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cbmagus49 · 2 years ago
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Whooo, that was a lot! I only got properly started on these like a week ago; I’ve been back at school for the first time in like 3 years which is really eating up my executive function, and with all the crap that happened in Jan/Feb on top of that I wasn’t even sure I was gonna do Forduary at all ^^’ Not half bad for a very very very last minute mad rush to get something out before the late entry cutoff deadline :D
(I am so tired T^T)
I had a lot of trouble figuring out what to do for the prompts this time around, and eventually ended up making two sketches for each prompt! ...buuuut I absolutely did not have time to do all of them with how late I left it so I just picked my favourite for each week to polish up. I’m probably not gonna finish the others, but I liked how the rough blocking was turning out and I thought the progression of all of them together looked pretty cool, so since I didn’t wanna just not post them I’ve put all the thumbnail sketches under the cut so you can see ‘em ^^
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fowlblue · 1 year ago
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the protagonist, the queen of hell, and one very fucked-up healer…
More Warriors OCs! I have plans to make a blog just for these guys since it’s so different from my usual, so I won’t dive too much into them here- the gist is that Rattlebone is Going Through it, and the other two are ghostly spirits he happens to meet along the way.
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pygmi-says-hi · 5 months ago
writing tips - sick/poisoning fics
so since you guys ate up the injury thing like holy fuck 1.5k notes in 24 hours??? hello?? I thought I'd do a semi-related one about sickness.
disclaimer because you guys thoroughly reminded me of this: medicine is fucking weird and everybody reacts differently. this is blanket statement information, not the mayo clinic. idc that 'oh my cousin had that disease and he didn't have that symptom' okay whatever like sorry but that's not the point of this post. this is just to eliminate egregious mistakes. I'm not looking into every possible way this illness will show up. chill your tits. the comments on the last post were just like. dude. chill.
aurkay so.
poison-related illness.
okay poisoning is such a cool concept and there are literally so many cool effects it can have. Idk why everyone goes with the holy trinity of hallucinations, fainting and nausea. like yeah those are good but there are so many other things???
like internal bleeding. literally the best. I love it. It's slow but hella deadly and sometimes people can't even feel it/don't know what's happening. that's such a great option for whump or some angst. like they didn't know until it was too late. gold.
also - some poisons are not dissolvable in food or drink. Like certain medicines, they lose effectiveness if digested instead of injected intravenously. obviously you don't have to know that but if you wanna get into it, do a lil bit of research. could bring up some intriguing scenarios.
infection or sepsis
yoooo. sepsis is lowkey terrifying. infections are similar to actual illness but are caused because of an unsanitary wound. lots of interesting symptoms to browse here:
fever, cramps, fainting, hallucinations, dehydration, delirium, nausea, sores, sepsis, organ failure and on and on and on.
infection happens so fast too. like forget to change a bandage once and boom it could be infected. (is that a whump opportunity I hear...?)
sepsis is like the point of no return pretty much. Unless you've got crazy medical technology, sepsis is really really bad. basically, it's when the body overreacts and starts to damage its own tissue. leading to organ failure and then eventually death. spooky.
regular illness
this just means like a virus or something. a key point of viruses is an elevated temperature and dehydration; the body's primary responses. burn the bug out and dehydrate it.
depending on the illness, symptoms will vary. respiratory infections or viruses involve congestion, coughing, sore throats, a rattly breathing sound, and productive coughing (phlegm and mucus). Stomach illnesses include cramps, nausea, dehydration, dizziness, low blood sugar, weight loss, and diarrhea. these can overlap but mostly those are the groupings.
with fevers come achy joints and sensitive skin. fever is inflammation, like mild swelling everywhere because of how intense the antibody reaction is.
dehydration sets in really quick. really bad dehydration induces dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, delirium, lethargy, and fainting. great motivation for a whumper to possibly restrict whumpee's water intake...?
just some prompts! kinda low energy today sorry I haven't been posting, xox
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moriitis · 2 months ago
What are all the creeps' opinions of each other?
Let's me ramble like a little bitch.
And before anyone is like 'b-b-b-but tim and brian are not creepypastas!!!!!!!!!!!21111!!!' I literally don't give a fuck. I'm including them.
Gonna include the creeps I only really know well enough btw.
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Toby -
Compares himself a lot from the other creeps, so his opinion on them differs. I wouldn't say he's a jealous person, but I do feel in a sense he's a little insecure that he doesn't fit the whole 'spooky' theme. Like Jeff with his scars, Jack being a literal demon. Bare in mind, Toby is a proxy so I personally don't see him meeting much of the other creeps due to his prolonged time out in the woods or in civilisation.
In regards to Jeff, Toby feels super uncomfortable being around him. Give's him big bully vibes which obviously doesn't settle well with his past. Toby would probably force himself to laugh at Jeff's jokes, or try his best to impress him when really he's just really fucking awkward and Jeff judges the shit out of him. He wouldn't choose Jeff if he wanted to hang out with someone, that was for sure but if there were no other choice then he'd just have to endure it.
Same kinda vibe with Ben really, although he doesn't find himself hanging out with Ben a lot. Just the same, awkward silence and small talk. Can't help but feel the urge to pick Ben up because he's so fucking small, the idea making him chuckle.
Eyeless Jack.
100% Feel like Toby would really get along with Jack. I think Jack's the best person to get along with, he's quiet, a good listener and only adds input into conversations when needed. Toby loves blabbering his ear off and learning more about the creature. Besides, he's seen Jack a lot due to the amount of injuries he plagues himself with, so it's refreshing to see that familiar blue mask.
Laughing Jack.
The other Jack makes him soooo fucking uncomfortable, like a really horrid reminder of his shitty childhood. Not only that, Jack rocking that whole clown looks just unsettles him. I don't see Toby interacting with him a lot but he defiantly feels unsteady being around him. I feel like Jack would have a really nostalgic smell to Toby's childhood too and it triggers him a little.
Doesn't speak to Jane often but always gets this feeling that she hates him and he doesn't know why. Maybe because he dated Clocky? So, he'll avoid her too unless he has to speak to her. Lowkey just feel like Toby would perceive Jane to be a total bitch?
Really gets along with Nina! He likes hearing her ramble about things and always gets her opinions on his outfits. Yes, he would absolutely bring her back little trinkets he's found, like nail polish in some chicks bedroom or even a bracelet he robbed off a corpse. Wouldn't be surprised if Toby had a small crush on Nina, but he wouldn't admit it. At times she could be annoying though, especially when Toby doesn't have the social battery to deal with her.
Hella awkward. Toby would always say the wrong thing and bring up things that she opened up to him when they were dating and it makes things so fucking awkward. He likes her because thankfully they ended on pretty good terms, but he'll never feel a sense of ease around her. Plus, he can't help but notice she's changed a little since he did date her; which, good for her?
Has always looked up to Brian more out of Tim. Perhaps it's because Brian's words carry a little more kindness whenever he messes up or becomes a little too emotional. He has a lot of trust with Brian, and finds himself opening up more to him than anyone else. Always refers it as a 'bromance' which is weird because Brian oddly gives him soft, older brother vibes.
Yeah, he hates Tim. Sure, at times Tim makes sense in their arguments, but fuck is that guy a stubborn son of a bitch. Always makes Toby feel as if he's fucked up something one way or another. Defiantly has gotten in a lot of physical fights with Tim, which doesn't fix anything in the long run.
And he hates Slender too, although he would never admit it. Maybe because Slender is to blame for.. everything. Well, not for his shitty father or Lyra's death, but he needs to find a blame for someone! He hates that faceless prick, the way he controls and twists his own mind. Like he has no control over himself anymore and he hates it. Maybe he would be a different person if it wasn't for Slender lurking in the depths of his mind.
Bloody Painter.
Didn't know he existed until he stumbled upon him once in the forest, painting. He's a good artist, he'll give him that but the kid is boring as fuck. Barely talks and when he does, he speaks either in riddles or is just plain rude. Toby doesn't bother to find a conversation with him.
Being with Sally is bittersweet for him, thankfully he's pretty good with kids though. Really enjoys a child presence despite the fact it puts him on edge a little. There are.. some things about her that do bug him but he wouldn't admit it. I wouldn't say he bullies Sally, but teases her a lot or laughs in her face when he falls over.
Really gets along well with Kate, always kinda looks at her like a sister, which is hard for him considering Lyra, so unknowingly he becomes very protective over Kate. Despite the fact that she can fully fend for herself and is strong enough, Toby hates the idea of her being sent out on missions on her own.
Jeff -
I always feel like Jeff hates everyone, so tbh I don't see him getting along with many of the other creeps. He's kinda like a loner and appreciates his alone time, though if he can get a laugh out of other peoples misery, he'll take it. Wouldn't really hang out with people for them, just himself because he's a self absorbed asshole.
Toby is just another weirdo to Jeff who frankly he can't stand around to be with. The only upside about Toby is that he's willing to do things dumb and stupid which makes Jeff laugh. Best part about Toby is that he doesn't feel pain, so Jeff abuses that a little. He can.. vibe with him at times, just not all the time.
Ben is just another weirdo in his eyes, but someone he can moderately tolerate. What he does with all that tech stuff is cool, but slashing people is a lot more better.
Laughing Jack.
Jeff doesn't like Laughing Jack much, probably because he's taller than Jeff and puts him at a disadvantage. Not much to say when he's near him, so will maybe crack a joke about his shitty outfit and lowkey find himself regretting it. Either way, tends to also avoid the clown.
Despises her because he's a little pussy and finds her utterly terrifying. He will avoid her at all costs, but tries to put on a whole tough guy persona when really he's scared shitless of her. Will avoid eye contact if needs be.
Just another crazy bitch in his eyes that he avoids. Feels like he just has a thing about women in particular. Jeff does give incel vibes tbh.
This is a chick he can.. moderate but really tends to avoid her too. She's boring and lame.
He always views Brian as a softy and cringes a little when he's near him. Maybe because the dude is too nice. Besides from the occasional bumping into each other in the woods, Jeff won't strike a conversation with him.
Same with Tim, but this guy has serious issues and Jeff ain't about that life. Guy is too old anyway and he can't be bothered to hang around some guy who mopes around the whole fucking time.
Lowkey feel like Slender is a love-hate relationship. Like he can tolerate him, but won't admit it because he's stubborn. Has gotten into a lot of fights with Slender that usually leaves him limping away with his tail between his legs essentially.
Bloody Painter.
Tbh, Jeff has never met the guy or spoke to him. Well, he's seen him about but hasn't had much of an interaction with each other for him to form a solid opinion on the guy.
Ew, fucking kids. Sally is annoying and yet, she's the one who hangs out with Jeff the most. Fuck knows why, even he doesn't know but sure, whatever. In a sense, he does feel bad for her and will find himself chatting to her more than anyone else.
Eyeless Jack.
Huge love-hate relationship but it's mostly one-sided for Jeff because Jack is oblivious to this shit. As stubborn as Jeff is, he likes to speak to Jack to find out any gossip Jack may have heard. Also, weirdly enough, likes hearing Jack teach him a little about the human autonomy.
Doesn't speak to her often and she puts up a hard wall with anyone she isn't comfortable with, so Jeff doesn't bother to interact with her. From what he could tell, she's nice and if he tried, he could maybe get along with her.
Ben -
Ben is pretty laid back and gets along with almost everyone. I see him being problematic from time to time, but it's pretty rare. Lowkey reminds me of Sombra and likes to find dirt on people.
Probably gets along with Jeff the most considering it's one sided. Although their friendship often results in arguments, Ben prefers Jeff over anyone else. As long as he can vibe with them, he's not bothered.
Always finds Toby pretty weird but can also tolerate him to a certain degree when that awkwardness is gone. He has some pretty interesting shit to say and lord, does that guy have some shit on him when it comes to the internet.
Laughing Jack.
Ben vibes with everyone so Jack doesn't really bother him in the slightest. Sure, he's tall as fuck and most the time treats him like nothing but prey, but he's an interesting character.
She's... interesting but they don't speak much. Either she's avoiding him or he's unknowingly avoiding her. Doesn't bother him anyway.
Get's along with Nina pretty well! They spend a lot of time browsing social media, Ben helping judge outfits she has pinned on her Pinterest. A weird friendship he didn't expect out of her, but he enjoys himself whenever they do spend time together!
A bit like Jane, they don't speak and on the rare occasion they do, she's pretty unfriendly. He's had times with her that were nice, just gotta get past her stoic self. Good company from time to time.
Rarely sees Brian so can't really form an opinion on him. Just a proxy, hard worker and seems nice.
Same with Tim, they don't talk ever. Hard worker, seems pretty cold though.
Guy gives him the creeps a little but he can tolerate Slender. Doesn't view him as a God per say, but he's thankful for the things he has.. done.
Bloody Painter.
Sooo boring, guy talks so slow and always acts as if he's better than everyone else. Probably the one of the only guys Ben actually dislikes openly.
Get's along really well! Enjoys her company and likes to play her little games, best game is Hide and Seek in the forest. She's a sore loser and that's the best part because he can tease her about it.
Eyeless Jack.
Guy keeps to himself so it's hard for Ben to interact with him. Not only that, but he's either skulking away in the Med Bay or he's not seen for months at a time so Ben doesn't speak to him often. Either way, he's nice.
Haven't interacted before.
Laughing Jack -
He knows he creeps almost everyone out aside from a handful, so tends to keep to himself. Feels as if everyone is out of his time and 100% says shit like 'well back in my day!'
Always views Jeff as a little brat and finds himself holding back from wanting to snap his neck. Just nothing but an annoying ant at the bottom of his shoe and willingly goes out of his way to avoid Jeff purely because he fucks him off so much.
Toby is always so tense around Jack and he's not really too sure why? Jack could probably get along with him somewhat, but only if he stops being so weird around him. Wouldn't go out of his way to form a friendship though, plus Toby is always busy out on missions, so it's rare for him to bump into the kid.
Ben is the only one who treats him.. well, normally. Although he can't resist the urge to kill Ben whenever his eyes land on him, so small.. so childlike, it's tempting and he can't blame Ben to avoid him.
Doesn't speak to her often as she keeps to herself and seems to avoid everyone, but she is nice when she wants to be. Only thing is, they have nothing in common to speak about. She did mention she likes this one specific candy and now Jack always sorta goes out of his way to give her one just to make her day a little better.
A bubbly character that he gets along well with, at times. She can irritate him quickly, as she's almost too childlike.
Doesn't interact with Kate as she is also out on missions a lot. She is approachable for someone who never smiles or rarely shows their face.
They don't get along well, she must not like clowns.
Have never interacted, he spends too much time out in civilisation.
Same with Tim, have never interacted.
Gets along well with Slender, probably because they are both old as fuck and can talk about shit that is nostalgic for them (?) Plus, they both meddle in disappearances with children, so there's that in common.
Bloody Painter.
The only time they had ever interacted was when BP painted a picture of Jack and it was the most twisted, beautiful shit he had ever laid eyes on. BP didn't talk to him after that and he doesn't mind.
Easy to get along with considering he is a clown and he attracts children. They play a lot and more often than not, Sally will ride on his shoulders.
Eyeless Jack.
Jack is very mature for his age, so Laughing Jack can find himself get along with him well enough.
Jane -
Always imagined her to also keep to herself, so she doesn't interact with many of the other creeps. Defiantly has a lot of trust issues toward men sorry
This is self explanatory so I don't think I need to go into much detail here. Pretty obvious that she despises him, hates him even; just looking at him makes her blood boil. If she didn't have some sort of self control, she'd made him gurgle on his own blood. Even then, death would be too kind to him. He needed something worse. For now, she avoids him at all costs.
Although he doesn't seem too harmful, he does make her feel uncomfortable. She knows deep down that he can't help his tics, but something about his twitching really unsettles her and so she also avoids him.
Doesn't like him due to the fact that he gets along well with Jeff.
She didn't like Nina at first, purely because she felt like a carbon copy of Jeff but Jane gave her the benefit of the doubt and gets along really well with her. She was hesitant at first, her mind playing tricks on her that Nina would betray her but Nina's character is entirely different than what she pumps out. Jane can't help but think that Nina might not even like boys..
Jane see's herself in Kate a little and due to the fact that Kate is younger than her, she can't help but take up the older sisterly role whenever they hang out. Always tries to lecture her and warns her to be careful around certain people. Kate is sweet but broken, like her.
Despite her odd choice in men, Jane gets along well with Clocky and even at her lowest times, finds herself crawling back to her for some company. It's not often Jane is vulnerable, but when she is with Natalie, it's a different story. At times they have shared moments of bliss.
Despite his puppy dog demeanour, Jane knows there is something a lot darker within that man so tends to also avoid him.
Probably the kind of man she would've been interested in before her trauma and before she figured out her sexuality. Doesn't speak to him at all.
Laughing Jack.
She avoids him.
A bittersweet relationship, she doesn't trust him and yet she feels swayed by the things he has done for her. She's mad that he hasn't done or said anything in regards to what happened to her, what happened with Jeff, so that little bubble of hate still is settled within her.
Bloody Painter.
Does not talk to him. He is weird.
Nothing speaks female rage more than when she looks at Sally. The pain within her knowing what happened to Sally, knowing how cruel people men can be. Each time she looks at the child, she wants to cry because her innocence was stripped from her without her choice. It's unfair, it's cruel. Sally didn't deserve this. Jane adores Sally, gives off the same older sister vibe as she does for Kate whenever they interact.
Eyeless Jack.
Hear me out, probably the only man she can tolerate, but that's because it took a lot of convincing from Nina. Doesn't really have much of an opinion toward him, just tends to stay away unless Nina is by her side.
Nina -
A pretty bubbly character, so naturally she gets along with everyone. Really social with a loud mouth, probably either your best friend or not; but most times you will be. Lowkey can and will give off mean girl vibes. She's also a huge trouble maker.
She was head over heels with him, until he treated her like shit and now she despises him for it. Plus, she's a girls girl, so after she found out what happened between him and Jane, she hates him even more.
On terms of her BFF's list, Toby would be third. She adores hanging out with him, loves his humour and how relaxed he is around her. Total boyfriend material, although she would never date him herself because that's her friends ex, ew. So, she made him a tinder one day and they browse through it together. Slender did find out and they got in serious trouble.
Ben is awesome! When he isn't with Jeff anyway. She enjoys his company and he's always willing to hang out whenever she forces him to.
At first Nina got this weird vibe off Kate, that she didn't like her perhaps; but then she realised that it was just Kate's personality. After some time, they got along pretty well! They are total opposites, she is outgoing and Kate is as introverted as anything, but they work well together in a beautiful mix. Maybe Nina has a little crush on Kate.
She has a lot of trust issues, so same with Kate in regards that it was hard to form a friendship with her. After some time, they spoke and they get along pretty well! Jane is mature, whereas Nina is pretty immature; so most times it feels as if she irritates Jane. But it's all fun and games.
They get along well! Nina was so invested in the gossip when Natalie and Toby split up though, she still teases her a little for dating such a goof.
He's nice! Although she doesn't seem him often, only when they are home from being out and about. She always probes him about his love life and when he becomes awkward, she will laugh in his face.
She knows that she annoys him, but she doesn't really care. At some times, he can be alright!
Laughing Jack.
Tried one of his candies once and threw up, does not trust him since. But they still get along well.
Surprisingly, they don't interact much.
Bloody Painter.
They speak, but she doesn't consider him a great friend. He's hard to have fun with, soooo boring.
BFFs!!! Adores Sally, who the fuck wouldn't?! They always have sleepovers with one another.
Eyeless Jack.
Nina gets along well with anyone, even the most introverted people! And she doesn't like to brag, but she has made him laugh once or twice before.
Kate -
Much like the other pasta's, she keeps to herself and her job. The main people she interacts with are Tim, Brian and Toby considering they all work pretty closely together. Occasionally she will speak to other people, but prefers her alone time.
Seen him around, but hasn't made the effort to interact with him. Something about him makes her feel uncomfortable, so she promptly avoids him.
They get along really well. Despite her not being very talkative, Toby fills the silence by babbling her ear off about random things or facts. At times he can become a bit too much, especially when he follows her around everywhere; but she would never say that to his face.
Haven't interacted before.
Laughing Jack.
They don't interact much.
A bit like Toby, Jane takes a bit of a protective role over her. Sure, Kate is a little younger; but she is strong and agile and knows how to take care of herself. She enjoys Jane's company when she isn't lecturing her.
Another person she gets along well with, when she has the time to speak to Nina that is. She enjoys her and her character, surprisingly. They kissed once.
Have rarely interacted with one another, but she has heard some stuff from Toby. Doesn't have much of an opinion on her.
Enjoys working alongside him and likes the peace he keeps when moments become rough or tense. Almost like a little ball of sunshine they need. Has some really interesting and funny stories. Kate trusts him.
Very tense, so tense even that just being around him makes her feel tense too. Considering how closely the trio work together, she doesn't speak to Tim much. And that is nice and she prefers it that way.
She does not like him. No other words are needed.
Bloody Painter.
Haven't interacted at all.
They don't interact much but Sally drew her a picture once and she has cherished it with her whole life.
Eyeless Jack.
Has only interacted when she needs to be bandaged up, he's taught her a lot of useful things. It's a little awkward when they are together though because they are both pretty introverted.
Clockwork -
I'll be honest, I view most the girls (aside from Nina) to be pretty introverted. Clocky gets along with most people, but she does keep to herself too.
She hates him and she's pretty sure he has no idea that she does. Avoids him.
Awkward, so tends to avoid him too. He'll shoot her a wave and it makes her cringe a little. He's a nice guy, but yeah, it's just weird.
Doesn't have much of an opinion on him, he's tolerable. At times he can say funny things.
Laughing Jack.
She doesn't like him, not too sure why she doesn't admittedly.
An odd friendship she never expected frankly. A part of her expected Jane to not like her and was confused when she kept coming back from time to time; lingering around like she wanted to say something. Has a little crush on her but doesn't want to push anything.
A little annoying, but she can be funny and enjoys her company. They get along well.
Haven't really spoke nor interacted with one another.
Also don't speak much.
Only spoke once, doesn't have much an opinion on him.
A bit torn between how she should feel toward him. Doesn't particularly like him though.
Bloody Painter.
They've spoken once or twice. She understands why many people feel the way they feel toward him, but once you understand him a little more, he is easy to speak to.
Not big on kids, so feels a little uncomfortable around her but still forces a smile here and there.
Eyeless Jack.
He is nice and a good listener, so whenever she needs to speak to him, it's reassuring to know that he isn't one to judge.
Brian -
Don't get me wrong, Brian can be pretty dangerous and I do feel most of his 'bubbly, friendly' persona is a character he puts forward to hide something a lot darker. Naturally, Tim and Brian are forced into working for Slender, so I don't imagine them to interact with many other Pastas.
Seen him around in the forest but they have never spoken face to face. Brian has heard some things, but not a lot. Indifferent toward him really.
He gets along well with Toby, the amount of missions they have done together has encouraged their friendship. Toby comes to him to vent when needs be and Brian is always open to lending an ear or even a shoulder to cry on.
Haven't interacted before.
Laughing Jack.
Haven't interacted either but he makes him a little uncomfortable.
He knows Jane avoids him and he knows why. Feels a little indifferent toward her.
Nina is friendly and he likes that, despite her appearance that can be unsettling for some. She always makes him blush whenever she interrogates him about his life and usually results in her teasing him for it.
She's quiet and he understands that maybe she just wants to protect her peace a little. When they have a moment together, he'll check in on her and ask if everything is okay.
They don't speak much but he used to see her hang around with Toby many years back.
A person he goes way back with, somebody who knows him down to the T. A little like Yip and Yang, they are an unspeakable duo despite the times where their friendship seemed tense. Brian would trust Tim with his life, despite everything. Brian feels as if he has known Tim forever, but due to the memory loss; doesn't know how long back that is.
He would hate him, if he weren't brainwashed into working for him.
Bloody Painter.
Have never interacted before.
Seen her around by herself in the forest from time to time and he's lectured her to not be out on her own. She is nice and they get along well.
Eyeless Jack.
Have rarely interacted but he has seen him in the forest from time to time. Brian is convinced that Jack is not human.
Tim -
Tim is mostly just perceived as an asshole at times, but that's because he's battling with himself most the time. He hates what he does, he hates being alive sometimes. Just another proxy that's been brainwashed, his memory dotty and at times he is forgetful. Hence why he doesn't get along with people very well.
They rarely interact, if at all. Thinks he is some kind of creep, so stays away.
The kid is unbearable at times, but he's strong and smart. Some underestimate him for that. The only issue is, Tim is tough with him because there's a part of him fighting against Slender in some attempt to make Toby see past his own brainwashed mind. Toby could be a good kid.. But he's hard headed and in more times than not, they fight. Tim knows Toby hates him.
Have not spoken before.
Laughing Jack.
Haven't interacted either.
They don't speak and he has a feeling she doesn't like him.
She speaks to him a lot and he doesn't know why. At times she can be irritating; but she is friendly and that's more than most.
Deep down, Tim knows Kate is way too young to be involved in this mess and a part of him wishes she saw that too. But she's also under the influence of the sickness, the brainwashing, so she doesn't see that. Perhaps a part of her genuinely thinks she is doing the right thing? She doesn't open up much purely because she can't remember her life before.. well, this. They don't speak much unless needed.
They've spoken once, she was nice though.
Nostalgia always hits him in the face whenever they speak, like he's known him before, from somewhere and he doesn't know where. Same with Brian, Tim trusts him with anything and despite their petty arguments or fights; he's always been there for him in times where perhaps Tim didn't deserve it.
Hates him.
Bloody Painter.
Haven't interacted ever.
Also have not interacted with one another.
Eyeless Jack.
Have not spoken either.
Slender -
This entity knows everyone hates him one way or another. But everything is going to according to plan and really he couldn't care about some humans opinions on him. In his opinion, he has saved everyone.
A bratty child that feels as if he needs to make his point known with violence. Jeff doesn't know that Slender was the whole reason why his life is so much better. Doesn't like him much but doesn't convey those feelings unless necessary.
Abused and manipulated him at his lowest, after Lyra had died. Of course, Toby would never know that the reason Lyra drove into that tree was because Slender himself and he knows that if Toby did find out; he would lose his shit. He is aware that Toby doesn't like him but he's a hard worker because Slender is just controlling him really.
They get along moderately well although they rarely speak. At least Ben seems thankful.
Laughing Jack.
They get along well and occasionally will work together. He is a nice laugh from time to time.
At times they get along well, but one time she yelled at him during one of her episodes.
They don't talk much.
They spoke once, when she was little. He knows she doesn't like him.
They speak from time to time. No opinion on her aside from the fact that she is a hard worker.
He can feel the hatred, although he doesn't portray his emotions much toward Slender.
Same with Tim, Slender can feel Tim fighting against him.
Bloody Painter.
Although they don't speak, he knows that Helen is somewhat thankful for the life Slender gave him. He is sick and twisted, as he should be.
Probably the only person who gets along with Slender, but then again its natural for most children to feel some kind of attachment toward him.
Eyeless Jack.
They speak but Jack isn't keep on being friends with him, they for real only speak on business terms.
Bloody Painter -
Just a guy who prefers painting over speaking. Kinda see him as an asshole, so doesn't really get along with people well. Not Jeff kind of asshole, just 'leave me the fuck alone' asshole. I see him being on the spectrum and most times goes nonverbal.
They haven't properly spoken to one another but he already know he dislikes the guy. Too loud, too much.
They spoke once and surprisingly, he's good muse. After their interaction, found himself doodling Toby a lot (secretly of course.) He could get along with Toby but it seems Toby isn't interested in interacting again.
They don't speak but I'm pretty sure he knows Ben doesn't like him.
Laughing Jack.
Drew him art once and now Laughing Jack always tries to talk to him, kinda annoying.
They don't talk.
They talk occasionally but she overwhelms him a lot.
Haven't interacted before.
He likes her, she's understanding and doesn't speak much. So sitting in silence with her is nice too.
Have never interacted.
Haven't interacted with one another either.
Not sure how to feel about him, mixed feelings for sure.
She's too much and being around her drains his energy. Doesn't like nor dislike her really.
Eyeless Jack.
They get along relatively well, Jack eats whatever is left of the corpses BP leaves and it saves him the job of discarding them. They've done a handful of missions together and BP enjoys the fact that Jack doesn't talk much.
Sally -
Naturally, as a child she gets along with almost everyone. She has her moments where she won't like them, but those reasons are stupid or petty.
She knows he doesn't like her but she doesn't care. He can be nice at times even with the whole 'bad guy' persona he puts out. In a sense, she looks up at him a little but she wouldn't admit it.
They get along well! There's always a hint of sadness in his eyes whenever he looks at her though and she's unsure why, a part of her feeling as if she's doing something wrong. He puts her on his shoulders a lot and she loves it!
He's nice to her! He takes the time out of his day to play with her but he can become pretty mean if Jeff is around.
Laughing Jack.
A clown that likes to make her laugh! What more could she ask for?
Sally looks up to her a lot and appreciates what she does for her. She's not willing to play a lot of games but I think Sally understands why.
Nina always gives Sally makeovers and she loves it! Loves Nina dearly.
They don't speak but whenever they see one another, Kate always gives her a little smile and wave and Sally loves it.
She seems a little tense around Sally, so she tries to avoid. Sally feels they could get along pretty well though.
Toby talks about him a lot but she doesn't seem him often. Maybe once and he lectured her, but he was nice about it.
Haven't interacted.
At first she found him scary, but she adores him!
Bloody Painter.
She doesn't like him. One time he got mad at her for drawing over one of his pictures with crayon.
Eyeless Jack.
She adores him too. She loves to play hide and seek with him and tease him by throwing sticks or rocks in another direction to throw him off. He always catches her and she loves the chase!
Eyeless Jack -
Another chill, laid back guy. It's hard to be in his bad books unless you speak too loud or just generally piss him off. Looks terrifying but lowk a softy. Gives off 'he wouldn't hurt a fly!' vibe lmao.
Jeff is hot and cold. Some days he hates him, some days he likes him. There's no in-between but Jack doesn't really notice when Jeff is being an asshole as he minds his business too much. Neutral toward him, but likes him on the days he has questions about the human body! Gives him the chance to nerd out a little
Likes him but sometimes he's too loud and it really hurts his sensitive hearing. Comes in a lot because the boy is always bleeding somewhere. His blood smells so fucking good..
They don't speak often.
Laughing Jack.
They get along well but don't have a lot in common, so conversations can run dry pretty quickly.
He had a feeling Jane didn't like him but she's warmed up a little. She only really comes with Nina on her arm, but he doesn't mind.
She can be funny! He loves when she whispers though, makes his spine tingle a little.
They both don't talk often when they are together but he prefers it that way. She is nice but awkward, like any kid really.
She opened up once to vent while he was stitching her up and ever since, she comes back just to vent. He doesn't mind, if she needs to talk, he can listen and offer some advice when needs be. Frankly, he's a little confused why she feels so safe around him, but it's whatever.
They haven't spoken before but he's seen him around.
Haven't spoken.
Doesn't mind him per say.
Bloody Painter.
He enjoys BPs company, especially when there is food involved!
She's nice and he likes her. They only really play when he has the time.
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Didn't expect to write this much tbh. But thanks for the ask! I love talking about the creeps. Half of these are my HCs btw, so take it with a grain of salt. Different for everyone after all.
I 100% would've added more characters but maybe I'll do another post for this or something.
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ifangirlalot · 2 years ago
what finn’s characters are like during s3x? I FEEL WEIRD REQUESTING THIS BFISJSJSAJDJS
˗ˏˋ 𝐒𝐀𝐔𝐂𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐒𝐒 ˎˊ˗ | starring the fellas
~smut!~ [𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘:] too many to pick out, just a shit ton of nsfw shit.
✧˚ finn ۫ ׅ ✧
Is he a top or bottom?
Well, it kind of depends on the day. Sometimes if he's feeling particularly stressed, he just wants to watch you ride him and praise him while getting his head rubbed. But if he's pissed off (or just bored), he wants to top. When he tops, you know you're probably not going to be in the same position for more than a couple minutes.
What are his favorite positions?
Finn likes missionary. He's an old fashioned guy who thinks eye contact is a private kind of intimacy. Doggy is definitely a hella close second though. He's a hair tugger, so it's a lot of fun to pull your head back by your hair while you're on your hands and knees in front of him getting impaled from behind.
How freaky is he?
Once again, it kinda depends on the day and the mood you catch him in. Being a celebrity, Finn's hella paranoid the second that zipper goes down an inch there's gonna be cameras all over the damn place, so public sex is a no-go. He'll fuck you anywhere in the house though. In fact, the bed is hardly ever an option. He loves shower sex and car sex, kitchen table sex ain't too shabby either. He has a thing for having his hair pulled and, as narcissistic as it may sound, he likes it when you call him by his characters' names. It gives him an excuse to change personas.
How noisy is he?
He doesn't have any loudass moans, but he has some breathy ones here and there. He groans more often than not. Occasionally he whimpers.
How long does he usually last?
About ten to fifteen minutes on a bad day and up to an hour on a good day. (Dude has almost spooky levels of self control.)
Protection or no?
Absolutely. He can't risk knocking you up right now.
✧˚ miles ۫ ׅ ✧
Is he a top or bottom?
Top, all the way. He's somewhat controling and he also doesn't like sitting still for long, so he hardly ever lets you ride, as that would kind of give you the wheel and he's not about that. He likes to decide when you have sex, where you have sex, for how long, and in what position. He makes all the decisions, and you know. You're probably gonna be hella sore afterwards. Like hella sore. My man has hella high libido.
What are his favorite positions?
Miles has favorite positions that don't even have names, that's how fucking freakshit he is. He loves it to the side the most though, with his fingers wrapped around your ankle, holding it up, his grip usually pretty tight. His other hand is usually clamped over your mouth.
How freaky is he?
Miles is a FREAKSHIT. Most of the time, he twists you into positions that he's made up, and you know for damn sure he'd got an entire chest he keeps in his closet that he uses for "playtime". He's also maybe a tad bit creepy with the kinks that he has at times, but that's kind of to be expected. You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to be his girlfriend.
How noisy is he?
Not very. He lets out a few breathy groans here and there, but most of the time he's pretty quiet. It's kind of creepy, but also maybe a little bit attractive?
How long does he last?
As long as he wants to. It really depends on how horny he is, but averagely about thirty to forty-five minutes.
Protection or no?
Lmao, no. Good joke, though.
✧˚ boris ۫ ׅ ✧
Is he a top or a bottom?
It depends on how high he is during the fucking. If he's sober or moderately high, he likes to be on top. But if he's balls to the walls high, he's a little bby and must be treated as the pillow prince that he is.
What are his favorite positions?
Doggy. At least for dom Boris. He likes to pound behind you with your hair wrapped around his fist like a horse rein. Preferably with a mirror in front of you so he can watch while he smokes. He's a lil freak thang. Subby Boris likes to be ridden because BOOOOOBS in his face.
How freaky is he?
Boris likes public humiliation, whether he be the one being humiliated or the one doing the humiliating. He also likes watching you touch yourself while he's forced to watch with his wrists tied to a bedframe (this is sub Boris, btw. Dom Boris wouldn't put up with it.) He also likes spanking (him spanking you, he doesn't like his ass being touched because he's a bitch.)
How noisy is he?
Extremely. My boy does not care if someone else is in the house. If he's getting pussy, PEOPLE WILL KNOW ABOUT IT.
How long does he last?
Again, it depends on how high he is. Dom Boris can last for twenty minutes, but with sub Boris you'll be lucky if it lasts more than like ten.
Protection or no?
Sometimes, yeah. But the other half of the time he lowkey forgets and you have to get him to smuggle in some Plan B from the store.
✧˚ ziggy ۫ ׅ ✧
Is he a top or a bottom?
A top. A very messy, very cocky top. It's kinda funny how confident he is in his abilities. He is also a bottom. Pet his hair and watch him whine, I dare you.
What are his favorite positions?
He likes to go down on you. Albeit, he's very good at it, but he also a sloppy thruster. But at the same time, it kinda adds to the experience because somehow he manages to hit the right spots with every pound. Plus, look at him up there with his little gold chain. He's so cute.
How freaky is he?
Ziggy may be an awkward teenager on the streets, but he's a freak in the sheets. He has this fantasy where he really wants to record your sex so he can use it for tissue time later, but he's too much of a bitch to ask you. He's also hella good with his tongue, it's actually kind of surprising. Plus. You know. He look good as hell down there on his knees like the champ he is.
How noisy is he?
Lmao very. But only when he's actually having sex, if he's just beating it, he's pretty quiet. But during the real deal... Yeah, that loud ass moaning and swearing Evelyn hears from Zig's room is indeed her son getting to third base with a lady person.
How long does he last?
Thirty minutes tops for him. Not bad.
Protection or no?
Usually yeah, but for quickies he just pulls out and spills everywhere, which most of the time his mom finds because his stupid ass didn't clean up.
[ A Note From Zee ]
Y'all, this took me way too long. I'm gonna have to split this into two part. Next part will include Trevor, Mike, and Richie.
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piecesofkatecreates · 24 days ago
X-Files fic recs
I'm still a bit of a Tumblr newbie, but it's about time I posted some fic recs.
This is a small sample of recent favourites - there's SO much good stuff out there, by some hella talented writers ❤️
I know I've missed some - let's call it Part 1!
The Unseelie Court by @slippinmickeys
Epic case file, gripping and masterfully written. This one was like watching an episode live, back in 1990-something.
The Course of True Love by XFNessy
Another brilliant long-haul read with great character development (I'm in awe of how people plan and structure long fics like this!)
The Finer Things by @spookyshipperfics
This was such a fun (train) ride. The premise had me gripped and there were some really tense moments (I also like a bit of Diana angst!)
Just Friends by @spookyshipperfics
I had to add another by Spooky Shipper. A more light-hearted (and hilarious) piece about Skinner fretfully observing his agents at a party.
California Dreaming by @heresince93
Really nice, well-written AU piece. Scully, a pediatrician with a young daughter, literally collides with a handsome guy (who now?) on her morning jog.
Here's a Hand in Thine by @leiascully
Mulder invites Scully to the Lone Gunmen's New Year's Eve party. This was so entertaining and I loved the tension.
Gingersnap by @cecilysass
This is such an original, fun fic. Scully is in a cookie-baking frenzy and Mulder tries to help (and cause mischief). In the midst of a hilarious scenario they are both still so in character, and I love that.
Shut up, Mulder by David S
Thanks to @thatfragilecapricorn30 (via @unremarkablehouse) for posting about this one on Tumblr, or I never would have seen it.
A brilliant, and highly hilarious, stakeout romp as Scully gets impatient and Mulder struggles with car sex logistics.
The clouds are raining cacao and cocaine by @meriwetherwrites
I need to read more Krycek fics. This was equal parts funny and hot. Mulder and Krycek investigate a small town where the inhabitants have seemingly lost their inhibitions. Need I say more.
If I've incorrectly deduced you're not on Tumblr - or I've tagged you incorrectly - please yell at me!
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daydreaming-robot · 4 months ago
Sr Pelo dropped a Spooky Month short on Halloween and I GOTTA talk about it.
It shows that Skid and Pump are his first clients when he got hired. Their masks being from face masks to the masks we now see is adorable and still covering their faces
He and Rad(the guy who works at the cinema) really do know each other if he knows when his birthday comes
Skid really does look like his dad
It shows that the Spooky kids are always like this
It seems like Skid is still processing his dad’s death judging by his reaction to Kevin saying he’s going to tell their parents
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These last frames are hella concerning for his fate. Especially the last frame before he wakes up
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jazeswhbhaven · 5 months ago
When finding new indie games to play, I found yet another one and well......
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*pokes cheeks* Look at you, non threatening as if you didn't just kidnap me and lock me in a fucking basement
It's "BP" or "Bloody Painter" is what he tells you to call him and he's a murderer who uses human bodies for art. The reason you're there??? (that's a spoiler won't say here for those who are interested in playing)
BUT as usual running through, I got one of the bad endings where he let's me starve to death because I tossed the food around instead of going to sleep lmao
However, I did unlock all the CGs and the endings.
First. This man is in his 40's which makes me happy because yes gimmie men in the mid thirties and older range to romance please.
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OHOHOHOHOHOHO I know you mean that literally my guy, but I know what else is dangerous
LMAO I'm doing way too much.
Anyways, there's a disclaimer at the beginning of the game that says "do not romance a murderer irl, find help or call the police"
You'd think you wouldn't have to put that but-
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yeahhhh anyways
BUT good way to kick off spooky month for me by playing a game where I have to romance a murderer. Not really any different than me being in love with this guy
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true form sukuna is top tier to me though.
So if ya'll are interested, fair warning this game was hella annoying to install on my PC (yeah sorry ya'll PC only) but the devs will be releasing a STEAM version soon this month if you just wanna wait and not fuss around installing it. -> Download Page for the Itch.io version Also fun fact, this story was originally a Creepypasta that came out back in 2017. You can find the story on Youtube read by none other Mr.Creepypasta himself! (long time fan, was super close to meeting him irl)
So it's really fun being able to play a dating sim based on the stories I've listened to. Please peep the warnings: violence, blood, human dismemberment, Stockholm syndrome, jump scares, cannibalism, kidnapping. it's pretty "tame" in terms of things you'd see in a typical SAW movie for example, but still if this kind of stuff bothers you a lot then it's important to mention.
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dragon8er · 4 months ago
SSC 2024 #1 (Wiki!Sans)
Hey guys, Dragon8er here!
Welcome to the Spooky Skeleton Countdown! A yearly Halloween tradition I have where I post 3-4 spooky Sanses in the buildup to Halloween day.
First one this year is Wiki!Sans, created by Painted Hen.
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This one was surprisingly fun. Black-and-white drawings are honestly hella fun.
Also yeah I'll be completely honest. This year's SSC is a lot simpler than previous years'. I kinda didn't really have the time to do anything more in-depth like previous years.
But I still like this. My first time drawing Wiki!Sans, too. Also yes I know he's not technically a Sans, but who cares lol.
Stay tuned for tomorrow's!
Until then, this has been Dragon8er, and I will see you all Drago-l8er!
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hp-hcs · 10 months ago
If the boyos were animals what animals would you think they’d be?
For some reason Tom gives (killer) bird energy for me lol
i disagree, anon, and hear me out on this one, okay?
headcanon: what birds are the slytherin boys?
Draco: Peacock, duh
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enough said. no explanation needed.
Mattheo: Northern goshawk
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these bad boys are wildly terratorial, and prone to attacking other birds (and the occasional human) during nesting season. since matty boy would gladly jump into a fistfight if someone even looked at his friends, i think he'd be a goshawk.
Theo: Lammergeiers
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spooky, right? wrong! these silly lil guys are actually hella cool! they're a type of vulture, but they eat the bones of carcasses, rather than the flesh. they were hunted to near-extinction in the early 20th century due to being misjudged as child- and livestock-snatchers; their name even means "lamb-vulture" in german, due to the misconception of their eating habits. ergo, theo, who's often misjudged and also has a deeply unsettling stare like the pictured bird above, is a lammergeier.
Enzo: Galah
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these silly lil guys are very friendly, and are pretty to look at! they're a type of parrot native to australia, and make good house pets. they're also loud, talkative, and high-energy. but enzo's like a galah because even though they both look like loveable idiots with empty heads, both boy and bird are actually wildly intelligent.
Tom: Cuckoo
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now here's where we differ, anon. the cuckoo is not a murderous killer bird (...usually), but, it is the mobster of the bird world. you see, tom is often depicted in fanon as being violent, ready to murder at any second, but in the novels, he's wildly crafty, manipulative, and clever. the cuckoo is known for exploiting other birds (especially magpies) by leaving their eggs in a "foster parent" bird's nest. the unwilling foster bird then is obligated to raise the cuckoo chick to adulthood, oft at the threat of the parent cuckoo smashing the foster bird's own eggs (as is often observed when the foster bird neglects or attempts to egg-toss the imposter egg, or if ornithologists tamper with the nest and remove the cuckoo's eggs). so you see, dear anon, that cuckoos are the exploitative dicks of the bird world, just as tom is the utilitarian asshole of his.
Blaise: Swallow-tailed kite
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pretty! it's a type of raptor, but actually quite friendly! it's quiet though, and known for its odd gliding way of flying, with little to no wing-flapping at all. blaise is quiet, reserved, (pretty), and little unusual, so i think he'd make a great swallow-tailed kite!
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finaleourconcert · 4 months ago
twenty six
holy. fuck.
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Jaehyun made way for them through the mass of spooky bodies, looking behind to see if a bride in ragged and bloody clothes was still following him. Sunok was considerably shorter than him but she didn't have any problem to get past those people who weren't so willing to let them through.
Before they went in the reserved area, Jaehyun turned to her. "We are a larger group but I promise they're chill people. Some louder than others but yeah. Friends, right?" He scratched the back of his neck. Was he nervous? "I'll go in first then introduce you. Don't feel forced to stay long after it if you don't want to, though."
"Don't worry, I'll run away if I have to. I know where the fire exit is." Sunok said jokingly, taking a soft laugh out of Jaehyun, the memory of them meeting outside flashing through his eyes.
Just like he said, he went first and she stood a few feet away, eyes preying from behind him.
"Speaking of the devil...!" A guy in a Dracula costume shouted as soon as he saw Jaehyun.
"Can't believe you just missed the opportunity to say 'Speaking of the Resident Evil'..." A second person, dressed as a white bear, shook his head from his spot on the large sofa.
"You're hella late, dude." A third friend clicked his tongue in a scolding way, the spiderman mask that went with his costume resting on his lap.
"I know that much, Mark, and I'm very sorry about it, Hyuck, but I didn't come alone. Remember the person I said I ran into at work that day?" Jaehyun turned around, gesturing for someone to come in. A second later, a woman materialized in front of the group of friends. "This is her. Her name is–"
"Sunok!?" A gorgeous, tall and pale girl blurted out.
It took Sunok a better look at her to recognize him past the wig and the make-up, "Kim Jungwoo?"
"Holy fuck– Minah's friend?" Nakamoto Yuta choked out in front of her very eyes.
"Y-Yuta?" She was starting to feel dizzy. What in the hell was going on?
"Oh my God..." The pseudo-spiderman said, mouth half open.
The white bear guy stood up, frowning, "Wait, isn't she–"
"Jaehyun's fan!!" The pale yet very good-looking man beside Jungwoo yelled in excitement, hitting him in the arm in the process.
"She's the fan?!?!" One last person squeaked loudly, rising from the sofa in record time, his supposedly missing arm slipping through his poorly buttoned shirt and ruining the costume.
"What?" Sunok asked, out of pure confusion.
"What?" Jaehyun gasped, out of complete shock.
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previous – masterlist – next
author's note: hey guys, i'm sorry to say this but from now on updates are gonna be slower than usual 💔 school work is kicking my ass and exams start in less than a month so i don't have that much time to write these days ☹️ still i will try my best! as always, thank you for reading, liking, reblogging and/or commenting. it means a lot <3
tags: @nosungluv @nctjunie @yewshi @kodasity @impossiblesongshark @jakeshuneybby @apolloxxivmin @cryingforjae —☸
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wikitpowers · 9 months ago
I don’t know if you take show recommendations, but since we’re all waiting for TWP to come around I wanted to recommend Dead Boy Detectives. I don’t know, I just thought you might enjoy the show :)
HEY! okay okay i just watched the trailer and WHERE DO I KNOW THE PIERCED-COOL-LOOKING GUY FROM??? (this is kinda embarrassing but was he on that disney show 'the lodge'? lmao)
anyways, i watched it and let me just say: having 'welcome to the black parade' in the trailer? killer. that's a fucking banger that is. and the show actually looks hella funny? and just me or is it giving hella fruity? and did i catch a glimpse of rowena from supernatural? okay this is ✨giving✨ so i may simply just have to watch it muahahah
it also kinda screams kit and ty as sherlock and watson and i'm all for that. i'm a bit scared it might be kinda spooky bc i'm a coward but also i can't imagine it being that bad, so i will for sure try checking it out at some point :]
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ottpopfic · 6 months ago
It's not the first time Nico has had to turn their ass back around the way they came because they fucked some underworld something in what di Angelo has dubbed their ‘Gay Chicken On Steroids Quest’. He's equally pissed at both Leo and Jason every time, so Leo tries to take some solace in that
Like, hooray Leo we‘re glad you're back, go back from whence you came we gotta go close the hole you crawled out of or whatever
The last death
Leo is alive, again, for like the sixth time 
Something something Jason went off to gather parts of all the plants people have been turned into to make a sacrifice? Dr. Frankenbonsi a Leo? He's not sure, all he knows is he got spat out of Thalia’s tree and it was both gross and hella painful. Not the worst resurrection so far, but definitely the one with the most tree sap
Also, Nico’s pissed again that they fucked around too much. Whatever Jason did with his spooky tree thing has apparently made a weak spot for underworld magic and now they have to go close it 
It's not the first time Nico has had to turn their ass back around the way they came because they fucked some underworld something in what di Angelo has dubbed their ‘Gay Chicken On Steroids Quest’. He's equally pissed at both Leo and Jason every time, so Leo tries to take some solace in that
Like, hooray Leo we‘re glad you're back, go back from whence you came we gotta go close the hole you crawled out of or whatever
The issue this time isn't how Leo came back, but the fucking cultist that have taken over the spot Jason did his Zuse wood magic thing
They end up in Newport State Park near the tippy-top point of Wisconsin’s peninsula, in a clearing in a grove of Oak and Linden trees. The place has to be hidden by the mist, Leo has checked the satellite imaging on Google Maps multiple times as they trek through the trees and underbrush to see nothing out of the ordinary, or even a landmark. There's some kind of temple off up a hill with way too many Canadian Geese guarding it, but that's not what they're after 
What they are after is the lowlands under the temple where the earth was carved away by an ancient flood. The trees never grew back there, leaving room for the milkweed, cardinal flowers, and forget-me-nots to flourish under the sun. It would be a lovely sight, if the flowers hadn't been trampled by the cultists
Fucking cultists, they're digging a hole
“What's with the hole?” Piper asks. The three of them are up in the brush at the top of the hill across from the temple, watching the robed dudes down below and desperately avoiding the geese. 
“Fuck if I know” Nico monotones
“Dude, you're the whole reason we're here,” Leo gapes “How do you not know what's up with the hole?”
“Just because I know that cultists are fucking around doesn't mean I know the method to their madness” Nico grouches 
“Oh no wait I think they're planting that guy,” Piper identifies “Or burying him alive? Whatever there's a dude going in the hole”
“Yeah, looks like it's time to step in,” Nico tosses the binoculars back at Leo to stash in his tool belt and draws his spooky-ass sword “Whatever you do don't bother the geese, I think they are only here for the temple”
“There is no way in hell I'm fucking with a goose,” Leo relents, tucking everything away “Have you ever been one on one with a goose, because I have”
“Oh yeah same,” Nico shudders “I got chased by like four of them when I was homeless in Central Park”
“Fucking vicious right!?” 
“Yeah, if I didn't know better I'd say they were hell spawn”
“Is there a plan?” Piper cuts in before they start down what she calls ‘sad homeless orphan lamentations’
“Keep the cult from burying anyone, don't die,” Nico tells them “I can close the weak point once we clear them out”
“Fantastic,” Piper says 
They end up splitting up slightly, being outnumbered puts a damper on charging in even if it looks mostly like mortals below. Nico poofs off one way whereas Leo and Piper sneak off the other, it works for about eight seconds before they are spotted in the wildflowers 
“You there!” cries one of the cultists pointing “Show yourself!“
“What is he a fucking Monty Python character” Piper grumps
“Hello!” Leo improvises, standing abruptly “Hello fellow cult members, I have come to uh, help you with the cult stuff” Leo can see Nico facepalm in a patch of swamp lupine on the other side of the hill
“Yep sure do love digging holes and putting people in them, uh” Leo is apparently now the distraction because Piper is lining up her blow dart as his hip and Nico is creeping in from the back “Sure am excited using a whole ass man as a seed, that's definitely gonna appease our god!”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” cuts in one of the cult guys in the back, Piper blow darts him two seconds later
Things go fast from there. There are six above-ground cult members and one fancy one in the hole, Nico quickly takes out the one next to Mr. Blow Dart In The Neck. Leo pulls a handsaw and a ball peen hammer out of his belt, whipping the hammer at the closest robed figure and following a knife-wielding Piper into the fray 
It's the classic chaos of a close combat fight; dodge, duck, swipe at a weak spot, and don't hit your friends. They're holding their own pretty well for being outnumbered in a goose poop-filled muddy clearing. But it's when Leo turns to throw another hammer at the man starting to overpower Piper that he hears a new voice enter the equation
And there he is, it's Jason. 
He's alive, walking talking breathing moving of his own accord. Or he would be, if the knife that was meant for Leo wasn't sticking out of his back
Leo hasn't seen him in three years . 
They lock eyes for a second, blue to brown, and then Jason gives one hard bloody cough. Leo can see the tip of the knife just piercing through his shirt, the smallest hit of silver surrounded by spreading red
“ Jason !”
The Hole Cultist pulls his blade up first, making a sick crunching and ripping noise accompanied by Jason’s cut-off scream, before wrenching it back out and kicking the blond away. Jason falls hard, and he stays down, the robed man turning back to his original target of Leo with a sneer. There is a lot of blood, like the knife went through a major artery or organs or something, pooling around where Jason lays barely moving, it makes Leo see red
He tends not to be the one fighting in the front lines, especially not with his fire. Like Leo can defend himself and others if he needs to, but he much prefers to launch wrenches at people like Ratchet from Transformers or act as a support. Fire is too hard to control in close or crowded combat, and there is too high a risk of hurting someone friendly or catching the landscape ablaze
Leo doesn't really care about that right now, his body moves on its own
Charbroiled he thinks the term is, or at least extra crispy, because for once Leo is not holding back. That tight panicked control he's had to keep on his fire his whole life whips away from him in a flash of light and heat at the cultist, a Saturn's rings of flame surrounding him and then projected at the man. Either way, there's not much left of them when he's done, half the flesh seared off the bone and all
“Jason!” Leo screams as he turns back, scrambling away from the horror show he's made of the robed figure and sliding on his hands and knees next to the blond. He gathers Jason into his arms and onto his lap, not caring for the blood and viscera that are coating them both, Jason grabs him back with shaking hands the best he can “ Jason !”
“O-oh hey,” Jason says like he's not actively bleeding out “It's good to see you”
“Jason, what the fuck” Leo cries, vision blurring with the water in his eyes “Don't do this to me!”
“It’s okay,” Jason tries to soothe him through the blood in his mouth, gore-slick hands losing their grip on Leo’s jacket and looking straight into Leo’s eyes like a promise “I'll get you on-on the n-next round, just-just wait, for me” and then he's gone, the light leaving him In one last desperate rasping breath
“No no no nonono no! ” Leo begs through his tears, shaking him in his arms like it will make Jason’s spirit come back to his body “Jason come on please! ”
It's not fair, he's right here and it's not fair . They were so close, Leo can feel how close they were to making it
He's on fire, he knows he is but he doesn't have it in him to care. It's whipping around like a storm, like a tornado, pouring off of him harder and hotter than it's ever been, the heat making Jason's body slowly cremate in his arms. All Leo can do is burn and sob, hunched over what's left of the man he's so desperate for even as other things around them catch with him
It's not fair, they were so close and it's not fair
Leo is done. He's played by the rules and bent over backwards to appease the gods and this is what they get? They were never going to let Leo have him, it's always been just a show, just another stupid myth to add to the collection. Here's a parable on what wanting what you can't have will do to you, it is storm or fire after all
Leo is over it, he's going to write his own story
He can hear Piper’s panicked voice somewhere off somewhere, but he can't find it in him to care for once. If he's going to die this time for this at least she won't be there like all the other deaths. Maybe she can be spared for once
It's hot, his fire, so hot for once it's blue. Jason’s body might be dust slipping through his hands but Leo knows without needing to look it's the same color as his eyes
So he hulls himself up. He's still burning, the ash that is Jason combining with the ash and stone that is the landscape and changing. Magma, lava, stone and glass. 
Leo walks 
And the ground melts away
He walks the whole way down like that, all the way to the underworld. Nothing stops him, not the earth or spirits or monsters, nothing even tries. He creates his own tunnel like that, burning his entrance to the upside down, an Obsidian Field
He may not be falling into the planet, but it sure is close
Leo doesn't waste time when he gets to the upside down, beelining it to the queue of souls waiting to be judged, honed in on the blond like he's being reeled in by the heartstrings. He's terrified, he's breaking so many rules, but he can't care about that right now. He won't care about it. If they want to strike him down for this Leo can just step in behind Jason, he's not above cutting in line.
It doesn't take Leo long to find him, in the long procession of semi-transparent dead people Jason is surprisingly opaque. He has a hand in his grody ripped jeans pockets and staring at an outcropping of stalagmites like a crappy waiting room TV. The microsecond Leo is close enough he grabs him out of line by the hand, Jason looks surprised to see him so soon
“We are leaving ” Leo demands through his teeth
“Okay,” Jason says, and then Leo drags him back the way he came
He doesn't let go of Jason's hand the whole way up, but he doesn't look at him either, just in case.
When they get upstairs the land around them is one big sheet of black glass with the hole to the new underworld entrance smack dab in the middle. there's a spot in front of them, where the new stone is discolored and rippled like water. Where Jason died, where Leo caught fire. It’s kinda pretty in a way, glittering and reflective, but nothing looks better than turning around and Jason still being there
“Hi,” Jason says, a huge grin on his face
“Hey,” Leo breathes back, still terrified their both about to be whisked away back under
“I missed you,” Jason tells him, squeezing his hand
“ Dude ” Leo is trembling, is this really happening?
“Just, come here ”
Jason pulls him into an embrace by their joined hands, and Leo melts into it holding him back like a lifeline. 
It's probably the best hug in existence Leo thinks, even though it's one-armed and they are both hella gross. But it's Jason , and he's here. He's here and he's sticking his stupid handsome face in Leo’s hair and pulling him in so tight it makes his ribs hurt. Leo thought he had run out of tears somewhere between the Metamorphic Rocks and the Mantle, but apparently not. He's sobbing into Jason’s nasty ass shirt, and Jason lets go of his hand just to hold him tighter
“Holy shit!” Leo hears Piper shreek in the distance “Holy shit he did it! ”
There's more screaming, the sound of friends and family inbound across the still-steaming ground, but right now it's just Leo and Jason standing in the cooling obsidian 
Leo looks up at him, just to make sure it's true and Jason is here for realzies this time. He's met with blue eyes, blue like the sky above them clear of clouds, blue like the heart of the hottest flames, blue like home
“Let's go home,” Leo tells him
“Okay,” Jason replies, seconds before Piper body slams them both to the ground “Let's go home”
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prof-ramses · 1 year ago
So the OST of The Amazing Digital Circus pilot dropped and I wanna talk about it.
Of course we already had the main theme but it's always welcome.
Welcome to the Show is the first of Evan Alderete's work I've encountered but I already like the guy's style
The fact that the next song is literally called Get Iseaki'd means so much to me, a perfect distillation of what I love about Gooseworx unique brand of weirdness.
All of It fittingly feels like a menu or level select theme and has such an eager energy that fits perfectly.
XDDCC reminds me of the works of Louie Zong and something else that I can't quite place.
I really hope Today's Adventure plays for every episode's adventure introduction, which fortunately for me, seems likely as Goose wrote it herself.
Useless Blivots is quirky and some parts of it feel like a dopey game over/fail theme, fitting since it's around this point that the situation really sets in for Pomni.
Conversation Piece also feels made to be a reoccurring piece and has a feel similar to the Spooky Month OST, which is never a bad thing.
Kaufmo the Clown is actually way more intense than I remember from watching the episode, not much to say but a really strong and tense theme.
I can see why Gone Mad went unused, it's good but it feels like it would've worked better in a later episode when something assumed stable by the characters AND the audience goes wrong.
Love the suspense in Wrong Doors, very different type of intimidating from Kaufmo's theme.
Worm Mom is a perfect theme for an NPC/adventure villain like the Gloink Queen, certainly some Grant Kirkhope inspiration here.
The tense but sort of adventurous tone of Enter Exit is great for setting a scene.
And Going Nowhere is even better at building off of that scene and filling it with fear and mystery.
Dinner For Two immediately made me think of Little King's Story, which is a very good thing.
Sorry About That neatly fills the narrative role while also having the vibe of both and epilogue theme and a pause theme. Potentially another regular theme.
Your New Home is the song everyone knows thanks to memes and is nothing short of a perfect remix of the main theme to end of the pilot.
Digital Days, we finally have a name for the hella underrated credits song!
And that's all I've got to say about the soundtrack, I didn't quite realize how rich and varied it was until now, guess that's what individual soundtracks are for. Can't wait to see how it grows along with the show in the future, really, an all-around phenomenal production.
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halfberry · 27 days ago
I watched the Jurassic world movies again and honestly? The more I watch them the more I like the first one, I love the "what if the first park didn't go tits up" vibe and the visuals. I would of liked more animatronics and less CGI but that opinion is a tired one people have been making for decades at this point. I like how cartoonishly evil Henry Wu is like a mad scientist Frankensteining a horror movie monster and the whole raptors being trained thing was kinda cool I guess. Oh, and we should of had more scenes of the Mosasaur that thing was cool as hell. I didn't really care much for the Indomius Rex tbh, I hated the ugly neutral colour they gave it and it was just an uglier Rexy from Jurassic Park doing all the same things. the main characters were okay I suppose if I'm being nice. Vic Hoskins is awesome and I adore watching Vincent D'Onofrio looking like he's having a good ol' sleazy time the whole movie. I liked Claire more than I thought I would and the two kids were alright. Owen Grady was just a more boring Alan Grant They're both dry, witty and sarcastic but Owen is also kinda smug about it and I don't like smugness as a trait. Second movie was kind of liked the switched around version of the first one. For me the first one started off strong with seeing the park in full operation I thought that was cool and then it slowly went downhill from there. Second movie started off hella weak for me but once the auction scene started and it was like a spooky haunted mansion with a monster? Oh man I fucking loved that. Indoraptor was way cooler than the Indominus just on aesthetics alone. We got more Henry Wu being cartoonishly evil which is always a plus and The poacher guy and Eli were pretty fun characters, I liked how much sleazy eli was but I get why some folk didn't like seeing a suit in the movie. The girl was alright but they whole human cloning thing? Kinda wack honestly. Same with old man Lockwood, having a token John Hammond was ridiculous but even with all that I still thought they were both a solid, fun and dumb monster movie. Third one? Oh boy, I haven't gone back to watch that but I remember hating it so much.
It's crazy how much those first two movies grew on me over the years, I guess they're like the Star Wars prequels of dinosaur movies for me
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lorepumpkin · 10 months ago
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Lore Olympus is over, after half a decade, it's finally over...thank the gods, now I can fully focus on Lore Asgard lmao-
In a more meaningful note, I would like to give my gratitude. While a lot of people has thanked and gave their gratitude towards Rachel (no disrespect to those who did/g), I would like to give it to the ULO/LO Critical community.
I may have just created this account months ago, but I have been in the fandom for well-over 2/3 years, during quarantine — which seems like not that long, yet it has changed me in ways I've never expected. The community has inspired my art, my stories and how I take in media of all sorts and I cannot thank them enough for that.
I was an autistic NB 17-year-old alone in a mostly conservative city with no sense of a community or a friend group, and you guys, the LO Critical community, gave me a place to make friends, to give me a reason to keep going and to be myself and more and I could never truly repay that, and I mean it. Every word.
You all are kind, creative, motivating, funny, open and yeah sometimes hard-headed and stubborn, but also hella passionate in your craft and beliefs. And I believe that passion will prosper into something even more amazing (if that's even possible)
I may not know what will come next for this silly part of the LO fandom (for all I know we could be the next reylos or something lmao), but I do know that years from now when I'm an old hag with 50+ cats in a spooky haunted house I'll always remember you all and the impact you had on my life.
So from the bottom of my heart, my soul and beyond:
Thank you. For everything.
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