#TPN 179
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fullscoreshenanigans · 2 months ago
do you have any norray headcannons of them growing closer during the search for emma?
☆ First my required hyping of @salsae's (so what am I defending now?) because I've essentially taken it as canon. Beautifully written with loving nuance, her work was (and still is <3) foundational for my interpretations of the trio when I first got into the series in 2021 and was searching for quality REN works.
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☆ I also really love this unnamed piece by @p-s-geeks:
There is a flower in your pocket. It’s wild and medicinal. You’re familiar with it. You remember white bedsheets, a pleading whine, two pairs of hands embracing you, and the flower on your forehead, working more wonders that it was biologically capable of (it wasn’t the flower, you know). The flower currently in your pocket is probably in a worse state, has probably shriveled up and wilted after hours of being plucked. It weighs lighter than a feather but feels heavier than diamonds. […] You unearth the flower from your pocket. Ray deserves to see this. Deserves to relive memories with you. And you kind of need him to. Right now, he’s the only one who’s been through thick and thin with you in majority of these trials and tribulations. He’s the only one who can look at it the way you look at it. […] “It’s alright” Ray says, pressing himself closer to you. You hold onto him like he’s the last lifeline on a sinking boat. “It’s alright. You’re not alone. You never were alone” You sleep listening to her gentle words in his gentle voice and it’s the deepest sleep you’ve gotten in a long time. (You wake up to a beautiful orange sunrise. To limbs tangled around yours. To soft snores. To groaning and complaining about morning coming too early during summers. And the hole in your heart subdues itself. It doesn’t disappear, doesn’t stop panging, but you still smile in remembrance and hope.)
How all the little things build and build until they become so deafening, and how so much solace is able to be found in those small‚ tender exchanges on one quiet night, with Ray echoing simple yet loving words he learned from her so long ago that became etched into his being after Grace Field not only by her but through the actions‚ big and small‚ of their family as well (because family is so very integral to each of them). How at first orange is such a painful reminder and how it ends on a most radiant sunrise that’s the true embodiment of Emma, giving them both the strength to continue onward.
☆ This is when they start antiquing together since they're already traveling all over the world, spotting little shops with hidden treasures. ↳ Tying in another headcanon of mine that they find and fix up a duplicate of the music box Isabella gifted Emma for her sixth birthday, I debate whether they find it before or after finding her.
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(Mystic Code Book Chapter 1 Q&A | Questionnaire Translation Source)
☆ They also find a vintage chess set and start having matches again. The win totals remain close.
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↳ They find it comforting how after so long the other still has the same subtle quirks to how they play, hold and move the pieces. When one takes a bit longer to make a move and the other glances up to see the tiniest familiar tick, it can be hard to stop that warmth from blooming in their heart. ↳ Sometimes the younger kids will watch them play and want to join in. These matches tend to take longer, but they don't mind. The sight of the other gently coaching and encouraging the children leaves them so very fond.
☆ This actually applies to any situation where they're tending to the kids since they're both very family-oriented. Reading them bedtimes stories, helping them with projects or lessons, Ray showing the kids how to cook, etc. He was never cruel or malicious toward them back at the house:
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(Chapter 8 | 9 | 15 | 22)
But seeing Ray being able to openly express his fondness for their family without having to maintain a cool detachment and air of indifference heals Norman's heart some. Similarly, seeing Norman fall back into caring for the kids without the mantle of Minerva weighing on his shoulders does the same for Ray.
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(so what am I defending now?)
☆ To plug another of sae's fics, when the two end up on dish cleaning duty together it's not uncommon for this to play out:
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(to have and to hold)
☆ In a similar vein, in the winter sometimes Ray tells Norman to hold for a second so he can fix his scarf. Norman, in a light and breezy tone, tells him he doesn't have to worry about him, you know? Ray responds with a tch, saying he worries about everyone, in the way he keeps watch and frets in a nurturing way about the rest of their family. The way his fingers linger ever so briefly on the fabric followed with a light pat over Norman's heart to signal he's done hint otherwise.
☆ It's funny watching them get roped into something like a Mario Kart tournament because they don't trash talk each other at all, but they will get insanely intense with the trajectory of their green shells, banana peel placements, snaking, etc., all while keeping relatively calm exteriors. ↳ It's also funny to see Norman be a sore loser in his own way.
☆ Whether it's at one of the Ratri estates or while they're out on another search, if one wakes up in the middle of the night and can't find the other, their first guesses are to check outside or a spot in the establishment they noted earlier as a good vantage point to see the stars. Sometimes they converse, sometimes they don't, but they appreciate each other's company as their minds drift to whether Emma is looking up at the speckled sky, too.
☆ I love how often people will ignore Lambda illness being largely handled and resolved in order to go for some no-brainer hurt/comfort. After waking up from some of the worst bouts of it to even some of the more mild ones where he didn't have to be hospitalized, Norman seeing Ray calmly reading at his bedside or dozing off himself is a welcomed sight. ↳ Combining with an earlier bullet point but I also really like the imagery of them being out on a nature excursion/picnic with Norman having to deal with a milder attack, and after reassuring everyone that he's fine and encouraging them to go off and play while he rests a bit, it whittles down to just him and Ray sitting under the shade of a tree, space left for a third. Watching their family indulge in such mirth without fear of a future cut short, they know even with the lows that have come before and could come again, when they find Emma, they'll be able to genuinely tell her they've been well.
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fullscoreshenanigans · 2 years ago
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Our world would make memes out of this if it really happened to us
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chidoroki · 1 year ago
182 Days of TPN - Day 179
Chapter 179: "Compensation"
It's so tragic how all the children finally reached the promised neverland (c'mon I had to say it at least once) and they can't even properly celebrate and enjoy their freedom they fought so hard to obtain because they soon realize "Emma's not here."
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What I always found interesting is how differently Ray and Norman react to Emma's disappearance. While they're both equally devastated, confused, and anxious beyond belief about the news, what they specifically panic about and who they blame varies. In Ray's case, he directs most of his anger at himself for not seeing through Emma's white lie. He's picked up on her bluffs before (most notably when she tried to convince herself and others into thinking she was okay with Norman's demon extermination plan) because Ray knows Emma better than anyone due to all the time he's spent by her side over the years and the close bond they share as friends. He's also seen how often her heart influences her mind to make countless decisions and it's because of her optimism and strong spirit that the whole family was able to get this far and achieve their goal. What he doubts is the circumstances of the reward itself by constantly thinking how suspicious that there's no compensation for all the trouble they went through during the Seven Walls and based on what knowledge he has on the demon god and how past promises worked. In the last chapter, he eventually dismisses those concerns as Emma speaks of her wish for everyone to cross over into the human world together despite the odd reward and Ray trusts her with his life because in front of him is the leader he's always followed. He had so much faith in her that he gets completely blinded and it's actually kinda impressive how Emma manages to fool her second in command by just being her typical caring and sunshine self. What's great about this whole outcome is how Ray blames only himself, not Emma. If he was annoyed at her, he would've probably called her the idiot instead, as he's never shied away from calling her that in the past whenever Emma does something stupid or unbelievable, but this time the name is directed at him because he realizes his mistakes. He hates how he comfortable he felt about the lack of a reward and how he failed to protect Emma after he promised to do so practically his entire life. All this contributes to his anger and panic and it makes me so sad how those feelings of his have probably doubled from the last time Ray was forcefully separated from her, which was when he got kicked out of the Seven Walls. From how he wasn't able to free his mind enough to join Emma in meeting the demon god which caused her to make the new promise alone, to not being persistent enough with asking about what the reward is when she first returned from the Seven Walls and before everyone crossed over last chapter, as well as breaking his promise to himself, Emma & Isabella about protecting his entire family, those are just a couple reasons as to why Ray could find himself at fault for how things turned out regarding Emma's absence.
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With Norman, I'm not gonna say he exactly blames Emma, but he definitely questions her reasoning. Even though there's no mention in his thoughts about the "lie," the fact that he and Emma switched roles about who's carrying the biggest burden and refusing help from the other does give off some lowkey betrayal vibes and our boy is absolutely crushed upon realizing it. Hell, Norman dropped to his knees instantly when he hears Emma is missing. To contrast Ray, he doesn't necessarily blame anyone or anything, but wonders what he could've done to help more to prevent this outcome.
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How frightening it must be for all the other cattle children who weren't part of Emma's family to be enjoying their normal daily lives as usual one moment, then be completely teleported to a new unknown world the next.
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Look what we get to look forward to. Aren't y'all excited to see our world fall apart?
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Poor Norman is still in a state of complete shock. Although his face doesn't match how "lucky" they should all be feeling right now, he's still right. Could you imagine how difficult their search for Emma would've been had they crossed over while the world was in the middle of such chaos? They should be thankful the world is entering a stage of peace, but none of that matters if Emma is missing from their own lives.
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One of the major downsides of Ray not being there with Emma when she confronted the demon god is that no one can really confirm if the promise was made exactly as they planned. I do love how the kids straight up deny that Emma would ever go against what they all agreed upon, especially since it was her idea in the first place to create a new promise, but just knowing if the promise was made correctly would've definitely taken some of the stress and panic away from these kids.
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Seeing some of them reflect on how important Emma is reminds me of ch96 when Ray's group reveals how fortunate they are that Emma saved their lives back at the hunting ground, despite meeting her for the first time. And I know we won't get it at this point, but I would've love to see more of the GP resistance during each of their individual first days at Goldy Pond and what they do during their off days when no hunts take place.
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While Oliver totally respects Emma as their family's leader, I like that it's him (self-proclaimed leader of the GP gang) who gives that final push to everyone so they become determined and hopeful enough to commit to begin their search for Emma. What's most important is how strongly they all wanna see Emma again and that desire is the feeling they'll need to hold onto in order to succeed no matter how impossible the chances are of finding her.
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Everyone say thank you to the indestructible protagonist plot armor.
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And it's thanks to that plot armor (and Alex) that our poor girl doesn't freeze to death. Who knows how long she's been unconscious here. And I would've never even thought of her ID to be missing in these panels but I vaguely remember some people pointing it out back when this chapter was first released. I didn't believe it, choosing to think that it was just hidden under her jacket, but props to all those who ended up being correct when her number was revealed to be truly gone next chapter.
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Favorite panel/moment:
Seeing the kiddos all excited to start their search for their reckless leader is so darn precious. The tag and hide-and-seek mentions are cute too.
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migila · 5 years ago
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Is this a prophecy or...?
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fullscoreshenanigans · 1 year ago
This is a good point! Another thing to think about is how much food production would have shifted after WWIII.
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(Chapter 179)
Specifically how "only caring about yourself at the expense of others would no longer work," so ideally that would translate to things like a greater variety of food to accommodate those with dietary restrictions and having them be readily accessible.
idk emma and norman probs had alot of food related coping mechanism or struggle
idk they're almost all have a simliar body type cuz they're yk Not alot of time have a heathly diet and they're kids but no way that stays when they're older
i think ray is the only one at least from REN that knows the exact amount to eat since he probs Always had to froce himself like we see that when emma and norman find out they struggle to eat the meat and i dont think that just goes away
so i tried playing with Bodys types more with emmas then anything
i tried also to make a difference between Norman and rays body but that didn't work so i will try sometime again
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tbh proportions just absolutely dont sit but i honestly dont care i will do it next time better lmao
also Sketch
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shslmahoushoujo · 5 years ago
Ok, so here’s a thing to consider: Oliver’s moment in this chapter could be seen in two ways. On one hand, it's motivation for the kids, it doesn't matter why Emma's not there or where she is, they'll find her. But on the other hand, it could be to the audience: Don't ask why she's not there, or where she is, there's another question to be asked. And what's left is "when".
So here’s my question now: Are we so sure The One can’t have sent Emma to a different point in time? Are we completely sure that’s not within his repertoire? That’d explain why despite the “one world” situation, Emma has yet to be found. It may not be that she’s somewhere they can’t find her, it may be that she’s someWHEN. And if/when they meet up, it’d make for a bittersweet ending to this. Emma might’ve been living through all those tumultuous years of chaos, losing hope to meet her family again for so long, only to meet them again when she’s that much older.
That variable is one that could change the course of the entire thing, and it'd fit with what The One wanted as a reward but couldn't get due to Emma making it an impossibility. He can't have her family, but he can still have them apart. Place wouldn't be a problem considering how the world is at that point, but time? That's a whole other issue right there.
Edit: I meant to say Oliver instead of Lucas why did I end up writing Lucas’ name there oops it’s fixed now
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just-like-playing-tag · 5 years ago
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I like how last chapter's cover kinda continues the chapter 172 one? It makes it look like at some point all the children joined the trio, and then they all fell asleep together. It's so sweet!!
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gomomoka · 5 years ago
The Promised Neverland readers ch. 179:
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fullscoreshenanigans · 2 years ago
#THIS WOULDVE BEEN SO DAMN GOOD OH MY GOD #holy fuck op! #you’re right in everything said #a VERY reoccurring theme in the series is it’s selfish & arrogant to sacrifice yourself #even if you feel the reasons are ‘justified’ bc you do not belong to JUST you #you are part of a network a community you are 1 piece of a puzzle #whatever you do for/to you affects all those around you in both good and bad ways #and like… you’re right. it’s not only unfair but also thematically WRONG how when every other character is faced with this issue #they’re told how much error is in their thinking #the theme of ‘rely on your community’ is abundant it practically drowns the series in its importance #so why did the author then switch it at the end to make it the only way the humans are able to get home? it doesn’t fit #personally i thought it was going to be ‘all humans lose their memories after leaving the demon world’ ya know kinda like in peter pan #but this??? this would’ve been SO much better. it would’ve worked and fit perfectly in the narrative #and for emma’s character bc her sacrifice being the ‘necessary’ one it makes her and the author huge hypocrites #i am in love with this post #not to mention The One being part of their family bc a price isn’t always about loss….. gotdamn op. gotdamn
The Promised Neverland is one of those stories where I think highly enough of 90% that I’m willing to accept the other 10% on the strength of it, but I still think my prediction for the ending would have been thematically stronger.
Keep reading
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fullscoreshenanigans · 6 months ago
*No. I have no qualms about how it affects the story; I just don't like deviating from canon in works in general. **I like playing around with it in fanfics/AUs, but I don't think it should actually happen in canon. ***Yes, a thousand years of cattle children and the general demon population suffering should have been compensation enough. ****Combination of two or more listed options since tumblr won't let us have multiple choice voting.
Sort of a continuation of this poll from last year.
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(Mystic Code Book Chapter 6)
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mari-lair · 5 years ago
Me, after chapter 179: Did Emma ever specify they should go to the human world at the same time? I hope she didn’t like, come to the human world decades later, when her entire family is extremaly old and near death and she gotta watch all her loved ones die, finding solace on taking care of their kids and feeling strange that they have already heard about her from their dads and grandparents-
Me, after chapter 180: Oooooh, this makes way more sense, thank you Shirai.
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shot-tothestars · 5 years ago
Tpn incorrect quote that came to my mind. (first time trying)
Emma: Ohana means family!!
Emma: And family means *Carries Phil in her arms* Nobody gets left behind.
Emma: Or forgotten!!
Emma: *points accusingly at Ray and Norman* Do you understand that??
Norman and Ray:...
Gilda: Yeah but Emma... You're not the one to talk.
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fullscoreshenanigans · 2 years ago
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Some great tags on this post
Norman was simply like “I will die for you”, then, “I will kill for you (with a side of me dying fr this time but that’s a surprise hehe)”, and then he was all, “I will scour every inch of this world searching for you”
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skajlaw · 5 years ago
the promised neverland ch 179
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my heart and brain really screamed “THAT’S YUUGO OR LUCAS” sdfjsdkasdf  i even went back on chapters to look how their shoes look lol  
bitches refuse to accept the fact that they’re dead. i am bitches. i am forever these bitches. chapter 109 never happend. 
let’s debate. where do you think emma is?
she’s not dead. she’s somewhere cold. if the ratri is looking for her but she hasn’t been found in any of the other regions then that must mean she’s somewhere the ratri clan can’t reach. some kind of isolated community. you know how in those films with “perfect” world there is always group of isolated poeple that don’t support the current system. castaways or something like that. skfksjf i really don’t know. c’mon throw your theories at me i want to read them! let’s debate!
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shootingstaroflies · 5 years ago
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migila · 5 years ago
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Oliver da king, taking lead! Lucas would be so proud...
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