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Some twisting roads tomodachi life moments
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[PowerBi] ¿Qué es TMDL?
Hace un tiempo que Microsoft ha anunciado TMDL. Puede que muchos se preguntaran qué es y porque aún no vemos cambios. La respuesta pasa porque es un concepto que estaba más de fondo, más en el código.
Hace tiempo que la comunidad de Power Bi traia algunos dolores no resueltos con desarrollos complejos. Pasando por el versionado y repositorio de código hasta la replicación de lógicas o formatos complejos. Este nuevo concepto puede ayudarnos.
Dado que a partir del último release de PowerBi Desktop vamos a poder visualizarlo en una vista propia, hemos decidido escribir este artículo para comprender de que se trata y porque es importante.
Vamos a comenzar como gusta hacer aqui en LaDataWeb con su definición de libro directa de Microsoft.
El lenguaje de definición de modelos tabulares (TMDL) es una sintaxis de definición del modelo de objetos para los modelos de datos tabulares en el nivel de compatibilidad 1200 o superior.
En palabras más simples es código. Un lenguaje que podemos disponibilizar para los modelos tabulares modernos. Ahora, ¿por que querriamos disponibilizarlo? por las razones antes mencionadas. Si tenemos activado el uso de este código, entonces podríamos resguardar mucho mejor un historial de versiones, resolver conflictos entre trabajos en paralelo en un repositorio; replicar conceptos, lógicas o formatos, etc.
¿Cómo se relaciona con PowerBi Desktop?
¿Recuerdan que hace un tiempo hablabamos de "Guardar como proyecto" a un archivo de Power Bi en este artículo? Bueno, ahi estabamos dando los primeros pasos para desagregar un pbix en archivos de código. En ese momento el formato por defecto no era muy amigable y tenía ciertos conflictos para interpretarlo o combinarlo en desarrollos concurrentes. Por esta razón se crea TMDL para facilitarnos la lectura, comprensión y uso.
Veamos su estructura que busca ayudarnos:
Lo primero es que podremos leer a un desarrollo de PowerBi en archivos de código. Antes de asustarnos sepamos que puede abrirse desde Power Bi Desktop como siempre o con VScode y una extensión TMDL.
A la izquierda en la imagen podemos apreciar la estructura de nuestro archivo de PowerBi desagregada. Dividida en reporte y modelo semántico. Así mismo detecta conceptos como cultura, perspectiva, roles o tablas. Todo materia de cosas que ya hemos visto en el mismo programa. Estos archivos de código estan por conceptos. Por ejemplo la imagen muestra un archivo de tabla. La estrcutura del archivo esta siempre bajo definiciones de la tabla como nombres, medidas o columnas a la izquierda y en un color y sus características o propiesdades con una sangría que ayuda a dividir a quien pertenece. Si quieren ver el detalle de las sentencias en fino pueden pasar por aqui: https://learn.microsoft.com/es-es/analysis-services/tmdl/tmdl-overview?view=asallproducts-allversions
¿De que nos sirve este código? ¿Puedo seguir desarrollando igual que siempre?
Lo cierto es que quien desarrolla puede seguir igual que siempre. La diferencia pasa por nuevas opciones. Un desarrollador interiorizado con esto, podrá copiar y replicar este código. Código que tiene propiedades, formatos, lógicas, visualizaciones configuradas, etc. Antes tal vez era imposible pensar en copiar valores de una visualización entre dos archivos de power bi, o pensar en copiar medidas, inclusive roles. Nos la pasabamos recreando en lugar de copiar. Imaginen si la comunidad comienza a compartir patrones de este código como por ejemplo convertir un gráfico de lineas en uno de puntos o de barras redondeadas como ya se ha visto en videos al alcance de un copiar y pegar.
Conflictos en equipo
Este concepto no solo pasa por la replicación y desarrollo basado en código. También añade una más simple solución al momento de tratar conflictos de código entre dos desarrollos. Ya habíamos mencionado en posts anteriores que guardar como proyecto ayudaba a que dos desarrolladores pudieran usar un repositorio, hacer pull del contenido, modificarlo y devolverlo al ambiente apropiado. Sin embargo, cuando dos de ellos manipulan conceptos similares aparece un conflicto. Por ejemplo, los dos modifican la misma medida o agregan medidas en la misma tabla. Con TMDL, podemos identiciar fácilmente la diferencia y hasta combinar los códigos para que convivan a diferencia de la modalidad antigua TMSL (basada en json). Con todo esto queremos aclarar el beneficio pero no queremos entrar en tanto detalle técnico de merges porque podríamos escribir varios artículos del tratamiento.
Primeros pasos
Para dar inicio y comenzar a estudiar este código, recomiendo leerlo sobre archivos de PowerBi con los que estén familiarizados. Lo primero será guardar nuestro PowerBi como proyecto. Luego tenemos dos métodos para ver el código.
1- Visual studio code extensión TMDL
Para quienes les gusten más las pantallas negras y vivir del código seguramente encontrar este espacio más familiar. Basta con instalar la extensió: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=analysis-services.TMDL
2- Power Bi Desktop TMDL view
De momento está en preview, lo que significa que tenemos que activiarla en las opciones de Desktop. Una vez activada veríamos un nuevo icono a la izquierda. Solo con abrirlo y arrastrar un objeto a su canva podremos comenzar a ver el código:
Este tema va a revolucionar los desarrollos de la reportería. Tanto si nos sumamos a la ola como si no lo hacemos, indiscutiblemente es un concepto que va a dirrumpir el mercado con sus posibilidades de generar scripts para la comunidad de reutilización y trabajar en equipo comodamente. Como un beneficio adicional les comparto que si usamos código, podemos usar Github Copilot que ayudaría bastante en los desarrollos.
#power bi#powerbi#power bi argentina#power bi cordoba#power bi jujuy#power bi tutorial#power bi training#power bi tips#power bi desktop#ladataweb#power bi TMDL#TMDL
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What is pebbles favorite food
fucking idk. Crackers
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fucking bombed that midterm. verbatim:
14. What does TMDL stand for?
totally missed dat lecture

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Dual Lead Worm Gear Hollow Rotary Tables
Dual Lead Worm Gear Hollow Rotary Tables are constructed with two leads. One flank of the worm thread and its mating sides of the wheel teeth are manufactured with one lead, and the other flank and its mating wheel teeth to a slightly different lead. Dual Lead Worm Gear Hollow Rotary Tables have higher features by 1 arc minute, Adjustable backlash! ● Grinding gear design, can bear higher moment of inertia and impact force ● High rigidity, high load, output integrated cross roller bearing ● Adopting a dual lead worm structure with adjustable backlash Model Selection code of Dual Lead Worm Gear Hollow Rotary Tables:
Technical Parameters of Dual Lead Worm Gear Hollow Rotary Platforms: Specification TMDL-60 TMDL-85 TMDL-130 TMDL-200 TMDL280 Reduction ratio 30/60/90 10.25/30/60/90 10.25/30/60/90 10.25/30/60/90 30/60/90 Admissible thrust load (Kgs) 50 60 160 250 480 Bearings High rigidity, high load, output integrated cross roller bearing Lifespan (Hours) 20000 positioning accuracy (arc-min) ≤1′ ≤1′ ≤1′ ≤1′ ≤1′ Rotation platform plane jumping (mm) ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤0.01 Rotation platform radial runout (mm) ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤0.01 Protection class(IP) IP40 IP40 IP40 IP40 IP40 Weight(kgs) 1.0kgs 2.5kgs 5.5kgs 15kgs 45kgs Servo motor/Stepper 42 Servo motor/42 stepper 60 Servo motor/57 stepper 60 Servo motor/57 stepper 80 Servo motor/86 stepper 130 Servo motor Options Driver and Cable Driver and cable provided if Motor provided by Tallman Robotics Limited (Usually, we configure Delta, Inovance ) Face rotating Plate Provided if needed.(Drawing provided by the clients) Sensors Photoelectric sensor, brackets, sensor plates, screws are for options. You are welcome to watch more projects or visit our website to check other series or load down e-catalogues for further technical data. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@tallmanrobotics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tallmanrobotics Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tallman-robotics Production of Dual Lead Hollow Rotary Tables:
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796:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ df6b-L4XV):2024/01/09(火) 12:07:20.37 ID:sR7f11b30
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810:底名無し沼さん (スッップ Sd9f-Fssb):2024/01/09(火) 13:16:30.56 ID:aZVwCfEid
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827:底名無し沼さん (アウアウウー Saa3-/60I):[sage]:2024/01/09(火) 21:43:12.82 ID:uDDIV6qua
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829:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ ff85-VYEz):[sage]:2024/01/09(火) 21:47:17.03 ID:EV5TWDnh0
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834:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ df76-/C01):2024/01/09(火) 22:51:32.35 ID:MbqAGVhY0
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835:底名無し沼さん (JP 0H4f-URQ2):[sage]:2024/01/09(火) 23:01:01.78 ID:LeoQ/GEAH
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839:底名無し沼さん (JP 0H4f-URQ2):[sage]:2024/01/10(水) 00:36:59.76 ID:OGQlxCSYH
885:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ ff6e-zynb):2024/01/10(水) 18:24:31.93 ID:q5R9EU5z0
あれ? どこだったか忘れたけどヒュッテ跡辺を徘徊???
911:底名無し沼さん (スプッッ Sd1f-Fssb):2024/01/11(木) 07:43:42.46 ID:JYCD1XHEd
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890:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 5feb-84kE):2024/01/10(水) 19:47:34.27 ID:e04ASxgB0
935:底名無し沼さん (ブーイモ MM4f-zynb):2024/01/11(木) 13:29:17.39 ID:EIj9VZ0NM
838:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ df6b-L4XV):2024/01/10(水) 00:20:53.57 ID:jz20XmrA0
846:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ ff85-VYEz):[sage]:2024/01/10(水) 06:13:21.11 ID:LnWjfh3L0
840:底名無し沼さん (JP 0H4f-URQ2):[sage]:2024/01/10(水) 00:43:06.00 ID:OGQlxCSYH
845:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ ffe3-FHFU):[sage]:2024/01/10(水) 05:16:21.27 ID:Uzsyu0an0
847:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ dfc7-NF1f):2024/01/10(水) 06:45:00.26 ID:ShBskQ3P0
851:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ ffe3-FHFU):[sage]:2024/01/10(水) 07:04:14.50 ID:Uzsyu0an0
859:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ df7a-Ui3Y):[sage]:2024/01/10(水) 10:21:19.16 ID:ksEaeiRv0
860:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 7f59-E7Yk):[sage]:2024/01/10(水) 10:44:12.90 ID:UyVjZ6iW0
871:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ df7a-Ui3Y):[sage]:2024/01/10(水) 14:39:11.12 ID:ksEaeiRv0
841:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ df6b-L4XV):2024/01/10(水) 00:45:42.67 ID:jz20XmrA0
853:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ dfbb-gxrN):[sage]:2024/01/10(水) 08:36:52.19 ID:XdJ3QmXV0
854:底名無し沼さん (エムゾネ FF9f-tfBX):[sage]:2024/01/10(水) 08:43:33.82 ID:R1nJcl0HF
856:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ df3a-eZs7):[sage]:2024/01/10(水) 09:56:46.82 ID:5txplFZg0
857:底名無し沼さん (エムゾネ FF9f-tfBX):[sage]:2024/01/10(水) 09:59:40.35 ID:rfrmwu17F
861:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ df02-FHFU):[sage]:2024/01/10(水) 12:16:43.79 ID:isOvbhqz0
863:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 5fff-4QlN):2024/01/10(水) 12:57:46.81 ID:MfhjRETz0
864:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 7f21-j834):2024/01/10(水) 14:05:48.12 ID:GOzhbl3i0
868:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 7f54-ipwt):2024/01/10(水) 14:15:33.37 ID:mD2jktgf0
876:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ ffb0-L4XV):2024/01/10(水) 16:53:12.33 ID:J8sNR3Sp0
880:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 7fa9-dvWY):[sage]:2024/01/10(水) 17:21:21.09 ID:JyeBhc4i0
881:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ ffb0-L4XV):2024/01/10(水) 17:23:15.84 ID:J8sNR3Sp0
882:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ dfd6-Qq59):2024/01/10(水) 17:24:43.18 ID:KH7nS1ds0
886:底名無し沼さん (ワッチョイ 5fff-l196):[sage]:2024/01/10(水) 18:56:56.84 ID:ZIicpDYW0
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I hope you understand that our tmdl miis have fought before
blocking you isn't enough I need to have a tomodachi life style fight with you where we throw shit at each other and also I'm on fire
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been forever since i’ve been on here on my laptop and i wanted to at least update my age on my blog, but because i haven’t been on in forever, there’s an error message about my theme when i try to save and i have no idea what it means or when this change even happened lol
#tatsgato#it's talking about using non-https assets in the theme...#i stopped paying attention to computer/coding stuff years ago. what do you want/#?#i just want to have my actual age again lol#its been 2 years#i really don't want to have to look for a new theme... it's not worth it...#tmdl
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Small break from vacation photos to post some work photos! Got to kayak and wade into waist deep river water today... and I get paid to do this! Work adventures are always welcomed and I'm lucky to have the job that I do. Jumping off a river raft and onto a kayak at an estuary is the life 🤙 #venturacalifornia #kayaking #tmdl #aquaticbioassay #adventure #adventureisoutthere #lifeasageologist #geologist #geology #waders #wadersaresexy #watersampling (at Ventura, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ciy6shouHdH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Ganpati Bappa Morya!! Happy Ganesh Chaturthi guys!! 🐘🥳❤️ #TMDL #thatsmydesilife T-Shirt available for purchase - TMDLshop.com #indian #desi #desiswag #indianstore #desimask #desitshirt #bollywood #bollywoodswag #bollywoodtshirt #indianlife #desilife #indianmeme #indianmemes #desimeme #desimemes #ganpati #ganesh #ganpatifestival #ganpatibappa #ganpatibappamorya (at Thats My Desi Life Shop) https://www.instagram.com/p/CENy429nJ80/?igshid=irh4fwbfxlb7
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GUESS WHAT BOLLYSTARS!?! My sister, Simran, and I have been working hard to open an online shop called “Thats My Desi Life Shop” - TMDL!! It's filled with various desi products such as: Bollywood t-shirts, masks with funny sayings, bottles with different symbols etched on them, and much more! Go check it out! See our full inventory at TMDLshop.com and come join our journey @tmdlshop where I will soon be posting behind the scene pictures and videos 🤗 I am really excited to be starting this brand new venture with my sister, and to be honest, we are having a lot of fun. It’s been a great way to stay busy during the global quarantine. Our motto? Flaunt Your Desi Pride!!! I hope you like it! 🥰❤️🌟 🌟 #imabollystar #TMDLshop #TMDL #thatsmydesilife (at Thats My Desi Life Shop) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDh-lT1gKSK/?igshid=1ftzqt6s9rlw3
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A post by @pnwprotectors The Columbia River once produced more salmon than any river on Earth.🐟An estimated 16 million salmon returned from the ocean to their natal rivers every year. Columbia River salmon support the entire ecosystem and the critically endangered 72 remaining southern resident orcas. The EPA suggested lowering environmental standards as they are too difficult to meet with 14 dams heating and killing salmon. The obvious solution is breaching the lower four snake river dams. Let’s be a voice for the salmon and orcas. 🚨The EPA IS accepting public comments (an email) until August 20th. 🚨You can download an email, template in bio. 📧Let’s all send an email to: [email protected] Here are some facts about this situation: • The (total maximum daily level) TMDL report shows the snake river water is so hot behind the 14 dams, it’s killing salmon. • The most consistent, environmental and economic solution after copious studies spanning 20+ years is breaching the Lower Four Snake River Dams. A free flowing river is a cold river where salmon can swim, spawn, survive and thrive. • The southern resident orcas’ cousins, the bigg’s orcas, live in the same loud, polluted sea waters and yet they are thriving. The difference is food. • The southern resident orcas are starving as their primary food force: chinook salmon is nearing extinction due to dams, hot water, overfishing and pollution. • Lack of food is the critical reason why SRKW are careening toward extinction. • When the SRKW have access to more salmon they will survive extinction, we will save two species from extinction and the Columbia & snake river basin will see an 8 billion dollar increase economically. 📸: J37 “Hy’Shqa, J22 “Oreo”, J38 “Cookie” https://www.instagram.com/p/CDybpzWh6Kk/?igshid=1qzcqhh32kt06
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Excerpt from this Grist story:
In early January, members of the Chesapeake Bay Commission sat in a gray conference room in Annapolis, Maryland, for a routine meeting. The 21-member legislative body, with representatives from Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Maryland, convenes regularly to coordinate interstate efforts to restore and protect the Chesapeake Bay. But as the meeting drew to a close, EPA Chesapeake Bay Program director Dana Aunkst got up and delivered a demoralizing message to the group.
“The TMDL itself is not enforceable,” he said. He was referring to the Total Maximum Daily Load, a set of science-based limits for three pollutants — nitrogen, phosphorous, and sediment — flowing into the bay. The states in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed have agreed to achieve the TMDL by 2025, and the EPA committed to enforcing it under the terms of a 2010 settlement. But Aunkst went on to describe the TMDL as merely “an informational document” that was “aspirational.”
Aunkst’s comments were jarring to some in the room, but they weren’t entirely out of left field. Pennsylvania, by far the largest source of pollution entering the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, has failed to meet its pollution reduction benchmarks for years, with little response from the EPA. This single state’s negligence threatens the success of the entire regional program.
The Chesapeake is the largest estuary in the United States, a nationally significant economic resource, and a crucial habitat for thousands of species. But the influx of pollution from upstream sources has led to fishery declines, recurring “dead zones” where pollutants starve aquatic animals of oxygen, and regular algae blooms that suffocate underwater plant life. Even after nearly 10 years of strategic planning and implementation of these pollution reduction plans by neighboring states, its overall health is still poor.
And Pennsylvania seems increasingly to blame. In August of last year, the state’s Department of Environmental Protection released its third and final Watershed Implementation Plan, or WIP. The plan admitted that PA was only about 30 percent closer to achieving its target for nitrogen pollution than it had been in the 1980s. Not only was the Keystone State entering the final phase of the cleanup far behind where it should have been, but the state’s plan for phase three still had it falling 25 percent short of the 2025 target. That underwhelming plan also had a funding deficit of about $324 million per year. In December, the EPA signed off on the plan with no indication of imposing consequences.
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Hoyer Asks EPA to Clarify Position on TMDLs
Hoyer Asks EPA to Clarify Position on TMDLs
House and Senate members joined Congressman Steny H. Hoyer in pressing the Environmental Protection Agency to clarify its position on the enforcement of the Chesapeake Bay Agreement Total Maximum Daily Load, or TMDLs, pollution reduction targets.
Rep. Hoyer (D-MD) and Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) led a bicameral letter with 18 of their colleagues to EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler urging the…
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Double Lead Worm Gear Hollow Rotary Tables
Double lead worm gear hollow rotary tables are specialized mechanical devices used in various applications, particularly in machining and automation. They combine the features of a worm gear with a hollow design, allowing for efficient rotation and positioning of objects or tools while providing an open center that can accommodate other components, such as shafts or cables. Key Features of Double Lead Worm Gear Hollow Rotary Platforms: 1 arc minute,adjustable backlash ●Grinding gear design, can bear higher moment of inertia and impact force ●Adopting a dual lead worm structure with adjustable backlash ●High rigidity, high load, output integrated cross roller bearing A double lead worm gear has two starts, allowing for faster rotation and greater positional accuracy compared to single lead designs.The gear mechanism converts rotational motion into linear motion and provides a high gear reduction ratio, which helps in achieving precise control over the angular movement. Hollow Design: The hollow feature provides an unobstructed passage through the center of the table, which is useful for applications where routing of other components (like coolants, sensors, or materials) is necessary. This design also helps in reducing the overall weight and can lead to simplified setup in automated systems. Rotary Motion: These tables enable precise rotary motion, making them suitable for tasks like CNC machining, indexing, and assembly processes. They are often used in applications needing high precision, such as aerospace, automotive, and medical device manufacturing. Load Capacity: These rotary tables are engineered to support varying loads and can be designed to handle heavy components without compromising the precision of the movement. Applications: Used in combinations with CNC machines for intricate fabrications. Integrated into robotic arms for improved flexibility. Employed in positioning systems for laser cutting and engraving. Model Selection code of Double Lead Worm Gear Hollow Rotary Tables:
Technical Parameters of Double Lead Worm Gear Hollow Rotary Platforms: Specification TMDL-60 TMDL-85 TMDL-130 TMDL-200 TMDL280 Reduction ratio 30/60/90 10.25/30/60/90 10.25/30/60/90 10.25/30/60/90 30/60/90 Admissible thrust load (Kgs) 50 60 160 250 480 Bearings High rigidity, high load, output integrated cross roller bearing Lifespan (Hours) 20000 positioning accuracy (arc-min) ≤1′ ≤1′ ≤1′ ≤1′ ≤1′ Rotation platform plane jumping (mm) ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤0.01 Rotation platform radial runout (mm) ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤0.01 ≤0.01 Protection class(IP) IP40 IP40 IP40 IP40 IP40 Weight(kgs) 1.0kgs 2.5kgs 5.5kgs 15kgs 45kgs Servo motor/Stepper 42 Servo motor/42 stepper 60 Servo motor/57 stepper 60 Servo motor/57 stepper 80 Servo motor/86 stepper 130 Servo motor Options Driver and Cable Driver and cable provided if Motor provided by Tallman Robotics Limited (Usually, we configure Delta, Inovance ) Face rotating Plate Provided if needed.(Drawing provided by the clients) Sensors Photoelectric sensor, brackets, sensor plates, screws are for options. You are welcome to watch more projects or visit our website to check other series or load down e-catalogues for further technical data. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@tallmanrobotics Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tallmanrobotics Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tallman-robotics Production of Cam Roller Hollow Rotary Tables:

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