azirafuck · 1 year
GOS2 Spoilers Masterpost (ONLY EP. 1-2)
alright, you read the title, you know what's under here - gonna tag everyone who helped this if I know them, thanks to everyone for their contribution and for being agents of chaos the way satan intended. love you all
[Last update/edit: 24/07 - 14:10CET]
first of all, we got some amazing posts from @incorrectquoteswwdits mostly about the first scene in heaven with crowley as an angel:
angel!crowley creating stars and aziraphale thinking he's calling him beautiful
more on that
aziraphale's lies make the lesbians have problems, apparently
communist aziraphale be like OUR CAR
isolation and doubts
THEN we have a detailed recount of the first episode by a kind anon! again, thank you @incorrectquoteswwdits for sharing <3
@goodomens-hints posted a lenghty and detailed recount of the first episode as well with some little hits at future episodes (nothing too big on the post itself, but BE CAREFUL, the blog is actually posting some other spoilers from episodes past the second one!)
@goodomensjail gave us a detailed recount of the first scene, with angel!crowley starting to question stuff and eventually shielding aziraphale with his wing
@mikubinders gives us SOME GOOD GOURMET SHIT by telling us that:
"Beelzebub kidnaps and threatens Crowley, tells him that ze could put a price on his head but ze doesn't want to. After that Crowley comes back to the bookshop and Good-old-fashioned lover boy plays while he drives there. "I'm back" happens. Aziraphale makes Crowley do a silly little apology dance so he forgives him and so they work together"
after thinking this last spoiler was fake, an anon came through and confirmed its real! we also have new context! (sent by an anon to yours tuly)
anon came through with some details about the Everyday record, told us Queen is actually tied to CROWLEY and not to the Bentley, and gave us more context to the OUR CAR and OUR BOOKSHOP bit (sent by an anon to yours tuly)
as for what happens during the Job flashback, after which the sitting five feet apart on a rock in front of the sea happens, a bunch of different versions of what actually happens are going around. @thesherrinfordfacility kept up with the madness surrounding it, so im gonna post here the last two versions of events/details.
first one:
In the Job section, Aziraphale is questioning gods decision of punishing Job. Then u see him in heaven w Muriel here and they are looking thru a long scroll that has instructions from god and he's trying to make sense of it. Muriel is telling him that god and satan made a bet about what Job would do and that's why they are testing him. And az is like whatttt why would god do that that's mean!
When Az finds out they're going to kill Jobs kids, he goes down to Earth to save them while using his angel voice until he realizes he's speaking to Crowley. He sees Crowley about to enter the kids room and tells Crowley "I know you, you wouldn't do this" and Crowley tells him he doesn't know him really. (
AND TY TENNANT IS SASSY AND FLIRTS W AZ??!??!? (*) And THATS when crowley goes "well he seems nice" from the clip. He wasn't jealous tho, like he thought it was funny since they are literally there to supposedly kill these kids and one of them is flirting lol.
The moment of 'weird-beard Crowley' was actually more focused on azi and him questioning God. Crowley tempts Azi w food and u see him struggle but then he gobbled it down and he cries bc he thinks crowley is going to bring him to hell (that's the scene where they are sitting on that thing with the pretty horizon) Crowley tells him "you're just an angel who follows gods as will as much as he can" and Az says that sounds lonely, and Crowley agrees, which is a callback to when he asked Crowley if he was lonely being on what Crowley calls "his own side", and Crowley said no. Crowley then tells him "i'm a demon. I lied"
(*): it was told this isn't actually canon canon, it's up for interpretation - some reported Ty's character is just the classic bratty teenager UPDATE: NOPE anon cleared it up and apparently it DOES read as flirty because ty's character is a little bitch, love that for us
and then we have the second one:
"Episode 2 is half present day things [...], and half the Job story/flashback. Crowley is the demon sent by Satan to torment "God's favorite human" Job to see if Job will curse God, in one big bet between God and Satan. Aziraphale comes to try to stop him, discovers they recognize each other but haven't seen each other since "the flood" and that Crowley seems to have changed since the flood, because he is willing to sacrifice the goats, and ruin Job's house. Crowley says he "has a permit" to torment Job FROM GOD. Aziraphale brings this up to the archangels that gleefully explain that yes it's a bet with Satan and that Job will suffer, but he will get everything back 3-fold by the end. And he will get NEW children. This disturbs Aziraphale, he does not want the CURRENT children to die, he understands the familial love that the archangels do not. He goes to stop Crowley not with power since he has the permit but to reason with him. Aziraphale says things to the effect "I KNOW you don't want to harm them I KNOW you and you don't want to kill children" and Crowley is defiant, but then…. It is revealed that he never killed any of the goats either, he transformed them into pigeons to hide them. And he is hiding the children away in the basement but destroying the house to make it look like they died. He transforms the three kids into lizards to hide them, then when the Archangels descend to give Job his rewards and tell him his wife will bear 7 new children, Job and his wife are in despair because they love their children. Crowley comes in pretending to be a human doctor and he and Aziraphale LIE to the angels faces about how babies are made and trick the angels into thinking Jobs three original children are NEWLY BORN children. Which fools Gabriel, who has only ever seen God make Eve fully grown from Adam's ribs. Crowley then meets Aziraphale at the rock. Aziraphale is crying and says "im ready for you to take me to hell" because he has LIED to angels and foiled God's plans. Crowley is gentle and comforts him that he is still an angel and "I won't tell anyone if you won't" and they reminisce that it's lonely being a different kind of demon and a different kind of angel that sort of do what they feel is right. Heavily implying that they are the same and have each other now. The end of episode 2.
that's what's going around for now, but ill add stuff if we find anything new - also feel free to add to this yourself or send me stuff!
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watchingthecredits · 3 months
murph i tried thinking of an option on that poll that would suit you but i feel like you’d be the embodiment of the moon in a sense. i’m not explaining it well but you remind me so much of the moon and anne is the sun and yeah you guys are connected and you both are so poetic it makes sense
augh oh my god jas this is so insanely beautiful i love you so muchhh whatttt 🥺💗💗 u always give the most amazing compliments awh im so lucky to know you I LOVE YOU!!!! 💗💙
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lavendergalactic · 7 months
you lit inspired me to make these graphics🥲
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I LOVE THEMMM OH MY GOD especially the second one whatttt i inspired you to do that masterpiece!??!?!?!? HOLYE SHIT??????? they're so beautiful yo
KEEP IT UP thats so amazing
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emo-milk · 1 year
YES YES YES I WILL BE TALKING ABT THIS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE :0 okay okay so...ppl were giving awsten stuff and b4 the show had started i asked my sister if i shld attempt to give awsten my parx bracelet and she was like sure why not, so i wasnt tht deadset on giving it 2 him but someone nxt 2 me got his attention so he was like "WHAT!!!" and i was like urrrrm and jst kinda waved the bracelet LOL and he was like "no no no i dont need a bracelet right now, yaknow what i need" LOOKING ME DIRECTLY IN THE EYES SO I WAS LIKE??? NO???? and he was like "i need geoff 2 get some fuckin help!!!" cus they were having tech difficulties or whatevs. thennnnn he was making up parx EPs tht didnt exist 2 see if ppl wld still say they listened to them LOL and someone yelled smth abt tantrum and he was like "tantrum is real tho!!!" and i yelled "TANTRUM DOESN'T EXIST!" and he giggled and went "tantrum exists!!" CRAZY STUFF. at some point awsten was talking (also was like 1 person behind barricade @ this point) and otto was jst kinda looking around and evryone was giving geoff heart hands and me and otto made eye contact so i waved and HE WAVED BACK AND GAVE ME THE NICEST FUCKING SMILE I SWEAR TO GOD OTTO HAS THE SWEETEST FACE. awsten did his lil acoustic part and played groupchat acoustic like 10 times LMAO and A PART OF NOT WARRIORS. LIKE WHATTTT. and like a minute of lucky people. idek what was in the air last nite. after they closed with funeral grey and the lights went up i turned around and immediately looked to the floor cus i cld jst feel tht there was gonna be a pick down there AND THERE WAS A FUNERAL GREY GUITAR PICK RIGHT THERE SO I LUNGED AT IT AND NOW I OWN HER. honorable mentions: awsten sang happy birthday in italian. CRAVE. THEY PLAYED CRAVE AND GEOFF SANG AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING. the end of ritual almost killed me. oh oh oh and after the show i found the person who waved awsten down for me and gave them the parx bracelet cus they were rlly sweet ^____^ ya twas awesome and insane and i adore them.
thank u for asking abt it cus i literally love talking abt them so much ahhh<33333333
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cas0214 · 2 years
The Strongest
Chapter 1
A yuji itadori x reader fic
I heard the crunching of the leaves as people walked by me without a thought in the world. The giant crowds didn't scare, not the million flashing lights but the depressing thought that none would love me, care for me hug me like I want to be held. That will never change, I know it won't, but I still want to think it will. That maybe...just maybe someone could love me again like they did.
"Hey kid."
I look to see who interrupted my thoughts to see a man with white hair that has bangs that falls down to his nose. He was wearing what looked like a school uniform with a gold shiny button with a black swirl in it. The glasses he was also wearing made him look like one of the blind mice from Shrek.
" Heyyyyy, kiddddd I'm talking to you." The man said waving his hand Infront of my face. But I wasn't looking at him, I was looking at the disgusting green monster that had blue eyes all around its head. The guy must have noticed me staring at it and turned to look at it as well. 
"Can you see that kid." He said turning back to me and moving his hand to point at it with his thumb. I only turned to stare at him, not saying anything. 
"Look kid." He started to say, crouching down to get a good look at me, my eyes could only just follow him. I heard him sigh before moving his glasses down to sit on top of his nose. "Look kid i nee-" He stopped mid-sentence when he felt a small hands glide swiftly to hold his cheeks, two small thumbs trying to go beneath his eyes but his glasses getting in the way.
"Hey kid what are you doing?" The man asked. His face turning into a frown, his eyebrows contorting together while making an over dramatic pouty face, while also having anger and confusion in his voice.
"Your eyes." I finally said. My voice dry and crackly after not speaking or having any water for a couple of days.
"Ohhh so she speaks huh. Well since you can talk can you tell me your name." I could tell he wanted to figure something out, to get answers, but he kept his voice light and cheerful for my sake. Well, I didn't want him to.
"Your eyes are so...so"
"Amazing, pretty, beautiful." He boosted himself up like his own little cheerleader. He tried moving his head away but my grip on his face was too strong for him to move.
 "Ugly." I could see his bright ocean like eyes widen so hard it was almost laughable.
"Whatttt how could you." He whined moving his face just hard enough this time to get out of my grip, man he acts like a child. "Again kid." He started to say. "What is your name."
"Y/N." I could hear him inhale a lot more air than necessary and start coughing a little but acted like he was fine. "Y/n L/n."
"Listen kid, I need you to come with me." The way he said it was very un-realistic for him, I don't know how but the seriousness in his voice scared me a little causing me to flinch back a little. He must have noticed me flinch because he made his voice back into his foolish fake cheery voice. "I need you to come with me to the school that I go to kid, it's not like you have anywhere to go."
"Why are you acting like I want to go with you." I tried to stop the shakiness in my voice as I noticed the green monster was slowly getting closer to us. "And why do people act like they can't see that." 
"See what kid?"
"That." I said pointing at the green monster that got even closer.
"Like I said before kid you need to come with me." He said more urgently, grabbing my wrist, yanking me up and making me follow him out into the streets of Shibuya. I can see it in the corner of my eye I can see that he was checking our surroundings. 
"You know that this is technically kidnapping, right?" I said in a voice that made it seem like I was joking. He looked at me with an amused look on his face. 
"Oh yeah and what are you going to do about it huh." He said.
"Yeah, and you're a stranger and my mom said that strangers are dangerous."
"Well, my name is Satoru Gojo and see, since you know my name now, I'm not a stranger and your mom can't get mad at me." He said it in a fake voice again, like everything was fine and there was no problem in the world which was obviously wrong. 
"YEP, and now we can be best friends so mom can't.... can't get mad at me anymore." I told him in a dejected tone, I guess Gojo picked up on it and moved his hand, so it wasn't holding my wrist but holding my tiny hand. His hand was so big it basically swallowed my hand, and I couldn't help but lift our connected hands up to my face to get a better look. 
"Kid.... where are your parents?" He asked, slowly like he was talking to a wild animal.
I quickly let go of his hand a little too harshly because it made a jarring sound when it hit his leg. 
"Dead. Their all dead."
"I'm sor-"
"Don't pity me." I said cutting him off.
"I'm not pitying you kid, I swear." He said putting his hands up in mock defense. I could tell that he was trying to life the mood, maybe he finally remembered I was still a child.
The walk to the 'school' that Gojo attended was surrounded by awkward silence that you could cut with a knife. The sun set a couple minutes ago so the nighttime cold was setting in. I was getting too cold, so I grabbed onto Gojo's hand unexpectedly and stepped closer to him. he was surprisingly warm. I could feel him look down at him, but I didn't to see the look in his face, maybe he was disgusted by what I did, he's probably wishing he didn't even so much as look at me now. The thoughts that clouded my mind made me doubt myself, so I began pulled away from him.
"I-im sorry i-i-i should have asked I didn't m-mean to-" In the mist of my rambling Gojo took his navy-blue jacket leaving him in only his white under shirt. He stepped in-front of me and put the jacket on me, the jacket was so big on me that it looked like a dress on me. I guess I was too busy admiring the length of the jacket that I didn't realize he buttoned it and picked me up so that I was huddled up against his chest. The warmth of his body was so nice in the chilly air that was surrounding us. 
"Are we there yet?" I asked in a whiny tone just a little quieter than I talked a couple minutes ago.  
"Not much longer kid. Hey since I'm so amazing and cool and am going to take you in maybe you can call me dad."
"Oh, come on kid pleaseeeee?" God maybe he was the real child.
The warmth of his body, the beating of his heart, the leaves falling off the trees made me want to fall asleep right now, and Gojo's arms around me felt nice, like something I wanted for so long.......comfort.
"Hey Gojo?" 
"Where are we going? I know you said a school but why?"
"I'm taking you to my teacher, I need you to get checked out by him." Gojo said in again his fake voice.
"But why?" I asked, a yawn interrupting me a little. He didn't answer for a minute, and I guess that's what it takes for me to finally pass out for the day. Maybe it was because of him not responding or because the way his arms tightened around me gave me the most comfort in months. Gojo looked down at the kid and smiled a little. He took his glasses off and put them over my eyes making his beautiful eyes shine brightly in the barely lit, wooded area.
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starnightlover · 1 year
*knock knock*
Hey you! Yes you why your looking here and there? Yahhh stop looking here and there I'm talking with you. Ok good now that your looking at me I have something imp to say. Very imp-
🐝🐝: bzzzzzz
Me: these stupid bees-
🐝🐝: *buzzing aggressively*
🐝🐝 : buzzing*
Me: ohhhh you want me to tell star that??
🐝🐝: buzzing*
Me: alright I got it. Anyways star these bees just wanted to say that they love you so so so much as well as they wish that your doing great and living the best life ❤🌌. And what I wanted to say was I'm so proud of you as well as I'm so glad to have you as my wifey and one of my closest friend. I personally admire you alot sis. I feel so comfortable around you star and thanks so much for sharing such beautiful friendship whivh is more like a sistership for me.Ilysm💖🌌
*Sending all my love*
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Thank you so much sis! You are amazing, you are one of my closet friends and like a sister to me! I am so glad we can support each other and make silly jokes with each other like we've known one another for years! You make me feel so welcomed in this community! Sending hugs! Love you sis 🖤🫶
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ndeyebaby · 2 years
I'm too lazy to find the ask I sent you 3 months ago (or more maybe). The day I sent it I was freaking out because I thought my SP thought I was ugly. I told you we were exchanging selfies and his answers were dry and I reacted very badly haha. You told me that me thinking that way, was reflecting my self concept in regards to him. You were right 😭
I left him on seen, and we kinda went nc. I decided to revise that situation, and started working on feeling more confident of my looks. He reached out idek when, I was not caring about the time and he was complimenting me about everything? He was complimenting my whole existence haha whatttt??? He was even drooling over pictures of myself I considered ugly (I was affirming "even when I think I'm ugly he thinks I'm a goddess"). It got to a point where he would even notice every time I changed my IG profile picture and complimented it. He even started complimenting my clothes and accesories, and he had never done that.
It's funny because I remember how I reacted when I sent him selfies and I was throwing a tantrum because I was not receiving the response I wanted from him, and all I had to do was give it to myself in imagination for it to happen in the 3D. I just wanted to come back and tell you this because I remember when I was spiralling I came running to your blog and I thought: "I need to come back with a better story next time" and here it is. 💕
And YASSS you did that!!! You are so amazing and beautiful and your SP reflected that!!! Look at your power 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾💃🏾💃🏾🕺🏾🕺🏾🕺🏾
I’m so happy and proud of you <3333 sky is the limit!! Thank you so much for sending this 💖
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astraystayyh · 1 year
just wanted to compliment you on your beautiful writing! the wedding vows has me in tears every time i read it. all of them are beautiful but i really love how you wrote the ending for each member. i think chan and seungmin’s got to me the most.
and the song series 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 so amazing. the only exception is my fav. am i biased cause i’ve loved that song since it came out…maybe BUT you wrote it so well and i think it fits minho perfectly and listening to it while reading was *chefs kiss*
really enjoyed reading volcano too. it was cutthroat for a sec there and i didn’t know how it’d end but the gradual shift in the relationship was just right. not rushed but not too slow. excited for the other members parts. (no pressure, take your time ofc!)
your writing is just really warm for lack of a better word. like a really good hug. i saw someone else mention it too and i agree with them. the way you write the boys is so human and relatable and the way you write them throughout each story fits each of them so well.
mini skz rant incoming— i just adore all 8 of them so much. the way they helped you is the same they helped me. came out of nowhere and gave me the support i needed when i felt my worst. i feel like only stays can relate when i say that. but i seriously wish for their happiness most of all. my chaotic, funny, talented, hard working faves.
i say all that to say you do them justice.
i hope you have an amazing day!
- J💕
hiii bb,,, ahhh thank u for liking the vows 🥹 i really had fun trying to think of each specific boy and how they'd do it :")
and u read the song series ☹️☹️☹️☹️ i love minho's too i actually can't pick a favorite omg it switches aisksksjsbjs bUT i love the only exception too im so happy i got to write smtg out of it heheheheh
and thank u for enjoying volcano as well <333 can't believe u read all of these works whatttt IT'S INSANE TO ME
🥹🥹🥹🥹 thank u honey this specific compliment means a lot to me, because i try as best as i can to make their lovely personalities shine through:"))) and u are right!!! skz finds u when u need them the most and they make u stay, i find that very heartwarming ☹️ they deserve the world they really do
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Hi Shaun :D!
Hi Lea :))!
Aww :D blueberry pancakes again :))
Aww no I bet that's the size of their baby :))
Yeah :DD <3!
Aww 🥰🥰🥰 yeah everything's good right now :D
Yeah he does work for you true
Well yeah you do have to be careful :))
Hmm based on the promo I'm not so sure xD but I'm sure it'll be okay lol
Hi Asher :DD
Hi Jordan 🥰
OOP Jerome 👀👀
Uhh ohhhh o.o
That is not good xdd 😬
Hi Kalu!
That ope is for him lol
Dang 700???
Aight then xdd
OOP dang yeah he grumpy o.o
Hi Andrews :)!
Yepp you gotta be careful xd
Oop dang xD but yeah fair you've gotta make sure it's even
OOF ouch 😬
Ahh tics?
Yep :)
OOF but honestly slay girl xDD
OPE that's not good o.o
Aww this kid is cute :)))
Also she is beautiful just had to say that xD
Oohhh her mother :oo and his legal guardian? That's the tea 😳😳 o.o
Uh ohhh that doesn't seem good 😳👀
Hi Morgan :D!!!
LOL girl let him live XD
He's just chilling lol
XDDD true she's in charge of you now lol
SLFKJDKHGS yeah Morgan he's got you <33 sniping is her love language lol :')) <33 🥰❤️
Her <333
And also lowkey, aww them :))), :D
Ah he messed up o.o
And Shaun's treating him normally! Nice :)) gotta be careful not to be too harsh though
XD Shaun's immediate o.o there lol
Hi Jerome :D!!
The fact that they're both here XDD
OOP so it's a trust thing 👀
And a lieeees thing o.o
Man's just like o.o
My boysss 😭😭
But also Park XD
Dang o.o!!
Ayy she's good :D
Oop o.o
Trust me I know the negatives of homeschool even if I do enjoy it lol
This girl is an amazing actor :O
Aww the only thing normal :'((
OPE oh no o.o
Maybe her tourrette's was something else all along :o?
Yes you do know some things but you're also new xD chill a bit
Maybe just keep it low for a while lol
Also you were only a second year in the first place and I know you've had experience since then but still xD
Oop yeah see xdd Shaun ain't a fan
Oof and it WAS a mistake xdd ouch
O.O okay yeah don't be TOO harsh Shaun lol
Yeah you have but you still need a lot of this training
I am glad he mentioned Andrews specifically told him though bc it might make Kalu a bit more sympathetic with him for it xdd
But still 😬😬
Ope o.o xdd
Liesss 👀👀 inch resting, but about what
Poor Park and Lim xD
LOL Park is done XD
True, two divorcees XD
No I doubt it's either of those lol
I'm a couple minutes behind on my liveblogging and just oof xd
Ooope xdd y'all 😭 my boysss :'(
The AGGRESSION from Asher xd (barely passive aggression my guy lol)
Yes but lies about whatttt
O P E O . O
I mean I don't think it's relationship ending but HIV positive certainly is a big thing xd
But yeah I mean there's not a problem it can cause it's more the secret I think :((
Dang o.o
OOF yeah he's not gonna go talk to him xdd
My babeysss 😭
Lol I think you deserve to say it Jordan xDD
But okay good for you lol take the high road
Yeah you're still a first year even if you do have other (and sometimes useful!) experience
Yeah it's literally your first day my man xD
You do still have a lot to learn too
But I'm sure you'll sort it out :)
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What would be atsushi's reaction if his twin sister got pregnant with akutagawa's baby?
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You bastard! How dare you disgrace my sister! (Akutagawa x fem!Reader)
Fandom:Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairings:Akutagawa x fem!Reader
Format:One Shot
Warnings:Some NSFW! content
A/n: lmao i just cant stop laughing! XDDDD the idea of him getting angry over you is hillarious! this was awesome actually,i had a lot of fun writing this!
heres the first part of Akutagawa dating Atsushis twin sister if you wanna check it out :)
waking up from the feeling of being kissed by soft lips,you opened your eyes and saw familiar moon color eyes staring at you.he looked like he didnt feel anything,but if you looked at him carefully,you could see a small smile on his lips.
"good morning" you said before reaching him,planting a small kiss on his lips. he closed his eyes for a second,then looked directly into your beautiful e/c eyes.
"good morning...and thank you...for last night.it was amazing"
you smirked as the image of last night came to your mind.well...last night was definitelly something else.one of those special nights that happens rarely.
"theres no need to thank me.you pretty much did all the work by yourself"
"i know...so...how was it?"
"honestly,i passed out after the forth time"
a slight chuckle came outta his mouth,which made you chuckle back. you loved him being like this.the side of him that nobody could see except for you...
it made you feel important.
drowning in your thought,the bed moving made you come back to he real world.he quickly put on his clothes and reached his cravat,but your hand quicky took it from him and held it tightly.
"let me do it for you"
remaining silent for a second,he blinked which meant that it was ok. you stoond on your toes,tied the cravat around his neck and gave him a quick goodbye kiss.he was going away for a mission and you knew you were gonna miss him so much,but since it was his job you couldnt really do anything about it.
"just...get back soon,ok?"
touching your cheeks with his pale hands,he gave you a long,small kiss on your forhead.
"c'mon Yosano sensei,it has to be the cancer!"
Yosano shook his head with disappointment and showed you the result of your test again.
"its not the cancer y/n,youre pregnant"
"but...what the hell am i supposed to do now?how am i gonna tel Ryuunosuke?"
"whos Ryuu...oh,you mean Akutagawa.well,you should have thought of this when you were doing dirty stuff with him"
"but we used protection!"
"condoms cannot prevent pregnany all the time.i think its effection is just 98%"
you started trembling,shaking with fear.you didnt know what to do. Akutagawa was comming back from his mission today.you didnt want to greet him like this...he wasnt ready for this.
"what if...he break up with me...?"
holding your hand,Yosano tried to comfort you and make you relax a little bit,
but it was not enough.
"stop overthinking, y/n.theres no point in regreting it.you have to tell him anyway.hes the father of your child,for gods sake.he deserves to know"
"but...i dont wanna push him.im afraid that he might break up with me,but maybe its better that way..."
"What the fuck!?that son of a bitch!"
Shocked,you and Yosano both looked at Atsushi who was looking at you through the door.
"you...how long how you been standing there?! what did you hear?"
"ive heard enough to know whats going on!did that bastard knocked you out and then ran away without taking any responsibility?im gonna teach that jerk a lesson!"
"nocked me out?w-what?noooo Atsushi! youve got it all wrong! its not like that!Hey!where the hell are you going?hey!wait!"
running after your furious brother who was going after your boyfriend,You left Yosano shocked,alone in the infirmary.
"Atsushi...knows how to swear?"
"hey!Akutagawa Ryuunosuke!im going to beat the shit outta you!"
sitting on the couch,Akutagawa noticed Atsushis yelling voice which was comming from outside of his apartment.he put the coffie mug in his hand back on the counter,quickly opened the door and looked at Atsushis face which was red like a tomato
"whats going on?"
before he knew,Atsushi was holding his cravat,ready to punch him in his face.
"how dare you do this to my sister!after all shes done for you!
"what?what are you talking about!what happend to her?"
"dont play dumb with me you little peace of shit! i knew that you dont deserve her! she deserves to be cherished!"
a slight peace of fabric came toward Atsushis neck,but stood still a few inches from him.
"hey now.i have no idea what the hell are you talking about,and dont think that im gonna go easy on you just because youre y/n's brother"
"go to hell!im going to make you pay for this! and im not gonna let you come near ...
"Atsushi wait! i still havent..."
you just got there and was trying to stop Atsushi,but your brother was way too faster.
"my sister and his baby!"
Akutagawa literally froze.you let out a deep breath while looking at your boyfriend worriedly.
"told him about the baby..."
ok i wanted to write more,but im exhausted!and you just wanted to see Atsushis reaction,so...
i hope this is what you wanted and tysm for requesting baby :)
take care,
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notquitecanon · 2 years
If you still want Adrian Chase requests, would you possibly write something involving jealous Adrian?
Bev Nap // Adrian Chase x F!reader
Tw: alc, canon typical swearing, bar setting, guy being a dick, sex ment, Adrian being weird as fuck
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Adrian was slowly starting to hate the bar. At first he didn’t mind hanging out with the 11th street kids outside of work, stoked to get to hang out with his smoking hot girlfriend (you) at the same time, two bad ass birds one sick stone. But now, he wished he was out on patrol- kicking some drug dealer ass into oblivion would feel cathartic at the moment. Hitting, stabbing, shooting, or other forms of maiming weren’t off the table either. Instead, he just huffed inwardly as yet another drink was placed in front of you- compliments of a gaggle of dick clowns across the bar.
Now of course, Adrian knew you were gorgeous. He was the first person to sing your praises and admit that you were out of his league- usually to people would, in fact, didn’t ask. Adrian knew what a catch you were- brilliant, patient, beautiful, funny, willing to put up with his vigilante justice murder habits… Hell, if it was up to him, you’d receive a trophy every single day just for being you.
But fuck.
Was it really so fucking hard for the men in the place to believe you were with him?
When the first drink came, he was cool- excited even. Hell yeah, free drink for his amazing girlfriend! You had asked if he was okay with it and he nodded with that easy smile, but threw an arm around your shoulder thinking it would discourage anyone else.
It didn’t.
You hadn’t paid for a drink yet, even passing a off a couple to Leota and Economos. Sometimes the drinks would come with little napkins with phone numbers and little hearts written on them. Adrian noticeably bristled at the ‘meet me in the bathroom’ note on the fifth drink, only souring as numbers six and seven arrived shortly afterwards. Most of these drinks had come from the same guy, sending suggestive kissy faces from behind Adrian, and you didn’t know how close Adrian was to snapping.
You, unphased, would simply crumple up the napkins, dropping them in the nearest empty cup before kissing Adrian’s smooth cheek and down his jaw line. Hoping your trailed kisses and soft eyes would convey just how disinterested you were in anyone- anything- that wasn’t him. Just for good measure, you also made a show of draping your legs over his lap and playing with his hands.
“Don’t be mad, baby.” You cooed into his ear, though it was closer to a yell and still almost drowned out by the pounding music. In the dim light, Adrian shook his head quickly, offering a quick kiss to your temple before flashing a slightly too exaggerated grin- paired with what you could best call crazy eyes, you weren’t hopeful the night would end without bloodshed.
“Whatttt? I’m not mad! How could I be mad? Just some asswigs eyeing up my girlfriend, trying to booze her up with free fruity beverages. That’s great! I’m great! Peachy, having a great, good, groooeat time. You look great, babe, by the way. It’s a great time to be alive!”
Adrian did that thing where he spoke faster than he could think, and yet only reinforced his rambling as his brain processed the many words coming out of his mouth. Meanwhile, his eyes had left yours to glare daggers at some guy at the bar. You rose an eyebrow as you pointed out,“Really? Because you just said ‘great’ like six times. Seven if you count how you combined good and great.”
Your boyfriend listened to your words as you ran a gently hand through his unruly curls, leaning into the touch as he moved his eyes back to yours. They were wide, unhappy and his bottom lip jutted out into really adorable pout which made you grin, moving from his hair to cup his cheek, “Ignore them, let them waste their money. There’s only one person in this place I’m going home with.”
Adrian sighed and nodded, forcing himself to relax. With his hand fiddling with the waist band on you pants, he thought for a moment before his eyebrows crinkled, “Wait just to be clear, it’s me right? Cause I’m like 95% sure but just for clarity’s sake, you are talking about me right?”
You couldn’t suppress the laugh that escaped you.
“Yes, you dork, I’m talking about you.” You assured him through bouts of laughter, lightly smacking his muscled chest. Adrian sighed deeply in relief, shoulder’s relaxing as he finally gave you that smile you loved so much.
“Knew it. Good. That could have been really awkward.” He muttered, going into to kiss your neck. You were already tilting your head to the side to give him access, breath catching in your throat-
“Sorry to interrupt.” A deep voice cut through the moment. Adrian froze, his breath fanning your neck before you both looked up to find your main would be suitor standing over you. He was smiling like he felt awkward but his eyes were dark, not even bothering to look at Adrian. You felt your boyfriend become tense again,, so you rested a calming hand over his own long fingers.
“Then don’t.” Adrian muttered, eyes narrowed dangerously on this man and nose scrunching in irritation. This new man still didn’t look at him which rubbed you the wrong way.
“Heyyy, I’ve been sending drinks your way all night and I think the waitress forgot to tell you they were from me. I just wanted to let you know, that top? Jaw dropping. I’m James by the way.” He continued on, offering a too charming wink and nod combo as if you weren’t practically in Adrian’s lap. You could tell just from the the smoothness of his voice and the glint of his eyes that ‘James’ was used to getting what he wanted. Still, there wasn’t any use to starting a fight- it was Adrian’s only night off this week- so after a reassuring squeeze to Adrian’s hand you forced a sugary smile.
“Thank you for the drinks and the compliment. I’m very flattered, but I’m lucky enough to be here with my boyfriend, Adrian.” You politely informed him, forcing his attention to Adrian for the first time. To reinforce your point, you waved off the lemon drop he tried to pass you.
He was unphased, morphing his charm to a look of astonishment, “Wait, for real? Seriously, he’s your boyfriend. You are with him?” James laughed, a choppy sardonic sound that grated your nerves. He must have seen how your appeasing smile slipped to a mean glare, “Sorry, that was rude. I just wouldn’t have guessed! You’re so sexy, you could have anyone! Charity work is hot!”
You frowned at the backhanded compliment, about to snap at him or possibly just let Adrian at him, but your boyfriend beat you to it. With no hesitation, he snatched the napkin with James’s number scribbled on it right out of the asshole’s hand.
Now, there were a couple of things Adrian could have done that would be normal, unsurprising, rational. Crumpling it up. Throwing it back at him. Tearing it up. Hell, even using the table’s tea candle to burn it would have been less shocking. But Adrian was anything but normal, unsurprising, and rational, you knew this- it was one of the many reasons you loved him so much.
Still, he shocked even you by quickly shoving the beverage napkin into his mouth with a murderous, crazed expression as he chewed it quickly and swallowed it thickly before you could stop him. Only grimacing momentarily before snatching the drink as well and downing it in one gulp, never breaking eye contact or even blinking. He punctuated the action with an exaggerated, “Ahhhh!”
Both you and James watched on. You in concern and a little bit of amazement. James in equal parts disgust, anger, and a slight amount of fear. Adrian simply shrugged thrusting the drink back into James’s hand with a ‘what now?’ Expression.
“What the fuck you fucking freak?!” James finally growled after he stopped stuttering. He made a jumping motion at Adrian who didn’t flinch. You put your shock on pause to whip your head up to him with a sharp glare. No one talked to your boyfriend like that.
“Hey! Watch your mouth, asshole!” You shouted, grabbing the nearest, now watered down glass off the table where it’s multiple untouched siblings sat, before purposefully splashing it down his absurdly expensive looking shirt. You hoped you ruined it. Adrian was looking at you like you put the stars in the sky- to him you had already put the sun and moon up, but this was a new level of adoration.
“Whatever, bitch, you freaks are made for each other.” He snapped, shaking droplets of sticky lemon back at you before backing away. You glared after him, and Adrian, still choking down bits of napkin called after him.
“Hell yeah, we are!”
“Fuck off, limp dick!” You chorused with your boyfriend, giving the retreating man two middle fingers. After a moment, you looked back to Adrian who sputtered a white crumble into the empty glass in your hand. Your eyes softened as you ran a gentle hand over his face, “Adrian, baby, love and light of my life, why was eating the napkin your first choice?”
Adrian, to his credit, even as he picked other white crumbles off his tongue and blanching at the taste didn’t look regretful or hesitant, “If he handed you his number I would’ve had to cut his hand off.”
His voice was steady and honest, earning a sympathetic smile as you combed some curls back. This time his eyes fell downcast, voice lowering, “Plus, I didn’t want to see you take it from him, even if you were just gonna throw it away.”
Your sympathetic smile turned downwards for a moment before you took his hand in yours, lifting it to your lips.
“Don’t worry, Adrian, I’m all yours.” You promised him with a small but growing smile, wrapping an arm around his shoulder so you could pull yourself even closer to him and smile against his ear, “And- I can’t believe I’m saying these words- the whole napkin thing, while absolutely bizarre, defending my honor? Very hot.”
You pulled back, using your hold around his neck to balance yourself as you watched his side profile while he processed your words. You watched his eyes moving slightly as they widened, eyebrows raising, Adam’s apple bobbing, a flush rising up his neck, a grin spreading over his face… Your own smile growing as his thumb started to rub circles into your thigh.
“Sooo, what do you say we get out of here and show these dickwads who gets to take me home?” You suggested with with a coy grin, pulling your legs off his lap and catching his lips with yours, a sure fire promise for more as you felt him growing giddy under your touch. Adrian was all to happy to nip your bottom lip so he could add tongue.
“We’re about to have some insane sex aren’t we?”He asked eagerly and breathlessly when he pulled away, rambling off an assurance, “If the answer is yes, I’m just letting you know, I can eat at least 15 more if that’ll do it for you.”
“Ok, how about we go home and have crazy sex instead of eating napkins?” You offered with a raised eyebrow, as if it was a tough choice between the two. Adrian nodded quickly.
“Really? ‘Cause, babe, I can and will do that, for you.” He stated point blank, deadpanning in a moment of seriousness, as if you didn’t already know that he would do anything for you. His eyes were wide with excitement though, waiting for any indication that you wanted him to eat the nearest stack of napkins. You couldn’t help but laugh as you stood, offering a hand with enticing, wiggled fingers.
“Offer for crazy freaky sex, going once?” You sing songed with bright eyes and a mischievous smile. Adrian quickly nodded, jumping to his feet as fast as he took your hand, instantly taking the lead as he pulled you towards the exit.
“Right. Fuck yeah.”
I’m just as confused As you are but your honor I luv him
I love writing for characters where I can just think “what would my intrusive thoughts want to do” and no matter how weird it is, it’s still in character.
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applepi-1 · 3 years
Friends to lovers- Ushijima
Summary: You and Ushijima grew up together, until one day you had to move, and years later you reunite!
Warnings: Fluff
Before Ushijima moves next door to you, you always dragged your way home. Another day of hell, school was hell in this situation. Ever since kids found out, your mom died giving birth to you, they always called you a monster. A murder. Which caused bullying. You never understood how it was your fault. And then, at age 11, everything changed. He moved in. You ignored him best you could, not understanding why he tried to befriend you, I'm sure he heard people talking. But one day, you had to bump into him as you dragged your bag beside you, like always. "Y/n!" You stopped looking at the boy in front of you. "What happened? Your limping." You froze, wincing as he touched your arm.
"I-I fell down the stairs." It was true, you did fall, but not on accident, nor on purpose. I'm sure the kids who did it, it was attentional.
"My mom can fix you up, she fixes me up when I get bruises from volleyball." He plays volleyball?
"It's fine, I usually get my dad to do it." You lied, trying to walk past him, only to wince when you put pressure on your foot.
"Isn't your dad out of town? Come on, I can help." You didn't protest to let him bring you to his mom. And that's how the beautiful friendship started.
For two years you and Ushijima had been friends. You were still getting bullied whenever Ushijima wasn't around. And your father was sick of you dragging your feet to your room, and seeing you put up a fake smile for him.
"Y/n, can I talk to you?"
"Yeah." You stopped on the stairs looking down at him.
"I got a promotion, we have to move." You felt your world fall.
"But... I-I don't want to move, I-I like it here."
"Sweetie, you're getting bullied every day. You don't like it here, you just don't want to leave Ushijima. But, I think it's best, I already accepted the job. Pack your things, we leave tonight. Once you're done, say goodbye to Ushijima." With that, your father left. You felt everything fall apart. You packed your stuff and then made your way to Ushijima.
"Oh, Y/n, he's in his room, dear." You smiled and walked up the stairs knocking on his door.
"Come in." You opened the door and smiled seeing him reading.
"Oi, Nerd." He looked up at you, confused once he saw your tears.
"Y/n? Something wrong?" You walked over sitting in front of him, sighing.
"W-We're moving... Toshi... My dad told me we're moving..." Ushijima's face fell.
"What? You can't leave."
"I don't have a choice..." He pulled you into his chest, you sighed and nuzzled more into him. "I don't want to leave you."
"I don't want you to leave either. We can still mail each other, yeah?"
"Yeah, we can."
"Y/n, your fathers here dear, he says time to go." You sighed and looked at Ushijima. His mom left y'all two alone again.
"I'm gonna miss you Toshi."
"I'm gonna miss you, n/n." You looked at him again, quickly but slowly placing your lips onto his. Before pulling away, placing a bracelet into his hand.
"I'll come back for that." He looked at you and smiled, kissing you slowly. "I'll come back for you." You quickly pulled away and got up, walking out the house, and into the moving truck. You looked up at his room, "Goodbye, Ushi."
You were happy with your new school, at least the first year was okay until they found out about your past, you made a friend and trusted her with the secret, which you found out was a mistake. Only deference now, the bullying got physical. "Y/n, can we talk?" Deja vu hit you like a ton of bricks.
"We're moving home." You smiled and wrapped your arms around your neck. "You got into Shiratorizawa. Go pack." You immediately ran to your room grabbing a piece of paper, after the 5 years of being gone, during year 3, you and Ushijima stopped writing at the same time, weird, huh?
Dear Toshi,
GUESSS WHATTTT???? We're moving back, baby! You heard me, I get to see and Mama Ushijima again, I miss you guys so much, I'll be staying in a dorm at Shiratorizawa, so you have them to thank for getting me out of this helllll. I miss you so much, Toshi, I can't wait to see you. I hope everything's going well at school! And in volleyball. I saw you on tv, you were amazing! And JESUS you got so Tall, I'm going to look so short being next to you now, thank you, big idiot. See you soon, buddy. I miss you. I know I said that many times writing this, but I do. I hope you still have my bracelet, I'm coming home!!
Love, Y/n
You put the paper into an envelope and quickly wrote down your address than his, before putting a stamp on it and mailing it to him. After that, you packed and got into the moving truck, goodbye hell.
-With Ushijima-
Ushijima was helping his mom move things around when saw the mail. "Hey, mom, you got mail!" He yelled so she could hear him from upstairs. "Mom!" When she didn't reply he got it for her. He looked down it stopping when he saw one for him, his mom came out of the bathroom and looked at him.
"Everything okay, you look pale." He looked at her then down at the envelope.
"I... you remind Y/n, right?"
"L/n? Yeah, they lived next door to us, why?"
"I... I got a letter from her." She smiled at her son watching as he opened it, reading over your words. "She's moving back... she'll be going to Shiratorizawa with me, and... she saw me on tv." I miss you too, Y/n.
When you guys made it back to your old home, your dad helped you move into your dorm, before going home to unpack his stuff. Your first day of school was okay, you never ran into Ushijima though. That was the 5th day. You got lost looking for the gym, running into someone, you fell on your but, sighing. You looked up seeing a guy with red hair and red eyes, hey! "Your on the volleyball team, right?" You asked suddenly, jumping up to your feet.
"Yeah, I'm Tendo. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, I was looking for the gym. I'm actually looking for someone on the team." Tendo looked at you confused.
"I can show you if you like."
"Thank you! Hey, they call you Guess Monster right? That's so cool!" Tendo looked at you weird, you're the first person to call it cool. Once you both reached the gym you scanned it, spotting the person you were looking for. "Jesus, he got tall." You mumbled, but Tendo heard you. "Toshi!" The tall boy stopped moving, breathing, he thought he was gonna faint. He turned around and looked at you, standing next to Tendo. "Thank you, Tendo found him." You bowed a little before walking to the big guy. "Damn, I was right, I'm like a midget compared to you now." You held up a hand to how tall he was compared to you.
"Still short." You hit his arm, everyone watched their captain confused.
"Still, picking on my height I see. How've you been?"
"I've been good, you?" You froze, you wanted to say fine, but... you could never lie to Ushijima, not since you became friends that is. "Y/n?"
"I ah, been better, to be honest. Just glad to be home. I saw your mom yesterday, still so pretty." He laughed, the team's eyes widen, he can laugh?
"Yeah, she talks about you too. She misses the weird crazy girl who use to come over."
"Ah, I missed her too, and I am not weird." You kicked his leg lightly laughing a little. "I missed you too, you know. You big, giant, idiot."
"I missed you too." He ruffled your hair making you roll your eyes. "How's your dad?"
"Ah, he's good. I was so happy when he told me we were moving home."
"Yeah, I got the letter, oh and." He took the bracelet off his wrist. His teammates asked why he always wore it, he always replied he was saving it for someone special.
"You actually kept it."
"Well, you said you would come back for it." You both smiled, you looked up at him, and your eyes widen.
"What?" You pouted a little.
"I never got a -I haven't seen you in so long, I missed you- hug." He rolled his eyes and laughed a little. The team all thinking the same thing, Does he know how to hug? Their thoughts ending when they saw him bent down to hug you, you wrapped your arms around his neck smiling softly. "I missed you, Toshi. I wish you were there for me.." You admitted into his neck.
"I wish I was there too. It sucks ready home sad it was over there, and not being able to do anything." You both backed away and smiled softly.
"I'm sorry I stopped writing."
"I'm sorry, I stopped too."
"Nah, you've been busy, by the way, you are amazing."
"I know, you said so in the letter."
"It never hurt to say it before. I still remember the 10-year-old who'd run up to me, and go 'did you see that? Wasn't I amazing'!" He rolled his eyes again, the team felt weird, seeing their emotionless captain in front of them, showing emotions.
"I was 10."
"Eh, you were adorable."
"Were?" You laughed at his face.
"Yeah, now you're hot or cute. Or both, can a person be both? I don't know." He looked down at you in awe. "What?"
"Still the same old, Y/n." You smiled a little.
"Aren't you suppose to be practicing?" His eyes widen, completely forgetting about his teammates.
"I am. I'll walk you to your dorm after."
"Good, because I'm sure I'd get lost again." You both laughed before you walked off the court, watching them play, he was even better in person. Now you see why he is the captain, and why they call Tendo, the Guess Monster. Once it was over though, he kept his word, walking you to your dorm, both laughing as y'all caught up. You stopped at your door smiling.
"You know... after almost 5 years, I couldn't stop thinking about the girl who gave me my first kiss." You blushed and looked down, to be honest, you thought about it too.
"Yeah, me too." He cupped your cheek smiling down at you.
"You know, seeing you brings back so many feelings, and I just... Can I kiss you again? This time, without feeling like it's goodbye." You smiled and nodded your head, he leand down kissing you softly. You smiled into the kiss, standing on your tippy-toes trying to help. Kissing him now, was soft, slow, and passionate all in one. "I love you, Y/n."
"I love you too, I'm glad you show emotion towards me."
"I always had a soft spot for you." You looked down at the bracelet you wore, Ushijima never asked for it back, he had something better, he had you. The real thing.
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patchofsunlight · 4 years
hey everyone!! i’m finally home!! and i’m,,, super late to this appreciation post thing but i’d really like to thank everyone here for this year. i really can’t put into words how important starting this blog was for me, so i’ll just settle for a thank you.
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to my followers, who always made me feel loved and important. thank you for every comment, like, and reblog. i never will be quite able to understand why so many people follow my blog and read my writing but i’m really glad you all do. i’m really, really grateful for all of you. thank you for being around (no matter how much present you were, i see you, and i appreciate you) and for making my life so much better this year.
to my anons, that make me smile with their little messages and snippets of their daily life. i appreciate all of you so, so much. the mere thought of people actively wanting to talk to me like that makes me swoon, and i’m not kidding when i say talking to you all makes me incredibly happy, and i wait excitedly for all new updates, new asks, new stories, and i always miss you when you’re gone for too long. thank you so, so much for being my friends. ily mwah
to my mutuals, thank you for putting up with me LMAOOO okay okay for real tho, i appreciate and admire each of you so much. god you’re all so TALENTED and AMAZING and FUNNY and seeing you show up on my dash makes me happy every time. i love all of you no matter how much we actually talk to each other. you guys make me feel glad i exist every day. thank you so much for being a part of my life, and for being my friends. i love you!!!!
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to @shegosato, you know how much you mean to me. you know how much i cherish all our little talks and laughs and just- everything. jenny, i appreciate you so, so much. since the first day we ever talked, you quickly became a person incredibly important in my life, someone i crave to talk to all the time. you’re so talented and smart and just— UGH INCREDIBLE and i love you so much. so much. thank you for being my friend this year. i’m really grateful that you exist. i love you.
to @firebendersimp, i don’t even know where to start. talking to you and laughing with (and at hehe) you is probably one of my favorite things in the world. cat, you never fail to make my day brighter. i’m so happy to have known you this year. i hope we can keep on annoying each other for a LONG, long time, because not a lot of things make me happier than joking around with you. i love you baby!!! you’re so talented and beautiful and i love you very, very much.
to @randomfangirl82​, BABYYYY UGH I LOVE YOU. SO MUCH. you were my first ever mutual in this hellsite and i’m really glad it was you — that out of so many people in the internet, it was you. i love you. you’re so talented. i’m so proud of you, so proud. ily, erin!!! very very much, okay?? don’t forget that.
to @alittlebitofcinnamon​, i appreciate you so much wtf....... emma you’re just the SWEETEST and i adore you. i really do. mwah hope you’re doing well!!! ily!!!
to @bbykutos​, thank you so much for all the love and support you’ve shown me this year. you’re so talented and i’m so glad you’re my friend, for real. i hope you’re doing well and i’m excited for you to come back from your hiatus, because the world CANNOT go on without your top tier writing. ily!!!
to @azucanela​, honey!!! honey!!!!!!! god you are SO talented. SO talented. i’m so impressed every time i read anything you write, oh my god. you’re just— canela, you’re so funny and talented and nice and fun to talk to and i adore you. i do. talking to you always makes me happy and i’m excited to talk to you even more this year. i love you.
to @strawberry-tea​, i love you!!!!!!!! i love you!!!!!!!! the support!!!!!! the love!!!!! your earrings!!!!!! god i love your earrings!!!!!!!! poppy!!!!!! how do i even begin to tell you how much i appreciate you!!! you!!! all our asks!!! all our talks!!! all your comments!!!!! god i love you so much. i really do. *blows a kiss to the wind* it’s for poppy. *blows a hug to the wind* it’s also for poppy
to @kiedhara​, my emotional support and drinking water reminder <3 LMAOO HEIDY YOU’RE,,,, THE BEST!!! you’re incredible and i love you so much and your opinion always means so much to me. thank you so much for being my friend. you genuinely make me so happy and i’m so glad we became friends. i love you.
to @simpinforsukka​, you’re the funniest, hottest shit in this site, and i’ll fight people on it. EJKGBEIUFB LMAO brenda ily. i do. hope you’re doing well. we haven’t talked in a while but i love you. thank you for being my friend mwah
to @ray-ofmoonlight​, a thousand heart emojis. a million heart emojis. all the heart emojis. i love you so much. your asks back when you were my anon made me so happy, and i loved talking to you. i still do. moonie, you’re such an incredible, talented, hard-working person, and i admire you so much. thank you for being my friend. i love you
to @xxoperatexx​, LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! I LOVE YOU!! I LOVE YOU!!! you’re the best ily mwah mwah mwah
to @call-me-maybe-call-me-cola​ and @loversamongus​, i love both of you more than i could ever express. talking to both of you just makes my DAY, and playing among us with you is always just the biggest fun ever. cola, thank you for never failing on making me laugh, never failing on making me happy. wave, thank you for being one of the funniest, kindest people i know. you were one of my first anons ever and you mean so, so much to me. you always will. thank you for being in my life, both of you. i love you <3
to @samsmultifandomblogs​, MY FIRST EVER ANON WHATTTT i know we don’t talk as much anymore but your support got me through so much shit, it really did, and i have no words to thank you for it. ily. thank you so much.
to @skylightlantern​, my little light in the dark. lia, i love you so much that not even timezones can keep us apart. you’re such a talented, sweet, incredible person, and i’m so glad to have you in my life. you have no idea how much you mean to me and how much i appreciate every single thing you do or say. thank you for being my friend, thank you for being in my life. i love you <3
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i might have forgotten some people but, either way, know that i appreciate everyone in this hellsite. i love you guys!!! and i’m bad at making appreciation posts i’m so sorry. hope you all have an amazing 2021!!! let’s fucking GO Y’ALL LET’S FUCKING GO
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pandjseetheworld · 3 years
The Turquoise Tea Hut Hike(s)
It’s hard to put Lake Louise into words because the colors and scenery are so surreal but I’ll give it a go!! Yesterday we woke up early because I was told the parking lots fill up early. I had poor Pearce and Loki in the car by 6am but it was completely worth it! After parking the car and packing our day bags we hit the lake/trail. As you leave the lot you walk up to this turquoise colored lake, Lake Louise. The color is so vibrant all you can do is say, “wow”! It truly was a stunning color and because we were there so early there were only a few people taking photos. It was majestic, beautiful, and peaceful! To get to our trailhead we had to hike all the way around the lake, then ascend pretty high. The ‘Trail of the Six Glacier’ immediately started with an incline. I think my legs were still a little sore for our backpacking trek because this incline seemed hard to me and we only went up 2,400ft. As you head up the Canadian Rockies are on your left with the lake behind you. The mountains are huge and as you continue higher and higher, glaciers become more visible. The mountains are a gorgeous grey color with glaciers that are a sky blue with snowy patches. Everywhere you look was just beautiful!
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As we got to the top of the hike there was said to be a “tea house.” Now, I have never done a hike that takes you to a tea house so I didn’t really know what to expect. Did we have to bring our own tea? Was it a make it yourself shack with tea provided? Was it just a hut they called a “tea hut”? I had no idea! Well, it was a legit two story log cabin that you can order hot drinks, sandwiches, and little desserts! It could not have been a better treat after this hike. It was amazing! And we were one of the first people up there so it felt like we were in the Swiss Alps at this cabin in the woods. It was so freaking cool! To top it off, as you sat there drinking your hot tea, you had a view of the Canadian Rockies and 6 different glaciers. Like WHAT!!! My mind was blown! This was the coolest hike thus far and it was only 9am!
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Next we continued along the trail to a turn off for Lake Agnes. We were told there was another Tea House! Who the heck built these amazing places and decided they’d share it with the public? Because I love him/her! This hike wasn’t too far but holy heck the incline at the end was a bitch! I was exhausted and ready for our next tea break! As we walked up, Lake Agnes was on the left then another beautiful two story log cabin tea house, (keep panning right), a waterfall, then a view overlooking Lake Louise and the valley. It was remarkable. Since this tea house was more accessible to Lake Louise and it was lunch time, it there were a lot more people there but it was still awesome. This Tea House also only took cash sooo we didn’t get tea, we just ate our PB&J’s and our nature valley bars.
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Our next stop was Little Beehive, about 1k above Lake Agnes. It got its name because of its beehive-esk rock formation but I think it got its name because beehives sit high up in trees and the view from Little Beehive was super high. The views from there were breathtaking. You could see miles of Canadian Rockies with Lake Louise in the foreground. It was the steep mountains topped with glaciers that lead to a valley and lake with the most turquoise water you have ever seen. It was heavenly!! I wanted to stay up there forever but unfortunately we had to go down. The trek down was gradual but it also gradually gave me two blisters which is annoying! But when we got to the base and were walking around Lake Louise I forgot about the pain. Now I was even more grateful for waking up early because it was like an amusement park at the base. So many people, wedding photos, and kayakers I was happy to be leaving. This was an awesome day and I was still on cloud nine!
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When we got back to Banff we headed to a cafe/bar to sit down and plan the next few days and let Pearce work a little. A gentleman who worked at the cafe/bar helped us plan. I must say, Canadian’s could not be nicer. This guy was so helpful and gave us some awesome plans -fo freeeee! Gosh. He chatted us up for so long we had to sneak away! This would be unheard of in the states. Also when people see our license plate they come over and chat with us, “welcome, we’re glad your back!” Like we’re best buds! And to top it off, dogs are allowed in national parks and on EVERY hike (with a leash). I mean, whatttt!!! Loki has been coming with us everywhere and it’s awesome! I love Canada!
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ticklikeabomb · 6 years
Clumsy - One-shot
Pairing : Henry Cavill x Plus Size Reader (Neutral He/She/They)
Warnings : Language ; Innuendos
Word Count : 2.1k
A/N : One-shot not planned to be posted today but hey why not :) Trying to be as neutral as I could, so that everyone can identify themselves, no matter the gender :) Hope you like it.
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It was that time of the year again. The time hundreds of fans were waiting for - San Diego's Comic Con Event. It was time for you not only to attend this major Event as an actress/actor but also as a fan yourself. The Comic Con was featuring different panels during the weekend. Stars of shows like Supernatural, Gotham, The Walking Dead or The Originals were walking the same ground you were now standing. Frighten, excitement, thrill, joy, you name it, all those emotions bubbling in you. And what more of a fabulous experience than living it with a fabulous cast. You were Marvel's new addition and were part of the panel's headline, alongside Robert Downey Jr, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlet Johannson, Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Elisabeth Olsen, Tom Holland, Paul Betthany and Samuel L. Jackson. All great names and especially all great people that quickly became your little small second family.
You were all standing backstage waiting to be called by the host. You repeated your mantra in order to keep your nerves at bay and smiled brightly when you saw RDJ doing an entrance like only he mastered. Your friends were being called one by one until only you and Tom Holland remained. "Hey it's gonna be ok, relax and enjoy", he told you and gave your shoulder a small squeeze. You nodded and saw him climb the stairs and walk down the stage.
"And finally but not least, welcome Y/N YLN", the host's voice echoed through the gigantic room. You took a deep breath and stepped on stage. Hundreds of people applauding and yelling. It was overwhelming and at your left, you caught the sight of a group of people cosplaying your character. You gasped a little and waved at them, still walking on stage. At some point when you looked the opposite direction you were face to face with the host. 'The hell', you thought and he laughed loudly. You looked behind you and noticed that you crossed the whole cast. Because you were so mesmerized and focused on the fans cosplaying your character you didn't notice that you passed way your standing point. "Sorry", you mouthed at the host. You smiled nervously and did the walk of shame back to your position, passing by a laughing cast. "That started well", you mumbled to yourself, a little embarrassed. You waited until the host gave you permission and took a seat when so, indicating that the panel officially began.
45 minutes later
Wandering across the wave of people, a male stature in a Vendetta mask made his way to support one of his colleagues. That man being none other than Henry Cavill. The British actor was in town to start a new project and since he settled down a week earlier to prepare for his role, he decided to take some fresh air and stop by the Con to support Jason Momoa that was promoting Aquaman. He came across the board and saw that Aquaman's panel was after the Marvel one. He still had an hour to wait, so decided to judge the competition by himself. He entered the panel and discretely found a place to sit.
The panel was going well, the Marvel cast always amazing in interacting with their fans or tell jokes. "I know you have strict orders to not reveal anything but is there by chance some funny moment on set that you might be able to share with us?", asked the host curiously. RDJ looked at your direction and smirked. Your eyes immediately widened, scared about what he might reveal. The cast followed his gaze and once they settled on you, some of them laughed and smirked. 'Oh shit', you thought. The host caught the movement and smiled, "I see there's something, come on tell us."
"I don't know if we're allowed to tell but it's just too good to not mention it", finally replied RDJ. You discretely shook your head, pleading him to not reveal whatever he had in mind and his smirk grew even wider. He took a deep breath and faced the audience, who was ecstatic, waiting for any juicy detail. "So, Evans, Y/N and myself had that scene together."
"Oh No", your voice was heard through the mic while you face-palmed yourself. The cast laughed and RDJ continued. "It was a rather dramatic scene, lots of tension between Cap and Iron Man. There's a moment where Y/N's character is suppose to say 'Improvise', which was in the script. But for some reason, she/he/they got the message wrong and instead of saying the line, she/he/they actually began to improvise the whole dialogue and began to blabber some nonsense that was absolutely not scripted", stuttered RDJ in laughter. The whole cast, the host and the audience began to laugh and you just wished you could die. You couldn't deny that it was actually funny but at the moment of the shooting it was not. "Right and then the Russo Brothers yelled 'Cut' and asked her/him/them what was she/he/they talking about and she/he/they replied that she/he/they improvised like it stood in the script…and … and we were all cracking. It was hilarious’’ ,Evans finished the story while he whipped his tears off.
"Are you really crying of laughter right now?", you asked him in disbelief but amusement written all over your face. He nodded and continued laughing. "You're not visualizing her/his/their face when she/he/they finally got that her/his/their line all along was only the word 'Improvise'. Your face was priceless", he said and looked back at you. You chuckled and shook your head, a small smile ornamenting your face. "The cut made it to the movie actually", suddenly exclaimed Joe Russo out of nowhere. "Whatttt?", your high pitched voice rang across the room. "Yeah, we thought it was hilarious, especially Stark and Roger's confused face and what you said during that scene was kind of funny so, we showed it to Kevin Feige and he loved it." The cast applauded and you smiled while shaking your head, not believing it.
It was now time for some fans to step in and ask their questions. By the 6th question, a fan asked, "Who was/is the clumsiest person among all of you?" Without hesitation everyone exclaimed 'Y/N' in unison. "Not gonna deny that", you replied back with a small chuckle. "I'm such a mess. On set, I fell more times than it's socially acceptable and I've punched two stunt men by accident. I'm still so sorry guys", you said while turning to the camera, apologizing for what felt like the millionth time. A male fan took the mic and asked " I know this is maybe a controversial matter but I'm curious, are you all devoted to Marvel or is there a character that you still love but that it's part of the DC Universe?"
The room erupted at the question, eager to know the cast's response. "Well I for sure know someone who's been cheating on Marvel and went to the dark side", exclaimed Anthony Mackie while giving you a judgmental look. Sebastian who was at his side laughed at his friend’s innuendo and your face heat up. "Why are you looking at me? I don't know what you're talking about", you told him. He smirked and nodded, "Yeah yeah don't play that innocent act on me, I know that you have the hots for a certain Superman." Your eyes widened and you gasped, not believing that he dared to say that. Well what could you expect, Mackie and a mic, of course he would. People were shouting in the audience at this point and you chuckled. "Alright, I confess but can you blame me? He's fine as hell, not my fault", you revealed making the room erupt in loud screams and whistles. "God I hope Henry Cavill will never see or hear about this. It would be so embarrassing", you said and hid your face in your hands. If you knew that he was actually in the audience, never would those words leave your mouth.
"Alright I've got to know Y/N : Captain America or Superman?", asked the host out of nowhere. You chuckled and face-palmed yourself again, feeling the heat burn your cheeks.  You thought for a second and decided that it was the moment to really impress your colleagues and show them a different and more playful side of yourself. "It's not my type but fuck it, I'll take both", you exclaimed triumphantly once seeing your friends's shocked expression, not expecting you being so bold. You smirked and wiggled your eyebrows playfully. "Wow and here I thought you were the innocent one", replied Evans. "I never said I was innocent", you teased back. He raised an eyebrow and smirked back at you. Unfortunately you couldn't keep up with the whole mysterious and intriguing persona and chuckled at the situation, not believing that you dared saying that in front of hundreds of people. "That's it for us. Thank you so much for coming to the Marvel Panel and enjoy the rest of the day", exclaimed the host and closed the Panel.
Henry was surprised to have a good time at the Marvel Panel. He knew some of the cast members and was friends with them. But who really caught his attention was Marvel's new addition, Y/N. He thought you were beautiful and talented. He saw in one of your movies and was intrigued by you since and seeing you in flesh and bones made his heart beat just a tab faster. He laughed at your coworkers teasing about you being clumsy but what he didn't expect was you revealing that you found him hot. He smirked behind his mask and quickly exited the room as soon as the host closed it. He couldn't stop thinking about your voice mixed with your deep gaze and smirk, your teasing leaving him clearly flustered. Without noticing his feet led him to the Marvel signing booth and he didn't hesitate. He waited in line to get to you. After a good half hour, he finally reached you. "For who should I sign it?", her/his melodic voice invaded his eardrums. "Henry", he declared. His voice caught the attention of C.Evans who studied the man standing in front of you.
You were about to look back at the man in front of you when you noticed that your jacket had fallen of your chair. You quickly turned in order to grab it and when your gaze returned to the fan in front of you, you let out a small high-pitched scream. Not expecting to see the one you just publicly declared that you had the hots for in front of you, made you jump a little on your chair, your knee hitting the table and your plastic glass falling right at his trousers, wetting his crotch. "OMG I'm so sorry !!!!", you exclaimed mortified. Evans was laughing loudly beside you and declared, "Already trying to get into his pants Y/N?" You turned his way and gave him a deadly look mixed with embarrassment, making him laugh even more.   "I'm so so so sorry", you apologized to him. You handed him napkins and he took them with a bright smile on his face. "It's ok don't worry about it." There were no stronger words to describe how horrified you were. "I'm gonna go and die now", you mumbled and handed him a new fresh set of napkins. He laughed at your antics and declared, "Wait, not before I get the opportunity to invite you to a date." Your eyes almost popped out of your head and you stuttered, "You wan-na go on a date w-with me?" A bright smile crossed his face and you were so mesmerized by his blue eyes that you didn't hear his answer. You cleared your voice and replied, "Excuse me, what?" He chuckled and replied "You're cute"
"No you are", you breathed out, your brain not functioning correctly anymore. He chuckled again and you adverted your gaze elsewhere, "Ehh, i mean haha. Funny", you stuttered and mentally slapped yourself. "So would you go on a date with me?", he asked again. You nodded without hesitation, "Yes, I-I would love to." He borrowed your pen and wrote his number down. Before handing it to you, he leaned further making you stop breathing for a second and he whispered so that only you got it, " And so that you know, I don't like to share what's mine !" Heat and goosebumps crept all over your body, realizing he told you that because of the Captain America vs Superman comment. He winked and you saw him leaving. "You're drooling all over the place", commented Evans. You rolled your eyes and replied "Shutttt uppp". You bit your lip not realizing that you just got your crush's number and that he asked you on a date.
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PERMANENT TAG LIST : @arrowswithwifi @poetic-pixie @theshortegg @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @prettybubblesintheair @yafriendlyfangirl @marshmallow-witch @ms-cellanies @the-feckless-wonder @cfisher290  @thefangirltheycallviolet @river-fics @lilulo-12 @fanfictionrecommendations-com @spetzerfehn @angieptt @wayward-timetravel-collecter @ashley17jacobs @lokithedancingqueen @wildsoul1221 @introvertedsin @robertconradjr @francezka10
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wingedbears · 6 years
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(thanks @sassysnowperson for the idea!)
2018 was buck wild, and it shows. I wrote 20k more than last year (guesstimate from a generous 1/4 of Skating Your Way Through) for a total of 80k~
What a time! I learned that I can’t work with a deadline, but can branch out from what’s comfortable for me! AND I MADE SO MANY FRIENDS My goals for next year are to write consistently, to write with a word goal and to meet it! And to work on my original stuff too.
If you’ve been reading my stuff, come talk to me! I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas, and even (whatttt?) prompts.
Below the link: in depth looks at my fic.
Bodhi Rook/Cassian Andor unless other-wised noted
how could I even start without mentioning the behemoth skating au? It’s a work of love between four people, and I love and thank my co-authors sooooo much for helping me and not shaming me for being a bad fic mom. This was my first collaboration! And my first time actually plotting a fic out! A lot of firsts, and I couldn’t have done it without @semisweetshadow @fallsouthwinter and @anamelesstraveler
DIRTY DISCO  11580 words, finished
Again, a HUGE shoutout to @semisweetshadow for help and encouragement, and for putting up with my constant 70′s spam. I loved writing this, as it was entirely self indulgent, and a spin off (sort of?) of skating au. I asked, what if Cassian was a roller skater, but it was also the plot of dirty dancing, but also secret identities, and this fic was born.
A WOUNDED HEART  14032 words, finished (also Rose Tico/Rey)
This fic took forever, and I hope it shows. It started out LAST YEAR 2017 as one thing, then I added a frame to show this story. Again, I couldn’t have done it without my friends @fallsouthwinter @misskatieleigh @ensignrook @pontmercyingtilthecowscomehome who were amazing betas and idea bouncers, all. 
ONE COLD NIGHT  1559 words, finished 
A sequel to THE GHOST IN ROOM SIX this fic was also written for the Sniperpilot Winterfest 2017. Better late than never??
EATING IN  3131 words, finished (Bodhi Rook/Cassian Andor/Luke Skywalker)
this is smut, and crack, and I slammed it out in as little as 2 weeks. What even?
Dean Winchester/Castiel
I GAVE IT UP FOR LENT  10007 words, finished
Written for Fandom Loves Puerto Rico, I finally finished it a year later (again, deadlines??) This was hard to write, probably my hardest piece next to A WOUNDED HEART but I was so proud to have it done.
GATORLAND  935 words, finished
Written for my friend @cherryblake when they were having a hard day. It was my first official foray into writing Supernatural after having lurking for years, and honestly? It was great.
Archie Andrews/Jughead Jones
TO WANT, TO NEED  14173 words, finished 
I was so uncertain of dipping my toe in the lake that is Riverdale, but after talking to @archieandrewsprotectionsquad they told me to go for it. Thus, a great friendship grew and now we basically pass each other fic in the halls. 
BACK HOME  24359 words, WIP
Wooo! I love writing romcoms, and as far as I know, am jumping into unknown territory in this pairing (please correct me if I’m wrong bc I want to read them!) Again major shoutout to @archieandrewsprotectionsquad and @bavariansugarcookie for helping me. Love y’all.
Fred Andrews/FP Jones
NICE SHOT  588 words, finished
A tumblr one shot I wrote on a post. 
Nijk shöst (Please) by @bavariansugarcookie
AAAAAHHHHHHH A beautiful Shadows fic just for meeeeee it’s so good everyone please read and give love
Lazy Days by @anamelesstraveler
Part of the Skating au, another sweet SEXY look at two goobers. I LOVE IT
Until it Cracks by @archieandrewsprotectionsquad
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