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crithaus · 5 months ago
are you telling me all merlin had to do was talk to morgana about how yes, everyone is asleep forever and will starve eventually, and I know morgause did that and made you the living carrier of this plague, if you choose to die or have even something else you could do to fix this all will be well
with the knowledge that with her heart of hearts still as beautifully gold as ever that she might well drink that hemlock of her own accord, might have told him hey actually morgause didn't say fuck all to me about no sleeping plague what do you mean by that, with the additional knowledge that kilgarrah is also an unreliable narrator the old people eating old bitch,
And None of that 'Oops evil now because I have no community and no mentorship and all the people that say they love me hate me for who I am implicitly whilst my father is off killing people just like me for the lols off of the consequences of a deal he willingly made'???? Would have ever happened???? argh kilgarrah your days are fucking numbered bitch, gaius I understand that with Mr man being that way and early Arthur being under his thumb like that just ignoring the magic seemed like a safer bet but come ON merlin should have told her
both times, that he has magic and is like her and they'll figure it out together and that hey the current for this plague is possibly you dying and your sister set you up, might you find it in your heart to take this hemlock until she reverses the spell
God she didn't have to be so put upon, she didn't deserve any of this, Arthur and Merlin and Gwen loved her so much, morgause you will not see peace...
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saurix5 · 1 year ago
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enchanted-blade · 1 year ago
morgana's race on the merlin wiki is just listed as witch??? hello?
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humanity revoked for a little dark magic?? just a few curses here and there? god forbid women do anything
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chaifootsteps · 7 months ago
Wanna know how I know Viv won't do Stella's backstory any justice?
She hates her.
She has made it VERY clear to her fanbase and audience that she hates this character for hurting her uwu bby bird boi.
So how would a creator a/o writer even have the ability to give their character a complex backstory that explains the way they act when the woman lets her own friends (Morgana) literally call Stella homophobic for no valid reason, along with liking posts that say we SHOULDN'T feel bad for Stella in anyway whatsoever despite women in her position being the ones the suffer the most in arranged marriages solely because she's in the way of a ship that's built off of one sided attraction?
Agreed. It takes a fair amount of writing skills and a metric ton of self-discipline to do justice by a character you absolutely hate, and Viv has neither.
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earlgreyinpajamas · 2 years ago
merthur fic recs: flowers pt 2
1.  Brambles or Flowers by MerlinLikeTheBird           
Arthur doesn’t need practice.
He has natural talent.
he’s such a himbo i cannot
2. Dandelions in Spring by elusive_eventuality
 Unbidden, Arthur remembers the curve of Merlin’s fingers, empty and waggling to better show it. The line of stems tucked into the waistband of his trousers and hidden from sight. Hidden from Arthur, in some secret he wasn’t privy to but understood the shape of anyway; Merlin and Morgana. Morgana and Merlin.
 It’s foolish. More than that, it’s idiotic. So what if Merlin brings Morgana flowers? So what if he lies to him about it? It’ll do him no good, to sit and dwell on what Merlin might or might not have meant. He has meetings to attend, and recruits to train, and a kingdom like an anvil across both shoulders.
 And yet—
 He spares a glance at the solitary daisy resting on the window’s ledge on the way out of his chambers. This one he will keep, he decides. Just this one.
Arthur's not at all jealous that Morgana gets flowers.
:(( bby
3. With Flowers in Your Hair, With Courage in My Heart by Mischel (@magicalmischel) 
Merlin's magic has always been connected to his emotions, but when it starts reacting to his love for Arthur and flowers start appearing every time he looks or thinks about him, instead of a confession he chooses to pretend he has a magical cold. Arthur doesn't like it when Merlin avoids him though. And neither does Gaius. Or Morgana. Or Gwen. Or even the bloody dragon, it seems.
Sooner or later, they'll have to talk. And Merlin can only hope that Arthur won't mind the mountain of flowers they're swimming in because really, it's his fault for being so damn good-looking.
Written for the flower mini-challenge on the Merlin Fic Book Club server on Discord.
fdsjhkasd they are just so soft
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nobie · 8 months ago
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like)
tagged by @friendlyneighbourhoodelf thank you bby! <3
not a writer or artist but I got gifs that I've been working on hehe. so here's a sneak peek of a set that's taking me longer than it should cuz im a perfectionist
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no pressure tags: @tapemonkey21 @handbaskethell @morganas-pendragons
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buneeto · 2 years ago
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happy goro day!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳
i almost forgot to post here too sdfsdgfdgfd
Hikaru (shuake lovechild) is Coyba & Mijinko's OC i borrowed, shes precious!!
Credits: Originals by ATLUS, taken from DSN and P5R
Goro: Xelandis, NecrocainALX, Coyba, New3DsSuchti Akira: Sasuke-bby, LumialleMMD, Coyba, Starfire★Uchiha Hikaru: Xelandis, LazySpongie, Coyba, Noodlex2, Design: 恋する Mijinko, Coyba Futaba: Lumialle, ApricotHere, Konjac, Kamikici Sumire: NecroALX, Noodlex2, Elliesimple, darte77 Ann: Lumialle, ApricotHere, Xelandis, serenity-cc, 8Tuesday8 Makoto: Lumialle, ApricotHere, 3claws, UnluckyCandyFox Haru: Lumialle, ApricotHere, NecroALX, dreamgirl, serenity-cc Ryuji: Lumialle, ApricotHere, NCSOFT Yusuke: Lumialle, ApricotHere, KlaidAstoria Sae: Xelandis Sojiro: Xelandis Morgana: Xelandis Cake: 一護牛乳 Balloons: バルーン VanillaBear3600別名GloriaTheAnimator Stage: ominous words Ray-mmd 1.5.2 (Rui) HAToon Genshin PostRimLight
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velvet-catalog · 1 year ago
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Sims 4 CC - Persona 5 Royal: Morgana/Mona Bus CC:
All LODs
Keyword: VC/deco
[Patreon | free]:
Morgana Model from Sasuke-Bby/SamuelLovesMilk
Persona 5 is owned by Atlus/Sega. This is only intended for fans to enjoy the series further.
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ririexe · 1 year ago
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My bby next to Morgana on the Persona 5 Tactica booth at the Tokyo Game Show 2023 ☆ ~♡
Maybe I’ll draw these two in a cute situation ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
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xjulixred45x · 10 months ago
Nakaba desperdicio una OPORTUNIDAD DE ORO para tener como villana de 4kota a Morgana(incluso si es cliché)(TRADUCCION)
y pudo haberlo implementado desde mucho antes!! después de todo en las leyendas Arthuricas, Morgana es la medio hermana de Arthur, pudo haber tenido participación en NNT como una aliada que poco a poco se iba al lado oscuro(como Cassandra de Enredados pero sin final feliz).
imaginate esto, Morgana justamente naciendo de Uter Pendragon teniendo una gran habilidad para la magia, pero el decidio que no podria heredar su trono por x o y motivo(ser mujer, alguna profesia, ser hija fuera del matrimonio) y la envia lejos a Avalon, donde vive toda su vida lejos de la influencia de su padre, pero con un gran resentimiento hacia el por haberla apartado(¿talvez incluso matar a su madre también?) asi que afina su magia con las hadas y magos de Avalon.
asi el tiempo pasa y Morgana se vuelve una maga muy fuerte, pero se entera por medio de otros que su medio hermano menor, Arthur, acaba de sacar la espada de la piedra, y que sera coronado rey de Camelot.
AHORA, Morgana querria creer que su odio esta solo reserbado para Uter, asi que va a Camelot lo antes posible y todo el camino no deja de pensar en todo esto ¿cuanto tiempo ha pasado desde que fue a Camelot?¿cómo es su hermanl menor?¿es como su padre? aunque en general creo que Morgana no queria que Arthur estuviera solo manejando el reino, fuera como fuera, el era su hermano después de todo.
creo que Arthur nisiquiera sabria que tenia una hermana hasta poco antes de la llegada de Morgana, como de " ah por cierto, tu hermana viene de visita, tu media hermana por parte del rey" y Arthur obviamente estaria nervioso porque Morgana lo rechaze pero MUY EMOCIONADO una vez que escucha que es una maga poderosa.
¿y cuando se conocen? es como poner un gato negro con un gato naranja, pero sorprendentemente se llevarian bien, al principio.
Arthur tomaria a Morgana como una figura de consejera al estar ella mas en contacto con el ambiente político y le ayudo a adaptarse a el ambiente de la realeza, comparten trucos para las peleas, etc. todo parece ir sobre ruedas, ambos se llevan bien.
Arthur tiene una figura ESTABLE y amorosa que esta dispuesta a esneñarle y ser una figura familiar al mismo tiempo. y Morgana tiene a alguien que la escuche y que le haga sentir importante.
pero durante la serie empiezan los problemas.
Mientras la serie avanza y Arthur se hace mas fuerte y maduro, Morgana siente que el odio que ella tenia hacia Uther ya no es suficiente, pues empieza a dudar de si deberia querer o no a Arthur al ser EL su reemplazo, si, sabe que esta jodido pensar asi, pero por otra parte ¿está realmente mal si es su derecho de nacimiento?
y justamente Morgana pudo haber tenido estos momentos de debilidad donde cuestionaba su recientemente encontrado amor platonico por Arthur y su antigua amargura con los Pendragon, teniendo sus altos y bajos.
ella ama a Arthur, pero tambien reciente mucho lo que hizo su padre, y esta intentanto TANTO el no dejar que eso lo afecte.
pero no es solo eso lo que la lleva al limite.
digamos cuando empieza la guerra santa, Morgana con mil y un dudas sobre su lugar en el mundo y entonces Arthur MUERE.
y lo que es peor! cuando revive, se da cuenta de lo que Merlin quiere hacer con el.
(seria especialmente horrible si Morgana y Merlin llegan a tener una relación de amigas o de pupila y maestra ellas mismas).
Morgana le ruega, LE SUPLICA a Arthur que no confie en lo que le dice Merlin, que lo que ella quiere que haga no sera por el bien mayor, sino para su propio beneficio y Arthur está confundido.
por una parte quiere creer que después de todo lo que ha pasado con Morgana ella no le mentiría, pero Merlin es lo mas cercano a una madre que tiene...y el bby esta muy confuso sobre que hacer.
y aqui dos posibles finales y como Morgana reaperecia en 4Kota:
Arthur termina portando el caos, dandose cuenta de que Morgana decia la verdad, Camelot es destruido(¿talvez incluso Avalon tambien?) y eso hace que Morgana pierda la fe de querer ayudar a Arthur y los pecados capitales, ya que ELLOS fueron quienes trajeron esa destrucción a SU HOGAR, y decide que haga lo que se tenga que hacer.
lo que significa que comienza un complot en contra de las Monarquías, especialmente contra Liones y el reino Demoniaco al verlos como principales causas de la destrucción de Camelot(Meliodas y Zeldris), a la par que intentaria por todos los medios usurpar el trono de Arthur. Aun si el trata de hacerla recapacitar.
(buena alternativa, Sunshine Arthur con esposa Guinevere pero que tiene cierta congruencia en la historia canonica, pero tengo una mejor:)
Morgana aplica una Cassandra de Enredados y obtiene el caos en vez de Arthur, convirtiendose en una antagonista que si bien ayuda a derrotar al rey demonio y demas, al acabar el conflicto se vuelve una villana en toda regla.
habiendo sido desvalorizada y hecha a un lado toda su vida AHORA incluso por su hermano, y finalmente tener el poder de tener lo que por derecho le pertenece vuelve a Morgana alguien muy sedienta de poder. a la par que Arthur estaria teniendo mucho arrepentimiento por no haberle creido a su hermana en su momento y desea redimirla, pero es difícil cuando justamente Morgana inicia su vendenta hacia todos los aue no la sigan a su "nuevo Camelot".
Arthur aqui no tendría el Caos pero si tendria Escalibur, lo que seria su ventaua contra Morgana en cierta forma. aunque ella esta trabajando en una "espada bastarda" para poder cambiar eso.
Arthur sigue siendo un rollo de canela, solo que con trauma y sobretodo SIN EL CAOS, por lo que piensa mejor las cosas y no se corrompe.
Morgana por otra parte llega a tener un gran declive mental por culpa del Caos, pero lo disfraza bajo la cara de Reina risueña.
¿se imaginan si ella creara un Mordred a partir del Caos?☠️ ella dice que es su hijo pero lo entrena para que el se enfrente a Arthur y gane la corona para ella(porque Morgana sabe que no podria con todos los aliados que tiene Arthur en esta realidad).
o simplemente quiere hacer que Mordred haga el trabajo sucio porque muy en el fondo aun ama a su hermano menor...
(seria especialmente creepy si dicho Mordred es similar en apariencia tanto a ella como a Arthur ☠️ como si ella quiere un hijo, pero tambien una version de Arthur que si la hubiera escuchado y si se le hubiera unido...)
en fin...¿ustedes que piensan?
aunaue indiferentemente de eso ¡¡QUE TE JODAN NAKABAAAAAA!!
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send-noodles-not-nudes · 2 months ago
Oh fuck Gwaine's going off to find Morgana
Bby you're not gonna make it
You can't fight her
She's too strong
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biipbop · 2 years ago
Ooooh how about the other P5 cast? Strikers and Royal included. In the Flower child au
Havent played strikers yet (I own it and will get to it soon I swear 😞)
The first time Ann hears about Akira knowing gas chamber is from Ryuji. So its no surprise that she thinks he's full of shit and Akira would 100% commit to the bit and never confirm it. Everyone else will similarly follow suit and also think Ryuji is trying really hard to convince them that not only does Akira totally know gas chambers on a personal level but tatsujun isnt just PR. Theyre married and are Akira's adopted parents. It gets to the point that Ann and Ryuji start arguing about it publically. It becomes a running joke among there classmates.
Most of their classmates are pretty ick about it (they dont really think positively of Ann Ryuji and akira as is so they joke about how the deliquent is really out here trying to convince everyone he's related to celebrities). Mishima on the other hand believed it the instant he was told:
Ryuji: *points to Akira* This guy is the love child of tatsujun from gas chamber
Mishima: *sideeying ryuji* reaaaaally?
Akira: *straight faced knowing he looks like he knows you know hes lying* yep.
It was enough for Mishima.
Futaba already knew. She found out while doing a bg check on Akira before he moved into the cafe. She also doesnt tell anyone bc she also thinks it's fucking hilarious that no one else knows.
Haru initially doesnt believe them but she once met Jun at a charity function when she was younger. He had tatsuya with him and she did get the impression that they actually were romantically together. One day she corners Akira to find out the truth but it very much goes similarly as it did with mishima (Akira confirms but is he *actually* confirming it or just messing around??) Haru is eventually able to get a crack in the facade when she tells him how he met the two before and how she thinks they might actually be together. How encouraging it was to see a queer couple who were so in love that they couldnt really hide it. Akira breaks and ends up sharing family photos with her.
If youve seen my flower child au comics theyre kinda inconsistent with how and when morgana and Akechi find out. Earlier comics had them knowing during the events of the game while my more recent comics have them finding out post game. But i think I prefer them knowing during game cause it just makes better sense for me timeline wise so....ignoreing my own comics I guess
Morgana would technically be told the same time as Ryuji except Morgana would have 0 context as to who tatsuya and jun are or even who gas chambers is. So from Morgana's perspective Ryuji thought Akira's dad (who morgana saw pictures of from when Akira was a kid) was a girl. (He will never let Ryuji forget this). Ryuji would later be talking about gas chambers with Ann and she would be the one to show morgana their music and recordings of interviews and live shows. Because theyre fully dressed like a v-kei band Morgana wont put 2 and 2 together until after he actually meets them.
Even though he would also do a background check on Akira, Akechi doesnt know that about who Akira's parents are. (Jun and tatsuya couldnt legally adopt Akira so technically Katsuya and Maya would be Akira's legal parents but everyone in sumaru knows bc Jun and Tatsuya never hid their relationship. Also all the members of Gas Chambers go by a stage name for privacy reasons)
Like Ryuji Akechi also grew up familar with Gas Chamber bc his mom was a fan (side note: I think both Ryuji and Akechi would have young moms who couldve been good friends). Akechi, gun to head, would never admit this to anyone especially not akira but Jun would be his gay awakening. Akira only finds this out after Akechi meets his parents. They dont break up over this but they get close to it. Akira would refuse to talk to his dads for a week when he finds out leaving his parents panicked bc their bby boy is big sad and might have broken up with his first bf but doesnt want their help. They stay together and all is good but lord help Akechi if he ever points out any similarities between Jun and Akira.
Yusuke has no fucking clue who Gas Chambers is. But when he meets Eikichi he will go to stalker level to get a chance to draw him. Luckily for him Eikichi finds out about the little weirdo thinking hes beautiful and is all about it. He keeps every piece Yusuke gives him and even has Yusuke's paintings in the family restaurant as well as his home.
Sorry this is rambly!
Edit: I forgot Sumire!! I'll be honest, I have no clue. I dont believe she would know who Gas Chambers is. Futaba would probably only know bc she's a gremlin and constantly online.
Sumire most likely would think Ryuji is trying to tease her and not believe him either. She would be with the squad when they go visit Akira and find out Ryuji didnt lie. Shed be glad that Futaba and Akira got the pleasure of their long con going through without failure.
Also the p2 squad will realize that the metaverse was a thing when they hear Morgana talk.
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multifandombullshitbabes · 8 months ago
Random Merlin Rewatch: Where a random number generator gives me a season and an episode from BBC Merlin; and then I comment on it as I go.
Today's episode: Season 2 Episode 11 - The Witch's Quickening
First off, before I start. It's got Mordred on the cover, so I'm assuming it's the episode where Merlin tries to kill little baby Mordred? And bby Mordred fucking shows off some of his magic in it as well. Don't remember much else but that, so.
Oh, it's that ugly ass blonde guy that's gonna manipulate Morgana or whatever it is. Ugh. I don't like him. Glad to see him on the floor, but I know it's all a ruse.
Why is every Camelot knight fucking useless, y'all cannot be serious right now.
Was he. Fucking floating or something??? That looked goofy as shit, brother. Loser.
It is a testament that Camelot must have a lot of different knights and guards, 'cause they don't recognize the guy but that's alright. I'm assuming they're so used to seeing each other with the helmets that they just. Forget each other's faces?? I don't know, maybe it's me, but I can recognize a face.
Oop, not Merlin snooping in on some random telepathy convo.
Before that, I wanted to comment. Absolutely bonkers that they're carrying Mordred (? maybe) inside a barrel. At least I'm assuming that's what they're doing.
That must've been so goofy to film, thank god colin just puts his whole pussy into everything he does.
A rare occasion of some guards being useful. Too bad magic's a thing, huh.
Does the druid speak give Merlin headaches?? Poor boy looks like is getting one. Also he looks so comfy.
NOT MORDRED INSIDE THE BARREL, MY GOD. That cannot have been comfy. Also him just. getting out like that. So creepy, I respect it.
Oh the two people just lifting him up like that, he's so smol!!
Why does the blonde guy has such a slutty shirt, wtf.
Why is Morgana sleeping with a big ass bracelet on, girl, take that off!!! You don't need it babe.
Morgana smiling :((((( My love.
Ohhh the way Arthur just get's so protective when Merlin tells him they're in Morgana's chambers. They love each other so much, I'm SICK.
Ugly ass man, no one asked for you to talk, BITCH. fucking Alvarr or whatever the fuck, he can suck my dick, his vibes are SO OFF.
Morgana is so empathetic, like, she GETS IT!!! Of course she has some degree of privilege by being Uther's ward, but she is so fucking afraid everyday of being found out!! I'm SICK.
Hate seeing Morgana get so manipulated, hate it hate it, I'm SICK OF IT, LET MY GIRL LIVE HER FUCKING LIFE
She's so gorgeous. But also I love Merlin's little head tilt at Morgana's excuse "Don't you think if there was someone in my room, I'd know about it?" because, frankly, no you wouldn't!! And merlin knows this, but she says it with so much confidence they just take it.
Damn, Arthur getting so sassy n aggressive 'cause he was so scared of finding a horrific scene in Morgana's chambers, and now he's got nothing but Merlin to let out steam to. Damn, damn, boys.
I don't Mordred understands that his role in this mission is nothing more than just ensuring they get the crystal via manipulating Morgana with his existence. Very sick game Alvarr is playing. But Mordred could also be in the know. Hmmm.... we'll see.
Merlin IS very smart, he understands people, but most of all he understands magic users and what they need to do to survive, even if it means sacrificing yourself for others to survive.
Ough, that braid and that green dress. Morgana is just stunning.
"I was looking for Arthur." immediately looks down, guilty as fuck. Morgana is a good liar, but that doesn't mean she likes it all the time. This is Merlin, someone she supposedly trusts. And she is committing a serious crime. Tense.
God, I do love the aesthetics of this show. Love it love it, the fire, the stone walls, everything. And they never played about the clothes.
Merlin can never sleep in peace, and Arthur can never eat in peace.
Well. I do have to say, I was wondering why Arthur's door wasn't locked if he's known to be away. Merlin babe that's kinda on you, you should've locked it :///
Love the difference between Merlin apologising to Arthur n him just walking away, and then Uther being very harsh to Arthur for the same reason. Something something if Arthur can, he'll bear the burden/blame of others since he already feels responsible for a whole kingdom even as a prince, so what's more of that weight on his shoulders right? Technically, the fault is Merlin's but if Arthur can help it, Uther will never know it. He cares so much for Merlin.
Arthur lying through his teeth for Merlin, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
This damn fucking dragon, fuckkkkkkkkkk
"Because you don't have a choice." OOP MERLIN ATE WITH THAT ONE.
God, the way Kilgarrah talks abt Morgana, I hate it!! UGH
Hm. The fact that Mordred possibly can use the crystal but Morgana can't (KIlgarrah's words). Interesting. So, from least to most poweful: Morgana<Mordred<Merlin.
Gwen just trying to spend as much time with Morgana because I bet they normally chat and stuff.
Oof, the mix of anger/fear/apprehension on Gwen's face with "My Lady." i bet it doesn't happen often when Gwen is reminded that Morgana is a lady and has the power to fucking execute her at will, she's that powerful. It must be so scary when she gets reminded of that. Of course, she knows Morgana would never; but what if?
The difference between Morgana's pristine tall white horse and Merlin's smaller black horse. Love that. Loveeeee it.
Oof. The fact that Morgana balks at Alvarr and his strategy of just. Killing anyone at Uther's side, even innocents. Like, she just cannot understand that, but!! She's at her most vulnerable at this time. Right now, she's not sure what's right or wrong. She doesn't know if what she thinks it's the right thing to do anymore, if it's what's needed for magic to be free, for her to be free of this fear and be herself. Is cruelty the answer? Is she being too merciful? I wonder if these are thoughts that she's having, knowing that what feels right is that she doesn't want to kill civilians, just bring Uther down. But what if her approach is wrong, and they fail, and it makes it all worse? What is there cannot be any "half measures"?
"I dont want to be alone anymore." THIS!!!! This is what leads to Morgana becoming what she becomes in season 3. Ultimately, she feels so alone. What other friends she has besides Gwen? Arthur? And now those two are poisoned because of her secret. She doesn't know if she can trust them fully anymore. She was already bitter, and full of hatred for Uther, and she was already capable of being ruthless and brave. But this? Being alone? This is what sets her off at her path. Even if she has allies, in the end she will always feel isolated, separated, alone. Even with Morgause. The second she gets into the mindset of "I have nothing of value to lose." She goes down Uther's path. The second she convinces herself that everyone either wants her dead or gone or whatever, she's on Uther's path. And Morgause doesn't count; she helps with this actually. Because Morgause is also very isolated and alone, but still puts herself in a certain distance with Morgana. Yes, they're sisters, they're High Priestesses. But they know their roles are much grander than themselves. Morgause even makes Morgana sacrifice her for their shared goal. The connection she has with Morgause only intensifies this idea that Morgana does not need others, she has a purpose outside of herself, and nothing else matters. This is what leads her down Uther's path. And once you start self-destructing, you realize how easy it is; and how much harder it becomes to put yourself back together again.
EWWWW THEY ALMOST KISSED!!! Another proof that Morgana is just so desperate for connection. First sign she sees of pure acceptance without fear she wants to dive right into that "safety". Ugh. Hate Alvarr and his manipulation.
Oop, cult leader esque vibes. Should've known.
Not Gaius straight up telling Merlin "Let's lie to the King." Bet Merlin teases him abt that.
Goddd, I love their sibling banter. Also love how Arthur just cannot seem to tell when someone's hiding something when they're someone he truly deeply loves n trusts. Hope that doesn't bite him in the ass or something.
Not Arthur just bullying the fuck out of Merlin. Too bad he's too busy listening to a telepathic convo.
THIS IS SO FUNNY, MERLIN JUST BEING LIKE "There's a footprint!!! (Oh fuck it's not enough, um-) LOOK!! MORE!!!"
"Yes they are" says Merlin prophetically and then somebody get shot with an arrow. Seriously, how did nobody get that Merlin was a sorcerer?? Did they just think he was. very weird???? Actually, that's exactly it.
Not Merlin aiding in the death of a child.
And just like that, another part of the prophecy solidified. Welp!!
Not Merlin seeing what Kilgarrah will do if he releases him and then that's exactly what he does.
OOP??? I FORGOT HOW HARD SHE WENT IN THIS SCENE HOLY SHIT???? This was, lowkey, Morgana sealing her fate. She was just so done with being passive and just taking the luxury of being Uther's ward. She saw what Alvarr and the druids and anyone with magic has had to do to survive and to end this reign of terror and she got so sick of just being on the side-lines. No wonder it was so easy for her to just betray them past this point. To her, she was already alienated from Uther and Camelot and everything it stands for. Alvarr being sentenced to death, not even telling the whole truth of her aiding him, radicalized her here. The title of this episode makes so much sense, this is Morgana getting more and more cold and ruthless towards Camelot whether before she just hated it and suffered under it. Go off queen.
OUGHHHH NOW THAT BROKE UTHER'S HEART, DAMN!!! She fully just. resigned from this family (I don't think she's fully processed that this means resigning from Arthur as well, she's just so focused on Uther).
"The future is as yet unshaped." This is why I believe destiny is not set in stone, but!! Once you do a set of actions, one path of the future solidifies and it is basically impossible to erode yourself out of it. But not truly impossible.
Morgana lying to Gwen, separating herself more n more from those she loves but that could hinder her new path. Oof...
Not Morgana bribing the guards with alcohol, jesus they're so stupid.
Oh, the way that Uther knows, and Morgana knows he knows, but Uther just cannot bear the thought of the truth, cannot say it out loud. OOOOOHHHH DELICIOUSSSSSSSSS
Damn what a good ass episode bro. This is really where we see Morgana become herself, I guess; or the hateful, ruthless version of her. It is both sad but so freeing to see. But I do think she only really wanted Uther to be gone, her hatred for Arthur and Merlin came later, through Morgause and her manipulation, but also their own actions.
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thatamberofembers · 2 years ago
Season One Thoughts
Okay so I finished season one! I have a lot of random things to say so, be ready for me to ramble. (Keep in mind this is not an analysis of ANY kind, I just have things to say and observations to make)
1.) I miss Lancelot bring back my babygirl. I want him back rn.
2.) Nimueh was fine as hell but I’m glad she’s gone she frustrated me to no end
3.) Hunith is like the number one merthur shipper I swear, and number two is arguably Uther (why else would he let Merlin get away with all the shit he does and doesn’t do? any other servant would have been fired after like a day, and all Uther says is that he’s glad Arthur and Merlin have a bond and occasionally calls him stupid like ???)
4.) It’s very much giving season one of supernatural, where it was like the monster of the week, but in a good nostalgic way (probably bc it came out in like 2009 so thats fair)
5.) No wonder Uther thinks magic is evil, every single problem so far has been caused by magic, like tbh I get where he’s coming from and why he continues to hate magic
6.) I love Morgana but her motives confuse tf out of me (so did the dragon’s tbh), but shes also babygirl so I love her (also i feel bad she has nightmares :( im sorry bby) (maybe it’s just bc she’s Katie McGrath tho, I can and will love anyone she plays)
7.) The way Arthur and Merlin have such a close bond after such little time is giving me life. Like arguably they haven’t known each other that long and they’ve already tried to sacrifice themselves for each other like 4 times each, like boys please stop trying to die
8.) British tv really does reuse so many actors im crying (anderson from sherlock? asa butterfield?)
9.) I am in love with Gwen she is everything to me and more. I would happily die for her, I am no better than Merlin in that respect (like yes let me die for you, i know i barely know you but i would lay my life down for you in a heartbeat)
10.) Merlin should have been exposed like 3849 times (I counted I swear). He does not know how to keep it a secret and yet he somehow doesn’t get found out like ??? (i blame Gaius for lowkey enabling him but also I love Gaius so dont hate me)
11.) Did I mention I miss Lancelot? Because I do and I desperately need him back he is everything to me :(
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littleashesefall · 7 months ago
My first thought was "if it isn't that little bitch Merlin with his little look oj his dumb face!" (Amazing crochet/knit btw)
I want the pattern just so I can make one and just throw him around and yell at him for how he helped ruin Morganas life. Then I wanna make a little Morgana and just put her on a throne with flowers and say "good morning bby" every day and encourage her to use her magic and like make her a mini dream journal. Oh! And an Ayuthusa! But I would heal her so she could fly right and be happy and make her a little bed at the feet of Morganas throne that my cats will probably try to loaf in. And everyday I'll go "No Mr Corn that's Ayuthusa's bed. You have an entire cat tree for yourself."
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Most powerful wizard to walk the earth? Nah just a lil guy
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tiodolma · 2 years ago
morgana: I'm going to destabilize the throne. So I will kill uther, arthur. then sully gwen using shade!lancelot, then harm sir gwaine, then have gaius tortured...
morgana: i just want to take over the government? what is it to you?? ur just a servant?? also you betrayed me first??
morgana: my personal beef isn't with you, bitch. i should have beef with you with the poisoning and hurting morgause and all but taking over the crown is priority. I still need to find Emrys too.
morgana: what.
morgana: (checks notes)
morgana: your best friend is the government???
mordred: btw EMRYS is Merlin
morgana: oh for fuck's sake.
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