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theviolettulip · 1 month ago
One Piece Chapter 1138 Spoilers!
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The first thought that came into my mind when I read the highlighted lines is Devil Fruits. After all, by eating one you evoke the wrath of the sea/ocean and forfit your ability to swim.
Could Devil Fruits and/or the creation of DFs be related to people who slew the sun? Maybe they just had DF powers and the Sea God held it against them?
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deadaccount1211 · 1 year ago
TD 2023 Review: The Final Chapter
Spoilers Down Below.
Episode 9: I ain't gonna lie from the way they structured this episode in the beginning. I already knew Caleb was winning immunity.
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Funny screenshot I grabbed ^.
I started off this season liking Mkulia because I saw it as an alliance between two equals. But ever since the cheating plotline, they've only ever used MK as a punching bag. And then the cherry on top is Julia eliminating her for a second time.
Left a sour taste in my mouth tbh. And I can believe the hockey bros were dumb enough to vote her off. But you're telling me that Julia somehow convinced Priya and Damien that MK is the bigger threat between the two? She literally told you guys she eliminated Nichelle. But consistency be damned I guess.
Episode 10: I kinda wish the memory game was more about remembering events that happened through the season and less press a button on a ipad.
This julia vs damien rivalry is cooking. It's about time Julia faced some opposition in this competition.
A bit ironic considering they're athletes but I don't think Wayne and Raj have done well in a single competition this season.
Priya admitting she knows Julia is manipulative and then proceeding to get manipulated by Julia. ://////////
Me going into the elimination scene: Oh so the praleb drama is resolved! Priya or Caleb is going home right?
Ok Julia shared her immunity with Caleb. Vote off Priya? She won last season??? It's not that hard???
"Sorry bro we can't vote off Priya because she's in love with Caleb" WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT LOGIC? That's exactly why you should vote her off!
Damien running around the island looking for his idol and then getting dragged away screaming is legitimately pitiful to watch.
This season loves giving ppl undignified exits but this was the worst one of all.
I want to add on that I knew there was a very low chance Damien was gonna win given how his arc was structured. But this elim was bullshit, should've been Priya.
Episode 11:
Starting off the episode with the hockey bros saying they miss Damien is lame. Ya'll never interacted and you voted him off. Fuck off.
Julia starting an off screen alliance with Caleb is lame. I don't want to hear the excuse "They can only fit so much into 22 minutes." They did perfectly fine in S1? Why the steep downgrade in quality?
We finally get a non gen 1 cameo and it's fucking McArthur. God I hate this season.
This is the worst challenge of the season. This is the third time ya'll have done run around and be chased by animals challenge. At least nobody is farting this time around.
Maturing is realizing Raj was never gonna get a character arc and he's only here to be comedic relief. Sigh..
Julia being a challenge beast doesn't feel as fun as it did in S1. Probably because she's casually steamrolling the game rn.
They waited way too long to boot off one of the hockey bros. We literally only have two episodes left. How are they gonna be able to make wayne idependent and stand out on his own?
Episode 12:
Why is Julia so insistent on gaining Wayne's vote when she has the immunity idol?
Caleb really is whatever the plot demands him to be. He spent the first half of the season being a wannabe f boy. Now he wants to act all sweet n shit and say he don't wanna lie on Total Drama. Like please get the fuck out of here. Not even Millie was this annoying. Steroid ass freak.
Maybe it's the inner fanfic writer inside of me. But imagine if Damien was in this fear challenge and his final fear to overcome was Scary Girl. Would've been peak imo.
They're really giving Wayne a last minute character arc about learning how to be himself without Raj around.
Tennis Rivals cameo? Isn't RR supposed to be an in universe spinoff? Why are there more RR references than like Revenge or Pahkitew? Are those seasons getting swept under the rug?
They really tried to make this elimination suspenseful when we already know Julia has the idol.
I still like Priya overall. But i'd be lying if I said Season 2 makes it hard to do so. Besides a few mentions from Chris, her being a canonical winner has no effect on the story. Her storyline is a near identical repeat of last season but worse. Just change the genre from friendship to romance. And replace Millie with Caleb. It naturally ended in episode 10 but the writers wanted to stretch this shit as long as humanely possible so here's more problems for the two to overcome. I could go on and on but to sum it up, priya x caleb is ass.
The Finale:
Hmm. Who should I root for?
The guy who just became relevant last episode?
Generic romance plotline guy?
Overpowered villainess?
I like Julia the most out of these three. But a complete Julia steamroll would be mid. Like if she won S1, I'd be cool with that. Because she fought tooth and nail to get into the final 4.
First boot to winner is a neat idea but I don't want it wasted on a bad character like Caleb.
Wayne exists.
Wait so Ripaxel is still together? Why was she so distant towards him in their elimination episode? So Ripper legitimately quit for no reason then? And didn't Chris say last season if you quit then you owe him a million bucks? Is that never coming back up?
Say it with me everyone, "This season is ass!"
Team Caleb not giving a shit about him is so real.
Why is Julia surprised that only MK wants to be on her team?
I don't know how many of you have seen it. But there's this fanmade show called Disventure Camp. And the finale challenge for that show is almost identical to this one. Not accusing anyone of copyright.
I just thought it was interesting to point out.
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Considering Chase's pizza obsession that got him eliminated in season one. Shouldn't he have been the one to go back for pizza? This season can't even remember the minor details.
I thought they were gonna do bald julia for a second lol. Mullet Julia looks cool though.
Wayne won. My honest reaction: :/
I can't be the only person who thinks it's sus that Terry McGurrin. The white straight ally who likes hockey. Wrote the final episode where the white straight ally who likes hockey wins. :/
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People have been comparing his win to TDI Owen.
Owen was a goofball but at least he had a S Tier social game and interacted with loads of ppl (cody, gwen, trent, heather, duncan, izzy, noah)
And he was decent at the challenges. (dodgeball challenge, eating challenge)
Wayne sucked in every challenge and only talked to Raj and sometimes Julia.
Honestly might be the 2nd worst winner this series has ever had. Mike still holds the crown for worst winner.
If they really wanted an underdog finalist they should've went with Damien. He was an underdog and actually did shit in the game. And they built a rivalry for him and Julia. Only to throw it away immediately.
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Kinda wish these were the two pairings instead of Ripaxel and Praleb.
I know they teased a S3. But if it's the same level of quality as S2, I don't want it.
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middlearthmerchant95 · 6 years ago
like hell; ch1
“You’re crazy...”
“So are you sweetheart”.
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Jerome Valeska x OC
Summary: The Maniacs of Gotham, a load of bullshit in Grace’s eyes. That is until she’s one of them. But what peace can she find among monsters just like herself? A monster she wishes she wasn’t. But a monster that someone loves..
Word count: 3,667
Rating: Teen/Mature
Warnings: mentions of violence, swearing, Arkham in general (insanity kind of stuff)
A/N: This story is literally 2 years in the making and I’m finally starting to post the chapters. I know everyone is all into Jeremiah now (love him) but this story was started a long time ago and I know we all still love Jerome so. I hope everyone reads it and enjoys it, my writing has really improved and I’m so proud of this, I hope you all like and reblog it. It’ll be an ongoing story so be ready. XOXO
Good behavior. That’s what this was. Staring down at a silver square plate that consisted of brown mush, saltines, and room temperature tap. This was my reward for good behavior. After months of complying, taking my meds, and staying quiet when I wanted to scream, I was written off for having this so called “good behavior”. But the more that phrase crossed my mind the more unreal of a term it really seemed. Like all things in my life I guess.
But despite the less appetizing and probably unedible meal before me, I was happy. Happy because my meal wasn’t slid under the door in the pitch black, happy because when I heard a voice nearby it wasn’t the sad realization of it just being in my head. Because this was the goal on my slow and lethargic mission to good behavior: being released from solitary confinement. And as I sipped on my stale water with the rim of the thin paper cup almost soggy against my lips, I couldn’t help but feel a little pleased with my accomplishments.
“No, no! Shut up, n-not now!”
I turned to my left at the voice beside me, a frown forming on my face as I overlooked the lanky man as he tried desperately to cover his ears.
“Bunny, keep it down. If the guards hear you yelling at the voices they’re gonna throw you back in, you know what happened last time..” I explained to him gently.
He shuddered in his seat, scratching at his arms while he looked at me with wide worried eyes. “I-I know, I know G-Gracey.. They just keep talking and, I-I dunno” he stuttered out. I watched him while he rocked back and forth on the bench, peering over his shoulder every now and then to get a glance at the guards. If he got any more anxious then it wasn’t going to turn out well for him.
“Hey, cut it out. Sit still freak”.
A guards first warning. Which meant the next one wasn’t gonna be any nicer.
“I said sit still freak!”
“P-please! Leave me alone please! I c-can’t help it!” Bunny wailed, his body now violently rocking back and forth. The guard came out of nowhere in the corner of my eye, appearing behind Bunny, and the moment my eye caught a glance at the taser in his hand I turned my head as quick as I could. But when the taser reached Bunny there was nothing I could do to not know it was happening, the sounds of his screams and the zap from the taser was just enough as the guards dragged him away.
Closing my eyes for a moment I let everything slide away, letting out a slow breath as the moment evaporated like swallowing a dry pill; slowly and painfully. I dropped my face into my hands while I looked down at my half empty cup of water. Even if things started out good, it would always turn out bad some way. This place was a perfect example of that. When I came in they wouldn’t stop preaching about there being hope, that no one was excluded from it and help was always going to be available to us. But it didn’t take long to learn that it was all just bullshit. There was no hope. At all. We’re all just as insane as when we came in, lots of us even worse. And now look at Bunny, a good morning and a good afternoon just for it to end with more pain and suffering. No one to soothe his cries, no one to dull his pain, just a straight jacket and some drugs to aid in all of his problems. And somehow, my cup looked even emptier…
I wanna leave.
Stop. Not now I don’t wanna hear it.
I shoved the thought away as quick as it came and as hard as it tried to linger. The one thing these drugs couldn’t fucking get rid of. And for someone who’s been here 5 years you’d wonder why I had those thoughts anyways.
Pushing the thought even further back I finished off the last of the mush and crackers on my plate and swiftly slid off of the bench; it was probably best for me to be somewhere else now, somewhere where my thoughts couldn’t bug me..
My rested legs took me where I needed to be, walking down the long, cold, guard lined hallway away from the rec room and into somewhere much more warmer and a lot more appealing. At least to me. The one inmate who visited it.
The Arkham Asylum Library. Well, more or less. It could easily be, Arkham’s Book Cupboard, but it was something. And I appreciated it nonetheless.
It’s only been established for 3 years, but still, it seemed to be my only salvation in this hell hole. The one place where I could reach out beyond the confines of these walls and into somewhere better, somewhere where I wasn’t insane, or angry or scared. It was a salvation to me. And today as I looked it over while I stood in the doorway, it seemed to look a bit brighter.
The walls were the same: cold, gray and dank. The six book shelves were draped in a fine blanket of dust that was still unbothered, but there were tiny details I could spot that told me things were different, better in a way. But I was the only one who came here anyways so of course I noticed. Tucked into the far corner of the room now sat a soft worn in leather chair, and next to it a dark green reading lamp, its glow making the chair look even warmer than it should be. And while these both added to the otherwise dull environment, it’s not what caught my eye in the first place. I walked till I stood right before the book shelf, the dust mixed with the old book smell heavy with my senses. Then my gaze found it, six brand new books settled right in front of me on the middle shelf where it was once empty.
I reached out to run my fingers down the spine of one book when a soft voice called out and stopped me in my tracks.
“I see you’ve found our new arrivals already”.
My hand dropped and I turned to the doorway, Ms.Claire the librarian standing there with her small arms wrapped around a book and the peek of a smile on her face. “Anything peak your interest?” She asked coyly.
“Mm.. I’m not too sure yet” I replied.
Her eyes turned down to the book she held then looked up at me with a confident smile. “Well, maybe this one will”. She came over to me briskly, her eyes down at the book, uncaring of my own actions like most of the staff here. All of them are slow and careful walking up to me, eyes trained onto me like a guard dog. But not her, she’s the only one not scared of me. I couldn’t thank her enough for that alone.
“Open your hands” she said. “And close your eyes”. I did what she said, and before I knew it a heavy book was placed in my hand; a hardcover, I could feel it, so it was even heavier than it looked. “Now open and look down”.
What happiness I could have I was feeling right now. An abnormal warmness in my heart that thrummed gently, only stopping for a moment as I took in the book in my hands. It was big of course, and the hardcover looked brand new. And in large beautiful shiny words along the top it read: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The fourth book in the series, and the one I haven’t read yet..
I couldn’t think of anything to say, I really couldn’t, it all seemed lost in the moment. This was a book I wanted to read for so long, it almost feels like a past life with how long it’s been. I was supposed to have read this book long time ago… “I.. I don’t know how to thank you” I muttered softly.
“You don’t have to Grace” Ms.Claire told me sweetly. “I know how much you liked all of the fantasy books we have and.. Well I thought maybe this one might be your favorite in the end”. She smiled brightly at me and gave me a soft pat on my shoulder before peering over her shoulder, a guard lingering in the hallway like a hawk. She turned to me and sighed “well, I guess I better get back to work before they think I’m trying to help you escape”.
Doesn’t sound like a bad idea to me.
“But why don’t you get started on that book okay? And I’ll see you later Grace”. As softly as I could I smiled back at her as she left, the guard taking one last glance at me before leaving with Ms.Claire down the hallway. I sighed. Alone again.
Forget about me?
Shut it. It’s time for me to actually have some peace and read this book. Get my mind away from you and this place.
K.. But I’ll be here when you need me.
With a huff I fell into the leather chair and opened up my book, it’s crisp edges calling me to a different world. Oh, and I don’t need you.
* * * * * * *
Some things you never forget how to do, like riding a bike. For me it was two things: using a gun and falling into the story of a book.
Really, for Harry Potter it wasn’t all that hard, the story was so easy and fun to follow that it felt like I was reading it for hours. But I think it was only one.
“Ay, that’s him right? That one that killed his mom in the circus? Crazy, spoiled ass brat”.
“I’d shut up if I were you rookie. That kid hears you talking about him like that, and you’ll be mangled up in a heartbeat. Don’t underestimate the inmates here. You give em the wrong look and you’re done”.
I craned my neck back to look at the hallway, seeing if I could get a look at who those guards were talking about, but nothing. They must’ve been closer to the rec room. Which means whoever they were talking about was in the rec room. Killed his mom in the circus? Hm. Whoever it was, I didn’t know them. Must be someone new.
“Fine whateva’. But he better watch out for me” continued the first guard.
“Yeah, sure” scoffed the second one.
Averting my attention back to my book I tried to drown out the rest of the conversation and outside noise. I wasn’t that much in the mood to hear gossip about some psycho kid.
You’re one to talk.
“Ms. Porter, it’s time for checkup”.
I snapped my attention to the doorway to find Hanson there, one of the regular guards around here who often took me back and forth to my room. He wasn’t too bad I guess. But on the days when I had checkup.. I really did hate him. He was like the bearer of bad fucking news. And as much as I didn’t wanna put my book down, I knew I had to. I was good remember?
“Sorry Grace, I gotta take ya over to the doc today. I know you don’t like it” he said with a frown.
Damn, it’s like he read my mind.
But I just shrugged and put my book away, moving towards him with my wrists raised as if on cue. “Nah it’s alright kid, I don’t gotta handcuff you today. Doc’s orders” he told me. I raised a brow at him but didn’t question it, I wasn’t gonna argue about not being handcuffed. But at the same time, I guess the feeling was the same as having your last meal before you go to the electric chair; a nice gesture for something so fucking awful.
The walk there was dreadful but familiar. Always the same. Cold and expectant. But the walk back.. Always different, and always a little piece of me gone as I came back.
Hanson left me with a pat to my shoulder though I barely felt it as I stood in front of the cold metal door before me. It was like my unconscious was getting my body ready for the numb pain that was about to proceed upon walking through the door. God, how many times I just wanted to run away from this… The only thing keeping me here was what they told me. That I was doing good, ‘good progress’ they said…. Somehow I was almost starting to believe them.
*Beep Beep Beep*
The door unlocked with a click and the doorknob turned and opened, but I kept my eyes down, like always.
“Hi Grace, come on in”.
I looked up under my lashes like I always did at my doctor; hesitant and compliant. And my doctor stood there with her clipboard in hand and her brown hair pulled into a tight ponytail, looking like an angel of death or something. She always looked so innocent and kind, but with the way she opened up old wounds, it was like she held a scalpel instead of a pen and paper.
I took my usual seat across from her desk and waited for her to start. The anticipation was always the worst part. Or maybe that’s just how I felt every time I was in here.
“So. How are you feeling today Grace? Are you having a good day?”
I shrugged, trying to relax at the same time. “Yeah”.
She smiled then jotted something on her paper and continued. “And how have you been sleeping?”
“Fine.. Not too bad”.
Again she jotted something down. “And have you been dreaming?”
This time my answer didn’t come quick, I was silent. And she pressed on. “Any nightmares Grace?”
I bit my lip and let my eyes travel around the room, knowing I had to answer the question but doing anything to avoid resurfacing the shit I had to see in my sleep.
“Yes” I finally muttered.
She nodded and wrote something down, her face careful and considerate. “It’s been a while since you’ve had any huh? That’s good”.
All those damn drugs is why.
Not now.
I nodded, knowing exactly where this was going. And like usual, never ready for it.
“Okay Grace. I want you to do your best and tell me everything you can remember from it. Just take your time. We’ll get through this..”
What a bullshit lie. Here we go..
“Was it about your father?”
Gracey, it’s okay honey.. It’s okay. Daddy’s okay, Daddy’s gonna be okay…
My head felt like it took a beating from a metal pipe as I made my way out of the room, everything thudding and booming around me. It felt like I was half awake, the nightmares still looming in and out of my head while my vision tried to focus in on the ground in case I tripped over myself. Fuck it was really bad this time…
Maybe they should give us some drugs for after those mind fuck sessions.
The only thing you’re right about..
I’m right about a lot of things actually. If only you’d let me have some control some times then-
Fuck you. The day I let you out is the day I’m really fucked.
Is that really so bad? Do you really wanna be so normal?
“Whoa, whoa, Grace. Hey, kid you okay?”
My vision came back into focus of the hallway and found Hanson crouching to my level, his expression slightly worried as he looked me over. Did I look that bad?
“You look like you’re gonna fall over, maybe you should get some rest?” He asked, but was quick to answer for me. “Yeah, let’s get you to your cell kid”.
I nodded as best as I could, feeling more fucked up than anything else, but still attempted to thank Hanson for being so kind.
The new set up in Arkham, and a pointless one at that, was that inmates had to constantly be signed in and signed out of the rec room or wherever if they weren’t in their cells. And the process was ridiculous with how many fucking inmates there were. But it was made worse when I saw who it was signing people in and out, the only bitch whose sole purpose of this job was to flirt with Hanson at any given moment. So lucky for me, I’d be waiting here a while.
“Hey Hanson, working hard huh? I wish they’d give you a break hon”. Here we go. Just like I thought. Fucking bitch.
Five minutes passed and I was still standing there. Still listening to this bitch’s terrible attempt at flirting while she slowly paged through the list of names. And all the while I could feel myself getting more pissed off.
Ooh, you haven’t been angry in a while.
I know I haven’t. It was probably that fucking doctor making me worse. Or… No. I can’t think like that. It’s just the after effect… That’s what she said, it’s.. Normal.
Whatever you say. But I say, you act on it. Shouldn’t be keeping things bottled up..
Again, I’m not taking advice from you. The last thing I need is someone fucked up giving me advice to do bad things. Remember? I’m not that person anymore.
Oh but you could be…
“Hahahaha! Wow Richard, I had no idea you were so funny!”.
Jesus Christ, who’s fucking obnoxious laugh is that? I spun around on my heel to face the rest of the rec room, my knuckles whitening as I did so. With how shitty my head felt I really wasn’t in the mood to listen to some bitch cackling…
Me either. Maybe you should fix that..
I was expecting to turn around and find some bitch sitting at the bench behind me laughing  in my ear just to annoy me, it wouldn’t have been the first time. But the entire rec room was empty, all except for one little group smack in the middle of the room, all closely sat together, minding their own business… What the hell?
For all the weird and abnormal bullshit that happened here in Arkham, sitting with people together as a group, actually conversing with them was probably the weirdest. No one here willingly spoke to someone else, let alone sit in a group with them. Most inmates were too far gone to even give a shit. Some of them just too far gone.. It was just so… Odd.
Another horrible laugh rang out then, the same one; loud, proud, and obnoxious. My eyes darted to the direction of the group it came from and landed on a head of wild blonde curls, her head tilting back as she laughed again while she gripped onto the smiling man next to her. He looked pleased with himself, smiling smugly at the giggling blonde girl beside him. God did she sound annoying… Though from the looks of everyone else in their group they didn’t feel that way, all eyes on them like they were their leaders or some shit. It seemed ridiculous considering the setting we were all in, there wasn’t much point in looking up to someone just as crazy as you.
Couldn’t that just be it though?
*Sigh*. Couldn’t what be it?
Maybe they’re not looking up to them because they’re just as crazy… Maybe they’re looking up to them because they’re even more crazy. I mean, it doesn’t seem that weird. Not in our case anyhow…
Whatever. We’re all fucked up. I just hate the idea of followers; no independence, no strength, always being someone else’s puppy.. I mean, just look at this fucking group. All of their eyes on them like they owned this place, it was so-
Hm. Not all of them after all… Interesting.
I thought for a moment, if there was ever a time in my life that I could remember when the feeling of someone watching ever creeped me out…
It didn’t.
So when I found a pair of eyes on me the feeling I got wasn’t from fear or worry, it was different, and I couldn’t explain it.. And that pissed me off.
He’s young… Guess you’re not the only wacked out kid in here.
He was young.. My age even. Pale with red hair. God his hair is red… With green eyes. Eyes that never left me, or at least… Didn’t want to. What’s his fuckin problem?
I tilted my head to the side, beginning to not like the idea of him staring.
Well then maybe you should stop checking him out and go ask what his fucking problem is.
Fuck off, like that’s what I’m doing. It’s not my fault he can’t stop staring… But now it started to feel like a competition, both of us not giving up on this bullshit little staring contest. He was enjoying it I could tell, the little glint in his eyes gave it away. But enjoying what I wonder.
“Alright Grace c’mon, sorry for the wait”.
Hanson appeared then, keys in hand, his body now blocking my view of the boy. Good riddance, I thought. He adjusted the gun holster around his waist then glanced back over his shoulder, right at the group. “They giving ya trouble Grace?” He asked.
Hanson moved his body just enough to where I could see the boy again. He looked at Hanson, just briefly, then looked right back at me. A smile peaking at his lips. I just glared back, and his smile grew.
I thought of Hanson’s question and answered as honestly as I could, another chill running up my spine.
“Not yet”.
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