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Mail time. Theo clearly isn't the best candidate to lecture people on "good manners" but that's not going to stop him.
Also using this as a header for more LORE RAMBLES: THEO EDITION, because again I have more interesting asks about Theo than I can answer with drawings -- so REAMS OF WORDS it is!
Questions and answers under the cut...
Well, Theo isn’t terribly fond of the guy. He’s never met him, of course, but from his research into Old Kingdom history, he thinks of Ambroys as a conceited, shallow, disloyal, cowardly liar – and he’s not exactly wrong, ha.
If they met in the past, when Ambroys was his cocky, younger self, I think Ambroys would take advantage of Theo’s poor social skills and unpopularity by bullying him for some cheap points with other people who would find amusement in that. Ambroys wouldn’t have much use for him otherwise. Theo would spend far more time seething about Ambroys and plans for his revenge on that POMPOUS POPINJAY than Ambroys would spend thinking about Theo at all.
If they met in modern times – well that’s something we’ll address eventually, but Theo and Ambroys would not get along much better. Present-day Ambroys does not like mages one bit. Also, he is quite used to being literally worshipped. A little hater like Theo would not be looked upon kindly.
Thank you!! Now you too are present in a lore dump!
Theo is indeed a fan of the performing arts, and art in general (though he is, predictably, very particular in his tastes). Opera and such was performed during Ambroys’ time, and much of it was likely lost during the apocalyptic era between the time of the Old Kingdoms and the modern day, but I imagine some scant examples of the genre (and traditional plays by the likes of Furry Shakespeare, because Shakespeare is one of those people who just exists in every universe no matter how bizarre) would still survive into the Theo’s time.
Theo’s hometown of Northcrest would be too small and rural to have a real theatre, so experiencing “proper” performances would be rare treats for him, when he followed his mother on business excursions to the rich districts of Ironfrost. I love that you picked up on the fact that he would want his own private box, haha. He wants to observe, not be observed!
You’re right that musicals would probably still be in their vaudeville and burlesque era, and Theo would find them to be distasteful, vulgar pap suited only for the soft, feeble minds of the unwashed masses, not a refined intellectual like himself. (Which is funny because I think a real-world modern-day Theo would like musicals because in some ways, he is a theater kid without the charisma or confidence to actually perform.) While his mother did not enjoy theatre to the same extent he did (her tastes were more in feats of choreographry and human/anthro excellence like ballet), they would bitch about the decline of society together if they saw a poster for one of those terrible, gaudy cabaret catastrophes. In general, Theo hates anything modern and likes anything old-fashioned, and that shifts according to the decade he lives in. An Amaranthine Theo would hate swing music, but a real-world modern-day Theo would like it. Embarrassing!
Also, he will memorize and quote his favorite soliloquies at people for the faintest of reasons. Don’t test him.
No, I don’t think Hyden has strong enough arms or a sturdy enough back to lift an entire person, even one as little as Theo. Hyden might be large but he’s not as powerful as his height and bulk make him look. I think even Theo is more physically adept than Hyden is (and that’s not saying much).
Also, while he would learn to tolerate it from someone like Hyden (in the same way your cat might begrudgingly tolerate you grabbing their little feet), Theo does not like being picked up by people. I can speak from experience than when you’re a short person, people love to pick you up randomly to establish dominance and it’s not a very dignified experience. Theo has a hard enough time being taken seriously even without being lugged about like a wheezing sack of flour.
Theo would be the first to inform you he is not the person to consult on romantic matters. At the same time, he would still give his advice: stop being a fatuous little fool and turn your efforts to matters of greater importance, like work or supporting your family or collecting every edition of your favorite encyclopedia or hitting your head against a wall. All would be better ways to spend your energy.
(I think you’re alluding to a person with a crush on him – God knows why such a person would exist in his universe – asking him for romantic advice, but I feel compelled to specify that the message he’d give a man seeking instructions on how to deal with a lady would be akin to “GET A JOB. STAY AWAY FROM HER”)
(Or maybe you mean someone Theo has a crush on? Well, the answer would be the same. Theo isn't duplicitous enough or proud enough to try to swindle someone towards viewing him as a romantic prospect. But he sure wouldn't suggest they get with someone else. NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO BE IN LOVE. STOP IT, HE SAYS.)
Yes, those are self-inflicted injuries. He’s had a compulsion to bite and scratch himself ever since he was a kid. Sometimes as a punishment, sometimes as a ritual to quell distressing thoughts, sometimes out of the need to replace distressing sensations and events that are out of his control with one that is in his control, no matter how painful.
He does not particularly value his body nor its integrity. However, he is aware the scars are alarming, and finds them somewhat embarrassing reminders of his flaws in self-regulation. He deals with both the sight of the scars and the urge to harm by wearing his gloves, which is something he started doing in his late teens – they cover the marks and help redirect him by replacing the sensation of flesh with fabric when he goes to bite down.
On your question about Theo’s body-image: no, he does not care for how he looks. He likes that his eyes are grey (like mother’s) and that his fur is monochrome (like mother’s), and if pressed he might say the eyebrows aren’t bad, except for the parts where he’s pulled the hair out of them, but that’s it. He hates that he’s not just short but dwarfish, he does not like his heavy-set build, he would not choose to be born a rat, he despises his face, his teeth repulse him, he at least can make peace with the fact that he can’t grow facial hair because he’d never want a mustache like his father’s but it’s still somewhat emasculating, and on and on and on with the insecurities. He definitely feels physically inferior to other males. Your average man is not only much, much taller than him (and the world is cruel to a short king), but stronger and more classically virile as well. But he makes the best of that by dismissing those physical qualities as consolation prizes afforded to males who are obviously inferior to him intellectually, morally, and spiritually. He doesn’t care for brutes, but he doesn’t highly value machismo anyway… He thinks of himself as a gentleman whose best qualities reside in his mind and actions. A man who is reedy and petite but smarter or more charismatic than him is much more threatening to his ego than the bulkiest bruiser. (However, he will still try to fight both for dominance, either physically or verbally, and probably lose.)
Theo is highly offended and disgusted by nudity, both other’s and his own. Even states of mild undress are distressing to him, hence why he looks away when buttoning Hyden’s shirt. He’s willing to stomach some discomfort when it comes to helping a loved one, but only if it’s strictly necessary. He would pointedly not look and scold someone, even someone he was more comfortable with, if they were “too underdressed,” and freak out if they came into his vicinity in the nude. I think it would take years of gradual desensitization to lessen his negative reactions to nudity. It’s not just him being fussy, it borders on a phobia.
(Haha this shows how long I sit on asks before I get around to answering them SORRY...!!!!)
I don’t talk about it a lot because while the character’s sexual orientations do inform their lives and development, romance and sex are not usually at the top of my priority list when it comes to my stories… but I’ve alluded and mentioned directly that Theo is “canonically” bisexual (always feels weird to say “canon” about my imaginary friends, ha). But he is in denial/in the closet about it. Of course, he wouldn’t be aware of the concept of “bisexuality”, nor would that exact label exist in his world, so it’s not like he would identify that way even if he wasn’t repressing hardcore.
He is revolted by sex and intimacy, but that’s more due to his psychological baggage, his perception of his parent’s relationship and his cultural mores than something necessarily inborn or inherent to him.
(Hyden is actually Also Straight, possibly even straighter than Ambroys if we’re measuring by “creator’s admittance that character may be bi-curious one day.” I have a track record.)
Only if it’s karmic in some way, involving a person or persons he’s already predisposed to hating. Granted, dying of one’s own stupidity would be a form of justice in his eyes, but there’s limitations to that. Hearing about, say, an incident like Nutty Putty cave would not be amusing even though he would argue it’s the cave explorer’s “own fault” for going in there because it was such a gruesome and prolonged end, far outweighing the punishment Theo would find fair for such hubris. Of course, if the same cave explorer bullied him in prep school, then yes, it would be hilarious.
I don’t have a character named Herbert, so I am assuming you mean Theo here, from context. :’D
I’d like to draw Theo practicing his fencing some day! It’s on The List along with, er, fifty other drawings, ha. There’s just so much I need to make and so little time…
But besides that, Theo is not a particularly sporty guy. He doesn’t tend to enjoy competitive sports, either participating or watching. Physically he’s just not suited to them, and his schoolboy days did not endear him to them.
He does enjoy taking walks and admiring picturesque landscapes. He also hunted with his mother. One of the duties of the Norths is (or was, before he started shirking all his duties to focus entirely on his madness quest) to eliminate monstrous predators lurking on the outskirts of their territory before they could terrorize the mundane locals. Mages can sense magic, and thus are more capable of tracking down and felling corrupt magical beasts than your average person. Also, sometimes one wants a pheasant for dinner on special occasions. So, he grew up learning to hunt, and he’s decent with a rifle. He doesn’t go out to do much anymore, though. His mother’s death and subsequent self-imposed isolation exacerbated his already present issues with social phobia and paranoia, so he doesn’t feel safe outside his house. Someone could see him out there, and Something could happen. (He isn’t sure what exactly, but surely nothing good.)
During the course of Amaranthine’s story he is, of course, forced to go outside again and travel, so he’ll rediscover his hobby of killing animals again. …Good for him. I suppose.
(This is in reference to the tags I put on my post of Theo's romance meme: #ok one piece of commentary: brain problems + highly repressed upbringing = where i put theo on the kinky slider. it had to be there #you should think less '50 shades' and more '50 year old guys waxing poetic about quicksand scenes in old adventure films' for that one #he's not a quicksand guy. but that's the vibe.)
Hahaha, I appreciate your curiosity, but I’m not sure if it’s a terrific idea to share Theo’s “quicksand” equivalents. Alas, I don’t want to encourage the perception that my characters exist to be romantic or sexual wish-fulfillment, instead of the dysfunctional little narrative fidget toys they are, by going too in-depth too often on their hypothetical sex lives. Also, I get my (un)fair share of fetish-mining asks, and if I mention certain kinks, the senders of those asks might think they can wheedle that kind of smut art from me, which… is not the case, even if I did like the things Theo is partial to. Frankly, I don’t have time to draw smut art when I have so many comics of my characters angsting at each other that I ought to be drawing instead!!!
Anyway, complaining over. But I do know what Theo’s “interests” are, and don’t worry, they are suitably cringe. I find amusement in giving embarrassing proclivities to all my favorite characters, even if it will never come up in their stories. It keeps them humble.
The Theo befriending scenarios are becoming more elaborate…!
Magic can’t really do that in Amaranthine (it’s more limited than a lot of people think)! But even if you could, I think Theo might realize something was off eventually. Granted, he is blind to a lot of manipulation when he trusts someone, and for his own stupid reasons he trusts Hyden, so that alone would provide cover for some time. Being nice to him in Hyden’s guise might even fulfill some boyhood dreams of his, so that helps too. Still, I don’t think anyone but Hyden could manage to act like Hyden forever.
Theo abhors liars, manipulators, and traitors (I know, this is very funny considering I just talked about how Theo likes Hyden – again, Theo is not a great judge of character). While he would be mortified at his own gullibility, it’s not like he’d spare you any judgment for being the one to take advantage of his hospitality in the first place.
So, in attempting to befriend him, you would have 1) caused harm to someone he has charged himself with protecting by kidnapping Hyden, 2) committed the sin of deceiving him and 3) wounded his ego by exposing a huge vulnerability in his psychological armor. These are not crimes he is likely to excuse. Among Theo’s many faults are his capacity for spite and appetite for disproportionate vengeance. In other words, he would want to hurt you very, very badly.
Anyway, in summation, this is not a great way to try and win Theo’s affection. If befriending something hostile is what you’re after, I’d recommend purchasing a pet cobra or something, it would be more rewarding and less difficult to manage.
Ooh, this is another one of those “it depends” sort of questions… an Amaranthine Theo is completely unsuited for parenthood because he is just totally off his rocker and devoted to an impossible, nature-impugning, corruptive madness quest, so there’s not really much space left in his brain for any of the tasks involved in parenting.
Also, how well and in what way he would approach parenting would depend on if he has a partner and who they are, if the kid is biological (and therefore an extension of the North line) or adopted (and therefore might be spared some of those expectations), and what the kid or kids are like.
But, I’ll try to speak generally. He does put an importance on family so he would not be neglectful. In fact, I think he’d tend towards being smothering, way too over-protective. He would have high expectations for their academic career (despite flopping in his own) and would be upset if his children didn’t share his interest in intellectual pursuits. He lacks a lot of knowledge about life, and so he wouldn’t be able to pass that on to his children, despite desiring that they be self-sufficient and capable. He would try and keep them from being romantically involved until they could marry, which he wouldn’t think would be difficult considering how he himself is, but I think he would be disappointed and frustrated by the fact that most people (and therefore probably his kids) aren’t so averse to macking on other teenagers in their school days. His tendency towards being neurotic and temperamental would be an issue, and I think even if he tried to control his explosive tendencies around his children, they’d still pick up on it and be afraid of his moods. I think, with his immature development, he would have a lot of difficulty not descending to a teenager’s level of petty sniping if his teenage child did what teenagers do and started challenging him.
So… this is not painting a rosy picture. Don’t get me wrong, he’d try his best, and he would aim to be a good, supportive, and loving parent, but the man has issues. He wouldn’t be perfect. He might not even be good. He is Theo, after all.
Speaking of parenthood, let's get into some...
Family Matters
NO, they did not like each other. Their passive-aggression is as genuine as it is petty. They were the most divorced people to still technically be married.
Love was never in the cards for these two. The marriage was purely strategic, and all parties were aware of that. Leonard would have liked to have his wife love him, if only because it would be much more pleasant and convenient for him, but it wasn’t a requirement. He could seek love elsewhere if need be. He was always an opportunistic fellow that way.
Jo never held fondness for Leonard, either before or after their engagement. The marriage was at the behest of her father, and Jo had always put her duties to her family line above whatever selfish wants she might have had. She was willing to tolerate Leonard, which is about the best you could expect from her. However, he tried her patience too often to maintain even that level of camaraderie.
Leonard liked how Jo looked, and he liked the idea he had of her personality. Because Jo was deferential to her father, he assumed she would be similarly deferential to him. Hahaha. Not so. After her father passed, she inherited the Barony and thus, in her mind, the right to dictate the use of her family’s assets, the alliances she would forge with her noble connections, and the future of her estate. All her plans conflicted sharply with Leonard’s ideas of what he was going to do with the North’s influence, and he thought himself the keeper of their assets by patriarchal right. They clashed often and they both were too proud, power-hungry, and conniving to reconcile.
Leonard stayed because giving up the marriage would be giving up his avenue to social power. If he wanted to appear like he held the reins to potential allies and business connections, he had to stay in the manor, stay in Northcrest, and keep that ring on his finger. But he did take a very “I just live here” attitude to his home life. Jo stayed because her family’s long-held values maintained that it was her duty to do so, and to falter in her duties would be a permanent black stain on her good name. Also, it proved her superiority to the clearly weak-willed, dissolute Leonard, and that was an ego boost she wouldn’t pass up.
Yes, well, as you intuited, the Norths are one of those inbred noble families, like those you mentioned.
They’re a mage bloodline, and in the old days, mage nobility was a separate form of titled aristocracy from mundane nobility. Legitimate heirs had to have magical ability. If a mundane Viscount produced a mundane child, that was the end of the line of inheritance. Hence, noble mages in the Old Kingdoms only married other mages, to try to ensure their offspring could inherit their titles. While not all practiced inbreeding, it was a practice some families employed to try to “enhance” the magical ability and purity of their line, or just keep their wealth and power within their family (the Hyden family is another infamous example).
However, most magical lineages were wiped out during the fall of the Old Kingdoms, and those that survived were scattered to remote areas of the continent. Very few mages still exist, and the North family is one of the only lineages to survive “intact” to the modern day. They cling to their family’s history and their magical bloodline as their source of power and would never risk a union with a mundane. Like many other old traditions best left in the past, the Norths clung to the old ways, marrying within their line, inbreeding like an endangered species (which I suppose you could argue they were).
Of course, as the North’s numbers declined, the marriages shifted from pairing distant relatives to being cousin-cousin pairs. That level of consanguinity isn’t great for your offspring’s health or fertility, as it turns out, and further diminished their numbers (and options) until it came time for Jocosa to make their dying lineage limp along for another generation. By the time she was of age, there were no branches on the family tree left to harvest a husband from. Thus, the Norths needed to go further afield of the stagnant gene pool they’d been festering in.
Because of that, Theo is arguably a bit less inbred than previous generations of his family. The damage was already done, though. The fruits of the North’s unfortunate marriage practices have garnered them a deserved reputation for weak bodies, sick minds and dying young, and so far, Theo is two-for-three. We’ll see if he gets the triple.
Related to the above: if you haven’t realized already, the Norths are fucking freaks. Especially in the modern day of Amaranthine, caring about matching species in a marriage is seen as hyper-traditionalist, bizarre and absurdly impractical. But, well, the Norths are all those things. Jocosa’s parents were a stoat-stoat pair, their parents were stoat-stoat, and so on up the family tree, with maybe some rare exceptions where you might find a few polecats or minks scattered about in amongst the other long pointy-faced carnivores. Jocosa’s parents really would have preferred to have another mustelid marriage rather than wed their daughter to a rat.
But, that was a preference, and magical ability was a necessity. When Jocosa needed to marry, there were no other magical stoats, weasels, or even an otter for them to choose from.
That’s when an opportunistic young rat caught wind that there was a beautiful noble girl in need of a husband, just when he needed a rise in social station. Leonard was reasonably wealthy, and more importantly charming, quick-witted, and not afraid of lying his ass off to close a deal. He befriended Jocosa’s father and was able to delicately pick his way around or find loopholes in the Norths’ strict rules for marriage. Importantly for the Norths, Leonard had magical ability, albeit extremely weakly. You might say he was a sparkler while Jocosa was a flamethrower (in this analogy, in his prime, Hyden was an atomic bomb). Not ideal, but Leonard had enough magic to count as a mage for heir-producing purposes. Ultimately, Jocosa’s parents saw Leonard as the best option in a bad situation, rat or no. Preferable to dying out altogether, at least.
AND ON THAT, UH, HAPPY NOTE: thanks for reading and thank you all as always for sending questions about my little guy and being interested in him, even with all his slimy, weird, unpleasant foibles and flaws!
#my draws#theo#asks#lore dump#amaranthine#warning for a discussion of self-harming behavior in one response#and eyebrow-raising blue-blood inbreeding ala the hapsburgs (or the late queen or any royals really) in another#...this guy's got some stuff going on
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I am over tabloids
They do it for clicks…I get it. But do they not realise that the average person is not stupid? Or do they think we just believe everything we read? You can see by people’s comments on there IG that not many people are believing the story they are trying to sell.
Ok, I believe they know exactly what is going on..
Here is why…..
In both the articles both People and Enews they referenced the Time quote. You guys know the one “People want me to marry Luke, we have such love for each other, he is a really special person in my life ect….
why? If you are talking about hard launching why bring up your co-star and their “special relationship”.
Enews also link an article the published in June saying A and L was confirmed because of pap walk but in the same breath said it had not been commented on by either. It then went on all about Nic and Luke and their chemistry. Why?
If they wanted to talk about confirm of relationship why have E or People not put Luke in for Boss red carpet walk? It was only in the daily mail uk which is an even less reliable source of info
I do not know how celebs do it. Reading shit all the time about themselves. I have a feeling that the mags are trying to coax an answer out of Nic but I guess we will just have to wait and see.
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w.... warriors with the sans undertale glow in his eye your making me all giddy again AND FUCKING TWI AS PAPYRUS???? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME??????????? ough.... and time as undyne.... perfect....... I must listen to undertale ost and imagine all of this oh my goddd fever I AM HERE FOR IT
Neh heh heh! Thank you very much for the kind word Kai!
I really want to talk about Wars as Sans and Twi as Papyrus, but I still haven’t figured out all the kinks yet -~-“ Cause honestly, at first glance it makes more sense for Twi to be Sans and Wars to be Paps like, personality and clothing wise. At first, I just really wanted the Sans fight to be with Wars cause I just think him being the Judge just fits better. And Twi works better as a scolding brother type, while if Wars tried to scold you feel real bad. Idk how to explain it. There’s more to my reasoning but I feel like it would be better to get say, “Wars saying ‘Get Dunked On!’ goes hard and also Twi just has more Paps vibes. It’s all vibes.”
I was also just juggling the Links around in different parts to see what would stick tbh. Sky, Four, Legend, and Wind were all pretty much set in stone immediately tho. I originally wanted Wars to be Undyne, Wild to be Sans, and Time to be Alphys at first lamo. Wild is pretty carefree and he could totally work as Sans, but he also worked the best as Alphys to me. So Time had to be someone else, and Undyne was the best I could think of. He could also work as Asgore, but I deemed Hyrule would be better for that since he’s 1) prophesied to be a king in his 2nd game and that would be fun, and 2) he’s the OG Link, so it would be extra fun. Also, Time still has his girl, Malon, and Asgore must be a lonely guy.
Also the Zeldas, oh the Zeldas. I’m so excited to get to them. They’re kinda shoved off to the sideline in this AU since it’s focused on the Links(also LU is kinda focused on them as well lol), but they are incredibly important. They are currently “missing” in LT canon, however, as you can probably tell from the quotes, they aren’t actually missing. Someone knows exactly where they are…and the truth of what happened to them. You can probably figure out what I mean by that, hehehe.
Although I dunno what I want to do with the Shadow. Since this AU is kinda a dream Legend is having, I want it to be the Shadow’s fault, even if it’s unintentionally. Idk I just want him to do something. He can’t be Gaster, I’m thinking either the First Hero or the Fiece Deity would take that role. Also, the River Person-Spirit. He’s still wearing that cloak tho, so Legend would be none the wiser…not like he would care much, unless he happens to meet Spirit during his actual adventure with the Chain, in which it would be very weird.
ALSO I can say also a lot. And Legend doesn’t tend to remember the dreams after he wakes up. Maybe some extreme feelings(I so cannot wait to show what happens after a No Mercy run!!!), but no real memories. He does remember when he’s back in the dream, however-he remembers it all. There’s no way to delete a save file in that world. Player!Wind will be stuck with the choices he makes.
That’s enough rambling for now lol. If you want to know anything more specific, please ask! I’m so glad there’s so many people who like this AU =)
#fever answered#hyruledwarriorr#linked universe#linkedtale#lu x undertale#main tagging this yippee#long post#long for me haha
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This is a request from @moon-and-fries :)
They requested : How would the skeletons would react to having a Therian S/O?
(Specifically a Snow Leopard)
UT Sans - Vanilla
Expect a lot ,and I mean a lot of animal puns.Its not just exclusive to Snow Leopards.Just puns in general.To be fair that isn’t any different from normal and that is exactly what happens.He doesn’t change.He loves his S/O either way.No matter what they are or what they identify as.
UT Papyrus - Paps
He has a bunch of questions! He wants to know all about it! What can he do to make you comfortable? Do need extra stuff? Can he join?!He just LOVES learning new stuff and about new things.A very kind,curious and respectful skeleton is what he aspires to be along with being the great and popular papyrus.He also gets bans animal print in the house Incase it makes you sad.If you tell him he doesn’t need to do that or that it doesn’t bother you he still doesn’t allow it saying ‘ITS A CRIME AGAINST NATURE AND FASHION!!’.
(Kind,curious and respectful are not added on to the the title of ‘The great papyrus’ as it may become to long and he believes having to long of a name makes him less popular and more boring.He uses and I quote ‘Those Big Science Words, Sans Sometimes Says In The Middle Of A Sentence’.)
US Sans - Blue
Putting it very bluntly.He didn’t understand at first.It isn’t until S/O sits down and explains it to him he sorta understands.After a while he does get it! Expect loads of gifts.He wants you comfy all the time always.And if you’re not he will fix it.
US Papyrus - Honey
Being as online he is.He knows what being a Therian is.He even researched it by himself.He finds what some of the Therians do with the masks really cool and wants to make one himself! Fun fact! Honey really likes the sun,for a skeleton who is always in a hoodie you can catch him just basking in the sun.Does he have a basking partner now?
UF Sans - Red
One thing him and Edge can agree with is that cats are epic.Aside from Doomfanger who Red is convicted is a demon straight from hell.He to asks a bunch of questions rather on if there is anything he can get that will make you feel like your self.If anyone,human or monster judges S/O…trust they will be sorted out…..very…swiftly.
UF Papyrus - Edge
Edge is a major cat person.Big cats.Small cats.Jellicle cats.He loves them all.You have no idea how happy he is for you.You would never think a guy like Edge would get giddy over something like this but he does.Be prepared for the Crazy cat skeleton fawning even more over you then normal.
HT Sans - Seaweed
It makes him actually think of himself.Due to his time in the underground, he acts more wolf like.Doing what it takes to survive and once on the surface,he went from Feral Skeleton with a hole in his skull to domesticated puppy skeleton who just loves being held.Please hold him.Cuddle and nuzzle together.Go to each other for warmth.Share from the same plate???.Its his dream.
HT Papyrus - Papaya
His curious nature never left him.But his question are more along the lines of’Do you need anything?’ ‘Anything I can do to make you more comfortable?’ ‘Do you want to curl up on my lap? You can if you want!’.Takes extra care in making sure you are as comfortable as you can be!.Although at first he did think S/O was going to be a bit like Seaweed…with stealing food…He to has seen ‘Therian masks’ and asks if he can make one for you if you want? Or anything else you need!
I hope this is good!
I snuck in a reference from my favourite musical in here….
Hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!
#underfell#undertale#horrortale#underswap#undertale headcanons#undertale imagines#papyrus x reader#sans x reader
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Sometimes I just laugh a little bit at some fans who say “I have a private life, you just don’t know about it” isn’t what it is (for both boys, it’s just Harry’s quote I remember by heart) just bc it wildly contradicts their own narrative. Because just recently there’s been a gay couple that came out as partners of 20 years and another one that revealed to be separated for 7 years, and nobody would’ve ever guessed. Celebs can and do show only what they want us to and need to sell, why’s it such a hard thing to accept? (Bc then they’ll potentially have to think deeper than surface level targeted content but oh well lol)
Not to offend anyone but there are bigger celebs out there whose kids and partners we’ve never seen, who we don’t see at a vacation.
As a famous person you can have a private life when you put a little effort into it. The same way it needs a lot of effort to coax the paps into your direction or you’ll hang out at public places that are considered celebrity/paparazzi hot spots. Simple as that.
Obviously there are extreme examples where the celebrity/paparazzi relationship turns toxic but that’s hardly the case with Harry.
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"They've built a brand on womaniser H, they market him as a heartthrob who dates beautiful successful women, and adores them so much he's writing songs about them. They let him adopt a flamboyant persona on stage, because it has entertainment value that adds something extra. It's not a concert, it's a show. It's worked well for him so far, people love it."
Maybe I´m overthinking it but wasn´t Shawn´s recent tiny rebrand something that might test waters for H?
When Shawn announced his comeback album and the promo season started, all I read was his quotes about CC. I wasn´t that deep into it so idk what exactly and how much he talked about her/was asked about her but I random quotes jumped on me in autumn on IG. But was I understood was that his fans weren´t pleased about his same old same old Shawn´s personality is only about CC and so his team changed the strategy - he delayed his album release, got quiet for few weeks and came back again with a very, very soft hint of a coming out. His IG profile was all about him being surrounded by his two male bandmates, hugging with them and for a minute it made me a genuinely think his CO is around the corner and he´ll confess he´s dating his bandmate (especially when they were even caught hugging for paps). Well, since then nothing happend except that his album flopped (as it was expected because it´s not radio-friendly and there are no big/viral hits but I guess Shawn was expecting it and didn´t want to go big and faking his heartthrob image anymore) and he´s rumoured to be dating some female (what a suprise) influencer for LatAm. But Shawn ruined his career big time years ago and eventho I really wish him all the best, I don´t think he´s able to fully comeback and being The OneTM in the world (and maybe he doesn´t want it anymore and he´s like Louis - no more great ambitions but happy he´s still wanted for his fans and that´s his comfortable zone he´s not gonna overcross).
But with H´s career is very different - he doesn´t have any competitor, he always makes headlines and he´s a household name that creates buzz. So if Shawn´s testing the waters in hinting he´s queer was successful (because his fans took it great imo and it created a lot of headlines in gay social medias so I guess gays will love him if he´ll come out as gay), why H couldn´t be allowed to try it as well? He already hinted a bit in 2022 when talking about his sexuality but it was the peak of h*livia era and he had to finish his stunt work with her as her movie was finally getting to the cinemas.
The only thing I agree with (as I really hate it in the same time) and that´s why he would be hold back by his label for upcoming years is that it´s true that queer female singers are wanted and relatable while queer male singers aren´t that wanted and relatable. Because the worldwide success stands on female fandom and while girls and women can relate to queer female singers, they won´t relate to queer male singers especially not to those who were branded as the heartthrobsTM since the very beginning of their careers and were branded they are the perfect dream idols/boyfriends for girls.
Hi, anon!
You don’t have to convince me that H should be allowed to "test waters" even more than he already have. Harry would be more than fine. I also don't think his situation is comparable to Shawn's. Shawn did it as a last ditch effort to save his album campaign. His career is over the hill. Now that he's back with a woman, it all looks like queerbaiting and people are over it. I even think that strategy might have lost him some badly needed favours among the queer community when he actually does come out. I personally am so over Shawn right now. He's lying with a straight face and it's so off putting. But this isn't about Shawn's failed strategy, it's about H.
H will be more than fine. Like i've said before, H won't have an issue coming out if he seeds it properly. His fans have grown out of their need to project onto him, and those who hasn't will now look at him as a gay bff, who they look up to because of his popularity, talent and great fashion taste. There are plenty of young girls who looks up to queer men. If you're talented enough, have a loyal fanbase, and seed it properly, i see no reason why H can't become someone like Freddie Mercury, Elton John or George Michael.
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Yeah I saw that. The part about dismissing fans and them not finding out if Tim doesn’t want them to know is not the whole thing it’s worse and in Elle. It also doesn’t end in “KJ knows how to keep things private” It ends with “she knows how to keep what she wants secret”. Here’s what’s not a secret. Fans have had enough of this charade. Fans are not the ones talking about this in between the bombardment of updates and blinds supplied by PR to the press every week. Here’s another non secret. Fans are responding. Timmy’s IG is in fucking Freefall right now. He’s been losing 1k plus followers a day for weeks with this romance and the W trailer fans outside of here hated. The only time he gained 2500 was the day fans found out they had broken up after the onslaught of articles after their not serious but casual PR narrative bullshit. I hope his career is worth all these games but going by the strong response now and the overly negativity comments everywhere I don’t think so. Nobody believes this is real. It looks like her side only is working overtime with innuendo, quotes in articles and alleged leaks. Remember the hickey photo with articles? You think his team would stay quiet on that if it wasn’t true? It’s been four months? It’s always her insider quotes for articles and tabloids and alleged leaks to Dmuh who’s been doing some heavy lifting for this romance almost like she’s a paid extension of their PR teams. That was until last weeks break up fiasco where tmz said “multiple sources from both sides” say their still an item. How can fans still seriously think its all in her head and he’s not involved? I get it shes fantastic for reaching a wider audience he needs coming up with nearly 400 m IG followers but a liability for him in the respect department so is his remaining silent and not getting his hands dirty a business choice? Remember this isn’t the first time Timmy has made Silence and removing himself a strategy and an an art form when it comes to anything or anyone deemed toxic getting in the way of his career. Friends drowning by media. Silence. SAG strike. Silence. Romance. Silence and blurry, but approved bts through all forms of media and car dates. Why is it though he always seems to happily participate in crystal clear Pap photos with A list power players like Leo, Larry David, Adam Sandler or Scorsese though? Stop making excuses for his behavior. Others are not. I’m not a fan of her but this is not one sided even if that’s his strategy once again by making it appear it’s her side doing all the work publically with him getting to pass off a silence strategy as privacy or non involvement. At the moment it’s been set up media wise so he can walk away at anytime and fans will believe she made it all up. Even she deserves better especially if it turns out to be true.
I'm posting your ask because as I've always said I don't censor anyone when their thoughts are expressed politely like you did.
But I ask you a question: what exactly do you want to convince me of? About the " falling " of his instagram or the bad reviews on Wonka trailer? On the fact that Tim is a private person and prefers not to comment publicly on some things and let his actions speak for themselves, including that of never being seen publicly around and possibly lately in the same state with his alleged flame? And above all, do you seriously think that the esteem I have for him as an actor and as a man can change for what he eventually chooses to do in his private life without hurting anyone? It's his life, he doesn't have to justify himself to us, he's not our property. He doesn't need anyone to excuse him for what he chooses or doesn't choose to do.
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In light of the “what was Harry trying to protect Taylor from” conversation yesterday, I wanted to pull something out.
Harry’s rep in England in 2012? Total lothario. Teenaged player. The woman he’d dated before Taylor was DOUBLE HIS AGE. And they weren’t exactly playing Scrabble at the sleepovers he had at her place, where he got papped leaving. Well, not only playing Scrabble.
This? Happened on the X factor finale with 18 million people (in a nation of 63 million) watching live in December 2010:
He was sixteen! Anne? Super unimpressed.
So this 18 year old was no purity ring wearing Joe Jonas.
Look at this quote where she is describing Wildest Dreams:

Her publicist back in 2012 wanted image to remain like that of a sweet young girl at nearly 23!
So his reputation and hers were a mismatch for her team right from the start. It’s why I keep dragging the “first date” in Central Park.
But honestly - we now know he is this tender-hearted, kind man. He was then too, but this playboy, prince of heartbreak rep was his then (and probably contributed to why he was a “sad boy” because he was minunderstood.)
But yeah, he also wanted to protect her from the image smearing his own rep would cause.
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I was on IG just bored scrolling through my explore page posts and came across one of AW’s posts, so I decided why not scroll through her page, just because. I don’t think anyone really looked at her page before like they did with Ale for example. It’s so full of downright weird and at the very least questionable stuff. First of all, she made a whole post for Ukraine, with proper caption which wasn’t a repost or a copypaste from someone else. She even included some donation info in there and according to her caption even put a donation link in her bio at the time. Now the question is why can’t she do the same for Palestine? The situation there is way more urgent, so why does she only do some reposts on her stories which are gone after 24h and never actually uses her voice in a proper and direct way the way she’s done for Ukraine? More so, she keeps supporting zionist and pro-Israeli brands and people. My guess is she doesn’t want to outright pick a side, so she tries to sit on both chairs and keeps doing what benefits her only. Not everyone would click on some repost to properly see what it’s about, as not everyone would even bother to check stories which are gone the next day anyway, while a post is way more noticeable and would stay there unless you delete it. So idk why people keep praising her for even less than a bare minimum, when she’s fully capable of doing more and actually use her voice properly the way she’s done for Ukraine. She just doesn’t want to do it for Palestine for obvious selfish reasons. Now, who the hell said that that woman stayed at home during Covid? She didn’t and the evidence is all there on her IG. She went travelling through California, most likely with Pine. She did the very same thing almost every celeb did during pandemic, and instead of sitting her ass in her mansion, she “escaped” on the trip through Cali. That’s literally how she called it too, an “escape”, while most people were struggling in their tiny apartments, she couldn’t handle staying in a big ass house. She even went to some horse ranch, which had workers there, so basically they “served” her the same way the workers on that yacht in Ibiza did Seb and Ale. Not to mention that she also went to a restaurant and there was no mask in sight, kinda like Seb and Ale in that club, huh?! It’s also worth mentioning that she and Pine were papped a lot during that time and wore scarfs instead of a proper mask quite a few times. There’s even a pic of her all smiles, pulling the scarf down, kinda like Ale did with her mask in one of stories which was interpreted as “mocking the pandemic”. Idk, but to me “escaping” on a trip through the state with various fun activities during a global pandemic and then posting pics from the beach with a beaming smile falls under “mocking pandemic” category and that’s exactly what AW did. She spent Xmas in England when many couldn’t see their families. She didn’t give a shit. Not so righteous now, are we? Multiple posts with quite interesting and very weird captions featuring her bestie Jared Leto, who some people (looking at you galaxy) tried to say wasn’t her bestie but just a dude she met a couple of times… He’s her “papa pootang”, just so y’all know, the “bestest best company to ever be in” and she “couldn’t be more proud” - all direct quotes from her multiple posts. The “back from psych ward” post is my favorite one tho, seems fitting lol. Anyhow, there’s also way too many posts about W**dy pedo All*n (seems to be one of her favorites). Lots of posts with sexual innuendos, her flaunting her privilege and money in poor countries like Africa… I think there was an outrage when Ale just went there, but I guess when AW does the same shit and even worse it’s all fine nbd. Lots of pics of children, which I’m personally not comfortable with. There was one pic in particular which made me uncomfortable given the image and that it was taken from the back without any consent. Another post in particular which was 100% weird attention seeking af but I’m not surprised now that I’m familiar with her baiting, so yeah.
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I got crucified for saying it was all pr but seriously the video looked so staged to me. It was too high quality and was caught at the "perfect moment". What the one anon said is exactly what I thought too like its giving Affleck and de armas calling the paparazzi on themselves lmao. The only thing that I maybe dont agree with is I think she might actually be a nazi/white supremacist, only because wasnt she in those chat rooms before she became popular and famous? Dont quote me on that lol but l swear it resurfaced once she got famous but happened years prior
I think a lot of ppl still have a very erroneous idea of what a “pr relationship” really is…not that i can speak proficiently abt it ofc but i don’t think they both signed contracts and are now obligated to be seen together and pretend to be bf and gf for the paps, i mean this was absolutely premeditated and orchestrated. A bystander didn’t just randomly decide to film them walking around and then wait two weeks to send it to deuxmoi and not post on their own social media like ppl would if they saw a celeb.
Now as to WHY are they doing this that’s what we don’t and may never know..do they just want to be seen and talked about, is it just for a “viral moment”? Have they actually been together for a while now and just decided they want everyone to know they’re together, for whatever reason, and this is how they choose to do it? Im leaning more towards the first but who knows
But yeah those chat rooms, i heard abt this. Do you know what those were abt like what did she talk abt it there? Cant for the life of me remember what i read abt this
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That's their theory. Guess they didn't notice that Taylor Russell was carrying bags, too. We know that she's not leaving NYC.
well… 2 articles about the pap walk. if that doesn’t tell you this wasn’t freaking staged then idk 🤷🏻♀️
the bags were just product placements for the articles lol
What exactly is your point? Why are you quoting me when I was talking about people saying he was carrying a bag because he leaving NYC and I pointed out that she was carrying bags, too?
We know the photos were staged. I have said repeatedly that he calls the paps on himself. They walked out that brownstone looking like fashion ad because it was.
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You know what I noticed that makes it very unbelievable? Every article uses the same quotes and says the same thing as they fid when the NYC pap walk happened. Like is there no new and fresh info from they’re “source”. At least change it up a bit so it looks like things are developing and it’s not the same article with a different publish date.
Exactly bestie. Every single article has been copy and paste with no new info like? 😑
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And then they always quote the great philosopher Niall Horan who once proclaimed that you're not papped unless you want to be, despite Niall himself having been papped peeing in the street!//
Niall is full of shit. Since he said that he's been papped twice at a hotel pool in his swimwear, once making out with Amelia and another time looking flabby and the headline said "unrecognizable Niall Horan lets it all hang out.'' He was also papped making out with Hailee Steinfeld in a parking lot and there's no way he wanted any of these pics taken.
Exactly! He's an imbecile. He also gets papped less than Harry because photos of him aren't as sought after.
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“But his whole 'never had a gf in public' was foiled when he called c*mille his gf. O was also one, and emrata wasn't exactly neither subtle nor private. I think the privacy strategy is no more.”
What I have learned so far is that everything what is happening with Harry’s so-called private life in public is taken as an immediate syndicator that it’s fake and it’s only work because Harry has a private life and he would never do this to his real relationship. And what was the most memorable for me was his quote from interview from Dec 2019 where they asked him about dating only famous people and he literally said “I have a private life. You just don’t know about it.” So now I’m bit confused by what you wrote above that Harry doesn’t value his private life anymore? Okay, he called C*mille his ex but wasn’t that to push the narrative for songs on Fine Line (which they, at least for larries and their decoding talent, turned out to be mostly about Louis and Harry himself exploring his inner self)? O talked about him in every opportunity she had like he’s the only reason to live for her because she was relevant just because of him - but he’d never aknowledged her as his gf and made sure to let everyone know that any song on H’sH is about her. I don’t know what Emrata said exactly because I just saw his bodylanguage and that told me everything I needed to know how comfortable (irony) he felt to makeout with her in public. So I would love to think that his personal and private life priorities has never changed and actually became more important to secure it and hide from public eyes but I’m also afraid that he’ll decide to make a 180 degree turn and do absolute opposite to what was always important for him. I want to stay hopeful and optimistic but it’s damn hard when I have no idea what is happening with him right now and people are panicking while preparing for the worst scenario.
The only thing that makes me a bit calmer is that Louis called Eleanor his gf multiple times but still noone believed him and he literally tweeted that he’s straight and yet, still fans don’t even question his sexuality. Plus he had this kid as still going stunt which is much worse than some O tattoo or 2 years of stunting while looking miserable.
Hi, anon!
You misunderstand me, i don't think Harry doesn’t value his private life anymore. When i said 'privacy strategy' i was talking about the practice they've applied to every stunt that they get papped in 'private places' and blame it on a pesky pap for invading their privacy. Like being papped on a yacht or poolside at an hotel. That gives an illusion that they are trying to be private about their relationship and not flaunting it. It helps sell it as real. Harry never confirming anything was a part of that strategy. We've had a turn from that strategy now. Harry confirming c*mille as a gf (after the fact), pda for the paps during holivia, emrata and now hussell. They are stunting right in front of our salads now, no illusion of privacy left.
Also, i have a very different view on harry's need for privacy than a lot of other people. I don't think he'd be more private about it if it were real. If it were real it would be with a man, and harry is closeted so he'd have to be private about it or else he'd have to come out. Him being a 'private' person is also a part of his image to make him look mysterious, interesting and dignified.
When Harry says 'i have a private life. You just don't know about it' i want to add 'not because i am a private person in particular, but because i'm closeted'. If harry were able to snog louis in the middle of oxford street, he'd not hesitate for a second.
I don't think people should panic over yet another stunt, but i can't control them or their feelings. I can only try helping people cope a bit. I think being hopeful, but realistic is a good approach. It will end at a point, but we will also most likely get another stunt in the future. It's been like this for years so we all got to learn to cope if we want to stay in this fandom. If it gets too much, take a break. You come first!
#harry image#hussell for ts#holivia for ts#hamille for ts#emrata for ts#my inbox is a mess#seems like some people can't handle certain topics being discussed#stunting#bearding#elounor for ts
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i just realized another parallel between your battle with papyrus and your battle with sans in geno
in geno, papyrus states that while you’re a weirdo and on a bad path, but that ‘everyone can be a good person if they just try’.
before battling sans, sans asks you ‘do you think the worst person can change? do you believe anyone can be a good person, if they just try?’
#i need to get the exact text format#but was sans quoting paps on purpose?#i bet my left banana he was#❅〖ooc〗#SOUNDS LIKE TO ME SANS IS LITERALLY WATCHING THIS GO DOWN THEN#TO QUOTE PAPS EXACTLY#that's not even getting into the 'hug' parallel between how you kill papyrus and how pasans kills you in a VERY similar fashion
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HI HI HI sorry it took me literally forever to do a part 2. hope this is worth the wait!!

people You know I love you, babe.
Harry Styles and girlfriend Y/N L/N pack on the PDA after being spotted on a lunch date in Malibu. This comes just two weeks after the pair stirred up controversy for collaborating on a lingerie collection for Styles’ brand Pleasing. Hit the link in our bio for more.
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harryfan3 conveniently kissing in the middle of the street in front of a bunch of paps, nice
harryfan2 i don’t like who she’s turning him into.
harryfan1 this plus that childish ass ig post she uploaded last week? yikes
harrystan5 guys… can we please go back to having some class
harrygirl1 and we thought the olivia yacht pics were bad😭 now he’s making out in broad daylight

Liked by harrystyles, emrata and 76,429 others
yourinstagram all i have to say
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emrata exactly 👏👏👏
yourbff at the end of the day she’s thriving
harrystyles 🖤
yourinstagram luuuuuuuuuuuv you 💋💋
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harryflorals Harry recently followed model Emrata on Instagram!
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harryfan1 uh
harryfan3 randomly???
harryfan4 i mean she’s not the greatest but i’d prefer her to y/n🫢
harrystan1 don’t get your hopes up😭 she’s like BFFs with y/n
harryforever he’s going on her podcast i have a friend who helps produce it lol
harryfan8 and what exactly does harry have to say on emrata’s podcast😭😭 that’s so random

Liked by yourinstagram, deuxmoi and 1,934,283 others
emrata Today on High Low w/ Emrata! I chat with Harry Styles about double standards and the difficulty of trying to correct a media narrative. Spoiler alert: he’s not too appreciative about the social media witch-hunt that’s currently directed at his girlfriend. Stream using the link in my bio.
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harryfan1 oh no. oh no. OH NO
harryfan7 i listened to the full hour podcast so y’all don’t have to lol. he basically told us to fuck off in the nicest way possible. when i get back home i’ll comment some direct quotes here
harryfan7 he said: “It’s obviously hard when you’ve been in the public eye for so long, and people start to feel like you have some sort of obligation to them, or that they somehow know you on a deeply personal level and can dictate what you are or aren’t supposed to do. And that’s not to say everyone is guilty of falling into that mindset—certainly the vast majority of the internet displays nothing but kindness and grace. But I would be lying if I said it wasn’t disappointing to see the public reaction to… certain things lately. It’d be nice if those corners of social media could show a little more compassion, especially towards someone I love.”
harryfan9 honestly he has a point. like i’m definitely guilty of being harsh towards his gfs in the past but hearing him say that really put things into perspective for me
harryfan10 meh still think she’s problematic. yeah maybe we don’t know harry on a deeply personal level 🙄 but we’ve been fans of him for so many years and we know he typically doesn’t act like how he does with her. why is it wrong for us to comment on that?
harry’s instagram story:

TAGLIST: @crazygirlinthisworld @grapejuice-rry @b-reads-things @s8tellite @michellekstyles @vrittivsanghavi @alienorknight @flwrmuse
#harry styles#harry styles imagine#harry styles x y/n#harry styles x you#harry styles x reader#harry styles fic#harry styles fake ig#harry styles fake instagram#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles social media#harry styles fanfic#harry styles fic rec#harry styles headcanon#harry styles fanfic rec#harry styles fanfiction rec#harry styles rec#harry styles fluff#harry styles angst
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