For Astra:
What do you plan to do or change when you become Queen of the Monsters? And which Titans do you like and get along well?
Mothra Astra:
"I'd never thought about being the only heir to the throne. Being a future Queen means guidance and struggle. As a future Queen of the Monsters, I shall continue my role just like my parents: maintaining the Order and Natural Balance of the Earth at any risks and responsibilities, and defending the humanity against any threats that shall come forth. Even at means of being the Star Goddess' avatar and the Bridge of the Celestial Law and Order. The Angel of Stars will once keeping the celestial bodies in check and keeping the spiritual vow to those deceased ones. That two important roles are my main responsibility."
"And as for the Titans, well, I like Anguirus and Rodan a lot as if they were my uncles/godfathers. I met Methuselah, the oldest and wisest Titan who says that he knew much about my Dad and Mom, and a good teacher too. Then there's Scylla, who seems piqued my appearance and is happy about me being the future heir to my parents. Then Behemoth, who always there to watch me when my Mom and Dad are away and I like him growing rarest plants and flowers that his humanity's tribe gave me their gifts about special herbs. Also, I met Na Kika and Tiamat; Na Kika seems really shy of our first meeting and is friendly, she loves talking about me; and as for Tiamat, well...she's somewhat jealous about my beauty, sheeesh, even Dad told her to piss off somewhere else. I haven't met the others, mostly because of Dad and Mom being around and feared about fighting, some won't submit while others do."
"And yes, Na Kika is not the only Titan whom I like the most. An aviary Titan whose name was Minokawa. She's a giant feathery Titan who knew my parents very much; we both shared the island we currently resided for (the Philippines in the present day). She's extremely territorial yet she is very kind for the good and needy ones. She is worshipped by her people who is known for her title as " The Solar Angel ". She says that it is because she harness the power of the Sun and all, but only for her purpose to defend and she can control the climate as well."
"I hope Minokawa is okay, I haven't seen her since my metamorphosis stage. Probably laid dormant from her volcanic home..."
"Anyway, thanks for the question!"
"One more thing. If you are curious about Minokawa, you can try asking her a question too!"
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matchalovertrait · 2 months
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Mimli and Smeagie's first interaction with humans went rather smoothly 😁😁 ....kinda.
Transcript under the cut:
Mimli: Ugh, people.
Meredith: Howdy! We’re the Roswells. Welcome to Strangerville.
[(Ted's) Only here because it’s his “duty” as mayor.]
Mimli: Greetings! My name is Mimli.
Meredith: I'm Meredith and Ted is the mayor. Please let us know if you need anything.
Smeagie: Borf borf!!
Mimli: Um Smeagie... Your disguise...
Ted: What in tarnation is that thing????
Mimli: Ahem... You see, my poor dog here was a victim of awful animal experimentation. I saved him. Smeagie has been through enough. Please be kind to him.
[Smeagie looks at Ted in agreement even though it's all lies.]
Smeagie: Wow, Mimli is good at this!
Meredith: Teddy! The poor dog is traumatized. What kind of welcome is this?
Ted: Oh... I'm sorry.
Ted: Excuse me. I need to get going now. It's... work stuff...
Meredith: Again welcome and so sorry, Mimli and Smeagie!
Smeagie: I messed up badly...
Mimli: No worries! Stop by anytime. Please don't actually...
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zoozvie · 1 month
an ocean's sunset burned my heart
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❀ Levi Ackerman/Mermaid Original Character
.First Meeting. .Part Two.
❀ content: modern/fantasy au, meet-cute "I hit you with my surfboard and fell on/for you", interspecies awkwardness, nonbinary Hange, language barrier, Levi is awkward, not much plot, fluffy flirting with their eyes, no smut for future editions
❀ wc 3.2k — Read it on Ao3! Do not repost.
❀❀ The last thing Levi expected was to encounter another person in the water after wiping out, on the private cove that came along with their rented beach house. Less so, someone with fins.
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The sun beat down on Levi’s covered shoulders as he turned to watch his friends mess around on the shore. Their weekend getaway to the coast was made to distract everyone from their obligations and catch up on each other's lives, even after Levi pointed out that they couldn’t say much about themselves if they weren’t allowed to talk about their jobs. Hange countered that Levi would be the only person with that problem since he didn’t do anything besides work, much to everyone else’s amusement.
Currently, Levi floated atop his board a healthy distance away from the sandy beach. It wasn’t his first decision to swim in the ocean with who-knows-what and how-many germs, but it was made for him when Hange started kicking up sand as they tried to sabotage Miche in a race of who could build the best castle faster. Levi quickly scurried off from under his shady umbrella before sand got uncomfortably in his trunks to find an extra board from Erwin’s truck.
Children, both of them.
Beach day wasn’t the worst idea, he supposed. It was predicted to be a record high today, for this time of year, the humidity making everyone sweat through their few layers of clothes. Regardless, the cold ocean splash felt nice through his wet shirt, washing off the branding rays of sunlight. Or it would if Levi was doing more than lazily kicking to steer himself in wide circles gently.
A wave crashing further out drew his attention, or should he say the giant splash within the wave was more noticeable. Erwin surfaced with his board, smiling, and swimming closer to Levi.
“I’m going to head in for a break, want anything to drink when I get back?” Erwin asked.
Levi always appreciated Erwin’s calmness, he knew not to push Levi into doing anything like forcing him to have fun on their escapades. Of the four of them, Hange was the most exhausting to be around. Miche fell second only because he sometimes joined Hange in their antics, although he was the least talkative. Erwin was a respectful, gentlemanly, charming bastard. Levi knew from experience how masochistic it is to argue with the witty man, which is part of the reason why he was grateful they both butt heads enough when they were younger to learn when to back off.
Everyone knew how to get on his damn nerves.
Levi sighed and said, “I’ll take one of the shitty margaritas Hange made.”
Erwin chuckled, “Which kind?”
“Whichever wouldn’t kill me. I’ll be up there in a minute.”
“Alright, be careful surfing alone.” Erwin departed with powerful front strokes to pull him into shore. Easier done by Erwin than a normal fucking person, as usual.
Levi watched as after Erwin went past the other two, presumably telling them what he was doing, Hange scooped up and chucked two fistfuls of sand at Mike’s structure before taking off. Miche reacted quickly by chasing after them, throwing them over his shoulder, and rubbing in his revenge with a few good stomps to their sand… whatever that was supposed to be, before carrying them in the direction Erwin went.
As dumb and overbearing and annoying as they all can be, they’re good people.
Yeah, Levi hums. They’re good friends.
The incoming tide splashed against his side as Levi looked back out into the open water. The cabin was only a short walk from the beach they currently occupied, the cove beautiful and private forming into a crescent shape connecting to the vast open sea. He wouldn’t admit it but Hange did good planning this getaway, or should he say Erwin’s planning and Hange blowing up their group chat with links and ideas they’ve been holding onto for years. Levi’s staycation idea didn’t make the cut, obviously, but he did sneak in an old book he was able to read early in the morning before anyone else woke up. 
Might as well swim, if I’m out here. Levi set his gaze on the waves in front of him waiting patiently before he found what he was looking for. He turned around with his board, now facing the shore. He remembered how to do this, right? It’s been a while but the muscle memory caught up with him as he pushed forward, steadily increasing the heavy paddles of his arms. His center of gravity felt a little unsteady as he forced himself to stand, but he made it well enough as the wave began to roll with his board gliding along the side. The old but familiar exhilaration filled Levi as he started riding the wave. A rare smile grew on his face, and with no one around to see his success, suddenly he was 9 again. It was almost like if he looked over to the shore his mother would be there, her beach shoes in her hand, and a large sun hat covering her head as she waved for Levi to see her. To let him know she was there, watching him, waiting for him to beach his board and run with her to get sweet treats to cool off from the summer sun.
His mind strayed for seconds, but it was long enough to not expect the bottom of his board to knock into what must be a huge rock, uplifting and tipping over immediately. Landing with a huge splash that sucked water up his nose, Levi twisted with the water pushing at him from all sides, thankfully he ended up facing upright. His bleary eyes opened slightly to make sure he didn't run into anything as he pulled himself to the surface. Breeching with a gasp and sputtering out the water that got in his mouth, Fuck, he thought. Didn’t realize how close to the shallows I got. 
He was left slightly disoriented but felt his board shoot out of the water through the strap connecting it to his ankle. Struggling to keep himself afloat while his lungs and eyes burned from the salt water, he turned to see it oddly hold its position sticking straight up in the air. Levi didn’t have much time to wonder before he saw fingers wrap around one side of the board to tilt it back down to float in the water beside them. A feminine face poking out of the water met his gaze after she must have, impressively, caught his board before it landed on her, cocking her head to the side.
The last thing Levi expected was to encounter another person after wiping out, on the private cove that came along with their rented beach house. Regardless, Levi still found it difficult to swim, his muscles suddenly feeling exhausted.
“Sorry.” He choked out before the burn from the salt water flared up at the back of his throat. Throwing him into a coughing fit he tried to direct away from the person swimming in front of him. His nose burned and tears came out of his eyes as he flailed his limbs. 
Light splashing met his ears between breaths of coughing his body convulsed out of him. A warm, really warm, hand lightly wrapped around his bicep before pulling him gently in a direction. His surfboard floated in front of him and he immediately latched onto it, pulling his upper body to lean over the board, Levi focused now on fully clearing his airways. With his body working in survival mode, he didn’t notice the hand that held onto him never left. It began to slowly move across Levi’s back, a comforting gesture as his upper body slowed its involuntary constricting.
It felt like forever before his coughing finally stopped and he rubbed at his face, pathetically wiping the tears and saliva away. His throat didn’t cease its burning but with a few swallows he managed to slightly tilt his head towards the person beside him, uttering a broken “Thank you.”
She didn’t respond, and after a few seconds Levi awkwardly turned to look at her. She floated so quietly he would have forgotten she was there if she wasn’t touching him. Although her hair was wet, it was one of the brightest orange he’d ever seen, framing her face and eyes that were incredibly wide. Her eyes matched her hair in striking appearance, but Levi couldn’t exactly pick out what colors they were, like a kaleidoscope of warm-tone colors. They drew Levi’s attention the most with how strange they were. Beautiful like the reefs of coral that gathered in the clear shallow waters he used to play in.
No, that’s incredibly weird. Levi steeled himself to focus, moving on quickly to seem like he had composure after nearly dying in front of a stranger. His throat felt incredibly raw from the salt, and he made a few strange noises as he stumbled with what he should say.
Settling on, “I didn’t know there were… other people out here.” The silent question behind his statement was left unanswered again, but her hand was removed from his back. They both began to move forward resting on the surfboard like a buoy, in the direction of the beach. Levi’s mind and body felt sluggish as he stumbled to lightly kick his feet to help propel them to shore, but he wasn’t sure it was helping much. Looking ahead, his friends hadn’t come back yet and Levi was grateful no one else witnessed his accident, but he also sort of wished someone else was there to navigate this new interaction. 
As they moved slowly through the water, likely due to his exhaustion, his eyes looked over to watch the stranger he was barely a foot away from. This time he was surprised to see she was watching him as well.
Her hands climbed further onto the board as she leaned her weight to rest like he was, pulling her shoulders to sit up out of the water. Her lips curved into a slight smile like he was amusing, and Levi felt a bit flustered. He was not used to receiving so much direct attention.
His eyes followed the length of her hair down her neck, the ends of it curling in the water, when all train of thought stopped upon seeing she didn’t have any bathing suit straps. Catching his eyes on her shoulders made her smile grow, and she leaned slightly in his direction. 
Levi’s snapped his gaze back up to her face, trying to be respectful. But warmth flooded the tips of his ears unwillingly when a sliver of cleavage caught his sight moments before.
“Uh, you… huh…” he bumbled, stupidly. Some people skinny dip, he knew, but everything about this situation was way too weird for him to deal with right now. Her smiling face didn’t help, but her only response was to reach up and push her hair away from her ear.
Only then did Levi start to connect the dots.
In place of normal rounded, lobed ears, hers were more elven and narrow. A few spiny points that were darker orange at the tips stretched higher than where human ears ended, with webbing connecting the points. It almost resembled a fish’s fin. Is this a prosthetic? Levi couldn’t wrap his mind around what he was looking at. He could have sworn he saw it twitch when he stared long enough.
A prominent splash came from behind them, shaking Levi out of his thoughts. He looked at her face again, and she slowly nodded toward the noise. It wasn’t the biggest surprise, given all the other context clues he had, but it still felt surreal to see a long, wide tail floating near the top of the water behind them connecting to the base of her, yep shirtless, back. 
Wide navigational fins stretched out from the sides of her hips at the top of her tail just out of reach from his side, and the fluke fanned out in a Y shape that rounded like a circle, floating delicately like lace in the water.
“Oh.” was all Levi could mutter.
At his simple response, her shoulders bounced in a silent laugh. Her tail disrupted the surface of the water again as she slipped underneath the surfboard, coming up on the other side after twisting on her back so they faced each other, her tail stretched long enough to float beside Levi. He didn’t give in to the temptation to stare openly, much less to touch the appendage, not wanting to offend her. They surely had huge cultural differences and Levi wasn’t ready to tread that water yet. Lest he drown again.
With her in front of him now, he could see the more obvious things he was too distracted for earlier. Her ears, of course, were one, but looking more closely he could see that the length of her pointed nails weren’t just for show. Probably useful in hunting other(?) fish to eat. Was she technically a fish or a mammal? Maybe some sort of hybrid? Hange would have a field day. Levi groaned in his head. Her fingers had the smallest amount of webbing between them, and her tail's coloring stretched along the sides of her more human torso to cover the bottom of her chest.
They’ve floated close enough that Levi is able to bend his knees to walk slowly up the shore. In silence before he gave one more attempt at breaking the awkwardness, “Do you understand me? Or English, I guess.”
Her face held no indication she understood what he was asking until he tapped his surfboard impatiently. She closed her eyes tightly, opening them only to raise her head and let out a couple of sharp clicks, similar to a dolphin, before reaching under and tapping the bottom of the board just as he did.
Damn, He clicked his tongue out of habit but froze when her eyes widened and leaned toward him expectantly. He noticed her ears tilted forward at the noise, like how a dog or cat's would rotate. She was full of microexpressions he didn’t yet understand.
“Uh, sorry,” he stumbled, but a splash of water landing over his back made him sputter. When he looked he only saw the fin of her tail swaying innocently in the water.
He looked back at her with a blank expression. “...Really?”
Her lips curled into a cheeky smile, thoroughly amused. And he laughed through his nose when she seemed to lose interest and started tracing the lines of his surfboard with her finger.
She’s really…. Levi met her gaze once again. Her eyes glittered almost like there were stars in them.
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Erwin is the first to see her. The group of three stumble back around the tree line already changed into their regular clothes and carrying supplies to begin a bonfire where they will have dinner. Why they must cook food over a fire when renting a perfectly good cabin is because ‘it’s part of the vacation experience,’ as Hange put it. Miche is mostly doing the heavy lifting since Erwin is graciously holding Hange up as they stumble around – pre-gamed as shit – and unsteadily holding two glasses of their mixed concoction.
Erwin’s face remains passive, studying the stranger floating beside his best friend while Hange and Miche freeze before they can crash into him.
Levi became so distracted by Hange’s gasp that he nearly missed the mermaid’s exit. She dipped below the water’s surface without a sound, flexibly bending to the side so she could turn around and swim the opposite way. The brush of her tail against his bare leg sent a shock through him, a lot softer than the sharp scales he expected. He looked behind him again, but the crystal blue water gave nothing to indicate anything… anyone was close by.
He could feel the dehydration headache rearing up fast.
“Levi! Who the hell was that?” Hange’s feet slapped against the wet sand when they ran over to him. It shook him out of his daze, urging him to stand properly with his surfboard out of the water. He cringed at Hange’s loud hollering and attempted to bee-line to where the truck was parked to put everything away.
“Are you alright?” Erwin asked, calmly walking over with Miche behind him.
Levi scoffed at his tone, “I’m fine.” He wanted to flee before Miche could add to the load of overbearing.
“But - but where are you going?” Hange called after him.
“Inside. To rinse off.” Levi didn’t spare any of them a second glance before retreating down the path they came from. Hange kicked sand in Levi’s direction along with their ‘hmph!’
Not able to see anything abnormal in the water, Miche finished bringing his supplies to the picnic bench near the brush and campfire pit. “It doesn’t make sense that someone could swim underwater to the outside of this cove without us seeing them come up for air. But I don’t think all of us could have imagined it.”
Erwin nodded, gesturing for Hange to sit down before they made a mess of their drinks while he cracked open a beer. “Give him time. Levi’s the type to sit with his feelings and only share after he’s processed what happened. I’m sure he knows he can’t ignore talking about it when he returns.”
Miche hummed in agreement and everyone’s energy thankfully calmed enough to continue their dinner with small conversations. 
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An old notebook was in Levi's hand when he came back, tossing it in Hange’s lap before they could even make a sound. His friends stared at him curiously, patiently waiting for him to speak first.
He sighed, rubbing his palms on his thighs, “I wiped out after I caught a wave, she helped me get my bearings and swam me back to shore.” A long pause. “I think I fell ‘cause I hit her.” Hange snorted a laugh.
“So she was just swimming around here?” Erwin asked carefully.
Levi grabbed his drink and sat down nonchalantly on his own chair, “Half-fish or something. She had a tail.” He was never one to bullshit around. “Felt real enough.”
“You felt it?!” Hange scrambled to sit up further, almost tipping over their camp chair.
“Yeah. Well…not really,” Levi gestured to the notebook gripped between Hange’s fingers. “Get your questions in order and then ask me stuff.” Hange ripped open the page and began furiously writing.
“But you’re alright?” Miche asked Levi.
“Sure. Saltwater sucks, I’m more hungry than anything.” he rubbed his eyes in exhaustion.
Erwin reached over to turn the forks over the fire. “We can help with that.”
“Thanks.” he hummed. The camping lights flickered to life as the sky grew darker around them. As Hange’s theoretical chattering filled the gaps between everyone’s conversation, Levi looked over his shoulder towards the ocean.
The sun was almost making its full descent. Burning just above the water now, the vibrant orange, red, and yellow connected firmly on the horizon line with the brilliant blue of the sea. He wasn’t much into art, but the contrast was mesmerizing. At the sound of waves crashing in the distance, energy thrummed to life inside his chest. A pull to join them. Something he hadn’t felt in years.
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dividers by saradika-graphics
Please consider reblogging if you enjoyed!
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keischreiber · 4 months
A Warrior (Once a Soldier)
A friend (Aevi) of mine, gifted me with another fic of Reiner and Kristina. I feel like I am being spoiled. I hope I can return the favor one day.
This story was penned by Andrew Anderson and his website is: https://ibelieveinahappilyeverafter.com
The action scene, the action scene~
Title: A Warrior (Once A Soldier)
Author: ibelieveinahappilyeverafter | Andrew Anderson 
Fandom: Attack On Titan 
Relationship: Reiner Braun/Kristina Qual (OC) 
Word Count: 2,213
Summary: Kristina has once again managed to stay late. This time, however, she has the bad luck to run not into Reiner Braun the Warrior, but into Reiner Braun, the soldier of the 104th.
Unable to help herself from signing the last of her paperwork with a gentle flourish, Kristina leaned back in her chair and sighed. It had taken her the better part of the day to catch up on all her paperwork for the Warrior program, but thankfully she had managed to get it done.
Pushing herself away from her desk and standing up with a light stretch (and a lot of cracks that told her she needed to up her personal exercise regime), Kristina paused as she looked around her office, the hallway that led out into the building, and then at her window. The ‘better part of the day’ had turned into late evening, which certainly explained why it had been so peacefully quiet as she worked.
Sighing and gathering up all her paperwork before sliding it into her desk, Kristina paused and then muttered a quiet, “Damn.” She had promised to meet Reiner in his office so they could discuss a couple of war strategies before presenting them to Commander Magath.
Finishing tidying up what she could, Kristina was quick to slip her outer jacket back on before leaving her office and locking the door behind her. She wasn’t sure if she hoped that Reiner had waited for her or if he had gone home like he no doubt should have hours ago. (The selfish part of her, of course, hoped that he would be there waiting for her with one of those soft smiles of his.)
Pushing that selfish part of her down, at least for the moment, Kristina quickened her pace until she was in front of his office door and then… paused. She couldn’t explain it, couldn’t even put it into words if she wanted, but something suddenly felt wrong. Cautious, she looked around the halls. It was as quiet and empty as it had been a moment ago.
Tensing herself, Kristina lifted up her hand and formed a loose fist (ready to either throw a punch or catch one) before knocking on the door.
“Reiner? It’s Officer Qual. You wanted to meet and discuss strategies?”
There was the very faint sound of movement behind the door, but no answer. That certainly narrowed down her choices on what to do next. There was definitely someone in there, but now the question was if it was Reiner or if it was someone hiding in his office when they weren’t supposed to be. Either way, it meant something was wrong.
Cautiously, and hopeful that everything was actually just fine, she knocked on the door one more time. When no answer came except more faint movement, Kristina took a breath and opened the door.
She was immediately dodging a fist.
Stumbling a few steps back before she regained her footing, Kristina silently cursed herself for slacking off on her training once again before she was lashing out with her own hit, leg coming up with enough force to hopefully knock down whoever had attacked.
When the faint pain hit, she focused to see that an arm had blocked her hit and the eyes of Reiner Braun were glaring into her own. She didn’t get the luxury of staring in shock or gasping, instead immediately moving when he lunged forward for another attack of his own.
She had been trained too hard to waste her breath on trying to ask him what was happening or what he was doing. No. The goal was to pin him and then ask him what the hell he thought he was doing.
“Marleyan scum! Where have you taken me!” Alright, she supposed they were talking, then-
Kristina’s arms ached as she managed to stop him in his tracks for just a moment, long enough to see a swirl of confusion and blankness in his gaze as he looked at her.
Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong.
“Who are you?” Kristina asked, breathless as they separated and Reiner looked at her with contempt. “State your name!”
“I am Reiner Braun of the 104th, soldier of the Survey Corps and of Paradis!” Soldier. He thought himself a soldier.
Before she was even aware of it she was already moving, throwing herself at Reiner and ramming into his center of balance with enough force to have him falling backwards. She heard his cursing and swearing, but paid it no mind as she kept with the momentum, both of them hitting the ground with enough force to make her bones ache.
A burst of adrenaline as he jerked under her was the only reason she found enough strength in her to pin him to the ground by his wrists, straddling his waist in an attempt to not let him get back up.
“Reiner Braun of the 104th is dead!” She winced as her words echoed through the halls, silently grateful that the building seemed empty. Her words were, at the very least, enough to give the man under her pause. “You are not that man. You are Reiner Braun, a Warrior of Marley!”
There was something so painful in his eyes, Kristina silently thought to herself. It was as if he was inches from a death that would never be granted to him. The confusion had cleared, though, and there was a clarity to his eyes that had her releasing him and sliding off of him so she could sit on her knees a few inches away. Reiner slowly sat himself up, that clarity turning to something tortured as he looked at her.
“You are a Warrior,” she repeated, voice quieter than before, enough that she was half-certain he couldn’t even hear her. “You are not one of those devils from Paradis-”
“They weren’t devils.” The words seemed to burst out of him. They were quiet, still, and soft in a way, but they were at the same time frantic. As if they had been burning in his chest and never said. “They weren’t- Paradis, the people there- They were just people. They were just people.”
Kristina swallowed, unable to find it within herself to say anything as those eyes looked at her. When paired with the bitter smile he now had, his expression was half-crazed as he ran a hand through short, shorn hair. “Soldier? Warrior? No, I’m nothing but a monster. Do you know how many I killed? How many innocent people I killed? If anyone’s the devil-!”
Silence fell between them, but Kristina could hear the unspoken I am! that lingered in the air between them.
Finally, Reiner’s gaze dropped from her and Kristina felt like she could breathe again. Whether it was from her relief that he seemed to be back to himself or her guilt that she had been unable to say anything, she couldn’t know. (She had an idea of which was to blame, though. She was well aware that they were all human. All of them just people.)
“Office Qual.” Reiner spoke up in that flat, empty tone, any trace of emotion once there wiped away. “I will accept whatever punishment you bestow upon me for my actions on this day.”
And she could punish him. She was well within her right, seeing as he had attacked her with obvious attempt to harm. Hell, she should be telling Commander Magath about what just transpired. Moreso now that it was clear he had some form of mental instability which could bring harm to future missions he partook in. Instead…
Instead Kristina sat up on her knees, leaned forward, and wrapped her arms around Reiner in a soft embrace. “It’s okay,” she whispered softly, remembering a young boy smiling at her and an offered piece of candy. “Everything is alright, Reiner.”
It was faint, but she felt the man in her arms shift, a hand slowly and hesitantly landing on her back. Kirstina didn’t even try to stop her smile or the way her voice softened even further. “I know, Reiner. I know that the people of that island aren’t devils.” Everything around her went still before there was something between a shiver and a jerk, Kristina having a rough idea of what was happening when she heard the wet gasp of breath.
“How could I not know? Aren’t all of us human?” Of all people, she should know best that there truly was no difference between them. She had read the reports, seen the stories, was in love with one, and heard the first hand accounts. It was a truth that they — her people — didn’t want anyone to know or understand. “I know that they aren’t devils.” Taking a soft breath, she shook her head.
“I believe you,” she finished with a whisper, smiling faintly as she heard another hitched breath and felt Reiner wrap his arm around her in return and pull her closer. She felt his head rested against her shoulder, a drop of something warm and wet hitting her skin that she pretended to not notice.
“I believe you, Reiner.”
Slowly, after what felt like hours of the two of them curled up on the floor, Kristina finally began to move. Their fight, short as it was, had left her tired and faintly sore, and sitting on the floor for so long had certainly done her knees no favors.
Reiner was still silent, gaze locked onto the floor. Kristina didn’t force him to look at her, but she did pull on his arm and force him to his feet. “Come on,” she said softly, leading him into his office. “The building should be empty, by now, but that’s no reason to sit in the middle of the hallway.”
She heard a soft sound, something that could have almost been a laugh if it were any louder. She decided she would take what she was given and go from there, which meant pretending it really was a laugh and Reiner was no longer in danger of having a mental breakdown.
Still, she made sure to be careful as she gently steered him towards his desk chair, sitting him down before looking around the room. It was neat and tidied perfectly, far more than her office ever was, but that just meant it was easy to check and see if there was anything on his desk, any paperwork he had been told to do, that triggered… whatever that had all been.
“It’s not the first time,” Reiner spoke softly, startling Kristina and making her snap his gaze to him. She wasn’t certain if he had managed to know what she was thinking, but it answered some of her questions. “It… happens, sometimes. The haze. It’s as if I’m torn between two lives and in the moment I’m… never sure which is the real one.”
“But you seemed to come out of it quickly enough,” Kristina pointed out as she took a seat in one of the chairs sat in front of the desk. Somehow, with the desk between them, it felt far more professional and cold than she would have liked it to. (It felt lonely.) “Has this ever happened around people?”
“Once or twice. Only when I was in Paradis and only when I was with my team. The people who knew me as a Warrior. It’s rarer, these days, and usually only happens when I’m alone.” There was more he wasn’t saying — obviously there was more, but, still. He had said enough for Kristina to be reassured that this was something that likely no one else would see, and it was only bad luck that Kristina had discovered what was happening. “Officer Qual, please believe me that I never would hurt you on purpose, I-”
“I know,” Kristina cut him off, proud that her voice was softer and warmer than she once would have made it. “You’re kind, Reiner Braun. That’s why this is a problem, isn’t it? You’re kind, but that means the guilt hurts all the worse.” The desperate look she was given begged that she truly understand. “Alright, then.”
Filled with that warmth and softness that she didn’t dare push away, not yet, Kristina leaned forward and wrapped one of Reiner’s hands up between her own. His skin was cold and clammy, something that made Kristina squeeze all the harder. “I suppose that if I ever see you like that again, then I’ll just have to pull you out of it. As many times as necessary.”
There were no words to describe the look in his eye and it would almost be a disservice to say it was something as simple as gratitude. The wet sheen told her more than enough, however.
“Thank you.” His voice was a whisper, but his hands were steady when he brought up his other to return her hold. The way he ducked his head and rested his forehead against their clasped hands was the thing to finally make her feel that damning warmth in her cheeks. She couldn’t find it within herself to be too upset, though.
“Thank you, Kristina.”
“Of course. No matter what, everything will eventually be okay.” She didn’t know if that was true, and she knew it likely never would be, but it didn’t stop her from letting herself believe (if only for a minute) that everything really would be okay.
It couldn’t hurt to hope, after all.
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deaths-child · 4 months
You were tasked with collecting Olympian demigods, was your brother also tasked with this? Did you collect anyone interesting?
My brother was in the Underworld at that point, I believe our father had him dealing with accounting for all of our casualties.
I wouldn't say I found any interesting souls. There was on Apollo boy who was insistent on getting back to his cabin and wouldn't listen to a word I said, my father had to take him to the Underworld.
I did find a couple half-bloods from Camp Half-Blood who I don't think ended up going back, an Aphrodite girl who had been stuck under a building that collapsed, Amara found her with her tiger. I believe she was a witness to the massacre and decided she wouldn't return to the Olympians rule, she left America if I remember correctly.
There was also a Demeter boy, I believe both his partners had been killed in the war so he didn't see a reason, ended up going home to his mortal family.
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sourtoasterstrudel · 6 months
TW: Trans slur in first image
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Big doodle dump including some very rare traditional doodles! Because even though i finished my Dani Phantom clothing sheet like three days ago I’ve been too scared to post it and now i feel like i owe you something
*image 4 is mostly oc stuff
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firecurls-27 · 1 year
(Smithy belongs to @iinksp1llz , Ron belongs to @zibiscusloon , vessel belongs to me!)
Vessel: who’s the toughest person you know?
Ron: smithy.
Smithy: *lighting a blunt*
Vessel: who’s the toughest man person you know?✨
Ron: you’re the toughest man person I know.🥺✨
Vessel: damn right I am! >:D
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chekkyoo · 1 month
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Once the fighting is over, Kleio hopes to be able to go back to her ordinary life. But her past makes that impossible.
So apparently ao3 kind of works again, at least I see some progress on the update-stuff (minor but still)
I'm really thrilled you guys like this fic!
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bbbigforehead · 3 months
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3. How did your OC feel the first time they left home? Why did they leave?
tw: suicide mention
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RELIEF. COMPLETE AND TOTAL RELIEF. Like the entire moon had been lifted off of her chest and she was finally able to breathe for the first time. Although, the air she was breathing was being continuously recycled through the shuttle she jerry-rigged together with Roman's help.
Minerva always daydreamed about leaving Titan one day and assumed it would eventually happen, since she was raised under the belief that she and the other children of Titan were to "inherit the stars" and "seed the galaxy" once they were "ready". As the kids become teens, and the teens become young adults, it becomes brazenly clear nobody is ever leaving Titan. And her role on Titan becomes even more brazenly clear. Gadsden's daughter. Roman's wife. And eventually a mother to Roman's children, and the grandchildren of Gadsden and Invictus. More Titans. She attempts to be content with this, but she isn't even able to get anybody to listen to her about fixing up and making life on Titan easier, so why should she have kids? What's the point if they're going to be stuck in the same trap as her? Roman's on the same page as Minerva, so the two of them are able to continue their friendship from before their marriage, without the "expectations of their martial roles" coming into conflict. The older members of The Council, especially Invictus, aren't too happy with most of their children abstaining from having children [there's also a Secret Reason why there aren't a lot of kids on Titan, but nobody on Titan is aware of this until wayyy later on], but they confront Minerva and Roman about it to set an example and because they're the unofficial poster children for Titan as Gadsden and Invictus' children. The Council basically tells Roman he needs to "man up" and start acting like Invictus' son, because it's embarrassing that all he wants to do is play tortured artist with Minerva. And Minerva is told to stay in her place and start "acting like a good wife". Minerva's too stunned at the realization that she's never been viewed as anything more than a baby-maker by The Council, and all her other efforts were for nothing to defend herself in any meaningful way against The Council. Roman's too afraid of his father to say anything, who leads The Confrontation, so he just takes Minerva and leaves the meeting room. Minerva's first thoughts are "suicide pact???", and Roman says, "no. but we CAN kill our fathers and then respectively dip from Titan and head to Mars!". Minerva's very unsure of how they'll get off Titan knowing the researchers who abandoned the base long before they were born did everything in their power while escaping to make sure nobody but them could leave Titan. Roman just kinda shrugs his shoulders and says, "I think you're smart enough to figure it out. We can figure it out together," and Minerva loses her goddamn mind because, "Holy shit, I'm so stupid he's the only one this entire time who's had any faith in me," and agrees to start planning to leave Titan with him. It's also where Minerva's crush for Roman buds, and the two of them grow closer romantically from this point on. [ I won't get into details of The Plan & The Escape for brevity.] Minerva had a LOT of Emotions [mostly about killing Invictus, leaving everything she's ever known behind Forever, and being in space for the first time in the span of a few hours] when she first looked through the viewport and saw the research base getting smaller and smaller until it was just Titan. And then it was just Saturn. And then it was just The Void. She sobbed for HOURS and then fell asleep in the pilot's seat before Roman carried her to one of the beds.
bonus doodles of minerva, roman, gadsden & invictus so putting faces to names is easier <3
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aglo-no-kyojin · 3 months
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Another AoT OC
This one causes problems on purpose. I created this character because I came up with an idea for a new Titan shifter and wanted to explore that. So the Titan predates the character. Quick character summary for Emery: was raised in a street gang outside of Liberio. Was arrested during a major brawl and a blood test revealed they are a Subject of Ymir. Was brought into the Warrior program because of their fighting skills and given the Morphling for their general adaptability. Was sent to Paradis after RBAM. Since they're a little older, they managed to infiltrate the Scouts earlier. Generally a wild card who's only goals are to fight and survive and will switch allegiances as it best suits them. A dangerous combination of smart and unpredictable.
The Titan:
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And a link to their lore doc:
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Astra you're SO PRETTY!! (Sorry I need to say that ^^) I have a question, well, it's more curiosity, but what similar characteristics do you have with your dad? On the "surface" you're a your momma's copy, but you probably took something from him, right?
Mothra Astra:
"Ah gee, thank you!"
"Well, that should be more interesting for you to discover. Precisely if you took the scientific explaination: crossbreeding the DNAs of different species like for you to say. After I hatched out on the egg, Dad's first compliment is that I look like my Mom. But Mom says I do have the slight colors of him and small nubs of his dorsal plates. I don't mind being different because they love me."
And yes, I may have my Mom's beauty, kindness, graceful, feisty if you included, sharp wit, and generousity alongside being the 'savior of mortals'. But, I also inherited my Dad's stubborness, strength, anger issues (I managed to control it by myself), sarcasm, intelligence, and pride. Which is why some says that I was Daddy's girl or Mama's girl, nah step aside, both actually. One time after I reached my imago stage, Dad joked about having "eyebrows" like himself; and I do not take that joke kindly. I also have his dorsal plates which is rather dazzling because one day, I would probably shoot down my enemies with the heat ray."
"Thank your for your question!"
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keischreiber · 6 months
A Sweet Hope
So, for my birthday, a friend of mine (Aevi) told me that they talked to a writer to commission a story for me. And what a way to cap March, by receiving it today.
This story was penned by Andrew Anderson and his website is: https://ibelieveinahappilyeverafter.com
I love this. It's absolutely brilliant. This is canon to me now.
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Title: A Sweet Hope
Author: ibelieveinahappilyeverafter | Andrew Anderson 
Fandom: Attack On Titan 
Relationship: Reiner Braun/Kristina Qual (OC) 
Word Count: 2,104 
It was official. Years of work within the military working for the Warrior program had left Kristina Qual with many concerns on how the program was currently run and how it could be improved, but she had finally discovered the worst part of the program. 
The paperwork. 
“Training went well today, then?” Slightly startling at the voice, Kristina looked up from where there were far too many files and notes spread across her desk. She was only mildly surprised to see that it was Zeke Yeager at the door to her office, fist raised up as if he had just knocked. 
“Training was fine,” Kristina finally responded, sitting up in her chair more as she shuffled a few papers into the proper folder. “They followed the instructions that were given to them to a satisfactory degree.” Kristina followed up promptly, the perfect expected response even as she wanted to gush just a little about how Gabi had finally managed to complete the obstacle course they ran all Warrior candidates through. 
“Prompt and succinct as always,” Zeke chuckled, making a show of looking around as if checking to make sure no one was listening. Once he was ‘certain,’ and while Kristina was debating whether to laugh or roll her eyes, he leaned in to ‘whisper,’ “Gabi completed the course, then?”
Well. She could be a little honest, right? “Yes, she did,” Kristina sighed, giving in just enough to let a little of her pride color her words. “And Falco beat his previous record.” 
“Looks like our future warriors are shaping up to be something worthwhile.” Mm. She could tell there was more that he wasn’t saying, but she was willing to let it lay for the moment. With Zeke, it always seemed like there was something he wasn’t quite saying. “Well, I suppose I’ll leave you to your paperwork, then.” 
Instead of leaving, Zeke closed the distance to her desk, setting down a clipboard with a small ribbon tied across the clip of it. She was a little surprised Zeke had even remembered that her clipboard had broken last week. “What’s this for?” 
“Something to make your birthday slightly less miserable today.” Her… Snapping her gaze to Zeke, she saw that smug, self-satisfied smile he always had when he was fully aware he knew something that others had thought was secret. “Just because you don’t tell anyone doesn’t mean it’s a secret.” 
“You just don’t know when to leave something well enough alone,” Kristina said sternly, even as she picked up the clipboard and gently untied the ribbon. “Thank you, though. It’s appreciated.” It was nice, and Kristina was delighted that she wouldn’t need to prop up a file against a wall in the middle of the hallway in order to make a note anymore. Still. She couldn’t be seen playing favorites, especially with Zeke Yeager, or, more accurately, especially with an Eldian. 
Zeke, against all odds, was still her best friend, though, and she knew he could hear what she hadn’t said by the way his smile grew a little more real. “Well, I have my own work to accomplish today, so until I see you next, Officer Qual.” Zeke gave her one last smile and a quick wave before heading out, Kristina calling out a parting goodbye. 
While it was true spending her birthday updating files and doing paperwork for the Warrior program wasn’t her first choice, there could have been worse ways to spend her day. There also could have been better ways, of course, but she didn’t see a possible surprise party in her future, thankfully enough. 
She only managed to pick up her pen and open a file when she heard a knock against her office door again. She expected to hear Zeke’s voice cheerfully saying he had forgotten something, but instead there was a silence that finally made her look up to see that it wasn’t Zeke standing at her door, but instead it was Reiner Braun. 
“Hi,” he said after Kristina, like an idiot, continued to do nothing but stare at him. “I-Well. I was tasked by Commander Magath to go into town and pick up a couple of items needed for the program, linens and such, and I wanted to ask, if you weren’t too busy, if you’d like to accompany me? You know the current trainees better than I do, after all, and would be able to make better decisions.” 
Kristina very carefully did not jump to her feet and blurt out that she would love to go with Reiner Braun on a shopping trip around town and that hey, while she was at it, she actually had a stupidly huge crush on him ever since he had helped her when they were little kids and she had been lost inside the Internment Zone. 
Instead, she capped her pen, set it down, and then calmly got out of her chair. “Alright. I don’t see any problem with that.” Definitely, absolutely not a problem seeing as she got to spend her birthday with the man she had had feelings for since she was a child. (Feelings she could never share. She knew the dangers of a Marleyan and an Eldian being together.) “Commander Magath provided you with the needed funds, I take it?” 
“Yes, he did.” Reiner stepped out of the doorway as they both left her office, Kristina closing the door behind her and making sure it was locked as per protocol. When she looked back to see Reiner smiling at her, she had to work to remain as detached as she could. Blushing and beaming back wouldn’t do either of them any favors. 
Still. She could pretend, just to herself, that this was more than a casual offer to pick up supplies. Likely she was the only one available at the time, and Kristina had made it clear that she was always ready and able to help those within the program. Still. She could pretend that maybe this was something like a date? 
Neither of them spoke until they were outside of the Warrior Headquarters and onto the streets. While it wasn’t the end of day, it was certainly later in the evening, so many of the streets were slow or empty with people beginning to head home or having already arrived there. It was a lot more relaxing than the usual hustle and bustle of the town, although they should probably hurry if they wanted to reach any stores before they closed- 
“So.” Reiner’s voice interrupted her thoughts and completely scattered them, which at least was a familiar feeling. “How has your day been?” 
It was not a date, Kristina told herself firmly before burying her delight and surprise at being asked something so mundane. “Nothing too terribly exciting.” 
The silence returned to sit between them and Kristina hated that even with how she wanted to be kind to him so desperately, she still always treated him so coldly in fear for both of them. But… the streets were calm, and no one was looking their way, so… She was allowed to be a little selfish on her birthday, right? 
“Gabi finally finished the course today.” The words were rushed out more than anything, almost tripping over each other, but Kristina saw Reiner look over at her, his expression showing something like surprise before it broke for a genuine smile of delight. It was an expression she could easily get addicted to. “And Falco beat his time. New record and everything.” 
“Really? His last record was already among the highest in the entire program!” From there, with those excited words, it was so easy for Kristina to talk and praise her students and the work they had been putting in to become Warriors. It wasn’t the most riveting of conversations, but it was genuine, and it was the most she had talked with him since… 
Well. Since she could remember, if she were being honest. It made her greedy, trying to memorize each smile he gave her or each laugh that slipped out of him. She wanted to remember him as this, happy and relaxed after that failed mission to Paradis. She wanted to remember his teasing jokes and his insistent urge to carry all of the bags once they bought what was needed. 
Before she knew it — before she was ready for it — the two were once again standing out in front of the Warrior Headquarters. The sky had grown even darker, now awash with pinks and oranges, and Kristina knew that the Headquarters would be even emptier and quieter. 
“Thank you for coming with me today,” Reiner said softly, all thoughts of quiet offices and lonely spaces disappearing. “I appreciated it.” 
“As I said earlier. Anything to help the program,” Kristina said promptly, face back into its neutral mask even as she wanted, with everything in her, to say No, thank you for asking me, Reiner, I had a really great time today. Maybe we can do something like this again? 
“Of course. I hope you know that I’m always available as well, if you need someone to help with the other kids. There’s been no talk of new missions, so…” Reiner ended his words with a small shrug. It wasn’t hard to see that the dismal outcome of the Paradis mission weighed heavily on his mind. 
“I’m certain you’ll be given one soon,” Kristina rushed to say, letting the words out before she could overthink them and then edit them until they were as cold and cruel as the world expected her to act. “You were — are — one of the best in the program. The kids always talk about you. About how they want to be as great as you became.” 
“Oh.” The word was little more than a breath of air, but Kristina felt something like hope build up within her anyways. “Thank you, Officer Qual-” 
“Kristina.” Too far. That was far too far. Far too friendly. She shouldn’t be seen being that friendly to an Eldian, but the streets were still quiet, no one was listening to them, and it was her birthday. Just a little more selfishness wouldn’t change things. “When we’re outside of the office, you may call me Kristina.” 
“Kristina,” Reiner repeated softly, quietly, in a tone that Kristina immediately wanted to memorize and never forget for as long as she lived. “Ah. That’s right. I had something that I wanted to- Well. That I wanted to give you, actually.” 
Reiner shifted the bags from hand-to-hand as he dug in his pockets, obviously searching for something and appearing almost flustered. She almost hoped that it was her that made him feel that way. 
Before she could offer to hold some of the bags for him until he found whatever he was looking for, he was holding out an arm with a clenched fist. 
She moved automatically, catching the item that Reiner dropped into her hands and curious as she felt a plastic-like texture that took her by surprise. Before she could ask what it was, she brought it closer and rotated it around to see that it was… a piece of candy. 
It was the piece of candy. 
Oh, it certainly wasn’t the piece that he had offered her when he had found her as a crying nine-year-old in a place she shouldn’t have been, doing his best to help her find her way to her father, but it was the same brand. The same flavor, shape, and color and he had given it to her.
Slowly, not sure what she wanted to see, she looked back up to meet his eyes. He was- It wasn’t that he was flustered, it was that he was flushed. He was smiling at her and something there about him made him look… hopeful. Was he hopeful? 
Why would he be hopeful? Had he remembered that first meeting of theirs when they were children? Or was this some attempt at a birthday gift, maybe? He didn’t say anything, but something about his smile and his look made her think that he remembered at least one of those. 
“Thank you for asking me to go with you today,” Kristina blurted, honest words pouring forth before she could think better to press them down. Somehow, speaking her mind didn’t terrify her as much as she thought it should. “I had a really great time today and maybe- Maybe we can do something like this again.” 
“I would really enjoy that,” Reiner said softly, gently, and Kristina somehow felt like she had received the best birthday present she could have asked for.
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deaths-child · 7 months
Hi Lorelai! What did you do for Kronos as a commander?
Hello, as his commander I held authority over a portion of the army alongside my brother, Azrael, our sector was called 'Sector Black.'
Being a commander meant reporting to either General Torrington or Lieutenant Nakamura, rarely would our reports go directly to Lord Kronos, though a few special cases would arise every now and then.
My brother and I organized tasks and missions for the half-bloods in our sector to complete, these all had to be approved before they were put into motion.
During battles, it usually meant my allies, in my sector or not, typically turned to me for orders if the General or Lieutenant weren't around. During the Manhattan siege I had was the sole commander of Sector Black as Azrael was a casualty in the Princess Andromedas Explosion.
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seymourssecondchance · 4 months
Entry Four: Date; April 25th, 2024
It’s been a few days and the modifications for DJ have come along much quicker than I realize but I’m quite thrilled at how wonderful he looks now, I was given permission by DJ himself to go tearing through his frame to get all the Skibidi upgrades off of him. I was watched by Webb and Whistle as I went nuts on getting all of the Skibidi stuff off of DJ externally and internally, I… I’m glad that I was able to do this because I remember having the Agent forcibly make me approve the upgrades as soon as the stupid plans got to me so I was able to hit all the upgrade points… those things fucked up his internals so badly that I had to do small repairs to keep him functioning, I had Webb come in with repair crews after each area that got torn through by me. Was told later that I nearly tore 80% of his body off of him which the Engineers had to come in after about 15% was torn off to keep DJ from shutting down. He insists that he’s glad that I got through there because he was getting frustrated by the skibidi implanted coding; I had Webb and Whistle deal with that as I was passed out in my hammock at that point. The Engineers are currently getting the latex padding filled and DJ has been getting restless which I can’t blame him because I felt like that when I was recovering myself, It’s kinda funny that we’re both always moving maybe it’s a trait thing he picked up when he was in the server nursery all those years ago while watching me pace around. Cinema has gone through the ringer recently, three of his screens got shattered and he lost his arm, kinda ironic that he lost his arm that was equipped with his sword. Monitors had to get the arm back and get Film’s arm as well, Hammer is missing… Again, seriously can he not lose that damn weapon? I swear I’m going to put a riptide effect on it so it can return to him if he flicks his hand in a recall motion, hm… I might do that now that I think about it. Yin and Rave have been running around the base and training to get back on the field sooner, I really hope that their siblings can keep up with those two. Might be traveling down to New York City later tomorrow, will be interesting to be there after nearly 5 years of not being there.  Galaxy has been sending reports back to me and others on the progress of hunting Agent down, it’s not going well as Agent keeps fleeing whenever they get near his location. I’m hoping that they’ll eventually corner him somewhere, I believe I got another ask or two today so I’m going to check those out after going down to NYC. - Dr. Seymour
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thealmightyemprex · 1 year
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When the dark lord Dainn took over the God Cassians island he sought help from the Titan Bruno .The titan gazed upon the God with a primal hunger while the Cassian gazed at the handsome Titan with lust
Bruno:Very well Cassian ,Bruno shall aid you...If you let Bruno gobble you up and spend a year in Bruno's belly
Cassian:Yes my Lord!I shall happily be one with your marvelous body
While Titans can eat gods they can't digest them but can hold them in their stomachs indefinately
@themousefromfantasyland @scarletblumburtonofeastlondon @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @ariel-seagull-wings
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stormvanari · 8 months
Titan’s Council Patch Notes time:
Changed Loopy’s hat (plus her new render), edited Darian’s original sprite (but removed the tail part of his suit), and simplified Cherry’s color palette and design (plus their new render):
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the TC height chart with their new renders:
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