temptaetions · 2 months
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gimmethatagustd · 2 months
Just because I think about them easily like once a week 😅 how are Jimin and O/C from (only here to sin) doing? Happily together? They break up and she’s actually really with Tae? Does she find out about Joon and Tae? 😩
Also how is my favorite couple of ALL time (Tae) and (o/c) from the wanna-be photographer chronicles? Are they finally in a committed relationship? Hahah.
"I'm kind of hurt that you'd think she would break up with me..." OHTS!Jimin pouts, crossing his arms against his chest. "We do not speak that man's name in our house."
🫠 OHTS!Taehyung's management said he's not available to comment.
The Wannabe Photographer Chronicles, though...
Taehyung tilts his head back and lets out a long sigh. "They're committed to being mean to me. Do I like it? Yes, but that's beside the point."
(( is jai doing character asks again?? such wow very amazing ))
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
there’s so much to unpack here
little dude is crazy…. WITH HIS BROTHERS EX?!?
the ex girlfriend texting you is making me think she’s going to be on season 2 of Sex tape anons confessions 😭
Are they still not talking?! Listen I’m gonna need little dudes IG @ because I’m going to dm him straight for the drama now this is juicy I need it asap 🤣😭
“Me and miss luna” is making me laugh
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clonehub · 2 years
Starting the finale!
It's been quite an uneventful journey I will say!
Oh muffled volume! You don't get that often. The coolest was when mace had his moment in s1
The pause in this clones when he says Kaminos been destroyed :(
"and I will be left here on my own" :((((
Damn crosshair is really down
Oh he's up
Why was it not in AZs instinct to help 😭
I wonder who taught her to swim
Damn is crosshair really this stubborn
This almost sounds like I think the clones theme from tcw??
Yeah being this deep underwater.....nah
"all those missions together and you threw away" bitch BE SERIOUSSSS
"soldiers follow orders" notice how he didn't say "good"
Ok crossie baby part of the reason they're all nearly dead is bc of you you know that right
They looooove shoulder bumps in tcw
Kinda crazy that AZ can just weld through two feet of metal
No this was driving me insane. All this running bc you knew y'all was finna drown now that you're on the ocean floor in a cracked tube you want to WALK
How is this the finale and they really had to slow this shit down 😭
"something on your tiny mind, wrecker"
See look. Wrecker getting the emotional development that everyone should have been getting simultaneously
But tech essentially saying Crosshairs severe and unyielding personality is in his nature is rubbing me the wrong way. It's like. Essentialst idk. Like a long that same thread of eugenics that's been undergirding this show more than an actual plot has, saying oh well Crosshairs never going to change he simply cannot help it. Form one PoV this could be tech being just as uncompromising as crosshair is. Another is the contrast between tech and wrecker as a mind/heart thing which theyve been semi doing for this season. But also does this not essentialize his fascist tendencies too. Nooo he can't help being a fascist or having a personality that lends itself toward authoritarianism it's in his nature and you cannot change nature. Which kinda goes against the whole choice thing Hunters been talking about up to this point. Idk.
"understanding you does not mean I agree with you" this line annoys me sorry it just sounds like. Every Single -Ist and -Phobic person I've come across who's like "yeah I ~understand~ you but I don't have to agree!!" Babygirl I think actual understanding at least on the level as deep as ideology (or in my case various positions of marginalization) would require......nvm I can see here that there's two ways to understand "understand" but also the line is still corny soz
Ok if there's a problem why did you stop walking.
"run!" You should been doing that--
Man Crosshairs run was so dumb
Az was strong enough to carry fives I'm sure he could lift omega up some of these places
Stop calling them defective lmao
"you take things too personally" stay on topic crosshair let's talk about the empire leaving you for dead 🧐
"kamino regs the Republic" wild wild wild
"the empire will control the entire galaxy and I am going to be a part of it" see how he's a fascist guys
Why is he having headaches
LMAO not even omega gave up on him
They've got buttons on the inside?
Oh btw omegas 10 which means tbb is like. Probably 7 if she remembers them being created.
AZI :(
I mean at least they have him now 😭
This is the whitest they'll look in this series
"we want different things" I mean. Yeah. But like fascism is kinnndaaaaaaaa
Second use of the word brother in this series lmao
This Forgive a Fascist ass plotline
You don't get a lot of characters with bangs
Quite uh. I guess uneventful as a finale all things considered.
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itsalltooloud · 2 years
god, i’m fucking scared and i can’f even use this webiste begause that fucking flashing ad is so fucking dangerous to me. i have had four seizures because of it and i just need somewhere to calm fown. what is a man to do? what is a man to do? sowmethinf is after me. ut theeatens everythinf. i need to walkZ i need to leave. i need to jump out od my window. i need ro cut my arms open. my blood needs ro breathe. i need something. i need someoen. i need somethinfg. i ened out kd here. he calls me. he draws me to the neon lifhts ovee the water. he calls me to the train statjon. i could walk there. i need to . i ened to walk there. i need oht of here. i need away. i need so far away. i have teiwd to hard to keep silent bbut these thoughgs. rheyre breaking me. i’m scared. i need love. i just need fo know rhere’s people that if’s okay that they care rhat i som t need to messaagee first bur wven then even then even then. my blood needs to breathe and i need air. i need to walk. no time for clothes. no tiem dor doors. i need to just man up amd leave theough the window. i have places to be i bave things thag call. i have energies driving me oht od this town. out of this house. away from this man. bit there’s no dafe place for my catt. she can’t stau heee. she can’t come with. i’m boundto pass out or seize soon anyhow. i’ll wind up roadkill or coyotoe food. tryung to calm down. trying to calm diwnZ trying to calm down
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bakatenshii · 4 years
yeah I’m gone, I’m done, I’m having vvvv unholy thoughts about unhygienic and inappropriate usage of rice balls and salmon boy jeanist signing out for the night I’m done for
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the-fat-raccoon · 2 years
How have your theories Evolved my good honorary Gorpster
Ok I kept holding off on this one but it's time.
The Refined Understanding Of The Gorp Arg (I Understand Less Now)
Let me start off by saying apparently there's dubious cannon in the fuckimg. gorp arg. so I have no clue how much of anything is actual cannon. Or if any of this is even right
Alright let's go back to Nelson because this motherfucker haunts me in tags on the daily.
His full name is Nelson Stanley Berg which made me think this was like. A weird tsp au where he was Stanley stand in. And thread was 432s stand in and Sam the Narrator etc etc. But this all went immediately out the window once I saw 432 send thread an ask and referred to the other characters separately. This caused great pain as I thought I finally figured it out. Anyways.
He is dating Sam Akon who is. checks notes old and gay and 6 feet tall. And he dyes his hair but not with Kool aid that part was a joke. I think his thing is 💖 or one of the pink hearts but idk for sure. That is all I know about Sam Akon.
Nelson's is 💙 or 💙🤍 yeah? or is 💙🤍 referring to him plus someone else
Moving on. Let's talk about thread
per my last insane rambling, I've gotten confirmation that those posts I'd see people on my dash revloggibg of someone yelling about beasts is in fact part of the gorp arg
This one's interesting because it's the most reliable source I have into the gorp arg and I do not understand it at all
So threads birthday is on the release date of the half life mod that was the original version of the stanley parable. Which made me think again, au with different charactersfilling in these roles after somethinghappened to the original cast, but this was before disproven.
Thread is conflicted between being just the settings mf and having. yknow. Feelings And Shit. Also there's a hatred for Nelson I think? maybe. Idk the impression bit and the Sam akon info gathering made it hard to tell what emotion was brought forth from Nelsom but I think it's hatred. Idk I thought the impression bit was like. Really funny. Made me smile.
its is 💜 right? or 💜🖤?
Anyways. Favorite character. Probably because it's the only one I've seen do or say anything but. I didn't have to make that thread art for my warm up that shit jumped out from some part of me that apparently really wanted to design the "Setting page in an anxiety trenchcoat" as it has been so lovingly reffered to as in my notes several times.
Diane and the overseer??? They exist???? I can't find much on either tbh. idek if they have lil hearts.
I tried to figure out tbe series of events that led to whatever the hell is going on here but realized I do not have enough sources to actually. Figure that out. So.
Anyways. This really brought me back to my internet historian days of finding some really niche online interactive shit and figuring out every possible detail about it and the fandom just so I could possibly talk about it to someone in the future. And now I have the discord link waiting I'm my inbox. So I've leaned a little too far into the well and whatever at the bottom really wants me to fall.
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kodzuken-chan · 4 years
Greetings! I have once again crawled out of my cave to offer a request to you if thats alright.
Could i please ask for some headcanons where Law has an s/o who secretly has Cora’s devil fruit(they didnt mean for it to have it a secret, it just never came up wnd they didnt know how to bring it up),and then laws reaction to finding oht about it?
Hope you have a wonderful day!💛
A/N: Hiiiii, its totally alright!!!! I like your requests~!!
And Law yes omggg lets do this~🖤
Here you go and I hope you Enjoy~
Law with a S/O who secretly has Cora's devil Fruit Headcanons
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So You were a devil fruit user... particularly the Nagi Nagi no mi
Yes that's right its the same devil Fruit that Cora-san had ,the man who your boyfriend care for so much but is no longer here
Of course you know it bcs Law talked about him alot...and he was so cute when he did that
But what's funny is the Law doesn't seem to be aware of your ability, and you maybe didn't tell him about it
Its not that you're hiding it on purpose, its just that you didn't know how to bring it up, and maybe you are slightly afraid of his reaction Finiding it out
You know that Cora-san died infront of Law when he was younger and protected Law with his ability till his last breath
So you were afraid that Law might recall those Sad memories again if you told him about your ability, you thought that one day the suitable time will sure come.
But you used your ability mostly for Law without him knowing of course
It was right, your df ability helped you during your fights with the opponents
Your ability cancels all noises coming from you or somebody else's actions, making it ideal for situations requiring stealth since the lack of noise helps the user prevent drawing attention from enemies, so you can attack them by surprise
It doesn't protect you just like other devil fruits abilities but you make a good use of it during these times
But you honsetly loved the times when you use you use your df for Law, like when he works in his office, you'd use it to prevent any noise to intervene him from focusing on his work
And if he's alseep...I mean come on Law barely sleeps like normal human beings, so using your ability at this time is a blessing for keeping him alseep for a bit longer
However, Soon he started noticing it, he noticed the calm atmosphere around his office every time he goes either to study or work
He thought at first that you're keeping his hyped nakamas down but, when he stepped out of the room, it was as if he just entered a different world
It was so chaotic and noisey, as if his office was somewhere else, he thought that he imagined things..."no it can't be Cora-san that's impossible" that's what he thought
Its impossible bcs he knows that no one of his nakamas are devil fruit users, but wait a second what if it was you?
So to clear his doubts, one day he decided to go and sleep, it was one of those rare times that Law finally felt tired and craved for a good sleep, but soon he remembered that even during his sleep, he seems to be in a different world where there is no noise to Interrupt his sleep
He layed under the blanket and pretended that he's alseep, he can still hear the chaotic noises of his nakamas from a far, but soon he sensed the door soon slowly cracked open
He knew it was you, Nobody enters his room especially when he goes to sleep except for you.
For some weird reasons, he didn't hear your foot steps, he was sure that he heard the door open but why aren't you walking, he tried to process the things only to feel you sitting right next to him on the bed
You fingers gently moved between his raven locks as you place a soft kiss on his forehead murmuring, "Sleep well my dear", his eyes opened in shock which made you starled as well
" (Y/N)-ya its you! " He slightly jumped towards and you froze, "M..me? Is there is something wrong dear?" You confusedly questioned.
" You're a Nagi Nagi no mi user am I right?!", He asked eyes wide open as he studied your features while caressing your cheeks with his thumbs
You nodded, you didn't know how to react, you couldn't read his expressions, was he mad? Happy about your df or what..
He pulled you into a tight hug as he stroked your hair, he sighed in a relief, " I'm glad..that its you and not some one else"
Your heart softened, its your first time to see Law like this, and since his words kinda comforted you, you finally relaxed and hugged him back
He asked you about why you were hiding it and how did you get it, you explained how you got it before you even meet him and that you were hiding it bcs you were afraid of him recalling sad memories and he chuckled.
Ever since the time he knew about your DF ability, you'd use it the way you usually did, except for that now when you were with him all alone, he'd ask you to use it so he can Cuddle, nap with you in peace, bcs all what he wants to hear at that moment is your soothing voice and of course it was mutual~🖤
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dear--charlie · 4 years
Dear Charlie,
I told you I missed the internship kids, right? Turns oht they really missed me to. Yesterday, I went to the internship school (I should have don’t that a long while ago but then I had Covid, then I there was a new lockdown, then I had exams, so yesterday was the day) to get some stuff I forgot. I stepped into the door frame and was like “schéine gudde Mëtteg” which is the way I always greet them. It literally means “beautifuly good afternoon” but that’s how we say it here and a M, a girl who grew really fond of me, turned around and came to hug me. Then anltherone came and soon I had two 10year olds hanging around my waist. I told them that I am happy to see them too but that it’s important to let go now because we aren’t allowed to be so close with covid. Their reaction: you’re immune, you had it. And we were wearing our masks. I couldn’t really say anything against that. So I told them if they hugged me separately for short it would be alright. So they did. I went on to talk to the other kids and they asked many questions about my uni and about how I was. And we chattered for a while. I talked to the teacher too for a bit. I think I’ll go visit again. It’s nice to see them again and it helps the now teacher. The children also came up to be and told me that they had kept everything I had implemented in the classroom. The rules, the hand-raise chart, the toilet plan, the daily planner and homework planner, even the chart for behaviour. They told me that they had asked their usual teacher (a quite disorganised person) to keep those things and he accepted. That filled me with a warm fuzzy feeling. They are hard to handl because they all have some behavioural and/or school issues. They are quite extra. But once you learn how to handle them, they turn out to be amazing. On Friday afternoons they do arts and crafts. I came in with them sitting on the floor to a puddle of glitter (mind you, I’m full of glitter) and the teacher (she’s new and never had the kids alone, I was there during her first 5 weeks) was obviously not having them under control. After I finished saying hello to the kids and packing the stuff I forgot it was time to clean up. The teacher was trying to tell the kids but didn’t settle and wait till they were quiet. She just tried to scream her lungs out but her voice didn’t reach far. So I stepped in. Calm and strong. I said “sou” in a firm voice. They were instantly quiet. Then I told them to sit down and listen to their teacher because if they wanted to have some time left at the end of lesson, it was important that they listened to her now. So she spoke. And the kids did what they were supposed to do and everybody was happy. It’s nice to see how I learnt to manage them and how they appreciate me enough so as to listen to what I have to say. They are challenging but man I love them. I’ll go back next week and tell you how it went.
Love always, Lena. (23.01.2021, 7:26h)
P.S. yup, I woke up at 6:40 and just got up. So now the house is quiet and I’m texting you)
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sockpansy · 5 years
Why are you guys sleeping on Cinderella?
Alright, so a few days ago, i watched all 3 Cinderella movies and just...
This girl
Is amazing!
In her first movie, she has to do all the chore and be a maid to her stepfamily, but she still works hard, but she doesnt take everything so easily. This girl has attitude every small chance she gets! She axts nice when she is getting in trouble for something that isnt her fault, but she still triws to defend herself. Even thoughout the movie she tries to speak for herself and has snide comments when she can.
Dispite the hatred of her stepfamily, she is still kind to others! She even manages to convince her stepmother to let her keep a dog, so long as he doesnt cause trouble. She dresses, saves, and feeds the mice, just because she can. She is always looking out for others, even if it ia a small thing. And all her help got her repaid when the mice made her dress for her, although they did (technically) steal- causing the dresses destruction.
She wasnt after the prince actually. It seemed that the prince was far from her mind. She just wanted a magical night of fun, to go to the ball, and she worked so hard to get all her chores done so that she could...she aaid she wouldn't go when her dress wasnt finished, but quickly ran down in the new dress the mice made in excitement.
Then it gets ruins, and she runs iut to the garden. Cinderella had put so much effort into just having one fun night....so much work just to have it ripped from her last minute. It is perfectly understandable that she would break down crying after all that. Then fair godmother shows up, and cinderella doesnt stop thanking her.
Plus! She didnt know it was the prince she met st the ball. Althought we dont know whag they talked about, it is shown thst cinderella and prince charming spent all night together - and she disnt even know he was the prince! She says it when she runs away.
Then the rest of the story unfolds. The prince has the grand duke search for her, she geta locked in her room, the mice come to her rescue, and after the glass slipper breaks, she shows thst she has the other slipper, and gets to marry the prince.
In the first movie, she was her own person, who wantwd a night to have fun, and got a lifetime of happiness after all her hard work, and help from others when it was needed!
But movie two shows a bit more if herself.
Movie two has three stories in it, and I love that they made Anastasia redeemable! She became my favorite. But this is not about her (yet).
Cinderella spends the firdt story, trying to be the best princess she can be, by doing jt by the book. She puts forth a lot od effort, not for the man she loves, because she wants to. In the end. She decides that doing it by the book isn't her, and she changes it up, but doesn't shoot her teacher down. She is still friendly ans inviting to her, she never says that her way was dumb, she just wantws to plan things in a new way. She opens the curtains, has dun with colors, music, and dances, and she incites the commoners into the castle. In the end, she has the most slpendid party, and the king and prince approve.
The second story is mostly about jakjak wanting to her cinderelly more, but we do see how cinderella is always finding ways to help people.
The third story is about Anastasia finding love, amoung a common baker. Cinderella finds her, but instead of laughinf st her or ingoring her, she offers her help. She teaches Anastasia how to be beautiful as she is, and helps her find a way to end up with the baker, and speak up for herself. Agian, cinderella was more of a background character here, but she was more active in thsi one.
Now Cinderella three.
This movie takes the cake.
Now, the secibs movie is completely ignored. Anastasia isnt with the baker, and instead, end sup stealing fairy godmother wand, which the evil step mother uses to turn time back to the moening after the dance. She makes Anastasia fit the shoe, and Cinderella misses her chance to show the prince loves her. Now this movie has character developement for EVERYONEA. Cinderella, Anastasia, the prince, and his dad! Cinderella is threatened to never go near the palace, but she knows that her night st the ball wasnt a dream. She sings the most bomb aong ever, and like, why is 'a dream is a wish your heart makes' her song? Like...this one is so much better (in my,personal opinion). She sets oht for the castle, where she sneaks in as a servant, lies about being the royal mouse catcher, hunts down the prince (who was spelled to not remember her) tried to get him to remember, and yeah, she give a up a bit, until the mice tell her that the prince was cursed. Then she is back tenfold! She works to steal the wand, and almost manages to save the prince, before the gaurda catch her. She end sup on a boat, out of the kingdom, and she actually gices up here, which is understandable. But the prince chases after her, and it is a bwautiful scene, go atach the movie, please, the boat scene is adorable. After that, when Anastasia is turned into her, she is asking if it will make anastasia happy, and when she is in a runaway pumpkin carriage of doom, she keeps the mice as safe as possible, while fighting an evil cat. She then crashes her own wedding, and stepped in front of anastasia to protect her from the spell that the stepmother was going to cast. She was headstrong and determined, and she always gave it her all, for even a silver of hope. She only gave up when there was nothing she could do anymore, and it is wasnt given back to her.
Anastasia found out thag she wanted to love someone who would love her back, and (kinda) turned agianst her mother, she refused to msrry the prince, and stayed by Cinderella side, but she still loved her mother, never telling her off. I found it kinda nice, they didn't turn her around to hate her mother suddenly. Anastasia had always worked for her mothers praise, and im sure it hurt to be called a 'spoiled ' child, but she did what was right, for everyone, and her heart as well.
The prince was given moee than a few lines, and was a key part in the story. Not jsut a driving force. He was shown as talented in many things, like a prince would be, but had humor to himself too, he saw anastasia the firdt time, and flat out asked if he was in the wrong room. He believed talking mice when they told him he had the wrong girl, and he JUMPS OUT A WINDOW for her. He also calls her cinderelly, which was a nice little laugh. He uses his sword to hit thw final magic spell to the stepmother, and spwnt the entire movie just looking for the love of his life.
The king was a good laugh, and wss more than just a shott tempted dad aho wants grandkids. He had some logic to him flst out saying "you csnt pick a girl all because of her shoes" and he took anastasia aside to give her a shell that means the world to him, because it was a symbol of the loce between him and his wife. He was still shorttemped, but was showing more of the dad side of him.
Overall, Cinderella herself, as a princess, is more than someone who waited aeound for help. She was always working for a happier life, and when she got the chance, would give it all she got until she couldnt anymore. In conclusion
We stan
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not-juno-moved · 5 years
ok i dont know if you guys want me to elaborate on my exact feelings or how i found out bit by bit. it got away from me long post sorry. but st around 6:30 pm today my car was taken from the place i work at by a white man in a gray shirt (we saw later on security footage) at around 7:00 i went outside to throw trash in the dumpster, and i park near the dumpster do thats when i realized my car was definitely gone. i took this picture at 7:06 and told my friends to come to the parking lot to see if i just parked somewhere else and mayb just forgot.
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now i KNOW i was parked where that red car was. like this lady was giving me dirty looks when j parked there after her. in between 7:06 and 8:30 my friends show up and find my car two spots away from that red car. they tooka bideo bc they thought i was just joking and wanted them to check jt out. heres the video
now if you look closer you can see that the red car is in both photos AND you can see that both cars two spots away from it are NOTHING like my car. so we talked about this and i decided to go check out the footage with mall security after work.
we looked at the footage and jonestly i thought it was gonna end up being like my mom secretly made a third key (bc i keep both my spare and original key on me) and that was that. but he says a white man in a gray shirt could be seen inside my car. so im freaking oht at this point and he comes with me to my car cause its like 9:30pm and dark out.
we get to the car and quickly discover that its unlocked. then we discover that there was provably about THREE people in my car total bc theres three cups of soda from burger king. the person who stole my car took their bags of food (i presume they had) but left their soda, FILLED my tank of gas (was almost empty), and even parked the car semi near where i originally parked it. my friends ended up coming by to check the car and make sure that i was good and followed me home where i am now doing laundry.
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irl · 2 years
i was gonna nix the trauma tonight cos i didnt feel like it but ig im in a silly goofy mood cos here we are anyway 🤪
anyway like truly heed the tw cos idk this ine might get graphic idk man ill try to remember to tag for it but dam dude it may jus go unt lol soz. silly goofy mood 🥴
***trauma dumping
like. ik that all the shit today couldve been prevented if i just. blocked her number. she doesnt have any way to contact me, she doesnt use social media. but i cant
i dont know why i really dont. is it masochism? do i secretly like it every time she texts? do i enjoy the adrenaline rush? i dont fucking know. i feel afraid of her. im not constantly afraid. yea she still affects my daily life but like, shes not On My Mind yknow. but god
when i went to florida last december i was constantly shitting bricks. afraid that she was alrwady back. cos i knew she was supposed to be going back. i was so afraid id see her. till i found oht the night before i left that she still was in missouri. i felt so much relief. wxcept it still wasnt all gone, the fear and anxiety. some small part of me kept buzzing the rest of the night and the next day that id see her, that shed see me. that shed sink her claws in me again and ibwouldnt be able to get away this time
when i told her i was planning on leaving she started. really financially abusing me. more than she already had. i tried to get a part time job that i ended up also being able to get her one too. we were just sign holders. i got to watch netflix for six hours and get paid 25$ an hour for it. it wasnt bad.
every time i got paid shed ask for money and she also stopped paying for gas and for food. she demanded half of my check for “rent” or whatever despite the original “agreement” that she got me under was that id live rent free.
when i got my tax return which was around $700, she took all of it, wasting most of my money on uber eats and shit. saying she was going to pay me back but never did and would get mad if i tried to stand up to it.
my stimulus check went the same way, except i was able to spend a little of that on myself before she decided she wanted jt all and i couldnt even put anything towards savings to leave.
looking back. it shouldve been obvious. i was mad abt it yea but i didnt see it as a form of financial abuse. she had me wearing very thick rose colored glasses
she had me constantly high. if not constantly than as often as she could. she had me drive while i was high guilting me w the fact she couldnt drive, period. she would smoke out of a bong while u was driving past police officers on purpose for the thrill. i hadnt rly ever smoked much because of her
she found me hollowed out by my ex who had taken almost everything from me, including all sense of self. i wasnt allowed to have a self outside of him. he disapproved of everything i did if he didnt like it. im sure i did shit that really fucked him up too tho. i have no idea but like. this was my severely untreated and inflated bpd time. i has no coping methods and so while i was suseptible to trauma and manipulation or whateva i was also like. a horrible person lmao. idk much abt that me cos yknow 🥴amnesia🥴 lol but what i do remember, i dont like.
but i still got fucked up by him. she found me a couple months after he broke up with me and i was left just a completely hollow husk of a person with nothing driving me.
id never rly smoked weed much tbh. i lived in colorado before and after The Great Legalization and i only smoked weed once then. i got crossfaded with a group of friends and a handle of fireball then we went and watched the first deadpool movie in theaters lol
the second
SHE JUST TEXTED ME LMAO LMAO LMAO SHE ASKED ME FOR THE DATES AGAIN AND I WAS LIKE OHOHO? serves me right for hoping for smth dependent on someone not me. i shouldve learned this fhckinnglesson forever ago LOLOL every time i get hope in something that depends on someone else its alwahs fucking. crhshed. i dont hope for things dependent on other people unless its literally guaranteed like my moms guilt money lol. whatever. its fine “sorry you. cant come wjth me and [redacted] we are going with family frowny face emoji”. like. okay
im not mad at her. genuinely i hope she has fun. but fuck dide. u couldntve fucming. googled it. yourself and then simply not told me ur plans and be like soz boo cant make it. i wouldve rather the fucking. lie. i let my hopes get up. i didnt take anything out on her ofc like id never do that cos like. Yeah. Im Upset. Yeah. Im Angry. but i know im mostly just angry at the situation, not exactly at her. yeah i wouldve apprecisted more tact bht like. at the end of the day its fine. i probably wouldntve been able to afford it
i loved sleigh bells since i was like. a freshman or sophomore. i found them with young legends on some wally west playlist on 8tracks. i was like hm interesting. then somewhere i heard crown on the ground abd my brain started to brr. after that it was a rabbit hole and now ive been to like. three sleigh bells concerts and my favorite most cherished memory ever is from a sleigh bells concert and ibalso got the setlist from that same concert and ive got all but their latest two albums on cd and vinyl and
at my second concert, we were in a basement bar show in aspen colorado. the opening act was tunde olaniran. id never seen or heard him berore. but oh my god it was love at first sight. this man is Drop Dead Gorgeous. he has the voice of an angel. he deserves the world. and then sleigh bells
god dereks guitar is so harsh and whiney but so fucking powerful and rhythmic. i love his guitar i love his hands
alexis. alexis krauss is my One. i would do anything she asked. shes. god. i was up against the stage, there were no barriers. i was singing and dancing along to every song she sang with all of my energy all of my might just thouroughly experiencing the night
the first time id seen sleigh bells i did so at a festival and i got high for the second time bcos some dude wire wrapping crystal at a booth offered me some hits off of his blunt lol. and so i spent the whole First Time Seeing My Favorite Band And The Whole Reason I Came To Riot Fest high off of my ass and behind my phone videoing and taking pictures. i remember basically none of it lmao
exceptnfor jonas but hes a topic for later. dw hes cool.
so i decided i was going to do my damndest to remember this concert and i wasnt gonna use my phone at all. and that was the Correct choice. sure i dont remember it all, this is deep in the times that i Dont Remember but ive clung to this memory with gnashing teeth and claws.
they were performing minnie from their album bitter rivals. during one of the “minnie minnie, go count your pennies” lines alexis got right up to my face, stooping down close. just far enough for the microphone to be comfortable. her hair cascading around us. for just a split moment, it was just me and her in the world. no one else mattered.
she ripped back up when the line was over and i remember once she got to “window pain, the pain!” i did a deep drop, just fully going feral for a moment.
it was the best concert of my life. she handed me the set list at the end.
anyway i love sleigh bells hi
intermission over ig lmao
that also, incidentally, included the second time i got high so there u go. the third was with my ex fiances uncle. kinda boring. then i met tisa when i moved to florida and after we broke up but still lived together. she also offered me coke once but i declined her lmao. one of the hard stop drugs
after that it was all the hippie. she very quickly (like within a couple weeks knowing her) put in the dynamic of “big sister little brother” and started placing herself in a caretaker role regardless of what i said. after a bit i relented and let it happen. and she started getting me high. very quickly, cos i was still untreated unregulated bpd bitch, the unhealthy dynamic was solidified and the infatuation and fixation began because i was very vulnerable and she was placing herself in the role of protector cause thats what i craved.
she apparently did this a few times before. i saw the end of her previous one with a woman named sarah. she talked about a couple others. i dont remember them clearly.
she talked about herself a lot. she trauma dumped constantly. and i was just expected to listen. she told me horrible horrible things thatd apparently happened to her. i still cant tell if she was telling the truth. and id just have to listen to it.
if it was true she had a habit of bringing it her way it felt like. it might get graphic soon
animal gore hg stuff idk um doubt anyones reading anywau im just gonna write
one time her sons cat got out. this was at the first place we lived with the trailer. her sons cat got out. or maybe it happened in the trailer. i. we found him. i dont know. i only just. unlocked this memory tonight. but god it was so awful and disgusting.
somehow he got a gnarly cut on one of his paws. and cats use a litter box and all. and she never cleaned it. and it got infected so a gnarly cut turned into a necrotic painful oozing wound.
i dont even know how it happened. or how long hed been like that. he was her cat and he rarely ever came around to me anyway.
she pissed away $15k on bullshit. so much so that upon finding this she decided she couldnt afford a vet. shed deal with it herself. with my assistance ofc cos she couldnt do it alone.
my task was to hold this poor cat still, wrapped tight in a blanket to keep him from hurting us or himself. as she cut away at his paw pad with a pair of cuticle scissors.
im going to vomit
there was so much blood. he was in so much pain. the wound was so bad. the blood was so dark. then it was bright. i dont know why. i didnt expect him to have bright red blood. the only time you see an animals blood is dried dark rust on pavement. but here he was. bleeding like a human. bright red
its teally hard. walking through this memory. i have a migraine building. im fighting twars. this is physically painful. i
it took so long. i felt like we were there for hours. we were probably only there for 30 minutes to an hour. but that long is infinity when youre watching this. she poured something on his foot. it was supposed to steralize it. it was some dark liquid that stained his white foot bright yellow. she wrapped his foot in gauze and put a sock on it. every few days unwrapping to go at the foot again a little bit. squeezing more and more awful puss shit out.
eventually it healed. she decided shed do it herself. with my help of course bcos how could she ever do this alone
i guess im done for now. im physically shaking. im out of weed. its almost midnight and i open tomorrow. and most importantly, my phones dying. the stars aligned i should sleep
i wish she would forget about me so i could forget about her
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
our bikes are very fast on the road and have systems for it...yours are not. and are low tech billium try we intercept now and all of thier intel will be ours. ours go fast, faster than the 2000 mph you saw you said yo saw and Gabriel is there in the Desert Goddess Wife by his side, and they shoot out, and are on it.  are taped, and the speed seen but he has recording devices all over, stolen from jon the faggot, and ellie the idiot.  and hey zoom off are out...and no no scans.   away too off into the sky and at speed. and you are in doubt  but see the recording in silver shortly Hera  Zues yes yes yes we say too Zues Hera Frank Caslte Hardcastle hahahah hell here this is abnromally hell ish and we help this is  way over the top should not be tolerated. we saw the cops gotten now we get it..and advertisse it just haul them in they puke  yu do it. they all do puke.  so we use it. Duke Nukem Blockbuster and fast is Gabriels stuff.  very fast now. this just in a man went out fast.  sw the readings held up his hands and did hte sign.  and it is 15000 mph on the ground.  impossible checks all say it..and then all are exactly the same...but one. it is timed by wire says 14999 and missed the one from the start no it is faster.  it is amazing it isonly calibration shows hhe is amatuer no shows he is an expert jon says and it is h im caa my brother in law.  uses it too and huge huge bases so vaset we dont believe it and hard he glass is very hard. too hard for us and we say this we aer doomed cant replicate it. jon adds.  i am astonished tt your speed you did away with us so quickly here all gone to the hole true.  and why, we go die adn thats it and deserve it and yes many do.  are nasty as hell and stupid adn wont fight mosnters at all  true wont.  dont need to you do it.  and are not  us no are and are macs and ohtes.  weird.  adn we say cant they beat us and use you by inhabitin you and htey say so. and we figured  it out mac and h is robots he is so arrogant. acid ok. no hpenolic and so what...breaks easy.  and oh.   and we die and it is him mac. jsut good ole mike soft simplebrondre truthfuly your not so smart mac.. no but smarterthan you. and our area gone shortly el says. fast bikes. the man says. jon arrives cks radiation and devlopes it there all can see. and use telescoepss and tons of high tech and some saw it said i cant see him or her. Olympus
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