her in his life... but she still feels guilty for not being better.)
At not being strong enough to protect Nero from- well, from Abbie's perspective, from ANYTHING. Not the Order and their stupid plans, not from any demon that might attack Nero when Dante isn't around, not Mundus if that bastard ever crawls out of his vault again, not Vergil if he ever popped up again after Temen-ni-gru or even after Mallet Island- and that last one especially hurts, because that's how Nero lost a fucking arm. And now, not Urizen.
(Might change this later: And yeah, Abbie calls him "Urizen", not "Vergil", as a way to distance herself from the Vergil she knew. Because maybe if she hides far enough away from it, it'll stop hurting. It'll stop tearing at her whenever she thinks about how much she wishes they could just snap Vergil out of this power-hungry bullshit and just talk to him, help him, somehow. Help him be better. Give him a chance to be better. Make him understand that he's not alone.
Or she might just call him Vergil as a way to try and force herself to harden her heart and be ready to kill him if need be. If it's to protect her son, her brother-in-law, her friends, her world, then it's worth it. It's worth the pain. It has to be. Right?
It'd be so much easier if she could just hate him. But she doesn't. She really doesn't. Oh, she still wants to punch or at least slap him for the shit he's done, especially the shit he's done to Nero and Lady and Trish, just on fucing principle... but she really doesn't want to kill him. Even tho she knows she's probably going to have to.
"I forgive you. But I cannot let you leave.")
Anyway. Abbie practicing her knife throwing, and V poking at her with questions, and she keep missing. Over, and over, and over again. I'm not sure what V could say to get through to her, if Abbie would even let him in that close, but I could see V doing this:
Abbie misses again, and V just sort of. Gently goes over and, touching her as respectfully as possible, corrects her aim. And the thing about Abbie is that she learned her knife throwing from the knife throwers in the carnival her aunt and uncle were a part of. It took her two summers to get that particular wrist flick down just right. And then she showed it to Vergil during the Book Incident, "so that way you don't get screwed over the next time you want to play a knife throwing game at a carnival stand". And here, now, V corrected her knife throwing technique back to just that. Just that particular wrist flick technique. And that'd strike Abbie as odd, and she'd ask V where the hell he learned a knife throwing trick like that.
And V just smiles that annoyingly secretive smile at her and says, "From a friend" or "From someone I should have loved, a long time ago". And just wanders off before she can ask him any more questions. Which she might be too stunned/confused to do, because the look V gave her was... strange. An oddly bittersweet mix of fondness and sadness, with a little touch of longing. And Abbie can't figure out WHY.
For extra sadness, listen to "Doomsday" by Lizzie McAlpine. The lyrics of that song fit so damn well it HURTS.
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icycoldninja · 7 months
Hi, love your blog! Can I request headcanons for Dante, Vergil and Trish trying to conquer a reader with ADHD (inattentive)?
Oh yes, here ya go. 💜
Dante, Vergil, and Trish x ADHD! Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
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-So, you have trouble paying attention to things? You're disorganized? You procrastinate even when you're trying hard to get things done? Now, who does that sound like? Oh yeah, Dante!
-Dante is chill, very, very chill, and doesn't mind your forgetfulness and tendency to get distracted.
-He'll help you remember things but he's not that good at keeping track of stuff either.
-You guys can lie around for hours, just doing nothing, or maybe having a lighthearted conversation, but not much else. It's fine though, he'll eventually pull himself together and get off the couch to do stuff.
-He'll be sure to help you research medications and take you to doctors if you necessary.
-Loves you no matter what, even if you spend 15 minutes trying to find the TV remote when you were sitting on it the entire time.
□ Vergil □
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-Vergil is a very organized and practical dude and is more than happy to help you get yourself sorted.
-Gets frustrated whenever you misplace items or forget the direction of the conversation, but controls himself, because he understands your behavior isn't your fault.
-He started making detailed schedules for you and tapes them up everywhere, so you always have a sense of what you have to do and when.
-Motivates you every morning, reminding you (indirectly, of course) that he cares about you and that he'll always be around to protect you.
-Will help explain concepts/conversations to you if you couldn't grasp them the first time.
-He might get a little irritated by your distracted nature, but he still loves you and wants to help you deal with your ADHD.
▪︎ Trish ▪︎
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-She's patient and tolerating of you and your drifty brain, taking care of you in her own sweet, protective way.
-She reminds you of practically everything when you forget: to take your medicine, that you're supposed to go to work in an hour, that you left your wallet on the kitchen counter again, etc.
-Texts you whenever she's not at home or around you, sending cute little messages, reminders, and sometimes selfies of her doing stuff.
-Though she's not exactly the world's neatest woman, she knows how to keep things tidy and will certainly help you clean your house.
-She also knows to snap her fingers or clap really loudly when she wants your attention.
-Is very careful to avoid putting you in situations where you might face social anxiety, though on the rare occasions that you get overwhelmed, she's there for you.
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sheinthatfandom · 1 year
I do not understand New Japans booking at all this years G1 was so fucking much better than last years and they had so many opportunities to make it even greater by focusing on new stars and really building storylines and new champs and then decided t go back to the same people they always do like wtf then they wonder why viewership goes down
The way I’ve literally avoided this ask all morning so for that I’m sorry nonnie but I wanted to get my thoughts in order. So okay first off I do not watch NJPW its not because I don’t want to it’s just I get tired like firstly I’m in New York so EST and also between dynamite rampage collision and ROH I only have so much time for other things if I add in another wrestling company I honestly think I might go even more insane.
Now that’s not to say I don’t know anything of what’s going on like tumblr twitter and insta are pretty good at telling me what’s going on and there’s people I love and woman support however I can. (Shota zsj elp)
Okay so that said there’s a very important rule promoters follow and that’s book for the people buying tickets to come see the show. Yes PPV buys are also important but not at the cost of having an empty arena. The people who buy tickets and actually bring their family out to the shows aren’t thought of often because social media is loud. But having an empty Tokyo dome would be even louder like…. Njpw might legit just cancel all future g1’s could you fucking imagine? Like they need to sell tickets they need asses in seats and they have to book for the home crowd to actually get out of their house and walk or drive to the show. Social media and people paying 10 bucks or whatever to watch online like we matter but not that much cause you can’t make the whole world happy but you better fucking make people who will actually sit in a hot ass arena happy .
Also (not saying it was you cause the language here is dramatically different) for the shitty ass angry ass anon about my saraya post I do not like the bitch I have her name blacklisted I don’t want her on tv or in any wrestling company at all with her transphobic ass but end of the day no company owner gives a rat ass about her thoughts or her boyfriends transphobic thoughts they don’t give a fuck about being an ally or sticking up for what’s right they just care about money. Which is why I said I rather her be in another match instead of a 4 way (I believe I said Giulia or just thought it cause I’m sure she can carry the match so saraya can not do much and hopefully someone on staff could keep her bf from preforming live) I don’t want her on the show at all but in London they want her they will go to the show to see her (they probably also agree with her views cause online it does not seem like an inclusive place but I digress)
What I want is more womens matches more womens 10+ min matches I want roh level matches I want multiple women storylines not connected to belts at all I want feuds that feel personal and I want them to be long term stories that I can get excited about I want womens matches to also be intergender matches I want to see Eddie and willow on a team against Kip and penny or orange and kris vs Claudio and Nyla i want Bryan and Athena Vs Trish adora and Shawn dean like…. So many possibilities anyway yeah not gonna happen cause shows aren’t booked for social media and since I’ve never gone to a wrestling show and probably never will cause we are not going to Trenton we just aren’t people whose entertainment is focused on and the best we got is just to find what we like and focus on that instead of what we’re not getting.
Sorry for the ramble my coffee hit like halfway through the post
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prototypelq · 1 year
How would you feel about Nero, Nico, and Patty being a trio in a potential DMC 6?
Hi, dear anon
what kind of question is that? Their trio would be absolutely awesome!
Actually, I think Patty could have easily fit into the 5 crew too - she did call Dante right before the Qlipoth attack so they were in contact at the time, and he did dissappear for a month after that. Perhaps Patty was pissed that he hanged up on her excited birthday rambling, but I don`t think she would hold on to that grudge for very long if she saw the news about Redgrave. It would be strikingly obvious demonic bullshit is involved and that Dante is in the middle of it. Plus, he did get stuck in Hell for some time after DMC2 so the situation could be very familiar to Patty.
All of this is to say, I think Patty can be easily inserted into the narrative of 5. She clearly cares about Dante (I headcanon their relationship and father-daughter one, or at the very least he is a mentor figure for her) and wouldnt idly sit by if something happened to him. Or she could help with the civillian evacuation - one of my favorite things from the anime is that they used the fire alarm to clear everyone out of the building, when it became apparent demons were about to attack. DMC is a series that doesn`t usually concern itself with civillian casulalties, and well, understandable, but particularly in 5 this aspect is brought up a couple of times. You see a lot of human husks lying around the Redgrave, and we know that V felt remorse for them, so devoting a side-character like Patty to help survivors in the background would only work to strenghen this theme.
As for her gameplay, I wish she had gotten Vs moveset but more refined. I like how extremely distinctive V is out of all the other characters gameplay, and think they were really onto something with the summons gimmick, but V is somewhat poorly balanced (who isnt overpowered in DMC though) and much more shallow compared to other characters. I think if it was more iterated upon, had more moves or variety of demons you can summon and better balanced - it would be my dream kit for Patty as a playable character. she also needs a non-sexualised outfit
As for team - I think Patty and Nero would get along like a house on fire (they are cousins), but I feel like she could have something like a rivalry friendship with Nico. Patty would get some custom weapons for herself for sure, but probably won`t like Nico's odeas for "improvements" on them.
And the final part of this very small reply - Nico, Patty and Nero being a potential trio for DMC6, my thoughts are... i have no idea
As my understanding of the series goes - DMC was always about Dante and Vergil, and their conflict. DMC5 finally lets them resolve their differences and shows us that underneath years of separation and trauma, they still want to be brothers, and are willing to work together to achieve that. This IS their happy ending and it is the best ending the series could have gotten. Both narratively and mechanically speaking, there is no higher place to take the twins story. And how do you do a next entry in the franchise that has, by all means, reached it`s happy ending? again, I have no idea.
I would love to see Dante, Vergil, Nero, Patty, Nico and others again, but I cannot imagine what form that may take. From my perspective either the next DMC (if there is one) could be a prequel about Sparda (and it would help to establish some actual demon lore), it could be sequel of the reboot DMC dmc (which has it`s fans, and a story to continue), or a very detached from the main games spin off about the existing characters (Lady, PATTY, Lucia, Trish).
Actually, I`d love to see an 'post-5-twins-return' epilogue-like graphic novel game. DMC could use some more dialogue and a chance for the characters to relax, and not be constantly fighting for their lives or showing off. The anime has already shown us something like that, maybe the upcoming anime will too, who knows. But I`ll take a graphic novel DMC game any day, just to see more character interactions.
Thank you for the ask! I hope somewhere in this wall of text were some thoughts on answers you were looking for. Have a good day
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spinningbuster98 · 1 year
Dante and Vergil for the ask!
do I like them:
Of course. I mean look at him. Look at the guy!
5 good qualities:
He's a great guitarist
A great actor
A great dancer
He can be really supportive of others when the situation calls for it, as seen with Lady during the end phases of DMC3, or even with Trish in the ending of DMC1. Hell he tries to look after Nero the best he can, even if he's sometimes insensitive about it
He's got a bigger heart than he lets on: in DMC3, even before he fully transitioned from "adrenaline junkie who doesn't care if the world goes to shit so long as he gets to have fun" to "more or less responsable adrenaline junkie who's willing to make tough choices for the good of everyone" he still tried to save Lady from a strike by Vergil when she interfered with their fight.
3 bad qualities:
He's a complete slob, who's always wasting around in his office not really taking care of himself, just stuffing his face with pizza, strawberry sundaes and alcohol
He's got a bad habit of getting into debts that he cannot repay, as Lady would likely confirm, since I believe he owes her a ton of cash in the anime
While he genuinely cares for Nero and wants him to stay out of harm's way it's pretty clear from his comments about him being a deadweight and "needing to sit this one out" that he doesn't fully understand or take seriously his insecurities
favourite episode/etc:
Well technically it's DMC3, for giving us the most dynamic, perhaps human and falliable Dante, though DMC5 is close for striking the best balance between being a goofball and a "I'm getting too old for this shit" 40 yo responsable adult
I know everyone wants him to get into Lady's pants, but honestly aside from their interactions in DMC3 I just don't see enough chemistry and it often feels to me that fans like to pair them together mostly because she's the only available option that doesn't devolve into problematic territory
So I'm going with Dante/Pizza
Well he's only got one bro so :P
Pretty much everything involving incest, so anything with Vergil, Nero and unfortunately Trish as well
best quote
"Frankly, at first, I didn't give a damn... but because of you I know what's important now. I know what I need to do. That's what MY soul is telling me to do"
head canon
We know that for the longest time he didn't use to have the highest opinion of Sparda, but it's implied that over the years this changed. I like to imagine that, since he never learned much about his father's "adventures" when he was a kid he sometimes tries to research stories and old folk tales about him in order to learn more about him...when he can get his lazy ass off his office chair
do I like them
For all intents and purposes I shouldn't, since I don't have a huge liking for purely edgy characters, even if their edginess can lead to some unintentional hilarity (look: Infinite) but Vergil is helped by having a more or less convincing backstory for his edgy behaviour (a backstory that I would have liked explored DURING DMC3 not AFTER in supplemental materials, not to mention DMC5 not delving as deeply as I would have liked) while still being pretty hilarious in his stone faced edginess. Plus he's genuinely and consistently threatening, and his brand of edginess is more of the "stoic badass who commands respect with a simple stare but who gets punked on by goofy brother" rather than "dude's a pathetic loser who got a dose of raw power and thinks he's hot shit and so just spews out edgy catchphrases thinking he's cool". With the former it's someone who is equally powerful who humiliates him, with the latter he just inadvertedly humiliates himself and I don't think it was the actual intention
5 good qualities
He's very good at keeping himself neat and tidy for someone who's technically more of a hobo than his brother (I mean I don't think Vergil has a house no?)
He's very perceptive as to when somebody might just be trying to trick him (like when he attempted to kill Arkham because he rightly suspected he was trying to double cross him)
Has some fine taste in literature
The fact that his human side was able to see the consequences of his destructive behaviour, and the fact that he was willing to stop his fight with Dante and listen to Nero and try to cut down the Qliphoth before it was too late (though only after some hefty convincing and ass kicking) shows that there might still be some form of hope for him. Maybe not outright "redemption" (kinda hard to make up for killing an entire city's population), but he may one day stop being an evil douche
Truly motivated chad
3 bad qualities:
Well y'know the whole "gotta get more power even if it means destroying the world" mindset
Really shortsighted: yeah he wants to gain more power in response to his childhood trauma....but what then? What will he do after he gets what he wants? Will he ever be satisfied with the kind of power he can gain? I don't think Vergil has ever bothered making long term plans for his future
He should really work towards paying that due child support
favourite episode/etc
Technically DMC5 by virtue of being the only game that tried fleshing him out in any way. I guess there's also that Visions of V manga but I haven't read it fully
Vergil/Plastic Chair
He's stuck in Hell with Dante of all people and that's comedy that writes itself
Same as above
best quote
"You will not forget this Devil's power!"
Dude probably kept going about displaying the "true power of a son of Sparda" while conceiving Nero
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alaffy · 4 months
X-Men ’97, Ep.1x07 – Bright Eyes (spoilers)
Like the last episode, this episode is setting us for the 3-part finale.  However, while the last episode was heavy on character development (as it only focused on two former X-Men), this episode…well, there’s still character development, but quite a bit comes secondary to getting the final pieces in place. 
The episode starts with Gambit’s funeral.  I like the fact that they brought back Gambit’s brother, find it somewhat strange that his ex is there (considering how that ended), and confused about one of the funeral attendees (is that one of the women from Alpha Flight?  Did they meet in an episode?).  Jubilee is upset because Rouge isn’t there, but Nightcrawler makes it clear that, given what they experienced in Genosha, there’s a reason for it.
And that reason is revenge.  Rouge is trying to track down where the Government is hiding Henry Gyrich.  In doing so, she breaks into a bunker built to withstand The Hulk (hello, General Ross) and, uh, I hope Captain America has a tracker on his shield otherwise that baby’s gone.  But with Captain America Rouge finds out about a secret group within the Government (like the other 12 dozen secret groups).  More importantly, this leads Rouge to finding out where Gyrich is. 
Meanwhile, Cyclops is talking to President Kelly, who has decided to stop the search and rescue in Genosha.  Also, Kelly has to be careful with…let’s just be blunt.  Everyone is afraid of a war starting and no one wants to be seen as someone who’s joining the “Mutant” side.  So, the X-men go to Genosha themselves. 
And here I’m just going to go through a few things quickly to get them out of the way.  Jubilee is able to convince Roberto to tell his Mother the truth about him being a mutant.  Turns out his mother already had figured it out; but now wants to make sure others don’t know about his true nature (bad for business).
Trish comes to cover Genosha, but shows she really doesn’t understand what tact means (not that that’s too much of a surprise after episode 5). Beast ends up giving her the brush off (you can find better, Beast…actually, you did find better.  What happened to the women who’s eyesight he helped restore?). 
Jean and Cyclops show they are the ultimate multitaskers as they look for survivors/deal with their marriage drama.  Oh, and Emma turned into her diamond form and survived.
Trask is able to contract the X-Men and tell them where to find one of the super-secret bad guy lairs (as well as tell of the evils of diet cola).
Meanwhile, Rouge has found Gyrich.  He refuses to tell Rouge where Trask is or what is going on, so she uses her powers on him.  Later, as Gyrich recovers, he is visited by the big bad of the season (who does a very good job sounding like Jeff Goldblum).  And, let’s be honest here, even though we watched a massacre not two episodes ago, you can’t deny watching Gyrich slowly being suffocated on screen wasn’t shocking.  I mean, there are shows for adults that would cut away from that kind of scene. 
Meanwhile, Rouge is recovering from…everything...when the X-Men find her.  It actually is a beautiful scene.  However, this is already so long so let’s move on to the bad guy layer.  The X-Men are able to get inside and see Trask seemingly about to jump from the building.  And you know shit’s about to get bad when someone starts comparing themselves to Oppenheimer.  Anyway, Trask gives out some cryptic words and tries to jump from the building…only to be saved by Rouge.  Well, sort of.  She just wanted to make sure he didn’t have anything else to tell them, and when he doesn’t, she drops him off the building.
Morph is horrified, Wolverine isn’t, and the rest of the X-Men are in shock.  Rouge tries to justify what she did, but she’s blasted from behind.  Uh, Trask is a zombie Sentinel.  Trask is a zombie Sentinel with the powers of Nimrod.  And it looks like the X-Men are about to be taken out…but then Cable arrives and is able to temporarily stop Trask.  Jean (accidentally?) reads his mind and Scott looks into Cable’s eyes and realizes he’s Nathan. 
And to wrap this up.  We have a meeting between Mr. Sinister and the big bad, a human/Sentinel hybrid named Baston.  Afterwards, Baston goes to a barbar shop where he has Magneto strapped to a chair (with a collar on) and has an evil monologue while “Purple People Eater” plays in the background (because Baston’s purple).  Seriously, though, Bastion is fucking creepy in this scene and dear god, the shaving. Animated be damned, that was chilling.
So, what will be interesting to see in the next season is where they will go with Rouge.  Because she killed a man.  I mean, he had been genetically modified and so he didn’t die/or was already dead/whatever these creatures are.  But she meant to kill him and this will lead to some of the decisions she makes in the last few episodes.  But what happens when that decision catches up with her?  I mean, they could just not bring it up again; but this show seems to be much better with actions having consequences, so we’ll just see.        
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romikawai · 11 months
Joel's Alpha
Chris looked at the stuffed animal they gave him as a gift while his tears continued to fall. He felt that something was against him, his mind could not think of something that would help him to save his joel
She couldn't even give him the gift she thought of at the time, which she did with Mitch's help to show how much she loved him.
"Son" they call him
Chris looked up to see his father looking at him worriedly and he understood his look. He had to act like he didn't know about his past, but he knew it more than anything and he never blamed his parents for it because he was loved with a lot of love.
"I want him to show up" he cries and lets me hug him
He hated feeling like a useless alpha who couldn't protect his omega from the danger he was going through and who could surely remind his father riggs of the same experience.
"Listen… We'll find him and he'll be back with his family" something separates him and he looks at him "Joel is going to need you in those moments because the fear of what is happening will affect him and he will need your love and protection"
Chris looks at his father, his words were wise and he knew that he went through something similar so that his father Roger is with them taking care of him as if he were his own son.
He wiped his eyes as he could while he thought about what to do to save his partner from that bad person. He had to go look for her and save her but his mind did not tell him where it could be that they took him
"Why don't you eat something, that will help you have an idea" she looks at him smiling
He just nods at his father, as they walk into the living room where Trish was in the kitchen preparing food for that moment. I turn my gaze to see him and I knew he was sad even though he didn't want to show it.
"Dinner will be here in a few moments," she says.
"So… I can walk outside for even a few seconds" he looks at them "I'll be back soon"
"Sure, he wants me to come with you" says his father
Chris wanted to deny in those moments, but he didn't feel strong and he needed his father because he understood what was happening. He only nodded as he approached the door, but not before greeting his little niece and his sister Rianne who smiled sweetly at him.
He waited for his father outside, he knew he was looking for something to use in those moments, just as he felt that his heart was protecting him from something happening to him.
He turns his gaze again when he sees his father close the door and approach with a smile while noticing that he had saved a special weapon for those moments.
"just in case" he smiles
"I understand" he says and they walk "dad" looks at him
"tell me…
"Have you ever thought about getting rid of me or having more children"
He knew it was a question he didn't expect to ask his father at that time but he needed to understand why he now had an omega and if he was being hurt, he had to think about how to protect him and the baby that his partner would surely be carrying.
"no…"he denies "they suggested a lot that I do it, but… I didn't want to"
"because" doubt
"Well… a rejected omega has no chance of being with an alpha again, so… even though it happened and I had you inside me, I felt that it was best to be a rejected single omega" he says simply "I wasn't interested in anyone and Nobody cares then, I had you and I only thought of protecting you from everyone"
"It was different with your father, we started out as classmates, then friends and he proposed to me when you were one year old…" he laughs "I rejected him because I thought he was breaking up a family, and because he was a rejected omega, it didn't work for you father were with me… imagine what they would have said"
"but, they're together" she looks at him
"Yes, because your father is also stubborn and he told me to ignore them… to focus on you and the relationship…" he looks at his son
"but…" he looks at him "you couldn't give him more children…" he doubts
"A case prevented me" she looks ahead "it hurt, yes… because I was already a defective omega for my alpha, but your father was understanding and he still loves me as much as you"
Chris understood those words but he wanted to hear it better from his father than to have been hidden and listened to that conversation a long time ago.
"Son… I know where your questions go… if your joel gets to be, I know you'll be a great father who will give him that love he needs and you'll be a great alpha who will take care of joel"
"In addition to four grandparents who will be present" he declares smiling
"Yes, that's right" he smiles and turns his gaze
"what's happening?" says Chris with doubt and fear
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