#at 1:22am shush
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yoon-kooks · 7 years
Lie- Part 10
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Angst / Fluff
Summary: There was a time when you loved him and he hated you. Now you hate him, but does he love you?
Parts: 0 // 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 // FINAL
“Oooh! Can we go in there?” You pulled at Jimin’s sleeve and pointed at a small shop with a bunch of adorable plushies. He turned his head to where you were pointing and sighed.
“Do we have to go into every single shop with plushies in them?” Jimin protested but still allowed you to pull him into the store.
“Yes, we do!” you giggled at him. “Because I’m looking for something!”
“What is it?”
“Uh, actually I’m not sure, hehe~” You looked around curiously, trying to find something small to buy so that you’d always remember your first “date” with Jimin. “But it has to be something cute!”
“You’ve been dragging me around for two hours and you don’t even know what you’re looking for?” Jimin chuckled in disbelief as he browsed the shelf with tiny kitty plushies. You saw him smile at a grey one with a little scarf before he picked it up to show to you. “What about this one? It’s cute, right?”
You blushed, taking it from his hand. It was a pretty cute kitty, but you loved it even more because Jimin had picked it out for you. “Yeah, this is the one!” You were glowing so much and didn’t catch him staring.
Just as you were about to walk it up to the cash register to pay, it was taken from your grasp. Jimin placed the kitty on the counter and took out his wallet.
You shook your head with a flustered look. “Jimin, it’s okay… I already wasted your time coming here and-”
Jimin ignored you and proceeded to pay the cashier. Once you were out of the store, he handed you the kitty.
“You didn’t have to pay for me, you know…” you pouted. But you were also overjoyed with the fact that the boy you loved got you something special. You stared at the kitty again and smiled.
“Just be happy you got what you came for, okay?” Jimin watched you fiddling around with the plushie. You hugged it tightly and squealed. “You really love it that much?” he laughed.
“Yeah! Thanks Jimin~!” you smiled up at him. “I’ll get you something next time, I promise!”
“Next time?” He raised a brow at you. “I thought this was a one time thing.”
“But you had fun, right?” You poked him. “I wanna do it again… Maybe next time could be an actual date?”
“I already told you we’re not dating…”
“Not yet, but maybe in the future~?” you said, blushing softly.
“Y/N.” Jimin walked a little further from you and bit his lip. “I don’t think we could ever date.”
“Yoora, I’ll tell you!” You dropped your chemistry textbook next to your friend’s notebook and took a seat.
“Tell me what??” Yoora went from falling asleep to wide awake. “Is this about your secret lover?” she smirked.
“He’s not a lover!!” You sent a soft punch to her shoulder. “But it is a secret, so promise you won’t tell anyone or get mad about it, okay?”
“Promise~!” Yoora clasped her hands together. “Tell me all about him!”
“Okay, okay!” You tried to calm both her and yourself down. Even in that moment, you weren’t sure if it was a good idea to tell her that you knew her favorite idols. But you trusted her. “Actually, it’s about two guys… and you know them…”
“Two guys??” Yoora’s jaw dropped. “OMG, Y/N!! When?? How?? WHO?”
“At the fansign. Uhh, I don’t really know how it happened…” You leaned closer to whisper. “But it’s Jungkook and Jimin.”
“WHAT? NO WAY!!” Yoora’s shrieks gained you some stares from people passing by. “PICS OR IT DIDN’T HAPPEN!!”
“It’s a long story… but basically, Jungkook and I-”
“You’re dating HIM???”
“No!” You shushed your friend. “But we may or may not have hung out…” Yoora’s eyes widened.
“Really?!! You’re so lucky!!! OMG. WOW.” She muffled her loud voice with her hands. “Wait, what about Jimin??”
“Ohh… Jimin…” You took a moment to ensure you wouldn’t say too much. “I told him you’re his biggest fan and he said you can meet them next time.”
You were expecting to hear the loudest scream of all, but Yoora was too shook to make a sound. She stared at you with the largest eyes.
“I’m meeting with Jungkook after this, so I’ll be sure to ask him about you, me, him, and Jimin all meeting together some time.”
“L-like a double d-date?”
You nodded, even though you were pretty sure Jimin didn’t intend on it being a “date”. But after you had made it clear that you weren’t giving him anymore chances, maybe someone else could give him a chance instead.
“OMG yay! Thanks, Y/N~!” Yoora’s eyes sparkled like you’d never seen before.
By the time evening came around, you met up with Jungkook for a walk around the streets of Seoul. You were still in disbelief that the boy had actually asked you out on a second date. But you found it very refreshing whenever you spent time with him.
“Jimin told me you came back to the dorms smiling like an idiot after our bowling date.” You nudged Jungkook. “Is that true?”
“I was smiling, but not like an idiot!” he laughed. “Jimin really says too much sometimes…”
“Yeah, he does, huh…” Your expression dropped a little because you understood that too well.
“By the way, what’s your relationship with him?”
“Jimin told me you guys were childhood friends?”
“Uh… yeah… I mean, I guess that’s all we were.” You looked down at the sidewalk, not really wanting to talk about your past with Jimin. “From the time he left Busan until that fansign, we didn’t talk at all.”
“Oh… It’s probably just because he’s been working so hard with Bangtan stuff during these past few years,” Jungkook tried to reassure you.
“Probably,” you said, even though you knew it wasn’t the whole truth. You just wanted to change the topic somehow. “Speaking of Jimin, do you think he’d be down for a double-date type thing?”
“A double-date?” Jungkook’s eyes widened. “You mean like you, me, him, and…?”
“My friend,” you finished his sentence. “Jimin said I could bring her along some time.”
“Ah! I see,” he nodded. “Jimin doesn’t really seem like the ‘date’ type though… Like, all my other hyungs have gone out every once in a while, but I’ve never seen Jimin with anyone else.”
“Really…?” That couldn’t have been true. You were certain Jimin had gone on dates with other people. You even remembered Yoora telling you how popular he was among female idols. But at the same time, you knew Jungkook was being honest.
“Yeah, that’s why I was surprised when he met with you the other day!” he said. “I kinda thought you guys were dating…” You stayed quiet for a moment.
“Me and Jimin? I don’t think we’re the kind of friends that could ever date…” You hated how those words sounded coming from you. And it left a bad taste in your mouth.
Jungkook took notice and suddenly wrapped his hand around yours. His warmth comforted you and the faint pink on his cheeks made you smile and blush a little yourself. The bad taste was suddenly gone.
“What about us, though?” He did a cute head tilt. “Are we the type of friends that could date?”
You just stared back at him with huge eyes, unable to speak. Jeon Jungkook was really asking to be your boyfriend. You had to admit, he was the only other boy you’d felt something for besides Jimin. He was always so sweet to you, and you really did enjoy spending time with him. You had zero reason to say no, but at the same time, it wasn’t so simple to just say yes.
“Ah, I didn’t mean to surprise you or anything, haha.” The boy ruffled the back of his hair. “Take as much time as you need to-”
“Yes,” the word slipped out on its own. The only way you could justify it was by telling yourself you’d be an idiot to let Jungkook pass you by. You leaned your head on his shoulder. “I think we could and should date.”
“I think so too,” he smiled. “I just hope Jimin doesn’t mind me dating his friend.”
“He won’t.” You shook your head, but truthfully, you wondered exactly how he would react. As much as you hoped he wouldn’t mind, you couldn’t help but worry that he would. But the more you thought about it, the more you remembered you couldn’t be that special to Jimin. Because if he truly cared about you, he would’ve never given you a reason to hate him in the first place.
“Hm, maybe you know him better than I do,” Jungkook nodded. “You guys were best friends after all.”
“Yeah…” You wanted to believe you knew enough about Jimin, but there were so many things he had refused to share with you. Things you had to find out the hard way.
“Anyway, I’ll be sure to ask him about the double date thing!” Jungkook swung your hand playfully. “That guy can use a nice date. He’s been looking a little lonely these days.” Lonely?
As soon as you got back, you noticed Jungkook had sent you a sweet goodnight text, so you replied back with a few kiss emojis. You smiled at your phone screen until you saw your text conversation with Jimin right underneath, and you were reminded of him being lonely. It couldn’t have been because of you, right? As an idol, he had plenty of other things to worry about before some childhood friendship.
But you still wanted to check up on him—just in case.
12:03AM Y/N “hey”
12:04AM Jimin “🙋🙋🙋”
12:04AM Jimin “go to sleep. its late😒”
12:05AM Y/N “ill go to sleep if you go to sleep too😡”
12:07AM Jimin “im not tired”
12:08AM Y/N “neither am i”
12:11AM Jimin “so… whyd you text me?”
12:12AM Y/N “did jungkook tell you…?” You felt your heartbeat go at a quicker pace. Maybe it’d be a little better if Jimin heard about the dating thing from Jungkook rather than from you.
12:13AM Jimin “yeah”
12:20AM Y/N “and youre okay with it?”
12:22AM Jimin “youll get mad if i say no lol”
12:23AM Y/N “i wont get mad! just be honest…”
12:28AM Jimin “okay okay”
12:30AM Jimin “i dont think ill have the time for it”
12:31AM Y/N “wait… what are you talking about??”
12:32AM Jimin “the double date thing?”
12:32AM Jimin “whatd you think i meant?” So Jungkook didn’t tell him you were dating yet. And you weren’t ready to break the news to him either. It couldn’t hurt to wait just a little longer.
12:33AM Y/N “lol idk what i was thinking😅”
12:34AM Y/N “but anyway”
12:35AM Y/N “whens a good time for you? i want this to work out”
12:35AM Jimin “really? you do?”
12:36AM Y/N “yeah! i told yoora about you and shes been screaming every since”
12:38AM Jimin “yoora?”
12:39AM Y/N “remember my friend i was telling you about? the one that loves you like crazy?”
12:40AM Jimin “oh her”
12:41AM Jimin “i still dont think ill have time… i gotta put more hours in at the dance studio”
12:42AM Y/N “aww okay… i guess if its for bangtan, it cant be helped…” You couldn’t help but feel disappointed. Not only because you had gotten Yoora super excited about it. But also because if Jimin really was feeling lonely, you wanted to be there for him. Like he had been for you.
12:44AM Y/N “maybe next time then?”
12:45AM Y/N “bc i really wanna see you jimin” You weren’t sure if you sounded too needy--especially since you had just gotten yourself a boyfriend--but you meant what you said. You just wanted to make sure he wasn’t feeling alone.
12:59AM Jimin “okay ill be there 👍”
1:00AM Y/N “!!!”
1:01AM Y/N “okay!! (^-^)//”
1:01AM Y/N “see ya then~”
1:02AM Jimin “💃💃👯”
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