The Man Without A Face 1993 Film
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ah-kill-es · 2 years
duskwood characters as random images i have saved on my phone
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incorrectduskwood · 4 years
Hannah: *exists*
The kidnapper: and I took that personally
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Deleted scene - 2 of ?
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Chuck is already getting down to studying when his Mother appears at his door. She waits at the door watching.
MOTHER: We hardly ever see you these days?
CHUCK: I’m down at the library.
She moves behind him to look at what he’s studying. He looks back at her. We see her disbelief. And so...
MOTHER: If you’re smoking “mary jane” I can handle it. You can tell me.
CHUCK: I’m just studying.
His Mother nods, accepting it, but not really accepting it.
MOTHER: I used to be pretty good at Latin, you know? (picks up a piece of paper) Futue te... Which verb’s that?
Chuck is embarrassed, but he recovers.
CHUCK: It means... “to twist.”
Mother nods. She picks up some more papers. Detailed Latin homework and geometry. She is surprised at his diligence.
MOTHER: You did all this?
Chuck nods. Afraid to hope that she might praise him. But wanting her to. But finally she says...
MOTHER: Don’t you think you’re taking this exam a bit too seriously? It’s the summer, Charles... You should be enjoying yourself.
It’s absolutely the wrong thing to say. Charles responds coldly.
CHUCK: I got the red hair. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.
He stares flatly at her. She can see he’s tuning her out.
MOTHER: You can be a real cold one.
Chuck can’t respond. She exits. Chuck looking after.
The above deleted scene was transcribed from a draft of the the script to The Man Without a Face (1993) (screenplay by Malcolm MacRury, based on Isabelle Holland’s 1972 YA novella of the same name).
The scene would have occurred directly after the “waxing poetic” scene from the film where Charles comes home and happily questions his Mother about her knowledge of Shakespeare but before the scene where McLeod acts out Portia’s “quality of mercy” monologue from The Merchant of Venice.
The actors involved would have been Nick Stahl and Margaret Whitton.
Contextual note 1: The Latin phrase Chuck’s Mother finds is a reference to a dropped extended scene from the script. Charles believes he has found the closest Latin equivalent to “fuck you” -- he uses it to insult his older sister, Gloria.
Contextual note 2: Chuck’s comment about “the red hair” is a reference back to an alternate bit of dialogue that didn’t make the film. In the beginning of the film, when Gloria laughs about Charles needing more time than others his age to study their Mother says “It’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s like having red hair.”
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mysticpetals · 4 years
Hi can you write something about Man without The face and MC thank you i like writings
Warnings: kind of Stockholm syndrome, mc being tied up/restrained, dark fic
You closed your eyes, squeezing them tightly as you felt the man caress your face with his gloved hands. Teeth gritted with the effort to keep quiet, you were sure your jaw would hurt for days after this.
His eyes were dark, wild and intently looking into yours. You refused to back down, letting him see the defiance in you as you glared back.
The sound of an amused chuckle made you scowl as he stepped back and came to stand behind your chair, the ropes making sure that you couldn't move even if you'd wanted to.
"Why don't you understand? I'm saving you," he murmured in a low voice.
You felt his breath on your neck as he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss on the skin there. You willed yourself to not flinch at the action, but not managing to repress a shudder as he dragged his nose along the column of your throat.
"They're all using you. They're trying to hurt you, lead you astray. But not me."
He came forward to face you once again and this time, there was something else in his eyes, something that you refused to acknowledge. He placed his hands on yours, frowning as you balled your fists.
"I'm the only one who knows the truth. And the only one who dares to act on it," he continued, "I know things about them that would make your toes curl. You think I'm the monster? You haven't even seen a tenth of them."
His constant declarations of being right had never bothered you. You knew he was wrong and that was it. But how much more could you withstand, without beginning to doubt?
The flicker of uncertainty in your eyes did not go unnoticed by him as he smiled at you, the action unusually gentle for someone like him. How did you classify someone as him though?
"You'll know. I just have to get the proofs because I know you won't believe me," there was a certain sorrow in his tone when he said that, "but I'm not giving up. I won't let them ruin your life. I'll show you."
He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and made to hold your hand again. This time, you didn't protest.
The brilliant smile he gave you in turn had your heart clenching painfully in your chest.
"I'll be back soon," he kissed your forehead and made his way to the door.
Strangely, you hoped he would be.
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duskwoodraven · 2 years
Duskwood Episode 10 spoilers!!
When TMWAF took off his mask:
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
Spoiler🔴 so far it makes sense, Richy is the first marked just before the search, after not sending the video of Cleo to the group he's the one that suggests it was sent to someone else first, the one who insists not to put effort into TMWAF, also the one who goes into the forest without actual care, to the dare house, and he doesn't put real input when Lilly wants to kick us from the group, or maybe I'm reading too much into it?
No, so of course it depends on whether Everbyte saw Richy as MWAF from the beginning.
But no, I don’t think you interpret too much in it, you’re absolutely right, unfortunately it’s sad, but true. Richy’s behavior was just right for the MWAF all the time and he often behaved strangely. That’s why he became the prime suspect for almost every Duskwood player.
But now that we can look at everything, his behavior and what he did, it makes even more sense and it was clear that it was Richy. The things you have listed fit together. Way too good.
Well, and when we think about how often Richy wasn’t there, but Jessy was looking for him at the workshop etc, it fits.
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anonymous-l-o-v-e-r · 2 years
Dunno if anyone realized this but if you watch carefully, you can see that TMWAF is waiting for Thomas when he's going upstairs, making sure that he's being recorded. Well I think the whole scene is just like that. it's obvious that he actually know Thomas and Jessy are in the house but pretend that he's not. I dunno but I think it's funny😂
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jakescomputer · 3 years
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ahem, so..
jake is fred.
mc is daphne.
cleo/jessy is velma.
dan is shaggy.
richy/thomas is scooby doo.
lilly is scrappy doo.
and ofc alan and tmwaf are the bad guys.
(hannah is the first victim that made the group find out about the... mystery and the bad guys. phil is a suspect. and the other side characters are...side characters.amy is the second victim. alfie is an eyewitness).
that's all.
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lalalupsiesblog · 3 years
Chapter 3 Expect the unexpected
After I hugged everyone (and when I say hugged I mean I suffocated everyone in my embrace) we all sat down and they started explaining what had happened.
Dan- So because I am the one with the gun I'll start. When Hannah's phone rang and we picked up, as you also heard, it was TMWAF. We all panicked when he said he knew where we were, but when the lights turned off and Jessy started screaming,I thought it was a good idea to try shooting on the ground so that they stopped panicking.
Jessy- Yeah like it's a great idea to shoot while everyone is panicking,Dan, they won't lose their shit more, said Jessy and she rolled her eyes.
Dan- Hey, what was I supposed to do, you all were screaming and shouting. At least I did something.
Lilly- Yeah Yeah whatever Dan. So I was so shocked that the lights went out and I heard shooting inside the room that I accidentally ended the call. When the lights turned back on, as it was just a black out for a few seconds, I was still shocked and I forgot to call you again and say that we were all right.
Cleo- We are sorry we made you worried about us Mari. That wasn't our intension. But we didn't think it was a good idea to keep our phones on, because as you know, we could be trucked by the freak so we turned them off immediately after.
Lilly- Only then I thought that we should have contacted you before doing that, but we couldn't risk it.
Thomas- We really are sorry. We made you worry and you came here. You are in greater danger than us and yet you came for us.
I was just staring at them. Was it the shock? The tension? I don't know but I could not speak. But then an idea popped up.
Mari- Hey. Would it be too much if I asked you all to come with me right now? You can stay in my house, I have space for all of you. If that's not a problem..
They all looked skeptical at first but then agreed.
Thomas- Yeah it would be a good idea. The further we are the safest we feel.
Jessy- I wish we didn't let everything behind...
Mari- You aren't. I'm gonna continue investing from my house. I have enough clues. And Jake...he will help, at that point I looked at Lilly and she gave me a bright smile.
Dan- What are we waiting for, let's leave now.
They didn't puck a lot, just their clothes and Thomas took Hannah's phone with him, turned off the gps and WiFi and gave it to me to turn it off. We went in our cars, me and Lilly on mine, Cleo and Dan on Cleo' s and Thomas and Jessy on Thomas'. Lilly was a good company, until she started talking about Jake.
Lilly- So... I'm gonna have my sister back. My brother with me. And another sister will come in the family, she smirked.
Mari- What do you mean, I said confused but I knew deep down where this was going.
Lilly- Well, aren't you and Jake a couple? When you finally get married you'll be my sister not just in name!
Mari- Lilly, we are not a couple and I don't know if that's even possible to happen...I...I had a fight with Jake. After the call I was devastated. I thought that you all died, at this point I tears started forming in my eyes. Jake called me immediately,he knew I was crying. He tried calming me down but I just threw my problems and my anger on him. But he was also hurting and I hurt him even more. I broke our promise to not come in Duskwood and...and...I thought he broke his promise first...but you were all fine...and...
Oh my I was sobbing. It's good that we were almost there because I wasn't in any condition to drive further.
Lilly- You know he won't hate you for that, right. He can understand you better than any of us and you can too. You have a weird but beautiful connection. Everyone can feel that. And as for Jake. He really cares about you, you know.
Mari- I know. I don't just care about your brother Lilly. I really do love him, saying it out loud really was embarrassing but that were my feelings. I may have never seen his face or heard his real voice. But I don't care. I love him with all my heart.
Lilly- I know. He does too, even if he won't admit....
Mari- Something isn't right.
Lilly- What?
Mari- I stopped the car immediately in front of my house and the others parked behind me. I rushed out and looked at the gate of my house being slightly open. I didn't leave the gate open when I left.
Thomas- what is going on?
Mari- someone is here.
Mari- Dan give me the gun.
Dan- Um. Are you sure? I mean do you even know how to use it??
I just looked at him. He didn't think twice and gave me the gun.
Mari- Stay behind me.
We started going from the gate to the front door. There was standing someone and I saw him desperately banging on the door and trying to break the code? He was wearing a black hoodie and grey sweatpants. I walked closer and pointed the gun at him. The others were shocked.
Mari- who are you and what do you want in my house? It sounds more like a plead than a threat.
The strange figure froze up. He turned around and what I saw made me freeze right there. In front of me was standing a man, a tall man with a mask on his face and deep blue ocean eyes. i could tell they were swollen. This man was crying. He didn't wait a bit and run towards me. He hugged me tight and I was taken aback by his smell. I hugged him back though.
?- I thought I lost you too. I thought you were going to die there. I thought you would leave me and then I just rushed... I didn't know what to do..., I felt tears on my shoulder. He was crying again.
The others were probably looking at us with open mouths and I swear I could hear Dan cursing confused. Bit I didn't care. I received the most loving hug I could ever receive. I was hugging the only person that could make every worry of mine go away.
Mari- It's okay Jake. I'm here safe and sound. Please don't cry..., I said and hugged him more tightly, using my other hand to stroke his hair, as I was hearing him sobbing like a little child. He buried his face in my shoulder and then whispered.
Jake- I wanted to do this for so long...
Mari- Me too...
Dan- Sorry for interrupting you two but what the heck is happening?
A/N Hello hello! I hope you have a great day you all. Sorry for the delay but I'm having exams right know. Today I'll post at a later time chapter 4 as well. Oh and fun fact. While I was writing the end with Dan I just...I just wanted to hit him, lol! I hope you enjoy this part! Take care!❤️
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The Man Without A Face 1993 Original Poster
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The Man Without A Face 1993 Movie✨️
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The Man Without A Face Movie 1993
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The Man Without A Face 1993 Original Poster
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The Man Without A Face 1993 Film
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incorrectduskwood · 4 years
The Man without a Face: I scared them, didn’t I?
Kidnapper: they’re terrified of you
The Man without a Face: that makes me so happy!
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