brokenpieces-72 · 6 months
Ok after sending the first idea another popped in mind. What if tf141 are having a bad day and their feeling in the dump oh boy here comes stray lifting all their moods cause those 4 dont deserve no bad days
Again thank you for the requests, helps me stay creative and gives me something to do during my past time.
You were lying on Kyle’s bunk, after they’d been gone for a long time. Another trip you assumed. Other soldiers would pop in to give you some attention while the team was gone, but for the most part you didn’t leave your favourite spots. Not unless you heard a vehicle or helicopter approaching the base. When you finally did though your ears perked up immediately.
You raised your head to the sound waiting for more signs. There were a few shouts of alarm that made you spring up faster than usual. You hurried to the outside seeing the helicopter had landed and was being crowded by multiple soldiers. A K9 handler spotted you about to sprint toward your masters, catching your collar last minute. You yanked against him, but he held tight pulling you back. It was hard to make out everything but you saw them take your new friends to another building, a couple of them on stretchers. There was a faint scent of blood and you start barking, crying out to them. Fighting the handler was proving unsuccessful and he was able to drag you back inside putting you on leash. From there he took you to Price’s office where you tried to get back out and barked for someone to let you out. You wandered and paced waiting for the door to open again, restless.
After a few hours, the door opened and you rushed over to the human who’d opened it, tail wagging and sniffing his legs, hopping up to his chest. You let out happy barks and sounds of joy to see Captain Price again. When you jumped up he lifted his leg and nudged you off of him gently.
“Down, down…” he groaned, making his way to his desk. You noticed him limping. He slumped down in his chair, with bandages on and looking very exhausted. You whimpered following him and resting your head on his leg. What’s wrong? What happened? Price had his elbow on the armrest and his face in his had, tired. You whimpered to get his attention, and those adorable eyes of yours hand him giving you some deep head scratches.
“Good dog… Mission went pretty rough. Men will pull through but we’ll be off for a while… all cause of poor judgement.” He said the last part with internalized contempt. You put a paw on his leg, trying to show him more comfort. Honestly having you there was enough for the captain. He’d worked with dogs before but your antics and circumstances were more homely. Coming back to base felt more relieving than it used to, more of a safe haven.
“You want to go see them?” He asked you. Your ears perked up again and your head tilted on his lap. Price gives you a half smile and stands up from his desk, slowly. You stepped back but stayed close as he limped his way to door. The captain was appreciative of your patience as you waited for him to open the door. Once he did you walked up ahead, only stopping for him to catch up. You whimpered restlessly wanting to see the rest of the team. They were in post op by now.
Simon was lying on his bed sitting upright. His head was pounding, waiting for the painkillers to take effect. He’d been sliced up in the arms, and taken a hard beating. If it hadn’t been for Johnny’s quick firing he’d been on the ground. Unfortunately Johnny had gotten some of the spray of a grenade and it had lodged fragments inside of him. He was still asleep on his bed but would pull through. Kyle was just finishing up after getting some bullets taken out of him, pulling his shirt back on. He winced as he pulled it down.
Their expressions changed when the door opened and a big furry lump and their Captain came in. You went to Kyle first who got down on one knee smiling wide. You hopped on him and gave him sniffs and kisses while he gave you plenty of scratches. You were relieved he was okay but he did wince when you accidentally hit his bandages.
“Hey Buddy, you missed us?” He asked rhetorically as Price limped in. Price smiled seeing Gaz light up after looking like crap earlier before finding somewhere to sit. Simon slowly shifted his legs to the edge of his bed and you went over to him just as excited to see him doing okay. He grunted as you hopped on to the bed and sniffed and licked at his neck.
“Alright alright, I’m happy to see you too.” He said groaning and giving you some neck rubs. Simon would never show it, but he was happy to see you too. The mission had been a bitch, and it seemed nothing had gone as planned. When you finally settled down next to him you rested your head on his lap and you got more head scratches. The tension and exhaustion in the room seemed to lift somewhat. You were so happy they were all home. They were glad to be home. However you had yet to say hello to one more.
Johnny groaned from his bed as he slowly woke up. You hopped off Simon’s bed and went over to him. Kyle reached for you to pull you off as Johnny slowly woke up to you sniffing his face.
“Oi the fuckin ell!” He said while trying to shove you off, eventually able to sit up. You licked his face, tail whipping like a fan to see him up and awake. Johnny sighed, holding his head. He looked at you and you tilted your head innocently.
“You’re a little git.” He said. As if it were a command you went back to expressing your joy of his return. Johnny doesn’t admit it, but he’s happy to see you. His returned affection of pets leads to you ending up on his lap, curled up while he gives you belly rubs. The men ended up just talking and relaxing, doing a small debrief before chatting more casually. It was a good feeling for you too, feeling like someone’s friend and not just something to be used.
When the doctor ushered everyone out of post op so Johnny could rest, you nuzzled further into him.
“Nah, ya gotta go mutt.” Johnny tried to urge. You growled when he tried to push you off, making the 141 chuckle.
“Treat?” Kyle offered. You raised your head and then looked at Johnny. Instead of going off though, you put your head back down. You didn’t want to leave your friend alone.
“Come on dog, he’ll be here tomorrow.” Simon said, tugging your collar. He convinced you to follow him but you do turn around and put your paws back up on Johnny’s bed, whimpering. Johnny can’t help but smile and give your ears a scratch, before urging you to go with the rest of the team. As you exit you kept looking back as if Johnny was going to disappear if you looked away for too long.
Kyle went with you to his bunk after getting you a treat and you curled up next to him on the bed. They were all happy to see you, and were relieved they had all made it back. Your presence was something they never realized they had needed. They were glad to have you.
@yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @H0n3y_L3m0n @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @talia-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting
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neos-schlond-poofa · 3 months
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elenorasweet · 1 year
Kids have been watching Rise of the TMNT, and also Samurai Rabbit.
So here I am trying to explain to my oldest daughter the history of Leonardo x Usagi crossover bromance, and how common this has been in various canons, and why it's a gd crime that it didn't happen with these versions of them Nick vs Netflix be damned, and also why I ship them in literally every iteration.
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Anyway, I think these two are fabulous, and trying to explain this to a teenager made me feel really weird. But at least she gets shipping, so she's like "Ohhhh, no that works, they're both dumbasses" and I'm like THANK YOU MO!
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aries-of-spades · 3 months
Spiderman AU where everything's the same except MJ stands for Mumbo Jumbo
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You guys know you voted for Laurence x Castor, right?
You know you’re making me draw Laurence x Castor, right?
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sophsicle · 2 years
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kyd, chapter 16
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The foreshadowing Tiresias gives in his song is really sad. When he tells Odysseus the things heʼd do in the future and then adding “but itʼs no longer you” at the end... Heʼs implying that the Odysseus he sees would be very different from the Odysseus heʼs talking to. The actual melody of the song and his tone as he sings just adds to that feeling of loss.
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a-cat-in-toffee · 1 year
hey. you guys want my homestuck vigilante au?
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 1 year
TEASE Tidbit Tuesday
Jumping on @apothecarose’s open tag, thanks pal.
“Oh, my. That’s… that is something.”
“You alright, Dad?” TK asks.
“Son,” Owen responds stoically, still sputtering. “Stay away from these cupcakes.”
Tagging a few folks I think might still be tumblring at this hour: @chicgeekgirl89 @freneticfloetry @welcometololaland @rmd-writes @bonheur-cafe @birdclowns @thisbuildinghasfeelings tease us with a lil cross stitch peek 👀
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fadeawaywithyou · 1 year
Bolt (2008) is about Bolt the dog, a superhero who goes on adventures with his owner Penny, until she gets kidnapped by their nemesis. However, Bolt is unaware that his entire life is a tv show, and that Penny is actually fine, it was just a cliffhanger. Bolt runs away to try to save Penny, believing that he has the superpowers in his show, and ends up across America where he has to enlist the help of Mittens, the pessimistic cat, and Rhino, the optimistic hamster, in order to get back home. While they travel, he learns how to live a normal life and accept that his life up until that point was a lie, but still holding onto hope that his owner, Penny, was the one real thing in his life.
The Truman Show (1998) about a man named Truman who lives in an isolated city unaware that everything he does is being recorded and everyone he meets is actually an actor, constantly airing a popular show called The Truman Show. This is all thanks to a director, who has complete control of the entire city and has been filming Truman's life from birth and plans to continue until his death, even going so far as to manufacture reasons for Truman to be scared of leaving. Truman slowly loses his mind trying to find out the truth once an old flame sneaks back onto set after being fired for deviating from the script.
tl;dr- this is my realizing that I have one (1) favorite plot line and it's Characters Breaking Out Of The Plot so if you have other similar plots and stories let me know!
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cinemajunkie70 · 1 year
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primalvessel · 5 months
@confluxium - Warning: I have NO idea what tf I'm doing ajkhsdakjh. I hope Hati's believable (the little that I write of him anyway. x.x). Working title: When you want a kabedon but you can't have one because your crush/fwb is too fucking tall.
The night was warm and after concluding his duties in the workshop, Koinos had dusted off his hands and headed to the roof was he was often wont to do, unbothered by the distance between House Acheron's work floors and the rooftops he'd frequented. Only two Charons were perched up there that eve, preening their feathers and otherwise ignoring him - he was a regular presence there and when they ascertained that he'd not brought them treats, they elected to ignore him.
Shirking the neat work shirt he to feel the balmy night air against his skin, he simply enjoyed the quiet for a time and stretched limbs that felt cramped after working so long. Boots followed shortly and were set neatly to one side.
Once limbered up, he began to practice.
Smooth, sinuous movements that flowed like water with only the birds to witness, he swayed, twisted, stabbed and swept with a staff in place of a lance, as if to a melody that no-one else could hear. The minutes slipped by as the Miqo'te performed as if he were the only one in the world.
Until he wasn't.
There was no ignoring the intense, singular stare that the Miqo'te could feel as he moved.
Even if he hadn't already known that Hati was there, calculatingly stood downwind of him and neatly tucked away from the cool slant of moonlight, the telling weight of the Viera's gaze made the fine hairs at the back of his neck stand on end. To turn his back on a predator was to court death and yet Maru completed the lazy spin, bare feet scuffing across the light dusting of sand upon the roof, as if he wasn't prey to the wolf who waited in ambush.
Hati remained there though; shrouded in darkness with his bared arms folded as he leaned against the weathered brick. Wasn't smoking. To the casual eye he wasn't even breathing.
It wasn't chance that Hati was there but when he didn't immediately make his intent known, it made the feline wonder. He wasn't there to watch him practice of that he had no doubt, but the Viera didn't seem to be in any hurry to interrupt.
It was the distraction of not knowing why his boss was there that eventually made the Miqo'te falter and that was all it took.
That opening was the one the wolf capitalized on, as if to punish for the unintentional lapse. The staff was slow to come up to defend against the larger presence as Hati was suddenly before him but Maru didn't try particularly hard to stop him.
The staff was wrenched from Maru's grip and sent clattering to the rooftop at almost the same time as the Viera's other hand closed around the Miqo'te's throat and those metal claws, glinting in the moonlight, pressed into tanned skin. Beneath Hati's fingers, the feline's pulse raced, belying the calm way he stood, breathing a little laboured.
"You don't fight it?" Hati observed in a questioning tone, singular eye piercing.
"I'm tired of fighting you," Maru replied in spite of the grip around his throat. It was a full-faced truth even if the way it was spoken implied that there was more to it than just that.
He was tired of fighting Hati for every scrap of friendship the Viera was so intent on separating himself from. If he thought he was doing the Miqo'te a favour, he really needed to stop.
"If you want me to fight, give me a reason to."
Gods though... For all Maru was outwardly remarkably calm, his heart raced and his thoughts practically tumbled over each other. There was something in that ethereally moonlit gaze told him that Hati knew it too.
The grip around his throat tightened just a little and Maru felt sweat break out across his brow as a light pink flush spread across the bridge of his nose, neither of which had anything to do with the exercise he'd been doing, nor fear of being beneath the wolf's claws.
Madness; how such a tiny display of strength - the miniscule play of muscle in that tanned arm could have such a profound effect.
Maru's mouth had gone dry. His gaze darted from the Viera's bicep up to that steady gaze, down then to the broad chest and strong shoulders and back up to the pierced bottom lip drawn into a neutral line as if he couldn't find somewhere to settle his own sight that wouldn't deepen the warmth flooding his body. A futile effort when Hati's broad form filled his vision, so the Miqo'te stopped trying to hide it.
"Find your own reason," Hati rumbled, eliciting a show of bared fangs from the feline within his grasp.
Had Maru not fought enough for him already? The Viera would make him fight for every single thread of his attention, his affection? Was there not a single good thing they could have, together, that the feline didn't have to expend blood, sweat and tears for? Even there, with the claws digging in enough to make blood bead beneath their points, he couldn't be given even one small thing.
Except Hati was giving him something even if the Miqo'te hadn't caught onto it right away.
Realisation dawned on the feline and Hati watched it happen. That almost imperceptible curl at the corner of Hati's lips widened into more of a smirk and he didn't do anything to stop it when the Miqo'te finally resisted the grip about his throat. There was even a rumble of genuine laughter before he was brought to a knee and Maru crushed their lips together in a hungry kiss.
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dinosaurjam · 11 months
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All the OCD bingos I could find out there were just like different obsessions and specific compulsions and I was like "no man, I need something that speaks to the very function of the OCD brain" so I made this
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batwynn · 9 months
have you seen the merman Stede episode in our flag means death lmaooo. reminded me of your Sterek comic lol
I haaaave! It’s actually something I might be… making something of… soon. Because. Reasons.
If that makes any sense at all.😂
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foxinaflowerfield · 10 months
I think if my reflection crawled out of the mirror, grotesque and heaving, I would offer a hand and make him some tea while I clean the broken glass. I would be so kind despite my hatred for him, and I think he would know that I hate him, but he would thank me for the tea and apologise for the mess anyway.
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