Explore tagged Tumblr posts
mattodore · 3 months ago
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pov your boyfriend asks if you're really not going to stay the night :(
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crimsonconstl · 5 months ago
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Halloween time I guess
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An alt greyscale version (my fav) and some coraline pidge + classic werewolf Keith & vamp Lance
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mammoth-clangen · 3 months ago
Hi! In your answer to another anon's question about clangen comic tips (all those resources were amazing btw, tysm!), you said picking a unique name really helped. I'm considering starting a clangen tumblr for a New Years project (yay!). And it will need a good name!
Any tips/preferences on naming conventions? Do you prefer longer names, descriptive adjectives, just main character names, etc? Any names that are particularly better/worse for you as a reader?
And of course, happy holiday season! Much love to our fluffy prehistoric family!! 🦣🦁
Referring to this ask
I'm glad the resources were helpful! That doc is really good because it helps summarise a lot of things I've absorbed through osmosis reading so many comics and listening to what the authors have to say cx
On naming conventions, I'm once again gonna give a disclaimer that this is all just my opinion! If you have chosen/want to choose a name that would be "wrong" by these standards, don't let me stop you!
That being said, if I can't remember your comic name and/or I see the name and can't remember which comic it belongs to, it really messes with my ability to get invested in the story/characters :'o
DeviantArt was super renowned for having comics with long unwieldy names that had to be shortened to acronyms, to the point readers would forget the name entirely. T.W.O.R.R. page 34 is easier to forget than It Cascades Down page 34 (these are both my own examples, the latter may come back to life after Kindred of the Mammoth).
Now clangens are different than other comics in that most are just called __clan. Which is fine + it makes it clear that this is a clangen and, at least to me, means I'm less critical on the plot because "sometimes crazy stuff may happen bc RNG said so" cx
My personal issue is that there are so many clangens and a lot of the time their name has little relevance to the clan as a whole. ((Briefly ignoring that "Mammothclan" doesn't exist because they don't call themselves a clan.))
I like to think Mammoth-Clangen is pretty distinct because mammoths are often seen as synonymous with the ice age. Most will instantly know after reading 1 moon that mammoth= iceage= sabertooth cat clangen. If I named them Fleetclan or Glacierclan or slightly more plot relevant Remnantclan, it might not immediately bring up that connection. I also pedantically refuse to use "Saber" in anything because that's a sword and cats don't Have swords XD
Some memorable examples off the top of my head would be
Circusclan and Jungleclan= it's the setting, simple as that cx
Ashpaw is Alone/Lionpaw's Diary- both have a titular character that's easy to remember
Goofyclan- just silly guys, haha unless
Loudclan and Splinterclan also have names I remember for the lore tied to them- Loudclan have a loud train running through their territory, and Splinterclan have splintered off a larger clan!
Again, if you want to name your clangen blog Ravenclan, Stoneclan, Cloudclan, Vulcanclan, Humuhumunukunukuapua'aClan purely because it sounds cool, go for it! I'm not your dad and ngl I think making art and comics should be fun first and serious only when you want it to be uvu
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guileless-beast · 11 days ago
(rises from the bog) (checks activity) who dares disturb my domain
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intotheelliwoods · 2 years ago
I got new glasses finally and my brain is ooaoaoaooaoa ooao um adjusting (im having a time)
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miraculous-showtime · 6 months ago
hiiii followers and moots. idk how many of you (if any at all) have noticed ive been less active lately. well. posting on this blog just became way less fun for me and weirdly kind of stressful? idk but anyway im making a new blog (i actually already made it but shhh) i'll probably share it here when i'm ready but. yeah.
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dilfbatman · 3 months ago
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will go on an i love my moots spree tomorrow just throwing myself in my friends inboxes :3
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sinnettini · 3 months ago
the REAL tragedy of having my phone stolen is that i'm gonna have to rebuild my meme folder from scratch 😔😔😔😔
#i swear i'm going to back up shit regularly on my new phone. learned the hard way that saying “i'll do it at some point” for 2 years#is gonna bite me in the ass if shit happens#jokes aside (i need those to cope) yesterday i literally started crying so hard on the bus home after it got stolen#bc i realised i had like over 1500 pics of my cat who passed away last december and most of them were only on my phone#and the thought of having lost so many memories of him makes me feel so so so so devastated#i'm going to ask my mum to let me find all the pics of him i've sent her on whatsapp over the years bc i did use to send them to her often#as i do with our new cat#and i'll also look thru like discord#i know i posted quite a few pics of him on tumblr when he passed away and in the months after but my old blog is no more :/#there could be some on here/my main i have now so i'll check if i can find them but yeah#it's maybe dumb bc like it's not as if pictures are everything he'll always be in my heart regardless!!! but. my memory is not the best#with like... idk life memories slip away from me very easily which is very very scary so i cling onto pictures a bit to be able to remember#so yeah. i'm sad about this. and not just my cat like i had concert photos and videos i had a ton of things! like as an example i had#a folder with nice words my friends have said to me like nice things they've said about me. and i stopped updating it a long time ago#it didn't have A LOT of screenshots but it did have some and they were very dear to me#idk. i swear. i'll back up everything from now on lmao#sorry for going on about this btw. i'm so tired i don't even feel like watching tennis or whatever lol#ik this is supposed to be my sports blog and you guys follow me for that instead i talk about all these things that aren't sports lol
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Didn't mention it yesterday, but friendly reminder that Revolution aired in english, as per the schedule!
Now we have 3 (4 if you include Action) weeks to go before we get the whole season in english! I'm still working on a drive link solution, but in the meantime, you can watch the episode on miraculous.to (link will lead you straight to the episode, to avoid spoilers on the main page)! Just make sure you have an adblock on unless you want to fight for your life lmao.
Still working on things in the background, albiet slowly, updated the pinned post so its up to date, and yeah! Hope all you english dub waiters have a blast with this episode, it's nuts!
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vidovy · 2 years ago
Do ya even care abt Roadkill 🙄
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pardonmydelays · 2 years ago
Who is your pfp?
A BASTARD, ORPHAN, SON OF A WHO- ooh, that is alexander hamilton, one of the founding fathers. they even wrote a cool musical about this dude a few years ago, you should check it out. i do not remember the name of the composer tho, im sorry.
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burntblueberrywaffles · 1 year ago
For some reason a lot of new/empty blogs have been following me lately?? Several of them actually change their pfp and write a simple bio and/or description which is like THANK YOU that’s all I ask ❤️ but also now that’s it’s confirmed some of them are human I feel bad about blocking and reporting every suspicious blog in sight, in case these are in fact real people 💀 so! New followers! I’ll give a 2-3 days grace period to personalize your blog (but after that I shall nuke you I’m sorry)
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milfygerard · 1 year ago
i wont lie making taylor swift posts is kind of intimidating bc swifties are way better at bullying than mcr fans and mcr fans LOVE bullying
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nobody-knose--archive · 2 years ago
farewell, hesperus. nobody-knose will now be an archive*. i hope we’ve all had fun these years!
*excepting the hyakugojyuuichi 2003 sundays i have queued up for the next very very long time
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theshadowrealmitself · 2 years ago
Ty @phanboyo for the tag!
Rules: Make a new post and post your latest line from your WIP & tag as many people as there are words.
“Because every time you say being with me is “logical,” all I can think of is how many things I hate doing but do anyways because of logic, like being civil instead of punching jerks cause I don’t wanna spend a night in jail! I just worry…that you secretly resent being with me…”
(Oof, I am not going to be able to tag that many people but I’ll give it my best shot)
@warlock-pan-astronaut @pandorasparad0x @asterism343 @lenacraft @roundaboutnow @charmps-you-grickly @hopeful-bat @kelpeigh @zephyrwrites @dyinggirldied @ghostface3100 @daxsleftshoe @zero-way-out @chickenlover-19 @vivacia-18 @reveriewings @madametamma @magicalprofessorsludgedeputy @reckless-desire-to-live @bllbabaggins @kaisspamblog @mystic-fairy-tame @auroraborealis95 @harley-rose25 @mango-meister @candyheartdoe @ghospectr @easilydistractedandamused @ashoutinthedarkness @quetzalrofl @screamingrunawayzombie @they-meme-well (giving up here cause I’m a quitter 😭😭😭)
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puppy-barkz · 2 years ago
*clawing at the walls cutely* made this account to be safe and soft for regression stuff and now my dashboard kinda sucks bc it's become my main account instead
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